HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-19, Page 5k
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-TRUIMIYAN, APRIL 194, 19-U __... .
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"Ih, fcom Xhk) ri wi- � won,"" .
! W Q -Qt Qua fl&d duA, with khe Sur-- thou -ht a ktWr L�-,-%;t C;;;41 b'N �;Cft;Ar- y&i4a.%', xat(h, -it 11=0=0=9 . 16
. . -
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I . T ou, r Good Taste Is Reflected
,,$#j�e c)f tile roadway with crlu*hed ed by day work, di.uia, of lArF, Mar;iton, whk,ri� f-er-ti
1�, QiXed With IAN- ENSillk1cr VattCrWil BtAtCd, ill 6111- Vi% -e %,� COTMUCtW by R(v M", 11
"llv`61" or gra' 1
, iu,M�111 Vorer to qucations a:3 to thC, smuling dy, �4c-,,tor cif St, CcorgVs 4-h=qrl:�
I I -, �
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i 1
� In d4cu�s tile *A,atter Enginotr of the (ilavernmicitt gwant, that the �he pufi-b,args wclv MqFr& 0, F-1,
at e,woted fro* tkt rt. (NvernMent did r,Qt rcquirc any par- i ' arey, V. V. -� I ' ,-,v, A. D MCI&&" unit
" pattCrion. S k7h
tit the on ti,'Ulgr tYPO ef Mal GO ION9 as it WAS G, L. 144VFM,4� ldrs� Mkivitol 'WA'i
; ;.
; 2�
in the Choice of
fd'port'"The -or ef meeting ,
A`Ucsday that tile figures -he gavd of up to standarld, so that tile grant th�, on5y Furvivikig luen1kr Of a 1AF90
fAiSs JehlJS_tQu
� I
A a h -, ryUble c"t of upketp of *Wh O&Yable to thO CGUnty) WOUM W Q3 UH1113,7 at th,,� time L
- r000;l were qwstiQned, but reallvert� le&60 �Seeurcd for thi3 qrw, of wad passckt awa5,, ar.1 r,ow Ow tw ha:,- fi
.i� that ja, hi5l lexperielwe tke ftum us for the perularwat roadway dc6& answered the Anal call.
� I I I
i 40 g4v* WOWA be about right Colin- o 5t zrvar. R.ADVI,IFFR,--Mr. Richari Rad� ,I
i follor Hello" tried to pill t1w tuain- Is rant was e0=40111Y 512tcd eliftivt, ,who answqcd the final sum-
qer dw* to,ilointill,g out ,where the as 40 r cent- but COunclIL'Or Mike- mons Mondw., Sk6t, was ope, of the
. 4. . <
i , t
_ 14. 91dicst ycvMmts li't the town 40 for
! L figures he (Coutteillor Holmes) hod U flotcd out that it Foalh
werevvroug. Ile bawd his fig- urcd a t 26 2',3 PQr AV'nt,'03 tW its, beit
. ____
__ - ______ _*�_
� I I
� glvcu lagIlly year& Wj�s, one of
UK$ QL* olleortain, ar4w with a certain lGoveramlent paid nothing for intcrest knov,n offixtnp, The old gentlealan
10 The GranAMIL114 SUGAR, $1.07
amouat 0 tarvia used per t;q -h irges,
- uAre C, � , was in his ,. th year and for years
66 I
i " S, 0 1 or. , 1,ouneillor Hutd r said he wanUd hji been p bliud� For I
,� " ,t . =4 so much for sand and labor, _rU%,,icaI1Vr ; ,
4 �� L ;tW'statement of a repmeell- to �sm the read rolled and not 1pft to some $can hv b well praCtiloally 100 lb&v $10.70 ?
, N e iffiv * 3 411. coula-le raout and made his t
tati of t1to Barnett company as to be Ecttici by tr. ind tLis wa , d to his i
I . 1� " , ,j , Ahe 6111cuut that would be used. IYA sWed to. holue with 51ri. J. Nluvroy, King-aton, I i ...
. I � Councillor MacHwan *thou laored, str(,t, ,tj-hose Care a In,
� ah,onery tws war Councillor Holmes got fig. 4. f was most (1110ilee IN1111,13tea "it .
, u�s Of Sll,780, a* against the $450 se,,onded by Couneillor Worsell. that a,ttcr,*j,Ce and highlLy appreziatedl, Peadle% lit ......... ..... 1 7c 1 Filiem,i Cuiaant% lb... fouc 4 :
! - I . Z 'cad be adopted; Putting 151r. Radvilfft, was born at Aui�
t,tV of w lch Vagincer Patterson put down !Vs type Of I
I ; W'ke:have just received a quan ".. ,os the uunual, cost of upkeep. in c; written motion, which Ili Int-ar. I�Crstburgh, ,r,ssex county, on Ap. . �� I
.. � . Chairman. Munnipas I had figares Parated in the following report iot the ,it 9th, IF,�S, being the N,Oungest son -%live Mal
. I (of t�e aetual results in the use -of I committee of the whole. . , Cojuillil � I I I si,dltl.�,-14 ,
L - of Col. Hon. Thowits Itadeliffe and Syrup, No. %O $209
l Puality Linen Note r Paper travia in Goderich showing that 41,- Your committee of the whole voun- his wifc. Sgruh Ann. rinq 0 o.. 25C 1 "" Il't,W.11,19 %.... C I
� L A - tr %. Ile V i gs, 3 IU ,, . is ..
. 444 square yards were ,cove" last cil niet this evening to eonsider the was educated at lbonto until c was tin ............... I . . 11,
-1 year with 8,00 gallons, at u voloit,6f construction -of roadway On Gloucest- ton years of agp. after which he at. I .
.. . S_Pmiat Value, at, per 1b .......... I............... ...... I ....... 4$e 4 cents per iiquare yard. Colowlslor or Terrace from the 'GL. T. X. bridge tended the o14 Model school it Tor- Ilichwollo Dr -And Ttxlt 11100litio 'S -l"6,11 Ble"u- .
' ,
. I . ' ' Holmes .questioned the accuratV, ;of to VietoOla, and on Vietmia sireet to onto. For a Aort period also he at. 4%sk, ff)v tile yellow b3f,175C 1. ttst 1100tl. Ill .... I ........ 1.1 33c .1
th' 'easurements of the stivicts,un, Britannia road and on Britannia, road tended tile U,pVer Canada College. , I . I
I Special Value Linen Envelopos,.4 pkgs ................... 25le which these figures were barsed, from Victoria street to ftylleld road* Ile -was appointed clerk of Her Ma. I . -_ . I . . .
. . . . I . - ,�..
. I
I . pointing out that some of the street% and we recommend that this council jesty'o leagtoms.at Fort Nrio In Sep- , - 4:1611
, I . . � ___ - — I were not covered the wh9le width. proceed at onqe witlithe construction teltiller, 1655, and in April, 1806, Ile PINRAPPIAB I Xvillto 8
. . I . I Mr. Uunnings stated, howe%vr, that Of the roadway, and that the specill- came to GOde 11wwaliall i3hretictl -: - my .
I � . rich. Ile was frequent. wboat, 2 20(: \ 1).k.L, li"orm - 1. 1,
. r: I . "Try Our Drug Store First" the figures weria l;irreedl by the cations presented UV ,the engineer be ly Assigaed the duty of relieving of. sfim�d, tin..�.... 34C , _ - 5S I 11
� - � L , . . .. 1- .. . I . L I street inspector. on at this used as A, basis for carrying"on. the fieex.,itt various ports, -such as King. "-**- 0.4 fit. Isig . ..... $3 � L I .i
. , 61 ' . . . .
I � � ! .1 . . I .. I Councillor Holmes pointed out' that work, the whole to Ite under the $up- stout Dundas, Guelph and other via. 'jjJJg.tJJot�0L 919 neltu. . ' . L
I . I � -
. � ; I
. . . I . . I I I I to cover 1700 square yarols at 4 cents ervislon of the cOMMIttvc Of U0 ees. He retired from. the service- in siteca, tix�...... 40C 1101-seraflish 23c ...... 89 I
. 0 1 .. .1 are yard would cost 4680, for whole council, with the chaivmau Pf 18tO after -I service. -..---,-- r .. . 121 1lu, kig. C , �
. . I 1 'a' " . 30 Kear. r I L , �
.. I . OUL tarnTa' alone without taking into con. the PUbIle works, coilimittee as, chair- quet to* this Q tonducted an OfLice Sellectilleud L . I � .
. , . I . .
1. ( . . CAMPBELL'S DRUG -5T . lk& c, I sideration the. cost of sarw zand -up- inant and that thils,committee be ask. 4a W64 street, having the C. V. It . . .. , ymingt -1 t
. . .. I . .. . � .1 I plying it. . � ...!. 55C. plant(A . q . . .
. L .1 I . ..L I I I . It . .. ed. to .mako *katever adiust)4004 fleket.and telegraph busin"s and fil. Coffoo, lbi. L ' , , C Voirbi� P,�tlillklt . L I I
. . . . I M4425 lee 33t .
. . I PHONE 90 I , TgE SQUARS I � I ilmeill(?r MaeRwan said . he may be required. 4s.,the work ilcvel� suronce. - Mr, � Radcliffe was'a. Con. .hmqstc(1 ntl o S ,10 1 1
- . . .L . . . - 4 ._ , . . . . � L Fv,es . a gr mid 'A .
I 11. . . . . : .. I . � L � . . I . . I tho lit the figures givell'by, the tar- ops Sront time to time. . servative,, in politics And in religion � *-1 .. . ... llil- � I . . . I
, I . . L', .......................... � ... ... ," - I .ViaL Mail Were "SWAY In tke air, and The L COUT16il t1on m0t us 4, council was Uri Anglican. Ile took an Active . I -01--t- 1. �
. L
�.-. � . 1, Ill I 1::,. . I . claimed that. the Square -Ath more and adopted tbe -roport of the eon%, interest in thoL affall'S OfthQ church
, I _. . �, I . . than Vfctori4 stwtftt would mitteo.of the w3tolo so that the wo* �a �w n of t w U w on t, 44.0 rZ
P � "10P STREETs 60DEJ�11" '
I � ' . lid as o e he ch rob ard s it W E *7 -
a .L . . I . \, I . , I
. 11 '. , , . _' more tarvia and _tkAt Vidoria can be gone ort twith at once. C.00`11- St. George's for aor P_ time. Ile WAS , 1. . . . I 0 L
: . , ., �* � , 11 = could. be treated at less pro. cillbr Holinvo and"Hum )mInent In Masonic work and the ===6axo�
il 1 �. , V.i � reet ber v Ing
. . . . . Hill not voting. 0- , , , Q!!4=.- I'#
. . , illor 11 j L - _ _I- Witliti
.� I. . - ava en portionate Cott' The tarVin Man had naV And Coulle 94HOMe funeral service was heldat =11=2 941 q i
1. ct6 Ste PUTUM t sd&u figured on using too mildh tarvia. " Another mikItter . dispseol, of was I . . . I
. I . . . ,�� I L . - I I - c the lod e- rooms -yesterday .afterneon, I I � r L I � L � .
. . .1 . L I -q- -,-- �, � ,�. I. . 11 There w4a sorne"differetice of '-view re4ppointlng.of Xr.'-Suek * look - lore tis bo Jay' Until it WaSL V�__ . Mon'$'C ` at 14 4. 411. I .11 . .... r 11 � I 1. � . ,
I I - , �. , I , to' ri * wh I 'UpAld ,and 'JUb � , 11 ..
' how much of the road to bave ter the town dumn at a iontundr4tion moved to the, Wt. George's church for T he Club . . :, I ,
I Central 28 treated with crushed ,stone. Elighl. -he, -tollie gar discus,gion in t' I L � I � � " . ,. �
L 4tGo"be Sc:iffied, Graded,� Ralled. a" 'Treat- ' " of $10, and the o6uncil then Adjourn the public service. There were flor.
i ' �, ,A . I vill .be "Lossons from the Life of , . 4 , - ", , �
i . r,,Ve, 2, a r *b tt '- Maitland Lodge, I . W * , , , , , L'
. n ,n- .11'.. ve Patterson said tW 26 feet was led. alurtri U I.q front - by �,�
, I . -W.,- the,stand . . � I ,Pbara6b." It will be Introduced .. , . � I 10
. . ed wit . I , Whole Rgad Shapal 11 . On t _ 0. 0.
I . . . ard required to'obtain the � 'DOITUARY Chapter, and St, Elmo Pre.� Mr.. W. Bowden. Sunday School a . r .8 I
I � . I . Government gralitt the idea .being. to . . - ceptory' (Stratford), and tile I- � \1, i I
, . I 11 I 3 p. ini Prayer service on Woolues- � lt�:, � .,
. the MARLTOX.t--After the' 16n st nolds, L' iday,evening at 8. I I " . � I . e ,
I � .. . ".TO' BE TREATED WITH UITUMEN WHOLE WIDTH treat this much and grade up Ig Ter- bearers wore Sheiriff,Re n PO*M
1� I Mr. Munnings vointed iitut iod of six yeors during which sbi Uol� Parsons, A. S., Chry a I J 6. . &It . . I
. T .. . I I . . I I resC . I I . I
r I . . - Hamilton higloiay had only been bed.ridden, Mrs. Henry Matito Dr. L. At. Mab nd H C, D The annual meeting of tl* North I I - �
I . I I that the n cle a . It .
. " ' LL . I i , ; W
I � Xonunittee of t6 Whole Council 'Wiff Have Power to Make , is feet of pavement, ancinoor street passed 4 n- Sunday last aged .87 Ile became a member of. 1 n .St. Young People's League for ths- 1, 11
. � . Suqqe�tlons As'Work Goes On �' ... .. L . west of Toroh%o was abott this width , Wo ,=residence, West street, Lodge No., 33, A., Fl-. atkO A, ., iti, election of officers was bold oil Tues.. . I . . I 1
� i . . I
- _
. . � .. . �, — .. . . and on both'the- trxffie,was. heavy. . Markon was formerly Miss, 1875. Two years liter he too c. I day ovoulngi the pastor, gov. H. D. . - I
I � I
- I � road, Margaret J.,oibuskon. $he was.Urn Royal Arch degree, Ile hati att*iln- y .... r �
I ' ' I If we had twenty, feet of -it g9od Mo or, presiding. The rellowlim ofel, - I I . � � ,,,
. ,to
.1, " -Hair coo, s 11
4. � . - % L I .
I � The town council met in commit- over 2% Inches in the.sudalee raked way oil ,Victoria street'the traffic in 1relaryl Amd 6ame to Canada *t the led the 32hd kgrec.o Masonry; Ile ficeis were elected. Ron. *11'r s It , . ; '-
. .
_ .... .. �___
. y;, would�A"�ely---be-vonfLvxt4-to--this----- .agc-Of.-eightoo*an _. . -_ . IT "� , -,�' I -I. --,,
____ ... _.. - tee -of-the--wbQle--on-T-hursda"veii---out-an&-remyed- from-,the-roadwa - - , d-, as in"I I - J was --clocted ,vuXAM" ....."MIm.b.- .11�-1.),.-AloyiDr,lr-prmi,,i.,-jx4u - -- ot - -
C -_ r.mot � .
I ing last week to deal with the'Vic- "The roadway shall ,then be . level- Councillor Wil,said ,be had geen to Mr. MLarlton. Ho died manyWwars Alaithuild Lodge "17419,70, 0, position 10; ant vice. ml",I�tinti-14t,glt%,ij!�l-KIPI , . . -11.11- .1 .. I ,. �, I
, I.- . , 6.,Uiss Rose Aitse_! _ , -,-,- _ . . '�
� . . . t6ria street roadway. All the mem- led by means of A grader, so that over.the street and fomnd that the a". Thert -were t*q clilldrift, Xr. which lie held for four succesQvo second vice -pre L n, . I ' ., I *
I 1.*rs Were preseyi� with the exception filoni the centre -of the roadway ,or whole width of the street was used Win. Xithen, the Wlell-knoym al,ip- years, In 1882 and 1983 'he was ,el. third ,�Ice-pros., Miss Mary Howell; I i : I % ,,%' � ,
. of Councillor Cutt, who Is. out of a distalict of five feet; the alqpe shall but admitted this was imobably on .builder of G-oderich, � who died u- few ected District Deputy Grand Master fourth vice-pres., Mr. Goo. Horsley; . I B.ICalght .., . I �' �
. . I I . : . , . .. town, in Kitchener, and Co*4nty En- be % Inch per foott, and for the next . account of the centre of the, road � ago, amd Mrs. $pence, ,wU,nI90 for Huron District, which comprises fifth. vice -pros., Miss Florence Moon- , � . I � .1 . I �. . . 11 . .
I � . I I , gineer Patterson also was On - band. - five feet the slope of the. crown shall being in bad condition. , . '�'eeadPa' cotnge of yeariS or a6 -a,to. the Counties, of Huroni 1�ertb Ima ey; sixth vice-pres., Alliss Disher; Will. 110 Alt, tile I . . ,
. , . I roadway I � � , :� -
I t . I .'As requested,.,be..had prepared. spe- be 2A inch,per took And -the Councilloi ', Humber 7)ointed out The deceosiA` was a member ld *fhe, Bruce. Nil. � 1444clifN was rharr'led seventh vice-pres., Mr, Fl. Pritchard; I - . . . . . . � I., ll
. � , vifieations -pe pressions, that under the plan 4edfoled on last Anglican Awreh'and ,the funexal-ter- at Fort Bric' to Eliza yoningleA sceretary., Miss Maud Howell; treas- BEDFORD HOTEL lo'it INURSOAV9 .. . -
. ". � for the ty , of road that smooth and free from all de, J . � III.;,
was favored �sethe majority of the . "Test holes sIA44 be -dug at repre- year we were to get a roadway 28 vice on Uesday NOis c6nduclea by daughter of Col, ohn Vrarron and orer, Miss Dorothy Westbroolit pian-- . . 1". S_',
I . council, 8114tty 1, were -ado ted -th' sentative points at intervals of not feet, wide and the objection Was Rev Alt,. Hardy. The pall4warers bad one daughter. Mrs, Curzonj who ist, MiSi Rota worsoll., nosociate I . . NAY 19do I. . . . . I . I *'d
. . . logole 7701, � oad -to de. ihade - that this was too parrow. �If ,4-er.� Mearms. G� L., Parsons, 10. F. died a few years ago. ,Mrs. Ited. plaplat, Miss V011113 F1111100 - Re- .. .. I .
-,the one. chain t the w I I I �
. ,ge; tha ad less than 400 feet on the r n . .. . f?
I � . - . I I I I � ,
. . . � . is to be treateit-witli bitumen instead tormine the depth of .gmv,el.aurfaie so why talk of a go foot roadway Carey, A- D_ McLean and Capt. rnk� oliffe predeceased -her husband 'by a ports oftthe work ot the VqWous� de- 8110 , ing - J.,Attmt St, 1414 io . . �
, . . . w y . I
. , )artrule 9 'showed - Ole ,work of the , . I
. I I . - of only the central 20'feet as Engin� existing. . I I rioW 1� To this Councillor MacEwan ster. .. I I .. - . number of yetrs. The only redative,of 'n I . I
. - t, e oer.Patterson-had at I first put down.. � "Fine, gravO containing a sufficient Poinied out that Qhe * 1%jection. last I 1. I . I . the deceased living here is Miss Cur. young peo a Very prosper- . "' I I �
As autended,1ollowIng 'are the spe- hindet, crushed gravel or.crusher-run , y,e was to putting- ti;. ; WeXM-AfUr' an. illness v -le
if some ,v -to be in P spects or I I I I .1 11
L s ur zon, his grand -daughter. Mrs. Goo: ous co4dit'on ;xud the � Ladles" fi�A 60"ta" flair . � I
. I weeks Mr. Alexander MeNee, Tassed . 190 I ,. I
I .cificatiolut; for the reconstruction of broken *limestone, with .all particles de of this 28 feet. The proposa Dow, of Montreal, a niece, was here the coming year a ver� pro IsIng. . . . I I , I
*. away on Sunday, April 1st, in his it 1.
I l . � I . Ahe gravel roadway, on,Victoria street over OV2-inehes screened -out, �sball nox was to leave the boolevardr, the 62nd Year� z4 the residence .,of his for the funeral, , I Miss .Ball " tito osteent real out, . . . ; I , I I .
. I ��� ...
. . I I . -sprea& over the durface, so pre- t . width. The was re-elooted by aecla u. his I . 11 .� "I 111
. . %11� with bituminous iiiirfack: ' ! .. I then, be son, whole . resent cola ti -1 G086 .1 I
, .. . . . . . I . A !The work tbali!be done illyday that after consolidation there shall roadway would, be a goo'd 'r P brother, Mr. Jas. MoNed, where he � -'AMONC% -THE CHURCHES, � has been her fourth term Ili this of- . . . . I . ..
. � . . . � . be a -total 4 . oad but. made his Uine. -The de�eased twas , I � . Le - an doll- _.__1 _17_wA.,A(1vk�a - I Oil, t�c, I .
, . ,pth of surface . tal 6 ; the central portion would 'be - -flcO'.and._tb6_. I I I I . ,
— _.�' _ I �.- -INOTIG __ _ , , -1 -. - _ I lt� 9�_. hl_�f. ,,,, H-1--iltoi ...... - I.- � - ___._,__ orn-irr--Co4 ., -0a. -T-u6idar, � I . .-1141 a-vasm- " �,_' . . I
I . . if V1, f t .fwV-61;-- 4krilk . ilarne--township, betogn- � eveniug�- -24tb;,.-.-tW0 . ., I 1, - -_
. . Iiir�ediai�iF�A-fit-e-r-,'t,,h,--'i" ule es rom Arai n s r 'no _: ��iitd-d-'Witli,,-;�i.�iW.�.'f-'�,*-,**--,- t .excellent work un er'bor. adminiatra- � . . .!� . **�,,
- "
. , 6. root is Ou I . . $Ott of the UioL Dune4ft M�Nclo nd young people of Bolimillor eircuit �. . I � . . � I
.. I'� ,of the ground. in the spring And: the erly . and' from XiiigAo street tO " Niou Of -the Toad. . I . I ftwo brothors *ad' a 9 0, tion. . . I :� P110fte Mr. K0.011 for Apowntmeol - : I", ; *
I * � I is,survived W. tffiree ,*Ill present 'The.MlniFaer! 13446?l ,
I I I ,surface softened lb)r -rains, the su the Bayfield. rbad and a total depth In ans�?er to enquities. Engineer . 5r . "it tfie school room of. .. .1 " � . I .11 . . 4 .." . "
! . I inches froni'llamilton treet to Patteisofi stated that-thd rest of the I $ f Dilvdan. CNOO, of West I North St. i : _. - _,;,,:-T_. - "... I - 1. ... a �.i:;A � ,
. I : � . .fact of the roadway', 10611 'be scari- of 7 8 . i exce, )f o The proceeds In aid 0! -th "The Sign. on the Dolof�l hat; been � . ,�11 I -_ _�. ; � ,
I osh* 4 . 00do., . hurch, , c I . I I �- . I
. . I *Ilied'*ra, suitAblevscarifierto a'depth Kingston street. At a dist=e of 7 rbAd would be graded up td cokif4rin I a 01. - , - . I * �d Ott an elaborate. settle under " 1� I I
I t from the 0 .1 "�bf C . : , .1
� -entre of the m 'Ith' the 'central portion. No, r ch . ' , --I �Leakuo. MlgsionaW Fund, 1;1_-,
. � At" I , produce. �
. I ,of. yioit * s iankl 1.411 t,of ,,the:, stoun fee Dadway * Ono 'r ch i otiboj.rno . h . : .
. I . . . . - o - D4ves, -and Mrs. 14ch! Bishop William!. of the Ifurou Dio- dircotion of Herbert Brouou. . I .
r inehe . . I i . - jbje riot raised any -objection to Uving the an rs., . W. I PERSER . I
. - � �
�. �. . I � ,the depth of material shall , r ard Dave , of St. deor- 'rhe sconr�i were filmed at Paint ,, . I I I i
I � . � � � less than' 5 ipche�' aft;er .colisolida- $,00d portion of- the ,road 1noreased _ f Spokane, He spent ce". will visit the parish, i ',� .� . . �
. . �
� � . , I
" tion. , . I . Aw wicitil, however, and !Chairman . I Thentre on Man . 129 Toronto,.. 04t L � �. . . 1,
. � , . Ashfield and Colborrile and ,for the for the purpose of admirditer- I 1 1. - � . . 11 11 . . I,
. . .1 ,�-' .e I "In regrading the -road*ay ,smd in Munnings said as long A�k. -W,e �got I - Gode- ing 66lifirination. . ,onfirmatioa, clas t23rd. .... � I *0000=", . . � .. � -
1 1 , - hip life ti -with his brothers in %e',&,,'Godericb, oil ,some Sunday. - 'Beach and New York, 'See it it th.e St f
"I Model dair,: -.1titn"iel
� I .
. '
. i I .. NO&I Th* . 'plaraing new material .care shall, ,be value for opr mo,dey he would be past eight yearg had lived in - 0 - . � . - - . -._ I . . . . 1- � . _ I � .
I . I , . I taken so that the surface of the .rctad just as well pleased to speno 4 tbou� rich., He was an expert gardexer, pek are starting for those Intending ,. � - I � 1. - I I I I - . � . I , I, I . 11' I , I, I 11 I 11 11 I :1,11 . . 1 *4 1
. � 11 . . I . I �. . 11 I , N 1�
. I ..� .1 WEEK of APRIL,23t,to,28, . ':shall be. at',the game eleva,jim ;as 'sand or a e6uple of thoustma dollars- Was � of a ?uiet retiring disposition, to'seek the rite, - �. .I ".., �l . -1 . I � �. � I I ., " .1 . . �
. .
- . I I . , , . - A more, and It v and in re iggiov wao a Methodist. �Thc members of H , I � . � I .1 � . I . . I � . .
� I �. . . 11 — . . an 0 e cov po sy a e, a wider. hard -road, During - his -last Illnes�. uron Lodge No. . � . � . I .
. . � . I es. s a, , lo I .at d ' . he was nurs- 624 1. O.'O. F., will mark th 1 I I . � . . � . I, , I.. I . . I I -
I I I � .1 .. Mai4y ana Taesda� I . gra co st on the and it was finally -agreed to.make e 104th Im a . . . �� � , , I I .�,
I ,
: I i . I I
. . NORMA'TALMADG E at t e tr- c will not be subject to Engineer Patterson explaiiied -illat ing - divine service Ili Victoria. street If * A ." � ll , t
. .. a builip on crossing. I 4 any portions, of- thd side of the roads oral was held an Tuesday, April 134 Methodist church, on Sunday moru- ' ' FOR, SPR . �
I ap roaches ,, to � sidewalk cro�sings ." this 29 feet. . .1 . I . .� ed by his., xfifteo,' Mioses Vera"and anniversary of .the Order by attonol- .
Olive MeNce, of 'Toronto. -The fun. �
M."a :Virst.Nofiondl 4,.Iottractiota � ,I "'After placing the n material the services being conducted by'ltev. Ing,AfAl'29th, when Rew J. W. Hold. FOOTWIWAMR, . I . �� \ . I
, . . low which inight be rough it would be � .
. . Mr. Moyer - and � the pall-rilearers, I . I . 1, � I
I 0 I '(7he Sign - on the Doa"? - it shall. be conplidatod by rolling Or,. well to scarify � as well as:the, central being Messis. JAq.,,, ley wi I Preach. � . � -1 � . 11.1 I . � . � . : . ... I - I �, '. _ — , . � � ,'.,k-�, I- . I �
I . _Pustow, J. B. . . � . . ., I 1.
I I . .. I . . I .. -.by straffic'and during this process fte� portiono Imt ,%�here the road was good . At. the Victoria stre('tL Ditathodist ! ... . � . I I I I � . . . . . � _
. . 11RI11%, ?.m I material shall be kept in place a_na', He Would Use' only the.' . --Grahift'and Richard church next. S ' I %Vt havo n)atlo,all eMm efrol b t�l two.: , , � . � .. I
; . I MEN T� grader, as it I Graham, W, 13.
1 . ! .1 I 1,0.., an, old neighbors from the Coun- ,)�day morning abol ev- .1. " H6400 I . I �, 00 � -
�: Policy td' GterfemWith Ry t . T1111 .
, � . lustep For.warii �.� . . the roadway maintained in a smooth was , not I onhig the seft ces will be conducted i qellt the 110w"i, Oreatloll.i4 ill . , I _. I .... 1. � 1�� I .�
I . I . ..� 11 try.. Mr. Howard. MeNee, of the Re- . .. � .
I . . I I 4coudition by repeated operations with roads which were all right. I . . .. . . . . ; I I .
I . . all grider.. . I . . I It 'Was Councillor MacEwan �Who xall Drug Store, is 4L nephew, . � Wltev- R. Fulton Irwin, of Seaforth. ." , . . . . I 1 - I . . I . � .. . .�
I . . I . . I ,hool at' I o'clock and thp . Ill - .
. �, We"my and. Thursday IA "' � . ,Sunday.Sc I - ; - -
I JOHNSTON.-A ojember . of 'a class. Xneetings at '10. , F,veryone. Is , - RAP' Lipp.
. . I . � - . "'Ai the time that the surface of flilst expressed his Satisfaction �with- : .OXFORDS 'AND '. PST P . .... � � 4.. .
- , .
. � . . 1. ... �tbe road becomes.: sufficiently, set, the specificatiom and.,stated he Va.,; I veg. long. lived' fanift � Miss Jane cordially welcome to. all services " . 11, . I . - 11 ... .1 � . . I N
. I - . .. I . I I t )" , I
..... . I - -AY,RES . '' - 44'6ver'it . detail%' -to; . I , Tile now %tyles for Spring.al; (160,111e.1 hy tll� il-�Vaa M. , �
I � � I . . �AGNES , , chloride shall be s'�re aj jhj quiti -m''Iling *to,leave. ,the .., I �o stou, sister 61 the uow late Mrs, Baptist church, April 22nd. Both . .. I �� & I . . . . I 1� , . I
I I I N..
_. I � �. . . ,,
. _ in a ftwamwuot 1K011are iraW of .%. -lb. per square YArd for the be worked' Out - by the public w��g [ Edward Marlton, West at., attained services will be conducted. by the ' .. I footwear wtkts� a,nd. araftRuiou are fasi-inittingin 0 efi;K 'll 1;, ,
. J� � purpose -.of maintaining a moi c committee. Cbuncillor Humber aft- I the good age -of 98 J�egrs, befo,re the. p , v . � - , lw�� � ;
, . "A Daisghter-of Luxury ' . . . _ ' XAW4, ' 'Ite I �. 0-.0 N , Dewey. . Hip 4,11111,11)411". lineq. -.011 beltutifill 116�41. '(1101wealed in - .1 I .
I ditioli. and ag a -dust-, previfitive.. .' ed'v%y -mdt leave the detaM4 to the, egli. ca * t III ,-e-r. 'H . I I I i �'. .
I ,
. I I . � I . Idation. the surface whole ctm . me a go up 1i gh', gr themes will be: 11 it. tn., 119011seal�, theill iq w wonderfill OnAt) alld :eoltlyfirt.ala a, service- � , I . �. .1. .
.. I I � .." � . .
. ChAalte (lomody � , ,. til -After jeonsoll , nidil. and this was agreed to, defith took place at lAndon on Vied- ' -"The Come of Joo 1 slbilh�, gli-oll -oil V, ill lemh,eo; of the hept qitzlity.11 .
I . I ` " � of 4be road shall -be swept free. of all C6uncillor- Worsell It was iihO 4sk-� 1.1coday, Mailch 28th.. *Uqre she h -ad _," Al P. tn., . �, . . I , .
.,�� , , . c6ht% p. m., Bible School; 8 p. in., . . I I
. . . ..Be Yoursel& . I � . lo&e�particles and dilst,.and bitumen ed it it w"AA -not be policy to have 'been living for the patV year. She 13. ' 110wll ( alf"llatent and- Kid IJ&Ltheiri predoininaLo � :, I . ,
I I � -- I I the whole surface treate Y. P. �U. Inectingi'' Wedner,duy, - B : , t I
I ' applied At the rate of %. gal- per d -with tai- hid an attack of pnehiftoltlia but it 8 p.'m, prayer service, .. . . . () Priew. I I . . ,.
. with' Jjy) Utoht- emijbiwitiotm of,trituiniiwg . 4 . . 1. V
I . I .
. �
I . . I . Friday and Sataiday. , - - I , s INW yard Over the wholi surface via in. place of only the central 20 ,%vgg l hich ,she Tayloes Cornpro Rev.` I C. N. Dewey. I.Are ll1()qty01lq0".t11Ic. I I . . 1, . . . . . ... . I
I o? the roadway. Fine gravel, stone, feet as at Arst,suggested by the Oh- died er 13assing.W48 quite .sud- . � . . I
I ' ..
. . ... GLADYS WALPkON ,chips 4or �oarae- sand, shall theik be. gine&'and AU"r Gallow, who had je.a. 'Miss Johnston was 6.native of will hold, a!serviee in Zion church old I � . .it .... .11 t. I. � I . �, .
I.. .. . in a I slWr-v by Diet flarte . spread Over the bitumen'in sufficient beell'attending:a,meeting of the Wa- 4and, being borii. uo.ar Sligo 'anlT Sunday aftornoon, April.22nd, at 3., I I I . REPAIRING . � . . 4� . .
I I I . with .4, ter atia, Light. Commissi6n and, w Ird - - � .. . .. 1.11 . � � 1. � . .. I I
. I 4 quant?b,ir to supply the whole _ bo came -to Citnada in 1866, her broth- O'clock . I - I I - I I k
. . "'The Girl Who Ran W Ain .cower. . . . . Only '�amd In out this timell � said ers,%6ssrs. William and.John, beingv North St. 31,othodi,it ftrth, Ilar- I __ ._._____ —,-T--- , _� __ ... . I , . . � . . I I
I I ,f, . � . �
� I 1� . .Lee Moratt Cowedy � � � . JAA secood application,of bitumen he thought this stould be done. No already in this country. 'She came vey Aloyer, pastor. . Sunday bervices, . . .. I I . . ' - J �4� ##
4 . . shall be made and a thin mat form. objection was raised to this tind ao�' I Irett to Goderich and had- lived. Aprfl�229d- Public worship, 11 a. m. � � . I . 40
. � � . lo,]Rello Judge" . � ortion of the cordingly the, apeciticatious were 'a�- ore ..:all fier Ife ulitil a Short and p. in. The pastor's mornt .. . . 1. 4GE01. MacVICAR'. I ,
, " . � � A
� �
'I ,
I 'I
� I I
1 1 1 11
1:1 I It
f I
Iopu'l- .
Zia di
.1 1\ ,
I �, .,. �,
I I .1 -
I s. ! n 11
ihii pa i1b I
� t
I _
74 �
I IT hh
y 0
11" I V
I 11 11L
,. . ,od ,over 14he central .p . I I as already 9 Ii time I . . . 11 I � I . I . � ,�I,.
I MUtt an.d- Jeff Cartoon I r!D,adway. mended to include this, ago� ,She was a inomber'of the An- theme will - be- "The Human Rea! . � . . I 'i 1,
. AlThe niaintenance of the- roadway stated above. .. " . I . I t .
. . � .glican..".-church and while. able - was son as it Guide ini Life.11 Evening, Nor.th Sale of Square . � Coderich I .
Mitinves'Mon. and Wed, at 4-1'5- Ighall be cowtant. Prompt attention Coun011or � Humbl&r asked 'why not always a very faithful attendant at "The Ordinary Man 'and the - Extra- . . � � . I . - .
. . � Saturday at 3 0, OL I ghall lbe given to' any ruts or ,hole$ I have the work done by oloontract and church, The ftmeraV took place onl9rolinary ..Thing," Classes, Mission I . . - � . I I . � I I . . .
. Here Soon-!-"Burulng Ssnds�". 1 -which develop. ,.These shall be clean- 'Councillor,MaclKwatt stated that they , , I . 1611111iII11111111 1111111d 1111 . I . � 111111111111 I . 11 11 I - ___1_ � . I J
. . Nil Ill: It . � . . . . . . .1 . I I., . .
_==!== � � -1. . 11 -_ --- I . ,.. . . . . � I . 11 . . . 11 . � . . � _ ____. , ,
. . . . I I I I
. � . . _.
., . M I . . . 1. . I . - . - � . � I . . .1. . I I I . I . 111111WIft. - . o' �, "?,
11 j!
I .
" �
_#� \, f_.�
- 1. � . . . .. . I I I -1. I .1 . I. 1. .. .� .. , . .1 1.
. . ... �. 1. . I I .� I � � . . .. . . I
.R A Y. .,WITH , I .1 .
.. �
. - 11
. 1. . , NE DIE
t NE INS " �HIZ � - RETON .
. .
I I �FOR, SPRI�.NG. I W.'' 9 I .. . 9� . . . 9 11
. I I .. . . .
I.. � . ., ... . 0 �. �.. . . ., 11 I . I I 11 I
I . . - — . I . .
-!!����---,---.--,--�------"�...-�l-l�---�".''�.,.,..-,��-----.,-,----.--1--�--�.---..:�-,�.--,--�-,�,.�.�-.11�,- . ... . - --- -_ _,..-!.-_ _ 11 . . . - -_
__ __ il . . ...'''.1 I... �. . I I I ..'' . ,- . 1. ..
� .
I 0 I ' . �,
� ____
. Tawlkwis"MMUTIP1 Lovely New' Curtain'Materials I , , , Bright. Patterns. in Chintz "' .-loyal" Curtain Rods,�,
- - - � -1 . '11107 lw�p Cui mill 114)IN Tit ilitt � ,.I, lo for , � it-, 'Ayla
111111. I , ��Z - � , I . I This week -,tirfs tile- opening of our lieftsOn in 110u8efurnishingri i1nd . .The Jlriglit new eololhlg4i ill G , Will dclight 016 11030, 'Ptl ,� , 4 . d %vickdov4. llladol, all f-)rtql�lglo eurt3iwi.
2�:��� - I . cuftainii with the semon's. latest J)atterlis in orettly Voile5, Scrims, �tfmr- who need this matedid for mpring decoratiug and furnl4dilg4, 010 loao,�'
.1 I � - I ay de(Jgfig'. ill'' beallkiful f4ladvq fri. , - 1-tiltaino vvull 4,40.4."',,I)C�'. II. -V wil0qVi
.141 " ,.,' . � 141.� . I I . quisettes and Not materials thp,t will brighten UP1116 borne. torng are in flower, hird and spr, . . I .. I
_< . � . , '1111"tili(I. allf) '411101 1Jf;a,;,,, ,ivlo f'w. vurfailiq
I I I ,:-, . . . !�".) � 'Marquisottias in plain or faticy edges in all widtlia and shadeq �Ilriee(l eurbain drapes and hangingq. . . . .
. .. . -
, 0 11 I wide, fivit volomil 'i,* . �
'. i I I i P � "I I at,39c, 49c, 58e, 135e and 70o a yard. I I . � I 36"i0alles . at 911c, . ie; 45v.aud. 19eltL N ard... . agaill't tho ftla�114. . .
I r . � I Scrims aro priced at 10c '21e; 29a and 35c. 1 1 . . . . .. � I . , .. 35�- 'wd .'Pill. it "o".
���,� )I - Prieled Mt I.)(
� . :I. I . � ' "
I , I., I . I . I ' 49 � . . .
1 4 1 1 r ' I I .
� .
I - - .. � I .. .. . - Congoleum Rugs -
�� .k,,. 1� 10 , I . . Gold Seal",
- . I 11 '
h I. �1� . V .
. -
I ; 13A. � tl,�.. U-, loo, 0 LinoIttims and Oileloths—fliReid (1101(i Sea,] Congolellt1l Itugq are ready fo " lir eholming ill all 4izf� Bath Room' Oildoths
. . I' 'C aln a , � .1� , I . I . . y r �10 I ' .
I . PC ic � , � 11 . I ug today. ,Thev .
W q I ., I I Now rectily with tile now patterns !it beavy iluality Canadian Livo.f ,tnd patterno. This iq the inoA modern floor coveri � Thig ic; an eNtrlt i,e,wt * -Im'dity Wth
,"* '111161 r I J 13 . .
3_ .. !i 0 . -all
I "y . � , V 'I 11 I loun), one of the best all robad floor covering4 used in the Canadian bonie. ' liave tile zppea1,hlnc"f real ma.; ana for real fininh and long wettr we ( lt6wn Odeloth ill finel"tterng iri tile. 14(wk
1��,i-.: 11107 W izeq -froll? -
� , I * I Seal Congoleunt Rup for all V001114 ill all �,, . ,
�. 10 � . 11 Ill , Tile patterns are in inediuin and lar�o 'block and ucroll pattorns, well recommend Gold I At tl ",en)ll tle,lial),4, tit, ive-1 i", 59 enllt,4.
� J,�. 1 il'.j; I .:.;.�ij il [�� 'L 4 � � .. . ,
- . . .. �: �� "I,, , ., -�No. - - .1 1.-- . I .
\1 '" - , " :� " 2�- -�: - prinv�a aud h avily finisbed. Priced at 95c aii r.quqtre yard. 91nall "lats to tile 9 X 112 fdc)t ,
. ;I -I s'!"', I 9 . I .
. 0 1 � W 1 0 I - I . �
. 1-� I I liipi� .
� .1 � i ! 1�, "W'PATTERNS AT'49 CENTS I
- ,_ .. I I . -
0 W, IV , ,, 'ii`1110:
.". -.0 � 0 "', I �111 I . . . I . � ' 11 .
11� ,I" � . t I 1. , �,�;
.� . V. I 0 . . � A r� I t " 1-0 ,g CA 11 -
o . . '. �( , :� t gist Tapes1try ugs - -
. #.� 4,41, Veranda Rugs.and Runners �.. U)Durg" Bedroom Rugs ' ' . I '
I— W = I I FLAT I I . Tiliq iq a �iljeeial mvi-llhe4o of Ine oul, TvpeAsy
, .. Thme h;ve just arrived In & beautlital a'asortment, Thc-o are t1le nbwei�t kind of Bedroom and Dell
. , I
i. I... ,t� '. .-: RMALR. 0 0 I � 6f patterw; and in inany useful giveq, in Greent., I' .Ug') ID&JO ftoM ML C'14036 z cave eotton in the niu,A Rugg ill the beat rattornG of tile ueacwl ill 41ade.
I 1into (4 Mnvn, Brown and 401t riprou"11 flil.,00y'.
gr� I
" '': - �� 11 ..
o 4*� - , I 11 � 1 ; I � � - I llrowna and Vtieq 311 nlctd�, from extra hea,vv I lwautiful shados of Plose, Blue mild 116ho, and conle Time aie godil Tur,q in ve9tilar 1,ize;-
I , - — hemp that will give yeara of %Veqr and listing, ill all alyeg hom stilgli mats to the larger, ai,-0:4. thp . �
04, 11 . 11 I., .. I &ervice. Tile pricea rango h Priced at $25-00 I bach. .., . I
:. � V I P ---p _ , 1011t 143.50 to $11.50, pliceg range from $9,95 f() $18 50. I . � . 111111111111111,
I'll . - - — _.. __ - , � I . 11 ift _0 - , - . �. ... � ..!!!"! , . . ! ll!rl! - ___ - - .. - - - - - - . .- - .
__ � , � ::;- _�: _��__.__ __..__..__ _ __� ------ _ _� -, . � -,,,,---.-, � , - - - . �
. . PM I . I
. _ CTS 1111"Y W 'T ' IV 0 1
0"A1?"'%%T_?4 D111% A G006S DY -TO -WEAR
� . . V14111110nIESERMS VILIGS
10 .. � ,�:o
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I . .. : . .
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