HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-03, Page 4­ - - __ � ___._ . ­__­,;�� ___ _-, , __­ -------..I!r ­­ _lW ,�­ � . . - W4410- I - ­ . 4 1 . !r��!=N !!!�O�'!�­_ !!�_� , ........" puwwo � =—_!!!!!_t:rrT!!r!=;.!!!-. t� - �! ______.,_.__......,.,. , - �_ __ - --- - — __ - — I � - - � __ - !.!!!!!!!!!!�,,��!!!!!T!!!!!n!!!�--,Ti"i!!!�!�— �_._ r!!!�, ;7777;;�! �;� _T_10�� _­ .------.n � - ��l � .:�, .!_�.�z=111� .. - - - . - - - . ­_ ­­­.. l ­ -_ I - -­= . - ­­ I � - I I I ­__ 0 as ita T* of a very onalkielItAl VIA- Dr. Case Und Xr, V- X C1rAwf`QTd, Of e. im -.1- I . lw­­ .. -­�A­ .2- Z � 11 _­ - 11 ... — . I I t 400 ^040��� __ . " ,,, "I'll, I'll 11 ....... "I'll , Uri) SrA p nUPW " Wtil, VNIM APu1*41knoO, AFAWrIARIVI, W83 MR As I I I & . fruit trccs #s the Y"ift a4terial. plus Duvewkwa cemeter . Frien4s bere I I 1 . - I - " Noweris taxte,- for the $unerikl bes! 8 those already Jor � I - . ;, - . 0 1 0 0 I 0 ; fully - placed in cluiraps and masses latutioned were Mr&, John Wooda I Aw . ' '"" perennials "' , FREE at : arounif the foundatiou of the house and 4ugliter Ferg;xs; Dr. IL R. . I kr,c�-m � — and in irr 4,&eat Saving in Ru, and eums _egulikr borders, with some WoWs and Kira. Woods, of Ntroit., vines to bide the bareness of the Miss Wood* -and Mrs. Tarlton, of De- I It wi h eve � ''.. 1 .nd Miss Nowell, of Toronto. . a Play Ba it ,rY I � , _" TOOP" I . " walis, the whole picture is changed. troit, a I I I �� I ­ I ze ye. - - - 1W f� rr _ I I W ll It, . A home, not a form bouse, is tY ' I purchase o . I 1, sulto. Out farm; gmuds should be � AWNG TM CHMq W- I . r4 I . I .... congoleam f tate I � - it for no other reason than a fte I improved At� -the Victorist $t. Methodist XVIL #1 y I 'W" t .0, h I . i I that of the women and children to churih next sindi worning, At 11, Tooth Brush -25C - . 1�� Of Mr, cq� � 41 ANN", I I . Rag's I Whom the love for beauty appeals the p"t4r, Rev. i, k Hedtoy, M. A ko"Ild s I . .., W. Mwd tn' lbd i ,O .. - even more than it does, to. men. will.gpeo (A I- '*,, if *" � . I 81w, . ;g on the soject, 4.'W, C41 ' - . � view, LgMw I I I tid 5;00 twom, Nfay 5010 51ske the farm houso an44 groundsl a to Consecration,"' And in the ev�nirkw Z rim _r n Tooth, I . Only. I I %�lwqr 11 12014 Congo fmm jiugg in overy real home, not,an eating or sleeping at 7 on the subject, oFaith vs. Infiew , ' . I kll , . 044fric I . ft I 0 8,70. 0)1onleums are Mori) in place, or an adjunct of too Darns and delity," in the mormug thero will ,,. Klen o .1 oorn Brushes' I I - I :�== �� I . � �,_ (96vor P oa o%er before, uscil for QTner buildings. ].also be held the I�acramental and re- Paste " . 4,1'1� - 71t V% I I ,r Caption services. Everyone is vor 3SC to 7$c , . . . . of 0 . I . . . over -y wum or hall, % view large I I CAKOW I dially welcome to all services. 35c and, 6SCtube. FAch Tske in Sep*vat0_C&yjQv I \� ,. I eboico of Inaterns. Tho farmers are bu,sy at thp seed- Mr. Anderton, organist of St. I I N of I ... I inx thi's week. Geo a's church, was in Prediton On � . -W.""amow .1 I _ - ! � N! - I . .. ) * 9 X G ft. $7.93 � Mrs. R. TuNord, of Goderieb, visitlftn%v�' I %, April 22nd, playing 4qr aw. . , : .� %x 7; it, $9.9a . ed atCarlow last week, . nivers. ry i5ervices tbere. In Ms alk- ionteel Talcum'. * I., � IL �# . I o 3 9 ft. $I 1-9.1 Mr. John Flick, of 6oderich town. I Pence Mrs. Jl G. Cameron took the is stato reduceii in Pricc tQ I . I i- , I I 1.) % I Oi ft. ,".3 Vt ship visited at Mr. Muedelor � �' , Over orpran at St.,,,Georgo's church, . . . I On Sunday, April 22nd, Mr, Max- . I 25c and 50c � - -1 ' 5 1) 8141144i., f . , � I ; I . - I 1) X 12 it. $15.9, � I I � .= 0"" =-a- � well, B. A., who. is taking charge ol . ! t : . I I . . Mr. Albert Glen left on Friday Sot 1,24burn and Union vhurches tor a .,� ff" % . I � I .. ; I , 11". Reduc,tions in smaller sizog, Collinkwood, Albert Intends sVend'i, period of six months, preached In[ J6nteelface Nwder-50c . . . ?� � I ollre � down to 18 ); 36 inches. Ing the �;ummer on the Witter. I Knox church both morning and, OvOn- I � &n ), . . -, �� , 11 � I . � . . I I � 7he regular month -w mecting Of ingi Rev. Mr. Idemermid conductaut I I i . I . I the W. M. S. "I be held on Friday communion services at Leeburn and � Jonreel %OT094111 111.0 . . . 0_1 I 11 .., I - " ' ' .- I . 0 ' . "'noo" 'A tbe'towas"I" hall- I Union, Mr. and �Trs. Maxwell have ____ '' . , . 1: L- ino uares __ Don% forget the vlgy entitled "The taken up. their residence at Leeburn. . .1eum Sq ' . Floor Vilcloth ., ,, I I I . .. � I A numbor of coda of' 114oleirm in dosimble � Now paterus in x1l Nvidths, at per squaro Minister's Birthday I 4o be given at. Mr. Maxwell's Sermons on' Sunday . 0 . . I � Ins or.hal1q, ,reduced in prico for ...yard,49e. .1 I ... I . CarloW on May Itth by the Arthur were earnest Awl practicaL h . Ho C, DUNLOWDY AM4,�B " 4zes for roo . � .. Circle of,Knox church. Godekleh, I North. SCHethodist, church, Har- . . I I l . - . �.....­ - Stor 3 x 4 $-arils' g ,.e. .11 Wis mouth to clear., Pieces size Z . I . I . We noticed in th7 B"enmillor —aaws Ivey Moyer, pastor,, The May 4uA.r­ . . .. The Rexall Dra I �, . .. . ,� . L I . I . meeting will be held nekt Sun- I I. .. I , I linolevim, 111�svyf good quaRy, *cleari"g oach, 1?09, . - . . � . that fish WAS good. brain f" If terly . , Iledford. Olock Square, GoOerich - I . 8 . - day, begimitug'with the Fellowship phone No. I .. I . . . , . . #10,15 Tivopiedes2W,,,k4yi1a.ele�srivg$8.',)D- g only acotc� wool 1j(%IirkJe4s floor rugs. that is the gase we VAsh * that some of. scilvice. In theauditorium at 10, o1olock . . . . � - 00� I , J! . . . . .. I . . the, people that Were disturbing the . - _I__,_ - - � ___ ==.;==— � , ' . . � . - - ... . 11 I I -l� 1. ,xew inialia anaVarqudtte patterus in .3 OAX& 116avy revorsi4lo in 3 Irtttei,114, size a X 3� peace- Of the neighborhood a couple, sharp.. At It there' will bit public I . - . , - , . worship, reception of members and - , . . . . I . 111.1ce $105. size, of- night$ last. week, had some. � - . ' I . . yard rk6a 4 yo6rd wido, J1e.%vV 14looleums at jipr jards, regkilar $16.0% Sale . io . . the Lord's Supper. At 7 p. m. the =:;Z;F�_� — . .1 I . I I F I I !r ­ __ �M�­_­__ I . . _ . I . r � , 3X4, ards, wnplar $17.00, Sale price $12-95 , � -,TOWN T(WICS , pastor will conduct an evarks —'-- I � rr ... I A 840),'950 and 61925;* � ,_ ly I I AftWX 1_ . �elistlq . ' . .., � I SqUO0 TA I . . � # � I I Omclal , or.. seei";, . . . � ., . - . . .11 I - .,Q,- -, i - � ! . . . . I song -service, The Quarterly 'sistant seel, Mrs� Webl�', c ' . . � . . I . I , I ­ � I ... 10000-40- , . , . - _-V r I I I . O.. . . 11 ,` I The Go4erich post9ffice Will close Board will rneet'on Monday � evening Mrs. Win. M91r; treaswer,'Mrs. Goo, ' -11 - I % 1. . . I I , . . . I . on Wednesday afternoons during -F El- , What Is �011L ex0W for bOlig, . r. , .Il�. . . . . . , . I I . I . . . . I r at 8. Since this In -a most Important aec.., Mrs. . )u bava'rigblI at ,vour r . � , � r . I � . r � 0 . . May, June, July, Atinust -and Sep* Audrews4, strangers' I sick When y4 - � I 0 'Alto 0 A- - t$. r I . . meeting a. large'attendance I,% desired, liott; floutlook" aec-4- Miia Washing- , - door a competent 'ClJtrbPr4(qktQr . q ' ' i , . . I � I tember, at 2 o'clock. a lobby, will Tuesday evening the Young P -0016's ton; supt, of Christian Stew.ardshipt . " w6me, a w and'mases %Joa 'b61=,hQJder3,_11...1 - 1'4'-�itft'�'tilM�tIL.Ini$&Iona' ­­­ I ., � 11o'kni - ,,AdjbF4V­ .­W1..thAV ... who.cau locate the cause of your r , Drewo,, .- . -.1.1-11- ...... ____.,____ ­-of­c6dfW'b0rdl%", La-gua-will-ho . ... Mission ... *B ""W"that, ­ ....... . ..... I 1-11. .. .1. 1. ­­­­­_­­.,._­ ......... 11._-11-1 ....... � ..... -1-1 ... -111-1-1.14- ... 11-1- .... ... � ,�_____�_­ _� .... _­ .... I.- .......... l-----. r , and ... sul*r� -, . . ­­­..­­!� . .. . . r I - Davidsow, - It'. . � - .Q.,.t. I . I /, _rJoAtfAL thiNt prosent; t 10 npweg Ina 01`14114 M . I I , : 11 The opening of the 0olderich ]Pa. meeting for the now 6hurelt-yearil T . r , I oikdants, isses your h to m6y be restored. i I . 'Oi* - 'Api, son) . Now Vollp and R(Wrick DrOBSes of 600 im.; r vilion for the seAson was lost $4tur- floe Series of -lantern viewit of tile -enee ooney;,gission Circle . '. oa� � , . �. . . ". - , strCcIght lines, cm% kind wr, a tnilor and. orence - . . � � - � I . .0111stgr tucking, and hatill., 'k. orted, mater - They Ate fikabionea la ,a ' h a good attbildanoe. Peace River country an4 our iiiiasion an . iss Bulge; pk � . � I'l! . might wit] I �t, r , A�ist, Miss Mary . � * r 1 4 braidid, Tilemi %Ila I ials 'R �#Tah've Pavilion is open every Wednes, work there Will be shownw A silver, 0 , teselitative to the Cofer-' For 004 0441 V104 YeRr tw9firactor , r . .. , ., -indi" iaiial'styles., rriooi it f "', - and Saturday. . : . collecijon .of five .cents each will b . . . ., .i, bro*ns, black and storko - htj,�At njimhor lot � Mll � . I I ! I I 1 . somly liried, In sana 160,$, ' $6.00L' ' o day I. . P I ence brane mooting,'Mrs. (;eo.,.An- . ­ elroetq ,).0,00,.ft9 . : �, ..OQ. ,kR.00, 18.10.00 and 8,12.00. . . *kiew -Wep6na d1rectory, has just takenat the door to defray. expenses. Mrs - . P.'W. Currie, � . . . I . 4 ' . � '. Spoeia. Ilk J)rleed $,1H. . . , . I _ - . * UsliOr ' ­ � I . I. ' . ' � . . I f � % . . I . A *to GodeArch Wednesday - drews; 4 . rnatite, - I)r. jot is . . , ,40 I .. S . "j"I"'., . . I I . � Work, ,distributed by tuall Baptist church,, May 601. 11 a- . . . . I . ,.200 arid, $30-00, - � _ *evening the annual eon . , . I r I . . � . . � � . " , .. obscribers., Miss NoV4nald, .Loeakl gregiktional meeting Will be held, at, cc!fted Jesus,aa SaV. Ch X*CtQr �-1�111. . . � I I" I � . . I � I .. + I I - � � 11 r � ­: '40 --. � 41 '' ­. . I a 11 . - I . . . irbp ' I . .�� .. 4 ­ . I I � . Bepresenthtivet would be gia4 to hear which reports of last,year's work Will 11 hen. 11 7 P. in., "'The , I . . . ... I ., ii I . �. . . . . .1 , ufs I 168NIT A Q,v" Mojej TheikIpt, . 11ojt%,4-5-a&d#;-�, . I . � � I � . . i . . I . , � .. I I � I . . I � . any telephone users who have not be presented from all departme efold Saviour." - B. Y. P. U., � I , I . ­ � I I . ­ . - : . I - _ - � I . . . � . - ' ' � . r , . I .. I ' ' � &� . , AVW%I. 14 . � t church. This will I*an inspirl.ng S.16 p. 111. Sv - School'at 9.45, a:.: . . I I , , uday . .:1 I . - I . . The iogular monthly, meeting of T tig and it is hoped, every . r .1 :1. %. � .1 ___ _'', y I _ a , , I . . 1. .1 I . .. r I �, , - I 1- - I .W_W,:_. . I 'S _ __.I- r I I r Supporter of this, ehupph will .. r . I . r I . ­ . I '. VeCelve(I-41IOr copy of the new issue. he , - � i -ON, S( .. . I , rAnch of the Wome . , , ,. -CHE � - ) - - .- _____ the Goderich b, n's 1, W, . I A r . I __ Ifu- - W _-W --"he--h-6Me_of I -on--bstlld,-,to,.Ite�-thci,-fine reports --­­'� :':'! , :i �. .1 . � .1 ... ? . � . . - -_ --- - - - _ . : � . .. . . � . � . ,, . Iiiiii tp Wbe $a r "M & -411 UA _41.A1 . .. I , . _______________ I ____ _____ � "' r:, . 1. .. I . � - I 'r ,., .1 I I � ". . . . I I 1. , - . . I - - 1­p,w ., . . I .� � 11 1� � I _: .. .. . .r, � . ! ,qpq--.,--- I ___ . . .; $Its' Marrshall,Aeays - St-� oil' Thurs I " I I - .. I - - - - �� .. ____Pv_� , , . -_�-11-A0V%_____ ay, �,ayr 3rd,,at 8 P.'w. As. this is On Thursday last,Mrs, .R. J. Me- . . ­. . � . .. ,.v _� , . 1. __ ____ . %0..,W!- .1 ­ I .. " e hosteSSrto t . - .. I , I " - . I r _ --- I r.. r � - . . 11 th I ual� meeting and election of ;he Ladios� Aid "I ; M-1 I I I, "r I ,. .. - - - I officers, a full attendance is request- Lav" " S $t Methodist chireb. It , . *I 1. . I . I I � ' � . r I . of No hl I I - -. _­ �.!!��_.­ r __ I �__ - I .. . . � ed. .. � I . was t4jr annual meeting and reports I .1. ,;;;:���w I . : r I�JRS . I . . . exceptionally fine, yearls. work I . . I I the tifterk�oon sessiou$. , - RD. of deepest sympathy in the hearts of � 4'r An !, � 1XV40AW)". I I I XCWHIN* � cititens* of the entire, community, ,were presented, This. organiz4ioo I I I NEY, press 800y. r - - J , 0811r&ARY . ,,I,r I . . . 'i- W-1 Campbell was romov0d 11 -i 4 a . 4U. � . .,*.- n# +.,h,� where Mrs. Dutnifi was well and fa�i- - A is eerta making a, tine coontrilm.; . . � . � . _): . , . . . . � I Lile 0 A% . r . - been XCUA4.16VA.-MrS. 011juarva. %V1 UW cess of. this' church. . , . ;I I ; I . to ooderiob hoSP141 lastweek.., public school orably, known, have , born on the, I I . .. .., I 11 I junior room, DU054040!t ULZ. Oth conoe."lon Qf , AshfieI4 sixty -0110 of tile hite'.104 MaGarva, psSs6a A%V%�, -tiou, to the, sue �t'% I ", - Z�_ I , of tsBloft: six, Tor *the mouth � 0 April.' Jr. . . After the business; had beenTransact-, . . . I '. �, Mr. Vm, rwla. - years ago, and havift to'cllutou on satllraa� last after an 10. ed � dainty refreshments Wei* served , i i I ,.. I I AshOold, has I portb$181:1141 now* Ford Total 850, Pas$ 510-Mugaret Ryan" years - of. her in fi spent many _ reos ol some duration. 3tf1s.,XoQa1-vA;.. I ,waa . 11 I . I . . I I I , Arried ife In the vil- by the hostess, in Which 0e , as- � �11 ,, .. I .. I . 084,*, Dorothy. Alleno 444; Idarle RIkol whose maiden ,name - waa mayga1vt sisted' by Mis Addison a d a � *sl� 'I , , I . I W_ ; , lage of Dungannon.' Her kindly dl!2-� INVallsea, was. borp in Aysbire, Sq0tilsI10, a Mi' 1, " I .1 . I ,..'� I Erkilly. McClure, 472; Ronald . - I : � ; � � 2&01� M. 11. kliobolson, of Toronto,' $82' position and sympathetic.i!4ture, 'Won buO.. . , .ivsi� broii�ht as a. babe, to Boyce. The following o&o Wei � . I . . - - mong friends. dui�ng PRtland, 470; Beth Willis, 466. ' r to � , . -1 , ,_ , - ' . �r . . I '. ", # visitor a for hot many friends, as she-, w0q . � amointed.for: the ensuing yet I - . , � W . 11 11 I . , � I -at . : � . , I I I . I ll,--46tal - 160, , , Ass, 450-t-Artbur , hand in ., Canada# Tb fq)ilv� c6linp in th4 early , ,e it 'e- ,4 ., . - .. - vii 3 e, q , �, I 06past; week. , - . *1 � 4, A* sUg. Brownt 685't BiliNe Caldwell, 486; ways ready to tend a helpin&. (UVA to Huron, 9.9unt,v "and .90 si out,. Mrs. E. Sinclair, ae pr ,., . . � - _­ - . , ­ ­ - ­ -1 .. ­­ -Tho-AVOmen!A-Instit, t hI -orge Moore, 880. time 61 -need. In the homejlkklko�vias, ttled In Mrs. Chas-. Girvin, see.,..Mrs. V,red � , I 41"Aful'bor, social on Vedn'icsday -ev- Nancy-XIeff 459- Go , C am-Nof Ll _)nqthe_rJ__ patient 064arich but Ui.,�. ,. n6iftrvik, spent all Murney; assistant sec. , mrs" - 1. X , \ , - Jr, Ir.'­1A4r-GW,-- 'and foy- hor.m^rded_h*_iA_.!QIIftt00.� - ­­ -Dustow,-4tta %Xtmrj,­M_T . . � . W."90-- - arlv U. 0 - . I 'Walden 4089; Allan R�ed, 407; Ever,- I _Tk4 S-��I#AYF-1117- - r' c* � 4wrclosts irk Allirea,hall,, � ' beqkring a 4 tq..: . 0 .. o mitt , _ , , and was 7y - VrAvva died fit AOKI 1908, -4 s� � , , � . � xr.� and MrS. W'e nakitigit brtkht.an4 cheerful f9i her . co Miss . . . I � - homo*'Anil a -daughter. Mrs. ertson.; parsonage . . h ,r6 . � , AtOni Of POft ett Ertl ton,448 4abeent fZ6ro oh� .. U00A Motored up, on 84 r ay * Bensp ' family. She , top* t uoc%v�ll ��. , . I 1.� . � tu d ' t examination _n Caldwell, 264. was a daughter -Of tbO , row, I'll . %, V1,10hi 0 . Margaret Robertson, Mrs. G. 'An,l, I .11, . r ,.Xr, and'UrsA Sr. I ; 14N Andrew Dreany And Mrs'.'Dret-. - POO' 0"c"ell dto*aj Mrs. Rick, Mrs. T. R. Wallis . (Rev I I . . �' I � . Wit,& lody!i Parents ---tots'l -350; Pass 210�-Grikge ny, being one of seven sisters, loft survi,)v Shehi'also surviveq by zW , .and lsfrs, J. W. Varkatter, kitchen I I I . , � Young, 271", Cori Staley, 211. Elcrint � I . . 11 . T. Smylle, statex-S 5Ws"A I . viv. Mrs. Cluly, t q �*Ikldo. her hower ,Vl� committee -Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Van -1 . ,, and fam. Culbert,,- 249; Arthur DiW,, 2N. . Pill of whom still, survive, ods Waitace, V40. I I AWAN4 2*A , - Ikv, G' and Mrs' 00"'M t the � , Mrs. Whitley, Misa DreanY and, Mrs. SOWeYeses 4 , , , h_,%1d,Tol0dQ1,, o'bio., atter and Mrs- T. Johnston; - visiting, ft, of JPine Itiveri. V-eto guests a ­40tal 250, pass 160 -Harvel. -mole, committge--obliss, Washington,. Mrs. . - Is; X" , -r 202' WI1frWTeI1tIAAd 201 Class George Duviiiii. She I$ also survrIVe4- bo" 'In& bl"J"A . wallum. of t .111M " � *0, ,13; 44 VW�4f * Mr. and Ural, Robt.' David v - who, and one broth F. W. ,A I . I . ., , - . I r 'I'- mother, -is nearing Otkuphin,. Maw. -�---% - �j � --- - - ,. .,. I I PurvIs,.,Mrs- Aitkeh aua,b(M, Yates; , .. ot . I i , hy her aged ' ;i ,, 1W . , "A on . . __ y �$aturday,4' I ,, . I V,jul Wal ej', FftN BailoW, AM I ,�V V , 't ,; � . � orktury. mark, ,and to whom. liki representativds to tlie'conimittee f6 , 1, � 11* 11*5t, " � I I �! . l �J , I "ei, ton �, dik�ya I Al & 0 . MILLIER.-Ark6thit. Of lbe old re- . . ten An ersoll -daug tor's Aeath c6diew AS, '�101evet thwW - " d arrange :for Woi�rte ay., MrA. Irred ? '. , , d Claire P601and, AnA4 - , t."kse away. on Muilney and Mrs. I I h � gets,*$, , , �V,64 � I kas (191 11ft 04 wvki B.- Class -IN- thQ 41 � , erattim vs I i4iA1:.se.edIpg',We4thor. and,the, Reed, Beef W ,Aid I ,.. I . blow. in her declining 'ye*rs. She sidet)t91 ot� thd * . "Won Tiob�rtsov. '. I , ii.maulnc the most of- It, .L . h` leaves also to mourn her loss; ft*b 1, it ee ,,aw, . . ; ,I .1 f CIO ers a � PON ac or. f Monday .,., ' '. It thoperson,'of , .. . ggf, . 11 � d ,�, , I beeg I the a"a'nkgr 8048on '_ IS gTowing i OLIVE IMIIIRMB6 A to I I daughtors' and two sons, also hi4e -Mr.. Ro rt. % aer,'in his 77th yvar, The annual -meeting. of the North . � . I. :, � �, I I , I 11 10-- I U, ..A 44� m";,6 - .d ,+Wk% atsulf of .1 St. Auxilia- of the W,omen's is. . ==0 ''. ! ! _ _,!!!�"!!!�"!Z ! ,00"*_4"_"" 1 _­ �­ _ jw�. CA)PVAM $TAX - _� 1 '"A4,W"', � 11 " k 7WF1" . -7 ...... 1-1 I THU, RSDAY, MAY 3rd. IM. 000000"W"Alm - - I- ! �-!!!!!� --,---- . I I � .1 I I . 1. 11 I I . ,. � ., �, 1 1 -- . I � . � I 1 -,66 """"' � OZ -1— _" � . ��_ Ju— RVIL'N. G l �.tgw. In.; -Z1 —, .. I. . i 11 ­ 1. .. . � . ' . I I � igain feel the braci�g I . it is�'geas'aut to, , ,, ,balm.Viair � . I . . .1 I I .." * .,. P . -Is j.ust as. �Jeasapt: to, feeV y0ursolf. in . ,<)f S ring.. ,It I �. . . I I 1. .. I . . I I . .1 I I I � � . . i I I . . . T EA ' - . 1 .. I . 'NEW, TOO W R 1. . .­.",.. I I... I I ' l . . .� . -�at' . - : ,. Our ptock was neverbefore so-com.pletO as*it Is' . ihe piesent, -,and..*tliosen. not only, for. biiallty . but for, I , � . . . .1 I .1 I,- . ;1 . 1: . �.. : , I . �.Coinfort'and 41-4-�Lb—iKity, - . . I .. I 4: _. . . ...� , I W, � '_7i�7 . t- - — --'' I I - 5,j a.A t6 -61. - See .1. . +e..�iinjofit all'who c5i t , . , . , I . . . 1, .: our speci4l I' s for rowin g . �js . .. . . I 11+ ast g I g I .., , . I . . - : . 1. . ; ,� ­ I . I I . � . � � I . . . �A�46hl. , . .... - , . � . Tr�. iout Q I Sho" for Weak Arche& L . , . . r '? . I _ ,� . .� - .... _0 .4j 4 �.i r , I .. I r , 1: . I I � . ... I :* I 1, + I 1. . . I . I I � " - ! �,:,4� _ �:' ­,",-, I c . It t,4- to , . , $­ . + � .� . I I I I CrAl n4l, .I- , - I . I .You . , . .1 . . I I . I. � .. . I I . . I . North, gido,­ �, I '�;, W.' HERIC� . G I ODERICH ' Square . ,1�1_�', - . .1 �, 1. .. I � :­ .1 I � .. . ___-:0_. . N_ . � . . �' r 4 . f I Arrra �� � , &W. " 11 . . v pe angool metaing f thu , grandchildren., The 14nilly Ore largi 5 .q. -f - E, L � . . . I . . . - . . � I t . I I .. 01 0*' - I I 114 , I %6 congratulate Tole. Tho-sl-Ittall, of otAx Institute,. hold on Thursday at Garrison, Mrs.''WhitelY, Mrs-MeNab, t 1i - only about throt sionary. Society Was held in the . . . . � ., I I , 7 _- , .#.,.:. I -- .....� I . . '. _t== ___ _� ft . ­ -�_ _- — , , % 11 ', Ir . . � 11. --- ulths - agb' Wee �Xrs. Miller 'died burch parlor on Monday,,afternoon. �=;:!= _.� - � . I . I - .. , . � I AilifWT& up.on bia; marria 0 to Miss tho. ,home. .of Mia. X00te,- the -follow- I Miss Letitia and Miss Florence, and, '.410! , bad C � . . I I I. . . I.i � , I ­ . I ILI I. . I � I , eads,of. . .. . . . � � I � . ; I I vineardin 11cers were elected for tho ince her h . -Xiller Zioellont, reports from the b i . I I . I I I . Off en- Messrs. ,Edward And Marvin, , , Her � � -.- - I � . I I . . 11 ___­ - _�lac,o - V64hesda$t a to, ehxs- 'husband, Mr. T. V. Duinin, prbde- - ,hom 'With s"AsitiglitO the differimt 4ep - --- 11 I I I I I ) , It at. . , - . ": �Wj " et, lfsoulng.year� Ptesideai, 14 . 4 '11sr I 1 . artments w6re pre - . .1 . I r . 1��, I � . . I � � I . . eb "took � . OIN . I � . I I . . I . lot -week, -, . � . . I Brown; -vice , Mi�s, B. Roach-, �eased her nearly'ton years.. The Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Quebee street,, sonted '.Showing gratifying progress . . . .. I 1, . .1 . I .1 I . . ... - . , . . . . � . 1. I I .� � . . . , W. troika., MFS�3,01,111la Stothors, dir- - funeral took place on Saturday'L Apr. � Mr. Millet was born r in Lancashir�, during the year� , The amonlit raised — . � . . . . . . , r . I . miss Ambler McKenzie'. who k", 'Mrs MeXer*6,, Mrs;l koore 28th, .from ' the family to Car, 10,1nissions, $4$1 is an advance of. . I s ., ., . I n a e0ililso III commeratl totors, residence, Eng., but previous to coming * . 0 , . I am business 401100, xe- I and Misi %vidion; district director, Godorich ' to Almon cemetery, Ada spent most of his life ,at Up- 6vetJ50 on lastyear. Six life nkem- , 1, . . .. . r g - " 1. I . "Un been Were a *.ring ths yenrl . hat's for ,Sp in ajid'. rktatlVea Where.j�OL ;� Dun � �. . . I . to V home on Tuesday, And Mrs. N. F. VV`hyard; represt at 141 to re;�t ih'tbet burgh, &otlaild- He was ut0m__ dded du � . . I . l. d, . ­ . ; I 1 ,05 yokra ago--to-Anti 9,01ri- blected- - , - . I . 1 . - . meoti: a : . . . I to district annual � , The 'f0lowing . .. � it . 1191- Mt& family- plot, beside her late hustiand,Q, Scott rid L - I I. " . go In r to Windsor -W, take a po- I . . �-.t )Sh, "d,:Ik 1W '1874 hClear& to r6sidebt, Misg. Margaret Robertson; 1.11 . I . ­.� . . . I � I I Brown, .Mrs. Whyard', Mrs. McClure I The. fimer*4 at both, house"And . grav0 -,( - ­ . I .. . . ,Early Summer , , I � . i , t1t 1% . first vice pres., Mrs, Chns, Girvin, � . . . I �. � .. . . . . A 'M - I - . . . , with, , fNud 6ughter, ; , I I I _1 - __ and Wis. Ryan',� Program committee, Was largely attended-'bk sympathetic, Cwhads, � : i . I., � . . . . . 11, , I ,. � I ThO Arthur Circle of Knox church,. orson, and the NXIsses and -sorrowing fill6ndgf.the services Mrs. Pichsim�, then 'An idant. They se�o4d, y1ce pres.o. Mr.k. J. U. Cola� . � . � "I . . I � � Mrs. U. And - , . " - , a . .. 00derich, will MsOnt tbeit Musical McCouit and Elliott,, Auditors, Mit. conliucted bk Roi�.`&'t.`Ifard�, � settled 1ij,- Gc;a h, whictr lifid 1b"d. borin�;, thftd`�Iqe pres.; Mrs.. J. J. )).1,3- , 1 ,tincbi.ve, smatt und roo erately priced,, , I , � I . . �. , . . all & + . L, . . ..,. I � . ulster's ,Birthday" on Ryan and' Mys. Davidsoo, The 1*1. � . . . . Aomedy "The'lXT, 1164,1111t. Georgel's church, Goderich, of their home ever iiiiee, until three tow; ree. see, Mrs. P. W. Currie; tis, + I I , . . �, I sobday ovemag"Ma 21st undir the lowing splendid iv,port wits 'given by 161iths ago whot Mrs. Miller passed ` . I .. I � . . I � . I . I . I . . .1 . .I I . . . I L I . I . , I los, - Id which tho,deceameIl was a faithful and n is — I I . - � - ­ ­ I I I . �� 1. . *Amplcox . Of , t - I conhistent meml*K The . 1i � - . . 1. . . . . I L �l �' " 'of Er- the sec,tteas. .. 'O � on, and vf3,.:0,L',hor- partuer-fn-W6' ha mpm I I . ' ,, '. �*,_­ %k1I%eAWVh. . I L . I , to j6W. her. Mr. Miller - was , GOI)FACH . . . . . . . . , . . i . , ?. " . , r . � . - were Messrs. R. Durh1h, of 064prich, 90111d ' ! . � 11 11 , . ­ �­%, . � Receipts I �',., . Aallo 1amily, th -;l Wheat, *r- b4ih..._..- 1.10 to 1.25 1 - I -s I - . I .1 'k I , 31"W 1001111 eqmlp:�011 and little Son, At.. Woods of Luoknow, 13, J. Craww the last of 0, , e child � I I .Veit � . . 1. I , Cash an hand Junt� 1922l.'...$ 31.32 Its. ,$aurkiel. -Millvil- Plour, family, per cwt. 3.60 to &60 . . I ., . �. ­ , . L\ 1� Of, Westfieldi V1810d at the horde of . 1 '015 ford and T. E. Case ofJ)%mganu6u,j. ter& of Mr, i�lkd . 'to 3.90, - . I I . , , I .1 I 1,*rAlo.ther, Mt& S. Pentland, on Sun- mberW fees ...,. - .._ .." 1. - Chapman of Olean; Mich., and John -He had three, ebildren, MrA. Dickson, Wheat patent, . .. � , ter cwt 3.76 . . . . . I �, I - Aikyl, Mi& C4111pbell-had the misfor- old Day not proceeds�..... 268192 - of town; Mrs. X McNair, of Chicat% Bran,. per ton. ........ 30.00 to 28.00 ., I � . lu colors and ktylaq tho,i'prevaff. ': Oblong ', I � , r . ,, to Sprain, I Cas doWtIns for fire suffereva 8.00 . Woods, of Forgus, The man� besu I son who died in infancy. Mrs- Shorts, -per ton ...... 82-00 to 30,00 . . ..... voils, . Square veils, .eyehrow veilg',twd I tune, I hef ankle Some Yo6aths t tiful floral tributes were silent tokens and a I - . ... I I . . .. . � . . I . I . f(pr,109-from, the, .Girls" don'04a for tire suffefers 8.26 -which -thks � departed James MClgatt-A of Hamiltono.a niec�N Oat�;�por bush.;..��­ -42.,to­ I-- 4-5 ' , , - . . . 1',, , " -orn " .1.50 . ... .. I I .1� s , Mt _06d� is Still, �su - - - of the esteom: in, ,l itiona, lis.%* I pr;0ed f I 356 to $ .l. . � � , - . . I I � � ects, 4b -it,- requiring tWiI4_ of Ii, 10), �Are, suftera ;66.00 � held and were expressive of the. is the oulypthi* rel4tive in this e6uv- B ell. , 55 to 0% . . . . . . . . . e I . '11011011t, '00, .1 �' 3 � 'Wed' arloy,' per, bush 75 . I . � . . I I I . .. I I I AtAff Jnw$1WlVgj� ­ . . ....... *s. O.. 0. l,�, -,O,O was .. I .. - , . � . Govt sympt try, The fun&41 tookplace on uckwheat, per bush'. - 1#0 to I I I 11 . . . . I " I 4 22AS itby of friends. -AVe extend lov- � I . I I . . - � . �. . . � Box Sfeliftanit prOcineds nesday, of Ivtst�,Nfeek, Rev. R. C. Mc"� 101100 to 102.0 , , � . . . ReV01. R. Campbell; D. D., left ,... .� Ing Sympathy. to the bereaved famlly,, y .... ..... I I I . ,� . I . . . I I I., I : , * , ": * " '. 1.51 . a ,::*,: . I I I- . I ,0 I I . . L . Perrivid, ps(40�0 Knox chiireh, of Eggs, , . I - . I . � . I � . Monday for $tritfiford, wh6v. ho vill I I . Frldsy iML' Arbor DayAn our schools. Which the deiesised was a member per doz, ; . � 25 to 25 . . . : I � I I I I I . . . .11 � . . attend the meeting of Synod, From . . ' P Dairy butter, per III.. 35 to 35 1. 11., . . . . � . .. I . . I � fI . Total receipts .... �...$40e#0 Might it not Also be fittingly cole- conducting the service and the P411 Hogs, Per cwt.. i .... 10.50'to 10-50 I � , I 1. I I . . . . 11 I therg'.he Wilk proceed on Wednesday . I Eip6nditures ,. , brated on our. farm homesT 04114- bearers bili* -X sars.11, 1. Doyle, D. PotatoesiVei bush... 50 to ' 50 I I I � I . t , a* Yoik#- where he will spend a . ,o'N . -IN - : . Dist. meeting convey;tncos,'...$ 10-4W than farmers UNIVERSAL � MILL -1 MY I , . L moutWx vacation.. During his ab� , are raiidly learning to rith And John Stur. cAttlej ex�ort ... *1. 6.50 to � ,171.00, I., I � . . . . . I Ontotrio Motor Leagut sigp.s.-y � 45.00 � 14' I . I . . . , ' � ­ � -Er, Dilgtiict. eWn e. , I ., � " . A prel comfortO es beAutifulAnd Uy" 11 . . . . ,Clattlej ,choice, butehe . . . I there -Vill be no k6rvice in 8 .* ...... ...... . . ra� 5.60: to 6.00 . . I � ­ 1.60 :Mfying home sutroundin a, because , , 0 50 Cor,:Rast St. a�d'Squaile , Godorkl '. . . �L'k 1) . , 11 I.f ebutVh- Sabbath School -Mll � Duiftmbr,�Nfdom" are the. feel. Cattle, ordinary ...... 5. 0 to 5.59 .. . X n8o, for ,' ke .. " " ,- ... it pays front A cash Stan point, that 3.. to I I � . . 'a 1 4 . ir I : � �- i I . hold as usual.' . . . . 6 - "6 � 8.00 � . I I . . � I . . . . � - . . Printl , . ... 1, ..' 16 inp of vur townspeople so stirred Pologna, Dolls, per 1b. . O am 11 .. . it *ill hell) countky life to be what . . . 6100 t ; .. ,�, I . I �. I . . �. 1, �� ' . The residelvee-lately Occupied- by kx n e or r an ore Arkd�, it s1hould be, the most attraotive of with sympathy as was the case in the Shoop ,i-'" ..... td 6100 . . I -1 ... - - ­­ ­­­ . _­ I - - . I Xr. And, Mrs, ChaPlOs 'Elliott bavi I I blankets r Mrs. Par ; ,84.36 all, And becao death of Mrs. T. E. Durnin, Which Hides ...... - 4.00 1 1111 11 lob � � . . � � . � .. been sold to -Mr. Jo , hu Nivins, 101 , 0 t ou bal a for fire ;�f', . , se it will with the rural occutred on sday of last week as Lambs, � per -ewi. : : : " , 9-00. LV .."', i � - . . I I I . . . � . '' mail, telephone, good reads -'and radio, - 'L � ­ .1 I l ,I.. - ­ .�.. . � I . � I Wingham, the the, result oT%tl 11 I . — 1, _ y will mov; to their I t b burns she received ' I ­'k..."A." .. I .1 � . forers ... _�.s ... ..., 1.64 belp to keep Iths young people at , I I . � 7 � F . - I � - _ III— 4.55 home And . I . ri Irl III 1111.1. I 11 . . I , on Milo atreet,� beside the V.xl;. for soelal land ba I.. I _ the'daK previous from a cat of var. I 13010 1�1 . ill _ .. � =rr Mrm. Ed.. Fowler wQ1 occupy - � nish w i4b, Ignited as she waswarl'a. , DOW loan W I . �'lln-­!­­ - shotild )*, And some 4sy will be, thp � --- - � I . , 1 4" � tho reAdonve -of mt. JAS. Caesar. Total eXpenditUre.....4.;114.88 most indtptude.at, attractive and Sat. Ing it on thet stove, Air$. IDurnin . . ­ . � . 'A . . . I . . .1 . I I � I vhilo Mr. McKenzie, of the Sterling Cash on hand ' 4289-822 isfactory profession irt.,41 the world, made much of her home and family . I 1 . I I � I I . . . '. . ftnk,bas vented Mrs, A. X. Trelea. a bal 0 . . In addition to this" * * * *�:,cohslstll ' ud one. d tl* most Important steps I : fud by them she ivill ever be held In . . . I I who . . I I I I . I Vftla, house, __ "wards that end is, that of having n . . . ,'� . . . �. 14, I , I -1 .h Ing of 23 "ilts, some blonkets aA4 too loving memory, ' and the ma , I... . . 111i,6�1, , u I I I - annual meeting of Mait. elothing,' also .pillows, was sent to - knew ,her mourn her loss. at a ... I . Beautiful, Lace Curtains I . - . . - I I%- i T e ninth I � the home sul6oundings just as at . . . . . , ,,. ttrial Society W. X S. Northern." Ontario. firo. sufferers; *ISO tractive as thoso of 0 � Cl Acull w 0 short time before her death she spoke . I -new c . Ift - Houseelcaning' ti e glwo-yfli � � , land Presbytt u ti h I I . I " "W. Vitt be lield in the kr�sbyterf � An 4al,80 in cash '(from 346 of ti4ets) live in the to*M and cities. This to the familv about her la"a way . . . Alay is the Illooth to �uy y6ur itains. In I I ' _#0'C` _ , , IV. � 'ehureb.:11elgrave, on Tilegdays 'May wits sent to Goderleh /h6spititl, to- end can be a4tompIlabed ninth more that showed her memory was quite I Our $took includes beautifUl lace curtaius in creatd with �� '. 15th, 3923. Wraing session opens gother with 19 quarts of &Rt.- - cheaply andwith more beautiful re. active. The. funeral was not held brings lijew curtains. ' J � . . L cream serlin and tnarqnis�tte and madres 1, - I � At 10 a, IM-Afteknoon 1.30 P. to. and The tragic and distr�ssing elroura- sultsi as the farmer has owerythi until Saturday in order to permit of late edges oLud insertions White alld � . . ugs . - " , f , ovenio at which stancts surrounding the death of Ott Includipir adequate space to work the* family all coming, home and all . I -1 � � a ,session at 7 P, W., � - - . . I 4�� were here to look toi'the last time by the yard.'l Also marquisette for overdraping. I I , , tU Rev. .1. Lovell Murray, of Toron. late '�Jra. T, & Dur . Goderich, 'With. The appearanee of a place is 'r .. . � . I � . , ,�iu, of . . I ?.1 . to- will delil�er an adidregs. MISS to Which reforence , s, made in thete a very safe Index to the character of ov the faft they loved. Mrs. Durnin . . . . . � I . . I I � �11 was born at Dun anfion, where Tier 0 1 PAkthOt-POt Of Xorea, will address columns last week.%,aroused feelirgs the ownee. Poor stock, Poole vpge. . � . I . . I , r . I I . , I I , ­ , I wo" to band III 11 . __-, ... 40111411 11 11 I... ­ .1 - I ­ . tables and poor crops I ukother, Mrs. Dr nor, Is still living ^10, 1. . .. I NO 001,----.- ___­____ __ - I � ­ _1- hand with unpainted buildings, filthy in her 95th car, After bet mar. 4 91"It. . - _W%0~0WWV . barn .Vxrdso And a bare house with riage she livelfor five years in Da- . Housedresses "in Gingham and %..ILIa bray, .. .r I ." � I . I �-__ 1. I 1i .. I __ kota, then retuvaing to Dungannon, I � ;1 I . :: , . I . . . . � grounds urkoTmirattited, and yet too . I � I % �il . 1, many of our farms are in this tondi. which continued to be bet home uhtil a re Of gingham anclAla, mbray housedresses, rtadyi,to-wear,. . . . 10 I " tioty. In fiet, those with really well aix pq*rs alto, whext she moved to A splendid �raug I I .. . .1 led about - e Prices rainge from $1.X2 to $9.40, � I 11 - I . ... Itid-out and Avell-kopt g"unds Are Goderitit. Her husband dl in all the popular styles.and shad s. . I 4 . .. 1� I .. o r, I the exeertion. Making the home, -ten Years ago. Four sisters -survive. � . -1 . I . .1. I . I " I ( "A � . I . ,:b � . / ,� 1� grouwN t dy and well kept, not only Mrs. Cluff, mrx.�, Whitley And Mi" . . I � I I , . I Adds to. the Pleasures of life but it Drearkey, of, Dimg*nnon; arid" Mrs. . � . r ­­ I .1 � ­: �, . ­­. "I � I I I . I I is 9wki b4sitie", for it sh;�ja be re. Duralki, of Blatow, Sask., And there . 6 "I � I . Are also five daughte" tWo sots arA ,ar . / membered that the front ytrdof the � Ready -to- wvv,- for Ladies and MCis"s , � . I I . I I , form is the show window of his place nipe grau&Uldren. he daughters � I � I . I . ' I "r , ION V 1. Of business. It is Also tood bus! . tless are Mira. Garrison, of Parkbe*, . * ' ' and summer Styles l in Suits,'Coats and Dresses. Tricotine, ,� I I 41� .10 . . becaulke It isttrac-tq the buyer for thc sask,;. Mrs, Whitely, of Goderieh Latest spring ; I . . . CHAS ,iwA%OAV . Produtts of the form or the fArm, it. township- Mrs, XeXabb "of Toronto; Poiret Tivill, And Serge Silk& V1 616ur, Davetyne and Tricotine'Coatr, Aud.0inton . ­­­ . I I -L . I . . I I - 11, I self. As eversmue likes to trade At, #, MISS 14 k� Durnin, of the Uxbridge . I . I � � I .1 11 I . . fatliv or store that has an appearaut-P. High School at*ff; and MISS Florence, Crepe, Silk, Trie(Aine, Serge and Poiret Twill Dresses. � � .. I T I -A4 . at The Ariell's and ,00.va# of bein . . at home; And tht *orks Are Messrs. n I ..., D6nit fail to cill'aUd look these over. Our Millinery department is well � $tor* Worth WAile". , Ft V""Ut(" vrell-kePt' of W. Ditrain, prirk6pal of the Essex I I . eph "..'0A.A. And we are wil. Me on itia try some of ihe hats on. We have I , -o thin a)r Nall tO CO I I � h 1:1 I pay the price for them ,Vs , y I I . lill high st'hool. and Marvin, At home. ted and It will P i I stock I I � � � -1. I I I 0 I . rather than take, a charice on th6 One other son, Andrew, died some juNt tho thi are looking for. I -1. � . . I ' tideting the my ter,or t*s_,'nty yeArs &Ko. The funeral took ng YOU I I , w others, In eon ,4 11 . plate on Stitarday, the gervios being . . . , I At' - Your "Service hupr&(ftelits, the word iomveA. . . . I . �� . n1theo not lle)tp�ftmvl shauld *Iways Conducted by Rev. S. & Hftft� ree. � . I . . . 14� . ;1 be, thouKht of. A:nr farmb the houto top tZ St. George% church, am the . . I I . I . I I I � ,., I I ivil-bearers veto Mr. _Vatth#w . . 11 I � I . . . ('f **'hit'% 'S 'fram wlth tre"N por' oode, of bxk", Mr. Jolm, W666, . I � I 11 I , ch" shaded 'With vinel, which 1*64tes. of Fergu�. Mr. X ft� Durnin, of Code- I . vir r% . I I'll, I , . sws a samooth exy,Iarkite of lawn, it" I _- 11 0kork in %alw thfirely out of *11 aw. 40. brpthers-itk4aw; Mr. Joe. Chap.1 , �1. A VnRIN � VAIN ." . I . portion to the time or matt, of Olean, N, yl, A, comta; At ­ morkey apfrq. P l8wh * pliipe will pell for a gv--,- __ , - I Ll ' I L.- ,. - ., . � . _� - - Phone 219 GODE&W 0 p4re Work A w,41liboring." . , lno6 eit,jet. ----- I I . . Ty at Xow. bot in tho (taktition too *0 O'A�-W*0142102.46* I 11 I I I I . immmm"T'.r '4roll thr6*0*4 the,'C(30,ft- %ftft%" � I 301wt I � . f ry Apd*v� TNe problem of beautify,l at4imt.-Ite , P, .1 - --ft'-iM1040104AC I . � 04-A-104 , ­ I � i1ftit the'tarm is pot aft expen'tivo,"11'e. ef . � - - - - . we tht erfh�*T4 tvet,� way, be ,ka ptac- I . I I , . I '', I I .1 I , 0, - I I �1 C I t I I , " . - . L�,� 1� 1. � �11 , L , ____ 1� A -L _A-___.'� —1 I __ ___ � - - A.- .— . I— - __ 0 . 1. I , West Side Of Squ*ft I . GODERICH " . , . . 01