HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-24, Page 3-
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THVISDAY, MAY 211, 1923 � - -a � ---____,----9-- - - -_ _. . - � - __,_.:--_--g r -a- - - 9- ,6
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� I Waterman s Heal
I TM MARKETS Ne News,%ets , ------- 04 P F4 �
F144 "ISIVATIN 11 r 6 r a Aa r %.,
jolt "6001 �1111,, . 9 "Mr.... ,.,,,,,,, 6 1&d Frn Wt . AftrnfJfi& Fountain Pens , S M Or% = It
181LINN's "X"WER FILU Unnitoba wheat Ne. 3. uortlaeM i 'A.401114915W . I
, 0,121g,-4. . %V�, Itarp fr: .;! fe"-f' Vvil 'tx W�i�a
is ove of tile, most pro- I N il"EM1010A 040 --No. 1. JOAV�t, Fw%%c,. �, 1. Aij '�,1__,,-,JZ,,,j,f,r, '��!�; W,-.- " I -
I �t,�,L,,J
the ituftlia 140 15 io. I INA_ 3 01W. ouc; "trit N'�- 4 t0Z,t:;I, U04 .., _,,111?;
vort =01444 f4a Am Aiyti cd cralimi* itm Lookot flospat-Violiain Lis" to %%01 tl&e � 'r 9
t tswie of %Auitoba Va4pi-Not quoted� I Pew� %%i�ie6 vh'a L'��_)
. 1�oa to, "t is tue Vrf*t" All oil the abovo CA'U, bay parts, L 411 -Cliatell PlAWk SAW PAMCW ACCf?t$,0ttaW* PW6" � ilva0d 44,Lu', ?,,,I ti;t-�v smlew!,�Vv �
. wauy af,owr ,ailaurvits, for it the bowels .k,,,,j,a, i1orn-%t,. .1 .V%JI,4Vr, 41,01N. � ff"It L . rr .
.r form tke proper to4dions track Toronto. prompt Shirrinient' N(j. a r -- -11avill c4st" Says 60q*44 Flkv*r,l qu.ap,it., �
li *00 to rotgoall will bwam &tj4, � iciluw. sx.9i trailu, Toronto, ;romvi I tudiA &two MW � - il r ... ;ft� e, - ..
all tko WWW I 15 SP60mrs for 1449 Securei I I,'-
. tibitwnt, 9 41k fet IN t4wo cr"- � ii r r, . �� I
11 " ,"
*41 a .% V.04 4 X
I zat�o oata_%Vo. .- ia,)AW. rpIf to 11lia I 14$44 ,, Q I Nvk -1 be glad to ,I-tiow you a ,,, _
ic" .VQUR borsou w3tkilif gentlir 411-1 �acvdlrazilr; %t) freitilit outoldc. . I . r t� _ �,, -1 � A_ .
r 9 r 1 9 1 thu>e heauti"al I el-ti"o-0 t9, k�".-:--_:;-' 9 .0014. � '. ; ana L
, 01*� I
%%t%a*J)y by, tM W16 Of ]MAICA "a 1,41it- i 0"C81110 W.bV3%_No' � lirlot0l AW , I � " !, .. � I ?, .,
. ,
it ,!;lrl4lt41i T1011140al, `�r r I
� . h t)4,3 � e:, h -.(� naw. I in I I
uVer Palo, sud t%w do aws;rW floAs--Nd), 41. $1.45 if) ;140. accordlax %slyth Girl Gradurated at London Has- voting -t (lauOlter of V � .1 . . - , _ t. - " . . , ,
V voriatipstion and *11 other troubles can$, to creighti initsiao. , pital don, lof Fn0ter, VV4.4 11.1"'.114w4f tO V,11'� � W*004*_- F , - I � , , - '. . -
__-.0011 14 1 . I I VT.
� " 'i � �!* f 99 .
Usitle,y-natink goo to 620. accoril. ZL,r ot Son mann.- Of tilk, Mln% of Montwal, 1,.. I I— 116-1 0 a .
toa by it. Miss Gretta P. Tiffins daugh jifts THAT ST 1� ". , . 999 1 C 'Z� `�,
Nr#. ,A,, R. Spence, Spirlighill, X. 8�, In f, tit freight outside. I , * Irs. Tift, 111,ith, WWI Hamilton, by the r4n% X. NQUOwarl, I V__ _"F.jJ,ls,__-hW1& � I . - � I I I I ... . .�_
writes: -411 havo saftered fo lie4whent-No. 2. 74C to T Ne. aCCQr4- rum. A. V. and A. rtudulltirag via.); at tector, I , . r 1 _-9- � Y21h . 'k. a ,� t154 . .
r sonto lor. to tretalils outuldc.. er of the s � "' '.1 �
Q, accordlaw to a memb,
. f� jXW froAt esustip4tion, arra Y"as 34*e-No. :". 79e to U . r Victoria 1108 -chool foe Death of NITS. ltclic�. zurich EIDT � �
slavised onfitol 10141111139 3ILI
by a frislga to try Wbum,s TAx%-Uvftr trellcht outlilde. 4 � E. C. ROB 9% a SON I �,
, litanitatnt Itiour-Flist Patent, $7.30. .N'UrSeJWL0U Out this .Ve4r. , Mother Sarall. SLOW;, nm vollic%. I
pills. After ta4ing a viod of 0*0I I Toronto; second petent, 0,110, Torolato� I %"Ailigharlt Uotra to Aid u0pital widow of the late Juatus MCM04, pras-' . NIS � At$. - I - I
Iderfal ralief, firld wonla, Ontario Floor -VQ lilm patvlit� ;S.Ikt to . r . Jeweller . r �
36-20 In Jute 4aw,4* 11101ANOIX ' ' of
. 4 liave fourild wax . 1 Under the auspice.j ;of the Lions sed Wway Ott 11"sall at tbL- houlL I
W to in Of her daughter, Mn. S. Merat"4 on � I � I
*dv1W all those w110 Are C01140114 ahloinent' Ontario dour. 00 P.C. P01140"N'. am lu musleal coul- , . East Sib $quare � Qderiok � . -_ ,
0.011'.to So4fi. , ln� lute rit Torout% WerflugSday eVen'rigl gay atir, at the I .1 I I �
. $Ive thela� a trial for I foel sure 047. I I . IIA". §� :1
ed at. 'he ot was presented at . L - - e 04 0§ ft � �. - .-1
..Will 6130 MciVe tho gaing, benefit I Prompt shIPUlt -Ontario 1101ar. 20 P -Q. � t, y, - 900d age of 77 $CUT3 and 10 111104th% ' . LL I , I "
I acaboard. to town sit , on Monday.ontl, 'Aues 'L 9 -_ - - - - ,-I _ �
I Patent. U.95 to 44. bulk . , She ltav4m three daughters and two - I
,did, 4 - Millfeed-Cfirlou, delivered Upatreal. day in at . the winglutlia hospital. � I .. ... 1, .
. Price X4 a V43LI At all 4efil"I 47t r ftefirbtrl. b4as included'. I'Man. Per We. sons. to mourn her loss; 51irs. $. Wer- =M==T!!!!�M TT!i��11:=� ,. ,:� 9 ,% . ,. ,I I
40; 4horts, $31. middlings. $36, Qoo,lt 11411.1, of .-H.,81lortreed. of Kyth ner, Herusall; Mrs. J. Wortz, Alichl- 9
fraile'a 41feet On rkeLlpt Of price by feed dour. per b '.,Mrs, McLellan was 68 years of not, L I ,,,, , " 9 1 I .1
, aw, 32.16 it, 43-26. 'death t Forgus; a - Mrs. 1. Hudson Scafortir- Al- I "A 11 IV
� .. vilie. %%.i3lilbum CAN Llnhei4 Tomt% I The ,.Oak place at grin. !a conducted the funeral I
. . Thurs&�j. May 100, of Mr... NV. xred. of Zurich, and Uaif H., U Ed- Rev. Dr. Part,
Out. " f the late Robert an Services. The MacLeod family are -4 .
L .
. � I � -W ... � (ATTLIK NARKETS Shortree , son.o. mouton' , L 'er residents of RIpIg and Amb- L I
9 .
.� 'r 1. 4 . . . .
, . I 1. L A� 9, Mrs. Shortrea He was born 54 Zurich, field and wore alwav's Big 1Y esteeAr- . . I
. I . . 41moprly ' 'r . STOClK. ago and lived on con. 9, Morris, Streett Oiled I plQna NJ#$ ..... I'll, -
n1l. A. N� HEIST, OAtOPAU00 . Physician, TOROXTO &XVr L 4 Yea" � and Oter selling his farat Goshen Line north and the ed people of ScotX orIgini ' . I
TOAONTO, Illay 9I. -A firmer cattle :for years, .
a " Ovaduals Des Molues $1111 f,olle,fle or tnkqet was apparent at the unloor, -part of his. time in the West ZAi road� as well as around the Mar Wel,tod, it lileet of the deceased 11 ,
. .
flosteopatll.lf . Yxrds laili weal; and a, licavlor spent -Blyth for a while., I ,,,1X0 business block in Zurich have lad es arrived In Wingbarn on Won- . % . 99 . L r
.a Licentiate Iowa slid MIC linn litook ad tb . �
i ,state pos, ,A. i speeial attention to alseases ogering wo.A. weA! ciet,4k and lived at air cast of tairvin this year at- day, the 14th, in tImi for the funeral .
or Women Aldrot. Consultation -tree. I r � I led UJ) 00rore the
. And el c ove. ai, ii.een utenuino, for 411'killtuf ' May Township Nalit Dt0ged 1I ��Ade ready. This is the first ex,grienge servicesi She came direct from $cot- L r .
. I <nae corlier rielson and tit. AndreW StS. L ,
. 0111.9008 was, Ishowit. while ItAf4re Wait . " * Wind Roller , Zurich as .
I . . a d toi- vattio-tor the 1. r b I had with atreet oi tug. - laAd to spend the Summer here. . r
. suce"Soir to Dr. Rellemalin. III &1A!QrtlI . , . I
. . . Tllr-�Oays. . , of the 2nd 6neession Bayfield � r . 11 r
" I—- �::=�_=__ --.-,, -. . Overseas market, Prices atroalftaaed� I . Loc% Pittyv .Dentist Opens Ottive In Rxe, Died as Ittsult of Track Bellit Struck . LL I r
� ... , I.. I r . - " I �... 1. '. __ " '-- With butcher cattle f*111PIr aoi,%it 600 ' 6k gay township met with an steel- . r I . . �L' ." . .
. � . � -WvC1Wi* a, hyandred bither kad hiiavy,'xievits. at )f 144t week, while ell- Dr. '0�1 S, L ter r r' �( by C. 11, ,R. Haxille at WinghAln , L . .
q I � I . an advance of 46c a hundred. I dent the first o Atkinson, who has been - - M 10 L '. '
n I . F. J. R. FOASTEA. I . . gaged in rolling his land. .jn turU- In a blinding snow storm. on Wed 0 . � r �
r4X#.orics weee activoi tu %ge inark racticinO. dentistry, At Bay"eld and nesday afternoon, May Oth, David .
D 9,111_ NOSE, THROAT. r U111.111 gle Of two hxlc0, the P, . r . WT
. � r , EYE,, r boat. splice was woat,lal)it tit Mon Ing near the ar - us struck'bY . - ' 1
. Ukto Ifouse S"Urgeou New York O�h%h4l- Corallrequiromenta. 'i'atoxPort'steorX the roller.got caught Irk the Zurich, intends, Opening up An Office -Goldstein's Junk track wt ', a(= d Quali br ... ...
i allt slid AUVAI'llospital assistantat llslorow aoltd'trom v.70 to 4844 for the bulk Of in Exeter A18% L L . drig out 11 . . 11 .11,111,
� r Meld,4 Eye INOSTItal 44,14 FxO!4eg -Rilaaro PeOdIng littera for eXport brought fro;; =11aVa in breakint off frightiined I q ivp & freight engine back . . I "I
. . Throat Hospiltal, ondou, car, . - Kira -tip to. A tow landi, nowevor. the barges. *Mr. Petty was thrown ill - I 41nornam.'Wallis Jac ii;igham; the truck was carried 0 . _ _ , 1. -, � , '' , ... -1 L L . I
. .0 . - found, their way back to The couatIT �t front of the rollor And dragg over 100 feet, and thrown in the ditch . I I - I I
1 53 vaterloo ,ad WOO A quiet wedding took place on Sat ,_,__.__. _ _ -_-_!!!1
St. S,, strattopfl, Tol a , . L
. I I -_ . . . .
I I . ..phone .101. . I at froux 45,2r) ,to, si a, buildrod, I � it until, the heim, 9�ot Stopped 4981list urday, May Sth, at. 3 p. m. at Hen. a mass of scrap. Mr. Goldstein to- le��!ttx!!�- 7-11 _ -1 . .
At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, . from A continuation of the Present lira . . severe injuries from , usefulliess in V�IIQVIUX *UdL A
L at 8 P. in-, to market to looked for but�only a moder- .1 fance. 3(r, retty's.. leg was broken sail. Methodist parsonage, when Miss - Very i 1t9 Quality '4tils It. -The fact that manifold 1)
sti oirerini; -will 'Pe w4sitto this wvvlK% the anRle arid knee. - = be never.,,, regatned touclous- ids of Intellige �co �- sickness., As a speeffic for
� �OtWean L . Eliza Wallis, a$ Usborhe, was unit- and Be many thousar at p - Nordin
. . I L I _R_ In. 1, -,,I - , vc- Writ � -bO cio*e4 on. Thum- Clinton P aess. About five, o'elock . Mr. 9 , seglib" � [Ind various, in. � I
, . �L $66 A,%rA Former Xilrl Won 0914 XWal ed in marriage to Mr. Earl Kinsfurrox, .1 I le continue to use Dr. Thomas' Ee- cutlit urns . .
.. l I the'94th. ankt tile. big Imarx0tif Mrs. War. Dean$ wore surprised bi�t 1) natory paing Its MOW is beyond I .. L'
I NVSICAT.- . ill, be. A is expected. on Xonday and t� son i irs. William X4nir. ectrIe Oil sl . I . I ;�
. . : . . Wirt Miss Lillian Fatifull, only da A Mr. and M -tin loan im- ,,waks volurries for its flanu I L
-----���7�� Tuesday. The United Fariliers. Co- I � eating Qfficienty. Ever since Wwas reliroach. L - .
. man, of Tuckersmith. The ceramony 'the door opening and a tr. I I I
� . I I CO., WNYOX. . � . � operit * ive Co. are of the ,opinlon that . er of Rev. J. 1K. and Mrs. Fairfiny,Nf s performed by Rev, 0. IV, Rivers. platting them to call ji, doctor at once. Irst introduced it has girrown steadily I 111W111110111010 I
. , CT . 11. Muls. McGill University" "frotift,now'ila qhIppors. can, load out Walkerton, formerly residents of wii A strong wind and b0avy snow storm n gulille favor, owing entimly ku Its 1 . , 114 . 1. 1- I
I I Input L P11kno T .
I . Tedeber's DIP and ThtOryl their atooK to suit .Ae convenience Ot Clinton, won the gold medal 83 A gra- Tho Late Mrs. Alexander Nixon I were doubtless 'the cause of the un- � __ I . I . I I
TvaehWs D Wine Shirring I their pustolIllers, whether export, An- , . L . I
. " . . robed, export store or butchers -11 . L eleven o'cloe on -Thursday 11r. L . L
Puplia prepared INI, -examinations. For duatinj Tr�tpe at the Kingstoxi GeV- About I fortunate - raceldenti 'Dr. Hambly �_Al 10010410"A to I I . .
. L . .
. W111% 811PI StudioC Montreal St.ti oppoaftl fixpori, shipments for. last week eral Hospital. . kra. A exlIndei. brouflit Mr. Goldstein to Wtagham L . 11 . .
. , . mornlirr� I I . . , , I
4 � . L I Public Lib ary�- L - I totalled 089 fevilers tot Wadinset; Mon- Clinton Principal Real Nixoz 16 May, 10th, . ound be in a Tirero 18,Lri good to t this ipflug� . . .
- I treat and 30 get steers ror Newport gns a;. lAh, was seized with it hosp tat and ! , . . arklo iir r$ a ' L .
. =L * .� I
.. 1. L . IX it'. 1VOTO"A'. ti. I,. 1C. 111. - Nowo. choice. hatcher steers sold Rrincipal W. Str6ug.Us tendered str640 of Para ab to which she suo� most critical colifiltion. Rolatftes. L tot, _ I �L_______ -tie .1,J7_--.--- , 7 I
I _
7 � _.., . 11410thI11116 '�0114`110111 C011#0M or lill'S - $7.66 to is -a hundred. IPOW bU his resipation tw the Clinton Public cumbed early Yriday morning. She. motored Vom Toronto ,during tbe _.SkjaS � ___,_ ____ ___ r L - ._________ � ---- �
. . land, or antat and cooir Director of steers showing, any quality Wore had been in fair health for some time L . �Hdrs,6Wl . . . L I L . L I
c I School Board -to take effect 4t the end. , , about b night and had him removed to -the- � I � . .
. . , Worth W bwthofust thlinti. L . . weighed ul? below ;7 a hundred CQ -June, :He has Ast and, was er household Western Hospital, Torootoi-vIiOre be , Scmp lr�is, Rubber$ . . I . . . .. I � ... .
. . .
I , . . ftPlls P1 0104 for 'examinations In. con. sold Up to so -6v. Wit the, uul� of X: of tbe.school term in a attack, overcanre. her. died an- - L L athers . L I
, I iiection tv�rtb Toronto univerettv Torouto. best butekier-Wirom 41%.60L Lto 4$' BUJIM accepted a posit4on on that,sebool staff guties when th .V.rJdW.-,-�_Uj4julr4 Irrhont 6 10'- Fe Metals I . Good, I ,� ------ :_ , .,
I -d6niAnd foi- expor; froal, so to _0106k. I ... _ - - - -- L � - - - . - ____ L - I
___ � -1 I I l4t_._ETAM_� zigpil eniew i Were in I I - at Ottawa at, a, salary of ;190. . The late deceslaedt-vhosit.-sraidew � ,L . . , . .1, - I - poper � Rags .. I � ... ..
----- GOu$f4,vA14A1,y.*.e �� , I �;Jj fiQ!L _ __,_i_l=i71__=____ "___ _____ - __ - , a I . . I I I 1
, y . i'- . , _c - - th . :� .L"" 1. ; � L,
_----'t- ,:. ��::Jor Vhl.qirs1e,.a4rM,t h4i a - -n-1-9-4 -witty- n 11 " L . ..... �, Man -ileli�e-z,,wast--AlwiiF=Egi6r,�-w-4s- bom-' In- -A-W- 011i pesideAt-ur. stanler.- Passm � - ".bill. -- - - . . I I 11 � I .- I" ", L ........ ... ..... L L".. L., .
� - _ , ,
. I -_ list Week tan r4s (%��611 Vaughan' owarellip Almost 70 years - I I .
. ,P&99.0 W�dlng I Ogg Was cas er. 44 41 I Wit a 1"' , I
I � I
. . .I- 11 tipiont-4. ror tel,m,4 lipply *at resIdence, 'sit Passed L ttuolz Is. at yout, sery 00, . � �
I atint, pink), despite the efforcs of the lasinen to �L Stratford-Goderich Highway agx M ,,, awa I I . .. .
.W01A S%. (firsti doofNVestl Of Sk I . L h Twenty -Ave years later she' There ,to the Great 23t.,�Jkt I foe 0 . . . .
(Wertell. . , . . - � 1hold the market firm., The run WAS , gh0--prices by bringing . . . . .
.- L . ''. 1. L g(maiderably � huavlor than in the pti- John 'Gaffney* West Mdhkton, bus, *�s - mamed to Alexander Xjxqu� Beyond on' 0 , ays. Ly Ith'. one of , your goods t4p.our yaWs. . . .
. -1. L vious week and prices eased from goo -fitracl for ,Putting in After a residence V L ,r . .1 I - I . I I
. , NOTICK. 0F 440,9TINC. see ,red g Of some fiftee StanXeyls oldest reside Q, in the pe - . ''.. 11 L . I . I . I �
. _.^_-.1A.� to Soo a hundred. The marktat J;onor , I ' i tin$- son of Mrs. Elizabet] Tenbale, rellot 4 - . . L it I .
. W.1y Cloged'at *L11 On The fdditlid.Water- . ... . . .
. 1, V. ';O. tox meals L d- A West- �, I
. r*IOLDEN CATE IL s od basis. . , � I tir th6 StrAtfOr band, she moved Onto a farin I of the late Rjohard, Pienhale,sit the Domid Brown. Table . I
- tr - ge It to $tic, ;,In eitensiarr of
t id 4hu i years in that S0CfJO'n.,L*itb he
,ky-, 111'.4t ThIlp4mv of Aw -or. (40alves the maN wo steel b1i '00 ol . I I . b (near Donnybrook) where , Deco&$- phone wo I eses St. . . .. 11 I . . . .
L ,. I . . , ,b mont!l in r $11 rider a heavy run I eodorith High ay. L age of seventy-five YvArs, I A11101 . . L . . . . I I
. I pfitfir". (foil, �;(Iderloti. vi-gatillir - 1..�.'v held.stouay. Tuo oulk. at the L I . % AW40108, Vnig ed's inaidon "me was ElizaWtb . . . . I . . I .1 . I
I . .. (4 W411aVale. L Ikertork Races Juse,"140 they resided for five years. - Lax ' ' Watson, and she. was the daughter of ------. __WWW.1W%0-~40 . . . L
' -,. f V, �IENy,V cuoicet caivea surd from sio.60 to sll.sp . Wri . , 4 they came _to the 6th concession I -_ , . . . ... .. I -_ . .; . .
I I ' "r' I tV thei -------', -_ .
NEVI N, . I hundred, with odd sale$ lar to M. Is I 11 I ill 111111111sit!!m� .11 r. I.
. L. . I Al- It . Wawanosh, where their - 4.1ft. . . I � --. I j rmmm"_ __-_.r---. � L . I I .
�.. l lf� llfe . lub.the I date of . , N I - Robert- Wilson, lsr,* of S 4 L L _1 .- 1. 11' ! , 11 11 .. .. . . I .
Rew4rar. I . a At the aunudl. meeting of the W the late
- � Coninion, calves moto as low as ;5 I A kerton Turf C the ra. . re .
. 4th. L of , L ng. to- Blyth ibQu _ townshi ' She was born in Lop �
, . . � nundroa� L s ded i til. cow ley ,'s-, . I
. I I I I it , .1 .. . I . I .. I
I I . Q Ittgh 11 , 'L, .1 I I 4% .' ' I I � I
TMOAl. M11. drifing, lainbs sold a shade or. cea was set for Jurre 14th. , ale, Yorks ire'r Ell , oil Jan. 20th, L - I
. . I � '.`.-'*'- than on tile previous- week, the best . . . , eleven yeara. ago. . � family to L - . . I I
. .. . . r . . -()s.kS. �EAGER . L "� - , . bringing front tiQ to $19 each. Trade A Gunn-Sotk#olat In China L I Uydro Bleitirli.for Blyth . I I . 1851, and came Witt the , MOURN from jAN LL 1. . . . I L
.. , 0 - Canada in the Same year. Living for . I . . . .
. . . I. . tiarrtster; solic1tor Noulry publ'I" waostrong on, t a few sheep that offer no Gunn Son-ola'piesenied, by tbe L, L I I . . . . .
IL . . I ".. . I . L I I I I . I , Lt -d' the ch%klco light kind bringing groin ngliuln Methodist church The it�sult of the canvass. for sub- u time- at NVMtbyi Ont., eventuall I I . . I . . I .1 � . � . L . . �
I oderiell. to $10 a Ill ad. .Few y-carlins; . scribers for hydro ;l4ii-Arlo At BI h is the family came to Huron Tract all I I � - I � . 1. 1 I I
and Wnveysticer I people of Wil L
. . . Offleb - Q.mirt 1ln13-".__0 I 4ndr, L to Miss Wellwood be- � � '* , CENTRAL. ' I . I .
� '1_ , . � . . �_ . - .� � I o ored for sale. 1 L . � , I in-Angust hist most ,encouraging, evvyk tnuch MtOr'.6tettled on -the Sauble line.' 14 # ` . . . I
1. . . ... 1, . ." I 11 L a olptis. of live- stock at .the lUnion fore sU'refurned to her mission work . . I . . I
. .� . .. . L ; . . . I 1. .i L' . .1 st 91 ar $.last night for to- Y11! mar- been received by. Lbe ljkted, by- � tbose intei- 1873 ahe was united -in maniage'to A 7A . 0 L� I - L I
. I I . . , I t�2 it Cars, - 806': * att e. 9 " in China, has st thbIll "was antici rO, : ale. For some years . .. ., ...... . I .. . I
I - '51 & dt ;,706. ing the project bdo Rj&rd rem �
. 'A t W&I 1 . � L ., . t . .. . . . I
... . L .1 - _,%r_.__ __�V!5: L - .airk hogg, 3,061-.abee%-179.'�. L � afely . at-AChentu, � a letter. ,fly Th anyarts-40sult- I , I
:, - - . , L r p ,era;--- e 6 Ott I . . .. I r
-_ , LLLL v
I � I . . I I . I -g'.- kili._ the rabb , , ULL er tbey-livedL theSa#1J1a,-_lIn�J r i .. ' X1rRA*r1F.QR6# ONT'. . � " . ' A L. 'a . fo "Y'rger] * ' I '�
,. I . I I I .11" � .. . RISTPRi, iric. I I . . ALO LIVE STOZ;4 Wellwood.to that -effect bein rd , eA ,in 115 , persons signing the con- but -later caine to the Penhale home. , , I 11 . I I Sa t , r SiX Efts , .
... . . . . i . I � -C.Uays: . . A . .C. 11AIM,10..'a.A. - . . been . . , .
.� R, . .09ST ourt-'ALO, May 2146ttle r,,- .ed 4 feWAAYS ago. � I . I t.,.. tracts. and these contracts buva I I I .
: . . I I I . . . . _jKledrie stand on -the Bronson llui_� Her hus. ' 11�h,l 1044101 practical tial"log 0OU001 I . I L. ... . . . . . I
. . L ylatnilton!istre.e4 Go4cric-h teip,xi uiateaor. calve receipts, 1,090, r. Wingbartit: Passes,' � forwardedL to the Hydra band predeceased he 0 Western , , I
. . .. - Soo lower, $4*�to !llo.76. nov'r�eelvtit. Mro-)3unke - r irk SeTt., 1916. .()Ut&tlo. L The school, L Sale, R OV) r .
, It' � . 1. . '' 1, i ..'_ . _� I - . � 4,000,jow, steacly -to loo lower, heavy, I, Th, Ore. passed away in WAighara Commission and the rciult Of their ()no brother, John Watson a Stanley, what'il --at% �fjb L% thQrQUgh Coirt I U a 1 '4 L . I �
. L llirlNn AND. NGTARY . I L , "
. I . . CO&WIRY0 Wo 'AND NOTAR , . 48, to *11,25, inixed, $8.26 to $8.36, York- General HospItal, on Sunday, May decision 'will likely be made, known io and e h dren mourn the - I . .. . .
� . I I , L I ers $8.16 to $8.4o: light yorxers,,41.611 13thi Mrs.7L thevoura6 of a Ow dllys.t, . I under corramtont instructors in Cow I . .. * . " .
'01 - Sarsh-.0face, Bunker. .For �X of LAI ' . loss. Robt., of Saiflel& John -and agv%phyt . ostsh - 600C I . . - .. . :
� .. L . � 4MR440 19.4lREW _A0Et,,AAY11eld. COO toL j8.35; Vito, $7.25 to 17.60; ratilrbilo. f4; Ig. MeCC!1�*,-le, Clinton , Inetolal; $.bovthand au4 TolL ".. . . , 011ey I I 1. �
. I . vilvasivinit arod NotarY Plibite strigs, 14 to $5e Sh,Aep and ,,�ailito,To- ihe pastsix r4onths she hail resided Pass! Harold, at honit Irs., �LhOS. Snow-, ltopsrtxfrent.%� We a614109VA41trates � Wftl jIlis SqUirfo "! L I .1 � 1. I -
I- ,
I , I . _'_ - ___41_ -if , I - a )is, .5.tO4 glow, egyfok;, 14AP4,46 to with her,idaughter, Mrs.� John Kerr, - The funeral todkPl&Ce in' Clinton den, Mrs,, Vrank Hobson, SL Thomas, to ip , ositions. Write for tree catall'.. I ..Ill$" 11", - . ''. -11 . .L I I
. I .
.� Ito( UPOOTj ILIUOO.��N L &7 61.�V.E% ; - . 6, w�60tlbe #16, Y04"ItfiVet, '410' to Blue,vale2oad', . She was filL her 134th oil Tuesday of lastL week of .Mrs. Mc- and Misses Us aret.-and Grikee at' 0gue. I .1 ., , .. . 1. . I . I . . . L .L � I I
I tiarkitee.o. solictf0g, 114104fl6s FW� 1. ' rs� 430� to ss" bi owe*, $2. 1 . . : 4. L
. . I I le. I I ; 0; , Corvie, widow of the lati DonaldL Md- -.09 I .. . . . 11 .. , e 7 I I .4 . . 1.
. . ite'l Era. .. I I 01#1 to. .60, ;nIxed.shei0l), $17.". to 19. 1,yean The remains were taken to WII& Mrs. Pentale.was it very - . AN, pe al Dellterir . .
... door. tr . I . bshawa on, Tuesday rnorning"L,where C6rvie, whose dauth Occurred in cal. - able woman, being always ready b.: A. MCLACRIA. . . I . .. . . .. � I
. I . . . -_ .. . . .
. . � . ijarro-on ale ftlare. 2nd . I . Cf.11CAVO I.IVE. STOCK. - � . at , -1 , -_ , � 1. I .
. flaminall siropt. Oodoirten. - I interruerit took pbo-e in the family gar to he a friend. to any op I . Prin 1*11 . I
-1. . privale tit as to tain at lOW0%;44te$. iL1R1CAAJU,, ,kay 21, Cattle receipts, y the previous day. The deceas- a in - *reed of 1. 11 . . . .
L ". ,n ' 1. . .. L,,000; cosuparect vvith a,weekL ago. best, plot on.ThursdayLafternoot. ' ! . eil lady whose� maiden name was Ann , help and in earlier yeafs before de� I I _ _; "t -I .. . - . I I- 11 -_ � . - _,1 . . I . .. . I .
I . . . W. PROUDF.00'ri (C- Q. . jar.' steer4 and yearlings largely 10c to 1110 I I clining Btreti; '. _. L . L I
I -,4.' I wfing'rQub- 09 to a Good: Jane Harland, was the only daughter . . tb forbade it many a, - -_ . I—- - I I
I J. L. KILT-ORANo 011)'-Ey 1101.Mr Wingharia Bo, . ,. . Who_;,.bOme in wbich L -_ . . � . L I � I . . I
,. . I , " higitur; spots, iib up.; itivetweeti trades . . ... � Start I . . of the late Williarn Harland, L there was ickness wAs, - I I I I . L L- i . i! I I . . . I P
. . . " - . - '� , L roato,,4,ig hlaximuia .-.upturns; -extras, � . . s L I .1 I I ____ 0 L . 1.
. .... . I �
. I AU('�fi � . � I.osd pounds to 1,6vi-pouiid steb s T,VinghaVi came to Clinton with III ang AF -D .L I
. I . . . I ; top,: , 1�00 . Ing Club is i s I citloy f rom y her presence, - - 'S I'M _ -_ I
L . . . - _. , ONEERINO . ' -_-___,^!" *1o,SV; liberal, ofterilaxt choice handy the seasort- Bowli rshlO . Chinguacousy, Poel Co.,in 0 bef* of. As InabY old, n4ibbore. could testify. - - . 3 � . _ . 1111 . .4. . . . .. .
. I . fty� "' L ' 0 fi . . I I . ... .1 . "
. I " rIM110MAS GUN6 . %nd handyweight steers. ta $10-ov to with a membe . . . - . I : .. � , . .,.. . . . L
. .1... . � . � I . . sec- . � . . . . ., . .1 I
. . . .. I . ". "L I. yearlings. ty... C. R. Wilkinson is the new '1804. She was a IV$ Ion , � me,mber of the * . - I L
I '. I erat Iveiviri Am'er - 10.49; licat . 1,,O'.14 -,pound I 1, I . I � IL
. . . 'L . . Lfvf- AtOct "4'0 'beef cows, milia heifers largely. . retary-treaiiurei , in place of A. G. 66th .'of Miss Methodist church an. the funeral set- ' . . .. �
L.� I " I #1U ; I - . . Isabella. Henderson . . . I I I t
. . � � . L . . f,14millon Strom. f1roderl ,; $Vf()tJ, 21jo to. 0 isheir, caftners, so cutters ,wished to -he relivved� 1. I � vice � on Wednesday,. the frth� was con, . I . Vlore Sold 1. .
. � , I .. � 1werytyllewo and. fill , . str So up,, b.1111s, � . , . Smith who i,ery sad death occurred',at the ducted by her past6i,. Rev. Mr. . Bax. I *beo;eta" L . .1
,.. 1. %,1j!.to,?tve yon %atil-Arsetion, I �VL 4� &sJorib, if ' L I
I . L . 2141" made '* I .11 lb, 111C 1 1.6.# 1 I"s., A. V A B . "Gold that., w4e . put to U40 I . I . . . I L
. �
- I M I .. , e* ifhev-ewy $1 to 411" The officors- are Hon. R .OspitA Monday,, May ter of ayflold. 'In iipitc, of the ver� - . � .. . I , 'Shakespeare � L. I. . : I
, . . . #ft, 1 � t- ee a bulk pricio, 0110,Wt-4' Smith'- PI -, 'Amos TipUng;' vice 14tb, wheft Isabel, - Iller youngest in�lement weithor a moodly . number sk, I . .. . 4 L . . . .
. : * Farnioto 'Pale noteK dixfolffif - . -es IV% . .
. 1. . 1,_ L - . ' iarlings, I 8.60 to, pies.. . . I
. L . %5M.4 �ZE __ - steers And L yL kev. Ht"W. Snell; iec.-tt011i-i, Q daughter of Mr. John B. fienderson, of telatives and frionids followed the . L. . . n banks tells, if , � I
L . 1. . ... I .. I . I - stockera anti holfers $1,25 to R. Wilkinson, L. _. , . ,L . I . , paised-away in her .41st year� I ( I story of � sailor Who, L after do. . L . � . I L �� I ..
. L irsip, I teeder)i; I LL I .. )NE of the Amer' -as . L I �':
. $8.00; . beef CoWs and . � . Ali" 'ins to the, last �restlng plate in ' I . . . L I
. I ott2g to, I . .: . L re,ma .. : .
. I -Int 171SURAlff! Ife4derston had been taken to the hos� th6. frarall I .. I
. I Wer,11.LoP MUTUAL I , V845 ,1� Veal vaivell, L $9.%S to 4450- dL . .
ol , Gunn, Langlois and ,Co.� . t -plot in Xayfleld cemetery. . rings; Account, � . .
I - - . . sht , three double$: - . . , lashing $200 in his Stiv . . � . -
. 4 On. ep receipts, 1,00(r. pital the previous day to un ergo all The palL carters. werk six nephawrit . I . . I
. I . . Owing to the U4 _ d travelled the seah for . .. L
. L . . L
. .
. . trapm awii hoisted ,rown qpiporp Inmard. Lults. fat 95-pouno C11prerm, Uf.Yk expansion of h lVess operation for appendicitis *but the John , and William Scotchmer. -Chrls. I TOtk6t' it, an again, I .1 .
� . tip I - .Nlebro . .. � -home . I
I . Vail". or prol)ellt.v In.4111,410 [;'Jailllary witil. heavies at 413.00. .10c to 160 low- - Messrs. Gunn, Langlois and Co. are , in , . t � ho'game. .. I . . L .
, . L ' dM, S1.0411,94-0-00- reed I&mbs,.$t to taking over at I unledifIte cause, of bar Lath was Ward and Fried Watson of' Ska le3F. Then ppeadd �to firid his Gilt , I
. . , 1 ,01-f-ICEItS-Jamed ('000JIV, Proltirld, art rlwelcet, for week; * I the.,elevator building heart trouble, L 11 .. he Its .
. . I - I.. 8, Evans, Viett-11GAIdAlit. $1.60 -higher, yeArlings. light and ban- from.whitch she had and John L, *lid Robt. WAtsm, of , a otditrunk, and weat , . . . � : ,
. .. L I .his two ,Inn , ,
. . Ja at. the G. T. R. I .. I 1 1:4 pass book in Al as at
. . I -Ano4 .. T..p. ,"ayA. Sec_-Trells�, Seh- dywelfftit, shoop, Goa to .4,1,00, 'higher; � trAcks"CHuton, 'which suffered for sevirol kears., i . Lto the bank to #L . .
. . I = lrb4 . . heavy abeep, nc to Soo. higher, �ftoico Messrs. Jenkins &4 Son afe vitcat- . Brucefield, - ..''. L I L
. . . I I lortb. . . wooled lambs, '417 -Oft Ing. It is their intention to conceh- Two Aga Ma*1,4d SlaterO t0i to - w IR ,;�'.' � . . . L bi , I .
I . milp I . . -
,l*-I,OgS,_D. f,. metiregor. settortu; llaudYwtiiaht 11 Ared'dollars. To is astonishment
L . .. . . I , ANT11I Con. .'fiQI00L8S-pouu4 1611pillerp, 415110;'Ohole* tiate their Poultry business at Clin- .. I Ittit Together, .. 1, Stop the coullb.-Coughing isk A I he received $147�40. - I . L . . I . . L
. , 'v: G� firisile, winthr.01) ; *$Val. 114,110)fw0gat Owes $140, ltumb tollow. ,was held froni the caused by irrit9tioA in the respira. I I ., ,J . L . . .
. AldneA 040rite UcCWW ,,TaekmmIth*. toft..: . . L ., � idoirbleL funeral . I t �
,#%tin F`00R. hartow i, ell :,to ,, residen4a of Xisi MacLeod,' Victoria for . I .
� . ohn selinowtoo. Dripped lambii. *18,2� .416.26, ACUIrAll .
. e.g. $16.0 .to ,. California Apple Prospects are Good _ y passages, slid is the. effort to dis- Compound 'Interest workq wonders t. '. . I I
. i Bruce- 'Pt"I 17.50; fat ;Bw*sb st Winglism, on Monday afternoon, lodge obstructions thut Come from In. . . I � . I I I. .
d3roadhagan; Mikrrivir Gib'36ro llpringe, 07-29 to .
� . . I . � . L 1. I . I . �
.1 11
I .
� ...... I 'field .� .. �. I I tv,00 to 17-50 � L � . Dslvid CAlitelon, the well IMQ.Wn NEy 14th, td Lochalsh com to' I flamination 'of khe mucous membrane. I . .. . . . a am I . . I . . I
, . .. ., jeo. t1o4orich ; smirldy Hog receipts. 11,1DOO, Wow, too, $7.45 . apple buyer of', C4ititon, sqa pro- Her sister Janet, belovtodwife LQ'f Wr�. Treatment, 'Witt, Dr., Thomas' Eelec- . -
1. .,,; X,rq
. . _j. W, , L
. , , - ..: Wnl� �Cft , bulig, 180 to XiQ�Podnd averargeso #149 able for a ,,, . . I r
� ,.�itrii, moton es4elf. S68fOrth ' big apple Cal , .1, ", I
It 11104,11le . I . to *1.86,.250 t o 326 -pound outchetso specto are favor, in Macienzie died at her home in 11 Allay' the infisinitautlon' . . . 1. .. .
L I V It g ,pity, I I. a"eltsments $1.4a to 17;95. vAuRtax Aowo, 106 to 146 in Huron " County this ye"' Winnipeg, on Wednesday May Oth, and in cons eflop'thd cough will us- F AM LTON .
, . I � j--, A. J. 14 lower.- 'Inostly to. *6.60; p1git L= WillLmeatt st good rally��,on the %rally stall O% ill be ' . IK 0 H , I . I L I I
I it 4 jl.,.� [A 1. ; * or 3. OP � 49.14 . and,her sister,L Marion, ;Idow.of the i . . . it and You wl . . . CODF . *CIL . .� . .
ri . I. 10 I 141 . weak to 26a lower', 08frAbI6 119 to art of the cooperages. . 'Hit" IMA, A. 1. SIP
.% .X YVL ,
L . . . JS0L_pOU V - 1P late Angus XcLillgn, died at Wing- satisfied. L . I . 'r. . . I
1101d14 As de .-. . ,�=_ - :1Z nd Aver4:11i 6,26 to $1100: �1? I Munill-imWilft N '. .1 .11. .111. .. . 1. I . I'V IL .
__ -1, 111:1�1. - , .. heavyweight ho 1.2;6 to $7.10; me- ' I uptiats I ham on Sunday, M:r 18th, a few _. . 1. L. . . I . I .
d4ulrlt $, L I . . I .
� :, I I I I I F11 INS N ,�VS to 47.96; ligh4 *7.60 to i after the arriva of,her sistees �1. I. I .. . . I .
I I 1 $f 80; eking fjows, shlooth, $g.69 to Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, on,1houri late Mrs, I I � . . I - Af I
I by the + , . W�dnesday, May 9tb, viss the seepo corpse from the West, The . . I I .1 I I -
. Have itattended to . - ;1:00; �1`rllnw pies, $5.00 %a ;6.26, 1 . *eddin . I --- - -, I
I " -
I . L . WEST WA . . j, . i of a pretty , g when Edna, McKenzie was in her'77th.yea I r a . lid , - , I ; - L . M, . 0 1. '��, - _-__ ___iw�m"
v " _
I I I _ . Established 1878� �. 1Voil4.1s'L4tgest Submarine, � . . . � . . I I I . , SPECIAL$ Kit 1.._-,.,4 L �� � " _� � I .1 11 .
. I Head Office: Dungatiubtlo Out- ,, - - LONDON, England, Way, 21 --Tho - . � . ,__ p �. 1-1 .. I.. " Is. I , . , 1.10 _? _! . L . � -1-0=4 0=0 L 09901%, , I
. , 010000mc=0 � .
. e_ioUrr L lir . . 0
n4ft- vilitrifermirlips*iilii" I _ I ,, X-1. I . L .11 . 1; . r, I ..�' THfS WEEK I . I I 0.1 . 1. . . L. .
. L .P`""has ,gyat Itish,stilimurine I
11 Win. McQuillill, Likkh6w, - .�rk'-, Vearing completion at Chattiant, Will . . . .. . 1: .r .� . . .
I � Kincardine, vice be, when finishedt the largeot, moist . . ' ot-Fall Whwt .
Jno. A', WaaKenzie, 6 1 1. 11 I ' Fertilizers f �
resi., other. directors --Tho Griffin, 0owerful. unit r -water war craft In, . . � . 41 f I
I I No. 1, Luel�how; 'W. P�' Reed, the world, It In said here to -day. , I J- at M. ROHINS - � A Chance to InSpect the CoOds Wd Produce 1, 0 .�
. L it, R. No. 9. Tiocktiow,' It U Sallieldt on me surface- she Will dl*Aft .. . I . . -1 I � .. �v, .. . �_ - �� I . � I L .
. . . pborle 600r11, Goderich; Alex. Wall- 2,189 tons and,sirbuterged 3,000. The . . . I I I 1 $ PREE OF CHARGE '* . 1.111 . .
I ,Ois,011, La�kftow,* Isau. Hethetlugton, latiter disolacellient IS 1,490 tons , . i0l �, I I", � I ___ ' ...
. _ .
... �
W . . .L 11 I . Sioottlxh Fertilize" Limited of Welland rcoommend Ontario farmer's
I !, -10-2 for. -their fall wise
I . Sheppardton; Jas. Girvin, A. It. NO. greater than the largest Oerwrin ar- . . I I at t1li-4 ilQa140nN
. I 4, Goderich', Win. J. Thompson, Au. time submarine, It will be -almost . . � I . . � I . . .. V to tw,e- .*ottish 118pec)al'! .2 11 I a
. 4 .1. I I . -urfranteed as.-follovo : . . ,
'0 burn. " As, great at:tfigt of tb6, Caroline, clAsis I . I . I I.. . . 10 0 1 - I I
. . . I Men's Atlileti Combinsitialls #
'. . 11� , I . � I I Soluble, Mtr4tlipri I
I .. -THos. STOTHERS, T. 0. ALLEN't at British. light cruisers. I . . ... , . i" - .1 I a 296 Water , L 0
, , . .: .. ,� ,L
� Trans. Sodreti'17* The new submarine will probably I . � 1, . - . , I I � I
I L-'- *� .. - 1__;�ft�ft I �_ � I i , I No'sleevo, knoo. length � aizes .0 . flable Phosphoric Acid "
.11 �!f!Tt!111._ ____ . _ - � _.�,__!� mount 12-luch guns, Which will make I � . I I I -11 I .0, .. .. 10% Ava L
. . � � � . I . .. L
I I . %orAiry 1PIMUC, "..C., her more than a, match for many our-, , i . L 34 to 44. Obe fitrit. , ... 296 -Water Soluble Potash �,
111__� - has L I . . . . , �
WM. SAILIX. face war craft. Britain already I I I . I . I 1. �� . 30111W - C - ,
. 1, are 31s 117 the lne,�,
NOVART P01.11C. I coulluillagiallod tile ,NJ elligs ot subilia- . I " . � Thew good in quality and conditioll, - _
. d0he . 11 I 4 I I . I . I . I 5in a4dit , Ion, they ore shipped in a better baw, and it a
., General ova 0 riftef, which mounts, a 124nah gull., , - : I � I manufactured. .
ad In . I � and o L , in ltewq- .
� I lf-0 Re"retenilod . , _ , ,telling yot, these thirigs we have spent thow a f doll3ris I . I
� L .. I e NO. . 011,161%, Cot. The 'rest of these was completed - J .. , 4 A . i 15 doz. Men's Silk Nockties . foe&, however, hau ociourrW to- 0% 3nd We . . . L,
, L,;, � , � gaper advertisinir. Irtnew , ,
_!�. . " L ,�� -,_..-,______.___..L I ,ut down our � ,:�
_1: �1� . . 1� � - ..... �,'L . . � Shortly before the armistice. -The gIan . . 11 ". *.1. �.` I ' expenditure in newbpiip�r advertiAng I L
� I
. z1vo reqqlvcd to, q
... I teL five pildrs of tht.� man�y intended, I
� � lices,with the tiruzile Just projftting . � I . I . " 11 I 49e Will IN% . and appropria I hundred d ror thLq I . rJ
, � .
. L
. I . I ; . S4 ,; f, .
above, the water and is sighted by � , . , .. ro huudt*d Qntario furprers an opportunity of I I
� , � I . he in giving 0, I 1,
� - ,,-�. .. . � 11 _Ivl;,� purpo. �
� I - � I I . . .
0 t %. I . ?.111 ... I W :, . L
I BOOM Bros, SightInX thd 911batAr'ne ltself'L � � � .. 411 I . . . for thernselvea the quality Of the goodn wo are sendi=. out.
'4 � L' L � , F,eelng . . .
� - Star of'tho Ounibells ill. t, ,7 1 I . , I i I. """:2 L - , r, � It Men's Balbriggan Comiiaali" L HENCE THE FOLLOWING OFFER %
I I _. ; I . 1. �J, I
I I . ERICH �, 2I. -Al Plunkett, one I I I r" -1 I ' i ' jVp v�ant Igento in all districts wbere'we are'not nlready, repre- I
,GOOF ,, " - '
I . .VALT, Ma* 1. I I I I ' ,W - I
.. of the stairs of the Durabellir, Is In . I . I 811ort sleeves and loag)ogq. nented, The ideal alan for ni in a farmer owning and operatity, Ono
. ' I � % to put in at lea,qt 0 1 1
1 r4f, Leadifla tire General Hospital liere, suffering I .11 �',. , i. I Illado of CORI-n )"laI4, in lilt. hundred acre3 of laad and upwardq and who intend- 1. Tie �ni uit be
, , froni plenrisy, WIleft the t9larliny I � . cl 1� .. � �'. 1 V,u acre,, Oj fall wheat this icanon and fertilize sarlic
. hieral Olrator* �.. , I _; L ,�: '. , , - . V
, �'L
e-heire for a two-day eligattria4eut ' I � , I -tirAll4ijw.,Ic,.il/e.421,to.14. Pat jnancjall� re4)pon9JbIe and ba a_ -the. goodwill of 11iii neighbovi. If I
earn . . . . I W - " � f tcsiure up to our standard A.,; above, we are prepared to mead
"talbalurs Plunkett was� unwell, ladt still took . L � I . , I - %re .and prepay frelaht to yoUr
. . q . At (, !, I I , suit, $1.2,1. L you it ir goods without char . �
t part in both performances. However, I *'� - 1. i il - - , � � r you one ba# of ot _ � �
',*htu they got L .11 � , . ,I wait you and your neighbors .Will s0e the
�, Wders capotully atton -ready to inaVe he wag I I , -V � I , ncare-It station, In thk . I . 11
� deld to I f . ,# I & tl:o goodq we manatuturf tind 9ati5fY yourielve,; that the I
1. . - I . . - 0,1. - Aft ... i - too Ill to teeomoluT tile Dumbetta T -1 .9 . otiality 10 I ,
I __0r___A1M I -,""--L'--'r��---.�;-�'.-'-.--:;�=-- �� ---- � � � .. . .. "'ro a --,,,ft,-- -A-,,-----,-*,.-- .- . .1.1 chrlib S__ w6-f0vto" L --- '-� %.- ,
� I I -04 6A WRY I ,
I 111. 10111:1_�Itft�, , .. Ilys vaM�-uw-Jtntirw,d.----4)ui-.-pAee:,--alf,�v-�-�ill-t!GnID�,tre . . . . . - - , _ -
- � I COvetonsliess is always filling a . I . . with anything obtainable elsewhere. 'Now, plew" e undel�- 0 i J
I I ,!,*ttotftle�s Yetsel. . . 11 1�,ne�ljellt ,ul,igue fcAj whool or !ItlavAtat'Ll absolutely no oblitTation rceit'l on you in cont:nj: to mq. We 0 .. . F .
0 A" I I I know that in using money back in an in- ,
1110011A111 , , ._� k . . , our goodi yotl will got your
L I Mille?a Worm Powders will purse .. - , - I MacL,o i We ranke'nionoy by ItApitia you to * .
A&ft . . the�stoftiseh wA intotines ot worms I � I I t goneml. weato i -i Oi�* creAged crop with good profit.
� Irpolo * � 0, mako rione5r, Unleqs, however, you are satisfied after veeing our
. so R4, � so eflettli*ly ,and so. easily and pain-, rr"Is ,�, I 4 , C42413 N, -4�, Writ 9. 23 U 0 0 '3 voo& that takhV up ania
� most &Iieate stomach I I �i . . ,gency for uq will bo worth :�ear W11110 and
lessly that thl I I 0 ., 'I for 45e benerAt your communitV that is an end of the rillatter. it nl,ay scera
I I . � " 8 11 wheatt bi -e"t timo ,C30,
Partetal Director and will not toot a4y ind40AVellitV6 frOM � . 3t it tat , to arrange th I 't
I - . I � early thinking about ta r V _11 .
I " 1r. ftetio", Tmy V---;Q:>,V mattorc-ii &nd it larly 0 necessary for ou v(.nvr� qrklan to see 0
Ablet - - the teftnirdoud-tbem. � . . . �
Emb -velvta to wother,4 to a preparation � , --- - - - - - - I _ti"' T �,Vetore, 1. I . I
- - .1 � % ,
A 04 0_00*�Ww ' L ir I
. '41 M�A vigor , ",
th'At-will tv tore Aboor �% I i*, ,, " - DON17 DEGAY, WHITE 1Vr ONCL 0 I .
Goderioh,�.Ofitoxio 0, their chillifelli VC404 V*" � I 1� "' I , r %.0. , ., , , . . . . . . i_
4ift" AlAkh I .. .. - .. .1-. '. .*,.W,o I . . .4 I "", ''� rb ^131 S I ^or L Ll I . �
I I'll �, ` . 1. I . " It
- I ta *Orals. LO I- . N " "*,* . : . , e- - . , . � -1 - sc .
I hMA*-.d�� Of ! I : ... I . Ma imm N 01 TISH FERTI ZERS, UMITED.
All eAs pr4mPtly aftittlid(Ic I - ." - I I , I . �, I . , 11 I
- .... ... I t .# - L . - 44 X` "' I �, I . ,
. I &Y or 12*ht. I . Ono rqsotli Eve did It *t* to , Aiw,;ap I .. I lk ') L�, I (1-41 Npartumnt."T" WELLAND* ONTARIO I
- 10644 � "' ,p I 7 1 . I *ft01:=%9::=0X00 . I � I I � _ - �
(I I %1'a ta', 47 ,"e The, house of ote 11un Al 41S ani-r4h architec. �, --.1-.___ . " AWNT.-OWA-M-11 - 11
I , I feat. , i 40
rboam Aorltw. 1104 " titea 145 bectlog(i 9 dftd,Cur:*t#- A 'iii4 - .11 � - ,,, . _ 1. I *Ego I I ., "
q I toro fa flac C,atplabian 17tylt'. which is to to f6und In ftrc�lona, poww'.---- - I
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