HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-26, Page 8mill I I '1 11111011104111 0 ell, '11 11"11
woolilloo A III 100 111 THUX AY. APRIL at 1W.
Of the U41,104 in 4411W AM Utuami., I#$ OW art -at 's, "rPl1w, with its Car.
t,,4"ji0QnW in Turkey Are Aot such hs 1#4POPA41- tries Waie taking example by thcal
XV.44CJ.104, ill &bt, *MI
t warrant the behref that the people Ulore would be le-zi jc4w_�e for pc35i-
o 40Wr triW64 to John Bull's deter. njijj#n over %1* sitq*tion -u F
a* a Wh9le Art -settliog 4own, fir are p illation to free himsilf of the jv"�
THEIR SIGNWICANZII�', E, to be allow*4 to settle down to bus that he varric3, have been, larjre�
411 4 - bifitate their Ils, dikount-0, AM more interest to PROK PLAYG UND
th *T�ry.l I (jutsiders is the plain Intimation otl Algonquin Farl,,, that wondcr-rul
TJw 8664 lswqwor Tar. "Ranley Baldwin, (zhamellor of the Government reserve 9it"ted in the
ftV#'W*4vw fit Afrks Wviv#d We 4epwQd Sultan of Tarkey to the Thore is no surgrise In tho uW- fmclhequer, that he favors a tax on. Highlands of Optarjo, 200 milvx ncrthl
Itaw. 604 <
Slave tr*4irw in Afrka, has reviv. moalems of the WQrld against the tude of 00 BrA6 Labor Party In ti-tting. and 64 'to A I u(I 170. miles vest of ot- *"old
td *a a cos"Othpo Of #lu-, att"At , gms Nationalist — ;n his 11211.4 thi4 11"Agat Xwe"... in. is neariv a
0 V � #'u 4 1 1, W'"W13'er. JE, 10OKU AAAC,
Aivert4d by the will have imy Oct, The 'N'stional- its guns in the matter of reduction, be in
Of 0A j*W#r% bow 'A " safe bet that sueb a tax will eXtPnt� and 1140 bCW1_6e one Of the The ntunber of peofa $40
utt4t War *M It* 4ftormaths, ists, or #x xono toll them, NemAliatti. of taNation on f000, as does the Ub. Operation ere Ion d that the DO- wast popular resorts for the summer
V, an,
AbYAW* iA WW Of the CW OfOr their leader, on in full tontrol crol Party. Theso two Wanelles of 12� trC35ary will te t0urtit and the IOWr of the out-doo
have- tXpresse.4 the opposition (10 nok, however, agyma 'altItude, r
Arabia Is another. Ambit lit fact #r# in Turkey. The thirty million yotmdta�"ng In flomO Ute, The "00 feet above Ple who b - Yord cbl" "a
Y a year from UY
riep-OW4 to N the odl* I 4irectoro I their deftlice of Any efforu that may on the suggested leyy on covital thI3 source. SP4 10V01I RIM this tOrrItIory an in.
i I will set the
#Q Operators of tv trade. Britain �W *A40 Oft beh*lf of thOft who AUP- which is� A tenot of tW TAbor Wdy vi.-Or4ting climate. From all ever cars Soft *7MM
-1*nc To PoPle iu a coutinent where tK� British Excheqr4tes Enormous jK, the North Amerlean continent, people
*44 Fiance art actively engaged BOW Port t%e former Sultan bY 40ti
in the *%doitvor to ouppros# the trilf. that ort# for tile reunion of jhi� rohibition isentiment hit, �Vjtb frated perves and fickle F.P price 0,0* $30
s be -on em. ceipts 'Pe of Ford cars.
de. Thoir pwblem u � jacre*mQ by h tiWs sQP4' the bischng tAng of her
Sultanate And Caliphate will be re. 93led In 141any striet temperance In connection wit Britiall
th� prominence in world a ed- As troason. No one roust DWhat puZZWW ind butige
lawi, it is soml . t there 1, toteher coun- forests and she takes them in hand Ok 40WOW.Clow It, TOM t a"
Irsirs at- gaT4 � to f 3 a tMon, tot mi.'
talw4 by the Arabs who write or speak and rebuilds tbem� The Canadian
are MOTO tiolt the vomplete the British government chANK tries In the m '0 YV �IVXC MA.0 91W owl, 00
eiv quot
0 'heqlier.
or tW ures tv, b h the C19- NAtIOU41 R411waYs has, issued a band. MaREWAR TERAW
. I quol
tbia ustiAlly #rrogsol #Ad detvrMill. authority a the - WOW Amembly. the tax on beer so as to 1) of TOA 10100 Publication giving all
e4 to toWuct. thoir own aggirs ju In other Wor4#, it is proposed that %duction, of A. penny (two tsy a particu.
their ovm henceforth Tuilip These 49ffesate the enormous 8014 jars a$ to
y i.-� ta W governed Pint in the retail .price wbb 1 0 re- of 014,01U.4rig pounds in, the just Ils. hotel acconimoilation and GODERICTI. OINTARI
lar, comparc-4 with 193;243,
by * pirHAment, This step would doction is made iu te.1, eo 4 oa cal vp bunlralow eampa. inserted in this
co*vIct Are ft# have Well balled with 4olight �y *11 or so nee re- pound's 13% the fiscal year fore the Public3tioll is the be� an Como^
On this, voutinent we a the progressive countries yet beell :Publlshed'. of Algonquin,
_#*r. The txpeeted sjW t map that h.
Iro being of the 1100foll in Incomo taxation is brought ar. Then the British taxpa ra
world In pro-wiir d*ys� But there Ye park. For freo copy APFIV to an
awe (Aware once move of 4 form of is, into effect, and tho British resident were, grumbling about the I y
slavery that $5 a din as to Pay only Focia: , ans. for jgent , Canadian Nationa hollways,
We tp;.* whito I reforms introduced I U1014 4r, Wifte 0. R. 110UNINq
c#. It, is revealed In the Invosugs. mee on the (;eorge in particular, and a ut , y relief for onegrateful user, and
D. V. A., 001 "d its never failing effectiveness. It is
tioa Wo"Oding into -the C044 0 SrUmble, 4- creased to M—Toronto, Ont. this is but one case among mgxly� 04raing it today, as it has done for
itions In xation in general, Ire Little
J* the conviet camps in Flor der MI, that grumbling as fiercely as ever, wonder that It has now become yv It is the greatest astlilala spe.
140, and ars.
After 10 Years- of Asthma Dr. J. W� the one recogn) sed remedv on the cifle within the reach of suffe#ng hIt-
WAS 14640t About W the 4o4h of a gures respect- they are pa3ing too, It other MI Rellogg's Asthma etproved, the mar4t. It hall , %rned its fame by manitty.
YQAV min from '01ppings reKmicelved
........... ..... . . . . .
JO ORO Of thtat vamps, lie was the
son of A hwinor's"d 145 offence VAS'
attollue i's ride, on 4 trsin, I consign"
ed to * couvict; 04rAp,. cAmp run
by, private parties -who AM 004victs
from the state—ho worked
W roun4- from, four. in tho in SWAIM.
untri tight at
Ight. Bad
WK PIZ b , And he
ruke him down,
4W from a 'beating by .4
"WpPlAs boss."
These touviet
cam 4calwitiono have exiatid in $Ome
W. 40 gtlk*,� for tatAy 'Years" Xv.
ery ondo W *'Whilo an Inaldent 5Wh
as that roteffed to eAupe
stir ' T I a � A=
_ 4 " 21401 01
We; W1hO!P*W1 t 1 $1� "t* in '04 0
Convict 14 , b� the oxpjojt*tIOn Of
bor , VArW on * 48, uWauill,
T%A-Y UVO Uva espose4 lit At"ps
Ar I Wrl
4 courto from time
time. Yet 4 n*004.which: Wides it..
801foulap E.,vir'y,..Da, 'Eive' 'Wa Ith NI.Le -S
�?,Wresslveness AM ad.
"u"d civilization, 41laws,conditions 4y y eno, Chevro et'
to 40 On 'Which Aro to better than
lit 144 W, tio ind,1900t ftf*,
W4 14mouo slave
q, Wur�Alglers V, W wm Y4 eil
cot 4��, fteori sk"antic, Cortex Y
'navot 4iet.-_04 net,
&,Yle, 4 native 4uu"411� who recent-
ly 4W in uftft, was one of the
of our time,
w*4 ji WOW—mp ot the K 16
gom r"A A4d'WW,nW . Jondyke . 11,
__W AtitrOw. *4�
vW00% there.., = %I* $rest.. WA
he Ud AA*mArksV6 o"r and on. . . . . . . . . . . . .
allY'bocomi One Of the rAo$t
Agur"Ants. hen
the Ai0striAll-Gemail Invaolou of
:reality *10
*HPOrvW4 the bl"IftC of- the great
ou w#4W wit *4ult that ivitew
VC Z*Ivg able to ropiftill their sop.
PLY Of-9ilft,fk low Weeks at they�e%_
100=0 "00Y WO IOA—W MOM#
a r
4 , r" ring t *310% "d, Wall *003%
by the toill.
:tb* 4144 Boyle
of- the A001*41-in "Yal fim.
w Sppeiior Five Passenger Sedan Now Superior Five Passenger Tou
�;;Z 4thl to, he ti*. I . ring
lebretent �, new Ch rolet T Passenger Utility Coupe
[clog 40d, he WAA fttna Price $1245-00 dolivered to you ev 1W
od with Price ivere4 to- you,
M Prioo'$1016.00 deRvered. to
We $79.5,00,: delt
*43 in tras Vid YOU
SUM&W, *hen he AW, ly equioped*
No rAtrax nft-&&k ruffy. ecopp,�O.
No Extrai needed.
Wet 0*" Va
Wk, has
jf You Wint the flest
mot not
*0 than six ytaft
"1 40 the pet utlary, Iro pie ur
ailed, 0 Renair
uilty tor k4a�khw Rowns"d killing
w With bis,,tUtotnobile
'PIC ire$
40"Cil 4riving Vfbile. bo WAS
hAOX**t*4 =6 'AW, Dle�aitment
t_44 in
der . %I '"ror,* 0 of
von -41 11kt) i". It is is fultv e 9 nipped. Only
M , fflUtloh
Hit, tllo� 00 luitip. part,g are itsed..
-'Aot,� "Ys
-it Avxtqsoiies� or mything for
p *0W#1MW'1
of".111'anyw ;. .-Your ear,, . . . . . .
Ake A
*0 Wfik& bo We biv it and I a d%
afisfaefion Go o'
Own- h'.0the atee
P�it�s low,
0w 4"* list from .*utomb. Now Superiorllftv� Pass. touring o pe Ave repair all ipalcis of Pars,
Ii this tollpt! C u Ne* Superio'r Tim Passenger b4daer
Z I$, far too high. F*ke $1235.00 d4"red W
PeWe 90 �00 *Hvored to YOU\
so rutras: ae�&a, No Extt" a"Q.
while I'MAJor faimare of France
his country
'44thiftetion P""m P
00MA0 m4ifter- of Vt.
Wbo, thi atrman foreigo min-
V611,46"llb0c was making a P
00 of the ofty.6 bVii,40h, $1 Englneen*ng S e ifritations. Diortilwtive� Features,
#Oni%kir frank
AMR: Pour-Cylindert VaIVO-in-beld R ONT' Drop;.forge� I.1'eltill,
toftsidered it a islainity
. . . . . . typo, 3 11- 1.0 in..b LOW COST OF OPMkTION. Th
Aild'00M*11y for 011- ore, 4 in. stroke. New &parturc tiearings. e New IMPROVEI)beSlox with thi n, ew" high
SUPERIOR Chevrol' ik; " c
"d '40t At4inta real pueo, CY1.1 N111' RS #- Cast on bloc (Including up. REAR� AXLE: ' Semi-floafing t�pe, wheel et ontinually mak. hood
crowned paneiled �,enders sl6ping
ire was only W tholco f6r the
Par half of crank case). '1401d de- be.,Wng, Carried an wheel hub. and hi itrg new feCords in gawlikle rnjleag&_�o to windshield, Plate, glass wlndow�,- I
two 'Countries--eltho tachable. 3 5 miles -to the gallon,,,. being arge radia.
to MIM together or Ito down"Jil, rqinl
aXIO housing, not on a.%Ie slj-�tft. � l4p.
tOL'tthtz. 'This totter ph att -and- Ne in
ftO.t uncipm- tor -and drum type, headilihts, strea, lines
VALVES: j J.2 ijkt dionletzr;e I)eparture bearings, MOn. Oil COnSuMptiin Is so low� as to sur. and fine finish, Chevr
OffKt-44 'by afte *b*4N, ww w olet takes its place
ITU vie. CONNEVIT Spiral bevel
V4 Initr INO ring gear and pinihn. prise 411 new o%Vn&'s w1ho have driven any among �cArg of muc
Vat debtiv unoiiiAQ
polt 1'7-81". long., BRAKES: Ulnetgen;y, IntornAl expand! h -higher price, 60 aill
�s the way to an un*jtstj�W.I - 49, 'other car. 18
44 � Those w I)and control; Service. external. equal footing for value. - There is a new
or& are th� trul't Of CRANKSHAPT BEARINGS: Front, 1 3-9' tracting, to in. brake drunw, con-
ilt."dNinoter, 2t5-1,6 if). long-, Center,'l -device on the a.0gine hood which- effectively
until dq�ow WHEELS: Wood, art Tire mileage is oquwly ligh. c � I
I tit to tbi comitloh 6 1, 1 23-3:3 in. diameter, I I. Illery !ypiz,' do- stop$ alf'rattles.
f in �4' 2 in. - lo"g.1 InoUntable
WIXIiih, it oft4tntands that it lost t; Rear, 1 -4 in, diameter, 2 livo In- TIRES,- 3o in. x 3 1-2.1n. EXTENSIVE
A#r# thfi* fan be no sottiet"Ut. 0 long. ClitltheP Ord SEP -VICE PACILITIES. FISHER notmes. All- -Chevrolet closed
IWI14% been full Of ftmonof l&f,* tires are, Ststidard equipment oil, all .Tbere are over'Ooo deailers and s6ruice
CAMSHAFT HEARINGS: FrOlth, J S-161 cars have Fisher Bodies, well known to be
t6 the #Irttttut C'ermsur *0 to closed models, stations in Canada r6ady to give prompt and. th
W rapoxal dn reparatioAt M- 41,11110,0r,- 2 3-3 tit. long; Center, I)RIVE: - Left side; Center e h1gh6st tYPe of construction and stand -
klitcolltable to Fronm in. diAmpter, 2 in. long; Rear, cfficieflt Servict! to Clwvrolet o*ners,
Wift wo Control; Spa*
*W the
hj� lkm. putil that pro. and thrott1t, lavers aid on the best grade. of closed cars, even
1, 1-4 in. diameter, 1 7-16 ln.jong. tinder steeiing
I*Mented the wheel. Foot a ldrator, those selling at the highest prices,
Germans (ALINNG SYSTEM: Splash, gear punip
#310"t #1ty other tmitment .1 . W 'RING GEWCe Worm atid worni
that they are no* tecti 14"411diVidual Oil PoCkets. Pfossure COMFORT. All models are exceptionally
100k 'Of wheth(wr the Vint. 11) eenter tie;tritw! 04 pressiato gaugo gear, 16 ut- SteedUg wheeL W,011 upholstered, and have double vinfilat- C�oj,, -'j;dSONS, SELL CHEVROL& and
IvAt Of SPRINGSv. Seei-cantilever type, front Ing winds
VAnCe is Oftht.or 1011 instrument Ward. 110ds. Ternstedt regiiiated will- e, Sp
8r. . CIA 1W'1'0R-. Stewart or Ze-al
*"09 JA $t# present actiolt it Ig PL and �rear. your ilos' in C660n, of the New SUPER
fAttly 04*1440 tutit A*W4 will not FURRU. Valiu4n110 th. in. doWli �aro c It all, closed car4 Larger sur- IOR models is sincerely ze4uested before
'140 area of radtator insures tnicie"t cool- bu ing any car at AftY Price. Numerous
'W 4-it""d fivio ltitourft 1-2 L - $,;gallon tank in., f, y
rear. ing -of Motor. Ne
sPring Arrangements s and mechanical
rWk#Y,M0)rl* a New rOvAe J* Standaa,d equipul starter al pleasing fesLture
t* tio 04%ttit STXRI'hlt *ANI) rat", L,11t includgs Id improved frAfne- increases riding _.jonces jv1*11. be n
In her voiiusft t6 the p6wtn NERATOR.- Rinijy or elitctrk lights connected to tile battery, -roads. Seats ura arranged oti-ced, *hich lack of space
TWk#Y is playltw a bew Tt'31.- colic t WnP% Itgal lenses, spee. at Moro comfortable angles 4114 More leg all -so
014 WOW. Atum type h�-Ad I fott over tough will 'lot T"n* 60fikOW lift, " -'Ar -
sui k1sw fAvo Interns. Y're with Idjustilble dolneter, Oil PtNqute I:AW4 ainmeter, dath Wftcats Chevrolet New SUPaltjo
or* *W V#V7 Often fAlh- S springs. room is. -provided ftont an R
'&Ne t '�IW light, 4VU01111t4ble Tims with extra rim, tire I closed models leave nothing
tft09010fts lit ) dif- NSM WON: I 30t4tive type, slidin� Carrier and license holders, douIll d i6ar. I to be desire&.
Vt *141,4byl that ShoWd e adjust.
r�ears; threc,specjs f0tw'Ata and r�- lAble windshield, camplotg VACUUM FRED Oft an modatq, %vltft tank
Wed a Unih��frout AS464,14 toot equipment,
the I's Inasslot 1"0 CIO() W11'sk% tww hnprov�d geirshift. and On OP011 InCidels Wle Matt tWalld side
ft of terr N Water rump And fall, fjj)n�y.
Atoties over Whilch
ariftin h*V* mkhdat"� eo"Ib radiator With it 'Zuttlin" %kphick Open With dOOrs. Closed
"m 1*9 to fafivene 1UNW5 t0iPP&I with clinclier corit tires, DEMOUNTABLE RIAIS. It is a simple,
t the areul.
sumed �*Wotlatiolw sun vigor, and windshield -,viper.
coutso Of t1k te
with the Allift. it is wwk#tr imt quiek'job to ehangL* tires on any Chovrolet
thts# 40*��tfttiftw
"w"m IN W1111111111 00 1
Ill I I
some V
Y"Y Aot t W
uwsril To UIV
Us a Call and Lef Us bemonstrat 44,
rftwft. T%e grant' e tu Yow 11 ha Have
#.V *t "W"4*4 so A
10 to 0# aokAot totn�"Ir 1 roe World,$ Greatest Ajotor
4 it" , �T%44%mwk r V;21ae
'Cumit) HOU
;tat #1110NE
Top. A V_�
trot i�
Alok* I* To*#
10P*WA# 04 *0 SW41 "W
Dayar Night Q%Ru a " -W-Ift. 00
Q^ 0`11 STREET VA Day or N1'016t