HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-07-05, Page 5Fir'!
WT 7
lop -w
two hvata *nd B@4iiie, Chu!
Dwrc, wcxe -
L Trad"
ridden by GrahMN. ot, Colborne, had Uu*t*vd,
two firats" lisiddy. ridlin by H*rold, Xotorl� c purs*it race--ts4" U." ",traitm_
I J�
-14den Hood; 2nd, IRM irvOTWEAR
Waltem� two secoro 044y, I 's natt and U,, No, 01,
b ,,*fourth 461 a, Tjirce,mile Autoll'Obih) RWzei, (Ten , SUMMER
(1,ord:)n schwaut! Jum, driviR J� , mcorated AUte3___MAV_,1 L S'Ihar�j.
tk g a Stot"',
Ird; TcJdy, ridden by Neattirig, Jaek I zving a Neat- L). J. Sta&wan an"I C. Wultelo.
thi i -ear; LInd. V, Qat df man, I
rd and a f ropsy, ri"en bV
wilitty. c-4nw sixth in the first heit ou car; S`W, 1"latt, driving a Faid.
4 V UXAM"'Ibo in the seoind. Alunter, d �- a ForA, wan ferccl 'Or -901
rivill" LOPW �d V- I,- SQck I
was not vatc d
id, illie, i tho fitstpto quit 6wing to ensine trouble. Valithurnpiars P, V. Jas. 1� rz--, SUMMN
utemoNle race, opeu— Doualdiien ani PT. Mabcv- k) t, 4 tp' JDaZp��Jh itl We, L`;T� ('41 t" ��L)
Fjve�mUe A',
ticat, had an accident kin could not Mae, t
s t home. Ist, Jack Butts, �(Stetz); . 1.1nd, F), Varnivil—Mrov. Q13POW, IML,5 ho 60,ytc�,, 44 White 6tn�as shows
Unish the race. lie Wa 1 -40 t
oa) 9 �11 Boyle, of vii!ar avid (". A. NQirn. � MjWby. 00%0V flo!�)wm�) ill
lAter on In the afternoon Keat- k7himip, JKcat, bl��.vk allal) he
ting., wile did not get IA good start in lWinghum jFord). Hunter.. in Ford, The Ladics! Hospital FSOrt All Whtto Strap'Slippfr# and Oxford* ribich
t lie swond beat. was satisfied his Again forced to quit, The day was pjajo the eceasion o?�, aro nov, waovtl- 'Elio py�ccs aro very ycalouahllo and
es, black carniv*1 In tke Evening a special effo�t eit behalf of tUe IIQS-
po�ny ,could beat -',,kbW*Ut the hv'!�t.
(lomic, costume--- "DarnvY pital by the la and good 8W-0�3. tho qttality
horse, and 4 matched race was run Gents" - Iles. 0'
between them, Graham riding Neat- (;oo8lef# Pogs Hoey; 2nd, Charlie crowned their Wits. The "alite 01b rennis, Boviing and Outing Shows.., wo�
I -oppers". was not completed but kit t Nt %veW
ting's pony, which Won the race. Chaplin, R. Marriott. c kbstantlal sum was,secured ini !tei-0 it, a.ij tijo J%te, 14, To,sepwo tho 1!
jl- 's' (�omlc��_'Tommy Atkim," very ev
200 -yard dash—Ist, E. AWY, Drav lAdic
. Miss 11. $eager; -jackle Coogah," j.�js way. The task of counting th(I hind'], liny tho 'Uht Buoy Brand. T�wv ICA
ton; 21nd and 3rd, E., Chapman *ud he
Mustard, Bayfield, time 122 second$. proc rxcd to the, end of t � -§1 in
Off for your Summer Vacation or For Jost I Laura Sturdy. eeds is defc till othet 'Junility nild 1bucc.
cle, tace, amateur Ladles' FancY—Mbs Noreen Dun- week on account of the bank being
a One Day Trip Two-mile motorcy uname to give Ilave It Done Right
st. flood; ,,Ind� Brown', 3rd, Mace. lop, Bliss Heism bu.3y6 so that 'we ari) . 11% 11 Let Us Do Your SAO* R*Pairillg and
Gladding, another rider, sustained ah Girls, Fancy—opoppy." Miss Mar- the pmeceds. Each of the C19
nkle and was taken to the t r bloclo On the Square wag in chargo,
injured a ains, with a number of'
With You capu
gary Zedditt; 111kkey," Mi a blur
Take a Jon Naftel. of two
KO, DAK Otirls' ComIc—Mabel Brownlee; girls to collect und watch tho Penn!0'
Two-mile Professional' 'MOtOTCY80- 4.`Topsyivo Delma Brownlee . as they weris placed on the edgo of rv. MacVICAR
ompiete Xodalt Line for you to wwc—lst, Dunbar, of Stratford; Boys Comic--t-PSheriff of Pumphin the sidewalk. Tile block from Mr. G
We're re4dy with the 0 2nd, Eason, of Stratford. Car, lVorsell, oNew. yorb- powells store to. the Sterling Baulz
choose from, and With suy estions to hot,) you n)4UO pictures � Race--Ist, Get- Contre," Goderkh
09 Two-mile Bicycle Cabby," Harry Ryan. was in charge of Mrs. Or.) G4110wt NortN SidQ of Square
you'll be prouat6 bring back. singer; 2nd. CbaPman, 3rd, Amy;1
4tb, Mustard. Highland Danving and Mrs.�C- V- Cartwright, the block*
betwcon the union Bank and the,
Autographic Kodak$, $6-50 up le and side -
Three -mile -> motorvye During the nioniffig and in tho' of- Baul, Of HaIllilton was in charge of
ox Brown and 'ttOrnoon at the agricultural grounds Mrs. Ir, J. A. MacEWan and TAIss Ed-
Kocrah Film in the Yellow B car Racelst, lluutPM Sa in thiu way added to the fund. Thow
2nd, Hood and Rays. Basun and, the Scotch Reel, Highland Fling, na ,N.1aCEwnn, Mias B. MacEwan and It. C. Dunlop and Mrs. F. , u 4 r Dveral booths for the Milt'
I ront the Dedfor
Morrisi who were well in tile lead Rword Dance and Shaun Trews were Miss Minnic, Cralgle lind charge of of the bloa- f d Hotel. were also 61
97ry Prug Store First" And a .1 gro - I of tho , rocev&; ov
. pparcntly were trying to make danced by Misses Evelyn McDonald, .to the Rexall Drug Store. and Ulan, the hn,
01ki the block from Robertson Bros .1pitall fund.
a gain Of a laP on the others, had an Kath1q-en Martin, Christina Martin, eery store to. Hoey's grocery, Mrs. I MacVlcar and Mrs. M,. G. X30101%)II W Ic I Go
I accident in which their wotorcYclQ I and Leglie Evans and the moncy set ��. Donaldson and Mrs. C , Black of , of the block from Grail's ineat Tnar. The Lions Effort
CAMPBELL'S, DRUG STORE. swerved and ran into the inner fence aside for prizes was divided aniona the block from the Bank of Com-, ket. to Sharman's ahoe store The Uo Is Club gathered In $160
on the south end of the course. A the performers. In the parade in the njoree to the Bank bf Montreal, Mro,� tile proceeds have not been Nunte,l games they had in OP-
. at one of the
PHONE THE SQUARE wire caught Eason across the, fore- morning in addition to those alread5tilas Thomas and Bliss Luxton. of the 33 Yet', the total will be in the ueltvb I d n fpt%� inore dollar.i
- 0 . oration and pddc
blo�� from tile V- ors from a refreshme
lAachs groce the
head and he lost consciousness And named Misses Harrison and Brown p. p;, office to borhood of $350 [it booth, the I
"as taken to the hospital inAbe am" lee were in costume. ry, Mrs. Redditt and In addition to the 111110 of :COP ir Children's.44-
ding in- the side 110- sold programs of the Stvr. eceds going to
-Morrbai ri --Bluri
itee. . . Judges-, Airs, Fred mey, of. tho-block. from the IM ents at 10 eentq pIe-cc anil I grounwi projimt,
(Continued from page_� 4) most of the horses (which - were car,, was Uninjured. ce—ist, R. I The following were the judges Pf the Boston cafe to the British, Mrs. noon ev
Au' aee green hors s) were ridden bareback. HdItf-mile- FdOt 'Ra
114if-mile Horse Raee—I Tihis r e
er. roc
'an. I
S or a ies-
�k f L d
f S
Si -h, O'wing 0 UM
of, Crepes, Voile Ritines and Giokho.4�
With the Newest and. Loveliest 7
-fir OJT DRES V�
In�New and Lovely"Nodels In Brown y a
WOMEN,' 8,.Nav s BlAs, Pr cg $9.751 $1130�'
For. Every Mem.her of p
TLC 3... - A '% 1 it 1 e s ft r, + 1 1 fb stvie.q are
A . T� These Dresses are,made from the livest. quality -Notru. u y %W
ning:-jild that invariably spell smart-
ple straiglitline models tbat.are so becoi
or 'is season,:' The trinamingis;of Ribb6 6 go
F - WOMEN 75 nthoseth" n f. od qualitys,atillT, some pi ped with ..a
AT The D OL angi� are made. of tbe,same, quality Not in and Voiles,: in
resses sb wn in this r and. N�llite, :Darlc
GIRLS. 131" k'ana White -1 Navy +and, Whitte. Brown
For :he full color ran Ott 00C
S W,
Bach Dres iug pauelS or. .6ver
Green 'and' ite,. in very neat paLterns
501 whge
dra es,
r D Bea' C( t I
of Ratine al ch
A co Af ss6 and'P - m.
te noon re
-summer Dresses in all Rabi tsse� in pretty, Blues,
oaels will Misses and W=6 s, very sma and colorfulv 3e Dre
the season's ni it Palni,�Beach Cloth
trim w
4. �icd. ith. White Ratine,. and contrast"ing shades.
be presented on Friday Coyn.shades, Ros04iia Tang
Sizes 36 t $7.50
morning and will: 'COD-,
pockets andlong tie sash or leather belts. U421
tinue. rhe styles are
ces, have
quite correc and, very
Aeashig; the:-.pri d White,
_Pr tt Wash Crepe Dresses in BIties, Timm
been placed for rapid
Capri Blues,
appre-; Wash Crepe in
tion of this Strictly Afternoon and Sport Styles are these lovely Dresses of Cotton,
s�jling. . We will
ciate an inspec eetis sbown,for+women of the younger:type and -Alisses. The trimmings,
departrilent.At your earl- �,and.Blue Gr . . 1 1 -75
14� others in a self ttimmiDg. $109
iest convenience. ��show white collar and cnffs,of Rktine,,
'beck WPM
otton'Crtenpe: D 'Love,10; U EXCEPTIONALLY SMART
C resses'. for
Isses. re's'ses, 1.63
Dresses $3-75
MID at, . 0'. 1: Po'reh..D
i ize
For the- wornen who wear a regular si
Misses' Afteinoon and Street Dress a bust iftensure 36 to 42, here are
ps, in r s with Blue,, Lavender, Rose, are the sbaJes in ',I 90.0d.
lovely stripped,cotton `Crepe-,.Jn- shades, of very, pretty' Ch�ck Gingham Dresses,- nicaly Ige of - wol
Oaljty chambray, iniking this retty rail
v6lder, Rose; and Blue, with, alternate. stripe trimined. with-'.Nvliite shawl 'eollars, and turli dresses, beititifohy trimmed witlipaclicek gingliaill 111.
. ! black and, white, others with: a contrasting chambrav
Ilar, cuffs, - pockets- and'tic back white cuffs, with vest effedt trimming ill ttf)ll
of,wliite. The.co.. trialining, all with . two' pockots anti bu
alf--a front.- -The colors are
in- - black and white,
Priced at $1.03,
very smast dress for any Wear at $2.05. blue and white, pink 'and white.
Q uham;
WnMok"'.4 P ff i"n
Pretty Bungalo Uresses, women s VarK tviorning
EXTRA A -my I)IO.whil, mWel in an Afwrnoon Dros'l
Black and White Blu:e and While Rose and White uiox * type w timu"itro thoso (lark color
Peitale' Morh,' 9 D Pink and White Wave and Whitt For the rieg 0 LARGE of good qualftv Ginglian), nicely trinsilied With
-in a6 fasb color arid splendid w 1 -4 or fine )aeo edtling, mado
Morning Dresses; euing Pem. DRESSFS �vhitb eollar itud'eulT
valy quality A-morican
The�e Dresses, made from a 10 cale or. Print cloth, all inalle in a eaniforb%A10 HtV18 with in "I"Wrai'Large sizofi r41d cub for thig Vim of
For the Sjzes. 41 to 50, axe those. "Extra, Stout" morning. Percale cloth in the rafige of color combinati6rig as stated, - wotnan,tbe c�)lora ave fflult and White, 11op and
and ith 11` white
Dresses made from n, spl6ndid quality Print t6trumed with a Pretty frilled contrasting triniming in plain front fastening and trimnled W, $2.85. NVIlitty, Pink and. White. Hiv.e,4 44
tw) .60
Percale cloth in fast color Tnaigo Blues $2.95 polors, has long sash and two poelcets, priced $1.65 pipeiug
STOUT---,'9,na Blacks. 9, really. good Drbeg priced at
am r
g ent n CHILDR'N S
pe Sel n
A Stu dou EV' IRLS' AND it Guth� Sailo` -and Organdy Dresses
y 3 to. 6 Years Gingham Dtesses 7 to 14, Gingham Dresses"
Gmig'ham Dresses, with Organ,d
G,irl's "Sailor" Draies Crisp Organdy Dresses Girls, C . Many neviand sinart styles are ill J�or thk! bigger girls ages 7 to 14, are
xingliam Dresses made froin the
'Girls Sailor Dresses -kde white niid- l,ovely crisp Organdy OreSSeS, for girls Canadian jinglIgnig, 4n neat our ra6ge of Gids' Dresses, fi.tting ave� I to slioWn tlie saine fliodek as ill tile smalle , r
,est qu, as vvell ,it; solne V?el� "lliart ttvi
ade with saflar collar lin- aged 8, to, 12, in light greens and pihks, 1:
die' twill cloth, in checks green and white, yellow and o� -They are all of good quality dre sesi
,raid and tie of red or beautifully made with hemstitched and pi- of'. d white, beautifully trinlined ginghanis.;- in almost any pattern or oil6r. in plaift Airt" mid cheek Jnv,�
!shed with white b white, blue an combination you could'Wish, with self oj 11,1 . nI-wti,,t,,
blue. -The.. skirt is, -trinimed- with. buttons., cot -edge- Pilled tri,111111119 edged with blacks witli white organdy.and. edr,1119 on c0ilar, or plain wakt,, anJ elivek ,-kirt-.
and pleated, or the same dress in sailor blue organdy tdalmingst, Priced -froin -850-1(P... all nitv-l� -tritiltned,
frills on side panels and double sash. the front and- cuffi and pockeO are o 0
o.ra e at $2.26 and andy.,an&gi" C , - . -
,color-. _gh
pri..'ed- at
---- ------
MISSES and ts Babies' and Little Girls' White Voile Dresses' Summer Quarter
ONE PRICE, $2.50 6
Show the
ell" MER 'CORSETS ttle girls up to io years, made froin
aum Beautiful White VOile Dresses for li niare are Correct Style 25.c
with lace and ribbong,
Youthful figure Corsets a good quality, voile, trimined very. dainty.
for athlotic and gett several good siiyles in the range and all have been pricid, to sell at qz.5o.
wear, made from fine pink W A FuH Stock of McCaD
coutil, lightly boned. All Ll -
sizes, at 950. Pfinted Patterns
Women's Corsets in good
ly boned, in several styles.
o s ,. &IGHT
A sptcial, price at eaeb `RA
quality w1lite coutil, stron'r,
Y and CART
10, X -n