HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-24, Page 5a
v vivo 2
0000twu STAR
TRVUDAY, XXV 140.41 1"$ i oi 0- .1 1 1. 1 0
t."=r !r �1� WW
f,;)Wn Viol C., Fo M
JL, To Spend $40,000
Siv�—1 have the 'honor, %o ad-,; i ;sv
Ithat your repiv to our
For reiults ,f MAY 11th je tb* HwrXs order 14' Enlarging Salt Plant 'at, Goderichl DOMINONSIORES, Lpt d
not at 4111. safisfo.0ory, it was diii-
t inctly aare*d Upon At the COYOPnic �i CANA15A!S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS
oj Januai;N, last that the municiPalitv castractis
a Phar, Isvilviog Ext"ture of $167,0W at Variout
wauld Cquipleto it'4 v1periftleilts With P14111ts of the C�Rpaay A'Sasuacta. 4 1 -
1 k spect tok the proposed dwp well WS SELL TO SATISFY
b -Y June ist, or procea With
livion, Works.
I should bevlad if You will present GRANULATW 100 1ko
our communication of MAY 11th to
Z inform thelo, that thit,
the council and
Rezoastructiou of forlla* of SoMh Pier itud Larg4
. ...... A,:-.11�:.- slitisfied with aov- SU Al'o $11A0
Roard will not N A100114t Of DfOijiII& Gets%
thing teEs than a deanite undvistan&
in f the muni mtjnur4Qturiug plant, The brine -
as to what the poliey o I
iklity is to be in respect to the w&- The fallovinit fxCollt T110 Winnipeg L'Oo's or�
f X I rated bs� the
o , ay 14th will be read raising Puni are ope to t'gale 14,1111 -it oil 13c
WOUX(I QtljejWjf'!0
Supply. AyAple tiole has elapsed Tribun, cilgines whie, Syrup
�rl 0 With latereott estweWly. by flloqe Vd%0. P3 1 3 Oc .1 tins
m january. last in order to h*v - as r -1te. Horin s Wried to a, %epth 2 Ib. till .... ... :Milk
Are injortsted stockholders in tho � we,
colitleted Your experimentg. j,*vQmp*jjy. We are pleased to sce, of 4,200 feet avo rovealcd sa t bcdg
I av, the holior to be sir, that In the construction program oVat various depths ranglur from six
-your obedient servant, rly for the year a larger to 00 feet, in, thickness. Th1D suppl� Nlavirine Sliced
the coul tO th Bacon, th ...... 33c Dust S fe, 25c
I JN., 0. aulount �rovldcd for worU at the Is- in fact, inexhaustible- U
Chief Offleer of Health.
Torontq, May 17th, 1923.
Lcad with the depon4ablo fillu ill tile yellow box, and lot us do I The Mayor commented that the, do- Arm &, 11alliftl
I*- in getting the testing out of tle� wa-411ing antl Chili Kwuee...
"�ur finishing. well under we%- was not due to the 80da .1 . 11 0 '' . � -_ ____ ., -
town 8 fault. The We4ther had inside Slice
ial Wood
it Impossible to get thj�l teilient foUn- for
'The 9C )Lt. Cocoa ........... 39c 3' 2
dation, in for the pump early
pump was ordered but delivery
asipa to be delayed until the f6unda.
tiolis were 'in. This. was now ready Vow Qk1ohee 11tichmelto To
and the pum? had been shipped. Syrap
0"111 Flakes
The last otter from Dr. XeCul- C 11).
-CAMP BELL'S, -DRUG -STORE Aougli was rofer"d to, the Water, 75
lit a, Com $2.09 2 for: 25c 1. ,
Lw na Harbor C mitteo to take ,,d onlN. by
P]RONg Q,(Vr �THE 'VAR0 ou at once with the Water and Lightl 11) Dominion Store 2 f6r 19C
No. 10 1,111,
C mission. Worth 30k
om letter from Rov. W. 31, Roche"t-
V er, of the Lortl's Day Allinoce, who
......FINIS's "ING. Ireceii'Ry visited- town,* refierred to
'k which
sonie cases of Sunday. vor W fi"IdS T S TREE Tip 00DERICH
had, been under diseu.-sion at the
of his conference -in Goderich, , i"oTy:10il Wo,j)elivoji to Parts o a
vessels outfitting. ap -ed to be f the Tow.
the only ease in Whtcli Mr.lRoehesterl
ction, might 'be takett Ia., X===,=
suggested a
Chief Officer Dr..rac. ullought of the vrovinc cal , as being vontrary W. Me ^ci,.
keilth, Asks. as to Res�lt of Test Well', 4tnd-SAYs Town CoPies'of the Lord's MY Act were 000 rivets, and when The Star W. the pilloglis below driven. There is
d 11 of 41ect 6 Inches of.c000grete.
Must Aclopt iqL Policy for Water Imprpovement Vic communication was refeiretl to terviewed Xri J- D- parbor, *ho is in "J,'t� ith. Irdu rods tQ be luld
charge of t1le Illnuilt6'Bridge Coat- rel!j oreed w
the spoel4l committee.
'T I I pany oyk here, con. TuesdaY tnoorn- (Continued on pa�ge� 10)
le tax -collector reported haybig' 's w 10 tons of
WAS, BRIEF paid the treasurer on taxes since,My ing,, he ptated, that 010
re to, go into th(s six
Itt, slim -35, Una for dox,.?gs $50.
o Aue to arrive that day
assis n as -
All -parties whoin t S t hop erS, Wer 31 take a-'
Oat sessor'reported as having a dog, have or tto followl" � (lay. It wl ray 6
1)ecides tc) -Bring 0. A. -C.' Man to Advise. as to Laying bout 12,000 rivets, , to josten% these Mat6ifliv Mi'siou Hand
been -notified and it number have Vo- steel plate$ together. Another'. tell
of. Parkst eitC4 suonded.,'I have 4 list made out of i d4s, he Stated, would see this tort
jall those reported. as fhe owners afn
othing shoul . Ist, 102% there has of the work completed, -The forms BA7AAR and
a be 8t'artea
At the regular, meetinj of the town that SOM dog. Shice"JIM are now being
last this season. - Uen,-paia thb treasurer, over $28 000' for the content flooring
coitilbil. hold on Friday eve I f Rild there Is a large 4-� SALAD TEA..
? - I )r to be, Sir, Bec, pli ace, I
01 -have the horio owarrears of.taxes aile up to t In
ing coer,71sp �dUen" ostAlled.
liqQ)Ant, aellinery .to -be i
-week- the. follQm elp'' Your Obediftt .90"Wt -
lie' -of tW
lij 'Vok-tero - 4100in
betweeirl)",40ulloukhr -0144- J0HX_W.1-S._McCULL0UaX__ finance U Chunk Lee u
fin ance on t Citloh, .
k qng of some ox
of * the Provincial BoArd Of He' 81th, Chief Offloei of,11921th, committee, Jobn-
1'92& 11 %1' 'The town engineer, Mr. eleven me 0 t
an n was. read; Toronto, May 11ths Won wor
d the tow clerk for so o construe !k, After
9ton. of Stratford, reported on Sewers th'a
Mr. L. L. Knox, Mr. J. NIT. 8, McCullough on . C4yley- ana Qbebee street$, and the now storage Ouse IS orce T04 Served frorA Cto I pwaL.
Town Clerk, Godetich, Provincial. Board of Health,. oi�, r4,pqrts were referred to the Hamilton Bridg."e' ompauy.has.
ther contract in puttli on t 0 QUO-
Siki.—On Jan. 29th l9st, following Toronto. 07ic,wor * committee," with power � .1 Valley, 11 seftil. and xovei AT00-
vidi to ta up it advi6able, in or e conveyor eetiti, 10,0
.9 conference with your Mayor, . Irr I-GODERICH ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT _CW8 - MILLION RV5,11HIA In& e 104 09
]Dear SI —In reply. to -yours of Cove t e Itoole-W ., 0
Water Commission, the Board stated May - lith, with referonce-.-to our Wi- 116 Ing 011oliekitigns for PLANTAT TjfS HARBOR, ! I �. all
that it was . prepared to - , allow you a or Its were referred to the for 0 to ci 11 0 10c and Candy,�qr sale.
I the T1
emon.'. ter. sup lly I beg to Worm you that thav doxib-
�riod until June Ist, 1928, to d ittee with �powor to Oct in 'the 'ad4itiOnO iiiiii10,141st, Aw iew building, inoro t e 6 Iles or t 0 fouli A -
the W= e and Tiernan Coqipub�yof Z'Mdroub ling, itsi storage. capacity 4r0 not tion of t 0 ;elevator a rage
ling its filoadin
to the Board's satisfactloh that k installizag,the urgent -cases, and to toport -back the- � g ac i0ties a 14 nip
well supply is. racticn�le,.'br that your city is this wee dispostil - of edch apolication.- From -shown inu this lllusttf�Llom Ouse -OVer alf 4v e4dy ow
new pedestal t3 equip- t ta are at
go chlorinating �u oil four steam
you were prepares to -go ahead with timo Age Mrs.. Fowlie, to construct. verandah. Oka*
Itratiolu I- should, be -glad to know meAt at our ant. Some with cement piers -an fire prooLf,roofL 'QL wor Coln this job. 0 1 for filling
11 lerpdi I'Lintwlellee' pump for 'G derich ��lant than at any ot.the preiient, the tompank h'a�' manufact WKC6,t - L the harbor
we or, in is being bo(
at�your.early convenience what p90 �tough the Ontiriq at dwellitilt or Vide Of ElgiaL otbej plants. ure4 two carloads of stilt a day. An
i W611, thl r eXpL few yards a
gross has been mide in.thig matter, our Ae* ,enue, 'from John McKinnon, to, The CompAnY h;ks kolosed the p1l enditur6* of $40,0* has been ;to. island just a Way * oil -A
Ind. and Eni Cedar. shingles, prop I ert. Mori -four -scOws- � This material has to be got
,Ine Company e :are 'av gl_
as. the Board deems it im*rative! NY - sh kitchen wi iied to tzilarge this 14ant to
t this pump 3 on �t Coutts V at Code
ropertV chase of the I lootil yroanage , 0 . _.by the 0overnment aR A501M AD'
f informed that -�gi",Cof. Trafal in. rid Of any'% L
shipped and vire expect, it wi -L,LLin -the (ConelCid L L rich and the, t, : Mi. J. carloads a day and, whereas the c art a 'iwe Island to be Cut QUjL
t !orms ns,thisls to bo pony has as yet only ilmonfactuied, �it lsi
next few days. We will have i bir ed- W. Fraser,, jul I readily avall
ubt, -coal, S Oil and Be, Loaf
no do used torake roonij rs"alt
ed jmriiefttel:� - and, kot - group
have it 'Workffig befo pijtng which has re� and table Sa% illig 11A. lie
e ro the end Some women are, never happy un� ljo uvoid -the deep soutil, of the old face of the ClOck
del Th atre ri, less they are feelin sorry, f6r some suited -in. fire in. the coal piles in pro- to
40 of, this month� Work Progressing, Ott New 'Elevator has been torn down to the Watt
W.EtK of M0,29 to, JONE .2, Trt"thlIr that- in, the moarabne, other woman.. vious years. ibune is . Aq'_ The 112 tons of itoel -which is in I vol for..t a si of the new jitorage
this %jnL be. satisfactory', I Ath 1ho item �rooj 'T%qL _V I house, and this materlid ha.. McFailyei's Old Stand 0
Your$ , jaitbiuuy, Children 'Ory follows, i1n. So- f4r: .40 ., it, jelatej to ihe framework of the Izew unloilding d Ming in.
thF �`co% $"j'hk,s nsit Cowpany IR now in plac -the harjo
MI-onday and Tuesday. tower of the Goderich Elevator and oIr,"A. MAW, who In in
. , L. - -FOR ILET8119.VS Tra e so. f . ' W
Vit'RTL LYTELL jjr Y: I I " -.-, I I , some 0 the 80 ilten at W00c,'States thAt
and FT� k KNOX
�Own jol;.r _Wkill at`Goderi6h, Ontario, is a Stilt onrelyL rf'Votted together.. with -week,
May 12th,'1993. S T: 0 k I A cement work will start next
beln eni0od"Con at one part I
f P
on &
in a FitZolauCift Prodintion ndation, while the, reivaiiider of 1;g -
,To Have and To Hold'
*,- 4 p7
Christie comedy
11HUla Hone 00re"'
Wodusday and 'Thursday FOOTWEAR RING
ih his, biggest bit, an briginal foui-
seatioti wo: ljav6 ninasS, an Vktrs,offort- to pre-
gloom chaser 7118
sent tl)onewest oroamiji in
S A OWEN tile lem tfig
EEN The new* qyle for Spritig US
IN Urtjgtr4 aj)(j. eraftsinon Un- fpivinating iii their
e a et In,
"The Fate in the F69" Charming Mies and, boatififul finilih, ("011ee I I
them. 14 a NvondoRul eu*-40 and C9111fort, 11"lo it �orvic-6�
j;jljty giVe"'i),ily ill lj%thel-q of the Nutt quabty.
Friday and Saturday , Brown Uilf I ' Pittentliti).(I Kitl 1,eft.916IR 111'ellonlina . le -
with, thelhito4b coniNnations of firiauning'a. Priee,4
are 1110fit, reasollable.
in a powerful. drama
�Ploh,6.Ruling Passion" 'RINC
r5anoldne Comedy_
c air
oul ft
T ,
10 g4
, L'I
A, the Line"
�Newg Reel"' - North Side of 9q I uare Goderi-6h
Matinees--NIOU- and Wed..at 4.15.
Saturday at 3 P. mo SHOWS &LY A, PORTION it HARBOR
Conlin he4ock HoInks'
D'O. YOU.�_
KN� Ow
�urtlinq' ready to Ilittl9t �Iade from a
fine �Iuall�y in white or eream
--abmie§- Witt] tMet -Lam Insortim na, Re.0
Lace edge, Thi�,3e'are beautiful CurWins
from our $4.45 ratiap
On Sale at $3.95 a Pao'
Curtain Go'skif; I* . tbe V,
I �%Td are shown,
ill $splendid Variety of clloiecl lattoru,3 in
Net, qar4uisette, i4qll Net, Madro's and
other iid%v 900ds tliftt are 1)rNllb and look
well. The 1priecs range
rvoom 19C a yard UP
To the Better Grades sit, $1-00
And The.Models Ar'e Ind". 'dualaw"Just One Of A. Kind: DO U.,
1) orily, quiart Sport Co.%tn in lovely T%veod,;
T i%T MAI. 1 4 only, Lailies itad Allisseg SPOrt C0at9 in VAT NO 2. voln,�izes 10) atiol 20. The.3e narmanN aro V Aff"I W
018Vaia Polo Cloth and bomItilul clieck, Vote " Ill. L
terns, shoulder lined, full belt, and weil ulado and the Illatleig are good, So
teguhrly ab S1.11.00, Choo-ae no%v at go
fully made. Sold regularly at $0.50, a I .. LINOLEUMS and
Choose Now at Each $104. Special Cle'ring Prico $14.50
Women'R and Misses' fi�e Velour COatv; ift Foor only, better quality Spring
LOT' NO, 1--ra�va end sand obside% There are only LOT'NO#, 4coeq it, the; ne'v'on,q belt modol'i, mado are DOW 4)11 ule ill all tile liew Iripling Pat.
from teal good quality Velouvi cuid only
qix (jolts in tile lot. You will like tho ,no of 0:01 Nt le. - �old vegularly up to tertiq in qcj.oll anti I)bjeft deqignq. All
styles, just one of el'oh. Sold regularly callathan illude it) a I. rig itaid wczrinq
oice Now at $25. Itooll)% Bed Roolaq 6N1V,6V1,o0il) ill 'tile
Final Clearance at $22.50 Your Ch hotme in 3 and 4 yard w4tth��
At Square
Yard 95c
It Flfj;)r Oilcloth 14 lice lea it 1
10 ONLY,, SILK DRESSES FOR. WOMEN at $15#00 obtattlell in a B-anglp of wa% llvw
r"lout took
pl—W.w. .1mV %ill malle, ao�
I)i iglit and. e1jeci U. anti i, ou ean. be earp
0' real g(tall "Veal al 1� niosler!C6 v4r�it� All
Gray and Cartwright' At Square Y*rd 4%
,. I