HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-15, Page 17j, ELE C ENT YEAR. -562. EXETER, ' ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1898, j :: C. FL SANDERS, EL IT OR., FARMS KIR SALE. '. MONEY TO LOAN. ra ' he undersigned has a few food farms for e cheap. Money to loan ou easy terms Jou SrACKatdx, Samwell'e Block Exeter. 110reE KEEPER WANTED. To take charge of a fatuity an a Farm. _.,_APPiy to NIegoI. s BeAvaa, Crediton. VALT:ABLE 1ILLACE PROPERTY FO i SALE. The undersigi.!kis offering far sale that 'i':sirable and var..uble property, situated on i :eon Street, being part of Lot 21, contain- ing over live acres. There is on the premises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with stone cellar, frame kitchen and wood- shed attached; a frame stable and other necessary out -buildings; 45 choice fruittrees, a good well of water and other conveniences. Terms reasonable, apply- at this offiee or to SANL'EL PAE$2CATOu,Eareter,. FARM FOR SALE. The urdeisigred is offering his ;1•lende,l ,tarns, in the township of t'sburne, for stile, 'Whig lot u, enr.ces,xou 3. containing ,tau acres. There is nag the premises two good barna lone b:tuts ^, an.1 other good nut -build - Inge; a gouts frame house, good wells anal a splendid orchard. '4.116 i& ono of th« best farms in 1'aborne, and will be sold reason- able. Intending purchasers should see this property before pirchasu.„ elsewhere. Apply to MATT. lif,t,r,ANI Devon P. n., Ont '^1 ernes' LIST, l .8 -MUNICIPALITY OF THE i ILLAG11 Ob' EXETER, Sr, COUNTY OF litartti.N.---Notiet, berets—given that 1 have transmitted, or delivered to the persons mentioucd in thesr,l and 9t11 sections of tha Voters List Act, the copies re luire•d by said section to be t o transmitted ordelivered ot the List, made pursuant t() said act of alt persons appearuag l.y the last revised assess. =oat roll ot'the said ilinuiripplity to bo en- titled to vote in the said Munaeip,ality at the elections tor men.bur, of the Legislative As- ,entbly. an.1 at the Mandell -al elections, and that said list was tir-.t pustt-,t at. 11W u#iiere Town hall. Exeter, uta • tli slay of .r ulv, t *33, and remains there for inipeetiou Electors are called upon to examine the sal.' lit. and it any omission, or other errors are found therein to tato. inlnaediatt• proceeding; to have the .+aid errors corrected according to law. AI. Revue Clerk of the Municipality, Dated this 7th clay of Jab, pos. First -Class Farm For Sale. To be sold I.y publie auction by Mr. Retire Bronx, auctioneer, on the uhalertuentione I farm on Tuesday, the lath divot Attftust. A. 1).,11•14', at two o'clock p.m, (subject to such conditions as shall than be pru,lucealn All that parcel or tract of land containing by a,imeasnrvment one hundred acres, be tho'. sante more or zrss, being coni pose,! of Lot No. 11. in the loth concession of the town- ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron,', row in the occupation et Thomas S Clarke. anis farm is in primo condition, all under', RiOvation. ex.:optinglnacres ofgood bosh,' ltas two orchards in full Learing, and two never failing wells. Mere are a tramp dwel- ling, a barn 5;v5.;, shed 11x35, a stable 2+x111,' with fences all in a fair state otrepair; about 22 acres aro lit for fall wheat. possession of which will be given for croppingthis fall. The remainingland is all seeded own with timothy and over.. For further particulars apply to rttr. Marko on the premises, to the auctioneer, or Mitsssua;. EL1.I0r d: GLAtMAN, Dated Gth euly,1i'93. Solioitors,Exotcr. WE%Y IIIE�TUII!RKET The undersigned has op „poned alp a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. IAMGS PIAN It51:sC D S (on THE S. CLAIR RIVER) ARNIA,ONTARIO- SUCCESS Is certain to those who take a Business or Shorthand Course at this College.. During the past fifteen months our grad- uates have been located as follows :—Sarnia, 34; Galt,1; Goderichal; Toronto, 6; London, 5; Windsor, 3; Winnipeg, Man., 1; Morden, Man., 1; 73owesmont, Dakota, 1; Port Huron, Mich.. 52: Detroit, Mich.,10; Sandusky, 0., 2 ; New York, N. Y., 5; Orange, N. J., 1; Louis- ville, Ky.,1; Chicago, I11„ 5 ; St. Louis, Mo., 1, Dosmoines, la., 1, College open throughout the entire year. Students admitted any time. Graduates assisted to positions. Write ifor particulars. Fall term opens Sept. 1. A. S. WIMMO. Proprietor. PUL & SCEOS I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I am ready to deliyer Flour and Feed to any part of the town at CLOSE PRICES. We handle ��cgsall � llasliwoog flour Our Bran is warranted free .from smut and dust. Will add a general line of SEEDS shortly, : - ra ethio Charles °� v k, McGillivray Council Winchelsea Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, to the Town. Hail, McGillivray, June 27. Present, J. D. Drummond, Reeve; R, Hutchinson, 2nd Deputy Reeve; 2. Grieve and M. Stiller, Coun- cl it ois Nitrides l es nut.. of ,fast meetingread, approved of and signed. Hutchinson Gtrteve, that accounts, amounting in all to $1120.76, be paid. -----Carried. Miller—flutehlnson, that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, the first Monday in August, at one o'clock, pen.—Carried. WM. FltASERt Clerk. Uarpley Haying is almost finished and far niers have begun to cut their wheat, which promises to bo a very good yield.—There was a white frost on Sunday might, which. did a. good deal of harm to puutkins, corn and gar- den stud' generally. --Mr. James Cro, Pan hnd a colt very badly cut by being caught<iu a barb wire fence.—li;essrs, Wilson .t. Jormontesunk two wells, one for Mr. J. Allister and the other for Mr. J. Shorten?, securing good water and a kstrong spring i11 both eases, the water rising to within about ten filet of the surface of the earth. ---Wild rasp -berry pieklug is the order of the day, espec- ially with the women font, who report the berries plentiful, but small —Pie - sure seekers can be seen at almost any hour of the day en•routts for the coaling breezes of Lake Huron at Grand DUO.' Crediton Mr.and , nd . M try. John Haugh gra visit. Inc friends in Blenheim —A meeting of the rate -payers of our Village was, held in the Town Hall last Friday evening aril the following' persons were appointed as officers of the Fire' Brigade: Chief., Win. Fritz; Chief Engineer, D. Sweitzer; Captain of En - glue, Alonzo Ilodgens; Hose Captain, %V, H. Wenzel,—Mr. Brat: jamin Either, of Ubly, Mich., is visiting bis father, Mr. Jacob Eilber.—The wife of Mr. Wesley Winer presented her husband with a bounciug baby girl last week. Mr. and Mrs, Bird, of Parkhill, were the guests of Mr. and islrs. S. G. Lam- port on Sunday.—lir, 1:I. Either, M P.P. left for High Bluff, Manitoba, Monday, on business.—Mr. Beecher, of Dashwood, was the guest of Mr. G, Braun.—Miss Beulah Beaver and Mr. A. Zwieker, who have bean attending t ,ollcge in St. Thomas and London, respectively, are home for their holidays. --A. num- ber of our citizens attended the Child- ren's Day Festival in Zurich last Sun- day.—The farmers at present are bus. i.ly engaged in cutting their wheat which is ripening rapidly.—Miss Gill, of Exeter, was in the Village Monday evening.—Mr. and firs. C. Beaver and family are camping at the Grand Bend.—Our Orangetnen attended the Orange walk at Hensall Tuesday. Maguire The songs of childhood and school days linger in the memory as if loath to depart. One of these songs of tender days and pleasant memories had a prac- tical aim in view. It indicated:— If ndicated:If there's good that you can do, do it, do it, Ifa good word you can say, say it, say it, &c. Now, Mr. Editor, good words are worth much and cost little—a mere emanation of the breath, and yet they produce a pleasant flavor, fragrant as the perfume of roses and happy will your correspon- dent be if his words at this time carry a sweet smelling savor of bright flow- ers, and the incense begotten of gentle charity. To come to the point, the peo- ple of Ebenezer seem to require an ex- pression of their feelings and senti- ments, on the occasion of their much respected pastor, Rev, J. G. Yelland, leaving them for his new appointment at Ethel. His sojourn among them has been of the most felicitous nature, and has left on memory's wall many, many pictures of the solicitude of this minis- ter of Christ, caring for his flock, ” that they also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy rrieathood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." In season, and out of season, this indefatigable preacher of righteousness was always ready, always willing to solace the ears of afflicted ones with words of encour- agement, sweetened•with hope, blessed by faith, and sanctified with charity. Not one of his predecessors was more successful in bringing out the best fea- tures of the Ebenezer people. They are a peculiar people and he evinced a peculiarly happy tact in catching on to their peculiarities and produced a sea- son of uninterrupted peace, praise and prosperity. They feel that the yery least that they can do is to express their heartfelt thanks to him for his kind labors and ministrations, that he may rest assured he was not unappre- ciated, Dear pastor you were appreciat- ed. Let not your heart be troubled. Your manly stand and straight defence of temperance, legislation, prohibition, Christian principles, law, order and jus: tice, has borne fruit. While life • lasts you will never be forgotton by us and please carry away with you that infin its satisfaction any preacher, can enjoy, that there is not the slightest doubt— none whatever—that if we never meet again on this side of the grave, we will meet you in Heaven, "God having pro- vided this better thing for us," '• God be with you till we meet again." Berry picking is the order of the day. J. G. Jones, wife and family, and Mr. Geo. Rook, wife and family- re- turned home from Grand Bend Moly day, and report having a good time.— Mrs. IlleVein,azd1rs.Iodgers,afTor- Tor- onto, are visiting their r a n ta Mrs, Clark. --Chas. Clark, of Loudon, is tis iting friends here.—Mr, J. C. Bell has returned, and while he still improves he looks rather pale yet., -..:Hiss Ethel Brown met with a painful accident on Friday evening last. It appears she was about tit bathe her feet, and while passing a chair on which rested a pane of glass, ber dress caught its a corner of it and drew it off, and the glass coming in contact with her little toe severed an artery. The blootl flowed profusely from the wound, anti not thl after several pints had oozed out and threatened serious results could it be stopped. Mooresville The Orangemen attended divine ser• vice tit St. Patrick's church on Sunday. last. They celebrated the 12th in Hen a..11, and report a good time -Miss. Jessie Taylor, Mable marvel, of London, and Miss Ilztwkshaw, of Chicago, are the guests of Miss :Hinnie Revington this week. ---,The windstorm on Sunday Week did considerable damage in this section of the country. A little to the south of here, on the Ceurseiy line, it destroyed every thing that crtmn in its way.—Lucan cbeesee factory sold their June cheese for 7 cents.—Mr. W. W. Rteviugton has returned from Forest, where he spent several weehhs venting with his brother.—Mr. Bloomfield has just completed one of the (Nest country stores to be found in Midd:esex.—There will be a plebiscite meeting; in the Town Hall. McGillivray, an Thursday next, where the prohibitionists are ex petted to hold forth. --Mr, George Williams has just returned from Ily- towo, where he enjoyed a couple of weeks with friends, Geutralla. lir. J. Delgaty, our popular school teacher, has left•us to spend his summer holidays at Sault Ste, Marie.—Miss MAI Livens has returned to her home in Seafortb, to spend her holidays,— Miss Ruby Essery, who has been visit. tug for the past week at Mrs. J. Evans', has returned home,—Tho Rev. Dr. Willoughby preached two very inter- estin and impressive ser0ns on Sun.n• day last to a large congregation.—Mr. Robert Mitchell has commenced to build a new brick house.—Mrs. Wes. Huston is confined to her bed through a recent illness,—One of the lady sol- diers of the London Salvation Army attended church here last Sunday,— While Mr. J. Colwell, Jr., was engaged in raking hay at his brother's farm the horse, which was tied to the fence for a rest, got free from the bridle and ran away, smashing the rake into pieces. —Farmers have almost finished their hay harvest, and several have started cutting their wheat, which promises to be a good crop.—Mr. G. G. Essery, who for the past week has been camp- ing at the Grand Bend has returned home and reports having a good time. Zurich. Mr. 'J. A. Williams and Dr. Campbell left Monday morning on a two weeks' tour in the lower provinces.—Mr. Harry Weber left Friday on his wheel for De- troit andthe o r points He will be gone six weeks.—Quite a number from here celebrated the glorious 12th in Henselll. The Goshen Orange Lodge passed through town early and gave us some lively airs. About thirty rigs were in the procession. -Mr. Peter Eeisenbacb, passed through town Firday last on his way to --,where he has a large con- tract painting and decorating a large church,—Mr, Hill and family who were visiting at Mr. John Deicherts left for their home in Wellesley, Monday.—Mr V. Eisenhoffer, who had his left hand almost severed some time ago, has al- most recovered and will resume work shortly.—Mr. John Fuss, formerly fore- man in the flax Company here leaves for Exeter this week, where he has se- cured a similar position. The band boys gave John a send-off Monday night. Job open for boss drummer. Wages no object. Apply to the Secre- tary.—A peg -leg is reported to have been seen in the swamp east of here. Would be be the Tnohey slayer? --Mr. Laidlaw, J mes James of Crediton,r esecured ed a sit with L. Roeding as peg driver.— Berry picking is all the rage. Judg- ing by the parties passing through daily they must be plentiful.—Quite a number of our business men attended the barn raising of R. Nicholson also of W, Fee last Friday.—The Parkhill Brass Band passed through town Tues- day morning for Hensall.— DIED.—Death claimed another pio- neer, Monday, when Mr. Andrew Hey, of the Babylon Line, responded to the great roll call, Deceased had reached his eightiety year. Up to a short time ago he enjoyed fairly good health, but recently the ailment manifested itself in severe form. He was a native of Germany and came, to this country in the early days. The remains will be interred in the Lutherian cemetery to- day (Thursday'). flay Gannon The adjourned Court of Revision met, on July dth, alt present. W lot 16 con, 6, was assessed to Wm. tele fat stead of Canada Co. The clerk was by motion authorized to rectify eiericat errors, and the roll was adopted, ted, after r I. the Court .of Revision a Spn w S .eyed. c The council resumed. A requisition of the police trustees of the village of Zurich for a. special levy of two mills in the $ was granted. The Reeve and Treasur- er were authorized to borrow the sum of $10O for current expenses. The fol- lowing amounts were duly passed and ordered to be paid;—Wm. Jennison, fake gravel, $4; J. McDonald ditch and cedar, $12.061 J. and J. Staeee-, bridge eon. 4 and ditch, 413.50; Mrs Y. Aubin►, charity. $5; Municipal World, beaks and blunts, Wan; Fred Hese, *r , part salary, $65, registering births, marring fes ail deaths, ntresf) do tege, $3 11; Alaimo Foster, tile, con. 10, fitk; James Howard, hauling plank, ei f,tl;T. Hart- noll, part ,payment on contract, 425; John Sehncll, repairing culvert, coo. 14, $1: Harr, Rupp, warping road grader i$5; Fred nage, w orising road grader, $5; Fred Baker, lumber, 816; Cook et. Goetz,, Itemiser, $1€; Stephen Troyer, culvert, eon. 4, $S: Il:tnlel l;ril, lumber. $1 f?St Roht Bell. meth, r $1; 'William Amstrout timber ai+d work, $2; Jno. Galster, part payment, worn, $15; Adam Athrecht, rep. culvert, con. 14.75 cis. Commit will meet again ou Monday, Aug. 1st, at 10o'elock, pap. G.r ud ,deaf] Pork Arrival of visitors registered here during week et.diug July t :=-W. Mar doth and H. 11. Mo,sip, Uranton: Mrs. W. H. Davidson, Exeter; Robert Dale and I gestou Smith, Arkona; Hiram Miller, wife and family-, ltonreesilhe; tVm. Mustard, wife and frailly, Mark- ham; Jon. L t'riestely wife and family, Miss Ida Drought, Miss Jennie Leitch. Ailsa Craig; E, Stewart and Mr. and. Mrs. Paterson, Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. John Onztiston.--Mr. Thos. Dicksr:n, wife and family; the hunter p euie, numbering 75, Eden; Thus. Murdoch. and daugitteer, Miss Ethel, Ilensall; Mr, and Mrs. J. J liutehisen, Torontu; Mr, and .firs. Wellington Hodgins, Lucent Miss Vera Murdock, Hensall, R. E. Pickard wife .stud family, and James Pickard, Exeter; Frank titrrri s, Chica- go; Royal Templars picnic, Advance Council, No. 20?, members and friends to the (turning* of 70, Exeter; C U Bus sell, Miss Maud Russell, Hay; Miss Nel- lie mote, Toronto; Mrs. eine.) Rollins, Czar Rollins, Mrs, F. W. Collins au(i son, Harold,Lxeter•FratakBrock. llas es Addie ad Mary, �and Hector Taylor, Thos. Morley, Whalen., The Misses Ian- uie and Vera and Jos. Mills, Woodham; George G. I:ssery, wife and family and The Misses Sadie Abbott, Maud Jones, Maud Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Vail, Cecil Vail, Andrew Hicks, Centralia; the Misses Beulah and Vivian Beaver, Crediton; W. J. Parsons, Winnipeg, lfau.;Thos. Munro, wife and family, Parkhill; Frank and Miss Lillie Cleland, Miss Fanny Bardet, John Smith, Ar- kona. Greenway. The Orangemen, of 217, met at their lodge room last Sabbath and marched to Grace church, when Rev. Mr. Gunne preached a very acceptable sermon from the text Galatians, 1st chapter, 8th verse. Mr. Gunne is a fluent speak. er and his words were listened to with marked attention. On Tuesday they celebrated the 12th in Hensall.—Miss Mary E. Wilson has gone to Orange, Mass., on a visit to her sister. She in- tends to go to Boston in a few months and make her home in that vicinity.— We notice in driving to Parkhill sever- al have neglected to cut the thistles as directed by law. We also saw room for complaint both in weeds and thistles in the town. We noticed with pleasure several Improvements on the way, es- pecially Mr. A. W. Humphries' home, with the cresting and new paint. If we want to.hold our best people and at- tract others to our Canadian towns and villages, we must get a hustle on, cut all weeds, level off the unsightly places and take some of our spending money to fix up and beautify our homes.—Miss Laura Baker, who has taught in 8. S. No. 10, for over seven years with satis faction to the inspector and trustees, sent in her resignation last week; and at a trustee meeting held in W. J. Wil- son's office last Friday evening, her re. signation was accepted with regret that she could not see her way clear to fin ish out the year. Miss Baker has been a devoted teacher, taking very little interest est in anything badvance- ment d an 1 ,y g,' butt e a v ce ment of her scholars. A large number have passed into the high school due• ing the past few years. We wish her success wherever she goes. She will be a worthy and careful teacher and is a young lady of stria integrity. The trustees have advertised for a second class professional teacher. Tenders to be Opened at W. J. Wilson's after Mon- day evening, July 25th. Woodham : We are very sorry that our much esteemed and respected friend A. Reaford, who has worked for Mr. Mclternyn this last two years as wood worker in connection with his factory has seen his way clear to remove to Stratford again. He will be missed in the village and at church, as he took such an interest in its wel- fare. The Twelfth at ilensall. The ;;tgith Celebration of the Battle h e of tee itoy-ne.-50Q0 reople .Present. This year the Orangemen of the dis trio of Southuron celebrated Fl: 1 hated the 22.h of July at the Village of Hensall. There were upwards of 3,000 people from different parts of the district hi attendance and some 25 colors repre- sented. The day was flue, a nice coot breeze prevaiiiug from early moult The eitizeus of Mensal' never do any- thing by halves. and every arrange- r meat was made for the comfort and en- terta-inlnent of tate Orange brotherhood and their friends. On all sides expres• diens of satisfaction and appruvai were t(t be heard The progressive silfage g was in holiday dress. Maguificeut 1 arch's of es.ergreen, some fifteen in t number. erected on the p incipalstreete of the village, the gaily decorated stores, the liberal and unstinted display of bunting and national beepers and the closing of all places of business, bespoke for the Orangemen a splendid welcome and a reception hat will not soon lee forgotten. Nothing was left undone by the local brethren, to make the day a sueeess, and too touch credit ean.not be accorded thein. The accowteda tion was ample. There was enough and more than enough 10 eat, though fear had been expressed that in this partieular the village would have, dint - melee in providing for so large,sa crowd. i Tho procession formed at ;teal: p m., in the south east part of the village and marched eveet t ,along Main Street to the London, Huron and Bruce railway track: thence earth to the Ceutenaiat i Hotel; tbeuce east to the Loudon Road and theme youth and west, again jtt rading Main street, to iheo beautiful grove of Mr Moir, south west of the village. The proceselon was led by band of the 81 Battalteu of Volunteers aid the Parkhill brass hand, both dee, coursing excellent music. The speecta elo was a thrilling one and all along the lino of march, cheers and applause greeted the brethren. '1'heCounty Mas. ter, Mr. John Seartott, Marshalls F Davis and A Nevin, all three Mounted on white horses, the Lady True .Elite, the three life and drum hands, the 2,000 brilliantly uniformed brethren with. flying banners, presented a most attrac- tive scene The proceedings at the grove were of a most interesting and eujoyable character. The Methodist quartette sang three most ,appropriate selections which were highly appreciat. ed and heartily+ applauded. Speeches were delivered by the local clergy* and the Rev..Hodgius, of Seaford' and Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford, The last named speaker evoked great ap plause and elithttsiaste, as he invariab- le does, by Iris inimitable and charac- teristic allusions to the truculence and subserviency to Rome of both political parties Truly it has been said of the old man," He is no splitter of hairs and no compromiser of facts. When the speeches were finished the meeting dis- persed, singing God Save the Queen. Where is the man who years ago Was oyerheard to say, It's dying out, it's sure to go, Orangeism has had it's day. He's dead poor fellow and forgot, So lea, him rest in peace, Orangemen to tile, consent will not, But from year to year increase. In efceryears when all the world, .bhal1 Orange brethern be, With beating drums and flags Unfurled, Immo:taiised we'll be. " MCA_RTRUR." NOTES. County Master Scarlett can be de- pended on for perfect organizatiou and no hitches in the program. Hensall citizens neglected nothing,'. not even the watering of the. streets. The Centralia band captured the $6 prize in the fife and drum band contest. A more respectable, decent, well con ducted and gentlemanly crowd never yisited the village of Hensall. Hensall has established for herself a place on the list for Orange celebra- tions. As the procession passed along Main Street Brother McArthur, of McArthur & Co., bankers, secured some nice soap shots with his kodac. Mc, is a most en• thusiastic worker in the order. Clinton: The other day a man tra- velling lost his watch and chain and raised a storm in the belief that he had been robbed on the train; a search for the missing article showed that in crushing past a young lady the watch chain had caught on the button ot her cape,pulling pul g the watch and chain from the gentleman's pocket, and hung sus- pended to her cape; after its restora- tion he was not man enough to apolo gise to the conductor for the language he had used. Seaforth: Mrs. M. Robertson, of this town, received a letter from her sons in Dakota, on Thursday, couveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs, John Robertson. Mrs. Robertson, it seems, died on Saturday last of cancer. She left here about two months ago, to join her husband in Grand Rapids, Da- kota. He had been there for a year previously, and had prepared a home for his wife and family. Mrs. Robert- son's maiden name was Mary McPhee. She was about 35 years of age, and heaves a family of three small children. When she left here she seemed to be in the enjoyment of the best of health. 11i Seafortb: A. few .days ago as Mr. Geo. Murray was working bis grader in MelUDop, the berapergot stuck ou a stone and he was thrown off the ma- chine, injnriug his knee so as to make the use of a eane,neees§ary in: walking. eaf , S orth While ris•-n d t e Iasf? i- ' spike the [pew sidewalk: on • Goderich street, Monday, . Mi €. James A. Anderson struck bis thumb the blow that was intended for the head of the spifne, staashipg and bruising the top so as to give biro very painful deawtb, but he was not disabled, from work. Seaforth: The Queen's hotel was closed Tuesday owing to sense >atisalit- dersta. ndiug leetween landierd and ten- t ant:as to who should pay the vicease fee. It is running again, however, under 'en arrangement by whieh the the tenant pays three dollarser I reutat for anis week, p day Parkhill; fig I ue y asetai a three -little children, Georgi= Megs, Bella -Leslie et d Willie Tudoe were run over by a horse and a bread wagon driven by Wm. Bennett. Geo. Meggs .and Willie Tudor were not hurt, but Bella Lesile was not so fortunate, It is thougbt she received internal injuries. Logan: Jas. Bleotnfietd's house, was hunted to the ground talong Saturnus, wail must of his household effects fl::e bad gouts to a raieit :at Dan Heuuie. keit, and the fire, whish started in tlfo front verat:drh, was to<noticed by Mrs, ' Bloomfield, uutii it was well under way-. How the fire eril.inatee wee a mystery. Tuckeersmith: Mr. A. Elco,tt lest two geed sows East week—L. McConnell had , the misforttauae to have the top of hie finger 'giddy smashed at i"Reasigt'r Pep - 1 p is barn raising on Th relate, San- dy Gray had the nail of one of his au- gers toren at the same ralsing.---Mr.. iiorliers 't., .arzi eras strnek by lightning ecu Sunday, hut not much damage was done; this is the third time this barn hue been struck: Mr. Aria - strong n was also struck. Clinton: A quiet bat happy evuut took place at the Rattenburystreet par- sonage on Wednesday evening, it be- ing the marriage of Miss Annie E. daughter of D. lieggnrt, RuIlett, to John G. Cibbings, of Goderich town- , ship Mins Atitlis.ns std Mr. A. Rog garth acted as br;desmoid and grooms man respectively. Mr. Millyard per- formed the ceremony. The young couple are well and favorably known and, the best wish go with them, St. Marys; On Tuesday while Charlie Furness was driving. Pickard tdt Fleming'.; horse from the switch he was r u.n down by the I.ucan lorry which was gating at a furious rate. Charlie was thrown to the ditch and became unconscious for a short time and received quite a shaking up, while his horse eontinued its mad run till *caught on Wellington -o*., north. One of the then on the lorry id not get off so easily as he had hist g broken. Clinton: The death of Miss Minnie Bowers took place on Sunday last, She has been a sufferer from consumption for some time, and recently visited the Gravenhurst Sanitarium, returning suppoeedly in better health, but the im- provement was more seeming than real and she passed away after a few days illness. She was the second eldest daughter of the late George Bowers, and is the fifth member of the same family who has died in as many years Parkhill; A pretty and quiet wed- ding took place at the residence of Mr. S. S. Hover, on Tuesday, when his youngest daughter, Sadie M., was mar- ried to Mr. Wm. A. Seldon, of Le Roy, N. Y. The bride was becomingly at- tired in white organdie and carried white fillies, The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Aylward. The bride's presents were numerous and valuable. Mrs, Selden was one of our amiable and popular young ladies and she has the best wishes of many friends for her future happiness. Goderich tp: On Wednesday ev- ening Mr. W, Edwards, of the 5th con., had the framework of his new barn raised, when everything passed off nicely. Sides were chosen and captain- ed by Messrs, John Sturdy and Robs. Elliott, the former winning by a couple of rafters. About midnight a severe storm arose and completely wrecked the framework. laying every stick flat on the ground, and splintered all but the sills. This will be a great draw back to Mr. Edwards, as he calculated On having his barn ready for the hay. BERTHS PATTort—In Shieke, on July 3rd, the wife of .R Patton, of a daughter. Bownnv,-In Stephen, on July 12. the wife of W. J. Bowden, of a daughter. ELr wooD, In Lucan, on July 5th, the wife of Chas.:Rllwood of twins (boys). STooxns-In Parkhill on the 80 ult., the wife of Rich, Stookes, of.a daugh- ter, Amid A.61: ns. SHELDEN.—HOVER.—At Parkhill, on July 3rd, by the Rev, Robt. Aylward, B. A., Mr. Wm. Sheldon, of De Roy, N. Y., to Miss Sadie M., daughter of Mr. Silas Hover, of Parkhill. BOWERS—In Clinton, ou July 3, Mamie Louise. Bowers, aged 20 years, 11'. months.