HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 9% a . - F 1- ­�___,__ __ , _ _,_____ . , � . - . 111.1 _!o______ . - — - !!= , _- . I , 0 ! ! ! � . - - - I __ -_ - - _.- - I I - - - - I � I � . - - - - - - - - ­ - . - ­ . 1. — ��-+­ -­ .. .... . __1 ­­ - _­­­­ -­­_---_ � _ _�. - -1. - - ,�. - , - �+ - - - - �. - . ­ - = - ­ �_ � - - - . I � � __ � . � — I - - __�;. , - � � _ -1 - � --.-- THUR$DAY, U&Vi4lit- 14w,__ 1. . V - � Im 000MI1101 WAR _ - .� I _. I - ----,- - - � FAUN NUM - I I . - ­ -1 ... ­­ � —.-.- _ . __ , " - . I q1W I ­ - -1 - 11 ­ ------ ­ -M-.6 - � _ �rt '"V of air Pilot (it "Ur countriovi had no, i&a I .--- ­ ­­­­_ � I 0 1 B 0 dertsee, 11 =.L - � 144"t ka VQ11 W vaotskVol of our Dom int -on twe . I .1 _.. � 1. ... I I � 11 -, .1 1. I Ir I—— . 1 %4: , ' Her LAILle Girl NE X) TOWICS OF WM '4 . .... " I the li&au of hor po-M&W but aft�r t* lw�lwyaw T uw*En 111"01 . � -P *�i war they 1*414*4 % at Ville has %be _yAle by, & , ;.-I HAD I r0rater 14inist .,Q_ _I An"t uwri tilat ever livvd. Thfi, *rvc�, _J* , ­_ , 4..%, � Importsint Events Whkh Have �, main in uoiw 136%Wi Uovciwu*r.t. R*fteshim an Lake Ed* Occurred During the Week. University Qt Iforouto lllerooeo 11 U011 Qf tb* WORUffitir W3C11CA Mill tyowla 00"Oaawboaw i � . . , team is 1*ateu by Fyx.�cur*, 4i to 1, I ."Double. , ]ELECTION IJ�WS AMENDMENT d"ply- It roiml"Q hilt' " tile N"I` k *I viout bo"d Ift"'doosl Illy 11b" vftu�ia't Mvt 0".4 diat t04 � � I " loft over there, There wa,i noth" I i . .. ; "ey" Williams ce wa5biavtoll stn� ' ve =- ="= == :r i1f, -*40. 1 . The Busy WorWls HloWulugs Carc-',Q%Qr# makes I is a�xiccath howu run, ACT, Im. ­ A too good tior them an.4 Qply thg��t V.40 *W" �� fA = is w0tan k"V;.k � .. h*d come could ever rtalixe how thel Swoosoot motp-40M- -- - "CM �W 9=0 -, It ITY (W XLWASW I Pneul"Mmoniall ftlly COMIAled. "d Put Into "64194 Soviet back* down "d THE ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ,fought and %be har*Aips they cri, papy, go tat to ""OM$WW Ilkh ) �� I — . "444Y 40 Attt0Kt1Ve ShAPU Wr �:"4es to *11 #""d* Ulade by Sri- A M, 199U . durid. If* wanted to forgot tM war. Is M X10.0sor , t" WC a . 0.4011sm, .. .1 .. . Z�.�U. 9% ;iolwanmw=�, V*Aui t . but tho friends he loods he would lit - km""IMZ4 - T* 22 A M, ) , . Nftt to COVAllolil' ,iQ-41 tbeW ate luoie 111crusol by- t4a jk^ders of uar � Sault Ste. Uarie priso�nc,r bjEats up ELEMRAL DISTRICT OF ver forgot, Major IP"ton volt"rod I I 10 C"W. P101riw . . C.:% *%Ag*W_0Q4At-, le" " **tbi V*used from plivamtpnis, thsli lrowt. -_ ,�Iurukey and inaktZ oear J;ewvar ("ENTRE HURON Mr. JoN at had done hit bit and it was I'll "my I" W^ t-JkQL .II A."tj#, .1 r from imy other fe= DI lling tro-'3ble, TUIFSOAT. .� from, Jail. 1-1- " _­ 4 crea'a to the townahii to have U I 11V W , like Caat Sup .. I in fact, pucumolk14 miah'. to 41'escrillcd - 11. P. Wh tucy'Q 0ot Cash wine Vie �, NoTteE OR fZITTIN."Cls or .",P.m llstc~* I _ utan like him� fit tbahkod all for I waftioteava as 4LUng ireter.f G(vanins have bzi; tvard�ofgola in. 11119.900 Toronto ,Cup flaudicar, at REVISING OFFICIERIS. VA4040041111" *" owk% 100wit" - A 1 1 V4, securities. , the honer he hod in toining thcre that 1 =.4 Iteda pledge fealty to sovict cau;oo " woodbine. , I . ­­­_ da . " C1011"U04 O" I �11 � , I . .Agou,g4ivthee-4rlic-;stw�pl.lon.. It I James Trotter. 4ro,cd 0, Is, killed TAXE NOTICE, that fttlngs ,of �r. Cameroll. who was boril and I Ito" '. L� is 4 first frequent aud hackirgt anil on bier of Voroway. .1, whea thrown front manure sprea,de., 00 Revising OMMS for the PurPQ3e brought up, in the Vil e of St. Irel. I 4 " of hearing 4complaints or appe4ls et,k3 . � , � I was asked to gp@& and he I I - is neocAupailied with a tough, coler1c5s Two buys drowavd. one ilear Mtt� 1. uesr Brantford. 41611 k'n- . 41%?0tOtAtf1D11 whiell voon, boviever, bz- , Q1101. the other at Valt. . I Woman knocked down and severe- Ith re � . w.1 _gaid to t7A44 Voters' Usts to Press,ed hill great pleasure at being . . , - so outlaws hold IAQQ FA� be wed at the elwtion of a ra�oiber _ 40100411ore cop -quo =4 ia of a tt.il*, oblue's u OL111' I ly Injured by motor car ul.,,iii.� cvw present to see the unveiling of the I rusty, red color. � The brcathing be. droa for heavy raURQUI. . �Iug Toronto atxtet. of the Assembly pending for the monument. The sight of the men � I . I eox" rapid) tLe texope;aturol rises "�d University of Torouto tvam leavts l Empire Day celebrated *4 * on aunualiavross(� tour. I by Torion. Electoral District of Ctentre Huren wearl"V the Kingoll unifelln ___­ ­— . the fit um a 0 lolludi re .1 Plilladelp4la Athleticti beaten afto.w � to schoo'tro and review of eblvdirfa by will be h4cl(t at the f0ll",'!�ng t�'IvO ed him of the 4.va whe ill men 0 1 9f W litolrVa 41000;1. �� Lord, Byug of Vlmy. and places, rulinely.. th4t settlement had been warned of ­ ­ I - .1 . I. 11. I .11 11 111. .11 � .. -1r, 1, ­ 11 . . . . Avlaning olx'stralgi4t games. ugles swe taoro f'oluzzoonly 0tceted Lake carrier rawo anothei, freight- i U% F. G. 114ating, Torouto. wIt4 At the C,01irt House. Gojerich, on the an litivasion and hod Frepared. They I . -1 - - I I -.1 I � - � - use of c1lavto. "llowa wonderful re- 9th #Jay of June# k92S, were, worthy sires o 66 boys who in elo, wokoffiftud wild, and the laugh '.. I tkim foulale" ;;u4 a )irovionq attack Or In denso log and *Inks hoor. I * went to the Great War. Th� early , � I some toL give a speeial1idbilil'y to an. � - Bank of Xontreal has lorollis of i eciverles made throilh now troatftienf to hear complaints as to the Lists of * of tilt, Child, �, I ��� �2,4109,12$ for six, mouths period. ; � olt#r- . � of diabetes. Voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos. 'non"c" who' had hewed out homes In all swect thi a that are �� & �� No. call yet by King to ull vacancy I PRII)XV. 1. 2, S. 4, 5, G and,7. for the Town of land up, a church in the clearing And vou!ll aQv'1vv lo. VVY W;ndvr9ul L on tile fix;t 871ga of a Cough or cold caused by re4guation of Bonar Law. Swarms of locusts daritta - MgullsVoi Goolerich. and that His Honor Julite ' had Ain menpf a high t and they . boy I It i 0 1 1 . . - Dr. . . Lewis ff.. Dickson, Go4erich. will o � , i ..... ANorwai vine Sviun ata thus preven es , wiles she will pgbt sky. 11:Z�11 Munit). Ile felt that we should hom- W I :1 I ,t t' Nvood,s yr rit should get a battle a had laid the foundation 0 1 Greece notin that com* bile IlVis noblo and true, , A t mgkkIr,,6- the Revising Officer and his Clerk For all out, beauty "ad horcs and the goid ffolu ZlevdopifiR i4to l!eriou'%, rather than pay Indemulp to Tur4m. Stanley Baldwin Completes: . ,4411 be L. L. Knox, wbo�e address,is or th6se old hvrp�s of the past in bon- . I . , I hall; trouble. - I , Yoling,'Sn-glish youths rapidly tiv. ot new British Vablqet. who had died and those jo,y cure positions with Ontario farmers. " . CY" Williams makes his 170 Goderich: . . "' these Ave *W owo to our lads like rout, Mrs. W. Schilovit, Bead, I willing to die. "Carada 99,999,9999 .... . . ­ C.P.R. liner-marvale litrilk" rock home run of the season. *'o resources, and let us as d And we e4n. bmt honor them W .0, *-%k., At the Town Hall, BrUsseh, on the has creatte 1. . . 19 ­­ -"-' --"- -, - -1 __1 V _... ­­­ - -11 I I 01, . Sth 4*y of June, Ill", t,zolis liv livin r the country for whi b th � .. writes -Tust a fOr, lire$ UP let, -, and Is beArbed on soutbera coast or North Ywk Branch of Itt4 croli . .e betterlives.: Lt us honor le VY I . , I Earl Ivilson I r I of the benefit I haTo had, �roa. violm. X6wfoundlau4. holds succvsqtul�. tag day. tollear complaliit3.ots to, the Lisli�o.f and revere the Rog, remember the saw le . -Ile as glad to Pay his tribute 4 wonderful. Inocucine. 1�yo 'Ye4la'.,kito .- Col_ltuppert has bom,ght Col. Hua- 1111,�. Lenlelk In setul-Anals to Voters for polling suliclivisiolis Nos. orifices of out boys, and. p*k, due re,� tq� . , ,4 Joy t io t e work Ile is ,doing I Robort Wilson , � I neatly lost toy little g4l M.;.,.rf holl, t0A*s AlItcrelst In New"Y6rx Americans Vrench tennis tournament.. I I and, 2 for the Village of, Brussels, spect and honor to those who hive ite. tu ill enin of this Calladigh i And on the sido hicina the-FA*At� . . �' aotihle pneumonia, but utter. UM,higr for 4,600,ltoo, . Leals lose mornIng game to But- 4nd that, William C,oats, Cgoolork-li, turned. Then let us show them that cit, en$ ip. . 0 erection of this OvVeseas , I , I . given her A few battles of Dr. Wood Is . conservative party lit Britain oli.. � falo, but win In afternoon'. . . . I will be the Revistog Ofter and his no act of, Yours or of mine may blot monument was Only One of titan's I I Worwlf,r Pine, Syrup, I f6und that it - v1de on choice at Cury,on. or ;8ald nanAltv In Shantung ehhirr,o terms Clerk Will be A. If. McDonald, whose the record of tbla con � doing for this,coia.l Elmer Foran . I , - Will - . atry of ours." thinors he was , � Pold Gwvn I I �, . � Norway Pure ,S�,ruj� i fouuIl that -it for Premieraulp. I for release of foreign captives. addresq is Brussels; Rev. Mr. Osterhout was the last munity. Uth 03t0rhout 0103ed his r,O- ' I . I I bad COIIAP1001V relloved,her. X pow . Alversides, Torontoo .and:, Qyyaigo�. speaker on the p ram, and expres. matko'with another of Robert Sot. I . Ocargo Hibbing I . I. ... ". Mr. Cf�de vallpe Euiana wins � . _. - the Town Uall, -Htkel,� qu. the Oth � wo I . Nicholwi Ifeadley 'I, sed the feeling of a I .00ms "Carry On," . . ..i I .. - - i41*&ys,t.q1­.of6r.re4ple.to useit.'Y­ W0.6dstdok -P)ate,-, ie4jiiie racoi 'ikc V11% -*Iw,o A.L.A.,lionlor xaol.01 - - At day of June, 1923# f, present who�n he vicels. p pro_ A. It n s . I I .%. - . . � Fricer 25o' ana (me v ,battle., put, up . . Senator 6hapirs is ciectod presi� � sold he was glad t�'bo'there on that The b41148 present Varied tile, � , 'A kin " . Woodbine, Toronto. . Gcorgii 1140410 I I . ., . Wy by The T. Uilburn Co., ,L * loxoph Cadorlil arrewd Ili Toron- dent of Royal Soetety of Canada. to , car cora into, as to the, Lists of occasion to honor the men who had, grant with much allprociated a Oec- 'hisou * . I . . , , jazited, John 110, Toronto, Out, � . . I to for reckless drivinir aeu result of The grandstand of tile 0anatilique VOters for ollin Subdivisions Nos. served. Ile was proud to say he was'ticins, and brouklit It to a' close lir . Bert Hubbot, . I I ,� I . 1, � . . I .. . � Accident In wnJ4:,a three men we�e in- Driving Park was IV 20, ap, 5, 4 an 7. for the towlishig � borli. In Cansida. It was a country playing "Thfa Maple UO POr Evei�', W. A. Ivem . I . I � . . � L I I .t ': ,. " w:6.11 I ..... ... :. 11.1 -`-�- . lured I . . . . . . Splendid attendance - at ;Annual of , an t at William Costs w! worth living in. Ile Also tke of and "(110 SKve the King." . John Jeffler4on I , ovi in cer and his Clerk the five Westlake boys who old en- The Wonielats lustitutos r� I 'Alan x(anounetug himself -.is SPiluc Kwhillitloll.,at Richmond Hill, be le 8 I 01! the I � 11 No. I . . c onald, whose ad- listed. In one vlatoon, Ile had the township deservegreat credit for the I IRZ4muel Jones. . � I "Itogers, the Nueoi *Ba� nturd4�rer," Ontario Lotor Educational Apso- *11 . honor .-of prwhing. to -those- boys in - and' I - 'Clordon Jefferaon, i .. 11 A X 14L -014M : holds up Torcnito�eltjzen ind relieve,,, �ozla I tion detioles to stpY out -of politics, olross Is Bru,ss. S ;, I , I Cap" _wPv__th­Y served lunch "" I I . 11230 I I 1 I ' _ � I I - - � I — years gone by. He recited Robert the Stull0lidOUS tisk they had In'"VIV- 1. -_ xJOhrl XtnoedP ' - - - ' ­ - - -1 I . . . .. BOatoll'and-Maine ftilway seeking At the. Town Hall, Seafoiti"*o' I - Duninin Kennedy . JU NO "b"Bo6nr small change- - '104 I a the rit i . . X i 'A . I � . 18AIN SEOVIDEW""410 I such a crowd. Rus8ell q k declares Tutoato'8 method of COnnectlOn with nadlan Trunk Tth day 9! June, 1923,, 1 Service's "Young Fellow My Lad" as paring.ft . 1. . . � paying ,-$or parit lands is legal and Line, ,expkvssing the spirit oftho boys. �, I �. JDAIlly Ifteept spqwsty � ...... : . I . . to bear complaints `AS,t6 the Lists of , I ! The losooription on the montime I Itobort Lai:aw . - , , �On the front, jacilog the, south is -as I . . � �iuu�t hnsu* debenturolu in .Order to I Washington -is eager to I welcome Voters for polling, subdivisions Nos. 11 Young Fellow, My Lad - follow$-. ­ 1 . I xnerbtrt Lawson I . . Goderich 2 , Oliver IAW8Qft I 6-00 A -M-1 124,0 P-4 A;oaarw with pro*iticlal regulutiolls.. ambassador It expects Canad4 to ap- 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 6, for tile Town of . .. .. . * .. Clinton 625 �.m+ 2.3.2.,'p.m. . I . Wi:�OXh6l[)AX, I . point. , . Soaforth, and that R. 0. Rey (By Robert Service) - -.1 �_ 3OVNT 9101ORIAL i . %Arthur 1,,*vls . I I . . . I -.$I , Beitforth '0�41 a.m. 8.1 � 2 pau� BUR416 defeats Toronto Leafs,4_ , War ls� In balance in Niar ]Past, Goderich, will be,tho Revisin 10 Where are you going, young follov, I Thiii momit0lit is, erceNd in lov- I James Laviii . . . . .1 . If - I � __­_�___­I___._ -------�kn&.Ar,mios-.gt-T.ii.,km-aud--Qre--q-%#.,Ar,�- iind_hjs�Slerk will. be J. A. 11 '"IV lid? � . ing memory ,of, the gallant heroes ` I Herbert 1AMONY . � Mitchell- 7�40, -9 A `_ _ (; �6�,T.7­ .-..-. I . Nr Oo__thh%_V1tt*rhm'.,wqvn of May? (from WALWAM911. tow S i Who ff - 1 R Medd -1 � � I 1,_&.V-- .A,�111 I � read . . ­­ - .- 0 ii 0 a ev , 47 - .1 I . '. �__ __ " ­ - -- _,�, ­­ _. - ___ . I I I I . anv farm lands have been ex� Xt the Township Hall, Carlow, oil the inc for men th il and the British DRIPIre In the. . Rw __ ____--.__1___ __ Str ules. � . , I _­aidaires4 is Seaf4rU0, -I'- -i -DA -ied thalk-liveg- -for -the-- 1. . .. I P_11� f� y . I m going 0 oin the 616* � " Dominion , . , I, kitohoner,�8.1�56t.m PJ11- Cb4rles Button, aged 4, was dro",,.. ChAuged for Toronto, properties re- , They're loot eT My- , Canadi I . o'sol" " _­_... i_ , . I L oe Sli Mir 0 1 . _rr_.'_'__ -_ 4(brd 7.36 ami. 4.10,1): ady donstall. ' �,ytton. noted, whose Fi- pf-!_ - R rt Moom -, A A). 4 jop:n : Iragilit, * , M 11 5.20 Ftwo, ­ ---- , . I I . .. . I , & W, I I ;P,11 I I . eA Ai r3trAtford, .. . . Sth day of June, 1028, . . t . . I 'Niriei lu"114 I . : i Guolpb 8.4$ I 510 1 cently. I , . But you're, only a boy, you) - ellow, dreat.war. .1 I . .1 I -1 .. . . � T6r � to henr complaints as to the List$ of �:, , my loot, . I I � . Overfiena_ 4, - -1 '. I ­ � - 1. 1.11 1. I � I- - Claream _McDonsilol - .",-"-�,��,-,�-..�1.11�-11�,;� .... � ­­­­­ .­­ .... I ­­ ­ 1- .. I ' - '"' ­_­__­____­­_ ' '' � . . . I � . I �.. � _onto,: I'0. . . ' ons - I I witme, . I . I . 'ill. -'--'L'-1)4�lgler-'Df':W-RL',,betweeTt.Greek's-and. I - - old,awE � I . .10,6i.m� 7.40 1i' . Many.. l4wa,bowling clubs ti. - Nos � Yea arerft'obligea to go; L I , xGt91 1, Mencirlad . . Turks mere"os, - I Voters foi pdlling aubdivisi , _ . I I . n1fal; President V.. VicerPresident � ,gio Agar " I Re6u) ning--�-Lo-tive Tor'ontQ 6.56 ti,tn., . Godfrey brotaers of Bta raft . ­ , . . � 1, 2, 3 and 4, for 'the Township oi I'm seventeen and.4. quarter Dual ,.. __ _ __ _. � ", � I 11 i I: 11 . � I . . . . . I Colborne, and that R,' G� Reynolds And ever so ptrong, yo%W,W. Stailley A __ - __ - ____ I . , . � I . , . I atty . . '%% - , ­ 1" 0 112.61,13.m. ancl 6A0 parl be, fr%�ed on:June 4. . President Be, discusses in Thomas 'A ms . : . 'Britain chances of Canada's Nati,nM will be the Revisft Officer and his So you!re off to Franco, young fellow, ' Rev. W. C. Allison , I , , Ing . . Parlot Cafe car,.Godericb to To�i - , Corner -stone of the new ,*I ert Clork will bb -Mrs. G. I Hothering- , . . . ft . . I I �*�, . . b , Railways. . ray lad, . Thomas Armstrong ! * . . . . , .. -rain. I A.',R.' MoMg leaves ,Liberal -esfgnA- . . I ' � , onto, on morning train,,and Toronto COO 1 96 laid at Belle-vIlloo Premier Polneare subuilts i tort, whose address is Goderich, . I 'And you're looking so fit and brisht , Irwin Agar 1: : I I .1 .for No 1. I , to Goderich,6.10 p� in. t ister I I I - . . � . . Through coach G64erich W Toronto, Party*. NvIlIlle, Independent, - tion, which to refused by Prisident At the Carnegie Library 11411, Sea- I'm terribly sorry to leave you, Dad, x3ames. Baker . . I � & . I ., . � I I I . Pavlor BuSet �ear, Stratford- to Soviet, note in reply- to British ultl,� . Millerand. . . forth, on the. Sth Agy.,of June, 1923 But 1 feel thatIlm doing right.... )Robert Buchanan .�. - L . I I I f *.. . U& L I Toronto, on afternoon trAin. . . . matum received in London., Loadon'girls lose first of Caliadl�,n to hear complainta as to 'the List$ of God bless you and keep you, you'ag . John Berry I . � � . GI V1101i . M 01 . . . � . G,-- . I I .. I I . 1. . 1. � I . .� Qovernor-Oeneml. unveils Hamll. I basketball cjlampl0000l� gatnes at Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. . follow ray Ind �, ' I . Denson Case , . !, . .1 . � I I . � I � . � . I too memorial toberoic dead I I r4o[lin L ' ' " , ' � . 1. 2. 3� and 4, for the Township .of YouVre all -of My ate you know; Howard Case . . . . . � . 0, , F. F. LAWIZI�NCS-& SON$ .''. I . ,Qntoo. . AlIcKillop, and that R. G. Reynolds . Dowt; " . I 1. acic Ideal. , . Earl VraAstoh . � '. t � � a . I � . . � The. Duna'soihool house' A '' worr ' I M, .. � _)k To"... Pass . , Ili North gegro.,wap k1llQ­NvbeA 80,000 dad, I'll, soon 6o b I . . . I and. Tio;keii Agents Cxford was de . gallons of g;isolineexploded at Nor- will be the Revising Offiver and his I I x8ainuel Cook I . L . � . . OnF461me, 8 I : . stroyed by Are. I . � . I 'a . I And I'm . y proud, to 90, . I . . . I I I Y, , 4�: . . ., cterr ,wood,, Ala - , Cleric will be John McNay, whose d oil Callum Cameron . I. 1, 1, . . I . . W . . _11 � ,, ", . .- Dollar Law un ,oes � a . slight I ,. . . S' aged drvAs is R. R. No. 2, Scale . � - - Why don't you write, -$oang fell'w, * - � .1. ____ss1"W . 11 . I . I . � - ! , =,4=_ I I I operation performed on throat. Oranefs Howard cea,�Ouse, � rth , I . I 49 . .0 � ,Xrzicst. Craig . . . I _. . I . . I � . I I . I � � I . ' ' I Will ain, Durnill . . I I . . : . I � I " � � .� Rf , I I tour, kille At the Town Hall. Clinto4i, on th4k8th I I 1. � . I . I � I I I I . Ifurkg blowing up. 4ridgeo on Mar. d by'luotor car ,un Xing- I . I wnteK flaor -the post eacii d 5. Donavall I _ I . . 11 z I I .. , � . . � I verAo hait,oreek advance, Stan road, Toronto, ., , . ,day of June, 1923P I ayt Job . . It is the. firle.rt thio4 1, � knoW, .i, . ... . ftza . . And I miss you so, and 11m. . I I 1. .. .. �. '�� I I . 1. ,. . � Xd.. itqnlmvl-� ,of'. Philadelphia ' . . awfully . *Fre4 Erlington * . . , �::. ;' . f,6 hear Coloplaints � I � . - adaconi . 4 . I 7 : . ­ I L . Stantey Baldwin chot�n by Xing ' as to 'the Lists of . sad, . I . J'ames Finolon .. I .writer, Mrsi Villiem of.st, . � . . ­ ... -1. �­._ ­ ..�_ . -­­_ ­ - - , " to form new British Government. h1aliks New lork� Americans' stop, Voters for, liollin subdivisions NoFi. And it's, months -since you 1. went 1914-1918. ' I � t St."Holitreal. 11ItF.t%N;1l1ll_4fr4la . V, �0 � ., 1-1 ­ �, I .�,. . I I . - I - *bbei I)e-lorm6o- `tci_ be-- transferred Oug.thelP W111111119 1, 2, 3 and 4, for t e ToWn Of Ctintift . � . . I I . . I . I I.. � I . . , ,,�* � , , . , strealt.. ,% I I away# � . . . I . I .1 poi.�oned thand, lid lily -dlre�t .� 0 , � *6 .. " If YOU from asylum to stand trial for intir- Veterads of PAst wars JOla Ill and that' 0� Scager will be the Re- And I've had a fire in theparlor lit, The back PR tho.-momailont, facirig . "' . . * - , - � I . ­­ I . . .� . . � . I . I � decoration of .war ' e. .! rhildren o( sealpsorf-,,aild he4led � I . .. ,- . . . I i , ffA Pr ., der. I . . . . moullmellts- in vi�iing Officet ard 'his -Clerk WilF be� - And t1m,keeping it burning bright, the nqr�h,.bears th­ following n, ar�cs , ..I--- �. _1- . 1. � ' ' � .. � . � . - It �. I 'i , Ve-Park and University A,yeuae. D. L,' ag in, Conaft ' .. � 11 — $a e. ' illy hw;band's 1)- 01:y� erwilsed. fiwi . - ` - �--` . 'R. I . 4, Walter Curry ' McPherson, whose address1s. Till niy boy. oomes home, AM here I Xn Traini .. I .. X.C., appointed Queen * .. , . I .. . _.Arf�)�%" ­ Jitegistrar. of Deeda-,f.or_'A,0ty._0f. Torw Gzvatopt. otowd Ill, ,Wetory,,or Wood- OlInton ; � . . � . _. ­ . . sit,_: . I . I . , I . . I � . I . � I -1 ger. NVo wooldn't � bo 'Withwa I . t '.I . I � . . I I 11 . I . I . I . I 'Robvrt Phillips . . - !,. I . ­ :., I I . .� . . I . I . . - I . I � I i onto. . billiv Park attends holiday'racing. Jas , I Into I the quiet -night. . I . . . . . � , Y. 11L ­ . . . . , 1, ,. I . I unity'HalL toodesborn, Ott . : Charles Jefferson . - �,1111.11tlk ,,It illy plive'. I .� I V* I I I I . . W, V. Johilston, United States ten- V. O'Hara 'wins tile Co.nnaugbt'G9l;i, At Comm, � 1923 What is the matter, young fellow, my , . , , 4 1 . . . . t . . I I ... I the 7th1day of June, John, R. Thompson ... . � , . ills star, ,wins eaall� at.nench tour- clip. I I I 1. . . . r. I � ' 1. � I .1 . . . . I �. A Grand Household Rom I .. I . I .. I .. - ­, . .. I . , , r . I I.. -10 , � . . . . � ,.. al, Comp alyit4 � 'Ad, Victor Johnston I . I . nament. - to he I * s, as t6 the Lists of I � William A., Smyt . . 1, ,04 . I 1. I .. I I I � 011ing subdIA-isions , I , .qoi. No letter again todall , 11, : 'or over ten vear,; Zatn,ftlk . . I I ... . I . / - . I � A Mono faruier Was surprised to Merkle leads Intei%atlonal League Voters fdr p, . Whv did the postman ook so and I ,� I- � . I 0 � � , "I � . . . I . . 1,� 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the toNvitship I . I AV,esley Monk , I *0. . . . � I .1 I Poll 4 full-gro,*n deer pasturwg wi�h . batsmen., , - " I. I And sigh as h . .1 n I I � bar been u0'hott-wh'old remedy . , I . .... a turned away? I Jurvis Anderso li . . I I I . . -ager will It -tell that Ave . . � . . I .'U.9, an, .Hullett, and that.W. So. 0 . I I ­ T-Whi- -, oi S ,rvilk - . I 1,1- I his -cattle. . ' .�. . . 1. Another strike possible In I - Of � er his Clerk . ve bqard 0ow ve galn6d Linflold Anderson - wrifes'.W S. 11 ,w .*uaw . . i., , I . . I t I I I thiacite area, . � be the Revising Offic and _ new gr6und,,..- r I . � Mx -m "Ttierelia%it,,),f-j,bociiiL4it-Lift . . ., 1 1 I . I , � "Cy". Williams u,kakeN his fifteenth ngland, Whose address is� I John Duroln 11 T mado. tatake its place. - Wo t -;t oldn*tb? , ... . I I I i RAR UHA T1,90 I . -season and ­Babe�, .� C-P,R. may build branch line to will be - J. Fi ,, , � , , 0 I . . � .. : home run of the' . I I But a terrible price wg1ve paid; V,hrell Webster 4 � : . I I .. 1, I � I dw Itouge goldfl. . I � . Londesboro, Bach - sitting will eomw God' my, boy that you're rate ' Willie" Z4M�Uik 0jaIrs et t C*3,t. - 01 - . � - f. I 2. or SIM a V,%. Ruth his el$hth. . . � elds. I . � . Frod Newman I r I I . .41 . . � I . . t' ad U.rdief, hn�rxtis o9pa In battle wit] od , , . ! never falls in buras,acald!;, ci to, clialily, . I . I . 141MhOV. ormle . , , . � . mence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon grant . . . . i i 11 � 1 . sp�li hSsW's L. Amen to As g� New Yorif-Aaherle . Chinese tr � ft 6u- and will -continue until, 12 o'clock an sound John W6.11wo � . I 1. . . , " . . ... I I =0 =t 4W ^ I - trou 03 . . . . . , . I �, I I . straight ,victory, beating. Chicago, �a dits" In Shantung. . I 1 But, Ohl I'm ;irald, Afraid., . Somerville I � and'other sk, � Ill " � .. ".. .. I . . . I ji =4W g-_&p6ftthcr u". I . ­ I noon or until the appealil.bave been Robelt P ­ � � . 11 . . � ; . I ': I Thweis t9&F I E0 'I) In fitteeli innings Produce prices are generallY lower . I fOl' On the.9ide facing the . I .1 I I ! ,dit. I They've, told me the truth, young west4 . '(�, of - -1toand Usefulness. . 1� I 11 ! .disposed of. . I I All I I " " I . Flowerful, winnei , �r the Kluej go British markets. . . `11y I . . I I . . . . 06"eveo-WIscre . low,,r. lad, . � i � . ' I � , I Plate runs untilaced hi -the Toronto Sagluaw'teaoi leads Miclilgan-,on- AND FURTHtill TAXE NOTICE . You!ll- nevor dome: back again - - . I . Oversbas 11 . I "Whenever tile :ehildren qei,cut, - 1. . . .1. -1. �_ I . I . . . I I I A a, 0 Woablue Ili the Bree!d'ekg, ,Stake. MAO Baseball, League, .. .,:.. , that any voter who desires to. com- Ob God. the dreams and the 4;e . �. linised or bumt, %N� find --Zani,Buk I . I I � I A . . the tial"o of . . 1 4 ams : � Robert'MoGuive I . . , Nlra. T, . I . . ... I Won by Trail Blazer. . I Sir by Olain that his name Oi I've hadi . ; SIMPI i di 4ablai'* . .. Adam J�eck war. nominaied . Y lot 15"ll .vrite.. . I . I . I . Ma Conserv*ttves at London. ­ . any person entitled to be entered on - Arthur Newman I . . I .. I I , � . Prof. James , vat hits rotired, as And the hopes I've nursed, in vain.. I I Charles Nevins � , vother0l. Ridge F".00i, 41owfliall 140tir : , . I I . . L . I � . 1111 ­ . " " head of - Department of I Political Philadelphia Athletics win �frolin the said Lists has been ornitted from For you passed in,the night, Young Ernest Neil I I . ". Moo, �On,r,t,wiiefwlil.�,%,�ri%t%v,lsbi.dati . . , .1. 11 I I , do or that the. name, of any I - . : I : � . I OF .. . . . the sai . .. I . 11 1. I I I I .1 . I . . Now York'Xilties, 4 to 2. . fellow, My lad' - I ! cut wit) 110mor tried.%itcllhlg' it WOO$ 1 . .. I . :" � ".. . . , Ocience at.Univermy of Toronto and . Frank Orser . . 11 . I I . . , ,� -will be .succcied;d,by R. .M. Mitelver. Premler StimleyXild*1h completea persons� who are not-eptitled to be Andiou've provedtfo.the cruel t"t Cecil Orchard, I I ! not-heal''not Vain, D114,4'Joil J�lltit fight, . . I . I . � � 1. ' . voters have been entered therconj 0 , , , .J 41(111111L. ..ql-.4)a�-,t'i)tlltnf"jejtletlyf,ot ; . I . . .. I � 0 .1 I I 4 � Dr. McMurrich, In 'his preiidentlal .list of Goveromelit'Mitisters. viay,,not less thafi two cloar dhys f the screaming shell and the battle James, Patterson . . . IV P1 I I -_ . I . I - I . " - ... I SAI __ - � hell, �. . -file Patterson . : ,. .. ,�. ' still ra,,h M0 ivrait-yo,aho forpiles �, I . ... I �%�,:.o '- , 4 1 1 address before the Royal Society at Lord Robert Cecil J6hls kv,ldwin and not more than five clea ,Tha Ate I � � . . .. 11 I . � . I I I � P, fo � Ottalval. said It iv&s a state reisljon$l. %'PAblliet As Lord Privy Sea]. ' . ly 11.1%1! t my 'boy was,one, of the best.,. Harold G. Pentland . . I—. L � I I L . . � I I Yarmouth, U.S. o b6fore, the days fixed for holding; '4. So you 0 11 live, you'll live,. young fel. Thoma� - Plowman , . . ,. : 1 1 I ., I l � . . I 11 � 11 billty that Canada h9ve a Milseum , Speeding autolat 'is mobbed �'by above, sittingso apply, oomplaiwor low my lad . . ' V . 1i I � � � I . I I 1. . . ' * , , . � I . . � 114 , for the collection all�d dissemination angry pedestrians at Toronto. peal to have his name U -the Tiame � Gordon Rutledge , . I 11 .1 I . . . . . .. . , Prethier Polneare will refer Caohln th the gleara. 01: the evening star; . Bert 14 - . *� , I , I I . .. I 11 I . of information. I . - . .1 I � of any other person entered. on or.re � obervver , I . ... � . - . - . I I datie to re - List . . - -.-, .. -, . Robertoon . I . I I I .� I . . . L :. . - XH CkCSDAY. - guarvourts for trial. , . moved from the. . 1 _______.7 , � �­­­�,­­ I I . Toronto Leats lose at lanue to Buf. Dr. John Cox, formerly professor . Alfred Rollionori . I 0 . I. , . . - ' .. � . . . falo, I.to 3, , . , at McGill, dies at Londoa,­Eng, . AND FURTHIRR TAKE NOTICE � Harold L. Sprout . - I I . .. . - � � . I I I . I that suoh appeals must be by notice Roy Stalker I . . . for '%.1. I . Dairying helps westeril farmer to Premier Drury oppqs0s .separate � . . � ­ I . !, A i -4 � . COMO �,SAOE TO IN, ��­ ,,. , � , , CASTORIA .... . . . 1� I - - ­ ;-.d . . . Joseph SbywOrt 0 I �� . I I 9 ward,to Glasgow . changes proposed. . Y* ,, slarence, Ir. ,&mincton", .1 - . I . . 11 I ,:L , ft = . I . . vising Ofter . . � .1 Z-71-, - - pay olt debts. Province in northwestern Ontario. in writing in tW'.. prescribed form , .. I John Stalker I I . I . 119 11"I , . . . I signed. by the complainant, in dulili . V4 bif�nta said Mdren I Shipment of Alberta,eggs goes for- Baukrullte,V Act considered' , in cate and given to the Clerk of the Re- � I . . - R11, Common$; niully . . arjo . . NI" 4 I M .. M4. .0 -to -- : ,_ , 111114 - , or left for him at his, 1h.U"F0r0Ver30 William smyllo ... I . I , I � t �. Danger Qf.wstr lit �Near East is - William M. 391inston enters final address as stated above. I I � , - . I I I 1. - - I— . . I b * . I I I. I '_ . I ;'.0tapOrsirily averted. . - of tennis tournament at St.. Cloud, , - I.. . Always bears , ""I"""'Is"s' .John ThAor . I It J-0;# havet u. o. 4 " 01.141t thol; 14.401derl of . I I �. . �, 11 . .. . X1 Luis Ylrpo, Ar France. I LEWIS ff. DICKSON, t1le lop - � Joseph Thoulp3ozi A4,010r, acoul 0100al fer PRIX SAMPi.S ". ­�, 10 1. . 4t, z4ol,111sk 411y" To"4#410, or 4&7.41146. .. I . . ,er, signs . . , E . . I I)-, .. I gentine box . Malor Gordon J. Smith, superlii_ Chairman of the Election Board for, I Is fftae � � If Mi ed with atllphUe it Darker - is to luclet'Jotss Willard. ' I Signature Of 411 1111i'llow . � E,rnest Thompson .. � . So Maturallk Notoo,dy . . . telidetit,41! Six Nations Ind e County of Huron, I . . I . William 11, Wilson I . ff., Rli dJX'iJrl1A;N*sJX A. *100"ro. I 11 I .. . � , ) I . Two bridsh 1)010 ieams will Ilivade lane, dies �th . . . . ­_� _ I .. ­ - ­ 1. L I . .. � .�'' . . . I � � � I , . . 1. I .L I . I . � .1. _. . ­.- _1_.1 -_ - i I I ; . 1. . can Tell, Americathis summer. . at Brantford. *: - I Dated this 12th day of May, A .. LD., .1 ­­ I . . . . L ­ . . , , � _ . . _ _ L L ___ ___. I Ili . .- __ __ .— ____ --- - -, , _ - _ __ _ I �_ I I L , . . ­ � L . Thirty persons lost,. llve� in fire at Largest class so fa Pr duced pre- 192$.. a I I - _- - - _- - __ — __ - - __ __ ,_ _ __ - _ __ __ __ I . . . � , , . ... I . � .1 Orandmother kept h6r-balt 1)esLutl- MeXicalli Lower i0altfornla. Rented. With dental -ai�rgcclftsl .diplo- - . � . L I I- L . 1. . . �� . . - - - . ,::: 111) I I . I . I I L . . . . L L . tL . Ifully t1arlwned".91ofty alid attractive Allies At Lausanne seeking to And mas at Toronto, - ,, . "Clisr7w Arbift-00teial say.$ lower L . . . . . . . . , L ., � I , '� La, and Sulphur, basis fok Turko-Greek accord . Ty" Cobb of Der-, bit scores lit . L . f , . ��, . 1: wltlX J bra* of go'g6:Tt all, 8 allipplug rates would greatly lucrease . L . . I . . . I Whenever her hair took oil that d High Commii;sIoner,Larkin' luvites 1,741st run, breaking (he record set Canadian meat trado in Greatl0ritaint . ... .. . . . . . I I faded or Istre-aked appearance,this alm- . L . . � pib mixture was'aPplied with wonder -L Britishers to settled In Canada by Hans Wagner. Strange bequest of $70,000 estate . . . . . . I . I ful effect By asking at shy drug Lord Birkenliclad gives seasailonal Leonard Burrell, Toronto, dies as by We E*mma Burns,, trained nurme, I I , . I ". li.. - 'L � . . . L I . . I , . , Atore, for ­vVyoth,s gage and sulphur . result of Injuries received When Toronto, eausfa parents to suspect . . IF , DA R, , S I 1. � - I . I . .. . I I eompound,,- you will got a: large hot-. 1. .— struck by a, motor car, 2114.L V,'efi polson&d. . I . . I I I . ­ . I . L I . . . . I I . . , . . . I I '4iorucilftc Stable's Push PUt -,Onip 11 - . , olry-0 of I I I . I I � tit, of. thbo old-time ribeipe. improved A95W/W I Suggestion made that women be .. . I I by the addition of other Ingredients, all I Noy Issued colored ballots at coming elec- Kirg Faw.tvn Gold Cup -at Woodbine I I L ., ready to use. lit very little cost., This WhoinYour Ejr4s. feel Dull . tion to ascertain the- relative strength vwx cios'nj� da�. Ailendeue(-itt tho L . L Ve - � � . L 61motim mitture,can, be depended noon. and Heavy. usd mittiose. it in. I " L ., I . I . . i I . . � .: . . I -qdyRe11"tkth&tTirt4Fte1i.g of their vote. tlimlll,� bror.1m all Oant.-Olan iceordo I . L . I - LL . . I ',,to re8tore natural color and beauty to I SH t,, I 0, , bie, hain, . -4Aikeo ditm Clear. Bright and Church Unionists look for decision 11 . . . ,. Spuklb*. Himlea. Sold a.d IM. A . I L . . . . � L . I I . X.' W0114tnowri downtown druggist 4cclantwzded bf Ali Drunlas. in the('ui4tter of uqlon at General As. ORML . I . I .1 . L L I L . LL I I I I .. . . ray6-everybody ucesi W,.-Pth'q!-*,­e and sembl�r of Presbyterian Chutch, to be I I I . L � I Sulphur. (;,a ,�eau!:(,- Lit AM, U held In Port Arthur on Surio S. . TRESSIOLY DEOICATED - . � I I nipound il�Iiw �'_' X.11VE. I ' ' *_0 . darhen8\80 naturally anti ovenly that - I ' k ASAW kxji i I -nobody. oun. tell it has been applledl­ 'VAK W ItYEEW ItOck0f(ller 1"oundation gives r,l,. ­ L L Dnin * Plenty , Water- and Talre Glass of Salts , � � I � I Wei r�o ea�sr to use, too. You sitnul-v , , . . I - ___ 205,000 to the University College ( lColitinuod from page 5) L I I . I I -ALS L t 1. . .. . . . . I . i I I . . i dampen a omb or soft bruth and "WW - - - - - - T 110SPital of London, E'ng-, to be used _____ - ` — 1. ­­ _­_­ - Before Break occasionAly .. I � I ,- L � I . '. . , L I � . dmw It through your liair, taking ou6 . an laboratories for scientilic medi- was a stronger to St. Helena, but he ., I I I . I I .. litraftol sit &,tliup. By morning tho TOSWAR 1-10-wr cille. .1 . had received such a welcome that he � I . �. . � 1. N. . I � VAY h � 1. , I � I . . I stir dlsapoe,Ars: after another L MOSDAY, , - upolleation Or two It Is f . felt at home, In 1914� when he en- - . I 11 1� . � Leafs logo to Uot,-bckez $zt.urday listed, -he know little of The army or When your kidneys. hurt' and your . for a few daya aiid your kidneys tuay L . I . .. I I I batuftl color ang looks Clotsy, z6ft Bus; Livery sad ilud Sunday. hock feels, sore, don't got seared and thm .*let flne. Thia fardous Salts Is wade � I I I � und beatitiful. This or,eparation Is a . the boys of the army. On the way I L I I .r dalightful tollot requisite. It Is not 111- New - York Giants Vilt eight t6 England and in training there he . I . . � . 1 iu&4 for the cure, zalt1t01161i or priN- Hack Stables straight gaincri, had met the best..comrades he ever Proceed to lowl your4omach with a lot �roul ibe acid of grape$ and lertion Moe, . I . � L I , . i ; . ,vidiflon of disease, " 1, Aeroplanea to be used in fightlug had or ever would have. The. C,qna. of drUgg that eXcite the kiduoys and combirle(I with 11thla, a0d llaa been used I I I ! f I . L L . L I � I , . . - . Chinese bandits. ; . , I I � ! * - I . Montreal Street Toro dian soldier cannot be beaten and he irrft4te tile entire urinal*y tract,. Keep for yeam to help clean and stimulate . 1, � 11 11103 and lialtiands win wag ,snalan uni. I L ­ L, L . I . . I just oft the Square O.A.L.A. senior ,vanics. . grm!rond to wear the r kidneys clean lik(,- you keop yolw C16gged hidnera; Alco to noutrAze the i . 141114,061I, 1 . The Great War had made it your I . ; � - . I I Hamilton eight-year-old'boy Ill I red place in the world for Canada.L The. I . I I I I 6 NO 'Basses Meet all Tealas &ad � away by Promise of dot;. k bowel% clean, by flushing them with a iwida in the system so they are no longer , I a L 1, I PA"toxtr Boats Norman Wells at North- Day givcn - L n # I & I I , up 4 Ills life for fishing line, . - I �_,N 77'qqq mild, harmlew valto which help to re- I a soulve of fridtation, thus ON , relley- . I I polse"gerSCA11104f to , move the body's urincitin ,%V,a.,3te an(I Ing bladder weakness. L :. 4� r Mjy!... "_ L" 'A;r")eq0.4VL4 V -t,t1,6 J11ft,tr'. . I ­ .. .4 . ., I . I . � � I --sart at. Nis, vil 1: & T,qr' ,y­F.f, I le, V_7_.* . I . ", " 1. . . " I I '61, 11. I . I 111111 eril IVIV. ­ �,­ 'sad 941ts is illeko6ii%'�oa;' kinof iii. I I LLL I , . Ar u6iiiiaf�etl ea k . .... tr 'ville does damage __ 1) 0 1) 1) S. ,I. . , . 441irg at 0. T U. 10 r C , P� cates on reparations quo,stio - l5t, late th , ,to t1m it I , lk .:: I � . . . Poo. Fire at Oat. r P I The funeflon of the kidae.Va 1.1; to jure; makeg a deliglitful effervesc�nt � � I . � __ - I - _. ­_ - ­ , amounting to more than #200,000. F — , � / Oter the blood. In 124 hours -they strain 11thia-water driult whiell, everyone I I � . 1! . Prompt Service and supreme. council of allies to dis- V,_aSt L ____ L _!T!�._�_"_ cqrs Questioli of war debt reduction. �' K IDNEY ,,--, �1 #oni'it 500 grains of ac!4 and e,80 should tak4a now and then to help kftV . i r, ,,,Careful Attendance.. John Hillts, aged 16, drowned to , I i , An Oil for Aft Moft-4he aii1o, � _'� can readfly uWoarStand the vital im. their kidneyd d"n and active, Til - , . Humber River whea cance capaises. � � :1 ! we $ . . 11 I ..the soldier, the fi.�hermun, the I=. .4&040. � - Visit to I. 11 PILLS ,_�,11 Portance of keeping the kidneys active. this; also keep up the Nvater drinking, I Lord Bylig of vimy pays I I . ,� � � berman, the otit.dor la�orer and an Oar Livery awd Back ,6o"le :Xarbaro, Great Wa.- Veterans' Mew- , _. I I � Le L ., :L __ 1 I � A to Wary And tbt I , will blo t"ad 00 -to -"too orial Hall. I " I , t� � . I e .1 Drink'lots of good water -you calft - and no, doubt you WHI wonder wbat ! I I who ate exmse - I � . �', , : 11 I I ' I . I " - � 1�, I i I I . - t t . , � " - 11 I I 014 *14FIlt I I I �11 � I I I . I I � I .1 - 1. I At* ' I I 1 7-4 B 1 � , I ON. � I 11�� Is ovety rospoet.6, Communists Ili r.uhr battlins: to I drink too muoh; also get frow any lwame Of Your kidw trouble And I ; elftelift *ill find ha Ift. Thonise Ze- I I 1, � 'kuetric Oil a ttm and Inithfal Mend. Awe%, . control Indastrial situation; tk,u I.". , 0% I r; ,�. I : � . .I- I I �� f I , Yo*r patromago solo'cliod dcaths so far. . V f to",., ,., � . � '' 51 � I Aarmadst About four 6unces of Jad b0i,ekstelle. VY all Mew We yoor,' I I i �` . � To #as* -%On, routve tollie dross - , Uousands of eltisenst see Toron. [", *,,. 1� � ' '.. - , r,, � . . jigs, $41to. Take a ftblfsPooful in A gliss A.Vaidan eYAW146 YOW "tys it )Wt I . � 'N . , W L (I r ;� 1, vo"&, isubol" lumbago AQ over. 0" to's track regimentit ruarth slast 11% L4 45 I. A I- " "'A , ".T., %.--- . 11 I I 0 8 61 � S.& , Iffel"', of wat,er bd4e brexlRist eAch worain,g twlee a yeor. I � 06me iheumati8ft it is ARTS annual gar"40a Ohl ,�Vkrade 'Xiff __ , ; " I I I I . I 14' - . . . . I TWrefore, it &hQd hatt *=% PhOW0 107 ' Mextrooll Stniot Firicen words, One of . . "f 0 11" 0 � � all how meollei*w 4 M_ be aw"ftwst . I world's work, wort, broken at the In- q I I.. -L I I 'L L, L' I ! , V, I thow-e taken on a journe3r. 01-A-04-04-04 ,.. ­ l- . - - - ­.. ­ ­ - - ­_ � ­� L- - - - _ _ � r - 1(r-f;0l1*gfie tra(h xac(,�f at eloLtr,fAL L ft" __ ____ __ I I — I ____ __ % . . . . . . I I . I . I f ; !I 1 �, .. . . 1� I . ` . . I 11 I I . I " ' ' L I " , . a " A , . i 41 * �, � "