HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 8_7 I.w 41 wo, Moot A Nk ....... intuRsI)XV, MAY 111K, Wo, Im 10CM" VAR IDUR CANARAN QUIZ COLUMN' a 036� I11(;HT+1JX �'Questions and Answers on A Sup $1375 "FULLy EQUIPPED" 9 1111 of Th" UIPWIP, 11 PurelyCanadian Tho Vbrd C^r Is witu tito Forld Motor 100"SpIany fully I J� sn" ANNE DF, BRAUPRE'S NEW the Government Against forest fires. v 4000 not In"11 U311116cle. $sadly I CHURCH Those w1ohint a into the forest% oquippoid- 0 ju ia Q,�Wben wM the new church Of dutive that perij will blime to, so- r#qulj�od at h Kices, with non-00"At Is -pro it permit. to v. Auto do Walapro be built? C . to Si6torint oftltdactloat —The plans for the construction TIIR BLOWING UP P BROCEIS st A, Mo, . . * -,. . .6346? '80yelity out of eveo 004 lSUi%U*4 people of T , I tbo now Bvilka of Ste, Anne 40 who boulght cars, in CAU"a lost year Besupre have been completed And was the fir -at! Brock's 'boupt Ford cars and. placed their ststup will, provide for a ebureb VbJell will no 0 rujult"11140" up? problibly be the most spacious And Alli first Brock's monui upon this pbucy. Onat, from an architectural pollItUt Of iplwoysl was blown up by a. meAtal. detective l51WTT view In canallw. In architwural on A1,41 %IT, 1840. The, corner stone MaCMAN TX style tU new Sagilka. will be a cooln. of tb & bad been laid June 1. 1894, A SAFE CAR TO BUY God"911* Out. nation, of Roman And Gothic, and $2.43 t a a a frout: will tower 220,1and the remain* of Sir Two Brock owrAmia- F Backed b of resources, 1, Wasilics will gontal; and Macd,onnell, big alde.de,,camp #,ei MqTplot 40miloi CW chli a —, - . -11 1", 11 - *1 iiieladjus those of Akre Placed in the vault beneath It y $8Z1000,00o las, ,- , A corner -stone -of The present n the 0 plei. shaft,was laid in 1861, by the th THE BATTLIP, OF ST. ELM Prince of Wales, Tater Xing Edward Q.—Whenwao -the battle of St. E101 VIL TUE. VIRST, 151MIGRATION INTO THE fought? 1dj,,6,Tht11Z IGNIFICANCE. A.—Tho Battle � of St. Elol was NORTH-I"ST OXR=T CONNSOTIONS TO OT- fovWbt at avifte, of that name from TO,_Wh�n did the first immigrapts TAIVA VIA OAXADIAN NA - April 11 to 111i during vilic CA U_ entev the Canadian North-West?' TIONAL RAILi adiani held t Or es, in t A.—The vanrguard of the immi- trenches, The Bbitilsh ro 40 gr4kats into the Canadian North-west, With the new train service ar. teed AT put into ef- tile of former *Theyv withs a te 1 6 6,00 In number, entereill'the coupi rmigementa 'which were So* $64'sh Pr"AW Facts Many *$*!list aggreoslon 110,11 masters, And woul4lbo masters in meat of all kinds of shells, re In feet Allwy isth, on the ines of the ;St*nley Dal dwin, tho nl�w premler F-uropei, A cormolsalon of the Lea- Attack utter sfti, 04 April 19, 1883. They. were follow. Canadian No . tional Railways, imPrQV` led by tens Of, thousands of others, rated between of BrItolli, has lom diffloultiva to jrulD of Nations. will endeavor -to so.- QUUMIS FOREST ed service is being a 015M at a #n�o iinrio A reduction of those forces un- Vin face. Ile Assume rImSERVATION �CAT`Ti SHIPMENTS TO GREAT Gq4ericb, Toronto, with. Falls -An4j der a tooffifled -Plan 0-4 the BAITAIN. Ottawa, -Trains leave Goderieb at wbta. the.11440144 -WO Near East 01- famous AV" 'of' uo,- of. Q._'ftit'$tePs bals_V* Qfiebee hon-. wii live- cattle. - ship- 600 a. M. And 2*40; p. in. dailyexcept 404 forest. )to_ ._W tuatIons. are both 4 A 0 ' V t a li in Nations Whioll, In # to jio-vit for (;eye Net %3 rolmont takin toward Britain. reola t Torouto.with 4NC protootio nation ments td Great, Mod? Sunday, connecting a Toron 4 'WhIle the Jai % ilot.ctlo 3 gn4tory serva�lon? I . Cothnionso the Lbor rty I$ in ,The Capital City" leaving to V pral the A of x I the essive, 'mood. Qdwin, I Against aggre.83JOLI). A.—The first. consignment of store A.—A. decree how been 1080ed by all at. 1a.1p -p all and the "Ottawa Ex - 4% most a cattle to be loped from Canada to to " � - tlr1.v.ntn at 10!30 -n in. There I* no tit of of a Stod9bli cointhepurcha .Light -Six. lt*s*tisfut�mlobackedbyacQac�mwith$82-000,OQO of ricsourcel; and A sloventy-ono year 4PId roputli for iligh quality 844 Air dealing, Since the Light -Six was intraiduc0i, Moro than 100-000 have beca. *old. From the beginning, its remarkable "rtprmanec, .yconiltraction ^44 =u5i econi have been widoly tee- c;ar thun at Its Inception, for it bmili the improvements that Studebul;eli large tn&ineeringstli hot boeni alert to adopt with a view towwd making a %eq4 procluot better. Staddebaker's Uaderobi In six-cylloder salto 1% further *"i ance of mcoitl, sali ilm 1922 toialed 110,2,49 cor4VAlul�011it more than $130000,000. One buyer may r6tai A mistake In the iii '-�j4 "ofit-AWtiorelirbutnot 0 li�,hqadrtdand too thousandl ton in falli toyearili you. sheUI4 see thq Studebaker M I - Six bi youbuY llin:0arl whosWeet 4 Doni 14w# the COMS_ AN England . loft St. John, Press . ii "A r y 14c 4% - W-4" sin 1894 vq.XA 6 rests of th6 pt6vinceef QUebee N. B�, in April., The shipment conl� Returning excellent connection 'dign-hom Premier. wM 10110i Geri Said to Have 8110ok In the to: Ist to November 16. This Averaging. Iii malite ht Toronto with might tra- Lloyd Geoi is 68 yearg old. Al Gold Invfsted In,, States frowl April stated of 427 head, leaving not so widely A curious ieport is that Is 4 :m(kasure too taken by p Train W of litecaut ounds each, all the animals were -in Ottawa 10.30 few yoorA A" )m "orni :50 to n. And qr,­ known as manX of, big calkas liundred millIQ good shape on arrival. The cattle 'P"eggtTG4D'o0dntr01ch'at 11,40 a, in, daily the, Zritl4h Cabi Iles of has fro Ax t * very large samg And went forward to Manchester. It I$ tileg lz o Irtitt "a rigO has billion r1lars -in gold InvestQ In begn n 'he estimated 'that there'will be me less except Sundvy� His 0410MA 'Ira, t bee%, s0ettoUlar, the ZX�heqUtrtlits Unitolit tates, I#. the name of, One 11tw " any apaneso. Wes 0401fl. ml as hoheellor of and 'V� 160a 'reasons 'Are as. about more. gtsj�je, 'than forty frei�ht. boata, avallable,for Miller's Wor Powders act go- dtvi4u&l. r Ati t to, bring in Connection With the JUJIGII.W .4no coilditons, in parts of 01111114- 041TA111,MOV- i. ly'thM . a toma . chilz and Intes- rough Americill nowspAlilers From The big rush a yanadian the somo of these aj�osi Japan in I -to. 13 debt lor­the, Uftitfd� Statesi especiailly'­ tid klecord- Ing nglillliId from Montreal. li to his leadership -in th . e 110,480 P AaL 'with- from thephild with- eftot that t1tere is move Be- &too witit world oplajon,.h WEDSO!S POPULATION out being noticed and without incon- lot Cooldics during - to, thl, 'ty in the United drawn oil to open the way f, A the prosonVe They are the enforced Ab and stabill or ban-, Q."Whillt I stimated venionce to the sufferer. t. N, have brought him 'ban elsewhere. In XUrOPOt ditty and, gwies e! scalo. t erfect in action, and at. Ist 4to; Ts sness on A Jar to the froutl Uri! population of. the province of Quo�. painless. anilp rap all times will be found whealthy me - I Wly. "to particularly in France# one It would, not belat 411"surik5sing it 0 that this. report WIll the powers f seerowy of rare a. Ira, was 1, 0 rolay ims u Ind themstives.iompol-. dicive, strengthening the infantilel only � to w Cals, to the feeling that led, t6 Intervene in a sit L issued by the Provin- tomach and maintaining it - In V16 - r serlous ti to untion, that A. I . . . . . - any messurcii -I"Cial Bureau of, Statistics she* tha a S for.the Premiership, or reli to does, not promise at 119 that besides being ything but troll L rous,operation, o in order to, gave the population of 'the Province o of 'eviislot In order to 08capo rei ble, AIIIIALOXpease'. is 2,361,194, in of 367 an effective Vermifuger they are tolij. tion Wisponsibillities. There have ado up hei1bg in the China 11 general And thoir own in*, Up cat and it, effects, A of S been a ni a hatt in this in par icular. Btitish origin; I a ft, _- ­b�lij. r9gr4thl, H vepch Canadians;__ 9 a r In I is e tev 'that, a iWA -much moft Worablo Offer r.! just ADW- HIS I I CIO 10 141i U41 I 1 00; now and din tee vaudeville �otho Germans to of A slacker working in a ghip.bulld,-, will.soon.be made b Turkish ArrogsolcY suff Greek 0). Mango 4,668-, ]noise 2, the 'fornlor Allies. remlor Poincato 1, 780- Syrian P 2,370jL d t 'ballill ing plant I 'is said to be'a scream on it do . 'quite plain once more Turkish AriojallOL and Greek ob- ir otboll� rope.An c eel' bag miA -more threfiten the peaceL P14R CAPITA P the �tap. where -France staildi On the'matter. stinacy once. Nobody but the Germans, would need. of Europe. Greece has flatly reject- Q�­What Are, tho6 per',ca�lta debts such continual Intimations, nor, so ed, , all suggestions and L domaWds,that of'Canada and other counties? wpm"" �msnW11 tion to Turkey tot it y object lesson6 In their a tor* she make reparA Or3r. the recent Angora campaign Which A.—The.par earlitti4ebt'of. a L ended sOL,disqstrous1$., for her, Grdiw is, approximately' 165, as pomparod with 230for. the. L lilted Statds, $75.0 Signs of losbor Conflict fit the SO&U-s' cian armies have - bien to. nize4 for reat Britainj $65Q, foj­�Fr, a nisj"in the United Alice I I ' and fa-equippod,-and are said to he' J There are gio r Australia. The S.t*t 1.1 botweon burning to ay.eQe their dofoats-� In and 4280.fo popu 4*�O %..9( th . o re lation,of Australia -is less.than two- fotte a oka are ai and labor, It in the opinion. of siome. Oct* li thirds that of. CaVada, yet, its, Obi it ii hot waiting word. which may start e t this - I a e , however, ths and natiol a debt is bout the game as reach the point of a. Very gorloug In ATIL jittanillti' to march upon t , he . Dominion, L Great Britain sl, tAW GqnstaWnoplo Fearing, such, that Of break with resultant strikes 'and e( "it 0 16 A A 44 1 1 lit, -r It move Turks have blown UPA 'in -! with a POPulAtIOn, nine timels that Of -4 %1 WW4 aA& PAW 44U Canactuf -bas a national dobt.nearly a IV )or of bridges, on the Marit W�_a -e0ftdr-Vr6MUt1 . . holds that the, worker Is trylns� to kill i ty.&o4imeaA,hat-of-4u the g4lli JAYA the golden, -eg a reported LA-TOUR-01RARNISAY -9 by easily understood is - th demanding wages that are out of the lAnditig-of Turkish ttoltips at a strato Q.—Wha 8 the . La -Tour Gbar-� I t wa %eaj��point near the GillPoli Pi nislay feud?. ques the worker contends that f; in, British warships recently or� thesollation of most labor troubles is A.—The feud that existed between 4 itAst&y- -DALI)WIN t 6 viumt gotmore of the prolits, dered to, Maltli have returned to 'the 1,1 either in, es Or by way of a bonus. Dardanelles. It is obvious that Uri- LaTeur and Ch4rialsay, two of the britallea New Tittailor Of thlo'collfile tain win not toWvli any, PeAseari French founders. of Acadia (how 't of opinion ia from., the, Turks. The qitli will, Nova Scotia) led to one of the 'law- After Every Meat .have been acceptable to many on ths sten In the. migration of nei fkam he a oritical -one until the Turks r0a, Ong tragedies- of history. On April Government sideof the House and bt the uthern St*tii those -of the 10, 1645, Ourinr This has 'reached a point lizo.that they cannot brow -beat ibe t LaTour's absence is not pdpular,'Or ovIi likely to be, North. great powers, and that there is dan,­ f-rom�llis fOlt, ti John, (On the site tbc Url; Where it is. cal4sing serious alarm to with * masses, Morleoverl, tht 4o . 4.1" en"ibination of of, St. 4ohn, N. 13.) was attacked b tish People do not care now :for Pr& too plantera, and other. industrialims e7o, and'soberoically defend. -some of the Billikan nations. I t filters in the House of Urds. They of the South, The colored man. him. *. * * - ed by adsine LaToui that it was want them fit the commonsi the poll- self' has a number of ood arsumonta 24 Mil. only cap, , tured by treachery- Na. Twims nd. It is exp to "ex in I 18wigs Goiernmelit Seizes Thr4 Mine LaTour died three weeks later tical fthtiAr grou Aban onmelit of 'the brokenhiart. It is said that Donar""W will continue to to. S es fell have longbeen home to lion Milars of 1%,i PrO.Pagan- a Che ptioant his Glasgow Tiding, to the blef of these is better pay; da Fund W your food end of the preMt Parliament-, which aukill4illes Ara better treatment by Ru stills, Insulting attitude to. - 9 1923 MUCH LIKE 1911 wells then use end may be, hastened by rocent lay- th� whites and a, greater measure Of wards Switzerland-- 068 tot Perturb 06 contrary the kts. Mr. ZAvlot IlItless; Is probably the'vitivetiship to whicb-the It that eoulitry� Ott' WRIGLEY'S to stion. serious eno*h� but not to bad as titles him -than is'allowed him the Swiss Goftitment -hag'-scized some AIr. Gie. Laithwaite Says 1921 Was. ts have tepottod. The s EbAlest Spring ilk so Tests stud aid �fte pessimis dominant mo in the Southern S a., three million dollars in a Geliev tow lo"Mier *M not have to hold The cry of United Statos industries bank, deposited there by V06wsky, 191T Latest, It. also:keeps in -recent kissaissinatioli At IAUs- any by-eltaloom on the. stri of for aome, months has been for more whose Looking over h for the past the tee, onstruttlow of big Ciii uTi- likip, and there is a growing demand anne... wan made th6 Occasion- of a Is diary Ifte teeth elesx6 mn -oho, A%* hot in for- a lowering of the bars- to ovorl claim by the Soviet thfit Switzerland .30 Years Mr. George. 104ithwaite Ioss his brings in a '. . *0i was morally, ri a1b, sweeti, now law gives seas Immigration.—Thi uneasiness esponpitole for the deed. wrius that 1921' was the earliest brI04 the Comutoni A alopetite keen. A, flit" peli joIoi wbifeb, swh pro�, caused by the factors mentioned to The money mentloried was 'Part of 0 spring In that time,, the last Aprink frost was April, 18 *to vaime"asilly seems to 'not aq yet vewy deep-rooted. It Is huge fund used by the Soi for prom th, two weeks earl, Th, Groat 00)"ot'llson rrobgble that the violent 4luctusitioris pagands, purposes in Switzerland' -it- ier than the average. Early, cher- oi 06 stock. markets are due to thi *elf as will as in Gormai it And ties came into bloom on thii of worm Vort *Trilod With Pavorin perplexities caused by the threat of other countries, It 1-1 tot eel 0 April, and A snow storm *41M frost "a fi�vmn 11 trouble- between employer a- V ether the lien -evei froze the bloom in ice, Apple trees ey Vill Wbtther a World Court, or the plo$ee,. If this. as some, cillta is turn 0 Russia, It would not - e were in full bloom between the sth Vial if 'the %Wigg GQvAtholient Jesgue of, Nations " is to make tho more In the naturo of a by th ur and. 14th of May; and trees were in oldis than au.Vthing else full leaf an the 24th of May, two greatest V=xa in r"toring Vlat march of , Prosperity h 0 ard ou do that It Is now the pro to- pli .11 not be y of e State ara veeks earlier 'than the average. ape to some itir like hoirmal6yi has inst whose In et to be 4ocideds The, L*aguo of Aecked. tores the Russians have been using 1 '10, was a spring Very air D36 01lar but patlotw Idea did tot find the support 4, there-4ag fr6t on the eath, of Way 4 frolft the United $tAtes thAt-its spotil, lithina, Bordoring on Fin& &I W. which destroyed allfruit, and apples som hopi foz TM Wor]4 Oviiirt ilster and Internal Chaos 1jest Blinong Revision C�ow , to froni wero tile size of large peag. Last 1110tro U be ropildiolil with moi boilditions Irt Chln**'contlaue to Within yo I at (1922.) the Spribg was a week K-ellstink michiln. jui contentiong!'which Japanese The GOV earlier than the Average. Early or, In any enment side in the Callal`� .1k.Volh. -- .4- ."� 4-111 -Al. 0 *t l,' V ay try Is sippare ly wItriomajo put a StAtesomen have, Advanced for at least than ' Parliawdent is iepresentva as ntop to the gro= European ar- a decude. dThey have pictured that lioinit- d0ortyxined that the revision of and ap & were infull bloom on lbo fats. France And Itak hove toside country its being in it condition bord- the Banking Act, shall N pressed to, 20th. , Vices were in full leaf June vqlontary rediii w 111rit (' wronaliv. triliz on hasne5kI disaster lid intorl, 4 entoolittion at this session, ]Every lat. wrong. eeills, to t, qela to jone, A any 1111111 A DIC Z09"o'Wftlle'911*V 01 gusfillot 4L ear #to UK InTertsten 01 e jeluoutly "It-guaroetl# There Will is _vAribusl$, estir tgls latest "ample of IS an necessity for compull, qa�ea at - fr6m, of* y uever be a" 1 lyfliliou to A raillilin'lond a T*1f ti%ta. that exigtg In China. Some se 0 he veto have ta on kory revision. If "ecessity for them I L Theo big standing Armies are excus. bUtheir pie does not vXht rebiodles are not ap- *A oh tW , Und list fli ii't* beets; the -opportIa -to remind t a great .0lied. Ti hoi trait of many other to 4r fend 40 'a _ ew nsti;ar Wy Ite Powers that Arallese OneF as bUsinesses: b"ides that of biikiig. I Iftv"IM bY HilartY X11101l, of 144 Afte1eq, with Itarry 911tool drlvb*,,- M03DXLV AND PRICUS-1, o'. b,wiliolkoxylito. oato�sxclvviro oh'axss I t2' W- a. RPSCIAL-SIX '7 010 -six ff.-P. ------ 137$ RO*Otcr(3-1p&6061�375 TWX4W___,,.*j793 R00ooW1o.VW.i lNucing $2426 spl�--T* 25560 32 0� C. r7s cQuillit i ou C& ;4 U;*.�4i _M, 75 .P.,rw trgt 4225 W sidin—l-_ Whe present year stems compare u ! " 0 with 1917, to quote froln Mr, lAlth. jinTee, wes., ons 1QU In4juluAw6h, , 91T waite's diary for that, year. - he spring opened March 20th with threo the ond of the mouth. Aprilw" the Storaoie B 'tt, days. of south wind. turning cold At a coldest oil record. The mind contin. Bu wd blowing from the north. it vag very hard on feed and fuel and cattle Camt, out vori thin as the Price of L Is it a 60 0 D BA M," feed grain was ver y high. Bran, 1,40; phorta, #46; oil cake, $52; Oats. 0c; barleA $1,25., hogs, finished, $17 2. rs it 4� I N Z� W1 IR H r cwt.; butteri .5ft; eggs 41c- po. stoes, $4 a bog; hay, sfi,# wifiest, V-25; flour, $9.26; cattle, $12 per ewt. All seedin Va. . g it finished by the lat of May. We$ ,*�her' ft and, cool-,_ n6 &$s, still the 90th of MAY. First Presi-O-Lile Storage, Batteries are standard equipment on the Cherry bloom May 20th, - peaches in majority of Canadian -built Motor, Cars, and, from the begin- blossom,on the 28th, apples in bloom ning, proved themselves su erior in power and life.' June- 5th. Tt"x i1i fall le-af June P lrbfh� Iii AV %04-k .�U. on J� And, 24th. This is the re- late spring. June was vot and eontinupill wet 'to I July. Grain was very owth. Tho strawberry ell July lat. Other irololl a failure *1 the dry hot her baked -the land, Ap- *,and scabby. Hoy crop had a revord of Very ht vaift.11 144�141 this, plar was oft M dwis -ftrlia, -i in W" * late api *p - n flail bl"M the lat 6f P ISIS was, an early Ap=fall bloom the to wet weather ,ko from tMa A%te, giving k0ft the fruit was very w. ov#r a j*rW of 30 t may look for a pow apple yoor, ith a Vitt juni im lot up to tl* W10 of jft Wt be says ve irshbot wa." liolli W41W fail Very A�ftft, A 110m is glooft to be on avor ow of blook In 00i did t 4 bawato ran got eakh troft �C;04M#4 e banks ftimier than an hormt man, Ua Storafre Batteries, are made in the largost and Prea&O-b most modern battery plant in the British Empire. Prest-0-Lite has more than 8W Service Stations in Canada, Wherever you go, you can get expert adviceand repairs. 'OLDEL SERVI os"411 MOTORISTS - 1A. Ht into a Prest- Between the qualitybul O -Lite Battery and the orgAnization to I take eare of itl, you get the utmost in. battery valuation. T. F. HOLLAND EAST. S.T. GARAGE 'Phone 243 Goderie-6, Ontario PRF,9T.0-L1TF.,V,0.A1PANY OF C.8NADA9� L041"D UONULAL,, TORON110 WINNIPP-0