HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-8, Page 5TIE tt.er buocatt Is, published every Thursday Morning, Est the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. --By the— AQVOOATE PUBL1841NC COMPANY' TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION. One Dollar per Annum if paid. in Advance p i as[,aO if not so S a d. %z ext o3 s1 g Me -:e: osa _3 els ccs . tioz2, peper soontineeduntil all arre ora es Rre paid. Advoxkisenxents without sFeaific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discountmade for trauscient advertisements inserted for long r.eriods. Every doseription of JOB and at moderate turned Cheques moneyto rd. ere,,&o. for advertising, slabs eel pts ona,et o.to bo read° payable to Chas. II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Prof'eseional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DB. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S., honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's !Shock, west side Alain Street, Exeter. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,I■.D,S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal college of Dental Surgeons at Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Ali =odes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot $ iditol'& law office -opposite a/eatral Hotel -Exeter. t[cdleal rya. J A, ltor,I.iYs & T A. AMOS. Reeldeneos, same as formerly OFFICES, Speek xu Rn,. building, Main a a Dr, Rollins' office: same as formerly -north door. De. Auxca oiUoe, same butbline,-•south door. May ast. 1893 T.A, Itoiliue, M. 1). T. A, Amos, a,T. P. eicLALtGRLIN, All AI117 R OF the College ofl?hssioiansamiSurgeons Ontario. PhydiClan, Surgeon and Acaeuell- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. 11. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- Ole, Ooaveyaneer, lotery Public. Ofboe-Over O'Neil's Rank, Exeter,Ontarlo. Money to Loan. TT II.DICKSOY,BARRISTE1t,y,OLIOITOR, A .t• of Suhrome Cuurt, Notary Public, con- Vevanac r, ommi ,loner, am.alouey to Waal Qmae-FansoxVa Block, Exeter _a.... ' T - Tj LLIOT !it ULA.Par.#1. BARRISTERS, .LJ Etc.. Conveyancers, and Aroney to Loan at 5 and SOS per cent. 13. V. ELLIOT. F. W. Gaereatax. uctionecr•s I7 BROWN, WlneItalse . Licensed Aut t- 11. lonoor tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of 'sborne Sales promptly atton,]ea to and terms ren- aonbilo.Sales arranged at Post oMee. Win- olxolsoa. Insus'nnce, E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Math St. WANTED, xiELr. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to in.troduee a new discovery and keep our show evadstaelcetl up on trees, Ponces and bridges throughout town and country. Steady amploymono commission or salary, $05 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. .Por par- ticulars write `"Phe World Medical Eleotrie CO.", London. Out , Canada. 2-2 98 Exeter TIfl :CI3131O .ti. HARRISON Rosiness and Shorthand College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an absolutoly first -clash Business School Individual instruction by experienced teach- ers holding highest qualifications. Good re- _ sults. Prospectus maiied free, Enter uow. It. D. :Shout P.N.A'.S. Jas. Harrison Principals ladorgraduate of Toronto University and S. of P. S. Beore After. Wood's Phoap1iodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six •40 x ,, .- packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effeots of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, six will cure. Pampblets free to any address. Tho Wood Company. Windsor, Ont. lt:J'Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Brewing, druggist. I . FARMERS! ,. You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements . Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultiyators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machines... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. A 0 N, and Gurney stoves and furnaces U 1 E S The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies ti BA L fi a'1 MADE MEA MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE dI E Nervous Diseases -Flailing Mem- ory, Impotency, Sloeplessness,eto. caused by Abuse- or. other Excesses and. India- oretions`They quickly and surety restore. Lost Vitality in old or young; and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if to en- • tame. Their nee shows immediate improve- ment and effects a OUBE where all other fail In list upon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They have cured thousandssands and will =rayon. We give a ere Rive wretfn guarantee to effect a aura pra eachcase or -refund the money. Price 111 package; or six pkgee (full, treatment) for $2.60. By mail. in plain wrapper. upon receipt of price. Circular free, MAX REMEDY CO., 79ttitDe ^ Dearborn gur Sold in deter by C, Lutz, lieu gi&t • EXETER MARKETS. LAST AI,I, III SilirS (Changed. every Weds esday) Wheat per bushel........ ............. 0o to. 91 ,Flour per cwt 2.15 Barioy 40 to 41 Oats 29 to 3n' How Admiral Cervera Lost on a Peas 52 to 55 Butter l$ to 13 Desperate Chance. Eggs....-..-• tl .Potatoes perbag 85 to' 111 Hay per ton T,00 to 8,00 0 Dried Apples per lb .. 4 6i Hc w Did. She Burn Her Face. s That Was What People Asked About. Our Daughter Dreadful. Itching, Burning Erup- tions Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass; 5. genttemerl: Oter little daughter is now fear years old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her face which were very disagreeable, and itched BO much, especially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it was necessary to watch her during the day, She would scratch herself when- ever site had the chance, until her clothes. Would Se Covered with Blood, We had a great many doctors to see her, out they did not help her in the least. It was a terrible task to caro for her, When we took her away from Home, people would ask, t Sow did that child burn her face?' She was completely covered with, scabs for a long time, She suffered every- thing, At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I bad great faith in. it, and after awhile we could see that rile was getting better. People said she would certainly be left with scars on her face, but she was not. It is now a year since she was eured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soift as that of any abild. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the beat family medi- eine that can be obtained. I take it mye self for headache and that tired feeling, and Ihave found nothing to equal it. One peculiarity about hood's Sarsaparilla is that It is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. Tho doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or salt rheum." MRs. WIL11UR WELrs, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not bo induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best --in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $i 1 six for $6. tit , cure Liver Ills; easy to ia00d S )PAii.S take, easy to operate. 25c. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 1 000Ladles. Safe,effeo ual. Lades ask your druggist fortCook'sCotton Root Com- iound. Take no other, as all Miat�,ures, pills and mitations aro dangerous. Price, No. 1, el per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 53 per box. No. t or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent stamps. The Cook Company,Windsor, Ont. earNos.1 and 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No 2 sol,l in Exeter ay Jeer Browning, Druggist. Nina 1:., the 10 months -old daughter of Joseph and Nellie Leo, of Watford, met with a terrible death on Saturday, During the course of the usual house- cleaning sonic bottles were moved from a high to a lower shelf, among which was one containing carbolic acid, thor oughly corked. During: the absence of of her sister, Mary, little Nina toddled up to the shelf and reached for the bot toe which contained the carbolic acid and drank the contents. Medical ski 1 was summoned but she died the same evening laese The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Curets. WECU STR CTU Thousands of young and middle-aged mon aro troubled with this disease -many unconsciously. They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organs, omissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This wall not oure you, 05 it'i11 re- turn. Our NEW METHOD. rTILLAT- MENT absorbs the stricture ,tissue; henoe removes the stricture Permanently. It oan novor return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansarestrength- ened. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. %ENURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men aro having their somal vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They aro frequently unconscious of theeause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Rack, General Depression, Lack of Ambition, Verie000le, Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE inay be the comae. Don't Consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these• special diseases -don't allow Quacksto experiment on you. Consult Specialists who have made a life study of Diseases of'Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively euro you. One thousand dollars Tor a case we :tempt for ..treatment and menet curo. Terms moderato for a cure. .SURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and euro: EMISSIONS. VARICOCELE. SYPHILIS, GLEET. STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to tall, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME rilREATMENT. Tee 7EatSe, SOGC:9 lki Cor.Ave.Cor.MichiganAsand Shelby St. DER'ROIT, MICH. flagship New York was several miles away, steaming to the eastward toward Each in Little east of Morro, The New York was out of the fight altogether at every stage, bat she immo- Is espeolally true of F'lood's Pills, for no Hied!• cine ever contained so great curative power fa o small space. a re • s Th a a tubo a medicine . l? Y 1 1u duttel3 put about and followed the others, Spaniards vont Believe It. Madrid, ld, July 5. ---The following semi - ADMIRAL GERVERA A PRISONER. offolai statement was issued yesterday Tho Toro and Disabled Fleet Run Ashore to Avoid Sinlaine or Capture— Fridlitrxxl boas of X,fife-X,500 Prisoners of War Captured -ahoy One American Xiilled, Ten miles west of the entrance of the harbor of Santiago do Cuba, July 8, 4 pant., by Associated Presa despatch haat 'Wanda, to Port Antonio, Jamaica, Mon- day, July 4, via Kingston, July 4, 4 pen. -Admiral Cervera's fleet, consisting of the armored cruisers Cristobal Colon, Aiinirante Oquendo, Infanta Maria Teresa and Vizcaya, and two torpedo beet destroyers, the Furor and the Pluton, which had been held in the barker of Santiago de Cuba for six weeks p t 1 by the eonabtnod squadrons of Rear -Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley, pt., to -day at the behove of the C.::i',i, _ Sea oft the southern coast of Cu'1a. The Spanish admiral is a prisoner cf w;r or; the auxiliary gunboat Glouc titer, and 1,000 to 1,500 other Semite?) offer Whirs, all who escaped tha frith tui carnage caused by the ,hallo from the Amorlean warships, are also Lehi as pre- i soners of war by the United See -ea eeey.. TheAeuerlcan victory Isc..,,,'1 ;t --, according to the best information ot.t :