The Goderich Star, 1923-05-17, Page 77 0110-m-
17 room FAft all Of
ItS We I'S -Phenomenal.... TIM
Ift QualitY Improachable
ions and Answers on All Sorts of 'rhinfis I,
Purely Canadian
BISHOP LAVAL ll�-iping :to QoVQr tlw
I �l.-eat tho lhaiu iguilly
Qi--NVhQ W" N -shop Laval'! � C�
,15t gl
A.—On April 5, 1663, Bishop Laval QQrnian dr,Ve.
seeUred a royal putent; in yjanco t�*" PFIRE MARQUETTV,
found tile "Grande 8palinaire de Quo. Q.--Xvho wag Pere marquettp?
following it 'With the I'Vi'tit Ai,—Pero Ala,
W 30 ldk6 ke%lsdre." Lay#Us � work for bigh. kquotto Was Ono Of t1w
or education puts him aluent the great Pioneer klTrwlimen of tho lith
wbo� on April �. iog"Z, found -
10 the PRrest "d AROst C14taftlY Prepared TC4 ma"n of V'#"ada- Ile also a, sault'st
ed prohibition, winning his point as He
in the WO)rlfl far as the Indikittis were. concerned was Ono of thO b3r4d of Jesuits who
In 1661 two white men were shot a ' Plunged Into the forest ahead of the
� 0 flogged for selling. brandy to the pioneer. Noticing the redillen gath.
red well'. 14val University in Que- I at the 8t, Marj�s river to fish he
19%%W thcrO stsYed tq Preach to theta, Lot.
bee and Xontr(�al is a monument to
its founder. er he went further west uith Joretl
land the two Vero th�, first whitk) xDon
*1 THE Wivwx 6V "THF, to Vco, tho Mississippi.
Sunday Atternoon ATIAMIC"
Is � Q.—When did th6 wreck of thle At.
lantic take place? 9—WhAt was the, Rehring ISea ar.
ZSAREL RANXTOX 100401ch, 041.
187-3. the
is � A,On April I
Stqr Steamer Atlantic wa White A.—On Narch 23, 1893, tile Deb-,
a 'Wreeked L
Holy, ho holy Lord I Ist—The Vision. 01T the const f Nov* Scotia. Sh ring Son Arbitration Tribunal
Diet 4�
o Paris to settle the
W45 out from 'o
God o hosts'. when heaven and I 2nd—The effect on the proEllet. -gland with 07 Pas. botWeL
'n Vanadia serious frlet$ou diall,1pors, Ran,"s eitv
earth 1 3rd—The commission of t e pro.. songQrs and owing to carelessness 8ealers in Ile n and AmOrlean Miliaukee, ohnialla, Sark F 1kne
Out of dar4ness,'at Thy word plict. struck on the Mcaghor� Rock. it was bring Sea and're4ehed SpokaneJ St. Syracuse an
ont that though I'Paul,
Issued Into glorious birth, Verses 1.4,141n the year that Iting 'very cold, there was a high sea,and 411 "Ire"'D the sea Ivatertown"'N" Y.
All ThY-works before Thee Stood, Uzziah died." After a loxigm and pro though a shore, fishormen and a mis. Was to be Poll to all Scalers, tile,
And Thine eye beheld them. good, o Oj slouilry risked their lives to save life scals must not be killed, out of Sen. CANADAS Rf',C.OnD IN 192,v
yerous reigo. Uzziah was guilty. son.
While they sang with sweef accord, c alming as a Idug the 1' 109 Drished including all the wonV
'H I I right to go in- 4' P' n Q-4VIlat was Caaida!q trado And
tor -thwi --a —ff 4. pro4u0ion ncord in 10,
ol lxolv.� hoir Lordll TOATION
k, - . .WV4.QV 0 1 . w- , - - . I . .. I..".. . - .., .. 1 -.1 . - I.. .__ , .... ''..
'Holy, bol�,. hojy,'.all pJ on the altar. For this sin be became CANADAS POST OFFICS3, _4-v�Urhin- 'was ConfederatioD do. A.—Cailada's trade and production
Heavoles triumphant chair' shall a leper and thereafter rived cided Upon? record in 192-2 was a notable one, Am
luted life. CO %--When (lid Canada sot up a fed' A,—Following . many conference's Total trade, exports,
Mse4uontly the. Uffair" oral post office? and debates. the parliament Of 'Can. $884,318,008, imports $7657o4o,.15. 0 you
When ransomed nations all of the kingdom Were administered by A,�On April 6, 1851; the D I lik
At the To I his son. Some writers think t44t it Govern , Canadian ada, on Mare -h 10, 1805, notilled the grain crop. 897j reall, goo
otstep of their king;, - ' ment tooU over the control of British parliament that tjW qojordos j83.10o bujilels".01 d
Then shall saints and seraphim, may have been in the, year,be died the Post Oflloe_§Q1,,vjce fronx,th6 exist_ of Upper and -LoWei, Couadai Novit *11fell U3.0,786,400 wore,Whent; grain
0 Ilymil, officiallSr thatt Isaiah -saw the. vision. Ing provinces and there was at once crop ialue tea? Tha
Hearts and voices, swell on Similar visions are described in I 'Scotia, New Brunswielc .1 4 . t
Round the, throne with full accord, lid. Prince
'Holy. holy, holy Lord!' . . . 1.1 � 4 great Improvement, The first post- Edward Island, were ready for Con. A.—What are Ontario,$ public re. -
Rings 22:10 nd Dan 7:13. age stamp, was issued in May., 1851- federation, ONTAR10% FINANCUM the kind 'an
Tho vision:—Ill raw aiso tile Lbrd post Ofr1ce mone which was fingily a"OT%I.
James Montgomery. Y orders -were startea Pushed in 1867, col tt and expenditures? SMP Ellain. SM
sitting upon a throne, high and IlMd in 1854, registration -in 1856, savil)gs Now
PRAYE9 up,, and'his train filled the t It X—OlItArIO's Public accounts for -., I
OWPIC- lbanks, in 1868, post mda-in, 1871. 'A'"y IRON MINING eled Ware-
-4 Father of heaven, befo ohovah is Soon upon a throne clad year ending October 31,1922,.showed
re wlioqe
throne cherubim and seraphim veil in the manner of an ancient monarch LoUIS Rl)9L Q-`Wh0n W48 Iron mining started Ordinary r0cQI & ts of $08,507,311, ox- Tea Pot riiak
xx Canada? 1penditureg $8 .441.),985; showing a
their faces and cry' holy, holy,,holy with a robi and a train thot-filled the Q�7�Who Was Louis Riel? Try it. There"
Lord God Almighty p I A.—Iron minink in surplus of $1,064�325. The total ex-
. have supposed Canada was
�ivc ear unto our. Whole temple. Some is
,�w-Loais giel, was a h -es
proyoxi as we too bend in ador4ng that the vision Was Neon as. appearing Me't . alfbreed tarted at Three Rivers In 1007. in 9 enditut for the year reached no discoloration
is who Started two rebellions in s,,,, the first Canadian f rgo w 8 set 131064,096 on ordin4iy. or
in the heavens, but the expre the Northwest. On March b A I and capital
love. Unable us by the guidance of , ssion 18, 1885, ZION
Thy Holy Spirit, Blessing, and his train filled the'temple", would the second one was started at D�ck up and in 1747 La Compagne des ' unt, etc, tainting with SMP
honour, andglory, n'T, impl thii Forget WAS storted receiving a per. THE, BATTLE OF ST. JULIEN
n power be unto t It was seen ID the tOlnPle Lake,, Man., though 4is first effort in Alit to Work the mines.
Him that Sittoth upon th at T, Enameled Ware. No loss of flavo
a thro p, erlisalem. In - Ex. 33;20 God 1870 bad failed. He Was'arrested, Q.—When was the Battle of St.
and. unto the Lamb for ever "and e r ISAY.0, "Thou canst not see my face, tried and hanged at Rogina.' THP, BA'ftlX3 OF YpRr"S Juliell fought?
Anien for there Shall no man . see lue a And it is so simple. to clean. Ask for
rid TO Q ---When was tho,Battle A.—Tbe, Bottle of St. Julien- wag
T" "in John -J'.4 QV B X of Ypres . .....
SUNDAY SCHOOL - LU$ON F 8 �wa ME RATIVV-DIF ST, faught2... 04 -April-2114. IM When,fresh,
n n
a___wa8 _tbo��l troops, Rilitish and Canadian, reo.ap.
f. th__r
only begDtteii Son, who Is ift the 6--t.-
Lesson tit _ Queiifi fought? hu,-O.m --- d
I*Isalah the Statesman bosom of the F than troops met the A�w 0 io as groun,
—11rophet, A.—The Battle of St. Quentin was German 949 at- Caliathana
ed him." 'BY. "the Lord"' is not tick after tw6tY-four hours of gun �,by pressed oil foarlesal
eosow,Posgage�Isa, del -8. fought -bA March 411, 105j, as a part fire to which the British Could n th(
L Ineant Jehaviih, God, but the 114es; fightin r light of tile moon tiyli 'WA�,7RE
other, he hath declav-o
Golden Teki—Isa. 6:8 As -t otre. thoy h retaken all their lost guns.
Of the long struggle of the Somme. ply.' he, Germans pressed fo&
Of the family of Isaiah sialix.for John in the 19th chapter ap- when our moil were fallid% back ward, sure Of victory, I , . Throw Alt0heill Pearl Vlate. two coatit of piptly ist enk"41
-the Canadian An Oil Without, and out. Diamond Wam, three cost$, lit t ju
little is plies it to Jesus Christ, saying, Slowly and, the, Ca Inside
nadians good line though vitifully thin, held and Aliohol.,4om�,
known. Jewish writers , connected "these things said Estalas when he wh e sad.
Calais, and oils and many medicinos have., alcohol iteoutaide, white roing. - Ct otal wate, t ,
him with royalty, his father, Ambz, saw his giory) --and spake Of RIM.— England, and the Ca' SO white iniid* and oot. with.Roya B100 edglat rise Jc0sts# pum
being thd son of Joash D were 8 W its, 11 Prominent ingredient. r
king o Judah, It was thus a vision o aved. A judi-
f God in Christ Verses 5.8. vious inin0ing of -six essential oil 'rho Sheet 'Motarprodu
He livedfor the greater patt of a Jesus that he bad and from him he Here We have the eff�ct which this. CANAIDAIS' FIRST � PLOU(1111 cohipose Dr. Thomas' Eclectriv. Oils col
century A 11"Wo
during 'the reigns of five received a comm issil Irano."T"O. Winnio6g
)n to go Oixtrand vision. of the glary of God had upon q.—When wAs,,,t'he first plough us. and th re is no alcohol ht. it, so that. onto
kings.- Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Heze- proellifin'the truth to that wicked and the PlOPh6t. lie was filled iiithvoxx� ed in, Canada?,
kith and Manasseh. During its eiCts are lastill(r. vonsou Calgary
that rebellious 'generation. The Messid� sternatioli; "woe f
s me! for I urn un- A.' On Aptil 27, w2s, Siour Coull- t=
long -period' events that Were among was seen seated on a throne as -a done! because 1 am a man of unclea? lard used the first Plough in CatindA
the most - important in 'Jewish, his- king; clothed in. a large, flowing robe lips, and I dwell in the midst ol'a to the astonishment -of the Indians, BOOM
tory, took place, and. Isaiah vias the, that filled all the most holy pgrts of p6ople of u c I
n lean ipS#II .......
foremost prophet who palled it the Frenchman's moose.
Of those Yeais I the temple, - The Orientals reFarded le realized li� never before that Theretofore spade,and hoe"were the
though JpxxlxhI,Hbse4 and Miah were such -lax-go robes as lindicative of wa�
his ;contemporaries. He gave hini- nner; that he had,nGt Only 'methods Of farmitig. In 1044
grandeur and State, � It is the attire eve the 0
self , wlible-heartedly to the- work to ."A +U.. .3 acrioce of praise tri (Ind tile first Wheat n'..
sur an ings, not. Lae ineg- b Q 4 as . .111 , Q. -in
continually, that ist-the fruit of our Perini6nt—and, Itgrow, 7 .
which he had beenoodge& To c*011- Mah. that are described. 'This very lips givlbg A%".:: Auvance *now
nect Biblical history. With secular thing impresses one with a sense of thanks to hia name," ANADIAN'GOVE 9 OT.
4 (fleb. 18.14). . He b44
gives us an insight into.'world events, . b6eh so deeply RN M ENT, -
the Divine majesty and awe that AGUNTS IN. UNITFD 8,TATES
so here we state thati the kingd6ni of must have filled the mind of. Isaiah. Impressed with the profound 0 S1 I
In It -e
Babylon-. wag at the. height of iti "Abdve it stood' the seraphinis, 9f the sorapbi nd the. majewstyr alnP Qem-T* what extent � Is CwAada x
-presented in the
greatness during loaiahl.t', life time each One had six wixxgsf-with twain glory of,what'he SAW that he-waTs -through Govo ' , United States
and the kingdom of X4WCdOn was be covered his face, and' with ti%iaixi OverW1161med with- his ownunwo;rth-; .. mrnont agencies?
founded about the tifile Isaiah'-b0gan h to worship or serve, Aw-Caqada, through the D part.
e covered his foot, and with twain 1" so pure a
his Prophetic' *'jife.T Carthago. was h . I G Nils A:sfadlir effect is recorde-cl in �rezlt Of � lifti9f4tion and Coe
p did. fly,�,, loniza-
Younded � about.. flft� years earlier and'. Tile Rev., 0. H. Morrison ity a ser- Luke $-8 in veferoxice to the Apostle tion has pormi.Aont government 1,119.
Rome also was founded during his Peter.. "When Simon P6t;61- saw it ents stationa in eightoen Un
mon on,the veiled, Faces of the Ser, .(the Ited
life. rn all ages Isaiah has aphim" says. Thi's is the only place miracle . which Jesus . lind, States centrob, vizi Boston,
garded as the. Most s0linio wrought) he fell down' at Jesus. IZO, Columbus, Des Moines Detroit,
in the Old Testament where we find knees saying, "Depart from Fargoo Groat Fallg�. rlarri&
writers, and in today's lesson tliciel t me, for
!,on of the seraphim, it i4 the I am urg, In.
is a woniforful -description -of the ohn'on e we have in S ture of a sinful man, '0 Lord." The
:manifestation of Jehovah to Isaiah. these Am I age creatur0s byeri tb,,,, prophots"fears were allayed by the
It, is his call to the -office of prophet of: God, Th speaking of , comforting words and
and eY were in fashion as a the* purifying of his lips by one of
the giving. of a solemn commis- man, for they had hands and feet. the seraphims flying to him and plae-
si6n to him to make plain' ' God , Is p , ur. each was the possessor of. six Ing a live coal from off the altar up- 0
Poqeq to the Jew�. wings. With tw4in they did' fly, in
This sixth chapter comprises, three the. ministry of God; with tw4in. in is lips. He was purified as by
humility they bid their feetk But Oil 11 . The fire on the altar was Arst
in . I . I a
most Subduln kirzaied by the Lord (Lev. '9.24) and
of oll perhaps is this, fb.r Worn* en and Misses
thatbefore t e dazzling radiance'of Was kept continually burning.
God with twain they mvered their And he laid It U*pon my mouth, imo W1.
faces.' Just as a 'xuan who has ling- Sal It this hath touched thy lips COAL
ered in the 1hadows. and staps ou . t e iniquity is taken away Ana
suddeRv into t( blaze -of jig t thy s purged," The guilt' ol hit
up his hand before his ht, 'puts t a ng'. - ins was removed and so. he
P. eyes, Instihet- Nvas tted to assoclate-with the heav-
0 ivelY to shield them from that blind- enly... worshippers in praising
Ing glare, so fhes6 mysteiiinis being$ God Warm weather' And.,sumni-er sunshine are Just.
;s. 1L IL round the throne, returning from and was ready now to be employed, $09 Our DISPLAY'Of VoCLARY
YU. y is thoir voyaging throt the inutorse, 'a" a messenger to e, ebildren of. --
overEne nills and 101,6 111 1011
cover their faces in h and MOFFAT fLECTRIC RANOES 1Z time'we have been
he light of God. A, so ......... ........
n-of—gaining, "'And one cried unto- another and - I, heard the voice of the Lord',
say, 1g, Whom shall- I send, and Who, anticipating your need.,;. Slicores ttp!)n scores of
said, IrdlY, holy, holy is the Lord of .
he ne.eds this hosts, the whole earth is full of his vilp-go for us? Then said 1, Here
Alory.. This was ah Ancient mode of am 1; send xne." None are allowed exquisite new Frocks - .401walt votir I nsp(�ctlati, -,at.,-
nourishing to go.for Go&but those who
Singing aniong the HebreWs, are, Sent
"And the Posts Of tbe door moved by him,, he will own none but those oti r store.
digestible, Ili ilf. 'it whom he appoints (Rom. 10.15). So 0
the voice of him that cried, and 191111111, realizing this,- indicated. his
'lled wk th smoko." A leadiness; "Here am 1,11 It was
the house was fi
tremor went through the. t0lxlPle volunteer servieb gladly entered upon
EAGLE B cAusinX not only the door bat the after his eyes, had seen the King and a
(.Q411E RMD1 yery posts of the door to shake; an known , the LAte'st M, Pials.,
NSED MILK indication of God's wrath against the grace. bieaning of saved by
FIIE M -3ABY 84)ons for their sills, The house was Toda
Writ(! to The Borden Co. . Y the need is great, the world
LlmiteIi, Montreal, for 0--hplied; it was filled with Smoke
tWo Baby. Welfare Books, is titill lying in great darkness and All the new Crepess, 'Printed, Crepes,. Pelight-
vjh.`�;h was tis a cloud spread'upon the call is insistent for men to go, as
I the face of his throne (Job 26.9). ambriasadors. for the king.
ful Ratines, in New Maid, Checked, Silk Striped,
_n .— I WhO, Who, Will go, salvation's story
G telling,
1% -:, - ------ R Drop Stitch and Plain -Effect, Summer V iles
= MR- .12
i-03 ZZ. .5; i_=_:_ y 0
1ooking to Jesus, counting not the
cost 9
Z ti
Ri 2- and Cotton Crepes.
-years ago on Friday, 0 TORE
gpot M! I V-0ne
Afarch Oth, Dr. George Leslie Mae- worlw�'.111deol' Ilquitot
kaYs a native of Oxford county, Oil- Not a sm'all part of t h ei r interest lies 'in the
tario, landed on the island of For -
t I rMh. V
mosa and began his xnlssionar�
-2- there tile Arst -F--
- Z
rk beauty. of"Drawnwo'rk and Embroidery and Im
11 n1n% .1 -cul 2- 1
9LA-1 Al A6-
'0. '4A 0
from Ontario. One year latee, it
spring Of 1873, just half a eft
ago, the first five converts of the
'noon missions were baptized. 1
eminently' fitting, therefore,-:
March 18, 1923, should have beet'
Irled by the Canadian Pretbyte
c utleh as thd day on which the ;
lie anniversary of the foundint
tne'enuren jn vormosa Would be -cele.
brated. Through fifty years of
storm and totopent, during whieh
111411Y Of the native Christian,; have
vertled their testimony with their
blood, the church has grown Until
today it is one of the most fruitful of
all mission fields in the r3ast. At the
thuci the greatest need of tho
a nxission in for three conqe-
Christian ..doctors. For the
able ser�ke't6_-&_-
t f ehrit;t in
the past. has bo'e"", �`odolor' lack of
doctora to und -file woik it I";
the old Maced �ry for help that
comea fr6m. Formo5a, and 0 erg an
unrivalled opportunity for cervice
for the medical man rvith t e trup
lillelgionary spirit who will, say:
"Irpre ani I"Uend Die."
In 1115 last mc-53ARe to the Cana.
dian Church DV. Mackay said: 41VIll
Forin"a b6 woll for (%r -Int? No
matter wliat Day come in the way,
the final Vietor,7, iq aa iiurp Az tile px..
ipterwe of God'. With that thoujtb+�
i'I'M17 ftc-d there �vrl be but one
I& land bje,-sed t,& Ili,; gloriou.9
rall, for'ever and ever. ar,�l It -t ftc.!
Whole earth be 09CA �Nith Ifiq glor�y,'
argic'n Av'd aluen.vo - I
—Torwo ioi)o, i
plicity of fine.
ICTn Every fasn"d-,ionable color for summer here. I
LE Iffic
WIR, We bow to the inevitable decree of 'fashion and
'-have received a charming range of Paisley Smocks,,,
I" a.11 shades and size$.
all kind jje� UR give Nail an
09timate f %viring �Your howcm
____A0VI0H1'_D_" 03,_
,ELECTRIC SELLS Also a--s-hipment, of, 4' Ifferent'Cotits-1of- different,
BURGLAR ALARM SYSTE occasions. 90%..educed to $10'.75, $12-75', $17., 5.,,and
We bave all
tile b0fa Metric Iron,
; and
Toa1ora watle in Caitatiz,
ion.Drr I .
Elettrit'laft West St.
Ph -site 62 or 254J