HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 5— ­ d— -4410b=000� 0" MW TUVRSDAY, MAY aikt, 1923, G009P.WN' STAR I DOMINION STORES� L t u In% E4 A D Y?) CANADVS LAR(XST RETAIL GROCERS Click—and the Pict- WE SELL ro $ATIVY ,are is your# to heep. Kodaks $6.50: upt 101 GRANULATED, 100 IhS. Brownies $2.00 . 4 1 $10 5 SUGAR $11o4o We tip' our Own. fulishilig—we, S2,091 A , 1. yun q know it iq right. Prine, ILISJvOti; ........ 29C 1 Ir' Na '10 tia witito 83641 TI373WI 1.1ottl lleiwi Pork and Beans 4 4:0 190 % lb. bag ti9l� tip 14e. Bictlikull , I sire *�190 llnto SP!0,4 ro CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Vacoll 2 for ................ 201C P'laild 7%01ino TI"k PHO" go THE SqUAUE 33clih. t1hi III cofilo ...... 39c .63c ...... ruie, (;olii or ShirritVa q r- vry,% or A ?4c _oq!oa � 11). till ro .JOYNT MEMORIAL. IN- listed In one platoon. The battalion On V113 'a- 0 was mobilized at Clinton April 16th, 'a On, May 24th, when the Joynt M. emorlal to the fallen heroes and those PRESSIVELY DEDICiVED. 1916, und the Colonel had the grati- scene at St, Relena last Thursday of ter 0 d and were in training in Canada, was unveiled Its De. e report from his commanding who went lo, those who had enlieft Soap 2 ople 1 Matellea 3 hs,, 37c 14111110r me remarkably 'I'Hall erected by Mr. John Joynt about a year ago. 15C (Continued from page 1) that he had di the hands mimity chips'! '116,4, well, and Col, Combe also showed 2 be forgotten, 61. Combe was asked how easy. it, was to. misjudge r4y! la.4-1 oddress., Mr. he teriaL :The only three men entielze4lph& little dia he. think then of this man called on for memorial that the children of tile to, unveil tlie monument because . terotion might be reminded Of which as unlikel:� had all proved themselves , event. He had been a. poo� boy but Musgrove had had considerable to do ins their fath. ZY AFFICTS"T"RZEET, GOD 4-otil, ­yvas Colonel of the battalion to WL ERI he- exceptional and one afterwards won had always longed to rise hlgh& and In assisting to assemble the 161st h, tilralls and tribulatl - ( -day- and -knew, personallY­&-aluallie Af� era-vient-throu Se In gh that MI& & free and live in peace. reav`iewn the mobilization 'of the the Viewria Cross and lost his lifo,'he made VP his mind that some, I lands. thopewhose names are on the His Xresence 141st Huron Battalion. The fact winning it. The battalion had won'be would Own a house aw lument could 5 t e boys that so many men had already gone great praise wherever it *ent and had Whenever he came to St Helena obe went. but no mili uffi- I was a mark of respect 0 n . Wj Deliver tQ All, Parti of th16 Town 4.16 10.4,44. 11- , .1 - mother . and ciently dedicate their sacrifice for us. who have passed away. His Ow two Way- -thought of his .. A - from H- on County seemea to arm peon Idt Antoci, In v considered They had fought a great battle for boys bad Pala T110 su reme sau w the task impossible, but never was at, Shorneliffe, -till the Division was her inspiration, and he, f Df the 161st' this the most suitable Ofte, for, the the freedom of this world and they and one bad won tile A - C., Mr. Can - there anything in which the people broken up. The men � i and ierection, of this -monument. in appre- were fightin% against a system.. We tel6j, was tile first speaker to men - of Huron were so vitally interested, had all,been raised arouAd here I I - ciation of the deeds of others, Mr. must remem er the warn ng in Kip- tion the. art the women took in the nothing they were - so proud of, had been taught to -abhor war as Oft jonall, writion after the war, and t hoped their loyalty would Starting in 3 centres the battalion of the worst thinga: in life, but in bat- J6yut spoke feelingly of all who had llng% "Recess mr, and learn the les , never be forgotten. grew slowly -but surely, and be Spoke tle they were brave, in the raging offered to serve their country and South African W1 "From ourl, M M. C., 'rly of the unique record:.storm of. blood and fire th were e4pecially of those who died for It. son of this great war. Lt. Col. Car . Icha.el,.D. S. 0 10yat , hands -we throw the torch;.be the next-gpeaker. thought Mr. roxeter had. when Ave brothers en- courageous., Many were kille? h. Are we hold- Ighly gratified at the many He concluded his address by dedicat- fallin, ome 3- or 4 times,. and ing. the monument to the citizens of yours to hold it big. must be very h wounded, and s, anosh by the following od- ing the torch- high, ar6 we livin -nerous acceptance the Teople of _`O` the honors of wsir. West Wow wlit() jr( e of the Col. Combe felt that Mr. Joynt was dress' ' - ' + carry out the principles for ch West Wowanosh had ilia 'Mon of 0 4neil. Itbev died or are we tting their vcry fine monument. Ile Wished to immortalizing the deeds of the West Gentle W- W- COI _411JI you S*. -e b Model Theatre j6ne "a" Mr, Naylor, cus- sufferings? blr.';91!, faith With ist speaker In his tri- Wawanosh boys just as Tennyson had o rat loin with th 1,odton of t 0 Sir, as US who died- we shall not s`11001), buw to-tbe women. Ile did not think a mmortalized the charge 69. the Ught t WEEK. of JUN 4 to. JUNE 9 o t e is o 'this though poppies grow,, In Flanders' we ,iffelently appreciated their so - Brigade. These boys had had just as I the custodia . i . _.I.+- a c of field." -rifice. of the Roman EXTIPIro In Tbinkiniv selve't they had the OnIV" national cause. To prou(I have a Notional Institutiolif we toust out f) keep three firps burnipir, naill'oly, 0,10 tb(. b home, our schools and our 0111*1103- tyrs, Chiiadit'is the home Of the brave and 1, 6eir the free, She has great naturol rV, unien soureq but more ilaportallt still is irced the spirit of Canada. From our o?#.II 'nep", county men have gone out rind stood Nip high in the world', they halc 111411U. ennil eltizens, We are DVOU4 of oil),' 11 1 0: 1 cltlzen3 (if British Enwiro, jur liberty, of our blo , Of �ni of our religion, Wo- ho;v(� of kings, lieroes and war- Ii!%VP.f_O bt - and died for loet us (Iedicaf*' this alonw their memory and to tbi� f Canada and tb(- righteous - ,e world., Fenton, tile, next spea�er. I A mnn c iord a sk before, them Wne)24 1'�!ey I man C P ton, expressed spe the Sol - 1 sent t is of Clio aaking more diromtly to 4 Mdjad 'alm.d Tuesday advau�ed- against the- deadly machine Ontarix4 I to r All'. canteloni. I), thAp, thought , t it Ay . tha -is well tpereet. a diers befo id . ev(sry 'modern device of the + people Of � est ' I... I � - I I ­ ra-him he told them they CULLEN LANDIS h`o"rr`1b'14eT warfare under the command grateful memory of the gallant b had now fi�,hind them the liest tra-r in g breezy 0 1 '#yOujilust advance pr fall." Mr. lops who gavq their lives as a sacri- ditions of' one. of the finest body of petuate [fic6 oxi tho field -of battle -for fighting. men, who -.ever. UVO(I—It -WQS­ . . . . . . Goldwyn f arce Joynt' in undertaking to Per h. F A�-Watch'Your---Ste -aritt, the-Britis 'mp1re7. Wcause'of their skill mad resolution -FQ A FOR ­ 01 Ono of V. Cafaeo Comedy est quolitieA, a humanbeing Can POS- 304 JOHN JOYNT. in Nattle that they had beeome I the, be�t fighting Iorces of the world. Isess. - Like Alien Ben Adaro he . could. Mr. Naylor replied, "The people of "Bumos" te written 11aEFbne who loves my fel- this township accept this gift in the Those who had returned could shou, plv- a splendid 1 game opirit in wbich, it wag givenY in no better way their oapprociatior L-`� Charity , is T111Sr season We h00 made All Clytt" OTOV� it) low -marl I ov, as good sent 010 OW09t crefth(Ills in W4iwsday. and- Thursd4y, quality. Im conclusion Col. Combo mining followed, Xr, than by continuing to live dedicated the monument to right the Joynt It a Ahort address.: remark- eftizenq and by doing the small and I iii how fitting it was that on 'this their bond, V "M TOM MOORE and MARY f iodation of freedom,.to liberty the -I should llirtve duties t1int car�e to OXFORDS AND RAP SLIP RS ou great ational holiday we. and it was thus we would -make our MILES MINTER safeguard of freedom, to democracy , r lives great. . In conclusion he ex4- IN. tile 1�,4� .. I honor those who had given thei wolopea I �Jdjl, the holne of freedom. 9 e as & TW iviff SPR -MG led on to speak for 'Us. 00,111try his appreciation of 'Mr. in �a play by Clyde Pitch felt that we were too pressed The Dow 4)l0s.for Mr., Joynt Was cal and praltsnien are fa0vinliting in theil. to the eiieumstaricis to -Tovnt's gift, as he thought that nioll- and stated some of- the reasons -be so close UP 'Jed iii "The''Cowboy. and 4 the ibis inonurneilt i judge of L their effect; but probably 26 'ainents scatter�d thro hout, the ollanlillig linpq aud Walltifill Amisil'. Co)le* U I in much,desired to erect I years from now the pen of some 1115- country help us to bear F1 nd �all -e .0106) iq t� MIA Ild en nfort tod'a ervit Lady" and why he placed' it at St.,Helens. b .1 I torian. would e able to give due ere- the shcrifices, 411 the sorrowt have lentliel-q of.th(s llvht (Imilltv. I He was in Buffalo NOV. 11, 1918, and 'VIAlity given Only III I Mermaid Comedy as 'he wakened to the ringing of bells i dit to the soldierm" Greater love innatit and he hoped we would nover S'Hold Lighe. at mall than this, that a Ulim 'lay fail to ap Brown wllf� 11141;0�t and Iiid Leattlev; prodill and blo�Ang of horns and knew th bath no. preclate what these great Armistice was signed, ho- made,'down his life for his friends." "We meiI did.. with tho.latest ('011114natiol,g of_trilnwifiglo.,� ething for the can best h6n6rthe dead by gaining are Illaq1, ro-1801111I)IO. Rev. Mr. Pearson siloke on' "Pati -the RorriallAbd up his mind. to. do som -hwd-no -the-z -wh:56 prompted their sacri- Hq--bl- Ism, 8 owing ys� " of Huron. majolf � plift t 11 h how MORE boys and though 'he had pleaded to go fice. Who caus4 the war? The Ger- came t6 know the meaning of patrio. XWHN BARRY tr? �Sel- of mans. What caused the w-, he had been refused on acdount tism for their country, but -ifter they oyW , Ifishnoss. The war i's over, but the ored - ahno.4t all the voiln- with a big east in Conan D 8 his. age, so he had tried to -do all'be had,conqw A gradt, story could foi the' boy"eroes Who di 'bottle is dulk hilf won. ' We -must, tries of the world their patriotism and it start, in -the Centre of our Own. mdl-�, thooglit on the field of liattle for him, bad grown narrow and thev 'Sherl6c'k Holmes , hat viduality—our own hearts. We have there was no world outside their own was because � he was glad of.. w 'GE06 Mi�VICAR m4rd. Comedy those boys. hid done that he - wanted a great constructive work ahead of I V "The British E miilre� today "Presh rzisw, them to be'remembered. I He had ne� us, the constructive work of TL.Uct:. is vaster tbah tho,'Roman Empire ev- North Side of Square Goderich ver done anything in, his life that he Yet us. live higher, live worthi y, be JOHN, JOYNT er dreamed Of; but we lieve that Goldwyn Sport Reel. so anxious to do. 47 years -ago thy for those the pride of the VO. �ame to'Athei-P, have a national tise. The was =d.." - - who forty-eight yeam ag, mistake in I he had spent the first three nights -of st Helens German Empire fell into the Matiinees_-�-Mon. and Sat. at 3.09, P. 1 his life.at a little hotel on the corner Mr.: A, 14. Musgrove was the:,next P. Wed. at 435 .1no. M 10 r n CS Spe i - - &or �t Value 1 ..Summer Wash Fabri m1k Hose c Frida'., Morn Startrs the. G eite Blouses, ery nterestel in what is Uew for Dresses) $1.19 A showing of Suintne'r Wasb'Fabric,4 that will interest ev . woman i Sli))S, The dis . play include's Ginglianis Ratiues, voiles, %is.lins, Silks, and every new wash tnater.ial"., inne i, the mo . tltli'for Siik iieslers,, Undies, Skirts. tIIiK,,1111,wtul,itN- in womews Smut Be sure to visit this display statthig-Friday Worniag. Silk Ho,,6. it, -plendid. summer weight. The coloi , s,are !11I . a 1�avy, Whites and Bro'wo. � YOU Will -find tbese ]lose weil -VALUES shaped alld Nery good wearer.; - Sale Price $1.19 a. Pair. -11 INFm A MONTH of 'GREATER 0'rtlr JLr� EW GOODS MODE1 A] ELY FKIL;LU. DEPARTMENT TO. FRONT WITH SMART N HE E V E .10. "now REGULAR'DRESSES CREAM WOOL FABRICS FOR SUMMER WEAR -and COMBINATIONS CHILDREIi. S "PANTIE' and TAILOK D VESTS ARVEY'S TO FIT Stantiler sorely brings forth the. need for lovely Cremin Wool Fabriag for ,,TAILORED TO FIT" FINE COTTON VESTS AT 35C Childrea's Suilim 'r Gingham Drewma in a "Pantio" and regi ar styles made Skirts, Suits, capeo, coats and Dreesei, and now -%oit ean clitiose from P, aplandid L ne. from the best Unglish and Canadian Gingliatlis to fit sizes 3 to: 14 yearg, The aLqsortmant of wool nopsack, munels, Sorge.q and c ropo-o-line nat, make very coMbiNATIONS AT. $1.25 Those Vests are made from C' ' smaller Dresses are nicely trimmed and finished with biaid. The 7 to 14 year pyetty garwentq, in aderatety prieeil.._ 9 ring. white eombed cottoil in Opera StY16 in 11, models are finished with belts and braid and organdy trimmed.. -I Flannel, yard $1,11) 30 Inch roml Viye]4 Flannel, yd. $1.501 The G�mbination tit $1-2,5 it' SP beautifully finished top. -All sizes. are 0 -inch, Fin' Crean 3 and Summor weighi4s Made from fine Shown at, the 6pocial price of 35o. or 3 to.$2.50 v neek, short or 3 to 6 years -range in priee from 75 cents 30-Inall Pure Wool 11opsack, yard 1.125 50 -inch Wool (.,room gorge yard. 9.93 combed cotton. with 10% . for $1,00. Tto.14 years range inrpriCe fl-oin.'$.J.'25to $3'j'jo, 6.1-inelt pure wool Cream 9ergo, Vd. 3.71 ) 414 inell 14110 Crown solge, yard, 1;1.10 no sleeves and tight or loose knee 36 to other lines �t 60c, 750 1Xnd 8i' )0 - drawers, -size .14, each $1.25. SUMMER VOILES IN EVERY NEW DESIGN JUNE VALUES IN LOVELY WHITE, WEAR SILK RATINE FOR SPORT SKIRTS AND 344 Wowen's Prince.9,; 6 - in lovely stylea W)d trillimingo Inade from good luality 1jingerie t11%tin mod FilieVottonain all qize% prieed at $) 0,10,n 3. 'R A showing of the newest of the Season's Suininei in VAIRIOY alld C z r; .1") $ 60 AFTERNOON WEA vention%l p%4torns, in fine qualities in Melt and White, I)IueA, Tatilio, GreYst Women's 113unimer Nightiea made frolil f;t)fb Krinkle crelto it) abedeq of Itope, RportSkirtq niqdo froln bemutifill Silk qnowflako Ratine will' coniplet6 the Ilrowns, Tans, plain White or'with satin stripe. Pink, white slid Native, have lo%v neck, short sleeve3, priced at $2,.4,3- gonletil-ing onatt and good looking for sport, und afternoon wear. The 'WonI011% fine goft finif1h cotton Gowng in all sizog, nicely I made and trim - need for Priced From 50c To $i.00 a Yard face of the Inaterilt i it; thie combeil Mlk mud the back in a ratine finish. The tned. A splendid Summer garmont, priced db $1.00, $1.25, :31.95. eolors are White, Capri 11,410, Strawberry, Herilln, ana'Mliffin, priced fit yard, WOMr $4.125 aud $1-60- BUTTERFIELDS NORMANDY VOILES EN'S'BLOOMERS IN KRINKLE CREPE SWISS RATINE IN IPINEs�r, QUALITIES -fabrie "NOW MANDY" �olleq. Women% Krinkle Crepe and ClaIllbric ING011101 0 ill Ilillis antl W Ilite Proin New York City come the liMutifill clear 0 Itill qlze, priced at 50C.' This is probablY the jillest Swiss Hatine ever shown bere, the quality i,,i The patterns are all appli8d and the geoundq mTo in Melt slid White, Blaelt and olily, in a good quality mild large eour�a the colors are sau proof and faBb Women't; better quality white Ballbriggan Bloomem in it, fall Rize, 11rice 75C something yot, %,il.1 I)e proud of and of Red% Dines, Jlrownq, Fawns, Navys. Full 38 inches wide, washing. A beautiful ln�ttteti.%l for Dresses aud Skirts. The colors, site in ]U�43, ChildienIn and Pink or white lialbriggan I-No6mars, pair 00 ceriti. ne Gteen, 'Pink and Alice Blue. Colors are pricedr at' J Price4l at $1.25 a Yard Children'n 131ack Sateen 11loolligra in MR Gizel; and RVIOndid 49ality, 50 cents- Lomo.n Yellow, ScrpenCi Q I Wv HIA White at $1.50 M -yard. 6 ONLY WOMEN'S SPRING COATS AT $20.0 We 111%ve jast j1% (0) tilaie3! fine Velour Spring Coatg fr,0Q1Al!_Q.9ea,;on'f; sbiling. There is one only of N 43tyle and tho regular priceq have been for- Light Weight Pullovers at $2.25 iting for g6tteu in all effort to make a final clearance, Qo if You 110,VC 110011 Wa Thew aro "Ballantype" Stratford inade vool 1,xill your Spring Coa t you May 0110060 nO%v �%t the h1lecial Price of !920.00. overs ill plain and two One tnaker4. The colorg are 3 ONLY MISSES SPORT COATS -AT $10-00 whito, blue@, roqe, foattin-, Mack. ani. einna- and. all. Thr ee only, but lovely smart styleg in Womou*g and Mi-;oes' Sporb 14peeially priced at eueli $2,125. Coats, all made frool a go3a P616 Cloth, with full licit sua back pleat.. your. choice of the�,e at only 'S10.00. Silk PuH Overs.$3.95 "llonarch" rano ailk pull over ov l4once ktylea in A BIG STOCK READY FOR YOUR CHOO.SING %evy gaint gavejento hava full ellk g2311 wid %ery rvicea�1)10, tile colorii ciyo roIR whiW, hetina, lmv� alld blw&-, 61 at, caell $3,195. Av G & CARTWRIGHT Rkl tow /A - �4 I �