HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-8, Page 4His. Son's. (sztvter A r t� red by the Medical aet.. A measure vested with the plenary powers confer -THE There is nobody of men fit to be in 1 L (iTD li T T T FAL1Q. Leiter Borrows to Pay 1 Losses, which was designed to raise and main Chas. R. Sanders. Bditor and Prop taro a high standard of qualification Canadians Join in the American . and efiiciencs niay be prosituted to base `: Celebration. THURSDAY 31)14T} 1898` purposes of oppression and s.Ifishness. 1 tCI.V Mader tunic„uialcouditioustheMedical c�.�S i �, �T CURE. STARS AND BARa IN ENGLAND act as at present. constituted would op = D..J. B. Murphy. of Chicago, is to erste as a beneficial measure.—Wind-1 Qtater Calel,raattn„s of ltaolo Ca,aa*s „ sor;,Out i Record, Nov 6, ,139'7. i the front with'a cure for the white Nationaa rlailai►y Ila;atetl i,y Cl,rgra plague.” Dr. Murphy's cure eenSists — — — for tbo BrItisn nee awl praise. in helpiu,g nature to restore the dist :VOTES '>S' A \ 1) C'o l i._l.IEX7'5. lira-can;atliaxa Soidters *4 eased tissues. lie saes, "s It has beets l George Pearce, section foreman west TautEeetaead Seem Big found ley experiment that the reason a"ei St, Marys; is the latest head to fall seccess, person to .,+i: `.anal to live and breathe under the axe now being so vigorous, i Niagara Palls, Ont., July 5, -=-the with a large part of tet _ 1„' tissue ly wielded all along the G.T.R. system, . Fourth of July was perhaps celebrated .. �, ”" - • .•,ri i,1""h"11"2.1,his nosinon about today at Niagara leans, Y ,, ..as it has gone is that the capability of the lung j is fully tea; times as great as the ac- tual worniug surface." In other words, the lune tissue is largely nu ex- fifteeu years acid was a verb' ei lieseet „ever been before is the history of the servant, and has the sympathy of thea 'United States. Tho clay's tlolugs were con► iiunity. .cikr. Dale, the adjoining' largely advertised by large bills pointing section boss, is also said to have been out the fagot it was to be au international what is acttlai:v required to discharged. a celebration, the bills bearing the Stars cess of q *;:s I and Stripes and Union Jaok, which had suppy the blood with oxygen, and if c the etTect of bringing visitors from far a portion be removed or disused the. Ft seems that in the idolise of Com ; and neaar to see British and Americans moos flay lith,'- C. Cameron solemn join hands sand celebrate the glorious reti,ainder will etpand awl perform all iy denied that lie ryas to re' ei+•e the, remelt of July. The day's doings office of of Lieut Governor of the North- s►stcd of a monster parade of the Fire west Territories.. Yet a few weeks Department arta societies in which the by means et a by nih nn e injection of later he was appointed. There in dol Tire Fire $avast, conlmrc%tlhnntown c v participated. ialao!` p tyitroAeu, is, iiccordimgIl; , Dr. Murphy a 1 �L,cons tetra . Mr. Cameron'sbetel--eboth \iagara ]:alis, \, 3i'„ and this plaace wr. and it is tinge unfair for s ni f Werra alga in tae arnaclo, Tho >Jnipir deck dliaci4iar fee thin cure of ttlhorUula$l8 of our r oa rei'es tP itv use him of that. and Stairs and $ vlp;'s bath Waved to• nro ,c i wayhas the name nuns s t 1' �. e m f A a o it<e the b� and a cheered o s. iis i nolaotaor tai a rti .l w >to els are t the Inn The patient i r o� hpp a� FN � the necessary work of aeration. Per- fect rest of the affe,tecl parts, attained unfavorably affected, and may contlu lea about his business without incau- 9e.n"e . . When, iiexperimented ed.. cs,,the nitrogen has been with- drawn at the cud of a few weeks, and the eir again admitted, skiagrapbs, or X-ray phOtc,graaphti, pace eheiett that the atintaScd tissues had entirely healed that 4 wind 4 ,t the ,ting, formers,; shrivellel.i and compressed. had espanded to its original dunerisioint, The Chicago Chrouicie tays: Experiments with this radio ;l iuuovaticu ii: medical prac- tice are tiow Whig conducted on quite au extensive sitale at the county hos pital. at. Chicago it premises some- thing taur,ible to humanity, because .--Stratford Herald. , the echo by then,:Inds of s ectetors that up to P Deed the streets all along the line, mayor i Hitt of thin town declared the day half boll- eday,andthousands of nod'• crossed err ��to;: ON o u Ca , sans u t a iT Zi thbridge mei showed by thalr preoencc Goderisb Stan Dr, Clark, V. S„ was a and lusty cheers their full syanpathy with in n n esb ro ons da last w a o d a eels as F , the people er the L'n3tr4 Staten is tilt* ��t ,��•1e �•, a t to Dr, Walker, r V. S, with a yarn r, > >starlit, ior Culla. s freedom, The stares,, difficult operation for umbilical hernia bttsiners places arid. private residences of on a very valuable filly belonging to Niagara palls, Z,�'„ were prafureiy a • tthey never l: 1decorated as e r have tl efora h •boo .Ir. Hamilton, three MUSS east o£ the y !w , Cs ilsQe The sank was of enor with Union Jickae 1rs and Stripes, , thous size—larger than a mau's head. and no one within the ;,•rtes et the (jetzt' The aniinal was chloroformed, laid on . met City knew any other nationality but a C its back, and the bowels returned to British coal Aluen an nationality to•£ha and the+ cheers of the multitude that their natural position, The akin was thronged the streets rent the aalr for the removed and lbw cavity laid bare. `fh» welfare et those two greatpstoles, Afro sides of the abdomenal cavity, tissues ; tho parade patriotic and appraprlatn and skin were brought together with" speeches wcro nandO in PrOSI1Mt !'aril by catgut sutures, and the whole stomach preleluent An►crleaans and Canadians, covered with strong adllesitw plasters. Bering the evening a Programme of ilre- cl large number of interested neigh he Ae were e leant Fells over r,(teat Islandis above it seeks to aid nature actively, and not bars were present to wiliness what was, whleh were witnessed by 15,000 persons.. a probably, tfirsta z he operation n ref this ea a f J celebration la*. . ,The Fourth o July latae .Ion of x pp$ , �� y r.aer+els to indteaa,te academically the. tore ever perforated in tiutario, At on account of its until:otters, will ba+ien channels andagencies through which last accounts, the aniolal was recover- remembered by those who witnessed it at tuberculosis is propagated, Instead tug rapidly. ofa learned dissertation on bacilli, and the various dorms of tubercular infer' tion, Dr. Murphy presents what he affirms to be a safeguard, against one Niagara lolls, N.Y. Ttayal Seats made a Ult. They always do curious and tutor Portland, Mo., July $.—Tho Gth Royal esting things in Chicago, says the Scots of Montreal arrived here Sunday Stratford Herald, but since Friday 'last morning. and were given a most onthu- they have beaten their record, haviap Mastic receptlou. After breakfasting they of the most dreaded scourges of civil- bean tvitaout a daily newspaper print- attended service in St. Lukas's Gathedraal, ized humanity. If his theories and ex ede ill Ett:lesh. The stereot,•pe.r8 aro where Isis Lordship, ilio Right Rev. lar. orieuee shall be vindicated and con- on strike, and the dail news a ere Neelyce uti sop of aiaino, conducted rho P y R p service and preached tho sermon. In the firmed to the practice of other medical have suspended Pending' a settletueut with the old or the engagement of a experts of high authority, a substan- new force.. This is shifting the labor tial victory will have been won against question into a strange field, and at the dread disease, consumption. this time, wheu the intense interest in EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR. The arraignment last week of Dr. Sovereen by the Discipline Committee of the Ontario Medica'. Council, on a charge of unprofessional conduct, re- veals incidentatily a conditinu of affairs which, in the hackneyed language of the politician, "maty be r iewed with alarm.,' It would appear from a perusal of the AIedieni act that the Legislature bas conferred on the 'Medical Council extra- ordinary powers—powers which in ty- ranuic al and unscrupulous hands might be wielder} to gratify personal and sel fish ends The act provides that when any reg- istered medical practitioner is found to have been " guilty of auy infamous or dasgraccfui conduct in a professional respect " he is liable to have his name erased from the register. In an ordi- nary court the prosecutor is one person and the judge is another, but in the administration of justice by the Medical Council the anomaly is presented of prosecutor, judge and executioner in one. An alleged offence is committed against the council and that body lays the information against the accused, sits in judgment upon him and inflicts the penalty. Surely this is one of the strangest of strange anomalies; and while the Medical act may not up to the present have worked much injus tire, it certainly provides great possibil- ities for oppression, It is contrary to the spirit of British jui:ice and fair play that any man or corporate body . shall at the same time be accuser and judge. It needs no argument to show that an accuser is disqualified from and incapable of exercising a judical func- tion, and outside of the callings of law and medicine an offender is tried by a judge, who in the very nature of things is removed from the influence of selfish or other unworthy motives. The Med- ical aet would seem to be a gross vio- lation which of this principle, e, wh I lies at the very foundation of the judicial system and is a guarantee of the purity of the administration of justice. Itis a wise provision that the judge :must be in "equilibrium," completely beyond the reach ofpassion or prejudice. Doctors are probably no more inclined to professional jealousy than other call- ings, but the public have evidence daily of the fact that with all its pride of learning the medical .profession is quite liable to oidinary human weaknesses. afternoon they were taken for n trip arnang the Islands, a stop being uncle at Cushing's Island, while the men enjoyed a much -coveted bath in tho salt water. In the evening the hand of rho regi- sautia;o makes a newspaper a. living 'wont gave a ooncert ar Rivorclale Park. necessity to every mao, the situation In the parade this morning, the largest for several years past, the Royal Scots has added factors of importance and ' occupied a prominent place, and worn seriellencss The employes have gat- tendered a magnificent ovation by the orally gone out at a time wheu they enormous crowd that lined rho strcots. felt that they had the best chance to The Connecticut Volunteers, who aro secure terms, but the:feeling of right caping in South Portland, and tho must have been stroug with the news- Yankee sailors, went round arm in arm papers when they have met the de with the Royal Scots, and the bust of mands upon them byan un receuted good feeling prevailed. The ]utiles were p p cotnpletoly enraptured with the boys in act in the history of journalism: red, and Riverside Park, on tho occasion 't of tho conoert by the band of ,the Scots last night, was crowded with the niom- few hot shots on its old friend (t j M.bora tt night sex. Tho regiment left for C. Cameron on the occasion of his pull- ing up stakes to accept his recent a0 Groat Day at Burlington, Vt. pointment-the Lieut. Governorship of the Prairie Province;— Oue always feels better when the corpse is out of sight. There is such a thing in politics as being kicked up stairs. "What has become of the Independ- ence of Parliament Act ? "Every man has his price, and some get more than they are worth. „Political obsequies are always mournful, even when a " wake " is held. "Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, and there have been others. " Haman was a fine type of the av- erage politician, and he got a place at last " If a man is to reap as he sows, God help some of the politicians whose nos- es are in the air at present. " What a frightful amount of good natured lying is to be foiled on tomb stones and in farewell speeches. " What a gathering there will be when Beelzebub, the father of liars, gets up a housewarming to welcome his children, the seheming politicians, " Lying and chicanery will never help a politician when he . is dead: That's why the schemers devote all their time and attention to it while in the flesh. "It now turns out that there were only 75 at the Cameron banquet -36 Tories and 40 Grits. That is different from 300, you know, and goes to prove that the man in the coffin should lie still The Goder:ich Signal thus pours a The body of Arthur Carron, of Lon don, was found Tuesday in the first cove near that city. He had been out of work. The four year old son of Wright o Wm Wr „ t London,'was stabbed in the lung by a larger companion, who sneaked up be- hindhim and thenran away. The in jured•lad is in great danger. Burlington Vt., July 4.—Tho Union Jack and Stars and Stripes waved side by side to -day, and Her Majesty's re - servos and American National Guard stepped to the tune of "God gad C ave rho Queen," and "Yankee Doodle.'' It was a day unique among other jolly Fourths, and perhaps the first time that British soldiers helped celebrate the day when the Milted Status declared their inde- pendence from their fathers, but if today is any criterion, the past is forgotten. At the station, long before the train came in, vast crowds blocked the way, and the Union Jack and the Uauadien flag were conspicuous in every place that could bo decorated. Tho train arrived at 8 o'clock, and cheers rent tho air as the Canadian militia alighted. Awaiting them were Company M, Vermont Na- tional Guard, and Sherman's military band. The former acted as an escort, and the visitors marched to the armory of Company M, the troops' headquarters. The flashing helmets, the gay uniforms, the proud military bearing of the men, the squeaking of the bagpipes, the crash of the 48rd Battalion Band, will never bo forgotten, and Burlington cheered Vic- toria's soldiers to the eoho. The visitors are as follows: Forty-third Ottawa and Carleton Rifles, 314 officers and men, Lieut. -Col. A. P. Sherwood commanding, Majors B. H. Bull and S. H. Rogers, Adj. Capt. T. 0. Bovine; Princess Louise Dragoons, Capt. Robt. Brown, 35 officers and men Cale- donia Bagpipe Band. . The feature of the day was a grand parade by the visitors, and they enjoyed the hospitalities. A Hot Time at Halifax. Halifax, N.S., July 4 —A number of American flags were displayed in Halifax to -day in honor of the Fourth of July. the American m The wows of ilitary and a naval victories over the Spanish at Santi- ago was received with great enthusiasm by from across the border, and there was not a little excitement. The day was the warmest Halifax has experi- enced for Several' years, the thermometer for several' hours registering 93 in the shade, Ilad Road About It. The Stars and Bars in England. " I had a distressing pain in my s'de London, July 4.—The fraternal ;anti - and was.also troubled with severe head- 'ntent evidenced hero during the last few aches. My blood was out of order and months finds vent to -day throughout the my constittition was generally' run United Kingdom' in an unprecedented down, Reading what Hood's $area display -of the Stars and Stripes in honor parilla had done I began taking it and of the Fourth of .July, and in hearty ex-' „ prensions of good -will everywhere. after using two bottles I was ,ctired. The afternoon papers are unanimous MAY FLANNIGAN,. Manning avenue, in applauding the splendid courage of Toronto, Ontario, the Americans before Santiago de Cuba, Hood's Pills cute nausea, sick . and in congratulating the United States head - upon -the-signal successes' of its arms both, ache, biliousness; indigestion. Price in the east and the went:' 55 cents. 1 Levitre s r E rt ,G . Leiter h ba owe o the a r d Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, $2,000,000, for tett years at 4 per cent. The security consists of several of the most valuable pieces cf business property in Chicago. In eompleting the details of the loan Mr. Leiter told, the agents of the North western that he would probably re quire further advances of about woo, - 000. The money obtained by Mr. Lei ter will go toward the liquidation of the debt incurred by his soar Joseph Leiter, in wheat speculation, Mn Leiter owns something like $19,000,000 worth of ,gilt -edge realty in, the heart of Chicago, ir,eludiug corners at State and Wash ing ton, State and Madison and property on Monroe, Clair and Dearborn streets; also the Grand Pacific IloteL Some of it IS to the name of his son, Joseph Lei ter. It is thought that Mr. Leiter's statements that he would need three or four millrns more somewhat correctly shows the amount that he will have to make geed for on his son's wheat losses Brutal Assault Case Settled. The following particulars coucern tog a settlement of the Jones Raker Oakes assault case, are from semi off$c al sources, says the Clinton ?yew Era, stud in view of the Weal. interest in the ease, TIIO AtivoeaTD gives the follow - ti„ quotation: The,arnud jury found a, true bill against George Qakes, Isaac Jones and John Palter for aggravated assault, but friends of the parties ef- fected a settlement, after areRtdeal of !arbor, The agreement arrived, at wasIla Io be dismissed. altogether that 1 r int from the proceedings, in view of the settlement agreed upon Jones to plead. guilty of common ossa !t on U. Oakes, es, and pay him in full of everything, vihin a , damages, cost and all, $.1.75; G.Oakes to plead guilty Of common assault, too, x and all parties to be hound ever to keep the peaee for ouo year. George Oakes was already .bounce, but the otters were all bound in open court, H. Oakes, John Raker and Jones. " In ad- dition, Jones was lined $50' and Oakes $?b. without costs. Wo think that • the neighbors who interested themselves scouring a compromise in this case area entitled to credit, and thatuow that the matter is disposed of, it will be at an oud as far as the parties to it are concerned. • - Shot by a Robber. Almoute. Ont, June 29.--A cold blooded murder was committed here !tete ecu one and two o'clock this MOM- ing, when Henry Grey, a night watch man for the Alinonto Knitting Co., was shot and killed, A blacksmith shop is situated across the road from the knit. ting mills office. The murderer had broken into the shop to procure tools for a burglary. Mr. Grey, seeing the burglar, crossed the street, when he was shot. He fell within about twenty feet from the blacksmith shop and died without giving auy alarm. The shot awakened Airs. A. Sheriff, who lived near. She noticed that the office door of the knitting ;mill was standing open, and fancying she heard a moaning noise aroused Mr. sheriff, who went out, He observed a men lying on the ground, and heard him moaning. Call- ing a neighbor he proceeded to the spot. Grey was alive when reached, but unconcious, and expired in a few moments without speaking, Coroner Burns summoned a jury and opened an inquest. It was found that the bul- let had entered Grey's side near the heart. James W. Wy lie's roller mills office was entered last night by burglars. They drilled the safe and put explos- ives in it, but the don. did not open. It was completely wrecked, however, and was easily opened by means of a bar. Tile mill is situated across the river, some 300 yards from the blacksmith shop, near which Grey was shot. Op- inions differ as to whether it was com- mitted before or after the safe was blown open. There is no trace or clue whatever to the murderer or robbers. • CLEV L ND MCTLILES 1400111 Are in a Class byv Themselves, and q are absolutely be ) yon °r- competition. AGENTS EVERY W HESE. SOLE REPRESENTATIVES PERKINS G MARTIN, EXETER. H. A. LAZIER & CO. FACTORY ; Toronto Junction. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. The partially decomposedosed body of Philip Ray, colored was found at Owen Sound. Foul play is suspected, Mr. Joseph Drew, a farmer, who lived near Oshawa, fell from a hay rack and broke his neck, dying in a few minutes. John Johnston, son of Mr. Brent Johnston, Hamilton, committd suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a shotgun. Jean Teguilman, aged eighteen, is being tried at St. Hyacinth. Que, for the murder of his uncle, John La Plante, in October last. . Miss Maggie Eakins, daughter of James Eakins, of Winnipeg, committed suicide at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Walter Wright, Strathroy. The body of Mr. Wm. Herman of Hamilton, who disappeared on Tuesday last, was found in the Beach canal. Hewas despondent over financial los- ses. It is said that the Standard Oil Com- pany has effected the purchase of the Imperial Oil Works, and has leased every other refining plant in Canada for five years. At Montreal a middle aged man. named Edward Burns jumped from the third storey window of his boarding houseina fit of delitum tremens and died from the effects. James Spafford, of Cherry Valles, while' handling a revolver, accident= ally shot his little daughter, the bullet passing through the body at the left breast. Iver recovery is doubtful. Sunday afternoon's _ storm caused a triple yacthing fatality, at Hamilton. The dead are :-Charles Williams, mar- ried aged 24; Charles Searle, single, aged 28; Roy Sinnett, single,. aged 25, and a resident of Bartonville,' PIinou1ft EiRaer iwigB. Gold Modal Green Sheaf, Plymouth Special, y Pure Sisal, S'sl a Euery Bali Full Weight .,.1110., Paris Green Screen Doors Screen Windows Harvest Tools. Bistri &spa. Peter Weaver, aged 20, was drowned at Stirling while bathing He could not swim. Frankie Wardell, aged seven, was drowned in the Welland Canal at Dunnville. The body of George Reitz of Berlin, aged 60, was found in the river at Bridgeport. He had been despondent. hat is Scott's Emu!ion � It is 'a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh -form- ing properties. It contains Cod- Liver Oil emulsified or ` partially digested, combined with the well- known and highly prized • Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency, is materially increased. willWhat Will It Do? arrest loss of flesh and, v a d, restore to a normal, condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient" consumption. We make this 'statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of cases.De sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 5oc.and $loo,. all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE,• Chemists, Toronto.' 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4' ;15' THE SWELLEST SWELL IN Y!ELLDOM rather or li IeI c1"cledolll, is the swell '98 Red Bird Special. It is high grade from the pedals to the handle- bars. It is beautifully Alnisll" ed and absolutely perfect in construction. Each ball of the bear- ings runs in a cage by itself, never coming in contact with its fellows. Friction is reduced to a minimum and the Red Bird Special runs away from the wheels with the old style bearings. The price of the Red Bird Special is $100, and when yon see a rider mounted on one you can mark him for either a man, who can mord to buy a good wheel, or a rider with sufficient me- chanical knowledge to appreciate a first-class article in bicycles. The.... G-OOLD BICYCLE C0• Limited• T• BRAlv T' roRD 0 nt. PERKINS & MARTIN 01 It nee nente etteette27 Agents, Exeter. WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 Day' Excursions To the Canadian North West AT RETURN FARES DELORAINE RESTON ESTEVAN BINSCARTH MOOSOMIM.. WINNIPEGOSIS, J REGINAj $30 MOOSEJAW.,} YORKTON, za PRINCE CALGARY ALBERTCS t �'5 RED DEER �O EDMONTON Going June 28 Returning until Aug, 27 (All Rail or S. S. Alberta.) Going July 13 (All Bail) Returning until Sept. Going July 14 S.S. Athabasca Going July 19 Returning until Sept. (AU Rail or S. S: Alberta) For tickets apply to • any Canadian Pacific Agent,. or to C. E. ttePtasasoi, Asst. Gen. Passe. Agent, 1 Icing St. East, Toronto. 12. 17 FOR TWEHTY•SEYpEN YEARS. DUN'S . BAKINC POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAICAD... The report that grasshoppers are `r prevalent in some parts of the North- west is, after careful inquiry, found to be incorrect. A fire which broke . out early this morning in the o factory f the Gale Manufacturing Co. Mincing lane, de, stroyed that building and partially de- stroyed the Cowan Ramsay 'Co. build- ing next door. Loss, $100,000.