HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-31, Page 2TIIVRSpAV, MAY 31st -t 19N.
=V! 1ZQJWtittA6QV, 4444 that NAXWOT �j;'YOW* js`QW tile Vosr,`�
fully s4apt W auxilim-Y, i"Alu i. it#$ �rou:� mOu"? 11&1� V 4t 13,
VA V r*pon-P, inpitler that ripairw may Iw L %;k u Stowiag Sw2w, and V)e cwwvo v.,
Lfwa the Collier of the *yea, U Z_ W's
IN DAla. UF iLvRrA y
1� the end, of Ifte year. Tbo sowim
�)ZO� of oven Me 60--caacd Sur .,:CC
egoawj by singing byart 223, WH ARUN IL
lattrustissal Salt Co. SUINCk Sgk Xt 0"Ah Of 1054 fo* iii '74_� The atteivow swien Oponod Witb P-C,ple, Ira rping togetLcr IV, 040 4�( t it,,- i_ _ , -11 1. , L L , I I —_ , ..
%ovils BSA Co. We* Al�wt to &*A owl&$ Isis mill %t ".I devotional lexerciies, lod by JJ*llaore ;cigCr. 7___ 11, i 4 S Ho
� su*fflary. The Corresponding "eve. I have seen barfa-D�eadcd bue"'voc"I IT M1$* TH APPY UP. SAIL
qe4 That You— Twonty Yom Age Sts"s slaiw W0A owlt taty, was,grat"1114 b the many Ica- �Ilr; mfessional laca who nave U , lk os V 0 K1
is Goa. couragements vhovz iw the year 114,u with awe or fe4r by t�
d4 L&A . $eve* Wrksl SWi Will Gmt 000100 cloved is the rU104 succesiful ilt our CWP103�*Olr, turn up Ott baliqueto -or 0.7
Greyhound fteursion
j histor thirty ausiliaries, with a elul),gatheriggs In the eity asid d.ni� Mon"Wr
1, luenlAws-ship of �SS4. one new alwharyo QRI tLeir dilrmiTy and "front" us tnv�.
wo were at"" Jane. In rcvicwiag the work she re, 4'3vously bellu*ed some Popular a-- OR
AT WAS DOI-NO IN '74 Roland XeMw011, and the 15t. Andrews at Riplgy organized in er ti or xulontlily Joillea
-om The Godetick Star of April jf#rredtothc, prof Wq c r Pow Godench to Detr
AtAble and enjoyable
Wnt, Proudrooto, A. 1). c .0, J. aMietiog at I)U tat caw4p soug"And, 4911q; it as it i'at
Vg4twou. conference in
Smith, 0. V. Whitely V r. of natiosis depended upon 0eir W..."
Plowill min A. W. evicar and alm- Wingh"I'l, Fcc-fiOnfl 94411119s stud Securities llcar4- And, VM11 IL little eo;ixfils. -and Return
it is reported that 3plattlil tow MW� lGre4t G Mani. '?erinxd meeting#. farmor can outebaut auy city
V,Jlk-h was Wnwil down X M& U it MAW V410"t G Au�,Acsws were given by Miss "imol WoWf* W4�4se of botter'vlicst and luw� ue,
11 On Tuesday VA Wednesday this Warrcu Iftinall; Rev. Colin Young, —supplyink; a siatiolilit no- Tul"SPAY JUNE 12
;ra ogo, is about being rebuirw Velopment.
we, parti interest in the matter WAS Part Of Ontario was visited -by an 0. JJ.; Ai" Dulmage, ehills; Dr. BO. eftody. IN111010 Always Popular in (tie couutrj�,
I ctri 1 2 U and heavy rains se-
�ero last week. e 00, 0 tot) chounn, India; Mrs McIntyre, Toron't —forwhIchthe"Isamidly only once 4 Year
compan1W on the latter do by a U11510 has always li"a 'A lead.t.i, this glorious
lateraitio"I Struck 841t - hie tL to. Mrs. Vooinbe, Mrs. flarknesi; and $�,%50 -
tornado, w I did comiderab dam- Mrs. Gollan spoke at eight places. —04 prookally, a Cah twit, ploce'la rural entertaium t. To- :X11COUI!,lion to Detroit
rw ting rooted up U*es k�u
The International Solt Co. has age. The tjbe treasurer's report showed to� Tbv� old-fa4btianed aluglif; Ital4luol ORO _tbb opportunity to
15traek C.Alt at a 4ept), 4)fr 10$4 feet and broke off tW&hthes In the differ- ecelpts for year closed $5,663,91, —*011 Ok PrOdUCt tlWt 400 V11va. a oneration or two or agrinw Tdp visij the amusements fto WSY
and are now drilling through, the so- ent ports of the town, over wMeb it'an increase over 1041 -of $309.42, at- loot Iicpnc�w, turista on ear for roolody, omd rclitct. Ili I eve , and do your
lid rock salt. The 1140MOU01141 is seemed volitinu*1100 play. - ROV-0tts location for 1923, 47110, Larger au- —tlko Average 4arnitilos of ed itself Al the volume 09 eongmbw shopping—and enjoy
the most extensive concern coonected4from the surroundin country show xillarlea are advisW to sendin con. which havo steadily In. tioual, Muting that I obtuboxi Koru, balsay like, ride, the d0ne-
with the salt business in the Hurost unusual damage 49615. At Porter's tributlosm monthly And smaller aux- Ct*"C4 1thV0419hOut the yvz�re ago, Torday to Phurch assEtl- W, and the concert
the mew
Tritet. They calculate to turn Out Hill neighborhood Writer' seven Or Iliary to send prompt
y every quaFter. PC" of ders"xiou. bllea that bcartWos ic obo"
double the 4ugutity of any other es. eight batyp *lid houses sufferoll cot%- Airrillary and M. X treasurers Are Thwoas* few odier 4 'uLry.much Wantlq#.
siderAbly, amont them being thO earnestly requested. to send in their linvtottafne to, well safe-- Community elnglilk7will do Inutsi
Dominion Salt Works ni of John Torrance# ?Jr8- Me- reports promptly before the: close of vua*dt or whu as prosals. to revivo t4o rot)ustloug 494 nat Huras I.00 Ikki Detwit 310
We notice that the above works #rell;cill &he good (�JA
WcDox:gaIl,,TAMQSL COX ond the Veasi. isix a future. od (214 1�'N -Anjoy Me, WIT, BIGUM U"4.4
9* 11T JL I
Wilson, the couSes Of the The bussion Vana secretary report- W., W"c"
irder, turning out Bernard At. Tbepeople who, can Ong V4., retutn tr V to a4cric to MA00.
1UL full' Working C $VJ ko tQ &#J. sordrtO
latter two also being 44MOV4, 'while led 22; bands, S72, members, one life r vita "94cep the HoweFircs Hurning" lAwt Vill to DW*tt 194vies QodviUlo
10, n6 to 10W bar"Is of salt eve7l. the temperance hall was partly blown member, 49 junior members, 12 home for imrskimtotts 9.f a.z.:
4*71-11 Mr. Evans Is pushinc the bus- over,' Orchards were wrecked and helpers, 210. meetiop. bel(I 011 or "I*Ack Up Your.Trouples In low FrIday, Sonot %5th, 904 a. 11014
in yearp
ut-$ with that ene4y so Ocullar tol ceo �of woods partially 0110. average attendance 472t parcels of Old Kit 1$Ag,11 are Ithely to be just
V bim,, siloug th , 6 llurot% ror 4100 clothing,, ' 11, thank-ofrorme, fZ49,60, hearty In, exhorting you to. "Cotsl.,, Sft
totaft#jsed $1,117,7$, Aing ft . MJTr,,,TH0M$0N1, VourlAesoings," or to "Brighten me
iorts of similar 4evastAtiop, lids . L on4 j�ay, T.I�W
FAtly *t collie, Tel met.
t�sle hx manday
Mir, Bingham 'get' -Roplels- tooth and in the vorthetv townships -tsroes allocation,- fiva .,went- over topi- --now - JCJ! .."o" 0 JCJ"#.DJ""'-
Saturday list (April land felicea we're levelled and Urns bands . orgaulzed it Armour and, Community Sifixint Includes All
watering -olt
istbl 'by dis # Oro ured., whitechurch.. RaIll preseut. _14-
lAyll In his', window or less. inj es, for 1923 to. be 'ToNw J1118 11 1 r Oil
1. 1 u 'a hao
Vltlpw� Ethel and Belmore. i.,*' Real Comm Ity alliglug Juvolles a
specimens 0 -grovm rbubs to t1ow
Do sot SUM OW
10, , ' '!, .'': 7
r MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL On inotion of M 4mvi Gollan -
addishes, and seedling 0010TIS, es general Y. e***- N.,
tsid MeRenzfe these report$ WeJre a. =Aw=
should havi at Wilt q. wsw�k( 4t. tau
Wlvi� and Co. About to WeCtL Large
Vlot choruses. A capable leader withbotia
h Annual Meeting 9*14 In Be). d4ted.' JNr
Messrs. Ogilvie L' and 00" a we thy' grave W Oting Confer. Uyum-551 WAS then �ung- taste 'And sumption can bring heatzy �N Of IT E STAR Ll"rIfE.
.41 1 . *Lkkott. Molesworth, offered de4le" and genuine
melody out of 1.11y rural
fsrn% of Montreal, are about OtectiVlt praypr. 7be rendition of thitt beau- gathering. $Imlile methods and a.
a large floating mill In this' town, annual altotlag of Milt- t1falL solo, 114fesus Lover of Mj Soul,"
Capable of.grinding over 9000 b"11-1 The ninth of Belgifaye, will knowledge ot hum4o nature are all
1— 1% & Ala "IS Ili an iM- I land Presbyterial Socity W. M� S, by'LAtrs. - Clegg,, et Togetbef. $04 "Let -All' the that are ueedeil.:,., He will drat try
".rtaot ttem for GiBiderlobi when the
mill is in working order 064erich Will
be 06 leading market for wheat 10
this'section. Besides it will gly* emi,
ployment to * largo number of per-
sonil millers. -packets, toopers, team-
sterso ew. Men AVX enterprise ulust
give our town a start UpWards.
Lo OR)-
-A may WtAoog.
duxbto a
*od, Urs. Z
toyt East #treot and `XV, 9 cue
Desm, of Newca le, were Joine in
held in, Selgrave �rmby terisist
May 15t.h, PreSident Mrs.
Ork I
much.all r"MUM4 -1 ... - "
L I Of AuXiliatiC3 VOO answer-
. , - 11
. _ - �
People, at."
Out t447JUMOTS, and, qbilditll I ujjl��
never refuse to Sing. Then the.gtra;
- I 1 .01 -1 1 1 1 . I - � . . -, .- - .1
less in the chair.
morning session opined with
ed by 142 delej tatow, Te resenting 23
4uldli4ries, roll call of Wisslon Bonds
by 16 dvlega�,ea from bands,
'FOW, V4oy,]011bA16 $We-
'Will b#_hft4V 4 by themselves, followeti
by' thi boys,. NOw w of are Ketling
at. $41
ional exercises -led. by gelgrave
wry, followed by, the proldent,s,
eight ttve
ortin; tW0 Y' W. auxi-
delegates, rep,
Asp_44psia Alwos VoVWAr 14
alouir. The next thlig we know the
so. She based her remarks oulliarles.
Gracious words. of welcome
leader hit the *omeb cgrollng along
all by, themse Ives, andth0h, w6ridLr
loves gospel', 14th ellipter,
. ra. Meadows, press to.
from Uelgrave were reAdf giving
helpful advice to delegates to. carry
P"4*4114 From Gro*0 to 04Y-
of wonders, be calls tapoA "itlen, only"
to alng,. andtiley got at it like. the.,_
L dl
road the minutes Of the. eighth
me oting. Hymn 307 wa
hO1AQ to their auxiliary. *.mossage of
n w and encouragement.
(CoMrIbutod Devart,**0 at
11 at
good, sports that they are, So IRS -to
show the Women f9lkS And the ki.
rWitiltd. h4n14% 41,t3e PC*'r�' e have come t'o ft )ioJ $f
pwom4t siod hire Wn wpllotu#4 as the, most v*1011�le
twelve auxillirlos.
ppb� searetary e4 iyork,
j reetings were t e
something more than were oific-sour.
Aslythi"doeent will do to. begin Nvitu...
Tkse twoole Nav�rg arrivtj and re,�"Vea wilcome q
have Already bueVM down to wovl,. iawtijr low*sf at
voedlook's bonds. The ceremony took
L- it St. Peter's, R4v. Fir. West
the offtlatlpg priest,
A Po*WY FactofY
A visit to Councillor Mum
tleryztsterdhyshowed�ihs - T. M.
at. $41
doeoutdothingsorlavila ACK1.6.0for
for fi
there were five heux around vith
Sent t
thicks, eleven sitting on large set-
locubat0t, when
1114 im
ov, 0"h20"xg
o Wks crowded t1io glass
front of the machine. eve outi
It ra Still There girls at
6c ontr4ciors f4' the wasonry
the publip 11brart have, started O -A "Oticts.
0 lowwotion"40 t o rumor that, thef and con
lbrary. ar*4 the market would never P413e" I
plojeed'on -the some lot was un.
1% There are those who are Porto
thankful, however,, thit the ma-ket and a� d
Vill not W oleo" from thor square tho, use I
placed h
when the Ulding, Is up.
The I
W011OW9 Held 8110ctssful IWI_ wmriod
The aurnsal ball of the, Go
Oddfellowst, given- last Thurads
ening was the most successful
many fuuttions initiated by the
bers of that Brotherhood Ili th,
calat.town. To make roow for
roolu wits used for wa tz &me
two iteps, the, carpet having.
removed. Dabulng upstairs *I
set tabl�,S W be Arianged in the,
'hall ',The prowsm leorlsisted
numbers, and it need uot,bo w
thit.tho usir" gave the
satisfaction. T but the werac
nwittee did their part we,
the cat
evidenced bV, the attendance, thi
ram. &W their
per and tM prdg-
tat efforts to make theirlawats
fortable won the hearty thanks
0110. had the privilege of Atte
The members of the committee
0. A. MeGaws tteaiurerl, IL D, I
wretatv,; a"(1 mossm I
Vhittk�,. 9, 0. Sturdy, Thos. I
JUrry Rdwards, IV. W. Movics
arl mill moslary
to the
church. Mist paldtliotpej of gea,
IS: V4
r in 1922, totaluslit $M.20,r
addressed the. audience, Mrs� Cam.
41010 thm 16F, bt'sood for so a
team $a the Aeld a
of auberiptions in tck
mineA as P*esbyUrial dole te t o
t -thini,4,
to bo alo#*, I's t 004ftq4 to
ward a rich and megapht
10 40 bcotti,
�Vrovf6cial Sdelety )told in
toonubIsl, Uj�byajtdrej% %,sifter.
VaV7 the llrogr*th *610 Gravq to
*rd `.'k%'tagamn" Ix -t 41,�e,�ed At $,". Jobna Car.
rangers' secretary
bat 0
Mot. taken in t opart-
April 24-90.1 give a ireport of some.
Next annual meetbg of 'Provincial
oo. Nothisix-drams, like
lion lot US have communitf *Ing-
L dl
11"gers'.seeretarlos. being ap�
Society Is 'to be hold In Hamilton,
a crowd. Lot It be UA*w� that
Ing, and plenty of It; but lot it be
rWitiltd. h4n14% 41,t3e PC*'r�' e have come t'o ft )ioJ $f
pwom4t siod hire Wn wpllotu#4 as the, most v*1011�le
twelve auxillirlos.
ppb� searetary e4 iyork,
Invitations from JAckb6w and Wal-
t0A 'Were Oxt( �hded for next Pregby-
terial, On. motion. Mesdames Per
T1160'Vis all golilir to 40 there," and
thisr All *111 Iry W be there to seO
something more than were oific-sour.
Aslythi"doeent will do to. begin Nvitu...
Tkse twoole Nav�rg arrivtj and re,�"Vea wilcome q
have Already bueVM down to wovl,. iawtijr low*sf at
kcto*;,, 4uppiieg itW M44e�
b0a 'And. fifteen girls and
tie and, Smith the Invitation from
1,uvw OU/ And It it bo a public tina-
and the liluipler the better� as- a sort
of Umbering Up L eZe relse, - But let
:ound Lake IndiAti Boarding
klued at ;400 60- in addition
Wialton wait accepted.
Resolved that in appreeladoli of
$do$, lt� bear them,
The Grltngo4 the- rArm*1W Instl-
.4 ore ambitious be at
tempted now and then, such as glees,
th ,MeiA,%" to
sh was sefit Ross, for
applies requited this year
the faithful serviceis tendered by the
6flicers of our -Presbyterial. we would -
tot$* 4LU4 thi, U.r.0 orgonixotlom;
Anthems, etutatat, or p6rhaiworator.,'I
160- big
ts for four b oys and four
tender our hearty thanks to %em, ei.j
how alread donot a mu chof
With jeololsta from the cities
as gtars, but With all hinds, drillt!d
?Ortago to Prairie, .1. B. S.
ess etary, s*p6rt04 that
pecially would. V-6 mention M11io
Mai;her and Mrs. Moadows..wbor Te
th�-' Old: 64 Of country life,'
the ontqy show* by', those
for the choruses.. Some gale an easy
4ad olean -comic. opera might.bi
. . . . . .
n4 reports of �tesbyte
erell4es, W"o sent to eight
(Continued on pagra�ly--.
-years who b&1r-o -
au,'but With no Anteatioll 09 crowdipl;
Out the more Solid music, for it ia
id published
ame "10106 secretary ro'
and So$*' *sid 61*1al clubs has alsq�
well to remember the,t6rce and Just-,
-heas of that very. ptactiegl observa-
Advance In some Auxulavies
Cline- in Others and advised
*bOwA that a n9w day has arriYed for
09ro *,0JobikV* 'conditiout 16 rural
ilon o( tho eldi& Pliny, (11b. lv,eap.. xl,'
24), '!The lemon, as.,well as the'
envelopes, Rua having t �
every home..
community 01
Js -A, soct1ktaoll4filvir,
Xu the punch,"
r9r, Is needed to make
orwaid. Movement secrefdry
When the baby 4s Ill—wben he I oa,
st1pated, has lndigi�stloik, colds; c or
Community, 009(111� anould bo en"
�couralibd, 11 It, a, social, physical,
the' placing of charta and
in evory x6illary, accept.
simple fever or any of the othe Many
minor RN of littloones—the
As thlivOuli of years of experience
montal, slid moral tonid. Jlop public
benefactions been
ltatloqs- received to speak at
lueetings. The call is- this
mo erwal
Aul 1s I a a a I
I AL.by's IDWn T bl t X40116�
V0 Wedy.'- They. re�al%% tliAl tolba0b,
with Y.N. 04.,% men and boy.14 clubs,
And military, �ampw, 1,11ave come to
fut vh - A��J-
have boaused. by.
the ststeo-Thos, ?AcGJlIIdad4fy0 Sta��
�Jatlqu and P-blicatiol, Uranch
for embers, more
of the. Bible, Way" and bOW018, th 06 banishing t a Cause of thawtuy otber,musle that in which
)to"Stu Mort wostoftbolll.sof chIldhooO. Concern- The cheapness of Mother' �Graves"
m study�y tbsx tAke.lpatt publicly. A commut-
Ing them Mrs, E. D. DuguAy, Thunder Ity sIA19-soor, sko matter where in- WOM Extenninator puts it within,
young. woraws secretary to
luvot4 Qua,, rays.—IMy;-baby W0. a mch of all, and'it can be got at any
dula*4 In, Always sets as a* social
I increase in auxiliary membm great haftorer from 00110'"d eriedequ. tajW
It, jA a solvent of creed, costs druggist!s.
ings and,gi)od atteadatics; three Baby,s
orles� r4embers, Own Tablets aW the, vollef was Vender. A feminist complains that we have
a*4 u"ro' ota, , It ca"'b" 4"' "il"'e'
I ft. contribu ions, one new. Aux- fill. I now alw4yokeopaaupply of the ch the t n . too many marriage vows, Doesn't THE FIRaT MECTRICALLY OPSRUEO P131M 130AT BEING LAUNCHED AT TIM
tie NY.
.t._l 0
Tablets Ili the hduseoft - rhoUblots are ;Msklt Or otbewclroMar lzu zxotfl V. 1�t, YARDS OF THE STATES ISLA41) �JJIPOVILDVNG COMPAC
V at miltori organized Ws year shet-suesti. too. many marriage rows ?J
C;0. L T. Auxiliary At I sold by me4tolisq. doWera or by m4ft. at
26 coots a box from. the Dr. NVilliamg,
mo H k I
of the "A 1VP0Vt$ WOrli ad- Uedlolue Co., 11tp6ityll1e, Out.
ootion'by Mrs. 0611ah, seconded Them- . are, i;6-4tases -of public
06 Itgros torrfio� that $11 Pres- men, those *)J6 hav,� nothinj
i4l, officers be not tied by secre. ceal and tb4ft why' 'think
ex TOO earcuravo metTIVIX -nelu in vross should be curbed.
o4s, tattled, on,m6fiosi of Mrs.
r, seconded by urt, Glormie, Chi dTan Ory
K social $"Vice AgeretAry be Ap. ro FUTCURIS
�d In the , Prel.rrial, , Mrs.
ut, quoting fiopi t e W. M. S. CASTORIA
One Trial Will Convince You
Can So Obtained In Drums. If �De'sirusd
111! 1 1 1 11 11 1 A 1 11 �A
4 " 10
10 40 bcotti,
WJILIN tl�lt Cnnnd.,.a% Pw P', .0teamships llmarkchl'
*rd `.'k%'tagamn" Ix -t 41,�e,�ed At $,". Jobna Car.
so"it. to ergatt in fihi_
s rv, wbkh brought but Asmill
�Wk ga'.ncd to t�v V xttirl �f vlLke Six hulkarela: AlIlt,
Monk1kMy retorrt, Alta othert to joki, the fterthwit
1"ied and fAVIT '*Otkeft 11114
Marine. I* the fall those who were neAr retutred
home hatvosleg ill* staill grop wad thatched tittit
,111when, fr3M The Vo"�J by the lett ul
ttadf' thTV4'h war "d G"Mn
bou;ws, act there was hot work for 0. It was
jkd, bY 1:04MI I-A�J VI"08 f0, 1ft'f0 IYA16%
Ot n6 urie tO fish wh#V there *RA " 04firkot And
*AYj (Iougd 4a %I* worktf th* farm vhith pmdue*d
rWitiltd. h4n14% 41,t3e PC*'r�' e have come t'o ft )ioJ $f
pwom4t siod hire Wn wpllotu#4 as the, most v*1011�le
Wt littl,-. TM *o13 wAt at tvtry A"r, alsk*t, mt#
Officer voeeiv*d wart azlkatiots tot,
4"Nigntats in Seat& UiApr tte leadfrahip of Rev.
lAinaaAet 1 Giltiop ali�4 Riv, John y&eM.1J&"0 they
EnromAois) *"d Uter "slafte than e d toft
r*rtably Ilit, t4wj! -
bAv* SON I* th� Itto Deor didr:,ot of Atbetta aftil It
ovorfwft rsyt!� V1 0.01atits, whott,thoy *V ir,
Tkse twoole Nav�rg arrivtj and re,�"Vea wilcome q
have Already bueVM down to wovl,. iawtijr low*sf at
thts" tre,frohl the W*Ad of Sea* I�K
'Noolswelar *tW Patia. liege
h A.
AM* have c0btribultd W C*AMA"m XC A ?Arge
ity lilm wonit to 1t*A bw wmro Aw will boU,
$1, t i , work##
h#je fat" lik"
40WAS hew of 17cm tell t6 twolity %70% amf Upt
*wJk thwfth abd othow" *?A, IN 64wiu#, to Xllg�
1" tht will teWn VIlGio'bwo
, 10
illowt of fraft two to ei*ht tattli '404 te" AM"- *t
la�fte"elpritg t�oy
r notivs Gaelic WagwL
Tk# rervainlitt of tk i"Wertnts )AV* b"-" tplit
stathered W.
hwr, P'ott#4 oats, lIatley, rya ah4
44 hit*d ft" in V466" J*t* of Omar" 'e. oret f0vt
htpdttd 001 JP&s*#**W 44 0.0 tk tat
,V00~4 a .9
lltt thi Vag dose took to the
th ,MeiA,%" to
One Trial Will Convince You
Can So Obtained In Drums. If �De'sirusd
111! 1 1 1 11 11 1 A 1 11 �A
4 " 10