HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 6ft" M
V.7.7!7111 grim
t"'Patouls to Mat witicu, iiall lbiwu
of the farricAlks JUIR ns In Back ~y jot*tod, We dont, OW11 0
ripaay gleixelt a fillo su'I'v4scil 44 f,04; of AIA10141% CAW INklia- 'Mi);0I 41"FIP'
Witit "e wrc-twit tit RAW
"it of tug weapvp- sud lbe vrol;t m HadToQuitWork too. 00 tb* e"trolry, we lis"11 oUr
I jrx=;e f" fi�ift "t" Colawbill. Pat hut,
0 st"t be land belit the WMI over flog
Sk 4 QW*Ffs TwFewbowould
WkEA YOU fir;l yatir kidW.V0 out Of
I thli ftlit surgoil awyar;il W, g oir-Ine, -*)K-U 14ek attlics paigm; Ilk* to sell 10"I coal to U* are pre
9 -6 to h1s, When YQ;z us" t(I X711'. aft, 2 during As ventod from Owlet; so.**
I" 41stbered 11110 14op SO
"it 001131140 well to bear YOU tell It*'
I an" $44 bortio it into UM vgbt of a night sna eigUrl tortare, during III* the '"Ifunte the C04
ILVIlm Oduain. Jay- -4k# "r 441TIC-o sud got ^ ux of
84solloo torck, Where be
Istor grat #44 He was knV014i; twer yon will Inly wit -M
VQAW3 KIDNZY PIUS you Want, twig frefte out t1w tither
tb# follow when A10etau (QuIld tin, Mr. Jos. Guettiu,- Mou"Ale, 04tv P"plo. You Ompser to control the
as 3* Cattle stugulillog 441,109 The gri4e, WrItes-
_,.I was tr0ujj(.a with my jjA,
otines, tb* railroads and tte stexin'5411)
Ave tuaw0l; bud toolo W*jw w4a jjsdder Awal tea j�earv. jbites'. but putollL. U*"s*jtje4 likecoo
But x1to 4KL
and #an* now. aud without a leader to
tb*m GONOWS r =on R*Ma Uy IlWqor 00' teLk 1 g�-ttiuz And. Oil 41114 thuber $1441 VatQr Power
up four or fivo U=.3 vvcz,, x3glit. X should belong to the people. There
loatu to adopt is Moro, bloody reprisal, in, zq�, bark, "(I mxly x 114Y iatia booft an awitkoulut of the pliblIv
Tbatir ggu Way lberefort In a Wit 40
1441vto qua wor ;W -k Was 40
cowleace, and the day at Monopollired
bear" hesitation that Spelled rula to
N luarjr 4xtors and 4iffer-
nocossitles b 044shire"
t" citwo. They were iarcoti back, to
their on"Opmeut, I cat jutleinta, Imt -never got xry bell- ,,U long as men, own. tval mines they
DoM. Appleton. VWy dirty. Very Wed. t4T twtil OM 447 1 met Q`Q Of 34Y will SQ11 4bem fjet* wo: tire faced not
but 11M.Vt COU04 XRWIO.runis MI0 frWix Vim wAvisel pe, to Ujo DoNtit'll by n quesdQn, at wbat My bappeo.
REX 15 EACK 4wititlaw bull wbea, lie limped, up to Manq VMS, I look Our boxvs, and, lbot a& what bAs balipeneil. I It you
their tout In the earli loorasax light. eau truthfuiI a,
I say I woscoopletely, x4- to buy a city lot frout,_n real
Copyrighto 1913# by dealer antl utter you P;$14 blim
A Brotliters. One of hill .0'roo Wit# Illack sud 1104ply Howd ol ilay, lrou)IT4. I catmot pralo' er-t4to
00304, his Up* wem ClAt =4 swollon. your -vito 1�uoiljgt. his price :be refosea to give you a
Ilut be l"Taned cheerfully so ho ex. Price We a box *t all 4calem w deA, you'd at lew expect your money
WNO"I$ 114oxo& well, tlior* tho
itisiled'dirmt On recelpt of-prica by, 1120", Wool u7t rOU
V*Vay QN01, 00 bit "ftyl It was a $rest aloht� wasn't The T. 341bum l5oj, L!Wtetl, Toronto, MQ of Vuc.le Z; nod the Allisliali
At"kil. to a PasMONOr OU tbb N44 It?" miners. Uo not only refuses. to deliv.
The 4,U) run% Agroulo. WN01 Miss Vr the lot, but keeflo liter Money and
bv%w Captain johurtY VrOlnan to Quell 0 1 ertod out in alar at his ap-
*WQ lonotifir tile forces jl,,QM fj) pay more, every year
4% 114o abip settles O'Nail is accosted "raositoor Will You're a swbv, 044 was,*ii evil an he bid. been vebuted. I Milrette-ut a 14ody of rlclx men who
ran for hot water and OMPF While Nol- Who, residjustmept; of her Ideres had becau$0 of their 19MM nrO rQ90rdd
lieal;tiful g4j, a"l bi 1pivaces over* been djoupp9latia; sit g W its say,
with lopir Thom aro Veltef) 1110 I)Y galle sold wamly: ar, since it with susplellon, J,ut if 1110 4
U �ftltatl $!)*-Prove$ to A* $X� go
r 4, W11030 inothor la the frie"(1. "You were perkeotly splendid, Dm tobbed her of -a large part at -her Am. thing so dishonest At% winit our rcm
Gaar I know you'd id� -t 41
ej covitis Gordon. (Meirs unscrupulGiul'. monition, but she vowle4 herself with ittent'has done 1.0 W. wo. peopto the3
AOX)i(l you?" He tried to art
ale 131% the thought that she bad, vot yqt relielif. would be -lofted*
_-ApproclAtioti,liatthe- aft WIlleb-tx" 4eelk-
K."oulbaJoi- . , t -, When
shii jelin him of bor mother arAi a leer so repulslyo that the Oil looked Ir concerned the,welfar of t. o al , found th
0 It north, eY, two. �tlll itrguill'.
C�0461). When thev AtTivo at $loilw: Cot- dlvlyed�l "TOVX ought to IULVO Wa -ItIorent yon, finight VolIN'tirpsom
a Q4 X00je,
the jjjjWy.*X The 'village o ear the d'Acusstonsy, Ast. nvi 4
vsot I& impresu"d wltjj. thO Maguezillull "Ofta It! - Uaybo we 414011" Mouth -of th6 most easterly Outlet of "Air. Trevor 1199 -1111408t 01) lit"
Ii OW4 are ull. noblo crouture
rival. but 13 oure b 0900A for the, Salmon, Au4 it WOssimilar in most we 1hilt the 1100MIR A it
Wr'alW, Tolit Slater qt�lltil respect$ to flope and to, orour, SaVii I",
t.)'XtP.r They $to to (!at t1raii to SaVit .14 you think We could stay be INJ WjtjI, high 111t.4114 And
16 L
:AV Appleton along with the 'Ibjkt it looked- out across 4 shallow, Ite thrilf4k.4. of the Inuckt; 'et
in A troo WWII We Imeikked
roo0ouse gung" and one ovtbem holpi, Unprotected buy to the Opel) e,
aftiter. batl -wartted tot reacli lot Ztt*�ojk.
6`104001 116 Costa his turtunelf With_ 61tis vp on, thogravol cars. at smell- the north ftdft The shores were (To be continued)
VN0% 0114ell, Itallm Me mot) to rt W,ld -or4edOe
ed of dishwater, but be, was a hero. low, a pair of rockv 19jets air
o"atity, vonvimcd lie tou build a rail -
We sereikoittl and cried And Min 1012 to Guelph Juo
only shelter to Its shipping. and. it *as Farmers' Exiturs
�.fo up She SIOM011 ilivor. train, thes
�lirow e AS A starting polut tbtkt the 19th
vNell Moms Ille 0?mv III seolile. wbeo ed us and mode us got.dowa. 96 was ,or M reakwater Vnder. the �uuspices of tbv� JIM10
lUtwop4per �v6nlao getsk Ott OIL. Phoult. awfully mean." 1991) st had built 0.4 4
arnler�p Improv,groont Association
V* J)rovox to tfa Ilan A11101,01V8 Ulster. trestle across the tide Vat.4 c000ect-. F, Wornen's Institutes a
OeNtil tells tl(:r hill Plan,% but flot. for 34 Ile's. a 'mean moo." ed the work vith tfiti'malulatid, and and Junior od Perth Counties, A'
"110 14111V ue Was jumping arquad 13ruce,, urOU a
along tbla,robir tralusvmwleil, adding I
Juisilill will be run a
MIA to
Mlat AvVieloii is t;�rff to 0111121' 10-0- 00 O.no leg like, a crippled grAgi3boppor." their burdens tO the stren,W)'of t1le, o,
*PW the- me xnado a tUoustiod. dollars." sold arm 0 a o e ilate, '09ram Of the 44Y
it W114 aro wd"M fo, 4n4 barrler, prcttectq4�IIT thli, fSt"l. 0-1
Iilre- Zho tX3010 . 1101' �al To Uaging competition Q
owsrol ot all do' 4a. "Guess what I'm Aping to do ' cattil
%wher and xplulle., ball is, worrictl over And stone AndAIMber In$ the terminal, so farmers' a , in, dairy
nowspitpor Attael;.br 0 -I'm 04 with It?,
buillijugs ot the 4-liksko Northern. attle and horses; 10-12 a. M.
"Itelt-m J -and_ s, , �h Aemonatra
--MbM** _ig fteWle - Whert � �(!Ijrtje. Agordoli- the Old— eonald , Institute;- - 1
v to -buy, _them also lay,thr. termintis 'if
towalorls, to be 1103texi to hilso Gottletar Onte, more he leered repul- -11 cor for all, provided by college, 1-3,80-
010h, vjjya btirij pillaen.ji,61t a fit Perstivi Ar000rmamonterprixe into will( Inspection of different department.,
11fe. Both
0016011 *MY* title PAN I'llow zilcol". said 111atalle 96611Y.' g.30_.5.30.__Sports, m4ingged: by Alei
jp�A a M. V who%
u4 beveods bar 14 111* IN IlMok places allowed.filenty of activitl
W.Neltond bis -two COMPatinlons atTir
extrentity �Vz* aerard Iloing colligrattlatlowsr,
*WXxtaiiii,el plea to *6 to the Irlsit print*. He Felt Himself battle Roducod to, OL autw who- set, car?" ed Into- Ono of tertloon.
I Pulp, "I touldle4 really.11 was inferior to
them "In 10% new Kya� they, found,
11104 .00rdoll, thoroughly enragod. 014TI4 fbir YOW,
00"r in its' public, ttccoluwodatlons�
3 ju,crippi.0 wMell, "Ottitin "I)II. DOp It IJw*tl" � NStilliels, voice it Iturray was'at u loss to 13, d sliel
e a. club." ' ' ' " I
x life *later bals d, sk"tAtell -in -006 back youtler." low itimoteif was. creesdag. "You have It &do A fats,
ter. -until '1119 arrlv;lkll Wait
X01gile 11114 A114A her 10 Whk tot �be girtit
N=tb ftly. ,.44tll Denny botioro bo.gets 1A e Pan. I like
tgl�e, a varr Ist k
, great. m
01104 *31 he C01101defil blin A tlVKL 0011 made knowato the agents. of, the Alta -
IM 00. CRO
"..60twith'a cat; of 4"arolto and holds '0111 to RU00110V gill.bl%M It YOU bayll YOU, but -we wori't evellt mention buctl '017010M. - Then Xr, Trevor. the
6,vonrin threatened by 041`49014 afea., to, I'll tokevore of these fellets,' things, it you plosse", -c4 him UP and
man ss*,tblkt the to- *n$Iater th'chairge. lool
4tisn's jutrAnco saved � bet 'turther
Ms� the ilds Ott 4 trip to Taek- The younger I'AststeA uVOO 41111*1119 big 9uAtto" with.. 16P. ONTARIO
vim tA
seft-AW14M Ito otickles to make a, peril-, at this lead, Of the 11110 WA t and-sho quickly Made
is" Ve7ji" in doWn the Sainion Sol, er 04 *Qato so okepli,ax the vWtorx. In Trevor's heorlog was.
a "IMIU. Out told become a it escape. -D of�
01,61to his pleaol"" go- *t at*, 110,0igestloti of on enmity like G 4oks this,. V.11101111R-iW
4 Is lyld
st"W4 x"
at combats. so be his alstet, batlied.blit. lialurles i.
-swistolos h lit. Ilewelebtued his -rival
ads *bat husto,be could,"tolOW tht wailt really tolactiaoil., .4; 7 . I of
%a Anor
*bile MIZft VrOt
to Ve6 the'
th right at, the toming. He jud4ed .,too as badlir hurt an all thatl"
shocks aatslto� WofteL" be Ited by tho.0009rt-on't.'r
A" himself bellot by A halt (hilt the sumse wait still In doubt, thOre. courcaseii. Irto be numerous tuts with
I altbovgb bit colild. tanks gut little 14' __:ilslt�Oon xbot'thlough tho'hearL $14,lir TJ"Or- la� r
ago omy. who. hal , in O'Noll.the bad not been, oTtrou"t011- #A MtSM, tavft.
M at the ft tho tontualga on 9"Ot tat Of the zlot- i, mugle Adwers for me! Arritozo for
fox abstsil tho out or tlxe gea- tag blotaUgilt. whicit daitzled him. those 1000494ptitlk 4`001jio-mi hap& ful from 00 point of view of her Mag.
00 contusion as III*, On Ittlue vM1qk, but bemat her blind
As 100 M, b6*evOr, 116 dtsOvotclti illk-" rWot*tAvo of the power I.An
*Ore 14 oNonsenso., IT Vot it be I otstook an
*0 that the Ak,R. and S. torces
got by this do" &$tll test U40wu jat4 4iost hated,for Its
at the,mlildto ground, has% yooroye.11 Mile told itltwuiaftellogq�-
V'O.Mba out of tb4darkne0a Su4 ovot- I;1viijos in, the ti�ortbland. and he seem. e livat in Cfthrane
of so rapidly that them Is* divided the my's anks like iit UnOer Dr6 Gray's attention 0'i�011ii woutst to. talk.. sorely peopi
tbo aft eapi ed: porfectly
out auklebegon to welid. Anti by thetime
Vall.*00 a0wWolty for touterto *A.- *0461 &ad thfo.oncouragedblat. from him she would get Informidloo
oss, ApplaWn, tind intendeW as 8606 at the 4#r*Ue0 to r1kht and left tgzpo be track,fiid been laid for enough, be-
to, comes"the* sounds of Yen,, the; crossiv- to Insure �plaxit "M
-able, to. bout A the side 0; your
Jill, he istil Wt the t aderstand. I'm do,
lowtuir. about In the knee deep tug torth trettee froto GoMou be
usty "troat Into thA tAgits1k. but now. wr Interf
Oq we" Owdoola, helpers ;ftha� declored'41raself ready to complete the lefieWw' 0116-VA17004 him' fAve had t"hcM (war or are
VUb the arm Xritvel roadbed ofidet his .,So is ev&Tb6d.V ebe," ur. Tre7or:
I now ". lu won itself llias
#a* 104 the hottlo Itteaking - borbro been. routed fromtheir positions. I Jouruoir to XYuk, *1116 he - and thg -hot thaes because we*rombp
JIM .4ow that Aptitat0h hod time to W' girls had begun thVee Wee" b6fute. fAlfttbr OMQ its WOOD`
opgst, hof eb*,ugmt It W wind. Us tar- - be, too., greW *k with During the Interral ElIzit bad occu. gM#0Txt0WI`* irawl� � I � . . �
"'a Valit begirt, and tho, love of trou. lat Walsolf rms jju:j ,The lateutions of any'truxt wilr"Ut Until
""wo. to be I,"*" that it 1jiled herself 4a lAying out.ber uixxa-�
!&%"MOW jhfOU$h his, *611111. M 10*'
a t& Ide, tb# WrIesilotiI titio Ntorlits. and now she was eageir no shrugged.' ."Tho. U0141001killaw
qftd his hogd�. tUtrefom.,"d to eon st&4*0 las m so as T64 Pled Cro""6oAtAkfor
As$ IWIlut'vatght , bring them 14to ito complete ber. lovestlxAtIO i . I I . - *.
VWd his ""URiatAc I - Iler experl. ArOjost ordinary.. business Tdoet like
�lUf1*11WAMlY IOV*IA fair 4911L 01"' ttt began to WoCkder Why NOW to begill the 1111al'writIlIX t� I 444t.
01011, lovft"
withhold this word to OM . I I I per,ftltl -W-
taot the tspillikietion it
wola **tlogt odds. butt4W *0 ii-ttor of I onw, tit the nort . I I I . It I toti tar hoolsiven, It sm.of-i'arost-lili cop, 75MOOM
"I - As a go $ 91
ly-awto-t. flowas'-wilapW litsuip., 611; await Wk yonder In the 000A,
aitboogh It did not appoitr and they bought what they con-
"kickta, I -Ntr. Denny at that MO.
.1teatil tbe orer. Item later. iftu hil ordarto, TM the Emergency
*$M*4 to * pull) ()L to Issue sidered 'to bei the biwt . p at cialaul.
*sWitAbs numbers of Motto savaxa went orall In no eondItion or- Hospital vAth 20 iouraggs and 80
TbOY kneTr the region Was dislenit Of
bodo -. Also to Mft for
dergat say kind. the reWh being as acce". but they fjgRr#d tittit a railroad,
em 1 0111OW11; wbeyl.,prepustions for the
WOmgroveltog tb a a tan- dyllui:6 wo-rib Mad# Dr. Gr*.Ir. *M no. trang ti6water would. open up not 001y' Ilunbod_ of -onvak4mitoom
M* at in* SlAtj ;%rals ivbea Mops
bait Any' their owo, propenies, but the rest or
Mogal t*nw down tIM grage. lexillog a dcrxt0d What* ailift'rull* t the copper belt . and (be whole Interior u"Pittly sea" spe�cid 1004
dWp *blch swolit the elAbilikkMat Out el"excelit W""41 the gr"ltyar' country. They, began to I build, a,-r(*d tivid cam to reiltoWtilow to
Wi Illatle $44 the slentler plytit lop"
from Ciirtex, When some 44hoo stringee
%1ho boft packer had equipped his whkb thin outtaint battiftiV44 bad, tak- thst they bad, momv,
to his plot.# to the vanguard of tbe'sto. raised tho try
MogsMad *101 plek h3ndl" and tow,
11 Instead of in tI* bvelt- nitted the wadWs Sttateat copper top- PI*4" ona your contauoorA
agit-in MIllitat eittiniple la the uso of 'facklag IM - ply and boa Aouliled cluelied It'llir
Itruouil, &a bedtted bW calling, ' Tho
VA6. Ids favorite Avospo". ror Queo I morlopoliring, tronjilortstjoik also. That to d" HM.Treasutar. Ontario
**A"Wittle Mater was fully rolvkA first rush bad carried. blow *011 into 4sded -rasa. Red Cra", 410 Slierbourne
'Ll,.- the They needed eliesp
trobehdoug. Irrtimstible.. in the frily, but allt* (bete ho had thtlwo
V041, of coarite"Just alt'b'Verybodi, elite
W t-Alt.-ifile gra%p.j1ko- oaken eudgel lie- MR good judgment by, refusing t6 par- ir dlWoVeftd� the 3tteat., Toronto.
needs. It, but, somebod
As"* hotix artuor und dell, to allAda Ilelpate Is It a mono of that 11114 set
6 w1w Wj Itoflt# As a te;iolu lositer's , losteall'be 110,010lected Delta$ out ait 4*0150r, at pol'ir ADMA10F. APLUMMME
1* Ut ditteltse 4,4 Alradly *4 the MCI: the OpIxMialt rltuko slid fio*4 thioft1h it other shoaL , Ever since, then I thr
so * *into. "favittli, bIA formless bull, the crowd in biti, dlreetfon� b"41fts at $@Jlow pros* itsil been sereikmiog. lie
CORI laoils
*it efforts to ivecoment, witlidirew brtlAiw ippitarl
mass the lauscles of * gloldiatot. *top him., 14t* groat 'to ,
M* *As tabbtax As Inuell froto All%. strvtkgth had enabled him to Nola fcomi 'batry,., tod.-It- AQw rittoses
liall hurled his s"allitatte
6 M* so from tb# vsoltoco,ot his exor. Aronail. Ile
0M w1b" lie taro Apwtoo, frook 1W 0141110. olittittlix thent, bursitll* th�og0.,
of blatit a*" and.'att jjjj# oil thii,. preoll aft R *144114111, 1010yAlf
aw .02
11116. kad VrIlen the MOW Ila
-461t$" hurt. 5""" he gosotd. tftua tit. tr*4 olmao at th6 h6cla of$*
rit-higrt 41ultt sobler' M -tivit. Ile had ova�talgqit bebuy 1W
*04tixtut of bw and 01%11
&MMe n 11.
2:40 to 640 p. m.
11tomam vilay taterat bAr Half. IF0 lutoxmifflon Itpoly io
WARD, 8. A.. K. At -is
A 00 04 A A 04 MIA 04
**d asko-tuft of V t mj*ly of.th't following
Asters (any wair ety)
I lies,
"I% wart*," he ronfetted. "I'Vo Just
biters ahtit tht*00t th* heatt.#Ng
her Ali alte.red outhiou ulkno 'the ralt.
load si(4atloo. butas yet slle knew III -
t,* of the VOA proble" That, Utter
�jtll. was, the two lialiortant Subleek
Add. stie ellwod it to afford her thb
iinjIS for a 4tXV"UrO.. 81*
had corae to Alatilial 411641ig bOr lKIWIt-
lKilives TV'-w"t 1111611 41110'alous of publivi
410M -Y. 1100MI11- often 1111VTOY W -NO US
'A darlik"16 ltt;7taoler hent upolt Aoixitt"
the Of trAW04014 Ivion of 3k.
01*11CF, roalm for libi livil 111411vidusil
jr"j, "it#,,* 4330(dou ao,4 att 01IM-MIM
wo "14114*0W A" " I"
trot So a gre4jr ton*Mthat nod&*
out to attallato "*ftutift itat ONG&
tho� tkhft -at Illat borthlandI 191111; she
htd found Wtelt an. honorably glaW
voirt mot. W*d. Ilk* others. lat 4bw
�itrogxl# rot awom got imsekkV bw
his ladt doliall. NW bad
,iotrw-d. miirtover. to etyarAthibir With
UN Agim. SPA him tpwhdm ilefteliglah.
tift,wokoAte sibieftom. tier Itlea
�tr T1* stut hatt A**&#. VM*(*'.
fee It of e to U a ft* and dka4w
ezoolloutft M* W oft so aim ot
that, 4valilelwolf". Vagobe pollf."t
towlkv 1000*4 to We lot
00 (Wroft 0400k� bte stvt ffm�
Attend Summer School it, LOM011
school rajui,%r-*v4'v_w1al
udents hAV4 tbo oppxtunKy to 11lit W441; at
e,jool bOOM14
W.#,. jFTftjVMftItV 4, UMMer
yet ixforniiation, apply
or. X.r.jt. NOTWO, Rtsistrart L�Mdon- Oat.
- Ah.
[44rvu. For joil particulars re- Junior Farmers' Association or Jun-
arding railroad rates, *uto regula- ior WomeWs InstitUtO,
aas, Rd., write; Campliell Lamont,
,grj�ojtoraj Represextitive, Wa*cr-
in; -s. )�. Stothers, Agricultural Re- Clail d rL en 1 Cry
reseatative. Clinton; X C. Mc-PhOW, CDR FLETCHERI
to ^ r -1
gvmvtk I*k r"der at WOUAY, z - L
pat fa* doportworA ift hi it 116100 t#Wft 46ii'd t"llaft& til '111
WL tefloteA "ainy W*" to buy hil*