HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-05, Page 7THVRSVVI� APRIL Sth. 19113.
t Is tbol4ht to 410 a lox* wwr. utat,
0004 J%alsojownt. A(*** 14"Imr. Muestions and Answert on All %,rts of 'Minsis,
TO Usy. Purely Canadian
V.IGIIT ()V SANCTUARY er Came the 1141iflkx shillhigo U Vfiver
We V`4ht ot Agkui�tuary coin Worth 21W. But Canada also us -
e4 British, French, Ameriean and
estio k� he right of SPAInSh C0111% tilt IN5K, when ourl
A,— On Febtuaxy 1% t relent Canadian voinage I U
church sauctuavy was abobltbW ill
IL pj*vwh CAMWA. . This WaS OW Of We lated, though foreign ic%s wtre le:
SALIBA �o bto time F�l tender tilt 1871, after which date
is" raiwij of the J)ark At" i . had to use Canadian mon.
away With, but tu isit time it was a goo tlanadi"8 I
m GOOD J1UDGMXNT9 law. $4 it MrAs every thatch QV fV1191. Ity Only.: I
ous bQu,* a City ot Itefuge to meii se. CAXA6A'.13 SMALLEST
Tea thokt 10 alw*70 Reliable* oll eused ot atly crime. and 14ble to. bo 4r ch PROVINCE
Inalkialled Without AUY kind Ot tvial* is caliades smallest
y similar �iauetualleq In
"lle", Were U
the 14rittst, A.—Clanada's Smallest province in
'S area, is Prince Edward Island, of on -
Mow' JA
. tw
Q.—What haq, been the de*1'rC6 of stag'.. IV 22,114 square naues# UUT, if 15 inv r -L4111
M on rieh6st in tillable land.
katelaqwKWH growth since 00s CHINESP, AVIATORS IN CANADA
I Sunday Atterno
W bag Went woliderful. 'Clio tbrcW elticH ' Q.—Are there ally Chlueso'avlatolz
141, 'By 1$418ELffAN11.r0X, Goderich, 0111, gf, liave become sevell'. tile 16 towns 49,; in treat tbr ally
clad the orgallimd villilges. from 68 to A,�-There is a Itrout of young
at a P111c'e
illation, gtowth and tkalil Chinese avilal.c
945. The pop, ws. of alvit S14 national
crops productlon bag beeii equally great- lt$r, who have opened a Claillose fly -
Gild moves in a mysterlou send me before You to preserve life."
s wayt ing Febool in F quimliat. near Vic- ^rr
Ilia wonders to perform Verse 6) m for
how 0
aviation services in China. W(
Ile plants His footsteps in the sea, He tGzgoes on to tell them POWER- CANAL toria; the object Is to train lut
And vides upon the storm. the famille is just begun,. for there Q.—What is the extent Of the now A
Deep Lin i.pilfathomable mines are yet to be five years in which Queenston-chipp;xwo. . hydro power FRATERNAL INSUR4NON Y011111 a4�ql#et
there will be no harvest. Again, he canal? - Q,--Hqw much, fraternal insur-
Of never -failing -kill
Ite tre= It? His bright desl6s, assures them it was God's *doing in A,—The Quelinston-Chill wA de- ances is in force Ili Canada?
And is qovereign will, turning their injury to his and their velgpmdnt of the Ontario wlydrO-El- A.—Over ;136,000,000 of'inilurail�ee
(Cowper), great good. God sent him before ectric Power Commission utilizes A is in foreb'Art fraternal benefit soc1q-
them, not for the saving of the Egyp- head of 305 feet being the entire ties in Canada. The preialurns pald
PRAYER tian nation, bul; for. the preserving drop betweeft. Lake Erie and _Lukq by members amount to $2,661,000 on -
Our Father in Heaven' we thank of His'own, people—the Israellto,� Ontario. Water is conveyed b , a mially.
Thee for teaching, us to 41come boldly throu n in the hous 2 miles long. from Kill' TRADE AND LABOR CONGRESS
--gh his. promotio 0 canal over I
unto the. Throw ilf,0face." We how of Pharaoh. (Verses 5-8). gara River at Chi iawa., to, Queen lborship - in
roveroncdand QOd` .. Providen . m kntaws,-,alL, about, the, gtou, at feet, ofRavrg. - 10 -*ex hot Q,—Wbat is the, moly
Jear I -'con fd� - Olaf- --sin is 4nd -of,
W1110q, need Itank before the day Of need contains the largest turblia of a?
and ask for forgiveness. -We have comes; and has in prospect the Tom- Idnerators !u the' world, each Canad.
A,The Trade and LabQr, COngrest-a
strayed for from Thee, but, now We edy and the -agents to be. elliployed oralter of 55,000 h, p4 capacity, .99UP- of Canada reported 4 -membership 0 Na
Would ask, Thee to lead us onworil., tor of equivalent sizes�
in the carrying out of his mind ancl led to. genera the end of'1021 of 173,178, comprised
step by step# as Thou in Thy all -see. will (ps, Ecel. 3.11). Five of these units'are being lustul� i local branch uuiqns�
Was WIN,
sdom (lost see to be best, For It R114 led, and, provision made for� final in- Of. 196'
�not that sent r46 h
;;e 8). Th
4slivrP salook Aillen, * , CANADA'S EXPORTS
or, but God eir envy stallation of 10, provid 800,009L Q.—.To how many countries does
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR and anger blvet)een Toused beQsuse capacity-, of from 500,000� to I
APRIL 15th, 1923. of his dreams ,uggesting his super- b. p. First power developed Vecem- Canada export? 4
le—loseph, the Preserv- lority; find so to thwart these they ber.2 estilliated A.—Canada exports to 44 different
a 'Will"
Lesson Tit .8,1922. Wot4l Cost -is'
gold him into slavery; but God countries, And has stopped from. Wnth
er of big People. there. Fit $95,000,00. to -fourth place amoug the great ex -
Leo4on Passaget—Gen. 45.3-15. by !accomplished 114 purpose. CAN -ADA, - porting-titition4 in the world.
ap; but the *h FIRST COINAGE IN
lot is cast into the I Ole
Golden- Text—ftod. 20,12. disposing thereof Is of the Lord" Q,—When and where was t�10 first WESTERN WHEAT
44Twelve or thirteen years had pas- � issued in Canada?
'(PrOV16"33)' He hastened on tp coinagC
sod---shice. Joseph -was-Astolen--trom giW-tha PartiqulaTffDftho' positloil -Aj-�Jho first- coinage - v�asAgsue - --Q,--HQW-rAU0h -Whfut. WAS--gr0w1l-
the land of the. Hebre*�,' but he had t6,,which 'he had been raised to pro- in batiada in 1823. French -Canada on the western prairie provinces in
')low reached the height of prosperity, always used Frfteh coins, but 1922?
pare them for the prop6sitlori which -bad A.—The thtep prairie provinces.
off penny
after, vicissitudes such. as could Only was to follow. He was ima positiort 'low L NbVa had a crop in 1922 of. 360,487,000 )all -
happen in an 4astern despotism, He to care for. his 'father and friends. wild half-peirkily Pi6eeq
Was still a young man of thirty, And than which there can be no greater very rare And valliala ktlo'lat- s. of wheat.as against 280,099,000
iu' 1921.
which are now she,
e. Ali
found labilself a member of the royal. W -
satisfaction in the possession of pa GOOD,ROADS'
order of the priesthood, with the'l,er and wealth to a good' man. He they may behold my which what extent are.good roads
chain, of. high office round his neck, then instru6ted big. brethren to hurry thou, hast, given, me." (John 17.24).L b �'built In Canada ?
and the signet Ting of, the Pharaoh ,jft�ay home and tell the newsto their cinj
At the close of 1922 tbere had been
on his hand—the virtual ruler of the.father that Joseph Is alive and thal WIDE WOALD *SSIONS
greatest 0ouhtry.of the then known God bad set him over the ftyptian placed under agreement for federal
The - Opening of B&rWani L nadiart
world." (Goikle), nation as ruler, and that he was sent Rov,, W� J. Cotak, B. A., Barwani) aid in connection with the Ca
It,was to the palace:of this gl�eat,'for "to tarry not but to come down ArWini Is. the capital 'of Barwafti Highway Act, 274 projtets at �tanvs-
outage Of, feder-'
man that the brothers now repaired; unto him.." Moreover he Went into State, and is situated ninety-fouf mated,cost, the pore
and Judah nankes big appeal to Jos- minute. -detail of all be will do for miles south -West Of Mhows and a fem; miles 6f roads in the different pro-
vinces;- Forty per the.. estl-
cph to be allowed to stay behind as th in when' they would arrive. It tile, to the south of th6 sacred Nar- litited cost the percentago,'Of feder.
a bondman, for Benjamin in whose wa§�,.not to be a visit they. were 'to padda.River. Taking BarWafti As a al assistance payable due on this sys-�-
Aack' Joseph's silver cup had been Pay him so that his father might see centre, and With a distance of, f6rty-
found, Judah addressed. Joseph its with his own eyes the face of his be. four.miles a!3 a radius. L one could de. tom, Amounts to $14,282,796. There
110 my lord and thou - art even its. loved long-loat son; and 'to ob le, . within which no other had beeh paid at the close of the year
ser" scribe a eikel provinces about $1000,000.
Pharaoh.,', What would be their a ail the mathifeence of his surround. person bringing the Gospel message to the e any ex-
inazement as they, Waited 'anxiously ing, They were definitely' told 'to artcroach�a- on us. This means that - �iftdittiros'incurred by the provinces
for his answer ' io 'hear him say,
bring all that they have (verse L 10) all of Barwani'. with a large part of KrIng.1992,
44 Cause - every man to go Out from and the reason was stated showin r States, '41 -41
9 Dhar and portions of'othe
me."' (verse 1). his concern foi- their future (for, yet have'to be reached from'this centre. 0ANADAIS..OAT CROP
He was overcome by natufal at- there aie five years of faftiinq)�. "A - contre in this western NimaV Q.—What is Canada's oat crop?
fection, and the difnity and austerity of A�Oats represents the' largest
Again he assured them big 'iden. Valley Was L sought for many years.
pf'a judge would -not be in keeping tity, calling on them to --try to re6g. Barwani,, Raj crop grownLin Canada, ainounting'Lto
*Jfh Sliffi 4'Would.. it be PUT or
c it display. of fdeling� as W hize some feature in. his counten' KhalghatVP were questions fr6quolitl 426,232,000 bushels in, 192,1, —afid,6M-
could �or refrain Imm The.
nq loill ance.—I'And, behold, your eyes see 1 033,200 in 1922, more than half of
sked The latter two wgreL gra
eyes of his servants must rl-ji wit- Benj47 LMy ;��X, A this grain, bein
PgLkn and the eyes of my.brother, d to be impossibles;, g grown in. the prairie n
-ness the maki own of himself to inin, that it.ii my mouth that speak� desperate effort must be made to 90 Hard and.staft corns both yield to tre lely opposite to hiini. as a greedy There's OnI one exception,
(vdrSe"M.L provinces. Holloway's Corn Removbr, which is and griping ftlggard.' That's w en t
his brethrent oth unto you" us K d1king to the guy
ad. had a StartAn Barwani. To.aid there ONTARIO'S. FARM PRODUCTS entiroly,safe to uset, and certilin an..
'On former occasions he b He . impressed upon - them , once W45 not a visible strong*wire which Who, is a. golf enthusiast
lontrolling his feelings, more what they,Lwere. to tell 1,0me, Q._WhatL is the annual .. value of satisfaeitoiy in its action. ALL IN Tfit.CoURSU
4ifficulty in 4 the fath. And appreciates a Ile.
-especially when Benjamin first Otme dght L pull, but while. I was divide
in; Chap. er�. and how. they were tq waste no we in) r h certain verse took Pos- Ontario's farm praducts9 Wish the niali who �d the day "I did'it-with my hatchet,"
into his presence* We read timo in the doing of' it.L The time on' 'itarlout 'he king's ..A.�-Ontarios farm products have into hours ma& luh6 hour longer, Is tile thi1that you must any; Tline'Lthey any, will. tell, Mat the
430-si that he made haste and en� jes my, mind—"I -When do s h Yes, nothing ut- the whole truth tolephono'giRs Will no lquger tell the
him until. they he Sion ?I the . ord as an annual value,of over $400,000,000., o 4 si vor cup run
would be long for art is in hand of the L �J it L 2 . , . . �j Ir whaVa to oiy; time
tered, into his, chamber and wept When IV& chased, No. mattc
'Would return,' Time bad not de- the rivers of.watert be turne
there. stToyed the coard'.that laQuod bim FQuId He 0:21141111 tion 01 d1rect s,ceipnsnip Worms sap the strength and under-
-h - - . to whithersoover He *11L" W sprint between -Mont.
This- ia- like--to--divine -dompassion� -his father. -Theri d remained Wit ? I Fervive---t1is - Mine the vitality of ebildfort. Stron.
-towa b =o heart of the king for i's , oal and the principal, Norivegian
rds the _him, a d leteTmined-,
Compare God's mercy _411 -through the separation a feel, from- furlough 4 gthen them 'by using Mother Graves'
lehildren'.*of Israel, especially Eph-- ing that is expressed thus:. to stake all ofi''the faith that, He pOrts, with tne, object of furthering Worm.Xtiermitator to drive out tho Aj
Xr. "I drew them with cords of a liestion for me- re is 140
-ly settled - the t
aim, as recorded. in Hosea, Chap, A the ey, between Can- parasites. aarer I -H or
attack of influenz Saa , o Pa"ion'.tril.' antousceJ by
"Round my heart still closely twinq would. But..,,an the. nd No AL e-
-man, with bands of love."' Although Those,*tics which nought can stv., near losildian P4c fl, traffic The not in nature anything n th S 6f
or." 2 to a- centre over I Temotely -distant from God, or so ex -
the servants had withdrawn them- L Then I was appointe 1, as I f.o.r. the.'Norwegiaai�Amoriclift ine. -
xving-thus his brethren two 'hundred miles away, and
solves his passion was so strong that . 111
leaned on boxes with one, hand and
tbo Egyptians and tba.house of pbprr of. his interest in theni' he, in true t he, other Canadian Pacific atesnitshl
(Verse. 2),. When' 'he Oriental fashion showed his recoll�,. "Metagamal.' recently brought ovepr' WHY 1%A,BIES Crty
Tied to remaining chaneeL Oy 'to, rniWr
aoh beard. to set up house With t Wdker'sh 6&6ie
mastered hbus6lf,fie 13'urst'. forth with diliation by, first of all embracing his I could see ii and women of I , 1- - . L . L . . .
"I am Joseph," and to make L asgur- -Own fUJI.Lbrother, Benjamin. Tborl. spending a few days in Barwani. thit l,c!ojs—thw tint mirration It's ofteii-hant to rold the tiVuble, L to'. Meet
ance doubly sure, he TeToiit,64 it and eduld be no L Mistaking his love -wheft But'the chunce caftle,L;and came -surh Ot young' Hebrides farmers to Can- -It UitlyL I)L, teet I -it lilt be Were* we $0 well orepared the
an. I . followed A eir- ion.,
a floath, clung to each Other With, such PlistilglY 801
added "Your brother-" Mo month oda under,the Ontar* ill . rat Stomachm�)).Ut oh I So ()f(cll it'Lls
evidLilt e ittalis route 'Yet in about a sche"ne.
-the scene of that -day when they motion, , (And he fell' upon cu g
all to L the' his ;n.the roinid.1 was Aiafed irritated -ill oil. n
Midiailtites would brother Bonjam 'SL my Callip wps just,a c sk eedg of*, the peoolil� of' G "d,"'rich
sold him in neck,- and a ftiofth� If TkeL h
wept, and Bbrijarnin eput upon his pr6pared.to halt for A. bill has be" Intnoduc*d into the whi It px)rsioap It's been used.,
come before them, and they' would C a
be confounded;' but'be hastened: to rack.) (Verse �14). In like manner ce8sarY. Chamber of Deputies. PAr* autliar. Never av we had our store so woll.,filled
assure th6ut Ild IS ftOtL'griqvcd with he embraced tile Others. After this I found one official who was;an ex lZing thi , Govemment tA expead:. The -retnedy for this Is so -,.imlile I
I judge, a anini of sterling qualities, no Lon_ the casad,
fra I ty ours of sufferiog—night,itrfler, W MERCHANDIS
them. In order 'that no word might they all talked freely and fattalliar y He Wad been oducatedlit our Mission olibibitiost. At least tkw %to,
reach the ears of outsiders he said. together, The strain was lifted and "a ft disturballce—bave been ith GOOD RELIABLE.
'communed together as "friend $.will V111 vulw by t1of a liers, who have sell a 9 - to
"Come near: to �rAe, I pray You," th& College at Indore and th nanies of Fro'ch t1o" ig�' of the r
friend." Thus Ledingham and Wilki6 wer6 not L on train this Xulam*r. voided ))v anot t price with
(Verse 4). hol a fellowship With' i mind—they had be4 ;ted oi) .-Rabi, '$ ozpn SViip, hoU
He sees how concerned they are it is in thd -life, of A sip'neraayod by ly fresh in his In As guests of ProWdent Beatty of insi, catalogue Ses.
at -of whom come stAmped upon hi He.414 allo
finding themselves face to faee.witb the grace � of the Lord Sesus,. Of course it. cost.; It little Inore,
-A type. could to help me. a Caliagian Pacific, Railway. four. .. ....
Jmbpb was her official WhO th ittle inore, howeve
the Oiie they had, wronged so All his. dealings he a very It
Ously. and be tries to comfor with his brethren lead up to. the story , But, thbre was a7not boy mosilpeers of tw J�Mqx farmers
t t e abed the chances of everY. tba" what is ofteii bought and A VISIT THROUGH OUR THREE F
-not to makt them think Ii tI Oi of the great deliverer of mankind— bad sma 06bli of Great Britaii *iU tross tba. LOORS
theii sins,, but to out 0 od Jesus being raised to the,�.right hand one of my predecessors who had en- Athatio and tout tho Yas4m &M used—but 'four genera no of will not (11111V ho,interogting but profitable" We Would liko you to
m. I could re-
-to hit; adv ce ent of God willeth not that'any should tertained a simil*r fdo Wetitom:proylsaw of Casta". Canadian, Mothers are there toL
bad over -ruled all 'benefi of hia arlsh; but that all should be with late incidents which would show hill COME IN AND BROUSE AROUND
aliid later ail, to thc�fore, L not Canada's exports to the U vouch for its purity, for the
famlly---,"Now, there where he is, "Father, I Will India osition to grant even the worst nited . . .
site te could coneeive of. How hard soothing bealing effect oil llal)y's will Ile made to feel qtlito (it* L
grlevgA, nor angry with. yourselves. that they also, whom thou hast given Itingdom. in 1922 *or* More, Ilian No ()Ill L igat"I to bu-y- at)"'i you
- where --r ami'Lthat Ila tried to defeat our -plans you can $34,000.000 higher in valui't)toa tz- delicat(� skiii, for, the ltively pure hold(' it' our 91tore '.It (1111V LtiQ')e. lk new ship"ient of
that ye sold me hither; f6r God' did ine, bd), witli me F - Ji f C- dis L- to the
0- j imagini. 11is . contumely 'foinained _ts flower ffitgraftce 'it letiv" W116 L
consistent from begbiaing to -end, Oed 61MMONS STEEL BEDS and FELT MATTIRESSE&S
X-5 Indeed it showed so ndency to Statea. T.6%to United Iting- Baby fresh L allil CIL'.'I,tl iS takell
itz me to d4ra, Canada sold X*6& to.** Value haq urrived.
from his bath..
Wmented,. for oft one occa of P74,751,V41. A" tio tka United
become au
sion be sent a detective v '10 of Our lJ'j.jC0:L
S M vhO 408r� te,. $340,164AC. eXtull
fl; DO1111 )wt
ed as tin inquirer in order to report 01111h. Aladmil. i1% Worth
1090 if An ii,11 steel bod with all nWel )30ringo %nd felt lllattrockq for
what Christianity was and what I .11,efore tile war India imported PaY1119 gild 13c 't "];v, -1 lit"L
for thiq wook,0111y.
wah preaching. Was I saying A"Y- 0i CoftWod'tleSL _ou. buy a box (3 1, vilkeg) witich your
thing against the Hindu religion? year. of.wbiek Canada "at not. dealpraskoforBaby'90%VuS ap, Advo
t Oro. than $30,0$Q ",of JAls t $1100forthig week only.
About this man two intere4ing 34ar 14tensioll tRIA04, nolid 03L
ibingt; rnav be nqte0l, FiTqt. he iq nn were 118".000,000, of
her imports i COil .1�14 ing14, 8�.Hr) t4iq Aveek (1111%
lonvor a servant' of ibis Staf-. Sp.; wbich Canada sent $LI26.000. And 2:=0CX0====0 a
eotidiv. it was Providential leati-twi ir is now expected -tbat t1sere will be f,itioletimo, 4 yavd,, wide, 90c m titlitare iird, tlliF4 week only.
4hat brought me here it o timp. ly'lien a further increase to Ww*en
Zlip-I -he wail away on an e%tondod holiday n" two, u nA 4 .00.90 this tear, teli i -S L50 this wepk olll�.
ZR: and 'qiq Himbnogs hnd deelded to fyii,-s - WHY BOTHER 11 Allelters, ill ""ohlen oa'k. fmned�orlk and walbot fin"411. We
D 3 land before his advToc arrived. .01
121 'NO A 1 0
11, me th4 --------- JVB PRINTING AT THE STAIL V, Illeti011 Of 24) p6r 0011t. Off Melt 31141 OV ry Ch3ir thig
PUTIE., ------------ W1, H. Olk
E -i i -2-i Eil :Z:Z: --i Phones - Store 89, House 197 '. FURNITURE DEALEit
1-1 liltzli f sea Out DISPLAY of NAARY
'IT - a I often the v- heapest,, always'the best
i ulln iff
Z -i
Ballet for. WOM80,8 01ger
C A Sure AM .10 days' trialmsot trio
"lotheS a Good, Qol
Z Orauge hily ig &-oorlaln tollef for all disordeN of
locally and is allsorberi Into the suacring tissue., Tho"Ie"Z6. �VJIJSA
�n Ill" Pe91011 IS expelled. givillo' linnIM1110 1"ClItal Md 00101
Z rphot; lbe blooll Nes-*Ii alid
numezi are
:To have Clothes perfectly elean� tomad and nlreasth.
J"d 1116% c roulAlon, ig rea.
of l'y 1141111110ti, ..q tilis treat.
sed and good color, the Soap
[Ili -tit 19 bagpd fill atrielly Met -
I it line PrIDOP10% Cold 0041 on 940
must remove all the' visible and', -fl-11pni at itial Iste,,04in of the disease It'
tannot holp but Plo good In *4'
of tral"fle troublm, Includ,
a ible impurid and paltiful tileng(va-
SU.RPRIS Mi-EZES: ing. deltyed
loca. falling ot the'
ID iee $M'Per box,
I., v %omb, Ole. lip
%..rj�ejl J4 for
It do this thorauAhly. and
W1 ids! .
flouth's treatng encx e Trial Trealtnotil, enough top tO days, wqth Zw�
H OR STORE 1 w! I I lip F.0111. I�Vvq. to any Puttering %vnniall who wIll "ond Ige hov Ad&vss.
HY 0 0
luidwto 3 AtstinP4 and address. MWI. LYDI)t NV. MAW. Winilsor. ust
Pour bemity tantext witincrt who were Gortrm Nalle cotitta ts. 0 Nopth Side of Square 0 . qul.!) 0,Y LEA10MG DIIL161111!�Tq PVM*%V"l9I01
They, Attlined "yIng they p"ferred to stay tit home. 0=90
. . . . . . . . ..