HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-05, Page 9'OEM' RAO V Ni%K
Rod 1kroonfict ru Vx Itodlis flip wika unro-fill
NwTmur WEEK Law his horw*. Mit is unborc
Wv. P.40;ad ly A(vutX4K1 tur open wit4
wait loading Im temaud from buicri.
NUVWS UXA-IMER 14us IrnoWilnt Events Whicl, Have Canadian credfima of L, R. vzt�-1
A frc�) rarCm (".^ t�o kwcls Wy Company to weet at Torouto ivo
Octwrod During the Weak. Avrit 1.4.
Liberal and Progzc4skio
be to fte
Fpcilv, I J11111117 W944% 111#W1144P Csxt- ore Romiltated f(r, Me MOOSO Ji�w
mour sxr,*�"), 0N bay 00000iod awl put lato -1,Ckleral vacancy.
�':ilq w3l rc;74- na"y 014 Altiractivat am" fro VAlted Otatea farift veft bi�. Wcc
r4kirkimial by tl;e ftcadtr* at Out trola profits wile" wcstklr.0 C,41.c
lat4kflae VOW e. NIL, t"I �,u evem the border.
tko wwo-, ttni!5 ve--M wtive rNw. saylag4 4epositagna eurrfut loar)"
and rvi;U%r, Q Fou of Canadlun chartcreC tanim v;tr,,
hIguer In Feb"tianj.
mad all its ulized tril, ,Nv. $0411114,jleet making larger kill in i Ca"adwa exports for rvbrr;�Iy
UM, U. C- IlUuts Cez1P-N Z- 8-t war kilt moals� i 4bow largo aa�ns� notJOIF In g�,ocs
Wrlleii.' -01 LMTe ?4CW1 t:0Ut4.iR by 1101 Twenty thousand farza hands ijo oz SbIpped to ilermokay.
ing carstivatvl fio. th� ;aut Taont" strike 14 Great aritain. Thozolf]. 4awmal orgallizatlenc
My torj;ue h= b-zei. tcrnlly cu4ted, Young earkpidian, girt Is allot ac.-, V
co *ueb -a, tl-,ot it made z -,y breath bad. by $4111t Ste- Murk(, studvut. 4, 1,,Iy 1110ve to 41 top deportation, oi
Soviet tribunal rientenceR Roman vlothor m�aa tok vlllldri�kj. jia�lveg of
I was tall.Ing to z frical 0.1,mt St. and Canada.
04th011e archbishoo to dc"th. Wcoturn fgirwers attenCiag Conne�li
she Raviscd me to w.0 xUb;-z-uls La'na- Ame#4011411ute to Bankruptcy Ac". of Agriotiltzwe blame deprissW con.
Liver Pills, which I did, =d z, ow I = foretmadowitif by h1intster of ju�tw,' "
, 4RIonti en htek. ot bettvr tracw aia-
perfc-tly w0l. S�v toagizc� io os smoatlk United States ffexIble, tariff 13%� 1 tionn rMh Cae Vraftcit, Stavo.
as it tvwt before I gvt tbat xyt?v, mid threaten* to raise duties still high('r. L Artt�ur G. Wilde ok Covrwam,. ims
I P.We it 1-311 to -volir Pills, of v;bieh I Mr. lustice Camerou of maltltok).ti Qutc�
. . 1 4 avcd to two Y�,.nrs for 41111r�3 bis
usedt"To V;4 dro0a dead, wbile, on visla ;zero4�� llnc,, WIN. wilara ho lotlud la u corapro.
vlftieo. 125o a -viat.at all 41ei-Jers, or Curly Wilxbur. Toronto. Is award-
ed decision over Bobby, Eber. ofa
mated direct on rcoeipt of priee by Hamilton. Capt. David Veraw of West Fort
The T. 911burn Co., LboitA Torontut 11lialu Iwo deportment was Lifted
Oakville Council has dttlkled to' and two of the larwest retall v;34%11�
adept daylight Vay.1ug cj�. ti�o �,V.wt 113"AliOnts 10"Xi". Nllvcd 0 . ut In orw
time as Toronto. "ibe, florcest' Area that bt;vc
Sir Lamer GOuln. Introduces bill taken place In the business hp= of
44, Commoug to prevent publIcatiou Fort. Nvilliam
STOP 111 OP or 41504i at tips.
OSTRILS AND HEAD William Ralph Meredith., promin-
ent barrister, died 4ir London fal- Ontario Golf Association Is formW.
says Crem A lowing heart attack� Ron. W. $. Vieliling tables his mup�
219lea ht Nosirils
Z, I Allies will grant tio'politleal. teon- ;101ffiulent2ry estimates.'
-Relferei; He* -C" 4 Once, cessions to Turks, ac�orftg,to.),ou- United States commission to prob.1)
, y tw M, 'ins game, - nitilers I'
ootrils Am dogge4 uj.kl o'o"* Magitetia, Farl ut Carnarvou to a
If 9 C, - University, w. 0's
lJQa4 Is stufriid and" you ;,Wt brcrithe iouild and ham,, 4nd hip condition to serious.
Canadian Junior; -I.,
fr"Iy baeouie of 'a oold oreatarrb. 4ist pl000hlP from Xitchener. cabinet of Britain Will not luter-
got a small bottle of Ulyg CrWku 14AIM Three membe" of Michigan Cen. fere In Ruhr pioblem it prepcirkt,'
iLt any drug star(,. -APPI7 & )!Plh Of tral train are injured In minor aeel- Government bill provides aid for
gr -rown lAtO Aeuts iiew; Windsor A 'St. Thomas. consolidated cheese factory� buildlil'
"is fra'-Alit, antiseptic t 114
your ikostrils and let,'. it - ppuef rate Toronto Jury'.fkoils that dead babr In 011tgrIO.
0rough every Or paesoge of your heads found, Vr0i)ed In newspaper was Dorothy Smttb of. Birelt Clitf, aved
seething and healling the lullauktd.*Wol, inuotberp-d -to -death, persons 4ct tb."0,:f_*tally scalded wilon site faft
Jell mueous iftembrailo and Ton :�ct in, unknovktiI,
-into iltibles boller,
612"t relief. Debate In *,Udtise- winds up with-
Ul bow' giied it,feels. Y�gr nos- H� Roeter, k.d..'ofTost ArLhAlk,
sa�vs northwestern Ontars(p is really, out hoped-for second reading df Mr.
trils are Own, $,our bead is clear, 49 'aerlotimly th, g ot seceding. from I It , Aney'i Blue Sky Bill.
vip-re. hawking, onlzffilng� blowing; no I -1�
, tnktr
old Ontario. Aerlln,ggrees to AuglQ-Xftench sr-
WOU 4ryn_tm or otruWing le�
Revenue '0f0cer �rurks dqwn owt . raugemeat for transport of JPgietich
for brimllk� Zl?"i. oftail Balm is just Ok new *111 shipried b� express, troops thrOuWbL 6010RAe. 4 �'
what s%lff*r0rS1rom head colds aud m-, ,rhici, owner says-�ile - had made to JR4nd'ot little Regina gt4t admit
torrh 11"C' it's #�_deihzht. hold coal all, they are long -sought depredators of
Ron. George S. Herims bill per- many private residences.
i.Welllngtokl Ray * annou ce tb t
kutablg towns to have ailloe. rlgbts� ap . . U 0 9,
(;'Xies In enforcing the carrying Of Liberal party will countenance no
iohts on borue-drawn vehleleb is lik'ilft tinkering With, Ontario Temperance
TMIA over for turther Mtcu4sion.,
Canadian Council of Agriculture
$PAY.. decides that organization shall to
British lo lklv4tigato r44,16 across future'take no part In election oam-
t4e Atlaotle. paigns.
"Olt fat Harding started by. IR Grand Trunk directors betage re�
im PU ilcallik I ador. linguishint hold voted thernselver,
Wrangles over wages disturb In- handsome honorariums from the rail -
Ease yoor tight, aching Chest 'Stp duptrial Britain,
, p I way's funds
the- paim Weak up the, congestkft- Jjlsjoyar . y of_Metho -9u., -1 11 . .,. .
bad,cold-loosew.v -h1----6 -7 _----A"9-A91%l191
gh � lood pressure,
short time. nc�ekled it bringing of 100 Armenian
France will not evacuate Ruhr till
orphans to Canada In, to be mucceiis-
Red Pepper Pub is the cold ie tons are paid, fully financed.
P4 I,,
'edy that bring CIAM
s. quickest reli4f. It alianite, hockey teakn.hoiiared by. ',Outarlo shareholders to 4' R.
mot �Urt, 7om iuld, it "Wy win$ to club
end'the tijhtmess ancl. dnve the conges- and city of Toronto. Skeele enterprises have formed, an
tion and i-ortoess right out. National Railways will spend ilve as,40elattotr, and will hold meeting
WAloo, 'dollars'lo. Portland, 1 .1 in Toronto tbls'week..
Nothing has such goncentrUted, we, 31.310411 Associistion passes aineird.
trating -beat as, q�d and when -
Deputation to Finance Ultilater at
affKae. xula. ifiat c otributiona to
heit.pefie*atts rig t- Own 39to'colds, . Ottawa ivill. amlz 0
r . , .�__ .._!. - benevolent pbjeetsbe free from pro-
cougatw, icw� m6scle- �avd sore0; _ .1 .. . -, , . I
stiff -1bir 1- tL ' " *1419 ome tax,
its rel,wfcomes.a �jome. 40 of like
The"Jiii6i6rit you bobr Red'Pepper, F611610h AtChAllibRult. X-C., M -P4
Rub you feel the tingfirig beit. In thirte �tddrsxmes Moderation Laagkko On 0,9 -
minutes the coniWed ".1 0 11s� warmed oration ot'liquok, saleDunder Govern -
through and. through.. VVhen you are rRAINSERVICE to TORONTO mcif; auspices hi'the sister province.
suffering from a cold, rbetimatiath Daily Examipt, Sundwy Deputation from Sault.Stie,'Martlh
batkaeW, stiff-rieck or soft vitimoles, and- North Share walt -on Premier and.
tlist. Itet Ajar 6f Rowles RtA P Lve. Goderich 6.00 a,113.112,w 1),1111 Calituo't"; insisting on ";Ae aotton'to
ub, -nade from iredt �cjtiiirs,, at any Cliaton' 6 25'rt.m, 2.52 p. m. develop Northern Ontario's rosourceF4
drug store. You will have the qpkkest 8eafolrih' 6,41 a.m. 349 p.m. ' U. S. naval seamaklacts 6ximple of
selief known, m, golosiki nervej While onleave bt;Y4
Mitoliell 7.01 a,m, 3.42!.p. . three automobiles lives in the'best
Arr. SttaftorA �7.30 a.m. 430.wli.
hotels and enjoys life before arrest
Khoheilor 8,1,1,0 9,.m 5.20 p.rd, Is made;
aelph 9, tn. - 540,pm. Rift Bock WRrMl fenda
G 8.43 Sir Ad Y dQ
Rub 1%JR=130UWJ IVIL Toronto 10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m, -the work Of -Hydra ' erigineeri(in coil -
with Chippewa deviplopment,
Ratumi Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m., Ilk X I Iving evidento before Gregory
Som, "M9 MW 12.53 -P.m. ttk.d 6.10 Pm
Parloi. -Cafe oat-, Goderich to' Tar- VftMAY.
onto, oil .. morning train, and Toronto. 'i1A.L.A, annual CO . nVeut�Qu (a . kes
to Goderiell 8.10 p.,m� train..
Rub palh Aght -out 'With 4"l lace In Toronto.
irial. bottle of old oach-Goiletich to Toronto, 0
TbrQugh c Onta*o1egfOlotori; made: a tour of
Parlor 33uff6t, car, Stratford to 1 1. 1
"St. JA46W.Vill.", Toronto, on afternoon train. the border cities.
Two Bmckvllie meii. die. front
fteumAtism it'. llpxinll io*. Mot'. W. F. LAWRENCE &SONS, dritlkina wopd:klcoho
Former near Ottawa reports see -
one ease in fifty VeWrem. 'inter"I Town Pasi;eklger and, -Tickets Agents
tt"te . . Rub Phano S Ing herd of eight- deer.
mt. Stop #00dl- 0
vr. "'� Parts. pays 1"i tribute t Strah,
i0e, Penetrating r
B'soh"'Irdt" the actress,
into yotir soft,*M *ohimi loults mind Fear of Russ*-Fieuch alliance Is
ausdesi arW lefief tomes instantly. voiced In British Commons,
"St Jacobs Oirl is a horwito4heb- France reduces: term at uIllitilry'
matiiia liniment vl*h never 4*0-
servici.0 to elghte�u months.
points and cianot bum the skin. ;*Op I Russian executive Is likely to par-
Umberopf Quitcoinplainintl Git don Roillan Cathoile priests.
a -Mall trial battle of 'old* honest, London dociarx revive apparently
A'St. lq.cobs Oil" at 20y dftW 810ft, thia�
,k t
adrenalid; but
dead win by, means of,.x
And in I" a suarritut #*It% to fros' he sucoumbi Istdr.
from rteoo!!* iffewso, taff- ger. readl-
F JIM* I J, 0orinany now deciatieg
mess and swelift. of 06a 11, 12*116 totilevotlate Oil Rukr Issue with -
lief awilifts Fm St. 0 . ut French evacuatl0n, . .
relieved millions of W 'At the., first I Ontario farmers welcome new
ers in the last IWWf sneeZe hataild �srkawfajlj which,sholters wheat and
as cod. for sciatic emely told weatber.
g fisokikehe, spr&" i"eMjrWd1s clover from extr
Liniment, It Building permits in'Torolito Tor
teleamoutthe nose March total S2,031jg3t, ask increase
of move than ;806,000 over list Year.
initial ceremonwo at the, Orotto,
onAore thro
LADIES! DAM for quiek 'Mystic Order Veiled Proph*ta of the
InchaAt*d AeS1111, neld In Mam�otklc
HAIR Always'bavo Milt. Tomple, -Toronto.
YOUR GRAY Mims J. Rolston, aged 76 years,
jgotiously Injured When struck down
an the street by an, auto In Toronto
uls Grandina's 629*. 'Td* and its himselt
Toronto reporter 9abol
and 00664Y to Illathermy-new cure for pnou-
Will Know monim, and colde.-and-describis his
Big legal lotions, it In thought,
The use of gage and Sulpfiar for may develop over the settlement Of
$toring failed, grAY hair to its "aturill' the affairs, of the L. A. Steel enttr�
color dates back to gr%ndmother's time. prime* In Canada.
a uged it to, Itew her hair beaut! fully for fixell year of
She a amount to #U,404.-
dark,glossy, and attractive. Whenever %6=mmww&m===== port of Toront
her. hair. took on that dull, faded' or 196,'im Increase of nearly ;11,000�-
streaked appearance, this simple mix- 000 over last year.
ture 'War aiplied � with wonderful � of- AA "Purely accidental," is verdict of
feeL jury on the killfuir 'of Harry Wilcox,
But brewhiX_at home is mussy and T. SWAIM I GP# tho.third fatality which b#A taken
oat.*J�dgte. Nowadays, by, asking at flater on a Girsad Trunk level erball-
and IN* near Porl Credit.
'Bus', Liven"AJ
Any drug Store fet.a battle *f "WYcth's
'pfid. Sulphur CompounIl:'pu will
act thii, 4mous old pftpiraflot4 i1ft-, Jewish Feast of tht Paszov*r opens
pirqved �y the addition of other'Idgrt- Hack Stables I to -day.
ditntg, wMich can W depended tt�ork to
mtore natural color and beauty to the Ma"t"all lito'sat 11bins, rkoxr6 with pur.o white skin
found at Egypt
just off the square. Toronto Siastil of Trade coma-
well.'known iltuggists �ay it darktas plot" its Ittlieyear.
lh6 bait so naturally and evenly dot (lerinan allime ownerrik will refuse
voWdy on tell i ha been applW, Cous"s Meet aliTralas itim pay tax to ftoiiilsk.
you simply dam , a nse tot soft
brush with it and th bra postaker seater, takif Pl"o , At veroa
tir bait, tAking 0 stmd at a ti passeagers call*& for to Wn 't)vbk 0% 00od 1pritay.
morning ft gray fair disappeat;, oart of the tows for art Wasso okeltos bit liaul of (lortson.
pplicatiou ort
asy after another al _ wo, tralies at 0. T. R, *r C. F. R. isioner 131 shier distritt.
�emnwA beautifully dark and 01q., Arvbblolio# 1160liak gets,- repr%vo.
but vitoggaeral it di#.
Prompt Service and 14wo Tim -to toolax In tie for ilso
Cardul Att*ndance. c"twAft V�ut
Vc ^ C1 a Montreal soute taled to "Ila 4401&
opwNiaN EYPRESS �W*4&0 Cations siboat dikYllight 1AVIN94
r Brit" 00*0rimment doodes to 11b.
ormobe Agglilont, x9yotian AtIlAtor.
MONEY -RDER 0"r Uvery as* Ifock sorwito
w"I bo f"Ad imp-to-dato 0143011or 1AXIA of Russia to dylair,
svo" r6do"t.t 1(sn" g"Nooiis to vr*4 *A A011 0.
chdowask. chvirsh irk United $tttom
y0ar patroasgo solicited Up 1A#6Nos &"imig the y6ar.
A"011-nmoos fouita"Al 4 X#W
T.� �SWARTS jogs" 4ow witit #ar" vskitiod, of
"w vorrian with the tbarp torrael P10#01#1167 AsAfftst Street TiWo ;,0o0t#n strootoi lot Tik4hie�,
doeg tiat always; posttss a afen 411- L A 04 04, 04 - - - - 0 1� 1�.
wth t#kizx wastts for 1;0�4