HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-05-03, Page 1F , t I � i . — Ow � . .. - 6 , I - - -_ --- - I - .- __ - .6-- - - - ...A ... 0� I A �, ­ 4 I I �'V__ . — 1101P410"M . ". '. . '* I + 1POILS The Star*# job'DepwmWat I� ,,, 7"t ' # % '7 " ra r I P t .] "mong m ,ow Is OqUINVW 11 *, 411jiorlit, of %-01� 4%9111 *'Tw4to tv Bill to ^ SooL t .. - � IC . o cric ."..01. .&r The Goderich Star I '� ) T14 11wo of Gwd Prhaim - � P , � 4 - _ _ ", , - 41 —, lip! I I __ � !!; i i !! � , 1���=­!, i ,_� 12a – ---------, 4�__ ____________,___ __ __ _� - , 7 �!_ ) - ­ ,, ­_ ­ � ­ , _ __ __ . — . — �_ ""_ , � - � I . CusW4rgle #A*lq Ket"Ie in God(Mck Rai Estate-Con"tim and Molt of CentM HuM Hold Conventiols at Worth on the 10th and I Ilk . I*.- .-A . - _. ___ ___ ­ - ____ - _­­­ ....... �T --- � _____ , I -, - ____ - I ...0 I - ___ , . --- I if,1416heil kpviwjr Thin, - I I'll GOIDERM. OU110, CMOJM. TOURSDAY. RAY 3. M wilto 1. ill Ati,wj. 'ft_AW*MiM A . MIMIMMUMS "W"lls 390. ___ ...... �-----�.,:=..,:Nll..Il�.:.,�llill�ll.,�,�I 111. _1-11 ­­­-, " �"__., 1. .-- - - ____ �_ --.. � 111, 1111'11;1;1111111:1�:11 __o -, ......"Is- �_ -.1 _­ ­ I � 'it , ' '� ­ I __ . I a "i N 1190vow" THR IJ -14T AN �� *= 'CRAY a CARTWWORT ,T!X f'- 1-; r (JV � N -m t,� nuiter Hats in Mils". - T1 11`11w%'Vt IN , - o, - , 00 *44 Yobrio . I � , ,!t .1 0 1IRW A9VXK _it .v t.4 I a%" RNWWWWRIV, TOWN TOM$ '49 I A t%ih, vi -, _ ,__ ,11 - Ter I ".,�� I I , Ijj,V I I .� jwts for Spritig 4 "r, I 3TAGE 116 RUG EVENT .� I� �­�_­-4�_—_­, �,­ -1 Irmlis WXXF 3 keku I ,AT - ft Auto ant WtYOJE� V01140, Home Maio Baking 1,1'. ,,,.,-- , I '­­` J 11 .1. ii;ilv "." I 1, 01 P" IF tWisr,s' Worth of Messrs, Oray 41,114" *'4;rl�,;%,_� �,,i- , mcr7 lJoi,ittr2tive. $mart and 'mod: 1, ,1 Tuesday evening as Mr. w,l- How- WAII Wheld lov �iiklll--rk Cllxjltvt� � Rogii on x1mbitiolm intite an anw4unek-4111:0 0, "a Cs. ;-­"tC1v przC0�-Vniversal Milliewry V1 n. was returning hoitie betwevii -ft 1311.1#.6.100 , , ­­ ... 11.1-64 ri ard i A sturendous 411itAwilw of rugs and traordinary liva,hage oi .i collm, 0,�'- 1`4410 - -, - - --- I � I Ile Pa Wo and 10 *!,clock ITT 1his, car. * bo,v ridin,; j 4 gi�­.%nt�c oppolturi4y for the peo-'tionot thr, vusit!'K ,,-%I-,,- wb7ch W31 0 4`xery Sat a a Wheel got in fxAt at him, *44 mi, I Saturday, May Sth-.., T P)#'of UtliefiQlk IQ rSet 14 rW at PrIke. be 'Oft eXhibit'0111 0�0, 1'r V111v '4wrl va , Pax -11. IL '.146110w& Page. . � . � ... & .. I � , - Goderlich, Ontario tho Mr. Howard at once pul tjeaj!y Wholosat e price'l Is aunotinoed esle Saturday mqtan,il ". 1�103d 01 � Vvautiful Lave (lurtakoc nott" 0 �� Bock ,,, 1,%W� 0 -ray and Cartwright oil about it oil rr,v-j ............. .. .. 5 -A t!orn- lad was IL '04 off Ills Wheel Dyesws. Ifeady to Wvar� - � . I up, V "I'll In ft ' I I Soule cuts about the houd wev� page 6 of this i,,lsue. Tbere $trio '401' � I Nvxt W641 il (Nru�l'ouvk I " . . � Aud I -Grocery ,�,,Cj, q04.11,31�4�% I ........ I— .. ...... 4 1% . %Y ned, The bq, is the son of Mr. SA,tUrJy*s ims And davus, of fine quolitY n gt'� Ste X, � . . -, 16-s i SK,, wk9 -V,j, j�j '. � .Y and (kift i4. Qlur�sqt With Hea 42ality IAK- - . .OPEN E_V_ ER a 11"ZiYounic who livVi On tile 40- 0 13C of all a,zes. tieciteh, English and, Can, � wright have vN otrev In Cou;oleuia I . � will . .1 rc­-A. L. Vote. Psgi_.........10 ' noids farm on the Huron road. Dr. " Rug, I r k I . , I $,.Ile owler 80%vivisloo, of Mrs. aditia, ula'Lw. in the lot, which. was j in %hAv ajj4,,)lmcer-16nt oil Bus', iiaw-The ]Ford Var-,-44* . . , , I � . lv,an unit Tebbutt, Pit I.. . I 8, Nurtt'z and omit Ura. Rvdtfitt. V bg mesirs. Page . ............ ....... k ... 4. �­ . .* " , - . . . Whitely ntterkdcd to Ili DotiWil I rchased for spot casi * 17 0 1 1�p the bov is rvportcd to ;uivo Passed a I It 1 681welah for the' Wo,eZ!i;*�1D1o1m­I1n1- � good 41ght. 0.w"tx=*3= VrItiy und enrtWright, and. t Is is h(1w TremOnd0us- StUPLU11011% SAIR311- Gom lk�,orv,,4. 11d. Page ............ 5 I 1, � . X Wedue and Satur. . , they can be o1ered at riuch low fig** ing, 81ashitir, .are t1w odiectives I p,glelcut Truck tjorvive. Resumed � .W,"-- . y Hockey Boutlit . I , -:--- .� .- ure$. . . 1, r 1. Harold Blackstono usea to deseribe I fl,,tNvQ;�NIj I,Ondon landi C,jkrjcIt�._ . 1�'. - . I . rr . - _ IN . I � . � IN On Monday evenim; 1% benefit Coil* stitrilul. Kathleen McDonald, assist- ,� 11,; ''� ''' , I 11 I 'I �� . . - . his slaughter sale for next Week of Vinch Bros. Transportation Co. I I . . . gert will be held in the Model Theatre q 1�-) Im .. ed by all all,star ettlitebapil'them will , student in the 'College. now and used- furniture. See Page .. W , to assist the Rock I cantribu d is a freshman ....... i... * Miss Edwards was hishly Ton Cent. off all swciz-. inelud. 'At"Ators f klV-Ptov4f6ot - . r � � . ey Club in disrebstr4- be a loeal vaudeville 11 1 , _ "' , , Ss ... *­­ I I a . . ing a bank deficit of 1400# The pro- by Sturdy and Pav�ons, the llawnii- er abillt an 1�:1110014i; Ing UlAii;ery. at Roval Ladiell to. 1. .��,AE'(,i�r��'.;�t And llelmex.� Page .... *J - fe gram, -will conilst of the, ,noWned 6_ anS, )&ISS Be . V. VArle Wilson wonted on b % Da% 'Publie Notite ro A'ottre List- I .;. I Dan'tiong 84S.-'jo" 11'*645 reel �CreC play,�,,Hor Social ,$ 'letter'. �, r4f 1 " being ellooseqXroul a lyst of students W6r Cki. for. Tc y� to make 6 . . I .n Value' with spO- I . . . . I ]KIss skinner and'GOMPOOV., - . room for zommer merehitiudist. Veihk . .03 I I )Trp Township -p . I I 11 " ., * I . . . . la 11 — 'Selliation of of considerable seniority. . � . . . ,� N . , , , . � . .. 11 ID dal Tausig. anil,the, reV Miss Doris Ifarris Leavirit'to "Nisit _e' 1 .. L . . page ........ � .. ................. �'? For sa.le--weslov XvSkc�: POW . L . . I. . I I .1 I � . I .. :. L9ST ANV FQVN it 0 �s sot DphY to. the Dation of t4xt Visit=��Dr. F., J. - . . . . I ____ � . _­_Ao�_ 11410 C81100 ("lub, Entilland . I This Is Rouso Furnif3hing Week I - .1 M . . . I ­_­ T ON'T.-At the Itiodel TheRVO On MQudaY 1"All , Quese A , a farewell party was, held On, Mon -'at Walkers. See' his Weial in IL Forster- Pago ......... ii�i�_,' I I , . . ro JU night 4 liana 149 C0014111108, purse, I m � ..His Orship Mayor . a a Furnished Apartment to . . . I I . ­ I - - -ets . I , . I. � I -101190leum RUXEI, . Curtain - 114", � 0. F. Carey & Son. ftle.. a * .... A I , " - I ­ ­ . , I day evoting of this week at the home ( I ­ . VECIA� , , till a sum or MOW, ReWArd Oil MAII'll I . im I ORCHESTRA , , , I I . .0 . 0 � Shumowt Bed, $prxng�s and Nut�- , . , . , , . . 1118! to, MISS AIACE U lArd. HUM Ad, I . 0 - 31r. and Mrs. Thus. Warrener. I . . , I , , . 1011 ", Presentation to ?0WVatea f . age .0 Bablir,upt Sale 6f the'Reetor me- . . to . . . . . . 1INVe-Came to tile promises of the uIl* Hamilton St.* when a number of � tress. V . ............... " .... Fadyen. (1romry Stock -T. Quudry. . .1 ­ AR I I . I � 09 Fo deisignott last TUeSd;%Y. 4 t01110, (IOW. 'Olt behalf of .the Water and Light -friends, from Victoria St Methodist I The ni:4 Suporlor Five-Passen- page &.........I.. .1 . , very nicely worded ad- oer Touring Cur -T. M, Pavia, .,. - 0 commissiona, ed to bid bon voyage to L . wat R and..".."". ­4 . IS HE M Owner Call 11111volsolme - ON ArorlrAk ,40diorts, , . 11. ,state . Insurance J. . _. 11, 1.111. . ­ ­ I.. 1. � . F01% ses. 1% — fill ,were presented church gather - page .............. � ... I.W1 .... 8 . . I I - , dress iind t0stinift Miss Doris Harris, VhQ a4ilg on. sat W Armstrong.. Pa �. I *...�. I 4'.1 1 . I .-.O.��__ I - — to Miss Laurel Bitt"i.'Who, has I)Oen urday from I I S. S. ls� Pineapples. Torantow, -Ohio It . . . I � . ___ t ADMINI - 1174ro Slontreal on the Oranq� W� FounTZ.." nag. Pogo i - � - , 1. I 1. STR�gqj%, §ALF_ I ,ille efficient assistant gt the ' I "AssonWll for BASIATAil'to visit 'her V,te._J4 11, Lviich� Pago ......... 6 �.� -..;* ,I 1-1 --1 ".. ­ I I , � � . . __­ - tot* some time. The - , I I I . � MINISTRATOWS SALE- or I(buSE store -and office I grandmother Ili Devonshire. During Mell's and ,Boys, Store VON'T VOUGET FREN PANTS � � I . ' . . I . If, ' ' ' ' 0 W CONTENTS. address WAS i acroM ittiled by a. purse the evening a purse of $120 was pre- 1V:QTV1`l1W While# at Your .Service- 1. , I i ��,. . . I . , � —roctived trOM Tile -1011� Of gold as *1 919tiorkr1uni. Miss, sonted to Miss . Harris, Mrs. R. 'C. Chas. 'alock. � Page.......".'.......'t Dowt forget tile free I . . points civets I I 8 IN , o Ca amjIV tire.moving, to Toronto Postlothwaito reading an address a leved Thurs- � . uo . e;hsupancot ,..4, ada I'nder .Instruction old by . . away with every., suit op .1 IV Public, Trustee there Will be $ , Bates' P ,nd Lovv that Endures 11, ,lost VN- day anti Friday# May 3ra And'ah, t* � � I 1111110 . Mrs,. Westbrook - making the presen- �nresaed I . . . ­­­ . Public Auction SUbJe13 to a reserved big, which made it necoxattry for her to I by Gifta,that LUt-B.-C. onu*. Pridbain, t1ke. . I . � � . 11111 relinquish bet positidn. here.. � OL I t Alikk011p ybnt nlllld,�-Q tAICO Life 14SUra'1000 9131C yourself VATIMD.Mr, MAY 191111, 1023 tatiou, The-eVelling waq 600ut MY p,obertspil, Pr,%*0 ............. 4 ... 3 V`Iurr, lalleasullethuerner, North St. . " It you 04040 . I I tallo i ­ I I . � 'Mammoth sale of New artil Used leasantly, and a dainty lunch Served. - . t�e followltio questioust . . .. I � � I . Commencing at 2,00 P. = at SliltrOM On ks oft ! I he good *lshvs of a boat of friends, ,tend Wlint IV. Acheson and Son - I .. . 1-1>0 you euppose 0 1 man over . diod fully USA nso 'widow law; Uo promises. Lot NUMber '97 14 tile VII- FUMM400 at, BIK-C t , ef - . I I have to say About. Great Savings in ' EXPERT PHOTO FINISHISO . . . � i 1 � I 1. ' , rc(14h - logo or saitford in the county or iluron. Furniture BgtlkaDg*' I follow Miss Harris on her tritit to the . . , i entea, tbe'sa6tthAt hqbad not Invested.hip monev in Some otherwomact. . loss a $trip live feet Wide fro front to . I Rugs ItIldlinoleums, Oil Page .... -4 Developing 0c, 4 'Volt. Plintitw : . . 9-D14 you; eviiir meet a man who Wris iihyelc4lly 10 to talto life , tear conveyed off ther Said- to;, %n, .Ihe� lot: Harold Blaekstonoili #TknoundnV, a 014 Land. . . . I I 0 . . I . - �� . nabld . is a stuall Mine bouse; �w itt"a used furniture, The Special - 81x Studebaker Is 3c, a piece. Ariy� Ise post, Paid. I . I , � � Insumuce who didnot wish he buil insure(I years. befqrp� I 1. I . .Tberq. will also be ofrored for . ale, a, big sale of im I Awarded $65 Damag" . a Regular Autalutibile-T. F, Rol- , . .- usure his , or too)$, furnishings and 10 mext ,week att"hu 1uroiture ex- . � I J#0X1,,qQX STUDIO, .1 . , � 0 -what Would ,.you tbixiU of Ono who would wtuaQ, to I Small niltity � on the I .1.8 - .. % , - . .1 . . I , .�, re,, but in,stead put the promfulbRAn, the banhI other irt ties ­00 contents of the house, change oil West otreet (the Broad. The sequel of an accidelit land, P*x­Q . ..... I ......... ...... . chosleys, Ont. I hou . obor 12th, When Mr. Seallitau xent Hardwood Floora � ­, � . ... -1 (40 Against III I . TERMS�-Relll property, so per Cent. of way o chj,�, His �td- *111 .he Square last Oct . I � .11, . , . . 4 -DO you; thlou there lk 60youp: Who would not Insure it he Ituf W 'the purella ,e On he dato,or Sale, bal- � I "or! $�ussei ReIii's car, knooked R. J. out,- -0oderiah PInninir Mills. Pa". .8 - , I BORN I . � , 5 folmd. On page 2� of t -his lxsue, and tho� I . I . I .� death 8tould c9ine' to bixu �wltiblnflvot te4-Or-tlttVeA-.y(6AVA1---7 .. , once withi ',' %14ty dayg- thereafter. -A'a wheol itnO. *011 I I ­.-t�.01',­,,� . I I . . I . I L 1. On Chattels, cash on the date of sale. vAlues bet is ofteAnox vrlll be Well ,so lid him to -fall to -Preato-Lito Scrvice-,4. F. Itol- kl1loTil., U Aloxondra 11(i,14413A On' - . - .1 � . ­ -­ . . ��,_ � ror -further rartic 7107*0 the , roundi with IN%xxies to bAli bit'. lAnd. * ,Pago � 4 - * - � o ......... � .... a 41111dav, A111,11 0111� to 21 I* , , r,*,, NVM. I .. I J�. . --- , .1 ulars apply W, M p or 1�11&11111-1 1� '' _`_­,.­ ", ­­_, , , 1 1.1 143440 A$ed Prolldroot, Ril oran ,w , 1 7 , w4rth 10AIng lzt= t %0youti'i - , .1 I I � , 4 Holmes, erm - and Imago to the V tot -which thAde I Concert undev nWplces of North It- Elliott. a Noll (LOY0 "I r I I � I 6 , " ,1. , , QXG6 ; . � I AV sort of fo ". ttire. he Is. .� . On ,115 I . I .. I �, I etc,, Goderich. Out.. � . � I � I I _ I - - ill an street.Mothodist chiitch Oivullostra. AtINEW.--la AltrOn. 01110� 011 'S31urd * " � I . . . . � It I solos% Come up 1 *04 � I . I .1 .. . ." ... I 1. I 1 4 UNDRY. AUCtIODeOr. . isoes Wore His Honor PA 01 .... .4� .... 11 .... I . Apell 91i. tovlj. go Dr. fro , - Will. ,1(4140 . I I .1 - I 10011;� 'cactical y U rx 4 I. 1. I ht" oat.. 11rothers Wed Sioulti W,ot;* . � act on fiir'dart , . I Tuesday a dault ter (11110,10A out,,40.. 11 - I T . % I � ....... _"��'. I'll 11 .. 1EPHRIV-0N ,, I I , , I I �, � I . I . T"B" j�0M,'f41H`4,1FT,O`r,, Ji4d of last* MARRIED. - . I .11 I .. � . . . . . .. I ...­ -_ � " *eek two of our Ooilerlch Ite DW,okrloll .01 - led $65 1 11 ay -it with Flowers" on Moth- , , , I I . . 11.� I � 1INSUAANCE ASP OXAL ZSTATE �. CARDS OF TIXAXJO� ,� , :1 I Laalt wee . " r. Cotton was rawarc ors' Day. George Stewart, pago..10, (111NIel-WIGOINS.�­.Ni, 110141"It. 01% we(L - � I I �. ­ 1, . _'__4--:, the, , I PUIOLIC NOT110E , , , boys$ Xessrs. WA Craig altil �Jos. dams fr. L. V. Dall-k aegutiful Now Mottoes. 7soo , " "' , � P� � . 4vy_��� __0- I A .k. li#Q v, X lill "'.54. at ttio First 1111,41,41iV0 1 � : , -1 TIW -T- . . __.... . , Craig 1were i _ges and eosto 14r., J. L, 'KillOrtin lets. Folders, Cards', for Mothem. I � Nint", " - -,Qpk-4 -lionses - -. , C Ahl.). or W;l xP Mindy Of ------- 4_________ married, the former on coy for, plaintiff . Rev. JQ�jpjlh WACO, t6n - . , . .. I Houses . . lato ry rs, W. E, I . I � 4��llault!21, WVr tile lal.,(i Itita % - . . . I Durath . NOTICE. , "I � Wednesday, April 26th, in Detroit to Mr. Cur,4011 oil the Dal -Smith's Art Store. - Page_ � 10 , '1011 11400% I N! r � I � I I I molghborsind oaxer, friends, "llue? .1 I — . . for defendant. � �v Edward . Vu r I. .: . , . , � . — . . N t r 1w, P 1,11LIC , ,Miss , Frait�eii wig,, , daughte� .of wheel- Portrait of Your'Motber is, the - - �jw�lni. To I � I I J�l , nesA and sympathy,.* , , . . 711119 � GODERI TND - TBAN- wips evening of the accident was I I I � . I I . . AL11 kinds Sor sale At about hall ELEVATOR A' I IDIED , . I _ihab,it woulo cost you to ball- , I .1 I � . S, I T COQ411.11Y, LtW.TED. - ..� . . Mrs, jaino ,till, West street; I north OA,South street nod Mr. Mo ce in, the ,� . I I I I.* if tb sincere- I Rea wiW coming 'round the 8 " 10 TII0.NIPAWj',.-AI. GodPilOW On SUMV. � , -, r JAteftrit to Seo%we be_ PARD OF T ANKS-�-We�VIOU and the later'tho following day .in, Me __quaro World --p I Fell. Page ......... . I '1143belix � I I ' I The annual general, ineetini 09 the sbare; The tvi 1, k, 1IPXa%t(1rI Willow , I - I - A � will'be to ybur, , . I I I , their pre. . '.1111 V.11111 Ile I . I ,V ,IV Thank the friefida soldiers, lodgeS I Windsor to, MIAN Edith HoArY, Of that ja a westerly Mr. Curson plk . . . ", f)ot* -buying. Sovitial properties, on. and 0�1, orgallizations, who, by -, direction. Ion Open Every Wed, o tho ISO � ert Thompioll. in her ��Ilad' . . , . ,. V terft of PA � " I L'fle " a el In I" ,city. Mr. Ed. C=lIr-bAs.b66ri work- saw tho car turn, Ott the,411TATA Poll nesdaY and Saturday. Page-.. ..V,T"r. . . . . .. . ess , yment. o' See my ,sence a she funerail, their 10butes or, sit oln 0 11 Q Y I . . I I . . '. ,,, . or cyllarathy or in any Boa 0 do 0111 TV ing in Detroit- thi -Pikat, two VOM Iceman. It Made, a oompl te. turn I Health and � -Product' i .1 EMORIAM '- I 11 I. nowero, ly letters DL . � . . .L L . . 'L I . . . . , very I At %I'll k ,,�; L Hot, . Uzi OUG express D Ilding ost I Sir et, 19 oriell, aid.''he , .For .11. andl" . L. 11 ,. 1114 X j'jLV Ins' I 11 L -P. .11 RYAN, I � . other w4y, triep TO Comfor . .. I with the Kelaq Wheel, co -i . - M s BIQOIJI� Rid9oreat Poultry -R. . I L . tuetr love arld, res tot .for the dear IjrsL TIJURSDAX, XA A .I . �, . round an(t as r. Curson wa 'Fago�...L_j ....... A.j,to itexILI.AN -Ili mernory, tit (tup .. $64 OU 'from sln ano war ind ,and his bride W1 rdake'their boyne Ili the Tear d�11111tv _... % I F :Ig o , ' ,at the sidewalk 00 d K Revell. '114111 and 1418ter, lwrpi. 1jung'an Ne -.4111104. . .. nee- : 'Who, ,ho as at lei el r e le 00 "Op. ftDortillL -.Of I � ,. Ptexj,Wtate. altid Insurit i V Of 4-h Strtaiij. Mr j lift, im tho 4M doy . . I the, Cit 1, Ailing t e 'ajqp� L � I .. . 1. I ,- , . om� pala�- 1?1 ' ee .4 to .1 0 on ,In a i y of th part of his whee he ­­]Cjtherine,��L ? d. - Thomas— - �jja,v, .t,!rtVd.Alli'l. ­ , ' ' ­ . ND , 15, ' M;Morb,� 4nd'FAMILY, act u . f ot er - A .100, 116W .. 0 0 . . L I I I .1 �. .. and MOM � eel . . tik-L 'S�t&%! JLIPE, ACGIDEOT Al .." t f4fift I s at, his do Veturlied to town se da a ng �h Neighon, Lloyd Hamilton, Frank \\.,, I(Iveil or, yos wo 1004 her.� ­ .. � . . - I --_11-... . 11. ­- I � ­, Ir I anif: �r,ml;,_roakejhalr - _DLf­"-6'_—" ;omedies-Ucidel * Thoa. . lilt; J11404- O.M1--Rff--K1VAW­ ... ;---- - ; ,4: � - . RANCE. : . ; �On "I A d 6 y a A ear: I . . . . . . - , L . L . , . I'll . Id her I . . 111ted Air Gode- I I - . r ' � .1 I . 'we" I . . . I ........ � ... I .. . �� I umber,"ot,p0d W, , %%VqTm - ... . 0. . ec�e Pe,.s ho e if. tre. Pago -, .. ...'; Ab A,441 Ile hp fr6rills, 0411C � R1 MIT .1 . - 11 ;__�___ 1�mh - b t e re t- .. .0 _41 - 6 - - 4, FOR Sh X;_ n ell to- - - a 0 11 � Ad L LLLLLL I I 't lX$IJ And cau5i , , C 48MIS-8) �vre farm n( - I ­ 111. ". , _ I I . , P. . a hurt b ...... . . -IV youllor shfultur AhO1,44 . - L . rich; good bUil . ten -M. 'far -near WAXTSI)�-Llye -Agent JIVIGOdcriell for XQtjCE-VOTXRS1 UST. Basoliall". L � , .L � -at slevato - Making Good I All Itoads Lead to Pictures- .4tKirt SACt Mjjjl,Ij,n , 4%1AS the Call, . I . , . . pt.11LIC'N ; I f1t: Worik L r . . "..' -, I . Dive Ot , or I Wa*jn$ 14�Q product$ Dlrettiii, H(Lorno. . — . OSS . , . t. Store, Pose..'..5 (of Ono, So dparli I(svild Dy all I., . Godericul - spoa lilt K$ ­ . _ r. 55 years, write to- . I I P,UIT Ill . . The baseball b000fit,coneert.at the I Campbell's Dru , 1�,,� , ch� _ * . Biggest 4 Z r� -1022 Progir I . . . � '4 bonSeS JAnd lots L TV' 0 :, . I ,3d 11% *Y, Dept, ut,NICIp OAL ?4und'Sy 6Volling of Temple'Clarl - Merchant allor. Th" he"vV01t, (to eq wer6 OPelk WUN4 . , . �;L . . _j� , I . COLBORNE COUNTY : M04 Th ' A connection. with tbo . . . . � �' �0. " I iftay THE, . �,��W�. IfINS WNW � LITY OF . . extre I The wi�rk I . '' . 14) J% 10VIRIC VO Ve . sent ITOWIZI . " wf�,",,�.l .1 I L ­ . � , , - All, 114MMIti), a � - OP If it . ­ .. . I last week Was .4 : I . Olevator is making things"busy 11 --It.#. .A-..-#.. � t I I., (W I .. ,. ,-. r i�w. 13 - ' "' I Nori. '. : (4ji Ailicoss 4nd,'t)ke, Al)d With filre%JI'll UnSPij$kj!jI, . � W - I . ­­ ­1� I , e � 11 'illo Woolly ,entered 110010. ­ -It ­',__ I 1. . . I - Cole. of Hottle-lifadie Baking- , , 0 _ I , �� � . -- e,x(eg I" * V , _� I 11 the, Aock Al , - I . _____ fte 'Willing L 0 ' ,, $,s'k,to,,, ; k A � Who as- ,. I L_ I ,� V6,010%. .QISTEI,V�4 1344 V*WiTft , I , I ��4ejleril waid. NOTICE. 'Is. bete i�werk that v balro'A _ ,p _ . , . A. ­ � - 'M i I U . �ys. _ The Hamil- ;,�4 , - ­ �� _. L , Ilk A , " .., . .., . " ", ­,!�,t�-� , . _4�,,o " 'W `W%��T (ri �'W4 "'I "Ali _' k 11 11 (I AhnjQeUjC'h4'0te � ANTED , �esp 4 - � ro L O.-D"R.- Pago, I ... tt�.-,,- �: - - . �-, I . �4 . :ftffftl - ms,vowlit.td"44"whw4�"pttfrd,witw,106%tb*,.io�t&,Ilto��vtn�*06I , , " I L -, I -, �: ­ . � to , tlid�At , �'. I 'ffj L , y . . -1 - . I . '. u .. -�Jnl. vv�' ' .T. I C& al%d that 1-bliVe V0410(l Up,at W (), , A". AtMis * 061A L , L, , 1. I ceo. ,W - . � I _ addit46% to ,tR' pliij =9 isteel work t%xie . .., . . - . . -Alldig% I a0any'I's, ma Ill ­­-- ==--t—--- ­ "�-., , �4, L.. ... bk V, STIORT- A progre SS - 9.kk Lr � -1 I Z= - . . . I T1 'to mj�ma 140 gist Ain -O& April., to -1 I I I _�,*W- ' S'rA't. . ..---. ­_ ' ­� __-­�­ �_­ the list,of all � versoos sat tit , io,;;�te iii Ott, th new ubloadi . I I . - 11 II(SU L , , fij�zn, Nyall I SL I 'g, *QrINdinceii tower, and alrotidy tjo I I I . 11;". ." , I . I "'! $ AIJ4 JOL f 1 6� Mor�lt, there Wei. . 1. I . . . L I . , ­ I L . . , . . � "I I � " I I I I I %. I ... . . I , 1 I ,ER WANTED. At tile said inuoteipatity.ror memberl�, of VA- by Misses lMartyn and %acD6uifl4v up, about as high'as: t e ' . . . ,� .# � �%t I * ��,-,.,, � z . . . , . I . . . I S R liament and -that suoli'list rennijnS tllfre framework fig 1 . . . . . . . � . I . � 1� . I I . I . . A . . L .... I . I --FOR SALE . I 'ble. it, L, * ' , Solo by Miss Belcher, aw act (A tower and working house tv - . I I . . L I I I 1. ,. V , � , _ .. I � . once, i .possi Good'horne 'for Ingp(TtIt t,Lj I . . ­ I I L , 1. :!�� 'with ,suitable . Ami I H ,BEBY eall ' Stranger froi lodgsi o. Then there are two Nile , I L �, . . . '. I . a oil farm nes Obderich, ,�jj upon all, votek n a Strange Land) by'. l6adip I I . . . 01.�� 1 L services. I tAke JAunt'(114te proceedings to Eave,any ttm Xr..Rgirry � L . I . I I . I - - m6ry.1rawe, 1 'con - Address Sturdy, solo 'by - 311.w war' 'd L Ing 4i ts at work putt ng L ' I I . 1� .Ki�*�, I . Ir jed hOuse. eIR0 reratiner4tio for - #31 the, . I . . , �, � 1� O]FFICE, , L , I rors or oxiiissibus corrected according tij. , . - L I - trio llght,� both Ana-ta'roace. ThOt at T S , ��, law, L . .1 . I 11. I reher, ,a6lo, Miss Rahis; Mr., Geb, I 0 O ' foundation . I I . I � L. I Proliorty; IS"JA ftj%t CjtkS4 COA(jjtjQA' .11 nst, 19". Xenton fWas the efficiont accom anist: n St ice o.. And cement . L I . Dated JLPINI ! - 0 . . I . I bkllsolttio.e4withiit;llreouiiogttsla WANTED. -Girl, -ovltr IS Years to I - . I I MRS HETHERINCATO.N. The North. street Methodist oveTestra voixers a : In en I ess_to be brought a ­ I I I . I I � a � I I . 1. I . . I . . I . � Walk of thet fkljlaro� Possesston Ajivil.. 1. assist with ,,general housework. I - �, �_L­_ , , I .. (if -2,1129 cler`)- - gave good Service. ' I . I into Tol"lilsition as soon AS needed. . � 11 . . . I . V" . . I � . ,- I - I � I 1. � Ist. Prloo*400, ..:' , ' . ,,� 1. Good wages; ApVy, , to . MISS . The,Gtoyhoutid Excursion , , I Gravel 9 being liMught Over to this '. . � I 1.� . ,, . . I OTado, oarding i . . I . I I /' 00 � . � ; . . il I L k�_ ffffjVj jyjca0j3'4 DOYL)�, EI -D .Rouse, .. . ,, . i time *f Year; When, You Side Of the harbor in-,xcadine�s for 11 . % r, 11 100 I � Slory ^d bf141 _ . 11 West Goderieh. . I -)­ �., I .- � . __ . . I . This is the lot your . summ nent work. .The railway too is . I I , �tol� - ' begin to think or. out- the eel L I � ,� ;Ot� d6qble 041 -ago ��L_ - - I . . .4' roomed bouse'still . A111t 11 Vrr , I 'istri , -o "I t t, WARNING 1 . y . to busy 6n& has . sk piie driving equip-. " i I . . I 131tuixtod corner Elgi I jivo�'axlzl $,tnu AIVANT ct., Ropi isen a ive . . Be sure . on do not' Torgel The , jk L14 I 1�0 . I � . . Icy R04?6tsi 0.60e�4,;;060'. I � . � . : Wan � 41GOderjgW1 and I � . .11. . de the Gteyilound trip to POU -01t., Inent. rigged, ug to start on . 1; 100 . . I I I I '*i� un *In$: tiftitory 'to. ropreS611t ­ WT . ging of t e piling along . tile I ., - I . , I - I �. ,for , I � - , lim I lingo,.Ashes L Groyhoun(t ,will' arrive at Gode. vbAn it of m6vjnj the G.; Ti . 11 - 11. �_ . I I 11 I I .. f4thro�"JrLtt'ne 8 t6din'lif)(I"40' 0-01. the I td Reliable Fiinthilt.,Ntirseries. . P p . g . L ri.eh on. Monday evening, .Jove 21tb.' tracks to portal , . , - .� I :.*� .1 ,� . .1 � . ric jl�ht�'Sewor and toltut, 2 Auto, orot ler ; anytiV-& or .. . .. `lhe drilling I I.- 6. L �1� I .. - , ornov'soutlf and Millie. ,,vice 01�00. A oplefidid opetting for the'tight, man. lahe Itank, 0 � giving a,moonligbt egewsion oil the 1R. track$ further back. nd con- I , ., I:p ,. I , . . 06P full int rmation, write STON'E L publie prop-., take the 'Same eveninjr, Then,on .and blasting 6A harbor isla . 4 . . I L . �* . . 0 a ' ' * - 0 0 a f " _k ll$li * I ' w g ' � ww" - I I I 11 IQZ I lay St! -.,I " I 'm I a .ocery 8 J= im � fa Ion of ul's. IN 1) itt. $day d ra ��,Oj ns I FRE ON I I I� town i� I V11111"Ve the Gallow 9( L .1 �JL - �, I I - I :1 I - It e I bri th xW n gs 41A 114 I 046ri A*STRO � , A"13 '1'� I -, I jE' if . r I , . '0 n 1, rK TAR A th 01, I ow I tes , .I� "4 - -1 , "4o ,la. is, . g stoj,y, frame. .7 roctued hon�o, elect, V ,,Torolit4f" orty is atrietly prohibited. . Tuesday morning She, ,will leave on tioues so that everything will be resk- . � ,..-. .". �., . & WEL14IN TON .1 . . . . . orhment dredging Out- Jft . L . .VIC 11jut'. bAdi, alia lurtilice. gar04.c. __ -.-., . _ _. _ .. ,.-. - __ _ __ - . . � her trip to Detroit, and will -lie at De- dy for tb6 Gov� )rt .. I �0_ . 1. :� , ., . Z� it to start -sh( ty In cutting out a . . . W. I I., lilt 11r;Ir eia-S3,4001tion. flit'la,ti-i1j, St. 11 .. ; I :.; .. A . cifretld�r; will be proseouted. troit tintil ThurRday when She'LWIII f . ,, _. . L � J: lkl� � a . I . 11 . . m, I L I " 1 4.1 . ., , ­ � L L � I I . . I i 1 . L . .. . , 1. I � L . .. ­ fai, no more, of the , wl , AC0 a .1 e L . tilde vjotooa strect., peld042-000 I . make the return trip to Goderich, poitioil Of.the, Island, . I I . I On Friday, morning she. *111 again So Ater I 0 . ", 0thel. listings way W.tuul an 41milo- 1 10, ]?c � Ito since the first two I i I � I A00 V0 & .' ' . ' (88d��R. stlethwai . . .0104 0 tilo I>WCo' - - L . LAIL'u RKAJLAP� . L � leave oil 'bail final trip .for Detroit. have left port ?Qrk of fitting . . . 'L . I 11 I . I . . � .., L . I I . L. , . ,13tretit Inspector. L The - tare for the rounit trip. is $3AO vPsSoIS to L clear, but v .4 1 . ... 4 tilt I . I L I . . . . . � , L' I L . I I I . I .. ­ . . .. I . . . out, goes on and as soon as Tlavlga- I . . L� .. . L... I I 1. J. W CRAIGIE � I WAN T- . I I -or $2.25 for one way. . . . 1. . ­ I I . I I I , ZkAj .. . L 1, I I V" TO A: tl-- to the s ay, I t 4 . I . 1, L - ­ — L " rresenlawelt to Sur.q. but iry "I . I . =—I' � I . I I � I . L . . I , . I . oxpect to SOL- vogseig. plying back and �=z - I — L 10 . . , . . , . Fraser . 0 I . . ARTICLES lrol� $ALP, - , fo .Cdnsbructi�n Wbik�4t, tile :rioa SALK 00 TOUT At the conclusion of the r�,Vjar forth as uSuAl. . . 1___.__,�_,__ �,_ _1______1. .. I �.'. - I .. I . o �, 1, -- ­ -_ .. . . . I I I I I IL .If� I-— I I . . . . I . A . � I . I I . . � I , I 11, I'll" 11 *�1111 . . M. S.&LE.vFord Touring Cal, wj$11:6%art� et, a bF 14 O.MOdeL Jkl)-- n 0 r ox t a - .- � I 1. . 1.� .1 I I I.. !. I I .. I . . . ' . � I I . I HIGH IN"I"EREST - -will buy one anti a . 11W 250 , 9 tory frame liouk' on 0 Meeting OX U0901[all �UQUKO, I'M 00; ' 11th, 1. o..O., rt.,. hold TuesdaY, AP W. Ivater qnu Log E "MAKI Water The rpgulal, meeting of the TRO .. . eolt � 40 Saw St. Jelin tii" 11 :.:. Goderich P-6yator , . . . . I . L I I . I . L stilot. 'Now own I & 18,tit Alt'ri. An"" Folly. ApPly HAYS I ters. a farewell-prese'iatiort to Ifft. Win- A and Light Co ffiffli:3510A was held On ,, � . - I .. ­­ . i . . I . ­ , � I ftijit rC oAtd.. All. Trao d I ­ ­ i I nVings bep,%Use of dw fatA. Jurt of X'u*g- h . 11 . - , .-- - —, ,-VOIV ShLE.-Six-VOOM frame MUM 3. ,A: L nifred Fraser, who with. her huabiin4 I anitfanilly has ,removed to Witidior, Thn raday evening Of last week, A communication dated April 12th . - - :,- F )A Sr*tm ,tikoli e.�:.6no' mr,g# siaeboaro, - W on L other, furn(turoil one , exch" ' * � 61301ird viken in. 45xc Ange re 31ndt AV, - I A . I . I 1. .. I .. .. . . . .pie 1109. i Pandora ,�J,� both, and , range, %later rrol it; a. urner Detroit r stoyA and oven; I W& machine' VAjd)p10V was Tnado -by tho Lodge, in the form of.a beautifully on raved emblema- from the Ontario Municipal Electric Association stating r0olutiOns as Other Turn re one mab y 'I-Ple" ' Om W, lor suite, ill t be Irl. ' - L' - ... L' 11 11 to F� FATIR, Alb.l't.tViiint . ­ , tid ring of the Orger, aceomynnied . passed, at their annual - meeting 'on nes - aft', a ed is edi =I—-— j;7-jA—j_-.'j' " ' by aw.Appropriawly 1worded a areas. April 4th, also a letter dated April I I 7 Special Inuc. I .r. A14NER ^ I PASTURE PAIM ,, .-Contalhing tt P, I . L , ."War and . I XMICjs Ito CR801TO tS4 00 acres, 'With Spring evocic. Will, . 114- Fraser m440 A sliltitible reply, 20th from thellYMO r4jecrrw Inquiry 6 5 i"I . '. .1 ,. , . . � � ­ - � 11­14� , . ... .. . � I Pont 'to' OneL or two persons. MRS. 51. eXpressl or appr 44.4yu 0 4- CoinAtinGion, asking all opinion 88, — �. . . . !!P__1P1114 _ - . ­ 1, OTICE 'to Zxt ,iiiif-646: - I . � � fle 11 sptent Should be I ... McINTYRE, Con. ti), Colborne; It. It. No. 6, kindly felowship of the, members, Whether tilt, Hyd M. I �R,SAIal��derx'takoi% for .,baby-- N. , , * or 0hone, so r 9. Dungannork. . .,.. . W *%. _ IN T119 AJATTI�R,010 tkAmITH OP ___ - .,- ­ I_, and said She"Woold eVer cherish the free -from the control Of t1le-PrOvIn- - . - 4 1 . chicks; al6o et9s Yor,hat4hini, .1 . 'WILLIAM I. 6AA110- DECEASED- ta, clat 0overnment and made, directly . AZOR, RENT -Furnished L apart- 91ft as U rOnembrance of the many ' L . klit biled;,W.la Barn$, Rocks. L' Ap, NOTICRIS hereby given ursuanttaLifie et, .happy days Splint in their midst. rosponelble to, the MU11,140iPulitiO Weft . I L, I "' n private dwellifig on Nelson I � 1, 11_�, -hatched PuMelts .1"t ly#At laid .An StAtate, In that b ?11 persons. St., jgo a month. . . 11 � Hospital Ladies' Aid Meeting * . , road. and it wils passed that the In- I � ., 1. �, _--�, , " � � , , .10 . ( - r,fidt lat all .. � gustA O . ;bey ,were � 5. -months having. claims, agolff Estate of Wil- I � �. , � 60. CtIl, Per dozen-IMby liam I GRAHAM Of 11116 TOW11511111 of cot- FOR SAVE.-IV4 story concrete At tho rt-gulavLwonthly nice ag-of quiry Commisilon 'be Informed that I I ,- ..". ��,�� , _ 'bet " � �11 - Former. modem dwiitling,'grate. With large the Hospital Ijailles. Aldl�ileld. Xtionilay this commission, Pending r lipt of I .11 %,� borne,*In the Uounly or ituron,, nie , -_­� L . a 26 ots. * h. , MRS. ROBERT Deceased, V110 died On Or &bOu toth . -to .the contrary 1; I L 94 rise Villa." Dun- day or April, jow, are reaulred, on'tir be- Stable or garage, $1700, - . April 23rdo the money ralgeil in the nny further reasons . . . ii oll,� A . Plione 84, Dung4nnon. for" the f2th day Or rdilY,"I M to send -by l.story, roughcast dwelling. Bath. (liffetvat wartlo. during the wintee, for Iq of opinion that the Hydro F,lectrie L . . ....... - post, prepaid, ot- deliver to the solicitor L , the'tAoApItal Dallflin,q I'DWI was listill- Power commission Should remain un_ I I I ror the executor Of 5414 estate full S'arti- $1-000- 5tory, frame d Ax iU­S­X­1—X,OVerIaAd 6 -CV- clilgril of Inelp claims duly verifte , by 1VA 1 welling; Water eil-to I Ile trowiater nad the amotitit I tier the control of the Provincial Gov- . L tinder, Contineritol Motor. - At amilavit or statutory declaritions, and to in house. $1050. 1 L rdalixed 'was approltnWely $4ft It ,erfiffient. - , State tile nature of � the Warily!, (If any) 9 -story brick veneer dwelling, mod- was ilectile(I to become affiliated with An application from Messrs. John . . . ­_ idition. The Prift will surprise hold them. 10 Ua & thalimVi"01,1T W.—MIS HOSVIltal'All I NU_L,A - �'A 1,19vian qI, BartMAT for SAFETY. Ve. r. s us . I . L you. FRED CRAIGILE, � FURITSER TAKE VITICE that oft" the MAI# VAW ul; vO.b .- — ­ ­ , mebtloned" te, tbC 44SetS of the $2,900. . I ' - said I&St , F,GGS, FOR 9AT0Hiid',i,'om 'Said dectagOd Will be distributed AmOnir r ies which It will I .1 the annual Ineptloit (A whiell Is to be � 200 to 2rj,o It. p.Acetric zervice at the I beld in 110rolea, In 000W. 'The blI.V- njouth of tile River Maitiand Wan . . . ' . � I I . I HIGH IN"I"EREST -led Illerelb, and only claimp ' breA to lily Barred Rocks by the parties emit Ili to See- boforQ btjyjng,� Of which The exectilor then has notice will Pay yc logeolninittPL* Wag AndiftiVe(I to Our- road nn(t Wit on the table Until furL L . I get:- be regarded, . . 0, V. OAREY & $0.11. ,. jrkeV DatM at Goderich this 04th day Of AIVII. � ti LLL 14 ekift&s. ..AA t O b . . _____�_.— In. -,.-100 -east cliaRe ioquistion" for the twipital. ther Information Is furnished as to 'I IIP 81,01191 11100ting Of 1130 ISO010ty - guarantice of we.. , . . . . I . L I I . I . L It erg for sale. Apply to J. ft. . , 7 across L �$f. (i. (:Aj�jEjj0,V. I VARX FOIL SALE Meppardton. . solicitor for the Executor., 101fte-balf lot 4, on the 3rd con. will be bdd Ill 11110 110AI'd Of TMde i, The following application"4 for -��d- , � Iloomit Monday May 28to, at 0 p.m# and ter strviCt,q Wore pqgsed: Jqq. Gdr. I L . . . I .11 � . Many a n=n has lost his hard-e&AM .1 . � , , 1W .­­�_ L A Ashfiold. A tWo-story briclebouse, _., . I I -.-- . . L' 'L 110%::2�0= jj,.W� I I I L 1% ==6,9=09=0 Zlth cement kitchen, cellar under reproActifistivio4ot 411towaawleountrY r;v1c. Stonley at,-. T. Page,'Victorla orf,aolyatloss are asked"to attood, I St.; T. Drennatio Barfield road. I ­ ­ i I nVings bep,%Use of dw fatA. Jurt of X'u*g- h . 11 . - 11 � � I I I I . I . rr house. Bank barri 54x40, straw shed Hold CoAveittion Sta� l6th in . A ennimunication fr6m the IlYtlro intemt. A safe general mle tovm*w-* 5044, stabling under an, fneludimz, the riding in SU!o4h on May Itth, Commission nuoted pricet; oil tile ad. . ' IJI . toot house, hen howe and pig pen, Win. Campbell, If. ;. A.'ditiol)al 11C. li. u. short torm nower . if t. J drive,, house;' artesian well water in Messrs. , btr is—the higher the .interest,. the . MacEwou and Dudley Holmes from want0d foe Dissiet Dron. and it wan 11 "... 11 V stables, and water in the house, alw a �, qs0d in Inqtall tho wrvice, and or- I - I I ./-. B, the. . Best, - to%li attended, a meetin.1, in Clinton i Va. I ter the, tisk. - �*f 11 . I 0 . � good well at the houso. 2 acres of, 'on Monday of the Conservative oxe. der the 5 k. W.. tranc4former rootti"Q0., � 9r" I I Orchard, the land ig all und eutive of Centro Huroh, at which it A mirabor of -applicatlow for elec. i , . . I � QL " No railway taves, One milo fcOal *Waa decided to hold, a. convention for trip light sievvicen viere paused 41" "hoo �, two the riding in h � 'One CtIr'. XXXXX ShIngles . st, niffes from church anti Penforth on May 11th The etialneer rcoarted t'at .1tj ,4 PUT YOVA SAVINGS INTO I ore MR 'Y. )3c Of putting a cattill- would cost auproxilw4folv $23,3 fl, In. . I . j0% . - .8. MARTA MCWHINNI., for the purp I Ffigi It' R�'l '&'16' 11 Sheppn;�Otolr- 4 Pho "o _( _ I 11 I ,-1 ,,, I—, , ,,, Ajfte C,4,r-'�V^,t � �ditte,ftt_the field &,Y.�t'4!i6,rfQrtheAt%in't*,ttt-A)I tbi,vo .4treet, lio'b4t,gr4, nptl.04­�(U_ . '. �V ., _ _A $AVINGS ACCOUM . ,, , ,-,,, L �, I � , X-Shi ,VA , � � P., ... � "I . � r 1.1i4okin�on. �Al� oteeation. The name -s oV Dr. MAW for. and the ",vattPv r4q laid ovo for I I ;� . . . � . q arrived Ws we'eft � . FPO SALE. -C. P. R. Farm' L'unds. lift, X. W. Trawartha and Dudley further consideration. . 16 the ' I L . You eon tioty own your own 11011ftel, jr-, Aft mentiOned 89 P08-4stplay of Millinery an4 11(tiftlissir by � - I � . I � Farm 'Home in Wewrn Canada's sible eaAldatos. The Liberals Will InjustillafC14sats . 11 - . 51anutgeturerej by leading shiogla. va"afackirers of UritNh %lit) "it prsiri(-3, fertile park be Its; hold their eonVj!htj6ji III. SCAf0fth ovening .of' Last WCeL " * L May 11th. Mr. Goventock preaum, � large num e Columbia. I'diceg aw qtqadily advsnei4'oa,shiogl�s: TIAb were �r rrlgnted land% that lire yleld'n abVy will be their candidate. a t91'r, ladies. - chiefly of I offev 6001"'ti'llottom WeAlth to men, who itot so 10 course, visited the dis9,101 Of k:utting " ilk n6w � it Isome w6ek-S 64v which d1lowa us to� isso. way have been your uns titfied Mim Mabel PAwards Attei-Aint I and n4 111litery inade y the knittiv . "KOPMON ! i . �tEAL "I'll, itig or Sam. a Noratial saill To4k Part I* Ploy , :0, 4W, wo - &�; *or �, pr2los. It yon�kye ,Igoitlg tN v's!� ati'v-shingles MAR spu toilintir neighbors. Gaibxdl so , and millinery - elatsts eorzducted 4 fttsmisw 041111110 wo Yft" 1� 1113r, asily Nil*. you will a%ve w6ti6yl rind ed) i;96ve hWr witieff clinuitte, gow achoob, chore 5 and Coldwater (Miell') KOWA: Dr. and Conner -tion with the CV10glate Insti. -no, i . � varied amu'lomen", make ,farm life Mrs. Geo. L Hoilemann, accompitnied tute. The display was AMC Irt, the I - wilt I an * Be* saving. I I there desirable, and attractive. by Mrs. C. Ross: and daughtor IK*th- lixtement of the public library, which VVL.L� 1.11 . . ..A....� . . . . � _ . . Terina, 10 per ctnt. c, It, the balance km A., have retumed, from Ypalliin- wp prottily docofatcd with flawev, � 604W.7 W14MAK a ., . # in twentY years. SWIal tOrms td ti. where they wifteme4l the collese, � . I— I . . - -40 on crepe pa"r lestoons, making a . Actul Ill' byy nhe. utfjnc for tile very attractive iu*rta mW be **&. . I ��­ I GodeAch PhL 0 '11torstato, apply 46 C.' lo WOR� the lkorrAiit ,_40&fift FrIday tvening. an creditable altowing of work. Tho k 0 � , .1. I - ---nmg M& C '* d settleIrs. Vot,iftfitirmation "4 play "Couto Out of the Xitche - I !W00A'1Az4 Agent, cAnAd-ion psici. I A very importsat tole in tilt gro- Imittstrial Claima Itiv,a had a ij!xv,* * 11 I— - & RARW0 V,,DMPRnY, WiA4501! Std- dtIA11611i i ,�. . . 1. .. - - I - .1 . I— I I I r- � I � . was f4ell by it flioctrof ra. ­- - ___ __­ .- � 1, . . I �--lolo--- .1 _ -_ " =�=6190%* 40011410=1:2111=00djuUm=ibso , tiot, "Wolftriml. H46jjj f`611112j, %131_'� ?ij3Wj Xilw0t,f, W110 (Contimwd ",,� r�ngo 201 � - 7 --- --- ­ I , I I . . � � , . . I . . I , . . . . . : ,� . � 1! 4 1 � .e . I . . . . � I . I I � I . I A . I . . . I I - . ,q 1 � i * I I .1 ". I - . . __ -0 - It I I . I I .0 �. I .. , '! I 1, . �� . I A . 'e"K411 , I - . 1- I , I J.. - . & � . __ _d& k - - I - - -W... -kc lk� -Am..J. " . , 1. I � � ? I - �­ 1�.� - I 'i : ­�__,..11�11�c _��_I._ L � - . .