The Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-22, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. 563. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898. 0, H. SANDERS, EDITOR. FARMS FOR SALE, mormy TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good. farms for rale Wimp, Money to loan on easy terms Jon:.:+PA4tinAN, aiaa•]nwell's Block Exeter. HOUSE OI.'SE REEFER WANTED. NTED. To take charge of a family an a farm. Apply to N ientsbaa B1:Ayet1, Crouton. VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR aALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable anti sxluatb proierty, situated n HuronStreet, being Part at Lot. 1, contt.4n- iug aver five aeres, There is on the premises a good brick house, eonra,iuiug seven rooms. with stone cellar, frame kitchen sial wood- shed attached^ a frame stable and other necessary out^buildings: f choice fruit trees. a good well of water and other conveniences. Terris reasonable. ai'1.ia• at this utsace or to S4,3it;r:l. ixarezcA'roa,Exeter. FARM FOR. SALE, The undersigned is offering his eplellde,l farm, in the township of Csleerne, ing sale, being lot tL ce ice,,ion 8- cotitafrirg lea acres. There is on the ..remise, two good barns tone uank -au.1 other good out -Multi. MrI av good frame.tithe., goo.. wells anti a sl,ndld orehar,i. 'wilts is one of the best fame in UAb:,rne. ata.d swill be sold reasons o fge ici 'should flilprop Intending d1tsmgc•Bi Aprly to MAT1. 19 i.LL+AN O Devon P. (t., Ont VOTERS' LIST is -41 -MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLA.GE VILLAGEt,lp l.11 i :It, Caa1'tiTv'' o1 111'lttiN.--Notice is her •lel i4(II that t Naive, aus trzau initte1, or delivered to thelersau,a mentioned in Ow 'rd and Illi sections ns off the Voters' Listtt the copies required by said. section to he so transmitted ordelivered at the Li- 'said, l nest:a„t to sail act of all pr•rsoiu: appearing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the ,4111 :llun1tld ality to i+e en- titled to vote In the said D1tl:ielt alit,• at the elections for anelnber, of the Legislative As- sentblS,and at the talnt,ieilaal dent:i ons. anti that sant list was first a' tr.l at any ottie.•, Thais Hail. li'+et,•r, ons • rlt dal' of .lull, and remains there for iti ca•tion..• Elector. Zr.'caalla.d niton titexanait.'tIt sat a Iist.and it Caw e,1:is-alae., or other errors tare found therein to tat.. ia.ua,e 1t.ate+ j.roect dings to lease alae , u•t t rr, r . eorieetest tae•s„rding, to lata. 11 E ant a r. Clerk. of Cho :Iltltoietyatlity. !►:ate,; this1tll .lity of .ta,d> Ila'. Firs Olass Farm For Sale. T., 4 e sold by i'al,°it' auction lay Mr. fit'1iry ate •: l.. uurri.,r ear- nn the nvelere+enti.,ne i arta. on Tuesday, the nth day at August, A lli.. a'•' s• at two t,"elt.eL. I• iei. •au4tiet to much e„u•1itint,.a'+ hall tla•n 11e 114.letvi., All that pareel or tract at land containing by adrat•i(-.ur, 71at•nt One Instated aU:res. he tit.' nacelle narrre,tz' 1 "9, 1„ 11g earl:t,n•.e.1 ut' 1.41t \o. 11. f: tht,1,2h eot,v,,s141. of the town, .,Lipid 1'n443r1ee, iu f3te t-, :L.1'. „t Huron, now in the t eettpaiion etThnntes 14 Clarke. This him is in Primo von 'iition. all under cult ty at'tan, exstept lug l•a acres of good tar.:, two „r.-hotr t, in inn 1 . :trivet, anti two never failing vac lis. rte r, .are a triune .Rwa•i•• li:g. a. barn .'.':v:a.a. Awe :I' , a oto 1h+ :taw to, wide 1,'ne. •t an iu:a fair t•tate el rel air;al:out s. ser, , are tit for fall wheat possession of which will he given for cropping this tall: The r. mamilla lala•t is all seeded tt.+w11 vest it tieaathe *411.1 Oliver. For farther particular-. tat'1'tt t44 %tr. Clarke, on the premises. to the auctioneer, or Inti: t.ttu. Er.t.fo1' C tIL<11a�tAN. Dated t tli Jut ' Solicitors.k,xeter. , !Miff The undersigned has op - polled alp a new Meat Market 1 EOR SOUTH OF OMRLINGS' STORE, • where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, Jorma T. Manning. •,1 .145, YioIftP If .110. ARNO _!� 1 '� T `�� T (ON THE Se CLAIR RIVER) SARIAC 0 N1TAR O. SUCCESS Is certain to those who take a Business or Shorthand Course at this College. , . During the past fifteen months aur grad- uates have been located as follows :-Sarnia, 9t: Galt,.; Godericli, 1; Toronto. 8; London, 5; Windsor, 8; Winnipeg, Man., 1; Morden, rran.,1; Bowesmont, Dakota, 1; Port Huron, Minh.. 82: .Detroit, Mich.,iJ; Sandusky, 0., 8 ; New N N. J., 1 ; Louis- ville, IZy.,1; Chicago, 1111., 5 ; St. Louis, Mo., 1, Desmoines, la., 3., College open throughout the entire tear. Students admitted. any time. Graduates assisted. to positions. Write .for particulars. Fall term opens Sept. 1, A. 8.I%16 0. Proprietor. cLFEm I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I am ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any part of the town at CLOSE PRICES. We handle Ells .d &llasiltION Ralf Our Brae is warranted free from smut and dust. Well add a general line of SEEDS shortly, Chariez Troveth k. Oeitralia G. G. Essery and family are camp- ing at Grand Bend. --:Utas Box, of St. Marys, is visiting at the parsonage. - Centralia fife and drum band carried off first prize at fiensall on July 12th. -Maclaine oil can be purchased at the Duffdriu Henee. , 40e. a gallon. -Rand. ford & Elliott shipped a carload of hors- es from Centralia last week, ---James Dalgety and family are one on a trip up the lakes. Blame, 11r. Robert Walker, who has been conducting -the store here for over a year, has sold the property and stook to Mr, Robert Nichol. Mr. Walker talting Mr Nichol's farm in \Wes€minister, near London, in part payment. Mr Walker will give up possession about the 1st of September, and will remove to the farm that Mr. Nichol vacates, While here Mr. Walker waa much respected and did a good business and many of his customers and friends are sorry that he intends leaving. Mr. Nichol, the new proprietor comes well recommend- ed and will, no doubt, well retain the good name and large trade that the Blake store has so long enjoyed. airn This week we Lava to chronicle the death of Mr. D. McNeil. at the age of 6 years. For some times deceneed waft proprietor of the City hotel, Nairn. and from his straightfnrwardeess and hon est dealings with his fellow men he won the admiration and respect of the community in which he laved, Some months ago he contracted a severe cold which settled an his lungs and although the best medical aid. was procured it failed to check that foul disease, eou- sumption. From, the time he contract- ed the cold be kept gradually but stare• ly getting worse. until Thursday when death relieved him from all sufferings. Ilse leaves a wife and ono child to mourn his loss. Ile was buried under the auspices of the A. F. & A. M. The Rev. J. Elliott officiated. ,flay AN EimeretENT.-Not a little sur prise has beau created by the uews of the elopement of Miss Bella Campbell, daughter of tlr. t\`m Campbell, of the 2nd concession, with Albert Eacrott, of Washington. and son of Mr, Christopher Eacrett. of Ilay township. The young lady had for some time past been en gaged to the gentleman who is now presumahlyr her husbaud, and he being very anxious for an early marriage urged hiss Canmpbell to obtain her par- ents' consent to the union and aecom• parry him home, The father raised ob- ,jectlons to this summary proceeding; and forbid the union; but the young couple were bound to carry their iu. teutions into effect,- whereupon they left Tuesday evening for Exeter and from there took the train for London, where they were to be married. The affair has caused considerable talk but if the two interested are satisfied there is no reason why other people should object. Friedesburg. 0. W. Snell is offering cheap bicycles in or- der to clear out the remainder on .land. Gall and zet prices. The wheels offered for sale are as follows : One Racycle Combination tandem; one Recycle Pacemaker; one lady's Pilot; one lady's Stearns; one out's Stearns and one gent's Cleveland. .those wheels will be offered at close bargain. He lies al- so the agency for all the leaadin•• makes in wheels, includingStearns, Cleveland, Evans 8z Dodge, Itacycle, Antelope, Gendron and Barnes. e Ride the Stearns and be content." "Tho Cleveland is a btoyelo of honest value”. On Tuesday. July 12th, everyone went to Hensall, where they spent a very enjoyable day. -Miss Mary Mose rison, our former school teacher, is at present visiting friends and acquaint auce in and around towu. She looks hale and hearty, after feeling the touch of the Manitoba wiuter.-Mr, Will Snell, jeweller, and his neice, Miss Mote ish, visited at Mr. Joseph Snell's dur- iug the week, -The school board have decided to secure the offer of W. C. Scott of Clinton, as principal. -The Sunday school of the Evangelical Association, will hold their Children's Day, (" Kin- dertag ") on Sunday next. -Reports have been made that the Gendron Bi- cycle Co., of Toronto, are about to open out a branch factory at St. Joseph, - Mr. Joseph Snell has purchased a sixty foot hose to reach to his lawn which will add greatly to the appearance of the front of his residence. -D. D. Wil. lert, our city photographer, is taking advantage of the barn raisings and has taken shots nearly every day this last few weeks. He is doing very good here. -Passengers pass daily through here by the Exeter and Grand Bend stage, under the management of P. Mc - Isaac. -Our young people aro getting ready for Children's Day on Sunday next, July 24th. Everybody welcome. -Berry picking is now the order of the day.. -Quite a number from here ar^- tended the Children's Day, on the 14th concession, on Sunday. -Mr. Dennis Brintnell,'of HeusaU, was the guest of Miss i:lannah. Balder on Sunday. He. lett Monday for Toronto, on , his bike.- Mr. Moses Miller • has returned home' front a few days visit to .London, Strat- ford and Milverton,on. his bike. --111e. C L Moser left for Berlin, being called away to the death of his fat.her•itelaw, Mr. Jos, Adams. ensall 1 week, --The: Misses Truemner. of Pe• trona, are the guests of Miss Christiana I AcCIDE\T,---On Tuesday last while !Brenta -Miss lilartha Ellber, of Buffalo, the flax gang were on their way home is visiting her parents, :dr. and firs. from their day's labor, the wagonFrederick Ellber,--Mr. Matthew Winer which they were riding,• in broke dome., has reeelved the job to dig a sewer and all hands were thrown out. The •hrough the village. - Mr. Louis Der. foreman, 5fr. Adam Richert sustained a /rand is building a veranda to his brokeu arm. and several others received house, -It is rumoured that I1z'. I, W. slight injures. ° Trevethiek, our enterprising merehant, Perzn WINNERS, -Following are the has bought out Mr. Brown, of Brinsleee prize winners in the bicycle races held ' and Weeds starting business there in here on Tuesday, last week.:-oue mile ' the fall, We wish hint suecess. amstou. race -Jc vo,ofGodori h- - -- Pred Kydd, iensill: J. I3. Williams, Goderich eltinfe, 226 2-5. One mile open -F. Dunbar, Stratford; C. Cook, fiensalt; Alex. Taylor, Iiensall; time 2.28. half mile boys' -4 Bell,Seaforth; D. Ilartleibe Dashwood; time 1.17 1-5. Half mile amateur--McIror, Godierieh; E. Belcher, roderieb; T. D. I;oniston. time, 1.24 4 5, Half mile open -F. Dunbar, Stratford; C. Cook, Neilsen; John Jewett, Bay tied; time, 1.O9 ;«•5 Zurich. The Lutherien Sunday School held their annual picnic at Taylor's grove Monday. -Rev. Mr. Newdeoffer and family, of New Stadt, who have been visiting old acquaintances here a few days, left f,r their hone Tuesday.- Mr. John \Weide met with a plinful act Icidsnt Tuesday, which will lay hint up !for a few weeks. While u'ihitehing Five mile racee-J. II. R'illinrlas, Gale. :. Ma horses from the binber on a of the rich; Georgie I'owera, Ailsa Craig; Fred , animals started to kick, striking biul all Kydd, lieusall; time, 13 minutes, fie the leg a little, below the hip, brudsiu • secgnde. at badly. -Mr. John Brenner and fa ne- iiy are visiting friends at Stratford. ,Jafihwood, DRnwitne.-..-A Bad drowning acci dent occurred in Lake. Huron, L;four Perhaps, Mr. Editor, you will think miles !lest of here. about three o erlock we are caged that we did not write Sunday- afternoon. Jacob How*. 22 last weal.. but we are still et large, years of age. with his brother and a came through the little wrat;gio al 1aauinberof other young men wear into the lake to have a bathe. At this point there le a shalton sandbar which leads nett into the lake about tiieoalty rods, Thin strip 1 on aid and the ;others fid lowed, when euddeenly the unfortunate yonn); lung was seen to struggle ar.d sank from view. It 18 sufpoe eel h.s Church, and depart a pleasant tithe. -,took cramp. Mfr Rinunie D.trand at - Next Sunday the Children's Festival I tt>nlpteti to rescue bins, and in so doing Alp be celebrated in Pa*hwoc;1, and nearly lost his own life, being grabbed . we hope for a goad time, which no i aariattuet the legs by young Ilowaitl. doubt we will kVA% vas D.ashemed rate- ; After the body bad been tu:der water i pit, never do n:ty thin by halves -- . fully a (meteor of an hour it was Flax pulling ha c•tintnanc. a atld the brought up by Mr. Daniel Rau, of St 9 p r 1 crop 111 this sectiutt is an untlsRUllte7Jat :Fah. Drs Buebauan and ()elute! heavy oue.--•I nrtu rs are busy, cutting w of this place, were quickly on the i their grain, and slat, llum of the bitadt'rsecta(e, atld worked some time, trydoti N can be heard on all sided .a -Mr. Mosel); t to revive the poor fellow, but life was Miller, who has been elt�rkiog for Mr, e:.tet:et. No it:quest wi!l be held.' J. Kellerman for the past three yeaes, The drowned 38284 is a sots of Daresl has severed his connectiou with net Howeld, bricklayer. firm, Emanuel Kellerman taking his place,We do not know what Mr. . < Winchelse a Miller's distends doing, although we have heard it whispered that he will go west -Mr.. and Mrs. Ilorsworthee Mr. Louis Simon, Miss Flossie Snell and others are visiting relatives in Elmira, -Mr. Iltnry Cnilfas got his hand eau;::at between a belt and pul- ler in Iiot`i'tnan's factory' 'Monday and by the friction, sustained at severe `Cure on the back of his hand, a bleb. will lay him off work for a few days. right. aid don't feel any the worse either. Oh! No, ttembles'like that are nothing to us. We generally say what we meat) and know to he true and then go aheati.--Last Sunday afternoon many Of our people attended • the Children's, Pat $'estival at the 1 ith 11110 some], Entrance Exaluina- No. 6 -John ;11cAsh ........ ...... 570 Um., h'o, 7 -George Etgie..... ... . ...679 The following is the list of candidates --- No. 9 --Allen Ester.. , • ........ 556 Bella Thompson ., t.-765 No. L4-Norm:Qa Boyce. ,. ,666 Charles Whitman , .... , .. , 550 IiAY, No. 3 -Lin Richardson. - .,,, .,., , 557 Eavma Dignan 60a No 14 -Celia A. Mellis. ,.,.e. ,,,577 passed by the Board of Ilsamitiers for West Huron, together with the marks obtained by each. In addition to those who had obtained the full requirements, viz., oue third on each subjeet and one half of the total, several candidates who had the required total, 550 marks, but had fallen a little below in oue, or, atmost two subjects, were in accord- ance with the regulations, passed by the Board on account of their age or other eirct.tustances. Cardsgiving the mar S o t k f the candidates will be sent' out as usual. The results of the public school leave lug examination will be given innext week's issue, the Board having found it impas; tblte to have them: ready in time to go with the entrance. storeeItif:'Id uterinec3I0UL. Irene Aehc'~;ean, 576 Jenuio Cautelou. ....59., ivo.1-Samu.l J. Coulter —.574 James Ford .. . e . •11•• 584 No.10-Jessie l . 3IeLean...,. ,.,,5551 STEPU.EX, Eva Dunlop. 674 Jessie i4enuings. ,,,, Fla McLean, . ..............658 . Ellice Naftel.. . . . ............ 569 . Mary Tait •••• 552 Hub ...tidrews..........., 61d Harry Cuff ...57.13 Chester Farrow: ,alts ;Willie .iohllston ............ , . 605 ;Charles Lewitt . 551 IDarius Saline's,. . ,. ,•,550 Thomas Sheppard .... ., ..,.f'37 (dive Bates . . .618 ! Iroue Meissen 86:' Grand Bend Park List of persons registered at Grand Bot'd for tho week ending July 10th David Rowteliffe and wife, Miss Kate Aadrews, Elimville: Trivitt Memorial church bell ringers and their families, Exeter. Woodbine Cottage -,lir. and Mrs. John Mclnues, Mrs. Wm. McCombe Master John Collingwood, Miss Lilian McInnis, Exeter; Rich. Hicks, Richard Elston and friends, Centralia; Henry Hooper, Exeter: Elston and Hooper pie- nie; Rev. J. B. bosons and wife, War- saw, Indiana, 'Miss Cosens, Parkhill. Bleak House -Mr. Peter Larnout, Wm. Hoffman, Zurich; Allan, Elizabeth and Margaret Ester, Dirket Mrs. Walter Andrews and family, Pontiac, Mich., Miss E. Gould, Exeter. Oaks Cottage -Rev N. Lindsay and wife, Ivan; Mrs. and Miss Cnrrie, Toronto, Ivanhoe Cottage -Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westcott, Will J., Wellington A., Edgar, Ethel- bert, Bella and Olive Westcott, Miss Francis Rowtcliffe, Exeter. Woodbine Cottage -Mrs: S. Long and family, Mrs. Megan and sou, Gerald, Stratford. Boffin's Bower -Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Col- lins, and son, Harold, Miss Pearl Rol- lins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble, Exeter. Idylwyld Cottage -Miss G. Thompson. St. Marys; Miss D. Stewart, Eiginfield, Carling picnic, Mr, and Mrs. T. B. Car- ling and family, Rev. D. M. and Mrs. Ramsay and family, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton, Miss H. Fitton, Miss Lou- isa Carling, Mrs. H. Samwell and fam- ily, amily, Exeter; Mrs. R. F. Lomas, Hamil- ton; Mrs. J. Drew and family. Toronto; Mr. Thos. Trick, Clinton; Miss 'Phoenix, Petrolea. Crediton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellber are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eraser Guen- ther, of St. Catherines.-Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stanley, of Lucan, gave the town a flying visit last Friday evening. - Mr. Wtn. L. Lewis intends building a wire fence in front of his Lot, which will add greatly to the appearance of the same. -Mr Wesley Kerr left Satur- day for a few weeks' visit with' friends in London and Wiarton.-Miss Alma Cudmore, of Exeter, is spending a few days here, . the guest of Miss . Lillie Hadden. -Mr. Jacob Wurtz, wife "and family, spent Sunday .with his mother, Mrs. T. Wurtz.-Mr. 0. Fritz, of Dash- wood, spent Sunday with bis brother Will, here. -Mr. Jacob Ellber and son, Ben, of Uble, Mich., left for Philadel phia, Pa., where they will spend a few weeks visiting' relatives. -Mrs. Decher and.family and Yliss Sewer, of London, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Guenther. -Miss May Coughlin and Miss Angelina Coughlin are. visiting' friendsin St. Thomas,-•-ktr• S. Brown sprit a few days iu Port EIiu'ou last Mr. P. T. hall, wife ai.d family, Mies Ellie and Jennie halls, of I llinvilie, aid Mrs. Castile and family, of St. Marys, are eaupinn at Grand Bend this week. -Mr. J.14. Jones is talking of going 'ut to the enact for his health. Safe few .'csy, J. Ce. -.Washy and Mary Here are both suffering from an attarlt of typhoid. ATraexusD BY A Burge -While Mr. Robt. Copeland was leading a bull the ether day, the animal became enraged and made an attack upon him. After the ferocious brute had knocked him down it commenced butting him with its head, and trampled upon him until he was almost lifeless. and had it not been for timely assistance doubtless he would have been killed, As it was, Mr. Copeland sustained severe internal injuries, having two ribs broken and two driven into one of his lungs. Luckily the beast was dehorncd, or the result might have been fatal. We are pleased to state that at last reports he is improving and will likely recover. DASD. -This week it becomes our sad duty to record the death of Mrs, John Towle, of Zion, who died on Thursday eveniu:r last, after a com- paratively short illness. The deceased was a kind hearted woman, a good neighbor, and highly respected by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her demise a grown-up family of two sons and four daughters, who have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Her remains were interred in the Zion cemetery on Saturday. The fuueral was largely attended. John L. Ramsay, aged 19, youugrest son of the late Alexander Ramsay, of Galt, died suddenly Saturday. Friday he worked all day in the harvest field and when he retired after eating a lunch he seemed in the best of health and spirits. About 8 o'clock the broth- er who slept in the same room heard him moan. He spoke to him, but the only response was a similar sound, and thus the young man passed away. He was never sick, and as yet it is difficult to assign the cause of death. Tuesday a young man named O'Fla- berty, met with a most distressing ae cident. He is employed in Orr's plate lug mill, Stratford, and was running a machine called a sharper, when . in some unaccountable manuer his left haud was caught and mangled in a ter- rible maager. It was found necessary y to amputate three of the fingers at the second joint This is not the first time that the young man has suffered from accident; two or throe years ago a bill let entered his leg, and was removed with great difficulty. On Thursday Mrs. Thos. Woods, of Dungannon, met with a runaway ae' cident which caused her death on Mon- day afternoon. In company with her son deceased was driving near Belfast, when the horse. was frigbteued, and got beyond control, In attempting to brace himself Mr, Woods broke the dashboard off. Mrs. Woods attempted to get out .•behind the rig, but was thrown to the ground, receiving fatal injuries. She was carried into Mr. Irwin's house, and: after lingering for four days passed away, No. 2 -Wesley Rirtzel 558 No.3--IdA Jory.. .. . -6277 Edwin Beaver.,..,., . ,627 Luther Penhale. ..,,554 Daniel Sanders .,,,., 555 George Sanders..,,. 611. No. 6-Mol:ie Dater.'" •••• ...... 481 No. 7 -Lydia ydira A. Finkbeiner, 591 No.10-•-.idea Sherritt550 Myrtle Wilson ... • '727 ye st:me1i. No. 1 --Ida Blatchford-,,.,..,,.,. 555 No.2-Jesele Rhoda Passmore .. 550 Nellie Stewart.. , • 624 No. 5 -Wilbur Wood ..... ..., a-611 No. 6 -Leslie Robiuson... . 505 11 EaT 15'314 ANQ.SII. No. 1 -Maggie ;Math( \W iueua liirkeetrick. .. No. F -Irene Woods..., ..., . ettG No. 4 Joseph Carrel. , 632 Maggie f.i. Clark- *'-' Clara hall. • ...,....689 Charlotte Took....., ,..,..050 Lottie Morrow. Ilrrthaa tliliian. Mabel Strang,,•••• ••...... Lillie Webster. • ..,••.,•, Edward Craig' • .... .. , Herbert I l.ayidsnn .............. James Garret?. ....... . Ernest Jordan.. ....... V. Hide Rehinsou ............... 'Wilfred \Williams.., . Jobe Duff . .••„< • ••- (10111:nI+'li t•EPA18Ti: 8('II0e)1•. Carl Campion , ...... . Nora Dean .,.• ..•• ...... • Fred Oal:ewav , , . • ... . ....... . U.1YF1ELD 1', S. Francis Fuwlin .......... , . Charles F.•rg tunu ... Robert Bailey Ada Rouett, , • ..b••• IIl'N$.1LI. P. S. Murry nice ..,...... «.602 Frauk It(ith ...... ... .641 Resent rrenhart . „ .. Bert Elder.. Ethel Cotwitl.. , . , . • , «„ i:l'Itta'll 1'. s. 561 No. 7 -Eddie ftobiueoti . 608 11.11 Alfred Naylor. tit$ see No. 12--lieenry Martin...—. ,.,7.1.1 . 592 Hattie t\'t'liwoa4. , .. 609 . n7•2Sep. school --Augustin Kiniittsaa602 1 V 1 1 a ( five t.mia.... ,aGa liirkton: Vert lIezzlwetal. viol. 61f4 of typhoid fever. • 5C4d St. Meryl.: Fred \Wiles, sou 08 Mr. exeorge \t five, fell freta as ehesenut trate 552. In trout of Mr. I". E. Bettcher'e re idenee . 55a1 ot.Mouday and bruit his arm. .627 I)ubliu: Mr. eleuaef( had the rniefor- tuna to have his bawl et -meted lest ms week while raking a bare, which h 5i7; leaves him ill ,a .painful ecndit'totl, be- . tis$ ing unable tae attend tet his work. 550 Ailsa Craig: While at the barn rais- ing at Mr. A. A. ..ilea's farm on Friday- Mr.John Walker fell from the top of the scaffold to tee grottuei. He was bad',y . tl'u`i shaken up .,tit .:et is is 4 were brokoti. i 1(i ht.!' dee whi•' a sou Mtn. 55f1 of 1.1's. Pe,a •r, ltattenit, iv 4«,, was ridiug on a hay rase, on the farm of James Cornish, lfulieett, a sudden start .674 of the horse threw him intekr; ard,break- -688 ing the small bone of the right arm, •and dislocntieg it at the s.I1;ow, 5" +! Henry Schetaih;arn, e ' '.t.,F-toll, aged about 24 years, was ,tautly killed .812 here Wednesday mor. •.itri. Ile was engaged in making tile when be was caught by sa belt of the machinery and carried to the shaft, around which he Milford. Faust.... •, • Diana Iiieh!]c•tl. ................ Clara Koehler. ,... ,...... Ethel Williams DUNI;ANNOM 1', s. Willie Green _ , ..... • • .. . Minnie Duruin. 710 Cora Ftnberts.,. 774 Roy Little - 637 Asenath ;4lillian..... 550 ExuRuxt P. S. Florence Bissett .. , ....... 636 Mabel Foilick ................ ,571 Lelia Ross ....568 Olive Wright.... ,.., ....... 705 William Muir . <... 666 Samuel Thomas. ........ , 610 Mabel Brock .... . ... . 572 Lorraine Hooper 630 Francis Roweliffe 567 Walter , Gregory.. 638 Daniel Randle ................. 552 CREDITOR P. S. Ira Braun 57F Charles D. Braun .......... . . . . e4!i Lydia M. Finkbeiner......... 164 Clara Iiienzie. .5688, Carrie Kuhn 581 Li l yeTre i tz 688 Otealia Treitz ......... 556 Mary C. Youu ............ 558 CENTRALIA P. 8. Albert Calfas .... . , ..551 Lillian Elliott.... , .. , 609 Lillian Salton ..... , 571 Leona Wilson 552 Cedrio Hill ....614 ASIIFIELD Na. 1 -Bert Cunningham........ 553 No. 4 -Margaret Finlayson 594 No. 5 -Bertha Gardner .... 552 No. 11 -Alice Dougherty... ... . 586 No. 12 -Walter Cathcart.... 595 Thomas Pritchard 552 Bella McKenzie . , .. 604 No. 13 -Adam Hamilton.... ...... 584 Fred McAllister.... ...... 620 No. 15 -Donald McDonald.... .. 550 Annie E. McKenzie....... 552 eotht01tNE1. No. 2 --Levi Studer ........ 558 No. 3 -Mary E. Rose 568 No. 6 -Wesley McLaren.... «569 No. 7 -John Durst. .... 600 No. 9 -Winnie Shaw. . 635 GODERICI{ TOW,NSnIP No. :-William Drysdale..... . 708 'Thomas Salleeld. 55.: No 2 -Edward McRae,. 618 Fawcett Sturdy ..555 No. 6 -Flora Connolly . . 561 Benson Elliott. , ..... 738 Glen McDonald. 33C No. 6 --Arthur McCluskey..... , . 558 Sam ural McII wain .......... 588 No. 8 --Annie Harrison . 6.78 STA: .LI]Y. Union No, 1 -Emily Drysdale....• 569 No. 8 --Stella Rothwell ...... 551 was whirled several times. His head was literally smashed to pieces. Mr. James Richards, saw -mill, of Rinlough, retired to bed in his usual state of health the other night. Next morning when one of the family went to call him for breakfast he was found dead. A sou of deceased met with a fatal accident in the saw mill about two weeks ago. By the explosion of a bailer at Betts & Smith's stave mill, Sycamore Siding, Kent County, four are dead and several badly injured. The dead are: --Charles Betts, aged 50, married; John Rambo, aged 45, married; James Payne, aged 22, single: John Lee, aged 21, single. Herman Smith, the surviving partner, is fatally injured. Thousands Celebrate With thankfulness their restoration to health by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Think of the vast army who have been cured by this medicine- - Men, woman and ehilarei), llrho have suffered the. consequences of impure blood, who have been the -victims of scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia, nervousness sive plessness. They have tried other medicines and have failed to • obtain relief. They tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and it did them good They persevered in its use and it aecamplishcd permanent clues. Do you wonder that they praise it and recommend it to you? tiaLsr-At Sherou, on July 14th, the wife of Thns. Amey, of a daughter. -awe -In Exeter, on July 15, the wife of R.N. Rowe of a daughter. BOYLI)—NuIt.-Ina Liman, on July 20, by the Iter. IJ. A. Thomas, Wesley- Boyle, of Kira4ouhh, •to Miss Sarah Neil, of;McGillivray, daughter of the tete I'tiehttrd Neil, of the 2nd conces- sion, aR EA',r itI ltr,LAR.•-- In Exeter, on Julr 15, Tomas. Millar, aged 52 years. rlt,Nt,or..—At Nairn, on 3 ally 7th, • Dan- • icl McNeil, aged 86 years. ll,tl l (D,tt:'-'altKipper:. on .JtltyT .tOth, tit, infil •r. dela : Leer of h1l•. and • :airs. John Balfour..