HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-15, Page 5THE (Sz t.ei Ataloratt, Ie, published aev erry Thursday Morning, MAIN -STREET, .- EXETER. —Sy the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OJ' SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar pe' annum if paid in Advance $.1,30 if not so paid, 3a,-sS3rt=cs.e•atwm cab's .l.pP ca,- tiori, No paper disee ntinixed until all Bazaar ages acre paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ehargedaccordingly. Liberal dlscountmade for transoient advertisemen is inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,monoyord. era, &o. for advertising, subsoriptions,oto•to be made payable to Ohl s. H..SandersS, EDITOR axe PROP Prossto re nal Curds, gkiH KI 1TSMAN, le D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L A. S., D. D. S., Honor taduate of Too si � Totonto � niver tj . ' 'DIETTISTS, Teeth extraf'tel witbaut any paih, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson,s B1ook, west side Main Street, Exeter. T••�-1�It.D.A.rtTON ANDERSON.,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) .` honors Graduate of the Toronto Cni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All•modes of Dentistry up to date. Orrice over Elliot & swore law office -opposite Central Rotel-Exeter. lit>dlral Dra. J A. IiOLI.INS & T A.. A11fOS. Seal loueea damn as' toxanerly OFFICES, Speakman, building. algin et - Dr, Robina' office; same as formerly --north door. Pr. Aino o#iiee, Saw° building -south door. May 1st. isee J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, 31.1., rt,T.1. hfeI',ltrfe Ll\, MEMBER OF the Cotle„_e u f Play eicie,us and Surgeons Ontario, Phestelan. Surgeon asld iSee,iuoh- env. Office, Pa•eltwootl. Ont. Legal. U $. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOIdCIT- iI,. OR, Conveyaucer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Hank, Fxeter,Ontario. ,$tonev to Loan. T _ H.DICRSON,Is.1,lt,liISTER,SOI.ICITOIi, of Supreme Court. Notary Public,, Cou- vevathoe+r,Comialeeloner, si e.alouoy to Wan Qffiee-Fausou'a Bloelt,Exeter LLIOT S: 11i.AIDMAN. BARRISTERS. aru Etc.. Convzava-aerr,. ani Stones• to Loan at 5 and :r°p iter eclat. B. V. Eta 10T. F. W. GLAIMAN. •.uctioueers > EOWN. Winebotdca. Licensed Aact ioncortor the Collusive of Perth an,1 Miildlesee, also for the township of Isburue SeleI Promptly attendee to anti terms rca- aonhalo.Sahos arranged at Poet office, Win- oholeee. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Tneuraneo Agout, Alain St. Exeter WANTED, IrELI'. Reliable man in every locality. ioeal or travelling, to introduce a new (Recovery and keep mu -show eaardetaekv,l up on trete, feared and bridges throughout town awl country. Stenelyemployment, eomuhiasioa or salary, $05 iter mouth and t.xpenees, and money tle- peeited in any bank whom started. For tair- tdcuiers write" Cho World Medical Electric Oo.,"London. Wit ,Oaauad:a. 2-2 94 TUE NEIEUO at. f tltIiISON nosiness and. Sit orthou it College Cor. Young and. College Sts., Toronto is an absoiutely first-elass Business School Individual instruction by experienced teach- ers holding ltigbt'at gealifieations. Good re- sults, Pre'pcctus mailed free. Enter now. It, D. Minute 1,`..l .1!.f3. Jas..1larrtson l•rinellrthls Lader„ raduato of Toronto University and S. of P. S. Trf'i re. After. Tood's Phosphodine, De Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package $h, six, $5. One will please, sfzwill cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. J Wood's Phosphodhne is sold in Exeter by J. W. Brewing, druggist. FARMERS! . 1 You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements. Deering Binders, flowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Stilly Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING II:WHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machines.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. G urney stoves and furnaces I s and The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies MADE MEA MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALL Nervous Diseases -Failing Mem- ory, Impotency.Sleeplessness,eto. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- cretions, They gtrdolcly and surety restore Lost Vitality in old or young_ and lit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if t. on in tithe. Their use shows immediate .improve- ment and effects a CUBE where all other fail In- sist upon having the genuine. Ajax Tablets. They have cured thousands and wil 1 cure you. We give a pos- itive written guarantee to effect a cure nn Osse each case or' refund the money. Price .per package; or, six pkges (full treatment) for $2.60. By hail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of r,ries. Circular tree. AJAX REMEDY CO., 's m,ya em) t sold in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedl.eeday) Wheat per bushel 00 to 91 Flour per cwt 2.15 Barley 40 t0 41 Oats 20 to 3o Peas 52 t0 53 Boot r t$ to 13 9 Potatoes peebag 35 to $0 Hay per ton 7.00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 4 AH Women Should Read This Interesting Letter—" I was Nervous and Weak." $.lfe Changed from Misery to Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Theterrible trials of the ac gentler sex" aro beyond description,. .low Mood's Sarsaparilla is adapted for them and how it restores health and helps Over the hard places, is well illustrated. by Mfrs. Place's letter, "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.; "Dear Sire: -In early lite I mattered much from, stomach troubles and spent a great deal of money in doctoring: I re- ceived temporary relief only to ,have a re- turn of sickness, and for the past five years life has been made miserable by constant illness. During thio period there have been six menthe that I was not oft my bed, Red for one year I Buffered most severely. I was Nervous and Weak and life seemed ab .0 rdan, It happened that my husband bought a bottle of Ileod'a Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it be email dopes. In a abort tune it WAS evident that it was helping me. In two weeks I felt that I was being greatly oeneflted, About this time our youngest son, then 15 years at age, was taken down with typhoid fever. He passed on to bis reward, and soon othere of the family were taken ill, until, I was the only one left to Bare for there. I continued taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and to thesurpriseof myself and ail the neighbors, I not only kept up and took care of the sick, but my idaalth Continued to Improve. For nearly three months time siege et typhoid fever held the family down. Alt this than, as by a miracle, my health kept up and I grew strong. At present I am feeling wetland know thattho bene- fit derived from hood's Sarsaparilla is perhnanent. Other members of the house- hold have since taken IIood'a Sarsaparilla and lood'a Pills with good effect." Illus. Reur.ocA Peeen, N. Sixth St., posheu,Ind. 0091 0, Sorsa- ‘.4 la the Best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Iloou's; take no substitute. are prompt, efficient and Iooti S Pills easy in coact 25 cents.. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies, Sate,effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Colton Root Com. pound. Take no outer, aa all Mixtures, pills and imitations aro dangerous. Prise. No. 1, gl per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$$ per box. leo. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. spoibruistsnCnadmended by all responsible and irecommended No. iand. No •' sold in Exeter 1,y 3.W Browning, Druggiet. Russel and Thomas Loyons,tiro brothers living near Draws Station, were shooting. A premature discharge of the gun fatally wounded Fussell. George Wilkinson, of Cornwall, it pa- tient in the Brockville Asylum, attacked his house keeper and burst a blood vessel in the struggle which followed Chief Keeper Hughes and Engineer Derry, officials of the Kingston Peni- tentiary,havo been suspended. They are accused of being too friendly with an ex•conviet. .ip?o YE ,r(4 >4t ih Tie Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 350,000 CURED, WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the�ppres- once of those "nightly losses." They producoweaknoss, nervousness, a feeling of disgust and awhole train of symptoms. They meta man for business married life and social happiness. No matter whether encased by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our Now Method. Treatment will positively emerge. NO CURE -0 PAT 'limier, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may havo weakened you. Exposure may have disease(' you. You are net safe till cured. Our New Method will euro ecu. 'You run no risk. r gi.,p0,000 CUD . Z ioung Mane=You are pale, feeble Ltd and haggas,;l zervoi.e, irritable and ex- citable. Yon 'tieume forgetful, morose, 1 and despondent; blotches and pimples. iy.•`, sunken eyes, vninkled face, stooping from and downcast countenance reveal the blight of; your existence. - pi'!v'a.nt C ,1'S` E VARICOCEL fro matter how serious Your onso may t e .,e how long you. hng• have had it, our It ',V ML. i J.LO1) i ' 1A MisNT will e i.e it. The 'wormy veins" return to ,4 1their normal condition and hence the i., sexual organs receive proper nourish- y�} ' meet. The er,:aus become vitalized, alitt< ]Ireturn. losses and ury powers Nto temporary boueft but uo erinanept cure es nred.,t,. TIO CURE, 100 PA.e. Ivo 41''L tA.- k`s"j 'a ION Nl i`•ELSA1eY. - N0 DfT12i- po1'l'.1ON Ir1tOM BUSINESS. , ;l" ' CuRES gI , AT!) Gt f KO' 4.0..IsTer diseases. OU INSUL'1ATION t`r+i . d E . UIt o C r . ply ti l a . dieDI 1'0 f I t1A. QL 3'�10'DERATi7. If unable to call. writs for a QUl'STION T32LANd1i for 33Oi11'it TFU8ATMEI'lT. Tsleinfaee KEI` ED 4 &E't @GAI 148 SHELBY STREET, BEET, it3 3OIT, .fLl fCH. We treat and cure S t P111 L i t 0Yr rGLEET EMISSIONS, •EA9PUTJTh' Y , , STRICTURE. VARI00CELil ISi 1-t'. t1 NAT., LOSSES, BL41)pr t AlkD RID- t:,• l KO: oftzte 4i ll l v ' l hijp1 • morning, The S ing in the direction havorooef- jl$olguin, The Spanisil infantry All 1 jill� U {L reeved all light articles from the trenches in order to facilitate their movements in case the abandonment of the city is de- , termined upon, That So Far is the Classification. of the Santiago Fight. BADLY USED :UPS Uncle Sam's Navy Will Not I3o Much AMERICANS HAVE ADVANTAGE, Reinforced by the Salvage From Cervera's Fleet• Off Santiago de Cuba, July 10, via Singston, Jamaica, July 11, 11.30 axe - The Board of Survey appointed to exam- ine the Wrecks of the. Spanish ships and, toenquire Into the o nature of their injur• les, reports that only one ship can possib- ly be saved. She is the Infanta Maria Carvers.the the former flagship shi of g p Admiral The hull of the Cristobal shows she was only hit six times, and then only by shells of ti -inch, 5 -inch and 6 -pound cali- bre, This verifies the story that the com- mander of the Cristobal Colon surrender- ed because bo saw she could not get away from tho Booklyn and Oregon, and to continue the battle meant sacrifice of life, It was found that the brass plugs of the large guns and the bolts and looks of the small arms had been thrown over- : board. 1 The Vizcaya showed she had been rid- dled by the Brooklyn and Oregon. She hadthan noteight beeninchesstruck, by projectiles larger Her upper works were riddled by one and SIX -pounder shells. Nealy all 0f thosa shells erplodod inside the super- strueture, and guest have driven the men from the girlie. This eonilrhns the story of Captain Rotate that the Brooklyn's secondary battery was so terrible that the risen deserted their guns. The Survey Board arrived at the wreaks of the Al. is m r ate Oquottdo and Infanta. 'Maria Teresa last night, and at dark the work was postponed, General Miles" Arrival at the American iieadquartez:s in Cuba-Uioagro Ac- counts of the Sunday and Monday Bombardments.- Only One of Cervera's Ships Wortl, Any- tinto Any- thing a: Spain's Igoe. Playa del Este, July 11. -.Advices that have been received here this morning front the front aro to the effect that the bombardment bythe hoot was resumed a s nod early this morning. At the same time a general attack by the land forces was be- ing carried on. Our artillery was doing Very effective work, and the man were lighting with the greatest enthusiasm. Our gunners have the ranges of tile grin • oipai Spanish positions and aro poneing into thein a. most destructive hre enemy is responding, but thole F , , is nowise so hot as oafs. The ii; l tx g flats far, according to the silt ice , to be an artillery duel, in t, hi li ,.' . lel- vantage is greatly on the side o. L's Americans, It is not definitely 3; i two What tho effect has been tram ttt fire, from the warships, halt is la thought that. their aid will very materially re ,ur'a the 1 r S s . � r r time 1ece, envy to compel the c t ,ltu .ttlun of the cite. It is untlerett,o:l here that the plan of attack contempbit. s th : fmc•,;ig ,. of the harbor if the i 1 ht, i ,ttst,u l , do not speedily reduce the Spenieb d(.. '•v SUNDAY'S BOMBARDMENT, Sampson's Gans Could Not Reach San ti- ago-=l:xpterinhental Work -.The Casualties en Sunday. On board the Associated Press desratch boat Dandy, off Aguadores, Province of Santiago de Cuba, July 10, via Port An- tonio. Jamaica, July i1, --Tho Brooklyn, ".texas and Indiana, under Commodore Schley, Megan the bombardment of the City of Santiago de Cuba at 5.15 this afternoon in (obedience to a request from General Shutter, conveyed by a signal from the shore. the warships lined up front east to west, a quarter of a mile from the shore, and fired over the limestone cliff that comes down to the sea and hides the city. five miles away. The bombardment was continued for ono hour. After 35 shots had been fired trot the 6 -inch guns Cont modem Schley became convinced that the Brooklyn was failing short in her Are and ordered a cessation, permitting the battle- ships to continuo, they, with their largo guns, having a longer range. Tho shots were fired, apparently, with great delib- eration and at intervals of two minutes. The signals from the shore announced that the shells fell a thousand feet short and a little to the lett of the Spanish position, At dusk the squadron ceased tiring entirely and Commodore Schley sent a launch to the shore to ask General Shatter if he desired firing continued dur- ing the night. General Shatter states that tho affair of Sunday was only a proliminiuty artil- lery skirmish. Following is a report of casualties in the first division Sunday afternoon as sent by Gen, Shatter in his report to Washington: Killed -Captain Charles W. Rowell, Second Infantry, and Private Peter Nelson, Company A, Second In- fantry. Wounded -Lieut. N. J. Lutz, Sceand Infantry; Private Charles Jenks, Company A, Second Infantry; Private Charles Lontki, Company B, Second In- Santry, and Private Nelson Gilbert, jr., 21st Infantry. MONDAY'S BOMBARDMENT, Shots Every Five Minutes for Two Hours, But 'With Little Effect-•Wltat Was the Truce About? Off Santiago do Cuba, via Playa dol Este, July 1L -At 9.30 o'clook this morning after several range finding shots over the ridge protecting Santiago from the sea, the U. S. cruiser Newark opened Piro into the city with her S•inob guns. The signal corps officers stationed on top of the ridge reported the effect of the shots. Tho Naw York, Brooklyn and Indiana participated in the firing at intervals or iivo minutes. The bombardment lasted for two hours, when General Shatter reported that the shells were mostly falling in the bay,and doing but little damage. The last shot, however, struck a prom- inent church in the heart of the city, Which was heavily stored with powder and ammunition, oausing a tremendous explosion. The extent of the damage is not yet known. When the warships ceased firing, and before General Shatter had begun a land attauk, a flag of truoe was seen coming from the pity. The object of this was not known at noon to -day, when the oorres- pendent of the Associated Press left tho front. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the United States auxiliary cruiser Yale, with Gen- eral Nelson A. Miles, and the United States protected cruiser Columbia, ar- rived. Rear -Admiral Sampson visited General Miles immediately on his arrival, and then the Yale went to Siboney, ,General Milos and his personal staff landing iu a pouring rain. THE SITUATION IN SANTIAGO. Spanish Deserters Say a Good Fight Will Bo Put Up. At Gen. Shafter's Headquarters, July 10, via Port .Antonio, July 11.-1,20 a m, -Deserters fliom tbo Spanish ranks this morning included ono of the non-com- missioned officers. He said that the situa tion in Santiago was bad. but by no means hopeless from the Spanish point of viow. He said the troops bad food enough for their present needs,were in good health, and would make a good fight when they were called upon, He said the men were given $4 each on Saturday, and as it was the first money they had received in many months, they were fool. ing very cheerful. The water supply for the Spanish troops is getting quite bad, and the amount of it is somewhat limit- ed, although up to this tune there has been no serious distress on this account. Desertions from the ranks of the Spanish volunteers continue, and it is now said that fully 6,000 men who had . a great fight for Spain, are out of the city. A party of 500 cavalry lett the city Sunday SAGAST A wfa:ep 1t i RESIGNATION. Advised the Queen Regent to Appoint a Military Cabinet. London, July 12, -The Madrid corres- pondent of the Times, telegraphing Mon- day, says: Senor Stagastit went to the Palace to- day and rendered his resignation, and that of the Cabinet. It is said that he advised the Queen to appoint a new Cab - Mat, largely contesting of the military element, which would not necessarily mean the adoption of a warlike pulley, but probably the reverse. It is generally expected that the rr]_sig- nation will be accepted; but the result may possibly he merely a partial recon- struction of the Cabinet. The Ministers are now in council, and Senor Sagasta bas doubtless communicated to thein an account of his audience with the Queen MAP CATCH C:lAI<1lt t, st ]Fast U. S, Irxeot Could Waylay Minn Before lie Gets hack to Spain. Madrid, July 12. --It will tatko Cam- ara's warships ton days to reach Carta. gotta. The torpedo boats and auxiliary omit sera will go to Cadiz and Ferrol, The present danger is that if the Uni- tod States despatches the fastest cruisers with the Oregon, Texas, Now York and Iowa, they wili waylay Admiral Camara in the Mediterranean. The coast defences will bo ready in ton days. Conditions Demanded for Peace. Madrid, July 11.-10 p.m. -It is as- sorted that the United States makes the following demands as conditions of poaoo: First -Tho possession of Cuba and Porto Rico, with a port in the Canaries. Second -An indemnity of £45,000,000 (about 4240,000,000.) Third -The retention of the Philip- pines as a guarantee of the payment of the indemnity. Those torms are regarded as impossible. Spain Must Sue for Pence. Now York, July 12.-A Washington special to the Press says: Reports from Madrid that the 'United Status has pro- posed terns of pence to Spain were pro- nounced in official circles here last night as the rankest nonsense. The United States Government is conducting the war with all possible vigor to compel Spain to sue for peace. So far the war has cost $360,000,000 in appropriations, with more to follow, even should hostilities cease at onoo. 'There will be no peace until Spain asks for it, and Spain does not seem to havo much sense in that direction. Bryan to Join Lee. Washington, July 12. -William Jen- nings Bryan's regiment of Nebraska in- fantry yesterday was ordered to join General Fitzhugh Lee's corps at Jackson- ville. EVERY WITNESS DEAD. The Awful Result of an Explosion of Gas in the Waterworks Construc- tion Under Lake Erie. Cleveland, Ohio, July 12. -Tho lives of ten men were snuffed out in the twinkling of an eye last evening as the result of an explosion of gas in the big waterworks that is being constructed un- der the bottom of Lake Erie. Following are the names of those killed: John Parks, foreman e,2 years old, single. James Parks, brother of John, 30single. John Pradey, an Italian, 22; single, Tony 13runetti, Italian, 22, single. • John —, Italian, 18, single, Emerson Smith, bricklayer, 44, married. John McCauley, 21 years old, married. William Tucker, negro, 26, single. Gus Watts, 27, wife and several children, Frank Clements, married,several children. The tunnel is an immense affair, being projected to extend out front the shore for a distance of four and a half miles, and it has been under oonstruotion for more than a year. The work has been attended by great difficulty. About six weeks ago an explosion of gas in the shore end of the big hole killed eight men and injured a number of others. The explosion ocourred at a few min- utes before 7 o'olook last evening, but nobody will ever be able to tell how it happened, for every witness is dead, and the bodies of all are lying where they fell, 6,000 feet out under the lake. no only man in the tunnel who escaped death is Con. O'Donnell, a look -tender, who was stationed 3,700 fent from the shore. Jealousy and Suicide. Monoton, N,13 , July 12. - Ezekiel Deuthrite, aged 45, committed suicide. yesterday by hanging himself in his barn. Jealousy of his wife is said to have caused the aot. er IHs THE PALACE. Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, coned, paten, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly Med by Hood'e Fills. They do their work easily andinnerhaihly, Best after- dinner pills, iliS 25 cents. A11 druggists. Prepared b C I. .Hood &ell 1 Y Co. Low Biwa, The only Pill to take with Hgod'a Sarsaparilla,,. Urs. John Holthauser of Preston drowned herself in a cistern. Mrs, A. S. Craig, Montreal, took strychnine pills in mistake and died. Mrs. Brown r , li of Watiaceburg was. perhaps fatally injured in a runaway. Two business blocks at Colborne were destroyed by fire, involving a loss of $15,000. Wm. Doherty, of Stratford, dropped dead while consulting a doetor at Woodbridge, For smuggling small articles from Detroit six women were fined $50 and costs at Windsor. The body of Fred I3egy of St. Cath,, axles, aged sixteen, was found in the old, Welland Canal. Ralph Winder, of Kingston, the 10 yearold son of a widow, fell off a wharf and was drowned. ['Peter Capello, supposed to baa much wanted New York murderer, has been apprehended at Montreal. Albert Chandler, a Chatham bicycle thief. was sentenced to three years In the Kingston Penitentiary. Richard Power, aged ?d, a Montreal railway gateman, was struck by a train and deed of his injuries. Austin Smith of St. Catharines is lacked up awaiting trial for two separ- ate charges of arson and theft. Janes Wilson, a pensioner, was found dead near the old caual between St. Catharines and Port .Dalhousie. The future is uncertain, but if you keep your blood cure with Hood's Sar saparilla you may be sure of goad health.. The ratepayers of Southampton have decided to 'eau the Southampton Alan- ufacturing Company $10,000 for fifteen years. James W. Smith, of Ottawa, threat- cred to commit suicide last week. Yes• terday his body was found below the Chaudiero Falls. Andrew H. Diliabough of Moose Creek, Stormont County, has been ar• rested on a charge of attempting to murder Thomos May, The woman under arrest at Montreal in connection with the Napanee bank robbery is alleged to be Caroline Pare, sister of a notorious Montreal burglar. As is load of hay was being driven off the hay field of Peter Elgie, cth concession of West Missouri, on Satur- day afternoon last, the load upset, throwing young Elgie off and under the load and breaking one of his arms, HONEST T EM E u q,�}� T�±FOy�p �r I'll :4� Y OUS, 'iJV EAK. DESPONDENT and DISEASED MEN. YOUNG $1 'au err nrr. m a end dr- litated, tired mornings, no in:mai.•n, ntem..ty ,•1 peer, easily fatigued, exit:a:.lr, eye.-,u.ken, `7; and blurred: pt nplcs on f,.ce, taro;.¢ s :•,.., V night losses, drains at steel, ' x'in) nn t x .re. DN meat, hs,;gard looking, weak b,, k. named or shrunken organ., v oi, aerie, w:.nt cY Con- fadence,lmpotency.iackafmair , ' � energy and strength , tin litLJ tait,t DON'T tET Y011et f.!PE DE DPAI IED AWAY MIDDLE AGED t}tEN: y.t ivmmndcw.n° Do you feel as tbnuih yr.:r pin'. r and vigor were declining? Yon hive weala,ess of differ. eat organs. It is not o:d a;-, it is premature decay and decline. 1 CAN CtUl2E.1'OU 1 b DR. BO1 F.FiTZ' Ce!obratcd Hain Trationt Builds up and strengthens the nervous system, restores lost vitality and devciopu ent to the generative organs, stops all drains and losses. Invigorates and restores lost manhood. It A nevrr fails in curing the resnin of SELF ABUSE, LATER EN.CESSES, BLOOD DISEASES, or the effects of ,. MISSPENT LIFE. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY 6 I WW1T t CURL:: EMISSIONS, VAR TCOCELE, SYPHILIS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, STRICTURE, GLEET, letPOTENCY, UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, LOST MAN HOOD, ICI D. NEY and BLADDER DISEASES. CON- SULTATION FREE. DO NOT DELAY, write at once for free book question blank and valuable information for home treatment. Highest references and absolute proof of cure. Charges always reasonable and all corres- pondence confidential. Plain envelopes used only. Medecines sent everywhere in plain package, free of duty and secure from exposure. Call or address, naming this paper. DR. G. H. BOBERTZ, 252 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. ver ThE EXTFII pIIWtlC CO. —SUCCESSORS TO THE— ROLLINS & WILLIAMS MILLING CO Or EXETER, Are now ready to do business with thePublicgenerally. All kinds of Flour, Feed andmill stuff for sale at CLOSE PRICES. Leave your orders at the mill. We delivery every day to any part of the town free. We hope you will help us to make a success of the business which means a success for the town. Highest Prices paid for •1 Wheat at all times. • T=7..,E15330N233 STO. 38 STEWART 'EROS. & VUILLIAMs. A mau must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy 'rba 'e he can do the best. Loot at some of these figures: Pants wade to order, all wool. heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 0,80 Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec. nal, 512.09 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Colne and sea for yourself JAMES H. GRIMME Bicycles ! T. Bicycles . Bicycles a x 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any all the beat wheels made, at Iowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice Int of Pianos and organs, call and in spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby oar riages, etc. etc. Perkins 8i Marin,, THE ENTRAL Ri'c STORE. Try WI\AN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We 91anufacture- 5 WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Paius, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, lVinan's Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS DIS LUNG SYRUP. C- LUTZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo On our floors, and the new tbings have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near ss possible the first choice of new assortments. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get„ from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all thestn(3e of styles and of the most pa'rfeet taste thatwe can command. S. GIDLEy &so11 Furniture Dealers & UMerla leis