HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-26, Page 5THURSDAY, APIUL 24,39,Z& STAA COMiNg to tho vxavninatiow of The callod in ituelitivii t1ho klivi6tY Of WR *A 111i CbdAt, tbo adults W 1110194 11411P 011W1414tvit f0t 'COAlirmali of Petc0a &-clara. Ar SHOP FA' L L 0 N fur"Wrilovin the U"10 P_Rt 040 fftut A0# cQ=wUwd h�aldit4t up a The n*rrittivi) pitwil 'Whick were,wupi" 1W tm caw rosary slid. #3kiw I thildrien 'What tjou, "Thou are the Chr�st," raturally didates for coadruatwill sdQ his re- it was, and bringing out in qucation Ivil Hig Lordship on %hrowrh the -torY VISInAt"AS GODERIC Ingrks to %ke adults wero not ilk *0 and 811111IN-tir its Purpose as au �4,14 to of the "gift of the 4,ps,ll He oralliat g4)rnI of ony set vid4re" but came ry in the piwi saying of sooko ono in the Aass ig rallw "lle vt thq# the 'nl#*Q r Fiitherill tho "llait the AWtoles and reter was the fivit Adathisters Confirmation to Largg CfCM at St. Piatior"o 48, it were, oil the suggestion of quyer"bo. "Ou -ers of the cbil4row ­tho "Our Path. answer. W5 Iard*W ttoPrCA 4 t1w Charch on Mwday 900nin0- His -Lordship comvaeace4 11F ex- er" tk* Prayer taught by the Saviour inoment to coulmolt on *0 geliar. hinw1f, the "Itail Mary" first used fact that this was invariably e an - his plesisuro *t covivitIf to in om -it to.� nQUIV salutation of the Angel Usibriel swer be got to the re tic HE FA M14L Y ALTA OR tAodorlc and sevirg tile Ileat *124 *T- Q ib I ZAMENTS PASSING OF r tistle church liere afta the evideacts t e, Virgin Mary. and the creed a one of the Apostlei� f be put the, of the good work Iltir W acconvillished st*tknient of belief whw repetition salue VA"sti011 to an Audkllck' UIRdO -Says r11169W -it NO ChriSti4ftitV WRIMut 494tiCIF in the in the parish, -through the effortsof was anact of faith. Speaking of the ul� of nowCatholica a% well i the pciople and their pastor, Rev. rcNewence in which Roulau Catholics lies. he claimed the result Would still pitwnity,of J~ Christ. hold the Virgin Mavyc the Hiiiho ple, 9", I'M" Unam. tr be the same, Out of 100, Two ')vjob 4inc HIS object ilk *Xamining the class passed eome comineats on the, at would answer "Peter" and the other It was a Urge congrtgation W I. in#tivetloa of the cAn"tes by, was not to x0e 3ftw Inuck tivey knov, tude of those who would deny rover. one would be, dumL This he vlalav-� filled $t. Oetees chukok on =5 'the 819hor. Idates whether they knew enough fev cost. axec to the Mother -of God. Cd was significant of a premier place � evening, the Occasion of the The exanliw*tiou of the cand belt -w Peter, viiiiiong the Aly - it interest, firmation. XWMle(*e# arrt 11*11A Coming to the Creed His Lordship _q even tt His WAAW Bishop Fallon to' the for volifiriniAloa was mor ion ostles. 'The signifle4nee, of his new relig , Wo *orthless. ' he 700 *r asked one of theearLdidates what he 'S rjib for confimation. Tlie altar Ing and' H$W b.Drdr ship made this ex-, 8W in the 11'rovin 0*1 Penito"AlSOW Wieved about Jesus, and, in Questiolk 04111to was in its meaning. "a V00C I �arul.d bowtiful. with its floret &M, ainiviation the guggestlok for many - the roek on which Christ would build ation's XA4 1 lits and the b*ad*ouvo an emphaltie utterance acd declara- were all edwated L*olvle. Atill thO and answer going thr6ligh the nar� 'his - church, avid the g4tva of bell I demand of the Mman COWOlie rative of CbrisVs questions to Peter I new aXar rallf. with mahopoy tion as to the chawk's teaching church as %a,edugation. was for a fair (siWhom (10. mo.tk 8,1y t1l, ail against it, ,It I alu?,, should not prov recent gift to the chwxll� ctftuln-ly" whicOw.,is aildressed.to the adults. share of pdblic revenue for thtxiip- and. -6jyq Spc�akiv of the sacrament of colk- left b;M vay that I ava, ?11� I earghoe of FOV the eN4111111lation 0* Bishop I _` "ord"hlP said that all adds very much; to the app port of mhopla when their ymmv peo, b rm&t'on t" . rou ut *6 octrine of ths, the 1sanctuary. The exiTifiaoes for thesanctmilry and Wkell to the child- ple might have education 06upled vtviif� of 4vsus Christ-, and then In sacraments -worked of themselvel, Ir. confirmatiqn,, allut fifty 1;v mugilver, ren and asked them VWtion mwh as with ret�giov., The atbandowwnt Of one of 'his eliaracteristleally On U respective ok priest or bishop, and in occupied the front pm Ju the. a teac er I 1� but 'with such. an IV le church, the girls. 411 in vuwdr%ses, I a III � child, rellgliot brought about such 0110- tie utterances asserte recipient. 'raco was given to 0 At th( tions. as, existed in Russia. It would could be no Christianity without this I and veils. n could no� . P cc t away any. I 'd a fow years of abandon- bt%lIcf, Ana yet I e examination I of the ser� 1 a c 1 e and, fee, that on y, wee. n a New York pul- I After th the vaudl- VIve first 'part Hce con, 1 0 ad a )st ovm- ment (it religion to repr9dift in our pit one. n0ho wws still allowed to try I dat" weelved the sign of the cross n -v just such corAtiow e pcop, on tbeir to-mileads m4de with chrism, sisted Of the reciting otlthe"Rosayy, Wt Qi li lljh� pal. own eov�ntr to tcavlh Ilk gvrtel to th amt which tame tke toxamination pa et! frie en . 1) existvil in Rusgia, (Coutinucil on page 10) F001"WEAR FOR SPRING fient Cho Drowe't Qr_awTo ki OXFORDS AND S"I"RAP SLIAMPERAS Thc� now fo r Rl,&J; 3,1 � bV dl�# loz1t.g footwear allil tvaitsmel), ano fd,%� im it ilia in ti""ir etarnlipg thent 6 1-4 WaRje-Jef C�Iqe awl cou&, rt a -M a' Nei-% ift- Jwllit'y givell ollty In leathovq �tf tho IIC3!� oluahty. 14OWn ( LIU, RttOnt a0d Hid, 1XVI'lXIS Uloldi'111'006to with the hites". combinaticas of trimminrF llaicua are west rva%oiable. - REPAIRING GEO, MacoVICAR I, 1;arth Side of Square God"ich, -WIMP L t -G .04 to Rel 'th 'Your Ho r M artwright e u,so-c eanin :Curtiik Roi d SpecitA. REAT SPRING' A bmssfinished small round Car- tain Rod. -1hat will extend, to f411.41 inches or re4uce to 27 �inchess a plen- did'rod for -small windows.' Complete V Spe �Wl Price N T HOU, K N EVE S. E. G. L 8 ewive5__ ill sooci b ITY.a evie-:ry herne thrifty-kous. e house. -cleaning, atid those eftd--�doriavlhlk, event who need new: Home Furni�hings will. find sit worti, while to enquire into money,savi g in Floor Coverings, Curtains, Cretonnes, Cbiqtz, Silk Draperies and. Hangings. ar s owy ela Lo ''Ieum. T.K1Cm.1:*end*]us.. se.... n Of 500 .'1'' d . -Best 'He., W 111111bh ino 7, ve Ev ry Ya -j U Absul "aranteed To .01 tastin I 9. Sat'sfaction, Th, Patterns ptely M Are, Well Printed With- Fast Go on: and'.. fle"'lly-Fiffloshed JI V: 'Fa t rn- Linoleum UJI Block Tattern Lin'. 3 -Yard Nide. Linoleum in .4 -Yard Wide'Liaoleum -in , 1' Bright t e, A Yards W e s Iarge,,.Block Pattern' Da k Grounds - I ".01eum-.4 Yo�l Wide 3 id Four. yards wide. is -a splollaid A' bright, ell, A. full 3 -,ward width in heavv v1dth for large rooms no sealms, and eery pattern .111 color This is,a-No. I '4uallty Canadian a heavy I �coilibinatioms of brown and blue, ill a. Linoleum in. a small Muare or block quality Linolleiiih, shown in two pai- rerfect fitting.., Made with te a -rd, width in llea,vy PressurC, l, - well printed and heavily fin- rns im. light 4nd dark growids, with carr�as back and should give years of full three -Y T I pcitterft is in* a larger cured can7v2% back quality. This is all, patter, r. hs Ill co most -.pretty patternsawell prin&d'and via i0ed This width ' �%r V11r" 1-ona design in blue, brown mud graen good lifioleuni and, a Convenient size roams withouta seam and sititable for :,'kdtable for rown that should. be. fully I �. . - . .. I ) any, use. covered. CoMbinatfoos. �or m('A' I rooms... P C Yard C Yard Square ar Yard- Squaie' C . . . . . . Squ 95C Ya rd -Square -95 e 5 C ,,,s rom.. -d g A f o ilclot! �,,od ras- 'a hVU' e f H.un re'ds, Of Ycud I or".10 G Patte F Square Yard 91C. -I Lots of Large and Medlium Patteons For Your A.Jmw ing" unner, loorihg 0 in Linoleuto HAI R ,Oak -E Bathroom"^ loths ;2, Ya, rcl Wide Oacioths 22', Ir 004416th. no 'Hie t 22 1-2 Inches Wide Wide With'C&w4as Back Widtim it" .1 1-40 1-2, 13.4,.2 yds 2 Yaids 'In I and� 2 Yard Widths. The Ch oice of Floor 0 1 ilcl o , t IIS In 0 r is a deq rustic brovi i -cially for A strong eanvu!back stair - MCI tt Tile Coto This Floor Oilcloth'is madeto re�: Floor Oilcloth 'Made C.4pe ity �vith strong can-vas.backs "n"regular vWX ne' patterns are suit- with a white ke> , real. 64- hathrooms� in-beautif6l tile patterns in 'heavy quall the 'I design border, in a present the _Jopring with ' one W igbt Linoleum, manufactilred. boaTd iii dark finish and_oa� li-glitifinlih,. blue - and white,' green an4 *white, and*. 'in 2 and I yard widths, is veiy Jarge, able for tbls ki ith a well Mde'hard spWndiLl I --,design, The quality is very I co or combinations. run in browns,',fawnso, all r a splendid pattern. for a hall,:Aen, �sua 'small chw I wearing surfwe, very. -good for hall,.,run- for use as,a b. untler and guaranteed' in 'much* licaular than the regular floor oil- rovds, greens and -bldes, in all, patterns and' and, �atl' room, or h) laying around rugs.to Jor a (or �talm. �& r ners s well as to�. givc'yeirs 6f % M�c shacdo.n.". cloth. cbeck s, 2 and 1 yard patterns to,inatch. Runnin C Yard yarill, u0te C Yard-. Square Yard Ru C Yard .$quave . :. I '�l %.1�5 1. ­ I . nnhV 49 75 5 49c �Q nnes D" A CIO r.aperi 115howing 6-1f Curtaihnis==Curtain MAtermls B eAt Pattern Cretonne, Fine Filet Net Material A ican Curtain Se 1 ch. vAch Marquisette A r rim 3.6 in S 8�1)tch ("urtdin Net -in Al quality Avvv�rlqan Carton A good heavy Se patterkii at. A high quality otch Curtqtn At�lnpv A most d0ightful rang2 Of isette A beaul Alet weave with a small eonventional de in good clear shade!; of this prke. Some are in light b4ckgroun4l to ite or ecru in a full 36-inoh wiiilth, a running evenly acrom the net. � TWIS Of solid &elf 9 love curtains. Price ver yJ 95C. d midthq with a 4ttice work wl blue avid rose mivamp ly 'm' in pil creAm, ecru and wkke, some In a heavy �tape make sbade,,wItb,snV Vill 'atterns a 1. 'on b� borde tU 9-d,-:, ihown ina U P . edge and others in 4 neat solid pqnel boxder. flowers. i0thers in light grounds -.with bird -1 The fineit fillet net of $eotch manufacture t special. a ver rlw � h � pretty lacey pattern ravininit _:1 lk�h yaW wid te All t oneprice. * t and folixv­ others in darker groundt; with th t 0 net Thlo will mako curtaina of tte I bright flowers. er yd. $121 24C Per Yard I th I c ass.. Price 42c Per Yani c;Per Yard 95c Per Yard Pine ar i M' quisette Curtains J 42 Inch Scotch Curtain Net Better Qual` Cretonne Raw Silk Hangings ity -2- 1.2 Yards, Long 7 Our stock of this �Cautifud _4co'tclv: Cur- Of worthy mention is a Cretonne in a aw ry pret y cream on( turcd and hold al - A xcally good curtalwat a mod(wate price tain. Net in ahown in a rAnge of four patm light ground Vith a small -yellow rambler dat!p oand nbadc manufac i a Scotch Alarquiserte. vi rose pattern with blue birds, another in grey most exclusiwly for window havigingpi. The n kh four -itch lace terns, ilk small and conventional designsa, in ie weight proppr lusertiao and x4row vcAA lace edge, These and white ground with dark blue and.rwo quality is of the beAt and tl open And allover patterns, The quality is lors, at ure full 21,4- yards -lon.- and a yard wide. One' flowe . Another in a flower baskct design for tbia purpoome. This silk also in co of the best values, we hav6 had in years. better than otival, the width is full 4a, inches. %vith rrsibbon pattem per yard $1.65. 75 Per Pair 48c Per Yard _,__59c Per Yard $1.25 Per Yard ASK US TO Scotch turtain Net--Yard,35c TWO 'Specials American Cretonnes -49c This is a.splendid value Scotch Curtain Net in a beautiful small design and American high quality Cretonne, in three very nekv patterns. The back - all over lace pattern. The width'is full 34 Inelies. We �)ave several pir"Ces of g"Oun" are in delf blue, French grey, and a brickdust shade, with panels of to" trastinX colors will, a Jovely:rosa and sprky pattern running through. The price this line reAy for y-riur choosing atone prim, %ldy spe-da), 3.40, Is special at iit: We Have The. Right Curtw#n Aos-od To Drape. Your Curtain As You Would Like Thew Single And Double Styles, 35c, 50c and 75c 0 We Invite. you 'ro Come In and See Qar A Fu�l Range of V6rat:idah Rugs and Display, the Patterng and 11rice.q Coco4 Alatting "tiray and (;arl Wn At r) T_ 3nuly full UUN Lill L or YORK, CRETONNES CURTAINS We Have The. Right Curtw#n Aos-od To Drape. Your Curtain As You Would Like Thew Single And Double Styles, 35c, 50c and 75c 0 We Invite. you 'ro Come In and See Qar A Fu�l Range of V6rat:idah Rugs and Display, the Patterng and 11rice.q Coco4 Alatting "tiray and (;arl Wn At r) T_