The Goderich Star, 1923-05-17, Page 9-9 rw NO ift 01 16_ PA02 A" THVRSPAI� MA -V �' oh, !921 QOVXRCU 3TAlt J�jwx "MYE COMPASS ric wm i Tv" ING ri Her 18ad Cold NW TM Th*V# ray job 4nd 1,11V doimg own",V41�4tia tobam* thAt they "billnuer" fur -but IsNe it to thenj #t loc. opwkW. Buy * PtAw of Loog Tm Qt Ift. ''" you'a I*y that rve dcae my job well. konchitis. X trIed wvvral libitiq (if the msaterits with a very bail cold which turned to. ca ay go to Rome durint.; vOyal Captain E.� Landy, 1DOMMiuder, of the Canadian Pacific Dair "Nelit4" V12k," was at some, pains to explain to One of his PSAIA4119"o-8 Xine-dollar freight rate Olt Albqtik in,,- the fa,voured trave modiclues, but withoul; relicf. , A Trioul pf the compailm. Dick And, erj% 316-o was the Youngest 64 to, Toronto �6nsjiliir�d ­pr6hibi- Dr. Pdroado's Home$. HO %014 mo about Dr. W004's'Xbrway Vine membetof it party of boy IMM19TATItA front fj."up. I wK two bottles, and my cold ta �d into the North Toronto Rome -land is In, the VV0405 ot *ood-bye Asthma.—Persons suffOr- Labor plans to place cahlildgies for*[ s been� receivi THE CANADIAN NEWSPAPER sma -cough Were completely gone, �ud : �elns turned into x.first claas.Clllvadian NOW 1 4111 UQATr Provincial election In four, Toronto. Couneil juet Apr., 16th as per, Ad- Ing trout tbat extremOV trying trou. 1 WAS R8 Well US. ever. N ble known, as asthms know what it is wilthout ,Dr. wooll's" in the house. -I, ii.ber,' Present* 11110- to long with aill tb#ir hearts. for e,; - Fire at wiirehousV of�� Stauntons, lofco,' V -,Ike of X)ov9asj)Ire say#. A went, 01 met a Be �sure and get "Vr. Wociass." Limited, L Toronto.. does �116,090: Turkf3 refuse to adj011ru Laus4lInO R I Idley t , eam beats­,Torouto C.C. IT The A. MeXim Limited Aavertis- utes of Mar. ineethig.read and adoOt- ORO -as front a Oraut. Nevor do, Agene I lust Issued the 19= ed, on itiotion of Councillors .0impbell the . W ba' w know when an attstek toaY CoMe" Wee 30a And 00e. A bottle,'pat up by damage. Conf�ereaee ovLr AsconElon J)ay. Canadian ewspal*.r DlreeWry. This 00.001,0040 to got a The T. Milburn Co., Limited Toronto$ Clit, 4 - eleven, IS the '$'Xte4 a rr h. I an they know that to atrMwyle ull- 17 1 inese.baudits drov is foreign German murder \imut 0it @,ell New York Giants defeat Pittsburg Drith edition of this eoul a. grader but to see them at aided, is valo. With Dr, -L 1). Kel- en to hills in Sligntunge; womenare tenced to death in Auhr district.'. by 9 to 0. preheaslye directory 6f 0anadlan wor 'purchasing any. log%'$ Asthma Remedy at hand# how' Nova Seotla Insists oil sixteen Seats, Rochester Colts win two gimes publications L and Gazeteer. The first or . F&VriSit and Johnston* ell, y 'shod M -w t - %bor W oboWlie'd-P -- enQuiy and enjQy,�Jfj $1gAin. jt bell)l -Montreal-judge -deqld" Abat- VWI- in Oonmlena, gltcr- editioti­*-&s_V4bh An ­.1,400"' 11 09 play taken litc cannot be v. W, 31ratty, Xx.,� resigus as Kent," county being scourCe", by many Canadian 1,00rsl 13OW r. 09 vid a scale can bo worked satisfac- t at 01)ce. copyZ Ighted. 0hancellor of QUe 'flizea els In me Ing tory.' .4's Uolversity, polio, for 1111cit'liquori.. great in ueAC uld DOC�PoWoucrs are, at wot:k in Mdrik- Lloya George su�s British Umpire Rogt�r Wetheried wins Brlt4h ama. the, Country's destiVri. were weak Bylaw No, - 5 re. Henderson drAin bant and six anitualk havp died witnin Is trust to bedevilloped for humvmtly, teur golf Championship. atrqr Ing enterprises. The CIln4. Was L u 0 ou not 011D JR1 D ?,.t I duly passed, on motion of Par' IfAte' 110 sewlf -"Are y ect in 41an lowagaper , Ireetory has ke $4010 Ing" I golvo. a meat pie to last the last few days. Lord Robert Cecil gives "statement. Arrest at Now York Of iijjFjp reot advance made r VISh and $ullivau. -1 w -'agUo Olt motion of $uIlivan and olinyou w "mem FaMisli.c" Miss Georgin. to WAA of his United States Visit on J�( Ili Wall -street. step, Vdith t 0 1 Parrish, AlOutbl")' inako I'to 0 d,404" 01% k"t at hoot to Ili C*uadlan i I '*eh e4itiOulthe following bills.were Ordered paid.1 TramLl (bitterly)—l'No, mum, 11 1 tlnr� struck by a motor ear on April 30, mj8eIQA.L on in a�reigtl. prepared publ cations. f 0 fmc time. WC t4aftJOInt Or Witi A redeett of the it 04'anl wova move, the doctors say 1, dies* In a Toronto hospital. Governuiplitt Forestry :11, west this yepr is reported. has been in advance previous, Win. Xempton, CAM1119 IVA'd0r, road bo-mg4u," QeO. or, To issue, New featuves. have been in- Populatioxt-ot York , township now Norfolk reclaiming aitteli wa*te land It phy8loal find, n unstan Sovik derlarr*, for peacc.,. ever 40,209; an Increase of AjO00 in past by refomil% troduod, geo '0.1, Ritchie, too. tion. L - 1 a hica out, i. a Teri& Pm. ')tit 114V'eL arair ready for 'war. serves ir W in Moscow comiiiercial. road. 1, $21,75; Jno. I S X0*00to O#t ,*,,ar,* ;according to offtel'al Agures. EdwAttl 111var4all, after ewaping Big demonstration 4 ct atel book tuoving snow fr Rofuge, it -,ad against eltimatum sent by. Britain. as a C011111nere Ing road, road 7, $7t Om found 11 i4l. gAzettePr f0v� 4111 Beltnott, dise �flanada. and is.on._tbo..4jesk,Of practl� ­P'tiltie'r. road rd" 7 laa�dliih 'is- �Orgitnlzer, of- zouce'@- untler -14ece of varvot. - .1, ttes elitrwits clir callY OV40 ional idierttser. U; Jilt). Little, 8hov4 -Floreace4arlyle, c4naoloii palutw &it, St. u1n. se5jons. by Tifts �11­41tolf-� ­ ---COVjUt�#jjkt- --par Gm-13li-cmin "'hovellinir-snowi ;sr' Hebrides ChampfonsIllp biaded by Vn4ish church clerryluan. V LD NOT -011, WITKOUT .8, $6; J4s. Dunbar, 'p. culvert, It �il Fl-'st contlrkkt�nt front Ltb ou . road ls. Johnston, shovelling pliteed on Middlesex farms. F, W. If olderneas, last Y'oar's Brit- Lincoln county redxkv�cs Jailer'o BABY1 OWNTABLETS road 6, $1, Jr, James, former i;eeve of IM.h �Wateur golf champion, 4s vllniiI17 Wages'. as prohlbltic4 bulk lessened hI$ snow,.road 7, $I -p JAO. H. 1101d, 8hOv- Markham 'dies at Thornhill. -Ili snow, road 5, 2.70; Luckno,�r ZA�N*80 ated from. prcs(, aeat. Work, 4. motior;'baS used Bubv'sl S at tournar. ware and C oal 0., box for At;- ydesOr- - little -On sessraent.L book, 42.76; total $66,76. w known to, TRAIN SERVICE to TORSONTO New York Klitles lengthen their Startling statistics on fair.11 Riversideii retaln. DeshoroLugh UP O,�n Tablets for bOr es ;he Nothing els Daft,Except Sunday lead In the American Leasue, tioni In Ontario given.in report b6.' by doteatilig Weaoln lacrosse tealu,-, would notboL Without them. states that of, on- 4- to 0.' ,They are, Council UTournedi on, motion of; q ience ix-rfanns, tile sanjo peorge Lane of Calgary fare Social Service Council the ideal home remedy for, th bb C larniers near Sarnia taho,%hotguns being guaranteed to A ,, *A," 'Lye. Goadrich" 6.00 a.m.1 10.90 1). western crop proopecto are excellent. tarle, be ab% t.0 Campliell an Sullivan,. to meet MAY Cliaton, 6_26 %1=. 2.52 1), lit. ' Krupp% presidout'sentene9d to. 16 Over $13,00qi fre� f rom opiates or other harmful 25th at 10,30 A. in,, as court of revis. nuirvellouli huilhwanddi 000 has been paid by to djecot�pge Jovk-lanUI-119 oil Lake Utr ion of assessment Von. 6,4 3.1,) 11 courttmar, p a Sho.,o road., drugs. T1 pels (lisease from tile tissues _J�M. Y�ars in prison by Fre ell hey are� agentle. b thor-: rinters In United States arid Can do Somforth in t . ial, Ike whioli tomm 'as WillArd are it Special meetin called May 9M. r. one- Luls Firl)o rald $� t"Ald in 0aaes,of tj 7.01 a.w. 3.422.p,in. to Anance the Ztr ough, laxatlwaiid" hive bee pi d iteboll I statue labor, Al present ameudinent would per- �ed two y1ears ago. winners or. inuin Uouts 4t, New, York of th"egreates 'Cons Zam.11uk does..' This. �rr, -Stratford UO o.m. 4,10 pam, m1t bitoki with ;50,000 capital to 'Currie, M4P.P.', pr90sts Milk Fund show. 'MovW by John Fards , seconded pation, indigestion, colic, colds and b -e berb"d bal takes fll�� -Ki )0 0 operations, at ano. Jamieson, that' tilts council' Rji�er4ali Collegiate sefilaria win simple fevers, Concerning them Mrs. 0 pul tahenflf 8-2 wm., 5.20 P.m. start strangly-that lio Is not attemPtWK , stcrft Canada, 1119h school basket- Ernest Gagne, Beauselour Quebec,. Ush statue labor. and clerk pro. Guelph .9.4.5 a ko, 5.50 lmrl. . Sir Uenry Thornton 'toininents -0a to.shove. Hon, G Howard Ferguson Ea "IL have (It fallitre of operate: I A to co-oper . a , to *Ili t of leaderslilp'of 004S01valiveg to ball, champlonsh!V�' used Bhby'a . own li�re bylaw veklifying same, fi re ' 4t of a woulld or sorew t Tor000 10.110 7.40 GU pilot. Tablets for Congtipation and Colic and 0. E. MCDONA0111 clork. reducing coitl costs. assurne It himself. Abraham Mviln, first King — kills and repols germs Aetuipino Leave Toronto Britain mends. ultimatuin to r.lj*4ia, In cAngda;. to houpred by memorial have found tbem� so succeist FRIDAY. The. Oil of Powere.-It is not claim. - 1.1,54 wyn, illa ZA9 p4M on prop;LgA.uda,.Jn Orient and mls- ;eiected 4t"QUebee, Would not be -without them. I youldl L -,�A for Dr. Thomas' Belettric oil tj%at, and ggrtmq� fift tit. v -46n. 'to Vir�t *beat larandon-dir,- thor 'IArjor C�afe-,car,-,-Goder0l to Tor r, mwaing- secretary of strongly rVeommend overy.mo treatment of BrItislu . I n, I s but Its USels -nowledg0d 'bliard, Of Toronto, the Naval VeteraitV AFsociatto keep a box In the house.fO The Tab. It will remedy 'ever '11, eL looked .�,Gew�ae E.. 01 Lo mkkC 1 are so various that it m y b o1#4,, on morning train,,and Toronto letA Are sold by. medicine dealers.W to Irish Free refilsOs I killer, It bft$ er1ch,,6A0:p.-m, train'., undbr. of the Catia(aan Pharni.Rou- . L arrested In Tr%tro,­ IllgoneralL PAIa' a to . q t0sruio-*'Itit rebels. �Two-iear-old-Ocoriretowu boy fol- by. mail At 25 cents a box from The'upon as �, hat greatness for itself end -Godexi�h to Torouto� tloal AisoelatiOnj Is deadi. -aclilevied t , Social s#ry WOUD"S �2 rockvillo Io Council of QlTtarlo n THE Buffet car, Stratford to �Oauadian butter. And cheese omt. lowiiik his lather to work 10,11s Dr.:Willia"iS Medici C CO -'Bl its excellcoce is known to all who elassea by New Zealmud prodncq�,l conclufts Its icsstons%, through railway lyridge and to Mile& Obt. have tested its virtups 'and learped by Toronto- On aftervoon train. . . 14 T]horatoA presents 'reasons for sh market, says expert, glclja�ti Miller, from Ahe west, BrIZI., 0.9.R..operalinp express. IeAivis *Ite And family lit Union Still,- AR-oity business njAuL Was very keen cxP0rIcnec4 Sylvester Adams, whoK laid claim, P. F., LAWRENCE & SONS D. ed tile first 96its, fur- Pelee 0111611 gro*e1% ave, forced to tion, Toronto, to buy tobaceo And oti'llaving- proficient clerks In his ern- Vill, dead of winter-,4liesk to having open ploy.- Before a clerk could enter his li�gsset*er and Ticketq AgentO niehing stor' 18 dead seealand for a third tililt; e In Toronto .1 . 110 — . . e Me ar!oslk iliv for drops out of !ight. office he was required to pass'j writ. 'Phone 8 Turned To 'Imporunt hich 14&ve'� Bronchitis Occurred Owing the Week I The ry World% H&W. uliWs Caflc­ Couple a, t Toronto, seel;:# two mar -L riage licenses In order -thAit tile). may t y voluptud "a rat Into wld� kawev4 W&M. urva It"41F a" Altractive r5lotpe for be� negleekil, for it ft Is ml. frelitod W perusal by 11M R4410crfj �g t)ur Une it W41, C_-- '1� lt*J to j)�zzled' at :was: not .'to floore4. He wivto: broxchitis, er some Qt7��cr r-or;0W 1=4 suffer tmutle. Russian Soviet- delegate - Mr. Gordoli Selfridge, thd Chicago sanno shot dea:d.by Swiss,01004. Invaded and ct merchant %66 � Pneirt.21 BrovWifix is.nut rcallF daugerous, Fakv buying Grilers good WWI but the complicatiots Wneh nro liab.le StrCet njarket. to.Ulow ullikee it neee�_,:Ily to �Tl. A-1 of it oil the fint,40U Jesso Sweebier beutcu Sit 11ritlab by Bronchitis Ftarts. with a 404, ram- tourney Layton. combl.nes Bill up 4qr siccond A;Coi�- W, div. cough, Zweliapanied %tith iapid Ing In tile commous. VIWZ!Dg and 4 tig4tK-C3 th.-QU,-,U the Toronto Internatienals drub Read- illhoot.. , At gr$t the 13 of ing by S to 2 at Toronto. 46 11it color, but as Ito trouble pro- dlut .it bad faitli Ili removal of the pblegm, villielt is x4iwl bqu an Canadian cattle. ",wwm rom t1xe bronelftl tubes, becomm of a Late Hon.- W. V. Kvnuvilly left an r1lowish or gmmlsh color, k, of a o3tato valued at Aringish Xature and soalctlizeas stvoed Sixt;y,three outrics havo been re- ".1ved for tile Urento Cup. with blood. Nost powerful w1relto station Ill, Th Dr. VOOWS Nomay V1,10 Syrup world InAuguratea lit Holland, you will find a renicdy that w;ll sti?U111 Magnificent 11k1w cathedral of Scot - We 06 wc4eltta brO Ullita otgau$* tish rde dedicatcu at Hamilton. *oothe the ir4tated Tmrts, looFou the Over two-thirdr. 01 *10ug grain pblegin and raucous, and 41.04Jge the =dlnu W completed In Ontario. I wrbid acculnulation. King George and Queen Wary are Urs. 0. R, Slater, Pyaney, W. 9 Nvolonteil with elithuslasm In 1"'Oute. -.46 _44r-, "p�ly 'T, I 1_11 Bonar Law. cruising In Mcd1teira Th*V# ray job 4nd 1,11V doimg own",V41�4tia tobam* thAt they "billnuer" fur -but IsNe it to thenj #t loc. opwkW. Buy * PtAw of Loog Tm Qt Ift. ''" you'a I*y that rve dcae my job well. konchitis. X trIed wvvral libitiq (if the msaterits with a very bail cold which turned to. ca ay go to Rome durint.; vOyal Captain E.� Landy, 1DOMMiuder, of the Canadian Pacific Dair "Nelit4" V12k," was at some, pains to explain to One of his PSAIA4119"o-8 Xine-dollar freight rate Olt Albqtik in,,- the fa,voured trave modiclues, but withoul; relicf. , A Trioul pf the compailm. Dick And, erj% 316-o was the Youngest 64 to, Toronto �6nsjiliir�d ­pr6hibi- Dr. Pdroado's Home$. HO %014 mo about Dr. W004's'Xbrway Vine membetof it party of boy IMM19TATItA front fj."up. I wK two bottles, and my cold ta �d into the North Toronto Rome -land is In, the VV0405 ot *ood-bye Asthma.—Persons suffOr- Labor plans to place cahlildgies for*[ s been� receivi THE CANADIAN NEWSPAPER sma -cough Were completely gone, �ud : �elns turned into x.first claas.Clllvadian NOW 1 4111 UQATr Provincial election In four, Toronto. Couneil juet Apr., 16th as per, Ad- Ing trout tbat extremOV trying trou. 1 WAS R8 Well US. ever. N ble known, as asthms know what it is wilthout ,Dr. wooll's" in the house. -I, ii.ber,' Present* 11110- to long with aill tb#ir hearts. for e,; - Fire at wiirehousV of�� Stauntons, lofco,' V -,Ike of X)ov9asj)Ire say#. A went, 01 met a Be �sure and get "Vr. Wociass." Limited, L Toronto.. does �116,090: Turkf3 refuse to adj011ru Laus4lInO R I Idley t , eam beats­,Torouto C.C. IT The A. MeXim Limited Aavertis- utes of Mar. ineethig.read and adoOt- ORO -as front a Oraut. Nevor do, Agene I lust Issued the 19= ed, on itiotion of Councillors .0impbell the . W ba' w know when an attstek toaY CoMe" Wee 30a And 00e. A bottle,'pat up by damage. Conf�ereaee ovLr AsconElon J)ay. Canadian ewspal*.r DlreeWry. This 00.001,0040 to got a The T. Milburn Co., Limited Toronto$ Clit, 4 - eleven, IS the '$'Xte4 a rr h. I an they know that to atrMwyle ull- 17 1 inese.baudits drov is foreign German murder \imut 0it @,ell New York Giants defeat Pittsburg Drith edition of this eoul a. grader but to see them at aided, is valo. With Dr, -L 1). Kel- en to hills in Sligntunge; womenare tenced to death in Auhr district.'. by 9 to 0. preheaslye directory 6f 0anadlan wor 'purchasing any. log%'$ Asthma Remedy at hand# how' Nova Seotla Insists oil sixteen Seats, Rochester Colts win two gimes publications L and Gazeteer. The first or . F&VriSit and Johnston* ell, y 'shod M -w t - %bor W oboWlie'd-P -- enQuiy and enjQy,�Jfj $1gAin. jt bell)l -Montreal-judge -deqld" Abat- VWI- in Oonmlena, gltcr- editioti­*-&s_V4bh An ­.1,400"' 11 09 play taken litc cannot be v. W, 31ratty, Xx.,� resigus as Kent," county being scourCe", by many Canadian 1,00rsl 13OW r. 09 vid a scale can bo worked satisfac- t at 01)ce. copyZ Ighted. 0hancellor of QUe 'flizea els In me Ing tory.' .4's Uolversity, polio, for 1111cit'liquori.. great in ueAC uld DOC�PoWoucrs are, at wot:k in Mdrik- Lloya George su�s British Umpire Rogt�r Wetheried wins Brlt4h ama. the, Country's destiVri. were weak Bylaw No, - 5 re. Henderson drAin bant and six anitualk havp died witnin Is trust to bedevilloped for humvmtly, teur golf Championship. atrqr Ing enterprises. The CIln4. Was L u 0 ou not 011D JR1 D ?,.t I duly passed, on motion of Par' IfAte' 110 sewlf -"Are y ect in 41an lowagaper , Ireetory has ke $4010 Ing" I golvo. a meat pie to last the last few days. Lord Robert Cecil gives "statement. Arrest at Now York Of iijjFjp reot advance made r VISh and $ullivau. -1 w -'agUo Olt motion of $uIlivan and olinyou w "mem FaMisli.c" Miss Georgin. to WAA of his United States Visit on J�( Ili Wall -street. step, Vdith t 0 1 Parrish, AlOutbl")' inako I'to 0 d,404" 01% k"t at hoot to Ili C*uadlan i I '*eh e4itiOulthe following bills.were Ordered paid.1 TramLl (bitterly)—l'No, mum, 11 1 tlnr� struck by a motor ear on April 30, mj8eIQA.L on in a�reigtl. prepared publ cations. f 0 fmc time. WC t4aftJOInt Or Witi A redeett of the it 04'anl wova move, the doctors say 1, dies* In a Toronto hospital. Governuiplitt Forestry :11, west this yepr is reported. has been in advance previous, Win. Xempton, CAM1119 IVA'd0r, road bo-mg4u," QeO. or, To issue, New featuves. have been in- Populatioxt-ot York , township now Norfolk reclaiming aitteli wa*te land It phy8loal find, n unstan Sovik derlarr*, for peacc.,. ever 40,209; an Increase of AjO00 in past by refomil% troduod, geo '0.1, Ritchie, too. tion. L - 1 a hica out, i. a Teri& Pm. ')tit 114V'eL arair ready for 'war. serves ir W in Moscow comiiiercial. road. 1, $21,75; Jno. I S X0*00to O#t ,*,,ar,* ;according to offtel'al Agures. EdwAttl 111var4all, after ewaping Big demonstration 4 ct atel book tuoving snow fr Rofuge, it -,ad against eltimatum sent by. Britain. as a C011111nere Ing road, road 7, $7t Om found 11 i4l. gAzettePr f0v� 4111 Beltnott, dise �flanada. and is.on._tbo..4jesk,Of practl� ­P'tiltie'r. road rd" 7 laa�dliih 'is- �Orgitnlzer, of- zouce'@- untler -14ece of varvot. - .1, ttes elitrwits clir callY OV40 ional idierttser. U; Jilt). Little, 8hov4 -Floreace4arlyle, c4naoloii palutw &it, St. u1n. se5jons. by Tifts �11­41tolf-� ­ ---COVjUt�#jjkt- --par Gm-13li-cmin "'hovellinir-snowi ;sr' Hebrides ChampfonsIllp biaded by Vn4ish church clerryluan. V LD NOT -011, WITKOUT .8, $6; J4s. Dunbar, 'p. culvert, It �il Fl-'st contlrkkt�nt front Ltb ou . road ls. Johnston, shovelling pliteed on Middlesex farms. F, W. If olderneas, last Y'oar's Brit- Lincoln county redxkv�cs Jailer'o BABY1 OWNTABLETS road 6, $1, Jr, James, former i;eeve of IM.h �Wateur golf champion, 4s vllniiI17 Wages'. as prohlbltic4 bulk lessened hI$ snow,.road 7, $I -p JAO. H. 1101d, 8hOv- Markham 'dies at Thornhill. -Ili snow, road 5, 2.70; Luckno,�r ZA�N*80 ated from. prcs(, aeat. Work, 4. motior;'baS used Bubv'sl S at tournar. ware and C oal 0., box for At;- ydesOr- - little -On sessraent.L book, 42.76; total $66,76. w known to, TRAIN SERVICE to TORSONTO New York Klitles lengthen their Startling statistics on fair.11 Riversideii retaln. DeshoroLugh UP O,�n Tablets for bOr es ;he Nothing els Daft,Except Sunday lead In the American Leasue, tioni In Ontario given.in report b6.' by doteatilig Weaoln lacrosse tealu,-, would notboL Without them. states that of, on- 4- to 0.' ,They are, Council UTournedi on, motion of; q ience ix-rfanns, tile sanjo peorge Lane of Calgary fare Social Service Council the ideal home remedy for, th bb C larniers near Sarnia taho,%hotguns being guaranteed to A ,, *A," 'Lye. Goadrich" 6.00 a.m.1 10.90 1). western crop proopecto are excellent. tarle, be ab% t.0 Campliell an Sullivan,. to meet MAY Cliaton, 6_26 %1=. 2.52 1), lit. ' Krupp% presidout'sentene9d to. 16 Over $13,00qi fre� f rom opiates or other harmful 25th at 10,30 A. in,, as court of revis. nuirvellouli huilhwanddi 000 has been paid by to djecot�pge Jovk-lanUI-119 oil Lake Utr ion of assessment Von. 6,4 3.1,) 11 courttmar, p a Sho.,o road., drugs. T1 pels (lisease from tile tissues _J�M. Y�ars in prison by Fre ell hey are� agentle. b thor-: rinters In United States arid Can do Somforth in t . ial, Ike whioli tomm 'as WillArd are it Special meetin called May 9M. r. one- Luls Firl)o rald $� t"Ald in 0aaes,of tj 7.01 a.w. 3.422.p,in. to Anance the Ztr ough, laxatlwaiid" hive bee pi d iteboll I statue labor, Al present ameudinent would per- �ed two y1ears ago. winners or. inuin Uouts 4t, New, York of th"egreates 'Cons Zam.11uk does..' This. �rr, -Stratford UO o.m. 4,10 pam, m1t bitoki with ;50,000 capital to 'Currie, M4P.P.', pr90sts Milk Fund show. 'MovW by John Fards , seconded pation, indigestion, colic, colds and b -e berb"d bal takes fll�� -Ki )0 0 operations, at ano. Jamieson, that' tilts council' Rji�er4ali Collegiate sefilaria win simple fevers, Concerning them Mrs. 0 pul tahenflf 8-2 wm., 5.20 P.m. start strangly-that lio Is not attemPtWK , stcrft Canada, 1119h school basket- Ernest Gagne, Beauselour Quebec,. Ush statue labor. and clerk pro. Guelph .9.4.5 a ko, 5.50 lmrl. . Sir Uenry Thornton 'toininents -0a to.shove. Hon, G Howard Ferguson Ea "IL have (It fallitre of operate: I A to co-oper . a , to *Ili t of leaderslilp'of 004S01valiveg to ball, champlonsh!V�' used Bhby'a . own li�re bylaw veklifying same, fi re ' 4t of a woulld or sorew t Tor000 10.110 7.40 GU pilot. Tablets for Congtipation and Colic and 0. E. MCDONA0111 clork. reducing coitl costs. assurne It himself. Abraham Mviln, first King — kills and repols germs Aetuipino Leave Toronto Britain mends. ultimatuin to r.lj*4ia, In cAngda;. to houpred by memorial have found tbem� so succeist FRIDAY. The. Oil of Powere.-It is not claim. - 1.1,54 wyn, illa ZA9 p4M on prop;LgA.uda,.Jn Orient and mls- ;eiected 4t"QUebee, Would not be -without them. I youldl L -,�A for Dr. Thomas' Belettric oil tj%at, and ggrtmq� fift tit. v -46n. 'to Vir�t *beat larandon-dir,- thor 'IArjor C�afe-,car,-,-Goder0l to Tor r, mwaing- secretary of strongly rVeommend overy.mo treatment of BrItislu . I n, I s but Its USels -nowledg0d 'bliard, Of Toronto, the Naval VeteraitV AFsociatto keep a box In the house.fO The Tab. It will remedy 'ever '11, eL looked .�,Gew�ae E.. 01 Lo mkkC 1 are so various that it m y b o1#4,, on morning train,,and Toronto letA Are sold by. medicine dealers.W to Irish Free refilsOs I killer, It bft$ er1ch,,6A0:p.-m, train'., undbr. of the Catia(aan Pharni.Rou- . L arrested In Tr%tro,­ IllgoneralL PAIa' a to . q t0sruio-*'Itit rebels. �Two-iear-old-Ocoriretowu boy fol- by. mail At 25 cents a box from The'upon as �, hat greatness for itself end -Godexi�h to Torouto� tloal AisoelatiOnj Is deadi. -aclilevied t , Social s#ry WOUD"S �2 rockvillo Io Council of QlTtarlo n THE Buffet car, Stratford to �Oauadian butter. And cheese omt. lowiiik his lather to work 10,11s Dr.:Willia"iS Medici C CO -'Bl its excellcoce is known to all who elassea by New Zealmud prodncq�,l conclufts Its icsstons%, through railway lyridge and to Mile& Obt. have tested its virtups 'and learped by Toronto- On aftervoon train. . . 14 T]horatoA presents 'reasons for sh market, says expert, glclja�ti Miller, from Ahe west, BrIZI., 0.9.R..operalinp express. IeAivis *Ite And family lit Union Still,- AR-oity business njAuL Was very keen cxP0rIcnec4 Sylvester Adams, whoK laid claim, P. F., LAWRENCE & SONS D. ed tile first 96its, fur- Pelee 0111611 gro*e1% ave, forced to tion, Toronto, to buy tobaceo And oti'llaving- proficient clerks In his ern- Vill, dead of winter-,4liesk to having open ploy.- Before a clerk could enter his li�gsset*er and Ticketq AgentO niehing stor' 18 dead seealand for a third tililt; e In Toronto .1 . 110 — . . e Me ar!oslk iliv for drops out of !ight. office he was required to pass'j writ. r - and )Imb gives Indications of 1OU1 X f( I - 11 Yarmouth. N.S. VvIleat sl�owlng up through -gro and play-, polio authorities thlhk� time or business was ost.1f He is In Alberta. quoted further 41 L ^ Eagligli qrIcket, team to Iflay In To- Tea is brought around at rrlatineeO — ronto next September, MIss Chambers wine British golf And movies on railway trains King George And 4ution. 11.1ary pay title. boats. LoAs And commoners pause visit to Pope at vulican, Mon, W. S. Fielding brings in his for it in parliament. You cannot on - Soviet galiboat s0ges gnoth(r Brit- budget. ter any office, editorial den, public TURN HAIRL. DARK Wit trawlvr off Murmansk coast. . imitation maple syrup sold by Can- libra%, factory or Shop in Great Bri- Britain te, Iicrease air aC.'ezl-W adian retailers. riinilasion, bar& tain , otween four or five without IF IS ACT WITH SAGE TFA Now York Boxing CO stumbling over cups and tea things. - - "rabbit punch." Air. Selfridge confessed that, per- dow/ lot like ten 0 Wethered defeats Oulmet In 1�119- Aerially, he did T, but he lulph L tte it 0ark64 NW y1w C" 11""t a 1411 golf tourney. L I I . likes what it stands for—a friendly lf Mixed with 4 William M. Hale, founder of Oril- getting together, a relaxing pau.qe in Ds at Orillia. the day'.s work so Naturally Nobody elml,"bleonlim" Ila Packet, dii ej, a slowing down of the BAD TAKE SALTS U g, ty-6V Amerl6an!g re entless puall, not to a Switzerland repudiates all respon- Te . 11 Night Aw mornint-11 sibility for death of vorowslty. rbecoming less tLetive, bat a" nesuw- ms, Philadelphia, drives inore balaneed. The American haa a *,Cy!, Willia 50, lie added, but the, S jhc�. jold-fline sliksaLChkoft out tl ree homes rung lit one game' breakdown at VrjjXtUr"j $age Tea Fmglishinon was swinging u wiched Says Bac..'"-cabhe Oftvm Mean V ou Have -Not Been md Sullilltir for darkening gray, 4 i"10.0.111 asked -4a. led bait is grandinoth- Coulter to secure shipping facilittea. f Oub '10, W-1 ater r,tregkcd and fat %OW%O#AOWW ter it ten haa become a -social Drinkfit Enou er,s recipe, and folks are igain using it. Itumors from Bulgaria toll of revo, gli to keep Ltheir hair a good, even colors. lationary 111OVPment, dotalis lacking, function on this side of -the Atlantic, 9 which is quite tensible, as wt aft liv- T6 aw nusslati Soviet reftlava to � accept but it has not Seriously penetrated Ing in an age when a YoUthfUlL appear* ies arbl- the market plilee. After all, it IS not British ultimatum and ProPon the tea hour that gtveg tile Briton Ulien you wokoj up with Wicknehe Efther consult a good, reliable phyrd- ance is of the greltest 14valit290- "Bus, Livery polto and talm. It Is merely one,ox- Nowadays, thiiagh, we don t have, the Discovery in New York of cionspir- til and and dull tniser�,,?jn the 1:1,1ney region it cian at once or got from your p1larma- troublesomt tasltof gathering tile sllgl� agy of Clubmen. to disrupt familieu.by ptt"iorl of him unhurried habi Ways of living And of looking at life. niay mean you have beou eating foods cist about four ounces of &M S.Ilts; anit the mussy mixing at home. A-11 H&A Stables poison lempre. Before work slows down in offices* 449 stores sell tile tet1dy-t0"ll" Prod* 0 Two little lovers, agovil 14. elildcd ties and Shops on this continent which create aelds, says a weil-hnown taLe a t.ablesVoonful in a &Sr, of 'Water lit, improved th� addition of othtt manto"s st"Ot for kissing, 'drown then's6ves at fsletol pq, there nuthority. Ali mwess of such acidf; before brealdast for a few (lays and I in thepretence of the tea -cul ingredients) calied "Wyeth's 59ge and, just off the Square Paris, France. will havo to be a radical change in Sulphur Compound.". It I!; very V60u� Mrs. John It. McDonald of Stra- tho me.tital as well as the physical overworks the kidneya in their effort to your kidneys way then act fim-A. ThII -nio1*4 yout jljto� it front t1le 1)1� famous talts in tuade from tile acid of I;r tecauso, nobody tatt discover RIM ry, celebrates licr liun- �!tbltm of the busine-at; comptanity. 4j4V. -1 e been ;9p#jf4, $141D)y 104 ar 41d t camb at a toft biush v , Mili it'ifid'dMO' 10 940,841lits V. grapes and lerrift juiee,­eoffibi d, t1i G. 0, Italcrow, former Labor ntela- The teiteher was exasperated at the s6ft. of *iralyzed afid this through your bait, taking oft sftWI t6r to ady bur of Legislature. refuges to 4c(TPt inxtkirtion of her clats. The lesseft your kidneys get sluggish and clog yoll lithin, and has been need for years W strand 01 a time; by MOtnifig the 00Y P&rt.6f th* t*WXL f4jr all labor towinittion in HiliDlIt011- h9d Wen on maehine8o and Edison's h1jr disaWafs, but what dil;*W the inust relieve them, Etc you relie-ve your h0p Clean and stimnlMe Auggl8h kid - Wpb ittales lot 0. T. a. or C.P. R. practically no Injury front rceent inventions had been mentioned, Udks with Wi0h's Ssfe and 0 t"' Depots. frost to f. lift In the Niaggra district. "Now, then," asked the teacher im� com nd PrOSPeCtS for inost lint$ art repottod patiently, m What ps the first bowels, removing all tile body's unnous neys, also to nentralize acid# In the fter a few a Prompt Sorvice a I syAtem, so they. no longe� irritate, thus dasken' X waste, else You have backitebe, sick t soft Pe a$ fair. talking mark e tuade*? I I li6flg, it a of ich is Carefid Attendtoce. % 1,�4 n h1c; jacad came in contact After ji jej_*thy flilejace it voice hesdllthet, dizzy solls; Your 8torilach ofteu reliev!Ug blad&i WeakllOft a iiih -olrt iaj-r�jnj; 4.400 volts, litp front baek "Plegse, Mism, to Attractive. w Vavld a Toonto lirie. from a ribill, sours, tongue Is coateil, and when tho !Jitd, 0 -alts is ine%penisve, Cannot Ill- unr 1.1vety a 1160k horvice whil, is 13W�44 b- 11E,; v:dety bell. Weather is bM yon bave rhetimatle jure and makes a delightful efterveseent touti -i . siruffi(# 4 G1 ' W 111*460ditto k,,41 ru"Gil rer-iies to statement.of au- twinges. The U'rine ig cloudy, full of lithia-wsiter drink. Drink lots of soft glat 1,wDoscd Caradlan Copy- 'CASTOR 1A mediment. channels often get gore, water wAter. Uy all meag bave your phyal- DOMINION EXPRESS t.6,10f. Act legalizes &ACY of tileir MONEY npni:p V*ur patroislito Uliciftill aubfts In Calinda. hr U100* A" 04welk eesl& Andsou are Obliged ta see),- relief claim examine your kidne-Ya at lesat tWift A X C'Mer jc.sliob WiWaw muloc); (?I- h%U"1r4W0W30Y"V* two or three Units during th� 111ght. a year. T,,� 8WARTS 11 t3�n,prjse wbon jury a*asds Alwitylk btikfS phojoe I 1 0 Vail 1114de. A rO.'r2c.'" lady, the gw3val-C suit *1 �N j 0 - ift., I , - p oft*%~ 0**V^A" 4 - - - - - - - - - - Ail I 12 0 'Phone 8 United States golf. p iied from Eritish anta- tour oliamplonship toutnament, at Deal. L -0-- a, -A' Members o ran nuo tile a' k;on- Canada to stob Wso- lit prices. servative. party said to be demanding England defeat% France by"4 to 1 a deffolte Atand on O.T.A:. enforce- lit tuternation1l soccer mgtoll. ader Ron. HoWa"d South American Republics increga-inlent from 1A ten examination gn his knowle40 of business. of the L At one examination one uestiqns waNL� �"Who formed the arst Couple a, t Toronto, seel;:# two mar -L riage licenses In order -thAit tile). may Ing mt-val and, military strength. '.1 Britain � A04010 gunboat to mar- THE AFTERNOON TEA BITE.. vonip A certain bright yoqth was a little this, but be If you have. nuptial knot tied by two differ- ent clergymen. biansk' coast to protest trawlers, to Lau- j)�zzled' at :was: not .'to floore4. He wivto: suffer )?Itcber Atexander of Chteago Xa­� tionals by' not Avalk- Russian Soviet- delegate - Mr. Gordoli Selfridge, thd Chicago sanno shot dea:d.by Swiss,01004. Invaded and ct merchant %66 � Pneirt.21 , odh successfully floated a coni - pany wbile th(11 rest of the world was' from sets now ree�rd Ing or hittinc a batsman in 11ye con- - St. MAlo Asheimen adr-Ift teii days London, js revisiting the on open Atlanue tell tbriffing tale, States,'iind touches on some piq Ant in liquidation." geowive games. . � fes in Arant- U J. W. Vowlby, 1C.C., d contrasts between his natIVO-afid ado 00tigh Government IssUes state Ment deplorinir French- precipitancy ford after,-prattlebag law for 60 years. OpteVeountries, He has the advg * In sendlfis�roply to Berlin *Ithoutl AelroDlane patxo.lij proposed to age of a double itAndard of compar* -cheek bank robberies In western soji of secingjh6 British throiLlh Fir gIllesi sigliature. Of the MA-thodist Book RoollWis. our =rllcan eyes. ' To an Interviewer PhiladelWila hletl�s move lip tO ays Amusing ein))basis on An English 'At x, N D 0 1) 1) S, plus for year idt $24,72'93.60, It was third place � in American League social ritc, afternpon tea, whiell is I I i RREUMA TATSM decided to devote $16,000 to the su- perannuation fund for talniste.7%. standing.-' the subJect of L -mild derision.on the . Only� halta dozen towns, bordering part Of visito�s to. the tight little is- ' r K I [) N EY attv. Q I 1, Lun-lato '011'er 1: 1 rd's Vnett 6 thi uhing Xrs. Mary Rosenfel4t struck on Toronto didewalk by autftolylle and the city will.follo* � Torou to's lead In land—until they succumb to it. Air. Selfridge thinks that 'if Americans , /I tl vtqqul Tguel. t b, y Cr uk& Y dragged 81 fiect, dies In hospital front adopting daylight sairing. Miss Joyce Wethored, former Brit- would similarly kelikk in the nilddle �of - P1 LL S re' 44 inJuries. Dri er of car flocle McCue and lias not yot teoix caturlit Igh women's open golt champlon' 19 the afternodn'swdrk they would gain . and Calm they really need ccused of kidnapping eliminated from tournament a poise Nxpckleii4red Callforniun. is secured and lose none of their famous "Oep." N n baby of another luttlent at Toronto 'Iio.�pltal erleo out jilteouslY when in to ma"go new growers' co-operatIV6 When he opened his departmental compafiy In L British Co lumbiA.V store on Oxford street thirteen years -ustOW L KIDN�.y f Wil�18 faul. Is taken frOljL 11C.7 A114. At tialu at Wilighant and ago it wAs the Struck by ' Of his sllles� 1: P4 1 1, I(SOF PAW onder hallucination It its her, own child .. seriously InJured, David �Goldetefu, people to snatch tea as* beat they Instead of discouraging it he H 15 pl- was brought to the Western Hospl.tal, could. accepted'it'as a national instituion, I'd Aft TJIVRSDAY.� Toronto. Dog In Oshawa found gnawing at n and gave a tea ititeival to each Of hN THE 1 lludgwt may res�oYe pi -e -war postal it.* hild,- 3,000 emPlOYees, and "since every dismombereep log of a Young, C u_A u. ;" +hb eotintr does it no - r - and )Imb gives Indications of 1OU1 X f( I - 11 Yarmouth. N.S. VvIleat sl�owlng up through -gro and play-, polio authorities thlhk� time or business was ost.1f He is In Alberta. quoted further 41 L ^ Eagligli qrIcket, team to Iflay In To- Tea is brought around at rrlatineeO — ronto next September, MIss Chambers wine British golf And movies on railway trains King George And 4ution. 11.1ary pay title. boats. LoAs And commoners pause visit to Pope at vulican, Mon, W. S. Fielding brings in his for it in parliament. You cannot on - Soviet galiboat s0ges gnoth(r Brit- budget. ter any office, editorial den, public TURN HAIRL. DARK Wit trawlvr off Murmansk coast. . imitation maple syrup sold by Can- libra%, factory or Shop in Great Bri- Britain te, Iicrease air aC.'ezl-W adian retailers. riinilasion, bar& tain , otween four or five without IF IS ACT WITH SAGE TFA Now York Boxing CO stumbling over cups and tea things. - - "rabbit punch." Air. Selfridge confessed that, per- dow/ lot like ten 0 Wethered defeats Oulmet In 1�119- Aerially, he did T, but he lulph L tte it 0ark64 NW y1w C" 11""t a 1411 golf tourney. L I I . likes what it stands for—a friendly lf Mixed with 4 William M. Hale, founder of Oril- getting together, a relaxing pau.qe in Ds at Orillia. the day'.s work so Naturally Nobody elml,"bleonlim" Ila Packet, dii ej, a slowing down of the BAD TAKE SALTS U g, ty-6V Amerl6an!g re entless puall, not to a Switzerland repudiates all respon- Te . 11 Night Aw mornint-11 sibility for death of vorowslty. rbecoming less tLetive, bat a" nesuw- ms, Philadelphia, drives inore balaneed. The American haa a *,Cy!, Willia 50, lie added, but the, S jhc�. jold-fline sliksaLChkoft out tl ree homes rung lit one game' breakdown at VrjjXtUr"j $age Tea Fmglishinon was swinging u wiched Says Bac..'"-cabhe Oftvm Mean V ou Have -Not Been md Sullilltir for darkening gray, 4 i"10.0.111 asked -4a. led bait is grandinoth- Coulter to secure shipping facilittea. f Oub '10, W-1 ater r,tregkcd and fat %OW%O#AOWW ter it ten haa become a -social Drinkfit Enou er,s recipe, and folks are igain using it. Itumors from Bulgaria toll of revo, gli to keep Ltheir hair a good, even colors. lationary 111OVPment, dotalis lacking, function on this side of -the Atlantic, 9 which is quite tensible, as wt aft liv- T6 aw nusslati Soviet reftlava to � accept but it has not Seriously penetrated Ing in an age when a YoUthfUlL appear* ies arbl- the market plilee. After all, it IS not British ultimatum and ProPon the tea hour that gtveg tile Briton Ulien you wokoj up with Wicknehe Efther consult a good, reliable phyrd- ance is of the greltest 14valit290- "Bus, Livery polto and talm. It Is merely one,ox- Nowadays, thiiagh, we don t have, the Discovery in New York of cionspir- til and and dull tniser�,,?jn the 1:1,1ney region it cian at once or got from your p1larma- troublesomt tasltof gathering tile sllgl� agy of Clubmen. to disrupt familieu.by ptt"iorl of him unhurried habi Ways of living And of looking at life. niay mean you have beou eating foods cist about four ounces of &M S.Ilts; anit the mussy mixing at home. A-11 H&A Stables poison lempre. Before work slows down in offices* 449 stores sell tile tet1dy-t0"ll" Prod* 0 Two little lovers, agovil 14. elildcd ties and Shops on this continent which create aelds, says a weil-hnown taLe a t.ablesVoonful in a &Sr, of 'Water lit, improved th� addition of othtt manto"s st"Ot for kissing, 'drown then's6ves at fsletol pq, there nuthority. Ali mwess of such acidf; before brealdast for a few (lays and I in thepretence of the tea -cul ingredients) calied "Wyeth's 59ge and, just off the Square Paris, France. will havo to be a radical change in Sulphur Compound.". It I!; very V60u� Mrs. John It. McDonald of Stra- tho me.tital as well as the physical overworks the kidneya in their effort to your kidneys way then act fim-A. ThII -nio1*4 yout jljto� it front t1le 1)1� famous talts in tuade from tile acid of I;r tecauso, nobody tatt discover RIM ry, celebrates licr liun- �!tbltm of the busine-at; comptanity. 4j4V. -1 e been ;9p#jf4, $141D)y 104 ar 41d t camb at a toft biush v , Mili it'ifid'dMO' 10 940,841lits V. grapes and lerrift juiee,­eoffibi d, t1i G. 0, Italcrow, former Labor ntela- The teiteher was exasperated at the s6ft. of *iralyzed afid this through your bait, taking oft sftWI t6r to ady bur of Legislature. refuges to 4c(TPt inxtkirtion of her clats. The lesseft your kidneys get sluggish and clog yoll lithin, and has been need for years W strand 01 a time; by MOtnifig the 00Y P&rt.6f th* t*WXL f4jr all labor towinittion in HiliDlIt011- h9d Wen on maehine8o and Edison's h1jr disaWafs, but what dil;*W the inust relieve them, Etc you relie-ve your h0p Clean and stimnlMe Auggl8h kid - Wpb ittales lot 0. T. a. or C.P. R. practically no Injury front rceent inventions had been mentioned, Udks with Wi0h's Ssfe and 0 t"' Depots. frost to f. lift In the Niaggra district. "Now, then," asked the teacher im� com nd PrOSPeCtS for inost lint$ art repottod patiently, m What ps the first bowels, removing all tile body's unnous neys, also to nentralize acid# In the fter a few a Prompt Sorvice a I syAtem, so they. no longe� irritate, thus dasken' X waste, else You have backitebe, sick t soft Pe a$ fair. talking mark e tuade*? I I li6flg, it a of ich is Carefid Attendtoce. % 1,�4 n h1c; jacad came in contact After ji jej_*thy flilejace it voice hesdllthet, dizzy solls; Your 8torilach ofteu reliev!Ug blad&i WeakllOft a iiih -olrt iaj-r�jnj; 4.400 volts, litp front baek "Plegse, Mism, to Attractive. w Vavld a Toonto lirie. from a ribill, sours, tongue Is coateil, and when tho !Jitd, 0 -alts is ine%penisve, Cannot Ill- unr 1.1vety a 1160k horvice whil, is 13W�44 b- 11E,; v:dety bell. Weather is bM yon bave rhetimatle jure and makes a delightful efterveseent touti -i . siruffi(# 4 G1 ' W 111*460ditto k,,41 ru"Gil rer-iies to statement.of au- twinges. The U'rine ig cloudy, full of lithia-wsiter drink. Drink lots of soft glat 1,wDoscd Caradlan Copy- 'CASTOR 1A mediment. channels often get gore, water wAter. Uy all meag bave your phyal- DOMINION EXPRESS t.6,10f. Act legalizes &ACY of tileir MONEY npni:p V*ur patroislito Uliciftill aubfts In Calinda. hr U100* A" 04welk eesl& Andsou are Obliged ta see),- relief claim examine your kidne-Ya at lesat tWift A X C'Mer jc.sliob WiWaw muloc); (?I- h%U"1r4W0W30Y"V* two or three Units during th� 111ght. a year. T,,� 8WARTS 11 t3�n,prjse wbon jury a*asds Alwitylk btikfS phojoe I 1 0 Vail 1114de. A rO.'r2c.'" lady, the gw3val-C suit *1 �N j 0 - ift., I , - p oft*%~ 0**V^A" 4 - - - - - - - - - - Ail I 12 0