HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-24, Page 9- - , I � - - � - I __ - - - IT 04641i_,�V�_ 41"O"10
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Tflt`1X$DAV. 31AY 2 4� 1923 - - � - . I Im GOOMM 3TAR . 101411"; NI%P
owmmmopow" 1, - � I ! � - "W"Oft"Wo-1, —_ I I -_ —_ _�__M_7��- �- -_
I � I I � Ike ftiorio _tku1#1 AiWucs�ii- 91,161192 il 11 __ I .—I. .- 11 I——
. i a i -, "I -1. _ I "T - _=__ -1 �__
Hets Uftle Girl NBC TONSIF WM !=" I 9
- IL Irdited 8(stpo $ecrttaws Rughfal 1111111�� or6&d,
I I � takes fitsud agatiorof 14*�q4tw ot Noi�-
HAD Important Events Which Have - tluuw � I � =__4, �!' I L I .
I �' Promier Bracken favors a liberal
Occurred During the Week. 'D*JJU*t9r1fRt of LftVY farlu &bt* Ilt F .
I "Double Manatow, Or (�UYAQ Will COMIRW JVP� U11r, 110.�10� __ � I 1W
faily (_!ompik,li and vut Into 60tittiOn't On 11`104MOORH w104 cr',_%llj� THE ONITARI ,� TERSD LUSTS I tL%Z& ,
Pneumonlall "'it busy worw's "Op"w"ll"'s ""' k � ry 'Ulla'nt loul 1C I
. "Andy and Attractive hlislpe for ' Court of ArSocals S�IYS It Is lWol A(7. rl.w. That*# myjob and rin doing
I , Perusal by the - fteittlerli ot ow �, to transport liquor tot, 'exPorUttiou — 1, - -
Next to "lomptim 14w ure *or* I'Alice. . outside of Ontario. CY,NTHE HURON � I
Acittlit ca*wd fr011 pucitololda lb%A �, 11risoner ltourijibftij� daintivy re. __ I eivestaAm that Cut, 04
tKor, all'.v ctlier fC'.1W og Jzlug twubl(�, TUr"SPAVI. ,.volv,vr makcs darlwgi (scaru trum .XOTICE OR SITTINGS OF i. I avellow Virginia tobacco "t
11 . . I ,,
in faCt, PrACUMPUja ,W411t IJC deliCtibCa I , .
its 'Lung Fever.4 AIAI-gatnblin�; btll go�'tj to senat'D � 'Nor -tit !Jay courtrocii-a. RE1,11,13ING ()FFJQ,F_R& . thty -banter" for -but I give
commatte. I 0411cen's Own Chapter, VO.D.F., - it to thcal at i(N--apackage.
A. cough Js the c8flitst symptom, it tieven,veraons inJurcil In accidents I decorato gravee of ooldlors of icarli(v TAKE NOTIC .a that Sittings of .1.
is St fint frequent *rAJ baekitig, and iuToronto. I 94,111erittlen. at Toronto, the Revising Officers for the purpost, i My a pack age of loong Tom
& Is accompanied with Q tough, volot-le,ts sixtv(% people kiliva by tormulo in 1 .4 CQW. laying III L�ctwevm tile Of hearing, coniplaint5 or qV130,11,,3 at loc. and yoxeil say that 1)
txf"toxation w1deh etion, however, W, Texan arca. ' tracks, nears'arula.caused a lccomo� with regafd to the Voterst Ust-s to
o.v bas lict In, tIvQ to leave the rails. _. be used at the election of a member I . Ive done m V job well.
COMO of ItIsU90,040. O'Brien, rcleased nuder W1bP;,% of the AostmblT p.ending for the. .
=;` 'Codro "01141`5 ;101 "(1141,11,111 ;` ix,11310-1 bix pat,senginrs I* Ing fretu Parts t9 i corpus proemillugg. Is re-Krr(sted ott Electoral Distric of Ventre Iturmi . G0&J%&=%&1"
"Ines ,a
. the P,i,VL4,,t,t,O,,t.v,w!;V,r,a,t�,vl,,,r,ilt,s,,,,;,n,,.I Lootwit; killed !it trasil., � ,' a, charge of scilitious conoillrac.N. will be hc1d 4t t1w following tiuws . I
� Mtisa preall -,-t ,;ard rvply of AIOK- , MiEs Witialfivil Thowits. B.A., up. nud places# nantely, -, � . .1.
of the beartfs, V,ctjon. L - I �� I . I . 1�
� COW $0vict Ra wit,.k4stattor). �. polItted prinolpoa Q' Natloll"' #'rr'%tU` At'the Court House. 60tilerich, 'on the ". L .
Units are more commonly attacko . Lo.rds refuse to lie,,.r oovtriintent tog school and superintendent or 9th day of June, 1923, 9 . . . . . I I
� . ,
n u.9 zttack alv1plial III ease Ot Art U'DrIvit. Dc,aconess Work in the Methodist � - 11 ,; �
seems to give it f%ppeial liamlity to an. Aev. J. A. Nine-Aonatil, iate editor I -hurch fovoCanada. � I to hear ,complaints as to the List,% of L ,. � I
I C voters for roillof Subdivisions Nos. I I . .
ilther. Of C41411orouto 4jtove, Ili din -d. I POWAY. I I I .
Ali earthquake occurred at Omit- Gode cbt and that His Roper Judgo ........... "I'll . � I � �, I
On the first sign of a vargh or eolil 1.3,r Adam j3kK nas uondnallonof" i 112, N� 4, I� 6 an 7. for the Town of I I �
you should get a bottle of Dr. Wookl . k.ti. VonstItItenelks. I Quit. F-cuador. . I . . . � .. I
. Norw 10 .4.titnae vtorwa ciws�eonsiucrablo Irish deporttes ietura to Britain Lewis III Dicksons, Goderich'. will be "I I I - - I------ . " I I I I .
SLY Pine S.-rup 141d Itus prevent � the Revising Offiger and his Clerk 4 I....", I �
. detay III jjrttisa muith to vallatig. from Free state. . W
the,cold from devi,loplug ll�to fQr; us will bei L, L. Xnox, wboso address Is � . . .
lung trouble. � .0 Idome r3rcrvnar�, ls!ldgealars re.sigus France euminates Denmark from . � W.- ., . �� I .
. Goderich - . I I . . I ,
. office Over Irma devortkutons mse. Davis, Cup series. I . . 111111 I r
I Mrs. W, 013111260T, B0941le, ft'sk., , Uermana 41ep7fissea by Lord Cut- . Polneare, says receipts from Ruhr At the Towit Hall., Brussels, on the I - ... I I - 11 - Ill. , 11 I . 11
-Itc&---1.JUSt a rov .41'ei to toll �:�11 zon's notc,. Aviuch pitases French. . pay for occupations. . StIt day of looe, 102%` . � 11 . � I .
Of the benofit -1 31twe 14 1 1 . I I I . - I .
4a from, rmr control of Quebw uitllwiy palAses, Manitoba branell bank raided bY to bear complaints as to the Lists of - V.) .1 _ I Z=511%_L�1�
wonderful moiliellie, T'�o - 'a Can MO j I -_ - _ � - , , . r..,
'g, A -,yi-urs' go, Into hands of Slmwinlgau vower.k:o. Amerl to W114116. - . Voters for potilowubdivigious Nos. ,
E nearly lost my little wrl 11ho 1:34 opposition dtivelops to gouge gallit" Contracts lot -for powor develop- I 'and 2 for the � illage of Brussels, � : .; . 7� ;_ . I _-1 -1 � .. . I—- .. � . � .. 7—: -! - .. � �� I.. - ; � - � . - -1 I 1. . . �
.. , �, 1-11 :Wa_ - . . .
" .. . I .... �.
� __ .. Amoble 'pixemappla, but after 1,.avinjr. oV,ulliteo bmlvs VLsbelmep cia (Xv-1av m4�nt at -Do,s Qubiie It4plds.' " '" " - and that- Williltm Coats, - Gode.rich, . I � -, � I .. ,.I I wipw"", I !!!!!!!!!=� "@**-** W- - - W--omp , . - .
. . . ___,____, _______-
given hers Mw bottles',tif Dr, Nvorol;i Lakes. . I � Germany sends 58,000,000 gold will be the Revising Officer pd�his 71-11. .11 === W� I .
lig. . I\* uIlding Co. by' the -
Norway Pure Syrup, I ToUU(I fligt it claillation. Ili, Nleolet, Quebec, by- I _ . 11 , � . . tw
Norway Pine, Syrup, I foutia timt it . Liberal candidate elected by ac- m0ka to,�ho tfulted'States , iplerk'will be A. IL McDonald, whose 'mge, removing it front tile street anti niectit ."rXonal Shil
. Allies fear Greece =�&Y 'insh, to address is Brussels., I he now asked the town to construct . The cometerr -and mvics comolittee Perfection � F a% Pullih� Ua�birns
. .
0 , kpd Q;mp%teI , relieved her. I now vVetion. . . I . as, Issue. . . At like Town.Hall, Xthel, . 6tif the Oth the sidewalk to conform. .. - recompitinded that Mr. A. 11. Tomlin- I VoulpanY- I .
always tell otiler people to use it." Vourteen-y�ar�olil Chatham boy Damage estimated at $400,000 was day of June, 1923 This was referred to the public qon of the, Ontario Agricultural Col. I These committee rpllorO m-exe �utl
. ; Put up rescues fo I ttyelir�o4l. thild 117010. caused byllre at Niagara Falls, N.Y.* I ... F ,- works committee with power tit act. lege be, asked tq come to Goderich adopted.
- enly by The T. Milburn Co., Vimited. dr4waing- , I . - . Preluler )Uuar Law L returAls to to. hesi - complaint's as, to tui Lists of - The finance committee. reported ag and consult with this. eonunittee and I A bylaw to confirm t1w purk-114so of
- L - . . Russiau so-viet % rclilles to rapirpVcd. voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos., 161lows,. . �� a A14 84undern ' , .
T*6�0, ont. III London lookinli somewhat I _ . the Horticultural - Society. regarding the 91-Avel & frOr
, .. Ilrirl$ . 2, s, 4$'50 a arid 7, for the township, . ., was tut through its various stog,a
� "I Ultimatum In c9aciiii;:tory terms pro- Weiland Ukrantaps deny 1141%b�- . We have examined the treasurer's park Improvements. . ;v
_ == vusing conference. . 1, um -0e 0 11 and t evvoncil thell adjourned. I
!!!-. I 0 Orty, Andtliat William - Coats y! I I suitement of receipts arid expendi- The to titt of th w olo Ivilart-
I . � I _�_k . I visin Is taught In erowland township U� +U T).tt Afn�ar and his Clerk a, 0- 44. *16 # A 91 Tile -mbors of -the board tiresmt
I .__� � . - � -1
. , -
llft;U ,
. A�111110_v I !
- ,� I
Hainiltolt jury blitines driver.cii
airtomotillo for,iv, el cruat,a.%, tr- . gedy,,
� ,
JA 10h Toronto ulall.wag-J-011W.
schools. . . .1
pilliadeiphia. Athlotica. are in Be
� -.0 I
will bo A. R. XeDonald, whOsOAd-
dress is Brussels '
* ;
-49V- I I? .4— �. . F4 -- - (10 that Vicy -had madt'. arrangemems f
dited An4-found correct, and we V . Q-� to purchuse part of Melt A. 6n 'Stait-
commend that it U filed. . �
land Road froir k Mr. A. SAUnders at
I . ,..
at this .meeting were the Maybr. tile. � .
r Reeve, AA4 Coun-
; 11 .
, . .
". - , , . 11, — .
� 1 1-3-M
Ton students from'(4tueen.'s leave
end, pIttoe 14 tlie'.-A.inerl can
. �
standing. I
At the Town'Hilli Seaf�rtC "O�the
We have exa tee of $000. This 'lot consists OfIvillo.
mined the tax collect- A pr
rg flumbef,, 1 011AP14 - .. .
� , � , ... :,q"d.Wotlett
. - .
. =11U,
for England. WilerO 00Y WULAVY tile
lboqk-selillig LUgligh
All International games postponed ,
, day of June, 1923, .
or's re 9 ort of May 4tb:and recomi ... SIX acteS.1010YO Or 108 4nd. will be us-
mend t At the report be filed and the for urposes. We have
Mt!tMt�-���-.",--.*,..r.."—.,� __ . ,
____1 - - , , , ,
- - . .
I 1W1s%ftMlWbWrM r0444-17610-
;ry of tu 144 I
04 nocount. Of unto ..
to bear complaints as to the Lists of '
. , t,d grav,olpit
collector furnish a statement of out C
- a letter dated Day 11th from the
. 1. 1;� - . .
I P, Iq
I I - ymmww Ito a dorlocan bow'at "o lu �
. I I
. . I 1PZM 0=0�. No Aistat wr iqudilnt�
. I Cipar"tee totes& To $ C041totiaL,
ty out d Va* -1h each
eople, .
A TorQvAo jury Investigating death
of colored boy killed -by a motor
conditions, - o . I
Joe Xtrkirood, Australian 9010149 �
stari ls,elindnate4 trant, Yoric.shire
Voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6, for the Town of
Searorth, and that R. G, Reynolds,
standing taxes. . -reforence, to the
town solicitor with
We recommend that the following ti to of this lot and we recommend
11"uses be F; H. Wow ;Rat
r 1, . . .1 .
" � I I I I . .
11 I I .
,,!�,r * * " * , 't " , IL %11) 11 . - _ �. . I
. , - - . . I . .1
I . � L
- ..... ..
., � .k 4 .
- � .
. � re
. I
truck recommends tining parents for
allowing children .to, stray on to, the
. . � .1 'k
*3,000 tournament. . .
-03", %ritilams makes his four-
Goderleh, will be the Revising Officer
..... .
and his Clerk will be Jr., A..Wilsoit,
renewed., ilie-title as given by Mr. Bonn-
DOI room and bowling alloy; Mrs. I& cleis be accepted and that 4 bylaw ba
tau e Mal Itture 'theatre; '.L'-
ving authorizing this -chase,
. - I . . I
,i .
� W 11 -
. .
� - � '� * .
_W1 . Q*C-
t 9A
1. A, 11 _..
streets., . I I
WBONNSO'kv. � 1i_�
wento boule rwi; wit e "0041"'
I . �
Ruth maltea Ilia *Afth.
whose address Is Seaforth .
� �
passed I put
An rson, 031 Oir and gasoline Ped-, The special coramittee .recommend-
t 11AW0. , .. .
44 ud,4V�4QJI-M-9r1`T!t--__ed-�4
,''� : . . . I
, -. , I � �, . . . . I i
- . : .1
-, ,---- I __..A�_a_1Eii__
'L o
__ - _ - '
- -
I., ��
- -_
P 0&" -it
_. 'i .1 AV, �Yij "Ta, "ffksiWt7471-ft�- ..
theTowoshi"a Wlic.arjow-,-
--.--,- -- __ :_
Sth day 6f 'Jitnel, 113219 1
-TI -A, � .
f -_ _
__ - ,
I -!Qn,hJX4 -�,otjt%-,-;Rtl,mn�erin�--c�om;;-
Una icons
;ed �.. 11 11 , 01-$10 0 .feo� .-Thirt-ifii
� L-1 .
, , _. -
- I I �, ,
-.-� , .
1/ PI L L 5 � ;,-,_ _1-�,____- ,
... fto� _,." - � m 1!
— . i, � I': , .
I I � . 1 - ... . -1 I
� I I
.of titles. I .
. Furlous storm Ili Ohio blow$ down
axler King with token of A,ratitd,dc to
. .
larj�ork� ,
Canada for v _
to bear complaints -4s tii the Lists of
xr 4. - f- Oiling subdiviliJons Nos,* -
T a t 0 Collegiate Institute 130ar4 pany be loaned 6o 11 and 29,45 mar,
has e aid *800, and WO MOM- Ino engine atterns from the Nation-
i I I
P I � , I
- �, � �
1 C I I 1, � 4 .
I 1"
. �. W _.
� y houses. I I
German suicide t011 now rea4hes,
Harold Porter, Torouto, dies b his
garage as reoult-of.asNiYxintlon 1)y
.v . V 4, ftiv the Township of .
1, 2p 3 and .
that R. G. Reynolds-
men at they be paid a, further al Shipbullaing Compatty"s plant. ill)- A . . .
SUT4 1 1300 on t1h6Ir levy as request- on signing agreement to return them I
.1111-.. - __ -
. ". ' _ ,=
� .
11 -RAIN SERVICE to T0110100
. I
6o'guo A�year. .
Uey-. Canon Scudamors dies, aged,
70, at Chippawa. �
fumes -from exhaust of motor. I
Ball, tirtyea-by lady golter at St.
Bruno link, near .struck a
Colborne, and
will be the Revising Oflict-r and his'
Clerk will 'be Mrs. -G. .T. E letbering-
� - Commis- That the -town Ulke dne-bulf vag, I L� � . I
ed. . [within one month., . , 1 M I �
That the Water and Light . . - .,
the of $60 their I
I I oally flixglapt *Uftdav ,
. . i
I .
I -Bault Act reirlsion will proceed tbW
I . .
11�yeqr-ol(V caddie, cousluK death.. .
tort, whose,address is Goderich, .
. . . .
sioullas paid sunt as. Of adverti, .
sing in Heston's Annual, I I . �
shAre, of the 1922 401tors' salaries. I also one-half page In the OnturI6 Of. . , . I
. I
. r Godarich 6.00 &.in X). 1
'J�v . J 12.�O im
I I .
session at Ottawa- .
Russia and Britain will1pnegotlate I
Trades and Labor 00%xiiell. calls, for
,guia- -
drastie revision of existing rt
At the Carnegie Library Hall, Sex- �
forth, on the fth. d0y of June,.`023
,� ;14 I I .
That the sum of $1285 has been re-'flcial Guide, at a total cost of,$90. I I I .
�eivod 'fr 'the %$konto 0 eneral. it .
That the this; 7
I . I 2,
. I � 44 Clinton 6 25 aam .1' 32 11, In-,
. 84sforth. 6.41 a.u), '' .3. 12 pAl".
� . ... .
niatters Ili dispute. . . . . I
Sugar reflueTs 6cline' to let, public ",
tjous gtivern.log the 4rlviog.or motor,
. ..
cars. � I.. I
' .to hear complaints as to tbe.Lfi%�,f
Voters for polling subdiAsions;R s.
I �
Q* , chairman of comill 1 .
Trusts Corporation as .the town's tee consult tile solicitor ,regarding th; THE f I %
share of May Ist interest on O, W�' use of tW Xattland Road plant of the I . I
$4 . 11 lian.
. Aebell 7.01 a.m.. 3312t
in ow cost figures. '. . 0 �
. 11jeading guilty to Inanstatight6t.
I .
1, 9, 3 Una 41i for the Townshili. of, ,
S - . ..... � . I .
It. Victory bonds, This amount - i.ri .
. I ratfoiA - U6 4.in.. .4.10 pall.
I 'Arr. S t
I Hamilton defeat Lambtou� golfers
. I * !
, , .1
A. J� Dann, Toroatoj slayer of Anti le
exillop, and that, R. -G. Reynolds
.9 tevising Officer -and his
will the, I
__ . .- ___ 1,
h6 been deposited In our, O. W. S. R. . . . . - I . . _
. _ __ . - . .1 . 1.11 I � . .
I 11
I .
. * 11 Xitobettor $.20 s,ni� 5.20 )),na.
I ,
at RallikIton, 0, to 6. �
Wiarton, angler books 16-poutid. :
rleldi4 wag sentenced to . .Years
Imprisonment. , .
,'be .
- MeNtiv -
Cletk will be John , i. whose ad
Sinking Fund account. The amount . ,,, -1 �A. I I - 0 1 1 . . .
. 11 . .
of cash now on deposit is $1081-73 .� , V__ .. . - � .
I .
Guelph - 8.45 % in. �.50 p.m.
. -
nike -with .
troift rod
beputy l4filliter of RIlZhwaFa W.
No, 2, Seaf�vth- a,
dress is R. R. . :
IN -1_10 V i. 11, .
. .A we -ti-triond that the chair. .. 4. Lt. .
� . . . 1.
. Toronto 10.101.m.. 7.401.mn
. I
-It6�6iiii-h -LilavoTorant.66.50a.in
I gzz
I . . vo
. Dutch' Immigramoi find 'in': r on
. I I-
LaInliton county forms. �
; A. -Macl,eao makes important an-
e ,.I meeting L
llotlficel!-,�euts befor annur
.� I � ' I All .
At the Town H . clintozi,on tl`10*11�
- -Juirie, -192$, - - - -.-
day Of
. . le
man of this committee purchallw $
500.-of-1-934r-Aqctory Bonds f.V IV Ire-
.L ..� . 11 NUBWOEr I . . 4A � W � � I I I �
. I.
1. � a ht a . .. � I ; . I
D'Iftrediding M7
, . .J
� . . I. .. �, , - ll�w
1 1�.55 p,m, uod 6,10 I
Parlor Toi-
The widow of - V�aguer, the great
,. I
mftaketan .orty. I
Is � Ilying. iu,�pov
of Atutor Truck OwnergI.AsSOCIatiolh
� . .. .
� SATt;HV�Ay. - 'L
teats troln. $yracuse
to bear complaints as to the
. Lists of.
Voters for- polling subdi% -[$tons '.Nos.
d for this fiiiiii. ' . I .
gistere -has received a I che
That tho town .
I . . . -
� 11, - I . . . .-
. � --I-- - � I ", (Tow" I on tioo 4*0 ) � I i
I .. 0", V"�_, '' �
Tboaalilft .0 3� tht# VMdId"It 111AN
ot v6sttwaa via"K § Imb*4 tftt COA I I
I . . . -Cafe.cAr; Goderich to,
B riji gained
A all iyfidicate
.Tofoutd Willi : �
Stars, 4 2_ _� �
1, 2, 3 and 4, for the Town of V,Ilpton.
quo for $I'f.?9 fro�m tho- Provincial
kfottabl& ht =-d out fine'aftWera, A bed to a doom sftt"o^ d, .
. 00 . .
as *OoAaas: b"Vot to wo sit,
. � or to, on niornitig.trainp. and
� . .
. % . to Goilerieb 6,10 Lp� M. train., �
of the Bagilstit, Railway. i �7
I . .
'Chinese bandits aro.taking their
to, . I
Fears.lu�,rease reicartItug condition
. �
,r will be the Re-
and that C, Seagc
'Ilia Clerk will be
Government as the towWs, share., of
the 1929 railway tax. . �..
. sl"Co6wiel " � �
., 0 1 1 .
millihNom"-O'CITY OV 909,0- , svrra ,
** "
. OTITY OF � .
. . I I
I I . Throng Ii.coa ch Goderich to Toronto.
I I .
. ,,' PA,rlor...Rugek.car,.,,Str4i;f,ov4,, to
prisoners further into the hill$,
,. Over.. .s . . ciamage
of Prefuter lJollar Law. . .
Lak*_.af. 14clautrAL. 13,111,
- -lile-Moods,
vising Of1loor ,
D. L.. McPherson. � whose . address Is. I
' � ' �
We recommend that the -Public
Library I Board be -�afd sum Of
. I - .
Pailly, Us to Nov*mbor 16th. - ... . I .. .
. * I P.M. rAttff 8 U11a . I . I
.. M0 A: �
. . Tor6uto, on afteinoon train.
.: �
. I � .
.� I I , ^ , , .
, ,,,..million,.
�ausiid by' 'doods at,11ot. Sprinoo. .
. ,Auders'(Engligh) crew will.,not
L,L - I
11 IUMOUIF'. - I
intioduecd, 1 C6
Xp* York rod Philadelphia win
, �
1* .' '. '. � - � ..
C,linton ; - , - -
At Community Hallt. Londesbot", on
$300 orf their levy. .. .
- - demand he
We 'iecommend that a
� . a .11 r . . . I -
� , . Det 60
C color . day L. rist-10. Y. To9*4 r it ther 1�tlr, Ask . .
� 1,b. timlit. . 484sky loir chok , a am OR 1poomis
t PA. tAuw . .
=11. . .
. I . �
. . F. IF. LAWRSNC18'& SONS -
. ..
visit -Toronto ftnibition. this year. -
. Torouto couna el, G. W., Mason,-,
American Leagug ft -mutes.
Lineman. electrocuted at - Exeter
. the 7th day of. June, 1923 :
to hoar colitliIiiints'as to the Lists Of
made on the Dominion"Rohd M40hil) I
.ery Company" for repayment of a-
� , . .
aft I I . I ,� TIM tl*rcft ablo I I . I
� gwav =3k3-,Zftb=1& I llswsaw, -- me — - .
Gmt Me 161
. 11 Town 'Passenger sidd Ticke- Agents
. . . � -
. �1 I I 'Phone . 9 - ,'� .
C., 1,
X, amed tor Welland arbitration. .
,when wires become crossed' ' I
, B:Itish Mission at Most �w
Voters for polling subdivisions Nos -
mount advantedbir the town,- �
The local improvement 'agwer. -de-
.0 � � to NOL stramer 04 - .
. I I � . . I
I lu 06"U"d and Buffalo Tkwwt Co. 1 %4 it . . I
`� wir, go I
.. . .
I , .
l . I . . a
� . � -
. I .
. Bishop Williams would defer union
until one oburgh -call be approached.
vi� cii R.
up ready to. leave tot- Riga, I
ii 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for thO.town4bil)
I "d ,that C� S,
of Hullett, a eager will
benture No. 19 arriounting to $11271.-
I .
1 elf-la"Opow . I � . � .
. .
I Faft $5.50 .
. . I
. .
, .1 �
Drury, Ray and Ferguson address
Removal of the cittle embstrigo, ilia
be the Revising Officer and his Clerk
51 us issued under bylaw"No. 22 of
I . I
I I - _. . . .,
-, -1A- '.1 , \
. .
electors Ili Halton, Bruce .and NIvIs-
ratilied.prIges for Canadian farmers,
will be J. Fingland, whose address is
1922'has been sold, and the proceeds,
� . .
� .
. .. . . . . .. k
I I I . 1.
I.. .
allig. .. � . I . .
France will send 10.00.0 more
Loridesboro. , Each sitting will com -
in"clud accrued interes has. been
. I I ..� ..
. ; __� � I I 1. I
I I .. I
.1 I
. .11 .
'The farmeiii Ili the pook(-r districts
troops t4 ItUhr and. Increase sevOrl-.
mence at 10,olclock in the forenoon
applied on.sewer Onstruption, demand
- .
I . - . .
I ;
I . . I I . . . . . . . I I . I .
,.: . . I ) Aff 40a
of Manitoba are decreasing indebted-
neas� . - ' . I .
$lea. . . . . I 1.
. . Seventy-six,victlins of fire Ili coun-
and will continue Until 12 ofelocIc
noon or until the appeals have been
I .
loans. ' . I .. . I
The public works committee re,-
� .
I . . i �
.1 . �� - .
. 1. . :1 � . i -, .. l, , - suffer
. Deficits wnfoanthig t9 $336,000. for
. . ,
the last"three ye.t.% �iake- problem
try .schoolhouse at. Cleveland, South
- -
. .
Carolina. I I
diaposed-of. � . .. .
ported as follows :
In conjunction w the getfictery
:paiks committee, we'. ha
- _. I- _111110-05WIl .1 I . .. . . �
. , 1
. I . 1. 1. I C, P . . . . . . I I
. . 1. from
. . I I
. Methodist Church la ananclmg Its
.for . �
� Profits of .the Ttickett Tobae 0
stlesires, to com
that, any voter who, .
sidel-ed request of Barker and
- __ __
, , . M . I
- .
' � I .. .
,.-,-.�-,-,---.--��.;.-�"".�.,�--', ______ , _ � . - .1 � _ .
, ..
. . I Ill i . . .
.. I I , , . I I . I
� I
misslonar work. , ,�-,
I , ly . . . �
. I . .I THURSDAV. . . ... ..
� . .
Company for the' lost fiscal-yehr at
. . ; . I . I
$260X3, . .
� ' .
Phil n that his name or. the ,name of
any person entitled to be entered bu
recommend that they be permitted to
. I
cut down two trees and Install 9111.30.
� �
� I .. . , � % ' .. .
A Sure Relief for - Women"s DiSarders.-iodave trealmsk No . I .. .
. . . ... ..... I'll � .
- I I . . �
. Top Gallant .wins Newmarket
,.. : � . ,1 I
0 tarlo Sew link
. A . 'Association - to
hold annual tourniment1h Hitnilton,
tke said. Lists bius been omitted from
_ � .1 that the name of any
the:'same or
, tank and pump on Bayfield Bond
lifto _
- .
. .
... .. I I . I .
. . I i
i �',, .. h� . � I .. .. .
. � t'� ...... ..... ..... �.., I I � .
. .. . . � .
Stakes. . . �
11, ' t St. L�Dulg -
New. York Kiltiestdefea, I
I I . .
pit - year. I . ..
. ed to be
persons who are not .'etititl
in front of the arage, It on giving
the town the U41 bond of indemnity.
, Orange Lily 619, a certain Wdef fOr Al disordem ot ,,�ofoen, It 14 itPlillitil , ,
ufforly) Tile d * , .. . . .
locally and to ablit)tted.lilto %6 6 lissue. Pad wote, mottot 1, I
. .
. ..- . I .. . .
. . -1
. I
4 to. 1. :. I I 1. �. I
. 04YJ6 of sugar beet g"Owers heard
by Agricultural ComMitt0e, Rouge of
v6ters have been entered tbeteorti
less than two clear days
That the sewer on -Nelson street
, . I
in the congested rf�#Iou Is empello-a. SIVI illoniediale inflital and PhYsIvell - .
I . I .
. . - I . I I . . 1. .
. I
I I Italian, Parliament meeta for- brief
. I
session, . I I .
11*� . . I
Commorls. I I
GermAlX MOna"chists ctmtemlilate�
n not
, "'Y'
na not more than five clear days
before the days, fixed for-bolding'the
between Hamilton street and St. An.
dr6w6 street has'lleen cleaned out
- __ I I � rellef-, the blood vessels anil 1 .
- - I 1.�, ...
. . �, ., 1. I I nfTvea are toned- and streasth- .
.. . . .1
I , .. .
... I . I
, *
� towl - t R� of vr other gain.
Seiveral amendinents to .Bank Act
I . . .. �
proposed. .
raid 0A. 1-tilssia. io overthrow Soviet
. . .
above sittings, apply, complain or op-
the name
BU d is'now In good working order.
That a now manhole bas'lleen in,
I . .. -1 -1 .1. �
" I . ined.; and the circulation Is rea.
; -, -. I I . I I .
.1 dpred to.norinal. Aq this tre,it- I
1. I
I i
I � ktm !a mmea�� U10 6 pos �
��, lmrdt it
I France wills ,Davis Cup gaine,fr. a,
. I , Q
. ..
Goveroment, '.
peal to have his name or
or re-
stalled on Victoria 9treet between
I - I . I I I .�,
� ___ ot Is Wied on qIrletly 8016.0�-
. . . . I vow thtt ww,L
Them is 4 tuo It.- I .1
� . . .
Denmark. . . . .
. .
Baltintore Orioles blank Toronto
* . I
Three Toronto bo),s exgirhuenttug
with chemicals are sev-eirely Injured
. �
In, explosion. 11 . - �
of any other person entered on .
moved.from,'thd List� .
. . I . I
Park street and Eigin avenue, and
.this sewer is bow in good working.or-
. tific, prificiplen, anil act$ 60 the
. . . ... � ..
- . !, ill(% d!900e it
.;, actual lueation of'.
L. tyw .. . , ..
. ''
10enfai a to O� I 1. 1. I
. I
der. . � a
I � , ::
eannot help lint, do good In. ill . I ..
I I I . -1 11 .. .
. �� .11 1.
. . -
Six persons injured in various at,
eldents ,In Toronto. .._,.)_____..__ .
rfeci d4eclarew she �wlll not
. J11111111CIL fear loss of Canadian Mar-;
. ket for sugar owing to reveal of antia
difloplug cilLuses. I
that such appeals must -be by notice
in writing in- the prescribed form
signed by the complainant in dupli..
We recommend tbat a - byla�v 'be
prepared providing for the oiling and
oll . .� . . I
I . 1 $'Ovins of refflole trfmbles.�Illel-.,J. .
I .1 -1. - - . , .- �. I . . I . I. . .
# ; 4114 delitiod and paintlit inep-L'u-
I :
. :
I I � ,�
, �,
., �_O L
, p a
to Turks. - .
Steady stream; of selected imud-
.cate and given to the Clerk of the Re-
,resting of, roadways under Jiro-
't -ons
, �� . .. � I .
- � aboll. 1pucortio":1. I'Aling Of the I -
� S'4 �.. ��
I li.: � � I . �,
reparation : I
Abyssinian slave trade Is on the In-
grants from old Country will ease
vising Officer or left for him at his
91 of the Local improvement Act
va'n'd that the chairman of this com�
�. 14w, I . . . . . . . . I, , � I . 'fiml), Me. Price .K! ; . I .
I ,. I , I .00 Per 14fix.
. .., I _ - ___ __ --- ----. whit'll 14 411111riellt for -410 .
�11 .
�A ;
crease since -the war. �. I
farm help eltuation. Ill Ontario.
Ruby Mark, -white, wife of Toronto
address as above. .
mittee be empowered to consult The.
-16&1' I 4 . .
i molith's Iredtinont. A Pree _W41 'a I lent enoll$411, for Of A0116. WO1114 : w, .
. I 4
. Potir thousand candidates contest-
Inj elcotioup fit P,jypt. 1. ..
Chinaman, found 1�lug In a room suf-
. �,� LEWIS H. D1CXSQN`,
Chairman of the 4' ,lection Board for
solicitor. _. I *
The fire committee re t I h "a'
. . .,
I %vili b ,ring Woman who wi;f st,oll itip hor addr,,,-4 I � ..
. e petit rree tq any isuffo - R. 1.
J"close 3 stamps aind' address. ,%111.5, LYDIA W. - -J,.AD9, WnidAor. ii .
I � ji I
�. __ _�
, �i ..... . I 00
Ten -year-old boy dies ittPork Wil.'
Ilain of sleeping sickness. . 11
ferlug'from escaving gas.anA effect
of druaw., ' I .
, . f Huron.
the County o
Dated this 22th. day of May, A.. D.,
granted building pereitorf"4'r, all 1),
a Iq
plications submitted to o
. I � . . I . I
� '. NO 1 . . .
. SOLD 14y I.EAT)II COM1001srs rMilly,W]IIERE . .
I .1 .1 .
. P; 1. Yarmouth X.S. I 6
a d, United Staws
Convicted of manslaughter, Luigi
. -1 I - �
. . 1 I
. . 11 .. . _ ---. . ..
, - . -
- -_ _______1_11!__11___-_--_
I- I .
" .
I . I I I
! I
financier, dies In France. .
Conte, of Toronto, driver of motor
. 1 . .,
- . � �. -
. .1.1 . I
Ted Ray f I at ,york.!
I ails to qualify'
truck which killed Denny Pdater, xen-
01 a - _ - , -
,- - - - .-,-. - - __
. .
- PIWAWNO%Oov � - - � _____ - __ - -I -
- - - —
. .
. .. . 1.
I � - - - - I I
. I I .1 �.
obf�e $3.000� tournament, . .
. I
tthoed to two -years in ,penitentiary.
r0_1.Vr.*1 A,6.14".. Vaolf.vueti+
. 11� ..
*4 101 t" ; V e �4
;W0 lifficii as 111PA4 or'l;l. 4)
. I . I
_ . I
. .. .
. .1 . .1 � . . .
. .
. . 4 . I . .A wo aret ocicur at Morunin. Mrs. . mobt owing to lie-ulth, . I . .
1I � �11, - . t Isabella Cooper dies from shock. ,, will not be bouitd by U.N.A. Act when both beaches-;aud other' .auntlo"l. I ., I
. . Aid being rushed to Danish steadt- !iumun rights are concerned, disouss- .
��, TURN HAIR DARK, � I I er agrounit oft Nova Scotia coast. : Ing , attitude of British Columbia resorts do "roarilig busilless" on 11111st, I � I
,, I .
. r, . I Dr. F. J. ConbL,,. Toronto. is urer- Paper, Company toward employes. - sprfug-like weck-end. . I . .
I 0 1 � . I I MONVAr. I pollee have lively'(hase after Ir. I EF � ,-ACT . I . LL �
b WITH SAGE TEA , I ving Seltz,r churged with reckleol, � . I . . .
D . �L .1 11 I... - Z"k & Your Eyes - Philadelphia Athletics 'Moore migh driving, after Lorne lileltet Is throWn I . I � I. .. I. - I
I . . . I ' I straight will. I I . ..
. 4 , BeautifulEyes, like fine frout car and injured at Toronto. . I
?I , .
�' a -M swed with SUIP1101, it boirkens I I .Teeth, Attt1w Cobh of conot"K 5g_'' I ' : I New York lengthens lead. .In X4- 1 UNC L I . . � . .
V � Cait. The daft Un of Marbit t oval' League. . . : .
I I .., So NatutakIlY Nobody � . I � lb0ces EotsoCktr and Rsdisfit. Clemenceau declines nomination as TOWN -CO IL . I .
.11 . con. Velf �Eal6ysble, Harade", Soldand . Frencle Senator. I � 11 L I 'BAD I K - SA LLL
, . Rtconunctided by Alt Dmaho. . . . , _ ,
. I . L � . .# f4owerf ul, owned by Seagram, will- L . (Continued front pace 5) . .
.. I .. ". .. ^ - , TrA ovm URINE$ 4, �� ner of King's Plate. - . __ _ , , , . .L _. ,..., , . : I . . . L � � . . .
Tile Old-time mixture at, sage Ni Yo- EYEs L First round of Continental 0'ricket . gar street; from Tho3. Hawkins, to .CA� -
I and Sulphur for darkening -graV, 11 1 Cup series is played. ' . � , SAys Backaiche- Often Means You Have Not Been
6treaked and laded hair is grandrooth. - - - - . Leafis, win two games f rom Syra-i reshingle dwelling on'east pide of --.r L I
ef'S tecipe, gLod -folks alre again.usift it ______ ______ U86 alld . are In third position, Dayfield road with ,cedar shingles; . . .. . ,. "_-_LOU __"_ '
. to keqp their bor a good', even Color, , L . 0 Intmenxe 'crowds attend King's from Dr. .Rovelle, to erect summer - . Drint,cing .12dil gh Water .
*hich it quiteL sensible, as we aft liv_ To SWARTS! Plate at Woodbine, Toronto.* . residence of frame on cement piers, . . . I - I
. with girago of frame with iedar . .11 I . .. .
ing ill utage when a youthful 4"t LiV6jy an(, Sir Adam Deck hints fie may to- shingles, estimated cost $1800; from I
aWA ig Of thd greAtest advanti 'Bus, , a enter politicor to protect Hydro. When yott rvake ttp' with backache Either coftsujt a good, I,ellable pbysi.
Nowadays, diougli, we dodtt;14,the I Curzon or Baldwin leading names A. 0. Sonley, to re -roof kitchen of I
troubliesolne task of othering the slise present dwelling on cast,side of Pat- and dull inigery in tile lddney region it cliall at gnee or get from your phirm&-
- ti London,as suiceszors to Law. merston street with rstoid asphalt .
and the mUsSY 'mixing at hoille. All Rack Stables I I Hamilton constable tackles man roofing; from W. Berriman, to r04 may nican you have been el'ting fods cist robout four ounces of Jad Salts;
Arve stores sell tile teady-to-uft prod- who has him coverfA with revolver. root back of kitchen ci riment, dwel- which create acids, says a weZI-known tLke it tablespoonful In a gLass of
uct, improved by the addition of edict, mo"todoll st Foreign captivos Ill Sbantuvr; urs- I L on eas Side of "Alson street, . * .. Water
iogriodientso tilled "NVIVCtIl's $219t and limit off the $qUate - ing that reAcue force be withdrawn. otifing; from John Har- authority. An exms of mch atids before brelikfast for a few days and ,
, L
Sulphur C6tnpauqd,P It it VOY PO . 'Weston, Riveritlilts mid Miluteo w tit paroi . r ehl�ken house on the overworks the kidneys in their eftort to you h et. fine. This
Ur beciuse'nobody cm discover it = -411114%w rison,.t,o a b le
ivin opening O.A.L.A. se,nior Sames. wcst side of Victoria street; front
ban applied, Simply ploisten YoUt 1smintio$ mttt ain i;&100 onilt Jan. A. Catto. well-known Toronto � % to f0build filter it from the blood ant] they bpecrue famous Salts is mtde from the acid of
L. I conil)',oe a soft bmh ividt it AftildtAw � pailiftowilliks"._ , - ,.. - j!i . . � . I .�Ort, of L, , , , I . . . . L
. gratje,
,% .
.111(i IeMon jUlet
this through your hair, taking one Aguill I Whowitle morala"t'dwi ill Ibillreal. hou e ion In t s -de of William street; partlyze'd and logg'Y'. Men , witibined with
strand it a titile; by morning, the say , pat"Niters ealmd, ftrim to jolly licuta Wa!ier Ragen fu finat, fro . . ATIOW, to fibingle dvvcl- - your kidneys get sluggish and clog you Iffbia, and ba3 been used for y(m1% to ,
hair 44&p0ftt4 b4 what de i is Vic #art #f ilts tt" for % of Yorkshire 43,600 gait tournament. J.Jng on the no side of Nowgitte St.
___ ' - -- A f in the Canadian lkd Aim thein, like ,yod rplieve your belp clean and stimulate sluggio;h M&
udielt with %�hlls Sage aN fatrur- trains at 0. TA.�Or,C. P. R. I Iludiret, Atbate way con(lude Wed A request f numt r
_ to D"O"I nesday, Mckaster may etess the door. Z*ros,s Society for a donlition towards
. Compbulid, is thst� Isetides beAuti 0Y 11 .Newollarket merchant In attaekc,d. the expenses In tontiection with the bowels, rMnoving all.ffie body'a urinoug swys,'Also to neutralize adds in the
ditrkjoiag ille %ir after a few spokit. Prompt Service and by suake coaccalcd In, bignub of ban- Itypla ) e le at Coebrane war; re- waste, else you have backaelie. sick system, ea they iio longer irritatei t�ua
tions, it Itho pfbdW1 *at soft lustre . ,
sod a"tilfte of ab0dar4e,which is Cardul Attendance, auks, I ferre t e I"Ance committee.
. Lord and lAdy Byng attend morn- A e fro Mr. F. R. Miller headache, dizzy spelix; -�votir Atowaeh often relkving bladder weakiless. .
so ataidil".. I I . - . I 1"0041161 I WW services at St. Janical Cathedral, stuAitt --- 0 ad COMPIeted his .913r- ., �, ,. Moor& tongw is "coated, .nnd vAion the Jtxd Salts is Inexpenisve, eannot in-
,, L I W11101 I., L � Our Uvory itoilt Hack Sarvk* 1c e0llt(i, I _._ -------- weather is bad you -have rheu mitle jure and makes a delightful offOrvescent
I __ ___ will 100 taw*, up -t#44114 Zhild 11aft Want in house at Toron-
r se.ptcl a � too playa witil matchca and sets bnlBd- twing". The urlup is efoutly, full of lithia-water drink. Drink lots of iscift
I I to 4"ry toop"t.t CASTORIA .7
:! DOMI141ON EXPRESS IL . Ing safe, .
I I i lq"4W Chiltirtn's Memorial Ho2yltal fi- /�,' sediment, ehanneS oftm got rorp, water water. By 01 mitang We your pbyal-
I !i -
� Voor fttirsiasg# Solkited atuctil by J.O.D.H�, lnforwall.v or�en- I, pot W"to a" ChAdna sealdg and you are Obliged to geek relief viao eumine your kidneys at lost twko
I I �:
� - I - .1 _� I I �r .. I �It D*r& e4 at Union. 4 oil the rorO~30YOsm two orthme tlruje�,, duAng the Idght. A year. �
� . T. SWAWO R'W Slosk ptiiilrle of Manitoba a ripw ii I . I L
� I years itto 11ow bad appearance of Old �, Al*ayu bests
1. ON600 147 1400te"ett Stirtat Ontario t4ettlehlent, �, tile - — -- - � - �__ - - - - - L- � k"
I I % I - 11,
. , -10 141,0111,
, ,
I 11� - - .. _1-7_,_� ., _ i -- - - - - - - - - 0 0 %0%0%01%01V'%0'_ I 1'40W�fv A;)direw Xm:au Z-��w - ,8*tiature of 4441wmi -4imlw%okoft - __ — __ _."P.WW" __ __ - _ -,--- —
1) .-.114" - �
� - - - .- I I . — _ - .."..i�_ '" ��_ � -
0 . 4 I 11
I . �
.1.1 -
. .
. . �
. I
, : , ,
. . .
. .
. ec
,&J, -9,A
ft ,V I