The Goderich Star, 1923-05-17, Page 211 III WIN I emlle lfeadachinw tem Sulu aii tl)2�A llavv teen �Gund'to' rldThere. iness W Ono �44kly 6eta to k[,QW tilt, IN DAYS OFOP" YORE And Dizz" gwltvidua lamts by V,.Or filualbet's lle-�Ie—a E F -40a acre of earn 1powuln Ohio and ttlf?Ry djovc�lopiu(%, �a w"tQbe4 V" witSa grteresq,goed ;Inra poo r rW�Mp I W1 ES�TAA I War —Ur. Cools on an avoras* 46�29 tours of ia '74 0 was coosibroil'a 0"A 1. q for Itural Tolt4oq Uwr, Eon"'twOrth MGthers aw, known b� Me tv latubs Wookock Was T"Aillit, Sight Slosist—Ifish W04 Was' Ort, %r;tcX.—.6A1 "Ga how tucy mro i0v and fi,( d them, DON'T MISS THIS "APPY 0 HOUR SAIL Ave, N.� flaw; ja eften ove1o9ked la How ;ill Tolowaw "--XiAt coiniction With Sa%isaw. can;lda is no stroni on the list QW4 to suffer from terrible lx4aelics ruw; Inaoormat. For a biirait, clevolioa *l&A Nontrool—messrs. E. W J. %waial "s an exportlrg lamd, We per Cap5ta atta d!A4A"*s. Luii% 5%WXrXr!, wbik I icillwaceeploloh*nw: a 6IU640 Jamu 41 rwedy stmomeir Greybound Excurisl" ()Ftoa Up I being 416UX-3 ver alwum. w" wa*�rw up a s;ao strect,, I got a twin cau easily 5P, found to udke Its Shoo $Wow--Tws*ty Yeats Ago Ao .0-W Q. T. I. Siaties Was Cot in Two *%A Xsvod to LOW,$, 1park­ A now station is being built ty djz�-y *pell and Scil in tho vilaale Of place Arad prol�crly f,,uardca till fully Destroot jjies$ ;Qn heir flat, Canadian Pacific Railway at t4o read. Anold. geutic A me zaortcd. Lambs ace;znr nol told , , Kelp torani: ACh , ie;4110- Gode to Ktz, W4 Koo** SallotJ Brower, Dioi—Mrs. A- X, UgGrotor Fre'deriaton at a coSt of $50,000. to gn, to WUM I wou Goiru a .1 aro Cat:,Jy JOUTI(i -.*�Jd oW4V6 IT- r oal swe to get a Via] Of vi%urn's UX49- rognIzed flaxt ekin. isparo ;L feed $or I "Dita—gr. Aw. A"16% Stat"14i ousis"s afAvii"re. Half It nifflion canodlaul )00b- to Talverillis. walh 144 an(I they d'a, th(ta. Whou tv.0 oralore are In and Return obargo of too Aock. At Is anru�y =at - Me t­sls fwli day for their meals wondors for me. I do"'kilew how t% ter for the one to point out to the TWENTY YEAUS AGO and , jrinz, and raoro tb;An ivu Juv In. thank you"'as I doult 1wet hca4aellesor 4otherwb.�,tlaluba�icedlittcution- Ay rich Star of MaY ICST1449'44 workmen are erwage the adoption of I. -is system ot mVk- TUBSPAY)UNE 12 20th, 1874) loth, 1003) no Godevich Star of March ()From The Gode Convecting Zorost products into one 412ZY PFC119 Any x"Qre'"' Ing % couiplete "Itcror&at Ilerform- �inly Once a y0air form or another, Vftea your lher gets. alugglilk 41111 JR- ' ,%boot Teathow oslevi" In 174 Old a, T. R, Ticket Office ClAt ilk Two I th suffen, ailia auco" at Iamblnw e4$F to comes this 910TIOI�s $ '4 *etho your whole heal Ueep. and one will be li�tter able to excursion to Dotrolt The old, ticket office at the station Ths large par $W* 225 5*1 yron the report of -Abe Deputy ty of lleb"euns the only,,way to Ucep well in to keep thQ cull out tile undcslraUle ewes and ga cut in two, on Tuesday and on � who were bro ­tbis Oppoxt4nity to ught to Canada on the g an isit the amwements "0 War Suporinteadent of Education on the ws aning opet Moiety COM-* Canadian Pacific Stearaships "Illota. liver artive and performing its PrOper their o0spriur;, It any. jcfVp u IY Ito"d Trip V! Seh(1013 of South, Iturow The Wednesday Mi fttictieria by u4jvg gilburnta Uxa- those that prov,e good brectlers aad there and do your Echools of the T , of GoideriCh arc.1 i.noticed its march to Lewis' Park, 1 01114 ard 41141,100V have gone to ;�hcro it was e ected it WQiAd rest good mothers.—c. W., Laidiaw, Do- shoppi.ng—and enjoy mpeb improveil. No. 5 Uaborne,, un- Red Vmr, Alta" Where L t1joy Will 14yer Pills. tier the mapal;�mont of Mr. Thowas last evening, 42 00 4tbpr part Ur form an agricultural colo -ay. 14onstration Farm, Now LiQueard. the balmy l4e ridt, the duuc� p4sce 1.6"'o a viol at on dealm IV i , rig, the meals. and the collivort Blatehford (a first�cla#s B. teacher) Saturday !.tight. It is thO intention I hoOlS that of the wayor to utilize the parts for Seven hundred farmers and far* Oailod� direct On receipt, of price by Rubberis. wq�io Aboard, is oroe of the few Country $d vier cottages, and as they are The T. k1lburn, GD., Limited, Torgutoi, lrxe for 4Xd ftult Jar w a decerit salary SUM, labovers Arrived In Canada recentlil OldfrUltLIAr rabberg came In hand- UAVIng God pay -anything 14. met Gxv7hQuAdJre1LCAt* rOrt substantially built and shapely they i an the Canadian Pacific steamer Ont� ti% t]14�15tft Marc,, will make good ones. S. Deovies, Of "Uontealm." These colonists ore ily IQLot vViater when, tile Nnow. was Nurou, tao V. M.. and mttolt 5:30 (Frorzi The Goderich $tar of on the ground. Ity boy stepped on Enjoy Detroit olibis until Dungannon, has the contraqt to move proceeding to Ontario and western cut a big gash In his: t1Z4y,JWA 11, fit I 't M.= 117th� 1874) alt axe and return t0plo kiacterlic 4" the building. �olnts wbare they will take Up farr libber. I melted a fruit Jar rubber Mr. Woodcock WAS TeAching SIA91019 ot tr od BOA Fire at stororth work. to the consistency of wax, poured'it, Lo IptolliotrottlOW060 drich )Jr. Woodcock idvertists in our About midnight last Mood ight THE Of LANDS stuck It back In hat he will open, a 44as A )nto the sash and on Fir.144Y, JIM100.20thir 9930 41- M­ eolumns t fire WAS dWoverad bresking The project, of a ship canal Was$ plaf-e When It became C04 the for the po Be -of te*Chin% ain 09 milling am. Scotland from, - tho Clyde to the good as uLw. y at sight "WOdco- . . lad the roolof the seaforth lklaclits - of system clestly 444 ruhbev was as 'S -PAny"s warehouse Ana el to the '0 evator,-but it-, Firth of ­Forth., wait brought Monda *Once In tho AV ha -old. A7 a 4n -farm any old waY be Some ex "ri to import $0031 gained sUQh`headw L t t all 041.foro again At a recent meeting of Pra�ticafly T in u and no oubt will be *blehis PUPILi - forts of,the firemen proved. fruitless the Mid-Scot"aild Ship canal -As. likes on his oWu farm, But he cAn't the dcsired knowltilge to * I to save it. Thofiremen tbett made 1111"allon, and there -is a possibility �get out of paying for priNtlege of LIGHT 25c (From The Goderich Star of April an effort to savolhe main brick will of llotlethi�s tairr started in this Australian She"i lif#ftilhig InUld ...... doing things the wtong way. Ho oi'dw ft" liour MoAde oil 3rd, 1874) which they succeeded in doing, 'Q* connection in the near futurf. Recommended A N mbeving 0 vayo In snort crops and variou school Wks Hold Temper- the machiner was considerabW dam. Ab un t 0 11 t in -%vt Seed 0 us R rd, *34hatz-at Millers Grip 116W sugge,440— I Fi *"o. 114 0 A single .. pair - -of -- potato bugs 1,1gR - Prooltsklile When had 4 close call during the fire. without check, inoee 0 14 For. A R- LINE 31h the report of the t, Se to ....... .... WHITE -'ST 60.000,000 In anei 'Resison; the he# pedings in this issue wo read that Death of Birs. A. M. 314dregor I sollL Esq.., secretary Of the one Of ()Ur L best k . nown residontso &Ph," developing thIfts" genova- (CcintribuNd 1w oximr1u.nevartmont, of Adam I t.L . . tions-rin i singlis� year, woula, if. un. Agricultaro. lrortlnv�,) JUST ARRIVED High. Sehoo Maid, asked -the town Jane Melrkto�11, wife of 041) A rd Nceommodation for dond*y chocked to, the end of the tuelftfi 'Vounell.tQ L The last. few years the -�ahibig of THIS WEEK ro�Vjdo 4 McGregor agsed away on ) ed 15 generati it taS of SjXLwccks, tit, 1144 $ bool, 48, the tomper0oc" after An 111:4 on) have mul iplied to terl runs behind because Jes to Whow, thor building! at pre- years, six montlis and 27 days sheep hap be(,n one. ot the most I)r*)- Nowadays A wordla'a deed ;wbose, Many a man in frout. -large sbipment of cousqquences cvmnot-:be measured. his Olfe wants to run led belorip, demand pos- Man At Z;�Urft likanehts ut lNe;stock farru- A all Now Business Canadian air pilots flew 294,449 Once'' a you crossed * Johnny assures us �that a railroad styles a ford was whav ottoit and JCIeV,6 the anintilit of profit depending the u�w aud class Is eVe' in you Mr.' Alf. 'AskwithL has cutered,the wiles can y river, now it place you conductor limiches a hole , Ting 0,153 passengers And ry ]%at to SXg1R*W" 0 business 4roha of Auburn and *ill tq;a, great eutont'�on the success at ticket to let you pass thTl�ug�. Ialw 77,850 pounds of friight WL' 192% t, � s4 the street., conduct a firgt-clmi�'Aour. Oed and according -to a rapiort.of the', IUAT13 , 111�. lamblai-time and iiairuedtatOy after-; ropeller Bentoli, Coot. Me.- seed stoic in the stand -recently Occu- tilan Air 'Board, Su�-*tchewhn till)! ek- so . Pled by ;nine$ Young. He opened It.f. igkj t* fh. nowtiviia" A.Tvtri" waids, DIMcu.1ty ' 1� treque W. ­A ..... . orj a r, will ply this , ASOU n *11 XT rlil� A -0 p9rielmect-An'- 94kMg LAO Ich SAW AW# Detroit the� store- an-Wedoosdiy- -of this week 25,62� passengers. _V01toba lillots, 1�hu und�bjs t1rst liurchase.was'a earload 6?2 people,, afi(t JailtiSh. and shorts,.from, the llot" 1,122. Are not easily recq More carried I Vfu X a, Ressrs. e ond tore to iodt of flour bran Every fire agonts. plik. ..1n,a large; ji� p �H Wor N pilw­dowwi� an Ird-Mr—e- A cor�pany han been formed in, mOthero freq%wntl� 'd Igo %Vn or fall to r sidewalk in front of his now block oil Mr. Jacob Xuntz died. In 'SWtfora London to exploit sunken JrOasuro in - twe,properly Nrthelr own lambs, w4egst Otre—ot. 1his in iftl roVg-� on, 3atUrday after a long illness, ag- Navirino, Day, off the we4t coast. Aulitr*11pit Sllck�p BIAAding Flittil ment e* 0 47 ors and 6, w6htlig. The de- of Greece. The promoters 9ta.to Retowniended.' The well known R"glisli ­SWINU cc HOUSE CLEANINGL IS IN FULL- ,oge4ye desitria-Imm , goonerally. It I A.. a Was for it long, period the that there, in * inatter of $4,5,000,000 la oragr,that u'eedy 1..�lubg miw, lie Ulq1tos of Walcefield, ml totri6t; A now� Avg 911 In owner of the SaItford brewery and In bullion and otheT. for . $till at �easjly recogniged and llietr WOUXT4. front of the 1mildings. forgars, before owned the. brewery the bottom -of the Say. where was, to Ci 2, coriveUteut eysteni ex mArk;- Maropole' and Suzkville. need of a net� Mattress. We it ul�. , P,� you are in UbUro, and wAsL well, known 'sunk with the united fleets of fty s a larKe atsortm.ent frow' bich to 61iob4e.'' A10 Weotvr" Upivon Litte 'to morittloal at pt, In;; IfA neede(l For max3ang p;,1'rPose DrAuds. - Cqloris brqwn, w through Ifuron, a's his business lay."in and Turkey by t3w united Driflib. &k1htraII8r1L sileep branding til 15 �vcvy town an green,' blacki grey, Beds,and Spring$.,. �Ve b ave added1several new I it It *01-�bo teen by -referring to our es a ;;liato. . �, Frouth Awl 'Russian fleets in 1827. pearl advertislo columns that tho Propel- It-gan be obtalued differeut ler Alma . I this season That Jail Park colors froni Arikig who nandle sht,0 and camel. Pripes Lran ge, in ond.intetjdi�g purch ers would do wel.1 to, - i pl A&Wplies, SUCIfL L 5 L . V betwc�u real and Wench, eal- The'jall. park is a credit to th� Last summer 4,A00 forest fires U ihe, Canadian Cc- $ so to. look 'over 6d f ek ling ot od Canal a d. Lakii Eric town A;d countvi-Aud in a few years 'Cleaved wway of least ten times as W061 Growcni, XAjb Auld 2, 'We are A t, s'for the it will be:op� of the, 1)1Ieasant spota In 40ts 0 1113ale the wool; and Eltows qM.00 any troot is *or* cut down for ice of Ateat 'A. Very large VVr 4000rx 'golsed the rVA rGodevich. All the- trees planted are lumber, pulp and'vaper, and oil oth. it distinct -mark for sevex4l wookiis. Maxwell and Kjib El�ctric Watshers, -Ito ibutckbcm� of the town have a growitt. and.their diversity �vilt In oriridusiriAl �,urpoto coosed. to the w�athvr. orhe XIMX 'Va4�%[Uln -Cle'Aners tho distant future be witness t e ercentago of the fires wcro cauised it, way to, Appiled vitti it sm&ll stlex sited 'to %,alto the prive of all kind; CAPS. of I weat. The h1laiiiing gre the. pri�' judgment of the planter Xidle 0 paroloex campers arW -sportatnen ur, better still, an oroin1kry umelilue -f t cult- nq ne 60, and his kad*ledgo -'Q' SE "thvvicht It would die 'out" or oitipg,ean, itud slioUld be i%Wbed in and the Singer SeWi Machi "41 Leg. of Mutton and sirloin Uitils and ioys,, iatest h A round of beef, mottort Ure, cast a lic ted mxtih, or cigxr- oo tuat.4t,will uot itproud. 1D alva .Ing -Oil,-Negd1es-=a-ReF 6fl "eur If a f- --- —2401 M 110 11 A stelaks; -- 11 -Ma; Was Otte tud!i *Irt-f orz­diffeTen H coarso bW. fropi 8 "'U, rangr from mlqc I es 0 and' JiMt is $aid 'to be owing t6L t.lt This In our -ket"'erice last week to the tn working, systful Of Car- at'"Cn'Off'o touf atock.�anin%AU. . JaQW koing ftaoe. $�11 Amdr, pAssing away of Uri. Robert Thompt (of auumobut Ists is tar, Is gdopted, 75c to'$2 50 son, we owitted to. mention that at The..Xount Run- Our, Upholstering gepa'rtiftent 14 At Youe SerVict ea, d rlvLtU 4u, even, aumbe. k:s 9� 4, 6, q te., dl* camlk Ito Is iming -improv *4 the funeral, Miss Hatel * Belcher sang kill jen.Me Ignitis aft cu'd uumbf., iL9 '.'The City Foursquare,, which mas enlarged, tad will im equioped �wlth I.Vhe lauib,o at;,31btr -19 -1ate WoulA It -Aot Im a jood idea for j6.-aj is 5. etc', A full lint of the, a -07 Very, touch', appreciated, Also the all modern op on Its Lack with fairly 1,21`91e. tie,5,. n;ruely the orig. 3" "V-101VS to close their Plato ,of fs-Am h t thank the nian 4 W'"'DELER !who rected that as a result of the' _King 0 road v'";"" kq- gy tj It "ice liuslotis at 4 40clwk at least one ev. waftnIlIZZ th'@r sympathy an kind- Ing of: the Bantf-Windormere ""' � f" K R (o.t Lit 0xv, baf. With 016,S0,11le U11111- Tut at etting in the w0ek, This practice' ly thoughtfulness. this year.. tho, tourist traffic thvbugh b.+ r "r her 'Cry 10 PUr f vifevalls In, otbot, 6*48 In the Pro. Banif will be the heaviest 4ver It- 1;%nib or latubs. If stie wprice 0 .750- n4tare and' - Upholstering Corded. a ram nAitilber bi ahe will have, tho Fu�eftl Direcior' ana Ern4onor It o0hble$ the splesmen. and Thodate of the provincial elp Jong J has been found t* Work Returning 011ietts f01r 06 8"IOns -ums two laolbs, a ewc utimber 6 and ON A 0% other viloyees to have me good has beea'announced sts JUo0'2&th"L a figurer fi and 9 lilaeod bo that toon ent i At 'Of lh� froun'bel4nd one *111 be' n plones re 335 nday, with tiqmIn4tions' the Canadian Pacific 'Rail'*&Y�L Proil. othor or nearer tile head :. I I DERICH '6,vt Or �sport at some of the mealy i'v n^ o Hav a St., GO .hin the Annual y4ettift b 1*11 tt�o 'all games And other rerrftt-1ft& 14th. The returning Oflicers' fOi tile dent, E. W. Ileatty p Ut 'that "Juttle:, to $now 5 Uild s lather the 161004ii 355w Huron riilings,ave as follows: Con- . ointed o than M�o lk"d to for the immisratiiin into The�e numbea'are bebt Pitt on tto U u, , deft MaNavia, ING- -,"* The M* instruments, Along,vith 0 bt Canada 6fthe Ltl&ft Of eolorilirttirg. tter tbe lgiabs. are born, IL btaufifiO drum, for the' Giderith orth U n, no Jamieson, -ently beetied to tityglit). the, c�un, a few 110 q Ors 41 0. $1, Uc A Towst Bank have arrNed.' They are outh Huron' GM fty's, natural resources were much'' �betvttfes, it ono r a 6 biigliter thin they bad been In th hd' the bond 11A "'W in fult 0 Working Order, and WM 1A Out for Millev,s Wo past two or -,three. Years, And An In- IMI or rat Powder$ L destroy treated. traffic frola. Cie t tlw benefit, of the town Avd a sh A 131it4n, Mr. , a. 6 1 iout any inconvenience 'to RAyner, th bond, "as 0 and Nort.'horn Sure"%wos lidiclatted rRoned* -altitit. with of. t ild, a so eff"tuxuy that they by the largoly Increased west*m ayersinthevomino ass *6 the body, unperceived, movowent ovi tko c hips oil second to ootie in the Pro. ey thoroughly- cleanse the mtomach Auritig tke -post buy om"" " thjx o lo. a very short time And bavrels kod loave them, to a ton. year. go"M X' ani'L J� I)o dition not favorable to 'worms, and., ViVaIL Of the pests. 'Up hk Shot BIWIlk then will bo no v sts Ot 'xdouglr by I%* olugiard will a mesil". $. and J. . owning have A miser"A'Arst ruI6-in arithroctle roosoft of the Cold;. thhrefore aliall o1whed a boot and shfig store In the is addition, but big. beirls gen"Ally he bog JUL, harvest And have- nothing. prehilse.0't -nipr].V Loccupled by Alt. begin, with djvlgion.� —Pfov-. 20-4. Archibald rmbba block. Iftrralog Is a bualaiwo, agriculture Uen are always philos6phical,;when A �eiin man has a watch Which they haVo lost their money. is a XcloAce. VW0116f Ot tile NOR MAP to r ree who bloods =0 40 is tilt man to says has g4fnvd enough to pe Novel' 'Pay a bill unle$8 'YOU 'have #ro success. itself in six months, the tuofity* gL Roof of Cam'Adi. I akill the -.1 .h.— A— .1d 46k.,I) just tI)#n;' eval Otto PAul Schwarz, of 1� to like bowtlo at the IM1111, P001 and VRINAVOW Vl" 8*vvingitd, in deseablas a trip In the from Ita use,%*16 surface *04 glisten lik W O%ft Conaelin ptr!ltv twkleA. 1,*6 saw a hose�! which cat *#vor *arva thm-. a thist at* ' ft-1*1ItA I-, I 14orto. Itrftls#lblC WHIL ft *11"I'llig "And Wd tt bark tit Nou T4 ho Was tsk#A� "Or fifeloalion *Jklett the Wers of V* tiattoors t"Mot do Oioy bltat?- ldeviv� 11 llho� ptclaro* abeiv* *aa takes ijft tko "Mt Of ,"A*, no, A bergitchruoid fit skot a bird, It is *#or Sanff. aad %* hugis &%tlor whith b"o 'ettvalose wlilort the iet kits slipffied Ao*h lbolf1ho "ttv Is fravit"lult will., 1% yooto, "rhw�lhev too wall at# ttorkc4� Ue nott Mumbling blOt4tito nAk#-f#ttil* t%e#r&jtjO plains, Tmv#N* at the, we 46M to was %.Chlmloy� 111IS is a hatt buoi�'�ra# of aboot t,6up lftcltf�,, fairk day. tiotbilic can %Ith- low but ant-thor ge"Ir*110% ot,*(*btO**fs Vill kot tialatt I @ o0kor *44 4010X Wbat You "40, *%4 auso boterio tho If* ast Virm(* tuo tbk sWo like olilosm' till Son wel! to 04 160� elimbors sta"a illi ba" tovilKil-Its Wsy town to tu Tole fiftoem ftn loax hung abote us�l wArtner -.&Htys, %ho-rit It *01, *-#ft: ssl$ In t%b VMS- " J00 a or"I life, IV* Ono of lonmilait 0-11OW frftl thf OV0% WOW 0"k% Will #tW *oW%11r blakfr t* *herb *fi AIA-ler0l OWL tap""A'IMCk ard M. ft� ur so thf proitat fty *0001 g** # river or Ice with a Atlith *I *amel)klag )ilk#, it "%c#tsed, �Ihp loN 67 Ible v(AAtrtV1 Ut"tal ft"* 3,W f��t, �,mch �0%0, a I 0 IL If 0,140