HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-12, Page 1I ­ I I ­ P�. I __V_ -9 - 4 . I :� ___ �, . _F :7 1 I ;1 -_ .. - I � 0 I I � � - . ,,, 6. -_ — � _­ ­ W I _tTT=�_ !�!t11_7_-=t_!t—_ ,�!!!TT!, " q �0 �.!,.1!_ _=__ I. =n!=!!r�=�n= n=n= , - 4 -0. " == � - - ___ __ � � Any �e=ot $6 i"W y0ow : . may i0i , wim Tho Star I i at $0.25 for Ow two. Almset � all wolay 404 wathly po". CON~ 0" 4ho bo chdAmw at a *eoine ft ow swliscrikft- 1"W . - $11"WR Irl ". %-10.11 "%N . .dmwla�� I * I P=� . [If �fldr I I. I ! S, le 04 I 1) . k I I I , � V � � I el 1 4 %W ",I *Ile � 4 1 11 I I I . , , � IF -I's 4", , 1, ,�, I � � . . I � . - *1jC14- 11 �, '".1`14-'r in a I ( 5�vb- C'tl . . , - ­ -1 -..1___._1_- I—— I - Th* Star"s J4 Departawnt h equtpriod 13 do A softs of ww� frm a Tidtt,or Bill to a W, The Goderich Star TA* HOMO of Goa printisw � i Z I i � t 1. ut .� ­­­, ---,.--.,, -_ ___. __ � -_ - _ - - 6 _­ . . - M-15 � - I ... - . . - ---- � f �, -- - �- _­ - ­_', _._ , __ - __ — Z____ �. _0 -..,.- 0�_ _ — ­ �� __ ­ . - ' i: "000"Op" - __ _ - __ - — — . . I " %0 Affelm in 84ht . " V, ga FII V,l pk" fop Development at Gederich Plant By N04 Oes" Dead.. A Satishalwy Settlewat of National Mpbullding Coo �41 W �_A__.__ �_� � __.11 .1',:1", I ____ _�- _.� — - � . �_ - __ _.. � I - �, Anighow. W-i_-;�;W­ M -, ...... � � -111\ 41", - 7- --- 7::��- ---,-"--, - , . i � ,7,,=� � I ;�\ .- i I — - - . . -1 I I I I I I I 11111fl-FIL ff�� M I- ­ I I -.1.1 ­.. 1. . ­­ ­ I I—. I ;; I - - �*� * � I- . %" I . rr I I Addi"'onal Funds . � . V . � . . .. � .I- ... � I I . I . . ��� Advancing r4my to progre"iye far- , � I � ., wors for soui4lorming,ex-Wasions is I I . I an imporuint,4'aft-,of Storling Bank - 11 � . I * . � I service. you., Vdair. 4iscuss your Plans , I I . fully with our 9K -al Nfaa4ers, becituse . I 4 1 , . . . SU& discussions* �m striooy a personal I : � . I matterbaween i4 mind die Bank. .., I . . * , I . " , 111.1 � � .1 10 q, �w .. -1 I—- ­ ­ � . ""­ . . 1. _ 1. .. . , , _ , . _ . _ . . ,.., - _. ., . ­­ I. I 1- �. . ., � 11. I -S ", jr RAN . I - I � ... . ITU 1. %Ang itm 4.6 'K 1.1114.111 . .. I ..�. . . � i . . , I.. . � � : I " � OF CANAM , . . . I . I I % I I . ��.. � I . - 1. ­ I I'll ��, ­ — . I I . - . � 1� � � 7 I i: � I . I I - , 1. 1. � - - �- I ­ � � . .C;=�F�, - 11_� - I r -RR- � _ i. ­ — 11 11 .. .. I � . . "" . . I - == I � . � , __ - � . , , - , . � , � - �_ --111.1-1 11 ' I : � .._�_ _____ - __ ' ' ' I 04 I , �1 I Ilziblisis fjv#'y " J I 0 GODEMON. 0?4TA110, COO& THURSDAY9 APRIL 12. 1,923 W�w it 1. A,.,,,,�rFJV'OW,i,kVgltZ74t"X,= . - 1-1.1 =:1�1:111 . —_ - 1 -1;1;1' I .1 ­­__ - — .--- �- -- , I 4 I � I I ;, ,1 _ .... 0____ 1-1 .1 THE 1,18T AND TUX GIST ON' . ?� aA lijuat. Past9l, r,vv. C. N. DewCyt oarruARY ADVRRTAMILNTS IN Lookins! For, ward Will prcaCh IrOIR tllli� su*ct-ss 11 A- MvD0.XFT1._-blr. Allon J *"'*� - NXV�THIS WX8K1* $TAR I � � o I I --4=1 usalent.," 7 P. M-- 1 11011�11, a life-long revident of I"Nuter. _�_ q" : ; �. oket ,,, 1 The more y" th" &b"tL tbe ft oratmul"L"r ifibl'a Sebwl jat 3 P- m* d4cd at Dr. IlyndWRII'S 110sl1hut Oil Every Day, in F,very Way* the _ - , � Xod &bQUt 40""_40ft CC*$$$ ill., 1), Y. 1'. - 17. mettlug. Wcd, Vridoy morning, March "'U141, ""C" 4 Now buperi6i, Cheyrolet Ileuda the . � , , - VIC( long and twvr. . IV '. - __T a" 3u 11 11*11, at ,�R P. lit, prayOr St to fflnvs�%. ,su,,k do,eas, Way, Says T. i�. Rcad all i tb* sort 4004"Ok YOU become liest �y ied was 62", year,3 ,ot a .".. Itv w4l, I ckWut the fine X of ear beirg I I I - 43evvjc-rL�s will be held 11121pa", � *boa being a sooty 04*W. AU%NCO2F4l-$- i f,- ,il put - out by the Vhevrlolct lKopiv. , . I nvit, suvtds,�� an tile viouria StUct, born in Esetpr and. ha, ,Sidcd there .If yW hg" WApta*d t*t 04 of %%VjAgj ��,', -ViQ0 "i, I 'ti, I'alzo ­ ........ 8 .edlAt citurch. The set ,s both I !Cully all his fite. Vor year, - I . . be Conduct" C."Cw'" 4sSuciatcd with tbu latt" sll.� ,.�'atly tor:3 't, W,WV*`ur"-' � 1* witk re4MMAW accuIr- Inorlillif VC1111IN Vill - pri�� Wi � b c�# fft*OK* K RadY Clinton. Wal. 84W(Lak In ilnportin,t�, thorough. 11 tainq, (14ntz, Crotonileso Praper- . � I ' rm � 'bict unius, of . *Cy bow much ot a ftetor 7013, -#411 be 11.1 cd bj 30- I'- - speAU- btcd horses front Gmat Drittliti- I%tv-.[ jc,,j�_(,ray faud.Cartwriglit 11up..G I I.. Mr. 1cC&I`,AU­' Is, an "Q011ent , V '. the days of -apportu*0 Vb � jeb jkjj er, hnAored U1,14 lowd by his bV�tiver Mej)opell was a lover of horsi,s a0l nuy Now and Make Vertalit-lon, . I to j-.jjuWvrs of the conference. % o, 0 u go of- then% and has newfl Get'4 (*at At These PrIQv,3-M%C- , , I I 1 I 'ke IV. N. in t e im acity of udrjo at many Ewan and Tebbutt. Page ........ 9 . I. � The annual Weetiug-of' t'. held in fair$. During his de time, he has Dimlop the World's MOA Finvied ,�. *bow* Now 040i No. . A'. -F Victoria $t. church Va ", MICA eonsiderably, havin cro3.1 . a , / ft CjW #0 pow I � . I vin Monday alternooni # 1rive a age .......... ; I the schooltool), . �,W th n many times, yle ;,�­­­*­ I I � Z ' was I -11;e reriormance of t (, stude. c . - � A1111 elected the 10110MIXIg ofulot", II.t � I wol.to.do.and untuarried. Heis sur' baket Light Sjx�_­T- k". Holland. 4 OF I ,,, .. �� I . pr"ident, Mrs. rou Wilson; vice vived b,v two brothv6 ond four sis. I * . I , � BANK ,_ '. 1. I eadley; iaccretarV, Pow ............ ........ .... 9 . UNION . . resident, 'hit 1111( ters,Johunllti.(Illal�ltlt�.otlteus,,ill,.I ( 4 � 11. � i;aeh, I .1 I . I I . . I I jeth*aAcT treasurer, Mrs.. Mrs. (Dr.) Prowninc , and Miss So- I - Ar (% Seeds -4. , � Ts. Post .......... 0 � , we. and strdogers! OCC.% dit Iction Doe .1 11 y . Goderich ]Branch F. Woo9combe, Manager � Bender; cov. I � scc�, Mrs. sle McDontill. of Exeter; Alm. L. It. I votle'.d�f� 'AV *R, O' * ... MW q I I t . I r0s'., NukAt'.1 DOC 'box . giving, Dickson, of Goderich, aild INIvs.,Ven. tc, i � . . , , , - aptomatic I funer4l was I to N�rvp Compress on�D. UcClkn- ' I. . I I ­ �1_ ". , � � .... ... 1_-- I... . . P030.0votte; ­ - . ,nett,, of.Sa_qh#9Pn-...Ths�_ IV . , - . I ­ � �- , I - --- - - ­­_ . hold I " , sWhaa,.-,. �ogf�'...,.-..-....�.....,,.,.,..4 . I . - , I I I I I 400010 Mrs, Johnston, I atiday - lawfu0% A' 'I we r.xaminc, Y6ur V,ye-3��,Dr. A. " ' - "' ' "7- ­ - '1* .i4.";._ .­­;� ­. . - -1 1.1._*1r_1._._w-_^. 8i 1111 " lat" I . .1 ._:,�_.44��'. "�;,;­ I . I utonthIr . meeting of from the honio (if Dr. BrOviling'. con . The regular , IL Cole. Page '.%.ft.,4.10, � . S B,liickstone and Xr. Anderlton) dur. the Victoria Ilelpetal' Class Was held ducted b Rev, A A. Trinuper, in -1 "The Sign owi6­6;�;.;. Watch . .. I . . , . I I., - , , t the tea. Ther4 %rMQnt L - F ,r -for It 11 -age ......... V. -a. L. � -.1 I 'TOWN 'Ar'n P I C _ Yi) . . V 1. lilt tile servi on Monday acting at the home Of t$ Ong IZt�do in the wett .. I CIO I tk? ' Miss -Tye, violill, M0101i -HaIlls .1 ,,A— - - ,, 0, ­ I - W48 a, V6041 so a JyT I eta Pre- cemetery,. . � MiS4 1. . -solo, by Mrs. OAU �, Piano SID16, MISS , Ivy 1911fatt, .14 . I tlie*.Thrifty Varvftev­� I - o Of . . 11 .1 ,� A Nico Donation to - Hospital .. (ill le 4D% NOCMI '90408 by sint. The vice ftesident, Miss Hot- , MILLIO,�%­cOining only two Itamiltaty,' A. J. Wilexay, cal, . I I .1 .. I . . E. Nattel, 0, c ria. preolded, Mrs. Geo. Buechler months after the death of his daught. manager. Page ­ ....... i...,%�.2 0 .1 I I I , , ;_0jano:sojp -by, Mr, - ". t 1 treasurer toQ'sUcceed 6r, Miss Maude Million, the death of., Thiodore Roborts. Elsie .1, OrKtk- r . . The Alexan6a Hospital 'Board 4c' Mrs� Felker, aul I - � I , knowledges Witit,thanks, a donation Ahderten,,who -alsw PIAYOd the Awom- -%Vas -4 00111 ci ,,,, am. Miss 'Ces, who_.As. leaving t0wrll Mr. Thos. Million on 'Wedne4day1ast Jack flolt'and Comedies at the � .. . .1 � �. 1 4 'of $24.85 from the Matthews Ste )aWmeats for Other Runibers.. The -m made for con" Is a second bereavement which. conics sloonael Theatre next week. .­. 1. . , 6 .. .. 1� I -OA I I I . ,club. ' Arrangements we Five ... 6 ship Co. hockey. program . a of 4T order. and was pletillg, the, aut,ograph quilt, also for I'a, a heavy blow to Mrs. Million and A Large, A 43 Ne . _ much enloyed. . I I . I � . Mrs. (Capt.).Aaxter Dead finishing the. draping of tue windows the family.' Lapt July Mr. Millim0and (,jussy Styles in Sprlug Hats ,',�' I ,A 6_,uA,Q"_A1,-+i,at about $000 6 4-L 1 . I A, I . - I - I . ol room o smitered a at he and I -M., Robins. lage ...... ­---�- 1 -1 I I . I solo, . - �".. an received in town of event. . . . in the Sunday ocho V n February . � I . I * � 1 , I . Un Word has be week of Mrs. (Capt.) w.as realized frpm,tbe, ,chorch. Aftc . .1 0 va - the death this . . . � ­ w a social halt 'hour of last a second, the right side being T Sample Dresses for Woulew--w. I � _', anah 11 - Past� .... ... 4- . ,, , .. . L ... I . I I _­­ __ - �i� I I g-'rVa.­ - .., ­­ � I __ I . ]MAN "NA O_ further -particulars are- to . 'fiiitRq� 6f Calborne to"hiro 'whetv, vfIrtaw., - antl Curtaining, - .---- I � -_1; . :*� "' "I, I , ­ - v� jind pleasan 0 � ,, 4C . 3 � n, nTA k _d Lwm Baxter. In Dctioit. At timeof V � UIA School C, , ido& Hq;rIg , ab , , music, readings and recitations, slightly, pair4lyzed. Mr. Million W35.�gAelieWn. and. $On-, -1. . - _1 ou a 88 . . � ._ _____ . Houm .... � I - � ..� I . ­. wrftin�'il I . 'kilinte iting i iieT*1 lunch a . . . � 'il . . I . hand. I 10 .1 I wilfitt Victoria school $iorth St. Method!0 Church, Hot- lie was born in 1868. In f884 lie was I Dresseso Aproust Ladleg' Ready- . .� , ) ... ... . . . . I 1, 0 evening was sl Nancy Gild k in 1:. I 7 I The servioes- marrl�d to Miss ers, 'bzt 100 art ent-�--&- Corn- I . . - OULD, BE INSURED, , Some Good Sized Leghorn Eggs I en the vey Moyer, . pastor� , . . I . �_ 'jt�ld. Page -,,*-I*,- It , , . I . , on ,ftesday. Mir6 27th, *h, . _ T . 4 THREE REASONS WHY'YOU SH �_a__ -_ - - t school rjaL I Sabi . .,. . �'. 4 .. . I I . I � HOUIC ild &hOol Club of tha n a I ( , n the the Rev. Mr. ne and lot- a num-,0 siti . ­ . ., . .. I I 01140 bolise- Mrs. Wm- Taylor, Wolfs at.) has kstor wi I eantIllue his ber- of years formed near Remnillm! Street .1lats, Dress lotq, , , , .. I 1. To protect the ElOUP4 Upon the 006'of the hea(l . 'regul,ar . monthly meet- morning the' ,, 4� A, , �� �. . I .1 I (imilles bave I found themsehles l0-,VaAt be0ause the breau- a floeR of 70 liens and a4piplei of inef for it's , nuiiber of parents -and. studies . in 14vine. Guidance* and moving ter town fourteen Years a O. -. for Yonth� and Hats fbr MUtutit,Y- � � . N.. I . .. I hold inguy � I I . . - Ing, A large - , will take for his ftme,. "Common Ile was u.mombor of the Mothodfalt, Universal Mullne"'Co., Page .... U . . . ? ,winuer failed ta carry life jusurance. . ", . �, I � I I extra large eggs from a whit�e 'Log sent. I I .� USINESS. Map), 'horn pullet are on eNbibition ill the teachers Wgre PM , church and in the Victoria street (;enuire, Or "Olit NY04- 11 . 1 2. To'protect tbe,B mples - The f rt of.the evening WAS Sense Ill Religion,", The Classes Ange 91w . K# -r . ,a business would bavo been , ' ,,. -L . strained financially upon the death Of the heud ol'that business It lie had Star. window. One of these an irst IM kt the . COD. Mission Band and . Men's Club wil chimh was a memWr of the Quart. ding 1,ngogement , 1.1111 � , I , . . 10 � �uslnosa and v � and 1, . � 1 14 . . I . . not carried Lite insurance. �. I I I . . : measur A 'd t &6 following Pro- meet at 10. The Club topla.. "What er)y. .Board. Pot several Years lit, C. Robertson. Page .., .. - - -,, - ­ - 3 . . , 1�1_ _1 . , . ON 714 inches - by � 61, Inches devOU .1 anothor,.7­b:� 01-4nebes_ Pretty clusion of this ­_­_­__ . �_ ­­ � ­­­*�­Tol aaord-rellaf,ifi-OM­AOUW� Uy-4deaiis ot aa--A1a4OlVW16(�, : � and- . I gram was ren4ere#: � "God Savo,tbe makes a maw msalyllk. *ill, be intro- belonged to tho Aggressive Bible GIvo* it' the Ohce O`iF0-;-Ch_49- �' `___ - 7 , ­ � ,..�; . . ivide4bip-thoseyears In. whI01i lik,or.shbi will good. . . � HIMest Ptlt�hurd, At Class. Tile fUUCr4l , took ace On. Black. POR . . � t - I I�011qy. an individual call Prc . . KID Geraldine duced by Mr. ' _0 .................... 4 1 � ,V, ling service, a memorial tab- Sunday afternovii, Rev, J. - Red- $500,000 (% X. It, .Bot�jjs'for $410- , . I ; . I . I belibabletoea, ujivirig- and thus be IndePeqdeud.otch4rjt;y-.' - - , e in North St , 'g;�, Pi4no duet Misses 4 , - .� L , . . . Fn � ,, Unveiling Sorvio . , and 'Paulinef McE 0; iwesident's. ad- the ever it'W� ! . . I ,# . . I . on & (,',6 , Torot I . � I . � . I . .. . � � . -unveiled In honor, of ft ley, pastor Victoria street church, .;-G. A. St4ma, � - � r. )i � I Methodist Ch �il, . A. * 44' j- _ I U #r urch . dress, '!The PareA's,:gcjati9n to the let Vill be. I 4 . LONC; District Agent and Impressive service School,!) . � hfxw. ditt;, vocal solo, vollant men of this gongre - Har- Ilawe � .......... � . .......... . . � I � I . , 'A'. phone -10 . � . � . . A 'unique I I _gation who conducting.the services and Mr You Go.-Compbell's I . . � . I I . , I - MIX"Wen-, Piano duct, fell in the Great Wai. The pastoes ry Mew sang,, a solo at the house, ' Kodak As ,� 11 I I V . I I . _. . be lic!4 in North St. Methodist Miss Pauline , � . 11� __ � - ' .5 . 0 ,:�, I I - � . . -_ I tj,'# I I , ,tlane and Gladys theme will b% "A soldler's Service The pall-bearery were Messrs, Ch4$. "...­ ....... * . ­ - � .7.11,11, - tt .1 . I. . -1 . I . church next. Sunday 'evening in the ',%fiss Edna Us. Tj 0 Mem ;� . 1'1� �l:.. � e I , f St. .,unyelling of d t4bleVorected in DIM- Murray; vocal a( " I -, �rSutg,Xore. page - (4 - :The HosPital 1,4ie , i " 1. I � . . . I E ' 2y Miss 1ruffio. that became a fAiervinient, Mr. D Roberts 'Peter McLean Richard'Pos.. bers � IV' For.10 pr and - I . . I I � reption After this *a tn lunch was serv- H. Weston, the orgAnikt, *111 PrIsy the tlethwafte, John 'Newcombe, Robert oc ­ '. I . ,. ,. . � - DuAvId's ward will b*)kl c re arid cry. of -the Mert of this cong following, volitntioes; 11*hfint," Ttirner and Jimen Carrie. The de. Page _i ......... ... t.....".A.'.4 ' 1 . 1. i .. '4�? � "I'll I, .... � I � , , I . L i sacrifice in the ed,ta fitting endin' to a vetV turroe- * *.your, qajr lhoaen� . I � � I once in the INN& � . " .. I 1 0111$05� 01116es rd �A ,_ ,; q on who in - ade +,'he suprems. , W - acme , "At 4uhmotV" by ceased had been a member of Huron nleat May Be ,C � ". � I I -A I I . A--0 I .1 8 arp,. Great woi. 1hb Ublet iA a ijrie work Able ent6rt*inrAej*tojx a chilly. tight bv Har*? Gk� I , .0ngdVf%cV_Roya1 La- - ' . I . I . . .. ,� I � . — , . Thursday. April '19 1 - 4 . at in wia'ssive brpnie and , � . . , I.. . � Gatty Sellers; , 04 C.' raindr. -by Lodge, No, 62, I. O. O. Fol for over Hem With C .+ . . � � I I I ts 6.0 cents. , :� �_ ..� . : of art Ca. � � - - - i � . 1. �,�­, I . .. . , . I. vill, be. twelve years a iber of djo.sl Rea&-ta-Wear Co. , P49L - - * -2 ' . &11 kinds far sale, at about hall Tickets S. D 4- � '. __ Vill �tand, iis- -a **OrthY Id lasting Back frout the Bach. The evening' Ilthom. V ad a good Dun I �� � � A�, I I It I a 4 - - - at t t1ted to t�wn this 940, God, 01 Help % and members turned out it, a body to the T e , hot", und Rotka- - I'll �� �1� . I �VQ it woula coat youto'build. It I Mr. Wurtale'' Ir . �11 � y brartin, .4jdgcrc*t L . y � 1. . I ­ . , . - ARDS OF VSALN.90, , . memorial and tribute of 4hia,church + at# �*�Olts' s6jourA ,In ,�10 Rest funeral of their depaited brother. At am'Bred for alilly. Page.: .... 10" . ­ I I.. , i"Intereat to see WO be . �� �,_ Miss Hazel' veldkei will Nino . , . . � - 11 ,� . *11 be to your ral 'poperties on ---`__._� , indesliVned to thd heroism of these splendid men. week after it �Orm* ,and South Core- I 'fmm Meidelasohilla the gravesidV Mr.'C,., A. Nairn acted Ford Tourifig lar for Sile­`., . .1 ; �1. .:, , for� buying', . Seve ARD OF THANX�-­'1116 A I cordial' the south0n, -V ' ' � I Ell .9$ Q s ) , " * � - payiIiInt. See my C . bjce&.thjj*j, The 6tigrtig4tion extend 4 . + kDd­;,Wa4Wngton, WWI In the LOW � I U V 014 velT, easy tierift oj wishes 14 exp 'who aa� 100al lins. Flolift 1, oEjjj4h.11.,nej0m­ed mentq* speelal�- as X. G. and Mr. 11. C; D RIO _ Thos. W.- Batt*, Pett0it Pllge---1 - . � � . 1-1 . I . . to friends and-netAvors,," r welcome' to tho.-eltiziens of Goderich. I I uAl . " 1. - + list . 1: I— . '.. � ' 4eir assistane In,tonnelon Witt and to the roturned men especially. . be, -has a vpri iui�restiilg story to ly Invite& chaplain in conducting the tit Responxible person. wanted to .. . I 1 .; 1. . I `.:4 mavo il I - 'take �hlirxe of Child, Part Ot dAy- . `� j 3. '. '. P,,- J. 11YAN . ) A recont fire vM1140froYed tl',,00Y-� to_W� For a real , fift to ,.v,*.tl,, Ile ,. � was a mem I , - I .�. .. � ; .....:,. . . , . I ­ I 1, iniRemeoisi sn't I I -n. 1101A C6 1 . I I � , S KNO%y the'order. Mr. Million mililer Mr96 M. G. Canwroii. Page ... *...I I I 11 �. - 1� I and 14orlinct- � iur:04N . I I . 4,;R1r. -.- St.. Geor*Ms EhIarich *oriw thirilto n0'!p11% Saw, Can etiu"L - � ptorm.,W ber of the A, 0, V, W. -at Bell . 11 . .Real Wtatte Tm arid O*Aiiar ,,. h -Jrt'004utiful scenery .: *;,�. . "I 1. I ;;;;;;;;;=_..­_ WM,, SNV091,4 Satoessful Hig Mrs. �as, DorialdSon *as in 140,23doll for ovej,_-26 ;Vesta, He I$ S Ived House $or gal 114YK-4i'd 1103- :, A. I . ... . ., � I . - I -- i -�e' duror* � . " 'I WO . . . 11 . — 1. , , .1 !'� , uhirlest6n� *it! -i . I � 11 . . ... ­­ ' � . - I 91 � ;,, Benirk, 0 . - __,___,_., " I ­ ­ - ___�_---_----.7­­- ,� , - I ... .... .1 ­ I I iv . �. ___ � % _ . 46 �1 I � . . r`� Tbehigh'tea arid bazaak pn4lerlthe and -jIiteieating� , plej ,qW t1re T�e. 1%%t Firblay. . . . bv him, w 4w and by� W6 440ghtt lVowe , � ,-' -If- . . I ­ ... �� , o " !" 'I G""'01j" Sup%y .. - �'. - I I ,I . &1qK$,-A4r1,, -Ahlol� xm, I � It ,on big Veran- Mr. aad Mrs, a. G.- camewn returned , . .i. ", I . .. - . VART) ,0.r� To ste*art ;ins jc�es of the - Church Women's , , otes o. .*a. IDelt -Gray and Mrs. Alfre 4- 1. .1, - � C FM, IGIE'i , ' -'. , $., 1 Ten P900 I 11 I I - C ' ., NT stoos'lj"e . . I %-I Alut. dang acbel" "Xiestro, 0 -t rgo's chq , hel . on A , � � I . � INSURANCE - gle 41D nrlend�.' "dip __ ItAl3d 91 -.' - , - ,�* "' -.., '� ­ I ''I *TE _bter . I of St. -Geo' 41 �usid,,of BinscArth, Mon. Mr. Wm,' for ,;1.05. Doralfii � *. " , . 11 I I TA ­ I �, .. 11 . . I .. � � , . o � - and Rao!"I I ­ " vd. - VW4.4fe I Avloasor." - " I . .. . � , � I , VAC.", 01, Jhdposilfs, oWednesday evenin'S 19f AAst eV w*,* - tt ,dance 1-4-st week fr6fttl 'Ir trip to Detro I " *1 * .. . , X0, 10 Dingi tr million, or Uwarichs- Iw the - $610 "114r; Page, ., . - � -�, ... - �L , , �.,,. c.. 4P. . vs -A'...� 1, . I . to I'll 44113*1,50 i�r jj-ujtj�l� �401,%,t . I . _�_ . . , ,�, ritie. wn, -4k.Al 11 ' 11 . I � ,4 - - An& I it . an - 1W . : " � 01,11-11 R viving member - � . - I 1-1 "I - I a3r, wz. duvin , of a family of seven, � - - I , _ "I I .t . .­�� 0--: . 4110*40� A--�6ysr succmful,eveft I s, halls, ctiat u� , . . . .1 � . I �11' .�� I I , ,�,' � , �, , . -4 veiclv�A, Wirt, Ong .Wo orn" sum oeing. realized., The I I s want. .: . . Mr. George Uutledge,. of. ButTalo, V. six'sons an4,ane daughter, the ism- I � Tfie Purity Flinir ` Biseball, Club - . - . - W11r. 04 I � . .�­­­­ - - I . , i� .. . .1 � . . si . no 4way,rot . e a_ � I %inont's with I . . . .11 . �Z2. A, All) OF TIIAAXS.­� C Uhft vd held In the assembly in' t , . The beatitifutgardens of 11180611a, y., Visited 14t. arid Mrs. 11; C. XUat'111140 -1 Of the o' arr e Mrsi . . � I I ok. . . , .1. ..� I . � . I late Air.,and bIrs, Patrick filive In a ol I k:-0 � ,1� I ,% story, frarai � lelidli sonic Teinple. - ' . . . jeasainine 4nd,, Willion. Friends from Detroit, Tor�- Louder " 11 � �, 7-momed,loon6e, elee, 41;c gh, ,,, xvo rose$ svei & gight.and last fit night At the I '44 , C wi.qh to Oanit all The many �10, . we . to alene I "� I . trio lighb# bath andfuttisob. This ,mpatby has beon mj201St,t�e�'tttdjjdr A large number,enjoyed the good fine shape by the ne- I Lueknow, M'det- ,Theatre On the evenfrig of , 1. .. I .. ' �-O . . .. ; proporty. 18 --An 'first 011VAS couldition. .i)-'.It-om8olnst'l-,Ow'r-leetion With th,, I �ne k4pt UP ill - estates litra, Thomi Nicholl, of Toronto. 10 onto, Hen4all, London 0 it 1213rd. ' I . .. �� I . . ­ �- .� .1 I Iwalch was�.jprovided and -yet ,;,too$ and- the Owners .Of the, spending tho.we6k ag. L110. gUebt Of M0- Guelph, and many fro6, Colborne Alonday, Apr � � . ... -i 1� k . ­ . . fjituat6d within tilt0e niblut"O : d'ar M, 0 � 11 t ., IS. J. I A. VIA 1-MlISOI4. M le , "Verg 120 unpleasant, waits Visitors Walter .Naftol, -. . � I . township, wt - t - . --,i , i . � . I . . I andis t1ile'r its from the . k& - �jp. Million wits well .. . � . . 1. -­ . quire. poases5lott April ' 1 , '. '4 ISS SSI, in -up large Sal LthroUgh them. Mr. - known, were present'llt, I . - . . � . . . , I v. the -funeral. " I . . . � ' v - , ig TR ­ served. Mrs. 0. F. Sturdy, who wish, t6 go , . . lit-rinan Bonook . . .. wallc of the S . I 1� Mt, oud Mis. I. of6u �, , I I t&a!i ' bein I lat.. Price $2,2W. ` 0. FAM Mri7Poster %hid Mrs" B.Saults. Were yv urtele- tells Of an Avel= Of qak�l erlor, Wis., are. vjsltlug Mr. and Mr u I sen� by the All kin& of clovel', tItuOthY and I � , � , 9. B�ea tiful flowers .were I , � , I - 1. - , _­_ '' ''' " ' ' ' ' ' ­­__ . P . loym of. the I Need soold oats and home r9wu I . '� 1 2 'atory red hrick julfy Inodern 8 '—'-O'p 'TfJA.Nxs.��%Irs, Thol;� 444111011 in'tharge ,of the tea and the arraftge- trees 250 years, Old, thrft�quatte's 01 0. 0. MuMnI0.4s., - __.- Big, Mill, whom Mr. grass � , . I . . . [cubic a Mme -coming lo.1 t _garaa C"Dand ranig tiestre lo express their ments. were excellent, The fancy a mile longi eight4sn Valles from Wr , R. V� Mol)6rwid rptul ,,,j -.nu 'Jq'jj�jou -bad worked 'to alfalfa, f�'r sale at the very wes - . .1 r", * .. . . I rootned house,41111 10b, k' 1 8 , riI, � . I ,� erZ lglw0o, and Stat- thangs %o neig hors and friends, for the Mrs- IL Charleston which is a thing Of beAuty bithe shipping 4opurtmentup- prices. C.00PEWS. WAROHOUSE.. . % . I '�, . I Situated corn . . many icind iexpeftslOns Or synipathy shown Work table was in charge of I I by Satnr(jj%y, from Tuotvtd� 'where, ShO tOw"', . � . � i , . toy streets, Prio s;,50. I them In their f6cent bereaveli . lent in the Cooke, Mrsi 'Jaq, 'Buchanail, Mrs. the pathway is kept swept I tit two years ,ago oad since then in --t_ . _� and %MUt j9dAtOt week. I . .. . I le 8 ,%�Oojn house. elect. death of dearlk ))eloved husbai,fd- and rath" Horton and Mrs, Mont%Amberl;�. - The � i� the local depaitment; from Huron 11`1118Y� ALL KNOW WHERE' TO - I �� I . 9 . . .. storel. fraul � I ­ .;_ . lk_ .. �bic ,LW the darkles. idest city� Xts. Sam dorrao. Ot Tlowc-11, Dueb ' n the W. M. $;, -Ladies' . _. . -0 . I � 1. A L kle lig D; r4wer *,Y! toilet, 2 'lots, _.;;-�—. _� � - - honie-7inade .baking.ti . , as looked ,The city is the second 0 f ur� aud'ofts. F. C'. Lodge; trot GET Tit I 1. I . . A I , , I '' . - , . - I aft*r, by Miss Bingham, Urs. Conjiql- in America but.the� old family nantes is'the guest ,o Aid and Aggreaqive Bible' Class .of A '18cotchma � n, who had not been . . I ­ * cori)er South and Blake� Price 61600. -, - * � WANVZI.,� .1 � .jh6pho,rd, Moutreal Ht. � Methodist church, and out ,very long, w4s asked . 4, .1 ' . ly and - Mrs. XcNeiL AVA the *4andy have largely died Dut, On account of . Victoria Areet A which sea. lect. 'TED.­L0;rI.ror Irenerat bOU80WOrk. , Misse" Jean lildcl?W(Ln and E'Inmm groin the family, and,rela - � � .. . I � stOri,'.,fr%ol6 7 t�%omed house. e -was milieN having in -go . . tivesi - ked the best, winter or sum . , 1� . � . AN Ave table esided ov� by Alva, 0. the sons of, the is e Wj�jlgiccretavuctj to their .t,todles at the I . I son he Ii k . ric light, bath atid furasce, gaeage. W Apply ELLIOT�T iloUSE" � st sl� " P. Carcy, is aild Miss -Tye. many Casft given their lives In th . . - r. He said he couldn't tell yet as - I - 1 "4 1� , , . , . .1 X 9 Gibsft . he . . I . I lit jIr,0 Class coudit-lon. stkuatod Cast states beinz willed to University oil Monday, - . . ,. .. At -the 1110ceing of tbe (Al"too town "I'l it a ear, but be I . . I , � . W��ED,At once, 4 respopsible'Der,gon esting proj�rsm was given h � . war�. and the. 0 ­.. � . . � � ' t , .. . . �ughters of the original .. WAR ad only been Ou . 11 _ � , lrl�' a *child three and 06mineneing, 'With.' Olin. uto ain 0 get a su,t of clothes .. I . . . - side ylet,Dri'a stre'et. $,I, NO. � t4 take ! Cho of do . Mr. 11srvey Akf�lket ... and his bFide, of council on Mondmv of laid week It knew ,wbere t r, �� � . . I ff' or t Of' do children a � Other listings way be:;=n*apPIiC- I 141noria'..ore visiti � . . air years ol � for ,y.. AP- , V 6 a .� I I 1. . . , pi.� 14�i� (y� 4rff� a yj r. H 30 ,�,j%lj Mr., Walker's decided to ask I Ile clo"01*1 Of tb 0 r- for - 11 - the' - �. , , 111 - I � . one -h to AIRS, ,-,,,Ir .. 0.0 HAO-f. _ , , owners. A sidblight Orr the VXtOht I seasons. At Prldham, � 1. I . � � 41 I in eyellifisrs . . I - _ _� - ' * unt, Mr. . .r4 . tallor'si around. ' ' e 11: 11 ation at tile office. ,\ 7 oeorke's crescent. . . — I � te,whiih this railitarY spirit Prevail nucle and a arid X .. WeAey rmnal"id 'munleipwitieff to agglo In the corner, North St. . . . I , . . . I i , I . I 1. I � . I.;�. I . 'r,0111 SALE Olt TO 'LEIr - . ed was seen, in one of the funlilY I.Valker... , . . . r4tipporting hand eoneert4 during the . .,w 0. oW a . � I � . . . I ,.. 1i I . I � . J. W,, CRAIGIE �,. I WANTV,D,-DIstrIct Representative — . 3terles (cemeteries Orr the family h?Wton and son,:.Eric, sUaiW4(-r. The poll taX Iva% 01(ftl at $4 . � . . L . . . � ��, I . . I I ­ '. -_ I � W 0 will buy one and -a halt O01114 - � Mrs. Rod. 0 On ,visit a� )lead. The ta,'� late W3�4 not 0(1410. . . BORN I � �, . . I i . I - ., - - __ � ,,wanted. for "Goderich" and $ 1 2 5 story fraine house 9ft estates being the rajer� wh.or6 monu - treturned frota, a week I qn,% II.Ast. * AJ A'Mntlrrat�, 1011.,1011191 . I A . , 'VOW A M (; on,, I I ,;_—. .��_ — surrounding territory to represent jKaht sir6et, . owned *cted ,to five sons four has .j. Smith, of . 4 . . I Urd. VA Ill,. and. . Ma ral . ,I.'' � I I , , . . I . y!,� "'"gA,ftr.,�'e ments were P1 with hor sister, Mrs, R. SALE REGI . . ", . . 11 � I � 1. I I , ,,, � I . MONEY TO'LOAX. . the Old Reliable Fonthill )gurseriesl 11olly'. Apply IIAYS & 11A barrl Of whom Were killed !I& bottle and'ou .1 ER I 2011n, a 136ft. - 019jp I � .� I � - _ . I � --- I __ IZA,i _1_�_ I ; for the right man. -W I * "-ih`-WiQ_ a nt to the fifth it was Guelph. � � - ,.Maepoulld left� THURSDAY, APRIL 12th-Cle4ir- � I . I . � . , I ,I I , MONEY TO .-A -few thou- A splezidid enins I I ANTED. -By the 16 the monumt! t. . Mr. and Xrs. Walter X. 'A I 110fleld on 'rhut,qdvv . , I � . . . -For Olorniation write Owing to a di - Ing augtion sale of 1sm stock and All"R, --williallk iollaMon. in hIA " . . . "I full I I I I - stated that 15 ,ensa Ion for Sarnia, where Mv- MacDonald Vill IW3. . . I . I . I furnished house for quiall %am be Was unah e to die . his pol 17, L,ike Itond April . . ( . I sana dollars to loan bn first LLINGTON.j Torbntoi . box 10, of Providence ,r .41tion, as Mate on the Str. implements, at lot 14% year. . 1. . I ­ I . . : mortgage' security on farin* land at & WE ­­ fly for some months, APPI$1 ripple, , rt%utne . 1. I noncingat I 01- 9 *N I I . ; I � ===_z__-_ ===:==_=_=_. . West, Colborne, comr . ILI ION %t 11ndprieh, on, wmaos . . reasonable rate of I intereaL Party -_ STAR - OFFICE. . is country, be was a c� J)"Wporlto.val., MRS. WX CARRY, Proprle- Arl M., i ho"Opq '41111011, Moved hU04304f � i., � . or Parties wantiti same can $tat In. �\ ARTICLES FOA SALE - . .---. . _. ____ -, ­.- — lorr,110 hoilses, built in the colonial ,Sent In clock. (I .,aney %anon. apipil 'w yeati. . L, �. ' �� .. --Houieand one Acre- 11 -le have the pillars along one side, I 'Mr.' R. It. Cutt is at, prt .. - . ­ .I li4: "" . .. . . I., 1 � ; I - �;== 1 __Q1 " I . . ir car, with start- 1� === . . . . . — — Or and Oth ­�� F of land suitable for 'market. this being on account of a, . 4 .� . TH9 OFFICE, Olt SALE, t tress. T. OUSDRY, Auotioneer. , I - . � formation at STAR A SAM-4ord toUrin long ver- I Kitchener managing tile r4ansion 8 - ­�­ —.--_..- �� , ,� ' : . . ====- I . fn Or extras. 1010 Model. AP nny side grocery for Mrs. A, McDonald,.who . 11 . � --- I I PUBLIC NOTICE . 71108. .W. RATES, 381.17 St. 1,clln St., gordening. All kinds of fruit tgees. dph 1,eltio placed on the an . . I ,, ,,, _ . . � . � � ­ I . _. I I I . ------ 11 Mytr6it. . ' 1. The darky Per- I haq gone on an extended visit to re. . . ;; — -1 ,_ - - . . I . . I WANTZD.--p I% i D tins, . graining. '—�7 __ 2-storev franic, house, newly Painted to shade the house of the latives. in Saskatchewan. . 11 � 4 11 ­ . . . I . I . . . ".. � . . I . I . � I . . I . . , . . . * - , o, fancy and Whingled, water inside. . Good . ri�, wit It. the c,xacption , � � ' Ouch po I bloc, pall .. . � � b Mummy; occupy . . - - '� . .. � . I . . . Pr Us i er ban - FO: arn� Canvenienf to school and the - VS a t from bir. Geo. Xemyon 40colopatIlCil h 6 . ; . I ' g Ir I "", _'_e____ , . 'I?lg und any wood* , repairing. burl walnut -ease, in -good -con- , � I on th( ' 1, ;O� �4 -, I � . . . . . " , . I � . . . , . � . . . the house. I . premis . V, I I ' I ,` I I I . . . I I . . . ., . $� P : .Ork _ Stjuare. Apply box 448, 00derich , a,v aud.her obIlt -ir 1 ,4 1 1. Al I 3 , - 6 I 401t; aide, re . dif- "au'll";O."t%Loptoon ThursdaY last iind . . �on I "'�e � iqUe Or other furniture - dition. Will be sold On easy terms. .he southern darkev is very, return . . . - .. ., - 21 � Years ex- WA ITURE STORE, --- " "' ' 1 - Reports, --- k 11, vl�, .1 � . i �t modeled or maired � I fereut from tl tOWD Oil . "' " - -10 S �' LK � E P.1 , S FU I R I N ­­­­ ...... SALi-_­One purebred red he darkey of the .north, has been tolpi,adjag gotne, thue In Torou . . . I . ''. . I or job. ­ ­­­ I— f6i" , polite. The south- to. During Illm abbeace frOID . 10 I I .1 / * 1. I . I ­ pefjgnce.� Termsp hour, dav EGGS FOR HATCHINCY,--Frorn . I roat Shorthorn bull calip nine He is exceedingly I . �. - .. �., . . . .. � . . CK, Mary St. 60detich, Ot b0loverdalo Win- Ink a 8 day, tile organ of Knox chorch mnt% . I 11 k. -* � . I Apply J.'311 , .tred to loy �Barried,gocks by months old.' G . . emers. know how to handle III all I Cana&s # , � e - '. . 4-7:,�,�, , .. � . I I ! 1. or t6 MR. COOK, Witlaa cemttery� Imported Inalo bfirds. $1.00 per sof- net, b,j Cloverdale ar un; by Gone. tile darkles on tholt Part know thVI, I linuth; c,,�Valvlv hands of `alm, J .. G, Vat0- , . . I . I . . . . I I t � - . - ­ __ - v ar(juis. Apply A. UU,R, R. . C(ou. . I .�� . . . . I I I - ; . - - _;1 - - i__ _� ting of 14.ieggs. Also two turkey ford I , .01sce. � . I - ,��..*-; . . �. : . � . . . ., . I . � . R. No. 2 Clinton, Ont. Phone 117t Otto and. corn plantati IIS art, Crops ,,,. ' �' -,ft I I �1, . Apply to J. . H I , � . I I . gobblers for sale. ' 01 n 0 BRMF TOWN TOPICS .. I , V" " . . � . . � Colborne MUM41P41. � the worh . , " ',,;%O� � I I SIMPSON, Sheppardton. ,: ­ - ronniected' with the estatea, - . 0 ik*. . I j, I " . . I � I NOTICE - _____ -WANTED .-TO --RENT.-Com 7 fort- W fe'Dois done by the dArkiea. The ROMP and SchO01 ('11th Of "c , I , , , I W -1 . I ' _'" t . , . . . . Eggs .for, hatching, � 11 � 11 . ,., . . . . —_ b 19 . .. I I 4 . � � � � I . . . . 1 .',6 ��R SALE.Z 'able house near harb6,0 preferred. - 'A beiners are a very tell - I tori(L gehool will Iveot on TbutstlaY- . ( I y Buff ^ Orpinjohn , 'bred -to -la 'I 30 o'clock. . I . . ; ' `d -ID�Oupiers of ' 1W. great attimtion to the forms of rr- I Sjitingq of the Supreme Court have ­ . . �, . I . 61 an concrete lious peop1q, at all events paying _,ki,ril l9tb, at I Lpt 110, � , � ,kit Owno -fifteep.' 'I,. H. So FOR SALE. 1% story, I . . PT. 1. I . 11 &6ck,,'$1.00'Per #. tire herob - Modern dwelling, gratei With large ligion; the darkies following the IIAP- i been held at the Court liouEle tnis J- .,:1;1.%1,9k � . I promises Y, 00660a -]JR'SALL, IsrocK Mi 1, 14 � , . � . I , ---,--,. ­-`- stable or'garage, .$1700. with I on. Mr. Justice Snilth I . 10. ff � 0 . I ' : ge "'on SA_LEI­`�ed ,Grofft )and 'Pigs 1�story roughcast dwell .. � Mrs. Wurtelp- was with, Mr. war. in- � , 'O , that ait garba , Ste., m6t bo ` I I'D, Bath. ,tist persuasion largely, I I � . - � It --Z- . I . 4 .. � I V for . We � . � I . . OW their prptnises : I sale. ,,cotiqueel oata and $1,000. tele on the trip and 15 now in Toron- DrInh " was the pur. 11 I .: ;J . ., 21 1* .. , . 0 removea it 4 I .. I 1, I . 4 ? I Bfii;y, 1923. 21 0, A. Z. barley. Also oung 1% ,story fraine dwelling; wate . Nit. David A .. . , No. -.1 , r, to, where she underwent an operation. chaser of the Wftproulehle home on St. L %r, � . . b'N tile let day of pig,(4 and �s ,A. so. in the General Hospital for apptndi. Andrews St., town, at the auction 0 1 11 ... .... 11 ,*... I I I . . IOIL 7O`o4'3,A a tr ch. i"2'h-;atory' bfilcolt veneer d , .. . . I I . . CLUTTON, R. . T4 welling, mod- eitis, since returning, We are cri-0 0 . , , . 111R, , 'Municipal. . t of Square. sale held recently. I . I I . � I . . . . F. G �VL n rne ern. One block* eas, to know that .she is doing nicely. vie r0gulat, nlouthlv I'le-etint! Of All 1� . ,* . I I . I . _-___.11.__1_. � . � � ­ I ­ $2,900. � - I . .M I . . . . 4 I I ,Agst. Sanitary luRpector SALL-Buntier Outs thsit won -And other properties which it will. During their abgenee from town a Dif'ou (;1j,WVt1 I. L 0. 1). k%,f will be hold I . . . . . � I I . FOR . opse of xestriet fever developed in,. ' _, 0 1 ' "' - At frequent intervals th.r.oughout .i '. I ' . , %�, I I . .. IRVI 11, *jl1j,. I%,,., of ,node roon:ll tu Mo - . . 44, . . I '. I . . first V'rize at the comlietitIVI pay you to see b�fore b ng. V, hTr Wurtele's home here, the ('001C . I . 4 I . . .1, . . P C6 . . _ ___.1.4 the.season the Bank of Montreal � ' . I I mpetition;. a quantitK ofttev ,0..F. CAREY & $ON. - . 'I't". Alpil woi. at 4 o'O irk . =�n�_��=_ - IlArley 0. A. C. No. 21; a o small -------.- --.------ notTeilintz. from it and Me quttrantint- ,....i.,1_. - . I I I . . , - e tp . � I I cro F. YOUNG 4 st now b en lif d. Thun . GODERICH TOWNSHIP I 1 Happy is the Matt who is busy I tea beans. WM. � T41ARNJ POP. SALE. -100 acres, east hag only in 4 been ill ard fill �� '' . to think -about being o . .A SONS, Phone 20M, Carlow. I one.balf lot 4, On the 3rd coo. MI. Wurt(Ilrar goA bw Mrs. Th0q issUes re orts On the PrOgrCss'Of 1 14 1 � h�n!onfa";,O' the Sth con., i . P . ... I I . � I -.I,#- of Ailifield. A two-story brickbouse, account of the quarantining of ihe e to the Goderich .. . I I .1 _1 , Urn0d 0 These re- . � I , . ­_ 0.0 . Ong* with cement kitchen, cellar uj3der 11113110 in Goderieli was not here for rt't ter hav- I I I the crops in Canada . . - _ ... ­- . I straw sb*d Ki bolidayst which lie spent at Trin. hwpital on Thuri;day lant, of . . I .. I house. Bank barn 64x40, "' lilt operatiorl Oil her eycl ,for' , .. I . . . 1. ;. . P 50k,54, stabling under all, Including Ity College school. Port Hope. IT(, ln� I I . ts, t,�Icgraphed to headauarteii . . 1. root house, lien house and Pig Pen, 'Vill he 61) in t for ft -vatar�let. I I . pa� I . --I I I I tl(B' I P I .9 drive house; artosiall well water in few days, Me. Louden, took a run up to Gode. . . . staWs,and water in the house, also a -9;)aeft this week doe -.4 not permit 'rich from Hamilton %vith hic fore. I . frotw theManagers of the 8ank's . Uy the Best ir extendinir the story A mail and family and a truck load of, Prov. . r. . good well at the bout.4e. 2 acres O. 01 , of l,kfr. all , takeg ch"at, . 600 Branches, cover every . I I 1. ,� I . . orebard,,the land is all under raqs. Mrs., NVUrto1c'et trip, but to I;sten th furniture. bit. Sprint,,. ; 1� . I . I No ranwAy taxes. One i-alle from Mr. Wurtelp t4lk we believe lie could of Mr. Louden'c; property. Mr. Lou., , . . . I I x Shingles school, miles and fill I 4ho-t of *66 wiper at least dt�n had to hurry bonle on accouht i't . ime And fimni A reliable inde . x of 1* I I ; One Car xxxx from ellure . i. . . . I I I . store. M11108, 31ARIA McWHINNEY. with the interesting. thinks .he 'Could the thaW-_______4_ � . crop conditions. . . !- I . I R. R. V�o. 1, Sheppardton. Phonf, 1-10 ,say, I .=­�_ LMURN . a, ­ � " �� I 12 I I i , . � . � . 'One. Car xxx Shingles � , - __1 - . , . . '"ONO THE CHURCHES s.; Laura 1,auk,asla,yer returro,11 I I I I I . . I I I 1:1 � � . I . r 7, Dungtionon. I � Nii, � The reports are furnished free. - � I L f rrived this W"k . SALE. --C. P. R. Forn-, LAn&. Ta,Yloeis ACOrners at Zion church'. 0 to T4(tnto, havillf, sPent the w0ek. , . a . For- yo, can tjow own Vour own, in on Sunday litxt, Rev.) (*, '.%*` vnd with her mother, Mrj- A. Harton. � I . � . Upon r * t atsy Arangh of the . . . " . I 4 . . ay,q . d I K I Farm Home lit ,W05tern Voluoidt's Wownely'will hold a -service. Myrtle Fulford sPent the holid. . �epr.il I .0 ,; �Vjjl be at her horae here, . . I prairles,, fertile parl, belt.i. Knox ellur,h: The . ir Book vour name Will bt phtced O" 11 I NLanda-ebureA by leading shingle ruoiallfaettiren.; of Ilriti'41 rich open ,service . or Irrigatod lar that aro yieldivg ��jj-,I,, Ilvrcy 'S"'tewalt iq vi'dting. her 1 . r .ds coudutted by the minister, Subjet-ts . P . . ,Ojumbix. ptios are steaaily %ilvauciog on Ghinglen. Tiq%e %vote now wealth to men. who not so lonst . some ,weaka ago which allows as to Off8sr Clell, Itt RQUOM, e f r5u]"110111, I I n. W.- "A VIS1011 in thQ daunliter, 511'% Grey, in Stratford. ' I ,00r maili", -lilt. 11 k ,� I heu#lt 11got may Good soil, good "" 7 p, ra., 1%�eping the Sab. Njinq ,pm In back to her echool . a 11 oing to UGO .any bbinql�q thi,; spring or ciuni- toiling �neighbars. 41011 , , Kelp I prlcos� It �,Ou (tre ?I 1 I �tlw6l and Dible dutiva 4 1 1. bath!""Sabliath I a",nain liter bolidaying at her I You will Rave - an r;ave InIxiv %..Ilie'a climate, go6d se�CoLq. churches and -- -3 at 3 O'clock. �, ­ , borill, n . 11*r, may Arow. . Itiolley, and et V"rird amutenient'l, M4104 farni life etav-,c i is,30111. ' I n 1! ,�. will me,w z8ig &Vifw. . . there deqirdblo and AttrarVive, The regular Alonthly rateffiq., of 1�11. ,,%laurz,�p varney j.q, here friiiii , . � � - -0 ,riti,,h t,j)jur,,bjs on a visit too hic, 1� . : I Terma 10 Pof -cent. ('85h, the 1141411C the W. 14. *14. or K buteh wil! be p . T ,r, � 1 4 � M.N. KOFMO.Ni i% AL , I. . � in twenty years. Special torm!s to' h,eld on Tucsday. A'2i0)Xr11r 17th. at 3,30 fathf,;# p.jelj,,4rjj Varney, whu j,' ill . " 1) ,'� ,1K IN6 1 and o',dock. An fritereating Vz4,-,ram IQ . � . , i I I . r aktusl gettlets. For infotmatiotj heAlth. ; " . A"eb k Rxttss of $600poo'No.00 1 1 1 . �' . 11 I 1, arriv to V. 1'. " N.*(iR. beirig preparedi and sill the ladieq of pol , , to her I TOW . .V . i God "' h. Planing miUs C04 "'t - canadfah Paci-�11h%) 'Congreratiola stoso-RAY i�vst� Mks AGth sha # rt,tufted; , . . �% ____ ___ . ! zpefimllg tile ­­� ___- .. � - ­ - W 1), 1.-chool-ia Toretto laftet � ,- - i6i -1 . . . . Win&or Sm. vd� dur tho, p�irental mof, " ___ - - _ , - Q, V A, -- silw i I ,1.1t�,, hol;doyl ar ), - ftu= . so= I , tl't olw%la. Atin.Zl 154.1L , . 1� — 4900,604 tilikIIIIIANIMIR, I ',I. .1, , � - � ,Ral' . I . . � I I I Wd adfl I �1 I I 1, I I I. I I [ � I ", . . I*StMANCg p�?M W a A P , AL WA,T 11������ 11 A ell b I H ki ' ' � c -,d-impj t #V 'd 5 , 4 � 1 ,4 , " r 4 ft.&� �, I I", I I I ,� I. , . I 11 I � I . I " . i I . I I � I . . . .. .. . . . 11 . I I . . . � 6 .i I I . . I . . - 1. - I . ''. _AJ—,__ .��11. � - ..-. I . � I - - IN INOW.Wo , . . I— ... � _------1- — 11104ft"10040OW-1. -1-0 "' I 7 I �" .. 0 01F111i________' .- , 4 — ...... QI111111iliffia- bo I ; - . A _AL� '. N� , I - I" I U, 61771."L ­ .. r ­ I _1L.- L_ - - . I .1 I �Iwwnlklwd .