HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-15, Page 3SELF DESTRUCTI.
A Powerful and Appropriate Sermon on the
Subject of Suicide.
The Suicide Commits an Act of Treason to the Almighty—Enter
Eternity Through God's Command—Suicide Among
the Ancients --Evils of Unbelief.
Washington, July 10.—This sermon of
Ter. Talmage which wo• send out toolat
means. staraithly appropriate to this
Cathie when so many aro loaviug this life
by thoir own band, an evil Octet which
all reasoneble people are agreed; text,
Acts att• aa, "Do thyself no harm."
Here is a would-be suicide arrestea in
his tleodly Attempt. Jele was a sheriff,
and, accordioo to the Roman law, a bail-
iff biraself mine suffer the punishment
due an escaped pretence, mid if the pri-
soner breaking jail wile senteuceci to be
endungeonea for three or four years then
the sheriff must be endungeoned for
three or four years, and if the prisoner
breaking atil was to bave suffered eopital
panislaneut tbeo the sheriff most suffer
eapiMI punislunent. Tile sheriff liod re.
ceived espeeial *harp to keep o sharp
lookont for Paul and Silas. The govern-
ment bad not much eonadenee in bolts
and bars to keep safe these two clergy
mem, about 'solemn there seemed to he
ecometblog strange and supernatural.
Sure onotagto by miraculous power, they
are free, and the sheriff, waking out of a
sound them awl supposingaliese theisters
have run away 4134.1 knowing that they
were to (lie for pre:tolling Christ and Mi-
lting that he must therefore die, rather
Mame go under the theeetioner's an: on
the morrow and suffer math° diegrace
resolves to preeipitate his own date.
But before the ;sharp. keen, glittering
dagger of the sheriff could etrike his heart
• one of the unloosened prisoners armies
the blade by the command, "Do ehyself
ao hartst."
Suicide A.mang the Ancient&
In olden times and where Chrlitianits
bad not interfered with it suleide was
eonsiderail honorable and a sign of eouri
age. Demosthethe poietined himeelf when
told that Alettaudees etubasetelor had
demanded the surrender of the Athenian
orator. "secretes killed bitoself rather
than surrender to Philip of al.:teethe!).
Cato, rather than subtult to Janne tag -
sat, took hie own life, and three times
cane his wounds bad been drama tore
them open and perished. Mithridateg
killed himself rather than submit to
Pompey, the Conqueror. Hannibal de
stroyed his life by poison from hie ring,
considering life unbearable. leyeurges a
suicide, Brutus a suited% After the clis•
• aster oloscow Napoleon always carried
• with him a preparation of poison, end
one night his servant beard the ex -em-
peror arise, put something in a glass and
drink it, sod soon after the groans
aroused all the attendants, and it was
only through utmost medical skill that
he was resuscitated. Thoth have ohmaged,
and yet the American conscience needs
to be toned up on the subiect of suicide.
Have you seen a paper in the last mouth
that did not announce the passage out of
life by one's own holiest? Defaulters,
fr alarmed at the idea of expeosure, quit life
precipitately. Men losing largo fortunes
go out a the world because they cannot
endure earthly existence. Frustrated affeo
tion, doroestio infelleity, dyspeptic: impa-
Como, anger, renaorse, envy, jealousy,
destitution, misanthropy, are considered
sufficient causes for absconding from -Ole
k life by paris green, by laudanum, by bella-
donna, by Othello's dagger, by halter, by
leap from the abutment of a bridge, by
firearms. More oases of folo de se in tho
last two years than any two years of the
world's existence, and more in the last
month than in any 12 months. The evil
le more and more spreading.
A pulpit not long ago expressed some
doubt as to whether there was really any-
thing wrong about quitting this life when
it became disagreeable, and there aro
found in respectable circles people apolo-
getic for the crime which Paul in the
text arrested. I shall show you before I
' get through tbat suicide is the worst of
all (gimes, and I shall lift a warning un-
! mistakable. But in the early part of this
' sermon I with to admit that some of the
;best Christians that have ever lived have
I committed self destruction, but always in
dementia and not responsible. I bave no
snore doubt about their eternal felicity
than I have of the Christian who dies in
ibis bed in the delirium of typhoid fever.
While the shook of the catastrophe is very
' great, I charge all those who have had
' Christian friends under cerebral aberra-
tion step off the boundaries of this life to
• have no doubt about their happiness. The
!dear Lord took them right out of their
dazed and frenzied state into perfect
,I safety. How Christ feels toward the in•
sane you may know from the way he
!treated the demoniac of Gadara and the
• . child lunatic, and the potency with which
• he hushed tempests either of sea or brain.
4 Merciful Allowance.
Scotland, the land Nairn° of intellectual
giants, had none grand'or than Hugh
Miller, great for science and great for
• God. He was in elder in St. John's
!Presbyterian church. Be came of the
; best higbland blood and was a descendant
• of Donald Roy, a man eminent for piety
and the rare gift of second sight. His at-
tainments, climbing up as he did from
, the -quarry and the wall of the stone-
mason, drew forth the astonished admire-
; Con of Buckland and Murchison, the
scientis' t( and Dr. Chalmers, the theolo-
; •
giante and held the universities spellbound
while be told them the story of what he
had seen of God in "The Old Red Sand-
stone." The man did more than any
other being that ever lived to show that
the God of the hills is the God of the
Bibleand he struck his tuning fork on
, the rook of Crorearty until he brought
geology and theology accordant in 'divine
worship. His two books, entitled "Foot-
prints of the Creator" and "The Testi-
mony of the Rooks," Proclaiming the
banns of an everlasting marriage between
genuine Science and revelation. On this
latter book be toiled day and oight,
i through love of nature and love of God,
1 Until he could not eleep and Ms brain
gave way, and he was found dead with a
, revolver by his side, the cruel instrument
: having had two bullets—one for him and
the other for the gunsmith who at the
t coroner's inquest was examining it and
• fell • dead. Have you any doubt of the
beatification of Hugh Miller after his hot
brain had ceased throbbing that winter
night in his study at Portobello? Among
the mightiest of earth, among the mighti-
• est of heavela
Ne eee doubted the piety of William
Cowper, the author of those three great .
hymns, "0 Por a Closer Walk. With
God," "What Various Hindrances We
Meet," "There Is a Fountain Filled With
Blood"—Williant Cowper, who shares
with Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley the
°Met honors of Caristian hymnology. In
hypothontirie he reeolved to take his own
life and rode to the river Tbaraes, but
found a man seated on gene goods at
that very paint from which be expected
to spring and. rode back eothis home. and
that night threw hieolf upon his own,
knife, but the blade broke, and then he
hanged himself to the Ceiling, bee the
rope broke, No wonder that when God "
mercifully delivered him from that awful
dementia be sat down and wrote that
ether bynto just as memorable:
God moves in a mysterious way
Ilis wonders to perrenu,
He pleats bis footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan his work in vain.
God is his own interpreter,
And he will Initke ie plain.
Treason to the .tataighte.
Wight wo mate Shia merelful and
righteous ailowance in regard to those
who were plunged into mental ineoher-
Once I deelaro that the man who in the
use of Me mean, by bit own ace, snaps
the bond between hie hotly anti hit soul,
goes straight We perdition. Shall 1 prove
it Revelation xxi, 8, "Murderers shall
hove their pert in the lake WItrwli Iturneth
with fire mid brittostone." Revelation
xxii, la, "Without are doge tool sereerers
and whoremongers and madman " Yon
do not believe the New Teetamente 1. hen
perhaps you believe the Ten Commend-
inentg, "Thou halt not Mil," Da you
ts-ty that all these pats refer to the
taking of the life oi others -A' "then I ask
you it you Atte not at reqrAnsilale for your
own life tts for the life of others? Ood
gave you it special tenet in life and oritie
you the eusttelian of your life, anti he
made you the etistodien of no other life.
Ile gave you as weep tis4 with which 20
defend it two arms to strike; back 'eq. -an-
ent% two 'eyes to watch for unfasten, and
a nature' love of lite witieh ought ever to
be on the alert. Aesaeeinetion of Where
is a :Raid crime comparea with the aesetse-
inetlon of yourself, because in the kater
case it is tristehery to an especial trust.
It is the surrender of a castle you Were
espeelally appointed to keep. It is treason
to natural law, and it Is treason to tied
added to ordinery murder.,
To show bow God in the Bible looked
upon this crime I point you to the rogues'
picture guile** it some parts of the Bible,
tho pictures of the people who have com-
mitted this unnatural crime. Here is the
headless trunk of Saul on the walls of
Bathshan. Here is a man who chased lit-
tle David --10 feet in stature ohasieg 4.
Here is a man who consulted a clairvoy-
ant, witeh of Ender. !lore is a man who,
whipped in battle, ineteed of surnonder-
ing his sword with dignity, as many a
man has donee ask,: his servant to slay
ban, and when that servant declined,
then the giant plants the hilt of Ms sword
In the earth, the sharp point sticking up-
ward, and he throws his body an it and
expires—tho coward, the suicide! Here is
Ahitophel, the Machiavelli of olden thnes,
betraying his best friend, David, in order
that he may become prinse minister of
Absalom, and joining that fellow in his
tatenapt at parricide. Not getting what
he wanted by change of politics he takes
a short out out of a disgraceful life into
the suicide's eternity. There he Is, the
Here is Abimelech, practically a sui-
cide. He is with an army, bombarding a
tower, when a woman in the tower takes.
a grindstone from its place and drops it
upon his bead, and with what life he
has left in his cracked skull he commands
bis armor bearer, "Draw thy sword and
slay ine, lest men say a woman slew Inc."
There is his post-mortem photograph in
the book of Santuel.
But the hero of this group is Judas
Iscariot. Dr. Donne says he was a martyr,
and we have in our day apologists for
him. And what wonder, in this day when
we have a book revealing Aaron Burr as
a pattern of virtue, and this day when we
uncover a statue of George Sand as the
benefactress of literature, and in this day
when there are 'betrayals of Christ on the
part of some of his pretended apostles—a
betrayal so black it makes the infamy of
Judas Iscariot white! Yet this man by
his own band bung up for execration of
all ages, Judas Iscariot.
Increase of Self Murder.
All the good men and women of the
Bible left to God the decision of their
earthly terminus, and they could have
said with Job. wbo had a right to com-
mit suicide if ano man ever had, what
with his destroyed property and his body
all aflame with insulerable carbuthles
and everything gone from his Immo ex-
cept the chief curse of it, a pestiferous
wifeand four garrulous people pelting
• him with comfortless talk while he site
on a heap of ashes scratching his scabs
with a piece of broken pottery, yet crying
out in triumph, "All the days of my ap-
pointed tinae will I wait till my change
• Notwithstanding the Bible is against
this evil and the aversion which it creates
by the loathsome and ghastly spectacle of
those who have hurled thentselves out of
life, and notwithstanding Christianity is
against it and the arguments and the
useful lives and the illustrious deaths of
its disciples, it is a fact alarmingly patent
that suicide is on the increase. What is
• the cause? I obarge upon infidelity and
agnosticism this whole thing. If there be
no hereafter, or if that hereafter be bliss
fel without reference to how we live and
how we die':why not move back the fold-
ing doors between this world and the
next? And, when our existence here be-
comes troublesome why not pass right
over into elysium? Put this down among
your most *solemn reflections. There has
never been a case of suicide where the
operator was n,ot either demented and
therefore irresponsible or an infidel. I
challenge all the ages and I challenge the
universe. There never has been a ease of,
self destruction wbile in fell appreciation
of his immortality and of the fare that
that immorality would be glorious or
Wretched according as he accepted Jestie
Christ or rejected him. .
You say it is a business trouble or you
sav le is electricta currents or it is this or
it is that or it is the other thing Why
not go clear back. my friend, kind to: -
knowledge that in every a se It is the ab-
dication of reason or the melting of in-
fidelity, which practically says, "If you
don't aim tais life, get out of it, and you
will land either in annihilation, where
there are no Dotes to pay, no persecutions
to staffer, Da gout to torment, (myth will
land where there will be everything glori-
ous and nothing to pay for it,
. ' Infidelity
has always been apologetic for self an
molation. After Tom Faineee "Age of
Reasoo" was nablithed and widely read
there_ Wee a merged inereito] of •self
Evils er veeelier.
A man iying M London heard Mr.
Owen deliver bis indei leeture on social.
Ism and went home, sat down and wrote
these words: "Jesus Christ is one of the
weakest ehatacters in history, and the
Bible is the greatest poesible deception'
and Cam shot himself. Davit' Hume
wrote these words: "It would be no
crime for me to divert the Nile or the
Danube from its mama bed. Where,
then, eau be the crime in toy diverting At
few drops of blood front their ordinary
channel?" And, having written the essay,
he loaned is to a friend, the friend read
it, wrote a letter of thenks stud admira-
tion and Abet those% •Appendix to the
Woo book.
lama:eau, Voltaire, Gibbon, Montaigne,
were apologetic for self immolation. in-
fidelity puts up no bar to people rushing
out from this world into the next. They
teach tea it don not make any difference
how you live or go eta of that world,
You will land either in an oblivilets we -
where or a glorithe somewhere. And iita-
Utility holds the upper oral of the rope for
the ftheide and aline the Wail with
whieh a luau Main bit braine out and
mixes the strychnine for the last --mal-
low. If loildelity eould carry the day and
persuade the majority of people in this
country that it cage not inake any Wafer-
onee how yon go out of this worhl you
will lana safely, the Potent:le weual he
so full of corpsee the Imam would lee
impelled in their progreee, aud the craft
ot the enicide"e pistol %yelled be no mere
alarming than the rumbie of a tareet ear.
I have sometimes beard it olgeogett
whether the great dramatiet was a Chrie-
tian ve not. tea.: a Christian. In his
kiet, will end teetament be rammentie his
seta to tied through the ate:naive of Jame
Chriet. I know Cat he considered amine
elation of a Moot exietenee the inightieet
hindrance to self destruction:
For who woulki bear the whip's and seem
of time,
The oppreesor's wrong, the proud man's
The oangs of despised love, tbe law's de-
The insolence of office and the spurns
Thet patient merit of the unworthy
When he himself might his quietus make
With n bare bodkin? Who woold laterals
To gbrenauri and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after
The dueanttih—
iscovered country from wiles°
• bourne
No traveler returns—puzzles the will?
Would God that the coroners would be
brave in rendering the right wraith, and
when in it 0000 02 irresponsibility they say,
"While this man was demented he took
his life," in the other case say, "Havinsr
road infidel books end attended infidel
lectures, which obliterated from tbis
man's mina all appreciation of future
retribution. he committed self slaughter."
Religion's Light.
Have nothing to do with an infidelity
so cruel, so debasing? Come out of that
bad company into tho company of those
who believe the Bible. Beojamin Frank-
lin wrote, "Of this Jesus of Nazareth I
have to say that the system of morals be
lefe and the religion Ito has given us aro
the best things the world has evor soon
or is likely to see." Patrick Henry. the
electric champion of liberty, says: "The
book worth all other books put together
Is tho Bible." Benjamin Rush, the lead-
ing physiologist and anatomist of his day,
the great medical scientist—what diti ho
say) "The only true and perfect religion
is Christianity." Isaac Newton, the lead-
ing philosopher of his time—what did he
say? "The sublimess philosophy on earth
is the philosophy of the gospel." David
Biewster, at the pronunciation of whose
name every scientist the world over bows
his head—David Brewster saying, "Oh,
this religion has been a great light to
me, a very great light all nay days."
President Thiers, the great French states-
man, acknowledging that he prayed
when he said, "I invoke the Lord God,
in whom I am glad to believe." David
Livingston, able to conquer the lion, able
to conquer the panther, able to conquer
the savage, yet conquered by this reli-
gion, so when they find him dead they
find him on his knees.
Salmon P. Chase, chief justice of the
supreme court of the United States, ap-
pointed by President Lincoln, will take
the witness stand. "Chief Justice Chase,
please state what you have to say about
the book commonly called the Bible."
The vvithess replies: "Tigre came a time
in my life when I doubted the divinity
of the Scriptures, pawl I resolved as a
lawyer and judge I would try the book
as I would try anything in the court
room, taking evidence for and against.
It was a long and serious and profound
study, and, using the same principles of
evidence in this religious matter as I al-
ways do in secular Matters, 1 have come
to the decision that the Bible is a super-
natural book, that it has corae from God,
and that the only safety for the human
race is to follow its teachings," "Judge,
that will do. Go back again to your pil-
low of dust on the banks of the Ohio."
Next put Ws= the witness stand a presi-
dent of the United Suates—John Quincy
AnainS. "President Adams, what have
you to -say about the Bible and Chris-
tianity?" The president replies: "I have
for many years anade it a practice to read
through the Bible onoe a year. My cus-
tom is to read four or five chapters every
morning immediately after rising from
my bed.. tt employs about an hour of any
time and seems to toe the most suitable
manner of beginning the day. Itt what
light soever we regard the Bible, whether
with reference to revelation, to history or
te morality, it is an invaluable and in-
exhaustible mine of knowledge and vir-
tue." "Chancellor Kent, what do you
think of the Bilele?" Answer: "No other
book ever addressed itself so authorita-
tively and so pathetioally to the judgment
and moral sense of mankind." "Edmund
Burke, what lo you think of the Bible?"
Answer: "I have read the Bible, morn-
ing, 110011 and night and have ever since
been the happier rind better man for soh
Sentence of inildeiltro
Young men of Anierlea, come out of
the °inlet of infidels—mostly made rip ot
cranks and imbeciles—into the compeny
a Intellectual giants and turn your back
on an infidelity evbich destroys Wale and
ith, infidelity, stand up and take thy
seneence! In the presence of God, angels
and men, stand up, thou monster! Thy
Up blasted with feasphemy, thy cheek
scarred with uncle mess, elly breath foul
with the corruption of tbe ages! Stand
up, satyr, filthy goat, buzzard of the
nations, leper of the centuries: Stand
op, thou monster. infidelity! Pan math
part penther, pars reptile, part dragon,
stand up and take thy (sentence! Thy
bands red with the blood in which thou
least washed, thy feet crime:ea with the
buman gore through which thou last
waded, stand up and take thy sentence!
Down with thee to the pit aral sup on the
sobs and groans of those thou bast de-
stroyed and bet thy music; be the everlast-
ing misorere of thoect whom thou haste
damued 1 brand the forehead of infidel-,
ity with all the crimes of self immolation
for the lees =way on tae pare of those
litho had their region.
My friends, if ever your life, Through
its abrations and its molestatione, should,
seem to be unbearable. and you ate
tempted to golf it by your own behest,
do not consider yourself as worse then
others. Owlet himself was teMpted
cast himself from she root of the temple,
but as he resisted SQ resiee ye. fibrin
Me to inealeirle all wounds. In your
trouble I preetalite life instead of • death.
People who have bail it worse than yoia
will ever have le bow goue sengfolly on
their way. Remember that “Pil lieePS the
chronology of your life with as reach
proclaim as be keeps the chronology 02
amnions, your greve as well a; your credits,
Why wee it that at mitihiglia just at
Midnight. the de -timing angel struck
the tl14w Ghat Res Chu• IstiteLle,i free from -
boucle:go? Tee 430 yiiers were up at lit
&cleft that night. Tim 420 years were
not up at 11, and, at 1 o'clock would have
been tardy and too IUD. The 430 years
were up at la o'cloek, and the eestroyine
angel etraelt the lesev, and Israel was '
free. awl Olod imowe just the bmir when
it is time to feed you up from earthly
bondage. lty his grace, make not the
wore] et things, but tho beet et them
There is 0 sorrawleee world, and it la
so radient that the noonday sun is only
the love,e-a tioarstep, end tho aurora that
lightrip our northera heaveas.confouriti-
in?, ea:anon:ere ee to what it ran be, le
the weving of the leinners ot the proem -
WW1 C,A3117, 20 Wile tise ronqUerers
from chew triuntiliatit, and You mad
bevel Wage retteone for viunting to go
there, hue we will never got there either
by self immolation es' impeniteney. All
our ems slain by Christ who came te do
that thing. we Want to go in at Net the
time divinely arranaeci, and from a courdi
divinely spread, and then the clang of
the sepuiehral gates behied 115 will be
overpowered by the clang ot the opening
of the solid Marl 1840r0 IIS. 0 God, what- ,
ever °there may choose, glee me a Cbrisi
thin's life, a Christian's Math, a Chris.;
tian's burial, a Chrietian's immortelitti
Maine ProltlhltIon.
.A. good deal is being saki about the
failure to enforce the Prohibition Law.
As soon as Neal Dow was dead tho little
dogs began to Wk. tit course, the law
never bas been perfectly enforced, and. it
has never been claimed that it was.
The law against stealing Isn't perfectly
Hero are same Diets About Maine:
Before Prohibition there were in Maine
SOTell distilleries ami two breweries. Now
not ono of either in the State.
Many cargoes of West India rum were
imported every year. Now, not even one
puncheon is roceiveti.
Formerly, thmshops everywhere -' the
in every bamlet. Now, in Mere than
tbree-fourths of the State, having three-
fourths of the population, the grogshop is
unknown, An entire goner/Alen has
grown up there raver having seen a
saloon or the effects of one.
The quantity of liquor now sold IS not
one -twentieth of what it was before Pro-
hibition and the city is twice as latge.
The people used to spend every twenty
years in strong think the entire valuation
of the State. Now, one million dollars
will more than pay for all the liquor
smuggled into the t3tate and sold in via.
lotion of law.
Maine saves annually more than
twenty million dollen, which but for
Prohibition would be spent, lost, wasted
in drinle.
Maine is now one of the most prosperous
States in the Union. Before it was tbe
poorest. There was dissipation, un thrift
and decay. Now everywhere is seen thrift,
industry, prosperity.
In 1884. after an experience of Prohi-
bition for thirty-three years, that policy
was put in the constitution by 77,045
Bow to 2fake Fire Extinguishers.
Take 20 pounds of common salt and 10
pounds of sal anunouiao (nitrate of am-
monia), to be had of any druggist. and
dissolve in 7 gallons of water. Procure
quart bottles of thin glass, such as are
ordinaally used by druggists, and fill with
this, oorking tightly and sealing to pre-
vent evaporation.
In case of fire throw so to break in or
near the flame. If the fire is in such a
place as to prevent the bottle from break-
ing as in wool or cotton, knock off the
necks and scatter the contents.
The breaking of the bottle liberates a
certain amount ot gas, and tho heat of
the fire generates more, thus working its
own destruction. Above all, use enough.
Have dozens on hand.
Why Archie Got Mad.
"Then nothing that 1 cart say, Archi-
bald, will prevent you front going to this
cruel war?"
"Sorry, little one, but you know—"
"And you've decided absolutely to join
the navy?"
"That's right."
"Then, Archibald, you will xna.ke me
a Solemn promise?"
"Promise any old thing."
"Well, I want you to promise MO that
before you begin to fight the Spaniards
you'll take all the navy buttons off your
uniforms and neck them away, with
directions that they be sent to me. Navy
buttons make such lovely hatpins, Arobi-
The voice of Conscience.
If the voice of oonscience still speaks
to you, listen and heed it, for thciugh you
may gag your moral sense, though - you
may drown ail serious; thought until you
are indifferent to Lim these things, there
'will come a ting when they will wake to
oew life again.
KOO7ENAY..'opRg, I •
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:worn ; estimainints. 4000 PooplO Cured In 4 Years,
Price $1 00 per alto, or 6 Mies for $5,00, from your Druggist or direct frus
The S. S. OYOKMAN filEr3GitiE CO, LimiTE0.5 HAMILTON. ONT8
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Is Foraewliut freed lioonaf tta use in liie
edd fibril], as it dm s net dieeelve ri ade
ly aud nectie COW -4411Z agitation to la
it from setting. Ifxillowed to settle sit
all, the distribution is not uniform, and
iujury is likely to result to the foliagt
of some plains, while the inevets on sth
er plants escape. Moreover, it is uudiily
expeneive whether used dry or in the
form of a spray.
White arsenic, in a soluble form,
costs about one-third as much as paris
green and gives no trouble in the way
of settling.
Dissolve two pounds of commercial
white areeuio and four pounds of car,
bonnte of soda (washing aide) in hot
gallons of water and use 134 pints to a
barrel of bordeaux mixture (50 gallons).
The easiest way to make the solution is
to put both the white arsenic and car,
boxiate of soda in a gallon of boiling WA.
ter and keep boiling about 15 minutes,
or until n clear liquid is formed, and
tben dilute to two gallons.
080 and one-half pints of this will
tion to each barrel of bortleaux mixturt
is sufficient to use when spraying foe,
potato blightand potato bugs, for apple
scab and apple worms, or for any
other purpose where a combination mix
tura for fungi and insects is required.
The areenite of sada may be prepared
in any quantity desired, but being al-
most a clear liquid is somewhat danger-
ous to keep on hand. The danger nuty
be obviated to some extent by coloring
the liquid with some theap aniline dye,
using enough of the latter simply V'
give sufficient color so that no one
would mistake the saltation for an lama
fensive drink. It takes but a short tilne,
however, to prepare sufficient for a day':
spraying, which is perhaps the hest
dangerous roethod. It is a rank poisor
and should be properly labeled and care
fully guarded, the same as all other poi -
A bulletin of the Ohio station states
that the foregoing combination has been
fully tested and found to be quite as ef-
fective as the paris green and bordeaus
mixture ccrobination and is preferred
for the reasons given above.
minieers and the ce
Le they are eure to do seem.
e ".]: tie y ;milli:Meet. in eti rem
lext te, nettling will le to swarm,
• Wien the el:ea:1144g fever gits atoild
bete thsta *Lin s, 41VE,uiui.t FUitt, tc
tether us vie uiug in the Mute' sea.
•&era and tare always means
heuey ereo. Man Leis
iltiVP-...dust is, aret seteurriste—it tot
st tatiro at tie in as 1/ 6 -Warts AanZ
t be, tooial Matins r. Lea
ertt4irnwin at this lieeit, it the
rep is not to Lie eeriously
concerning Cutworms.
Some writers on this subject advise
the cultivation of the ground, believing
that the stirring of the soil and expo-
sure of the cutvvorms to the sun will de-
stroy them. While thorough cultivation
is nudoubtedly of great benefit to the
soil no amount of stirring and exposure
to the rays of the sun will destroy cue
worms, for when exposed it requires
but a brief space of time for these pests
to again secure coverings, and aftei
ntany years' close observation of the
habits of ontvvorms I doubt if a singl
one can be destroyed by simply stirrir
the soil. In my experience I have four
two distinct species of cutworms, of
cutting the corn on the surface of C.
ground and being readily found an
caught in the act of destruction. Th
other is out of sight and cuts the we
about an inch below the surface, an
the mischief isnot detected till the coo
begins to wilt. Corn out below the sue
face ef the ground is irretrievably ruin
ea, but when out above the ground, 'whet
small, with the exception of beiog re
tarded in growth it is seldom injured
Corn planted on sod that has been pas
tared the preceding year is more liable
to be damaged by cutworms than if nc
stock had been allowed upon the pound,
says John Cownie in Iowa Homestead.
• Storage Room For Bees.
The importance of providing the
proper ailment of storage room fce
etrong colonies of bees is urged by A.
H. Delft in Prairie Farmer. If this is
not done, we shall have trouble to con-
tend with. He says whea bees become
Tillage In a- Dry SeatiOne
For cultivated crevs tillage is rec,
outuruclui in dry SEISKIII, bumC.rder that
greatest ptbseible amount et neeheare
may Lo retained where the fie ding ri its
are loeated; the dry, pulverized Kill AM
like a mulch and diverts more cif the
1330iSttire to the roots of the plante. Tal-
mo also destroys weeds, which require
for their growth quite as much plant
food and moisture as cultivated plants.
It should be remembered that too deep
cultivatiou in dry seasons frequently
does more harm than good, unless, in
the preparation ot the seed bed, the soil
bus !aim' thoroughly and deeply paver*
ized.—E. B. Vothees.
Sweet Cern aS a Money Crop.,
Sweet corn as a money crop is a preti
ty sure thing, according to The Orange
Judd Farmer, if it is situated where the
ears can be marketed when in the roast.
ing stage. What grain is not sold in
this way Inakve good fted. The foddex
Is worth all it costs to raise the crop,
leaving the receipts for corn as not prole
it. The stalks are cut up tit the bottora
as soon as the ears become too old fox
market and are carefully cured in the
shock or put into the silo whole or cut,
ears and all. tither feed is preferred
for milk or batter production to the best
hay. Tire beet variety of sweet corn ef
etill a moot question.
Merely Prat:twine-.
When he came home, he found her
in tears, mid naturally he was disturb-
ed. He tried to comfort her. but the
More he tried the more the wept, and
finally he lost his temper and told her
to go to the coal hole.
"Evidently," she said, suddenly
ceasing her weeping, "I am riot yet pro-
ficient or you wen& not treat me thus.
I need more practice."
"Proficient!” he exclaimed. "What
do you mean?"
"I have been reading an article in a
paper on 'How to Weep Properly,' "
she explairtech—Pearson's Weekly.
Limitations of Genius.
Book Pnblisher—I have looked over
the manuscript which yon submitted to
ns and find a good plot, many well
drawn characters and some picturesque
word painting, but the love scenes are
cold aud stilted. Can't you improve on
Authoress (wearily)—I am afraid not,
I'm married.—New York Weekly.
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