HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-07-12, Page 2� ,.:)11111M_"_ --7W --lopp--y- I i 7. 6 I 11,46"Itwo W 7 - .- . t,(­--"�- , "' ­�­­'___.­ N, -, _.�___ C,(>r)1E1tM� STAR � THt!,RSpAy,, JULY 12tb, 1923. . I . - �__��­ __ -, --- _ � . � -T :!,-- I I I I - �__-- -- - ,� , . 0 i -, t:=!!:!��=� _ � . ...... - : : :=;;M�� ­ . I � C, . qrcn was 61�vplicd with a 'Convention � Oft 0 01 � taige tcal-4,,;�' his 6S. her�rmme. ne SALT" FOR UVE STOCKLord and Lady Duffenirk . . Is *% 1i U-,1h.11bcr1 proc"s commenced I .�__ '* � � I Hunter, of Nineardineo I A bcenic Troxy. . �iwllcla J. I �, heade'di a party of oingers through Coasidered Necoslary for Paw - I . , Visited t'Goderoich in I : soon 101 ,� the Tang stretch of the train gild 1 4 ' .. i , 1, T - _.. - -'GUS - fical'y All form AWMAIVIN . - F � . 11 tJJ0r02JtQr tlAQ VRV Cwar,3 gr,t bUtl.7 _____ . . 016 M M S L, and qulcklY Cvolvcd It Yell Of their I I I G,wg at leazt a number of them did- Be care ful N04 to Salt TOO 13000Y� The Town Was in Gala Attire, With Many Arches SpatwiOb f r k 0.*""#_ W! 0 � By ibe tia-0 McAdam the first rotoop, Live Stock tyrow, untholfty witu. the streets, . � ir anu I I I., 1�1 01,10way on the C"v vivz, place in New Brimswick, ,Wall$ 'Out, lt�mlalua In fjolla"4- - - ­ I . - The First Installmentof Notes BY �� rc.aeba.,C,ar 2 (which was the One lucas 'Strictili � , I . ' � A. Trip to the Atlantic- . to I which t N4 writer was assigned) Madness .qua Vivant . . SCIROOL CHILDREN PRESENTED ADDRESS AT CENTRAL . kX 'Was in PrIVIO order and got out OW," 1110hKed Vpou� �\ _'" I . ,Itbe platform and gave vent to th�, ( I VENTION HELD IN HALIF) J ictomnouted py t-Intovi" Pelpartm*rot at ANNUAL CON i followsug., 4#jl'QVW1%Lft9. Talroluto.) Luncheon and Dinner att "'The Maplesioio-IntermtIonal Salt r .1 f.� . _. 1. I. 11 � two.. three.. four, . � I ited in the Afternoort-11all at MOM . 0110, i CIPIlLo, CN.Rot Boar4sof Tra4earA0th0r0 M_&_4iz*ti0U0 '01 Three, two, one, four. *Ilt tim cattle, salt thu sliceP. And Works Vis ­­ ­ I , 11 . f , I 1!� ita C6.0powed to Malke Trip . ' V"') for? What for? .by do wevravoce I _ I . V I.' *�G nre vou, going to Yell foa tAlt t" harsks� %v , z It -whose appearance I i M vikelious Places Vis 42 You stocitmen liave tcea 43oln The Goderich Stary Aug., .028th, Young- canmad,s . . . fable Oft 0.1 -n -D -W -0-0-V 4111. your life. and your fathers dia 40 account and deportment was unexceptional, I "�. � a Memo Uls Is the way We sPen Its, be,, ro you. X�Ut w4y 4 1874, coutAined. a very full .. ­ .0 did they do It? ellencles, The children sang verses comp I __ , , � I :, 44, WM-_1 We V011 it � t .he of the visit of Their Exc losed ly, with th upper and low(.'r ,*.in, dows lit W. was tile chef lapqeavre� � The fire works were a great Odi- tion to the illardingtion .6pectscie. The vice -Regal party were driven a, round the square several times and expressed thiMelveil delighted wi�h , the p.Anoramle 00111re produced W compliment to them!, They the�r - drove tQ the yloral,Hall for the p -4r- ' pose of opening the ball, Brinlaut Ball at Nfgbt , oThe Assemblage of I*diei, and gentlemen was brilliant in the ex- treme. It Is rarely that such a nuva- ber of magnificently dressed ladies can bi� .,seen at a hall in 'I Country, ... ­_ "_.__ll___- __ a I ! . 1 4� J? UWk . Oluselv,ou %Ila V, xsfitr Ono Al.. rit X14XV0r 4r4mvj. ­ . t � which tho C. P. U., line vC,lrdwood, Car :�4 Halifax- No dotgut It 'Was g tu4t had Lord *04 Lady I)lifferin, to, Goderlell for the occasion by J. R. Mille, 0 �oelng too much TCWOR�i I � � The rcccnt visit Of *0 'V`"Adlan lake volantry )oo3e Head Lake 'with. It,s a long, way we are travel- stoca Ituej tip licit uuylulo or ,suit and the functions which were held in I school inspector. Muster Jack Re - of the day I Nag obliged to retire , 11 I � AesoclatIOD, to IMOrscs- 144 ,a tq.4:7 t .Vur-z ll$u C401tv this town to honer the occation.' It ertson then read an address on be- strength. she � 11 � , ; weekly Newspaper of shore line, ,was A lint, . wilt -1:0 fialt Il"d bevil, splited,or a on- � recall half of the Ci with Lord Dufferlut - 0 well be its Q5 miles will be interesting to many to ,pils attending, the early. Not So . . I I : . the MoritiWO Provinces Wa 11 a- beauty Spot, and tile lAx"y sulm�lcv a Ion$ tu::Al $;%It dvosit. Like all 0 - he . - - ibed, as a Scenic one Tor, a lee way to go,, - I a, Ioinlr4 . ch schoo , to which His NX ur wit , . renialue4 for some till) , � ti and bunting resorts thrOUgh which But we donot mind if all are the event. "The vice regal Varty,; Goderi I � &Sex . inai weding practices, tho ft0lagot � id most iii the dance repeatedly. having for . 4 ; the routelliere was A C011stAn vloot�td through Years of ruia, callency I ly-1 I pki .Its.. Ross. Mrs. Crane., I . the train sped were VM. interesting# . says The Star, "did not'leave $a node a suitable At �1. long I norams, of woodlandso - � MTV ast M48 U0 Itil 0 o'clock in the JUQVlkIng, there L happy rep ;ha ,ug the board And big partners I I . The $pccial C, V, R. train which And. we're al 0IiSQrV4tl6a.1 until It Is too . their handsome recepw Mrs, B. Seymour, � � ly cbsuR440'ams, roc,k� and hills I that you know. I w regularly u miss Elwood gad � "I Q , lake$ and strie e of ,the tVIV of left Toronto on Thursday, June 14th, Old Ontarloi, Hello f0re did not arrive here until ,some., children for ig was kept up - I . 01411; made every Alil Uent StO . Good-bye . pructieva by all tile be*t herdsuiell two boon ?Ater than was. expected. - tion and complimenting the young Miss -Horton. Danch I A I . 'PS At at ,1jI o'clock in the afteruoOro,,WAS One doold Quebec, . � a. half � . � 'q , - and I'v0ders. proo I lad- who read the Address for his cor� w,ith unflagging energy until I I , I ,cities , ,_ - "oon�, long Salt por �ilkolmsla a Noce"Itr., number of steamers went dewo the!rectnm and 111r. Mr. past four , � Intes'est, and the Irt , way to Nova In accordance with the , Tara - .�11? 404 towns in the Maritimes of tile longest spatial trains that leg i style of re.adl , oleI6�k when all retired, V�. , a 0 'st4 a Ilk . vfs $new " . . SCOt I :1 Viete r4j.kde most enjoyable by the re- have evei PU110 Out 61 Toro t , His Vx- i Crabb then presented. an Address, up a fitting vind.;p to the da xciffle - -, 11 cepAlons - and a ­ - includiftwelve coaches' Of But ; you bet- ., 4AUlmals must get salt from --,tome lake a short distanc6 to ineet did not Ings. His 1 1 I � , . totor drives About the �tiOn, It , WoJ 00 cellenV. Each steamer was. gaily which waA not read, as time cesslul proceed . I the . The chairman then present- cy and suite left on a speoial trai . - a and, ,surrounding eountlWo W ch 'eight ,%rare standard sleePerS The authorship of -the above is at- source it their bodies Ate In fulucti011 decked with flags and banners and ' I A .. i , citie tiler Q most, modern type. Two din. . . . .nd o .02"Itt tributed to Mrs.. Maelletit, of Milvcy' with full QXcifucy- It 4" suit Is rdilt'a-several members of the Beard on SaturdaY morning, a nun' er o .. � the anslual thronaft I'Ler was we , townspeople being at t a station to ;� visit$ t9 industrial PlAuts a ,fs gild -11 ladian"*1th passengers, As. � . _ jild the members 'ex$ with special crews of cb( oil Was heard frequent- available to � �, , I - V1 a of interest, I wt*ln1Y waiter$_ w0l, aud.� it the ton, And the. Y ails food medium or, milleraLa given, the they met the Stehilloff with the and teachers. The 'children singing r � �0 .a attached, I the trip. Other cars had c a verse of the I , fe t . .1 r.. or ots right, loyal cliegra were glv�w National Anther", V110 see them off," � of t.he special train party Ct quilartment observation falice Ono start- ftvation to lmilalm(t. lArfe QU41111- 84Q 1 ; I I - Capt. Thomsi . � got it wonderful 9mQUut Of 10forma' T"r Was 'I Volyl ellers we�ro 01 their Own. For Ilia in of the Gooderieb Ar- vice-Rek4l part� entered their car. ., * . , - ' I :, I . �, flon' allut the. Blaritime rrovinces cosich froakwhi;Wthe trav ocerkery ed off something like thist ties. ot. salt are As bariatul. to prac- tillery Compally bad one of the large riages, and.drovo to the Maples, the ADVERISING PAYS , I 1. r _ . into toilob Vith able to View the Splendid - two, three, four, . fiv -six, tite, �O41 no, salt at all, lint AL littli is I - 0. Cameron, Esq., M. I ­ . � . . � uud were brought � r which through which the Canadian Pacific doone, 0, . absolutely essential fix that It supplies Runs conveyed from the Square to residence of M SAY9 WARD FIRM � . It. 11 ! their Point Of view In A Val 10 well Railway runs. These, with baggage seven, I � . , -In forming the .'eliff near the flag le, and as P. P�, -for luncheon, where se, large � . �� Oyed I I � . chlorine 00 neetsuary . ?� � � I icipu14 not have been on he ostensill'o cars, made -up the in. � The en- This is the car that goes to beavell'"' the � hydrochloric $Laid the Steiiihoff approacherthe, harbor party of ladies and gentlemen -were . I . t, go@. I L � I � . but for such 4 visit- 4 odern 40 high-power I somewhat presum a minutellaTt (tilt a Saint,* of seventeen guns wag fired. invited to meet, them. After a brief William Ward and SOns. Limited, 1 4 1 1 '.1, * 4 1 . ,�, . kttend the Niho was a in( ontributed, great- That soUndel lusive, but when tb,,� portion) 4>1 the 41K4,stive, fluid. orbe The Preparation$ at the deck for the rest 11io Excellency and Lady Duf- of. London, manufacturers of . Sir , ,� '. I . , I object of 00 trip 'Was to J an- locomotive which .c tuous and axe whole quantity ot. v ,'to firm &tkt- are firm . P ;. I fourth annual convention of the C V- got to, Stt John, the reception were,admirably arranged. felin were introduced to the ladles Haig and Cosmos cigars. 1, I .1 800u. ly top the success of the trip by doing part. tuaill obould"'too'gt" 000xce,-ol one-half A nice -platform was erected for' the and gentlemen present. Lunch over , I . *di&n Weekl,y Newspapers' As it the time Schedule bkfro�h Went to "Paradise" Iml, u a ,believers in�.the power of Advertising- . . . � . . $a of the convell- &en better ths. 11 . *lmte per day for fully grown, horses l4n4ing; Ion the fight Was P the vice regal party drove to, the The one big reason for this belief is . . I I I 'N, 4 tion, butthe buslue ;econdary last- arranged. ' - .1 , stralghi Awl narrow way, b4 tba? is -!Dead a I . � h . . . . and cattle, small aminia4i in propor.c no- for the PUT . Vertising . I . fi, ton, really became 'a I � . a . ,When viewed alongside Of th resident � noi I ompany, under *ladl-eg. and'..gentlemen has created a,wonderful amount of � " i _ ""'IT' boFt for tbigm, For nearlyL three . I The distake across,this Corner -of getting ahead - of our, stOO, I . ,guard of honor composed of the D 'Pose of re. of course, the fact ,that ad �'. ter �ug about It wag lit McAdam thatT tion. . � . -I Volunteer -IQ " 1. trip, and the ieftations.1 'value d States was to Not .. fboe"command of Capt, Mallough, also ealvi bu0neis . . . ite �bly� ,k. joined .Vo . a, wffhe ch, pay their.respects.11' - � � . h the _ij� Uebec, to Brennan of the ,C., IV. X. J . ,salt stocik Too Heavily � �'on tho, left' � , Van a' con- , . I 10; .from, nogatitle, Q . : or tile editors of our ' In airiv liver cornet -band, . ,.4rs ,low this, firm has 1, . I �, such a. trip A 4� special trai ad make the mistaltio of the 6 , . I : '220 miles Now Brunswick. '*blob two the party. Th, , . * Many people - I LS,41t Works V ek'in the '- I . �� . McAdam, B., about 4 .80 fix oulting ihe_otoeg "b"fivily once lk was His Worbi, he Mayor and Ue, -At thet Juternation't I Isio.tent Advertiser. every 'We I . . - town counci . After t is reception t a _ . . I . , -be-- -------1h,-_-'__ ' - '_ h Party, year, ­- - ---- nd -ale ,� weekly liewspa ors 16, worth a great little towns are liti.09-00*114-WesP at--fre(firictolli X. t ia a -other- ­­­ ­ _�___ __ ., . -&al,' Those 'w -6 hAV4 new taken in Blaine, . S O'clock Frifty, 60 J�thf And here I . ' . � I � . � � �. 9- � mmer, "d for-. 9i sit bi3med tely in this t � �, * I L %,th the trip to the Pacific Coast border of cal de. munt4, during the all . fore His EiealleiiO ate to the To Salt papeti thrqQh,'o'T&n';�da, Their bu- ." 0 1, . . . %v , had their first Praeti getting t'o do, it at . tiarnational . . .1 two years igo 4114 the trip too 'the The t�tal distance tr, elle4 b�.the the party all daring the W drove glikess, hats had a Phenomenal gxoowth- I I on the Way to Halifax 'Was ap* monstratton of. tile ",change of-Aime winter iporic,ol, 'Tilt IlVe stoo]K kept the, band -played ,the ational All- Works, where -they were received by . " . � . Atlantic tills year, have secured a par .1,150 miles brokenup in- from Eastern.time to Atlautiq time, lly� Veogle who ne,,ec, Irat work uou- thern in their usual excellent ,style. the, president of tile. cotipaily, M. Millions of ,Sir Haig cigars are sold � I I I - annually, and. 1. . . . I wonderfully comprehensive view Of P=Wlstely � stages: Toronto to for 4ust after enjoying afternoon tea ' - tile appear - Previous to coulink on shore His"Ex- P, ayes, I sq.# lw�o conducted their throughout Canada . I . . � We live in L and fig" be ally develops . 'd . . I . I the country 'aa to the followin _ in one of the ditiors for the ladies I I .011�g #jt Deg red for a 7lioment on thro h the different departments, business has 'Increased so IT _IV . I . . - Montreal, $40 miles: 3lontreal ad- lept. 'The ulao of blocks -of rock salt, c0liellcy 01)" . , ' essary to � - LL I 1� 'brought in touch with ,Conditions , and a glass of ginger ale in the ob- in . trou&4* or.. mallgero viecte-1 Ill - was greeted -been nee, 4PIM � . I . , jeocton, N. B,, liiio miles; Pr Lthe hurricane deck and explaining a process Of . boringt I that,it bus fl�m in I F .1 1. . I ,� . I and viewpoints throughout the Fre( ,with obeers from the numbers of peo-. . . -1 ,, , I . . .. of Canada which' ericton to St. John 66 miles; SO pumping- and evapotAting. The light a branch factory for this . . ,� ��, 0111i , servation car for the men, (one Of eltktw tne stable, yard or held Is a ple assembled In thOILViCinitlyr. 11 r i fitted up. with a good 113rautford.,, . . . I . . J , I - . "I I 1 44 . . I I. .� 1. - length and breadth . to Ion Pacific $team- those .little touches, bp the way. woorks, *are , . . 13 ntford was selected because it . I � Digbys by ,Calls good pra0tIc*.,th;kt Will VaY t;000 te- , I ll, ... . . .10 "lost educative. or IIEWVTeaii�l 40083. the Bay, of rurk- which tb� 0 P. X 'Added .over and Just a little delay His Eke,elleacy .:An deal, of taate;. evergreens were pro- ra . . i , . .. . Goolerich papers � �, � turas ter: the vzoquise or vaort. Lady Dufferin, accompanied 01, fusely distributed so -las to make the was found after an extensive w4rvey � . I _ � � I . 11 . � * . Besides the two � '_&Iro"i to Halifax over above what were; expected,an the WAV -ftmembor-Oat-the ... d4q_"u8t have bevv.-Lady-Haviie t'Fkt ex and I -- . , _._,,__-,.,._..__._Abe_on1y.. 4ther4aper_froom,.-th1sLv4UU,m Art, y VAS. _Wfl�' 00 - -'--the, Fieft. . - VlAcO_appegir. Atiractive and pleasing I that the necessary labo� could be se - . Nwant-tit-V 11*4�6`11511' -R-16urt6siesyl--th-e- _P_ - _­_­ salt rr.oka solue nice, aud.toat I "I 4y ',Which gentod on the trip the � omiWon, Atlantic.. a I amp, landed, wh , .19 he *6rVs`-1aV1nir beerr-cured -there. and..1he...new -plant am, I I i . I . . wits rePre . ,&It. tb,at YOU - his Aida-de.0 to the eye. T1 I I . �;­_____ -1 _ k" I I Bliss Sweet. miles., 11 veyed on detrainint to a full course . give theta supplies the ton, ; thdir eurlosity,satia- laying betweeirl, foity and fifty'skil . � �, . I . was as accompanied by. a dinner at the Methodist church. The Worship the 'Mayor, Horace .fully, inspected I .'I I " I The Exeter Times, kin W - colorIne essential I% ttie formation Esq I . Co. It, - , . I bat urn*), -being a. 1410mber .of The tri . X� P., Advanced and ,,!e � an t - �. , I . lodlim Pacific, oflicials a , �;,;,�' of, I . ,Ity of-Prederleton running on fast fled aud-the whole process of , manu- ad hands will be started At oil I I I 4nimais 11 - of one '- I I . . . I ��: . . � � I the � spec Pjaki train party I lluniber of car . was to lee); after tiale was ahead. Of- the 0. p, It. or hy.drocil;orle acid In .the addr"Oss." '" I � .. I I fapture explained. the. joresiddut as- will,be underthe managoment . i I '. _, 1�, 11 1. -, - , tive system. - . � I . � .. . , 1. Ad 00 Par% passe;F Trenton, the whose business it 'ley In. (which if"o through 111geo corted His Exealleocy,�Ladj Duffer- of the, member* of the Ward family . 11 ,,, . 11 , . I . I �� ,� t I .. . , mhnu. the comfort of fbe..xarty, - T1 .carries Eastern V I I - Aninlaisthat have been kept wltb� Many Arches Along, theAcoute, - ! extempore re- and the output will. be used to sup. . 11. 11 I* , . t r4waY "And - to the end of its lines) And thla dif I in and. suite to An . . � I �, enterprise of t a I Aj$lstaut Gen ut salt for Ix year be of the many unfilled orders - I � At 1 . I I eluded W, B. HOWal: , , come very un - I . . factoring contra ,was. shown, by. the � ce brought refreshmentii pr6ttY 1-D The Address and Lord Dufferin's freshment room adjoining the main,ply "me I ... . . i , , 11 . I � . I . , i, . 1. . L Passenger Agent at Montreal', feren, thrifty, and alhimals that are given ar�, I I � ..; 1 , � I .. literature about -tile- place which was I I � anadlau. Pree Re- close t4etber. .. _ . reply 'were in the're- buildink.' The company being I of 'the firm- - '' - " a. "� , I I �; . I wb,ahglyen in full � - ) . � . . train along with a , Urr Smith, , I all overlio$e.of salt elp not thrive. proceeded a - ranked Around the tables, the cham- I -=-- _._ ====� . I ributed dn the tresent " I . I � liall'Ienve our story Halt anibance a day Is about right. port, 9 fol . - I . . I ­ 41 ve Of the, Company, and T. ' However, we a ,, then 1. I , a prp-- . . . . 1. I .. -, th . . . I I ,,� . � cigar for the men of,the Party, or this.. iitetk, but we lows:: His Excellency an.4 , Lady Etign bottles uncorked, etc . � -9 . ' on , ante ,.of Toronto. I at this point. to _ ut it helps to make. Defferin then. entered carriages Pro4 aNd,nt . invited the" e0alUany ' 11 , : . . , the oomplinleut of the Trent I it Is act a- food,,b I to join, I . . ., i, 4 1 � .. , , V . . . . . I I As the train assed ov�t tiler var- lot r unng, vided , for the � Earl Dufferin and with him in "driukinm the bealth of It's Nic To" 1 Eat . . j I . , I I � ,*�: : . in, riention before. laying dew"' the load materials Available 'I , 0 , .. ,Council. , 1. -Occupying � in, .1 . I I . q, I . i� �. I . . � TT,vnton Is tho' hub of the Trent lous divisions, t9le divisimiil suporiu- our pan that the ,couple : . the of digestloo.-L S even- Lady .occupy , General .Alid. Co4intess , , � ; . . tmo.nt on. car 2 .across the _1bg the, rear sdat,'Col, the. Governor .. I . � , � . , � . . . i3ectrio Syste"i And Is tendeots tomed it Akio saw it safely the comp4r . son, Proo,"ree"Cotor ot Eztenoioi�, O.A.P.o e he -6k- Anyt6lng, You, Uke - - - . � 'e� . Valley Ity4ro T . . . Pletcher and Mr. *Horton the front of Dufferin, And in dom, . . ., . � , i Superfatendent A. H. .aisle from the writer.were on their _ so . � � I I .. . . .. I the southern termints of the Trent over the ine. 1p, They did not alloolpik' �a I seat. - They were .1eillowed by the pressed his -hith sense of* the honor .� . . . . I . , 1. : � I , . I I . I . , Un. Maip joined oil at Trenton and at honay-moon tri , V � I . . - . .members of. the caption- ,0 - xcellene had.. done It . ' ' I . � if lid the Civie Coo taut � councit re tea L . , . inal waterway, tit L rhleh their V . . . .1 � %., . . . lommerce and Re- Megantic, quebee, 3. It, Boyle,4upo vixy� ,much aboiit it for a while- . all ironn,'"ger's committee and a perfect cavalcade the proprietors Of the works by Day- . , ; �AND NOT, HAVE.. � � I 4 .,I '�­ L. . 01, Chaniber of 0 that, division. came a- ,the toll.tale confetti would inuke. its In * the. window of " to 1, � � ., . A 1. � 1, . �, , ( . I . A "Trenton bril ,, , I . . � I . , . - . * % " . � Out to' mak . . . atendent of, pgearan o r m time to time, so Mr. shop - the motto Iron Sinkr,, , of carriagei. A very. pretty-- Arch in - - . ,. I .1 I I ., . . .. ,� � ... � 0 . . was I g them this. visit The toast hav . I .. , � boat I ' �t who saw it -went in at ln,, been received with hearty'L cheers, ' ... "I ", i � , .. - * ci . f note lift Colunda." I A. At Fredericton where the a a f 10' I Po -M 14 was erected at Sevillour's, waialiouse , ., I . , . : . . , I � lake port train with parlto.d for'the 'night in an Mrs. A. N. Dobbie,'oof the - and a ) sat a t. that he kneW that with � the word ,W61coomeol in conspi- 'His Excellency � replied, .and on the . . .­ . � . . . fter, a in t e' rettt . - told, the a at, x,L . NIZARTSURN I . I �. . the traws . .� . EXCelliMdYN Te- , I I . !, �­ 1. � . �. t o $here lini of order Jo give ,11ers a good trolla Advertiser-Topip, had to Ad .. f . As they 'advanced up co,nelusion. of His .1 . I I . . . , � .1 . 11 ros so"101 # S veossiou of lake% rest and W Alloir them to enjoy the mit.they had been married. only the iron sank. cuous letters. I I ve � � I 1. I I �, . . 1. I . , j 11 - % . I th y Op- . . . t'. e �. .1 ��. i, run to St. John by Tuesday before the'start of the, trip. "'Quite so; replied the fronmonger, the hill they were greetedli,by thous- marks VT. Dixie Watson r - I . . .. .. 11 . I � and I .... I'll iery of the , - an(r - of ladies' and - xentleMen 'who i ort nely led ,off with. A verse from . I . - . : ' . I'll, . lit f a beautifol scol but Acid drops, Jan' a I , , . . is will . tb daytlm� the' t;raIn wag joined 'by G. They were jelly 900d Cora arly aind "and time flies � . ) U ' . In the ease of heartburn there za. a . . ��. , . 1, I �rtig or � -r -8 - . I . . ii, in the stol�- - � . iery *Oat o 114 P - an each e : ActIl V �rAQ , � ay a . ir eel ollWict Passau - every one. was too busy Cying a Tons 9.1a8ii slopes, and Ausic at . 4, ', lined the cliffs and. aid of West the National Anthem I . . 11I �. -�' I . � . I were ew, I a ..came on. Bruce - V p . .,_qer at; , ti all Nitojara. fans, sulphur spring - At the Junction of West, and ' _.. ' . . . . � I. gnswirig anol bumibg pail bQ app6f!,0e_, �. .1 : , I � � I I . fore 0 , 'Imi'who. 0000mpauled the , - -sigh , gso 1110011 Areet. 4 9 ended by 96 distuf . . I � I The eastern part:of Ontario, and Qua. ent, .St.'Jo Line and seeingmew � light valks,:, sheep run, holiday trips, I Wallington streitaAhere was an urch .Dinner at. T , sples . vh att . ­ �. :1 � . . , � . I Halifax goodtitm� q, to. take in ,*used by the keneiral. Acidity, as when . �, . oss Nova Sbotla, to - the uch time In teas- I "The . carriages were then � * . 1: 11 . . . I I � k A " . U.c, Were traversed during. the night party. Aar I . I � .ndal - spresds- standard ,ro 68 of salt barrels with the called I I . ... . 1plote. 'list of Ing 01016. - , I � . . . and -ace P/ i . mn ad. , too, much, f6od is, taken it is liable to I � . - . , __ Wgights, indiarubber tires, the organ word itWelcomeot in laree, ,letters. into reqVisition and their Excellan� � � . I : . �. . and ,the following morning -the �Partlr - Cards with the COIX . . I fitrulent, iknA become extremely souro �., . I . I I I � found, themselves passing Ate Antle. the spec.ial, traio'patty and th6 var- . - 1. . s oj stops, the world,goes. rourldo And" Ve. understand His ,Excellency was e1A and suite drove to Mr. Camor- . � I . Nfiw*: -%, long 01 5o . I . I ,[ . � - . I the last station, in, Queb,oci Rence, nts . the Yet, .. il'sy ce I I voink n ? � . - .,:. � y, hailed froom were insure the � fault , iti coure And *wh&t Is Wown up I I i I I . . . . . � � the vdtty, 'o . . .1 illner, �Ilole -a is sometimes sour had bitter. � � I the route lay through. tl�e state of gluted and hejW cousidersibly I others when you have none. of YOUT - �Ut .ve had fied-in de. very much pleased with this arch and onos residence for d , . .. .. � L I . . I . I.. sPaM .. . � ,� . V . . the deilign was g6od and most up- number of Indies:and gentlemen met . � I I � " I I , . , ett , . ­ - ...­ �,�� . . .. '. . I. . . Mr, Joseph H. MacDonald, Christ- . � , I . I , . I .. . Maine, through'tbe forest, hill and lift g ing acquainted and oaoh rier-loWn.' . I � priati, for Goderlah. Arriving At them.", . I I �,"""'.";­."',,�, e''.-- � I I I I . I To] I writa:-"Two years I �� , . 1­1­11­�_ - � � 11 I . I . � P street there. was dilme. mas Island X 8 . I I I ­', . . ... . ., 11 .. . . I . . .. . ., . " 1__�-��� . I . I the head - of West peo le of Gilderich are justi- . . I . '... � . . . , I . � I another ax4ch of splendid dirnensldns� I flably, prol of the sqUare, its hand- � . go. I.juff;�� 'oij the titac. frolh heart- I 01 , - I � � I � I I burn. I took one I � I I ) . . '.I - I . Liver Pills and have never been tr( . . : � !, . z - ' ' I , HA � � 'h Wooden of onour 1 A was m :,adding much -to the . o ", � I : . of thw'Nofth And woll designed- the effee . 1"9 le the H . . , - , I . ple -to i1he eve. . on fhis beauty )ubled . `% 'Studed fai I I ., � . 11 . I . I .. most Aging. Whatever . . , . all I . , � . . . I . I . .1 � I., .. of th ttown, oinee, . .1 � . I 1�. ( .:: k �!­ ,­­:* -1 .. I . � . I . . I reh were -the words, "Goderich Wel- have to the pictures - l .. I . . I . ,�q 1: . : � I . I .. . . : I '. % � . I 1. I . a . claims, it way _Sue 11 . I I - . I I . . . I. � � � - .� . I ­ comes the Governor-Geneial." Pas- in day time, its. night scene on Yri- it Is ,very nice to be able to eat Any- I ;�'. : � .. .. I � � I .� ­­ �. ­ . � � . . ��, . I . . . � �_ . _ . � . 1- . . . I . . .. . I . . :.1 e , 1-: I 1. .. - I I 11, I ­_ � ke and net have heartiourn , c e ff . . . I I I . I . . � � : r I . . . r I . . , .. I '� day last conlip , . . I � ;1 '. . . 1� . � . . I . . I I . I I . . . .. % I I.. . . I 7, : . . .1 . I . . � . sing around thO SQ1114re thay,met An iletely eclipsed. it. 'The think YOU It . : . . )] . 1. I . . , 1, � . I .11 � I . . . . I . .. . i. . .1 s I . I 1. . . Other arch at South street with the Court. House and all thief butdriesi; any more. " " I . . . .. I � , I I I � I . g *, . . I . I I . I I I . . . I . I . . I . . I . . � old ,Irish motto, -"Cned Mille' Fail- Premises around the square were milbUrn's I,axa-Livbr, Pills are 25o. a ... I . . 1. . 1, I �. � 1. !. I � I . . . . . . � . ,� � I . 0 .. . � � , I . . . . , . . I . I . 11 .. .. . . . I 1� . . . . - D - I . . I . .. .1 � . I . . . � 1. . ,. : - . . . ... I . . . I r - � 'the," ,And again.. -at East streot.'wa% �1*auttfully I. Illuminated, affording vial' at all dealers, -or mailed direct o . 5 . i � . I 1 " . .. . . I . I . I .. . . . . . 1. I I... I .1 . . 1, .. . I I . . �� � I I I . I . � . . I I . , 11 � . anothor arch with the words, "Can- such a fairy seen . a . as is rarely wit- rpopipt of rice -by The T. Milburn.C6-1., � I : i; . I .� . . . . I 11 - _% Limited, orent .. .. t � � t- - I I . I �. . . . I . - - . � � I'll, . Oda Out Home.11' Advancing on to nessedi . The Court � HOUSE, - . � I- �, . o, Ont. . � I ,',� , .111 I I I I 11 I � . � I . . �. . . . I � . I I . . I o ­ North street there was Another maoz- I - " � . � I I � . . . I I I It ., . . . . Meant arch with the motto from The - I ­� � .1 . . I . . I . 11 .. : * . I oA - . � .1 . I .1 I ru r � %or I I - - - - - - r- - _. � - - - - - - , - . � I � I . . . . . . I r � . I I in coat of 'aring. "Per ,Visa '_ .- V W olo - - NP-041001,40"WIft~ 1. . ---I- - - . . " . . . . . . I I . . I Douff . . . 1� I , . � ,� I . . � . I . . I., I . . � . rr i Rect:'s' .,, All these Arches, together . I_j . I I 0 . r . . I . I . I . * ��' � 1. I . I . � I . . ... I . . ree. 'n vention. - , 1'. , I l.. i, . I � 10 . . . With � the. festooning of evergreens, - r. . . I � I flags and llufitin�flyirog in..all do . ocl . er e .Co , . I � � I . . - �- . . . - ­ . tions, gave the Wit quite a holiday S, I a,t* S' ,i t#c .. . 11 I - � .. I � .. .. - _. . .. r f . . I . . I . . � I . � . - .. I . appearance; indeed it. wag most at- � . . .# . 1. .� . . . I . r . � ' . I., To be hela -in I � I � .1 , - we doubt it ever Goderich I . . . . . r � �1. r - .. , . , tractive, I attire bef ,, . . . .1 , I .., �J 4 � . .. . . r . . I 'J � . I . I . . 4 . ' C urch, Exeter - . - I . . .. I I. . .. I I I r'.. �,' * . . put on ,.quell gay , ,ore., . I .. , Main S,trtet h p . . . , �, �, ��: a's Welcome � ' , . The School Childre . . I . . , I I . � . .1 . � � L . r I .. North . P_ 11. I � .. . . � I � I � . 'the Central school, a- - da Afternoon . . r . 4IThe prqc�sslcolk turned up and Eve'ning . r ' ' - . . - . . I � � .. �, ­­ '. street, driving to We 'nes . y I � . I . . I .,;, . . . . 1-_._-'.-..'1, .1 .1. ory pleasing feature of the ;. . I . r 1, etc a ve r . ! I I ­ - , wh , I � . i : 11 I I . .,�,� A , . . nged, At the en- . .. I .. . . L , ,I,r . I program 'was atra .. I ." .., J 1C. -i". � . I . I .. . �r .. , : --?, I trance'gate was a pretty. arch with, . . . � -1 i ULY i8th 1, � I I . . . . . .. . . . r � . I .. .� I.." '! .r. ,., apDropriate mottoes; at tile school. . I. . I I I . . I . ! . . . ') . 1. .�; r w .. . ,r � 2,41. ­ %,, � I . I I I " 0 - door waS'S temporary dato with an I . . U'nd6r the amspides of . r . , . . . . . , . . I � ­ � awning overhead; As rel � ' I . � . t . . . � .. . . � I 11 , r'. I . � mottoes and greetings of WelcolaO. r . . W � * , � . . r I -1 1. (-, k . The juard. of . honor forming in line lal Service, -Council I -1 � I a a I'll, 1. ­­ ­ I ,,r - The Hution CountY �Soc . . .. . I I . � I . I .� in front of the entrance, Ilia Zxcel - . . , I , - - . . r P I 1� " % � . , r . lency and Lady Dufferin Alighted " . rME UBLIC IS- INVITED � rr I � . 11 t ­, , . . .from , carriages and advanced to I P I . � � �.! I .. . r I , , , the Nd . .r �_;,;&*- . . I " , , , , � . I i � , I I 11 I 11 . i I I I i I I I I I I . - I / 'I 11 I , � I. � , by C eb w iii .-wl - nor �' I I ad -I, .I. I I I 9 he 0 U I I oh Orift I f Glen T 4 I 14: W. I 4_1.__ro_,.,��.i I � , , , - - I I . - , 11 I I I I . I . r Tight leading from r I r , . � , 1. . 't _-.111T, � . .. . I � ­ .4 the dais. On the n at the ChurA fit 6 P.M. Tickets' Sk . 1� . r ', 11 I the gate to the dais were the chair- . � . 'Balliquet . "I � - I � r In4n aud board, of trustees,' on the . I I " \ I lift the I teacher.. 0 �" male and female, J, A. IRWIN, Presidellt . , W, a. WILLIS, Secretary I , . f the. Central and r . . I f . .. � ".. - . --Nom mr-Wompla- ,--,- I � - � I . % Waid schools, I left were the chil- . I . . _ _4_r ____0 _hJA -W* r I 11 r , 101 , . . � Am, - �^ , ; ^-W.. - . . .: � � ,- to the Tight ap , - _Pl��oml_011101`111110 _ - _ _ .4%0 . I �.­ � ` . . I � I � . � ... r I .. Ton -a fine, healthy specimen of, - - . � . ..r . . . . . . � . : ". ; I . I . . Id t.t-, :Z=�_=_ ­­ � -."A'+* . I I 60". I I i M - I - - : ­ r . �; AW 4 r jr, ,,,,6. ,,, :tn­� r 7tz?t . - -.-=.. � . t-- �._ _,_'....- , "," , . !=!."!!!t! . . ,� '0110011 . I I , . ­ 4 ­­ "' ­rr .., I i I -1 - . . . r ___ wwowwmmpowimodmomumwvwwu&m'uqmwAmomww I I 4A!0 r I I I . X 0 . . i", T 1, . �1 9 � . I I '. I . I It dif I - -717, : ­', I "I . - -, 1 I � ttito 000 6,4U*k glott ot *fkt iVI*a4kL IL-Tht 4tuallott'44"k *6410M. tft`14% , - I 200­�� Z;� at ftt #*tftft*0 t# "Olit0t 00"Vov 20-*%Wkft 1104109 � ,by *1110 Solifto ot K"t 100 f" t"t Of clittiolks Aill. 4V­Chk0d*** goldq'Isot to tko ItskillikK valkite ONVAtus. il.-W-0101AW t*t d"Aelil �, : 1� 01hor to "WAO fool, 4&,_-ft*S*tt& loom illke N*v*b*'%Vft% AVW, *iAllboir. 't.-YAtooki. awsuad tloo r 0 &A000 moklitsM 044404 . 0 I . ' . I Julff", *Iwo this yftr.;g onvew-� troa� them, year in. 3rear out, tuouto 1,014nt# &ttf&ej the Sault, tht eliondren 0itogr4pbletlIr, Wallf4l IN sA"1- . lit i . it ii4tr *101 of It" ck"410A Weekly pross �6449 'Of trlkV#1oIItVA; ate CArrIlEd. ftd 01favart In Wading or selling tageously IL ,- . The 04 reetivtd Its pte8tntrotvAe iboatt u#ovk tko Vorkda aw& lakeil.. Iolytrpwl tb I " 4y, AmW40tift V*s held, to the vaplftl i , #13 buildings, VUblli ,900 ukllts� I T Is 6f 4 11 about the middle of thib 18th "Muty ?4 r of ftf& city** , 0J 00 .Wovirio of Nova S(Otla and, iiii torApIllneut to tordlialltil and ftamerelAl. are *Orth A vilit- four SreAt0t 1A tht I *ad to O" iM tM WA10ot 1161010ttAlt Attilintit, roitary , at shale lit the aritish es Vese IfItlade the NAtul'91 .RlfJtOt:r AtCONNIblill At all 110urt 4 tb* 4" 11 V*iklw of VA"40. It welcomes It retAtovs moto'lor its arlils1k OX-1XIII I tMuseum; qt� raul's Church, whielk awkil tbt yeat ar*014 by IU Oeft*- x0ow tM reteralts *0111defOr -* than, illy other slaeO in Amerfea. �rfttlklh* as part of Its structure was M"*Arf. 1"tolA 10"la bat X"Ots -with ti-kivAly tIASP, the 116w- 111storleit0y Hallta,X bag thaftv, much of That old portion built, toft a eirtunkfor"ev tit twtvity vill". To , *Wet to tko 1)mtooa, and bids V0IntX ot ilktomt, factuAing the -eft. �114okfter the foonding of 21alitax; the Meet tke evor-likem"tat dhvoew�*a ago 0160 to tke An4f0w tralrell,61r. 4*1 W)j"'Crowsks the hill be , aa 0* V*A lillid the ��doek dard thd The dry4ock. of oemi-softs vit"4i VAU Allow lit 100h at 0% 46eks are � tit Oril the cItY i to y r; y"M tilo #16 rilapart of this .� A short dist1knee ff 01041killob of Calotamax, troAt'. tww 64 11or *0 CASailex ratlovial Xaft. a 1ps,66(&Mle, *#low of the conatry'llMit& tbOte, IS I firit'AMIltAl VIAY-�Ifttkft Wkd rallWOW tOtbilASIS ate 10 *ft loalmr ffm British C4$1- *vA ocea1% fts bo WA� The tinalut xrouixt italled Point 11`4atwitt rArk. tour" of construetiOlk, ; sno*ok stals from the grill- ,014 clock tow4w oilk, tko lowor Mopes Thort lik,sklbo all o*r*ngot of *&ter " This was 441 city Wbkl% the C"10 = � 116 Sgk"140pl," Mkiso"S MA 06*IkU- Of (ItA64 Hill U lk*Other testmt*. It litaosh as theNerth-w,tst arra.,whers,,disa Wokly Prie"s Atwiatift thoso r L 8"40 tr" 011taxlw*" Was billit by ** VAe of X*at and blerollattoarflikeloit. In thoo ntligit.'as the sito,of Its ISIS 00"M10A 9*4 ;,A"#"% 01I 00 *4*40 hold � Mill "ftr" J*ring mllatrysWo god fialklat *M'tritoft wM* t Weft ,tv.;. or* L At to. I $Ww fto 00' 3darkh" _ Iff tj V . LE i=y bftuty s"tc lkwatialf'raa bo h%4� OW toads i�tltd bY tM M0:41ilk"* 66" 0 *"* 1% 60 "1011t QW&M, "610" to Ot larta ot Nova &mix way# to ft st0w Ily 1*e*W,rsl*ft#J4 *06%ftlegk; bt4Nift asy a i6 polats of le. kuwatt I r t i z6fts" amo =:I = 11 fmw � VM r*1 smah 1#444 Asdieshus *" puys""d ow* 11#C tot"A ft t" MWO", 04taft"Ibi,itir I"*ft*** "d Uft to rtafthw 11 wkilo to A*# I Inkilit 66 *Aft wolklo,, fl*W4" "a how. - Z*** to Von I flod Tormw I I L� I . - (I . L I 11 L 4 11 'L . I . I -11 I .11, . , .. ­., " � . 6 -_ r -4 - � --.Ad&. _X # I � - a - --A. t - .. E, A& - I ~__ __ ____ __ - . L . . I . , . . . I I I viosvid- 0 . L . . I � I .. - - ---__ � ' r- ", ine 4- f I.' A 11 L i ime I i .1 Ne L is . I I I . .;, %, I I I 11 I , � . . . I L ' . . , a Dresses *___ ,� "I Crepe. . I . r I . L ­ 1 4 1 , I ., I I . 11 ' . I I -.1 4 ­ - . ' . I .; . .11 I I ., I I � ­....'­­ _jl - .. 1 Misses' till d1110 Cre,p6 Dress'�sl, -i,,qL �e4pived, a sbipment of Ladies? aut I fo . I ­­­ 1­11­1__+� ---'*"d"-,�V,6-ile.4--e.�ii&-Glugh',am�:-,--At--,s*ial:prl,c,os- r ­ also" dielightftil styles in Normau Y,� � 0 1 . . , . 11 . . one week only.' - . '. Voil So $80 L 9 and $10.S0 Crppe Dresses, VISO _. "' a $ Ginqhav�io $3.26 and $4.50. L I � ­­ *.;.�­I� I "-**- ­ �i I r- L 11 . . . . Something New and. Something Cool I. l, will. gpprowistte the new "Corselets.11 They are The Ladies aQ NO I ruient. Sizes wol for summer wear stud yet they sire i serviceable and suitable ga . 301tO 42- - Price $1.25 and $,..So L " " _ " . I . I .. ____ L 1. . I ­ . I . ; ­1� - . �!,!!L!!j . � !!!! � TF!"MV , _. � _ I. -I. -p., _!�_!!�� - __ - - __ ___ - I . .. 1, L"'T 'M I I I . . 4 (0 . , , L . . , . . 11 . I " � . A0 CORNF rOAAM li I I i West Sidesof -%Um L . GODWCH M I . � f