HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-04-05, Page 2I __ , . , - - ___ - . -11- _., ,
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I � __ __ArCU#N'_8ALE3_____ - __1_1 * ,1 �1_111 ....", 1. 'WANT SPECIAL GRANTS
.. . !. , , � EXTENDED TO TOWNS I Aftor EverY M'sal
. , il, I j) ,Vt7C.T-ION * SALO oF _' A CUA- cb-,, " 1, (CoutinuC4 from r"3i;c 5) , I ____ — _,;,.�
- F
IN DA-ve OF YORE, , . I'll, North St Methodist Chur
...� , , 4 " F0 IN 'C'-�"'VlNsliit , I I
C0NrAI%!%4_ LY113R(�6k %IZ&GE __ - _ -.-,. - � --.-,-
t i UALr A CE1%Tt*1V AGO majo to mndcr.g A, saccszful aft5r. cw4, Aj,fio Wirm 01'. M TWO GODURICH 4 - - 7 __ - I
81-0 �� 'O 1101,11) I
I' %F,lom Tj�o Goacz,jvh St.jr of �Iay o Arratigcmepts . made for jxl�e,u uPIOU1611 T 100 on the excess over $QW.aud 49 I I
I I .0 an eximrsion frow Stratford, to CAUS, fary of $1,109 or over.
Isia allow the brethren of StrA or "t'On "'92' pecia .
4 . tforil, - -- excess over $600. The # I I
I� New Distillery In Op'Wation Mitchell. Stafort*, Clintou *0 Fx- �111.. Axiiii Awx,,; grant on *n assistaut"S. salary is 5 1
f " I Irer on eagh Ste"
� The &cw iliktillery of Mcs$W, ctrr to Participate- The bond has transferred 10 LIStOW0, per tout. on a saury of *700 to, $800
; i ,e who bas bcQu i'le to sell by public� on tho excess of -over V500, 10 perl, . -
Nk-bol and Fitzbener 10"t luis, instmeted TOrwNIGHT �0""
y went into ev- licen bircd and the exclusive us . with a Oil imil
� � - cravi-en YeAvr4y, May 10L., the beautiful grounds of the Aug oi Auction at the premises, 11ritannia . I . . . ,cent. on* a salary of $800 to 400 gal, � sweet in fte 10m,
. I I I 14ghtW ': American (late Maitland) 110tc Rb&& Goderich (near Victoria the excess ,over �500, go per qnt. on -
I . . oaso Breakwater ed. , The W. X $Oymour 1143 A Concert Selection of Gounod's * , . a Salary of %SU00 to *100 on the ex., of VMCILEM I -
. c,7 The Government, baving 'modified fecut'd4artered .for the purp School) On'p�T)AY. APRI14 28th - . � . -
the plans for the breakwater for the wey . - so of SATT. I -11 �* .-cess over *500, and 40 per cent. on, a it satisfies the , �
, "I ,, . . U . 0 Vt. d F ders .giving an excursion on the 140. Wolmer,cipm at 4 osclocU sharp Masterpiece salary of $1000 on Me excois, over I I sweet 4901lb an* - .
I . a ke for an 14TY YEARS AGO confortable, brlcli-� dwellirg � . $'00' - . 1i
fro t o I tenilerv4 TW& Hi, I ng room, dining ., . 0 pl,Byea recent amendment these sup aift 400000066 " , �
and � ma n V o the con- (ITrom The CoderIch Star of April a, hous,, .011tah3nig uv" toild on the 6 . I em utary grants are given also to! I ,� I
.. roonj, )Liteben a -lid .towns an(t villages of under 2,QW po-
tract In lot an ork pro. 1903) iedrooms, with , ;
1* . Boats Doug overh#01ei for Season groun,J floor, three I I pulation, so that we have Exeter re-
. , , �
I cccilci Vit . elesets off each, and a splendid bath . 'FAUS "" . eolving ,$1,020 supplementary grants,- I benefit COMM01104L I " I _�
Salt Shipments The tuf 4.4elbold, Calit WOO, 10ft. roota on apper floor. The collar Is . " L ddition to $470 of regular grants, ..
opened ,port on X,tdueaday for South BAY,, gaiid and has . a sr.,lendid D07 furnace ,- to a �
The shipment, of salt has _ . AND OTHER NUMBERS ., land Hensall, ieceivitig PGG supple- I I - I
. � ..
very briskly Ahis gring. Lost Mon- and, the tug Sea doll, CAI)k Robert ;With water cot 9- Elc0trIc lights I wentary grants In .addition to 4280 1
". . , I All fixtures, Blinds, . . � I
., 44y morning the . C. Cameron left McKay, was to leave last night for throughout On, regolar grants. Tho object 'of thek I
I I for Chicago with'a, full cargo,. and the same station. Capt Sutherland ete.. do witil the bow. . By . I special grants, of course, is to aidt 0 � 0 1
, . � an Tactilay aftcrnooa the propeller is painting and fitting his schooner, The lot has a frontage of 80 feet . % ' schools with a small attendance to I I -
� . ph arrived in, port on , the Vorls%W, for an early charter, eat I . . �
n.ropeo whig - on Britannia road arid runs t1frough AUGMENTED CHOIR. pay on adequate salary, but a gr "I , 1�
t .
i . I �,,�Pison which the garngto � F people are coming to tbluk,tbat . A� ... I 6 , � . I
Isundoy, left for the same destins- schooners Senator and W. It. to, P1 n -nd. it . ion in small towns - ..... I I I 11 i ,
tiolz with 2.Wo bari. . ,
I Isa s Oro a ii maul
... -61% The Tec- Wlomilso ape all being generally over- good garden a the cost of educat . � 1.
umselt has also taken on a i 014d, and baulcd. , I faces. lendid part Of the town to live 1% Thunsday, Apr* 5th, 1,923 such as Goderich Is such that -they to.(1 � .11, I ,
.. I . other vesmels, , ill - b 0 1 fo . Two Tugs and A Boat Fishing OM should share in this. Government as- . I 14mv �. , �:
I a oat for hieszo A In' . at .8 p. tn. . . sistance, as a matter of Uirness. '.11. . .
T%he "orich Goderich TER.Aig.-20 per cent. of urebase . I . . 11 I — �
-e&d-- tea t e net rhood '44 .C,qiit. jno, �V, 11 - i:- .- I �
I already reach , R. Cralgle set two price to be paid at time of so e- Bal' I A I .1 . Rural schools with few pupili are en
, -
. � .. � . I � � '
. '11*1,OW barrels. . of trout netv on .Monday, and. zince in 30 days. Or arrangements T03Y . abled to pay, s0arles'. that, have the posits $46.26. Miss Elliott taught
, �
. I . . gongs / , , six .ays. . I I
o A Vaily Boat to Kincsirditte . with fair weather, will lift them Fri- be, made to .leave a portion of the Soloists tendency to raise the salaries, urban -, d . . .
. � `
I The settirg Of amount on mOrte"age. at a reasonable, . ,schools must pay Qr to make greater These reports were adopted, the '
��, 'Who propeller Win. $cymopr; com- day or Saturiloy. Mutgarita .... .. Mrs, A. J. MacKay, A. T. Coll X I _
. manded W tbat,gvntlema . cattain, nets on March 200th, though not a re- rate of intere$4. � . ' .� competitionjor teachers at the same substitute teachers to be Paid,
: _ roll . the earliest of set- , I T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. $iebel ..... 1.- .Mrs. V, Saunders I I � salaries, and in view of the fact that ;;C-1191ol 11
Mr. X. Marlton, leaves Go erle for iord, was one of Same' -supplies, for Victoria
.... v!!:!!!!:!!rr * "W were referred to the contingent cOm
: . Faust .......... ::::, o" * 6' A, T. 0. X. -� .
. x4m4rdiiab everr .day 4pring the tinis. - The tug Sca. King set nets "r ". . I Mr. rt Ure Cutt, libraries hospitals,. etc,, are paid for , '
. I i I . d Rqbt. :� . , alentlao,.#_..,��-.. .... � ... Miss 04 - : lairgely by- the� to .referred to �
prton Wednesday p63 , V _wns in which, they mittee and accounts were
.1 . ,.Week* except Fr day, on whi *� .r 11 .1 - . I , . , �coi BeJeher , ,,, . . pay.,if � . .. �, :�
, ch day off hN * _, - - .. . 1. . - � . . . - . �.: -11 -to - . .1 � ... "..
.. .
I - a$- bten 010� , L '' G- I 1.
1. - ..� eff3w.set_s'esterdc�--s4� -.-L �% L _.. � -II*JS'that'�su9W,the.Jia4 co, CO
� _. I, , - ,Sbe ... b, k%Voat*� *, , _� ,: . . Qia1..BcU)i& 11 � . arii locateili the fee � - . ii mmitteec: �
-141W. run# � -to .Saftlai , - - '.... - -,... �. - .L... 11--.-Mephlitoplieles _.-..,*,.Mr.. .... . I to' . . . ,� .
11. _. - . . 11.1 � Mug y retitt"' --beeii . - -Vi It- bave"two,:- tugs -god-a bOst :- -- - -"- ---" ,�. �* -66wns are out#16d the. SAY40 Ov- found correct.. :
. a , V- - "' i�a - Nivin" ' we 0 4 I . I . . � � . . .
R . I 1. (Continued from page 4)� . � Violin Solotel.....',...,... ...Miss Edna McFarlane I . ernmeat 4a as rarAl sections. I I .1
neatly d J:, ciirpot�6d .and fishing from this port.' . 1, .
I sainte aW � _____'-'--_-*"`,t_ . I The trustees present at the � mcct�
1. evveryt1i ng done that could be, to- ,Oe*th -,of Alex. m4fb, Afer,chant —-, _1'1-.,________1� . . I Accompanist .................. 9i. A. W. Andertoi ,- . .Tilts-,y4atter 14 being. taken up, by Ing were Messrs. X R. Sallbws; J- F# ,
I I . . �st atio I �§, i resided. He � .............. 4 .. M4 D. H.'Westau ., � the"Rafe-payers' Association which is Thomson,'A. Saunders, R .J. Ache- - - .
, , . Make her one of the-zoate Draper don, where be had since I Corlductor ....... . . I , J. P, Cat.rfe,. 1� - .
I odist in religion, being: . . meeting in Toronto this week, Mr,� son, W. WallAcelood 11 I . .-
� I � . most, comfortable bosta on the 14190, Mr Aloxander Munro, our inerch. was a Moth, - On- . 1. . - � I I 'A. Saunders bad been aptointed as . - - . . ___ . -
- -
1. . . As also being maned-br a gentle ant Wraper, as lwwas V. eased to do, while in Clinton connected with . . I 40� . . . -1 11. 11 I,- - � -, -
,.. , , manly ,crow, every utten Ion *111 be - ;rch. In London he 1. . � I I 6, I I . I , .
I I . I . - g . � ,�.
I'll signate his business, died on Monday toile. street cl: .. . I ,r* representative of the pu Ik kbQQ1 """ t .1 I
1wid,to passengem. . -morning after a � month's Illne,sso was , vormeetvd, ,Vdth Centennial . . I ,. I I .. , � b6ard if he should,happon i6 be.in � V My . '� 11
. . , � . . - W011i Three Years 014' thQUg -of a. very active . .. i � . . I . �� 4.� - . . �� . , -T . � I
� �, ., " I NOV01% W96 h his. symptoms were those of church. lie .W4% .00-101 � 9 I . I PR0,Q:RAM ' . Toronto, at the time, but as be! found VAST."
, 9- .�t: I
I .. � 1. -it is intended to,�bojd a grand a. man who had sqffcivd from an in- and -alert temperaments . lich so t . 1.1�1 .. ... I I . . � . I . . . . . he would,.ndt be in-Torb-Atos. he w I ' , �� " , , .1 � .. . I .
I . I . .
. . I . .. , - for a long time. indeed, that it was $bought the cOm' - � �.� I . �. . � . . . gested-that the school board should I..
I pl-knia In thls� town s0me time in tormil, complaint' r , I I I I "4ppoint a. de y his ex- -" ...� I . I
. . ran Thei.doceased gentlemaii was one of parAtive, leisure Of the past few years . . . PART 1. � . I . NACKING , 90 ` . I . .
I c. IW- under the auspices � Of )tn He had . . . I . . I - . . .
. . )*t&o, No 611 I 0 0. V,, for the the least Ostentatious of our citizens, 'was not coadugivO to health. I . reuses, The boards however, did nolf I . I �
, . � weeks and bad suf- I ',Wher� tlie Bee Sucks � There Lurk X11 ,(Dr.; Arrie) .... �._ Choir . agree, vAth-this and instead passed a . . .
. of eel%rajin� the third an- and, though a good 'conver tion 1� bee Ill for so ' I . rded as fol,
,. I purpomeN ' "e� so a a Me rViveii resolution to be, forwa . - '
I nivt,rsa - -Ho -is -,su -to). � "The-Blin4floughman" kl,�� - � -1. - I 11' - , .1 -_ _._1.,.__ , _,
I vs __ � r- .11-
. yy of the. order. In this. town.' lAt, rarely left his dweltIng or storq fered a good deaL I I lar ' ** ws: ' - '' RoNevedft I .
ExtensWo preparations are bethsr for company. (b) "Elegies, � (MI ,I 0 4490 ,d b Trustee VaIlo*C`e,- see
'. I . q wife, who though eighty. yea 'r ob ato, M4 Miller `6 ' C,tt 10
I - . . . by,bi! L' arse through , I 'y y . -,Was I , .
I.,- 1,� .,,,,olr * ., lm,., ,��. � - 6 age, ni 4 her - IMOAAd pool as- (c) ' "Broak,,O? Day's (Saiiderson) . � f I I .� I * � � . on4ed I Trustee Carrie that the . � ..
I . . is with but occask I ." . .
. I . .11dren, and f . 'Yers, - .
. � . I .. . �. I AUCTION, &ALES L - . . rp the hfs last, illnei Ive Piano Duet ...... �....,...�.,,.Mlss Xouise and Master'lloydri. Weston- Boaid write the Ontario'kniepa D' � *Odd's I
- . . - . commencing at I oseleck Atli I sistanee.from,hor;th . r. . .1 I .
. �
I � ... Harry Xempi Goderleho, Thos,, "Song of the Robin".(Anna Case)..,.-__.... -1 -Mrs. F. Saunders Association endorsing'thp - making of . . !, , I
,, . .1 AND tollOw'ng: * T . sup ent
"I . AUCTION SALIg OF STOCK I ager work horse; I maie, 14 sons' Allbert Organ Solo; 11 he Storm", (by: reques�)-., � ....... Mr,.D,;,.H...We4toA. ary gTantsi on teachers' . , ,
I ,.� � � . . . solar a ap -
. . .
. I -1 I I - Two. sons I " , Pi , � rap. .
. tXPLEMENTS * Detroit, .Samuel, ,Clinton, 404 . � ,s of 2,00
1 yea", old, in fool to Percheron; I 011Y and Georges London- ire, . This, selection is intended to represent an Anglican church ,ser- ' licable to town P. V 0 a
- 1, : � . - jo to , , 0 � population .. rw. Y. Re Sy
. I t T. M. DURNIN rWin A year old, Fereboron; I heavy deceased him, Th funeral took . This was car-! ml I
, _g. . � vice Interruptedby a thunderstorm. First ofiall Is heard the'ehurch . era voting "nay" I . .1 . I ,� ; I .
I I . . * sell by public .auction at T. M. draft mA 8 ,earn old,_weighs 161F chimes calling *the peo le to ,worships. tt . I . — ,
I .. . . I Will place at London on Tuesda after ien the clock, strikes 'seven, Is rus hand I � . .. , , . . : -
. : . . . DAVISIS livery -stable, $Qath St.# on lbs.; 1 46% k1rd horse 4 years old; arch 20th. The pallbearers I ?Q van prelude and . , reason .Ing that the leiier ;�Q�id . .
i . . . . I ,.,190URDAY, April Ith, I Ayrshire Cowls calf by'side; I Guer. 110000 M . tho,hour for service, .allowed by the at responses, lot Ireac e Ratepayers' Asscicia- - � ' . . I . � .
. , Vero �six grandsons. There were by the.cler man and thoir. . The organist plays. over a hymn tutic I That, Rusty, drys hachingi �w g -wrack- . �
I I � d Nipon � W I tion conve ion bf time to be acted _. . I .
I . , , ow, due Apt -it 9; ,.2 yearling �.t. bich is, to an P meanwhile *e , bear -bat n ive - ___ � 1,
� "Pil , . . . 1. . . - coso:me4g.ftig at.otV�, o'clock Many Aloral'. offerings Place I Ire I p by. choi� and congregation - itig. cough is -very wearing an 016. BYS .
, ' ' " ' Re Manning, -
I .. .. Borsto'.1 heav V k befforat 2 'yearling. stobta,,A I- t- iblizigs, of the approaching sto;;� which c4MI I upon.. and t a represe tat'
- y '40 mare B the casket,,' the 'Sherlock- ked for he distant run :g ne I .
. - % c 2 0 6 whom he wor ly or I should bo, sent t4o. We., convention at t . The' const -wit coughing iriiiurbs � �
I ,
I . . I I � y black mareli 6 years ered Mole Polle Angui c ' 'People, for ithers expressir& 1% * ` or at,las*breaks forth in torrifle fury. The storm gradu die; , em the 1:11ugs ,,tnd bronc4ld .
� years 0.14; lboav, We h t
; ig Beien cross" . Of months old; I * d Durham wt 6 g their ' - away and all is bright again. The choir continue the hymn- ear vhewoxge6fi4e of the Board to lay its � the rest, keeps .
9 pigs Yearaw and C
bid, con* ir 0 . le the voriventi6h, I
Ad in ' , . I
. � . years old, due Jo"tu; July Ist, respect for him and symiiath� with the notes of the VCuckoo" 4nd the carolling of. bWi, -arid ali is PQacie % Or(, tubcs in "an irrit4teg conditioN aild the , I
. . Cloet 1 heavy,gray 1110100ron mare -2 bro . 1. . .1 1 I Trustee'Jas. F. Thomson, as chair- . . I
, 6 ; . about.9 weeks old od- sows to I
. . � . . ,�eao old;, I heavy bay mare, 0 ' ding flowers.. . again. , . � N'� I. " . I 19tig-or it is -1119%yed to st'.ck th&. .
. � ired: 1 farrow May 15 ana June 8-," I Writ- the family 1W sell .-k" (Disho ) ... � ........... urs. A. J. McKay map of a committee appointed I to . I . . I
I I . I j1e*X0 014, that can I�o.reglst g pigs- SWIR.-MrS , F, C. , S. ,Smith, . "Lot Here thq Gentle Lai � malm a report on the teaching .of bar,; more' ser n becomtF, for . .
bay drIvft More sired. by Bel JIM:- shire sow, With litter of youn Mooday,:.94rch 260, . I � Flute Obligato, �r. H. Blackstone : , . ' . ticulture,and agriculture in the Gode.. .ipqs the int, neo I
I * � If the ,cough b&:omes setiled on. ,tim - .
I. jot; 11heavy lilly twooyearoold, -41red 70 hens- and pallets Legborns, � 'whose death on. . wpki).....Miss Edna M , .rich p4blic.s.chogla, made a. very full . .. I � � , I I I
� ducks iwd drake: I kas4ey Harris was noted in. our issue of lost, week, - Violin Solo,. '!Legondel' (H. Wlefila, I cFarlario 11 I . �
� . . by Sir John; I heavy bay inaro 8 � native of, Cornwall, `EnglanO . I I p , oaks) .................... Xr. B. Cutt roport showing. thatthe expense of � lung$, consumption ranY easuo. . I I .
. 6 Qheat� biader; I Intornaiional mowers near was a - "The Bond to Mandalay" (S � WO,Lkio)V of'Ro ie Cay th#,%Tlll.T0:. I I
. yeitetw, 4 gemiral. parp"* ihoi iias born 65 Years ago, bu? . . I . .
nut hq*$6, $ yt#rpgt olld,-, I ifehoral put. ly new; 1, scuffier, good, as Am I where -t . pril E $to Y"- . . ..., �'. ". j (t't * " �. # . . . . ". zol t0cher such instruction would. be. borne by I I .
. c .c . I I . . the Gov;ernment He was thanked iievi3_. stubborn. cough00029�0 t.4t
. I : . .. . . . I h I
,, V - maie, 4 y4ariVal I Avan walking *plow; had lived in Canada since 19150when "A .. . . I 1.
. I 2wfurrow: plow , . . . . . .Miss 11 I a _ I In . � .
"' � - ' , . for his full report and the mattor'w4s
', ,
. � � os� *orrv) V,x it ,)isy rak,,o. I set she came to live with her daugMer; . . I I I .
. . [a hOlies, 0 years old-, I I MuNse0fit; .P � . I . 1. I I ., " V� � Nor*k
. . I 1. I � .� I - laid owt, till the next moottug, thlF, , wcIalt let g&-4ike Dr.: rood's�l Y -,
. kftAid ��0*0 4 IWO i _01qW,,41'-*r Mrst.A9, AA HUrlsou", uqr puiband I 1. . .:; . ., .1 � PART IL' in'oi Syr4- - I I � - . . . . ... I I
� I
'! ,��,
I " I rey � . . double harness; 9 A - I . ' . , . i
. wa . VAU$11 (GOUNOD) i .onded,by,Trastee Acheson. .
. :" . � ' I dark drivinc horast 110sg;,1kV4vy I It ` rack, t.16 *h6m,"34 Was maii4ed in 1881, ... . I � � , . . bOing On this motion of Trustee Saim., p
11 II$� 114%*4 eon Wilkes 2,041t� I Mined it% 'England Lwhen . . . . . . d s, see . . �*,Vro, Win. 1\10. 2,1 . I .
� . I . .. I . . I � . . .., .... I . If
I ; - I , el-, 'AY or ,ropow 'and 'who rom . , . , dL last#�%....... I I ,G -
I .. . ,,quiet ,.ar4 reliable for I gravel b6*,, h WOV nd c.,',- . . . maxwdll. U., R.
I %. . I . .1 , I "A . IdUTIA s ' �Bed�64 -,, r; , - --I �H - used
�.. � .. T)ds beast Is tit isin I Daisy � chains .1 washing Machines she came, to Can44*, predeceasid his � 11 Hailf: brighteat, Of �Iays� an � ,Faust I rincipal Stonehousew reported 375 fl�ViT� I
. I . . any one to drive, brok I
� . brown' I I
I As. -and 1. set sleighs,'neek yokes, whiffietretit, wife by three, �years. Mrs.. Smith's "Careless, idle inaidents! (chorus -of maidens) ....... ......... i Choir . pupils eftrollpd,�.10* V_J chbol . N� S. vr tes,, 1. , g I � �
I .
'If _ . ".. :�, Aqiiliu ,,wqi . 1. , .IV nd Dr. . . durbit, I 11 � I
. ,* - , ' ' . I I . . I - - (197 boys '4 .198 giili)�with an ay. - VVoqd Is Norway PInS SYMP , �
1. .1 .. I I . . gtilog 1100, lbs.� sired by - - .rnlime was -Lucy Moy'A sy- ` -110,00liqh. echoes oof , human. gladness". - * ...,.. .. I .... ".. � aust � ,
t A SO . c 0 , � forks, shovels, chains � Maiden .
.1 �. v , 1 � a I It `2 years *MR , : sold as ,proi. mons and she J�q survived 'by a als- , 11 vrage attendance of 87. per- ent.; I the �4 Fili, epiatimie I pust an I eAn- .�
, wk. o, pj1W I Everytbing must 6 , 'orne forth ye iea�er�" (chorus of, reapers) ....... . i_ i_Choir Penny, Batik deposits,' $00.87, nambtr . . . .1 . �. � . . 7 .
- I I
41 , I , : 2.02% DMms,t Dan, 11C I � rdtight'
, . - I � I , - ter, Uri. -E. Trathen, 1n Cambornb, . . ' ' it, too higl4y,. It:b ,
:.1 . .1 OrA , elormi 2106%. These .two prietor is leaving the farm. � Erig., � and ,by it brother, . "Youth is ev,fr. bilithe and gay".(the fair). - - - " - .1 - .....'.. -...Choir of depositors 270�, Mrs. - Redditt sup. , Aot Pralse t . . �
, � I , horsts, TBRUS.411 sums of $10 and un�' Cornwall, I . I -' -p . for 3% stuat relid after being.-�Wftke .
., - . bor$els art b0th veiX * llkel� ' - Af ca � (Soldier'* � I � plied for Miss V. Watpon almost in - 1. . �
, AW, s 6W b4i I ' , � a der, cash- over that amount I Months' Mr. Geo. Syman§,r- in South 1i - IT,ven bravest heart way swell!' . I s FaioweII)...,,;VaIehtIue : Miss HilliatImado,a request " I . , hacking , .
.11, . . - 1. . ... days. . . I I -for ,Wg'ht**wIth a, atsty, dry
� , I I . .M%Al#. be !;pd %Rn�;, 1, black CAAit wbI W. given, On, JUrnigbing 'Besides her daukhier, Mrs, Harrisoni .. ,4g'dains't the powers of'ovi � I' , , - t, I
- I - another daughto Miski � ...... :,.*,. . . -..,. , hidergafteA supp, iea� amorru ing cough 'and sore throat; sod, I Was No . . I
. *od, iiho ho. I I . � I . air foi,ld
. 7'. .. . I"' .40via , 9 Pon approvod;j6int`notqs,�1 A discount of she leaves r "Aqiile this &est��sig b t, 1. _. *. . . L.. .., Cht ., I Ito .$12.55, 'includlng'.` colored 'thalk, - I . I .
sr��.V"" �#*,� � Lillian Smit and three bons, kessrs. � n'we : ear . � .. . ..
ol 446 tofro)k- 4 per -cent, straight. allowed for coth �y, C b I 'air at da ' of the morning� ............... �.:� -, . Choir .bliftt straws, folding pap oam T_ could hiroly speak.1 I . ... . . . .
I '. ,:. V404,�, rsey cow %, , I&I "'Llglitl 08 . �. -I..' . or, mounting � �
" . .�, '" . it ' - . Sydne It ord and Norman, of �wn I ' books, Ve . ' . . �
. h _�, � _ � I - , . . I Lt6'6 The sofis, VAth the elt- ssWeary-I �Vait till she goes by, whom I love.'..... "......._Siebel ., 1wing cards, blank sewing That* is t;nly ORO Xo",v Pine Symp .
. . 'n, tinie ,01 *sle; � I our Am co*, due on cre4itAmount,
� . : � . I io ircohm In, fill); some ,other cow$ 0. 9. YOUNOBLUT,1 T. GUNDRY1. Tarot ins", .Who is fi . . .. I , . I 10 d. Is.' This.was
�.. !Ptlaa of -liar Is were ardso.arid, wor,ste woo I I I I I .
" -s Pro ' "Light as it . - . and that,1s.xiDr. Woodli-IP' Be oure , . .
-1 1. � ,- I . due. -to. Sit0on duiiag .ummer.., prietor. Auctioneer. of . - r". I 1. ...." .... ..... I..... � ......... �. %� ...... I chair granted , ' . . I , , -_
� I � _ .here for the funeral, which .took avp , 'd tue genuine" Price ist and am I
I I . .L Pneptyintio, ,tired b �,36 -neatly I -noon of ,"High, born and lovely maid, let Me attend yo 1:. I ........... 'Ximt , , Prinef e lu :saa pt
()LEARINO AUCTION lace on Wednesday aftex . 6 't .
I I I . . .. pal SliaTan
., � SALP, OF inrolle nt� rep nd� t - a, bot0e� rut up . . .
I 'Fast � week. -, S, . I � I a � � ' 1. Q�iy uy The T.. mit. I - . . .
: . I . now, n real hitch-upt I open 43161110A orvice wag held in' ' - "No,,my Lord, I do not need ari'arin to help, roe on my way".,. ,Mar. -pupils, A d, . ve ce atte
. I . . . - POT40 real gOO? a , * I I 0 , petZ - Win Oo.. LImIW Toronto, Ofit, 1. I . I
I I rab'ber-tlreii buggy; . PARM STOCK 'nd IMPL& 'CIO churth by -the rector, "Light as- air".-.�..-,� ............ �'. � E -l'. . 1---.- . ..Choir , %c�e , 0.7 33 nk de .
I � .� . . . t. Orge!8 I , per ce � o . I .
I I _ I Mbbim-tiftd-to bUM-eff,_"e0%'1.LV,X4'Wvt UENT& �.. .� and -lidaver-i "Gontle flowers. in the dew, 0 plead for,me". ..,. o. ". i .! . . � . �. - . I . - . .
" , .
. I . . . . . . . I new, I set-, it one. .. ,, �� I ;V, the . - I _�_!,. . Siebel ' __ . - � - _ . Is , " __1 - . - � ___ -
, - I cutter, 00 . J. *J1 _AcEwen, T. R. .
Ar. Hard)r poll
I . I - liorse 31 't * I girl's . MRS. L Wbt. ,QAREY . I ere Messrs I I it Hum Thou, dwelling pure and lowly I., .......... ,.. . -Faust . . - � �-- � o I . I - ___ I -1 __. - -11, I .. I I . . .
I . e4lbs, good 4;1 newt , . I Wallis - Luxton. and -.Cras% 'A . . I .. I .
.�� . � , , Hugh . . I . . .11
. I .� C16 nearly new; I cool, all 4t"O, will sill by public auction at Lot'17, Murray, . , . . � � . 110 HeaveilL what'brifflaut gems" (Jewel, soft) ..... 14 ... Alitrg4rita '. .. .
,. - - .. �, Sz* .1. I
I . . . I �z . I � .
I I . . � � . M-11rder; .1 0oze", purebred Who"' LAker Road, W. *CollioriAd, on L Margarita and Faust - . . t�_ �_�, 0, I 1
. . ; 4 jig*vy double har* I 19URSO REID.-A .10vin "Tho,hour is late" -(duet� ..................... . , I # -S . .
0 : I � . pullet$; � 2 set, , - g mother, a kind . . . - . �. I I
, AY, APRIL i2th neighbors A very Soldiers' vitorlas (return of Valentine) .......... I ...... . . I I .
I I . I*"; some single ,drl*#Iw .sets, 4180 . . and helpful . active , . � � I . . I
� . .1 . I woman, one who was always the 11te .
I two sets of 14* t -double drivlr4g liar- commencing sit I 61clook . a I harp,. the - "Augielft'puroj'Angiils so bright", ...Xar.1 Vaust,.Xej�hls., and Choir , .� . ... "Z:,-,�_ . . . I . I I
, , , . . 1w3s; X hevx Tudhopo WaggQn, neAr- .following : . I . of the home# has gone to her. reward :flkfar; . I -come"........ I -# ........ ... I 1. . 0..-- Faust I I I - � Z---, - �... . , ,. I
e*)5 .t - . ly no*! I 3-;hor$e fteavy LW �,gaag, 2 . Hors". 4 matched' team geldings, in ,the person, of Ain. Roli4rt'Rkid _Atrita. �.. . . I -�-��, �� - � , ..
. 'Go! Atou'Allest -me with horror Xit,ft � , I �'. ,k
... � . _" -.4. ... � � 4 ............... 31drgA ps.
" .. . . . . TERMS."Alt $11M OX 411? and. un- 6 and 4 years old; I matched pait, formerly Mary Davison, who plissa I - I . . � . . . - , I . 11 �1� . . . I
..' . black .Percherous rising 1, and. 2 1 n Tues.s Mar. 27th, in her . "Condemned' ......... i.v.t..0 ............ *-f-. Mophistopholes - � k_,,_� .
- .. . dtVs.cash; over that wount twelve * Awa .0 - some , � . I I 1_.�,_ `� � I . �'.
. ' , months,0 ciedi yearu.1 aged working Marc. year, After An Illness' Or I ,,No; siiia" ....- ......... ....,..:....,.CoIestiAI Choir - I
J � . ,,, t will be given on fttn- - jzuT ....... ' ... -I'%,- N` " % � I'll, I . �
,:� o � -�-]L WV three -weeks, The deceased W -�. �.... i - - �_R�il - N
. I , laiwing aporov0d joint Uqtes. A dis. Cattlee r 5 years old) ' due ' as born I � "Halle-lujab. Chorus" (Handel's I'Messia�").... ,.,.�.. xhoir " . � 'Ir . 9 - �
�! .1 I �, . . cotint of 4 per cept� alloweil for eashi April 19th; I ;cow G. Years, due ROY on Glenn's aill line,, West.wavanosho . � - �.. - - . . . . I . .. I . . � �. ;�`_�, W . � I ... . 1. I
�: . i , .. I . rith" I cow 7 years old, dUe April rt of. her 11fe wasi . . - � , . -1 _
varts" and 2 good cattle dogs. . and the greater � I I.. . ' ' *' I . :� , - - ..
. . . � . * , : -_ *Z- - . I
L.11 , , I . Some OtW gytieles too-jimnorous 28th; I OOW- 9 yetrs$ due June 018t; spent IW Ashuelraild West-WAVa- � MT � .� . I tL,m� . �__I_i 11 �
)I , I . - � I . �, 1 heiter, due 5ept. Ist; I tow, fresh4 nollb, Mr. Reld farmed for 41 yearm I I I I . �A � � . . I I . - - . I
a , � 10-m"Mon. . . .. . I —_ . .1 - .
. , ' I end con- , . I I . - - . i ., I
- . )sopher, has grbwn woat� of fraftless. . in- . �
# i I T. X DURNLV;- T. OXINDRY .eiied in Jsinusi`ys 1 ", freshened In ' In Ashfieldo latot an'the sec Faustj an aged Phil( I � I
- I * Dftt �
f I , . Propriotol*4 . � . afttlb;Wer. mber; I steers, rising 2 Years* a ce�ssiou of West. w4wAftoalks and a a. . . . Izt.-T .
_-T, nelf,eno rbb* 2 Years,, IL esilf, rising - I quirk, into the mystery of notate and lt6 Creator., He has just a . . . . . . .
I .1 . .�__;� . I coup of Ors ago idr. and Mrs. -he both it as his Ust � . . I .
. 11 . SALE OF FARSI I' art 2 calves, 3 indriths old. t# ,to,toft aAd had since sod a night in studys And as thorning, breaks . .� I - , . . .
, . . . I -A UCTION -1 ENTS. '06, , I R45i - nio' b - 11 earth. goblet, to his lips tbb I --- ... . .1 . . .. .. I - .414! . I...
, I � - - STOCK lifid Imrv�m . %?"to -pi - sow b livit - NeAO -St' She. is -o As -he N about'to place the fatal. I . � .
" - . . -4 1 94 a alonths old; 1 [oats in at. the window. . " opt, ;
, - .ton ft� 01ft it tolls R
1, - � . dulhaay 14. 1, sister, Mrs. Wilson, at . gong of-Ij, company of maidens: fl .. . Z _�� 11 ,��,
� . _ . . 11 'M I &-�� zz�_-, . .
y, - � . I . . . I .-"� Impleawntse-4 Deering Mader, 6 survived by � ad by two brothirS, the beauty of nature aft& of love; again be lifts. the goblet but, only 1. I . I 11 - 2 . - - .
I MIL WM. ELL � � Moose J%W, &I I . . . -"--, �ks� ,� �-,-,.Z. - Z.��,-,z I . � . . I
- � rt _q4%PB1 � B66 0 pause, again to listen to the Hong of a company of te praising . I . 1. . - _. � I "
- I footo lie& liew," I Pro" & W004 Joseph and David. in the West I I I � . . " 1��, I
1. . will; sell, by public Auction At lot 14, - sissey Harris bay loader; a a large ad. The sound MpRat would I 11 tm �z � �,_. .
. "A gairh* philosol?,htr. >� ', -
mower, I A . � , - .
I tono 3, .1vest w4wanoeho 411 sides her hustand she leave 5 t e Spirit of Evil. Satan b ricains . zolte . I � �_ - , , ",
. , , I Magner Harris side deliverLrsko; family as follows, Mrs.. Whitmore )r0yer avail, him? He summon .1 . s,
� � , . AT%1116 URI% I MeCornilektake, 10 ft,; I _- Mis. Owans 'or his soul and as aujinducement shows him in a vision the good�and . � . ,W ',-N, 1. t '.
� '' � � TUMWAYt NRL"y Beiia) . Goderieb garita, whereupon Faust sells his soul, and Satan'. ihegroovo. I N� I L I � � I .
1. 1,�, . I I cordinenclot. at I o'tlock sharp Harris teed dtills I Massey Harris .11 -, ovely maiden Marl � . .&#, t"Ak"A2 , , . L �_ . I
11_4`!, - -
, Joan), of Detroit; rs, Pesha (Es .
L I � V - - .
1. I gersm�l heavy mare 8 years old; tultIvAtor; I Deeiiii a -young and handsome man of the world -and I . - 1.�..",:,_ zz_�
�'. 11
V ) , . . L 4c disc harrow; .1 ther)# at Lietrolt; John and Harvoy, ransforms; him into . . � . th#_�Wrftct I � . I " ,.. 1��'_'�, 11 . L I
I � ( , . I 1wavy barse, 7 years old; I drIVIA9 steel roller; I set DIAMO1%4tO0th bat" .West Wowanosh; Mary, of Detroit- promises him the love of Margarita- - - . , .. - � - . . . .
I , ' 1 4 years olds trs FAA%fr r6w; 1 21- Floury *&1k1tW plow- I .and Ella and Nabels at tjoine; and Satan at once leads Faust to ajair it, a.taediaeviii town. Stu-, . I fkoor - I . " I . .
� � -_ .
. . . . Wrilriving mare W-0, 4010', Ftost & Wood seuMer; I do4le, Samuel, at LucknoW. TWO 6011$i dents are theret old,bur . . � I . .
- , sme on . - gheiri, majdar and. matrons, all join in -the . � I . . I I � . ... I -
. .
� I . . CjittiW�-j ntgistera . Shorthorn walking, plow; IL root pulper.l. I Ad- RobtVt James and Thomas are do4 .. -merriot of *usical bulibubs. - � I . . I . . 4 . . , . � . . . . I , : -
' I . *MIS I wagool. I truck wagon; I gravel . - I . I I .1 I � 1� 11�1 ),i
I . . I %Us 10 month.s 91d; I irtsh Cow,-$ took Plate -to go io -the Wars, coming . t , � I , , , , �
,/ � I . . I cow 1 4 .$vs. old, due to box, new,-, I wagon box; .1 ha te&s0#., The funeral , Valoutine, a.,soldier, about nds his sis , 1: Ia. _Ak " I -
" I ears old-, I _y rock; Thursday. afterild0h; to Maitland torat -"ire ,of Siebel, a gentle. youth, VhO,14V*&-_her.- �� .__,� - - - --.-..--.- __ . ____
I . . 11ftsheo April 30th, I cow, !_=,iv; I I stoele.-riiek; I pUtter,' I fany4fig M111; etery and the service$ were Conduct- ' - ter'-Ustgaritit.' to'the kue.tellii; and - -, _ - --I- - = � I . � I . .
. helf;`rs, 0 also: is it the fair in"quers . ding as a fottv -36 .. � .. .
0, , .. I fresh to,**, 3 'I-lears old; I I -setbob-sleighs; I Primrose crearn ed 1W Rev.' BIT. Dowey"'pastor,of the 1p Satan, I ints that the men-suppect his true 11 , . . I . I
at"r, 2 years old; 2 year Ing helftrs; separAtor, inearly now; I Daisy - pall -bearers erforms such supernatural At% . � - I 100hh- . .
, .
I ,.. 4 calve . . 1� thorn; 2 Happy Thou , I Baptist ihuroh� Thc � ebatacter and turn the cruciform'hilti of their 3wOTds toward.hims . .
L��'- - ght ranges' were Messrs. Robert Webster, of .1 . . I
. I I'll * , Oxf4rd abeep and. 2 set brass Mounted double harness, I to his Intense distomfort. . .
� SWM� Stanley" Jae. Reid, of Luckbo*,. and . I I " ..
. I . I small Itoblasoo and ,W*. VoOdYi � I .
.. . . IA16300- " I . near) now- Iset TIOW bArtiems, of ft ' � With the return of'the women folk the Merriment is r L esumed. .
. ", I Fixa.-I York broad tow, dile 007 4usitrity Oi bay; geese, 3 duam, ao Heleiii. , a I Margarita. cromes the Market place.' . . I . I . I.. I L - I � . L
of sale. . I hens: 6ther articles too numerous to . .1 , � , ... .
, I . . ftwl.-50' Barred Rock liths, I mentioli. 1.� I . I . (;ItAHA1%L_A sudden death took , - Faust otters her his griji, , She declines his oscorL Satan is a � I I . . . .,. .
i I Icaing turkeys 3 9086 and I Itauder. URMS.-All sums of' $10 and un. plikee in Goderich on Monday, March 'bit graused tit Paust's, first attempt at wooing, and undertakes to .' I ", , L L . .
. bir*ry der* eaph; -tiver that amount. . I
� L IftikWAINtS.-I McCormick 24th, IA, the passing of Martha Shel. point the way for hinu He loads him into the beautiful garden Sur- . . .
l � __ . 01 � I I '. - N_
. � a ft cut, new; I McCormick mowelr* Months' � ,crodit on approvW J01111dItt ton, widow of the ,late Mr. George v.ounding thevottage where Margarita d*ells. . . . . .
� , I � . 5 fL cut now; I Massey Itarris 'hoe n6tes, or a digootint of 4 per cent. GratiMm., in her list year, at her I � � ..
hoine oftLV48t Street
" I � , itasi5ey Itatris take; I'Mas, straight allowc',d for cash on credit � The deceased Slebel is there choosing a nosegay for Margaifts, the waiden of . ' .1 I I
I �! &IM I 1 � . ilia beart, having first dipped his fingers in holy water to protect the tongue MAO grgovo fu4sh -of I
I e , . . Iney itar;lseultivator" I , Massey Rat- amounts, , was born in Nitiloss, township arid is rse which Satan had pronott-heed against them while I L I ..,
" , . . .r,*, I stuffier,* I w*11king MRS. 1VM.%CARP,Y, T. GUNDRY, white child born them from tbecui . I S"W" - K"t Boaver Braiftil 11milwood.
�L � rii rolle said to be the first Masquerading as a fortune-teller at the fair. I Low at
� . L J�100911*, I at Of h0in-OWS, 3 Wtitin% PrOptletVOSS. Auctioneer. In that township. She was Married . F1004 Ex"Oh* 4* -arcufraty Of tb* I
I . I aet of barrows,,* s0tiotiM, I Adkits .. I __�_ twice, first to Mr. Robert Procter# of Paust Is lost in adinfration at. sight of such loveliness, but iq �L-� - I . A
I . . wosgont I wsggon box-, I gravel box; (ILVARING AUCTION SAVE Of Luc'know, who died twentY Years age drawn *aide by Satan, who gives him. warning of the approach 'of pedled imt-oldlig of,ev"T, *1114- I . �
I %pting, L
. On L s,
I " tbo J n a J ,
I .. . f wagg a u ry ust post� Some time of Jewel$ beside ibe bouquet of flowers tim ,C fts-0111re .4, A" -JL.. V"_ L tWNSS
,_fgf _ _� . *
� � rain; I hay fork, car, ropt T. ri . . I I #L.t 00h" . I . .
'1% - , MI* t% I - Aftils
i and put- MOTOR CYCLE, BUILDING LO after she was married to Mr. Gra. left by SietV places a casket - iawliriikli�
� k*ya; I rjWr tired buggy. new* I ETC, . I died mix ytars age. She Margailta',,finds the Jewel$. i I . . . I*W'Fh* . M*$ L if. Y,M,.bak . . I .
4, . , ,am , . 4W lay 0"Vot a I .
MelAughlin cutter, now; I cuRinst . __ h.4.sIINTin Godericli the past twen- . rauSt Jkppe&rA Land this titfte,' woos the maiden witu successful . you V _ _ I I .
� i . box; I ertafil at rater Wly),, I MR. FRED L' ty Years. Thel* art no childres but t1rdor, . . hw"k Uwftorl 484 saws, Ai4 When, caftasian - d
I 11 i C. h - Gould. FAASER . ,%q set forth in a most exquisite and tender duet "The Hour 9 ,
� . *&"I* e , 0, she i* s�rvl�ed by thr" brothefs and 1, . . ..
� v � ,� I L Sha F AV K"'It"; I Xcular s4w will stil by publie auction athis te. three sistors -as follows- Mr. John is 1,4101 - - . � I I I � . , . .
It sidence, Staftloy street, Goderieb, on ,�, . -
�41, 10arldrel P4. I Vinery whe"01 .... eltOlk, Of 16PIN, Dr. George Shel- Valentitte,,her brother, Tot=5 from'the warm. I I . I . .
� �1� ',.� , # el WEDNESDAY, APRIL ifttl " . i , I . . �
I K�ftd;, I gurpror for ".u1sr ,mawt ton. of Detroit; I r. Harry Shelton, lie finds that flauAt ban made love to his sisterbut his not been . . I
.1 gs; 1 r-oramoneing at 1.30 WOO& Sharp, the of votroit.. Mrs. Alex. P. true to her. For this ,orong VA . I � .
.1 I I Chatham it oss, of Luek. lentine has s bitter quarrel with , '
il i f1jo . I I
'I. , 4 . "I elium; I *)%�61. 10110*46C articles.- now; Mrs. T. It. TftIftV*a, of Luck- . Faust. Thbi 4tiarrel IS OnO Of & host Of trO01es the result of Mar- : 99 � � .
" � washing machs a vorayer; 0.5 grain Dining 1-0001 ehair$, WWj tOOM now, and Mrs. L McDonald, of Ann - . , , � I � .
� I bamw; I Ito r - I garitals: wront-dolog.' :
, I CtIft("r "JQ* "' L
I I 11 . 1, �gr&'Of -A - side board and table, 111WO RCIW4 Atb6v, Mich. Mrs. Ross *49 'hetc We eventualtv And her in prison seeking forgiveness for bar I ,2 . . I I
I not of ,00g1t,,t I rmt of t6,wn b -- q- t0leso 6 kitebeft 0114i", ftwh, parlor for the ftneral ,service at the house, se"r- .1 ! tlealsird.oft apkit"fian L . .
, -
e"', I #Ot.of fI'A'._+, Imim-m- (10"""V tX111% kitehen range SM Steve 01)tfts on Tuesday evorift, 27th ult� and sing. F&Ugt and jU Xvil Oro, gain entrante to the Prilon M k*111%. L PrIkes and s3l V" I
�, ,of Ms"o1d5. faA4. shm--I%, Owltt�; Radiant 1101116 beater (base burner), also the ,follovdng: Itfvs LeAlio Ar. natural weiris end ufte her io Vila *VAY 'With V*Uat Vat Y � to
and numprowl otttr artivIcs. , - not liorsuade, Margarita to do any Jurther vftra. The &VII re"Jils L -1 . .
I I L I Parlor rot, floor covetirms, wbite on mitage, 14adons a nephow; Mrs, T. . hiMself in kiN � real lv"on at Ow cmd n4 bounfts, MwMatir # fi � L . . .
I TERMS -All sonvi of U0 and on. iimel bedstead and spring, Itifthen wo "41vith; -ueknow; MM AV, 1P. arroe I ere Is xalva, 0 . . L. - . �
�� � *r tailh.- over, t"t amount It manlh,i utthsilg, lar&n tooN, dMsea find (�M*fard, lti goul 'Idsimited" but a voite from on b1sh CITIMS tb ra t . IL �
11 & 11
� n Mrs. David Cox) for reptufAnt Matters and eek%tlal,volces L,hant tM FAittrhymn .1' OMB #
-(,n on furnis,hing wsshstn , b004 trik to ; NI a Gr of j .
; tredit -will bo gh . - - reed baby psImers it tiss n sham, L . ft"Ift"
0 I orptnod Soint notv_q, A ,di-ttbunt at rstriage, 2 small table- VlftdO* Npw York; ikrA Miss Letta Gtaliam . I
o . 1 4 twr rent. ttrwiot for cash art cro. blindft, Ware% sealkrs, i4y ,%will . "Christ i$ risen. lie 46d, to $live JV01A All 60- I G NEM Arih I-
11 . � -K. af. Toront& (met relatives Joiftea forevint.11 11 . .
� � Let earth lic aeveiv. IteAvft i3- I .
I, I dk oimoonLa. :Rvoift,tbioa will be 41,,�- motor t-$elej in good runairl. e6ndi- the funerat at Tacknow, and ItipIty, 5 V*Uat to, aeeolorijsh tbe rat . I
I W -040f, 0 flk*M IS V01ted. tion, mid numtrowt other axticlim. t)K) remaing t*iV t*lt#nL to. Kill ft . .
; . _Car. Satan of coume bad hoped to uto Urr4bt4 I
ww. P. c0porX4. #r. ,Gr,*;1%y. Aha 'lot number 107, Wilson St,, dint, on Wedg"days March o�%, of Markai'Itays, soul, �iit Wng toiled in thiso 'antl overcome� he erou� 's t I I . I �
rmi46r. . . Awtiea"r. CIO&Vich- - for interment. Rev. Mr. Moyer, as. I I I
- The Most of tbi% futniture is tse, silted by Rev. Mr. 1pard, conductoi thes into the carth, defeated? I L
,4 p ",101i XAL,g of, i - i Ity ntw arA will be sold virlhout t&, servic.el . . 11 1 _1,4� _ � L , - ?6*0 47. ""
rARM tKA . at the* houie here ID:� I I I � � 1. 1.11 1. -1 � 1.11 --1 I _ ... _-, , I -0 . ui 18
. $WK and IMPLEMEN". as Mr. Fraser is leavint Tat,sdq evening and Rev. Mr. IlAh) ____ - . L I __ , . I
""Yet Won 61,40 Was pt"ent, and Ittv. Mr ����� � I
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I jfn. Q*Zo. ILI. VOTING$= I TERMI&=�-1,01b. . xom%". metwist 0"W 44 xift� , 1 r4 1 . . . L% �
4L V%W.1kWtt0ft 41t, 14tp� P. rutkrm, . T� oul-40141v, I ftMr& W.Ow�trrke at tha grave - � O , I L� Childvoll' OTT , - -' , 1, �, � " .. .. I . � I
I *11* "� =_4 1 talle esgt of, &a. rw*. ,. , � A*"10i0*_ - 00 � *W#"04 was a inem*'r of tb , . rw wava" If - tn' ru"wn &*Niswi i "O", _ lN.- oft- "_ I . I
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