HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-03-22, Page 19� T--lYM-1T11­ ---y- �­ 101 - - ­ S I - ­ 7 � i � I � Z",- . I . .� . -79` 13 11.1 . ---- -," , -q7-- ---w- ­ , - -­ � -- -ir— � - , -w-,w. -74-77 r-, — ""T- 7- F '—-q �—­ T- - - -'T77" ­'Tf -7- --r ­ -­ , Y r"WWW" .. - I . r I . * -141111 1. ! I I . , -"M ­ I - -­ - --- - -­ - -- I - . — 11 ­- , ;" . l - -W, J, , -! � -, - - -... ­ - - ­­ - ­- m! I ,,I I I I --------­­- ­ - ---- ---- — -1 - r�!------ , ,!-.-., .­­ - �� � 1% - . - - - -­ ­. - - -- - '--- — - rAi.r. S . 0 S, , � THURSDAY, ,�IAR*`44, ��k'.)l 11�.­-,, TM 0*89MM STAX ­ � . I - -.0-000. ,� . 11 . - --- . . ----­------­­­--­ .­­­ � - ­ . �. --W~-47! " !., ! , iri!-�= i - M-0- ­ -.�-r!!�!!!,!!�-!!r,!!!!!�::-'�-!E!!.!!!-- - ­­TT=7� - - -- . � I - -- - ­ I -.4 -- ­ , -1 - � ;­­�--- 11 �� �� -.-,- % L i IV" a -.A of I I- I - - . -- - , MID W619EIRE BELO 11 .. -1 I rM , 0- .. .- ­ - � I � NEWS TOM OF WMK %- t., . I � I . � "M 4"ITY'111111 � � � I I My lot 1611, V - � - I ty 0040 "I I ^11111111 -e` r .1 . Important Evwts Which Haw* ' , I , � ­;�. . � � ... I MUM LAXA-LIVER IFILLS I , 1� . . I 0'riw � , xir . . I � 4W . � % - R'.*tAINIL,ikrfllwaoio,*'Qi�lltu - 11 , , Occurred During the Week. I I . I U,Z,15W 11, t It i0a towxt*",�l I ., 11 . # . - 9s ca- vi *? .,nPrA ywa, The 140, WOM** H0W%4MX lilart, 1W . 14- . t� alldwal4'ril IWA"Sc"Illoittorlylun I ^O-- 0 'J.-� L . I � 'l , I ukk,ol 14 #-,16�w tv,rvibly %illll 'i" . i , %low". ,1- -- - � - . Vo�:=,t%�, huT,:an imv is *,*ib, I - :: . I . - Y uq�a %&6 , '�qw ", , .,,R- lk" -4" , folly V00*1" SM pot Iu% � � 1110AINC111M TheTMlit'llsoi , , � " �, W,t W Itad t5 Ihe gwzl!�,o 471wo of r I Imuce, I "JI"A 3114 ail .!l� ... �,, i ,., �. ., , - T " I I % ,7 1 , , , Hot"Y 0*4 Att"C41*0 *"w lot � � 01111o4t U,V-01,01, pull, �*?, � � i4akyof cur laillne"'g. fox. W nz:o towds � it 1, -4�, - �, rcllb ljppqit,�. L UWA %A'" 10"11119, Vtl#1 I - r, 11 . �., - . �. x, t 1�"I,� - - . I - W1, fLa"'t"GrA 111trusal b,v toe littautro of ()Ur � 10 I ­- 7 % .1a 1! " I, ­ ,.,. � C � mk:�Ailv. I willklit"t F&C ',"� , .. -,..=.� I � � . I I Mll 444,011,XT o Fffall" vr3l. brco-;v dex.309- rkw. "I I � Ir, na�,t;e wl;10�113�31101� t , I -W--1. 1. - I I i - ­ �eoll *.Clr".jttJI1"Mx1M*1It, lum's lili.ilo I ­ , -itin. MT.Y. rous . ----4,, . I " I xrr� to ' -,;lr. � w 4 your bowels vioruing geatly Una . irnerr'%'. ally IMIN" 'KIL'" , THM biting boiste J�"­��- � � ', . 1 14 tie, 1�,Z"L - wook-044 blitawa tics7up truttlw i1i I 1vbvJIJPuMo­A1jTJ�:. , ICA)- mardi winds rnewidill- - ,� *aa ­ - a 1,414 . 1. � . ,.I,,,tiit'.t$lW$)Ilult(N(ettltv*tI tot,A. r"%�.- - . . . W144:11 I ilia X W01ti'l 411&4 1110 11"W"t N . - . uvor 019, ami oln'i 110 tr�av with lbv� middle we4U I . comfOrt for Sen1fitiV4 skills- - lk,­�� , - ;.,- � lilreach are al$!l loadIr.F, colto "O L � I Ilia ilk 44Y staill"ll. EXCVv k - - -1 " , alai all oth�r 1wi1A(%4 C4145- 11 ­ ccvcrova , �­ e ,­ � 11 11'a"I'll I "� veal for dellyerS I" Vravec. , rart 10- Uly Wly MKIM4, X *-V" racts *rid lips soon got � ­ I � � I ti e �, `-.�Po, I 1. . 14 4 7b,- I Interualliolml. Cila"Alr 1�! C- " ,,, W .1,111, I I un. - n. C41,;%olo, Rrrirg��,­V. s, --Mom are In #:��'Skvn aj.h=,.�. I vccultA to do ** of - of C�vl,ml- ln.hafed and sort. bsnft and. ­�- " ­- writco.---�41 htivv t,affered fWtomoa I "I , r1knIz.,ised a fiw II01, - 1� orms become red, tough and - --,-- r­- comtrov"Tw in 1'ez,in!"'ure -is tQ ... - 1�,Vfq�r,� I 11 -Ml Jilli-hC412 jnW thol fiv;% ghtly UnIeSS Your Ulkin, h;al the Ctid of ;:31'a-Unk to I ,drale froxna eQ!lstirM!Q*1,-..,A uat gaviva the birthplace of SIZ. 114irza. 11 ,­ bPl*,.'1 fk It t0i0iXIL it stiroull, lite vast I -,by & fvieuki, to try .xabuni '43 lea�twLivvr ,-l. I - -F-t ',I er-wit , li� jrr� Ilk O;t or 41st(ro to IrMQ luntud kciev it healt'hY. SM00th ind ile4ble. E9-,.-)t1W4a IAbQr.-`l,4 -4'3 Zontle-t C.:' - It attli .Nil'it; *4. V�Ivis D44414 on, fit I fill -Q. ,After 1.44-ig a. vial a� them I rlal;qa Aeraim;; W,*iSttv ,0� 4w.;0,".=.1 Mrs. Susan W. Fitwera Ciltiltil tOkttVIDUO'%VIIOI%iIARVUPdU'�'tt ,Zara.But best* no resemblance to tlit old fQtty ,441yes iimo founa wonderful rdk-4 ma %Tould livll Ifteioliers of Ow Massac)MIPM WilklittOM W69 swsm * I t"I , of bV1111U. it IvAs done uw far and I beauty creams.' These lit ustlessly, 01) the ,au�face 11 advi.ce oil IL,v�p ivlio.,,ge constiratca to Prownent avm=s are hoold r4t; ,...,.�-�,.,...,r..--,�.�--------,�, �­,41---`,*­"V"'"� �- 11to -4 Omni ally other 14IIEV." . Ova tterr .1 trllal for X f1cel onto they I bi;--w.4k�., JA Owl at nIJrkjP;-.af rreao�a .%�. It'"NO "�. 11M" �V;41(400 91W.kw� INIf �Elix�,Ilctlx Xing, 11[dita% , , of the skin, but X*M-Buk cOnsist% Of fich T`0fivMkt herb2i 11 il will Oka rcvvi��l tho game bmefit 1. Waxer. �Mflkw,14 SrfW4 ihitf�i`sjuvem- "' 10 1� , I 1541 a 'tit to4q. -�-M I , eXtrActs, that 'Are quickly absorbied bY the FOM. Thus I . , lot ohly"$20,00, . � 'aid, s I To -onto c4ourpc�l pcmca 1;2ot�ou 'went's tows of *'tritaquil" ituies. 1-r;Ivevqty of Nlariitobv� be­�, zom-sukextrt$44itQi4tbitig,pUrifyingf_'Lo,Lver onallthetiesue. . 11 _ Price 25�-- a vial at' all dealers Or 94vaus ds,vlls,l� SaNing 'Witoout a 0"JUllstle'system it 14rigigued Ju KL'oviwaer, ^4 to 3, in jlrst of C.;I;.. ild by Jas, A. Campl*11 swtness. irrhattoa *rld Inflammaki'M fly reieve goaln.VUL" Itattleubf . � I , , 1-1 I . , iee, oad i - I114iI.Cd dirCet on ieecipt of price br di g voM . BrItimb. Commons by Socillstle leader. I 04-R. Junior Anal$. . -7. - , ---"-,,- -�­­­­­­­­04 1 rototolvits tho polsonoaggerms *ud port-cleggivI; ImpuTit. a a ". The lit, WbUrA Co-, UMJIW� TOTOUtO, 'I ' Mttk�U 01�44, 4'R X040PO4ruia j5 surtilux of 01,08 is .reported at , Ittige solsilre or 1werr midt- ., t I I I. sootbins, powerful temidy for tezems. letter, �nit rz'eum, PIDIrt", I ,Z,�, i,Z- annual weeting of jt(waf Nvilitv: o,qf�.'�'. if' C. C , *At. � ti; ]Qxiv, &t:Qa�6 ;*-.1ab (i 0 f k'�!. I 1, . %%,ludsor bedeved to Qlac.'11.161* � .t. WINS TOWK LEAUE bjqtchts, iiill anol alhor similar skin trouKot. I f am oV=r,4Jhlf ,l flair. �. ,W)AS of big ring. . . 1-l, - - ; I I .1 1. I . , - 00 . . Tosmato Xft�tlwrhood Wori0m* bryzoo4n. mercUkuts'of ;province, , lewtinufli from, powl*�Q . Zem-84 Mahl 1W $1111111i M A t"Oth- I 0.8.6.. - - -6.".9-8., . BulMni;Art Toronto lit OAVQOX�ix. ­,­­ ­­­­­­- �-­­� 'lei.k,,.,,�"%Vllt%nlilvbc.ud%14f-ktola&ro,tgb I I olblauss PlItus lo� Aux4r.er canx,via-.1u.. are holdint *anuxt �Q0xlv('RAiOA,. at oqt7iiis 4u per.sent. Of total UMO � . l, Miss ROSANVallaeo. Momie, W Wr, . I M I n wrannu riftol;-is igalhl�j� SMA thilf1w"l- TtIroxxto. ­ I . I A# 1­11taing in WhAle at ,C,i ad avonild the nots and rovit am.114 ivery night alla my nV W Marc 0-1 &Ore hu ilit snriail virlds. It last oxmliftl Z 'M fQ I 1W 4u & I � win, & :B4&a. vionc,cr manuf4otur- Mulug at cite and. two - day old 1�.Istjaiuto�� irx"04%.Ills for tit(, '11-1 - deadly With the Shooting lroixs� It 11 was soon all litalvd, finit wid 00th. ZOA1.14 ok is bV fiii the 1)0..qt twel I lz;x%* G . . NOSTRILSAMOHEAD I ,r. aj .w4a&wk. .,,- 'Q� calves Its alleged following 'ralol ;tt pawr'Hydro-electria undertali . 6"Pl- the first ten minutes had found R. 0. V it"d. Itisequallygm4forpI 111psandforhe irgo�IW*Weso .. I ...... ,,- , . , ms�'n avu at, 't . I I ­ .. .. .. 1-111 ­ . � I . r0aw lit bii Oth .Jear. . Ingersoll, I Jfct of Inquiry Ware th 0 1, ov.,. off calqr�-a different story might . .. .... . . I . Says CmrA Applied In 1q4iril-s I . UAURd ftiLteg to jecure, relmburs��-� Graultels'at Toronto defeat Uni'mr- 06ratilission. I ­ now hkvo! to be told, but he was On . � 11 � - fWlifts Head-Coilds,st: Onec. I menz for exx-pwotlture " Uhlue It SKY Of $,askatcliewau In firat -at Akla� Ry .,%jtnep,s tells . r '� ;-- 16 , b and saved t1illi day, � I I ­... � � . e .. rl * ter- the , . , �. 0 � I I .. � Inks U. - 1111"M . . I L L Mar .1 . . ' I - - - .11-114-1 - . 1. -, -- .- ,— ,. . I . W - L-1 I ­ ­� I ­ -11 — - , " . " . L � j,l . ...'! ­ , , : ­­­ ., - ­ . I 4*144#16111144o I - � turcs. 1"10 - - r I on .1 31144 oruln, - lk 44 V - , � d , . ­ .1 � 11 . ­ � .11. 1. . . I I I 1. ­­­­'j,�;"'P. . 64." '--'*'*'I%WOWI&X-JAUD.M]rot$".'"' '­' %;Illsk aawui,�L� �­ - - ,tell -14 �Tkt -AT " - �Monday , he Ate- - 0 P I , - "", t %%I" Indim vagrtlea chavited with Provincial ,QrAnd,CIIa1#te,,, of Black elitlitrou before tile X 0 or their lleilr-, didn't find the fans debatill %, . . . . ..... I ­­ -- - � . .. , I I , 4 A .... . . It :your nostrils .ire cloggol apti'viair - - .0t r r I Meftua�SW -del gion. orliscussint; I -stuffed­an(l y6u Malt' br, � �-Mt , at, L JUee- J^ke, 'ClaJIft Rulghts 4aste it ,Ontario Is Illeeta lo5u, rfa:009. - .1 . �i, -.1 .1. .. ' I'll .... �., I � "' 1%1*1 lleae, is, nvthor 0. A- - folliziC , � � L I o to retain A11311. the latc,st rev f a I 'AMM111mm-.1 _­ ­ ­ I'm W6101110M I ­ ­ -.� . . ect to 14011, SITid game 149 At PIct9u. Gtaultes ot T a lorts from the. vorite. � , . . . freely becauseof a cold or catarrii, just -they aro Ant *;tbJ . . , Qxiestloin of poWers at* Canadian (,,li-o, Qmblc!pat 411i topic "Ma I . get a small bottle of Ely's -alm law& I � I I . � , I at (34at'l.4lak uovlae,x training 'Camps -No. the M; L 11 . -�reol P -zeept B? CO- provine" in Insur4ute wattors, on 4p. . defloutlag UniNcill of the day was - "Who will wilt" to- I I . . Wany drug store. A?pl�, a'4.1Lo at All Provinces, -C ltj*b I A"Imuipionship, . the .tjanoa L . . �. . . . . 41ols fragmt, I ontise Me ereaw ilita. 1hraliJit, to Ito re4imlPtAW at �Motfxlg peal to Privy Council, ,. . stly of k8a5k C au,L.4 to 1, ana, win- night the Juniors or . . 1, . � . 11 11 11 I I � I - - lot it Lord. Str4thavey, In Lo,.,ols. asks " 4 040's Ant( When' cftht O"VIOck I - I ' . L I " . . . I . .- I I i1eill'trata of Canadian counea of Agrioultilre 011g; roult . 11 to *-� . although 11, - - I . "I ... ---L", - , i . I . I I that Dominions �ha,Ve r0premental Ives 11 I I I . . once moro Came round. I ill Ill Ill 11111111o'o L ' . I � L.. !!!L � tr­­4 ,! t�M!n! . . . I I 1. lhtoitgli� every air Pjafiogol Loy yotyr ImA In Toronto. . Cabinet meetings. � - 84111rao-ty. .. . 7T--! -17 ­­­­­ ­ L, - .1� It Iq expected,g month will elapse at British . ninety'ver cent Wero pUffing or t o vzoothl�g RU4 healing tile inflartled, slVoll, . � JIVI�' 411i L left, Mucolls membrane, aiiii 1?u. get la, ,before Canadian Involitara, will �h -X. 14. MaeBridew .M.PX., charxes Fr' -L i4til". X'441laill' lit dI,t;cU:F-4','3 kidsp the crowd Was Ou SL - Ifty ture goal,. AS. lie was 0131Y text f(',Qt Out ixot give F,�idlels*lsets any zha I' ave . AS gh they ce�f,,tird' triell hard . � - , Ic -ulog roturn Dirpri A-4ministratio-ii 'N7101 a - poltq tar or. motors. . . baRs, 6ricarnifig who was . tile whOn he sbot, but IieverthellcSS he althooll L * , . I istoilt, rollef. , ­ . ;­ 1. .� -1 oiaft4itz�� jofor%p4l,� ,n xesw , oured Ac qQ� tO6 I yqal: . . " ,, , -- of 'de'struction dirocted mulxielpajo, � t veviolent de�;Iths veearrell, Ill lfcv- -vietarl, Murney once More aildle millsed -the- net, bV ,two feet. Two Father Time- P �, I . , - how gQOdL � It feels. , nw, 41`01* 01�Vdt#jprIoes' I . L Nat . .. .. I . I -tK(- � -by7 'ah fast- god- the L� - bectaku, - - ­ -_1 I I , Ah I L'.*e . L , I d When hte &O' 04 � ten-rallauti sessions ed tmnou Club I � �, , L ". .1 11�11s:. are, o�on,'!3,axii bW is ,Uxr,.'xxoL "I' UllooL uxiearij% 'during method of ly.:own,ed, Hydro. . uto on v4day. the bell an it" S L - , , -k - . I I � L . I akO puck and ,, untain Still it Stood 4.3. VI SNOOS'Of anoth champion, of the Goderien � Tolvil, - bag Piano are bloing developed for It Two car f6rtlea vollido lit 74 between AlurpU . �. I ��� � ra,00, littwkil3g, saulobig, blq*iag, no ruzzirunners, wiiereb,y , w1hiskey hoLget I . . flotkty League for 1112%, . L � *ore 4e4dualle, drytiess air struggling b4*xi saippod to To rx , by carload ,regular freight and passenger air SO Oriftrio during gol,.,. . I � . . the most excit 119 game of the game wore in ordo6r and rasb . stat . I . � for breith. Ely's Cron% Balm is just lol.3 und unloaded into bootlegger*' vice between Detroit and Otkaw;At It , Aergeant L . MurphY wlns Oralid � Series in inotio'D. i, Monts as to, its quteo"W Vero frep.1y IF, l� -ft".1wo-o" . I � I , I ( 'wbat sufferors from be#A colds and ca- '. Ir Toronto an base at ape Xz,tjow 14A plecll-,Igo I . trice -from thO first b011'it Was ,passed but those entOrprising (1011- IM"blvoi.twilk'nstialin's I . L . 4xotor c4r* on, L, - R. a4dings. rations. . al , to( ., In a , , , te, Me- 0MVA*V4V0-WPW0o`0"ho`L I I I . . rIgur4* presented in -the Logill&-- , A ae 0 a oil th;xt,two evenly matched oggre- caters did not count on 'Whi I rz V I � . I 4 It .,31064. IVA 'A deliatil , . . Liquor sbilip(ld JotA­V01! P 'b3l FrenOx tra,)II4 ;,kad. 10�hr wi r e. 'had b( 1400 lit 10 i WWI -12! W 1� . � I . XT . I . . . . . ,load lots and t0ned OtVeri a boot- � . !en dropped OtOr thel Arthur, who had been figurilM W4 around . atoi*Now OMTWk tWIFIM1. . . 1, ."are zxtowod that provincial grants atilt aispl;iy bostility. - ations *&YV*or4oIo*.0k"0vVY�X1rZi ---, . a I - .. I L 1. — Cat - L . C 0 3uniors Wing slightly the right boards all night. Neither 1113 . . . I I L to ;942AA W. ;;6ft , z,niools and. colleges had gi,eatly in- loggers frouk G.1r. R, c4rs, 'police sar, old jjoy$ of 1)arfcrJu.$chQoI, To-- ., Ard-th , IL _ , .. a. otaxilu"K, SPASUIS1. On- - team had the edge Of play ill the thire " , ' . . . I I � I 'L I . I �=NeO In W2 ove: Me two pre�, bears the 'Stamp of Quebec, Cavern- routo,,la(let.at anaaal dinner. thii edge,fqr th, I L I ­ . . . 1 .4, L I ' . . 'Grand ,.11Vtkx� I)rcaL13 up a(LGalt and , I - o(PIA111 -he goal came ul 'I. ­­­ I � I . . ,5;­:!�, years, I I mout liquor vendors. ly to. have WIurp Y and " CO orio. nd t ­ . � . I i right back -in clever style, The ocorl, ; -11 hit0l bre4king away fast ' L .0 40i 11i � go, I � , I gon. G. Howa"il r6gusan ge'veriely' ' J. H. Marceau, Af.P.P,, noverely Joe moves oat Without damage, L 04,440-044040-60ooi L L I Int.0 jug coltivan was entered Into when Arr * It the vubboW � even With thO . ... 1. I I L IfIff"MR 01. . % -,.rl ieizes,sctidn of Gregory Conimis� loritloften mannei In whIch, lie says . Two VshAWa boys, who tell Ire all the way - . .. I . . L I L 4"),t in engag ag e . !thur beat LOT19141 t wasn't Mq a a a bul& the not Vith OL Z914A .�- I . . 11 . .. I .. I , onasel when it has Drury Government has si;tent�xiioney Jee-covered,ereclK, Were rescued. MeAt . , . f I - , L I . .A along denied a4varitage or calla- In tatterxi Ontario. while neglecting - Weston 'HorXickkItural $60041. h-Irs Oft an angle shot and I 11 I A ibot. , % rdinuto to go, did 1"11IN0146 I I . 11 el to ulose brought before, it. the'northery4 country, - - - ille'reas(.4,it . $ luc,ulbership to 1,972, , - minutes later till once more the puoi . Alft , lu I . Was fisboodout of the Johlots" no L . I DRID. MAT ? ... , . I'.., I.L � GOLOS IN SHER J L I - . . I � L Discoveries iminluout of'records oi t and . � � .. WPID.VNISDAY. . . TIR117-MOAT. � *k Id civilization in Censtral Amerleu. it logkod like a �1, 4�. C., victory A!-. - - , , t%vt .1 : . . .11 I '. Allies, labor chiefs denixtill media- Britain scrapS I , - 7 1 warship totalling 0 gain.. . I � . 1. .. ffl?ff 'L $Y T111S ,�JULIP11OR I L I --- chost. Stop lion or Ruhr situation. .�2,000,000 tons, , , . . , Fur buyer ullur Sudbury Is beaten Play was stroll%10118' and marly I , . I ,'Ile I . - - I— -� . . . . I , ",A roVItilld of $7,000 by assMilailts, L 4 4 $,l ! 6-0 - Ease your tigh'4 aching z1k. reghne ;ire held - Com_ players woke sent, to the "clink" for I 11 � .1 - � I . . L . . UOL the Congo "title of typhoid, fever Is - Russians of oia W 'kLS ' . . �? I the paitt.' BreaL _ stiow . hPide L re L .1 � lut(,ruational Chamber ,of I 'Ey . .0ut f)JL the Skin I I . COIL c l) rted from j�oovlxraxxo. . up at Ellis. Inland. . . I . Ing Feel a bAd d IoOs, a up .in just 4, 0 wexce ill Rome favoVs stabiliziLilon. or etty wrong -doings, but the 90MO i evert . , . . I � I , d not Slacken Up, any. bturney was . MUTATED 'L ' Any brealp , � � I L Alin of British toostal,authoriElos . Grand Orange Lodge' of Onlarlo exchange, I . . 9 Aor3t. itching otexemmi, COL. be , " I � short time. . I . in session at rictoll. I . I to aritraq.1' givien, it rough time 'and did **All to SUNNINUDUST � 1�oo= � . . I - to prevent oruelty . a at" L # Slri plying a little I . . Reol Pepper Rub L is the Cold Irent- Is to 'return. to MMY Po$tage, 1 13ill . evereotho by ap . -- I . rinis. quiCkest relitf, It can- Two Toronto residents collapse and Allisa'L toliference on: *Turk peace durLn&o v.-alning ,before British House arbitrate so Well under the a.dvergo 911011V 141 llago XV I 6. OnlcmNx , a. La. aotiA skin SPOIANst ! ',�, . I , !pdy that It . ' lie elated them - L"1080 and "'" 4 �Mpll C, ."ACA"U" sulphur, a ino proper- L , ". . . L it CctUjdIy'SeCMS to' Ldle kudiTeitly, of. heart [allure. L . . proposals Opens In'Loadonl I .. . . � I �.. conditions. CIA 1,441i 1(vo C#Alk I I,, sl Jkgausc of ts gerni destro , . � I not hurt you and I of "Coallilons. I . oat of the rough Work, .and only 11 - -' ' L' .. I L Up against valerit still, urges rebeli I'll Ire- em�­�­.c­— -- Jio$# L this Solilit XjU oil InStotiy I .... . e Congall .. -M,r.'h of, 411 partles'llue . .Sir Helu yr Thornton :aayo ctitting gotamin orie'de �- 2C . , . ­ . .L end the tightness and, drive .th . partiiient of th game ' . u ur , soothes I tiotianA soreness right out 1. Cal J,� 0 L I 4tion'tt'SS60iation- gratit'L L ' land to restaL. Government. : i down of vice -V . vrr A , ,.,.; ... � ,, an; ;; I brin a, sClarriltation. . 11 I . Lon 11 conduct regIdlent of railway �rltbat waij.%gilli; the puck. !Butiih!'�. . .. 1. _gs,ease frol JP $# . L has iiiich toacen s *to Oiit&rIQ College 6C Al -t wl . L . . . . . . I I Nothing trated peoe. United Stat" may take Step I 1. rd heals *the ecrema, right , �4 L' . L when, xiroseClitL, 1)atra, . -save$ $160,009. at the V$ It,, � I I trating hr%it-as red peppers, ana �W .of bootloz=r- :- 51111110er school tit P&t Hope. faced off a ter every offaido "" . I I e I . 0 or Amvr� gl,s. John Caraelsou and. her WO POjntL Whon the second WIL er touched - Wtr eaves the skin c1tir AU41 saw , , � � I . WL'It into. colds, ' . . . L L . ­ L rd Robert Cecil leaves f . adopted childrett are loot L In Are at . -the '. I beat penctfates light do ri A0 Rim PUT dom hkih to rellove , tofaletlt . .... ; I � . .. ! I -­ t .. � I I—- - '.%�-­!= �, ­tf:�! o i4m;.to sp�Akln Toronto April 1.L ". , III'MaLin Centre, Wk. the puck, while the rulng, of the V.11 . 1. I Itisd am *111, , , � I .. 11 I . ,congestion rev I I t ��. L .., � 1. I their home , . .111viff 11 disficurentol . I . � , aching'muscles and so , Governmell. 61epboo -exchange is game calls for a face.ba at the point � .1 I 11 it. safforcr� fr. .1 stiff joitits -.-relief com0, At btict. � t vinkloymettv servica 1 414 get a littI4 J*r of Rowles � I . . I . . " 414, 1 0 - A Cghtral I thii puck was passed from"' 11 . . . . 1, . �,' Y" -) k 'reports shlorlazt-.01 OxIlelleuCed tarin . . IN .. L il good drog- . . -1 -The moment,you, -ilipli, -Red - . L I I -for keepini In whet . . E, , .. tho-SIx1phur from A . : . I . .1 !�P"Vcr I . . L r- ­ -'-- ji— I � I rstablished at. Toronto L ' This ininov mistake did not 'favor .. . I . I . a , . . 11 Rub you e4�ttJ*,tjaj1jrIg,heat­Ia tbx`4*" "��7 :. r. I , ' 08to labor. . . all It. . .. L I touch v;,itu'doctolls In ardor to secure . ` . I . I . , 4 Up; I like a. Cal : 'Crostao 1, I . � , . � . I . minutes ite . coligested spot is, warsix .. . . 111oronto inatz' v1siting Hallifitim either outfit and in the,raind Of Most �� ... . I I ;A, I . . I 11 I.. I � 11 LL ­.. . . . I 1 �4.-' L ' - 1XISEAVICE1879 om drinking L � . , ,prompt -attendap�06 In emergency Dutch's decisions wer0% fall? in evOri � I � I ­ - ­ l�.. .- 11 .. r . 1. .a , ,� . thrbugh and thiough. Men Y04 are' , 1, . I bootleg oases�, . - , . .. I . . . I i I " L :­­­­. - I— -777T ­­;;,,�.. � I 11 .. . . IKXQ*ot SUVjtJ*Y­­­­. liquor. L . I , I , . .. . I �t . . fiering from a vold, rheum;60i" onity . . I 'Chief Co ­ way. . 1. 11 utr -. . ­ -- .. , ��"=== . . , , .11, 11 � . I su ,r. , i . e I me . a. get, boliev . nsi6lesl .Association oP Capt, Eddie's boys then began 6 I I FIG91 a io� 11 ;N -aF.."m � ON! — ­ r I ... .. � -I ',c ,I .,#N. - - Two . - cason - for . , d IL .. .. - . :11 o . W­cgcho�, �Uff'.tlp ,Qu. ,-rc. %kG � -L-v(r-(�cr"h,--�&.0��t;i�.4:'12.20 it -.M. 'ed lost 111L at ire s nt t$llii*e P01160 Com play in their mid -.s Ili. all . I . .. I A -011M. hich.destroyed tile S(A Vloch's lio­ r . %, , . . 4 - ,k-- - � - - - ed, PoppO, I I . not, many, minutes after the 40colld 11 . i ay . .1, '69' , ni, 2.52 p.ni. ,v � mlssl6ners lit -Canada, elected on the . . . � I L 7 . .. . ub, made from red peppers, at .2 ("linton 0 a. QI, Quebcc� � . ING . � el i., LL L - L11 r drugstore. YotiL will have the quickest ,* .Se,%f6r Lf�ll (; . L4.1 &.in, 3.1211),111., j;drd_,r Sanderson Jii dead'.L. He serv- *rouxld the't Lit Vroild` .Iead� to political I)CLAod lutd,beell on the move 11YU111- . , ' . L Wfortereuve' L .r . . and ,,Hopper", collubined. -neittly - , I � .. ll . � my" . 17 , .. �, I . r - . MIR k6own. Alit'hell 7,01 i.xii. 3.42!p.m. ed,&a flie Alabwiia Arbit.ratfoll. Com- , .. cocr 0 I r . . r '' L L �. . r (11 . ­ I Attorney-Gerieral's Blue sky Bill toy a marker, thus tying the scores . . . It, 11 . I . . , I . - . . . ELECTR , , . I I L . ­ I --- I ,s�ratfqia 7.30 &.ixx p.al, mission In 1471. 11 to impose penaltles fox- A aten Robertson Lthc; � . .. . . . I . I 11, , LL 0 . I I. � . Apr, - 4.10 Lr r cry c4aphas at Grtgory Inquiry 'and Ilia III Uison having be . . ... . .. I I " .. LL i . --,--.- - . r 1. L I . I- . '. Kitch tier 9.,.)o fl.nf. 6. ,I) 0 1) 4 M. .111 . I egAl Menom Lfalsitication at entries ba halt" reti8- last ra6tilent 'of ther first Session, "J0C1C.r'JG1JTJNG V. -Z'$ borri ,r r. , - -- :r .... - '. 7-'*-_-;--- � ­­- 11 ­­" ... I L . e L tetweenallairmun and 1, ­ . L& . . 7 _-. :' 7---. L ­ ­­ - ­ I � .. . �� .. . LALr- . I (Fr f0i further discus- This new boy showed r"I class, es0&-r I ; I _ . . � ,h* �--'--540 P;fn- tilaxed to bring out Levu 0. ' .. � ­ I—— -- I I --- ­ � I i We 8, A. 5 0, I. I I r . ­ . I --11 ,slon lit tile House. , . . . ` '611y"When- uI6.axx-th#-Vhtg4-,&n I . -if-IF. ­­­ I I I . . 11 I - '" - -- --- `­ iters are -held ov . , I . :.. 'atu-014 cock'�s-­-­ - WIRING. I .. � - ionic d .41 .. -%...-,-A I— - ,.r. �. L bb Rheumafism ..or , . ". Toronto. I 10.40 &rxil.' 7.10 P.M. Ottawa probers als�-oiiver that I . . . play$g on.1lio wrobK side Mult It Is billy eo earn ngo that . I . I I I . ... . r I . freight I'aws Are fted oil , Pacific I r AXONDAY. though . . . � L . . - , rough consioil6litly for SbZ the fir2t tilan felt 11iiiiat 1A lialitulf: , , rrr LLL i r ' ' I , Rutill 1,lik1­-1,eAvo Toronto 6.50 0,.M,, � ,,t,r broke th . ,v- . . Wit'. I Wil -Ilveinlim ;,i Wirill" of 11 . .0 I L � . . I r � - I - I - (I , , I . '- L , � I Awe . . . . � I .1 . Lutes as well 4is on Atlantic roin"m t Veter the Gr famogs trotter, Is *n'goal. kloo I � . " . Aching Joifits . 1:�,,05 p,ni -'and U.0 Pan 11, ,de4kd .. � . . 11 l'ilp1q. 1.(,Wt JlJrAjVf) N.;Ill Alt i , 1 ,$001 alf�breed Ind lixar,'eleareoi%of mur . tile minutes APO'by it became . . it , .1 . Lf'. , As I I .. � r . . � I . . � _irl ich to Tar- dor ellargt!, irefeased from Atlauta I L. Britain L takes lead' In jdrap�lng al . . 'Now be ling, brotlic-rc, 015ter olir 111A Me . . I I . L . 1. "I . � or C,afa cat, Godert . 410'k and more 4pplarent that A M% 11 estililato for. wiring A � I I o ! . r . I . r .. 1. -­— r. . I onto; an morning train, and Toronto penitentla.--y to inherit allwougaloil 'Ships. .. . as on sald spectators WSAII to laiphevo 14 r � . . . L 11 I I . �, I ' . to Goderich 6.10 p, M, trajil, I . . . r I . I To"Itto L�atls defitat: Birmingham. duel-% tMM to -till to 11blee0,011 alXrtb,01V0I!I . � I . . � . . Rub Pa[PIL),fighi. QMt r With $M*11 � , 4 Malwy. - . I L jimputiently implore their t0f, L . -el n1r,"liko. a fighting COW" � . or rplirjluo(�. " .� . Thiough coach L (loderich to- Toronto, vno hundred Armoulans, which It '; i2 to Di I . . . . kids, totted . , I I � .. r , . . I irlail N tti* 90 Old I .. . 'r 11044i another, The Itbappem this vwy: ,k trioll A . .. �. ,. 0 1 of' .L Po rlor - Buffet car, Stratford - to is proposed to -bring to.Canada, are i Oxford �rew lyinx annual race from c lull routo since Folker and halt deit with bud -t�.IqAlaX 4141i L � - PRIVATE TELEPHONES$ � . .r, 0M. Jacobs Oil., r # nto'L all . . to go th . ..4 ......'rhL, r 1. r . . � . ­ r , Tort) afternoon train' L. � 6.1phalls *110 , come -at. Iadmrl"s .1 Catribridje: . . - gr were only Used to entertain, ,4%d4(.h0, takes k r . I . I ." preciou ,,r . ,I , , L I L . . . . . . . . - . ­ ­ , I ­ L , ­ ,rubardt'lo lite is agaill fix 'lodR, beirall to L HeeCbaIWa,riII$ jl,l�t IMfoxergol"gr . � MOTORS,, DYNAMOS, I .. . I . L . a.-rioultural "stock.. r .� . [ Sarah J12t 1, the fans between pOr . . I . � L L . . - . � , , . I R , heumatism it � 1!PIn1, **. 'Not � F, F. L^ItRNCE;& SONS . p London City Council oholor.lw* roso-, the liaLunce. I . I I . show . of distress, ,while the. to bect, Inuutillottly Oft, . L ,ELECTRIC BELLS avid' , r L - t a I gr ns Piltp.be­ r A , I Tickets. Agenis lutlop aokIng'Legle-101are.. to ,o(.xbJ�t,.J.,.,,,Bll �oli,,.teaiu 'winx Miltea States 4 off Occasionally nor, ., � I k ' ' L ($00 .oMe 'iq .�fift -..r I I Town n r - ­ . . Paddlers, a elle gIn to bartnanize tho 4ige.11yo fnd I I - 1. ,,&r ­ p were In .far . L .., . 'I . , , ,, .,v, . tqvirts., intetpIll '- - MIN t(ljn$;-�* $'PWL Yor T . . ... MOLAR AL Y �( ,Passe per ind " "' . , .&. , ­., , 8 *Phone 8 - - oionts of members of -Police oar 11 h6t, ocalt'hiplonsh IRM S STEMS . I eitluent. ., top Mb "ili6th. , 13 da t - Ifuller art Graham, p?Ing. L clinihaitive. orgww fe . in," MotLrating "Sil, I I 'I - r r - . L. L. .,b ­ I , oollee. are gilar k 'ttle and kopt--Longraire hO r * L . . I . L . . I , Aright -- I � Atd� - r.)Velople� . 0. .. -The thirti, perjol r on ALL WORK GUARANTEED �, , - 21 LVatirlo. . , X -� . . . , s dio �77­ i�-� I - k�, elkt �Jjjk, .. inurislon of J. P. 2organ. .. a opened with a ang, . concerivently, thl� per6�n Im , . . L , . , I I.. , - wo:yotwsott;�Adff, acbiag�jaints and - = I _­ -1 ,Azs:)c!atIon, in 4eveo- .Mob Ili ljo�rllll shows alood ,to or Ud arlsvO .11, 11 L . I L . . r. ,. . L 'r L and relief CbMtS inStandy, . I , .- . I . --elition, X04101,11- I 13abb ,havillf, awful luck in a clev good tAght's clet P a 11 . � ' ­ .: inuidesi � L . teonth. auxl4lwfl con, I ,,St', JacobS oil" is a hoolegs fb'Ull L ja�� ­ - ' -1 '4u), , 1� .L)4 rith ciezr braiii. Ir t. � A . I , is _nt., . rush, his a at hitting goal -post, but - 'o � L � j. " ". _9f permanent 4 ktorm French embassy. r _ the momln� v. . ' . nda,,egtab 1 1 OO1K. IRON i�4 TOAST by T � r . I ki -01L , , '.-* ., Appoill . '9 - miemberA. , The looling In France Is against xxtisfortune ,dii bright eye, keen oVixtite, ,ind full .. .� I � . mitism lialment lwhich obv6' di r . ate coul�,t of iii r . & � not Stay With the . , Y, ' ! .1. . I . . rp;ntsL and. . 11 I I 'zibOillig naval e6livientrion, Canoeists alone, for Mountain and L Of eneri;y for wom wid pla ELECTRIC11 ' ! ��. I r . . cannot hum thi skin. r . .Minister ,QAI.. Education promises , Winulpew mail given 4tiff torm, for " O' L Ifick r on their c1liSe"I" L ' C . I . . . Y., L L L . 1! . � Umbeir me I Quit complaWng I Got a I I . changes in more - drasile, clAuses of ' . Co. Ills& n It it,, 110w jwt PO ,yeam shic . . . . L ,�., � '�%. small trial bottle .of old, honeft � . . Adolescent Act, Ithich U164Y mean sus- .1 Conspiracy t ingL Robe ,,,,r t 01, T . (%6t;oI,tJIJeJl.4 �r . . "efrAnd 01. 11 A. shotg eitbotl'-miSsing the Hot t0lu-. V466ehatrilr, Pills firbt began cor- � NV0,L1ltIVC' . ; * . �.. .. I . "St. Yacobi 'Oil" at any drilust , � .. . t. - L pension of1wtions of act for perlod i "Wst I14111 Alld Bolton wandererml - -. - find ,rt$on too big M "oniachil 2M On. heNt. f.'le,trhl, ,'Il,,I)qr t,114 f 11 OM r . $,,,,I,t, r I V�t�f 0 . ­ � . - . I.... rpnrtjnt� di"rdert . . � r I I , . ' , weet, III tlie-flitat toe English 10011. a barryieri .. , , ', . ., I ­- --- .--- &­ . - � (tee, - I .. Aid e.veluption for rurat- d . . L 1% James 0. , Brady, Di.owmarkot mer- I ("it to lleck 6 provide tile ��giAdivvri and bolwels . T%1;v4(,l,4 Wit -461t, Canalla, I. �� from rbeimAt - -Vaifl, sairtb"lli sfiff- , . I . ­ t wag I * and l "' "a ""' tivity, and feeling . I I 6 .1 �� , . I . J"RIMM .,. olagnt, f6un dead by ti6ghborg. , to did it - it ef-eWl It) aswitted � L ­ . J L .... 1�1 nej-r . I , , r 0 . . I thriller Of'the OVehing �"�­Irltl-1 " . .1 r , Jnd.AWl;1Wg. VWt A4w - It* 11 .4 . .� . ,I . rel ed m' . At tho. first ,more years. . . .1 I 1�lryol000 dalauge to. Hamilton laic* disc away front one of the Paddlo-rist . Ville, 26 t4a P.111:5 *.lro vilth good , ' I , L . � 1. I ono precede IM that dOet; in no impertain manner. Poking tile 11410 11 w ain . I � . [ . lie( Wait$ jjj�. !%t, jjeAi Oil'! his Britain Ili b.ankilliv. 01I, peate, (or six I .Exploal I 0S iw;,�t)-!,4bly,with 1,0echilma . I id4v Aofis of rhomiltism suffoo I L ROBTO TA T . .. .. I I 1. . ers irk the last half century, and is just snoeZe lje�t- fLno , L Pirates and turix-runixers battle on tory, . 11M, stopped on the I'd$ and WIX L health. � . r I . . as good U. S. CoaBL' L . I . "etfou worker-killtit when mau- a pretty burst of speea worried his L I I . i , West St. . l ;r I L I i Electrielam . . r . .. 'l. . .1 � L for sciatka, ACuftliIiIii, ow , I ifibaleMinard's I by sitowplifugh near Blind the whole Opposition. -25c OW i�" I ,b4go, backaebt. opr&hlp. L . , .. Big movement In Or glad . . . . At 1611 t1ruggists 5ft I .1 rholle 82 or 294J . . , ., 11 - . I 1. I — ., Linivient,� It favor at 19tripAre settlement. river. WaIIAT !h1trb0qUugghh c-becked closely, man- I .� . 1, . . . . . , I . --"�- . l rubber over the line. L I � , � I I I . elearsouttlie nose Itate track Information is . beLag Large area Is. 4Wantford threatell" aged to slip thl r . I—— �J 11 . I I I - r I . � .. . I strayed it. WAS the best piece ofJndi:Viduall -1 � - I I . I . And throat. broadegsted by wirele"s. - L' rol When shoo factory. In de I ... r r.- L. I I L L - , I ' ... I .; . I . - It -! .; � !i . . . � Itub oil sokethroost Asquith deal3'blow to. hOP0 fOr by Are, - I. '. . work, of the game and well deserved — — =! to. =!M . ­ 1. I- . 1� I I . L L . L . . , I .1 LAWIES1 DARKEN . . . �� Or theit.fOr quick , - Liberal rtunion ,in Britain . Soviet 1trosocutor asks death ises.- the round of ai;plauso that followed . ." Nop ­ I 1 �,.00.o.I.F,.Roo.m.lj� . ., .. . ,� � . ­ . . L .. .. . 11 . . I rellefi L- . #Vlermaxt t adr. is Jujurlo;4ity:- oifo areliblobov "aild Stung by the thought 'of defeat, . . r . . I . . . ; ., r affC04; teACe lot CAth -Co., began tOL . . I Ir ! � , . . . . 4NY r " , , I ! - HAIR- . Min. I ed hystAbilIZIgg Of malt. � - Prelates. . ;, . . . Aturphy and open up . . ji I YOUR GR . . all ornployes and gave all they had, to brealz ' . '&' 'a . Ill S. I ut L . P,et S u- : is . 11 r L 4r��* a , through tile young -Bee); defense, b A . I r � L .1. � . I , . rs!dyV!. � . Prilifilyterlatia P:Qflose to rd- . 'Aldermen and City 11, I . E I . �� I . I I I , , I . � L . :state faith of the church; of Hamilton are critt,rtained by TO- wereL st.abborn and spilled ! I . . � I . I I � . I L I I , I L I ndLLL L. r ., Totonto Loats -open exhibition tour - roxito avill ofilvials. , . . . the two "Yximmy" was Sent to tile . . 1. . . . 400.1 To'j� a # io"516011 them all. P . . I . L . ... 0,10i oran.0malit a I 4 by, tyellig Biruilagham, ,2 to 2. - Iteveiliter of tile Board of M nada boards for tO pin and takinir'ad. A, PENNY. MrADE . . I . hur Rocipe.and Nobody � 2 r I ­ . Congress of Chal*00--r of Commet-ce o, ( the Presbytel-lan Church In, Ca onee. Al. r (1, (". . ,,, 18' U L � �, Sulp . : In Rome I Fs §s, ,� SAVI#GL VEL L . ... I . I Will KnOW, favors fixed date for Easter. ii.creasqd over $100,000 during past vantage of h s a I . ,, . . L .. . I . .1 .. . . : France stands by, resolve tilat'Oer. yCar. I played ii - one-man defewe ganics, , ILD �BUT A ny E ONE . . . � IN . L .' . ..... .... I , OF I . .,j14ny discussell sending four men up on the llriilg . IS AN, . � � . . I . 1� 'L. .. . � . mutt treat dirvet, ow,nuhr (Ijuadian Govexlement ornestic line. . McArthur and Xurphy ..broke , I r � 1; L 11 c of �agc and Sulphur Air ft- 1 Issue. I plan to grade all eggs for d wally and polved the. defense'. I . . 1lar(l. L . I . all th� Aslito L t The nLq House. of Lords adollt re4olutlbu In consumption, , basis &s away V, � � . staring .: t,Me.'L r � toi its natural talue up -when We will 9MVe YOit dollars if you btiv yonr I faded, gray hair r favo., of a reduction of Its ineMbel'- now gr.kjed for eX1004. "Put" tied the i he beat I tidmother'g t1le j,Vbatf. ()ur Overhead vx. . t i J r , . color dates back to gra Longmire- 'from - closellin- Both our store a . . , She used it to keep her hit;r Ileautifully . 7 �; . rr . . I Ship. . Maritime Provincesiotterlug fluatill aggrogatiorz strove hard to notch a - llegg, conseqnently %ve call sell ellreap,!r. . I !; . dark, gloqsy and attrraetive. . I I I ilearry Wilcox, 11atchman, killed oil glally and I )sing population through Winning tally., but 4t' was not to be' peuse is mue 4'.. I 11'-� 1, I - level, r*jIWAy cros,ging sitar Part bg erectis of the Fordney L . I I aded or � ellve , a day, XI,,u,1lI .,111il; ,; 1),,li)., for . � - took on that dull. f, P j. r, tit, 'the period ending With the score Wk oiake d ' ry twice . . . . . . . . Ir . Mix- LLL I I r . Oredit. . .. . . Is, a. 0. $bar##, secretary of _ L), ' I � appearances flu,q simple . Otted. ill L , 1.1,C.r.21 . .. . atilt kn " JdS C. (.1. 1). OtIr . �voudetful ef- r . Ontario tarm, lands claimed to be 1�1 X. U. those ordering by photle we send ly I - , lure Was ipplied WhIt I .L 41610111 . history of tt , r�i .----F----6— , Thrills galore werC furninhood 'I . . - LL . . fect. . I L I T. $WAR I S . selling at lowest price in Better an ing"dent cuc-joy than an the exisding over-tirner SeSsiorm, and I stock is as CoMplete 010 't WaS Ou tile .liq4are aud.Alvill I ; But brewing at Ionic is mus4y and L . . . proviuce. .I ods - 0 � the crowd were in a continuotm up- I ' e A few cxalu'nler. of onr price��: . i ! . outlof-datc. Nowadaya, fly atking at I IF -..qv .T.l. Qlarka,)a' fi L lanae.11tu inipu&nt friM - .. roar vo clo,w were both tfants to be h, Pt SO. , L �- 1: any 4tog store fer u battle of 1'%VYc&,.4 L 1v .. I I ; , I I S*ge qlad Bus, Liv and -N,�� '-'. scoring. Time and time again it . r Compound,'! you will 0 e.ry t $I.;! .- ��­ .%1Ietwjn.NVi11ja.11sl Pajill; a, ., quart . S t � L. bi A , I seemed sure that the net was o0ing . . . . . Sulphal L ... �, ­ ­ - '-- . ­­ ­!­ .­!!�L ­�-­­ --- ------ --...1. - ,, ---. ­! ­ k . L - . I � ,l- . - I 0 . I old vretlarati0ft, im- ed, and opportunitlei loom Alabastine 'r Muresen a 50� 1 gtt -this famous , . I to be Wlk . t . Package , 11 I I I . . Pravoli'lly the agaitlotl of othdr filgre- Hack ables 1-1: o I I 11 oil up every momefit, but over-. ­- , ­ I � ­ braStille "tt 25C 1 .- I ; ilitnts, which cait be depended upon to . . . . I I anxiousne" proved -a titumbling block L, !i package Ala , I . . tural Ab9or and beauty to the 11110"Itipoid stoost I SSI StoClt 14'(j�)d and .�, . Irotore nA ' r . in each case. Hogper was a Victim � , I)r. He Pat) ae ,I, 2 496 off :� . . . r Inst OIN the 8quare , . 1% I I , an apparently 1121r. I . . . . .. : .. 11 , " " � to this when, he ad . 11 . Lf4tlid Veneer and O -Cedar Polish, 69e bi)tilt: for .qt)-. � r I �, I I Well-known drt"ists EaY it d2tU615 It 1' I I - . .. - I - L --- I . - ­- - � the Ilair so nituroy and evenly that A010411 -ow lk" r I ;! . . -.1 I Z- ....... . ­ ... 1- I . . .I .. I ; � � I . " � ().Cedar 1101)S for $1 50 1 �; r I . stobody Can tClI it jug been applie& I flaketi'Meet all Trains tod . . 1, �' , 1, % 1% ' �-, . . . i. t ,Wu simpbr ,datdpm a vouge lot, soft I PAS � staxork $oatis I I * I . �,!p-- , -� . . ",q . V,jectriC IfOUS, $5 oo Iron for $--,�o ' . L . � 11 , U I IV I I . n L hilough . I . .� (L) I 2o%o - . I . � ". . r ,I " mid at a thue. 1144saulters colitill Isr 10 AllY I �� ., . I _ i 9 - .4 . Harvest V015. ff � . � I, 11 . olirt al tho t6wit* Ifir off r r I I 4- 1) D '.') ',,:I . Rogers' 1847 Silver�vtlre at ?5% off I 6 r ir disapPats, . I . I . I I . I . . �'J . : 6 I!r I I; . or two, it trains at Q.T.-R. a.r C. P. V. LLL i . . r . . , I i i . ­qd :a I , - 0004ts. �, . I ' I 1,111(l Celli- , , I Iteo t ull at dig ssy. , , ,,, , Prepared Plaster, Hydrated' Linle and Wirt � , " : I I 1, Ir KIDNEY ' � I L 1'� , >rdt"ft SerVICe. and . i " 'r eut, always ill sto"'k. . . L I a � I L i! . , I � I 11 , CAMUI Attendmi.11111CO. a � ll �1- I i I I : - I � , p1millAug", Heating, 1`k�,-Iik '�'� I � P1 LLS ' Let 11-9 fif,lure "' Y""' 4' .46'.6060, �. I , I -.r -,� . � Wiring and Thisinitbille Mr. U7111. AlAe i,�4 it', uli,,I­�: ,� ) , ,. P� 1i I I I I [ .- L, � ­ I . . 11 I � our Livery *is# Hack fittvics I , � , ,�� L, . I a I .. 1� ".'. , � ';' � of, this dep,�vrtwent.. - will be faftni No -to -400 I I I , I ) '. . . I f tvty I to be 't h d. I ­ � I 10 oi�1�1"`, " I., w;, W, it 'I S./ , I 0 , " I I , I I I 0 boo I , (MIUMMM" t. " M 1 00114"N:44 p d a wly W c ?I g " I I I 1, I I I bl'e*i utiful F I - I � ,� � I i -� . L in lovisriv, rall"04 � % " I ") N ,A � i- o t � I ., . L I � . . ,� . � .,�Iv r � ' 9 L # " *' � L � dL, jl� � 0"E' - 4w*vw —� A T, it' A F I I � i � . , � � , L ,4, ­ , . � 1. . .... lip, L il I# '. )" ". - t, A, I I � . I I i . �! ! . p yogr Patrotiage Saffelted ".. I % ) Aso r , 1, I 2, . CHASs Co L= . I I '. I ,yr I �--- I 1. - RTS r i. � ---..m "". L . I ^1 ,;�— I -�--­.w I 1. , . L - I . 'I I e I 'r I . I . 4V %. I ,P . PHOW 22 f;1-11 . . I t�­�'. .L'.-..------,-�--!���.!!���—!', T. SWA - .11 I 47 - ,­ +!-11," -: � L. 1 ' "'. � ' W4 . . 0. : i� . r ­Ug,p ik �' _ . . L . . I .-I : ­'., I I , I : . I 1. ------- �� . Mi ­11%Vhst do vott rn- to ,1. tl�nnsfv vM*400 167 Watreal %t'f### 090 % t I r I.. I I ­ 1. - ­ I � Na X, Meek ON t# L18110r, ypoto % t S' IN te*1 0 , 11 hiqllory of � L I ­­ 11, . " -1� Jol I 1, -- � — - . P � V-,�-it,p ,,-,j,,:,l 11 11,-,A�,�,,&.&,Ak.v.� . IOU"Atm t4l the lrhar,143. - - ---.--,---, ., r 1, ...... in the -�TPVI VU -111 - - 0, A � to th(w,,�, I .. 1; � t . . � . . , I . . . . JMM� I 6 1 4 1 . . .. . .. . .. �".. ­­­­­ - �. I.... ­­ -11'.. � � 1­­­­­� . I . - . - I ... ­ -11. ­ ­­­- ­­­­­­­­ . 1, ­ I � -1, -A, I I � I I r 11, - . I ­