HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-03, Page 7Tug
"M IlWAT, WAY 104 IN& WON IS -Pow 1 1111 MINIM
0" 'mill
All Ir I V
A ry 00 EXP4f1M*A1t,- COLMN
thmst No VUR %#An I ws� 610� Jr. 1--�XVOIYrk UdVill, *#A14y
TM AcGratten. Jack A ' si
a packet of (ta,04�m *ud,Anawerson AD Soasts of lfkg$ kubleV'
ftrely Can*dilati V Wacker,
ivii of north-we4toxh Canada, f4 doctor is always worth WA lot, , llut,i
CA' Cansidiall provilwe is. the fourth larg"t body at fresh W4'- it is niati always pomiblv to get a dac,,
Which ter in America, beim excoediiii QTklY tor �ulltwhcn you Want kim, In OWKI
c III.- F* K %4*#s It 0
-at e4 Cl4ria" Coal bist Alberta is by Lsikcs Superior. Huron and Michl- eases. common n e r ti; t 6 ul
&�7%e province Of gan, being 3,00 miles 10W iffid 60 of mlitiblo home remodWit awh ap lit.
'Ausida"s vast bin UNlillsO it, Ch A On
called f, r cent�. Mitell At its gVeatt$t Wldth' It was ThQmfiS"'FACIQktl-jC Oil, W i W
is estirAnt
X041 of the C", omits of the N4011i an in 1771.72, made all expedition into
I rtner provinces in float thv, interior from IluiUou 114 hc��
contain 89 dimcovered by *13amittel, Ilear-ftes, '�'UOA -ate
sesir& of the Ice sea sirid to finx tbe bruispe upt
VM4 woo It It Is aot tho vaost 1WTWC"(1Ac`* of
04 t,161191
Pr oction. or IlUlOr- 14AXR soume of the 4copper used �y the In- t4,8 remay In the tta�i � inediclue,
4011clQual T*ft Vau *V61, tastod, Chest 84ves or a It
11110 R IAR the b0it- dtan3 coming from tho far AQrtk-
ThIall lit .10,00 Q. -When and where was west, he was the first white man to A tight alan and a laoso dog are
001400t tlk, of UWk fAke 1011010'
battle Of Duck Lake, Pe, and record the exisNuce of the equally darwerouo,
jit on March 26,,1885. great body of WaUr.
sask., was isug What is Always at tho head of fa-'�
[etip under Louis, Riel CANAPAIS NEWSPAINT PUODUC' shion, et 41WAYN out Of datel,
between the X Vhen
sldumx 'I
wt mounted police 'TION
Wi a, and *L force of The ettor to
foul"t of the latter were killed by Q. -What was Canada'$ nowsprint
the reMs. lti#1 Was triett. fol! TAUT- pr�duction in 19,202? 17
Sund' Atternoon iter and hanged At Regift 'Ott Nuvellt' A. -In 1913 Canada produced but
W 'bet 10, 1886- 21 per cent o
f the total combined
AA11ZT0AV. G04WCAI W. MAYOR f Canada and the
ISASS1, TORONTO*., FIRST fl newsprint output a
produced 4� per v ER
'foronwa rst MAY vulted States, but'in 1922 Canada
Q.—Who Was
out, of the total
axampawas WHY BUIR
lug their life-ti,1111% nevertheless first mayor NNW Wil-icombined output.
Who is the man that shall aseend r A -Toronto" THE 44N. P.0
into the hill of God ? Sainuel mourned for Saul- ""110 1a;3 Lyon MacKenzie, elected in
grieved over the disobedience and )n sitter It WA51 I'llcOr- Q -what do the inItials 1W. P611
Or who Within His b0ly!'Vlacc downfall Of lorgeps first king, both Mar. 2711834" B04 two the stanafar? WITH COAL
$110,11 have a f -
Irni abode'? forphis own e; ratqd as 4, eity!
sake and the sake of the rader of the I rcW" fOr"I In the up' A. -The initials 44N. 'P.*t mean
Wilbse hands'are clean, whose heart nation. He loved r Saul for his Mel- rising of 1837-38- "National Policy," a term it plied � to
is pure, lent qualities and gifts, and his NEWbAPER a *protective tariff for Vana. it by Sir
And unto vanity' tinguishe CANADA$ FIRST John. A. MacDonald, when remiers, K ov ELECTRIGOV
ifted up his $041 . d services to the nation; slid Q,_.WWeh -was Canslds!s first
Who hath not I be was grieved to ioe one who was After ra" of discussion ai an el,
orn the threat newspaper?
Nor sworn deceitfully, so nob endowed to all, -:It . A a Arst Itowspaper 'was kvition. on the issue the 'IN. P�!l DISPLIV.61'
t I
"M :3
It%% at u0j, I* tits Po to petwill 14V 161144a -
slod Wa*. Alt up -to,* oI , "WW 0
Vmw. Xo baiiiilrl so 9"y to womme"M4�*g
AU0110 SPOUt for 1141`11111C ON 10011t0r. N*00 010
? pewht UrAlo whilir
a - 114tu *lto Pot V61tsw *a wboa
Aratillat. livisisit on UP X10=044 w4ro, 4060k
chjlkxl� **A sUvW #4 ot"I, lost mW
OpIr- I -
'�IAH 107
? i U We -- W
Sw��... WAK
umped at the oonclu-'
�ny at once he J a be -4
;ioll th;it'Ue Lord's anointed *a
V.ros, shown
IWO "1411"01 00
414" allArklift toe
Inhw 4014"t rwi W" 11"
xftr "A" 044 W1
WOW $*Ww 0*4
"a Ow M WW fte
"Wor ltoft wost.
bm 011110W
ftmA0ftW*n" m%*%,
Dr an.,tba height - og,his. jttgtote; be-
�auso I have retas foi�'thc
llaw", 11"WItir wok
Lord seeth ;i4t,ftP- 0@631. selP 1; 101' man
in 0 anada,
A "VT hamv
but the Lord looketh,oh th9i'llelItt-P1
Aftei ti`4 S�I#ael made no comment,
. A11 h6th the
Q. -. Howariany ca4to are there In
,Other t nnfolgay, N61ther
Lord chositt tWit 9)01"411 WPas'.
A There are 105,000 cadets in,
146' e
0 compani s it! COO *I
Woo sRUAIL vgvvtvv Mareh became the )It* or Tme COuntrY On
his 19 the man thus, t rougo nf Own perverse ipsix,,oaxett t. I � - I I I
life and his the Hal . e, Issued.on 1 0441,10,101, - ,
The blessing from ther Urd "Jake sh wreck of his John Ruaholl.14nd IS one , March 15, 1879. W NOW W41118 RANIES 0
Tbe'God'Of his MhWat!On $bnil Vift iark) gs, 1.752, by - ;,,first tbirip" In NOVA TIM PRE-CAMBUTAN FORMA -
Him ricbteOli; '9�-',' all s4d Nvsilids of tongue or of the Many'
isness accord or of TION
Scottish psalter.
Saddest are theso.—It M4 FISH: CUUMUN Q.—Wao , antl VA!" is Ille V41 V
�4. of morcles, the lljiii�e be67'"" ........ Q. -To W t ex, On 00
goUntain at a f a and blessing. of Verse carry on Ash culture? onsda?
cay :Some months, afterSaul's rejectLon A, "'rninorit A.-41le Pre-Cattibrian formiation,
and pardon, _The Canadian Gave ;1! its of contral.and I northern.Canada has
the Loril. said to Samuel, "How� 10119, dir
life and pei >tribute(l in 1021-220 throA
who fillest heaven with Thy 919rY $40 million at least two, million square milim of
1h -wilt thou 'mourn for SAW.'soolog I Department Of 'FIRhOric's
'y goodness; I give him from being Riar fish arid ph eggs; viggalwon, Vick- 'rich 1ormatioll
and earth with 1. Ojected I that,mikes the back.
Thee the toost-Mrnest and most bum, have r tro Lr
ble returns of Anyglad and thatiliful over Israel?" The great prophO, orals' whilte fish And sa, '6013 !. iiiekel-cop er deposits
lbone'of the clontinent. It. this area
are the vast
f the best'of men- sbbw- Of
3u bast refreshed nm though one 0 IN QUE" A T
bear for' Thi Oil here to be but a Tatin At Sudbury the silver o Cobalt, and
-,vith�rb�j. comforts, And enlarged T40 Q. -To what muni -
for beside , the 4 e brooded over what he oxtent aro.,the ithe gold oi porcupine and Kirkland
blessing; sss that could. not be cipalitles Of QU#WQ province lil)* Lake N
-witbi Thy 11 mankind, the bles. cons *ed a lo I , OWbore else in the world, it
blessings of g ngs of ood; no other waS to Ids miad prohibition 14*9 1 Is s4id, is there such an unexplored
sings of nature and -the blossi ma 9 -Over 1,100 of the -1-400 fAUUP#arca, of, mineral 404 tq0tit1lifergus.
ante line with !; 4e Vrovinee of quebgo wealt ryl
-grace. the Support of every minutes in e s. laul. . The , A
r,, Thou Lord gcotly rqprgved him for his do. cip4itleff of C 46111, laws' as to h territo
I .,the comforts of every dai tire under local 'Opi
bast pourdd out tin oxceilent'expros� sgondency an successor to 84 ient sale
d instructed bitli. 48 to a 11. . THO MOUNTED POToTCH
sion of Thy loving kindnerm upon luo, t e choice of a ul. He drink. The GovermV Q.-Whon, was tho Mounted polite
1,force orgonized?
Thou, Lord, busf made me glad said to him: ."Fill thine horn with 4uor is COTIOU04 chiefly t"he It'
through thv *orks-;1 wIll rejoice inji,oil, And go, I will send thee � to Jesse GArAT SLAVE I A. -The Royal Northwest Mounted
g praise . for - the operations of the -Bothlehomite; for, I have provIA, -WherQT and what is the area i police F da WAS.0 4UIZ-
orce of Cana
V'vn A 11,6 the Lord ed me a king among his son$.' ni Vreat Slave Lake?, ed'on Mar4h, 99, 1873, to meet the
I my 14and - W-- . , Jossez-theDethlebentiteri, -th
'hie - Woudrom-and-
h-vnly-doeth so
cious thjnsts,� And blos$0 be the I Ap. of 11oaz and Ruth, Was a
fame of, 'His majesty forovor.�, and ont wealft man of that
11 the * earth shall lie 'figed Vilth.Hi.g The. village. of Betblehein
majesty. Amen. famous for all time as the b'
Tayloy)j of David, the sweet singer c
aii4 of David's greater son J
J SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON POR joik.p�olulsod Messiah, It �,
MAY. 13th, 1923 IU,50gt14g pf the fact. that si
Le"011, . Ad, pinees ad individuals
'fitlo-vDar the.. Poet, sc0v
King. come, ill the' provioence of I
Lesson- passage. -T Sam. 16-1,13, contrary to tqm.ap qX
Golden Text -4'-s- 23 ' 6� . the'roost famous,
Vorses 2+8.
After Saul had reigned a -fe*years I , , On hearing the divliw s
uInst Samuel said, "How sca'A I go'
lie was instruetedAo pfoceed ag,
the Amalekiftes-,. and destroy' therh hear ik: lie Will kill mls." Sai
off the face 0 the earth.; be I ti
I-rom - dently� had some cone"
A, cause of their treatment of'tlio chil- I hidden fire that nfterwpllalr�l
4ron Of Israel ou, their jourucY Out fested itself � in Saul's cruel t
Id � not lite 4411M
of. Egypt� lie di rally do of,David, and. he said.
-s!s . Ms 11 The Lord ouieted
'11-d 6omuianded $or �io ' . pared mi, 1,
A undor,bls strut -
a Elio cam
4;omlany , rem
.flion Tne Tmoxi V
PIT"Ke - Sear ot Riders, as they were
umped at the oonclu-'
�ny at once he J a be -4
;ioll th;it'Ue Lord's anointed *a
V.ros, shown
firs called, patrollod.balf a coutinent
rore him. His judgMeAt
rdance witli the
to be not -in acco'
Lord'd will for Ifttio,1Otd said unto
SamueI,.La6k:nOt on big eount�narice,
a.2.;, -How many church members
Ore in Canadian churches?
Dr an.,tba height - og,his. jttgtote; be-
�auso I have retas foi�'thc
A. -There were, in 1011, 1111,960
church members in 16,000 ;Gchos
Lord seeth ;i4t,ftP- 0@631. selP 1; 101' man
in 0 anada,
lookoth on "the 6UtWATd`
but the Lord looketh,oh th9i'llelItt-P1
Aftei ti`4 S�I#ael made no comment,
. A11 h6th the
Q. -. Howariany ca4to are there In
,Other t nnfolgay, N61ther
Lord chositt tWit 9)01"411 WPas'.
A There are 105,000 cadets in,
146' e
0 compani s it! COO *I
sed before him..
possibly the prophet gaz�a upon
the fath& in silence for atilml and.
then the 4uestionelimo. "Art boto all
best of the sheep and the oxen: bV A second comnibnd� thy ohildreat", Jesse's answer inti. S. S. —Xw I-A.Awd.
giving, him tWg-ye-Mijlff1Yg gon7Was I
3nr�a�el vhe-n c nfro I Ilia . a be c . . Tbose marked wlth,,�.Mtersks *its -
Atli come to sacrifice." His,main ob- -bat a stripling, too Young t -nn- sod the tests: Sr. IZ�Wlllic Rich-:'
mong4oing- - S ject in. po*ing anection with such a tirdson; 80,,'Ivadell Hoy, CO.; George
a with, his V was concealed in this sidered in� cO
I'd answered kim, "When thQ%x vast lit' secondAry opos.0d thus his life was ceremony as: the present. "And �O Asbthn, 63. *Edfia Morra�. Jp TV.
ile in thine own sight, wast thgu 'not freed fr6m 4*1)ger. lip was under said, There remaineth yet the Young- -Claia Willis, 76-. Vernon Willis, 74;
of the tribe of.israelt to, taff Anyone, *he -,Lst, and, )iehold he keepeth the Vesta Uurray,, 76; , b.felvin Dickson,
madethe hea to obligation
It a pe
in #qop Then �Iolio*ed an, exaMP16 00- - Bert -- Crawfqtd, ... ft.'- Jr. 'IIL-��
and the Lord anointed thee king over , Ight inquire t s lcom- h
do- ifigi-thatbe had doifie tb AJ?Qip�p�e uzi 79
Rath -the Lord as;�great tf cotte last becoming the firk;t� yef Vlo'r�uqo McKe le, - H Ben -
burnt offerings and sacri-11' of the sons of Jesse'to be hipw.. " Samuel- said, "Send and fetch him, niett, �4; U11ritaret
light- the voice of, the -61; Claretee Hoy; 50 9 b
rie,, 8,it obeying tter than Verses 4 P./,Nye w1il not. sit down till he come Ashtoll,' V
As Samuel was ieen, approaching -11thq - F -old awford..
'Or4. the sixteen -year Dickson, 54; onard Or.
ehold, to obey is be L.e
4 esp.)
the. village fear took Lbold upon the I d m n t yesprice of the 49�- Sr. Itl-!' tta Quald) 79h. 11
daaeriflce;'and to harkili than the' fat , 1,
6f. rawA. Becituse thou bast reject- elders and they hurried out to meet semblod p, ZRI PoAn qrfo t %IQ ot
Of th Indicative of a beauti Ora s 43i L -Ernest
led. the word �e - Lord he hath also him, They.greeted him With, COM_ wag i a . a a
rej led theefront being Xing." Af*.cgt thou. peaceably?" They know for "he was ruddy, and with- Or , Clifford Hoy, James Ash.
.tepc Aul And' not w Wit" 11! * Mince, and o sor, Murra�4. Primer -Al.
this interview between S . bitither be bad come to sit in V 01, a�..,beautiful counto
Samuel- thO ret ��t once, again dur- Judgment on Aherri- or not, but his re- g6odly to look to.'.' The *command In G n: hur . urray. E. Mo
alarm. Peace- came at- once "Arise, anoint him; for C OK S, Teacher.
Ov disvollod their If So a. No. 61 Millett
Wy I ant eome to sacri Lee.unto the 'this is he.'! Then followed the gere
Lor4; sanctify Yourselves and come mony;- gone. through in perfect .5il,
p, *Denotes absence for
with meta the sabrifice. . By:these once apparently, but. the full signifi- IlArt of'work.
words he'told them the..oco4sion 40 cance of the net WOVd not be APPar- Jr. IV.�Percy. Youngblut, 82; 164
0 n
L 01, the
p 4eet
k ew
it in ton
t his re_ n
Peace. no
unto the
one. of a. religious nature al ty' ebt t,
either himself or. these present. Da(,.I,," 27. %l nowrtmtu 44,
must. prepare themsqlves. to oWer" The %ing Wits 0A re 01,190 86 to IlartA Adaqi�;'
it vith him. Certain rites, and eare- Whitt -end t1la ftnointinjw 41 g J7; qrt.'D�or, is I .-Mada.
monies* of. purification . must be at- - shophel-d bay- tondl Dot, its In the Ilnl5 YOuglilut, 11; Fra'Nal Robertson,
tend6d to; � and -it would seem as case of Saul, the anointing 7.3; *Vdith Stoltzi 68: John Lockhart,
Was 4t-
ten4 57,; GeorginaL Lockhart 57- *EMIa
though � he 'personallY, had 'an Over led 'by all outpouring of the spirit 65; *116len Miller, 60; 'I'Chas. Beallic,
mealck 9004 sight of the san.etifleation. of Jesse of the Lord. Heri6forth the Young
47. St.
boy was marked among his fellows Dow vort ' Sterak,
and his -sons.
Verses 6.10. for extaordinary daringi and by wise 75; I*iWa Phillips, 11; Norman Look.
The -place of the'feast, is not men� conduct both in his ovhi,fant lly and hart,:70; *Reg. Carter, 50. Jr. II. -I
die hitive. t1ofted 'but it may have been -held -in in the wdrld. Dert Xennedy, 18; Ivan Dean, 16. El-
Whe raot Pr S some chamber in connection with the e4nor Wilson, 12; *36sephine, *o1r,
01. h 'y "Latest born of Jesse's race,
n1ttw similar to that in wbich'Samuel Wonder lightd. thy bashful facei 71, Karl YoungbItit, 08; Wilbeq
wlied $Rul an Lawldr, 63; "Melissa Naegal,
ht4 etl;eit d biFr servant V�hile -the bets giftod oil
k fa path oftoil."
ot twenty-six Years, * J?efore. Seals thee or Steftik, 54,` *Edward- Milim. 400.
temed as though Samuel h4d ill- yra Apostollea); I. -Hazel Kennedy, Dor,,4t)l,,,y J�,Jljon,
use It Be
timaW to Jessb, an idea of his apet. 6Minniq Spuhl..HQer
?4ISsIONs - I Gravlaton. Dor-
eittl errand, for be caused his sous to WHO,)? 4 ix 0mig, Wilstbo h Good Primer
pass, in review before the prophet. llovr I Betaloo a Missionary
'The Lord withheld' from him the The Sunday School scholars 9
M(;LE BRMD* knoWltifto as to which of the sons cred. in thd church top hear the return- Xii;wg
41:06amseD MKIC i, ivaq Me chosen. one in order to teach ed nlissionarY tell of his work. He W.' 0.
�.hn that outward appearanees We" closed �hls stol with the appeal �)r
t X est 'Waw
not aft unerring indication of charac- hope some of.t & hoys and girls �ero S. 'S. o. 17, W itmish
ea. Repori for'Fobruary and March.
will go out some day 0 tell the It fth tin qstorlst have
then boys and girls about Jesus.t '; A Those marked wi
boy of ton, sitting with his class in Wen absent for An ori more examiln.
Otto Leishman
M-IiiII-IRR W. sr. I
I lu'r-t Mot allery seats said in his hearts ai
a front F
Is 1 4 S106111 66, Mark SP1`0111
% will. it was,Godla call. But 75*o QI1fW
g -E Cargo Hamilton Go. , Jr, TV -
i. R-S! tbe boy?$ ti -
=Z all on W40 yet but a 6141. - 15 (1
uil"his decision a childish mwellvn " Culbert 4,1*,, Earl MeNec
low thing i
later he, bea 43*. 1111 -Dorothy Million 72 Ella
one, Three ydars I
atten 6
Sproul 65, Ethel sleft I Sr.
call to topontsiftee, which deeply Grahzim,MeNce 82, 81mor Sproul
prezged him. This. led to a surrenaer IT—
of big lifp to God, which Was folld..
by asourance of forgiveness
oil lateright
;;4-F%R1-Rz and dell in God"s Words. Worship
V -uk time on 'his
I 4A,
ant a IV k..
aim in life was to be a missioniftT.
Whon he fittished High Sqhdol the
way -to College Was not open. So he
went to work in `* store, first as pr-
i?guld boy theq us mechanic and latl6r
na book-keeper. He has proved the
truth, of his pastorrs wordst "Tltiao
years may be a% useful to YOU AA a
College course. For in a mission"
ary's life it Is especially true thatp�fas
�Vo mpecializa, In Wiring of
.Low Wallace saysf %6yond question
511 kindli. Let us give y*.)U all
every experience in II& Is service-
able, Four years later, having saved-*
o3thnate for wiring, your h ouse
some money, the boy was veady'to'
or garage.
Continue, his studies. But his em-
&yor urged -him to remaitt with
i im and buy him out when he got
ready to retirt. So the, young man
faced the que-Alon as tO Whether it
was God's will for him to go M a
missionary -or to makf money to retid
others as missionaries. After earn.
est prayer and congideration, he de-
cided again that Vod wanted life
and not I-nere1v his money It the for-
efen. Aeld. 'the money made took
him through college and seminary.
While in senuinarY be I00(lived hi -di
call - to Korea through the , appeal
sent by Rider San (now Ptstor) to
Wo have all aCSXtment of
the Canadian Churth after thq death
'the W$t 1,
'Jectria Irong anti
of out viongerinip'si6nary. Mexentle.
To:xstera rilwic, in Qr6nod,%
Thus after three years of hapq work
in a home mission field, the Forcign
NIksionary Board 90nt him t* ROrds.
have by
Twenty-one V#03 gone singe
then, and Once again he, the writer.
eiveg thanks flir the privilege of
being, a mir,4joory itk thig I*nd of vp-
hose 82,or 254J
port6nity. (A. P. Robb)..
"' III is I I
11111 I will
01C4T.y 4W WOW! - 010TV or
lhily, MOW lot to "o""t%or 15th
Wit Lvavotbw,
Vriveam .
Wit, a
toullet. stawy for
100111111 411 1111 11 IRW
........ .......
'TEN DA%T0`-
�P E-Ri
f r
ro.make 0 oursu
.mer,M 6han�' ISO.- e
redia 10. per. c t 0.0
all. our stock. Millinery. 1111!
o%d 0*0 0 0 a
I e* 8tcu.L ts b riday, 4
And will. last ten day This is a
0 -15 A Tor the Ladies
good pporf- t1ni-Gy.
Of Goderich and vicinity, so.. take
tage is 0-00-
advan I vvhen, 1 iiered to
you in the. hear+. o the eas0n.'
A sale., of the late 8t and most
to -date merchandise.
Call, wid,brimg your friends, and your
friends' friends too.