HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-19, Page 1I i ­ �� ! . , � -1-F I ki, I r01R,14�11111M � - 110177� � , - 1 -%4� - " , - - '. � ", T * . . f , .4 11 I , : I I,- v! . . . . -- ­ ­ - _... _1 _. - _­_­-_- �._ - -- 1-1 — ­ ____ - 916- ___ __ _ 1! I �r * � ,qwr 7VW10 ), I- -1 , -_ 7 -9 -_ - - . - " �. An"Wom - ­ -.-- - - ! ��, I , . ., Alp- 7pmll - - Tw"_ - . - , ___ ______ . . - ­ - 11 ' AW DO* ot $5 ow >sftr I 1* I is %NkA$WW to & All wis (4 "Wk " 1- &_j nw 13ftr _461 I& .0, AL-& I I frot" A Tici*t �x 5,11 toA 5" . 4110111ORPMW with Alsmilit . . 4914M voirlic I h AA, * ,,, , f, A KiL I" ;is f*r e1w two. 0 E I .11 , The Godirich Star 0M. swwi. I .. 1L IZ M or � b 4 '51 7, , ,7t, I all sil"My 010i sto a Ic A%F r Ar Aw, :r1w Ron** of Goa Pristine I_LL__1 �, I 0 1 00ti~ "a OW be ,C9,W9W1%#qWW at a I ��L�Liq�m LL , - r. I 1. -_ - I — saving ft our SU&WribVr** I ) . !N!�r!� ,:_:-- �­.­­­._­_­__ �� -------,. ���___,__ - __-:==��:--- . -1�,,�.�--l-�..-,--��.-��..,:--.�-- . I 1, . -.1-1 - ­ __;=;�z�� _� �,;�L L_ - . -_ _._.____:-- I .- � ­-_ __ __ ­­ - ­ ­­ ---' r- � _ . r 11 -1 r. I --,-,-,-." . � LLL, .. =-­­ ......... �� , � , 1 --._-_-_7___ ­ - ��_ n Now Marine" U8 for Godirleh ElentoV piling, is going Put In for Foundation to? KIW-HOUSS ­�._ --.-.-- ___._ .. ..... -.r--- : - _-_- Hamilton Bridge Cc, Starts Work 0 . rrr -__ � . I - ­­ _ - - - r__-,,-" VublIA104 Ily'lly 11""W'.16M "% il L- MUM .4 W 414t= ". - - I 0 1. . WAVO U , - QIVIRTIS T"It , 1. ­ _L ---- ::-- - .--- __­. I— - � 4101 N�11)111 wilout NVUBIER ow. . .1 40,, *rld I@ #Sain fori�ed ta THU LIST AND THN GI&C OF ­ L 1-1 I I—- ----.--- 'TH IN I .11 I lit) faj�t thst thc� organ NXIV A0VXRT1AXMN% , 01�;:i . - . I'll, 'L k Wilirm Owilig t�_J WCt hl%V_� TJJ18 WXXX 8TAR ,!!�'! .... 4 ! I- 11,71 11 . . an AclAir ulvwk�% me know- 111" nqturu in the 'Riv,621 .9410 of voat!�, J)M-30 ' r. . : WW L I ,L I it AL Lj� - I . Ic"t PoAtien oft lit ailL Ing got, into it ivom a PU I I - 4_&4.LA." ����� roof cau*W by a vitiftilleF wbiell. WaA giq Hosiery tot Qao %Vcrk�&)Val � #*% r -n ,_,owii. As it c%� s- 'Ady-to I,. , Iratilla. Mom ,wilderable v A,&( I& Re -Wpar Co. page 4 1 i .. 0 Wo atl� pleagml to oltcr coug mt, tho , 'r3pecial Values in 6pri,g .. ­ r - E - Th's 'ak' c r Wour— �� � . ANNOON-C � T 1 " I IWASQ TAV*t he faccet In nuy vv� �j - - I . I 1, . I _­ ---!I-- jijg tiolts to,ur. Allan liftletair oil Idivileecss. ge � I I . timsent junetur') sP10111% tvw appro- A. 00"eld. I in vinutug A"Vel"s lillot's parels with � old organ 4 - Look lov the lllue,Goeno oranges � . I W ftaj a high standing QRkJ on, hj'�J sppolutlMellt. priate time to 011114110, thk -*,% C � . I with the p%v8C.ab ()mi, "Ild sliould (It I,C&Qhig, I _ g . .............. 1.6 1 ­ I s,4tc,caad wale ot thQ StcAulvC I*- V- Idea on a t0v- ­Xow that yei are Housecleaning , jug Exteinsions - - -pal v fel'owlbg news Rein 1.3 fur.'I . L Farm r"I W% V4*1* Goderich, ' that course bt- dv�, I L I ne ra i ton, - , , on!arfo r!@ 1, 1Yj11ka1hcda-byTt1)twv ,M01ary-Imasurer of the rallgelilk,nt would piobably be %RdO-'--S_mith',s Art 18tore, Page ...... 10 ;I tiMeS 6" ft fr=k r ' . ML I t V eve -Iota. wheteby the West Otgall would bo No Better Gift than Gow ,Cllff YOONO PC%". ly felt sit . AkoVaVliv16'A%JWJJLU0Q% I ,r sideof tile Linlis­44 C. bett'3011. Page. *..a , t of 70'ar fs � � %,I, I RI . L ­ rot with somo outside I . __. wbext &. sillcl%jr, Ofr q(K1etJt:b, Wbo placed at the otht 0 .. disampoitis . .411tua on the hancel, and better balance In tone Ten Pounds o Sugar for $1.07- -5 bmilaoso own—upproludioad, trustwortbY *Qd . WILL BE OPIEN PO has been r I lakes tot sevctat e I Dominion Storvi. Ltd. Page ....... 4 . . - svaro aw a wheelswAv, atmided tile ftce ,would be f�eeuvcd. - , The Sign on the Doot--flaseboll. wft * brood vis;�Ould be of post bettefit I . . I . o- .01001 to govigattoa of tile Lake car. owing to the condition of tile or- . � � L r . at c,leveisna ant -Ing gan, the effective muderinit (if Good Ilenellit Night at tile Model. Pose 10 to VaWL I A *1 03JO a �i�vw Association %, i. --'e was to Merchant Tailoring --Temple . - . � , , � , ,V I'll � . � C", , �4. . ! h I - � _ .. _.tZ__ " I I I . # � " . 1� I I* - . "N- , I the past winter. Ile sva.4 so succerislut rnu*y allu "a 14 4 . th* Sftrlia Bonk is, I raraay j;;,lives %tent interfered with, but tile Clavl*- PA91D � ............... , -10 i �11* - I 7 -fie 10col mosoor of 9 I , -"� aa "-r CP Ar- - - "I 'Aulluation, lieforothe 11% F. Home e I ) , r I , to big V\ Intivanging tilt, Very Lutest in . ... ill lowift %Op: VM in . . . . ,,� ti Qbftt,Iuvpc,,ctors that they award- pwlfrithi as announced was lurg(JlYi I jl* ittich *t 0". I lie '" t knowlefte is at your \ . I I I h ecoulliod- r1.Xe.IusiV,e IlatS. NV83 MaoVicar. ""y wars'. M v*rW - . - 8:15 to 11:45 � - c(tAcaum *4 uuIItaIt(,,d first-cl%sm pilot's carried through Wit the a - Page ........... . ...... to r �� I . , DANCING . � ,tv on),v One ment of a reed organ, , -Volles, . . I . dinow. Hit" it,talk with libu—"Pedally it . I 1. very it (iloves, vrlat�a �ww;l;: 1� I . - WN � . 11ccusc'. Ill a cloaN ot t1you Staiiie . I I I 'Other student 41141 %SUOIL, t3luclair, who r's "Crucifixiow, was a 1. 1. �1 . . *ouroqoirebmWtforoam4far0i'*O:Kttnsloot. � - � I 400 years old to now a well rcadered on Good. Friday even- -_(�olbora'Al StOrO, . � 14 ,it, s I I is only twenty arsAr tile Following I i . , . ' . I Iceused offleor and his first i1ppointment 1111f, by tile choir. Mr, - W. Goodwin - , I- Ask Yo, , . i . . I I , I . , . . 0 I . . Ceond 1114to On ttk� StCalARV . of, HeU64% fOrnl(TW Of -Goderleb,* Questions -11. It. Long, - District � � . t . � .... *A I . , I,,, IMHOAlull"O'k th.s wear", r .solo worki.ofid. 4 bass," Agent sun Lit, . � I I , I'. took the teivoi -R. R. Sal- . I ' I _� . . . , Watch this space for, particulars o Evert Tablet to Memory of � singer from, 11cilsoll was th6ro atqo, I Fibus Developed Free ... ..*.*..4 11 � " I I i . 1wintr to the ef- Iowa. Page .......... !� I I � I ,.. .. . . I � . . . . . � for solo work, but ( 1. . ME SURLINGBANK " ' . 1 ITANt, A.'ROY Adams . +)uriiic . � �. - . � I . . . . 1. . P motor drive UP from.1 The Studebaker Big Six' I I . . I 1- , I ­ - I . - '­ - - .. . feew of th . voice,could net talto (rlar�T. r, 1101100d. Ps ....04.9 1 . 1. I . . . . ... .1 � � . I . I.. . I I.; . next wef;-k ' I.,,A n%ovoment Is oil toot to cOliket Hensall an big . Ford Raw Posed Th"Oul Alt- � r - I . . 411t �- .1 I . or CMADA - . I , � � . I . � . . . I . � . ,r. I I I d1l for a memorial tablet to tile the wot* and Mr. Auderton -himself , - Tile . .. I . ;1 . . . 'i I . I I . . I . . . . . - ( '4'. memory of the late LI*ut. A. Roy macv,wan uIld Tobbutt. Page ...... 0 . . I .. � -_ I I I , .. I . took this ,Part- of tile vocal wovk at nnual Report-Dauk I . , . . . . . . . 11 . I rm Adams, ,who died of wounds received tbe'last moment, Ill addition to thell Fifty-first A . . - -� - I V . * W��� .. MRI=" PON I to 'Mr. Ad- , f llamiltoii�. Page ... A ......... �.2, . . ­ . . I . . I'selcou INSWORMINOWNEW ­ organ work, la.spito,of the liandl- .. .-& ' - � � � ". �, � � . I I 6 .. _. I � . , _ -1 .%� I Ir, . . , .1 . .1 . . . . I . . the Great War in 1918. , Nall 1) -ht Idea;-- � i '.. __ " � . � . I . ams was for many years a, popular , own� that Prig . I .. . i -1 I I -_ I I - I � - . ".1. � I . 1. fraternal-,. no.aic-, cups onder -Which, tile Production war. I at- lfavdw�LW, Fla=- - � . k .. ,, I , � . . arious . we . . . . @ ! , I - . I Jfrona8 to ,in the roolas at ember of v, given it ,%va§-�.vovv'NVeI1 d0lie and Wall $001" NO' 0� ... 3 I , I "I 1. -_ . - -.7 - I ­­ ­ -_ . L ­­ I th , ties, BocI41 club r Organi,-. ing Mills. -P . , . I __ .1 . - . L L 1. I I I �s and musical in! li,�_ � ) 1. . . - ICS � 0 liblIc zutions, of this . �-1`0 hoirwift -of . L I I . . I � al. - town and many of us evidently, appreelated by the k.0111 - UodOrrich Phl I -TOWN TOP A weevs I - I ;. q� - ME, Frilicip, remember how Willi" he gave Iris gatioll. - - . '.... �..0 . �i , * - ife AS `U "M 0 L . . I Confirmiktioxi, at St. Peter's . gly curred. ThA sorvicol.foi Easter Div eon- Alodel Theatre. Page ..... 11. , services wheri'ver the iieed oc , Our 190.3 Wall Papers are Low- . /,. , . � . go Into. Hosirioss at LlstoW0 Motkday EV*nInJr' . robable that t sisted of 1101, or In Price and Setter IA Quality- f -i . - Sunt 6, ou Go Go.. ofGanada To C . he old V Communion . at 8 o. � I I - , , . Messrs. Thos. ' - I be hold friends Would ke to t:ontv,bate m.; Alating anti 1101V (1011olonlon nt, - ..� . ,_ I I .. ===== Legg and Walter Confirmation services Wit It was thoughtly .1 It. Porters, Page I ....... to . , r ," J . L I . , . . . .1 . �, bought out u, butcher I - - - 11 a. in,, a children's service in 0 , -your. Goo,d�TJjC0'1;'ijc,Veeted In , .. L aUc. your mind to take Lite Insurance askyourself * 11,�Aeman have . , in St. retees .horch on Monday. ov will , L 11 , , It you Cannot m , � bu Ines$; in Listovel, arid assume I the cost of tile tablet, which will ,clock, at which t.b,, . j 10011 tit a 01, � , tile .'C Your Stationer$,- . . . up . . '. � at 7:30, ,Wjj�a His Lordship 111- placed in St. Georgols. church, his po�. after' %OlQe �of I 1', I I � �! . . I I charge the first of the iii(igth, - Whilo anted the contonts O� campbell's 1 --g .0 .... �.0 t46 1011owing questions' ' . . tist-there having Wn' ehildren � presi Jim Store. Psg I , . ; . 1, .. djoilL fully enin" FaUon will', be here to 044"n- sitiou -as Orgar I . �� I I - i 10 Insured wboso widow law. I sorry . - - _ - , . . i- . I -DO you suivese a inawever, to see them leave tovm we she A bis last music; has, 'their'Lentell mite boxes; flol�r. Bapw-� I L'' ,_. I I � . ...L 1 i3topr the saerAiiient, There are 'S al connection lit this The Pavilla, Will Be lopeil $at; � . . Invested bis money in some other rusnuov? wish them 411 success in ,their now . "laire , Reynolds tisai at 4 o'clock; and evollsolig at ­! , , , ented the 1400114060 be bad not . . bout 60 tQ be ,c0nfIfMed,_ town. miss (4 jav LIveltinst, April 28th, Page, -1 . , . )-Did you ever meet a man IV . a . , � I . . . �h was ver', � uruslikA and Vregses�­W- 441108011 . � 1! bo, was physically unable to t kO life location. , I easurer of the I I . ololoo�k. Tile ellure . . . � 2 1. I Glafer-11ropbey �� � . . been. appointed tr Met beautifully de z . . . I o I C:�P,* � nsuranco. W110 did not wish 4e bad iu%qro4.year6bef6ro? , � Mr. W. C. Pridliam, BuYs Store . In - Gog.ev muons Wit tit coratod'With illw"'11 OP' & son. Page ....... *.­ ......... 4 1 1 . . . leb, and contril - I I . . Would ,refuse to'lusuro'his A quiet Wed4ineL took place on � I il-What.would you.W1011 Pf 0114 who I L . Irldhant has , the Easter- festival- i , Notice re AccoWs-Tives. Legg. , � . I 'L ' ' � , bitlisteiitl Put t: -in thebauhO . . Mr. - W, �C. T rchased Th . made, not later than, April proorlato to- . " I ... ho.preiniums . from Mr. Wesley W vem- ursday, moral of last week at I " . . I . I _,_�!me Against Aire, 11, there it; -aul,one who wouldoot insure, If he Ruelv� . . - St George's cbMe - al `naT 11 - page * . ............. � ­.%*.-.-. . 11 I 110 alker tilt, 91s can be left at Fred Sturdy s 9VO- The rector. Rev. Mr. Hardy� , . I I . ­ I I ,4 -Do you tbit , ises at presentr.ucc%ed by, ler , when Rev- S cery stove on the,.Squart. -bed at mov)(Ing and evenillp., 'Wantew cattle. to 111astuto--W.. . I ��, , ten or fiftoes $earw� . . algie Hatdy'imite4 in the.bonda of matrt- I , . 0 bj�u U,ithin five . . . . . .1. .. . .1 � ... I Int * OC . Mr. 11. T. Edwards' Pare -cele.. = and. at thp 01114rows service n. Pago. � ...... 41 . . death iyould come t � . , .1 . L . I . ol room. he prose ots W. r4owler. Aubur . ,. . . . . . . Urns? po mony Miss Evo . I . . . I � . . .. I 1. I . I .lease does not exoIre for a of Mr.IonseBropheyla older brating Golden Wedding Arinlversar$ Ill the afternoon. - I � I at Star Office. I �il I � . ... _­ .1 I'll. I—- ": . cupants, , ph Brop ey, to I !Per Solo-APPIV . . . . .� `4�:� ­___ -------- - litli ,---'b"- -MJ�L -Intends , V I . - ___ - __ � I , --Wit- LQ et'. . .ghter . . .NG; -D At— I ­ �t, ,_Oc_ -da,o I ...... I . C , , I . . ft I y .Oar, u . -ftdbx -Th.. � - ­­ . ..�* I I I 1. P I _', I . . . , . ; t for r. ovii6"GlA005 -Mrs; -Ir- ��- - ­NICT, -ST.– ­­ I I - __7_�__-, 1 , , , houe, 115 � . . . : . I , , )ikubgest son 'of T;-Rdwards -and- Miss .94, MaHOD1 :7 _rkwt I .. I � , L . . L . .1 � I � . I cupying the'-piamises a year I _ . I .1 � I � �, ,. , , - Of bel, leave today and Mr. Edwards on 4 ST ufri_�3WWW1:lki;�i D-WiW:*_Po0 b . ��.- _"� ­ , L I _ - . I - � Mr. *n4 * I __ - .w.. Glazier,. all I . . 4n.ted-Address I � 41 I Iftim- - - t I London to attend -the fit. — , lousekeePor W , t � 1 1.4 ,�,, , . , , __ I i -,- ents, furnjsbiM� business and Godeviell. 'The yO twr couple are ex. Friday tot X .1 . I I . � I - '. his putting in a npw frolit. L.. at- The 15tar* P890 ........ " ­ - - I 11 . 11 .1 � 1.1, � . I .. . . 1,00 .. . I'lang, . . . p - home tom4row'(FV490 from tleth wedding anniverima2r of Mr. Ed. por,tygfth Anuivtraary hturkO With e � ." I L. . - , t .. _"ted I Vri, � trip � and 1iQBtS of wardsp Parents, , ecial � ' Leghorn Hens for Sul,-St3r O'-- I O. I 11 IIN tt; A" WIAL I", ATE . ­", Rev. Jula. Wilson tg.. Now Dottpr their - houoyft , Mr., an Mrs. Thom., Services Last Sunday . I 11. I I I . . . ­.�11111111 . I ` '' '' ' `�__ .. I ­ 1. I - . I 1. Page ..i"......... Y, " * * " * . . 9 ST,, -Will the �ersdn who pi0ced . MUcli baPPIlless, Ediiards, Both Mr, and Mrs. Ed- fl�e�, . �. I Houses—)Rciuses . I . I I Lo' . nackpilaCo at West street Of - Divinity 11 I friends wlsl� thtm , sr,, were riatives of London L ""-� of yictorl& Auction Sale Of House, ot and . . I . 1. I . I .1 . � I ._J . up a fur: . . .. We are Pleased to note. IP the )lot of G.* C� 1, cadet IT04*419ft . L wards . Th� foity-111th u]QUIVONAVY I I... (' I / �� � . — . , � thoc6uvQ6%tloh of L L annual 1 jkti n f tb .C. Eng.t and were married rin the OIR e,treet Methodist Church Was obsorvc�j Housqhold Farnitul!O-Mrs- �tuud I � ' I .'� . L I . I . . , On Tuesday or Wednesday morning h6noraconforred at , _ lo o a G. . . Page .­-.*4%,*,4­'..*1.....1 . i I ­` C 11 kinds for of I the undersigned nuox College on Whut'Way evening, AP� The Country. Corning tAD Canada on oil Sunday m Steep . S.. . -1 �'!,.'J�. � . .A tie at about hall please return to I - . . 0et corps W1112-tAkoplace an Mon-: . last and Itev. Mil. McCAMu . . - " . 1 ff I � at.� it would c6st.� - -R -09. t\ c' l , they settled first of ellutoulw&s tb6� gilp lVil pre ,ab �� of . .. . Von to. Wild, It SON$ . their wedding trip I w a e I � . MARY PA the honorary degiee - , 1 - I , Wit I ril 12th.. ,that , . I OeXt at .00 olvlQck at I . . -tall . , , . - willbe to your i,utereat to �ee me be- - . ::::� ... "I������:::���������������:::���!!!!!!���:::!!!::::::::::::!:!:!: , .. __ I , ot'Divitilty bas' been conferred day afternoon I . at I orintl but fifter a year or so the day,, .1 .. . � and thIs .. . .. . . I'll, " 14 1 � �� , , 11 � .. Doctor I Victoria Park, W�'erl Lieut -Col. 000. j mc,,vlee .Mr. (I At trance . on. Saturdai� . .. � 14 fore buylog. -several properties on ' W)UNIT11W , , , on Rev. jamos-Wasonj D'. A., Pastor of movel to I,ondon, which had boon At the morilfil ,V, , :1 went. See my --­� L L 11 Gilles le, District Cadet Officer of vor, since, Mrs. Xgget- 1�,Iljott, Who W10. found to be quite thin. Tile 4redg- I . . . , � .very .easy terms Of Pay $ work g`urden Dovercourt PregbytotlAil, Cburob, Tor- Wit vistri to. I (London) will their home c, Avail callea 01% for ri's Ill's outfit Is cetting ready for tht' . , �,, L , , . I . �ANTED.-MAn ti 'Rev..Dootoi iviison is a forwer that during ncmsonla work J0 . . . . onto. (Oil. Col. I I . . . . � , . on I be here to xr;ale-t r gin the harbor and dy- - - I . list. , . I W ke �o- inspe.et tont a sister of the groom of fiftY Iniqnt of the flullinces'. Bald L 1. sliares. Apply at STAU - yelkis ago, has � come 411 the way , thd,ja years of Its existeuce he had Won, a 'behig used to loogen the . , � . . , �', p4, S. RYAW, , .'. L ­ . . : $tAjcierit of the G. Co 1. and Is a brothO� XeCriminoh, L Whp�, visited Goderich Africa, for connected with victotia, street (lburch. nite I. . �' _. L I n0v I ­� . . and Insurance- ' OFFICE. . . . . � . of Ne. I _ n from Bloemfontein, South . under tion of haibor Is- . I . ., j%, . L . Real Estate --- I _­� . __ I ,10bil Wilson Of Auburn., '. - for .some yours in this Colmooti* ' the anniversary, and Will ren at%touieht 4waS fa I , � �'. I .. - WAN ,0,-A t to Toronto dis lots. It I *"'Poblt', cut out to make , I I . ""in I" Thollnuilloial -which is to L . I .4 J�j I . . - een prolaoW. vllell�' I J �' I � I I . . . 681$14e . Goderich Men Take.Ptizon at I has b . ,_ a L Canada for soi�e months. She and siloply amounted to this that while $70 sufficlent room alongside - . � ; I I ,PEA ,WAN . The G, C. kL I has " _. . .. �, � . HO sENEF � Good home. C trict. . .r the now elvw . I _ t , i -, � - -C-R -_1. , 101 'lee, if '00 , L . . ­ .. . vator. , , . 1. . I . -_ I:` _.-1 �� __.�- , 1GW$L____-, * I __.. _ . L `y' I ;.I.-_ linton Spring Fair Mr. Eggerton (now deceased) visitr a Sunday was requlrc4 to Pay tot OW I . I -:.,,,,, A -- -, wear Goderjob., with'�grdtubk 4e.1bb-c -n-.spring, Talrvlilv� Tr__ Ivi chnsvd- 4_Makt,uMlformg slid "a. I C -z.the - - ' 'k%W 1-1 . - . . . - , � - I �, I . _uliW� - _1.__i6,d_ I . 4 .elitktb . I . , ode , - , ._A1'we_Of_:_the $out)% �thitii.'�(4pox&A,a!i.,;I�i"iouRrV and 94 en it I . , , _ I I . I ' . _1 " W�_ ___ - ", _� _. I .--,-..,z __­­ — , ress LatcX f or the 'c � _9' ­ &'-1Su­ua4Y oil- harbor'Wand ,for V , I _0 . 1.,L Orn arm tor gervip6s. Add Mrs. Ed*afd itchall, Ocat ollAt objects) tho average __ '011tractot � TbC%_ZeW_ I INS'UROCE aft4l REAL MAU emundration I Dwain arid Dr. Whitell.i .of. GodericiA, tionvaps to, T4 , frican . r. , �, , FC0,V *hkh has be L b III; L " ' STAR OFFICE- . tIle'bOYs Will' -P' ei I- , is r of r, dwateis o L" � L � i . , L . at THE , slid 'Mr. D. Gaidner;, oderieh Towtj 1. -emOt a smart mr- gig w town, Will . . � ,11 ..; I I : - I FOR ULE I . . ­ . . . . They'are�40.111inr'hsvd' or the' I I . (.01100100'amouuted to only about 05, Ilirtuftbum is beinst CAU11904 XrA the - I 4 , . , Irl ovet .18 0a to jt.- figure in the prize Itst.Mr.-Darolu AIRCO. so a a t 4 aaniversar��._ . ,;-, I . thatp the, b -4 VA&AA,-vo 'ftrJ'Wr�r."' %d e, � 'L . qh) � ub- , .. � I .01gr- cw�AA J*.V"*, r*rot '1$ _14�,%&' 1 . TE "I '44** . I . I . . I ,, r - "o-po"..-I. '. , let WL ". - I . � - . I . . . I +1 lnbjie ." I.. _t '"W", I �by special collection$, two 01 MAI%; i-- $I, I k, . Won first in Ileays, - . _4 ap; ft �. .1 .. I � *1 . . ,Irllug,�t nily. or, %I , I � 11 . -Out r a. . . I .. L . , I posis 70 �, h L tj , I 'go I Al 41 ot, Port Burwell. 1 12. sior'y, frame. 7 roomod.housek e ec, "I Mal "101*2 C "too t4ft*0ftft*­_-Th1911 131_14;�41__­. 1 ­ . _My, 11 � 11 � 1"ag, tj *Cirs sad unuor three, ano arto 110 NUIA ad . The se derich Separato were taken in the year. ;40V was The tlrst'of the wintq Hoot to leave . . I � , , 00 . i n,t6 L ,-*7�'--,; . in h4t - and sde the boys Ott #a . LL .. - tft0l�7*9" I'Vow- I * r - DOYLE, I- Q Boar ,il a rooster carriage team In pyad . , 0 ,- noeded on this occasion to Oqqft%`O� UP this port will be the Sherman and the . I .. lorty 1�, in lirst olo.s.4 condition .! hltely took second tot road- Flatk.stguntoti - , `�, , . .School Board L VB, the Town of G do I . . ' , L noss. . Ap- accounts� to' ' which were Scheduled, W . . ­ 1. prop - 1 . Dr. W lig L .is rich curne up b0fore the Court of the end,of the cooforence V alcartlex, I . : . .1% and -is sitii,qAW w1bbin thrOO tuitlut(Js NVe$t. f3t.'�,LL . de ... ' — , And D. Gardner tooh The followJ talc6 from the year and this amount was allkedL for Port , . stee in harness. . I at Oigoode Hall, Toronto, on . leave yesterday, tile former for I � I -walk of tho,Squaro Possessioli AP01 ------ '----- al purpose - ill Y 'or 90- I Edmonton Jou . eeding $un- for inspection UA4. the latt6r : . I . . * L. WANTED. -Ten head of young second jor geniar I . . rnol Of Ayril 3rd, 1923- POO , I'll Price $11�0. . I . . . I I . the 11th inst, 4t was an a peal .by either that - day or suce .. I I Huron 1 LLL .. I � IRt. . . . � I to .pastute. Will pur- ding. . I : . I ­.- I A wedding ' of,un4sua interest was the town of Goderich from t,�`e,judg- days. I .. - port Colb6rno to uIlload the re- I . , 'k , . I . cattle� A I ay UntOL You fat � 1-1 I .1 L 2 story red brick fnlIv modern 8 I ft, to quie�ly solemnized at .WotministOr . "But I s that in 01 of its, "Vinter c4ravo, but on . I �- I chase if prices 'suitable. 0 Display of Fancy Knitting and . ment of Mr. Justice Middleton. 13 Inainder . . , . .1 % �jouble 91"1-1911 . or, ng Classes . . mause on..Euster Monday woralm Without deal L Ing with thc�.mvrits, placeAs one greater than the tem- ne of the fee in shot* illd. not get � I . I I . .- . . L . . I . roou3c!a house, full At W IN 1. 1�1. FOWLER, Auburn . : Milllno.ry by the Evehl: when Mrs. Harriet Staunton ne 'Count. A. 1. . � ... I L e. and $taw , P lione 15,J0, CaTIO_�r, I L I 11 I __ _ D.L M . cNevin, Instructor in becal the Court, of Appeal itself (not the Pic.,, (Matthew 12:6) was Mr. ?4c- 1 1 �� SituoLted earlier, Z 191a av � , , � _____.T Mrs. It away, J . , ... lay stceets, 11600 03,A00. � . . Z_ — . I I . the bride of William Arthur . Flack; appellants); . raised . the point as to. Caning' text, and. big sermon Wit The flshlxj� Wp Graham, blargIr-L �' , . ,� - I , NVANTED.-IDistrict. Representative fancy knitting; Miss Makins, irkstruc- stock inspector for Ahe Provincial whether a mandatory order could'be to show that no matter bow` aralubte et McDonald an Seafoon, are only I 9. . 4 . ::: storey. frame 6 room hollse, otect- I I I tor in willinery,' and the committee .Government. The egremoity was Wit- the tabornaclo,' (and it awaiting 'the clearing of the ice to I , light, gowee juid loilet. 2 lots, Wanted for "Go4erich" and of the G. C. 1, 11.64rd,.txtend a very &en when there was ,the other pro- might be . . I Vic surrounding territory to, represent nessed by Miss Helen Staunt6ii, Chas. vision in the Statute of A L asement should be made attractive) the real start the Beason.. . I I Corn, Lr i4outU . and. Blake., 11rice, 1141400. 'le rseries. cordial invitation to the ladies of.the uAirle, of � A_� ......... 0­�- . .` , . I the Old Rellab Fontbill Nu R. Flack and L. B. Aug . P ". to the, Court of Revision and thing was the'divine presence. At . . L 2' � L I town and vicinity to view the excol� . I . I . - Gold comes from mineo, dollow 1. . � I StOVS"frame L 7 rooineil llou"- elect- A �jlendid.Opening for the right man. & Fort Saskatchewan. $1 nty Jud e.. Mr. Justice Middle- the tiedication of the temple the di � . and JuJVaCe,.:aaVago, F4r fUU inf( � - lent disrlay of Yancy knitted frob . As the Jour 1$uxishine' editor, I �on , of vine presence came and filled - the come from minds; Loishrmait'a clothe,% .� � d. rIq light"batt )rmatiou. write ,KONE i mat !, to a considered the qutstl 1, I I 1 ' I . I ! n,,I,l inery, the work, of the - .1 I " �!,�. 1; I �u, F41tu.005 0611b '-& WELLINGTON, Toronto— , liiemv widely- known in, 'Ed. t was the soots, Vvhi(!h come, from Pridbaino the.- tailor, " ­ ­ , . .in tirst elass couditi, __�4:==_—, I ----�-� 11werm the evening CIA9500 *to b(- Mrs. Flack is reced re and jid-beld the School builditlKt so V . t - I � '' ' � � I . Prief. A:Lwo- I " monton and, Northern ,41berta, - abd were church, the beat clothesmaft for melt, $to theYr ' L � side Victoria RtrOet- . . - -_ __ Bill . ,KpXl 26L,. oard a a. ght'to make applies- converted in' the V Only, %r � I other klsting,� may be*,had on 00110- � ! - ,. made on Thursday Ove.. ­g� �__ an -friends 'Whom. she has made ti,)n for a a datory order instead souls which. came to know the divine MOARUI . I C . I . FOR SALE. . . M1 L y, � mamples. To your . L " I . . .ARTICLES . . _____ _==_ L - I ­ . I through this work, as well as Pet- of - appealing again in 1922 to the presence, that was; th0L.MOrJt,jwp6r - * , I . I .. . I Ation at the otuee' L! , ' ._�_,���� . I t Around the corner, North St.' . I � I . . I . � . . . DA SAIX�FOrd touring ear� wivi,stars- L . FbIt S..tm 013 -ILV LET . . Solially, W'11L join in wishing her all ' L .. . . . I ..w . I . ­ . � I � � - � ' 1019L MQ4 -.11. 111�11,,_, ..... ­ "', , ... 1, ... ,b1L I - I r,ARM.Erto, ATTENTION - I ,� 'N. . . q- or and other eXtrOS. �. Ran St W I 60m, Air. Ausw� - "The 'spur � , . . . , 1i �01. Ap- rair her idarridge. Mr. and Court of Revision. - The Court of Ap- ant thing. , row and. Bwallow which , . J. W. CRAIGM , I - W . I ., q , uy`_`on4A__akod �ahair happiness in peal, however, differed, . . � . TIMS . 'BATES, 38v. St I $1250 story frame house on - ...­_� motby Sccdo� Alsike ­ . ' � , [ I - r - pl%rolt. � L I . L . I altars of the -Ail kinds of TI' r . � I . - I Middl t 11 and hold there was ,found a nest Seed Pt, - about t 0 . 'as, Seed Oat$' L i . �____.;.� � .....- East st�eet. NOW bred 1 24�! L tabernacle (and whic: i* it waE . . , 10", AYW 11rS,519t,6rS. AUCTION. SALE . "t " 'h ' to a mandatory order. ivonsid- ad Rod Clover, 0 - H , 0, - not the r1i ' ' 'L . , -1 �� 1 14 , � , 0 N -P JtOR SALt -Thfrteen W hite Leg� rouy. Apply HAYS - . .,,­­­� ­­­ ­_ A- . . 1 __5F _NEI.10� � ,-f ', Vt Ifulf ' I I I 0 V ID Get L --'-- � ", ), 6SEA�qj) when t e other remedy existed,, and ored sacrilege to - dryo away) 'lug- Hoaie.grown­ Grimm A . � .! . ��� -.,-. 1 . L the litAe. things (the titeky Bide and Red Top tr2haord � . - . .,. .. horn ,hens, Good layers .. WAItTf _By th ; 16th of May, a " . -OF HO' that the School , Board would have to gestod that � - U 0 a. A. J. - 1 � - , � I . I . L NXEY TO LOAN, --A few thou- . . I AUCTION SALE . arn . �1111 I .., I - LOT - AND, .� . JSBHOLV appeal to -the 4, . - - .1 : 310 address at STAR OFFICE, . furnished h=30, gor small lard � ­11by ',Iourt of Revision and children) should- fim ' their place in Grass. Pricta 9 tee � L ' 'dollars tt .loan F I . . - I . . '. � . (,OOpr,R,.,�IsrniIton St. I �, 'L I Saud, I ft -on - first ily jorpowe months. A-pply box 16, URNITURE. L dismis- the church. - . I _ . I � . . 'mortgage securi on farm land at FOR. SALE.-Tjptight Piano, fancy _ . 'L . � . . County Judge, find the -Court I . .. � . STAR- OFFICE' . , tion for a inundator AE �. I �p . sed the aTplica ,tK The manY,who had gone 6ut front .' . P . ',,reaS9llaDLe rat!k of interest. Party burl walnut case, in good coTi-, --- instructed by Mts. 111aud-'s e , order an allowed the appeal. Wit Victoria street church to other places . I � , , . I . I , � .L U � same can t !ill dition. Will be sold on easy te0rR]g8- .-House and one -acre 110ast lie aliettoil'at the . it part in the work Of All kinets", ot' clover, tinvothy and . I I *. -or parties want n2 it by pub eosts. The 'merits were not dealt and took tboi i , . , a . U L . . t., Goderlo, oft �" or testimony to the ed, seed oat -3 aild home Own . � i I I I ..� I _._.__..,.__.. __.,_,_,__.. . 11 - with. . W. D. McPh, Zol . . L. � . jorw� tic .WALxERIS FURNITURE ST FOR SALE i : . __ __ - , - Iff STAR OFF Ct. _ 4 land suitalik for market ises, Eldon 8 arson X. C., f the church bore- � — I—— __", . __ , ,�: All IA A , -* f -it trees. , t " V 11_,�Zu V r t-. Al,%#,'�� flowinir through for sale at the've West I n. c6ax garue wir! L A. . �pellants. - . - I surea"I 0 I I . PVRLIC NOTICE I I Von SALE. -New Perfeetio t newly painted ' " THURSDAY, AEUL x6th the al 1. . F1 I __� I . -Storey frame. bduse C., anc.J. L. Kilioran, for the St.'60i the home church, *W I I I . 'L — __`�_ wa� -, COOPER'S WARE IOUSV- I . _� . WOr _!'� - oil. stove �Vlth ,,:four burners 2 olock sharp . . NOTICE, ­Alt aicounts owing . . L I , a . lso wicker and'L'shingled, Witter inside. Good - *-cOmmcncj,`Bg'at I 01, I Soar& : � - I I . ... .. . � 11 .�, 'L. For -the anniversary.occasion 9Pe- ' LL . . , L must be Settled not"later than and oven, good ail new: Convenient to school afid the The ro rty tonsists Of a., AtTral ch ir, - ' 0 VI..'Ns* I ALE RkUSTER . I . baby.carria o, as good As 111aw. Both, 48, Goderich. frame XweFleing in fair repair, togeth- The Board Is Workinx Away to Make cial music was prepared by the thQ TUE.9DJ � .May. Ist, 1923. After that date all these Will It. sold -very reasonable. Xu`;re..,AppIY box 4 . .or with a good sized garden lot. Sl- the Goderigh Fair a Sucre" which was -well renderod. Whlle'D ky, APRIL 24h-Clexr- . ___ _.__ .________. . ,fillsifelat objective was not t0c f farm stock, im- . L , t,of'tbo God(Irlelt Induto In bed 1�� auction sale o I . : i Apply STAR 0 - . -OR �, one purebre At 0, meeting st f day, no dou - plements and household effeeta, at lot �- __ unpaid uccouj%ts will be placed in the FFICE. Ir d red tuated on the west side ,of Eldon .4un . , _____\� 'L $AL bt It will be at �, , liands of.Mr. J.'.L. XWO.r�n*fOr col- ­ A;, 'roan $horthorn bull calf, laille streeti It should be a good invest* triat Fate Board On Fridav alght jamb the , AshfiLeld, comalene- . . . I 1. , . lection. - . . OP. AATCHING,-FfOW winittee tained in due time. . . 30, Lake ItunFP.1 L i . ( .1 . EGGS F , Cloverdale Win- ment, for any Pe"01% wanting R SMAII re,jti,est of the IlorticultUral CO , , L . __.....-,­*—_ Ing at I o o ock. ALEXANDER . . I . TUOS LEGG, Box 41. I . A Rocks L by months old. Got to t it Val giinee for the . �, . % G4110, property at a reasonable Price, At , uSt� Of '... . . NIacMURC,HY# Propg or. I . 0 �� , ith, im. - - L' .- ner, by Cloverd - ' iet ... I .... . $1.00 Per set.- ale aiguls, by the centi " . Goderich, April � — imliorted ------ - birds. ly . OIILER, R. the same time all'the household for- itowor cxhlbit'vias granted. It IsPlainled BUSY, AT THE DOCK - GUNDRY, Auctioneer, -T#9§. . L L I . �m . . . � ­ ting Of 14 eg 'Also two turkeir ford Marquis. App] , L. . . I . � 1. . I .­� . ,gs. . L Phone 11?,� niture will be sold Including side. to have a fountain in the centre. . , � -Auc- I to . � 2, Clinton, On TKURSDAY, APRIL 26th . . I gobblers, for sale. Apply, - J, - R- NO, � boaid, dininy table, 6 dining chair The need Of tile WMIls it' the wingq Of '114milton Bridge Co. Havt Started i( of hou" and lot and house- " . /I \3 . . Colborne Municipal. i I . *hirteo. 11 some lining to protect any ov-111bit from on Elevator Marine 1,eg"Driving t in Sale I I . . sIMPSON,'Sheppardton. . .- ____ . I -­­�, I New, Will ams sewifig Mal It - hold. forniture. at tile promises, ZI- . . - WANTED- TO RENT.-Comfott, te s th I men 4 was pointed out $64 %V111 Piles for, Foundation for Now We jltr,�et'L I � ,-.,,Two New Perfection L organ, I iron bed ,a ad stud spring ,I I . don . . NOTICE _50FS�AIX, Goderich commencing lit . . .. ]FOIt $ I r harbor preferred. I bedroom suite WwPlete, I child's 1 0ae 0 . * ' F . i . . Oal oil Cook 4fdVes, three- 'able house Xlea b,e 1 �tt�nd.�dtt% It Is Mcctcd that nome , vator. ­_ �. 1 2 o'elock. , NIR'S. kAVII ISTN W. . p, , � . , MRS. BEN L FOR SALE. -_j% story concrete �eot, I fall lent table, kitchen chalva, O 011v 0'a lanufaeturers will,wake I on Satur(lay work was otarted on proprietre5s. T. (11!NDRY, auction- . Allowners and. 630*01's Of burner, with ovens, . �rste, With large I kitchen range tot coal or wood, I extearAlve e%hibIta *blell Will be a r0si . - . . , . . - romises' ve beroby" notified HOGOARTH, Huron Road,. . Inodetri dwelling, I n . I P , I I- -_� or garage, $1700- 1 lawil mower, garden and carpenter's attraction. and tilat tile nierehant% alw driving Pile -14 for th'! f0illidatif) for c" �_­� ... L __-:--t-.--- stable 0 s at* h 0 e 3 c ra . t1l%t all garbita0v ott-1 raust be . . licast dwelling. Bdth- tools, Pictures, ourtainst jumps.. will (10 80, at leaf4t a good number of the new I ,v r, T .r r * I 00 or HORN., - . I .1 F OR SALZ.-Seed Grain and Pigs 1. I.story roug I . ­ dishes, and other ndicles. � I them. . 1800 of theige w be driven. The. old II()I_N1r,,q.'-At Alegandra 110-4ps. _*� removea from their promises for sale. "Conquer" oats atid $1000. water, vill. be disposed of, as 'Clie f4cCVQt1Lry ulelitiOned 114ving been. dock= to being torn down to al- ith, to 51r� . � . k . I I a story train . tile, I % new 0, (!vator b On Monday, April III � No. 2t-'0.--A'L C. barley. Also young ly. 0 dwelling; . Everythin ff IV. tig Godetich, � difitrict 1"a"ager Of 0 v eing built tal . by tho 16t disy of Kay 1923. pigs tVad good sows. , Ap Y A- in house. I called no bv the a and .. . - 5 $1050, Mrs, Steel) s leavi . Mm. DudleY 1101meR, a d:-tJ4ht0r- � .L � . . . 1� L , -pl dwelling, mod- TZ 049 --cash. . L 1. I Bell Telep)ionO CO. at Htrstfokd.,whO from the bottom up. Three scow Div,[) I . . . CLUTTON, R. R. No. So GodOri0h- - 2-storY brick veneer e oxhibit In havt�, been cow3trueted tv carry gra- - :, e Municipal. ,. evil. one block Least of Square. . T., GUNDUY, Auttioneer. . to 111aker a teleplion . l',J"t)k'()1tI).­IJl Loq Annelegi Cali - Phone 1414, Colborn" . - .1 __­______ - ­ P`111b241111lIVg wl . a phone vel foi- the cenient %vorlt'for fhi� new F. 0. WHIM, the l, ill 16 rav .14tatio __�.. _____­­.___ $2,90 ' - -, - :iAclk or A Com. Installed. This would no donlit prove a elevator. Tile gravel will be secur- fornia. rin Thurrdny, April l2th, 191M. - I . As,qt. 18anitary Inspector �On, SALr,,__Bsuner Oats � th�*Ottiwtjoil I [ other propertie'l Which it will A 110TION convenleuve as well all JL rokllc(� or rev, p(t n tbe,b&tch b(Omell th(i north X063if 51&ean, Widow (If the lato � I I I p . ze at the coml e AM )eforo bu ng. 0 lid eon- J94n Pedford, In ht," VAll Yea" L d ,, .. 11"It ti pay you to see I I ?attwater a � I . A.M00- L'. I - ­ . competition; a qUAnt% of seec, 0. F. CAR V & SON, CONTAINING ALL -CONVENIEN-. jpdn,v. pier and river bn enient MARGTON-,At 0,odelicil, on Sun-, . L . I CES, ALSO XARN OR, GARAGE. eutL��fortht'('Oti Nt,,,�i YotlK c0n* veyed by dump eara to a eonv - ---..— "'r, 0 A C. No. ?.I; It q ,small , ...�.____ - A e 10, otative of 0, lg�4 of Special point for loading into the qvowaiand 17ttfi, * 191.13,.,.Nargaret I bar oy V. YOUNG & r4 ARM FOR SALZ-100 acres, east LARGE EN07JGII TO HOLD TWO cero Meli,is making booh1v da , April ) L for f, � ,%Jr,;'ftud tile lll:e �VL%q -ill be towed aero,;,j the - to Henry I ., Idolize a woman if YOU will, , tea ben6. 49. Carlow. . . one-half lot 4, on the 3rd coil. CARS. .. . attraciloo the 11cO%v,; w JoKuRton, widow of tilt ; don,t try to understand her. - ,q,OXS, Phone 2026 . , I . I L I of Aslifield, A two-story brick house — . pre.qent icud 11howed pleturou and den. harb6r by Capt, 51el(tsyls motor bont. Marlton, n2cd st �ears. I . . I .1 - � - - IN . 7 - I I I I W.Mvp �WA.ftw. with .cement �y . At Goderich, Oil 0 L --' kitchen, cellar under MR. ALBZUT ALLEON cribed the ftct14 Of vAdOfln Of tile Per; A larze number of form.,; have been RADCLIFFF. . 11 L 0=0 � I - " 'house.. Bank barn 54n,to straw shed who boa ken transferred to LiBtdwelt former. the bureall I)Gol;;i (or, hut aq Prepared in tilt, ('. P. IL frei0t 0110d Nlondav, April 14;th. I,i,.13, 11 chard I I � . . 6004, stabling, iinder all, including has.ingtructed me to sell by eublie the Price of morit at 1310"c' "Jug 0*,(J- ts" for tile walln of t1w. new ('14,vatur, and Itadelike. in' hi,.4 soth yeaK " � � . , a a 0 () it.wa ne woald everythint: in in readinega for rush- . .91i . .root house, ben )louse and pig peft, auction ,, Iri an 1 4 felt tile extimi I GRAHAM-�--In C . t at the preinises, 1, r 51;0 . Ing tile work abead. T1w linmilton ,olborne towmillip, I drive house; artesian well W4 ev, in Roado Goderich (near Vietbria got lbt justified. � and filic-ftitg,por. Fract fo, the ton ,Monday, April. 16th. 192,34 Willix'01 � , I . . "'Bu - the Be' st ".. - stables;, and water in the -house, 4190 a �tchool) on The lolea� V01h Bridae Vo. han the cont ine -le,k John Grahan', ar,(d 77 Yt�31`1- . V .1 good well at the hobse, 2, acres of SATURDAY, APRIL 28th - tion Of the P02'(Y ll't %VaR KPOdt'd 00 a'4' steel work foi- the neV� L mar %vill talse plac(-,,from I TILIMIA of the COM I I 1- work A ertine hn,4 The funeral . I ' I � irchl I No , -...,..-.,.-.-,..,._One Car xxxxx S. o I . � I 8tort I � I . R, 11 Ohe Car. xxx Shingles' r7, .-.-- . . � . larri"d thilt, WWA I FO � . . � . � Pan &1unufactumved hy Wading 5hingle niallufactur-ers, of British ' rich ;%,,ihingles. These wore or' i cvlutnb.*%� price4fit-asteadil)radvaup,ing.0 1101W ' w1lich. all6ws " to 6616r them 'a Bottom , botmcht Ssmo wooks ago o , to usfl�jtrly shillgles this spring or Aum- %,,,, larieft. If �You avo going I I wer, Bwy,*W. Y611 will %4,ro mcinty, anil Can nave, h1hol, w4lich elia vad I I V, M Ines a a Aft S�Moings I tho , . I I Ter , a in ! . 4 I a teb 1, - aning, WC G6deentich A r"j; Co. lite; 4r t . I . . I& I ,.1i ­­­., 0#010111110. l*X====QilA* Viol I ­ 14t,nd is all inider gras% vlw�o, uy Ulial C134. and is a xv-4 a . VarlOr4t taxes. One mile. from commencing at 2 o'clock Phan) 10 r been ertctcd On t�p.of tile new work. ,, mittee In cboxge. and a humber of 1,1r,?,Phq Dir"4., Vndertalting t "'t, . miles from church and Iliq gomfoittable brick dwelling 5t Which Ing tower for rawing tile -steel into ,:30 o�clo. on Thumday. April 19th, at. . banger; V�Pry watle. the effect 4 :, ck p,,ni. to Colbiorne cone. MARIA MeWHINNUy. house, tontalmax living room, dining C ould be to PoPtilatlyc t1101040-11114'atlon Place, and a carload of Ateel bsM al- , Shoppa ,t 20 room, kitchen and toilet oil the jW terv. i3prvicp at 1.11:00 n., ra, � rdton. Phon. 2 � nd to bring it up to tilft, 1"Inutt!- 4" reud� arrived. Men ,4re at work re- . * N AtoltIA1 ground floor, three bedroom,;, with ,extra CIa% p& cot is 1011. . ,sIs tip 1)p 111%eitts,d for It moving the ,dirt' from between tile . � It, . I -1. - ­ - . closets -off each, mind a splendid bs�h eblldrcn'� %orli. t1eq preparatorY to the 6. T. Mnhift- I; tov,jptv imintory of Ing the tracks i10 a," td allow Of the Lue ' "' I ' � N � C% P. r ,r floor. The cellar As The �dvantttge (it 40111(k Rott of ca"P it, (�.' I e. b4ow'd v,if,�o 'Ir. - .. Form Land3. room on upre � ,e wl I Itch to Show batt(r and Itew elevator beinr!. built and- U buirl- A. '_ ;' mn n your own good and ho * S tridid now furnac other dMUY 8. itlond�,'%I,(l v1dil4t dau,,41itor of � . flow ow , . a. in Western Canad## with -water colVq- Electric lighpq PtOd-ACV4 '%,1% UVIIIn d'_'C"ft3Cd a"" the ber of (;. T. it. otriiiala viere beit, In4t Mr. nud N44. J0.1. McVrar.fie14 who � �ajjle5 fertile p3rk Mts, throughout; and sit fixtures. Illindit conio),ttee 19111 uvep iheir ey0 00,11 for wtleh in rOnnectioll with tilt, nlijvinq , entere'd into rv,.4t it! 6mlortviron rri�, that are yieldino etc., go with this house� which ulay be avillable. of the Mpg - br.-tv;con the G.. T. B.. &v, .1pril 21 -it, 191.12". - . lsnd�, . 11 to men, 90 1009 The lot has an and (% P _411C.d Uq,,t,t.lI t7,. 1p�4)w -who not I I a frontAge of rio feet Xr� ?'A2c9"a01v"9T1n particuiar wati a -UNI to - R. tfack--i,baek 8 fcvt. The jg,ld ,,,, 0, Vol been vour utigatisfitdJon BrItAnois, road and tutis through look Around In: thin col;neetwn. I arty Jr,cluded Gen. SupevintendPilt W4, should cry, Ob ,4113vo tht' NOW; , 'Ipih, of Toronto, SUP yeq, with 4trearniv., P&Pi �ikould PrQ7 %bors. Vvood soil, good to Pic-t6n St., Oil whieh the 9AvsKe an at St. Gtorgola Likely to 1110 t _vrin�Qndvnt IN. � % churebea and faces, ThM, i% A ,'!004 8780011 and it (ElIft A ..� �T�tt, of Stratford.- Chief F.Rail,wer her. lot hf,r atal.- Id 0411001 1% Xn argod and Improw �or of Lmd. wo Iola (104) nou::ilt nml� 5erA4r7nt3, make fatla life ig a Oplendid, Part of thb town to 1; lVe � underotand thit thOrP i't a 11owsoll, - of Toironto; AIUDO ." 0 itablo and attractive, in. . � L(I 1gdJldJr1,13q Fj,rgW,o.s1J of '�Ut th" t'"d ri'd d1i'l, � �rtent. ewh the bAllred TERNIS.-20 Per rent. of pure;lase stroapt P0.14bility that- the cwaan nt Drielgv5 or '�"'Me Ne 11ave 110dal't too - or - Toronto; Chici of XotivO POW - '%rd 'lir" Ile (;To(' do but ,)tfll rest ,,., fti. St. Georg0o'church will be c ,sid ,ont4): Dj,1t11(_t ; 61 . Y"Irs. speelei tottAs to price to be paid attime of 1130te ov0d and pnlarglrd in. tilp 4,uaitr, of Tot Freiaht Ir , it'( ct v w�, hi 4 t'iffl. I . !ts. For.,inforomtion and a n,,� e , in 90 dayoo of, Arrfik*,000'-,nt5 may erably. in# Pr 'rhe - - ,� ­ q.trXitforfl, and Fn. - " jlualrwd ac; I 0-tildrol, P'Uvllt!� . 0.441 to ineor. 'Nto.,fit flit,011, of IAMD� apply to C. L. IN01t. bo niade to kave a portion *f the near future . Prop ,jgr, , pippq 'a11,1Cjn#+r ,,� ,or, of Toronto, f ut, wA flot'N't 1� ,; 14 .14C.0"T'. , (,J, tile old orV td Agent, CansdiAn' Pitei., amoulat on mttosge till a rvaqontible ETTV �! pn lood' by the PrCX,rit I The Government tti�- lloretl!(­ ` , . I 6 60". t­r-hor (,n.;: (;(,� - j,K ?JA f(,To'VtLef46; , CoMpany, Windqor Sta- rel Of term-, r. 0 � . I I . clil., , . I T., GUNDAY, Aft-tionc-er, ftntfurAent, With , , hal frtltluc�ntil, , tbto'39f� tia A(V " I I it I . . � I ... I 0 t . I . . . � .. I � . 1AP1. � .1 .11 . I 1. I . . � 11 � . �. I . ,. I - � 0 .. - - . ..­ -1- -I ._.1. �_ , . - -.*W - - - . . 1-1- ­­ I'll. I ­­ I - "..­ - _ 11.1. .1 ___ .. - � _. ­ . ­­­­ .0 _7 .1 . - �,� 4 � It ______ ii!111��� -ft - � , XJ'- %7E . , b . A , , At� A