The Goderich Star, 1923-04-19, Page 8= 0 TM a0VZWM 3TAR THUNWAY, #PIUL IV*- 1W- 0� C-4 upon aa bQf-h, in4latries In 6060 iabor there, a -lid tho. wporiccl higher'll Iq q q q j q q Wmalric. beiz, tbov arc) I duced wazeB for may skilled trade -,4. It q q q and manufactul Ile 'all whcn t -0 and wilt be a pity i this country at the EVJ04,v A IN red, 1c, tido, 's, fl allied in4aswes are busy it is gelley- nipment of t1lo, turn of ally accepted that all. othcr i , ndas� sbowd find itself shert ef 'the lawr� THEIR SIGNIFICANCL. trCa or manUfaettirerea are, in the it vu. i;rCat';y nccd3, Same hap -V Vsition, or on the road DUNLOP theret(J. fit Is therefore of interest - incial Election in June, I to note bat the Vnited statC3 StM A, Prov Wavy y4aft oso in exchange for o fivA farraer. 9411010" Vorporatilon, one of 00 reateat or. It 109743 410 if Canada', le, will ap- j .-Africa, the little t C"A 0, to C-anst X"d, in the words, has An- golcrument, that of Ontar, tlanat was cwnW intQ. a Prd gyinjg nounecd increases in thc TAY og Some ]PcQt 'to the cicetorate in Juite. Tb43' To the vaited !StOw has beeft SIVA ( i� . - .. ell the firrit opportunity to skow in a ortraw. Ail a sabinartne an of its, labor. About 109,000 men i_1 tile view of P1 mier Drury* on bow in t)w Wgrld War, and us a were , affected by tile original -an, pro�nvd after a bitter verbil, attack -1 cQwrcto manner the abb01*14CO Of —rd on tile tutronce tO the KICI nounecuivilt and the action was fOl- up()n him by Ar4Jre%y llj&s, ITilited' the elvili'44, world Of th4i 011"1111" TZ -3 it served Germany so well as 9pyth HUX011, of a Roman catkolk, vicaReneral lowed by that of a number of %be )?armer member gor I The Tire. usda on a ch%rp of treason to to cause untildiog regret in Britain lar�e indelwndent nteft coulpanico, a- aild tile Government Whip. His re. M ne that it bad ever W*9 allowed to be- cross the Inc. The plants of *0 V- signatiOn Of that I)osition and his, in 11, Kalinin, wife of 1111 the state. bu4sine, , a pmession of that country. s. $teol Corporation are stated to be nitl0sm. of thQ Premier toolt the lat-;, IRE the Piresident of the Ruiisiou Itepob- Voro* Tke Soivice That Gott$ roloug*d NOW W AM 014 it is being blown in. Working sit 92 per cent, of their ca. ter by surprise. In effect Hic4s, lic, who bad inten&id a P �ructlon by on&. �ged that Drury wau a,traltor to visit in the V. S., was jeti"Q W. to the ae#, The dell p#eity and it is intimated that the chal _ -ause . and that lie bad mission to l4wt The o&jA1,XtAW Zlitf Of the fortifieXt1o"! on 'th' is- management find it imposoible to in- the farmers: 1 4 . , with another party I I I With The Asio" frankly st4"d law proceedhip under the direction 'crease this owing to the shortage Of been, dicUering ,went of the de unskilled in order to trV to Te- ras due to the,001119 09%44011 Of * 1"'Xe4 British and FrenethhoC311"s-. I labor and especially Of t,(the Liberals) aud A%0 that it V remiar Prury entered FABRIC The e That Result#, In the country over the execuu0n, AM loilesion, is said to be causiag, worUcra. IndcC4 the 1;nited States, tain power. R . . . - appearance of great sections of the , reiarts from many of an, emphatid denial to these alloga- It,might have according to 24 u that tyle- 3 —AD Sizes From The Tirelt was in tho vaturei of a P.Witst a island into tho water, its, centreso is aced with, 4 famine tions and, gave it as his opinio �01 S gginst that Vvent As WiW 9f the nisintained as a curious little who, �studF�, the only course now Open to the Rov- A182 it 'the N"kar-um"rat an in latior. Econonlists charges agAint ft visiti1w, had -the Ger- those matters very alosely, are of ernment was to, pass supTly and go q q q q q q q )rtl q q and other clergy 'Alter thrOft.11 to $110 spot well W( 4 a desire that this *111 soon be the tothecountrybecauNel Q.116tii6w q q q q q q q q not been posseSsed 0 '141 opinion q� q out -side world the leelft Of bOri*r it In their scheme for wor Wu country. It is trtle posscss a majority. During the ses� I -in fics. The 11treason against tb0 to U00 case in our )f Canada sion in which these allegations assul 114114910ASISQ in Usc%lag the tstc. conquest* that groin many sections I but this was 40feated. statell Ater ad denials were made, W. H. Ca1;q0Im0n,' Ily a w.ant 01 conoilenco lit tbo goverruitent, thism workers have gone to the Unit. of the churelt to youths, ur Itt. S. Fadog. Labor Famine of the demand for Who was clected as United 1?armer member for Dunda.s, moved, what wis Tea 0 the face of eighteen years of 00*1 steel and iron have long btvn look. $tUtes becgu a BolshQV14t statutembich prohibits religl6iis, instruction to *nYone tinder that ago. The pricks *Jib were gut on trial Admitted u0il"Itatin -gly t at theti had taught tbo 0"WhImm and dec rl they WOU14 vowtin%w to Ao go. s Not a a ilgle chargo of am the m(I was laid against-thaos, , rVault'— deathfoi SOM0,44334 111APT1110"McUt for awrtion that iu�wfir travellers bayo made, 01101clY, V tji.,,� Russia it t"it W to abolish re Ii$ion. Oao,, rosigtp According to iiiany obserms, Is that gr(�At 111101-� bers of tl* ebll4ron -practice, abominablo vkes #tA take p4ro 10,40'. �trttions 0 church, 411 I ago am th tr* U$ road, W 'h et nwgla ia gero British 1061ow"toiVs Pretorloxii 110 uvro. V Superior -4e a the 'New I E ry ;i*in�iita as to the PX40400,45� ery ayl � Y nass'of Us British governments sition may , sound itolKewbat J rav* jotcW to', piony casual observers. Uut * fal"Ized maj Ity in Britain Is - wt A"rij A egiord that it 4,001# be hire lisesuse tb �'Hea s', Th",�- Wa*y ad 10 4t!ritx0rolses the light to -vote wit,hout 1*goml to party io'COA081 lie follovis his .'raft I," ijonA-t4ft on m%ttemwber.a.-great. Vmwpw are, iavolvetl, Then- there A al**." the danger Qf'jmap divis. SAM vvthlng� Jr - h ient OsitY ,peped the otlxa #r day With the reoll, V-91141; %no gQY* #rhmeft Was. defest*d in the'Rouse. While the Overnment, whipit are Ining press Wanted tor I tho matter 4046 a strious vlow -01 this to the so ond. d6foat ot Its klad time the liftlituttoys"M at A way was, , is. 011,0110 Into power. gavoro -out Of thodifilcultyi thus, obi, -but tho-� warning ;A liki)y to b�' lost on 1hower Sonar, 14", and -his 1011owers� and pox A= Che Two Pisse"ager Uh ity 04 C we r -fixe- akg uringi.. New p �g, ee r TAt vrolet' Irisk 0 -Sedan, supen __V� - __ :r- 10*14 $00 8000,010W Supe io e -Passenger --$10U-.00_de;ivma .1: -- 'Now r r Fix ce Pri .$795.00,.Jelirvered to ioui nee�ed In tu : vopsuro,-� an4 Oboom 4' ored to you Mt. 1- 1 Price $12400 &rlv Ce th groin wodadi of toWn L�Aoh. 340 extras -NWExtras needet!4 Fully equi -0o, lvkb- j*bql& i :No Extras; needed. F Ul PP of #Wj 044!JPO tr s&a�'ftt Uow it) the Fully equip"d.,, A for Lyncli ='Xil X lv� Ave, h Best or ,Npair 0i In oil ttor now look for, Wholesale If YOU W411t t1le tri of, 00 ;0r4_1nUW robot Valom 041.4"Or Irw - I I I . � ­.� on W4Crg Dena—rhoent I Visa Tkest T4 kes,. Oils I&A *Q#A_W$ - ipped. Ouly 5*0 stat. 1 4. . . . .. 1,1111 V e9TLl ia U11116 "tho murder, xv- ry genuine parts are' n9ed, an,,nd- d ti fact a narantee AAlkWwv ft�* CA Sa s to G 14" AcCeSsorieg or guytlli�g.Jor MIC WNW clog LAW,, A�Aotfired A, sist* your car, We haveii aAd.r We repair 0 akes%f cars, 'bat% ilk qw -lot I :. .. oadster _6004 ew . asseng ., . I. . I �er jimq low, Superior, Two tlis Ntftlsk COAO W enor Th4*0 �,J Ne $up Five? ss. Touring upe N b6th sk IAbor roat a to YdU Prl. $780.00, delivere Anil , a 1,00 Wice #239.00 4Uvered, to you h, %units vin at, a pod. No d, Fully equippeh. No Extras needed - Fully. equo Extras needel NAtionol Ub*4 Xor Sk OuXoorttr of Lloyd 10X#,1kf0*W. This tinitt 60114 bat tbae*jort of the Inde- ur S at es ent ud In tu voviinom# i Sit4ohn Distin *ve. Fe 'While. many po itical 'ex- p siii�i. AAW . �ons Ehg, Inee IWV - I*tu bail Thoinaw*s it win* IMPROVEDMESIGN; With the new high,. iw# IAW� in vtew Of its recont sue. LOW Cost OF OPERATIPT�- The New MOT611�., Four-pylinder, �valve,-In-heid, F R ONT AXLE. L)roj-forged t -beam rsi- sloping­� test" in, lw*elfetiow, 'Was -hot*ful re, 4 in'. Wpk6- suptWOR Chevrolet is -cdn inually nTak- .--crowned ptknelled- feride in. bo New parture beafings. I t, bood, ot anothor turn-overin its fiivor. type, 3 11-0 retotd ingasoline mileiage-30 to windslileld, plate glais windows, large radia­ Uoiny of the IAbor leaders *ere in' :S Cqst ell bloe (including up- REAR A)(LE: Semi-110ating type, wilcel ing new Sl ant 11wes, �,the,jrldlft, �hwlng the 'tontest and CYLINDEP bearing carried on wheel �ilub �' Mud ill 3.5 miles 'to the gallon beiqg not, iincom.- tot and drum, type headlights,. stre half .,,,of crank cl 4eliveted A. large. numbor, of. addres-� Head de. axle housing, 9-ot on axle sliaf4 HY,% n. 011, - consumption -is so low as to sur- and fine finish, Chevrolet takes its place, ses, in behilt of their eandiiiate, It tachable.. ew Departure, bOrings, mo ave driven an I y among cars.of much higher price on an itf 1pto�awe that their 'reftat utter,- . aft, and N 'HS -2 in Spiral bevel i&ing gear and,pinion. prise all new owners who h, vWts-4opludinx � one by ftinsav VALIV diameter. 1. o . . .1 r value. There is a new Ing,. equal footing fo *o*r-4u favor of VIONNIRCTINO ROD DRARINGSt. 1 3.8 BRAKES.- Emergency, internal expand Wier car. ich effectively e molution in, diamoter,., 1 7-8 in. long- a device on, the engine hood wh a' lovy On wifitt, and t -b r4ber lit ]land, control; Service,. " cxte'rit. I Coll - pt ru rsed by,, one .4of their 04 Stop CRANKSHAFT BUARINGS, Front, 1 3 tracting; 10 -in. brake d f6§, Tire mileagels aqually high,. S. tb 'Cowlinotis ln� Uvor of sklaliilu I in. long; (.enter, I .! I I . bA4 a - 4kal, to 10 'With, Ahe re- in. diameter, 2 5.16 WHEEL&: Wood, artillery., !yp, de- F . ISHER BODIES, All' ChOrtolet -o A . mountable Tims, larp.hub, flanges; closed sult. 4WT* is, no 6*bt, Ahat the zi-3.i in. diatneter, 1 1-2 in. long; - SERVICE' :FACILITIES, . 10filed EXT�NSIVE Vic e Fisher Bodies, well'known to be Rear, 1 3-4 In. diameter, 2 li_i6in. TIRES; .30 in. x 3. 1-2, In. Clincher cord - -over 1500 dealers and s cars hav at44MIIAst the zaggestions 'Vouling nt on -all There art er fraiii t* Laborpioty,�' At the touke longi tires are stpdard equipme stations in Canada ready to give prompt ang the highest type of construction and stand- tiao, 0W governinent 4006 not stem, CAMSHA�T 1111ARINOSt. Front' 1 5-16 closed, model& lefli ard on the best giade'of tloseO cars, even $park . I 0 be vor pktrore; aYA even Its r4ost ill.."dialneter; 3.8 In. to OVA'! DRIVE: Left side-,-� cel4i_ control, cieut service to, Chevrolet ovners. &4W nei-ilialwr too ers ore eal. n ling at the' lilghest prices.* 9�12 in. di, levers., under steering those set I imeter. .1 in. lognig; 10, and thr6ttle upou, it % t1fa rt N intro. Wfleel. Footr new blood. Pro COMFORT. Alt models are exceptionally Splash. gear pump STURRANOt 0135w VV4 %r 80NS SELL CHEVROLET and IV in. WeF Sonar 1 1-4 Ili. Atameter, 1 7.16 pt Wt in Ow, best of Iwalth, and OILING SWSTEM: ?rm and worm, well upholstgred, and have double ventilat-. (3,01w:%. It all, amund iho Governift(*�t is and individual oll.pockets. Pressure stenod with a, rocky voy gear, 16 im - d�etlfig Ing windshields. Ternstedt. regulated win- Your clos� inspection, of the New�SUPHR. *go. The s wVt6h arc blowing upon it will to centor beving. -Oil VMS$= SPRINGS-` Sami-cantilevei" type,. front dows are oil all closed cars. Larger�surl- JOR lnodm is sincerely requested before lft*r;&fte"e& if the jw,� viva Of Ill'instrunient board.' and �ear. t face area of radiator insures -efficient Coot- buying ? irty can forget their Stewart or Zellith. car at any price. - Numerous CARBORETOR. WHEELBASE: 102 in, echariiml excel 41 rencox 4640. 1,%Ir. Asquith VUIRL-t Vacuum feed; a -gallon tauk in % . Ing of motor. Now spring arrangements pleasing atlikg' and m t e a awtd Lloyd George fear, EQUIPMEW frame increases, riding coat- tenceg will be noticed, vvitich lick of space eludes starter arid improved teft, 46 bi the bar. VaNITION: Rern 13 Standard equipment - in fort over tough, roads. Seats are arranged will. not permit us to enumerate here, As STARTER AND 6 IN -RATOR: . Remy or and electric lights conne'eted to the battery, at more comfortable angles and more leg all -season cars'Cheyrolet New SUPERIOR 1W410 stotkoia Wilk Plaitut . � Autalite. drum type head hurips, legal lenses, spee- 4 to the roklot *f'f*J6ldt.* over *,t- CLOTCH: Corte type with adjustable donleter, oil pressure gauge, ammeter, dash toorn is provided front and tear. closed models liave no,thing to,'be desired. coin onsating spAngs. fight, demountable rims with ektra rini, tire ftbb41tm"1ar4gs,P10n-. . - VACUUM PpED on all modelsi with tank 44 has both strieke" with the pi;j. TRANSM SSION:, Seketivi! type, sliding carrier and litense liolders, double adjust SO& DO speed$ fotwafd alid re- able whidshiold, complete to6t equipment, 0100* aumst ev geats; three Ill rear. In, tkit great trApire wq Ll orav%ft. verse, 011W 11111proved gearshift. ami on open models, one man top and side *r= with 9.000 tww tases devel. Wk; holley. curtaing­which open with 66j�� Clqsed� 00ft In I o" week of whith 8,000 (X)01.ING-. Water pump. And i miMOUNTABir.- RIMS. it is a simple, cooling mW& q*ped with clincher cord fires, Wft* AMA British and Indian Muth- radiator with litereaseJ I quick job to change tires oft any Chevrolet. orhke sea Owlals alim are *6ving Wta. surt,visor, and Yindshield wiper. V*k 40 *%ItMiOft in the 10A68t, &0- rwov*d auww. Tkoy have, At their MueXtiqlVith, may Watuts. We Have is *M#d1r Maoist ifi the tnat swdft 'a thosan"& of 11vtog asthift Ive 4 and Let `Us Demonstrate to You *at a* W &m In *&svt *"in* Them oft Obditio" In tM to t" V*". The World's Greatest Motor Car, Value 2 radt # t " 4163 t" olawswr rAtrw#0Z. Mot raske Id V* I— GARAGE PHONE - -1.3 HOUSE PHONE is"of smd" its Aotoft 7M r i =VY ios In X0 Wt* *Ilk To M. DAVI 83' 4 vow SNOW wooft x4too" Imor t1W a" Day or Nisht GODER11K.'OH Day or Nicht luve wasa a** v%#* X04OULA SOUTH STREJEftl mt�t tpe MW ot Ar"m in st,bl" !6111" .4% &~.