HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-06-21, Page 7. - - - - - - - . - -Tr- - - -111M....1 -11F I __W`110 I , - - - I � . . � 11 . - - ­_ - -- - I - "Will pop-,- ____ - M_ ; wor . _W___ - - IN - - - - -r !-.11111 - -1.0 11-1111 -1 - ----_- -_ -, r � I , -- � -, - - - .. , 0 I 11 III - I ,i-imiiii - � -,-rnI r ­ - - - - IN 01 INNIN! ,. 0101010 r - �__ __ -_ � I !! po!!!r� I M k!NTI jr �r ­!N� ZT!!!, OWN I$ WORM ONO IN W--- -r- r ­­­ - _NNppNI�""p!N­­--,;;_�­ �­_--7 !!!TII!0!!T!!!"_! _!po!!.___­­ ­__ - 1--- ­ .- , - - I ri__�__z� - , ­ VN �m THURSDAY., Jl',M, 21% __ -_7 --------- - - � - ­ � TM C49otm 3T#A ----r I I t, 1923. % , � .. -.11014.0. _. i�_:�,::� _,,��!__,;;�I_�;M � - . - - r r r. _�­ - _. I � ._r.: I— � �­ � :1 I - �� - , �. . � .1 -- I . Ir r r ­__ -, . I - , � ___ _� Lr r: ­ _ �%� � ­.. crl!`�;. ��­­ - , '! _! -r- _!��prpoopp��_!rlr= !T !plp! "! M M !!!! V I � - !��r! . 1! � - _! ! ! W,!T_ __:__�____j­1 _ I - _- ­ __ .--- ___ ­_­­ _­ - - ­__-� * L -- - - __ Z COL J� � - . . 'r - ,, ­­ - - - - - ,_ � 0 1 oft "e 111111111. in rVAM111% Jim .... 'M YOU' c" '" 8w"t .0 OWMAM0 keeaJ ,.avour,, OUR Lanfw N ' Imucomilk or water w AM' W Tw b, fit ovexr I I of th* genuine 61GRERA "'. glats"'v"IffU I t ­­ . . p4act of. -I -ow Questions and Answers on All Sort* of Things By Roes Fairqubai, L, I - 3 � -1 I Purely Canadion T , ,� , ,. I Z���� , . . . � . 0 . I Vriday----Tak test in 9 I , "O - . . . . THF, CANAMAN MATTRORN I EXPIRE PAY todany 4jau4 sum " in tells ale, I alit fA . 14, i I 1, . , 1--.1 . : I 11� 1 Ito4 'hiell is the (",ttadjalIr X,Itt". 43 lq�_Whm !,,I Empire pay in Can gujug to xrt a ruther (4 ___V 11 I . r . I adai? I ==11110 unle5a a I _­ r- _­__ , P"ft I L .. I , A. -Empire Pay is observed on the cutrig vilorq � . . Ae�Uouat misittiboille, in ens �(# occur. . i Z1114011 . adian Rockieso thirty raile, S k i Ust school. day before Mav .04 and and baR : � I . I % ocalled the It"Ani4irri XAU�or- is an efflw't to remind all British 014- e give lile to Ifitom 11cal.low =1. Tb 11111" ­ r I 11"'? I, , , 'hiCh roakQ 4k unVir"Aland that I did- OR YOM N91614 110111111froul its similar volifturatiolk jWtS �f. the L virtues % . 0_41i- ( I I born low claod god "AtIvella, Such as lopy4ty, patrio- (tent do so well. shlik * ' LL - . � - L -r -0 in its great towering $I - . 1. I 1. Ir � L GREEN TEA leak -ii, over I,QW feet high Iduranve, tesplect, for red.: You Caut have #21 .L. I . - ,,r- - , "ovii,110od" 4jer IN , gild its tism 0111`44es el W^ � , 0pWANppNp"FpoNN,,pp,pppNN,", , r . L , L ­ , � �r , r- � ' L , . , r. -r ­ LL - - j eu �, %Zd"ienvoil to lawful authority a ­ r ­ - Superior to the Unt Japkas, GUnPow all Q tv -things or% yure mind � LLL . . . . . . "I I I - 11 . - __ _ .. - .. � I . gfir ,,, of AeCeSS. 0 1010%1 self-sacrifice f0tv, oi, at I time.& 1 sells she I .... i Young Hyson. S^mvle Frft-Salstilfkit Torontoo, CANADAIS TREES, ComMon Z. 4% Tite. A Sp*.Shfully . ,Q it I of them hap L � ___ -now many different kindq of pelts wLE 75, ". ie ,. . � _______ - ____!!�� trees are there in Vau*40 CANADA'S FIRST SNIGNPIURY to be a game of .Shin. LL � 0 I . Q. -When was the 6rat soolgrieury , . nie or sum, thing. I I 11 L � 9440VNNNIBRNN A,.-Canads, ba'; 4PPr0xiVk4%t'e1Y 150 ',graltted in Canada and to whom T ma seat - Too P ""O. '. . Saturday lv P11 w-14,001PUM., jok v. t different species, and varieties of, ry granted in me down town to get I 421nomwTVA"M 'IN. . . plants reaching, tree size. Only, 40 A, -The firSt SeIRnen _ . . 1w" . � , I areL Conifer is, but the wood of these, I Canada was In 1620 to Louis Hebert, sum nle0it for 811111148Y . "It JUARM - __ . I i r . _111 09 0 0201211-WAIM 11 I . r . " Sunday Atterno"on ,,,,,.u, 90U per cent. of the court- who Was thereby tbQ first farmer In dinner and me grtd� I . 'r I I - .- 11 , . . try's. forest products a Canada, Descendants of the family Jake got to P101111 011 I , lid the trees --.----�.---,.-,---,-----,.------.----,-----�--t��� N!", _11909,Mft N 4 larger pro. mine in Quebec. ishinitife and I forget I . . - rL . T � What I had came down ...... -­ '' . "r . - ­ ­­,rj - ''M- -.ON-".I INN -no - 1wr 01- I . it I y MABBEZ HAN14710N. Goderich, Ont. . ert " . '1� I I IAN QUI , MA kL , I .1 I E. G G SALADX I BWM Inommommom , MIL R I I - [ WORM Po"afts portion of the potential forest Area. QAXADANS BANK (SAVINGS town liar and was about a 11r. and. it I. - i EG691199W FOUNDING OF XONTRE AL Q,�­What are the present savings 1i late, I bad a louse 11 - , ' ' . '" Mr K`l A L S . If I were a Volioe-a persuasive for his showing unto lata,61- Q. -When and by w)wm was MQnt.r I in Canadian banks! pikred up to give $to lit& slid n �. - Voice-- . I treat founded? A. -The depoS t$ in r ,,,ad,,$ got borne she never even gat we ermy McEW*"`*NS Sp . . . . That could travel the wide, world Chapter 3 : 1-3. A. -On May 16, 1842, Mailsonrieuve banks, on,march 31, 19a", which re- thing about what was the matter. . � I ^ , , � . L thr6ugh, . We have here a statement of the . � men and 40 wo- present the Savingra in part of the Thats the -way good Xcuses goo to I L . . , .o.0 -.00"r i.. r .. . I - ; Iwould fly on the bealas of the worx�- exact time at which, 4.obn began, his and his colony of 40 [, raising the people, totalled $1,718.000,000., I, Waist. ! BUt it MAY MA in boindy I L ' public ministery Ushering in'a new men founded Montreal I later 6n ,sum time in- the future pro-, ' 4 . . Ing light . ly banner of France, . Bo,ys'. Lea.ther Witts, lined' siftial priloo 250�V,Idr-' . . gtion. It was in the reign of Cross and the If . TREATY OF GHENT hapS. r L L . . . ,r . And speak to men with 4 gentle dis long and solemnly dedicating it with hymn -What , of I a good sermin at , ., might, thepRoman emperor, Tiberius Caesar, Q, was the treaty Sunday-heri Youths, Leatiler mitts, 1100d. 500 pwir. � , . , � . And� to whom that nation that had been and prayer, calling it Ville Mhrie Ghent? - hirdh this morning. The pr lo or � . � tell them to be true, Holy do Montreal -Mary's Town of Mon- I C o all 'Non's Leathev Nitis 'I I . Such. it war, � that part of the,, Not L A. -The treaty of Ghent, si Ined in tawked about mell and Willi Q I . With foro figoor separaip, 606. , , , . . . I . I'd fly, 14' fly o'er land and sea, , ,- : Land which the children of sr4 I treal. � I . that Belgiurn'tity on Decoomter 124 sexes witch issent satisfide when the . I . ' ' . Wherever a humah heart mi ght be� took possession of first, when they LUMBIA LUMBER 1814, Marked the official closiat R Good plan gives the What the 'N13111*8 LeNtIlOr Work GIOVW.- litiOd, SPOOMI ,10Q. . BRITISH CO , I � . . I . Telling a tole, or singing a Song, entered.under the leadership of JOB. EXPERT$ the war of 1812, 1814, between Cno- fur. But they W lit liho. to to Ch -it . 1i L In pialse of the Right--ont, blame hua." It Was fitting that the gospel - q. -To whatextent'ja''BritiSh Co.' to them all -rap Up- .-re � 0. . _ i . � - Flaee.a U UaAerw(mr for-, both. m,A and boyr a at 1:00d pri(!f8'._. r 'I . , r , 1� . I ,of the Wrong. � . r - -b�.�. UiVufled -it%- land - and.r Canads,_Qrt the one .sioilo�*nd . . . - lmd- . L . I . lamortal � balifi6i 6bolild first' lumbia exporting lumber? the United States on the Other* Since US No. I . 'If r 1 ,�oere a, voice -an that same part of the promised land, Monday -Ur. Gilloem and pa was a NX04's, - . to Wext. At clogs ptices. , � .. I . ime proclaiming U new b4itiSM, A,. -British Columbia's lumber ex- when there has been unbroken 1)64co, aUtit a mAnL heW in town lloavy Wool tiuderwom � r .. . . . voice- , He N, _ fin 19122 tawking I I . . I I L I'd speak in the people's Car ; . . For the origin of, baptism we have ta ports are steadily 'WE"NAME Oj?,0 L - " r ... grolm . .r , 'TTAWA: s Wife. Mr..Gil . Nit 610toR riftetory Yarn 4,40 SWM. �� . . I . . And, whenever they shouted "Llber- go back to the Mosaic law; In Israel greatly exceeding 1921 inclu, ding big geQ ere did'the city of Ottawa lem sed he tbot a man was A' ornery . I . . , t i L . . . tyo I t r '. ,, I � washings -were the means appointed -Shipments to Ja an'L.Iustralia Now . . me?.. . cuss. to go abed and -spend thoney for . A foW prurs of Wool Blitiakets left to Clew at Interesting. jDricoils. r� Without deserving to bb free, ` . L ,for the restoring of the person who Zealand, South Tmetica, the .Witood . I . . . .� , � . . Kingdom and th United States Ao--The City of Ottawa I$ r named Cigar$ When his Wife Wanted a now : r I'd molike their error clear, bad incurred ceremortial defiloment. r r e . I . from the River Ottawa on Whose dress, INA, says Yes and r Just be., NVo %ro' alea,rine, out our #ook of %va" Rwoeaters at 01066 r . . in , 9s. I I I I I 10d fly, on the wl if day .td'bis place among the worshipplAc EMPIRE WIRELESS 'i banks it is situated and the Word it. tween me and �Ou he Is not only orn. .r. . . . . . � .1 . L . . lid Ut 0 the Jew needed .. - priceR.- - , I . . r I Rebu ing wrong on my world.wfole congreliatiOn. .-If Q, -What ?Ian& tire made for an self commemorates an Indian ,tribe ory but he is very foolish and uses . . . � 6 , � L' .. . .. . . . . r . . . way, I I . cleansing to fit lifin to'perform III : e � from'a word meaning, "to trade" as poor Judgement. I . I . E mpire Wire ess -station? � .. . I � I I . I .� . . I � 1. r . And, making all -the earth. rejoice- religious duties, mucbf more ikeces- A,Tbe ,tritish Government will they were noted as inter4ribal trad. . ,Teugd4y,Got sum, now nelbors to,o �. ., I . r . . . I it I were ,a: voice -an "immortal sary wasit for the Gentile Who wish- 6WrjS�suii licetuses for the erectfoon of pors and ba.rter.s. - . I . . day. The lady of the famlY carrys, - L� .. I I I L . . I I . r I voice. . ed to- enter Judaism, -For such a n - ' ' * -j�� V . . ' . .in the Coal, buts the kindling & takes -_ �: I 'L I . . ism seemed to be the wireless stations in the United Kiltg� are ---*..-,-�..,..---.�.--..��--.,..�- ­ 11:�'. � r ­- ---..--,.-. _­ , __ ­ - .. . 'L . (Charles Mackay). prRselyte bApt care of the -yard and puts on sp � I 11 hensoliver tiny doin for communication with the Do- GIRLS, AND -WOMEN. - . . 00'tl , . . ­ . . . , I . � tting ceremony. "W r : ivA tires on the ottonlobile. She goes tQ . . I I �L . . . PRAYER . heathen will bitake 'himself and be minious and Colonies, looking toward . HELD BY ANAEMIA are chirooll. Pa says he woodent be I � . MANU . I . r L . ..'... -.-- I -1- I - ­ ­­­ . -_ _L .1 . . Our Heavenly Father, we come be- joiged to the covenant 4 gloriousI one; I a Complete system throughout the . �. - . �' - . ,. " supprized to no that she shaves and L L 1�� � . v r I L. .I., r . . .. L 1. iring and r Un er David and Solonion, was trl� Empire. . .. L ise in the chirch quire. ' L . I T40. - _. . . fore There with bearts'hunge I . - - . � r . I . I . We butary and was ruled over by tot- SL'XOUNTED POLICE - Rich, Red Blood' Neopiled to Restore ' b . r . .. I . , . thirsting after righteousness. CANADA" I r 8114sedupaelsday-PA list Mose Bolan it 1. . . . r v . . are sick. and weary of Sin. s or'vic - . Q. -What IS the � strength . Their Health r . . * - I I We' long rarch ,eroys.. It was when An L present . - L ' . Ills Wife wag still stek and Mose re- . I r I I . % to be freed from its weakne s and nag, and '. Caiphas were. the - high . . . It" . . I . � . I rr r I . I of God came to Ofthe mounted police force? Vhere Are, thousands of growing girls plyed and se.d,No she Is not sti I :J I -McEWEN . I L burning restlessness'. . We would turn riest.p. that the wor( , I - . L But *she - is' very- Sick yet, .. L I r . . 4� � � I ; . . . 'r . . I our backs forever -upon its sbrdi& &olm -the Son of ZachariAs, calling A, -The present strength *of Can. and w1comen held In: the deadly clutcheg L . . L 1 116S of anaeutia L $lowly but surely a death- Thirsday-ft � Sent a story to the I I . . � L I . � --- ___ ­ eqSL and meanness. 'We would wall; him . leave his life of retirement adal� mounted police force is I , L or .day Phone 46 L . Wedell* 5 ' __ no I -officer"rid men -and -656 --hors editor of a inagasine the Oth � I - . . I I . .or the Sqod . . *'---------'I __ ,w-olr-tha Country -about UallyL es., .-Thle. IY_pallQr__W "tti GW -t Cheeks,, their dL­ t"'LAL, . . L L I � . . �­ _." ­ ­ , _. - L' ­ , ­­-­,_­_­ ­__­ "', . .. 11 I. .. -11 -- da 11 r heir n _jnlaWor Way_j-.�­Tu . I L T� by.dayja t e pure fellowsh, , 91 and CO - in, I V 10411wrl r L I . . . L . r y � An. IS are riot told bow the - is being grad reduced in eyes grow dull; rtb air stop languid; their a. L I dear � Son, our , Lord. TO Ut Jord force . -11 J It numbers on the ground that fewer appoetito Ackle. Daily they are losing sed. I received $uro maniscrip and - , r � ' , . � I . Ir end we beseech Thee to create iliL US Word of the Lord -came ,to 0 Tit will lose no time in readimi't. r Pit IS ill r r r r And to renew rightr Spij- whether, by an angel, as to his f4th- men have'accomplished more work in their vitality avil brijittaess. Pains In .1 ­­­­­� ... - - - ___-, _... - ,� . , , __ , , , - :.,_ - I ,_ _ , ­­. - 1. . . . clean hearts i ' krs. Their Activities now Oble L side, headsobea and backaoliosa tickled but ma, says she t inks there . I . I , I L L its Within US,, May we submit Our- or, or by a dream, or vision, or voice. recent yet L .. ,,, r is, a kotehr In it sum place. & that the --=O= � 12r-1 Q * *6, +U.4. TX 1r& -; �--- +'k- wiliderness' that 6 cover the efitire Dominion.. L . ifollow, and 11 seems to be scar6ely Ut 4.. . 1 4- .1..hi I 0=9==.. ,0=oz====0XK0"EX" ­ I I . a . . . Selves to '1,41y y F- V wo � . I I - worth living. hat is �needed in 04ses oditor v ,­ . . . . I . t I . may lead us into the truth,. teaching word of the Lord came to John Elbow- I � , - - of this kind Is 110w' rich red bloolil I 0 . I . . . . . I I 0 . � I f . . ! . . . to love the things -that Thou can and does bring to be the. forerunnix of the toiling girls audwomea. the Charm and bright- TAWA VIA CAI-TADUN NA.. I . 11 . I I . lovest. Search no, 0 God, and know m6st obscure places; and this I . I '. - an I kd ear I . I � . I I .. I us t6 hate 'the things that Thou hat- , that"whom the Lord fits M. trials.and privations. And so qualified which will bring baZ� to -weak, AtIllig DIRECT CONN8CTIONS'TO' OT. . 0., eat and 11 work he * , spilciu,15 . rfelob health. To obtain -this . M-..0 6do urer s CI , 1111 I , � 11 . out Of - ;;,�"rleqs Of this aid sufferinj'Me�siah. He then in- aess of pe . , I %. � m. * - I I I . TIONAL RAILWAYS 0 I . . our hearts; Lry us And _ow our is a o e o ma o . . I I . . . -any kind recorded ih the Scriptures. quired if thoy'Went out to See a pro.- now, ricb:blood try Dr, Williams' Pink With t1io ,new train � service or- . . thoughts; And see if there be phet. If so the were correct iw Pills. Their actioi Is directly upon the . . . .A into a particular dis . .. wicked way-in.us; and-le6d us into John .was calle - their ju � y -.he a blood; they Supply the elements rangements which were p � us' name trict to do a special Work, 'fHe cam , dgment. ot Oat * was _ut.. into of, . . I ­ the everlasting. In. Jes . I e grophet but there was none g6ing necessary to make It rich and red, And feet May 18th, on the lines, of the7 . I . , way. Amen. . ... ... I Into Alt th'e,countri round Jordan, of C ad N t - , � �. we ask it. . efdre him who was: greaterthan lie. in this way they bring back the glow an idn a jonal. Railways, Improv , � . � I Presbyterlan`W,it�essl- pte.jehiog, the baptism of repentance Isaiah had been distinguished above health to the cheeks, brightness to) the e4 service is being 6porated between . . I ., . I Sins;" (Yerse 8) . . � I 1. . SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR for the remission of and energy to the Goderich, 'Toronto, Smith Falls and . I of Israell and place himself under all others - for the - clearness -with ey6si alad� a lightness . I � XULY IST, 190 1� which ;be -bad.foroitold the -ocor-aing ,of step., Aworig� those- wbe, have found �Ott4wa,- Trains . leave Goderich_at . . . . I I I thewings of ihe Divine Majesty, and -had surpassed him, for benefit through the Use of Dr. Williams' 6.00 A. ln. and,2:20 0. in. daily except. . I Lesson T10e,4ohn:tIm Bap�"t-' take the yoke of the Law upon him Christ. John . I . . I . . * , mmalf; .Jo nsto , Sunday� connecting At Toronto with . . Lesson Pissago--�Mke 3,3-8,, -7: he lived in the time of Christ. Je. Plafr P1114 Is Miss. B b U . � . . �. . I ,Mlurltary circumcision, baptism a . nd sus. t9en quote&words from the pro- R.R. Nom 1, .Clinton, , Ont., who says:-_ "The Capital F'Ityll leaving Toronto .. . I . 24-28, _ * . * . . obation are required.",, - . . ' Id that ii,rophes "In the spring of 1921 1 felt woeAk dnd at 12*10 p.,m. and the "Ottawa Ex. I . I I. . .1 Golden Textr--Iluke 1-68. . , . . , Long before ibe time of John, pro- phet- Mala6i and Sal y rim down. It was with press" leaving Toronto at 10:80 p. n , t � phots hfid seen that for a true poleanw- was fulfilled in John. There was very much _ i . I : . We learn from thefirst chapter of Ing- the nation must look to'the Mes- not among All men a greater prophet difficulty that I forced inyspilf W,Work Returning excellent connection is - .; . Luke that John's birth wa& for6told sianic days when God should " .than -John the Baptist, but "he that at all� - !bad headaches, was very'pale, made at Toronto with night train . � . by the angel Gabriel;, that he -was ,open , is least in.the kingdom of beaven'is &lid felbCovst"tly Qred.' In.our local leaving Ottawa 10:30 p. tit. Train - . . . the son of Zacharias and.his- wife. $I* fountain. for sin and uncleanness, . be.!'. , This no d6ubt paperIvan acrogstbo -testimonial of& leaves Toronto 6-50 a.- ,to. and --ar- ... 1. . ... I Hlizabeth;othat tho name,-Johol wag spkinkling His, people'vith . clean * wa-. .greater than dso v1i&'9d$ourned -with .lady who told of the benefit 'had from rives At Goderich at 11,40 . w in. daily �1 I I . . given to the'ehild by. his parents in t'er, and putting. � neW heart and.a .meant that.1 ,his three yearfs min- using" Dr.' WilliAms' Pink Pillso and I except Sunday. . . . . t within them." Jvsus during . . . accordance with a,divine commandi. new spiri L. .It *as ,.� t I . received instruction froln 4eelded to givethem a trial. Very soon . .. . � � I I I . I � I . 9bjection John's rrivilege to declare that the is ry and I . and in spite of the 'strong . i to be regarded at; greater Ifpel6A:':cbauge forthe better, and by ' Messian c ,days were near at band him were I =Ozz��Q =.A%0ff�"""""` . I I . .of kibafolk and, neighbors. -epp�re the than the prophets who foretold his the time I bad taken five boxes I felt . . 1. . . . We arle. not told. how his ,boyhood and that he had come to III. . coming ,and than Jobnwho was his like a new person. The tired, w0ta out i7o � 1. . . . ,werd spent other w.ay -fpr His coming. : . . I herald. I � , : . . * � I . I feeling )iad valtished-abd I could go a . than'that "the hand of the. Lord *as . Verges 1 4 . -�6.' � - I I . I .� _. .. about.my.wdrk from morning until . U s e H V D R 0 E LECTR I G.. I . I "upon - him" (r. 16) "And the child This passage' Was taken from Ilia. :� WORLD MISSIONS . - night withoutAny difficulty. Icoortalw 6 . 6 - I .. � � ly cannot spe4k too highly of Dr. I I Ll .. gro6w anil waxed strong in spirit" 40.3. The language was such as was .1 . � � . (V. 8o). A,time must have come, familiar to the Jews and such -as Missionaries forerunners of.. Christ Williams, Pink Pills And when I meet r 1 . however, when he felt he must break . . . I . anyone weak And run-down I strongly I The People's PoWe' . I they would easily understandi -. "In When Dr. Laws entered Africa in advise them t4 give these pills: A triii. " . I . 10 I I . . . away fromthe life Ili big fathet, the the vas� deserts that lay between 'Is75, the Whole of the interior, then .. . I ' .. priest's honie. AS, a piltst's son his Bhbylon and Judea, he is represented , ally unknown, , W84 given over Toucan gettbose pills through any, 09, .. COOK. BY ELECTRICITY � - I . . as lifting up his , 0aebtle . medicine dealer Or by -mail at 50 cents . . birthright entitled hik�to, follow in voice, and.with au- to t le forces of savake-ldwlesmosg- a box from The or. �Vllliam4l Medicine WASH BY ELECTRICITY ... his father's footsteps *and enter upon thority, commanding a public road it was a vast region, -where 0aelty' . . I I -L . . the duties of thli'l)rlestly 44fice; hot to be made for the. return of the sufferitig, and bloodshed prevailed CO3,'1;A1jl..bVWa1l Wt. . . . IRON 'BY ELECTRICITY. . I . . ... � � I � he broke a*4y from this and went , tive Jews, with the Lord as their uncheiiked. It was -0 cojjntj�v.where . I I I . . I .. . . forth to a life of solitude to be trans-� ca 4 re 0 b e rt I � . deliverer, -Prepare -his 'Ways, make the thoughts And de. i s. f t e h a ' �� . I. Spoiling the Show . . .. . . . I - I .. . . fortned into 6 prophet mightier than them Straight, sa , or, as Isaiah wel-e evil continually. - was only .. Som, - Conylaniont . ,, ,T,s he, It . e time ago I took an old col . . . . . w. ,Any of Old Testament times. While �ad is a e e an to the picture sh ' . . a ,ft, Let the va, leys be exalted, or with the ,Advent of the Ch 1 tj w�r - or d In . . I I In the wildernes9p separated from his. p, 'and the hills be levelled, ligion that the bonds of the past and, first, time, When he came out, I I . . . . 0 1 fellowai he "ine into -close.fe1low- u the I . . 0 Quick: I � 1�. d wild ana a straight, level highway be pre- auth6rity of their.cus,toms were said: � . . . . I : ship"Nith his God, Locusts an pared, that they may mareW with bro'ken, That spiritual power which " "Well, uncle, did you ii�ajoy the pie. 0 . I I � � I . . , ., hon . wtire"his food, and he' was . I . ­ - 11 0 - than' coal, op . . t eJed With a loose.cloak of woven . . . dcoh . CIO ease And safety. As applied to Johi), has redeemed as large a section- Of ture?" , , . it means, that he was sent to Vemove ,wayward humanity acted like magic I yes 11 he saW- "the picture cheapep I . camel's hair bound aboxit by a leatb' was afl rigKt, but the 'piano made so - I . 11. , obs,truetionsj and to Prepare the peo, upon the primitive heart of Central, I I I . . . . ,girdle. How long he reiniined there � I ; " . .. I . much noise I couldn't hear a word % ." . I . . " I `, . is pie for the coming of the Me$81all-pt �Africa. . I . I Wood I . . unkn9wh. but at last the day came (Barn .. I . �� I I Before Christ the most sodden they Said.11. I � .. 11 . I . I .. I .-ties). - . � � I a . ; �_ - __ - I , When John came preaching he hap- chief and his wildest warriors bowed. ' . I - . 1. - . . tized those who professed .repent- with a kind of instinctive reverence; Interwilly and Externally' It is - ,An Ellictiole VIONUM Cleane'r - . I � . .. - Good. -The crowning property of Dr. 0 - . I � , .. . . ahtq,� in'order to impress. -them with anct. in less ft,n fifty years; His Thomas! Helectria Oil. is that- It .can . POMOVIS the dolt , . . . 1� , :,. , . � . � I the idea that they must be re -born teaching bas trans&rmo�d the ]arid I A 'Bragit lost moves the . I 0 1 . 11 . . before they could enter the kingdom, Men: still carry spears. but it. is j� be used internally for many ''Com- I . .� I . . 11 I � I The essence of John's preaching, the ward off the wild beasts, The faces plaints as well an externally, For dnit. 1. ... . . . sore 'throat, croup, whooping Cough, 1. . . 1, � �. . . I I � . I . � . . text*of all his sermons was, "Re- of the women are free from the old taing in the thost,heolic, and many . . I . � ... . i , 0 . I t is . . I � , , I . . � ' pent ye, for the kingdom of heaVen sullenness and suspicion, and bright .1 . dred ailments qualities tbat,.1 I. , � . .� I . , I UOUIdShed? is tit hand." He chose no smOOth with a new light. From ,every vil- In . . .� � . I . . , are unsurpassed. A bottloof it costs . IL . .. 9 sounding words IN with loud voice, lage the -laughter of Children nngs . I Wit& "in and 1400 dinplay of '� . . I ; at little and there is no los.1 in always . I I 1. . � ') be called u on tz- multitude that out at davm and .dusk. All this is having it at band. goods ,at . I . 7. .0 came from lorusalem and from GA-. the result of the freedom brought to - I � I � � . I . . I . .k . e natural f000. . . Iffee, civilians and w1diers, Pharl- the land by the missionarFes of Often That Way . . � . . I , i and Saddutees alike, to Christ -the messengers of peace 0 .f babieS Wheiij . see!, tam n flPa, whaVs a stationary engine?" � � . . I from their evil ways; and then When earth, good Will to men, . ,'That one on my motor car in a . THE - MOR0 STORE ... I , ; I I . , . many of them presented themselves (Laws. pf Living8tonia). good part of the, time." I - . for lbaptisin he expressed his aston. I . I * 100014" . I . vaothees.milk . , . � ~w-___��­_.V�_-__-_ � ........ ­ . � . , 1100th slow,if 14U�t# - .: . . ishment that sinners so hardened and . I I I . . - I 1� � so hygoeiritical -as they were, should. � . I � . .1 . . . . ­ I... W I ... � � __ . 1 _'17 � . - 1 AUTS, is - - � . I n`­"0=====o=0zh:1 � � I � ".v-- I have leen induced to flee from cow- _)�.�,.'­ . � --7 - I . I I I - . . I 1- � . I . . I '.. I . I . Ing wrath -110 generation of V ip. , * t . , :4 . . I ,0�____* - . . I I ew I I � 11 . 1, . , I . . era" (verses '7-9). To the J ish �, . . "I I . I 11 . . 1 M4. . ". OA_��o I ritin, d it was a most astonishing thin :. I& I . I 11 ='), . �l: � I It* . . I . I � 0 1 . � I . . , ; . I I . 11 I .. . ­ I ... . I � . : I ... � . . � I . . . . . . . I.. . I.. I . ., , I . . . . I . "Olp .... .. 0 1 . . . ,�. . � . I. I .. . . . I � . I I I . . . . I - ... . I . . .4 . I . . � I . �.. I . I- , . I . I . 11 , I ill, I . I I I . I I d � .. _­ . . f4l Ratione: ` Giongham - -.I 1. F,..- .. I . 'i . I � . . I . .. I I � i. . I 1p"� �. 0. . I . I . ,.� .1 . 4 1 . I ! I .. ­ - I � 1; . I � , , . , " I I . ­. I I : R . � 1, .1.11. ff . . . I � I s 11 0 . .. 1. ­ . .1..JD... . . ESSES - - . I I I �. ... �.. %. . 1 . .. . '.. I. I I.i . .. ... 1- . . . ... .1 I , � _1. I..,. I .. 1: ., .. .. I.. . I 11 . 'Received a special -shipment - of Afanufacturer's . � . . Clearing of Ratine and.'Gingham . Dresses. 0-84�* tht - I . . . . . - ' I I . � � . Idt- of all,shades and styles. � I I . � I . . . � . �. I . . .;.. . ­� . I �, I 1. ,. . 10 . I . I IV � I � , .. ­ 11 � I . Prke*s arv, $1.-95, $3.95 $4,50- 0.50.' 1 . I � . 9 � f - � I . � . . "'. . I . . . . I I I � . I * � . .. I I I . . I .. No repeats dr special orders., takeq,. on any .Dre.94 . �., . . . itx.tbis lot. . : , , . I I . �. I I. , , _ . .4 . .., � . . I I . � I . .. .. ... . I , 1. �.. . . 1.1 � . . .. . . � . . � . . . I . .1 I . I I 'Buy Whe're Your. Dollar Couatt thilog . . I . �, . �, !, . 1. ,... I. .. . ­. . ... I I I . . . . I . . � I - t"­�­�­­­­_ ­­ __­.__,.,.,!__..! - . .. 11 ... 1;.�.,, . I .. . I . 1. . . . � . .. . I .. I ... .. * ' � . � I " I .. . I . 1161 ' �.. I.... I 15,.,P,ER CENLOFF 1.1 '�' ` . . q # . . I � 11 ­­ �. ... .1 .11 .. � I .... � .11 . ), . I .. . � i 11 �. I We have conle to that inoment,when 41. o4d Nuies; , . . 1: I... ' inust be cleared, tli�rqfoie we are offerliug' a..'rid'action � ". , � � of, r5 per cent. ou.,�vebry Stift or'Coat. in' this 'store... . - .. I .... There is a large varitty froin which to Abose. . .. 11 .. 11. , I I . I . .. � I . . I 1_-_____..1. ­­­ .. 1. 11 � . �. .. . . . . ; . - ... I �. , ­ , __ - ____, .1 - � 11 I I . . � . � . I . . � . . � I - r9l It 1 �, AN -OTHER MIPMENT OF - -1 .. . I .11 :.1 . T. ' ., 0 A SE . a,nMPLE'H0 . . . . I � � I . I . . . 1 4 1 I I I I . We were fortunate to get another Adoment of .. i I. / . Sample Xose,. in White, Blacicagd Brown, a zes Al'a to 10.. - We are 'Selling theftt -below Manufacturers cost I I 11 . � at 25C, 50cs 9500 $1.25s 4T-35, Regular froin $r.5o to I I. I . . . $2.50, .. I . � , I . � � . I . I _. . . I I ­ .1 At they should De spoken to in . � I I . . 1. I . . I ... .1 .1 �. � `_­ --------- ' ­_ - ­ � ­ . , 1, 4 - - . . such terms. According to the tom- . � . I . I . . � 6 AC118. mon belief all Israel Would have a . . 6 � . . . F o 1� . I 'i". ,.I . I W" . " "? . 11 - I I 0 1 t �, . 41001140�vwmft ., . glace in the Messiah's kingdom as . .1. I . i ELECTRIC H I 1,!*V . ... 1. � I - 5cejantg of Abraham. But John I 1 . e, . ! I I a m. 11 I . - � � . � � � .. . . preached a different d6etrine; being - . . - ­ ,� . 4W. I I ,.� 0 ROYALL0,1ES . - - ____ a $On of Abraham would Count for , . . I . .11 q " . " , * . . I . . nothing-, for of the very stones of the . ', "'* _ . I , ., . .. - - " I . I . . Jordan God could raise up children ..�, .It �15 - I WIRING . .. I . � . to Abraham. PriviIegeg of birth lw� . ­ . �� I .. . AhIft V . . . j would avAlk them nothin(v if there -1 Wo Fipeeialisw ill Wiring of Rea'dymptomWev&& Co.. I � . . I . I , I I I . was not righteousness of life. . � 11 1 . all kindsi. Lob ua Llvo you ful . I � . .� 11 . I . I I . . . I . I . � .. Lukt, 7 .* 24-28. 1 I � . - eahnateSor wlrin�,, your liouce 0 East. Sije Squvire' . Goderith, Oat. . . . . � I I I I I I I � Or garago, ", . I . I I . , Herod had thrown John the bap- . I 00 . - . � . . . ti .. ­ - *11111111 I , I st into prison on account of John �, 11=o=0=====0=oft===== 6X===M= . I . . I . I . I having reproved him for marr I � PRIVATE.TELEPHONES. � I . ying I _­_________­_ -_ I . � - - I I.' .! - _!l-_ - - ­..._____., __ __ , ____ - . I I his brother Philip's wife.' Frolft . . . I � . . .. I there be sent his ,disciples to smk Je. I MOTORS, DYNAMOSO . - I . �� . '� glus if 'he were the Messiah or should jf4 .. A Sure Relief for Women`$ 0180r.ders. tio dayi traimt fm . . 1 4-uh tA^l& -fAw ,bvinfli.wo- A ig s" minat,wer I _� � .... I : ELECTRIC BELLS sai . it I it a . .66.1 -1i 111 40 It AN 14 111 M . 11AA Children and vl�lnm- UPS Always agree 04 the plealute of U11110 I IF", Ts lituro"T, rro vnm", 9rolist 5041� j . I Jesus, in their presence, performed . wonderful mirsooleS, and ibeti told'! them to go back and tell John what i , �1 .- . I Ahey itAd seed., Tottdzig, iberi 'to 'the - ,,, ­ - people he began to instruct them re-' -"- ' vting the true character of lohn. I Ire( did this by inquiring why they had gone out to hesir him preach. The Jordan overflow0d its banks an- � nually And great quantities of reeds or Canes grew on the hank,q of the . Tiver and these being of a fragile' � vature were easily nwayed by the Wind, Did they think that was the sort I? of than �An was? Next he inquired f a h, W` th't Soft clothing Miss Anna Rolebi-Benjamin, ado pted daughter of Park Venjamin *3- I 'It " ' the ""'hin, ,.Iattracted thotim ?, I,ftold not he found out in the desert- tineaj8bed'Ameriean lavvy", leaving: to scatter his a9hea to the four nCither would any one not poae4sea of a bArdy character, Att#d to ;jau" WMS "at , the middle of the oceau!" as hia will ditecta I , � '. I % I . . I I , I . I I_ I . bbl... r� `-4 -e . I I—% - - ll t', - ,-4 ,* . __ - ­� -11-.1-1-1-- ­­ 196 mmb,L.� _ -2 ___ - - - - I 11 � I � I _M_ I rifiariftAlIL- -a --..do* * 60 j a 11 P V V4 % OvAktM40 U "U"W". WAII, ally and Is Ab"filed 111tO the allttering Uftue. 'Me dead W&Mit* 111114ittet' .. in the eongested yetion Is expelled.'sivins IMiriedUte aneattl and 0hysiftl I .11 - I ­ I - ­ - . - � - - revel; the blood vewls god . I I 11 jl� - I ,­ �,_ " � I I , I I A ... . I 1, -1 1, �, "_ , I t feklvl6t�'06 'totted AA& 4reASth- , , COOK, IRON and TOAST loy , 4 1� � . . � ened: and the c1rotilAtion Is fell. - I . ELECTRICITY \ I . I dered to normot]. �Aa thill tretto I i triblit IN baged oalstriefty setft- .11 , IN, fifie'vrinciples, s4d acts on the, Nva have an aqwrtwitent of . "I I settist lavation ot the diseme It . I t1jo bett E.1ectrie 1ronr4 and I . 3 "I cannot holp but do good Itl all - I TGaqtera wafle in Canadi. Orms of fomslt troubles. Itithid- I L i I 1114 delayed aud r3datul menstru- � I � I 0 *1 ation, ieuefthoellk, faffids of *4 I ; � i Orr RojDx, TAIT 11 %vomb, etc. Price 41100 pet box, I 1� . � I . ­ . . . . MM 4 � �. ..... It"Ideb I sulneleski, for ON* - __ . -q - Month's treatment. A FM Trial WOMMMto PnOugh for to days., worth 1,56, . I Elettritito I West St. �Vjlj be "jig yrt,,a 10 my � guoriag witmalk who wfll send m8 hoe iddreso. l"host 82 or 264J . inclose a 84"s and &4&ess, MR--!, LYDIA W. L.,W% Wtodwr, 400S . :::::: . g:=0@lmw111!% 1:z11= b MM W � I � SOLI) By m*,NDVq.0 loteams"'U"Y""s _ I � � . I I I ,� I I . ::: % I . . I I , I . I I_ I . bbl... r� `-4 -e . I I—% - - ll t', - ,-4 ,* . __ - ­� -11-.1-1-1-- ­­ 196 mmb,L.� _ -2 ___ - - - - I 11 � I � I _M_ I rifiariftAlIL- -a --..do* *