HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-19, Page 4V V 001 _00 1 C4)PXXM VAX TIIVRS DAY. APRIL 19th� A923, tbat they woul4l hiive We beat posObla P= . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... c�" Mr, UY,12e, and Mr. rne peut- life agala alla that they f.,huald n5t :R11d are jhi,1110 from WindEgr for a Imaer, %umo cases of Winsitice vvetv 1period, E"AYS bouWl to existo bat *S s.001% Ali Mcke Among those present ot this ran� CAWO to light Cauad" and nVilish cert we . re Mr. And Up. John Dustow. Justicewouldism tuattbiligowevo wilao of Godericb. old residents of the Nile. Silks,.and Dresses light. A meeting of the truitce board OCT. Mr. Noyev tool; for IiN buble-31 was held on WoWnesday night to At. sTRA w HA r rionge for the 24th of May function, "my, wbowbcu he v%pressa.3 the loag, annually held here. Aug loradrinkof thf.3 water *&Jue Won A - 4putation front the Church pay., lives Rod a of betbichem, asked their 'a Visit to Mr. J. ff. 140thelir Pouges SA Fiom Japa Dresses broke throunli tbo kbilist*W IIUQ3 and � wtin 0 secured the refreshing drallght for their on Sunday afternoon, ARICII 15th, the D A uumbe Occasion of W 89th birt day, to Wish, 33 inebes wid% brilliAnt 644h, sail 9"1 -rof New York s,,,wple dresses of loved leader., These sold'"s were him many happy returna of the day. best, quality $11k Talfeta, very styfvsh� They ilike the Canadian and allied soldiers Mr. A. p. heavy woiglit for dresso, 4dr-ts. blouses, �omp. to 2o. lin heroism and like them theirwr- Sheppard spoke for the bloamors, curtihis, ete, Plftularq�slit aro in VaVY81 browns, grcen,�, 13izcs to church, referring to the pJ vice was timely. It was as soon as Hethetington had filled in ace Mr. church and Special per iteplar V31ue 'SM,w. David expressed the longing, for the refreshing drought from the well be community lite. Mr. Geo. Curry al-' like new—is; so was present " representing the �Jakes ymr old hat looL knew, so well that these three gallant S. S. in which the afor�mentiolled had Easy to SuMags Coats soldiers pet about gettlur it tot long rendered services as teacher. permanent and waterproof. Now Floor Rup vaiting for the cover of da&Z. Play a success; An enjoyable even. apply. , Brush and directions With 56-luch 4.11 -wool Barges for New style -a in the blou2e This was like the timeliness of the ing was spent in the church on Wed. English se3mles-9 Axminster service of the first soldiers sent to nesday, April 11th, when a -concert every bottle. All tbp- p0pular colors. th dwsscq, suits, ekirt% $1.50, bacts and with full wrapper e front who, before relpforceintuts no play "The Country School 621,25 and ........... 0*4*43.00 It.111,18. Special 3x4' bad the war wou, in that they Tiaam," was given. The play by . yar4s alcoves, etc, ill Velours, duv. come, Poirot Twill--Fiiwt French e4oigg patteraq. ltevnlar $0. hold the faw-till relliforeements came Nile talent Was a success, and did dting9i 56 in'. Wi4e. black and es'etc. Trices, r4ugo$la, wbiih were abl.e to, turn the tide of credit to thecapt. Wrsonai mention, Price' 30c bottle gale, cacti .......... .. ........ $49,75 'ety" S11 VWOM t be made of Miss M. Curry, $18, 832% $25 and ........ $32.00 1 - Tbv� Whole sbrvice on Sunday Zvell- IW2199� though not one of the players,, Ing was a ropriate and nicely car- Was director in getting it up. Of ried-put Mhere were two "ft ren. those in the cast it is difficult �to $in - tot special. notice; the Linelk Roller. fowelling, 23c,y4 Bed Spreak dered anthems"110, God our Help in gle out any Ages Past" and "Nearer Toy (;ad, to sublime moments were attained in a nLMOB Thee," In.the lat Aleb the solo few utterances, of Mr. T. G. Shep. 4t size, beab quality, 4 -ply crochet ter of �v umvy all -line" Crash of splandia quality and obligato H., Co DUhLOPt Q)uilts in variety of patterns, splondia appear Art W48 takeil by Miss pard, as Gideon Longface, Colborne In no voice. N sa'aelcber for rollerhauil or ilish towels. tiniatlea witil. ance, anit they wash and wear beautifully. sang, with ood effee 440 though the real burden of the plot 11 Drug Store et, I st in the fell iia Mrs. Dustow and Mr, Iiiiac The Rexa Special price .... .............................. ...... WbfCb Is admirably adapted Tabb, and was nobly sustained 'by .......... ............... 23c Lord ' 11, to gar voice. The tablet th be dedi. them rhonQ No. I as Mr. and Mrs. Snecklolak. Bedford Block upre, Goderich c4ted was placed in the front 4f the M not - 01 0 isfr Louis MeWhinney was mery at ehure oit a sc tbeport and remained Ural and Mr. 0. Dpatow quite at ease covered with Union Oack until in their respective roles while Miss the , time of dedication. Rev, Mr. Glafts Seguss Rerformea Well as the Who con. tenessr of the date, being the 4nni- trlbute& well the minor parts. were. versaty of the death of one- of the Miss Mary Bogle, Miss Minnie'Tabb, SON.-, S oso names were i on the approftla-� new Moyer Olurpented 0 chool teac er. Otb�ra t le %serlbe(I Mr. Rosw Taylor and JAs." Reddick. n the'w viz., Fred Ro rtson, In the concert part a recitation was. e, .1o.' of Coats posses n t a eiling and dedication given by Miss S.eguss, and, vocal num- 8 ecial So - - - - - - t e. tong -c by Miss Al t itood. - The . losing ice Reid. and r Mr. Ynin was rever with the Lord," Wilson, of Goderkh, Who Were audience, T41Wadge'S e �Week well . received' by * the late Asso. Wilson possesses a good Voice, and,' Ho'siopy- for On MjMC ciated First National, starrin 191)icle, rende% his Popp effeetivel$,. The fWnsittlan of the eclated. Mips Reid displayji' qua- 0 1 ya 00 al Tablet In ."Th� Sign on the Door," Will be the Wilds, short lk on radto was also ap- AN ELECTION IN JUNE the at -th Ro I Ladlis, wcek Is the film feature � at Model Theatre. Ready -40-69 I ' on li ;And eare, In her numbers audwas Of an. appeitl to the 0 lit on the occas! #$n N Street rch ofelthemloinseaballnVeAt Concert. listened to, with pleasure b ontarlo, in June, by Prom - BRW, dixerie ed e church, A as I that 'hearly fill thy an all TOWN Topics Chapillon, of Goderlich, was the 14r, Drury, this eftling, as the result d Unveilins andDedication of Afem tb Dea $o1diars The Home and, School Club, of Cc aeco nist Q0A1rS arral for the evening, and the ,&a bitter attack on him,. not W r .1 .4vening trkl 8chool will -meet on Friday -e-v- Pearson was cbqitrfizin, -CW lits: ­b -f mat s. Velouri Polo �Utpidq the party he is WWI 4a# Sunday, ening, April 90th I at 8 O'Clook; Spring' c�fials* such a GIPDERICH MARKETS. Clotll Tw�ed a d shades of brown, navy, train VI'thill.tha GWOMAICAlt Serge. arging I, rf_ . Don't forget the 500 and Dandi�'to Who r ati jej bash." 1.00 t. r 1.10 1 P .. M, Aq WAf -A CAAfPSEU Lif TS'. THE VS11. b-0 given by the Maple Leaf Chapter, sand,,- f awn and taupe. Regula -f $12,50 to $2.0 00-11 Flout, family,*per.cwt 3.50 to &60 -DrOtY,W45 A traitor' to D- B." in the Masonle Hall, 6A feet April the th. Ti4kets. Wheat patent, -per cwt 8.75 to 100 siw�ric6 25 cause and that he had jReoy. Mr V9yer Speak E109 dY of SaCtifie I ...... 30,00 to 5:0.0 the tarmers, and, an per ton.. The regular: monthly meeting of S o;;6 per ton- i4,.00 to 36,66 'Wo dickering with another party to Service of Canadian S61dier Aovs,, the Hospital Ladies'.Aid vvill. be held Oats. #A* power. Should the result, of in'. the council. , per bush '42 to' 45 rt in O&UyInd t 44ainbers at M. .55 to 60 Sainple 8atiu 'aiid-Silk' 4 Arl el. . Diesses of Taffdt a,' Ctepe, neg, per bush 70 to 76 ru Mr.. ]Drury's The accom 0en things Of the spirit righteousness, on -Mondayj April 23rd. A turf at-, eat, per bush. the handsome peace and gooilwill to iucu. Usy. she tendance is r�qu 0 0 0 election again retu from. 0 photogra at e Regular $14,5 t' $!940- Sale. yrice $9,50. .......... 10.00 to 12.00 vorty as the laitest group in the bronze tzibldt wh ob wM unvelli4d last continue ever a deliverer of the. oppres. The Monesetqrog Canoe Club is, 'slatUrQ, Which ridesl of the Pro* sulloav evening in 31orth, Street Veth,� sjd�jgul4c, to4be blind, t_6 Pla gp, per doz ........ 26 to 2$ '.new desjgn§ andan.0 1000 - _ Aulng,,a Plenle to'Bayfield On.M611' Dairy- �utter, per lb... 45 to " 50 Fiue Botany' -Sdrge Dresses gV*JaVe party Will -have been vindl- 041st Church, and WhIeb w4l). be put uty the 0101C 404 strIcken-Time's most gon- day, XU me olth, .110- Rink's birth;. Hogs, per cwt ....... 10.50 to 10.50 t:%Vo� �Jfl(e. Very spFcial p . Ce $7,95. the vestibule of the church, as the sale 6 erous Almoner to. humanity's need. Potaf6ep, per bush. 50 to , 59 at otbroaden- It' . day. otedi Air. Drury!s (th eon�regatlon!s memorial to those from ""Bless III$ 'Roys) Majesty 'nin h. ou N the King Mr. T. it. ])�'r As purchased export ....... 6.50 to 7,00 t) or�tbe 1114-c the orth'st. Methodist church who Uay they abldt) C' mad Wo.Royal Family. Mr' T' hf. Davis the red barn 6"tttllee' C , choice,butehers 5.50 to Or.00 HOSFE ftrmore Sun ideal? gave their li-VO in the GrOst Wgrw ThO �ate and seg0re to tholove and dovotioll n Touth street and Is in possession. attle, ordinary.. 6,00 to 5.50 -Sample Silk Hose, plain, or fa iy� Tbe, Fxrm�nl Sun in coallmenting t4bltt 14 the Work of thlb of their loyal' subjects. Maps all the He will conduct % liverX0 sales.. and. Bologna, Bulls, per IN 3 to 4 ne ga�eimmouts of Btitaln's ivide doinala. exchange business, - Canadian Wil 'rlikySr A"rega to the 11ain uogors C and In a band. -sa�d aud White., Regillar AL ow Vromier a W some one. it telnapm"th . namere Of a Shee� 00 to 001 '11*W116oples, PollWal 'Assotl Rides 4.00to 5.00. tanpe, brown black,_ Atnold. J. Batts, R. Bates, W. Bell, A, %00 no pair. t Cornell. F. RObertsoli, L,�, Robinson, L. Lambs per to 9.50 S2�60 to $3. F x ra Special sale price $1.2 5.. tion, sty I -Tho farmer el �ctojs 4tv indebted TaggiLrt. t*8tr.JS for the 'farmers -them- evening after the Mr. win. FILMS DUELOPED FREE LAA 014 of tho, con�, v0R­41' adveA. If they are not' prepared to. Campbollsaso -to-Wear. HAS a spe6iglty jonow, Mr. Drury, �Jntar coalition and &ad the grandfather at one of 0 names *0 With ell tdei to I, stet of pyluts 000 1, 0solption by the Liberal whop Ott the 1�0'bo su us (10ring the month at u t r wl. dher, are determined to Ing seleoted'lo- lifir the ilag And wowilf de�bloo �66r lc&Ule 4 he distinctive And indepon- as be 414 So be rald . "Wo uavellthis ttlxly 0 7 Well" .10 19VIDS luemory of the glotions A tobarg'e. Y_to.*W' I"* i raottr: o tholt movement 4ead who. went itoul. this coligregation J_W* is a wiiy, -land a'.plftce to do it, Watch 'for onr Baby f toblat W. n d 'Read" ea o Intothe, Great War." ' This Was follo ftee a o al, ta WS f the atutAV, declariAtion of indepen lCatlon, Aouncement W the Star of �'�-�d Y kwe �made by the United Farmers ed by the following Words of de41 ;a SoliVention last tory Rev. Mr. Moyft,: December expres- j6 $1 %te 10 g ory by the We =1 this tablet, 46 the spirit of rural Ontario then aAcV egudidates. put in the of Ood, desiring that It, shall ever beaut- Y Oka Far I N M Ify thin church And stand'lleveas 61 mom? )r the coining contest will in arlal to those wbo forgot self, renounced in men who�have pgg,ed I , J =EWE= 04 rA, ' TlAx OlUtely A. POr8onal'ambitions and, at the'call of I'll( F -,J I.S G H OW111 to stand res , , .0 F C I'l jit$t 0 ItIon okfUslon, even if in Gad and country, went.forth, to. battle a J E, TB F for humanity. P"Se -the eternal the Intpgrity of their Way it over reminil us at, V to give y find It? necessai. p,,IV les for whIcli4hayrought Slid up A p erShip hold *" Power'" for I A N TY 10h FO R. H 0, 'J they gave their lives:14 8�0- -Th r those who See in thepre- Alice, seLt situation the 1*ginning of the 4*Azd Some THE 'A $hero be that blive Y30 G R f T WA e0ding, and sk return to t)le two partk memorial, but Melt 01,1110 shall live for- gakry ng on. 40'"moftj Aud their 916vy shall, not ho, I Lei system of I blotte4 but. Tho people will tell -of their M. ARNOLD -andthe-tongteg0lon will show 'A MQoul . . VIVID ON - STAM ]NOW SC PFBN DR -AMA WITH Narma Vidilkladge. WAR never SO forth their pr4lse.kp BATES splondid as in Chatinifag Pollock's famous. "The Sign 'on L the K BATES gL 1)6W." maelf Says, that it - s,our Hea W BE 1, 1, venly Vather, *o Wank Thee beat glueln& V�JrSl(jn that our lot In cast in a I e and so glorious, A . C 0 R N E 1. 1, Norma Talm'ad %Wng of mine I have ever seent in an empire to majestic that Me ends Ult, e b4st otoffil f its kind I of the carth look to her far rescue from I ROBERTSON LY IT the 0' _ r TO HEROIC- DtN2,ANDS. "er SAW.00. I%Otll ThIN'ttOp the cruel aftermath at war. Long May RESPbNPING SKV.011) 1� R0 B I N S () N she stand, and titrofiger,.Io the i IKS. A)% 10 4N G HFR BMT. StU IT AT THI� I TA G G A R I' R AIN i 1 7 it f0 F N I F 11 Model Trhea re 91 AY RVEXING�_ it is pleasant to again feel the bracing, balmy air ON BASFBALL Bl=FiT NIGHT� MOND I It is just as Pleasant tjbrfeel� YoUrSelf iu' b1gy, they concluct the 0 PEOME WIL mow of Spr'ag' airs of at -ate In APRIL 2-ard, 1923 the fear of God and for the highest good in ot'all mankind. 'IttZeAAS af the land. FQOTW- EAR 'd To Miss Cairle Dunkeld is visitin NEWay ronto we be of ftuth a people whoqo Gail Is Mr. Clifford Johnstoa left Oil M011 - ay for Detroit. d We Lord, And who deldre, tbat thy Xing. d thr 0C Our stock was never 'before so c in lete as it is at .5 0 doul and Thy will be the law of 0 Mrs. W. X. Bates, of Toronto, is Ti k6ts the present, mid chosen' not only for Canty but for load. visiting in town, rotufort and durability, "And now, we commend ta,Thy spec. Mr. Chas, C. Lee made, a business ADDITIQNAL PROGRAM Or, -LOCAL TALEoNT. ORCHP3STRA MIMIC. fat cato the men 664 women who fought trip.to, Toronto last week. We aim to fit all wbo claim to be hard to fit. See midtolledin the great conflict. Many Mr. lack J)ptterson, of Brantford, I- IN special lasts for growing girls of them tire broken in health and maim. is visiting friends in town. our ed in body. May their berole. service Alva, (Itev.) Jose I Uliotf returll- neVor rib L I 1 1 � I I be forgotten not, their lived em ed home 14st Satur ay from Toronto. Try Our Arch Grip. Shot* for Weak Archos bittered bv out ingratitudo. And may I Mrs. IV. T. Murney'returned home Thy moA telidor comforting be the por. last week from d visit with relatives OR'. SP tion Of those, parents. NvIves, staters and Von are invited to maideus ..,whose loved have hot returned, in Hamilton., R Asthelonely days lengilicn into years Mr. W. G. Hawthorne, of Brant - (I dlsi�l ford, is visiting his sister, Mrs. ING WEAR North Side ERN Way the glory lot their 41-crifit! Stewart Xerr, of Park St. F s4we GODERICH their gloom an(I -alay We all 0olue at laqt Mrs. 11,!arrie, Sr., has; returned front special values in W. H to the land of re-lialon and peace where ry eye, we a six weeks' visit with relatives and For this week we �are offering God- wipes tile teat fivai eve sus namc. Amen," friends in Toronto, and other places. mit It luJo I Me, Moyet ekprcsscd hic: n3ti1action Mrs. F. ]Buckingham and hdant We have a wide assortment of e hat the move for We, erection of sneh a pan of Stratford, spent Sunday At 46 0 1 tablet had couic. flow the eongrogittou the' home of Mrs. Nv.. You'll&** park Ladies" a MisseS' -JL- atAd paid itwould go down through the stretlt. nd. Spr* SURS centUfICS, and V%heil tLhe Present Church Mr. and Mrs. G� 0. Clark were OdIften Wks Worn out askY'mplaced by a called to Mitchell on Tuesday by the Come In and Give. Our Young Men, s Ono this tablet would be given an sudden deaih of Mrs. Clark'a father, Spring CoatS for M, �n, Mayoung ]a honored place on the walls of the new Dir, Goo. Sawyei, who pa-.5ed away New Styles " Now Cloths' Different styles. Prices from $14- UP - and N C -Once, Over L'bureb, 00d whtii that building would that -inorning at the age of 60 Yearg. YS lothing the again be k%qwts(xW1 by &6 now one the Mr. aid MrM. 11. D, Davis. and Come in and Look Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges in nifty 419011U fie taken and placed daughtt,.r. Miss Lillian, - of Mitehell, sport inodels. Ila 06 couspienons pirlsition 0%tha walls of sy�*ut the wook-end with Mr. and the now eburch and so tbro gh tko ages. Mrs. T. M.,Davis., While, here Mr. Mr. Moyct 1*13 a glowilig tribute, to Davis purchased a It, a Essex tour - the herplaill of the(romadlaft bo a Wtthe flig car from T. Who TAILORING M, tle local repro. Lad-ke S Ang rY Men's Hats.and Caps, front who gtive tip lovevything to go to jentative. I . - defend ear llwtties and the liberties of , We havo re�elved v m -rd of the n rig - C01 Small Hats i! P. ­,. or$ feature 164r stock is big -enough to fit any and Out Sprint. Suitiass afe Complete—Also our the *414. The 1111%tuparts of Yprcs - death of Mov-y rzuf� Card wi'dow of t1te Spribg Nfillinery for Ladie.4 Add the cxutai3a boys who sto0a for U the late Levi Crard, formeriY Of Gode- all beads and the prices tire right. All boars detextillned that the Germsus Nlisse$. Some bargains in striking the popular shades. Snappy StyleS. MEN'S SMART WEAR DEPARTMENT vloald 110t �Ict through to traniple over i-leb. which took plAce at.the Enter- 190114e�� hotpital in Detroit, on tho Don't fail to See them. Set Up in the80. theirdead, gave an, 3h. headgear. You'll feel I t%hibition at we dertal heroism. and it WjLs on be brailionping, of ('xt W"k. v WAut of the C"*dia* SJWAr tlaat the, t forenm is held 6yei to n German Army ITEnt to pleces. 0 . U%a* behind the sign oil the A, Aoiablo'chmactetistleoftho Wyg at, Doorq The confliet of a Votnikn�s r% the frofli WAS their gtftt gfatitade f6t 9 50 HE boy 0 Durl be E rie bor�h ty Ent$ ` Is"d faitht the hop(X Of AL wife's heatt, the Allythift that wits done for ftela b At the tfluraph of a matVa trust. A* CORNF CHAS, BLAC tbo", at tome, awl their letters bowilMadel Thentre, Monday, Apr11 1.13rd. in Maly ek" to anktown beneftctor-'% ,Wftv amelq, the tine fitfrMule of th;i! The Puritv Flour Baseball Clab We Side of Squatire GODEMA#" "The A&A's Storo Worth whila"� *ft- arrabcmentg with WAN TV lust -Ave made Weewtd an to hold a rtefitimightAttbe %h3 mittle thD "SUWWO Sactifice, Mod#1 Thostre, on the vvehilig " of Awl -re t to, awetl i pa�a vJ13'e"Wrle 1;%CW Mor.,dw i. ApiR temn— — - ­41ft- ­�w. I* t, 4W - I I. - - I ­ ­_ -