HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-10, Page 8"mom SIR, tihor com in't"n-ts, t4ii .. take the I to V*' I%UY 14"W.Amp Jaw n4 that Wriais no danger of 15 For You to Got More ri* - 1124 Mlss*4 *W N*cted Too Often 11, n reverting to proWtioni, wt that t1w real fight in the next ew years Th* VsJue—Neerliess, to _.Get Les's will be waged between Capital am by ftay Fvxws� i i M01 This in spite of fte fact that T Rvubmt S405 wnumber of �he Labor lea&vio are WIj,", Twl# WISWUMIlly V41404L— 4D5 Build A Garage limmilh, foustantly urging Moderation. and lire b cow0ow Tburin§ $445 nott In their speeches sit any rate, wo N011111W with ihe difference kKi4ting theRISCIVtO With the MOTO Aoilaw r1#q0.14V-Aa* 4 Cot" $100 radical views of some men in the [A. do" 01TOO us" hooulto. Sedan $785 between the price bur party. As evidence of the tread, toward protection free traders point AgnQuiturv, Toronw.) of a Ford andthat among other thints, to the propwc;l OWSis $345 dut-Y of t(oh shillivus per quarter with it* advaugo of agriculture (%ht b4ohels) on maltin barley tile Increase 14 farm tools, Implo- of any other car. wit a preference Of one-thfrril: to tKel mento, aud Aimablu" U04 been grQ0. IVA 11441WTW4 sa " 'tv�%y Ak 0 * 4> STA"Pe A CoAtury ago, au AX0, a acyttiv. 4 �.Qvwm 4r vo, UiwLor ES, 'rot an, Hotiag W014M YI014 too Mil. 00"so'sud a saw famed s, Imrrev%rt 140EWAN A TERROTT lift Ponaila to British Troiigury Of tht 0011PA101it Of =114Y f*rJn#- GODBRICH, ONTARIO Zostfor estimates of the yield to the Those. few simplo togl# were pro bably rltbb treasury of a ax on betting 9 most, usetu), ft working the small lr�*p Mmoo COMPANY OF CAUARA 41`0 QUO hundred million pounds as *#(*I* rV44% of UuA under vrocess of clear - it the original figures of thirty us. The, development or the, Urms: WOW N 0 "6330 Lk i d M00496. evidera poUnds' It is mOtO than ever brought Improvement, An tools mud a .4 that 4 tax is to be Imposed. t gradual development award the ;A Will den. diet Mal On the Teo T40" the will whi ed man At" -a " kwa involvea are ming All MRAMSIX Was ImAnallAg Oyna, exsmin!d by 4, Committee of experts, modern typo at farm Machines. mite in a q= He let a Stick, Whose lAtfrim, Opinion in that the Wheat Xoobi we" 24"Uy val"it. MgOnquin Park, that wonderful drop, and the box went up, tak- to art a great many difficulties intbe Tools war# valued In the early and and smokers turned to pipes and Government reserve situated in the Ing Mike with it. The quarry boas Way but none that cannot be over- days because such were hard to get. to rolling their own. Cigarette con- Highlands of Ontario, 200 miles north came around later and said -to, auoth- Cameo Even One-half -of a hundred There was no waste of farm e4UIV, sumption drop of Toronto And 170 milqs west of Ot- or Irishman: tr,4 by aboiit half a bil- million ?Oun4R 'Would be a tremen- moat then; the spade mud the scythe lion a year an the government suirer. tawa, is nearly 3,OW squaremIles in "Where. is Mice?" n dOU* he P to BrItAin in Meeting its war* Praluod. as much an tbeshotgun. ad a net loWs in revenue, of a ;2,. extent, and has become ime of the "He's gone," replied Pat. SIGNIf JrA NCE, a finflIC141 Obligations, rt begins to Condlitlaus,hovoo changed during the 1000jQ00, The highor tax Ituta fly most popular resorts for the, summer "When will be be back?" asked look as if bettorm and hook.makers Past coAtury. The progress IN now Drovided a lower revenue, (Toronto todrist and the lover of the out -door the boss. WOUld soon 1* contribqtin much wwW 4y im -stiltuadmuce at tools, inancial Post), life. The ikititude, 2,000 feet above Well," replied Pat, "'if he come,�, more generously to the Ulonal Implons"fs iii4l,machlues for every sea level, gives! this territory 44 In- ba#COU as fast as be wentholl, be back and other eouiitries, All the, passen. trvastlry than In, the P48L PUMA* to agricultural production. xiseiy - loves c#mpany—but les vigorating climat , 0. From .'all over yesterday," anco.-Vt= harTtating In— abound the _Xarth_.AmerIcan_.corAinent�. -Ilckliff- a;; in 'u -14A "d *1 00 J;reat %ba We age W 'a' IlqUor* ow Are t ey, to get. in'VOR, T14"ili-le-Y, 'R­Irauifact-�-ii- 9-90 W_ ­ - - - - It before entering American wiiteral Turkey was . braugjit to an *14 hand, Plaugbi, tillage Wes Se I the britdng tang of er abrupt, 04 pp"" forests and she talcvs� them in hand NOTICE I Washington's act seems to be A 1041. halt in its attempted� pie 11C off . of machluoi; and harvester* neglected cal foII4* up of the announced deter- theUnitad States against. rl in and and expose pp, mination of the Cover-nment to elean prancit at he V; ta 4 to the weather, rust and and rebuilds -them,, The Canadian National Railways'has. Issued a hpnd- AUT0116081LEOWNERS. the liquor question. LOSAIMe, conforeum wear After I, some publication giving all particu- , out before giving halt service, UP For The French government has 'ho in. The waste of tools, Implements, ins- i lars, as tqji Oat your n fleet of rum -runners b4x tention whatever of allowing the chinos *oil articles of farm equir- otal 0ccOmMOd4ttdn and chored. outside the limits of if Mont amounts to many,tho buh alow camps. Inserted in this bf Chester concessions to go through and$ Of EVERY I the American shore, Smuggling liquor they* Interfere with any rights pre. dollars each year, us pub ication is the best -mop that has IM MARXERS and into, the country when Opp tot , been published of Al; I Ulu P99MIT CARDS For free copy agrly to any OrtImitY viously granted by Torkey onq aftorded. The Proposal -to 080 the The latter country . tav France, Neglect of Implements and Tools 314 Meal now from at one tima 0 sn4 orlininal W"te6 r agent, Canadian Na ion Railways, U. S. fleet against these vassals and other, also advanced very large sum% Neglect to put machines under the troops against land Smugglers, of maneyand is Insist.1bg U cover, to apply weathor�prooftng, or write C. E. HORNING, D..P. A, J. W. M&WICAR - I Toronto, Ont. ought to, have been suilklentwarolng ment III gold go raras thduirb tre,349 g1V y0tM ftes- to other PaWors -thot the,Uv& gov- Mot. to keep sharp all cutting parts, at Go.&. Araevicar's Sbae Store, olloway's Com Remover North side of Sa U&M nest, Whether Turklsh.troop,- ro The move Of to all or otherwise fabric te all bear- 1119111i I ornthent was 'in car want to Pay in MA IL 4& aW�" With . When H that earnestness Is based on political where prance has Iii bordor,of Syria, Jugs -to redullug the efficiency and applied to, a cam it kills the.root's, Gode mat rl I ty comes out wit BoN At4 rich InOtiVe4 Or- not does fiOt M4ttkr,' e 4 and-jew shortening the period of usefulness WRIGLEY& 'and the callosl _ hout timental intere4a, was t A injury to the flesh: Washington tried to got other gov- neK at equipment to *which many millions Bongo . teetb, a sood or'Aments to co�operate by rotusW to. checkmated by the. despatch-OFIF119 at dollars of farmers' money has reinforcements, Accompanied sippellte. *04, Ipwover orao, motor or man, Is also grant Wling permitTi to abl" with by a been Investoil. The machine or tool _h1UAt_1nt1_M&UOn,Ao Vurkey-whid"n- -4ftgation, moon U0011 effect amounted to the, gtst intofi ad for thL, United Stateso. rall- ement, "If On Want a.* figh owcan have W, reduced, through. having to waik ure to respond with reasouble promptm 11 1101 f Francs had sto by Britain at the with a. too) or Implement not in the W111GLETIPS' 16 E n tv ness, to this suggestion has no doxilit fijit Lausanne conferencor the very �y I rosulted in the lirwent step, The a Present best 000illttim. This 4oubla llablllty� ne would not have been, necess4ry.� -Whilis _ fully _app _ _ra4lated. by._the_ InDA, ,per 11 all Ohio ain pe' of farmer, ikard pl-oldbition on this continent AS Allies has healed a 14 of wounds left A joke, henee the shock to*them, of by Misunderstandings and differences As a matter that, should bo under- ew- S ev -SrOAt . mass �jd people in.ZrW -,re- But 'n this' instance the Ualtyf -flig OMOIeut or business ty work -owis- vicalookulto WashlogtoWs attitude Is more severe in the put,jew months. stood by,411 who own or, work with N uperior .%.,n Met than if thei bad really understood farm t9olm. the situation. 01.0d The ute of is, Gran Mader. S In NOW Brunswick and Quelift In tho hands of good men a grata AV Costs Money to Ron Merchant Marine The goods in New' Brunswick Ani binder has. been. known to, list and 8 the, W Canada likp'the United Stotes is Qu`ebec provinces#. following upon do 100'per. aent. eMcient work' for finding that It costs a lot of money. those in some parts of Western Ca thirty years. In the hands of tare-� to run a Government Merchant XAr_ ad4o do but emphasize the helpless. loss man grain bloderi ha.,ve bean ine, This'country has a deficit at the ne" Of man against many of the for- racked to pieces in less than Ave present time getting on tq nearly Cos of nature. All the rest of Can. years, through., such treatment as nineteen million dollars on it.,; mar- 4du will -svinpa4he with. the saffar� neglect to alf and to keep belt IN' Inc. and thtro is no chance of making ers front -the floods and will approve 8 1 ught. The rowar4 for efttcleoc� Up the loss. It is proposod to keep of -the government takink, any 40tion might hors be expressed as the pflc�- scale 37 vessels of the fleet and. to In alleviation that may b�e found ne- of fto bladqrs over a peilod Of thirty dispose of 27 others, ' At th I 009sary. A great. many sections of yearx,,—U Stevenson, See, Dept, of c. some time It is suggested that there Should tbo country w*pe very heavy $DOW Atrlculture,'Toronto. be AredUction,of the capital chargoi falls were the rUle during the winteri seabed­serio ssaiitir4 woman,in an my. had gradual thaws -an klied at the police barracks 18 Merely a matter of bookkeeping, -h an a sentw a . The Jointer plough was developed it may nominally. show that Oavy rail`144114, at oes . ' tlio make their residen tbrough-the appreciiitiou.of Plough i and when lAwson came thnT)%'1'pS to be retainen are eapable t 0 Ineps! any giberste,11 shot him dead, 0, aa�ing, some Oart of their co -t I w IWAIpathefle toward tileir f.o makers, of the necessity or mixing I own thil ren, being a wit- 'Was,the cast-, in.thewar timound for. 2oOntrymen who lwfa( not t a p a vegetable matter -with theeoll during Thity.do noLglaw when blown.' Murder. " The evidence at 'rood fortune. the ploughing operation. The Jointer, oUL Their heads do not drop. �inted to -the woman as thel a shor while afterwards. Thp�'ves Is a miniature plough attachegi to T sels to L kept In commission will,owe heyc6ntaln no poison, Rat# dfthe shots, but the Man thair -lite t6 the necessitv :the Main phiush to such a post- woot of glvinp. gnaw them. Riki)w tion as to cut and roll a small furrow )Unil gulltg.- The Alberta the Cauadiiiinlq4ti0hul ays*90M., slice Into the. battam. of the farrow SU Court in the Superior. sea cargo sp4ce. of their own. Whol New Five PaSSende T 0 Dominion sifted the evol- It 00mes to selling the. vesSels which and Just ahead of this furrow Slice perior ger ouring 0 ap ur400d by. th . e plough mouldbo4rd. 97 peals against the over- it-% thought Should be so passe.dout ment permits the tur - Afave Price $795.00, delivered to you were heard by them re- of Goiamment, ownOrship, t co.Mni is arrange at just.. try 110- Ila ind found the v4di -willbe lucky to iret anv014- like c of a wider furrow aliceapil piats 'Vulil e ped. N6 Extras neAded., stations against the Mae- one-half of their value. BY ROSS Farquhar %II vagettlile matter well. under the Their added length prgvents., y qui.P It IS more .0 Watched ftngers. when fighting Woman wtft seat to the likoV to' approximate about one-third, cutter of the turned f rrow slico. Jointor.plaughs are equipped,with k the government which 4fter Vh(jr wAs. arltaiaD experiene In S and Give us a call. et us demonstrate to . rao' g 'day . bler light in and b reo 310*174tc Im Fri —Had a lot of xcitemool shorter mouldboard th%fisohaped to longer the case th _14,rtome 420 former German vessolstj darkn4s).)r *d to interfere. We May rang from trawlers to a fif. after skool was 16ft out Wile w4 invert the firrow slice; more curl you that we have V I discUolon pro and -ton Otte am. way home or steeper are the terms gener .1 ally 411 OUSAnd, toll Vessel. All the WAS 04 sat. - The - govirament no, litl a nations, on the, allied side in Pug and Jake gets into Used -to describo the Jointer plough Mot gotuaw by the necessity t 0 1 r uilt many ships.under com,� a fito and Jack black- mouldboard. A whool and a land - on of qireulustances, and there in ad PU 'xlld6 dManeil'to keep the plough it 'upon law-brenkers that Do -9a eye and Po The World's- ar�eatest or .of takini lift to the sur- no wav out of the losses. At the. noaked 4 teeth out for straight at uniform depth and st%dy 006 gentle stroke ignites theta Xiirftvor if WoMen't"t"I ti , me it U a strange comment;ary a & it wood of be* aro"Also part hot the, Jointer -plough �'Caro Valite it breAkI.ng, of the. law In Ott the sit tion that it. nu nher of equipment Shorter handles,, shorter Ict, �"% 'to fteap# the J* - I lot better fite only.. beam. &Ad shorter laoulb ard are _A no.w s 109 are being built In British a was 2 men cums characteristics -very, pronounced when Ith *hea, *tW kill 'Police vo, 0 some in Our own. Yash- alo and divides'them 716 -Me DAVIS &*" in, (161, 146, � ib"to as I , sh 0.4 ch.atlro. and Made them stop. �ho Motor type,of.plaugh to com- I" � Murders 101 the kind Jake got a little 'WR parod'with--tho-Scotgh ori long-plQugh %OW been pa IsAly ( xpi4t- the wirst of the deal tYllof--I� Stevenson', ft *ill bW46 di 1,wf%li in got. Tke Trend Towaraci Protection in Bri. but Pug was a good House Phone 336 Garag'ehoote 83 men carry tala , JJayor might South St.jo Goderich 4% 0404,00 004M Olves Big Retim Voeum . of ish political currents are seem. spott;4 When ever he QaTor Night' r(194. 1 38 Of e6hi& Britl o4eks a fellows teeth Vou can mako 011 an, average $44 Ingly sweeping towards, a real. battlo out or any thing. he 'not on. jL _hjtlfo�iiare garden on. yo on an old issue. aamely, protectlow Ur IN wMan Mokil, Co. Undjed$ ?4.*" 11% 71 never runs -off like a farm. Can you Make as much In I AT quitter but stays.,ah& halva a III �h yetsus, frto trade. It will pr6bahly any 6ther WAYT The DO 010" or less complicated By the 14-, helps pick . them up� has. been worked out by the sue of a levy Iola capital raised �y the That is if you are one thing Illinois Experiment Statlbu� Mter Statm has ralkod a do. Labor � party. Promfor Manor Law, of his -A , A& A 9 ltito eff(vt I go$ taken 114 tto probitbility h0, been cauqi I Cortzad ShInil' Lead to cosipplitig ISLOOO. POISON. 0 , 1 0 ­ V a yowirm, 1,4111 sia"On 1,011au 41it; me. it who Is away for a manth's sea voy- Satin, —'Toaite.ma had the hed. average gross Jacome'trom, its halt - it, age set%king complete, restoration to, ake and as she lied oh the davirg� acre garden was $14-gri. With a g health, has pledged hiq word that a port sho'had pa, read to. hor by r& labor cost of $25.71 -and 40eadituros to tarift ifie4sure will not be brought qq"t frani'll book of vies and ete. for seeds, 'p* lants, &ad. Inteotioldso of before the House daring the msent They wan a lot of fool shoess and 'All 45.08i the not. return wail $f4.06. Y Isl parliament,, but obiervera In Wain I vait remember was Sam thing about Itoro is what the Illinois garden pro - a are ratlier inclined to the vietv that 11 oll has no Fury like a-. womaWs. duce - in It t 0 :p�csftt tendeoclos are towards a Corn. The% I went to, bed, 0, d it Ima 'Year. o Oalona, green 46 iloxeno. rips I $Unday—Poroot, my bath las nite bushels;, asparagus, 104 - pounds; and had to take it this Piornint. The r&"44, 168 doxen; 44ttuce, It b4s_ most discomforble Mac about fAke, kets; turnips, green 6 baxkots, early Ing baths is that no matt" ho w niany 20 dotob. late 3.4 bushels; rhubarb, Tou take' they are all ways just as manT left as they vv�rre, before -you 44 "auda; optisach, 2 1 baskets; pea*, tuk hom. .11 boak6ts,, beets, groan S baskets, fttlr 16 dOsou# late'11.11, bushels; es.b- Alonday-2 now kids cum to skool b4goo. early 1911 heads, late (large) today witch had ben ikilopted by 4 24, Ilk' Dian and his wife. The to (Small) 24.* betul. string 19 K have l*nor- Seeks, Was, 2# peeks; early potatoes, fants ever glytee. the det of there par. S bashola,* supply, cauli_ 'Int.q. I of them IS a nice loo Aawor, early 26, late 20; carrots, ear. and it 1110 What I am tawking a ut l, *4,dotion, late 7, bushels; squash, June is a going to have a opportun- - itv of vetting iellus - summer 02, winter 330 pounds; swooat-coru, 47 dozen; tomatoes, ripe Tuosday—Uncle Hen, bas bought; 36 109skols, green l'busholm; cucum- him A house here In town, and he sed bore, Sitting 387, vIckles1s; musk - be got a bargan, and the real *state Co. and so gentrus #ad fair and 040. inislahs, 1,1116 podiiiia.- watermelons, They hAvc, got It drc%* 4ap in the can. TOSS 0ounds; egg plant, 41 fruits; traet so thito any time he falls to p6bora, 4 peaks; parsnips, 3.4 bUxh- make 'up 41#;�-aaldty, 14 bushels; winter rtd- his syments they Vill ta]0 thopropity 0; his hand. lobta, 3.1 busbaiiii; telory, 20 dozen. Alowilay—we"t to tho ritchei 1, � ....... 0 cveatiic Aw in the 11(ofte, ,the* tonite and tawk sibout a good Tua plot** of beef commosly used Vitt -her. . It was a eej� I and bj�fare the Ot real was. donto 8 men wa& Va.. for eomfiiit ars, the plate, ruibli, c ' rosa led'Aud all threw the show tlw hot ribs, and brisket, or In other war#$ and cold Chills run up and doint my the theallor Cuts of meat. Tho, join, ribe, and, other tanty euts art 211140 Saved Spine. 31a to done but ps. says we will go nex WeAgday iftite. aftou used fresh. end iiinto there is Thirs ---Sam I - rur4r tro Am mars Or 1448 wantoto at HattItAts 1A bell and herd a isst pe. did bit vorniar, this In ow*lL "ie Sabo" Aor 11w -t6rniag should be cut into *opoa- *Ant to *by a Flwy ross mind he rt* Fin't hlatp� ed *nd sed No it is rlentv �ftrra L 'Moo RVALL, lout-olzeil Jolato, so 6 or # laom ly d10 S.S. 11y, Wd - 116W. - MIA back' nex fill. 114111M t_.14 Afte fall' Me, ca8ted'slaum at eath -%A-, A when Tit W ACTUALLY I bijivmt Any, t0i Z1. both ft,�� lk*xan lo other. TAX98 Pit, swell *ad p4t.a Ihuur.� -who vud MIKocular litht%matiou 84watil— , , RSDUCH RVIVENV98 tug %6usds %�#;a 81%6 n"6 nke When. one is a suforer irt" muscular Tho" who figure out tht� taxes of At3j ait sas!l to tvt*_-� Put in ThMiftittism 1* cannot do b*tt#r than c0untr-Yo tor A Mvinee,*IWAYS have cp1te bf all Cate tLe twtv.ronwg gol XxP-,dIV, 16 Ave tM mift rubbod with, Dr. rtckon with that last theitful of wor*, owas, &leetfioe Oil. LOt tho. ruji. *,frsow that-, it it does not break the idJ olliosatKs 4(tcsdo Ilia: at rzj�,Jej WMtow bing, be brisk arA tontinue viltil eaa4e ciftoPA back, at lewtt Makes him an 's sec Witkitat worker. There are taxes ON)WI'Vo4w to voAtho twxylisog. v -ured� There ii, moto virtw in. a -t% a ffiood�s urgent whize I bo.,.Taq SkIll Tro" battle of it than can be itily. "timat. that art good lax0s up to a etrtain -WabzAft-llui*� Almost from the 133TA ar"I ed* pointi that Provide I*VenI16 and catiot of thi& gmthing. hetw 1*1m. I elt ?AM-POK FAEE i4i% it with t%6 lmiftimunol of tbt thsage tokiog pla�e, As I Now sioial fm The Mingi"t Man *0 tvty bearA and of uafairnets. And beyond that TC16f T fw UrUm"N. U of bought hirt k** A nickel%, wor%. lCiat thty dtfoat thoir own purposes. t34 - tlkaMU4�11Q worm 6~ 1161^ )MI'Mint Iftot"es and took bet, 'itr,"s the 4rarotte, taxes. At 89 all votooteozi milter", Of $01 1 Nothing b11 lhl,�l wo'll. r�n a trollov Twe 1RW*ytno6%. Who a thoword vicawit" were heavily die dwal &A'"ok. 6311 hir�a "t-0 my tov, they g(,t of thtcar M naid, 1111(onty, ftiod, but ftkWiaw imakod reAT-4 we save 00 restoot this tan. 2,80, *0 00 6 Imr- TM tav 'WO for thk* Adlilt"." ;nct"' ;W, 1"t S,�*r to $7.60 a, thous. a Aff SEE i P MOM. THE ' 11Z ID Gornisiay'o Reparatka Mar Rejected ....... JW bitteL. and-Alritain,,-dis.4 gusW over the latest German offer to meet her reps ons obligatioug whick'offer has been rejected. 'The AT01*sIfloo is that thirty billion told miltrks should be accepted as liquid - sting the whole debL But this in dee. 44tut Upon the raising of a huge � 0. it is 'obvious that a, loan of a ol the such maraitudo would have to be ralmod hi allied cou4trits or in 06 United States. One of these d�ys -atiothitly zDo realize the folly at h6r *01 course of evasion and insult. Ino the and i Interim she is making heri.oW . n path so thorny as, possible. A. *,oasaw 31sageill for tlieFint Time Jn� 24 Te4id Ja Canada POr. the, Arst twenty-four years 4, Woman h en hanged In (Istado, It has W.U. the custom, basoil an sentiment usual _Vomw AnUte -to life lm�rjsoameowo death Will den. diet Mal On the Teo T40" the will whi ed man At" -a " kwa involvea are ming All MRAMSIX Was ImAnallAg Oyna, exsmin!d by 4, Committee of experts, modern typo at farm Machines. mite in a q= He let a Stick, Whose lAtfrim, Opinion in that the Wheat Xoobi we" 24"Uy val"it. MgOnquin Park, that wonderful drop, and the box went up, tak- to art a great many difficulties intbe Tools war# valued In the early and and smokers turned to pipes and Government reserve situated in the Ing Mike with it. The quarry boas Way but none that cannot be over- days because such were hard to get. to rolling their own. Cigarette con- Highlands of Ontario, 200 miles north came around later and said -to, auoth- Cameo Even One-half -of a hundred There was no waste of farm e4UIV, sumption drop of Toronto And 170 milqs west of Ot- or Irishman: tr,4 by aboiit half a bil- million ?Oun4R 'Would be a tremen- moat then; the spade mud the scythe lion a year an the government suirer. tawa, is nearly 3,OW squaremIles in "Where. is Mice?" n dOU* he P to BrItAin in Meeting its war* Praluod. as much an tbeshotgun. ad a net loWs in revenue, of a ;2,. extent, and has become ime of the "He's gone," replied Pat. SIGNIf JrA NCE, a finflIC141 Obligations, rt begins to Condlitlaus,hovoo changed during the 1000jQ00, The highor tax Ituta fly most popular resorts for the, summer "When will be be back?" asked look as if bettorm and hook.makers Past coAtury. The progress IN now Drovided a lower revenue, (Toronto todrist and the lover of the out -door the boss. WOUld soon 1* contribqtin much wwW 4y im -stiltuadmuce at tools, inancial Post), life. The ikititude, 2,000 feet above Well," replied Pat, "'if he come,�, more generously to the Ulonal Implons"fs iii4l,machlues for every sea level, gives! this territory 44 In- ba#COU as fast as be wentholl, be back and other eouiitries, All the, passen. trvastlry than In, the P48L PUMA* to agricultural production. xiseiy - loves c#mpany—but les vigorating climat , 0. From .'all over yesterday," anco.-Vt= harTtating In— abound the _Xarth_.AmerIcan_.corAinent�. -Ilckliff- a;; in 'u -14A "d *1 00 J;reat %ba We age W 'a' IlqUor* ow Are t ey, to get. in'VOR, T14"ili-le-Y, 'R­Irauifact-�-ii- 9-90 W_ ­ - - - - It before entering American wiiteral Turkey was . braugjit to an *14 hand, Plaugbi, tillage Wes Se I the britdng tang of er abrupt, 04 pp"" forests and she talcvs� them in hand NOTICE I Washington's act seems to be A 1041. halt in its attempted� pie 11C off . of machluoi; and harvester* neglected cal foII4* up of the announced deter- theUnitad States against. rl in and and expose pp, mination of the Cover-nment to elean prancit at he V; ta 4 to the weather, rust and and rebuilds -them,, The Canadian National Railways'has. Issued a hpnd- AUT0116081LEOWNERS. the liquor question. LOSAIMe, conforeum wear After I, some publication giving all particu- , out before giving halt service, UP For The French government has 'ho in. The waste of tools, Implements, ins- i lars, as tqji Oat your n fleet of rum -runners b4x tention whatever of allowing the chinos *oil articles of farm equir- otal 0ccOmMOd4ttdn and chored. outside the limits of if Mont amounts to many,tho buh alow camps. Inserted in this bf Chester concessions to go through and$ Of EVERY I the American shore, Smuggling liquor they* Interfere with any rights pre. dollars each year, us pub ication is the best -mop that has IM MARXERS and into, the country when Opp tot , been published of Al; I Ulu P99MIT CARDS For free copy agrly to any OrtImitY viously granted by Torkey onq aftorded. The Proposal -to 080 the The latter country . tav France, Neglect of Implements and Tools 314 Meal now from at one tima 0 sn4 orlininal W"te6 r agent, Canadian Na ion Railways, U. S. fleet against these vassals and other, also advanced very large sum% Neglect to put machines under the troops against land Smugglers, of maneyand is Insist.1bg U cover, to apply weathor�prooftng, or write C. E. HORNING, D..P. A, J. W. M&WICAR - I Toronto, Ont. ought to, have been suilklentwarolng ment III gold go raras thduirb tre,349 g1V y0tM ftes- to other PaWors -thot the,Uv& gov- Mot. to keep sharp all cutting parts, at Go.&. Araevicar's Sbae Store, olloway's Com Remover North side of Sa U&M nest, Whether Turklsh.troop,- ro The move Of to all or otherwise fabric te all bear- 1119111i I ornthent was 'in car want to Pay in MA IL 4& aW�" With . When H that earnestness Is based on political where prance has Iii bordor,of Syria, Jugs -to redullug the efficiency and applied to, a cam it kills the.root's, Gode mat rl I ty comes out wit BoN At4 rich InOtiVe4 Or- not does fiOt M4ttkr,' e 4 and-jew shortening the period of usefulness WRIGLEY& 'and the callosl _ hout timental intere4a, was t A injury to the flesh: Washington tried to got other gov- neK at equipment to *which many millions Bongo . teetb, a sood or'Aments to co�operate by rotusW to. checkmated by the. despatch-OFIF119 at dollars of farmers' money has reinforcements, Accompanied sippellte. *04, Ipwover orao, motor or man, Is also grant Wling permitTi to abl" with by a been Investoil. The machine or tool _h1UAt_1nt1_M&UOn,Ao Vurkey-whid"n- -4ftgation, moon U0011 effect amounted to the, gtst intofi ad for thL, United Stateso. rall- ement, "If On Want a.* figh owcan have W, reduced, through. having to waik ure to respond with reasouble promptm 11 1101 f Francs had sto by Britain at the with a. too) or Implement not in the W111GLETIPS' 16 E n tv ness, to this suggestion has no doxilit fijit Lausanne conferencor the very �y I rosulted in the lirwent step, The a Present best 000illttim. This 4oubla llablllty� ne would not have been, necess4ry.� -Whilis _ fully _app _ _ra4lated. by._the_ InDA, ,per 11 all Ohio ain pe' of farmer, ikard pl-oldbition on this continent AS Allies has healed a 14 of wounds left A joke, henee the shock to*them, of by Misunderstandings and differences As a matter that, should bo under- ew- S ev -SrOAt . mass �jd people in.ZrW -,re- But 'n this' instance the Ualtyf -flig OMOIeut or business ty work -owis- vicalookulto WashlogtoWs attitude Is more severe in the put,jew months. stood by,411 who own or, work with N uperior .%.,n Met than if thei bad really understood farm t9olm. the situation. 01.0d The ute of is, Gran Mader. S In NOW Brunswick and Quelift In tho hands of good men a grata AV Costs Money to Ron Merchant Marine The goods in New' Brunswick Ani binder has. been. known to, list and 8 the, W Canada likp'the United Stotes is Qu`ebec provinces#. following upon do 100'per. aent. eMcient work' for finding that It costs a lot of money. those in some parts of Western Ca thirty years. In the hands of tare-� to run a Government Merchant XAr_ ad4o do but emphasize the helpless. loss man grain bloderi ha.,ve bean ine, This'country has a deficit at the ne" Of man against many of the for- racked to pieces in less than Ave present time getting on tq nearly Cos of nature. All the rest of Can. years, through., such treatment as nineteen million dollars on it.,; mar- 4du will -svinpa4he with. the saffar� neglect to alf and to keep belt IN' Inc. and thtro is no chance of making ers front -the floods and will approve 8 1 ught. The rowar4 for efttcleoc� Up the loss. It is proposod to keep of -the government takink, any 40tion might hors be expressed as the pflc�- scale 37 vessels of the fleet and. to In alleviation that may b�e found ne- of fto bladqrs over a peilod Of thirty dispose of 27 others, ' At th I 009sary. A great. many sections of yearx,,—U Stevenson, See, Dept, of c. some time It is suggested that there Should tbo country w*pe very heavy $DOW Atrlculture,'Toronto. be AredUction,of the capital chargoi falls were the rUle during the winteri seabed­serio ssaiitir4 woman,in an my. had gradual thaws -an klied at the police barracks 18 Merely a matter of bookkeeping, -h an a sentw a . The Jointer plough was developed it may nominally. show that Oavy rail`144114, at oes . ' tlio make their residen tbrough-the appreciiitiou.of Plough i and when lAwson came thnT)%'1'pS to be retainen are eapable t 0 Ineps! any giberste,11 shot him dead, 0, aa�ing, some Oart of their co -t I w IWAIpathefle toward tileir f.o makers, of the necessity or mixing I own thil ren, being a wit- 'Was,the cast-, in.thewar timound for. 2oOntrymen who lwfa( not t a p a vegetable matter -with theeoll during Thity.do noLglaw when blown.' Murder. " The evidence at 'rood fortune. the ploughing operation. The Jointer, oUL Their heads do not drop. �inted to -the woman as thel a shor while afterwards. Thp�'ves Is a miniature plough attachegi to T sels to L kept In commission will,owe heyc6ntaln no poison, Rat# dfthe shots, but the Man thair -lite t6 the necessitv :the Main phiush to such a post- woot of glvinp. gnaw them. Riki)w tion as to cut and roll a small furrow )Unil gulltg.- The Alberta the Cauadiiiinlq4ti0hul ays*90M., slice Into the. battam. of the farrow SU Court in the Superior. sea cargo sp4ce. of their own. Whol New Five PaSSende T 0 Dominion sifted the evol- It 00mes to selling the. vesSels which and Just ahead of this furrow Slice perior ger ouring 0 ap ur400d by. th . e plough mouldbo4rd. 97 peals against the over- it-% thought Should be so passe.dout ment permits the tur - Afave Price $795.00, delivered to you were heard by them re- of Goiamment, ownOrship, t co.Mni is arrange at just.. try 110- Ila ind found the v4di -willbe lucky to iret anv014- like c of a wider furrow aliceapil piats 'Vulil e ped. N6 Extras neAded., stations against the Mae- one-half of their value. BY ROSS Farquhar %II vagettlile matter well. under the Their added length prgvents., y qui.P It IS more .0 Watched ftngers. when fighting Woman wtft seat to the likoV to' approximate about one-third, cutter of the turned f rrow slico. Jointor.plaughs are equipped,with k the government which 4fter Vh(jr wAs. arltaiaD experiene In S and Give us a call. et us demonstrate to . rao' g 'day . bler light in and b reo 310*174tc Im Fri —Had a lot of xcitemool shorter mouldboard th%fisohaped to longer the case th _14,rtome 420 former German vessolstj darkn4s).)r *d to interfere. We May rang from trawlers to a fif. after skool was 16ft out Wile w4 invert the firrow slice; more curl you that we have V I discUolon pro and -ton Otte am. way home or steeper are the terms gener .1 ally 411 OUSAnd, toll Vessel. All the WAS 04 sat. - The - govirament no, litl a nations, on the, allied side in Pug and Jake gets into Used -to describo the Jointer plough Mot gotuaw by the necessity t 0 1 r uilt many ships.under com,� a fito and Jack black- mouldboard. A whool and a land - on of qireulustances, and there in ad PU 'xlld6 dManeil'to keep the plough it 'upon law-brenkers that Do -9a eye and Po The World's- ar�eatest or .of takini lift to the sur- no wav out of the losses. At the. noaked 4 teeth out for straight at uniform depth and st%dy 006 gentle stroke ignites theta Xiirftvor if WoMen't"t"I ti , me it U a strange comment;ary a & it wood of be* aro"Also part hot the, Jointer -plough �'Caro Valite it breAkI.ng, of the. law In Ott the sit tion that it. nu nher of equipment Shorter handles,, shorter Ict, �"% 'to fteap# the J* - I lot better fite only.. beam. &Ad shorter laoulb ard are _A no.w s 109 are being built In British a was 2 men cums characteristics -very, pronounced when Ith *hea, *tW kill 'Police vo, 0 some in Our own. Yash- alo and divides'them 716 -Me DAVIS &*" in, (161, 146, � ib"to as I , sh 0.4 ch.atlro. and Made them stop. �ho Motor type,of.plaugh to com- I" � Murders 101 the kind Jake got a little 'WR parod'with--tho-Scotgh ori long-plQugh %OW been pa IsAly ( xpi4t- the wirst of the deal tYllof--I� Stevenson', ft *ill bW46 di 1,wf%li in got. Tke Trend Towaraci Protection in Bri. but Pug was a good House Phone 336 Garag'ehoote 83 men carry tala , JJayor might South St.jo Goderich 4% 0404,00 004M Olves Big Retim Voeum . of ish political currents are seem. spott;4 When ever he QaTor Night' r(194. 1 38 Of e6hi& Britl o4eks a fellows teeth Vou can mako 011 an, average $44 Ingly sweeping towards, a real. battlo out or any thing. he 'not on. jL _hjtlfo�iiare garden on. yo on an old issue. aamely, protectlow Ur IN wMan Mokil, Co. Undjed$ ?4.*" 11% 71 never runs -off like a farm. Can you Make as much In I AT quitter but stays.,ah& halva a III �h yetsus, frto trade. It will pr6bahly any 6ther WAYT The DO 010" or less complicated By the 14-, helps pick . them up� has. been worked out by the sue of a levy Iola capital raised �y the That is if you are one thing Illinois Experiment Statlbu� Mter Statm has ralkod a do. Labor � party. Promfor Manor Law, of his -A , A& A 9 ltito eff(vt I go$ taken 114 tto probitbility h0, been cauqi I Cortzad ShInil' Lead to cosipplitig ISLOOO. POISON. 0 , 1 0 ­ V a yowirm, 1,4111 sia"On 1,011au 41it; me. it who Is away for a manth's sea voy- Satin, —'Toaite.ma had the hed. average gross Jacome'trom, its halt - it, age set%king complete, restoration to, ake and as she lied oh the davirg� acre garden was $14-gri. With a g health, has pledged hiq word that a port sho'had pa, read to. hor by r& labor cost of $25.71 -and 40eadituros to tarift ifie4sure will not be brought qq"t frani'll book of vies and ete. for seeds, 'p* lants, &ad. Inteotioldso of before the House daring the msent They wan a lot of fool shoess and 'All 45.08i the not. return wail $f4.06. Y Isl parliament,, but obiervera In Wain I vait remember was Sam thing about Itoro is what the Illinois garden pro - a are ratlier inclined to the vietv that 11 oll has no Fury like a-. womaWs. duce - in It t 0 :p�csftt tendeoclos are towards a Corn. The% I went to, bed, 0, d it Ima 'Year. o Oalona, green 46 iloxeno. rips I $Unday—Poroot, my bath las nite bushels;, asparagus, 104 - pounds; and had to take it this Piornint. The r&"44, 168 doxen; 44ttuce, It b4s_ most discomforble Mac about fAke, kets; turnips, green 6 baxkots, early Ing baths is that no matt" ho w niany 20 dotob. late 3.4 bushels; rhubarb, Tou take' they are all ways just as manT left as they vv�rre, before -you 44 "auda; optisach, 2 1 baskets; pea*, tuk hom. .11 boak6ts,, beets, groan S baskets, fttlr 16 dOsou# late'11.11, bushels; es.b- Alonday-2 now kids cum to skool b4goo. early 1911 heads, late (large) today witch had ben ikilopted by 4 24, Ilk' Dian and his wife. The to (Small) 24.* betul. string 19 K have l*nor- Seeks, Was, 2# peeks; early potatoes, fants ever glytee. the det of there par. S bashola,* supply, cauli_ 'Int.q. I of them IS a nice loo Aawor, early 26, late 20; carrots, ear. and it 1110 What I am tawking a ut l, *4,dotion, late 7, bushels; squash, June is a going to have a opportun- - itv of vetting iellus - summer 02, winter 330 pounds; swooat-coru, 47 dozen; tomatoes, ripe Tuosday—Uncle Hen, bas bought; 36 109skols, green l'busholm; cucum- him A house here In town, and he sed bore, Sitting 387, vIckles1s; musk - be got a bargan, and the real *state Co. and so gentrus #ad fair and 040. inislahs, 1,1116 podiiiia.- watermelons, They hAvc, got It drc%* 4ap in the can. TOSS 0ounds; egg plant, 41 fruits; traet so thito any time he falls to p6bora, 4 peaks; parsnips, 3.4 bUxh- make 'up 41#;�-aaldty, 14 bushels; winter rtd- his syments they Vill ta]0 thopropity 0; his hand. lobta, 3.1 busbaiiii; telory, 20 dozen. Alowilay—we"t to tho ritchei 1, � ....... 0 cveatiic Aw in the 11(ofte, ,the* tonite and tawk sibout a good Tua plot** of beef commosly used Vitt -her. . It was a eej� I and bj�fare the Ot real was. donto 8 men wa& Va.. for eomfiiit ars, the plate, ruibli, c ' rosa led'Aud all threw the show tlw hot ribs, and brisket, or In other war#$ and cold Chills run up and doint my the theallor Cuts of meat. Tho, join, ribe, and, other tanty euts art 211140 Saved Spine. 31a to done but ps. says we will go nex WeAgday iftite. aftou used fresh. end iiinto there is Thirs ---Sam I - rur4r tro Am mars Or 1448 wantoto at HattItAts 1A bell and herd a isst pe. did bit vorniar, this In ow*lL "ie Sabo" Aor 11w -t6rniag should be cut into *opoa- *Ant to *by a Flwy ross mind he rt* Fin't hlatp� ed *nd sed No it is rlentv �ftrra L 'Moo RVALL, lout-olzeil Jolato, so 6 or # laom ly d10 S.S. 11y, Wd - 116W. - MIA back' nex fill. 114111M t_.14 Afte fall' Me, ca8ted'slaum at eath -%A-, A when Tit W ACTUALLY I bijivmt Any, t0i Z1. both ft,�� lk*xan lo other. TAX98 Pit, swell *ad p4t.a Ihuur.� -who vud MIKocular litht%matiou 84watil— , , RSDUCH RVIVENV98 tug %6usds %�#;a 81%6 n"6 nke When. one is a suforer irt" muscular Tho" who figure out tht� taxes of At3j ait sas!l to tvt*_-� Put in ThMiftittism 1* cannot do b*tt#r than c0untr-Yo tor A Mvinee,*IWAYS have cp1te bf all Cate tLe twtv.ronwg gol XxP-,dIV, 16 Ave tM mift rubbod with, Dr. rtckon with that last theitful of wor*, owas, &leetfioe Oil. LOt tho. ruji. *,frsow that-, it it does not break the idJ olliosatKs 4(tcsdo Ilia: at rzj�,Jej WMtow bing, be brisk arA tontinue viltil eaa4e ciftoPA back, at lewtt Makes him an 's sec Witkitat worker. There are taxes ON)WI'Vo4w to voAtho twxylisog. v -ured� There ii, moto virtw in. a -t% a ffiood�s urgent whize I bo.,.Taq SkIll Tro" battle of it than can be itily. "timat. that art good lax0s up to a etrtain -WabzAft-llui*� Almost from the 133TA ar"I ed* pointi that Provide I*VenI16 and catiot of thi& gmthing. hetw 1*1m. I elt ?AM-POK FAEE i4i% it with t%6 lmiftimunol of tbt thsage tokiog pla�e, As I Now sioial fm The Mingi"t Man *0 tvty bearA and of uafairnets. And beyond that TC16f T fw UrUm"N. U of bought hirt k** A nickel%, wor%. lCiat thty dtfoat thoir own purposes. t34 - tlkaMU4�11Q worm 6~ 1161^ )MI'Mint Iftot"es and took bet, 'itr,"s the 4rarotte, taxes. At 89 all votooteozi milter", Of $01 1 Nothing b11 lhl,�l wo'll. r�n a trollov Twe 1RW*ytno6%. Who a thoword vicawit" were heavily die dwal &A'"ok. 6311 hir�a "t-0 my tov, they g(,t of thtcar M naid, 1111(onty, ftiod, but ftkWiaw imakod reAT-4 we save 00 restoot this tan. 2,80, *0 00 6 Imr- TM tav 'WO for thk* Adlilt"." ;nct"' ;W, 1"t S,�*r to $7.60 a, thous. a Aff SEE i P set ed oj* wo Tho Fit the the ot *01 and -out out ths, Will den. diet Mal On the Teo T40" the will whi ed man At" -a " kwa involvea are ming All MRAMSIX Was ImAnallAg Oyna, exsmin!d by 4, Committee of experts, modern typo at farm Machines. mite in a q= He let a Stick, Whose lAtfrim, Opinion in that the Wheat Xoobi we" 24"Uy val"it. MgOnquin Park, that wonderful drop, and the box went up, tak- to art a great many difficulties intbe Tools war# valued In the early and and smokers turned to pipes and Government reserve situated in the Ing Mike with it. The quarry boas Way but none that cannot be over- days because such were hard to get. to rolling their own. Cigarette con- Highlands of Ontario, 200 miles north came around later and said -to, auoth- Cameo Even One-half -of a hundred There was no waste of farm e4UIV, sumption drop of Toronto And 170 milqs west of Ot- or Irishman: tr,4 by aboiit half a bil- million ?Oun4R 'Would be a tremen- moat then; the spade mud the scythe lion a year an the government suirer. tawa, is nearly 3,OW squaremIles in "Where. is Mice?" n dOU* he P to BrItAin in Meeting its war* Praluod. as much an tbeshotgun. ad a net loWs in revenue, of a ;2,. extent, and has become ime of the "He's gone," replied Pat. SIGNIf JrA NCE, a finflIC141 Obligations, rt begins to Condlitlaus,hovoo changed during the 1000jQ00, The highor tax Ituta fly most popular resorts for the, summer "When will be be back?" asked look as if bettorm and hook.makers Past coAtury. The progress IN now Drovided a lower revenue, (Toronto todrist and the lover of the out -door the boss. WOUld soon 1* contribqtin much wwW 4y im -stiltuadmuce at tools, inancial Post), life. The ikititude, 2,000 feet above Well," replied Pat, "'if he come,�, more generously to the Ulonal Implons"fs iii4l,machlues for every sea level, gives! this territory 44 In- ba#COU as fast as be wentholl, be back and other eouiitries, All the, passen. trvastlry than In, the P48L PUMA* to agricultural production. xiseiy - loves c#mpany—but les vigorating climat , 0. From .'all over yesterday," anco.-Vt= harTtating In— abound the _Xarth_.AmerIcan_.corAinent�. -Ilckliff- a;; in 'u -14A "d *1 00 J;reat %ba We age W 'a' IlqUor* ow Are t ey, to get. in'VOR, T14"ili-le-Y, 'R­Irauifact-�-ii- 9-90 W_ ­ - - - - It before entering American wiiteral Turkey was . braugjit to an *14 hand, Plaugbi, tillage Wes Se I the britdng tang of er abrupt, 04 pp"" forests and she talcvs� them in hand NOTICE I Washington's act seems to be A 1041. halt in its attempted� pie 11C off . of machluoi; and harvester* neglected cal foII4* up of the announced deter- theUnitad States against. rl in and and expose pp, mination of the Cover-nment to elean prancit at he V; ta 4 to the weather, rust and and rebuilds -them,, The Canadian National Railways'has. Issued a hpnd- AUT0116081LEOWNERS. the liquor question. LOSAIMe, conforeum wear After I, some publication giving all particu- , out before giving halt service, UP For The French government has 'ho in. The waste of tools, Implements, ins- i lars, as tqji Oat your n fleet of rum -runners b4x tention whatever of allowing the chinos *oil articles of farm equir- otal 0ccOmMOd4ttdn and chored. outside the limits of if Mont amounts to many,tho buh alow camps. Inserted in this bf Chester concessions to go through and$ Of EVERY I the American shore, Smuggling liquor they* Interfere with any rights pre. dollars each year, us pub ication is the best -mop that has IM MARXERS and into, the country when Opp tot , been published of Al; I Ulu P99MIT CARDS For free copy agrly to any OrtImitY viously granted by Torkey onq aftorded. The Proposal -to 080 the The latter country . tav France, Neglect of Implements and Tools 314 Meal now from at one tima 0 sn4 orlininal W"te6 r agent, Canadian Na ion Railways, U. S. fleet against these vassals and other, also advanced very large sum% Neglect to put machines under the troops against land Smugglers, of maneyand is Insist.1bg U cover, to apply weathor�prooftng, or write C. E. HORNING, D..P. A, J. W. M&WICAR - I Toronto, Ont. ought to, have been suilklentwarolng ment III gold go raras thduirb tre,349 g1V y0tM ftes- to other PaWors -thot the,Uv& gov- Mot. to keep sharp all cutting parts, at Go.&. Araevicar's Sbae Store, olloway's Com Remover North side of Sa U&M nest, Whether Turklsh.troop,- ro The move Of to all or otherwise fabric te all bear- 1119111i I ornthent was 'in car want to Pay in MA IL 4& aW�" With . When H that earnestness Is based on political where prance has Iii bordor,of Syria, Jugs -to redullug the efficiency and applied to, a cam it kills the.root's, Gode mat rl I ty comes out wit BoN At4 rich InOtiVe4 Or- not does fiOt M4ttkr,' e 4 and-jew shortening the period of usefulness WRIGLEY& 'and the callosl _ hout timental intere4a, was t A injury to the flesh: Washington tried to got other gov- neK at equipment to *which many millions Bongo . teetb, a sood or'Aments to co�operate by rotusW to. checkmated by the. despatch-OFIF119 at dollars of farmers' money has reinforcements, Accompanied sippellte. *04, Ipwover orao, motor or man, Is also grant Wling permitTi to abl" with by a been Investoil. The machine or tool _h1UAt_1nt1_M&UOn,Ao Vurkey-whid"n- -4ftgation, moon U0011 effect amounted to the, gtst intofi ad for thL, United Stateso. rall- ement, "If On Want a.* figh owcan have W, reduced, through. having to waik ure to respond with reasouble promptm 11 1101 f Francs had sto by Britain at the with a. too) or Implement not in the W111GLETIPS' 16 E n tv ness, to this suggestion has no doxilit fijit Lausanne conferencor the very �y I rosulted in the lirwent step, The a Present best 000illttim. This 4oubla llablllty� ne would not have been, necess4ry.� -Whilis _ fully _app _ _ra4lated. by._the_ InDA, ,per 11 all Ohio ain pe' of farmer, ikard pl-oldbition on this continent AS Allies has healed a 14 of wounds left A joke, henee the shock to*them, of by Misunderstandings and differences As a matter that, should bo under- ew- S ev -SrOAt . mass �jd people in.ZrW -,re- But 'n this' instance the Ualtyf -flig OMOIeut or business ty work -owis- vicalookulto WashlogtoWs attitude Is more severe in the put,jew months. stood by,411 who own or, work with N uperior .%.,n Met than if thei bad really understood farm t9olm. the situation. 01.0d The ute of is, Gran Mader. S In NOW Brunswick and Quelift In tho hands of good men a grata AV Costs Money to Ron Merchant Marine The goods in New' Brunswick Ani binder has. been. known to, list and 8 the, W Canada likp'the United Stotes is Qu`ebec provinces#. following upon do 100'per. aent. eMcient work' for finding that It costs a lot of money. those in some parts of Western Ca thirty years. In the hands of tare-� to run a Government Merchant XAr_ ad4o do but emphasize the helpless. loss man grain bloderi ha.,ve bean ine, This'country has a deficit at the ne" Of man against many of the for- racked to pieces in less than Ave present time getting on tq nearly Cos of nature. All the rest of Can. years, through., such treatment as nineteen million dollars on it.,; mar- 4du will -svinpa4he with. the saffar� neglect to alf and to keep belt IN' Inc. and thtro is no chance of making ers front -the floods and will approve 8 1 ught. The rowar4 for efttcleoc� Up the loss. It is proposod to keep of -the government takink, any 40tion might hors be expressed as the pflc�- scale 37 vessels of the fleet and. to In alleviation that may b�e found ne- of fto bladqrs over a peilod Of thirty dispose of 27 others, ' At th I 009sary. A great. many sections of yearx,,—U Stevenson, See, Dept, of c. some time It is suggested that there Should tbo country w*pe very heavy $DOW Atrlculture,'Toronto. be AredUction,of the capital chargoi falls were the rUle during the winteri seabed­serio ssaiitir4 woman,in an my. had gradual thaws -an klied at the police barracks 18 Merely a matter of bookkeeping, -h an a sentw a . The Jointer plough was developed it may nominally. show that Oavy rail`144114, at oes . ' tlio make their residen tbrough-the appreciiitiou.of Plough i and when lAwson came thnT)%'1'pS to be retainen are eapable t 0 Ineps! any giberste,11 shot him dead, 0, aa�ing, some Oart of their co -t I w IWAIpathefle toward tileir f.o makers, of the necessity or mixing I own thil ren, being a wit- 'Was,the cast-, in.thewar timound for. 2oOntrymen who lwfa( not t a p a vegetable matter -with theeoll during Thity.do noLglaw when blown.' Murder. " The evidence at 'rood fortune. the ploughing operation. The Jointer, oUL Their heads do not drop. �inted to -the woman as thel a shor while afterwards. Thp�'ves Is a miniature plough attachegi to T sels to L kept In commission will,owe heyc6ntaln no poison, Rat# dfthe shots, but the Man thair -lite t6 the necessitv :the Main phiush to such a post- woot of glvinp. gnaw them. Riki)w tion as to cut and roll a small furrow )Unil gulltg.- The Alberta the Cauadiiiinlq4ti0hul ays*90M., slice Into the. battam. of the farrow SU Court in the Superior. sea cargo sp4ce. of their own. Whol New Five PaSSende T 0 Dominion sifted the evol- It 00mes to selling the. vesSels which and Just ahead of this furrow Slice perior ger ouring 0 ap ur400d by. th . e plough mouldbo4rd. 97 peals against the over- it-% thought Should be so passe.dout ment permits the tur - Afave Price $795.00, delivered to you were heard by them re- of Goiamment, ownOrship, t co.Mni is arrange at just.. try 110- Ila ind found the v4di -willbe lucky to iret anv014- like c of a wider furrow aliceapil piats 'Vulil e ped. N6 Extras neAded., stations against the Mae- one-half of their value. BY ROSS Farquhar %II vagettlile matter well. under the Their added length prgvents., y qui.P It IS more .0 Watched ftngers. when fighting Woman wtft seat to the likoV to' approximate about one-third, cutter of the turned f rrow slico. Jointor.plaughs are equipped,with k the government which 4fter Vh(jr wAs. arltaiaD experiene In S and Give us a call. et us demonstrate to . rao' g 'day . bler light in and b reo 310*174tc Im Fri —Had a lot of xcitemool shorter mouldboard th%fisohaped to longer the case th _14,rtome 420 former German vessolstj darkn4s).)r *d to interfere. We May rang from trawlers to a fif. after skool was 16ft out Wile w4 invert the firrow slice; more curl you that we have V I discUolon pro and -ton Otte am. way home or steeper are the terms gener .1 ally 411 OUSAnd, toll Vessel. All the WAS 04 sat. - The - govirament no, litl a nations, on the, allied side in Pug and Jake gets into Used -to describo the Jointer plough Mot gotuaw by the necessity t 0 1 r uilt many ships.under com,� a fito and Jack black- mouldboard. A whool and a land - on of qireulustances, and there in ad PU 'xlld6 dManeil'to keep the plough it 'upon law-brenkers that Do -9a eye and Po The World's- ar�eatest or .of takini lift to the sur- no wav out of the losses. At the. noaked 4 teeth out for straight at uniform depth and st%dy 006 gentle stroke ignites theta Xiirftvor if WoMen't"t"I ti , me it U a strange comment;ary a & it wood of be* aro"Also part hot the, Jointer -plough �'Caro Valite it breAkI.ng, of the. law In Ott the sit tion that it. nu nher of equipment Shorter handles,, shorter Ict, �"% 'to fteap# the J* - I lot better fite only.. beam. &Ad shorter laoulb ard are _A no.w s 109 are being built In British a was 2 men cums characteristics -very, pronounced when Ith *hea, *tW kill 'Police vo, 0 some in Our own. Yash- alo and divides'them 716 -Me DAVIS &*" in, (161, 146, � ib"to as I , sh 0.4 ch.atlro. and Made them stop. �ho Motor type,of.plaugh to com- I" � Murders 101 the kind Jake got a little 'WR parod'with--tho-Scotgh ori long-plQugh %OW been pa IsAly ( xpi4t- the wirst of the deal tYllof--I� Stevenson', ft *ill bW46 di 1,wf%li in got. Tke Trend Towaraci Protection in Bri. but Pug was a good House Phone 336 Garag'ehoote 83 men carry tala , JJayor might South St.jo Goderich 4% 0404,00 004M Olves Big Retim Voeum . of ish political currents are seem. spott;4 When ever he QaTor Night' r(194. 1 38 Of e6hi& Britl o4eks a fellows teeth Vou can mako 011 an, average $44 Ingly sweeping towards, a real. battlo out or any thing. he 'not on. jL _hjtlfo�iiare garden on. yo on an old issue. aamely, protectlow Ur IN wMan Mokil, Co. Undjed$ ?4.*" 11% 71 never runs -off like a farm. Can you Make as much In I AT quitter but stays.,ah& halva a III �h yetsus, frto trade. It will pr6bahly any 6ther WAYT The DO 010" or less complicated By the 14-, helps pick . them up� has. been worked out by the sue of a levy Iola capital raised �y the That is if you are one thing Illinois Experiment Statlbu� Mter Statm has ralkod a do. Labor � party. Promfor Manor Law, of his -A , A& A 9 ltito eff(vt I go$ taken 114 tto probitbility h0, been cauqi I Cortzad ShInil' Lead to cosipplitig ISLOOO. POISON. 0 , 1 0 ­ V a yowirm, 1,4111 sia"On 1,011au 41it; me. it who Is away for a manth's sea voy- Satin, —'Toaite.ma had the hed. average gross Jacome'trom, its halt - it, age set%king complete, restoration to, ake and as she lied oh the davirg� acre garden was $14-gri. With a g health, has pledged hiq word that a port sho'had pa, read to. hor by r& labor cost of $25.71 -and 40eadituros to tarift ifie4sure will not be brought qq"t frani'll book of vies and ete. for seeds, 'p* lants, &ad. Inteotioldso of before the House daring the msent They wan a lot of fool shoess and 'All 45.08i the not. return wail $f4.06. Y Isl parliament,, but obiervera In Wain I vait remember was Sam thing about Itoro is what the Illinois garden pro - a are ratlier inclined to the vietv that 11 oll has no Fury like a-. womaWs. duce - in It t 0 :p�csftt tendeoclos are towards a Corn. The% I went to, bed, 0, d it Ima 'Year. o Oalona, green 46 iloxeno. rips I $Unday—Poroot, my bath las nite bushels;, asparagus, 104 - pounds; and had to take it this Piornint. The r&"44, 168 doxen; 44ttuce, It b4s_ most discomforble Mac about fAke, kets; turnips, green 6 baxkots, early Ing baths is that no matt" ho w niany 20 dotob. late 3.4 bushels; rhubarb, Tou take' they are all ways just as manT left as they vv�rre, before -you 44 "auda; optisach, 2 1 baskets; pea*, tuk hom. .11 boak6ts,, beets, groan S baskets, fttlr 16 dOsou# late'11.11, bushels; es.b- Alonday-2 now kids cum to skool b4goo. early 1911 heads, late (large) today witch had ben ikilopted by 4 24, Ilk' Dian and his wife. The to (Small) 24.* betul. string 19 K have l*nor- Seeks, Was, 2# peeks; early potatoes, fants ever glytee. the det of there par. S bashola,* supply, cauli_ 'Int.q. I of them IS a nice loo Aawor, early 26, late 20; carrots, ear. and it 1110 What I am tawking a ut l, *4,dotion, late 7, bushels; squash, June is a going to have a opportun- - itv of vetting iellus - summer 02, winter 330 pounds; swooat-coru, 47 dozen; tomatoes, ripe Tuosday—Uncle Hen, bas bought; 36 109skols, green l'busholm; cucum- him A house here In town, and he sed bore, Sitting 387, vIckles1s; musk - be got a bargan, and the real *state Co. and so gentrus #ad fair and 040. inislahs, 1,1116 podiiiia.- watermelons, They hAvc, got It drc%* 4ap in the can. TOSS 0ounds; egg plant, 41 fruits; traet so thito any time he falls to p6bora, 4 peaks; parsnips, 3.4 bUxh- make 'up 41#;�-aaldty, 14 bushels; winter rtd- his syments they Vill ta]0 thopropity 0; his hand. lobta, 3.1 busbaiiii; telory, 20 dozen. Alowilay—we"t to tho ritchei 1, � ....... 0 cveatiic Aw in the 11(ofte, ,the* tonite and tawk sibout a good Tua plot** of beef commosly used Vitt -her. . It was a eej� I and bj�fare the Ot real was. donto 8 men wa& Va.. for eomfiiit ars, the plate, ruibli, c ' rosa led'Aud all threw the show tlw hot ribs, and brisket, or In other war#$ and cold Chills run up and doint my the theallor Cuts of meat. Tho, join, ribe, and, other tanty euts art 211140 Saved Spine. 31a to done but ps. says we will go nex WeAgday iftite. aftou used fresh. end iiinto there is Thirs ---Sam I - rur4r tro Am mars Or 1448 wantoto at HattItAts 1A bell and herd a isst pe. did bit vorniar, this In ow*lL "ie Sabo" Aor 11w -t6rniag should be cut into *opoa- *Ant to *by a Flwy ross mind he rt* Fin't hlatp� ed *nd sed No it is rlentv �ftrra L 'Moo RVALL, lout-olzeil Jolato, so 6 or # laom ly d10 S.S. 11y, Wd - 116W. - MIA back' nex fill. 114111M t_.14 Afte fall' Me, ca8ted'slaum at eath -%A-, A when Tit W ACTUALLY I bijivmt Any, t0i Z1. both ft,�� lk*xan lo other. TAX98 Pit, swell *ad p4t.a Ihuur.� -who vud MIKocular litht%matiou 84watil— , , RSDUCH RVIVENV98 tug %6usds %�#;a 81%6 n"6 nke When. one is a suforer irt" muscular Tho" who figure out tht� taxes of At3j ait sas!l to tvt*_-� Put in ThMiftittism 1* cannot do b*tt#r than c0untr-Yo tor A Mvinee,*IWAYS have cp1te bf all Cate tLe twtv.ronwg gol XxP-,dIV, 16 Ave tM mift rubbod with, Dr. rtckon with that last theitful of wor*, owas, &leetfioe Oil. LOt tho. ruji. *,frsow that-, it it does not break the idJ olliosatKs 4(tcsdo Ilia: at rzj�,Jej WMtow bing, be brisk arA tontinue viltil eaa4e ciftoPA back, at lewtt Makes him an 's sec Witkitat worker. There are taxes ON)WI'Vo4w to voAtho twxylisog. v -ured� There ii, moto virtw in. a -t% a ffiood�s urgent whize I bo.,.Taq SkIll Tro" battle of it than can be itily. "timat. that art good lax0s up to a etrtain -WabzAft-llui*� Almost from the 133TA ar"I ed* pointi that Provide I*VenI16 and catiot of thi& gmthing. hetw 1*1m. I elt ?AM-POK FAEE i4i% it with t%6 lmiftimunol of tbt thsage tokiog pla�e, As I Now sioial fm The Mingi"t Man *0 tvty bearA and of uafairnets. And beyond that TC16f T fw UrUm"N. U of bought hirt k** A nickel%, wor%. lCiat thty dtfoat thoir own purposes. t34 - tlkaMU4�11Q worm 6~ 1161^ )MI'Mint Iftot"es and took bet, 'itr,"s the 4rarotte, taxes. At 89 all votooteozi milter", Of $01 1 Nothing b11 lhl,�l wo'll. r�n a trollov Twe 1RW*ytno6%. Who a thoword vicawit" were heavily die dwal &A'"ok. 6311 hir�a "t-0 my tov, they g(,t of thtcar M naid, 1111(onty, ftiod, but ftkWiaw imakod reAT-4 we save 00 restoot this tan. 2,80, *0 00 6 Imr- TM tav 'WO for thk* Adlilt"." ;nct"' ;W, 1"t S,�*r to $7.60 a, thous. a Aff SEE i P