HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-26, Page 70 �
AM M -0-
A Me's
is. C Met &8"W on All Sort* of Things
Questions and Answers
COAT SPrT",'%4",.1ALS
ment had, wireless 0
wam or communication with the
41;Irson was n and also to
74ge�to"Ernpiw Loalist, And At Dominic Ince thovr-
A 'Un3 ection of xivato 19 11111� for Friday anct.Uturday
loneer ethodist
of tEr:ff ',Ir 1,6� W40 Great Briukin ror world.,Aido corn -
"h, �jlnlo Wir
;t edl!tlor i munw0ion.
tit but a In
su hitend',!nt of educat'lon ft*r CANADAIS NAVAL STRENGTH
r Ana a 10 0
Intar!o) on ome he aiq�--Nyhat is CanaUs present nay.
ty ) �arr
i Is itb* w1aest purchaso vou caft mmahe. for ever t! lie left strength?
a name as a great educator of his A.—Canada's naval strength (Mar. Lot 1 $7*95
Pur*. Fresh aad oo D*Ilolo tW it, day. 1123 was two destroyers and four
LEPERS IN CANADA mine) sweepers. with, a personnel of Ladies! and Misses" *11 -wool Coats 1*0 velours, twe4s, polo
Q.—How. many levem are ther4,ill less than 400. for coastal defence
? only. There is a naval reserve of
Caf� 1111 and urges, light and dark shades in a imumber of stiles.
A MUM are only s and '07" UWZguctralned lit
10 W 1v,",','t=da',' R'ftamidlNavy Extra special at $7.954
M1 mi at, ate in two, loper usylurast QUO CANADA'S X
im B. C., on WAvay Is -
'Sunday Atternoon* known 'ecatesp(ist,of leprQsy In
'm land., an t 0 oiber at Trundle, N- B. Q.--VVhat is catinda's annual mill.
M at, that tborg are two tia expe
Sy Z$A8,64 HAN1470N, Goddrich, Oat- W It is est , to , Qu. -Lot 2 $10*75 and $12ou"O
A * Ilion le a I A.—The House of Common% has*
so th" worlittw"e
sand Win t e United t S!" Voted over 10,00,000 for 1923.4, for
NEW CANADIAN CITIZENS national militia, expenditures, Inelud. "W
Great King of nation�, bear our all the people shouted, and said, God Ladies' and Misses all' English tww Co mannish
prayer, save the king," There were however Q.—How many became naturalizefl '14 air forcv,, vadols. etc.
While at Thy feet we fall, in that assembly some who looked Canadians inCaiiaila lost year? BRITISH IMMIGRATION style,- with I pleat n back, trimmed with leather
And humbly with unitedery with disfavor on Stkul and a ke TO CANADA
416- A�—Xeft of every nationality se -
To Thee for mercy call. pargingly. W a all t is man cared status; of eltiaeris of Canada Q.—To what extent is British im-
' ' 0 1 Also the more fancy tott 'W" velours
ours, but grace is Thine; s9 And they despised him duiifig�tbe fiscal oar ending MArch migration to Canada being carried
8, mg' . buttons and Ic
The guilt is not 'a 7 .11 Saul
i . an , bAs C!htA him to presents
0 turn us ways d o .8ri 1922. IOM60 foreign- on?
noticed their conduct, but showed -his ed, Americans A.—In a statement made in the and Oloi. Shows- 0111 an assortment of colon, all sizes*
But hear us from Thy lofty throne wisdom by holding" his peace. He era wore"ItU049teutrI41111riz p
And -help us when we pray. with 2,200 and Russians with 2,060 Brit,1811 House On Mar.
-on the high the rm r of persons Who be- 0, 1923, British North America a
Our fathers' sins were maiilfold,-.' did not at once enter up led in Im Extr, special at $10.75 and $12.506
- ha chosen, natura izr
olWe to which lid d been, 4 Canadian$. was, shown still to be the most favor. -
And ours no, less- o and anointed. :Rather he xetuinedto. came
Yet,wfmdiousl�, f a 0, a e Gibeah ind to his ordinary work as TORONTOS BUILDING ACTIVITY ed country for immigrants from
9 Great Britain, With Australia a close
Wit. a ploughmIgn-tbere to await develop- f Tor�
Q, ;What wsls the extent 10
-behold -�ur�needj= -mentf41Qr Ahis new.think h n onto's building ac . tivity, In 1922?- �' sevond,.Canada welcoming -49.606 in .3-- V
th AO 44 come nIla 37,778, Now Zealand' Lot
1992, Alaptr
It our Myer, into his life without any seeking on' A:�Toronto led all Canadian cities 11,651, and South Africa 8.80Z
Correct u& with y ju ent , Lora; his pare.,� it was not long botbre he in Its building activity in 1922 with �B- C. XINXUAL OUTPUT
rmiU over $35i- Udie and Mis
pes. all -*001 velour and polo, C106 Coat -it',
Then lqt Thy ercy s are. Amen. was called upon to muster men to pt� issued totalling
-gilead against the 000,000, Montreal coming second, With .—What was British' Columbia!s n' a's d
(John Hampden Gurney). help defend Jubesh Q
mineral output In 1922? mannishand fincy styl6s C4,�rs fawn, taupe b OW
Ammonites, So, successful was be over $21100010001
PRAYEli that Samuel said to the people A.—The value of the mineral out -
God, Of "Come, and lei at, an British Columbia for the,year
Most Gracious' 'Kilo Kings us go to"Gilg d BRiTiSIT-CANADIAN , WI heather. Extrk$pecial. at $18-50
and Lord of Lords, we-c,airunto Thee ahs are being laid for PR,1201,
_The enqw the Kingdom there.'.` In the Q,—What pt
estimated to be. $82,167,468,
ie called before, an twelfth ehapter we have -recorded increased wirelesg. connection be- as compared with $28,066,641 in the
because we ha
Thou di4st hear us. Lift us up itgain Samuel's resignation of the govern. tWeen Great Britain and Canada? previous year, an increase of $4,�
:'that we may praise and bless Thy mcirit of Israel into the hands of Saul. A.—Piernier Bonar Low announc- 100,822. The feature 9f.,Aho 1922
holy, name.., We have sinned against In. the speech which he Ttde e ed in the British House of Commons production is the Increase of the gold
. . z- �. and silver valuesi the former amouot-
ways- without --num- -.makesI-,,- Received a new shipment of Canton and Taffeta Dresm
Th � -1-- 0
f anagdm-dnt in Ing is --uW0146 _a all 10
t' of affairse He'sets be- Lord, thy GW, that Owe Me 110�1 r better than zin 1921, and the latter, -bluk nd the --new, shades r- Spring. Ex4eptionally cad.
Thou bust been merciful un� any, a 1011 Q , 1111M -
wua, We confess our sins andwve the* c= we have added unto all. our sins this toi4llin $4,034,154, is $2,44 -958 in pri
pray Theo to lead us more and morq fore them the good and the evil;
praise the blessing and the curse.'' He then 9f the -p
to repentance, so that we may evil, to ask us'a king,- excess 0 year. at $149500 Alsoa large variety of silk hose.
Verses, 20-25
Thee in siiieerity -and id truth. This calls mpon them to take'notice of 'how
we ask in, Xosus' name. Amen. God Will manifest 'His displeasure at This r farewell! message of.samuers
as much in common 'with Joshua's . Q.--�-What� wai tbb lumber produe.
their aslcing a king and concludes b tio
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR - exportation to -the Israelites I 1�ofore A on 'Vancouver Island in At
MAY 6th, 1923 his farewell discourse to them ': his Aeath (cb ch A.—Appr
their 'udge, by. ex ressing the h p Apters24�24) in whi oxiniate1g, $30,000,000 feet,
-that-a will-1e..we eni, 0 the dominant notes verb$. "Take good of lumWr were pro uced on.vaucou-
V rl � �
rop e ar`4 1�� 2"Ariereaso-
P 111L... Vcr$;eS�. I.S. *or .1aland-during-49
eaf of - about K. .... ..
Lesson -Passage-1 45amuel 12 ICS4miA61 seld.'unto courageous to
What a subIhne sIiectaelel The old --"And Samuel said unto 000,000 � feet � The - outlook for 1928 404EAR- -Vve
20-25. Verse 20 "YA ---;-tA -----R
keep . and' to do *i over the previous y E ADY
QUO all is r dot-
idedly encouraging, Australia
GoIden Text�l SamiM 12.*24' and grey not; ye have d
-headed judge stands' up in the people, Few rge
We read in the'eighth chapter Of the assembly and challeng aside had placed some la orders in the
to pdnt out any, flaw _,,, es any one this wickedness; yOt turn 71 - . Columbia markoV lately, and )6�
this Book how Samuel, owing to old his official from following thi Lord,rbut serve British GODERICH'
a sons, a$ judges, in life, ord with allyour heart. Sam-� indications are that, the expert busi-
age, appointed hi The.,note, ringing out from it the L Gods ties
hilt tace. . Their bad governm6ut led all is. uprightness and honesty and he uel expresses the desire that a will be improvodall round, with
himself -as more powerful. better pri.cos.
to -t e asking for a king.instead of a is not afraid to call upon his God to showing
udge to reign than any eXr ENGLISH AND WELSH COAT, ............
A over the'ehildren Of be w1bless to the truth of all he said. . thly kink. should i�ot
"And thdy, answered, He Is wit av '� —To what extent Is English and
Isrsel, . The elders; of Israel came t6 drive them Fay 'but rather drive
them to God. . That they, should come
Samuel unto�Ramah and said unto ness." They'agieod with all be.sald, e
him, "Behold, thou'art old, 4nr Wel;h coal b log' brought to Can.
d -thy ev a very words—�'Thou to rOcOgni" that,
gen 1psing.. hi: Ing Provil ada?
For, Boib
sons walk not in thy w inake not'defraude.4 us, nor oppressed ehind a frowni donee A,�.As a result of the coal strike: fering with that portion, Written argument to be put in by House a*A Stable.—
11Sr a king to judge us like all the pa� -qst. -ne ther � hast thou- taken ought of ye � hidig a trailing faft.of in' 1922 in the United State.4,-a quar., Brown vs. Bennett et'al was -in ae. x-ounsel within A T040oubli0ime. There Is ar:goa, dftl of'SwIsr4p ,
tions." This displeased Samuel but Verse 21��'And turn ye not. aside' ter of a million tons of Welsh anthra-- tion. for misrepresentatlo*n In the sale, lVirsicully Teaking, between hiiman
any man1g,hafid."' It was'not Sam- r , V81� Roofignized'as A loadibg- OiAc
he took it to the Lord- in prayer; and Rol, the venerable judge they were f6l. then should ye go afte' cite and English -bituminous goal. of a farm. � C. 86agar. K.: C., find At. f-4 11gs and he lower allutiall".- th
vas told to do as they, asked, for it tired of but the sons with who$e thin rhich cannot profit. nor de- destruction of wormso Vother, fire
gap V c were landod at St, G. Cameron, K. C., for plaintiff.. It f0l' the "subj�vg to mpny *11moots, sitig
from the Tyn Grave
was riot be -but God they were reject- hands he hadri-elinquished the 'reins liver, for they are vain. Here they Vanstone. for defendant. The Una e Worm, Exterminator has -from I no FAtio I
-river ports during. that
San)uol ,was instructed to. tell Are warned aginat idolatry. An idol Lawpence g and Is
ing. of government. Samuel�' vvisbeg r to .at'lower prices than American was in the township of - Howick, proved a boon to sufferin - children f, 0 a and b 0 #A'
b,S, Offi_ IS, n ye% which It was claimed was r 'a t everywhere. It soldom falls. el 0.01 ik riti rel abli
them plainly What Sort of king they make it eleai'to them, that othing - in� the world (1 Cor. 8A) ant racite, 11 ,
Nould eventually hUVer reigning over cial life having been ptro; they had and therefore if theyr turned aside AERO ed to be of better aRty lansr"alall 0 - auC Ift d Wis.
'to what they CANADIAN RECLAMATION n - I and t1to
hopa hu I
them. This he did -aW P*4- fhe close matter better state Of cativation -thau 4as
no just cause in" throwing � off aivirie from God, n, -SERVICE Ten ar-Ir.
of his discourse they r(mli"'. ay; goverment by judges for that of r turned, it would prove to be their, un 16wor order. Won a
a viduals find as, a nation, Trial 6f this case lasted from 9,30 FOR'FLETCHER'S 11JU
but, we will ho0ve a kiiig to r(.Ign overl king. And when be tidds God --and doing as indi I Q.�What, is the Canadian Ref:W Should be Very
us." - , tbr, . . Ilia anointed—the �ounjr King SaufL:. After thus counselllng.� them and mation Aero Service! - I a. M. OnrTuwday-to 12.30 p.. m. on CASTOFOA clear.
In the'nin find tenth chapters we are witness against you this 4ay* warning tbelh,* be Vrooegda too. speak A�-�-The Reclamation sor�ice of the Wednesday when the court rose in
-d the 'finding 'm, telling thdnt Canadian Government, has made an 'Air—
have recordo and a- they cannot but feel the truth of it comfortingl� to the order to 'allow His; Lordship to get 672
riointing of Saul by Samuel. A'de- that they, t e ichildren of Israel, were aerial survey of nearly a million ac- away on the, 1-25 C. P. R.. train,
I and TOply "He is Witness," 'Sr. peculiar peo- res of territory which It- is proposod
Scription, of Sagl follows and also -of Having in a special way God
his reception the people. —"And t made his position very ple, A�id Rej having macle them�this -to -reclaim by drainage. Muc.4 of the
plain to hem he then turns 0eir for Hig'own good pleasure 6vill,also area is'-floofledand it -*�ould him been
minds �back to the early history,pf itL in, the
the children of Israel, and goes over for His own'name's sake not fbisake difficult to survey ordinary
them (verse 2' 2). way.
all the way.by which the Lord had 'iterent Wuof; of Dominion,
In L Vered � 19' they asked Samuel' to AS tho d,
led them out of Eg7t itp tothe pre. ,.6 lie thought that
a, SUPREME VOURt of Canada Victory 140" BOA&
i6rit time. He reca Is how the,Lpra pray for tbitr thiS
delivered them from 'the.�Lhand of they imagined for. a moment that ELECTRIC IN maure, romemW ]money
he ld Ron. Mr. Jugticp Smith HoW Three -
their enemies on r every *!do, an I cease to pray for them off should be retained aa L X
fo. L At thil now es We" 1i and he cries out Go4 investment. L We would avagest thAt
caused them to dwell Sa7 start hin
Roint be.. -emphasizes the. -fact that forbid that sibould sin against the Day Cou'rt Rere� you dep . oalt the. prociftAx tit your $*V.
the L6rd. your God was your0kinill Lord' in ceasing to praSr for you"' Two cases were Wed out in the Su. WIRING
and then -adds "Behold the king He is no longer Lto be judge'but he preme Court hem before Ron, Mr. n S account in the Bank of i6switon
whom ye have 'chosen and whom ye will still beL their prophet and,exor- Justice Smith, whiih opened. on Men- L til. "lliv"W iTk anotber Issue 61
Ifig fO -&ny, A�Il Otb, and the tbifd ease spo similar I assur..
have desired." They would be.men- else 4 prophet's rightrof prAY1 r W6 of.%Uzo in Wiring of Govornmerit Bonds or
tally and spiritually ver h All big teaching Which 1�u on the list'waq poitppifted all-ldilaq. Lot us gi
_,v -41ind it and teaching t em. pu an
vo Ypu an
by precept find e"m- to a later court, estitnate for wiring 5 our house HAMIL"r N ed
they cduld,not after listeffing to'such hitherto, both no. other than "the
an explanation of their conduct, see ple,' had been way.11. From bis'ear- Willia LVS. Bell *A$ an action for- an de gara-go.
good and right
their folly in asking a king like to . hen he waited upon Eli injunction to restrain the defendant
the neighboring nations. Having' ly childhood wr =fit now Ilia lifqr had from interfering with pliintiff's PRIVATE TELEPHONES,
in the temple i rights to exit from a, theatre tremiss
toilef and bath. !jqoth- in thi es in 0 AMUT.
The' ideal' soap for 8poken� thus plainly he goog farther been as ali "open book. known and the,town of SeafoAh. R, S. MOTORS. bYNAM S, -
and tells them that in the choice of
Saul they were directed by God for road of all men;" and they to -tFhs Hays counsel for the plaintiff. J. M.. BANK OF H' ON
ing to even 4.r baby's "Behold -the Lord hath set a king assembly had set their seal 0 Best counsel lot theL defendant. The ELECTRIC BELLS sad
skin, Try 'it to-dayi over yoep He points out the,wgy. upright character he had ever borne; exit in question is tbroughi premises TEM W#)FAIC11 1111ANCIL -A. 4. A.Wov, Managrep,
they must live, both they and their and he wishes them to tegard him used as awarehou�o by the defend- B.IURGLAR ALARM SYS S
I . 't',,- L of r, the . their true friend. In
k1h, F 6 secure Ah6� bldising' heticeforth- a ant, through which a space Lof 16 feet
G)l whom they rejected when they closing be --again urges thenir to look wag claimed ALL WORK GUARANTEED
deposed his i;ons. Then followed a to tholi-owtt conduct_Lin rolationship- , His�. Lor&hip, directed - that-- judg-
m;irAeUIoU5r manifestation Of- God!s to God, iho King of Kings, and warns ment be entered for the plaintiff for COOK, IRON and TOAS I hy,
a U wer in sending thunder at the time theni of the - consequences of .11 damageg with costs bn the county
Po wheat harvest; in corroboration of to acknowledge Rini in all their -off of
Of court scale with the usual set ELECTRICITY
Samuel's Words "Now therefore ways. "As a faithful watchman he costs by defendant, also judgment
stand and see this great thing, which gave them Warning and deliyered his, ontit ed -tot e S ory
01L9 your (verses 24-25).. 111r9k
—T eyes." hold Interest in, t e northeifiterly 15 ileatria Irons 'md 't
1,110 1,.?,d will. do before own soul " lease- We have an'tts ortment 0 H*
with fe In this lesson we see the greatness the, best Nehiur in:--tht of
Th* -g filled their hearts e warebouse
ar and feet of that was in d'
in thAr trouble they cried unto gain. of AL.publie man who�comes to theL TbAsters kiiado in Canada,
I uel, "Pray for thy servants unto the timOL when anotliq is to' take big Pu judgment restraininse the
placoa This is a crisis which is bard defe Ut from interfering with the
plaintitrA occupation of the norther -
to- meet, In all history is there an ly 15 feet of the warehouse, also a Walker'sh ihreStoalw
Who Met it so noblyl -�dTb ROBT, TAIT
declaration that the plaintiff has no
other. e
9 whole af-� West St
M conduct of! Saniiel in thl
i t to any part of the warehouse Electr'ician
ifliz: fair of t e . ng a appoi e r".09uhth of the northerly. 15 feet with e so well pre a ed t- meet the -
Phone 82 or 254J
him -to ave den a relit a goo Aninjunctibn restraining from inter- 11
gf t $in L Pe needs of the people of "rich*
L= eqnsi erations-in disinterested
;eat for is country's good; and
z --J Never have we had our Store so I filled
whose last words. in public to 'A Wel
!p1g- r 0=0t:=9===0=0
ki D ABL Ell"
warn the,people and the d,, ngdeflettibee with GOO RELI E M RCHANDN"o to
ZZM: E--:� dafig& of apostasy and. o L
to God."
on, D. 11). kh the, large*
(it. Jtimles W, ra t 11 at prices to compete W8
Z God -revealing Love the - Unifying caa6gae houses.
PURE 2 The federation,of the world 'can- OURTHRE& FLOORS
not be brought about by laws, or tri- WITH COALLL but p6litible, - - -k 1 6
bunals.- or treatles� go long as the %Vill tlotpnly 110 intor03 g V# 'wauhtl
world lacks a unifying force. What COME IN AND BROUSE AROUND
beT The expansion COOK ELECTRICITY
ikl of commerce? The influence uni-
g No 4,11ligation to btly noot1q. you tvill bo 711a4b to feel quito M
versities? The power of4he gs?
-.Z: 2 1 , jip�r sWomebt of
101M, -`-1 — h6we in Our OtOVO at UY W110.
MZZUR rowinir. organization of bor ?
Z z -
All these things nay-hei ES
towarcliq the great guAL u U11 V Mat U 111111 MOFFAT WORM RANGES
briq '.6i% oil,
ce. ' But they art$ instruments,
z P11 'University and news -
not creators.
'on are the kit elawple Id 01ir I)LICO:
id labor federati
paper at which the Aream
chanvoig through An aII 400t h04 with all ateel n111141gC; and felt VIZIL1,04., for $2400
may flow, not the stream itpelf' L The 1. 00b
real power is the proclamation of the for.014 week
divine unity Ittenq'joli t.able:4, c;ohd eat, $U4.60'forthi,4 wook onl�.
and love and thc� hu -
W, aiho Wel" 'hieb, must foi-
mau unity and love �v
loLv. Chilstianity gives, certain root -1 $7.95 thN week only.
m any Wa�er ideaq. certain convictions, deeper than I Litioletinin, 4 vardq wiclo, 90c ts rupilre yardt thiv: -'VeOL 00.
all differences in eo5tume or cuqtom,,,
in habits and lawl. I 9h, A h1uk, $U0 thiAWwk 01il't -
A Woo Iseat Dininfl, 1001n C41i, Mit
IT04 1
9 in 001
Averted i
bu kle
w wn
e r,
"* Q '
' fith �co
. bdb�'Id -'c
t t ou
y xjupdrtan"
I Art
to si Mao
at Dr. T m
rely I
T�o in 0 tA an
And these root-ideaq, concerning kom, in goldon oak. famed 0�qk alla fi"Lsh. We will
With water hot or cold, haM the relation. of all men to one anoth- 77 Hoc
er and to ", once accepted, will V
jva C& reauctioll of per eent. oJi eUb and ovecy eliair tbiq
ivesd create a world unity that must on-
vve* only,
or soft, SURPRISF, 9- dure. Before we can haive interns-
tional pence we muA have laterns-
quick, lasting latheq and pMeet tional contxlence and inttrnational
friendship,. But wbereVer the mis-
W WAT vory
slonakies Have aMICIMA NO wcvwj� N.
like slavet.7 itt Africa, atroeitieq in
!America, Industrial Cruelty in Peru,
opioul-amoking in Chlim—they have round absndood I
b�en oreating an iriterjitktiongi ton- when lesi than, tivolve
-from ex
,,elonc-e, aow gmwivg more sensitive 'nearly desid
arid Voivorful with esic-li dma& Salvatore V now a bo
(W. It. P. FAU'V"). aud cau chin the bar.
Phones: "Staft 89, Hou" 197, FURNITUREVEALER
hours 01 a THE POROSTORE,
"Often the cheopest, always the b6sto,
nwo litup e am -