HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-03, Page 8__1W1 - ql`411� __ . I - . 11 -_ ---
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11 A v 7� - V-- - 1, - I , . ;; :; � _. " - , - -----I--,— . __ Al
"_*" .. 11 I - I � ** _11&6" irm fr_ _`_ T14URSDAY, MAY &4 10"
. !!! I I 0 - I "No* 11 -11 .. ''I'll- -
011110 01-0 020 " ,=-_W_.0______.__.____ .- -,-= .
I , PIMP 4 I � 1. � . '", - - -, .., - V W--- � 101101001111111111111ililll=!o —
;: Bit 0 '" 11 siv# UUM a r4ht a4d. It is to tu " * 41
, � I "� #W*Adp 1i I wurruiri ter the greatest finanjjfiujj�:
I 1, , 11 , 4 4pioplo� twWovere Miter than to tha v - Noss *any vowbry kin hev it, a W
, . . I , �" -
, lw_._ - �
a #WF4VFV 16*# �Uooruxwat Owt tw t 10110t I � . av idle inift shuawn arrouw, wa;, �. � "kTeAWA - I ... .1
0 l[look,for onoagh aeQhbor 8 and k 094 t* about the fkrrumin'tbra&, � .,..d!= . IMIAM
THEIR SJGNMCANCi�. SyNp*"WGQ advice to t'We him over i:�� - a.OJ I 1. I I
� I F. is that a fillah is vivir out ay a Jawbil P, -1 . 11 _1111 1-11-
. W jwrw of acuto bonsoicu*", AM I arr nivir nades to be it ho has allAy 11 �
. 1P , . 4A , Itks. $Qmo nalloaawl" do Uis vory well I � I A - ocr Of Wkes is
IKI 14, �,�-)XV,11 111` W_ – I .,m , sinse. I WUY "W A)m T1W tewul
z, I . AW in t1w cave of the arst Isrso pwy i I 00"iL Youra till 11lix i ,
�' from tho ntbr", which was royally 'ri tke Y. ,I I
9 m III, to increasc.
Atkvgk ^0 WU110 fto * strony 11 4ka" at the tiow of rrotttd not only by ciyie 046441MA I . — a It I The present prices of F*d Il
- C*w ily "R* . I I 4 "AT W=
Le=w co" V*44ft the orow vwortlwe, the Turks by 8M0.6 orgamigtiona from the . .. I I -
0000 tow 111tw"al 0! L*�&�k I ;"S PLAYGROUND , I
,� hAV-t bAWn ft—UPW Out that they are tinte of tkeir JaWilur until they were . 1.11 � A PROPIX cars, which are the lowest
iftsi'*� 1*UWr long iavoit.*460" not SUCh *044"ful f0IIQwX us May Settled, It should b# the aim of the � ""wwft Algonquin Park, that wondozful I RWWX* $4M in the history of the cm- - 1�
a *""",ftmjtW a the cgiwiau have bon irowinfat tWaselves to (,4anadig" Auovorautent and the Vsoa� Government reserve, situated in the - I
� 9 pany'rannot Wgus"nteed
#4$0 of Conkmom Up protuted all be. The prospects for a realOARMY Wan people Mike, to make first clalts ZAM-HUX dependq on costly I IlighlQ03 of Ontario, ,200 miles northl IMN14 $40 � BUY now.
intm, * �veptiblo soultmopt of Near 11.0t liontignnto, feel thrAe alolls atid ixtractq for lof'roronto and 170 miles westof Ot-
Nk "port -in WI _h it States in . tkW is a.country. 1heirb tawa, k nearly .0,000 square rniI03 in
410*00, thAt the P"ice Of Atlantic 7airs is the br.ishter beeswe it was worth roming to, , its wonder-Jull healing, soothintT. I I Co" $695 Terms, if desired. .." I
1.0"00-ort4two servict On the resular 44tk 4-nough a little while ago to con4 &, 0 # eklent, and bas become one of, th(i I
b"M frow wavorts of this, country Ville !a-rv*ne_e espedollyt- glad antiseptic power. MQ�-t Popular resorta for the summer .
tutaithe &Ilk rd to let the W Alastoit 8dati4t, Soya Sun Loo'. . SwAn $70
wo SM4 1W 0(e North Atlantic Com- hey, -Could not Otto . ,as �,Zam.jsul, is not like oiji"ry oiat. tourist and the lover of the out-dodr
M% V001FA %-Ward 14 tho 4utstlah Turks divide ther'". � lox Rest, , n, ents roodo from cammon or eigmen. life. The attitude, SOW feet above ChUAS $345 lacEWAR & TE980TT �
of auppw 04 dewar*4% Sve . It sollteone had s4mested a few tary formulov. Zano-Vul� i-5� At srjPer- sea level, glve,q this territory ,an in. VOI)BRICIF, ONTARIO %
$t Ip4et*tlot of SOX#r Vjrj4tt#X0 ag* years o , u was in danger �Oahit, propared from a Secret ionoul Vt or t g ell to.
wbo Us taken the, sught"t J= Wo, that the ag a 0 a in Ina From, all over . �
, tit of suffering a phill most peop --thp result ot I-eilm of exvemlve and the'North AMerlean continent people - ,
- 1% "ast trow , her sk a study of suit to via" $*or fteksmse � to would I a r 0WILOWT. �
K,*w;Ni Or lo�iusw be Isms M*n havo beta Skeptical. �Weiica has, costly scientific regrarch. It it� p0re s fickle appe- -9 A111 SIAOCLM, i
46i* bwinelis t1tat can$ Ifor it, has Swift Awt(Qn havbeen taken by the however, made such #o,azQ and highly refined, and IG guara,4teed tites seek the bracing tang .. TA" 1*0 C 09"It 490 � AMML-AM ! .
United states Government in At- I discov. irce from anlM#1 JUS aDd the gritty fore of her I 11 04PAO 1100W MQ1rtW rOWARYOC VANP4A. A-114=0
XMwft for ytar& what the comr4ittep ,004 brought so many of them sts and she takes them in hand I . . I I
� I � I I
. . FQR . X4
tempts to, check the Inerew in the , Int,018 useful , Contact --with ever V metallic i4ubstapces usually. foutid in an(k rebuilds. them. 'The Canadian 1), "�Jftpl� 123
Ao* reports, That 40SWt prevent prke 'Of Sugar, Indictment 'Of Saar Ife -y4X. common ?Intments patt;w4vto. National Railways has issued a hantl, I 11 . — , ___ I , . - - !' '�,Zrm! .
. I 00" Of our Own MW3141wro from prontem, 4wila, suit to elose the Sq.; I f� that few surprises seem. to ,W. I � - -_�. w�s. . �
Ul*tlb , A distin partiou- ---
C the .matter 0 it it were a jar 1-Nalts igrosmons the drastic .gufsbe4. Washington W0,0derfg1l Allediolt1,01 somo publication giving all
I rickfat1j; ,discovered vondition, About me#Aure1t. , here 144jittle doubt. tb#f scientist in a r�cevt paper resW to A I 1108 , to,� 0 A accommodation and the road at XeCabola corner and. if c Wh suffer front corna when they I !
,all j
Irk .number of his. confreres, declares that . ACdVit.y. , b0 alo L ea im, Inserted in thla possible, have the water removed. 0 pain,lassty rooted out by us- I � '11
*# *Wjr 'low festura in the report is the In('rogsO has been mis"iPulAtc(l by after,a, Move"d by Mr. Graham.. seconded ing Ilolloway!s Corn, Removei.
The assertfoi; that, gep�mlly'&R 'iJon of years of 4boor. at" "I
ly " ak. gamblers who have long bi��n used to succes gam-�Rtfk evens Its woo4orfulmed. PublicUtl a Is at map that bas .
hw, fl* C;angdlan Government Me Mot heitt there beii been a falling off . IcIn41 activity below the surface 1where t be � u lished of Algonquin by Mr. Fisher, that a., bylaw be gas- ;
' I arine U40 beta jr r, piploiting necessaries of lito -and of th� :sun'a beat. This decline, be, tbegermsotswatroulliete.my are) A I o rec cop to any s(d estimating the sum of $6000 for 1* What two, letters name a girl's, . I
, Ove . h4ve sebl,on �u book. � Colborne for ]highway name? - . .
, I ;Mt 31 1 , �nit I allways, good roads in
, Uw Wrth. AtIontle c I ra a, . ,Wn bro asserts, began. in 1921 and continued quickly ex 1% dvep-sizated aild old. agent. CinadiAn No 10 a
. . * it is fortunate for the people of this until the closing. months of 192g. It � . X -T. (Katie). . �� I I
, 11 , _ vanitingii rlo�0464�1 or write 0. Z Ron r oses. Carried. .
* , ght tq
� SM4 Ot V401119 Illter,v I 9914fe. continent tb$4t - President 110l`4109 'a has been par0fully figured out b, , Toronto,, Ont. . , Roved by Mr. Hill seconded by 0, 6��. . .
. - P. A,, Pu
=obold in ,New �Tor . , . e WAY10 4 seeker for re-election to the Vgh . v a. For Ecmma, Twer, Salt gliewn, . . -"." - � Mr. Graham, that a ty ' .
I * low octasforA - the " * offics he holds, otherwtoe it is doubtm system of me4sorement -Wgun in Ulcers, PIWO, Ringworm;; Poisoned _law be pro. , .
", . M ftarine. -has stow by I 1906 Thew,vessurementa nl6ke It Wounds, etc., Zam-Buk Is marvel. COLSORNE pared appointing Mrs. Hetherington 0hildren Ory .
" - � ful 0.3ther the big interests Juvolv- clerk, Carried unanimously. ' ro)t FUTCHER'S . *
r 1. "* I'" tously successful. Also for Cuts., The municipalcouneil. of the town- . i . . .
( 49 C own fixivAr. These appear to ed in the tffott--ta gougo millions of Possible to say that the sun, is work, Moved by Mr. Feagan, sego
� � tft tl* exteption, ftt* ..An the Vale. r cent, 1e,9A. actively, Ondods, Burns, Scalds and SPrains. shi� of Colboraq met In the toyruship, .1 Mr. Fisher, th. n4c" by CA S'*rO R I A .
4011*rs out of ft -masses wool sp concerned, tban.w" PoWare Of *orthl a t -.%It complaints or or�
_ r th lit aced ft some f0uf ta : 0 s"Amitittlool. Oct hal AP41 10th, with the members all .%
F now can canaO`"�vhxtwe the situa. to � - so far itar beat ,
. Poor any InCOfemnco of a frovern- the ,ease a ,yeai or so ag ' It *111 be pum herbal Xam-BuU-The Worltll$ present, the Reeve presiding. . The 'Ora re ft taXos must be 11 — -_ 0 1 *.
-�� * Owl naiurv, . at the Court of Revision.- - Arried. .- A . I
**I 'Thero's A, Queition, Xor the 1110 _ o, 84.___.___ ZW 0 Pwl�o to W �0� w4y w-_ - - - � - - - .
.1 soft.who are ontrusted with the ton- . .1 * * I i� . ... i ,more sur.prising if, In the course Olt -A . OriAtest Skin -Remedy, 5U. box, 3 for Minutes of lastjueeting were read and,
I . . � I �e Paid. - - . . . 1 -,,
I at .11�1�Ml.t.litz--laM,eAl 'roronto . "" +1 .�.p " trill V The followi6g accounts wor .
I �, MUCTO 0.1 TIMV Vountryl, sual".. Thoy I Aww wte*sp Mosp peoplo on tmw eon, I 4 . -4 V I V44 r. al"I r. eagAlls . I i �
. Ll" . ..* *0 xW,to_gtvp,A*t:t&rUe,9t, consider. - 40 . Agreement Betwoon . Russia fftent are Ilot complijulw about the 7— - _____i:�_ �FE ere Adopted, . . WM. Dow, work and Plank at Salt- NOTICE! - . I
. I , , - * W for4, 0.14. R, I I I �
. -11.11.-I.11,_ Iclekto rk"'. . . � rl'y� fiV01QAC0S � , MeCabe, 4 hours with
. I Mb* fA View 44,140 khWa of bw,(T�' 41A;� _11 . 1. 11-1111.11.1 104111-11114,111.1,-." I I Mr. Munnings and Mr. Flick waited � .� I
, ..,
I I." - imp U I " ,. . .,i ..... .. *- * ... . ... � . .... .. � � ......... .. -11-1. 111. 0 teftinj $2; 1.'Jonkins, work on tono, AUT014081LE OWNERS. - J I
"i.t., - , r, a blir t1*46 in. live vAttle with Aussia and Denmark )lqve signed a 1 ANTISEPTIC2—, n the council, in regard to ,water $3. - Tabb 4 hours' -work on road, � I . I I , . ..
I . . . . . I 1. I he embar �t -nding--on�,the,,.highway..,,.�Na.v.ed,by ;g, ,R_�Uit . . I
, , I tg,4 bas . rode pgre0mont Which - Seems to be Bonar Law Retovering froft Throat � --I StA work. on _ . ......... ... ........ _,_ ..... GotyOur � I , I
. I L .
, ,
� 9;W llfted� ftco the, w4i It v rate mutually s4tbfactory.. The qutation . . ,, , Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Graham, ,ro ;611,.71-11 uor�!. 1-11- I
"I . �1. of the elaims'of Danish citizens form- Prelol Trouble . MEALE Ft q that the council be a oomMittee to 4d, '66c,- W. Hill, 3, hours' with.. I -1-'---- .... ........... . � -.....1 -1 I- . .... I .
q loa tottis O*vlaxi, has gone dp SO or Rimar Ijaw is re . 1923 MARKERS ana" , "' .
� . cent, an4 theprift of b"f in, Brj� lirly in business in Russia, and whoso I __2__ tea �'. 1. 0; :arman Foagan, work I . .
'. - as 'recovering from the throit, aftee- `—;- I examine the road and decide' the best 1 o D.,Schwanz, seats. for . . . I I �
I . Or,* 001Y 40 per cent. ,There's property there Was rtati�nallzed_by O's 11 . ... I .- - 1, I — way to , remove the water. - I PERMIT CARD9 - - ' I I
I -
I $001c. _ tion which for some time has pr . Aa � Is. 0. * , , . I I I - , .. . I
I the,Soviets, bq beenloft opoh. Bri- -On motion of Mr. Feagan and Mr. ' L now frora . - I
LL 1, 1�, * * * I . - corm . vented hint takin I active part in _ L NO REDIS11TRIBUSHON . he cetiL adjourned to Moot as . . ..
I , � � . tish , spondents express the be- the debate# in . , 11111, the Peeve and Xr. Graham were ' .
, '. � .. Wit,%k ,W4fkl%N. 'Peoplo , tfo"COMMOn$. .All L - . I �.. - I - , ' a ,on of l"Vi8lon'May2othatial I J. W. MaCVICAR - ' I L .
I I ,� I . LOVO 4 $hOVr llef that an arrangement ha .havo . been app6inted 4 committee to examine : I . . . . . )
t so;�. _ a been members- of 'the Cabinet . I A. in. . .
I 11 t, .. ? 'Irt **11 lauprining to,find'some, aii. made un4er 'Which Allese claimants greatly heartened by the victory of I (Fvom'Tbe� WIngbomL . L I
. . ,4dvance) ,i �: �� !:,, ==== ;,-..� � �: 1� I MRS, URTIMRINGTON. at Goo,! 511LOVIcor's 91100 Store, . , . 1, -
I J . receive busluess facilities which: the Conservative Candidate in L. the . . . �. . I .1 I I . . I . . ' .� L
I L - $islop. Wh 'I, Why is a man seated by hintself . L L
I . I ". "I ?", ''�, *140100 ftOnl IAI,idr a ind .La- will I To the L Editur. - I I I -, North Side of Square' 1
. I members 11� MAIn'fa , wit enable thoul to make up for. their I'ladlow division Of Dear, Sur, -It saines theer is to he . Afg# &,Ory jW,gal . .
�.�'. . no Ve of losget, Within, a CoMparatiVel ore .no rod . r. I . GOLIetich. .
., ditutes "466 ,the I y short there was a three-wraored fight. obtribushun AV sates for the, . ., . I . . . . ke, borrowed Money? 11 I . Sox 414 . ... . .
L .. .
' "" - to many Othev U01611- The vaooilty was necessitated by, the � . . I . _ - - - - - - - 11 - - -
�of york *nd = NIll I time. There 4 � Ontario house at- the orlsint -toime. `ao __ Because he Is (a loan),
.;, =U . 11 I -
� I I 0% A FQ1k 0.4 #q 04 1
1 , I miboth i , , I .
I alitlela 4 It will take tree min til raishtiprisint I , � . L I . . � L, .
I I in Britain tor a reat , too . lay dall t%hich have like claims, es elevation 'of Viscount Windsor, the OUJL� .a& -.7 , ...0_k I . . r . I I . " i ,r 1� �!_ . . I
�� 1; former Member, to the House of . r I- ___
... . - �� I ( =1 . - I
I 44*46n. Times ]have bo�n very ry it 4 French, , It,, is' prolA Huron at Toronto, the so As US __ - I . I
11 : 11 � !;...*, . a r ,,,,,,, and that, their ' the befoor, The elickshun 10 to bo.hild ' I IL I I I . . R-11 I I
. . . . wk*T,W. *Ople, for sever I � QVerllmonts will, ill the tordsk be having. succeeded to . r1ri L . L . � . L � � r
. . .1 ,�,, k our��4 of trime mako'sorae snob Ar- tItl,0 .of a relative, The restored Juno an allpakin. as 4L good TOM I I . .. . � r . . I
,r .. bllf4itt Of' t4OXOtiOn oil 'those who r _ r .. r I
I � ,. thVJr*'__ 'oftUnprto.eirnk ratgeMent As that Which Denmark � Irishman*1 supwose I shiluld be r � �
. L ., healill' of the r Prentler..-togethe - . , . , -
. . I
11 . . ... I 'nOftb . I . . . *EVery pay. in i �
. . , e with All AV
� .. 1, -I-... Om*_*ftIAh41*om,0_.0 1; . has tutered.into. Inthe interim the the generall is shpoilin for the fofk t�, but nivir.4 'In I .-W I . . EVery rWay th' I
1, ' "COM111611t on . r . . I 0 ,
L . .
, , r
. Is"viovous; But, t1w ri rrr ft -igan -losses--Ao--tr*Aesmftj-'ft, wmw-bu - tL__"d`_tbW 01, - I L .r 1 I I . r I
'", voroble
. ,
r 4., '.. 0 � g4a _m0__AQ1e, lRif � 41d 1 hoV, SOL little � .
I - _ --shfireL _,_,_.___ . ... I I " r .
. L -rotwtion--of � , .___ I I. I
I . . .
. I . , th-e Xdoht Part *aciork And other private citizens shtummick 6i a sTler4p. , _ .._ I ., _W._�w"--o-r_ -- - . 1-11-1-4— C ;, __�_._��..,_._ �
. - r _ - # . 9 ign 19 I . 'twill be no dacint koind Av an ollok'. .. . N:w _ I- . .I .1 ... . . . - '. " . -A-�.-- --,-- __
11 yi, I t' jWj*_,e0j_ � L A ��
� L , �
�, . � - , *,A L ft t . 0)) i I Cos, as Shun at all, atL all'jiat a Donnybrook . , ,,6 r ,.,,d . � , - -
I * A of the fact ., . ail'iViry'. L , , I e r Pole
in :�Russjg, must bo ell�- appaiently itre#gt4ened the hands Fair, Man -an wumman too, I
.; for It -
' f . r , � "'O"-� bt4n ' 0000hedi r for the- Ludlow L&i,%t which was seriously � . , �
. hitu _ that was within boun "Uttieg' -Who. had es.
kL f' 11 reL L
_ # ,ognitio .
� � 011 or X to is also little hope Of Lthreatened by appositI4 � e h
� .1 the Mass ot work1w pople Ill - O the Government, in its "dealings I U , Xior . evroiet, I
� _ L I
� ,.. i It' loVe '04 , Php�w, partloula, r ritain or FruiwaL over receiv- with a pumber of questions on wh 'how 1wUrs0. luck, arm6d *14, a shilai- ' stiendlimp , . . I . ... ... I . r I I. ., . .1. 11 . I. ... L. 1�
�� 'i L
- 01 C
I I .
� .. , 11 Lit in Connectt4L '*,t,h_ . Irly in . or'011 lay. ,on ready to bit it 'head whereivir . r I � . . I I . . . .. ..
"I I the Royal g'any part of the onotmous, sum$ It had been sublooted to bitter ItI. L . . me" Afacceolv* r I . I . . r . , . . , 11 o I'll 11 .. rr .
rr. A1qn t;ht%VA t4ey-loaneitto Russia prior to tho Va. L . .. � he sees. waw WId the Drooryoites 11 I I r. . . . I L. I . � _" , _ , , I . I .
� l . I—- Iw tbis to be re. volutl4n which eiSm. � . . I L, . I . . , , L ' *
11"rio isoloved that country r r . I 11 I shcrappin wid the MawiInson-Iticks . . it bellips digivotloll, r I . . I . . .1 e , r ' I ''I - " L . . I
� 1, *d --a large atownt Of the r the AJIIQ$,In the'.rjr,eat :. �r 'TORTURINO SCIAt L r ,roWo An t, * I Leads th a y . I . I . . ...
I . aw"r"W,r,haps the U*it part of at$ a f,�actor fo , . . � r , 16 labor min .refusin'to , . alloys tkisrat. keltvL .1 . . L . , -d � I � ,
� I . . . . , L L . I . . ��
11 1 ft.;44 a voluntar W I L ,51 ICA furnQ the tall fir Drdoty's kQlte ir 11as fte raeutb 0001 . . .� IL I . I � .1 . . 11 . . . . IN ..
.,r extyondltwe by , I #r� .# * �,$ r , I r.�. � � . .- .1 . . I.. . L". 1, . 11 .. I I . . . � . .
11 m 00*11bal cou"Oln'4114 I Y, tradesmen . I T 0 . I aptly longer, tin tho, New Ontario . Md nwato am ok"at . . I .. �'.
, . r . I .. -1. r . I I .
. L
_____ I .
� ir'W vrIVAto 4PRIX0334 it 411110t V, & Fishhw Poohli,ra 'Fired Upon .A Serve Trouble Duo' to a Watery u �a,.parthk. av , - =4101101les A-Clax.lid' . � � .. L. .
� Off the #*�Ifie"eoj . I I., I
I 1 kin , St a Canadian L Condidoo of the Blood theer own. an Currie 'and Ferguson 0*4, 1�11jjnlf *lad Mfg r I I I
. t or t4ltoa Pon an . Flit.AeLdalting Va As. . I
, L . L I - I . r
� . I ' ' - W of the � P.resent I Alo*&l famity , r4inglike'rC4 Tories, an Dewait An me far out con-* . r . . .= � I . ]
, . L. Wantin the. laydership r av ! . I I I I .
. 4* 44, Is on --extovatan g6ltemmeht boat bav fired u r d �1 I , both the r , , jae$V"r at Vftse. . I ..
� I.- - ft*. It has shown lo, moor pra�tic#1 captoroW an American vessel *which- 116V neOdles botag,drivon titiroogtj tlitr sin, Wellington Ray, laydin the dour- � � .1 I �� � .
, ,
: 1. W-00 If-* sympAthy ,ano nferest, in It, is lilleStil was flabirig within the 40sh., -1.4 the 4141gh't Perhaps down the . . I., r , 11 I r __ . . . . � : .
. � , r, 004Mt !sp $44 has boon cArefut to three-mile limit.. Orto of the Arnett- JcgtOthsaOkI6_-tf;at1a wlatlea� . Nolte ble headed Grit 1?44hy, what,kQInd r . r . r . . : r L . .,
1� 4W t?*t Ito Ploes'In tLho, hearts can ere* was wounded and . - av an elickshon KUl YO AXPlet to hev� Ir \\\\%, . . I ,
. . turod. 1311% the'victlat c1;u realize the t6rtnro of ,� d av 4 governmint, ter, . . I I �� , 2,
I - *hW*,6r-14e-V"i10esb-"e-4f-,4f_ ,7%o_oQLm,._ftW__gftdr attgmpfi to .thls,troubla. antrthe sufferer need. not r what koin, . r I I . 1 _L
I I _ _. _"_ffrrr___ . f? _M7 . . � .... I . . I
40_ r .
lar_ _V .
and .,,".,��. 11ftailuent, tuen scuttle their vess, I '.W ------- 0 , -t - ____ --W- -- 4-11W Eat ! a __W �r I ,
... I xPcQ 0OW 000111`090W; e 'mubT r" �Qve� . patther, whin the ellc- � --,-- . . . . i
. r ,
predict a tont"t It* th6 An outburst - from the - tlio-oa I 00 facf; that: tit -a uOrVeR Ore heing star- L I I I... I—..
1,04144,that Will be, Iri the St. 'South of the liner'find tin to 6 boss; awl Mae tors, an , ... I , 1, . 11 - .- L -- I . .
. perhaps $"In votl by Poor' WoterV tilood, on(I when 'Wan b ,g I - - - I 11 .. 11 p.
I I , � . LL �
I OF 4, r no min so to shpake. Lo alty to hl , - . .� .
I . osh*w dowwl between t*04 some on Out Own $kids' ]But the ttlo blO04 is enriched Zbe Pains Of` I. r � I'll, 11 .. rr -I'
11 . tounthry wan av the sht . I .
I 4",Iaum. Oft, rAir " Sure that aq.tetii-themselv*a -will no doubt're. solattow,will ilkappear. At, a blooti OnL I . I L .. .
=41 rw;v t!wII1 not A%r in A t1Je'ri6 ties aufty MAU kin hcV, an 8)'ti 1. . ell � I I .. ., ... � ..
t.I , as of their Vesaet .49 part richer and putifter no-otli(w-loodlolne wait's parthy is the Same ting, whin I: 1111 ,ill Ol-, 11.1 I I' awawwwoffilft I . " L _
&APuW- BY Virtue �o their I eri*`�hoy deliberately, ran. oat equal Dr. ,,W.Jlllomq� rillk Pillq� , I I I .. L
I YeL belav-46 that the eollcy ov yer par- � . . I .. I ; . . I
. I cO I Aake them� Jr . '.. T130Y bring to - thc I . 11 .
I I . $lot A I I * * * I ., blood L jtlat' 'Ule thy is�jn the bish interosts av the I . I . . - . 1. .. I �� I . . I
I . , An � leaders of the .y. i but Whltj it c L _�� I I . . I r .,
mes to . .. L . � . . ,r . .1
ill ato -Ahl T1011111088 aud redness. Tb19t'i4 W�fi'-v fQrmin �� � - __ -_
. I t .14.00 ped.pjo -to, Be �Oroultbt (raw 10webtabecossor -torsstorlsfttonor� Whole couathr I
, I
I I to T, � ,. ,mot ot *11 Jl040Ja1O,X*n*d* ThIsAoson - 00 m4ny Hufforsto f into re asse4'and groups not - I L r �L 'I I -, . .11 .
* * * . L v, . L . ' r I ' I . . .. I r r . I
.. . I i " t. - , . nS mado' Lin accord- Ott Or forms, ot n6rve troUblej 'have . I r . N & . L :
rrr � L . . Under 0* ,Is I Colo 15plAt" 'Nud for the binifit ity the cQuothry as 4 .. L . . . . I I , . i " . L r ..
IX � I . .. ew tior Ve'�Fr.JSSdflgt8r I ouring. - . I . .
, I . thousand people , 'S ' ' T
LL 1% ge with the � 'whole, but. to get some advantage fork ,
L'�, 410
11 Nor ruAtAlr4ra' L Rome , ,,,,t,,, 'MP'te Settlement -Act f0undrellef throughtaking thesepiti,t, I r . r , Fi " � I .
I Continues to fiM L & -will Mr. 1). , ht� Anderoo", . the, portickular ,thrade, art occupit- , . r L . . . , 11pe. . --,q;p - - .1
. L
. . .. , : .
I r
I � . .
to oiae�o in be 'brought from Britain to Canada out., tells what, Beacliburg, shun, ,art creed 4rr part av the coun- .. . � 1-11 - - .` _pAce $795 00, 'Oelb,�eied to you �, - I � I . .
. 10;, f"_tchtX from various r Pat" � of thIS 89*0ne -It is fnteudedthat noltr, ,pill" have ,done ' Dr. -1VOIlikinal �rfok thry. to which ye, belong, thin the Lr I I . . . I . 11 . . � _', .0 . I I 11 I . . I .
',00,1", L - : I 11 - . � .. . . I .
t , I L for him alstollows! whole ting lampong. Ye can't build . Fully equipped, I .. . L. .
. , I , . . No � Extras rleeaeaj r
. I L . I . ; . I I . , . . .
L ,
� . - BATiOd frontOftiol park. ly� all should o'ettle on r the land or in "HOWAYeats 8901 waR.bodly AffAlcted up tb' silfishhees§, as a . . . . . .
,k4"tinn In the new Conte -
.%r . Woon the po robee be, rUral districts, Tbo cost to the toon- wich�0claticil.. 1dout4 hardly.*all:rana 4 Lye I AM _hot . L I . . ,. .1
Weri mid the Turks xho 016 for this Influx will be six bun. liagercl I foundation. But moin , r I . L I � .. I I r . I I . -,A , : . .. L . I
$C." an Uftoftigi bb$jorTer ,to I . . . I . 13iVe US 'L Call atia lot US I I I.. . . . r I
the drod. thousand dollars each. - Should 'Went to agrreab Pafh When I did AO- f bliamin the f4rrumers for troyin to . 11 . :., .
;Etj r dootor,rhatIga Inedlolue di't, I I . . I 4. detno'nstrat to ' L L . - . .
,, L, . 1. . .0 , 11
L, t Of 11110ting at XAUsaano. This. conditlOw *-Arrant It a much larger atilt seem to 40 we . defind thimsilves, fet ,oihat wid the S , . . . I f)�� . r., . r
I 1 4 t in', r, , ,. r � I
0AI r ,vift"s may .be all number of' now Settlers rWill fie, It. noy JROOd- A tPRO manufacturer,' combines , . . . L . .. ou that wer hoiVe . . r L .
�J Who WA.'J'WOjUing L With too to)(1 60 Ile an. the labor . y a - � �
4 . . . . I .. . I . ..
right *6 AV As the RW*1%ns *Xe con. calved In Canada u6xt year. unions an the school ta3rehoro, dee� � . . � . . . . I I
. In this bad OUCO beed Ilk? that and that ]Dr.. tnaridin hoighor pay, 4be forrumer . .1 �'. I , " � I . I I * I .1 1. . � . . . . I . . .. � * . �,, .
ro'M44, but to others I* Indicates that acheme a careful selection Is m4do of Wfillaings rink pit X batf Malio him.all I , . . # I .. . I . I � . . . . . , t!
L, I t!0#10S Out Lot e shmall, Ind im L ,,ql* . , .
I .1 x9*0-0 dots tiOt bold the -high, place pooplo iiho desire to 90 to Any Of right, I bi%xautq ts)ke.them4 coutinu. . th I � e r
-11 11 lmv _ T h Wo Id's.. G teot Mot ' * . . ,
I Z _ .1 rea - or. I ;,
� pmotly , APW In 1114 0041lis of the - Overseas 'Dominions and 11101's tug to Work, alid tbb trouble t1laso born whin -the year Is Over. �Tislftlt . . I I . . . I L , I 11
I � ' . . , . �
A== V Russian attention -V 'It irk human . notcher to . shta I � . I � � I . . .1 � _ . . I - �
government 0, be paid to ,them on ht- Peared, and I did not lose % day. al. . nd 'that . .. I . I I %
VM'A bkgharo in the viotorits rival Ill the land% of their 4do sort -av ting *r fvir� �'..The thrubble* I . 1, I . ; e L , . , , I .
a , ption though sometimes' I'Suker04 terribly., r . . 5 lar Vedule" . . . � rl. . . . I
. wid a lot av farrumers ,is that two' � - . . I
Of 10 Tutki ever the Grotka, artit than was the ease'In pist years. Later I ho'll * anothtr ottack, RU4 again . . . . . . . . . . . . �
plapood to ime the Torkii ,at,, tree good Years. .aphoiled tbim - - I" .L " . - I . . I . . .. '. "
I WAAW tO **4 as a cheek, There, is a decided, swing In this couno thoplilge,totototo ellef. Nowltajko L . . L , . I . 1. ,. . . . . I .. . . . . L
L. y 6f. tU dettatorks of the tty� back to better times and such three boxl6s Of ]Dr. lvwlams, rink plils Iviry farrumer, Who owned fifty , . I � I L . I
Vowot* 14 *h$eh . L I ,e. ] 0, � e,p - '*� I
I s
64i ,I I I
a* I 1
40, 1
Sow '
-t* c Ill �
414 Ill
[t1b I
41a tb
and aI S, P I
Oat- .
wul ,
=4 it I I I
- - =-"== I
a ___ _____
. � i .
I t
� . .
I �
. .1 ir. , I
. L Russian I d ores On the aoldo av a hill . I . L I . .
I I ,� interestil no $14" usually Marked bV IT%., every., spring:1144 tall"aUtt. I have had 31,0 tought I T . I . .. . .
� W#i* aho thri9ft& The - �- rt, old 14ad Att*ek of the 00016 alUeo t Ile wus a landed proprietor on, a kin. . ..'� L I . ... 1. I I I . 1. � .. L ,
Turk6i ex uxes of lottlers from the L . 0
�� a to 4W not Play ,Jbih part and frotu tho'Zolted Sti . k hat time'll man, av loisare, so to shpaki and . I I M - . . ..�
ul But It YOU VAU got thest� pilla throng I- . . - I . I
_ g of is' X0 lOnke!v,.thO fashion to - leave modicige dealer oi by iu%ll at ftc4 Any' bo bought a tar an sh I Phone 336 , AG&*6 Pbone 83 , ' .
I 0 * 040 Mend to the I kin - ents 4 Pint awl the . - . I . . . . S Goderk ' "' ,. I
I - With the, ,R1133iAlls in a them to shift i6r themselves entirely, brofits ay the.f4rTilm buyin , aisolwia - or Nliht 0111th SL, I h - ,D**r.Nixht ' , -
In . and the AM $ y box tOOM thO Dr4 AVillISM84 Nediclue to attin , U-1 F. 0. convinsfullil to , - I . . . I I - .. . . . . I . . . L . .1 I
I I . , I 0 AOTO though much move might be dolts to Co., Brockville, ont� . (I L . I , I .
, , I . I I �
. 1, - 1, . . . . .. - . I . .
�� .. I � I . . _. �i --n!t-0 . eat gs ay the &wit . . . I - - - -_ -"--- --- --ma-ft" L'. . - . .
I ..... .. ' .. ", I . 11 . I - - I.... � I., . . . L"111g3j�,Mae* r.h.rodden. -agrioWturitlists. . .1 . .1 . L I— , . I . I I .L — . .
- . P . - - .1 . . I .
. .L I L... I . I I A A lot AV payple do I* worritr About . I I I 1. I I 11 I J . � j _ I. . -11 - L 1, I
I 'Pro *
. ,K jJ0 Iridg N 1§0 Manny Av our byes 901a lovor'ta
� I I I I I . . 1. I . - _ Is m the Shtates lookin ter wurruk arr:
. . ! � .. 11 , T"� -.. .. . . I a 18M I O'S holgher wages. Mosiht av thirn will
I . I I ,..� , ,.. , � is . �qw 3a. :hX..-.T" eg be glad to get back.befoor al
, I 11 I W . . � anny
. I . 4 11 . . . 11 W . ,* months an Will be a ,.W*io'&e lot woiser
. I , I . . I � , � �,,y I . * 0t;pYrilghted' 2 -than whin thoy Willi away, Whist's
I .
I 4 I I *2t - Sio ,r what pay yo git if 10 hav �
. . '441k%A the diffe
I I 1 ; I ON * to put it awl out *sin for ixPloses? �
I - . 11 I Problen� No, X ' . I I It ve tink hoigh wages will make yo
r . , - . . � . An;thbt oxample of the "Informu* licb, yo better troy Germany arr
I tive Double.,, A 'dealt AM called Roo8his, ter a alipelt. AV coorso iv- ,
l,-, I ��� I 410no no.trump.lt Z - y, young $011ah wbrttl to knock at-
,� . . rosed..likewbe Mund an see a bit av the couthry be.
� I Be and Y doubled. al to
'I- . t .� . . L I � _,, I I . qual? - Al at was the se� �* foor,he settles down, an "tia good for '
. .� - . , L I'll 11 � . 61 . him so it ia, it he kixpes himmilf
. k.-. -1. 1. I ...., .11,111,11111, ............. 11, � . I , . :4Z �, 00� , . . I � 1, I . . I . shtra 'Tis betther, it the byes
.. Xt.
,. 42. . tr e to co wheer they,, eon get
� - . I 11111ill 111,111 I J, -11,1
� I I—— 1, I . 1. � . JA ,
� . � *,�
11. . tweit"41W . ad .
- .. .1. . � .1 I � . .
. . . I
- �A � �. , . , � .
_v I
- . whtitver motor tars *rk &=11wd Somebody Is sure a . - "I
I , I 4 X. 91& * A I
t 1, 4A ..&. 414vift. !-% . Al I / , A3� ,l "
mog — at opec 414L Stud, I abaker as a ter, . War ,
I Automovilt." I I . ",
. .
,Tbe Stultbaker Spotd4.3it'has been �on tht market for ''
(but year. vocb $43W No tern added to It %uoh refint-
tft*fA*nd 1W.VtovtMimts to tiatt IwCmade potilik.,TOday
deft Ore UWt th*a one Itundred and fttuty.flva Ougoand
ia tvtq4oy *trvice *tid. tse don't b,elleve there**-ia dit.
uthiledowor. . . .
1ht noble w$4 stIbOtd. btzau* tompiwotive tesu *ftowtt
*ft kinds of.cora wittle this ott tt*ad out at voWAIlInt
A�etlal and &part *om the c0inary tun or #Autordabilev.
Count the "9PftI*I-Shtq" that haft appealed sitket tho
"vtlbtttie$tu&b4ketEpt.-Imi-Sit� ThWatheVootof
. the vidw ottho Otitinal S.,Je6a1-93*. . .
I 1. 1. , w4wo-40 0 I - � , . _. � - . I I .I.. I— . I 11
mot)XILS! A!N:o ritlats - �/. 0. & W*1**,fw1* lont,
'11,rX0U*a,*40r****A W 60
.� L114wr4tX , 11 %to -11%
, , TAft"$16,ff00t1r*"tC0A*t#nj*nW I -
I .
li-) . " .
,�p . Wr St*W OMACZ V"MICH
,�.�-,�'o"!�..,dAam�R.I.O�.1,111- 1. a-
- - — - ___ - __ - Min,"
I ., 017.41
I A k, _ rm# ----w -r ,Nqr.,M�`
'� , ,
.1 — ,,,,��
I J - r,"",Npl)��irl,.I�'
. ds.soic, .
1 7/1/.,-/
**11,4*1 ,� , 0 I
. 1 IZ4510!k . I � 0,1(W
. C � .
� �
I .
� X "
Solution to Problont No. X SM A Is tt outlay on
This it A lea"_ . not an AlWOM01011 I A gelkinall-Reat Floor.
4DCcUTTeACc*whf!re All' the COW ,4AW,'t lug, and a littlo of your
Wert CoMbed to two haWs. Tho � time lit laying It wi9 aub��
"Intormative wublell on this occa- alantl4ly Inereage the
A0ft'Pt6V0A a two eked x*Ord, trait- I Value of lour bome. ,xt
inft, fite, ol*r*tbr aever.ely. A dociar. the Flame, time you ,wilt
ed "ont no-trughw, Z " a pss*4 add trem"ilously to your
and Y iloubte& A t�s* ind Z r,et#"&l toultort. lessen,
. I
willp 11111y )�td to ts 1. housphold drudgery and
_ parjr �
out of tht d"'ble aytd mamot 0 i actuAll't wavo money In the
bett of an oxetvdir4t bad lot,, tilled �, '*ad. cmt an tstlmatt for
"two elabd.11 8 of tourse PVW ilad
Y went 11tw6 no-trumps.,11 , - was - SoAman - Xent Ploorbag.
mo" y douved ky A, y did rot bated upon tbei sl*e of
,.twiterlvd k",vdI%SIy kat mito 16ur 3!001113�
dube, itheArt AtA a Mi4o at 4M I& WA *13 supply Vill infor.
kIL mation for laying tbo floor.
A 114046 btfta% for Wo"do.. I I .
I Ro" fsttoties a wo-rkjho" tar. ,
ic vid is kept for 1W GOOPIRICH
it cat*r- I
tir4t w6urk% am outt sustained by PLANING MILLS
)w workmem FAt b6tor to k#�o *a, -0V -y. mu.
%*"A & )VAflA% i4 T10- 41�60 wit— C , PAN
trip O& It is simt V4 4SA-1-ti 0 -t -t -m-, E
*ad do" Rot lit" I)* SkIn W bm ��"00_1� -Lalo', !Wail i L
the fiosb4 I - __ =
. I ,,
I _. I - #':
_ . - � _ .- - -w
- --.1. I.. _. I- .__ . �. ... ... - iiiiijillijillillilliillill,lilil"
". !,_ ,� 4, -
.--- � - I.,
, 47WWWWAAW I ly
.1 -....-_-.1
_ .
, .
",11" 11111�
I Im � — I.F.W.Fw9w lW CA"St
FR. the Rio Grande to the Battery—the low,; InWln-Canada
YOulono from the Atlantic to StOrage Nittory which has been �
the fulfic, Wherever you go you chown as standard equipment by
will find Prest-0-LiteService. 1hore the majority of Cat"an wotor.oAr ,
are overeight hundred Prest-O�Lite manuf6eturcirs. Whemve, y 0
service stations in Canada. , 04 g
Prest-0-Lite Serviee is but on a par in use, and �&��.O-u - -
: with Ate quality of the Prmt_O-Lite, near a band. . te. Sem"'. ,
0 .
At w-. 0,-fim Storaqe 8'attft ''
1 7
1 -rWArfWV,0q�
. XASIr WrRIVAT *%*Alt 0001910#001 ONT*
- .
�4 .
A -
- _`� ___L____� I
I I . .. � , _.* . � ''. , � . . �. - - — -
.1 - _ ------------.. �
I .
� .
S4 '. hr W. *�,
&10044, J1rW. 101,
.*. 0 a I i � J A!, Wks �,
� 0XJ*, .
- .1K. P. .I
- I
- ...1. - ,
TOW;*& . _ 1113
4 r � �
).- 11M
O-V*0� 1
C0ft*f4,PMa,_ 32'"
gL�� �e, � wis
&4sk—.1.�. its*
at", : � 3rm
, , TAft"$16,ff00t1r*"tC0A*t#nj*nW I -
I .
li-) . " .
,�p . Wr St*W OMACZ V"MICH
,�.�-,�'o"!�..,dAam�R.I.O�.1,111- 1. a-
- - — - ___ - __ - Min,"
I ., 017.41
I A k, _ rm# ----w -r ,Nqr.,M�`
'� , ,
.1 — ,,,,��
I J - r,"",Npl)��irl,.I�'
. ds.soic, .
1 7/1/.,-/
**11,4*1 ,� , 0 I
. 1 IZ4510!k . I � 0,1(W
. C � .
� �
I .
� X "
Solution to Problont No. X SM A Is tt outlay on
This it A lea"_ . not an AlWOM01011 I A gelkinall-Reat Floor.
4DCcUTTeACc*whf!re All' the COW ,4AW,'t lug, and a littlo of your
Wert CoMbed to two haWs. Tho � time lit laying It wi9 aub��
"Intormative wublell on this occa- alantl4ly Inereage the
A0ft'Pt6V0A a two eked x*Ord, trait- I Value of lour bome. ,xt
inft, fite, ol*r*tbr aever.ely. A dociar. the Flame, time you ,wilt
ed "ont no-trughw, Z " a pss*4 add trem"ilously to your
and Y iloubte& A t�s* ind Z r,et#"&l toultort. lessen,
. I
willp 11111y )�td to ts 1. housphold drudgery and
_ parjr �
out of tht d"'ble aytd mamot 0 i actuAll't wavo money In the
bett of an oxetvdir4t bad lot,, tilled �, '*ad. cmt an tstlmatt for
"two elabd.11 8 of tourse PVW ilad
Y went 11tw6 no-trumps.,11 , - was - SoAman - Xent Ploorbag.
mo" y douved ky A, y did rot bated upon tbei sl*e of
,.twiterlvd k",vdI%SIy kat mito 16ur 3!001113�
dube, itheArt AtA a Mi4o at 4M I& WA *13 supply Vill infor.
kIL mation for laying tbo floor.
A 114046 btfta% for Wo"do.. I I .
I Ro" fsttoties a wo-rkjho" tar. ,
ic vid is kept for 1W GOOPIRICH
it cat*r- I
tir4t w6urk% am outt sustained by PLANING MILLS
)w workmem FAt b6tor to k#�o *a, -0V -y. mu.
%*"A & )VAflA% i4 T10- 41�60 wit— C , PAN
trip O& It is simt V4 4SA-1-ti 0 -t -t -m-, E
*ad do" Rot lit" I)* SkIn W bm ��"00_1� -Lalo', !Wail i L
the fiosb4 I - __ =
. I ,,
I _. I - #':
_ . - � _ .- - -w
- --.1. I.. _. I- .__ . �. ... ... - iiiiijillijillillilliillill,lilil"
". !,_ ,� 4, -
.--- � - I.,
, 47WWWWAAW I ly
.1 -....-_-.1
_ .
, .
",11" 11111�
I Im � — I.F.W.Fw9w lW CA"St
FR. the Rio Grande to the Battery—the low,; InWln-Canada
YOulono from the Atlantic to StOrage Nittory which has been �
the fulfic, Wherever you go you chown as standard equipment by
will find Prest-0-LiteService. 1hore the majority of Cat"an wotor.oAr ,
are overeight hundred Prest-O�Lite manuf6eturcirs. Whemve, y 0
service stations in Canada. , 04 g
Prest-0-Lite Serviee is but on a par in use, and �&��.O-u - -
: with Ate quality of the Prmt_O-Lite, near a band. . te. Sem"'. ,
0 .
At w-. 0,-fim Storaqe 8'attft ''
1 7
1 -rWArfWV,0q�
. XASIr WrRIVAT *%*Alt 0001910#001 ONT*
- .
�4 .
A -
- _`� ___L____� I
I I . .. � , _.* . � ''. , � . . �. - - — -
.1 - _ ------------.. �
I .
� .
.1 -
V -
. 'i
� 0 . .
i, :
- I— ___ - -
_ _-
I 1'.�#'