HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-06-28, Page 7TRURSDAY, JUNE.')Sth, 1523
bv�r,6100 44 tile saixtOrs bo;
i busmeEs- but the WN wits b -v
The !ff, L*ot Sde M kmerica, 1 tht he
w1i luothei, thou behind
fXr side. but she ba, eft hint
--bebind with Uod,03 (�.,eorge Mail' -
because C. -on. P. W.
"Arid whell theY Ud lulf"led
The fell'st 'Of the JC four -
lasted for seven daYs,
teenth day of the first mouth st eveyk
the Lorifs passover. And -011 the
of the same mouth is
fifteenth dav -cued bread 111140
the feast of unlea%
A; seven days YO 1114A t'at un
the Loi Lev. 23 5.0-
Jeavened bread," seventy
"To JerusalQln"�stbout
mjles distant from Naggleth. all tbe
H pit ast"i of the Jews were held there.
fe; eivig great they tr4VId"
The distance b , q?
IPIO4000 0%0 most exariting tas*040 li.foly.% and Ac 'ain-
led in bands -U! - tb
tance3 journeying tOge er. Ind -
Quality Xconouir — Purity — Flavor hig thlby had become separated. front
I one groult
Allwft7s ASsureclo, their son, they went from
Other, until satisfiv
to at) 'd he was not
of the coMpullye, they retraced their
steps. (Verses 44.45), They Were
not at firat uneasy about his absence
W. irotli their side Nor full well, could
Buell a child as he had Ito doubt
-to in(-, be
AlBelf . be In the hO
SuAngday Atternoonw1i ,,wbl
with friends and neighbors,
IQ days." This meant,
N MILTON, GQdetich, Ont. Mw (Ater three A travelled
IN 93y ISABEL UA ...... Oat likely., that they he
Sort$ of Thing$ up, SU y9a favqr4a, UW% skig4hA4 us 1psw)00. Xr
Juestions *nd Answers on All
Purely culAdian
n onaper cent of tile it
C,Rp,ATEST txvw Asiatic% Iku thil Ist, therio,
whole. more than S3 1wr ce WOO
Q.-Whiere is the grvatcat Of Ocean fore. were of British and FrOwlt fit"
ew stock,$.
coan ivables is a* not %woo 4r, fAM4 V10144W
A�-The greatest Of 0 � Connecting sip. JX�ONAUD TIT41,FY #" ftye r- yowI"It. Corw
in the trans-paelfie iTIL 441*t* 414114rO $ftft 10-
�strluda with Austra %�d New Zea. 4,-vnilo was Sir UOTIArd Tilley! _-4%0 'W1 �
I a Now, $*No of frmtw I emy issia or J01-.
It bet alitles be- A,_Slr tAonard Tilley WASI
laud, one spa and yguninle Bruriswkic Stilftsman: .,who Soined Hes, *1111 kesp ""tow.
�,weeit VancouVer Tho MUM n help-
tld.rjejtle� with Sir Job* A. XWWRAId I SOW!Iff Ascipa with
Island in III V;G sf-lavation to 111254t L0!0L)4M1- . vv�&. Alrnu&"A
line is 8000 miles long, tguQAIn*, 10 _g to, OTIVW k`1W
Norfolk Island, Allsttralla, vinning over %I* *give province tQ
New ZeAluud-
It. Ito Was *180 st *6ti# fealper"ce
leader of his day. CELMATION
THE "HE M�011"
Q. -W It a t is
wealth, in field crops, and live stoclk,?
Q. What is, ,the Hmtorll colobra-
A,—The total value, of grall' and tion? e
field crops, 'farm products and live ne Itector celebration, to tak
the Provirteo'Of sus,katae. ploce, in July,. 1923, is based on the
atock, in
� f kr the V beil the
'wan 1922 TeUQ
Alone of that.ship that brought the,
( -rear
-4p !kaoS alS,906, acCOX4109
"le�eM to V100131 NOVA $cot'a' 150
How to MAO ftm
K Well auat r. 0
""rite vartiost 0
large S-A— a A eloven wat �*,y
.ently complied by the $,ears ago. ThID voyage jastt
AO fift1tres ree This all4ws fruit to qukk];r- "Mi
�Prvvliicial mpartmot of Agricult- weeks, food OW WAter Tart ION' and dirriair the short boll. Uwasure
4 the 'foini.
ir ac- small, pox broke out, P0 despite
�uye. Grain crops :(or the evel Cups: (2 ") into large ktt-
0007 01h efifie flefiescrOPs, --A drawbacks they 11111) 0 1%& % a
kw A&VA4
vo kk
or ma&%Sms Joa
14 OV*t 5 TA1140W
PwAnn't, 11% th
0,04 Art 9ft"1071
� fto^ - "aur a
F Olt: the second day 811- -11 1,111 scounted. for -10 s i dations Of thilt,part, of Eastern Q44. ClIps at - 4miji. If
0 Jesus, we would praire Thee Jujuy STU, 1923 , I found him "III t, S9160.6160 Ada. "', Ititlit wall 11140-1 blItWt 1��M 4 )AV$, Aoit at 04", otad tw"ft tw it
. 18UNDAY SCHOOL LESSON he temple, sitting In o-,. farm pr4ducts, $32,850, 41, 1
With songs of holy joys I the midst of the doctors, both bear- Soo, and live stock, $175,690,90. stir
For Thou oil earth didst sojourn, Lesson Tltle�—Mary, the Mother of kd asking thertit ques- eANApAt$ MANUFACTURING ing. latutso to sterilize, the t41M6
ing them, Ry titude, ,sitting, hear- MONTCALM PRODUCTION
A pure and spotless brOy. Jesus. —Who was Moritcalm?
pass4ge.—Luke 2-41-52. � tiOus"' His at edre to , Q.
make us like Thed obedient, Lesson Ing and asking" showed A (1 A On May 11, 1750, the Marquis q.—What are the latest figures. of railt and it"ean usually
a sin -stains freefr —Matt. 1 21. ted. Like St. Paul Who Sat nad4ts manufacturing products? for such a Witho
Like Thee froi Golden Text be itistrue I the I te t $ DRASTIC STEPS. ARE Ifto;r, ut much difficulty -
Like Thee in God's own temple, Testament history tells. us at the"feet Of Gamialiel, be sat At the de �,IontC4)m Arrived at Quebec. He Ca a � vensu
New A,—Accordinf tO be obtai rmit, of
The malu effect of the T*
lowly home like Thee. f Mary, the feet of the teachers, bl*t in.additIOU was the lost, AS Champlain was the lit TAKEN.
In very littleabout the life 6 ns and fir . stj bf the great.Frelachmon, nobles figures, CaundWs twilautilcturl , rO
�i' 'Coorse. is: edue4tivem, A$ it is stcqoal�
mother of our Lord. It is r slaposo4l he took part in the discuSSIO gardlow , I .
)raise Theo, dom beyond his YeRT13 well as rank, who 01110 ductign value oxceeded, foot billion$
Toth and dlsplaYbd -Wis' in nature as ' a increase of b4if A bill
0 Jesus, we tog I that she was born at NaZa r to serve Cans too permits to BlArn slash Wjth*awr--� p0ted by strong warnint rei
The lowly maiden's SOT�; lot heard him were as- kda. Forr three years In 1960 a ft Areas MUSt tbor fire danger and Ita �011iltlllliOn 1111 -
that her'llarents, were jOaCtAim, and so tba� "All tv d the French co- over '149. A Similar ratio of 1 to Forest
With doubtedly Cre4telt A, Sense Of F*SPQA-
In, Thee all gentlest graces Amia. only one member of her ina- tonishod - at I Is understanding an he skillfully "defende, English, crease doubt Marks recint, Years. Periults, stail COATI
ATL' gathered Into vile. mediate family Is referred to in the answers," He was like David, of lorly against the attacking 0 much no Have Use 0 siblity With the Card )%19410r,
IrIttgn.,, He had itiore
0 give that best adornment whom it was � tb4n till his teAchlerar Then he was defeated, not 6
WIM) qUEEX VWTORIA Restrictions A" to
tament—a sister who WaF on the Pl*insr-of-Abrallant, I THE DOMINION
That Christian muld can wear, Now Te r a Salome, wife of Zebedee understanding by Wolfe -',ATC JUdgiNt front )sit hight?b Meeting
The meek And quiet spirit prbbablN James and John. Re- and that he understood more than as -by the misgovernment,. (Lnd_proft, Q."NVhen .414, Queen Victoria e. Because of the Monaco: of forest ttle, niot4rcyele auto horse and III*.
Which shone irl� Thee so fair.' and mother Of (PS. 119-99). Coring of the other French onlcla'B 'create, the DOniInlPft Of COWS? Arca in the Province of Q%te cycle rActs slajed%ilea for DoAtIlion.
ference is made to her bo�hrothal to father a 0 4 nd$
,V) Upon this a ene came his In �ltnadla. He -was hot Feb, 2901, upoll Vie- Hon. Mr, Mercier, Minister Day at Goderich WI
(W. W. Rol k—OR may 2211 18417. It be a' awe"51-
joseph, the visit of the angel Gabriel still in 1712, -1769- signed t1i W11 'f' tu hev irt-ftftm all over
and mother, a' nd died Sept. 13, torla, le Bill of t e British grestso has iW Oft -
her kinswo 14 they stoqd nd Entries are to
and her later visit to 1 rollows the amazement that one so Young should he British North A. drastic tastl!100004 It Te t Ar to and- the promoters tire
PRATER man,. Elizabeth, Then i d - Parliument—t] onithlon the use of tire in voode So 100S Of their judgment
Almighty . God, the -God and F Ather birth of the Messiah, the visit of the 6ve b6en admitted to the imme late t about the helium discov- morica Ae tint the D tulated upon
no- the brillg- presence of such learned men; and, "frea %. riders, an4 XQu 11100
of Canadak first four prWineu his Provincl.
Lord Jesus Christ, we lift our Shepherds, and wiseome Id.litilre been evatn6allada ? ? . mter, The most recOtit decision of' the matching. the O'SOMC reai death de
-W,Uf;kddr1Vb—VrUiS -for-ing- of hinvinto, th"Inple at JOrus- -liaore thara.-that, sbou talk. of the - Univ . to t granting of are going,, to so
biarts to ee i - .%3 the A.—Prof.. McLellan, er " rl Ing d0ne.hore oil Dominion
has been given to, aleill to,llresent him to ther LorcL and :o take part in Minister is to'forbid the I
to and return front Eg- His mother, Overcoming her aston- t
the grace which encouraged 1 6, has Succeeded in li� CANADA'S HO'PITAL any More permits to settlers o fYInR
of Toroll Q.—When and where wt,% rst farmers to buxn Slash, or tree refuse; I)AV motor,
ed the flight in 'd sity It is regarded tiler il . . A tow. of the rseTlx
the children of-inen. Gbd so lov going up to.him, sal s q4ifyipg helium gas- !008 will be On dlsglay 11% town by
it was in r connection with theae islliment and i. * qpItal built in Canada until juvthol. notice. The regulation,
the world tIlAt he gave his only be'r' Ypt. r : "Son thou thus dealt with as ;a notable seloiltifie discovery. ho, e atyle, of mil-
otten Son, born of a,womanj born evdnts that any promilaence was giv- why hast first he,
9 be -1 *ProviOus to hy'flather and I have ES 'I --In .1648 the .4,ntal r,,,,, will be enforced until all danOOr from 84turda to, Showing t
under the law that whosoever on to the life of -Mary, - us? Behold, t! is as KLONDYXN MIN .1 ttlO- 6rest firOs IS over—.Mw to the pre. Chilies t o boys video and If You dOTVk
orish but - this lessoii in Luk6. 2 -.41-52. sought thee sorrowing," It tied In Canada in the now Be th-ink they Can do.,-brior on Y0111%
hould not -buked him for his de- Q.—What bus the Xlondyke yield 011, of Quebpe, on the site of' the sent, sottlors, were Able to secure per
em and causing 8
lievath in him a 41 Xn the 4th chapter of Deuteronoroy though she re them $or ed told?, illent ,ers to burn slash frlQn(lr' and We Wlll� give thel"
have everlasting" life. e thank up in Dieu by anne XalnCe. mita from fire ran$ or Move, 10 A
delivered by pre elit Hotel' yaten) has mile handicaps ev-
sertion of th d delay Shot does ndyk6 has yielded up but� now, even the permit 5
thee for the knowledge we have of. is recorded an. address TRY suspended. ent.
mmunilmoses-to the children of Urael be- much anxiety an A.—The Klo,
his life in the home, in -the co than ey, passed over. Jo.rdiu into $210,00Q,000- Of . r- gold, and is still been tempora
by and the temple. We fore th n6i blarrie an anilulal yield -9f over It Is -,also Interesting to note that,
haVo� Of Ele tol re$ that he was in rnaintaiiiing tIM4rij4jt,: tb6 QUebe Oft'of Vowereit is'not Claim
for ge knowledge the promised Land. .1 d * their. instead of being,sia tbpaut-! or some C-p"�, -.The Nat
thee itatutes. and .1. D Oil
his death 'and resurrection - and we to, hearken -unto the s the company- it was rather million. vincial Goverp Ore Dr. Thomas" Eclectrie
of a mother's apprehension at ment has ent ed a ed for every 111, but Its uses
lead jud they APORATION OF sitors It will remqdy
praY that this knowledge MAY. gments wblch� lle bad taught them. bur,t regulation wbigh.requires all A be looked
od'r son where' did, X$CO
e dy G, ornmanded finding" her COMPANIES Call rious
as th Lord I �ahowing h6w I j4 in'the .aFU to forest or in et are so va that It may
via to repentance and not to hardness so 10 wiis growi�o away 81dt itain districts to
f heart. We ask it for Ills name's me." He,said'to them-, ,Only take is,!04nadals reco ;or lor Upon as a general paill kill0i. It hs'A
0 an(r keep thy soul Iroin'thom, and finding his iriter, I eats Q,—Wh4t pernilt front a local tire run' Crost. ved that greatnt
I achle cas for Itself And
heed to thyself, orporation of Ross Farquhar the purpose of
sake� Amen.. lest thou forget the things companies? By entering thl cellonce is knOWA to 011 'Who
in other company. com�panjea. incorpor. I it, the strangers its ox
HOW is it that ye, sought me ? Even with a Perm , a learned
ert, and lost fir6 under 'ter- have tested its Virtues an
which thine qes have se A,�In 1921, Lo- .
Tom thy heart all the Wist yet not that I must be about ated in Canada numil6red'1,081, *ith -cly 'Ire not allowed to use
they depart f )J9 46 ridity—Mil has bell sol, riditions. No Charge Is maJe by experience
days thy life; but teach them tby th6r's businessl a capitalization Of $824,000,000.1 1 r witch she tain eo
of my Fas here more. p�hited with, hor flours
sons, and thy sons'. sons," (VexSe �su reminded them -he had (it these were for.a million.or,
earthly. a Substantial increase, planted over the spot
gy., In today's . lesson, centuries lat� a' higher Father' than an 1022 will Show the do bad 'ExTorn r4L
aties iv, being To
;hese . stat parent, and though eighteen years THE ROYAL WILLAIM who A.nd gerried On ana,
er, one. of t ent
-yed- "hbw- %eROY- 1=3 last . summer.
spoken of as. being obser: olaphed before lie enter�d on his pub pro
his parents I went, to Jerusalem every lic ministeVY, he 'here gave them a Q.�What Is the S*Y:4 I a the ground aro
year. -at the feast' of the passover. gljmp� A.—Ther Royal . V or t
olve years old, his own mind of the llft(ALY riny VIA"
ie of the knowledge that - w at Mrillaim? Allaina was the pu. Be ich. An(I THOMP-so
w�ood, be Very I
be was two in after the Jawning upon nte, f6riel. on acet, of the., r FOVIE
And when carne first steanishit to; -Cross ) Y6 $rkN SOL% IM T
i.le great. business,,for which he ingr It 110,I) Y A U1111AT 11.6 L ,
they went up to Js�`Tus'f first, re- in I a fertiliza: and A T96VIMO JHtT a
g3l, as t e first a acids and ism MAL OtPFA
Custom of the feast" (vera4is 41.12). Ito the world. - .-ThisAg the _an ex- oil the motive power of t Monte. ect. So just as - the' UM9,004% cumir vg-. A Ti%
6hapte Q ' utterance of Jesus- lit L IT% QU
he 16th r r LL f Deuteron- corded Divine She was.bu onn- j6urs begun to cum III)`
a -full account of the ti6li of consciousness of ob.
omy there is -preaF 'L up her fit cr :.andL nice the.dog lisp oned
observance of the. 11 ','MY Fadwrls business.'? . dians. made L
reason . for the aonship-�- to think of the torips
the passqver and of the tp� sho Sailed from Quebec. 0=0
44Understood liot the say! and dust
:feast r '01 and h e went
ace. At`twdlVc Tit cat, CANADIAN
manner of its obs4�rvai visit. rnale child Mary) the author Of the, Ma QRIGIN-S 01; 4 X up and
SOngL in whick t e la POPULATtO them then, up and ehV7
rug lint
DoraCje__�.to. inake became "a Son of the law" iiess of her pi the origins of the tile fr
permitted to- take' part jil the cole- ve geraz L ped them on
it the perfect soap -for estivals. si(jnf Should "a, re- tions ? Ilep Well ma dus-
lying but, we ust Canadian poPuld
brat' 11, ing of Ilia slu'vnIL populft., uch of
is 10 e sacred all thV Be —Of Can -a
Just a tface: Of S0001' of th G it
years of age every Jev and was that glorious ire sold.foun PrO d
3ndther, baby and 'aU Thvee� a ela A. oila's tresent British think Mint �Desir. e, oodi
times- in a year Shall. -ars
'the Lord' thV member, twelve YL R3, persons of �4's-, good, Judge
the family. maJOS appear before which time ad e tiob of 8.,788,41 int; 6f RtUrdJIyXa
dilringr r Stituted .55.40 per c od
i6h he shaft pro- origin Con
God in the place -wh 28.96 'per
busy wit), family area; a inde , these, English made Or any more.
6boose" (Deut. 16,16). ghosy concernin er a Irish 12.60 per cent, Scotch, She WISL wood of married a man
ht She
VANTS "And when he was.. een bidden in e 'ea n.t.' 9 cent. L., �sent 27.91 per Witch Was lucky enuff -to . of bell
ag We would r o t b it 18,36. French repr (
;welve years, , a up
st a' ov.
n Ill. - his
old," Jesus had come, until. now bad o ent; all other- European races 8.69; rned with a silver $Poo
say, to that period of life when a, e US they L Say In the 0 11111.
WELIG"T child takes upon himself. the vows. Into prominence. The mouth wesent do over�-
that 49He *us subject unto t qm. slanir of.the ut pa You vire anxiolist t( lLy (Jollar. (16 itq 9r0ftt0St dut.
I him. obedience of a child to his parents borne with a "y
his parents made for hi in in bap in,g jewisil God gavoi tbee," The first, commund I)oll't these Spoel'A Voiittes, T lay. are :uausuttl. I b �la
it aftcte� the sod be drether n
tism We see 'ho* r was the chief requisil nd thy Ment with promism Although . *ell, in his back yard like they got I
SCIAP "Re'did not knomi when it'was over.. home. "Honor thy' father a 'Mer once again AL nor- ;he U. S. states to Collie aild see what NvO WON t0'sh0%V Y011-
boY Jesus beep
Suni parts of I iA.L all Ways 'YOXC
eamed from the building tys may be long q6ther would not for . Sunday—Pa
Crowds'str er.that thy do mal boy, his r
but,the boy roinarinoL d. His parent! moth Lord thy %the Jerusalem incident. As the we. Have Received,
OY , 1upon the.land which the get rith hi�l the feelings of suni 1 ma,says. To
remaingo. The inr
�. 1. , — . I =4 Pf T"E 'V
father, in Ole
ell, Would remar'R t Ca Je�relopmont -of
Tik saw hint in
06ckkd, Trout was Cal frame, As she his be.was chilled to the
as , bor her. and they Was. a settine: out WISSM D
left; but the b whim day by da3rworking 'm p she nito 1 of mals old gentlemen fronds
e iter's sho was 01LE-DRIES0
orldy Record 'S on the porch in the open air I k S
he' W Obysi this -guy BUYS )tell.
W re . e,n-lr� 1, the Old To- bone *And pa'gets up and Went in In four difforent 'gtN tomn shades, heautiftlitY tritl))
the . lee the l; mv- log itild F
ires she would not, Ouse and brung him out a W
stament script, . He ullvr ji
is 111% ndinq and his know- t it hla� bed. SO he 9. Oiling prioe, S )0- For
'him vy cap to. Pu
ledge in she saw went home.
creasing. As euZZen Lisha -is a
it other boys and grown Anotiler, Une,,Of
in lin L She
W" I up friends and acquaintances unlucky fellow. Ile has ben marryed
t glowing with
er hearl all his wifes has died.
Old n
3 time DR
a B e,,noticed bow everY One He just helped. berry, I last week and DARK- VOILE ESSES
ri e kindlyr dispoSitlim',
love for his today lie confided to pa that when ShO
me to for $3.9$.r III f3"70g.16,
avyi Brown
and by dbgt6es she,would Co igas took he lost I Of th best WOOS.
'realize Spirit, 01 LiOd Wus
at the a large rileasure. he ever had. .18 and 20.
-dwelling in him in Tuesday—Are Yung frond fruld
�,She hid all" these things In ner Bostork went a swimming With us
a she bad done the visit$ 04 follows today.' But we. . airisi got
heart" A
. ---sh
the, anq(Ij- the-shegherd and �thc, Wise much use for him' We.have, vat _1k , I I
Tile -remain. -,slormunt s000
events in the son's
n hOT tie, and a awhill-ain suit. And under.
there until other
IL life Would proolairn to her thvit' he close Ill the Summer tilne- RUYAL LADIE
3slah who Came to
n iite a6l 4'"
t' W
t, "04 0 10
"o- 14 y
hip F$FVAQ0F. 118M V11'
ee d C
at ew
9 111
h 9
the III
whs indeed the mei W.ensduy-�-Fa Bed to ma this C`Ien- oat. GO
f the world. you. Atill E�&St Side Square,. G6401ric I
suffer.for the 810 0 Ing. .1 got a question for
WORLD WIDE MISSIONS Well what is it und lie la'st
she says
jr on Dr. Jowett was . leavirW her How doea. wimen xpresB there a 0 0
Wb tr fection for animals of the beast crea-
ake L Up hIS im
it- tion. And aff a smile
Great l3ritidn to t "yi'h
tile United _States he used 3 al'i I g
on ave says Y ma cis, nat enny
It was 71 rr in he I
that seems to h or 0 arth IT
lustrati elation r to the r w k 0 t they dd
cance,in r of more.
3WA ki T.1fa-enture Societ P"
6. '" e 0, Cal, U1
Is Wl"th Us
tre Fay prepired for Uwa aNd VerWah Comfort
,n Chaia, Lawn. Settee,s
tutifut cool Old Hickory Chairg, W1110W in -%It
Wwo a gpecial Woven -AeM and buk ab $aLr)(Y,
bl%tting for tile Verandah, 900 it yatd, one y1tid %610,
Ilow Fern, standcJ! S5.50.
p in i;%Joliq (Inalit1eq and Aizeq.
ralidah But, 1o;1t ilttt�e it, (I oderiob to btty Congolinal
1111mr,a ip tilt; 010%
tellen chrdrg. 75c,
k to 1,C0 wrtlhel!g Special Felt Mattrain at $7.50.
poli,l Oak 1,1,xtenciiou Table in i'llned finiol), for $15.
)o )nlv, Collell, imitaiion le,
. thor, J.ul I 5pring w%t, fnllv
gutaiallteed, regular $19, a,4 a, arecial $14.75.
let only, Dininli R06111 Stilto, Rolitl ().jk, queen Anne. designs'
li�jll brovvIl, the uittieit thi".0 id our
Atore. Very f4pecial $12.1. Thig'aulto i5l WOrth, $175-
,rdizi invitation ig e-ttende4l to sit auu)(1101' viGit0l"i t')ur'<1tq
. 01 the fine o -
�V,elfa to visit one �;t, yurnittIve Storo-q r. ,,At of Tot.,
illee, tjowq load�il tvith-fifrivnificent moreliandise.
We Deliver By Motor,. Any DistAnIce
fl()ften the cheapest, always the 600"
L R F.Unn
Phones.- Stor� 89, House 197. J
--& .001116
0 1