HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-06-28, Page 3I it 0 . � - I .. -VA000bWNV4q*"!"_ �!!�� , .-.--1411 i N_ - I I 1 1 4 1 1.1 4 1 !!"�!' !!!!!!�! !r * OT, I !!T!!!7,_, _. ,� �: - - - _�� : ��- -- ­ - - -__ � ­­ �­Rw�­-., � __11 �-_ - - __ � __ ______ � z ____ - _ �- - � __ ___ , _ . �_ - _7_ __ __ - I i - -4 . . T_ 0 � , �.,__ .: . �_­ --7— , -­�- - � _ : - - � ,- - - - I W ­ 1. I i. - . .1 - , :!-. __ .!_ , , '! , !_ ... � !I I _rr--,-_- !!!�!!!!� !T!:!�!T! , - _-_4__1 : � � .- !6 7� ;!" . �­­­­,. ­­ 7--- " . . r%44K It""s . TM.TRSVAY, JUNE 28M, V&25, I - 7W 10400WH 3TAR . ..- ­ ____ � -_ . 1, I I L - - I-— 1 11 r.. ­ - __01 ..._—.1.11. ­­­ - 1. -r- ..... 11 -.1 I r .1 - - ­! ... I �,­!!! ,1 ..'Ir 11 .". M."lift Ir I I I- . � r r r .i I - _ ___ _:_ ___ . � - I _' ­ _.­_­�­ �� � � - _ ­.- � .. il�___ - !!!!�T,,-- t"!�7-!T7!-"!!!!!!�!�_ !�!��!�!!��! �!! - w � 401 I 00 V-- . r , - - . -_..V; -.!!--!.T !_! o�_ �T!T�! P, . I . I - . 1-1 ­ ­ , I I _­ - . - -1 .r � . , ­ _____ �; V" .1 — %No _____ M -P-1 1� i; 0 1 11 4 " 1"003y AW Tired A TIM MAREX4_4TS. i Better Th ,,,, Lver , �IiE:,, .1 ,,Nelghborho(ld News Nuggets I , t A, ,, I , An #W T*W 401-00 m Ank""Ap"PAP MP �� i Band jC-outest for the chaftlPionshiP Of "RONWO UARIKUT1. Wdst T Reganada, at the cauaji4a -XAtiQnAJ Exhibk6ano a a a btao4talou %&hC:At­-.,.V� 1. VQrtuortl. �,', I � st;aP4. Picked From Our Exchages Watch r will this In r be 1144 in the r"Ain b;nl1!*t%p1 hah, , ,V,r� fqr tho itattife bar , . ­ - Fre IN r - MrAgntoba, Vat$-Ncy. 2 C.%V,, O3 - etto Vest ', k4s, a filtit.)z tfitlu!. I al 1$ live - , , 4� ,n �, n�!, r1V re,111, r,,.,,,r ,VcUrlvi , Na. 4 VAV�� J44%%'; 074ra No� 1 rccd. ki��i � . to tut arowth anj popidaray Qf this alm"U31 QV.*/1* I .. I quotfed� -No. L rccd. 44b4c, ;� won Geo. Birarwa *hohirship of Giorrie. The ctreniony was V� gy.d %7ri,t, wi�6,�1tea� sc�w (,­,qPV� The calinretition isepita to 411 Awit�-ur Hands Qln-1 11 . maultob *Fzva�­Not quol:C4, , by Rev. Ur. $trgusow 1; , I When yieur liver bwouga sluig%i* All the %�,VQ traeu. bay �ports. !, we are pleased to ni)te that miss f0rillod i AA113ell, ACQQVdilJX OVII VO -Ili - American it"'orit-,L%Q, 4 y0low. #4,03yo, jean MaeEwAn was Successful in hev happy Vourle left fcr Q tf� t(�) Nia. twak"L Tt-� r,cv- 4 t,,Dq�% f..""a"io va; ;t I* dividtJ iiato two (, J P lation of towill. so Valt atly band ",it corap4to wft�'l so"" tiub"tivo Your wb* bwth *3111ON. -ouipt swipment; Nt, 8 and )etroit. %vauh at -,T. "44, an 9474AI 0,=" Of IUCQC32� o Only Way YOU c4a %. t , atious at 'Varsity in winning ROM ., jt�lr ('O-b� . Qek to Ir ) - jo,-J, � e 'Ick Toroat , p. tit 'k. woronto. VrQmV QXR10in ' . , �'C' low. $1.04. trac I _61corse I Rotariaii. Xu'w2nianv. Vcblir- Obici2lst�stlft tht foaliall risht I@ t9 mako y9ur liver - ht. It !i at. the Brown scholarship ir* XWer-Rau th= tho W,4,4' .V PT1,N)L, I Thm you can, do, by the use, Vvil_ 1101`oltlll�rico 0ats­-Nq& O� whito. SaQ V� fk%*�' moderns valueld at,$GO k Year- � A ve*- hap y event took 3.1aeo a�, , batt rolling9p. Evcrybcdy�tooat ycur town by Seal- . burWa LAxa-Liver Pia sit they will stiz� .114ccoralfl.; gio freight 0 ) tit4&4c. $trawberry F*vtival Dryslo � e R. Z. church on londary All W*tehea Xuar'Antod of , ontari.) Nvhcal_.No.�, w4awrvar lo'.1. i"I yont bar,A tQ cowretit in the idt liver,,deon away t si.4 ta,stxa. to�b. *hl1pDjnw points, 'gne 1� "I I - ulate tin * 6th, when Rev. Father A.- A. I 4p A Strawberry festival will be held . 1C4U1l`Xk,* � wata %1A Omwous m4tter from tU Atzeardlug lzu freights. e the ladies of Roadott lmitcZ1 ill ularAsge blign I . . Volk., 21vtern, *ad pnvaat,� so well m relieve .iJarloy-uaiting. we to oz,c. accor4- under t ID augil ces 01 , 11cilisall, on Beatrice Rau, eldest daughter of Mr. I �. a U;;; lot to crelvat otaside. 1% the thodist vburc Ir 0111 1, iff Z. t 001111plitatkMa ariiiiing from . ucRwftt�"t_N1'4 3.ioe to Tie. accurO- . Frida cv ning, un 20th. SuTper and Mrs. Joe Itau, Sauble Live, Stan. I - �l'' . that h9a -become Inactive. WK to grok;lits O"wide. : Ira toy, to Mr. John Itegier. of the Uosh- lt�o- will so cd in f4c aseinvOt in , 1� .1 � � [At LAST I I ___ - . C t 6 P. to, . , : . south. The bapp, r __ � � 1 44aff Mr. S. awll.' F."t Florenceville AOA�­Vol 41, i7v to i4c. accuralrow to ,,, Lino, , y couPle . BANiD CONTEST� �� N.B., writft._,�_41 ll%d been troubQ freight outside. . I 0 ci I I . r - 11 I . L 1141AUltoba keloar-pirst Patent, p.m ' Wars in IRruce, iC,auaty V"ll reside in Seaforth, Wheror thev . I V, with- my livar and fclt dromly and tired Toronto, second Pgtcat. 0.40-woronto­ have the best wishes of their Zurich , r 0 0 � � �_00 P.0 patent. ,5.IQ t'a " trip - - � he Toronto Exhobition 64 the time, and wos unab% to ,do my Ontario Flour N"Ile combining a business and frjeu& nT Work with any tomfort. I took your $6,44 fix luto bags, 44*atr,gx4 vot,to3envit in Vorthern BrUces E. C. R 0 BD E 4% ASON ­ at .t shipment, Outs,ria tiour, 00 V'C' P t tit, pleasure 11=14 PA Sudbury I . Alilburn's Laxa-Liver, M and t L ay 1*430 to $5.41). In jute balya. Toronto. P.obert Rolston and Cliff 'White, sW- I i. I It , I RAU A differtAt man *Ud would n"ot No Prompt shipment. uWarju uour, ,,o PZ ece4ed in caIlturilig a yo," At the homo of Me- and Mrs. Win, I I orix August 30th, 1923 I'll . . without them in tho Vusc.11 Patent, 45. to 46.0. buM tjva4oard, which was Strolling along the, r,o,a%. Rowat, Bin, street. On V14aturdoy, � Jewleller � �� . Milburaln lAxa.Liver Pills are 260. a Prompt shipment I rouglit theanimal to Brussels. June 16th, tbe,marriage toal., place 0 L I . Beaidqs tile Cash prize$ of $2,950 and challtioge . VialL at all dealers, or mailed direct'011, X114fred-Vorlotp, deltveted Aloatmal, ' They b � of their elder 4aughter, Sarah Bell uare 00 Trophy. tach In4tvi0al member of the w1uning r trolubts. Duats invitiocai Estan, -per too. Tumberry Wedding East Silo Sq . derili;h receipt of ri b Th *T. �Mbura to Mr. Thomas Edgar Torrance, oi . band ia both Qlassea V"eivos a 113114SOIne Individual I'll, Limi _price y 0 0Q7 126; short$, $20; middlingo, $.5; feell A quiet wedding took Place ut th' Capreol, son of Mr. and Mrs, John I I - - Wd, Toroatq, Out. 'L 0 , 110tir, bag. 4,2.oA. 6- - . Methodist pars , ay omard. All members of Qompeting bands are W. 0 L ' I I Rev. A� A. Hall till Tofrance. of Clinton. Tile Rev. Win. I mitte41-to 1? ."Mo."— . -. . ,xbibition gromds frQe. L . ternoop, when � 03 U - DicDomild, B. 'D., of. St. Andrew's � � � - , : Ji I I 1 0% - , I L 0STEOPAT11 UATT" "U"=R ited In marriage Wm.; Bolt and Hildo, clinre", officlatede, and Miss Maud �­-,i ... � _'. I 1. 1�. 11 __�_ , , Bandmasttrs. bandamen gind otbers Interested QaA I. . . I -1 - I I .-.w—. ­ . WOROXV0 LIVU ST001r. Isecond, daughter of. Will. Abraham � Torrance, of Clinton, sister of the ,ear was brokou and the fQnder badby I arbtAin full particulars regarding AdjudiQ001`11, tevt I r 'nR. A. M. HEIST. Osteopathic Physician. 3NTO, June �20 0 1 oth of Turnberry. The groom has room, played the wedding wirch bent. piecell, rules and entry forms by communicatialt I 11 . . (Ira pate es Aloines still , le e o TOW -00 a farm in Turaborry. Viss Diary Rowat, sl,gtcir of the bride: . , i stl� a te I n per weZIA-111110=011 t,5 The Late Albort Foril I � immodiatel with I all I . leentlato lo%v* a J be * ' . w , I I I I speetat 111tentlo r (LbOut the requlk Shower for Wingham Girl I Id of honor. . . one % L -�anebt as rvsards sup. was wal . I'As Sooretary, RXhil r ,bg . . of ,%voirien na A I Ito 1121! Ply at this jus, . Oil Tbursday, June 14tb, Mr. At- . .� 'Cian Sand Cont#.St COMMX,t W - . childrea. con tion OfIrl - rk to . . . , al. 'elgon and S ..�t Juilt now, "t'"' The marriage of Miss Edna Scott, i ,,�,Paat blasters Orxanl*e �jr ' I � I ) . re corner N t. rew 4ts. waa orloic and prices were tip 4 qua" to r meeting of hurt Ford passed Away at his hOWS16 - . I I . I I r r . Suce isor to Dr�'Iletlevnuln. I 'earort ter teat. and wita vottlalla normal on of Wingba-in, Mr. MaCE'81'11n, Of' A the Past Masto of . L . -VOIN . tolronto, One. I . I . Tiles . I I on Huron street, � Expter, alved I I . . . 148 go stroot . . . ­' . . I y S. .- . .___._,__._.__­. ." Monday of last week another awn of Goderich, takes place on Friday, North Huron District Noi 6. G.*R. C., years and four months. The U!6$. 1. . L . 11 I—_ -_ . - .____­.­_­ - � . -_ � . . __- - .- - toe to 15o per owt, was rejkj-44rcil. June 29th. Miss .Scott Was thc� re- A. P. & A. U.) was hold In Wiligbam ed had been ailing for several -- ---'-" `­­-­­-_ — ­­ 44ekon, also of Lancaster, and 01- . . I . r SPEGLUASr k"Verything considered, incluaing tbe ' I . � -_ fuCt that a XvO , d'41aare q,)f the ourckura cipient of a shower given by Mrs, Lodge' Room'No3 286 on Wednesday, .r4ontir. Utlry life I der, daughter of the lab?Mr, and , � I L ­ ------- , I I T lie had spent big e , ,_ later, the family Q#M0 toL . �L .- — - ___ ____ ._ � � John Hamin and 131$0, a' gift f Om June 13th. The 6lection of officers in this community and nany yeors even Years .1 _ ., ,_ _.-"R.1 r.j. 1R,-VQR$T9R­ "". W01`0 OIX CrA94, the Trade h0ld. UP V Oil, L I was bold in Mrs. John Alexander, for I . ., . I . . . . . Xhtl - export L.Pay .. JuA,,lUdk;d.. SooiQ steers her Sunday school elags. I . resulted as followst, President, Thoo- the-higbost"Vateenu lie -,vaa a rilem. residents, ,of Luclinow, died at her vanada. .Soon aftor� their arrivel, . .. I *-I' VE. EAR-, XOSC, tlIROAT. ­ 11,hait wcra below. ,WDIX&L U&d 0004 gea- . . , . ''ago, the;y­ settled ,, I . -Pa - Ist. vio� her at Ahe James street Me . Late House Surgeon New YOPIC: ofihthql� prallY. kecoArn;zed as viport. weiiint. Married at Wirilli0g, dote Morris, , Imersto"; V , thMist home In Nokooiis �)li vgufid�v�, .4otio WKYAV,06 year$ 1 lole and, Autal Hospital. a4stsiant at Slrloro� British hisi.r,oq domAnd at this, meagon. . Sb Ia OL Victim on I' - .. I . I On ,tUrday JUROLOth, 1923, Sara president, X. J. McPherson, Rinear- church. His bereaved widow, whost� 10tb. Mrs. Jamieson .was , the farni'at Paramount' Whie I WQ3 . I . neld.-s Eye Hospital and flo!den 1,;4a3ro oeink for lighter wwgau. -1ho ,4port I maiden name was- Emily Snell, and I . HOSP1141, London, Bog.. tratim 'I# store cattle wws -steady up to Hotel Ca beh,'d4ughter at Hugh 'dine; sec.-treas,;'R. A. Coutts, Wing- - of tuberculosis, from which she bal the $4011Y home until thvvQ Years. , Throat . _ She ago, when 010Y moved to LucUnciw. __ . - I 53 Waterloo St. s., FAtratfOr4i iele- Veduesdais clooe; at Be to ii%c. %Aere lampbell, Brussels, 00t,, ham-, executive consists of Pw D- D, pne eon, Herbert, of Exeter, and one amffered the post four yew -3. - , 11 I . In 1007, and w4s I - mWee-cartis I L " - was plenty of epquwr.v all WOOK to'* cat� and Gordon Maxwell Xerr, son�of the I presiding Offie0r, J- A, daitchter, Mrs. Haas (Gladys). of I . . , ,. .. . _ wderleii, �Trom Wed., tie to cp to rmati, Dut tile, 4.utma lter latii, -Jag.' and Mrs: LKer, "" eold Hotel, r , mdrried on thol Sth day of Julie. 1010. A protty glematit4 I. L 9b G. M. and tho wout to Nokomis AOT"13;d7 I aenuy active to account , r,, w.ore quiet- Motton, Goa.. Spotton. I . I J11ne Gth, at 8 p,. ln�� to Thursdays: trade wax suMt. . I . I . Buffoilo, wbol U45 been with him most at Lucknow,'will remember wedding was ' . 11 "I . I llor anything showlag oressing posal- f . of the thille Friends . at tho.home of bt X, .. " 14 V . at I P, M. ly married by Rev. Dr.' Dul that. she and hor� husband attended �n June 14tuo whon . . June 6 ral, Win. ' ' symeneal � during his illness', sur- r. and' VP84 J0 , . , __ I - Mr. John Ford, Exeter North, Curtis, Bluovale, 0 I Mrs, . I . . ­. ;,:-' blittles, and tho,garmers secured on,Ly iator Emeritus 9f Knox Presbyterian I - At Christ church, Port Albert, on vive Samuel. Stan. the Old. Reunion at Lu4now Ili . I . . AIUSICAL . 4L few loucis ot'at6ouvre, and feeders at, church, Wfunipog. I ,� . A, 18 a brother -and their 4dest daughter,. Laurfic Viettat, I Ce . I , I June 6th, the wedding of Vlob . August 110 h4t yeaf. Besides ber zo, 90a I . I . ­ I , . 0 ,- vriceSL ranging from o%e to s%c. 0 fy It' ' : . . . Molafty'ki supply of 6wves was light, Pretty, remony on theLawn I (laughter - of Mr. and �Mrs. Robert , IaLte is a Astor. arried to Ift. Jack McK,, . W0. KENYON. , I . . husband she leaves three little yons, alid Mrs. Win. MeXee. Tor. 1 4 Mu.j. XQGIJIL -spolisible for an ;xd-. William Hoy, to lk .Eng4geiltierit Atirloynced :fialdrft. I 'L and this was rL , , dr. Roy Petrie, son of Mr. L M .L . . - Universilty" The home of Mr. and also four.sisteri and three brothem. onto. The Rev. T. C. Wilkinson afa. *__ . Teachers Ilifilloami Plane and Theory Vance 01400 to ` dollar Per "w'. iin H1, Lobb, B4yfield Rd., Wderich tp., and Mrs. John Petrie, Dungannon, r. Win, MacDougall announces ClatedL . � \_ . . ,� . Teaeber's. lolplouma Shifting L itrico. t. with reeillp" back to nor- L Tile Late James .Clarkson WagrleOs Birldat Chorkii wait, . . Prepared . for examinations roi . Pai 4Y laidweelt, values want back to was the scene of a pretty event on was solemnized by Rev. -E. Hayes. the engagement of his granddavigbt. -­ " � . ­ ­ . L =H." - - studio. Montreal St., O�Vostte. -ain week's clo�lng level, an([ there Wednesday, when their , youngest The bride bad 'been. organist ' of ter, Mary Ellen Caldwell, to Elmor Air. Jiiimem Clarkoon.yassed away (Concludiad on page,q) " L ' ' 11 ,�� I . . . at I , %rist church, and a reception was Sto:Wurt betweller, the marriage to on Wednesday, Julie '13, -never bay. .. . � Public Ub'ym . I ,,,all difficulty in .44uring, ve Per Pound . daughter, IV4�4*, was united In C I I .1 I .. 11 L � � ry. . Ne the beat calves olvereA on 11-uril . I U 14 +1, + _...I� -f- +1,. ty.11 -1U. . . A 0 7 4t. ..0A, -.".A Ad% r.io"snegs. after a - I � . 0, ". wegmv, L. I.. C. $1. , , A Lict�tfate London College, of Music. Ent- V laod anist and Choir Director of North 07 Methodist church. , I ; POWs pm;red for examinations. In co . nl nection w th Toronto University, Toronto . 1�snsarvmol Every pupil entered muslcs?�Xetc. - SMSL has' passed X.0any, with t bon rs,jop ternis, apply a reslde�k,cd, � wers (first door'West or OtOtIVIC rli*)* Godertch. . . . I . L I , NOTIC 'R� ot, MElktll , �SG . . ____101_�� OLD�1; GATE ,IL 8, F, NO. 1034, Meet$ I �, L; G firS Thursday or eftil-toonth In For- est"s, Hall,. Gqdertch. : Visiting L Sir . KwAlts %volcome. + 11 eNEVI N, . . 11� it. 'NEW I 408trar. . � ,. . � � W� 'P. I ' � I LE(;AL� CARI)g I " I . . . .L -1 ------- - QHAS..89AGER I . � .. Harris Iditori ot L my . Public . ano nV er __ I , 6 . , At I , U t "Ouse, Godertch. b , . I . I ­ I . .. 11 �_ � 2 0 . -Ift , , , +,;g1tt1!5 alp' . L I— _'W, 4's '_ I , . �'BARPLISTURS, =C' L I R:,C. 99ys 4..,C:0;kv8. Ji.".O.'T., . Hamill . tohlStm�t. Goderivh I L . f I � I . . (" - ' t J7NV)EVA;NCIJN6 AND ,NOTARY ' ­ _" t — f . .01EPA00 9 aREENSLADE, OnYtteld, C013- vevaitchip: and Votary Public L ­_ � . 'L � . I I r -PROVDVOOT. MILLORAN & HOLMES, t JL, tiarristerk Solicitors. Notaries PW - 110 , .L � ,�, . . . P limlle!.Iton Vne S Ind door from I 11aVn street 0,ge"ri'c", I lVato run& to too' as, lowest rates. W, PROODPOOT, V� 0 . L L. KILLORAV, DUDUY TIOLMES, Jur. 4 I I I I I . I . . I .. AUCTIONERRIN45 .I— - . I "TI11 AS OUNDRY. L . I— _% I .. I Lt"VIe Stott and Getk6ral AtictlCM00r. I 'Hamilton street, Goderich. iWes, made everywhere 04 #1 10110rfA )bade to LOIVO yon XStlersenotI. I p"Mers, Mille notes discounted. . , — L � . I I INstomex- I . I � ...... ���­��_ . -meKILLOP IfUTUAL ME. V48URANCS CO. � L- -"rm and Isol4te4 ToWh Property Insured, Talue of go fly insured up to January, 5.V 1 " . Opp"Ic-IR".824-ames conolln PresIdent, "deVich , � Jag. Evans, - - -Ics-Pt011idtilt, 'I Asechwood. 1. T. E..-HRYS, SM-Tre*84 SW gurth. � VMZCTORS­D. V McGregor, Searorth'; 0. G. Orteve, Wind . &OP - Wft Wrini Con- -aand6%. George McCartfibl. Tuetersinittil, C lohn r6rrhi. Itarlock, 01111 B61lUeWI50o Uroadbag�li; Murray Gibson; Bruce - field. ] I .. . I I AQENT9-4.- W. Yeo, doderIch I gandy Leitch, Clinton.: Wfa ChMaYs OVUM,* 10. "Inchley Hoed ac par their t"Mmento P0 S r , ooderiell, A. 1. *Or - tit Ril I Cu I I F�bn'a CII)t 9 r$. CHaton, Or 1. M RVId's, 0.4 I . I I ­_­- ­­r­r­�!=... ..--. .--- , - "' * hRIC INSV"NOt-, " - I Have, it.attended to by the vieaT iNAWANUM MUTUAL FIREINU00E 00-' .1 Estitbliahed 1819 - jtftlii L Ofike- . , Dungafiiiotl, Out- ROM-, 1*091Y ftlft PIN NV"$A1J DIUAft Wm. McQuillin, LucknoWo Pres.' , Ino.'A. MacKenzie, Kincardine, vice rea.; other ditectors-Tint Griffin, It. No, 7, Lucknow. W. P. Reed, It. it. No. 2, Luoknow,­'H, L. Salkeld, h Goderich- Alen Nich. Olson, Luckillow; bliae hatherington, Shoy,pardll; Jag. Girvid, It. R. No. d, odetleb; Wm. J. Thompson; Au - bar". . TAQ1.3. ST0THER$,t1Tt;; �. ALLEN, Treas. Secrotary� ��L'T'71 '. .. . I ­­­ . . NOTARV ]rllm W. I . 11 11 - ­.­­� WUI BAILIN. I � fIOTARY PUBLIC General COtftylinCing 60119 , . ''. C"104,Cothpitaiem ItWeaentod - pulillo Ifo. sk Ooderich, ftt. =��,._ - " ­ ­­.- — 1, .- I— �= _,�=­ .___1--_- _ __ - I . I I L t, I I nN VON Dru 6 I I 001ARICH I I � I . - � I � L , tho Wdft 1-i hwal Dlraors,, ; I I I I and Cabalturs t oraevit caranity attendea to . sit 0 'boato-Aight or dsy. .. I ­ ... 1. I ­­ � , , I .. ay� oommoo to medium calves . marriage to Harvey B. Snyder, Vol. 1. � . e* -0 tone Place quietly 1,41" ell V , Ult- - e) I I ­ -� -; . ,-, 11, 1. I . - . . , Pie in the Foresters' bull, when tbev �mpjonj paralytic stroke. Po I . I ere = at. 4a to Be per I)OUnd, borne township, The Rev. H. J. were ..-Mr. ,and Mrs. Williarn Ch � � . . . I J , Sheep and lamb oxietingti 8howed. & - Fair, ,# Holmesville, officiated, presented with a suit case aii�vl *WV Fordyce., announce 'the engage. he had complained of not fooling. as, . . . � . I I . � .1� . � . . aloof 1,466.hoao over the week Prev- I a Forluer Ashaeld Boy tea set Mrs. Will Poster played ment of their 4aughter, VictorlaMa well as usual., Ile leaves to mourn . . t �, � . cup, with lambs the butit or the sup. VISA frog' I , Ji. . . _ " - Ill -, , . the wedding mare I tZ,, -4 widow. eight - daughte" and, . . ly. Thurauay's range - for choice was T -'elizie, a I to Mr. Mark Gardner, of Aghfiold one, son. These are Elizabeth, . men 3 . . ., . he Rev. Frank S. Macl at 11 . I .� 1. .. 50 to 16C. with culls at, 106 to 12C Per I . Death of Mrs. MCDO119411. marriage to- tako Place about the I . .. I I . . . � ..- . . e_. boy, now minister in, . . . . .1 �.. . ,;.,1_1 �Gtlnd' 84 e4a steady In prace, at former Aihfi Id b . . .Pittsbury Mrs. Cossle (Ada). of Do.: I ;1 ,;, . . Dep b _ Mary, Catherine Martin, wife of first of July. I - . —1-., -.; - - -- -. -- - , � no * .0 , to 4C Vell Dound tot, light owea., Sydney Mines, Nova t5cotiiclfg ,V, -$It- I trolt; Alice, Detroit;. Anna, Windsor; : � , James McDougall, passed .away at . Air, � Rqubon, J� Hdtt, Senforth, . INC To to loc toe yearling's. Ing at his iorter home. Mr.'Mac- . Mrs. CookAMary), Ingersoll; Mar.. �- .- Whe, supply ot hoVs 'W" well over 't General'bar home in Tarnberry-o,week ,ago wishes to announce the ongage'llient Etaret, Detroit; Bertha, at ]ionic-, Will Bl�e.xrwe .. �.. . . . . . . ; - ,,OOQ heavier than iiat week.. aika prlQes . kelizie attended the recen Saturday. Deceased was in her 47th of his second youAgest 4'au- I -*, I I . .1 1. Aft . .. . Y, mid -week were -,x quarter I cent Assembly. of the. Presbyterian Church year arid h I . . _ ghter, . liam in Alberta. The late Air. C, I . � ,.,,mer, at the new low level of 7%,c, at Port Arthur, and �h&s stopped- off ad been irr failin WAlth Ethel Rubyi to Mr. -Anrus S. Car" Clar6on was born in Laneastorshbre, I A I b an -i'h f , 6 hael, Of, Grey townsh b, the mar- . i kl�8,36 .c#mts., fed and watered. vacation� with for some )R F, : t�6 to spend -a fOw weeks' �- .o, never rally UK ram rule Englood# 07 years a . .,go. Forty4our .to a. . � . a severe - lost 0 . I us lot week werett-r-4,462 eat- Ashfield friend attack of flu Winter. riago to t ke place quietly in Juno. years,� a 6 lie Was married to - Jane. . to, 1016 calves, 9,251 nows'and 2,334 i She is survived. bV her husbana ano . ' sutherland-MacKlAnoti . .9 . . I . I I � . .. hoop and lambs. I..'o4ditioll there . Married ,;it Lucknow ! . I... . I OVERALL5 - , � I .;ere 944 -cat�let and 654 - hogts oll I Married 114t the Presbyterian. two -daughters, .1gabel and gather, foir I I �Tfie marriage of Etta Alacnintim I � I q I A" I I � 11 ­ � I . I � . . . I . . � I I aroush 601191 . whom deep sympathy Is felt in their daughter of X MacKinnon, of.Luck. 11 I . ­ . - . ' I ftecelpts of live stock at the�Vnlon' church malise, Luckpow, on, the ev- sorrow, fiterment took place Ili the Uowi and sister of hire, Fred Rey- . . . \ . 0 1 � . . . last night for to -day's mwrket' ening of June god, by Rev,. X Mac- Wroxeter cometer . . . . I .1 � I .1 ..., at,41.45 ' . ... . . . . . _y Monday after don, to AlexaAder, FrA- .. . I ... oro.� Cattle, 0,800; calves,' 464; horb,_ -Callum, Teressa Matilda. Weil, dough- fil Aolds, of Lon . . I . � . I , . . L .231, Sheep. 767., , 1. . . 'ier of Urs. Jag. Qraig, of Lucknow . noont Rev. Mr.. Vargu�6n o . clatin& set Outherlaod, also of LUckno% was 1J - - 11 . 1. .. . . . I I � 0 � 0 1 ou][VAGO Li'm s"CK. . � I L n of Mr.1 A ,,Passing of Old' 11WORItIt" very quietly solemnized, at ft - An- � Iverything . 51)0z, NoWs $trill Overalls, 1;1 �, 0111CA00, June 25.�Cattlft r6delots ' to .Joseph� -Alfrp,d Pitts, .,so I f ' . . , 001 compared week ago; better crade�l and Mrs. Jo , f New Glas message W -Rlplo� - L . Tn3(16­1n fall $1704 W411 ala',4t16 I S,.O frielift on drow's church,, London. Immediate I U I , Ay announced the death in Tot. lyt after the .ceremony Mr� and Mrs, f"_ . . L' �,nt � elfeks, stQqkers and feeders, stroolF to ge , 1. '_ T 6 Idow Sutherland left fot . . . . I I)ack, 5, pocl;(its, i2l-hdtton . ll�e .. - - lr I 1 rs rlings,. beet, eo ad SIP0141111" � onto Matilda Montg6raqry;. ,01 � a boat trip down I I n- Appointed Police Magistrate of Lon- of the Iati'Robert Montgomery, a the- St, Lawrence, and ,oil , their re. �'. I . . , I S acs 3 I to 4 I i at $1 Ao , - go blirher;lower grades rat COW9. ca. - . . I I Good side - , Si. 1. 11 i I don and Middlesex . � � . . . � I ler,ft' and cutters, unevenly Soo to 75c 1 former treasurer of Huron �ttiwftshiv, turU, will.live near Lucknow. A few O!, . L I I . . I � I . . � I .1 . . I I � I . � . . . I—. 1, "�­, bwor; bulls; i5c .to 'no lowor:. v6ai The Ontario Gazette of June 9th Mrs, Montgoinor .� .. . I I - ,I, . I pr bag been,rogidi�g Vays-'bef6te the marriage, a number - , . .. . 6 boz, - X�oyq* Muo Stripe . � I 11 . .. I I iroic- lower, txtreme too contains t e ,A ice o aPPoilit- with her son, , ose�ph,; At law.yero in *of Misa MacKinnon's London � al y ��_ . ".., ' . . I . I it i ature steers, I . 1 ,ee a u �� � I � . . , I ric ollo. ment. of Mr, F. W. Gladmanv ofthe.Torotitoi Th Icnic party tit' I . . or the . I � . IV $ � 46. , ate6r3 and year�,, ,, e - remains were taken friends arranged a p 1, . . . .. . . OV01,44, Allado with � �Ockets . � �4 'I, in s 0 0 � I . 6; stoe ers and firm. of Gladman & Stanbury, as -do, to Kincardine arid'Ahe funerdl -wPA whiq,h she Waw presented Vith 4 nuvn,- ;, I 1. ­.'.. . I . I 14 I � I I I I oe era, t 5', beet cc 8 unit tuty p6lico.maxistrate'of the City Of held,on Friday ut'16.80'a� M. to Kill-, her of, Pieces. �01. cut glos;ae Mrs. V*�, I . - . %nd,sliouldor strap . .15W,3 t2�, ; . . , nei ex 6. tl-61=ners and cut- I . � . I 1. ". � I . a t i rX. . London and magistrate -of the coun- c9rdins cemetery, -161lowing a. � short Sutherland graduated as a `Aurse I .. I - . I I " . erx. it. a,' $8.60 . n I h " "� - ,� -,Table#% I : . � . : .30 and -3*2, ,,%t V10Q. .. ..., I . 4� 1 ,� " , I . . I I I I I � . Lo don r I . I I . . I � , ,.. 0 TM, . I ; '. ty of Middlesei. Mr. Gladiiian went -service at Moirlson!.s undertaking.- from Victoria, bospltal� -4.1 e �-- 11 1. . I . I 1 . 1 . . .1 I ­:� " . . ,. � . 1. .. " flebP receip , 4,600; Practically. all to Londo from Exeter only a short :parlora - . . . I c I ' - . 'In . , . I 1 1915, . I . . I 24 Dog, MOWN JVL,�',t4 a . . ... 11rect; for ce over 60 Per cent, 4i . I 1. 1. 1� I � . L na , I - time ago. I " . 0 � . MacAlillan-Morrison Nriptialls L The Late Xhos. Bruce, X Wawaxiosh �� , . . , '. � * .. I . , oct to packers; compared. WLeex 41,90P L . I I AWUy.JLnE . I ... . . � . . � � .11 So N* 3 11"dra. I . I ­ op lambs. $1 Diamond Jubilee '� - L f A � Pretty Wedding was solemnized . . There passed . ast � I "I Brou .Ocs ZVt .1.11 . or , I . I 0 lower; lower grades . I Wawn- , I .. I L. 11 I . � . .. , ,� � . tround $2 lower; clostnir too Lambs, ev, J. E. and -Mrs. HokL- attend. -on June Ift, Lan old a I , I L - , for 3 i") u - . I � 11 14.50; bulk good lambs, $16, � culls R ,at Sacred Heart .Church, Witighom, , nosh Ad highly :1.1� - . . , I I , nootly, s9; top handy fat ewes, 4T., ed the diamond jubilee celebration of, Tuesday, June 12th, when Mae Q., respected citizen In. the person of , , .. . . . L I 6qIkextreme heavies. $3.60 to $4. 1 . the XjVktOUL Presbyterian church A --daughter of'Mr. and Mrsk John Dior- Mr. Thomas Bruce. Mr, Bruce,,ha� . . . I Mell,4 an'd -J`lo�ij­ 13"4tilitla L . , - . L . -,'� I � a' . . 47101 I Hog recelpts, '9,QOO; better grades week. ogo Tuesday, the former giv-. risou,'Tilinzerry, was united in mar been.aili g for some mouths,.but wat t'. . , 13'�litg ill OfIeL 1�10(.'e ilt�V" , Etiln.. . : � L L. !, �) . , fairly active, steady to strong; others - . W. his bed just one wook , , L � "I .� loWj spots w,eo,k,-,b%xIk good to choice, i.ng. an* address. The Rev. Dr. Gra riage to. Mr. .John McMillan, son of confined � - ., mod..'skta and trutilts, blue. . . I is to . I verzCges, $7.30 to -S7.40; coy, of Toronto, the first minister to Mr. Milas MacMillan, of, Xinlosl,� He mas laid to rest1n the Deacor ? I i, ­` I 11 . . . . I . L I . - 400�t�. a, I , Kirkton Rev. Father' McLaughlin, * of New cemetery; followed by� A large..' lium- L . . . I . Issirabjer t3 i ozic. weignt, Pigs. 46.76 to . have the united pharge of. I QN --- . . and Thames Road, was present - for YorkL sang AUPt14l big . h- mass and ber of friends anA neighbors. The 11 - 11 . Browil, 'Cardilltd. mul .Orange. . ' L . . P; ,eat mated 'holdover. 3,000; heavy. I . 11 1. ;", .0 I 11 I , L 17 " - weight hogs, $6,90 to'S7,40; medium, the Dr. was issisted in the ceteln funeral SeMeeSL *er,6 conductd'd by .,.. All give-, 7.1,14, $ 1 �0 "Xn(l. .26 .1 * celebration services. Rev.. . . I , :. I I 1 tV to f.s.461, llight, $7 to *7.40-1 light I any by Rev . -$I . L. Ight, L $S.76 tQ;7'So,; ' ki L . Collo .Fletcher, 'who was' minister for' Father Fallon, parish -priest oi itev. Jones and Rev. Peters, of Bel� . I . I . ` I I I . . I . I 111OWN, forty. yearaj was also'present. 'L ., of which ? 5 � b , I . . . . . ,.. I I smooth, $4 to $6.60; -.,P,.,-T1% L19owal Win Miss Anna Moirlson was gravej and L, 0. L. No. 46P L Agoilit fitlestpi4w V4 " 11 . .. . . . . . I rotilrb, $5.14 to I killIn degsh4rallil and Mr. r order the deceased was a lifo-lovg f : * - . Q10 "I I . . . r . . F6.76 to $T, ;0.16, L . C p . llp'L Wedding of, Former C'. C. 1. Tcxiher bri U atrick MacMil- ­ . - . . 0 %0%0%0-w - - - - - - - - 01, P 0'0 . . . I . . . . 1k STQC;11� . - , ' The m I arriage t I Oak place on. Wedr lan was groomsman. , � I I . : member. Three brothers and one I . - . I AV]FV&'LO LX,Iyr . sister survive, � all of 'whom �vere pre- I i 8'.T RDV#$ - .. ­ . ___ . . ".. ..... SUFFA11:0, June 35­�Cattls rdtfelpts. nesdai, June 20tb, in Old St. Av�; ,- . , , Brown-fticharAsoit . . sent. Mr. �Bruce *as Ili his seventy� . U L . . ­* -. . I . ' t6l); slow and. steady. � Calve recelpts. drewpa church. Toronto, of Ada Viy�! the marriage to6k Place in Caron- third, year and spent. all big IM in � I . S L ' .. too; filo*; . 41 lower, 44 to $11, Hog Lre- I 0 L' . � Cash exroqer'y . . 'fjiptq olgIS , ian, dikaghter of Mr� and Mrs. Geo. no, on Thursday, Jun 14tb, at Miss East Wawanosh. - . I :_ . . . I � . ­ . - � ._, 3,200r; al6w, 25c lower; I I OL � : .. Ah"J$L &Ct'Ve; Joe lower; heavy, $8, H. Smith, to Mi. Alexander Sinclair, Ruib Richardson,. daughter of the ' * I'M ": ROBIN alixed, #11; yorkers, $3, light yorkorx, M. A.,zo= son of Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Former. Luckiooiv� dirt Dies st Roka. 1 , phaii0mi I w4st 1*444sk 4 11 . ; l; .50 d late Mr.' Geo. Richardson, . Brown, , . I 1. ., . ' ' L ' , L , . , . . I LL tO $8;plXs, $7.25 to #,,.5o; rouxh*�.. John . r, L Stayner, and 14t* Richardson, to Mr, Gordon E ods.- Sank. . I V I General Delivery . , ; �7.; stags. 44.69 to $4. Sheep an t6acber in the Clinton Collegiate. of Sarnia, grandson of Mr. Charles : From a copy of the Nokomis Times I L I tioath Side squawel. I Godorlell .. � [AL b Irecelotis, sod; active; Iambs, $9 . - I ,�. � . LLL 11 . .. .1 L I . . . to $26; $1 lower; yearlifics, $5 to *tixv., Rev. Muir Auld officiated. -,Mr. and-, Eacrett, formerly of, Exeter. Th (Siiiik.) we learn that Mrs. J. I. Ja- I � I . . I � . . �, We lower. others urichanged.' ,. Mrs., Sinclair will reside -at Kitchen-,bildi's sister, Miss Margaret Rich! mieson, formerly Marie Ellen Alex-# .1 . I .1 I - - 11 �­ � . I , . . I 1 . L � L I , . . . T" . : I . : . er. ... I L I . . k, ardsou , was, bridesmaid, .and I.I., — I 1. . '.. 1. I .. .. I �, I amb �s 'Ud']Drowiied 14 . Pona,; I . Celebrated 'AOOth Bitthilty . Harold Fuller, supporited the groom; ­ ­ .. 11 L . . L _1 � �., - . I .._ - , . I � . I , I - . � L I � 11 t I NIAGARA VALLS, 03it., June 25.; Airs. Mary McLennan, of the se -;A few days previous to the wedding' ­­ � , I 0 - - %=i . 11.,� . , —John Miskifig; aged IS, was drown- cond concession of, Huron Itown,shi L ithe bride was the guest of honor at � ' I I I . I ­ I -1 I . . L 11 �', .. - :,.,,I w, ��',,,V. -�.t,r� - . . I . I tJ.L a I I I . � . 1;,� r p . , ­ I , . 1'f�", �. " . . I Od in thiiNpond.at the Hydro disposal Stuce 'county, celebrated her 100 miscellaneous shoiver given by the . I � . t''. I . . I ) . ' . . I 1.) , ­ . I I 11 . I durnp sit Montrose Saturday' after., birthday on, June 5th. Mrs. TW&en�- members of� St. Andrew's cholf, of . . . .1. I .1 I ., . . I . I . � . . ­ . I � . noon. ifo was swimming with three nan came to Canada with her parents which she -was 4 member; . I . . L . - � I I I I . I . .. . I � I . I other boyw and the othe.*r were out ,in. June; 1852, and has since ivfildedl 4 ,,,,, Auto Accident . ... . I : . $ 1 1 L' I * . I I . I . . . I . . % L I ­ k . � diesshig, when It was noticed that in Nownship, *1th the excep- . .� , , . I 1. . tion of a 4ew years , in the States. sday afternoon while Miss , L . . I . � 1. . . 6 *A*.*-- I 11 I . . . . . MiskIngwasintailing. Theydived.for Madeline Haist.and Miss Cladya . �,_ .. . I I L. IVO&O, Iku I I I the body, and after some time wtre Her* good will'and clear intellect so - thri � : . . . . I ��OAO;� I � I I able tobrifig hini to the xurface. Ar- evident the day of the -celebration . Wolfe, of Creditoo, were turning I '.. . . 00010! I � Nr I . .corn I er at Jam6s and Andrew streets, , � . I I . : I . � A .. I . tifidlid reApIration, - was tried, but has sustained her through lift!. Exeter, the ear in which they were I . I -- L I � : I I � .6. .0, ;; 1, � -- . . I . .. .. without ay.ail., The -.boi .IlVed here A 'Brussels Weddii I riding, skidded in the ditcho and in - . 1. . . . . - . W I . � . . . with -r atives,, but his par I �ants'IlYe In A pretty Wedding was solemnized bringing it back on to.the road it . .1 . . I L . . � . � I . I I . "? . , A. A2hi" . ��� I Ounov Ile; , . .at the home of -,Mr, and Mrs..D. D,'struck a hydro pole. Miss Wolfe I . � � I � " .*- . . I . , �. 'On Priday night aniother boy Was ` Sanderson, Brusisels4 at. u6orf oh Sat- was thrown again§t 'the windshield - I I lLiil. . � -.- o . drowned .in . another Hydrb pond It urday, June 16th,L in the preience of and received a gash on the ,, . I P . . , ... '. V . � _1 . 111 . Mot1th L lq,.."jow � . I . , . I ... .1 1, L .1;;�­#, the lumber y.ard. Stanley Zabor, 11 .a largev number dt relatives and right cheek from n?zaZen glass, which 1, �1116$' - , w . . . years old, of"Otainford, dlYed futa,the, -felends, when their eldest daughter, required, six stitches. Miss Haistl , 1. . I &%L:�. I - . I . . I �.-- I , I pool and never came to the surface. - Margaret L., wag united in marriage who was &Iving. the car, escaped I . . . � I "I. . . All �_ A I^- . ­' � I The boys gave an alarmcand work- ,to,, Mr, -Selby Dobbs, Becton, formerly with a sbaking.up. A spring of tb.e' � I . ­ . . %,A , . . meftfished out the bludy. A pitlinotor ,"­­,­,"�..'­,­.� ,. L L . ., -,.L j_ -------- _A-....^." .*owed an4jnvesW in safe bo" (ton% ,O -2_a i� * . L I was used for a c000lAerable tiline, bfit L . L * � , I I - I I .. 1 L . .0 . I . . I . . � . I , eventually'life was declared to be el-� . . I'll L � - I L .. I � I .. . . . . I I a" 30 to 60, illilterta Wag relavogedi, I I . .z � �) . I . .. . I � 1 47 L, I . L . . . L thlat. I 11 I , . I . ­_ I . o 1. . ­ L I A ,L L I . . I I . . . . I It,lx belleve4 that grampiii was the . I I ! ....;::` - -,,�!­ . L accu I,- I I .. I . I ..:: mulates . .. . . . . �L I - " .., . -�:, I , . _1� L . . � T! � '. . I .. o I &use of both drownings, , ., I . . .1 ,� ..:::�,,% . 1. . ­ R - I I . _ � - . I . . � . �- I I , I � - . , ­ . . I , . ,� I . Lioi&don .Paper Aga!n Raided. �.�.....� .. . 1. 1$499772406 f, .. . I LONDON, Eug.. Julie 25.— � %1., . � V 'For the ,� � . I I second time In two days, detectives ;., ­ ,. � , _. L I . .. � 1 .2.11. . I . . . I " I raided the oidleals, of the Daily Herald, "...., I . . . , � . . I . . � 1 . I organ of the IAbor party. L I Our Parthd Payment PlAn tot tuying 13otidsi. Is I I The Arst vialt was Vrhlar. nighto . . I L I � I excelletidy fitted forouch �' scheme. Through it, -is wift the offi6ero confistated All I . I . 1 lo I 4014011 Of a 0 otogrAph ,at the neW ,� provided the necemary incontive to carry out a sys. �, le I t � _�' giant. aubmarl2a X-1 whith. t1id'VC96r,, , . . I � .. ftmatic programme,ot saving a delermined portion of ,�, 'L I L had -Printed, knif all'unsold copies of � ". L . . I . . Your Income tach trionth atid investirlig it in safe I . .-Ii ,1 I . the issue couttloing It. Saturdity , I. ,.,*.,, I I . I bond - I i L, I( alight they e%mls back and inspected 1: I -1 . s. The contract into which 1roll tuter ,with Us Y " . .,� tho:iedgero, presumably in an eirdirt � , Is just suffidendir stimulating to create and t"aintaill I I . _.. I...... I . . I . to find out frota Whom the original .- I'� .� I I . .. I �) ��* .. 11, ­ continue bu*g high gradio goverhimentp .. L I ,� the deSilre Lto picture Was obtained. . �.. I., I . .. . / .., .. 1. . * - a L . I . : t : , I i I I � , , I I I I t I "' , I. I - � " W 11 I - " - - ' ' - - 0 --- 4* ., FF$5�,, � t�-, -,,, � ,­ �,,-, , , I , 11 I I I I I � . 01 # I I !. I " � :. _. I 1, MUnlapat Snii C L - � ., !, ,,, �,,. 1 ., ",;`, boxid� Thi avAilability . .:.. L :.! .. I �ift . �� .1 L� .. L I 11 O"rA on Rey. tsaae Tovell, D.D., eelobraveo . � � .. , .. . L ;,. "', , ". . �,- . ,, ..;'' - - �, at all tiMes of fUnds 0 Jftvt6tt4 is an 91ttrae,tive fea- � L : , "" ,"L, �. .-I": , the Attleth anniversary of his orditia- _. , . k'L '. ­ "L . . �­., , . 1. , , e4 ; . .1 I I , ' . ­ tlow Litto, tile ministry when he " ' ' " ; '... I ture of this plan. I . . L L . .L I . I L preach6d at ., Trinity Motholdtat �, ��-,' "': �. , %. P : . . . I 10 � �� ­' ;.. ". " �- . . , . :� , . .�. 13 1 chutelt, Toronto. � '� 11, " , .,.�V, 1 � , - . I � ­ 11 . � I" �,� 1. .0 1.��4 "I " � "L.' - ' .. : matty In, ton—both lal*6 and lana-6va � I , ,L � , . . , I . , L ' .V" I . . I IL I .;�­% I , 11�1' I . - , foutid lin buyaw Boada ott the Partial Payment Man . , " . As Oil 'Withsat Akehol,--Soriie � - �4; I . Att. .iki* �&.�- �AAIAN*A& lk&"A. .1^^,. I � I �,w.�V,*,ow. ,* � I. 11 I ., I ,i�l*,moAtv+t,..,n#,%S".-%ttur,"*�c*L,&;#64;tsft*%.Otftt"�A,69.1��. 'tit- I .. � I ,- I .1 ­ , ___ _ - .- - _. - - - ____ I . -.9- -.--, ­­­ ..—.— —.--- hol. as a prominent in$reditnt. A I . sit ,�V. . I - , - , 1�;111 Ivll_­ I ..ti4, "�..�, . -C ­ 11 -4 1, 3 ­' . , , - �- � L F — W%__ ­v_ .� -.-- 7 — .­. .4-m-w"Pa sugg,w that you mail the col G1Wo,*v,v,*'1oWr* ZV4 . L, # . , L . IN R eeller, Judilsous .%niorling 01 essential flt c6rdpose �Dr. Vhmssl Eclftttle oil - I �, wfv,ox., ,. - I "� . ,- �*#�.�. .,. �,� , 1, .. - .. ­ � ­ . ' ' " I , , ,,, �� ., . I l. , L , � , Avg �, 1'' - . psiftiadArs. . � , � , � � * 'M I 0% arA thore J& to alkohol in it, so that its *ffftt* At* Uitiag - - *,ti�# - - ; , . - I .1 7 � , - - , , . 11 , . , " , "I I . 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