HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-10, Page 74W
Or Of
.; 4
Tug 6000"M
!!Ad p
pnoduc" lx% the world In -0
zoxk the, Iftouotain 010 stions Jawd Allowers on All Soes of Th. Secret of
evl P * is 0'r le Ings jL ne, a Beautiful am
*a 1%104 indl^. The" "we Purely Canaliclion n
-40 was grsint0,
S Vallittla atsw i*10 the Lveislature ot Ontario on Feb. elwPAIrA knew it, Th'it WAll the wrot of
sitars k)f agjt;;_ lier jwwer. F.very day, her ijkili %;is thoroq%ly
&—Cavida, has titken a leading cleanicol with pitloi and� 44iVe 1 ldj� Tkell as saw
Pl�ce in worM poultry niotters, in #d- THE COST OF TORONT018 SITE
1111ttiOrg the 11M U r4WbtfAti01t1, 41% 110 these oil% were f,41111td for their mad, Rmhing,
other country in the world bax ptv. much Was paid for the
SA VIOUSIr " 4. cleouing
-ADA 141stered Poultry under *%. lorigzanloste of Tomato:
H373L tional r*cerds. The bonor of having A.-TJW original site of Totionto, of tw k1sed other cQsmttjc.,#, W
CXRZZN TZA thv first rociatend hen goes to xl� fourtw4k acres, W" Utight frolot the,
Ity XT LNerckt Howard, of Tyron, P. F". I..,. ul"610%it �IU441W fq the 1pquiva-
ft tlavo** b""d CO3UP%r*A18T T ! thw W01` RMOV941 11Y thorouck C'
whow Vhit* Leghorn pullet laid 210 lent of 4;
�56;ow the city area is 32 this wayahe wai able to keep her
59 004miltive We4s in tht square init Ud. the asseased value skin smooth,
g Contest at VbArlo)ttetoWn, S82VAW.00.
fuft crit", Y and t0freshint lather.
CANAVVS, MOTION P1 MITRE WOMEN'S FRANCHI8:R Today these Santo oils are scientificolly
to THEATRES1 Q.—When did the Canadian woj�4.' Wended in famous Palmolivo soap. They ttvr*
W 4,.-*Qw many motion pleturii first oxerelse the frauo�bise in a,
W. S unday, Atternoon theatres are there in Canada? eral election I it mildness, woodethal s;oothine qualid�#, pro.
<Bu TIMMU ArA1fTT7*AXr gl� Aii—Causda now possesses appro- A.—ThO women of C-AI)a4ft first
W x1mately nine hundred iiiation picturie eX cistil tht franchise the Doinin.
theatres# rerrosentiv an invotitt Powder and rouge will not hilrM tho " if
W �ftut Ion election of Weember 61 19131.
of thirty in! lion dollars, aecording to P' o"_
When God -of old came down from and the' nations were in desperate an estimato of George F. LoNls, tire SATISVIED MO YOU wash daily with It Wild soap. A thorouglit
heaven, THERS
I straits oind therefore, he was wining purshal of the Province of Ontario. Cleansing with PAtmolive will tont V"r skin
in power and wrath Ire came to bond his will in Order to got relief'. foraddition
Befo vaj there are so Alai exellaii. and help it do its own beauti
re His feet the clouds were When toldi-to send and gather all Is. go$, ne fit approximatelF No Other W041clue gives the saigo iyins- smoodillso
riven, the prophets of Baal and 00. SM1814CUOU to mothers as ..do and a c6lor Will. regultii
Ralf darkness and halt fiame. TO' and 'he obqed at once. It
Aalitarotb Own Tablets. rhey am equally;
But when Ile Caine the s nd timejwould take Some 0ays for messeng- CANADA'S CHARTERED IIA foe the itewborn babe or the growing *ad $11,00 You can buy P*
He came in power and le0evoo ers to. cover the country. HOW Eli. . Q.—How many 8 11111d. 904 tre'0sollitely X11kt%ot"4 tq class doulers. %olive Soap at all FAU
Chartered banks al'
&fter a lo Jkt �t inh -0 U#-' +1,. 4-4. 0 A 9 It. W two from onlixteti or othow. bawmilvii 0"'AP&A .P. 0.
Hovered . el -AV V.�, emening time, we ..R ,6 44,11gs. 'Th6y are a mil(l! but thoroltIL)k
-AW holy Dove. Only surmise. Ww know he 'was
Can 7 fliZi — __440164
-_WJ4ddnf �t 'kic _ has
Come. LOrd;��dboie, 'Lovl"Jij. st.-R, -cod -Ifikhxs (bilUthe number f a low -tl%03� always (10 goo(l, rloileorulog
and ti,emendous issues were, facing 0
Power; ago). Their paid 4 Capital, thela uro. x0s. Acite"Coteau Itootle
open, our, ca�s to hear; him so It WAIS"(101AR1688 A time of
Letli$ not Wask, the accepted hour; great heart searching and pr r t4illk that BAby'A Q%Tli� T414b. yekta# ofO N**010, Aft
D lots arolt,
Save,,Lora, by love. or fear. him. Rev, F. B. Meyor saya".fr HALIFAX% CHARTER 11IN11clue, joe littib '10C
waiting tinic-44I this Ones, Ig4tothewtOwrAittloglickwith zqvog
-4ohn Xeble. In 0441140 for
%wons, Elijah, Q.—Wheo,Jid Halifax roecivio its 90011 goo(i rootilts that I now sit-hugly
spent those memorab e
PRAVER 4Ys of wait- charter as a city?
Ing on Carinel. itself, How �onstantly A.—On April fax rp V00001111CU4 them to all .1nothem," The
Cause Thy Church to 1117130 1111d would be stay himself 4011, His G6d, t 10, 1841, Hall 'Tableta are Wd by ioetilema dealers, pv
shine, 0 Lord, and let hdr ministers and gird himself for the coming - ceived her Charter as .1 city. 'it I� by'looll at 0 ets. a box ftQio The I)r.
.1 1 11 . Cen' tile proud boast of bei people.that thd WAIllaws' btedialue 0
be clothed with righteousness and flict by e1ectual ^. out,4
fervent pr
h is in i It -flag'r;ilsed - above, her by- her founder,5
,shlvatioin; that Thy,Word whie Is. a itiblime S13"fikele—this yielded,
their habils May nOt return onto Thoe surrendered roan, awaiting on Car- tilla DOM been lowered In -surrender THE EUROPEAN too to itay-volut outsido the Varall.
rs 0 an enemy. Co 0 tilki)(1 UrrlWry,
tolorified 1" +16- —orms w- At— �4i 0,1
void, but have free coo e 411d be met, Ini steadfast faith, -the gathering BORER: 911FA-DAUTIMM 11 11
r qV 111ki n J Ox the People, and the unfoldibg of LOU14T AND MATTHEWS 0 up 0. t;L pro.
'the tblug whereunto Thou h tagntJ the-PUrPose-of God, He had na-fear .-W U0001,10
-AS b th hth"'M9 the '"'POrtstiout' Witholit 40 -
and pre.vaillitC'mightily to to en - was e execution of at ot various outilowel's Q04
rn about the issue. He eipectlid soon Lount and Matthews? "gotables from Ontario on accoilut of
PC '0
men from darkness to. light, and from to see 4 nation at the feet. of �Ood.11 0611 C ph
tile Power of Satan unto 'God, that Nount Carmel flarl fvion, 4. 4, A:—On Anril 12 `1838 &.11mlei On V 00101WY *26th, 19123 an oriler il� "to 110iov, Is st.111 la
.. V VA I conqell was, pA
may Xeftwe. thQ.. forgiveness Of t4"A been- associated with "" Loght and Peter fMattbe, gsod 'il'blCh, itlitiol.4nU1104
41- " - r8h1P hanged in Toronto for their sharo ii�
sins, and inheritanci ainong W4 werb the follusving'tntirltory in ootfkrlo 04
t Ow so to this place the crowd, Wended
which are's4tictified; by faith that is their Way. -The kin, AficKenzlels rebellion 1; of We European- cijrb Iloreff;0-
gr and his rotimic I Of '1837-3X
in Christ; to whom with Thee -and were there. The four hundrdd and MacKenzie ha , Tie o,6untlo,, f Essex. Uent, r4amb�
d escaped to'the St;ite4, too, 1:1giii, Middlesex, Norfolk. 0.,tto"dil
the Holy Ghost.. be boner and glory, fifty prophets -of Baal were there; but -a was some, sYmPaft. for 11"Milimant). Nyellaila,
and' thot
world Without end. Amen. the four hundred pro-PhOts. - of Ash- t11680' his followers, who were men Of worth, Drs t,
.1 � I I Weut��
(The Churmch Service Society), tgrotb had at the.command,of Jeze- .'stainless chara(itoir ;�ho had pArtici. w, 4 Halton, Waterloo, rortill,
$SON 9i
. pate(14"b" .4�ngland sea r, WMWL1164b V
-040n, Of Ashtle
FO b6l _egarded,A
MAY 200 '"23" 7'A�eva 11 -, 41 'lily ordev-, to [ViAllwalresli Ems
Ma&wYour Tsi Mare EnJ[qy*W* �y 4
Refteswer Kight on. Lake Exk
( Y*ww *a
3100 fle6ling Cos 110" t" ow" VWX1
lror, Qualalltille ov,
Ulm -rop hylboiii
P&M my they we", %!=,"" thit t*4
114"XIVzz INMU'lor, "W" 4000ow
"CITY (W XRI%"-.0CITy 00 Aw#ul-
tat 1:044vomuoir lak. - -
W I.AiAl
"0114"�Vwl -
'in', a nuan woul(I m there wag AtAl"
Lesson the Bravel fall on the 'assembled multit , ude, as no Atlantic! cable then, i '111owfoic tO%vVshIp.%)"Pe6l-(wltb tbo.-A,X� Poisons l0torosted , should ComaltinicAte, 413i" P 0=
o tbo Order
or4 With, 166 Division of ror(.1 1,
Reformer. Elijah appeared and began to formercY come too l4to, Twenty- �P=Cpl000n town4htp)" 'as v , gn 0,4 s,
14esqOq Piissago,�l Kings saying "if Jehovah be God f'o towillibipin .13ruce CourktYi Sup0ressloa. Department OrAgrictliture, 011114
OldeAL TeXt JOSh 24'.15.18:30-39, Years, later, on � November 28, 185, VAlel h-ifi Ivellin t Ottawa.
G ty#
himp but if Baal, then T0116W jlim their -bodies wore' taken from the
Ic In York
"r'g 401&' and buried reverently colluty, plelcerl"g. Whitily U*14st �- itud
The' miraculous happening record- In his own 'mind there was no, gilip; "POttL f Sacbrboro- and', yur
ed, in this! lesson took place, in the but 'his burpose in speaking Was to in the Xecropolls,,Toronto,� WNW West in 0 A Love -Story.
1,019A of Ahab that king. who did Show the pCople that religious so ut� I I y litak'14 xount�; A�rofessor Henri, Liep4tjou at it dinner
WESTERN GRAIN CROP DA4111000 and Clarke in DiiiiA
moreto provoke the Lord God of Is- ler' Posed, to, each other could not Q..�� I county , anj �-Iu New yor�. tAWN1 Ot)ove. 1 "Love in
ri _What� is t . And lirliql4ton to,%�ushlp In Nor,,
rael'to anger than all the kings lot bot� lop ght They answered novel, tern g - . , he value of the wost. i,iijim6erland cotnity., 01i acoollat of the, $011800f PASSIOU." be,sald, 4 -do
.4t, word and then it was he threw rain crop of 1992? es
Israel thab. were before the"Verity orttletute4ration InElglil. 110t liv4 lout. - Thereiis. a little table, -7
cause be, M mol an -altar toliNwa-1 gtned!, down the chaUonge-"Thei God that - 'A,--4he value ot the western,' 'and Middlesex Cquattea thes"h4ve be en about love whiell Use
I aratift
served and w0bhipped-him, Eli�ah answereth -by fire,, to a deol of truth
Is � t Him be God." of I= is estimated at $445,r PlaCOA Undordouble dbarauglile.
appeared before him and. said 'As Thl I they had to admit was' fair for , an r q00,009 "ewb6proauetg affeotedhytho ragula. i
ocoroeo% increase. of sim
the Lord Goa of4srael liveth befor� 13.4al was -the. Sun -God and so his 10.11- over I 1 1. t1id"A are Win fotldev, corwr *silks. Love, so (40 table runs, bent. over
whom I stnildi, there shall not'be dew I lowers could not protest; and as for cludbig broom u "leis arm g
nor rain these children they no CANADA'S EXPORT, Ora whother uso-4 for I beautiful maldeA, when ey Ch,_ 13 He
ears (three years and the of Israel could "r TRADE ill ill woaw�
�Ot i� Pa0l A' Otlier Parilososi grecia *sweell sueered mind sal&
six months) a 'Q, -Whore' does Canada '�StAnd coro, an y
word.r, ut according to my recall many OccasionVW&ii Jeh�vah C) ta? ra on tho cob okt
In cimsequence of thlp�AJWM had 'answered by fire? (Lev. 9.24: 2 export.trade per capi .10 ars oud
fM,_.,c I . A t1so Oil eYes are At
,olis h
eo -4-44"*M0 - kd tllQ- onl�- tr�e atid. 1"finit
:_ , - nad - leadc t rade, V V,_f0_tT_.F_ 7-1
9-e _U121 Wb__ 10 iiiiiiii,
wa's 411 QUAD - aml e1-q'-91a-i-xFaRa.-, W1 A the world in b dr Protluetafrom thequarantille(I 0 T W-5-1 i � �0 " V1 I 7t -tj -e * —ty 7. j e -j i Me
therefore - D, lijah
the ond, of the appointed time 'the proposed that- each- Per capita ex 0 iz--o boll0e JSU40 W.Jil beftit find r4glad bite4, - Nltifeet d
side s gestioll: - all(I (t to
'jab, say and awilt for Canad 98 f6r Gvtat Britain The cities ot'rorbaco and., 9%miltoli ed, with 6 double efill, j11st like her 914i 046011 � Of fO(KI 00
ing, �"Go sh w thyself witj Ahab,; 411 answer by,�fire, "All: the People, and $65'fo the 111nited States, are-llowi;laoluded 14, tile ttluarautlue& eunre perfoot 110111th. Por
Avoidof the Lprd catild to El, hoold offer u bullock
answered and s 11110ther. Yml, Wei0gli-lia. -bit hit I -
and I will sond'rain aid, 'It is well spok-
territory. 6ouseqiiontly thelli.%eketo in yoll, III(
When Ahab 'And Efiolf the elikrtli."' eu," With so many watching it, CANADA'S FIRST.FARME *11) b-0 45pati -t A1911, Will'I)e mean roli0iilig'. Itilmollts of tl
ijah met they R cal W digestive
would 'be qiA 0 All growers N sive 111. 1
luly; 111 At POWPriR S1104 as biliolusixeso, , v
were in conflict at Once as. Indicated to impossible for the - Q. -Who. was Canada's first farm- lot fiWePh.cord WithIVIQ exception olit
b Ahab's greeting, "Art thou be prophitts - OVIfaa-1 to ingert fire 'iecrit. erf Mow situated lo thtramtl f Ply 1141th"t bethere to see."" tW
g.6a Wpatil
e14 or Elgin )11, siek - lienduchos, lilt ellee-
tgat, troubleth, -Israel." E lijah was ik upon the altar; and. so they we�e A.-C4nada's : first -t-_ and WidditisdX4, it is nnintecl out, 111%tv. I '1> 11
in business for e Xhig 6t Rings to rely WhOnY'on their Louis Hebert, 'that llua^
-and -therefore qualled not before, Ah-'deit d'yls who, on February 27, utined iwodtiew �vaust
hbt but answered "I'h�ve not trou UK' - m 4TOr6lktif), OV.- H11,34111,
TAig t an' in, from early morning city of Q d acr,�
Th aPP�416d to him VIth 1626, was granted a,thousan Col. fro
'Baal, I landlisnea iiebee on ---------
;'0 AMO seignorlal. tenure uWder
d Israel;,but thou aildithy fathersj untit'noon, calling aloud, I of� the
in' that Ye have forsaken the cow- hear us." At hoon, Wlieri the. sun which he was to bring a certain nuar
mandments of the Lord; and thou `48 � at its height Elijah began to ber of men, with himself to render
host followed Batilim." Then follow mock them saying, "Cry al military. service when required,
-is purgul
would - -t nk that. Elijah were k tig it journey, WOMEN SUFFRAG ONTARIO
the subject for the kit or eradventure, be sleepeth, E IN ONTARIO T BOT -i R.
he oud,1 f6r
ed ii command and a challenge., One is a god; either he is talking, or
�vk, or -;he is in WH
and All N HI
ng and . Q.—Whon. was woman. suffrage
must be a'waked.11 This . -made them granted in. Ontario?
frantie for th4y 'began to cut them -
qeIves'and cry ouder a))d louder It
tinning, until the tim
e, of evening sa- and Elijah drew near and prayed. DAL
crifice, The prophets of Baal did Such a prayi It was not long* no
their utmost nbd the h Phots
eavens made vain �rqpetitions such as the pro
)Onse, �Whfeh..s U7 HEGIMICITY
no resi urely Willa evi- of Bail'used; �ut itwas quiet, revorL.
V~W"o 1LZO�X denco enough, to prove to the 'ieople ent, and cbrifident. Breathing through
+h.+ +U 4-, 1:
Health, vv% a A�t rj 1 3 UMV provell 60ir Avorth
to . emulflos thousaiids, of "vomen for
A111111" A*Qlrt4 rjmt.' They itro eclimilielit
golitle,il etioll allid.-Pojitive in their oz.
Take 'Coiletit. rie," . 1. . I .
toil I
in boxes.
le V011 Was a useless one. it was the desire that. �Gqd s _P�
NOW Elijah'$' turn cAme . (verses show Himself td"be God, th' lee Our 018PLAY ef,"AWAgy
e God of
30,39). His first Act Was to Anvite their fathers, the Covenant keeping
bedauselt the* people, to come closer in order to God; -ahcr -turn the hearts of the �ea-
watch all he -would do, 'They watch- pl ack to. Himself. Elijah lost
hAS'tWiCe thO qd him build the,altar that hadfiedn SgIltil
of , hiniself excepting as the' in.
bUtterConte�ht destroyed, That -done, Ito ddg � a deep strument 'In. God's band through
trench, -all round the altar, then laid which He' wits - working. We caun4ti
of ordinary the wood in'. order and, the sacrifice thdn be surprised that ."the fire..of:
fluid, t%jft upon it, Following all this came a the Lord fell, and consumed the burn't
strange command, There niiist beno, socrificei. and., the and the
d6ubt left in. the minds of the on- stones, and the dust, and licked u
lookers. If a spark could 'by any the. water that Wpa in the trenchl.r;
Ir , means be Concealed Witter would'ex- It,was a complete viddicati6n of En.
ST. CHARLES MILIL tinguish it, so barrel after barrot of Jab's faith. . Everything was .,con-.
Pinge necive Bobk-:- water wa4 ordered to -be brought and surned., even the stolles and seeing
Wrife-the 8dr'4deaCo-,__,_.,. Poured over-tind around it. k
What an verdict;
_Xhibition of marvellous faithl He
Lmited, Montroal. this th* eople gave their'
"They feill on -their faces, a A they
heaped up difficulty after -difficulty in said, 'The Lord, he is the 0 ; t e
A Perfect coitfidei)ce that '" would-' Lord, he is the God." In t im an
over -ride them, all. All was I-eqdk other events in Elijah's life we sece
v his main desire was that.God nilglif
be glorified. Our blessed' Lord,. hT 1W
earthly life, had'but. one passion
liSPIES -that His Father might be glorified.' y
I!— "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father
n My. Name, that will I do; that th
1..=3 THE UYU110STORE 'The Borai in Infants beh' Ac -that
ill' Father inay be glorified in the $on."
"Take my love,, my Lord, I pour ght adds the hyglen' touch
At Thy feet itstreasure storo, kftw the Skin healthY and attractive.,
11 Take myself and#1 will be
2 Rif
E -ver, only, all for Thee. -
A worldowide mifilstry. NO Won- po 41
der Robert Moffat said-. - ,A medleal'
missionary is a missionary and a; U01P
hallf or rather a double missionaM11, ""CTDIC ily
In le African continpilt that he lo�- ZL
ed Christian Physicians bitive studied E �Jux
Lthe sleeping sickness. and'donehmuch
W Alleviate its results.;'-' Thewhave, ill OLL E
D, and typhoid and
Cores, since the day
eneviod the wounded WISUINU
� toii boaiihona, We specialize in Wiring of
wore stuffingiiwax, I.
o mere nas been ai
mand for the Chi
the far -away istal
tive members of t
have by a gelf-d
$90 00 to erect a
eraf William Booth
fat *011 not be a,;
qhaft, It will b
Sbinkraill,*j to be h
Inh Physiplan 'Who
ed over *i , %hundre4
eyes of -the gentl
"garden of the Es
tian Physicist", I
through the bed
thpopislit the. Soul,'
%W dog 6Ur hAtS al
lonle of Moir Well -k
the unknown soldier
beir the brunt of tit,
CIAlon their front
T,12e blood -red PC
"Our duty Ci to
ever-grawing Ae.
ian doctor., In
Wl l(InUq. Let Ua Ifte you: an
ontimate for Aviiiing your Jmewe
of Java the na.
Or gamge�
tat wee n
k 'Ir"t'a"yl
ientorial. to Gen.
And the raemak�-
Ltuo or tower or
rin eYe-cfinici, sit
1arge of IL Dan
it yesr.perfo=,
'peration.4 on the
natives irt1thlit
,,11 These 'chris.
Ching the soul
and the boo
iinisterint,, to a
dy, erippled, or
Ave have an, anortment of
st, in III li lo,of
Christi iblit.
6116 best Ulectvio Irong. and
Toa�jtera swule in Cinatla,
the onflon of
[own U111114% but
in such -a %ght
nons, wavL*;
Electridals WC
the Single thine -
theme Uor 2"1
Imp f
JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. Limlygo