HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 4E �
Specials in Dress Voiles
Liooleow I
T*tterov,good weavag. io g*y little
Iwa BritiAl razakcs, I !,airilij wide,, at 4
'9710 an'l 1� I
-0. rilagti of bright, co'or And
pattemis in iiquary
0i , , 4
r t", i�r aqaam yar
-Ve Uwa a 'a.
dot#, in graeui, browns sod bluesiq� Ail *to
36 inches uide� V ory r1pecially plicej at lj�r
JWnew heavy Sea GrX--3 RVId COtt011'
Ruji, doublo warip 4nd reverfible, VICAt TAtterik'% 14
Yard, 03e,
s�xik 3 x 4 yanl-4, Nut jm-e, $0 00- 1
I*t qUdity 11nnSWIS� (�%Lrpe% I
Reductions in
wMe. %t pc.r jwil. *I ocial. $21124.
1314ek MOO" Pailette, 86 inellep. wide.
favious green edge, go0a. %eight ak:0 deepee
lastre,Fivnehmake. for wezr,
an." "BIWmv prown " citra
ular 82-1.15 all, per squakTo vird, $1-94.
heivy Tib cctton Z, zv. fi�eo 7 to 10, pair, af.h".
Vaek sa-till Duchesi, extra. 116,vy for
verof food roadt to a certain extent., tilers sod thele wivot FIVO loam"
but do68 not believe in the widerking went to the 1*110t. willisto shotireed.
e4irts. Alresseeso eaw, ete, $3 V311ZO At 25i�AG'
rar Fava.
Ivory w4sb Satins, vard WHO, rqq1hr
W Inch estra heavy Unlreacbell sbeeting,
$245, at per Yard Y01.135.
1111re and free froark any 01ne. worth ta(14 75e,
Rugs Redu,ced
111t; per, �Mrdr. .
l' Ntrm beaw 36 Inch vlaill secot inv,,
Tapestry Rugs, beavY ION In u0w Fit'
terns. 2� X 3,prjs $12.00 aud $15-00.
Zoo yards of Nvarraintea pure linen wett
Wilton Rugs, best quality, in 1=11 pit-
terng. 2 tone, 3 x V4 yzra. I only, regular
lAue clicok towalling, 24 iticho w0e, 0Xq0Wt6
o egular. Value .1 ale Va.
lumity, I �bt-, Special .9.
$05.00'. Clearing $35.00.�
Seankless Volvot Itugs, a OrAly, size, .1.14
Pare Linea Ilem;titebod
for motuenor ehildrou. 40 dozen, regiliUr l2t.0
yards, $60.00 for $36),00.
each, on sale 4 for 20e.
C00.0a Matfim"g
V, jor
-Yard - wide, OYAM. heav,
steps or chureb nisles. AtPQr7=4,lAid,5l.00.
on itched ends, real
olsi., §�zp h t st:
. ...... If.gek. Tqw-
Irish roato, splendia quality,- special 6 lor $1.95
MAY 315t, 1&J'
hwo of tke 1"t- M sod 1111 FrWoW Ebell"s ke of later"t
Stomosch Tonk **A Alterative M, V42$9
fit vier st rottliewill IWWS JNIO Mi. It"I No"#
!L $1.25 a Botdo ill
M, Ill I , 0 . 4� Palinolive Soap
3 tftfor a-,�
For prourvis% Eus Woolive
2N a Tilt
;4 Mai-Vor Face Powder FILM
1911 19140 1911J I � $1.00 D loping and Printing
Goderich ........ 410 447 486 W 571 11126 "1201 eve
Clinton ......... 217 =3 216 237 330 006 58 Mai-Wor Talcum, 35c
215 2W 213 014 326 49 A One Day $0MCe
113 81 253 176 41 A ligv Li1w ly vivaisq, Now Y44
Nexillo ....... 284 210 269 2112, W7 171 370
Gxe ........ a74 240 Us 226 467 2,07 608
,tj!: 0
IHO 347 194 413 elg 430
Colborne 193 166 183 128 200 358 H10 C. DUALOPt I -fl 0
Rexall Drug Store
193 f1030 119.030
-E-48 �9-32 716 i The
plvorl for Majority for Plurality for Bedford Block Sq%iare, Goderich
o, ?.10 ]Vroudio6t 31�� GoveuloA' Over Phone No. I
Proudfoot 163;
over Livingstone,
1164.. %w. appropriate re -
Dickson in a le in use Flif ow 30 Von
I.marks, expr�ssed the regret of the aqare tile 0
Map; presidento, HURON legal fraternity at Mr. 'Garrow's re- 0
dettt*. M. Xurdle, McKii BAR PRESENT ADDRESS 0:gnatl ---
Gordon Young, Colborne, first I rw.al ad- of
president,'J. L. Xerr, Clintom seevo'xeted TO CHARLES GARROW, K. C.' mov o secretalry,,
dresti was the resAk
vice president, J. Watt, U111,th; third, � T T- -I ra , Em the presenta-.
ion of ilis *r. J., L. Kil
vice pr6ldont, W. H. Gol Pitc, Sea- Last Soda ork..,occool
rda Von made by E. Dangey.
forth; se'cretary, J. U Killoran, Gode. Weel� E111 VWt to Qo4erilch 11 All fill -as devoiopea free Nviti) #,a
rich; treasurer, lamos Watsou,. Sea. from $06me. we
,forth. The following chairmen were% 'Mr. Charles GarrdW,, K. C -s Muster IF yoU WANT ONE order for pri
You had better �seleot itat once before carry a full U130 Qf a,111i4qur
elected'- Colborne H Hill- Gode- of the Supreme Court, � WAS home the best, sold out; no better wan Films and,§
rich Mrs. 1. ffetberGgtoa';'HuUett, frdm Toronto for the week:,eud, and :upp Jes.
,,,,be, r.0,11,1ek`11t11,4,re are made by the
J. 'hngland- Londesbor(o R. on the occasion of his visit, -be. was togloting 11rinswe kv everything -
Lawson; Mckii1op, J. X"Nal1w made the recipient -of the following present,
Wal- R. PL S�110�6
+ik guamutted; Pridbam Me Tailors
moval to Toronto. The fo
a aid
Ur. L
ton.. Mrs. J. U., Goveolo4k; Grey, J. address from the Bar of Iflarogi, the ond the �orkior. North street.
.McNabb; Brussels, Mrs. H. Lamont; presentation taking - , . 1. 1
place at tile a"
Clinton,, Mrs. Wi Manning; Sedortht 0ourb. House! on Saturday:;.,, ====0=0X=C
Dr. 9. It.', Ross, Mrs., Joseph Keating; 26 1993.
. G6dench, Nav
Brussels, Peter Sciitt- -AfW Mrs. J. To Charles Ga . ui ex
. , , rraw, I� r
Warwick- Goderioli. C., A. Nairn and Goderlch,, Out ' . a. AT
.Mrs. M, 6..Camierou� The members of the Huron Law Q
Association could not allow the occa- I a
1 0
ijork of your removal from the 00=-
ost hotkorabli� and re- S Ready -to -Wear. St6re.
ty to a�cept a m
a onsible. 1 on in the metropolis Rqyaltadie.
, 1 0
10 e rovince without placing -oft
reco , t oir sincere regrets that you
hav been cot ined 'to sevek the
pleasant relationships and associa-1
0 -f n
tions of so many )r
-3r of manadr- and a, XV au
77-7--- By your -urhamt POW rurenaSe
unimp6achablo integrity, you h 0
Speaking at Grand Bond on Au- made f Or yourself a place in -the �'Five'shpdes selling at $Ii95.
(Globeo March 30th, 1022) feCtiOnate! regard of all withz-Whom
gost 18, 1092" Mr. Drury gave the you- have- -associated,. and .04. .which
Vrom� the knowledge, X have Of you may well. be proud. C n Dresses
-iwl; Grenville, 1, holding tenaciously . the view that
my hou. friew-i CharWlUg ra Ine resse 9M
It, the Former's Surk, Tho. Pre- cliepty(as geYkerally on the right, i
am satisfied there was no person- 7('ur bh *j07 u Prices $6. $4.501
side and espdusing'his c4use,,wil .50,
Mier s6i&`
. I . 4 41. interest in Arq of his traxisao, domand, intrepid zeal, you have been les 0
1 am not making any charge and,courteoua to yo%V� op orkent, M 01
fair -e able to say with a solute Also Very Dressy u mer V,
tions and that whatever action ho and We ar
that Xr. Forg4son ever bofiefittO truth that, you havein the pr6fession The,-blackaiid wbite'and navy .d wbiteccij�bin-
took he believed it to be in X one who. is not your personal ctive and
to the extent of ono'dollar� Per- frolend and sinegte well visher. ations beink especially attra moderately
best interest of* the province and, The possessor of undoubted Urn, priced and a bust of others to nUmerOUS to mention,
son4lly, 1 do t belleva,be aid.
-of the departmentmover, which he ability iirid of a capacity lor asgQu
ous toil, You. reached ai a compa
believe, personally, he's e �R '95"'',
v makianding I- : - - - , S
vrvsldej.'�' Wellington lfayl� ti 61y early. age a -co Poo ,Special Blouse
never. � Adminiswred for his own' RX 1Gt8 tion at the Bar ofw this County, and
Leader. 't e 14beral, con- inpludidg,silks, crePes, crepe de chine, georgettei lace
Who has acce also throughout the Province, and
servitive mo all'6 in Centre Hur- wherever You have -had the oppor- and tricolette, plaid and fancy styles re ulatlY $3-50
PRRQtsox� turkity of displaying your talents, You
.**s: mayor of Godo -
on.. Mr. - Wigh
rich for.'severiif Ytara, � def0ating all have brought high credit to the 'Bar tO $6.00. $pecigl,selling,price,,$� 95. .
of Hur6rt, . We 4
Pp( Ils. lie, is A-.vjg�
himself, -in Its hall0or 4044ttl$ an out- a isltlowat,thoi�vo
0 Waccess,, and hope t a even er
older. and irresponsible body would 0ious..ulkeir audk* hard..04mlialigner, honors may be conferred uponyou. Pur'e' Silk. samole,&s ile,
J hii Willios,on says. �rol'ttko Govern with % I 'lif.Ahe -f*ld In a con -
went and and i _ reL - , � � '! Our tvgret because of your aepart�
StitUeriCy Lthat, J publ, ed lor
10raet,009111'slyatcuornet o. It the province. -N-. .... r Job fancy ribbed. nd pladm.
I se er�p till Zeg mz� uto is softened by the realizati6n'of All co -4�:�Ud siyles,'
WMTS().. A the fact that yo�i hairi no* entered'
le tions
Sh 14' A�J eqial selli g, ricii, .98 ts.'
B rouson ould avi6 onty 14th, 19.23. upon a wider. field of influeno "Sp c
ZY o and.
'usefulness. Where fuller play may be�
a -GOV- wo 1 0 . j, �, 1. - , , ! iiive�n'tq the exercise of �your eapact.
Fomer Uitor if Glou uys Novopp af Stron ania P00511 SOMERVILLE f9
R" ativo to reach
10 ties and a greatAnce
ernme U Aar Drury IS U.. F. 0. CHOICE
at n even a higher goal than is now with- 0 0.
MR.. JOYNT IN, NORTH HURON in, ladies'.."'Rea,dy-to-Wear C
Nominated at Centrelturait Con- our grasp. R
HIS 0 Ten We therefore wish youand.-Your es- OPI
�WPAOTY IS DIVIDED At Londembore Wift Not- Be Oppoied by. Liberals—' ad family a 16ng, pros -
41 ventlon teemed wife a
Will Standfor Flat Rate or Zone perous. and *happy fuiure� and we, o=0=====0=Q I OZ=====O
Part of 'Mit ask you, as a viiry slight token of (lot
Aom-far Indepw4d 16tots 'to SUPPOO ConservatiV`8 A. the rokultof the, U. F. 0. Con. 'Rate for Hydre
vention ho14. at the; Londe to , accept
$bOi6 town- . At, the, convention of"the Coaservaw r6gatd and- 4ppreciat!60,
2J.'rd,V. 1, -Somervillet tives of North Aurork. on Monday Mr. this gift.
wi I represe Signed on, behalf of the Huron Bar
nt the Con s,.4galn nominated- as
Sin --One Ishot Impressed by"many Legisl4ture as the 160dor of Ills party. John Toyht *4 , A
F. 0. party in the oom- the Conservative candidate for':the
ottliviebarstts madoNalust mr.Drury Outside dietAbloula utterly repugnant tre Huron D, . ssoeiation.
responsible in ate in the Legislature. coming elections. Mr. Joyftt Sat in LEWIS If. DICKSON, Pies,
ilmdkis Govertimont. - Thi�-Ipromier, I to the whole theory of g fight for se Boy, Scout and Girl Guide
Ten men were nominated to ro0m- the JaSt 1A.&Ifit re I Atl. Udo�erkd- Socreta
ktk P
think, hall the get -oral reglitil and good- LOVOT11tuellit And no 0110 Owl' 11115 sent the part ry.
.'Will'of thel)eople of ontilitlo$ but su%ely tter tb#A Xr..Drury. y, but only five allo4od ent Conse"atiVand explained that Accomphnying the' address way. a
not Ingreater degm- than b*4 Sir Wiill� The P"Ple of. Ontirla Ahould 4e*ldo their gafties to stand. On the sec?r1d Oft of a, desk set, Ills Hoho'. Judge
he desired to go back on 'the same
whose Govotminent WAS do. b 6 $611 other, things to have 06,00Y. ballot So
ofor mervillo bad a clear S,
basis,,particulArlY in #law of the ark- :1
ity over all omd the choice was made MMKETS '0
working mNority In the RUNNING S E
cidlietv 01catedloar �4%Va Xgo� oraoeat With a' tiCipatod 'de�1810a'of theL Liberals not H
)ro. The oea No, objection
invoi, Xr.Drury sinished ilio seloilon to nokil WAIAllf re,ia little Ikooe unanimous. b istanding vote
to, contest the
waouew r4ther that It atrogl#h. tb*t ibey can. get Alkla through MV, The nowly-ele6ted was raised. 7 Wheat, per biish'.. 1.10 to 1.19
in ilkgrouptkoder a4fail. native of MCXIII and the son of tho Meeting
0 611 the Drark,wholoaa - The was well attended and Flour famil
At&t10 6"VAS to, be W*Ary - otlikervi e. . 1134 mother 'and y, per cwt .3.50 to 8'76
'"e0se"" And eowptowl'16% Of'eoall.' lea4erablip" Not Is It genotsay believed late A. 9 Te entirely cordial to 'Mr. Joyrit� Dr. Flour patent, per owt. 3.85 to 4.00 r and
tiougoviiirgilmoot. Noove basdoclAVtd that the Ubsrsl party, can Carty X]Ltwo sisters reside in Sonfoithi Mr, -Tatabs Armstrong, of Gottie, presid- Bran,$or ton ........ 30.00.to '10100 Allou Tennis 06odg and Running Shoes are. made to,;t,
too" olowy a oup or class mojotlty of the constif Somerville lived In the West for somie ed and addr%ex wOre dell,�ered by Shortoo perton�... 32.00:to,�30.00 hard wear—ever pair wade unde the Pressime, C
gallist, the gt . , . does not umpbosy. but utique"lonably tIme,-but returned it few years, ago.to, �tbl - y .' � L . r ute Process. -
broom 044 Mr. Otuty, himself. In . _ candidate ndl (;eorge. W. Spotton. ats, per bushtl ....... 45 to, 50
4meea that has bftn almo4t the dominant at the moment that Is the common im. tikii up his rsidence In - his 04t1vo 3fr. Joynt's,name was proposed by arley, per bushel.. 55 to C, 0. There are no better made and they cost no more than others.
mote ut bts� soefthes throughout his rmilition. colliamunity. -James, Alton, of Ashfield, and Rich- Buckwheat, per hush. - 10 to' 75
'Whole terta at oflice" The general 0Xpectation Is 4at after Those whose names were placed b6- atd,prootor,-, eIg 6. e ca - ay....
df Is rav Th a 11 " �' "'*. J . " 1,0.00 to: 12.00
A%I&t6AatWo Orthree Wtf a tore, the. convention as proposed �iktk- didate was recelved with applause as Eggs, per dozi..
'kS agohn 'the electiQ4 Ur"FerAtiflo]l Will bAV4 th I 251a 25 M$
WAstnovAtlefinite, InbIS&*otemeAttbkt la tXrouill It not An didates wem., A� Armstrong, 1101, be ascended the platforlia, and, ex- Biatto 25, to - go Ge the
1 11 r, dairy, per lb,
Is tbiS general eleatiork he woula seek lip I gob than the 1*rt 09 wisdom. toll! In- Iett; Gordon Latabi Colborne; Mr. Iirossed deep feeling it tlk� action of Hogs,. per cwt- 10.25 to 10.25
*all skeept surloprb from All elements 01 dependent ela0ors who want it Govern- 0urrie, Colborne. and W. I. - Somer- tile meeting in renominating � him Potatoes, per bush... 50 to 50
th �le, A People's vattv VM8 the went tot Ontario that couactulkh, A r ville. All the africers of the Centre without,even: presenting �other names. cattle, 7.00 to &00
14127*0`�whleh tie protes" allegiance And ( 018 V, 'to 11t*o thell' Vote$ to CC Huron V. F. 0. Politioal Association In dealing With hydro, he referred Cattle, butchers &00 to .�1.00
awl devotion. One thlalts theta are C Ito e*ud[4iktc%9, There Is the were, roAected. to his itolvocaev of the -flat rate and Cattle, ordinary..... 4.50 to .061150 T�. ShOP.
thooliAndS of I*Oplo In the rtolneo Chief 183(kei IA,$boLeogk$t Ago that $8 th6 a cod his intentibft of again. urg, 13ologn4, Bulls, pqr 1b. Sr to - - 4
I Support blim L 0 un
VIho'kjoult it ilia* vlat- chief UW4 of tho, *0111keei im Phofie 43W* J*he S;qtta
focia who miust dedde othervollid in Tod#
litera. GwNLOCK AGAIN Ing W Sheep .............. 6.00 to
much ot the e0talaigh flat-footed for d'flat Aides 5.60 to 6.00
view of his Capitulation io Mr. mord. tare6t four years ago MAIMS Carious LIBERAL CHOICE rate "InTeMoTt"ark, I am going to Ad- Lambs, per eWt. ... 9.00 to 9.60
00111* and the class Idoatot which Mr. rowing. , The Hearst Govevniftent was Voc�'te it as long as I am ill the Le- Spring lambso eaclu., 10.00 to 12.,00
Word" sts6ads. At the eleventh bout 4eikounooil tor extravogtom for abuse$ Gotod AttefWah" at Centre Huron gislature. The decision of the GOV-
Mr. Drury subMIttV4 to the terms tin- 4fTWttoii14e01e4I60t0t Allriculturer tOV Coriv ation. at Seaforth ernment to pay,L 50 per cent. the M IN
Of - - 11
1posed by Mr. Norr-IS011 And hJS tubservllmoe to "the Interests." It cost of rui*l Ilikes, vists I$krgel3r a re-
4*nguittee, and Ike Is 190god It be them WAS AU John X Goverilock will again car. suit of my agitation.. if we cannot
frofu the! ooA8tltkMACIe% And AS a mAtgtb1Vg In these chat&$
oomoo botk It Otftettbetv w0vety r�,r. the banner of, the Centre Huron a flat rato there should be a zone
wittigint #, rpajorlty t:) have his eourW little-th6veord oftheDrury Govern. 9 ette I
Ublerols. Ile Was unanimously chos. ra As to his status as Indepeod-
vmw1be4 avid,01tetmiged by a cow- mebt Is it comlblebli vindication, Ofthe on to cont"t the riding in the Pro- entbonservative Mr. Joynt aMd., "I
WltW outside tha begIdStam. JVbab Hofint 6.6vefunient. It ki a singular vinclat election At a'largolv attended calinot recollect, one vote in the House
hol*, is there. then* top 0, attoug Anil W. 1"k, to, that ?it, Wary 1*0 bfetk treat- toUvention held in Cordnoli h0to Sea. that I would like to withdraw. Evo
led with wow couslileratiou by other forth$ on Friday afternoon. ery nwasurp,l supported I am willing
a italible Goytrumetit us or r. nom to LADIES' SUMMER,"WEAR
rury? 1 his ownpatty isdivIded tItMOAts than, by the X(icrisOg COM' Ten names were proposed for
fa". voted for three Labor
Ap tly 16 has dowmIrked mitt" Avid Ito organ, Which have roado ination,
Gordon Young. Colborne, measures, though same Labor bills I
shtt In t ow 11slatum he Aball be his difficult task ftruielrO difflault th*h President of the Centre 111dron Libor- opposed. I want to go, down there
g �!.
vatim*mensbit to the outWe caueus it need have boeu. it Mr. Drttly:8b 'Ila *I Association; Xrs. James 114tilkiltono again with the very same spirit. I
Tovslature. tow CALL, ..ON w"So FIRST
thrA he has been to the a Out Ot the 000"Ork W lua� Goderleb-, J. L. Killoran, Goderich; am inelined, to think that the Liberal
whkb isabink tobotligolved. Ciftr- jotity, Ot WhIell there 14 little KOSPect- X G. Cameron, Goderich;, W. IL party is not. g61'"C to Oppose me in
ly, It Me. Mort -Isom lot to mittol Vabl. this committee Would lie wore powerful Golding, mayor of Seakforth; A. Ills. the election; and I want to be fidt, to
settarid dietate public pollovitk ont. th&JI eVer, folk! the JAXf.kkklt!VJ as his beta lop,, Groy! Dr. W. J. Shaw, Clinton,* theta. I used to be a politician. I
%rio. be should toe his V11164 iu tilt' ftla, has given pliAges that. he will P0. Suminer Dresses, Now on Sale
owas e ilitt, Itullett' W. It- donoLt Intena, to I* again..' you know
CIVIA and J'M- GOV- mv prinelpt". I want to be- fair. I
- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robertson God
enl0ek. SeVotth. X11 th('SO' rkotaint�l ai�'-not woirying about ibe election. Summer is just aroutid the corner, be'prepared, COMe in and buy early,'get
retired in favor -of the foruler moM. I have friends enough who will come a vour -first choice katine and Voile Dresses f0r'.$UjnWer %Vj; in "lain enlrwg
Are. You Ready For Summ* er
Der. J. . luovcml Jr. to my support and re-eloot me, y �116
Thomas McMillan, . who wax the bigivst maiarity ever given to, aft$
speaker, scored the 'here
prinelpal reAless member. There are gentleman
extr"SIK"Ce Of' tht ftM GoVergo today Who Voted L annst tao last time
thent, which Is, he said, W1 I -
ltbout a par. and are here to to me tl1#V wl) $up
'Iftell It Comes 7
*1161 in history in providing smd.
ways lot AU 1. port me. Mrs. 30ynt Anil I are itoing
0 away for a virooklis test anyway.
annuatill eivil Se ts Alta vane -
Ing. the salaries o e e e . U,. SHELDON RRICnIt IS U-
It6berftoh inte out t o inerease ilk
Get your White Flan Straw 14sts. Palto
tax4tion in -CHOICE IN N. HURON
ur An and rural
communities f in the p sent W.
Reach Suit&' atid Sumoer Apparel now.
tem.' Candi a
'date Was Filrwior PfoRile"t of
J. M. 136yealock, in a short address, LlIbeirst Asodation
AI ,
Also we can fix uj� �4 boy in everything he
aiked for the suppprt. of the electors.
lie said Hieks hia accused Drury of - mtor potuffidtitkil! 11 110AMA03o, thIS
betrayAl and had tried loget tht,jAb� r.r.a. Radh Humn ftally chase
but his shoes.
trsl PAVtY Mixed UP in the deal, but Abeldon Bricker, A eattI6 dealer, of
Tailoring is out long end.
had 110 Authority to do go. Ile did Fordwielk, to be Its ellmilidatA Ill thO
not think any honorable gentlenks" comingele-jim. The inekibig belAilm
should have rioid much a letittr. Mr. the "wt, hAll at Wisoato Taf0lity was
Go"Mok Pronounced himself in fa. largely awridea by deltgat"% trieft-
verof food roadt to a certain extent., tilers sod thele wivot FIVO loam"
but do68 not believe in the widerking went to the 1*110t. willisto shotireed.
out Of roaft. Thill; is where thp mi. &ftsm Craleksli"k5. P. S. D04,
1*ase fttdeg ilh� Ile a lied 'for Will -am Ulitlilivioril. 14000 matbesoft
the 00 Ike
'JU AIM$ *Ad BOYS' StOrO wokrth� Fw#st
4111hAWO Of tile tilr*111061 and 4he 4UW*-- dW11101le-
1110", WtIlifttOn 114y, *)ko Ud- t6 g�� fouitth bollbit 4M kem XW wo 46.
to Tomto. by s, morgla Ot 14 V".
Phons 210 COPERICH
at*d eledM
rdo" Yount 16tPolberne. prmj&
110VAng Of Gwerfeb, IN6 man or '*o*ArL 11ho%k1a bo%u
VW ax f . p&jnfally about, bo -6,00 Of c0fm
'"0 0 rk plktrs tpok pl" whirn PO (*rtalla * poitf Is At Udd 46,
- - - - - - - - - -0 11111i.01 -A -A -m-
10 rf�ul 10 NIOW8. Iron, preti, Com Itemovt9r.
with fancy trimmings and floral and fijured patternr,. �Siztsj.5 to 4o in katine
and - x 6 to 44 in Voile.
Ladies' Underwear
Full range in Ladies,' lfissest� and Childrtuli 'Underwear in Cotton and
Nfercerized Lisle in 1%loody's make. .,Prices, range from 19q to 7Sc per garment.
S hie anery.
Oar Afillinery DepattmeTlt is well mcked with the I;ktest tuoel i
u 1. Idies)
SpringlAndl8ummer Hats at redmoed prices.
W"t Sidi of S"M GODMICH'