HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-15, Page 7BOI1BARIIMEJT OF SANTIAGO The Fleet and Field Batteries Began Work on Sunday. TORAt'S OFFER OF SURRENDER. at was Not Lucenditionai and General Shafter would Not. Therefore, accept at-lteiuforeeaatents to Bette Armies .-presentStrew:nit of the Cone J at.trats-.Santason and the Santiago i:Tarbor. Washington, July 1.0. -.The bombard- ment of Santiagoby the big guns of Admiral Sampson's fleet and the siege mortars and field batteries of the Fifth Army Corps began this evening, in accordance with Uen. Sbafter's ultiana- tutu to the commander of the Spanish forces defending the city, that unless Seutlage was surrendered without condi- thine the place would be attackede by land and sea. At u. o'cleck a despatch eawe to the War Department from lien. Shafter saying that the bombardment would begin about 4 o'clock this after- noon, and A few hours lacer another ]essays informed the department that the AMA had begun, Gen. Sha?iter's notification that he would mnew the elseault oft the town toad its defences tollowen the receipt of a coubwunieetion from Oue. Toral, romumn0ieg the Spanish forces, dociinrng ttr surrender without terms. Yesterday Gen. Shafter In demanding the unconditional saes render of Seating° had Informed Gen, Toral that unlcse the demand was Mil, plied with by today the American heat and siege batterlei would shell the place, That this threat has been carried cut was shown in mea,9..ages received this avenins] by the War l)eparttuent, the %tat of whish was as follows: Siboney. via Hayti, 0.05 p.ni., July 19. - Adijutant•Genural, Washington, 1-eadquertcrs Fifth Army (,`ores, July 10,-1 have just received latter from Geueral Torah deeliuing unconditional sarretider, 1lembardmeut by allay rand nay will begin as near 4 p.m. to•dav As peesible, Shefter, Major-General. Shatters, i igittiug Condition. Shatter is in better condition to take Santiago than he has been at any time dines the operations against the city beeau. Ile was reinforced yesterday by two volunteer regiments], the First District of Columbia, which lett Tampa On. July 3 on the transport Catania, and the Eighth Ohio, which sailed from New Pork on the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul on Wednesday. Shatter bus now a force of about ;37.000 men, and is further etrongthenod by having slx aadidlitiouai field b;ttteries and seven siege mortars in position. The Spanish Strength. The Spaniards have been augmented by tbearrival of DAM men from danzan. Ilia. These are the 'troops nominally under command of Oen. Panda, but that -officer is in 1iavanu. Thorn have boon several reports of their arrival aat Santa ago midi es may denials, but tbo War Department has now received positive luformatloa that they did succeed in eeaebing the city. The Spanish artuy in Santiago at the thee Shatter began his operations consisted of about 14,000 man, and with 1 andl's troops and a few tshousand other bodies that succeeded iu Rotting in the town from the evestorn side, whore the American linos dd not extend. on. '.Coral bas now a force of about 728,000. The most interesting feature of the bombardment 1s the prospoot it affords of an attempt by Admiral Sampson to take some of his Alps into Santiago harbor in spite of the shore batteries and submarine mines. That Sampson will make the attempt if the bombardment from a distance is not successful is the general understanding in naval and military circles, Ho has been anxlous to force the entrance, and naval oiaicors believe that it may be done without great loss of life if a quick dash 4a made. TORAL'S O1 FERL TO SURRENDER. 'Would Give Up if Ito Could Alarch His Troops Out-chafterDeclined. On board the Associated Press boat 'Wanda, off Juragua, Saturday, July 9, '7 p.m., via Port Antonio, Sunday, July 10, 9 a.m., and Kingston, Jamaica, 10.40 aa.m.--The surrender of Santiago was formally offered by the Spanish com- mander, General Torn], to•day, but the conditions attached caused a prompt refusal of the offer by Gen. Shafter. Shortly before noon to -day, when a ]little group of Spanish officers, under a flag of truce, came out from under the yellow wall of the heseiged city and slowly made their way towards the Amerioan lines, a detail was sent to meet them and they were escorted to comfortable quarters, while the letter from Gen. Toral was oerried to Gen. Shafter's tont, two miles from the front. The letter was couched in the cold, courteous twins characteristic of Spanish communications, and was very brief. It bore the signature of Gen. Toral, who commands at Santiago since Gen. Linares was wounded, and stated that he was prepared to surrender the city, provided his army be pormftted to capitu- late "with honor." This, ho explained, meant that the Spanish forces should be unmolested and go in any direction they wished with mins and flying colors. The letter concluded with rho bold statement that surrender ureter any other tonus was an impossibility and would not be considored. General Shatter immediately cabled the facts to Washington and sunt to Gen. Toral a refusal of his proposal, but adctod that he would communicate with his Government ante would extend the informal armistice until Sunday at noon. xalore U. S. Troops Arrive. The second fleet of transports arrived off Juragua this morning bearing 2,500 troops, including a ,targe detachment of artillery. Spaniards Intend to Die Hard. Siboney. July 11. -Refugees from Santiago• report. Spanish soldiers busy digging trenches and erecting barricades in the streets, and piercing houses with loopholes, indicatingan Intention to die hard, and make a houseto houseand street to street fight. The fighting will bo long and desperate, unless Sampson can gift intotheharbor; as it isnot believed. hisguns will be effective at the long range from off Aguidores. Reconnale- .anoeo show the .Spaniards to be tamp - banally well positioned, though the reports are that they are disheartened and Waif -famished. kiautiiton Fish's father is here making arrangements totake his son's body atom. The Enemy Opened. Fire. Washington, July 11. -Shortly after midnight the department gave out the following .despatoh from General ratter; "Playa del Este, July 10, Adjt.-tfen., Washington: "Headquarters, Fifth Corps, July 10. -Enemy opened fire a few minutes past 4 w:th light guns. which were soon silenced by ours. Very little musketry tiring and the enemy kept entirely in their entrenchments. Three num slightly wounded. Will have considerable torees to•rnorrow, enough to completely block all the roads on the northwest. I aha quite well. (Signed) Shatter." THE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT, Spanish Officer's Report oe the Capture of Admiral Cevvera"a. Piece by tie- r. S.Warships, Guantanamo Bay, July 9, per Assad- *gen fres. deepateb boat (;ynthia. via Port Antonio and Kingston, July 10.. Lieut. Adolphus leentreres, the oxeeu. tiro officer of the Spa e:six cruiser Cris• tabal Colon. has written to Spain ea: oildeial account of the movements at Admiral Cervera's squadron in the fight. The translation of bis letter is as follows: About 9 o'eloek thesquadron got under way. The ships were one cable's dietans front each ether. At 0.30 A.M. the Infanta Maria Teresa cleared the entraue() to the harbor. without receiving auy Are until she had passed the Morro. The. Vizeatet felt the are when at the head of the eutrenee, as well as the Ceistehal Colon, and It is curtain that the Ahamirante Oquindo opened .tire wtthlu the ehuunel, When oleer of the entrance the Crastabal Colon (vont ahead at her mattlmnnl speed. The Infant:.] Merin Tema at 9.30, when hardly clear of the entrenee, was seen to be on fare in her after part, and a few moments etterwardu was headed for the beach. A quarter et an hour later the Alinite auto Oqueudo wile seen to Le on 'fire, *laid elle, too, was bettied for the beach at tbo same point. The Vize;lye and the Cristobal Colon continued to light The farmer ahem 11 o'clock. seiing herself overhauled by the Brooklyn, ivaugeuvred as if to ram, and. 'without doubt, at that zuament must have rceelsed the projectile that *;carted the fire ou her, the Santo as on the other two ships, and she was seen to head for rho beach, in order to strand herdlr. The (dstobal Colon alone retsina, sustaining the Are at the Brooklyn, the only Fhip within range. But a few anurttent, later she observed the Oregon closing up and later the saute with the other ships. The projectiles of the Oregon began reaching us at 1 o'eloek and that, together with the fact that it was riot possible to tight with the after guns, on aeeount of the Colon's leek of /urge calibre pieces and the eertninty of brin; overhauled by the whole American squadron In a tow ileurm, left no other remedy than to run ashore in order to avoid useless sacrifice of fie. The Aeltnlral nettle no signals while at sea, instructions for forting the blockade having been given tho captains at a ant et • ing which took place on .the morning of the previous day. PRISONERS OF UNCLE SAM. Including Admiral Cervera, ;nave ar- rived at Portsmouth, N. S. -- A . -A Number Skit. Portsmouth, N. H., 7uly i1.-Tbo auxiliary cruiser St. Louis, with more than 800 Spanish prisoners, arrived in Portsmouth barber at 8.30 o'oloeit Sun- day morning. The big liner loft Guantan- amo at 0 p.m. Tuesday, .7uly 5, and .lid not make a stop until she dropped author in Portsmouth barber. Inoluding the prisoners, there were 1,038 people on the boat, and of this number there worn 01 sink and wounded !Spaniards muter the care of surgeons. Admiral Cervera 1s confined to his cabin, having boon quite 111 for the past three days, although be was able to bo dressed yesterday morn- ing. Capt. Eulate of the Vizcaya is also quite i11 from his wound in the head. Health Officer Towle went on board and visited the sick, finding that most of the sickness was duo to wounds received in the battle. Ho says there Is no evidence of yellow fever or contagious disease. A11 of the Spanish commissioned officers have been on parole and bad the freedom of the ship with one exception, and he was the Governor of Santiago de Cuba, who was trying to escape from the city on Admiral Cervera's flagship when she was destroyed on that memor- able morning of July 8. He refused to sign tbe parole papers and was conse- quently confined in one of the cabins under guard. The remainder of the prisoners were confined between decks and closely guarded. .Admiral Cervera retrained in his cabin on the starboard side during the trip. Health Officer Towle visited him and was warmly greeted. He shook hands with the health oilicer, and in good Eng- lish said be was situated very pleasantly on the boat and bad received nothing but the kindest and most considerate treatment from both officers and men ever since be had been taken prisoner.. He presents the appearance of a broken. hearted man, and keenly fools the loss of his fleet, containing the pink of the Spanish navy. Cervera Interviewed. Portsmouth. N. H., July 11. --Admiral Cervera same on deck late yesterday afternoon and consented to talk with tho representative of the .Associated Press, who carne out to the St. Louis on a tug. "]'ou ask me," be said "how I like America, and I answer you that I have always liked, and. I may say, loved your people, but this war has been my duty and the men under me. I knew that the American feet clearly outolassed us, bub it was a question of fighting either inside or outside the harbor. I- have many friends in America and have only the kindliest feelings for tbem, but every man has a duty to perform to his coun- try, and all Spaniards tried to perform that duty. There bas been -much feeling in Spain, and I want all Spain toknow the truth, that every ship of my squadron fought until the last, and when we oould do no more we surrendered. I have muoh interest td know the exact situation. Capt. Goodrich has treated tis all as well as anyone oould possibly be treated. My officers have occupied quarters In the saloon and we cannot oomplain." THE VICIOUS J'AG-TIAIi H6 FINDS A DEADLY ENEMY IN THE PLUCKY PUMA. These Fierce South American Brutes k'igbt Each Other to the Death ou Sight -Two i:atttes That Show the Characteristics of the Animaas, "On tiro Apure river, near its head, lives--ordid live there free years ago-.-- a'woman of lnixed Spanish and Iudiew. taco named 3Iaria Padilla, the wife of the xuayordoma, or foreman, of a cattle ranch. I have talked with her and heard from her lips the account of tilt strange adventure she had when a child of 7 years. "Ider parents with their children were matting a journey over a trail that led along the foothills of the Maritime Audes. They had encamped for the night, and this child, while her parents' attention was occupied, started into the forest to gather firewood as she had of- ten seen her mother do. Her absence wasuot noticed until the bad been gone some time from the camp, As she gath- ered dry sticks into a bwidle she saw a. large, spotted animal stealing swiftly toward her. "Every I. ery South American country girl of 7 lazows a ,laguar when she flees hien, whether she has ever seen Ono before or not, for the dread of these annuals is tau instinct among the inhabitants of regions which they frequent. Overcome by fear the girl could only stand still and await her fate, With her eyes riv eted on the jaguar she did not see wilt re they c'ar e from, but of a sudden she perceived that be was savagely fighting with MCI huge, tawny animals that had sprung upon Nina. "The light seemed. to her to last a long time, and cine© the brutes in their strug- gles came very near to where site stood. The pumas that hard attacked hint kill- ed the jaguar at last. and asfterstauding over the body a few minutes as if to as - sere themselves that he would not re, viva they for the first time turned their gaze toward the child, scbohad been too zunch terrified) to improve her chance to ran away twine the beasts were fight- ing. "Tiley favored her with a long stare. and then, not offering to approach or harm Ler, turned deliberately away i and trotted into the depths of the for- est. They scarcely had disappeared where they bad fought. "-- 2hiladelphia Times. quick Witted baptist,. •One of the candidates for the state senate down in Jefferson Bounty, Ala„ was a prominent Baptist, and he ex- pected his fellow churchmen ' to help push hint along. The story goes that he THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON II1, THIRD QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, JULY 17. Text or the ;.esson, I IXIogs xvili, 30-39. Meanory Verses, $G49 --Golden Text, e was camrl:aa;naiug on a country beat sect Icings eeui, 30 -- cowruentee by the had the good fortune to #all in with a y whole eongr-a,gatioir of Baptists. Wheth- er .a. prayer meeting had just been held fCopyright, 1898, by D. an Stearns.] or what the occasion of the gathering 30. "And Elijah said unto all the peo- Seas is not known. About this time a ple, Come near unto rue. And all the pee - dateshower carne up, and the caudi- plc canto near unto him. And he repaired datt at mem raised a largo umbrella the altar of the Lord that was broken which he was carrying. down." Ira the third year Elijah is told "You are nd t afraid Of this little to go and show lainesclt to Ahab and that shower, w't' yard, l;rother?" re. the Lord will send rain. He is as usual marked one good leepti t, stendleig near obedient, and starts to seek Abab, legit on ° a e,aa.0 . ., .g, , s $ THE ESTIMATED YI€LD, Tete Wheat eIarkete were Innuenced .rr Indicated Above Lest Week --The Latest S?tbo*ations. Setur'day l veaing, July 9 'Tae wheat marc:. e. e.e• r . en weully l der the initueuc'.i ut alar w:a.ber this week, and, aCew ding as aa.• r, la .. t s inddeated ala .xease ur un isrrrus: .,i .ibe esdsuasetd ybe]d fur 130.9, quutatieus halve gone tap or. down. Ou the Chicago board to -day JMz' wheat closed le per bushel ]nigher than a week ago, while the September and De- c eud,er options reeordboss over e I a of o er .- lu Liverpool, July wheat Is uF id per Cen- tal since last $ atunlay, with the later op- Dons tlPwzt VA to 1 .d. Continental nate- lkeis have eltanged in ae-sonlauee. needing Wheat 31arleeti. renewing are the closing prices to -day at important centres Cash. July. Sept. eJada 07) "Not at all," responded the quick the way be meets Obadiah, a Fervaut of tiiis lo.k ..',.., ii'ap U arf i U 73 witted candidate. •" but you know I uia Abate and commissions hien t igu and say S St, L,;ads ..........0 70 (1 T4ya 0'07 opposed ta, salt i :r►us of 'sprinkling.' "' to Ins master, I,el d.ld, Mdjah is beret" h 2oieto 0 ;t 0 ,.,' 0 6',i Obadiah informs him that be has been lvctruit .,.... •.• u lief u .u;>i 0 7 He Carded t -lei ix•att solidi -dew or Obadiah I'Julatjh v. 1 : •.rs:edd 7 0 b7t. 0 (ir S searched for everywhere, and that king- , •+ leans''irist s- i1.•ra,O(rat.g;a ri,. 01 1 taarriU i0 dents tend na#ions had been Bausdrd to take 3i sans s,,ol:s :,. +P'&k; 4'lfS $y 1 an oath that they could not find hire f To tar ie, .n 1.iz.. . 1'',i A QUESTION QF SPELLiNG. Orthographleat Errors Spoil a. Good (Ian's Temper. Beane time aga a colored man bung out a sites ou his house whioh, read. "For Hehappeuedl to be at the gate when a White uuua clime along and said: ddb ou'll never get an alter for your house with any such spelling as that." The owner of the place was greatly puzzled to improve the orthography, but finally took his wife's advice and made it read, "For Sell." This seemed to bo all right for a da.y or t :sd., and then a se) olboy balte4 and said. "If you don't hx that sign, aal the chile:rca will l,te laughing at you," These was another convention of the family to see where the • mistake came ill, and the sin was made to rrtadl,"Fur Still. " It lead not been up tux Saar when au old rdd•en'd mail c;nue along and queried: ,•ilea: yen mean dat lis place am fur. l ,'atlly: What yet gwiue ter gib din place to:sadl; fur "Ain you iautliu fault will•: dat sign?" AS.ira the• dititiT, "W.•il, 1 chafe' quite cotcls on to de spelliu, " " `t • u dean', els? Has yon got e7(10 to pay cash down fur dis placer' of \o, Falai "Hen you ]lass on au sleet up. Maybe cloau' spell fist de same as you do, elee S0UTBralie COAST OF SANTIAGO moVrion. when her Wilier, having missed the child and guided by the sounds of the fight, came running to the place with gun and machete and found her safe. Hegot a jaguar skin as a trophy, though it was cut too nearly into ribbons by the pumas' claws to be of valve. "In the enterica country, at a village called Parnya, near tho Merida trail, I case au Indian named .Tose Lobado whose face and head were deeply scar- red and wbe a body was a network of similar scars from wounds received through being carried awayby a jaguar. when au infant in arms. Of course he could not remember the occurrence, but his mother, who had rescued him, de- scribed it to me "She had gone to a meta, or wooded spot, on the pampas for firewood, carry- ing her child, after the fashion of Ven- ezuelan women of humble station, in a shawl looped Vomiter shoulder. This shawl, with the small boy in it, she slung to a low tree branch while she gathered her bundle of sticks, and she did not perceive the approach of a jaguar until he had seized the child and was carry- ing it away. "The mother grasped her machete and ran after the jaguar, shrieking She managed to keep the beast in sight, but he was rapidly getting beyond her view when suddenly the jaguar stopped, put the child down and bristling for fight stood with his forepaws resting upon it. "Then the mother saw that a puma was fronting the jaguar. She hurried on toward where the two beasts iaet d each other, growling and snarling. 13e - fore she got to then the puxais sprang. end at once the two were lighting fierce- ly above the child. Til the struggle the child was rolled to ono side, but ' bei'ore the mother could get to it the jaguar broke away from the puma anti 8 ?xnx- ing to the boy again crouched whir his paws above him as before. '`The puma leaped again and the fight was renewed, but again the jaguar got (near and jumped to guard his prey be- fore the mother could get a chance to snatch her child. Once more the puma attacked his 'foo, and this time as the beasts struggled and tore each other an accidental kink from one of them sunt the boy 20 feet away, almost to the mother's feet. "Catching hien hip she ran for home and got safe to 'the house. The boy, though covered with claw wounds from head, to foot and bearing' deep marks of the jaguar's teeth , in the back, whore the beast had seized him to carry him away, recovered completely from his in- juries, although' bearing the scars for his lifetime. The punia.aud the jaguar were found, both dead, at the place. hut J. %VOA l pruspeots of handliu $700, while you has got boaf knees out to do Wielder. I (loan' ker to use high fiown language au have to w'ar a shoe on one foot an a. bete on de odder. Go 'long, ole man. You am too fly on jog'aphy." Nuggets. The Secret of Success. "Does persistency always win, papa?" asked the young hopeful of his father, who was engrossed in war news. "Always," came the absentminded reply. "I was going to tell yon about that yellow heu that has been sitting on a doorknob for six weeks. "-Detroit Free Press. Doubtless. Orimsonbeak-Do you remember a short time ago a good many people were seeing airships? Yeast -Yes, I remember. "Well, I wonder if these people who are seeing Spanish warships are the same ones?" -Yonkers Statesman. Appropriately Named. Mr. Wheeler -The boys are going to form a military company. Could you suggest a name whioh would show that we are bicycle riders? Mr. Wailer (cynically) --Well, you might call yourselves "The Mud Guards. "-Sheffield Telegraph. She Understood. Mrs. Muggins-And so you are an actor? What are you playing now? Handsome Stranger -Tire dual role in "The Corsican Brothers." Mrs. noggins -013, yes, I've seen that, and I remember there was a duel in it.-Id;ew York Weekly. Proof. . Minnie -What frauds those beggars axe. I uset,a "blind" man who said, "Please give rue a penny, beautiful lady. " Mamie -Yes, he said that to make you think he really was blind. -Indian- apolis Journal. cjtaoatiunable. Grimshaw-Do you believe that it means good luck to throw an old shoe at a bride? Bagshaw -That depends. If you hap- pen to hit her, it may mean good luck for the doctor. -Boston Transcript. Pay It Like a Man. Dnnmore-That Smudgkins must be awfully hard up. Dadlow-Why? Dunmore -lie's been dunning me ev- ery day for a dollar I owe him for the last six mouths. --Roxbury Gazette. • How securely hidden are all whom Uod Toronto, red .... bides! How gloriously i afe are all whose (tomato Grain null Pro4 lee. Jives are hid with Christ in Uod" (Col. iii, Flour^tau➢➢. Straight rollers, In barrel,,. 3). On beipg assured that Elijah would middle freights, are qn• tel at *nen to Veit). surely show bimseit to .d'lbab that day 1 Wheat -Bean, with un e rte red sent quot- Obadiah gees to Ahab with the news, and Ahab starts to meet Elijah. The result of the interview is that ail Israel, with the prophets of Baal and of the groves, are summoned tomeet Etijab at Carmel. °.['hey are to provide two bullocks, and the ps'oph- eta of ileal (400) will take one and Elijah the other end prepare them to he eola- suzued by the tiro that shall come from the true fieri. whether Baal or Jehovah. and the Get] that sends the fere, is to he am- knewledged as the true God. 81. "Aad. Elijah took 12 stones, accord- ing to the ntuuber of rho tribes of the sons of Jacob, Mite whom the word of the 7.ord came, saying, Israel ellen be thy name." It welt when Jacob. was shade belptees by having his thigh put out of ,joint that he clung in conscious weakness and obtained the bleselr'g and the new uanbe 01 It rael. Ills deseendeuts were chosen that through theta and their helplessness Gad might Mahe Himself a Warne forthe benefit of all nations (II arts, vii, 23; Ise. WWWU,12,14:). In their deliverance from Egypt, life in the wilderness, ersissiug the ltedd sea and the diadan. it Is the Lord alone who is Seen werbing so marvelously In spite of their unworthiness. 22. "And with the stomp he built an altar in the ntausc of the Lord, and he ramie a treueib about the altar, as great as would- /contain two measures of sail." Etijaah had hut OEM nbetive---the glory of Gond--.azid but oue aairib-to ]'Rake Him a name. Ifo -knew and believed that he Mod h -tore tied, arid hoeared nothing for the opinions of Ahab or all his people if only Uud was glorified. 'With great calm- ness therefore and quiet confidence we nifty imagine bbn building this altar in the name of the Lord. See whet wonders might be wrought through us if only wo were willing to live in the name of the Lord (John xlv, 13, 14; xv, 10; xvi, 23, .2 3). 33. ".And he put the wood in order and cut the bullock in pieces and laid bion on the es ootl and said, fill four barrels with water and pour it on the burnt amines and on the wood." This would entirely destroy any possibility of deception as to the source of the fire that was expected. The woad is suggestive of the cross and the bullock of the burnt offering of Lev. 1 and of Him who is the only true offering, the autotype of all sacrifice, with the tak- Ing of whose life bunion hands had really naught to do except as God permitted. 34, iia', "And the water ran round about the altar, and be filled tbotrenoh also with water." The second and third time was tho seer/flee and altar deluged with water, until even the trench was filled. How amazed the prophets of I3aal must have been to see such strange preparations) Did you over try to kindle a fire with wot woody If not, you can hardly appreciate this eituation. It is onlywhen things are, buniauly speaking, impossible that God revile' Inas opportunity to show himself. When ;closes thought that the deliverance of Israel from the .rand of Pbaraoh was a hopeless task, then God said, "Now shalt thou lee what I will do" (Ex. vi, 1). N. "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art God in Israel and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word." having made all these preparations and the time of tbe evening sacrifice having come, the servant of the Lord calmly looks up to heaven and talks confidently with iris God. He says that he has done everything as God bad told him. So the arraugement about the water was no thought of Elijah's, but a command of God. Now he asks that God will accept and seal it all as His, that His great name may be known. It is only when wo are walking with Him, self sub- dued and fully agreed with Him about ev- erything, that we can expect to see His name magnified. 37. "Hear me, 0 Lord, bear me, that this people may know that Tbou art the Lord God and that Thou bast turned their heart back again." All has been done that the people may know that Jehovah is rho true God. This was the great aim of all God's dealings with Israel, that all people of the earth might know tbe band of the Lord (Joshua iv, 24).• Can we say that, as far as we know, we are living day by day simply that the hand of God may be seen upon us to His glory? Is it out one aim that, regardless of what it may Dost us or of bow or where lie may lead us, we want above all things the lifo of Jesus ]Rade manifest in us? (II Cor. iv, 11.) 3e.. "Then th:• a:, t:a Ile, Lord fell and consumed tbo bt,r.;e zee :tee, and t5 wooal, and the stcim , tied the dust, anti licl:e,I up the water that was in the trench." Was there ever fire like that: Ah, Lind God, there is nothing too bars: for Theca Water and even stones are Er easily consumed by Thy fire as wood cr flesh. IHow quickly the answer caste, and On Eli jab's port these was no striving or wrestling, but a calm and holy conndonce. Thus rhe tiro came at the dedication of tho tabernacle and of the temple and on other eocasions (Ler. ix, 84; II Chran. vii, 1; Judge vi, 21; I Cbron. xxi, 86). And I doubt not but that Abel's sacrifice was ao- cepta'd by the sword of flame touching and consuming it. ' 39. "And when all the people saw it they fell on their faces, and they said, The Lord, He is the God; the Lord, He is thr God." How muoh they meant by their confession God know, who read their heartsand He knows just how muoh or how little we meanby our professions and confessions. May wo haye that truth In . the inward parts whioh He so desires (Ps. 11, 6). As the prophets of Baal were over- come, so Will. (leery one be who sets him- self against God (Ise. 11, 11, 17; II Thess. 1, 7.10). May. He now oast down .every high and proud thing In or about us and subdue us wholly to Himself that we may ed at Tse at outs ,Re points, arca .No., 1. dI.0-: 0ba karat et Oen to 0:;c a2oat at Pros 15t-ililatta. Harley -Notable, lobes and prices ac, t- ai. terata- Celle et ti9 west and $ports at 4i2.aa3 west, Curia-caaatilatl, 3'e •vest sad 39e tau track here. fess -Masted and -nand 47e north anal west. oatmeal-C'ar lots of rolled coats la hats on track at 'reroute. $4; le .this.. $1.,10. Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Gats ;measly; 4o4) lausiai s0:1121b at N3',ja to 'ue. Hay maid at $S to ;4' per ton for three Riede of old crani ate e7 per tiers Tem 14 loads of fbt.W. Deliveries of bogs light; prices an. Olaange(t. Fele.•, were drat At quotations for bettor ]tad eggs. ;+l•:' aa; elraekeus plentiful at tan to 70o per pair. Sarin;; ducks 60o to 75e per pair. New petatees £rile to See per freshet. lli.dles sand 'Woe,.. 1'r]ee list revised daily by James Hailers Rides, a%t 1.1 leu rrtet emit.Ot'reroute..., bales, No. 1 green steers..te 0011 to ...,, Hides, No. "" green '.:' .;s ..it t,S',, to ...,. Hides, ;No, -2 t,.•en . ....0 oe to <... Ilidles, No. a green ...,u .' to Hides, eared. 0 041,S to 4'019x# 'Talley. rendered ....... o a,:; to 0 0., Tallow. rough ' (d 012a to 0t-2 Sheepskins-. ... , -.....1 1t) to 1 25 Pelts, each '. . a :t;. to ...,.- LatttalasRtins, each . .. ,-,...ti ;tea to Calfskin; No. 1 de lea to .,.. Calfslalns, No. 2 0 09 to ser. Wool, fleece ... 0 '..r01e1 to .,.. Waal. le:mashed fleece 0 10 to .... WOW, pulled. Sillier 0 13 to 019 Viiec,de Arurkets. Ogdensburg N.Y.. July 9. -'.Cher] vers 21uu cheese offered eu the board today- Tat was offered. but refused; 850 have sine* bet% sold at that prise. Cornwall, Out., Judy 9. -Twenty tacttsriza boarded today 1543 white. .Food bought 472 at 7 r,'37e; .S.Ieteregar. 040 at 7' e. Am- erican, Wood, 7e• "al butter, 11 eed, 10ete. A11 sold on board. It was detailed to apply to the Government for a brand for t le district, Iatiown as the Cornwall brand, and to apply particularly to all factories selling on this board. Buyers : .dyer. Alexander, Ware, Wareneton. Cowansville. Que., July fe-•At the weekly n.eetlag o1 the District of 13t'Jford dairy- men today here. representatives of 52 fae- tories boarded 5317 boxes cheese anti 103 boxes butter, from two creameries; 233 Jinxes cheese sold to A. Holmes for Me; 1189 boxes sold to G. W. Breit. for 7'.Kae; 351 bnxea sold to James Burnett, jr., for T 1-16c; 1270 boxes sold to A. Z. Bryne for 71-10e; 611 boxes wntr1 to P. F. lei'rrusoa. for 7e. Total boxes oht'nap sold. 37110: 1.60 offered for butter, not aneepted. Adjourned to 10th, at 1 p.m, Iluy-.ra present : A. 3. Bryce. Montreal: G. W, Bruck, Sutton; J. 1To1me`, ,ibercorn; Janina rnrnett. ire for Alex, W. Grant; Ft, Ti. Hibbard for A. A. Ayer fir Co., T', P. Feraucnn for Iiodason. Bros., Bnzzell Eros, of tenwansvIlle, Zanies "Meer and. HIbbaril. Very large attea-1- arcs. London, Ont.. July 1.. -Forty-six factories offeree 8454 boxes Jure: no sales. The apreemnnt to sell nn ma•rlaet der nnly was not adopted. owing to the aetien of the 1ngereell beard In refneleg to came under the same averment. East ittafruld Cattle Market. East I;nlfalo, July 1'. -Cattle---Itecelpta, Mite cars of fresh Canada stuckers and a load of cattle held over from former re- ceipts of the week. Dcai.ind fair from ail classes of buyers, but holders were firma for the few good etude on sale, and none were sold, sellers preferring to hold over for Monday's trade. Veals and Calves -Supply exceedingly light, only a few head. Market about steady. Hogs -Receipts light. Market opened ex- cited and higher, which was In part due to light receipts. Good to chniee Yorkers, $4.20 to $4.25; prime light Yorkers, $4.25; Mixed packers' grades, $4.10 to $4.15; medi- um, en10 to $4.15; heavy hogs, $4,10 is $4,15; roughs, $3.25 to $3.40; stags, $2.75 to $2.00; pigs, $3.75 to $4.15. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts were very- limited, and the market practically un- changed. Spring lambs, choice to extra ewes and wetbers, $6.25 to 46.550; buckeyes. fair, $5.75 to $6; culls, fair to good, $4.73 to $5.50; common to choice yearlings, $4.50 to $5.35; native clipped sheep, choice to selected wetlters, 44.05 to $1.75; fair to choice mated sheep. $4,25 to $4.60; culls to amnion ewes, $2.25 to $3.75. Dritish Markets. Liverpool, Tway 9. -Spring sweat is quot- ed at es S', d; red winter at Gs 9d; No. 1 Cal. 7s 2d to 7s 3.1: corn, 3s 1?4d; peas, 4s 10.1; pork. 51e 3d: lard. 27s 9d: tallow, 1Ss 6d; heavy, 1,c., 31s; light, 30s 6d; do„ short cut, 20s ed; cheese, white and oalored ' 35s Gd Liverpool -Closer Spat wheat steady, with red winter at 68 Oil; No. 1 Cal., at 7s 2d to 7s 3d. Futures steady at Gs Seyd for July, 5s hied for Sept. and Els Deed for Dec. Spot maize, 3s leen, Futures quiet at 3s 1$ it for Tiny unci:1 ': ;d for Sept. and 3s Sed for Oct. Flour :31 3d. Hie 1301.1 N 1sti9 1$ ILL. so Serious That a Fatal Termination May Colne at Auy Time. Now York, July 11.-A London special to the Sun says: "Most of the European Governments havo bean coniisiently advised that the Pope's health is now so serious that a fatal termination may come at any rnoinent. This, .despite the fact that His holiness continuos to transact business and receive important visitors. His recent trouble has been weakness of the heart and poor oixoula- tion. It is now complicated by peculiarly obstinate intestinal catarrh, whioh is extremely difficult to deal with. "The Pope's physician, Dr. Capon., has thought it advisable to call the assist- ance of the famous doctor, Marchiffava, and two other experts, who have unanim- ously warned the Pontiff that he must implicitly follow their directions if he wants to live to see peace between the United States and Spain.. As that happens to be the Pope's most ardent wish the warning has bad some effect. "The 'Pope's latest move in behalf of peace was made at the beginning of the week, when be instructed' the papal nuncio at Madrid to urge pertain fiery Spanish prelates to refrain from ativocab-, ing the continuance of war."