HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-10, Page 50
THURSDAY, MAY im, itzi. IM =001:11 3 TAR
ma; -'(0 *ddition. to prei*ftt *Arad#. vv -,to like vl*latfr� Sir" J�Alvit,'11. for A10001; COURSES
w0m; lowidMian. frow* 84twtut. ft t
with brkk vower. vitk sl=sd'� Iritit refertum to il'"tati"n on 6-` TOO CRIWIKD?
-t be publisWed"Trii
"dition Sxl4 Akt, at rear of W W"t t a notic t�lktts Y T11tV *AV# Not lisle to
itt !�
1, ' - L t 0
THE TOWN CO"UNC L fire proof roogm,., 4119 0*4 material, we re-,
too the
Assessment Botla populat.. rid side of &nth street; from D. $ yil%fta"Une petitiomi for, T041 OA to be the t*"r%4W 11ropfil), DOMINION STORIWO,
to re -roof front V#A of pr*vat W.,,' -sent in to the couricit at oni:e� anA
that any outstandjr* road Qil a*, At the itionthly py,;Aiiw of the pial;-. CANADRS LARGMT RETAIL CAMEO
r !A7so*Sss6dWV!=t&T4wv. Ing with tedlir shingles, witit i aid held oil r4oliday twa,
ing, of approved aswitoo, under iiiin. wasuients rawit bo, J*M at oree, Re scluwl W
f1es, wett aide of St. Andralss. str"t, The report was &4,JPtC;I finil it W#% Ing it was decfdc-d that no action be
COUNCO, I)ECIDES TO BUY GRAVd PIT t7ctweeii Nelson aad lialgiltott stroets, inoved by 0 Rceve. seconded b.v talwil on 0143 WILtuir Of intrwocing WE $S&L TO SATIVY
r estimated cost $100; from W. N. Gro. �!Quneillor M*eftan that thi� list of the ratudy of agriculture and horti-
Puclic Mood t0 b* CILUW R,6 Nwition My Cekbrationi,, ham, to build new verandsh, franks outstanding load Oil asse3s.mvuts Iy,,.,c-u1ture in the higher grades ot the
,istructure on brick pilisrs, fire proofibanded to the street, insitcc-tor for I oublic schools, ttas on nuithni of
_8=Ntam tiots UAW of Agricultural Grounds. roofing, f'outh side of Neweate sc,g col!co son and to V"pott at raest nlcet� , Rluulpfitcvs Vr and Uundry, As 10 Ibl. GRANULATED 1$0 1hS.
between fambris road and Albett st�, i0q. WKI that' ft, inatter of future this atw w!aulldll
4" reqixiry an hour a
The town cfAwcil was all present D When the minutes of the special eistimated cost 41W. �cd to week, the Usellen convorried were SUGAR so.9.5
at' the regular meeting on Friday meetir road oil Wfen
_q were read at vilich it was tho publ'c wQ!.-I;c, conrnittQe to 1j.,. written to totword the time table of
tight la4t Vith the exception of Coun. passed to allow a strip of 10 feet off To Buy a Gravel Pit tW, two higher form% in the schwh
A Holmes. Figures on g, roek crashing plant Part- and %big was done. ""'Villingt wl;
cillors Vutt or and other eqvipmeitt were submitted
t the front of the cemetery and gravel To Call Public Meet- w Domin'on shiiviffli or 11�-re 11) S. 1�
- - - - - - - Pit Properties to, the Department of by Mr. Hubbard Day Celebration Xbps Sharman wrote: "It is int- 41;-4u jeliie-�4,4 1125, c lit,
outicillor VgqF4w*n of the Doillinion . o keep u the timv�tablo and (!Orleo 23cl I se
rhwayi, C r ask 1possIble,
ed it there was no payment itialle for rZoad 314chinery Co. and the whole Q'The pcoial corawittce roportea as 's.
llows� cover the work iu the year; for c
question of sto'o for vietoria street 41liple gft)Wr4pby and history rckluin)
the land and expressed the opinion work was re
limittee of AVO hallo had tho solieltor Pmraro than OkX14 Pork mvl BeAlt"i V�,)V.n 11saild 4' 1'n S��Cap
that there should be. However, it up- the ferred tv col mlivit PAOXV, the allottel tivae.
whole vounpil to in(
,A at
pears. that the Department does not the close % draft of a-,reLnuctit with referotu-c, There sic, two books in IlWaIrgs, to 14 11 - 2 tins. 23, 5t� 39C tin
Pay for the'Und requ!" to widen of the c6uncil meeting. ta the takInW over of tho National a �78-2 tin$ 29, 77c tin
11 ffish and Canadian,
the road, simply muld the uR do of this z-omo of tho other sub.
"t an allowance The Possibility of securing � e Shipbuildi'14 propinty. This eu.
for fence. of a county crusher rather than In. ment will tw siibiixittod to the Royal ecto suffer. Nature studv if; usual -
Population Shows Inereage of Ili and ve,5ting in a plant for w'hiell the town Bank and other part1eq and will then t kell in the coallpositten period. t,"a Wr Rhrodklell Kro'cial
would have occasional use appealed W� submitted to the coneft for UP- upils are rcquirkd to read four Coln 111KN Wheat AN hX(I Wend
F Assemment of $12,271
to the. council in committee. A gr4- pral. bookpa as suppleitivuhiry work slid wan"Ite
-hor and collector reported: vel pit on the river bank on property ith ference to the request of
asThe ass a there must bealtogether at least OWr
�belonging to, Ur..A. Saunders �an be 'he Porit 1, R -a ball Club for use of pages to rcad.n 2 Nvogstaffe'ti
Narinal"Ide, - 27c 60
i During the month of April I paid bonobt And in rommittep. it was mov. builflinv�. I nd gSir"ounds. at the xwdcul- . Nti!Fs, Bull ulade, the foliqwing coln. 9C C
the treasurer taxeo, -f 1,626.99; olling ed by Councillor Humber, seconded tural ar k we reconimend that the (inent: sil night say that although I
streets, $107.91, total, $1,734,90; since by Councillor M*cEwon, that the mat. Club T -ratted the use of the work steadily and faithfully day by Sliecd Preak. 21c
May Ist, taxes, $395,60i total _;2tl30,-1 d Mina
Ubuving 14 61t from, Mr. A. Salm. grounnds all kit,011011 WIding 4B ve� day, I find It Impossible to cover the
. -A -*MA
41111) klrgo 32C
166. be left with the deputy reeve quested; and that it be'kiviii the pri. courae In fiorui3 �subjccts.*, la -A Bacon. lb ..... I ...... 33c I. Rete
The assessment ha$ been co with powei,. 'carried. vilege of erecting grandstand, netst -ting the time
mplet Mr. Stonebouse,repor,
CIA and the rest returned to the clerk. , Deputy Reeve Munnings mentioned cte,, under me supervision of ;no table for Jutilor an Senior IV, at
.Total assessment,. $2,560,381, 1922 Colwell; the use and control of the Victoria school, commented that time Prunes, go0a Jel
4 11!� vhtch was, blocked and did not vield Size,
MAVE YOU A I assessment, $g,548,llot increase $Ia, ' a section of the Victoria street sewer grounds, bulldittgs� erections � and for singing and nature stud, was 2 ths ...... 27c 211v wl's 25 61) ell"' 27c'
,271, r Population,, 4222; 1922, 4108, concessions to be at the pleasure of sometimes taken front one Period and
3400ase 114. e aewer roads, This will have
KODAK t� Ill council oxily, the council retainin the sometimes.fram another.. Calisthenic
This was referred to.,the finance dug up., Mr.'MunnIngR also right of cancelling privileges arg use exerclsit were taken somott. n Ir
stated that at one manhole the lullow me$, be.
itive was'below-tbe level of the out- 0 -ES
committee; of grounds at any time, and of tak- fore u. lesion. W $`F%EE7*s Go...
of the' CHILDREN The cerlietery� sexton reported sevon. *as tot big ing over u control of the grounds, Teachers Ask for Incroso
s ands, concessions �.r eree- X
burials during the month and one plot; flow nhd the manhole linilditip,
th.- .1 Priough -for. usp, Thalliatterwlis re. The following letters frolat 'the
-sold, *Iso� that -the grader worked $at;. ferred to the public workF;L I ttions on' "grounds, and -of allowing
Ifta4v to ina -0 WI -your PO teachers of the 6choolit were recolvedt
n Power to get. L any other Arty or parties the use of
tq I,,
urday� afternoo and cut do" the tee with including the' the grounds AaL &U' ervotions and PA. To the Board of Public School Trus- dundry, his WaVY was ing to
X044, 0,04 e0Y t6 k6811 it) Q, �ruts throughout the maiii, roads. o I reused
neat l9ose-lest Albliln. 'L 1 f building of a now tualibole. tees.
TW4 I the cemetery.. vileges, It being the intention that th,4. Gentlemen —Again, as It approuqh. 900- at ng froul may a ERT
picture..record will 1)6 price1qs,1 This was referred to the cemetery 'KeeP Garages O9f the Str0t title council is to, retain control of the 01 the time lov -e A FINX for VietorlaL Sehool
-eft 'holt 6 of Viet 1*1
gaging teachers, pritic S�fDZ,
to you in the future. Ue 1),ittiligof the I t, CONC
'and 'parka committ*Q
The Deputy Reevv also 'brought 41> grounds, buildings, etc.," at all, times- Jpal 0 a
9= -voter0, list the location of gar4ggs. SQme bad With r po
eforence t6 Ac6',unlf6rms we would respectfully ask that you reported IL7$�L boys and 210
WOLQhallberl�sqad to show seriously cbmilder Increasing our a4l. school
was referred tosthe fit ie commit. been built an the street r 1 1, with au avtrage: a
I . vAw I Ine. eutting your committee recelvW �sgmplcx'of t.
you tboaluip! Kodak way,t. tee to obtaill, Prices, ete, Itwas stat, off the' View from - Tie1g)lbars'* houses. --loth'with prices from. Messrs. Me. arles, the Principal by'$200,41to aR. girls oil the To)
64 that thio year's list much He thought it bylaw �'hould be pre- Lean llros� and Mr. Temple Clirk, sistAnts by 000. We ap, ilift SuNITHODIST, OND
prc�late the (ContImi*A,, on Pogo, 10) No
larger than heretofore, as the wife of pared -governing tbis.- It. was- ex- find we recommend that the quotatipit difficulty that ftices you its a board,
BroWI2jt4.V42M UP when it Is ii�e6ssary to ask On coun- oN Irl1r, RVLNING.01"
. property owner or the husband of nWmed that in baviiig applicatfoit;4 of Mr. Cloric for coat and two paira cil for a larger grant; still we feet
$660 a property owned must be put down for�bull&4 Permits ZhIle this could of trousers complete. at a price of .
Kod*ks, U Part I lustIfied in prefirrinj the request.
on, of the list. Thig will make be Jittattiled, against r $52, be accepted. and, th;tt both uni. We have reason to believe that the nn A Thursd 0, Imay,17th
UTry Ow an'ig Sto", Fir'st, considerably more -work in.the pre... Th� 'Traft ontho Squitte forms be ordered according 0e By
varation-of1he list. -Coun�illor "I �referred to 'With reference to July 0rcelebrw_ best citizens of our town would be AT 8 O'CLOCK'
Barker Drop, ask for pdral the traf, tion. your committee proposes t6eall ),eased to see those who teach their
ed g le on the Snuare, The silent police- children better remunerated. We
to put In a gas, tank' at their arage men would 'be� out-tbe following day. a moetinc of the citivens, but in the have made a study of the Blue Book Se Loaf To 4
on Boyfield road and asked to have M.,114 meantime we recommend that all. In- NOER IHE AUSMUS d* 1HE NOR INUT
ren were. in, the botbit of riddilp. and find that there is not a, town n 9"HIST"
CAMPBELL$, two trees removed. - This *as refer- all over the road, and be thought, it struments, music qnd equipment of Ontario wbero the p al does not
red to thej).q��It _.wQ
IMIM the Goderich Band be called In for
M " "ftll �"_ �_ -:iveeive- mor"o
M exam n lot% an e ec Ing_ "Well
A --k- L 0 , - 'ell to. condliet, -an,`4edlje4tiO�41- cam- .. ... ..... Goderleb. - -Not only en,$ 0ldStf0J:
-ndefso Ls ed - or rL- tory y _f ittee.
-Mi. 'Thos. n t his c6mmi � not but tfiere-uralL
JP14" 60 C Th, liewlil of Vs coal oil, and paigi on the matter of traffic and to, Only five Village$ where the salary Is
arrange for governing traffic on the We have bad a number of photas not higher. With. reg
peddlerd' license on the same terms of the'liarbor taken and we recoin- ard to, the as NUS14 Rod Local, Tallit
its form square, me that sev 1,41 copies bo'pureha$�, sistailts, we may. say that, With fQW
W-ko. W, W�v 440-, erly, and. the re.quent was re- This wag referred to the 'a Wat W. J. POWELL
onoptions, their salarlos are the'low.-
--I%— ferred to tbefinanci? eommittoe, and distributed by youti comiliAtee: 00"tft
colunfittee. eat tobe found In town$ of this size,
ArVicu'rions from Mrs. Lauder alla t 0 recommend that the chairman I L: X===
Mr.' � H. Iwo ler Hoping that You illay find It pos- =0XX:9==o
od for refiewal. of pie. t,,Zf rinnm to the twovolwd'eduem- of the public . ofts voiiimittee.sup6r.
Aft oft ign LOS to traffic, CQun- vise the tu ina of,all ant and sible. this year to grant our request,
cat ture show and pool room licenses re,
re soect dquipment to!the'XAU nal, ipbuil&L
Mad. IvelY were referred to commit- r, - Vorpol said it Would be well 2
ato : . Respectfully yours,
to to warn "lilic n *nnd delivery men movli4. ana 1. R. SHARMAN 0 L
WEEK of MAY'14 to. -19, Cam. suits cost $800 to -keeVaff the boulevards. lockihg� up of any loose �ropertv and
sfoudaYL404 Memliky I -pervetuol upkeep Ydur committee would as'kt at an
to vA00 to be Taid on - the.16th tl,- regulations for
er the 'cost o the 'new cadot �%f v)lbts in,the eouieter.v'and *as in- appropriation of sm be anowea us E. WAY $TODDART
40 .Yne wrot the story and $50 ft AIABF�L 9
'Board -of Public School Trustee
P=*soisaut iftodu= the'balaneo of $1300 by rge wncz
I it� formed the ob
Coundillol, ldseEwdll askerl as to material -belonging `thq WINNIPRPD BILL FOOTw" R f R SPDNG
T The 0. C. L Board asked for $2100 to 0 auto. At. ADA SURRITT.'
r, 111,of for the yeuir. AILIE (per A
Julie Ist.. in This was referred to the 'o I plolour craveg with awadditlo The report.*a,.q adoitea. Godericb.
Mal, fo�- rfi( . Wed t1le 'followintr, �rslgned so-twou we have. Inado all w0ipa, VIT01t, tq Jiro -
"The Pride of, P
krO finance co rkiittee, ollarge of $10 a erave for nnv ovo The fir� committee reported'halring
The following gppficationj for Tho rli)�c. in Rivin-, thJ& It) ,Gentlentan,—We, the und T
I a7p4lcatlona oach,t, of, V, I . ..
BOBBY VERNON, buil 'the 111sk"Idr. stAterl it' In so flout, the IfoweRt'
ding peratifaL vione referred to nilght b�e' worth Cr bulldivig 'Permits-. Mrs, Alh hool,wouialml,
$&Talke Your Choieetf fire Co t
thnift ee with bowel, to aot in -bile baviniT the- bvlaw.N%ith thiWin shinglinit.r. dw4llillw 1=1 st;* to call your attep"
u rit -a #__Fxciah, form Mrs. , W. , wattiock, On` a e our satirlea airV-0 in a
d_ L, J " ,
Wing'- on aitla,Tia' roa n nielle,
'ftl!W�An-d-Wee Ti7eseni bui. hand. t,%' ihnuirers* to send. tqL Ol]t� on the minimum now� on rally re SWIMS
.5tay. allt afij 'th: of-towti plof,L hnlderq who in, relved by, eyell ine, P liced,.toach-'
cement foundation, ie*roof wk a. a AV rht be shingling dwelling.,on. x orli (30volope(I by tit
Geoige Meffbrd production. with a tent fire -proof roofing or cedat ffin- AV thentselves:of the nrn� The report was adoptqd, The now Otyles for Soring ItR
c"t of -favorites gles with sheeting, of asbestos 'and I ns- for Pslinotual upkeen. Till,; ' The Quance ommltt*e,�recolmllend- .' Trusting that you may see fit to footwear artietq,'alld traft4filon are far'eilltding ill 010iv
othi!tl �minor tepairsi. premis ' :-i err tport,qf %0 Mos"L d somewhat, lessen our grievance fo�P %ralipe' Jilin �,ftnd - beautiful fitiRb. 00 t
e# 4* the, 04 t6 the: cqmetory, and 4 +hat i'he T sor an neett oil 11)
13e le _ '
bbr itween 'a cola e. tax, eullepUi of U,Sled the 'year beirioning epi, lot $iel,Viefl
E -T-ide"', north �-Jikld 4f 7EIgIA avenue; 'between Ar��li 20t ve are -them
South.� and, MArket streets - 'from A eve, ete .. -stridparkS iommitbp.e - Repnii-tdd havi _4 L paCla. Mt. Yours respectfully,
Merinaid Comedy 'he Hart!- riate Institute BhrdL ther ility. giN-011 Only �jlr lefitilel'i4 "()f tile hfIr4�'(111ft
E. Allin, to move biiek*plift Qr'pre- ratio havint- xnet'witli t 0� sum of GERTRUDE $TURDY,
19tOffif COU110Y' cultural Snci&v with ief6renco tb the $1800 us WITH WIGGINS. .&;rown (Of lildent Ii -ad Kid 1&.tthoro � predolhillato
sent ftilling to the east -f pre, Ma*� Ist PaYmerit.oli, their f 0 iL
Sent lot L . part o anking of a -little'park or other im- levv. XATE A, WATSON, t
and rtmodelt mdking new 11 Witl), tile 14tetih COWWWWOUS Of v 111whigg. VdVO4
on corner of lont' ol - Uouartod that Victovv- 'Bo , nil Inter- LOTTIE A. SENTLtY
Frida�. and S�turhy houseiL cement. foundati - provement at thi r#- 100 IN01A re.mollAW6.
s It d*' n and Ivat'rel - Pat due, X 6 eh rk ROSE X�ILIARD,
On elling and,put in, ew cement oo streets, and, reecim AV lot. bad U elvad
1 2000-
DOGLAS FAIRBANKS foundation, estimated cost mended that the clerk�write fhe.On- and depodhea to 'the The,finarice committee wasappoint- REPAIRING
Puts action in,the attr-action tfrom A. Higizinson, to shingle tario Agricultural College and.Ascer- counts� ed to look into applications for In-'
0 ell.
�pxrteif dwdlling, with cedar ii ea. tain If the �servlcea of a landponne Recommendea that Ole at�ditorsl re. crease 'It "satarleg 'and repori, this on
oVi n
all Er
Albert t
M.W.4he Clouds Roll By' ga�idcn _.4Cceut d I t d motion of Trustees Cralgle. and gaun�
east side of Cambria ad t e f or or erigineek, am available, port for 1922 be ef' S�'5rif e,' ders;
:1 0
Bruce and Trafalgar_ ti te cost an so upon *hat'conditions, and that 'their pay rol
All Star Comedy_ , e,4 'ho 0 4�v
T $20; from Samuel.Ward,# re uild The report wait adopted., "teivic uassed,- onathatibe wx- An application from Mr. John liar-
Th6 FatA Mow!' kitchen adjoining Present Aling df �The public works committee report- -ter arla'LigM1Commisdion'be render- rison for Increase in salary as lardtor M
frame -With brick veneer cedar shin- eid, as follows ed no ac 1 $50 ias thdir share of Victorly, Qtr"t school from L 1800 SiaL of S
.at.. (af 4wh
in e
Matinee and' Ved, at 4.15, kles, east'gide of Walnut st.'botween We recommend that the petition for of the- auditorii" salnrlev,, 1011bC WJ�6t& he bad to pay out
Cayley. Rreomynclidecl tho'-'04-yinent of a '$50. for help) W49 1`060'j0d, and, Oil
Huron road. and Mary st., -estimated sewel, oil street-froin Wilson
turday at 3 P. m. I
-blavoi4p"ter".1s; coming. soon. ec�kt T400; from W... V. IpNelilow, to street to 'be jef erred nomber-of iiceouuts�, motion of Mmtees 'Suallderg ful(I
T . HE. ON DE�RfU L fl,.1ES P 'NS E To ou�fl SAL-[ .0 L EU, M -R.'U 8
0 0 f GONG
in, 'e 80 'Popt st. 'for'Next ek'' N01 MAY I 9th
0 '�Thls yi 0 ''0 Doi
fi iiej'�W ffer a sincere. apology to our many customers who were unab e to purchase Congoleum Rugs kom us on Saturday Iasi, the
NOTE ---
sale of - this W'on&rfui floor covering haslar exceeded our expktations I mand we 'were, derefore sold out o, - many sizes very early -.-in
the djy--',On account of thii occurrence wle,.Are exteoding this cougoleum Silt stitil - the 19thw--a- week from Saturday. We' have'' a complete new.
stock in all, sizes- and patterns and can promise prompt service forthe balance of the sale. -
G 'ales Prices
,haose a Congoleum. Rug From this List, of Sizes and 10
Genuine i n.
Gold Seal Con- Gold Seal Co6goleutu Rug 6enuino G old 86al Co .1800 Von.
1,1117-k. Salo
............... $1195 '1 X-2 y . ..........
f golettin Rug, regul�r $7,095 9X9 ft 1110gufar �$13.50. Salo $11,95 9x12 goleum &14q. Ragular .5le. ds g"Jimill $ '95'
9 x 6 L 141 .......
11,00. 8.sle price, Sale
Getwille 4'old Seal Con Gdnuiae Gold Seml Con- littine Gold Real Von- 01111LIIO�� "Gold Seal Con.
401011111 RUU - to t:010till] . Hugo. Sale
goleum 11ugs, Regular, A (;e f) .48%,- 1806 'no " 45C
$9095. 'L price ....... ........... plice ......... ............
X 2 -ft guielar, Rug. Ragula 02 A
9:71 0 s Sde price., ....... 9XI $15.15. Sale Price .......... $13.95 1 .2, ......
Fin6luafity Axminster Fine Quality Axminster. Eughsh Quality Wilton English Quality- Wilton Special Price on English Tipestry Rugs
7in. Ma T
Xats,., 18in.x2 ts*, 271n.xUin. Mats. buner, 2ft.3ia.x7ft.6in.. apestry Rugs Size 3x3 ft.
T a -e '11
#5 0111v of t1lege file quality.elosely 20 only of this sizo best quality 'he are oor matq'of the very A splendid quality Ituntier for a 1 5 only, Canadian qualiby Tap�b4hr' Ir ar M10 10 109:4 rooln,;,
W,tA-eft tile best . I'Madian Axminster Floor Mata in very pretty beqt grado of Bloglish Wilt -on in *very flail or Arellway in very pretty pat- llugq, iti size 04 vards, hi thic; i;pa- ez;pcl-ially hedroanl,4 and denq ill M
AX'10inster, In ghadei,of 110�e, Blue- patterng, in co)org, Blues, Browns, Arni even weivo, Tho patterox site -terns and caloxings iulank Browns, sill's now Intterns mild coloring,;. A rang,3 of hati&onw i*ttornq in aliallel
J�g,wft and llrowlv; S%Itle $1.38 FmvnF4 and Tang. Sale $6,95 now ana the cowinp- itne $4.45 tin," "ads, $14.75 Aelondid qtzo fo, r M owall Cl 8150 of VaT711q. Bwovaw. Wine, $21.50
-pelee, each .................. price,,eaeb ....... ....... light and dark shideg, 1.3all 0 1.4310 price, each ...... room. Hato price, caell and 111120-1 IRAO In iee..
... .......
1 Prices in
ir, Curtain Goods ray and Carttvright Floor SOPilecclioaths and Linoleum
Showl'lhg the Newest Patterns
A. -