HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-03, Page 2L-�
400z"M STAX
?Acog Iwo
Fccis rim rcoponsible for the Dollina.
0�n of tN5 rDwer- A VASITY, MT,
Tho Eharcs of flowco- Qro Quite
IN DAYS OF variable. but, invach instance some UCKING comami
conflec0ou with the procC39 Of pol-
AGtj hratim may bon fouiti, The large
FIFTY TEARS AGO lips found on the Corollas of many
Tho Gjdcrich Star of De' (Froin Tho Star of MAY Ist, 1 3), ARA srap-arwra—
wb; A Fishing X00O& Awl tLe large slipper of,some of the WAS Rellev0d B.. -
'TJ* "rel"Walve love ist Municipal While filbir ba(Is forrm convenient rlatforWD
the other day 11w. ore or, Wto V's
Politics n which an insect WS slight.
Mr. V. W. NeReazle wishes to llays was so usy houling out -the Cc �f the colum Arx" 1901 -
perch that he took off his ovoregat to GO low [vurso
and the ptetar
state to t N. ClKtOr$ Of St- PAvid's lilsu6 his work lighter, platlar it an or Ioncy, ani to reach it the i'12CCt
ward that to has vtsi0od in fav" thowhavf. A party from MY* Who must come in contact with the unth.
of Mr. c3co. Evanso Ito having Vin. bad been fisbiag, x0hereil the cost en, *n4.tbu,,] rcceive A. joa4 of paigon.
Norway Pine Syrup
t"'Z'I to accept the tempc0inc-a- it, With big own and drove Miwy sp("al devices are founi In
�ggjmnt a4lefmis., and saloons aws im"I'abs, 0 , fd,
' T. At blyth".i. left at the owem , dopositiod the Pollen on
ow., hote, with instru., 1111 to towward it a V * U fir Art of a iiiaccivs body. T -bat vaty, dry, bacuLn'-, lung-wmcu-
G-A-rich Woo to vote an Bylaw to to Qo4erich, V4 it wal not LICIA fur�IT. 'Itr�nf� upa V.60*1 avul I lvqt.fb()
MAY 3fa,
9 ME
k I
Ropus $Ulftfter Hotel, I ward to Goileoich sktonce, an(14� ttle�!ca ;:2411,�Jsta* , 4refuthe'"keer, jug catgh itvcr�, wicarliDg on tao m.-4- 010
it Uill be seen that the corporatlon, grain wont wing of tbu awer, which serves ag the em T 0 00 7hillo "�nuiba
Myth 044 -1 ti - I tf- . The pollen' Is' the reft, kovr3 Aa luipga , and bronchial
of this town is labout offering it bonu* stable journeyed- to
of VAQ to Way tson extetins * - ght the cost and the man Wha 10 edi thee aft , 'keel,and,whon tubes in au Irritalcd =d1tio% and tte *By
sunimier hotel in 6wioderk1b. In this took it to town, but it being clearl3r XA InSeCt *light$ upon it, the Stalael)a
is--iie we advertise a bylaw to be sub- seen that therO Was 310 Intention W and carpel foree the pollen out sud-1 '10109"' It 113 to Stick the
-the under surface of the more otrions the wenaco breomeo, for 11 i
initted to the C'IeetW Oil the firat keep the 00 the case was W'thdtaWn 4enly upon ONE WEEK ONLYSMMom Alu, 5th, to 1 094% It
Moway in January. It the bylaw on payr4ent, of the costs incurrel.. invect. At this time the c4.rpel is not if the cough bmozes settled on the
it ought to tvaipt some enter. A Great 010"ter sufficiently mature to N p�llinatcd. 1=04 coumairliwi 1037 casue, A tremendous, stupendous, sinashitig, slashing sla�ghter sale of
corrll* Yestvrday Miss Rby
orls man. _ass telegraph When another flower Is visited, the rk,�row of no, Tenleay that win Ire -
N,4010 Leaf Debating Society stigma is thrust out of the keel by
ed her mother to 0oderich from the weight of the Insect. and it comes IWve stubborn cough* --coughs that
ThL,; Q"cletg hold its second meet, Frank, N. IV. T,, particulars of a yot- in. contact with the polleu Rr9vIQu$Ly wooft let 00,_1,k, J)r. -WOO
ing . on Fri ay of -last weeko Mr- canto eruption there early on Wed' deposited,on tho-ventral aurf4co, of'
Istram; in the chair. There was a nesday morning. The earth "Q(l the abdomen. Pine. symp.
igio Attendance. The constitution— up 16r tilme-quarters of It ma011*0 In
which !�Of which tile Mn. Ww. G, Ma"011p U. it. No. eix.
the committoo, bad been' 8 roe slid OR the top of Tattler The allot family 'N n�d US -ED FURN�IT;� UBE.,
aoun- W.
pointed to draft -was submitted Z lenril, and then millions of tons of scarlet salvia, Is an excellent example Bedfot4, X. S., irrites.-Illavin E
the society. Mr. John Mac.ars, sr.# tain, which ove Q baS Stamen placed In the up- *Qa�,a
-vilangs the little t wn. — the 5 Xonvay-11irw Syrup aarilig.
van linxii1mously chosen secretary The coal pit mouth' and several per part, or hood, oftho corolla. The t usi I can -
1'.04 Mr. J. Macars, Jr., trpavurpr� buildings ilear thereto were buried. StAmens 4ro attached by a joint to a epwoulic I mus
- deba4c, *go,. "Which tot pi�ise it, too highly
The subJect for It is retorted that the loss of life is, projectiow from the tube of the cor, It brought
Is tbe-more powerful, the 1)eu or the RbQUtr 01 residents of the towao and7 olla, In such 4 fashion that a part of
sword -* 900srs. C*meroq, 1. Ms.- in addition about. fifty, minjers, Who, the Atament of the stimen projects ost iiistant. IvIief ofter being. uwakh
r nights vMV a nasty, ft lisaing
ears, Jr., Woodwane Naltol and Wit- are entonilleil in the Minq., Miss beyond the joint and dver the opening fo aiW. FLOOR' 'COVERINGS.
vough arit soie I roat, a4d I vm� 00
so" u0bod the sword, while Messrs. Rhynas was not injured. into the spur. When a bee stWhiPts
Powney, Trainer, Montgomv%.Run- to reach the honey it brushes against. arilly speak.j$ -up the- home.. You
x , coula 4
m%A GnIf .1 1. . - when every li'ouse'requires soWetlfl' v to brierliten'
at a,tilne in
I'Do projeet,19" Ox Z %; 4444114r,111A All * a N rw y 1noS$"#
Oman, Proadloot - "and W* AcAra - The - There is ouly nue No a P oil,
first game On'' the bowling anther is brought dovm with conald- will, appreciate the- wonderfol bargains to be had aC this sale. . Do- n't taiss' lt--Y
fought for the pen, During A. two green this scason was one at singles, erablo force upon the back of the in- =4 thAt. is '$Dr. W000,P, Be go"
hoursIr - debate they were Ably to cm't afford to. Come as sopa as vou call, every day. if Vou cau, but be sure voli
00tcd, In their efforts towards tg; the players beink Jos, D. O'Connell sect, When the stigma. In salvit I$, the gonuinei p4ce 34 tua 64
a ..
inning witure it projects for some diO*nco, tir dollam have More cents'. teautiful, flirnitufc furuiture',� raotdin
advgyw�ment , of civilization And And Win. Lune, the former vi bottle. Put 40 only br The It. Vil, Cotue.,. Yo
4phristlanity, In their 1endencles to by Otis phot. At a meeting of,those keyond the hood, and wheft an Instal;
for all'
f Club on alightl upon the lower lipof the cot- buru Co,'U= 4, To ��Ato, OAt, a bargains—a buyingapi)(Wtunity
on and consolidate empires, fivorable to starting it Gol; ...ry
411 in tesoived olla the carpel I& bent over glad push -
d ' their Influenic for good or evil Wesday afternoon, It. was
Upon a V
Z!, of the sword. The Ing officers were tlecteM. Presldeat�
9- - I I '- I t
vis, then brushes the back of the Iriem. Congo aum''Rugs t4pw mattres*06
the world 0 large. Upon *& to organize for,�'1908 and Dr. Taylor ed farther out Of the, hood. The 43"
V40 * th uments, tho,ormirman being voted to,the chair, the follow- c 06NIAL WEEK,
L ect where the pollen has been prji� At a fs*W discount, Theso will advanizo Blowaeott6n, 9,11 slz'es- Oh boY H& -t rQ%)
subJed under dise4ssion this evening W. L. 'Eliot; . Vito president, V, L. vlously do*. Ited, The' Sg1v.stWlii Arm Self -Denial 10,9 after this ple.. Do sure. -find. get y9urs. special, $6.95.
Dicklizi(ib; sec.-treaso Mr. Austin; In th or�hld_th6 pink 1adX"s slip- . . y - , 0it6 . , '. ,
Is."Ilas Sir John A. Alacdonald cam n4ld, Brough 0 1 . C*MlWgzk . for 1923 0164110 Row" S Spate Red
4A the tonfideAto And reapgot of the executive, Messrs. AloDo r, for eximP16—the food for.the
people of Caiiada?" And Quit. cc is In thes 11 'Only one open- 006 �Uly- POW, fum6a.oak, .�oqaisting--Gr-_ 0110 only, new, fall sivo, complete with,
pfrqo� I Once a year the friends of the'Sal I - -ess, a beauty; $28-50.
Ing, is Apparent row the outside,, and vatiou Army 'throughout thQ Clikis- liuffiok extension table, nva arm and Ave,.ampil ngsand mattl
It is sItAxted below and In, front of to, Jor help ehairs, regular $12.5., tiale sveci%l S89. otchen'ChOLIOS
the stigma. '.From the inside this OV tian 'world art appealed
oning Is not evident because it , is toviwidh 'the roginterIgpoe,And exten- 0lnln#'R0o1WChair1W Three dozen oalY. aewr,sm
shadia by the overbargialt stigma, ilon of the 26441. service and rescie One set.only, qtiarter 6ut-oak, golden fill-
aing at each Side. of the .. 1 .1 � -1 1 at 93 onts
M hasei Plant Life ))ut,pne o V, special
Cup 'and Saurers
-50 e P Ot the Arviy,. The riced for the ish, $29.60. Half a gr6eq, neN
car I may� be se0h, The bee go.es, work of
'this aperture, but in' c
out t*64� 0 Oi 8 Baby High �Ghalrs
iervie'a of U6 4rixty is greater today niii n T bld
Icky mass Of t long arm I's . out -
Ry PT96%sor N. a Hart, Vi4ess"O"t of Bota f at Weitern iliii- _41litt so it.,,teceives a at &w, natural finish, $3.45.
pollen gr*ajk oil, its head. Ong ban ever. Its peat Vour only surface 4-Ining room elcteusion S
versity, Written, under the auspices Of Ivestern Tiolvor. of Wilt stretched to. all, who %teed, irres
40it PQl- Iva of r4ce color or creed. Tile tAhl6s,vo � alar $20, silo specilil, $13.50. gaby COMMode Chkir
sity a_gteasloil Depattmont, to the o orchid this a 9
-On the stigma as friendless; t6 poor And the forlorn 6%v.iiatural Aniali, 40
AV. *10P.Sulte!& I . , ,
the Insect ento P
Ion is %R.444 off ChiisteOfleld, *Suite
irs the flower. we will always, have with iii, Ana
A partldiillirly� lnterc�tiag cast is thpy are th$.especial.care of the ar- One ouly, new, two,. awra obairs 'aild a
NT 0-1WEVING IN, NWTMR) point. This Onp,,Ll�ad, throe, piato, lxlahog)any fillish,
o t a ehosterhold,'evring seate :a -ing
N is Attached by a viere yed back and tod by, the relations egisting" my. We cannot. nto h 161 . .1, . � t! Nvitfi �r n damiti, at) ial'$30.
Overs4tiloll anther, is swr go ut" i ad separate a 00 eo
1)aring the last few years the most retween tl,%e Yuma plant and th4Q hIghwAysandby*ays, as can the re- cushions, A, teal 9pedial $.�94 00yore
no th by, the slightest' breeze. The motb,'Pronuba. The latter gathers pmaentatives,of the Army who are One, Used, three piece hog%ay 6111811,�
wlit and flil.
striking feature inAbc. ac pollen is thus scattered very easily. the pollen of one Yticta, Sower Into a peculiarly traliqed and Atted. for the �Living'Roorn Chair* 25.
'o"clal Omits of Ontario And pro- In, the grass plants the atigma--thAt ban and carries It to another. Here -work, but we can Ao our shaft 'by -ter enii Oakl coveved in SM(; $.5
0 Threo.i)0JV8 only, UO�V, it) quai
Wly of - CAnada as'woll hut been the Part Of the carpel which receive the the Vionubs moth Place$ the Pollen contributing our quota of the iiionoy
44 'pollen y gqldeiror funied finish,. $4 per pair.
� I. —is divided and'SoWrildod, into firmly. on the Stigwa of the carpel, tociuireil by the Army for carr Ing
Ae—lan-ent of ewonerative org I I . . 111�i,
ver yesenting 404..i then I
z4tions. For along ti ��r many one panss thud, p
me, there havo a large surface to which the
laillao part of the
OY naod Of pollinati,
eon combines, mer or no- mo adb6e, In
gers, and lab
101,13 Which Are all moge 11 or less 90 plants there is very little _fselfill4o" �X Plant. I
Operative irk character, 4 vemained and !a many eases the otamingto gW $Qe4a
f6v the f4rmer with his various 00%. flowers. are Ott one plant gild the car. Some$ ab
to putAhe principle to it i-041 test. Air , 9v
pellate an another. This method, of res to 14
Just bow successful the recint dowl. iiollIngtion is !lot an economic. onor" TA I Axwe #A
Qpmeat$ will be, is not evident, but for largo quantities 6f pollen aro.los the flower I
the. trend of unionism is, bolba atti& each Season.
led with Interest. tory to b6t]
A few plants utilize -water as The minil
31an with big cntuusiunin over the
an agency for pollination, but most
iew now'Idgas in social co-operation v
-zing plants doond upbd Ieei lot p
of the Ilowe , r!� 0
tro r r
itel'in-Ark apparently new or At Animals. A few tropical plants AA oI
It yodsAtion. -Ho 16r� , V biel
# *404�cent ars -which have, a lout, tubulait structure c a w
gets Abat t4turo haddoveloped co�oio - ate rolUnated by the humming birds. of some ir
eratf6a many thousands of ypars ago, Mot of'. the � Canadian 11j).wering stalftorks 11
GommuftfO: life amou� the Ants And plants are visited by insects in Stare
be, a, has ekisted for millioni df:years- of food And th6y transfer the poll lengths, ail
fro- eal stamen, is
PIU4 1,a4d,41gae have been Associated al.one P10tto another.,.
:V*AO".W J� n j6 common Lielvit for aft equally of 4 long Q
11110%la n"A i A stud3t of flowers in rotation to in- em AnAcies
,.- device to a
m an, egg in tho upper on the work and byk -extending $.$in* -Living Room Table $12.00,
ivar)r.. No other method pathy *ad otherwise Aiding these
t is evident in this Vat- selfsacrincin; volunteers who. Are. One only; fumaj Oak, new, $24., '41 oorn. Sufte
69 a ro
kch Ovary produces about devoting thek lives Ito the -RT8 I at Another similar,, to Elie Above, sin One, ash, diasier haq a lovely mirror.
id the moth lary can". T-or--threq,years, the citizens 916.50'. % ... , -
a c6n. I - I . . D�Osggr, stand and i4datead, specim], $0.5.
00 ofthese before if 101 of jGoderieb a
nil . vicinity vo gener-
plant. his ter oual
ve the' y responde& to the, Art),ty'% an- tTsod 'Tron 41ods, '5 -00,03�h�
ociation of the moth and peali In 1922 we -were -asked K.r Now Similions all_,inetmb extrit speciall
used lied sprinp�, $3,00 -each,
eyidently quite satisfad- $25O.'and, the. response Was -,talo.
$6.95. ljsed Coolc SEoi,es, froin $10.00
This yeartba * .
rjpeal Is for $310, anit.
a ImOilrial 6xfoid Cook Stove with
ir of examples of the de- we. feel Asxu that this obJective Gend�qnG.o Oil
- will be. attAineil,, because tho Army's, One only, new, special, $9.50� reservoir, spatial A25 00.
Unxition migb�t be tonsid
!�_ - a
:ve" _#ondin
ded.' The milkweed has wdrk is o and is
4i no bleotifig-4nd PUb-4 TIERMS CASH T#41$ SALE
-of pollin attached by A weeting *ith I OU1964.
fasterox them to the foot lie an poxt.",
Nt, The pritaulas have .' Solmoial Wook begins the 6tl, of 11 - prices daring, this sale. Tbis is..
Eyerytbing h! thelitore will be offered at speen
d carpels of different My od ends�-tho 13th. of Xa�r. and
ther polliqu from A long during that time friends of raly your store, use it, If you fail to get to the �mle it'.14 yoiir loss,'
itizons for dona-
,-tive only on the stigma will call upon our ci
1. Ill fact, .411host, ev. tions and At is proposed to distribute
hall some ape tt
ut . clal onvelopes for contribut4ons -Let
�ure croswoollinatiort and givings Ila worthy of the good
of;.*6 Army. for the homeless,l B k
Anione the Harold ac
colored corolla to Attract the.insect, lat r the staring of the stigma and the underptivilegid Ana unfortunate
rovideS the, auitnal with -A ter. bonoy or'sorad other food'MMOrIA1 RK 41 t .,eftfit times, is quite ef- We ask, it in tho. name of Him. who
Aiiiountvf ZX4 and ffiligitev. iii�l ome de. 14,11,tAler., of n, too, the pollen said
etow Oko gnimal, *h%P4 111AAd.
vice. 1 44
a �Urlxejag the, ollon on the in- is 1nActi1VV* On I ed on the stigras .1hasalloch OA,ya hAV6 done ii unto
ili tber process ot lortil zation �ttva , - In 600b. a P sitioll that it mt E c an
a, - nward for the iisit, AM 8
mtk. irk most aases, hel.,Y: the
V me no Ono of , the least of these Yo have &Vo Furr up X
y 0 f the aame no r.
Will be,rUb�d,off on the st!gWA of 0
ifications in the it unto me."
in the. dispersal of seeft I of these
o d a
is Well known that u�,Aew W10. Wtr,Vf8Ite4. In th-o;tvo- flor'Werserlttoom&oksizeittsirdp6rt-, On the, l3k k. W y of
0 t fio�wo. the �colov; Pot- angoira the reproductive proc of this, w0*1th thal Brit'15"6101niAl
I$ prodileep, in, Tottoft. Urdeft for- and � SJZO 4JU r play Some esses, of
ktion,-�A fusion of tbe.'egg And fu 8 lits. Cross-pollination has r en secretary, the Duke of Devonshire,
lkperm—haq . first takto, elace� . rt in e development- of on. eM- Oat' r 11CIfitial to the plant e. entered Into iA aMement.vidth the
AintS tht'l%1*rmis Aire ilove101K v eat me it to Secure cross-polina-, elo eats lit the flower hav on. _ftivatloo giving effect to tile
�o polletv gralasi *no the elve cells r a erfection of this process, Army's plans or the encouragement
prMuce4l to the ovules in the o 4 -The e4or and nize of the flower &ter P -ve of. settlement df British well, women In the past and In Anticipation Pe
V* � "S' . J, res U Vat louj� agencies ha , of Stratford'' Pot ra Anisigsinate nouncement of the policy of The Be*
to order to have a need, the Somewhat + 0109tlY related- A 1090, oft made use ofj but the Insect. is and boys in the overseas dominions. 'L contribution for 1928.'-
M Must rearh the egg.,eell; of 414 thowy So,.Ier tan be seen tor a much the most Important oftbese. in iia. Already two, pAitica of boys 'have your lib6ra Announcement was made, on Mon_ eon-ffer4ld will be made later.,
gmter AJ&t*we than #4 'amall one, ture, then, there has been gradually sailed -for Canada under the auspices G. W. WILLIAMS, day of the amalgamation of the two
05 *nd"th"reforv., tbejiolleu 8tain , t a largo inimbev of j.ioiall flowers evolved U sV W. ;t, POWELL, Stratford daily newspapers, The Bea- 1, Children suffering from WQrMa
t he t"Imlerm. fie -Vavooi 'in gt*U*dr to , $ten, of do.operation. be- of the Army, while others are being ShQW*r . r -
!h tho ovules two �V&luced- -In gotlAor Xrf evenniffe, Coil-! tWeen the floworing plants And some trained, And fitted i=s in Vng- JOS.- BROPHY, eon and The Herald, tor be known as, soon the symptoms; and any
- jqtltuoua tbox a, single large Onto grimal& Tht latter derive their food land and will soop Canadian 0. W. WURTELLE, The Stratford liescon-Herald. 'Ap-'mother can detect the presence it
pvoctsft of P0.11ination many Ott Service r of L. H. DICXSON, �
ex are utillied *ad roany inter- 0 PIOAU has been to Suppi gista4de Settlers. This the Army plication. has been made through hlc� I these parasites by the writhings, and
1 e tendmiw*,y I ' a y as a result of their as Citizens, Committee. Pherson & Ala
sic devices have, beta developed deVelop inflo"Aceaces or UP to the plant In its Seed 'Production. *tone, will 4=11191 repay Cansdians, kins,.barristers, for a'frettinc: of the child. Until exptW
of smill 90*ers, thus Ineteasi I charter for a company -idth a capi- and the system clearpd-of them, the
My The whole relstionthl -between the the small donations they make to the 8ad menexcuse their faults --good
1-possiblill talization of. $150,00% The officers � child cannot regain its hoolth. . Mil-
1ws, And grasses all 61- plants and #nImals in ght be consid. Army. TheArmy"has been tried by l4n leave them. Aorls Worm P.miders
kv of sem V
rools't 4i the t v0duetion a
nAted b.V the vind. ut* qua retmilft the atfr*ctloit for the in- ered, AS .8 Ii e organization devoted every possible test and has, proved of the company are as follows.- Pro- are prompt ond
n. 80 reWn
4 11, effective he -a idation
to plant bree Ing. Man by artificial itself capable, economici r"
*of p -Ate produeid, and sect'- . 4" 3 sident, W. J. Taylor, Woodstock; vice effielent, not only fat t
_611en - of I 'thor presidenti L. It. Dingman, St. Thom- of worms, but also as a to er up for
ft it is bdrot sliW sivall clo"s of The odor flower In most broiding exgtiments way acc6m. and trustworthy and we as a citizens' as, managing* dirbetor Charles Ding� ohildreo that are rundown In,' Conse.
idipt may be xcren os it to blowti 0"es is extremely attra�tive An4 Islish much a a.short time but, it committee, undettakt that your,dona-, CASTOR I'A
m ba
to go
tt( Ott,
0 Ott tm& In the p1rieft and souke y coratnerelal *0urats have luid, must be remembered that nature, tioas whatever they may.bot will be inAn, Stratford. Adlilovial direct- quence.
I'll, Pot bfdatit "d Children ors, W. F. Tobey and Archibald
!r ettritreens *atlt Idollen' grain thorr origin in "Oral extrji�ts- That through countless ages of time, has faithfully applivd. 'We invite your
these 046ts are attr&ctivt) to aWts -Tho t I
two "floating" bU ers whieh yeloped a System Of plant hreedimr careful perusal of' the little Pampb- Thomson. Mr. Taylor,purchased Tourist �(In village Notion Stol
lwtnt the pollen grain from faiftic I,+ Shown very well in - tit I& is marvelously efficient.. A let& Whitli are Wing+ distributed and Inufarbrov4W30yea Beacon on March I from the estate -"Whatddya got in the shape of wo.
e Carrion
At%-, and so, it may Ai _d - eablo 0 us some idea of the splon- Of fherlat_e'%V.'DJ. O'Brien. ter cur tires?"
lit blown a Flover. . n extremely lssgte , Audy of the workbur out of natuvers; which giv At The Bea -
And the fi6*(.r IS VIM. eon
&�ablo dis4nev. -ce&tt is one of the, most lnterest,� did w0k of the Army in evvry.part Wlyhstm oe,;O eon S established as a daily news. I Saleslady—OPmeral wreaths, life
In the grAs. odor I*. produced
the staluem have a long gild ver ited by the carrion beetiles which n and delightful fields of botanical signature -of paXer in the fall of 1885, and the Her. dPorulegserverg invallid ouslilons #W
'These In- 3 net. O""o generosity I later in the sawe-year. An an� boo a,*
Me filament to, which the dht er flou4sh In decaying fiesh. Thanwking a
Uy Ong M Uffe -We k
EEKMa'5to12,'a,1B C leu R This e
F. y "I'l W
O'U C *n d th ices
Uke mis -Good earing moor overn g an e Tr
'H.V.e Be'en' Reduuud
We. Have, a Size tor Every koom In the Hou4e,--Ma n*y Beaut&l Patter -as
Qennhio G d SeA Con- Gon"ine (,'old Seal Coil- Gwnuioe Gold 8ml ulon-
olouill 1111g, Ila golunto 111-13ga. Ilegular RUG�1. sa 10
1.1675 9XI , $13#95 -.1-Al " ds "aleunn $1,48
9 X 6 ft. g ",onxiar $ 02 4 2 y price... ......
89.00. Sale 110 1 15.175. 1"Od priee ......... ..... 0 .........
S. 3%, L - Von, ille,040,��l Coll-
_�4 S.
-010101vi Rug $
"i. Ileg r , .
9x7g ft llegalat , 15 95
Sale -Price .. .................... ...... .......
W69s, 9X1 2 g,)leton Rut 19
SOME tlo!l Seit Coilgalcuut UU41 - Gelluine '01d geal eon.
*A=FX SY TIM SQUA 1846 M* naleum Hug.,". sale
9X9 I- ......................... $11495 YARD RE 75c ......... ................. 45c
Satle Starts This, Saturd and Ends Next SaturdaY—One Full Week.
"wo 0! i �0.. w.-io.0 0 1 4 i W !,W
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too Adv*rtisement on Pago 5 of This lxsuft�L -public Announcoments Fine Quality Rug Ula