HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-03-22, Page 18j na beca f -D showitQ a muzh 00* THEIR SIGNIf ICAt-C-t.".. cenc-X;Itori rrikjt ill tbe Matti! M_ arrargeawntaiwith the Wfit'd p0wqU Ail 7 C 1 ms the ('83e Some weelia ago- Wallum, flanks, than V this is due to More than anNAblus stand ,T)w sow**% R444469% scerw.3 creat- ti"O afer%jimatioll jut Britain to eecsion and somo of tile rd- by 0 feW Of it3 WGUld her gro=d OU 2 11416ber Of thO VO -i tS (iloverin,iient and Ijbieral opp-"ition groups in I the britiSb JJ0450 of CAMP-If"Vni tQ 'ad"tC" at is,.iuci. PEW has been abui(id bY mons, have batit quick to actept the,, 4h * * many of Let own peovlo as well as S'"Iftlistic; duIlleligo Of Pkill $now,- �IrAssjgratjovt sad Ulaigratiop iprp, tjn:,,o �of other lands. 'But it taxics, th� 11rid3h diplomat alld StW3111911 4en. There. was/ howing u4siband Me** to undowtaiW the pcollle'Of the Past aWut the resolution he introdug" � T+cro W been a su(T(14611 of It was & plainly wor&d, endorsiation licar or for -and t0i know when and gwarm debates in the Cans&an Coull - drav; the line. Thp' have of Swjaiiiai mW was prKeded by &n gonii on the question of illimigratiow I where to kept their headi in the mid"t Of a from 'the xsmsfimK� 1.6, IU4 left to CO e vomblu ion, Of 011101ult 'tau 4014 man, :for the ot '"4�160110 thO dCbXtO as to Whose is the out eircurnstancts. It is to be ubted and the abolition of Witte property I fault, but ft Is still the fact that there that they keep their Word also. If therein, There will V A $et &b4W:, is a for greater flow to the United Britain had taken too much beed tol later ou the 8116*40n, propositions. � stat4es from this vountrY th*0 the France, the TurUa 'would Incidentally it ill oe first t1ine in the, patriotic Canadian can view with tbo 111w, of "terms today be arrogantly dictatinr history of the British parliament that e ay what an thil quanimity. Who *hall s motion favoring Socialism hA.9 beed the TCMWY Isf The outstan4j"T in rcep"t to other tuattors tb tht sp9tworm by an officially recognized ltraV; 'of the Dardanelles and jeswe Ono may venture to affirm. is aitleO posltior� There is it "uspicto",the lure of greatness. Tho United Bospborous. The, TuOts have 9, that Snowden has a two -told Turpoo. Stgtr exise of _9 is a vast count, huge vinonob as it Is at the 0XV of, In his Move; h4 40111fts to V 490 On popula T with .1 wh C a a and the dii, , tion. It has big citics i6i bvl:3t!,u r cc$ MW4 some of the lukewarm mem, continue to expand, with increasing the rowers. bers of the jAbor party, and 41 � the Impetus. 1jullarc(Is ot .thousands of "ALI ao tv--f-ron- nad 1111larv- _r - T 1. -1 STAR 100 0016 10 OMPAR830 Ills"Ovu %#C* Cana4lan-borA p" made Arnarrvot Ss PIC have 10" otapire . Fremiers'. 0 votion to the Canto he has so good within It# Wrdors and theY clUoutercucA 'of F - P �oused. Snowdefi, who bus spoken have an Influence on t1keir relatives In SepittrAbor s on his. back on clear Wghts in England and, makes charts In Many plueel 01, ; in CRUS44, bus -bein bore -which Is backed by the influence It Is expected that an Imperial g in the3tars Just as lie sees them. Afterw ards the g)'IrSS Econowle Conference and a Confer, 04 loss by "Pott a a PrOpikandist of $0eialism by wor(I of the floods of printed matter that shegets are treata[4 as photogrobic ilegative$ and prints made from them. of mouth and in writing for motly Preallej o the rill r6 will come over the border to Canada, and once of, s f P], f"41's. Like loost Of -the other niet"' by , Amer udoa in September. loan plays : and entertain. be held in, Lo Some Who intiml SPRING IMPURITIES I of. the advalice4 witig Of 00 mants-,�_Including the ever-i�xpaud- There are Ito that, 0or wrty In'BrItain, Snowden Was, Ing popularity i4 the m6tlon plot- thbro will be a T-evlo* of such q%10. DUE -TO POOR -BLOOD Wvaritlal. cielipse fr4rii the 1918 gen- ures.' Perhaps our own people are tj0TVj As,tbat involved in tho.4ation Of Here and Th r 0 ro.: until'thoso of mor Aot yet full iscized of the magnift. '"nada rCiontly Ili concluding a treaq ei r—e- e. cen-t"04-s-sibig-00 qflheir,�ownneoun-. ty with'the'UMted-RAtem in refaW 41,046 -Medicine a -Nelcessity,7at-This, wil be ua Aq lab ocuou-in-i imit a in I* niukinic no foltjost tim In-! Season tr aotbitit to be 4shum, to tho. halibut fishories.' It r -6 P;43sed-4ho which has , juarl; for %enftyor to. $et PuV114i'ilent to o .,of In- the0ligtory � Of Its remembered that instead of " the _Abo progressi tho firot-ilwo oluce 1902. MIC jrD -to 01W' oven in comparison' with the republic. cunj:hors6m& 'systein of doing, -every- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro an iall-� e to.1111- NO %.*I the goveravient to g6 10 th s'. be. We may seem to be growing kuther thing, through the grWill ambassav . Public works -to be undert0en in year%�round 'tonic for the blood and FOR ECO AL, IRANSP N :411mIr Ou Zone of these Proposition slowly compared,,. waill Uncle- Sum' dot a, Cailadian'tillitiStor sit"eiI the, Vaneoui�er tWs ye4r. will cost -in t a �norves', But they are especially val- We *that In the prosent stato 0 we are moving stiftlY, `110W&M to arian evient oil behalf of 't or � X40g, 12 Pablo In the spring,whan the- system ov aeiGhb.drbood of. $10,000,OOQ, of which. Vnerployment and kilirkti the Lqor a St�tu$ thfitcoUI4 they but jjCQ into in 6t or wo'rdm the Un, is landed with impurities as.a result 91 �, Canada and J3.000.000 �jt$ll be $�ejltr by tho'C' pair V7 e: a -#how of securing the Nturo, would surprise isoul6 og ited, Stlates acted directly, as the two an. 'the winter 14. h y of the indoor life of orl 'fujMQa% Winn -64 p Itj 1.1, artiesr 'Most 4 Pacific RallWay; on pler ton-, Up jSS.r SedAm $124'00 A in �' bt L CO losely afrected. It Is season S penor 5 0 In ' �'r '..I # , * .� our own Impatient ones 414� Wall 09 months, There Is no other 0 � Ir- 350 t 6om6 of those who come, fr0M.OVOr- gardly probohle I _tb4t­_1t1d$____que$tIQn struction, when the blood is so'mueb in need of sods te ack OW Itasul. May. seast, �Qjoura Among lin tor, a. while, will.gome up In September., Canada purifying and onrichifig, and every -Superior*-4 pass. Touriog: Coup� 12 - 0 go: In PAtish p-nd tholl,' inako, their.Wily across -, the'' acted _,�Vlthjujl nut.bolty' from -Url- -The -.Canadian Jaelffe Steatusibip doso.of thesi� pilla helps to'lmrieh the .00 bordor� Cunadf� or In the 64. pass- c6upe 1015 will pr� bly continue to .-Moutc4lin carried 909 emigralItsjor blood.' In the spring.one, feels weali Superior a her last voyage from Liv- IrAl Party,: t and lo. that thC, Socialistic doso in otbez, 1114ttols in which bor and tired -Dr. Williama' Pink Pills 4 795L 00 it Is prob4b ; Archa In 'X, I of the United orpool, the largest number ot eml- I Superior -5 pass. Tool,109 'A attack an capitalist* As voiced by re. ealogical Discoveries "0* interests and those give strength. lit the spring the ap- States are' involved.. The argulnentlt grants to leavotbat port th is year. petite is often. poor -Or. Williams' 0 soluttoo-s in the, Britishlifouse of ld against this method are all Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone Road 780,000 iiftm6s� will havq the � .400t � of in Mesopotatolo a combined expeill, for at a Su r--2 a ster Work was commenced dition from the Brutish: AlUileum -an4 Interesting. But 'it does not" HOC the stomach: and aid weak digestion. 0 pej�o P ss in aps of the University aj� pgnusylvanig, is Impossible that the ties Of affeptlO the nOW- elevator at the haiteviln autyu jig that poisons in the g tile Tounfoli of the w(UP Ball er it 113 ill the sip) of tile, Liberal part6, 6 r '];rh Piet, Vancouvor,.wIllph will c disfigurinil All,prices Fi Oo 8. Goil�rich., creating 4 my voet tiom he Labor xnaking Astonishing discoMfies onfh� between Britain and CauAdd could be Ost 0- blood -find an outlet in stron�theliod by any bard, and last J)rOXIr"t0IY 42,000,000 to, oomplote, mples,, eruptions and boils -Dr. site of the arkelout WtY Of.Ur, the in ''ther jkm. The now elovator will have a Atbr­ loilliarps', Tink Pills clear the skiz! Closed Models all 'equippo with, Fisher Bodies pd, Cord Tires,-, a s probably not a. unit on SOMO c4pital of the Chaidepos.. Boldw the regulations. Canada is d thlit it apqn- Pavement of A temole built by No. pire.-not by reason of force at solemn ag� eavaclty* 1.000.000 bushels. because they go to the root of the sors, but for ­*­� ing trouble in the blood. In the, spti �a 4emoustration them rAther that" allow any imprips. buchaduezzar,'was found a scerat re- agreement conditioned upon , set I . Letils ma6arrangem tits for 1. Thr6e tlidus"d seven hundred It. anaamia, rheumatism, indigestion, sion otwosimessto get abroad. Ili ls� #sx containing,a. great store of Pro� terms..,'The tie that bigils the Br nor to Majority of *000- -clous $ewels; gold and-sllver,� orna- tish Empire is stronger than all th-4 caused grain elevators la-,manitobai d many other troubles likely that for V $A$katobewan, and 41berta have "i 111111raIg"n' I cc is mbtits, statuettes etc There; were rulesr, rejulations,'or agreements that are, most �arsistent b ause Of poor, Iflelsea Vrfti s, on clay the mind -of man '-it this"Jime T, ft', DAVIS1.0AR 0 ple in the old land the I##bor could conceive, total storage capacity of ove'r I00,,, weak blood, and it is A GE loving nijAch too fast, and hat Its 000,000 busliele�.' Ontario, , Quebec. nature takes on now' life ty l"Niv, imr," tuosi Veawt in losses 10,41, 401 07 olviliza-, W 1111 --iso -her kellos a when all dates ba, And Maritime provinces bavestorage that the blood most seriously neads Qrage Phone,83 Sotith St.� Wench House Phon 336 hoped. ek at least,, fifty as - people dose them - y or than In tbo,gaina it had Discoveries liko this and C40foreace of An1b;i9spdors, Decid 010yuji3rs with cnp:a�jty u to 3;,180j.. attention. Some for. This'W401 especially apply I'A a . 9 to Vate of Sastem-GtIlela- 000 bus4els. T .0verit of continued improvement the "recent ones in Egypt, are - throw- salvos -with purgatives at this soay. The Homeof Satisfelc'tory Seivic-o" the oil the lives -of the peo- E very once in a wbile, tho �vorld'is� of tm4,o. resulting in. the absorption Ing a ji lit up son, but these only, further, weaken the � M�ajbrity of the very ple of t9le long -ago ages that savanta confronted wl h shmerit. The arst lodge -of, Pree and Ae gative Of, 14 an accompli wcept- themselves.. A pur morely Tj= number. of eople AbW Out of (if today had not dared to hope- for., y.the U'a ue of Nations or the Con- ad Masons In the history or the Mer- g4ops through the system, empty- ut �Cal studenti in. 1) .1rhero Is 4 fascination for most eo.' forenee of Ambasoadors. Decision c ha .1arlue lNorid, was recently Ing the bowels, but doe' not help the % -beliove-that sooner orlater the Lit- ple about these finds that 10'rbillagt. of the. Ambassadors as. to therlatao of organized oil the Canadian Pacific blo64. On the other � hand, Dr. Wil- tmv it'is.aiinounced, will lin liams' 'Pink Pills . enrich the �blood _"Built -in -Ca a4dip j par any er Eripress of,Frunce, when oruio . ty -will b and every e -called on to form- In #ays -in overY. walk' Ot Eastern Galicia, 'on life, L tile serious attomp .- This gives -rranean -Sea with which teaches every. nerve Q gov mne?ktw-th6Ugl1i Anot 110080r -i ted ana.' be adhered to. . I the ter Ing' the. Niedits 6 11 "00 strong in the I sis I ritory to Poland under certain cou- party ot'goo Canad teo' -organ in the body briiig new strength lV the PA nbw, their on and Meaning, to Ian and, UnI d S. of the Vaudeville -stage:wdd ditiofis. There bus been some 40b and vigor to weak, easily tiredL Ulan ate States tourists. Corattions, ut 1hoy'pojnt out that t io -women and children. Try, Pr. Wil - the liarty in bo"Wagir. confined W the a' c olum of the daily press.. ip to Whether -the int6i*W Of` t t , tades unloillsts, as was the ease In It I onceivable that, -treasures in thousands. of Rutllenitlnkt now�I;ettl I Four thousand save I n. hundred and liams", Pink Fills this sprinv�they old da a. It' atubtiaces all torto gold and silver ond the -dreams, of In Canada, -aTX4 who tome 'from -Ga- last s6 'son's fruft: will not disappoint you.� the ghty4otir cars of a ught to light ast liola, would be'injured in any way old itiidicihe dealers or sent crop Lve been -shipped out of the. by all And it ous'of,)uiv, ineludin avarice inily be tit could 114 learned prof sionsw- t me passes, At any rate we are ad Itla diffioult to,see h0w.3b Okanagda district or British Colum. by mail at 50 j�dnts a box by The Dr.� Ee r :e� ORTATIO e Win Ube in in f Out of un number' In the if knowledge of be the caso.' Their interests should Williams�,. Medicine Co., Brockville. Its vomposition thev thlux would ewo ding to our stoia c . bla up to February 14th, accordin.-to ti the. event munkln4 ewers ag�eed, a statement made to the Vancouver' Ont� sure Moro roodoxaftoft I and,pome ofxs tire begin surely be safe with the -called, to, govern, tban ning to think the erhaps the world"s 'aa.to, the'disposition of the, t6rr.ItOX1.( 130ird of Trade recent1j, by F, W. of its beinq ance he�, left, the re"lut!.011 it,bo4lbtroduood,tbls� ad�. In. the% lit few centuries ha!� t Petem, general s uperintendent,of the m Canadian Alan. CA -BAN F.. Pacifle gailway, B.C. d1vt problems in I,* WEVI M T RNIVAL tAT, Sault Ste. Alarle. Tb. me.w down-'. �18_r �s town ticket and telegraph office lot tbe'Canadlan Pacific *Zallwxy and the fb licopyrighted' Local reprcXCl1-atir,-j i�l -X, pnrts CS ontorio fo� 4wil dircet t("� 'Cup 1923. SM19S nVOiMAK4 -�Tgpzsm. TOU111NO CAR, $1375 farmer and usq V -e GWCP�;Af, 11B.LGRAN" r,1l.1,(yfTF2 OW aw,:t 14r*140 it 707. .0. reliable and i;��iiczt turpinr,41=41 N 't vEca�a . 0BF*XWW g 0-m-.98 XQ� Swpurutor in t!,e 14"Oot piqlkv?:w W.4�hillc sio!d 14 ECO'Nomic Calluaa. 1.604iqoi) ":) v!,�e tli�, wo4dover. -nAJ 'anala by us eim Wi Years, Lizter AN4�ir-i Ell, g;* -4. Grnjd�:a.o arai J'AOMPM V111. n 61-60eft" Cinhq t3-111-auq.. WS lowt. Tlo,�i many- tricks can All inalco? Mower 110!xq, L"1310� T." lllan'ts, ad tht, br.,it *1 .1 Tii.e. Studebaker Light -Six Touring Car is an -t,- ur Imal n-,tw:4i3c vnai or faraa,Os run w,;th f -,00j nic-Amnli-al imovlcl�re ('11d -,01411-7 all1lity-mi,14 pe,-. -1-u i 'the best of char,;cter. I,,- violl L=wn ill h1e,114N 3mi be prcp"rva`T�, Y investment inecoAornical tran�sporfdti(on- drive the distrj2t coilt;nuourzly. Avinlerdal oppoviazity it;;: nicn U114. Understand their job and are rot araid of Salary wid voin. 9- 3.� whision, with goetl ;allvorfislngr agi�lstlnev froll' Ilead 0114v given. lisprite is I lepos- ow, because savings mac Apply, atutiwo nrw. reforellecis and fitit IN-Irtictl1al'S to RM A. USTEP, & COMPANY (CANArA) LT0- J,9AS 53 Stewart Street TORONTO -sible,by quant ity production,andby the virtual HE NEW SUPERAILAWR, 100 0016 10 OMPAR830 Ills"Ovu %#C* Cana4lan-borA p" made Arnarrvot Ss PIC have 10" otapire . Fremiers'. 0 votion to the Canto he has so good within It# Wrdors and theY clUoutercucA 'of F - P �oused. Snowdefi, who bus spoken have an Influence on t1keir relatives In SepittrAbor s on his. back on clear Wghts in England and, makes charts In Many plueel 01, ; in CRUS44, bus -bein bore -which Is backed by the influence It Is expected that an Imperial g in the3tars Just as lie sees them. Afterw ards the g)'IrSS Econowle Conference and a Confer, 04 loss by "Pott a a PrOpikandist of $0eialism by wor(I of the floods of printed matter that shegets are treata[4 as photogrobic ilegative$ and prints made from them. of mouth and in writing for motly Preallej o the rill r6 will come over the border to Canada, and once of, s f P], f"41's. Like loost Of -the other niet"' by , Amer udoa in September. loan plays : and entertain. be held in, Lo Some Who intiml SPRING IMPURITIES I of. the advalice4 witig Of 00 mants-,�_Including the ever-i�xpaud- There are Ito that, 0or wrty In'BrItain, Snowden Was, Ing popularity i4 the m6tlon plot- thbro will be a T-evlo* of such q%10. DUE -TO POOR -BLOOD Wvaritlal. cielipse fr4rii the 1918 gen- ures.' Perhaps our own people are tj0TVj As,tbat involved in tho.4ation Of Here and Th r 0 ro.: until'thoso of mor Aot yet full iscized of the magnift. '"nada rCiontly Ili concluding a treaq ei r—e- e. cen-t"04-s-sibig-00 qflheir,�ownneoun-. ty with'the'UMted-RAtem in refaW 41,046 -Medicine a -Nelcessity,7at-This, wil be ua Aq lab ocuou-in-i imit a in I* niukinic no foltjost tim In-! Season tr aotbitit to be 4shum, to tho. halibut fishories.' It r -6 P;43sed-4ho which has , juarl; for %enftyor to. $et PuV114i'ilent to o .,of In- the0ligtory � Of Its remembered that instead of " the _Abo progressi tho firot-ilwo oluce 1902. MIC jrD -to 01W' oven in comparison' with the republic. cunj:hors6m& 'systein of doing, -every- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro an iall-� e to.1111- NO %.*I the goveravient to g6 10 th s'. be. We may seem to be growing kuther thing, through the grWill ambassav . Public works -to be undert0en in year%�round 'tonic for the blood and FOR ECO AL, IRANSP N :411mIr Ou Zone of these Proposition slowly compared,,. waill Uncle- Sum' dot a, Cailadian'tillitiStor sit"eiI the, Vaneoui�er tWs ye4r. will cost -in t a �norves', But they are especially val- We *that In the prosent stato 0 we are moving stiftlY, `110W&M to arian evient oil behalf of 't or � X40g, 12 Pablo In the spring,whan the- system ov aeiGhb.drbood of. $10,000,OOQ, of which. Vnerployment and kilirkti the Lqor a St�tu$ thfitcoUI4 they but jjCQ into in 6t or wo'rdm the Un, is landed with impurities as.a result 91 �, Canada and J3.000.000 �jt$ll be $�ejltr by tho'C' pair V7 e: a -#how of securing the Nturo, would surprise isoul6 og ited, Stlates acted directly, as the two an. 'the winter 14. h y of the indoor life of orl 'fujMQa% Winn -64 p Itj 1.1, artiesr 'Most 4 Pacific RallWay; on pler ton-, Up jSS.r SedAm $124'00 A in �' bt L CO losely afrected. It Is season S penor 5 0 In ' �'r '..I # , * .� our own Impatient ones 414� Wall 09 months, There Is no other 0 � Ir- 350 t 6om6 of those who come, fr0M.OVOr- gardly probohle I _tb4t­_1t1d$____que$tIQn struction, when the blood is so'mueb in need of sods te ack OW Itasul. May. seast, �Qjoura Among lin tor, a. while, will.gome up In September., Canada purifying and onrichifig, and every -Superior*-4 pass. Touriog: Coup� 12 - 0 go: In PAtish p-nd tholl,' inako, their.Wily across -, the'' acted _,�Vlthjujl nut.bolty' from -Url- -The -.Canadian Jaelffe Steatusibip doso.of thesi� pilla helps to'lmrieh the .00 bordor� Cunadf� or In the 64. pass- c6upe 1015 will pr� bly continue to .-Moutc4lin carried 909 emigralItsjor blood.' In the spring.one, feels weali Superior a her last voyage from Liv- IrAl Party,: t and lo. that thC, Socialistic doso in otbez, 1114ttols in which bor and tired -Dr. Williama' Pink Pills 4 795L 00 it Is prob4b ; Archa In 'X, I of the United orpool, the largest number ot eml- I Superior -5 pass. Tool,109 'A attack an capitalist* As voiced by re. ealogical Discoveries "0* interests and those give strength. lit the spring the ap- States are' involved.. The argulnentlt grants to leavotbat port th is year. petite is often. poor -Or. Williams' 0 soluttoo-s in the, Britishlifouse of ld against this method are all Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone Road 780,000 iiftm6s� will havq the � .400t � of in Mesopotatolo a combined expeill, for at a Su r--2 a ster Work was commenced dition from the Brutish: AlUileum -an4 Interesting. But 'it does not" HOC the stomach: and aid weak digestion. 0 pej�o P ss in aps of the University aj� pgnusylvanig, is Impossible that the ties Of affeptlO the nOW- elevator at the haiteviln autyu jig that poisons in the g tile Tounfoli of the w(UP Ball er it 113 ill the sip) of tile, Liberal part6, 6 r '];rh Piet, Vancouvor,.wIllph will c disfigurinil All,prices Fi Oo 8. Goil�rich., creating 4 my voet tiom he Labor xnaking Astonishing discoMfies onfh� between Britain and CauAdd could be Ost 0- blood -find an outlet in stron�theliod by any bard, and last J)rOXIr"t0IY 42,000,000 to, oomplote, mples,, eruptions and boils -Dr. site of the arkelout WtY Of.Ur, the in ''ther jkm. The now elovator will have a Atbr­ loilliarps', Tink Pills clear the skiz! Closed Models all 'equippo with, Fisher Bodies pd, Cord Tires,-, a s probably not a. unit on SOMO c4pital of the Chaidepos.. Boldw the regulations. Canada is d thlit it apqn- Pavement of A temole built by No. pire.-not by reason of force at solemn ag� eavaclty* 1.000.000 bushels. because they go to the root of the sors, but for ­*­� ing trouble in the blood. In the, spti �a 4emoustration them rAther that" allow any imprips. buchaduezzar,'was found a scerat re- agreement conditioned upon , set I . Letils ma6arrangem tits for 1. Thr6e tlidus"d seven hundred It. anaamia, rheumatism, indigestion, sion otwosimessto get abroad. Ili ls� #sx containing,a. great store of Pro� terms..,'The tie that bigils the Br nor to Majority of *000- -clous $ewels; gold and-sllver,� orna- tish Empire is stronger than all th-4 caused grain elevators la-,manitobai d many other troubles likely that for V $A$katobewan, and 41berta have "i 111111raIg"n' I cc is mbtits, statuettes etc There; were rulesr, rejulations,'or agreements that are, most �arsistent b ause Of poor, Iflelsea Vrfti s, on clay the mind -of man '-it this"Jime T, ft', DAVIS1.0AR 0 ple in the old land the I##bor could conceive, total storage capacity of ove'r I00,,, weak blood, and it is A GE loving nijAch too fast, and hat Its 000,000 busliele�.' Ontario, , Quebec. nature takes on now' life ty l"Niv, imr," tuosi Veawt in losses 10,41, 401 07 olviliza-, W 1111 --iso -her kellos a when all dates ba, And Maritime provinces bavestorage that the blood most seriously neads Qrage Phone,83 Sotith St.� Wench House Phon 336 hoped. ek at least,, fifty as - people dose them - y or than In tbo,gaina it had Discoveries liko this and C40foreace of An1b;i9spdors, Decid 010yuji3rs with cnp:a�jty u to 3;,180j.. attention. Some for. This'W401 especially apply I'A a . 9 to Vate of Sastem-GtIlela- 000 bus4els. T .0verit of continued improvement the "recent ones in Egypt, are - throw- salvos -with purgatives at this soay. The Homeof Satisfelc'tory Seivic-o" the oil the lives -of the peo- E very once in a wbile, tho �vorld'is� of tm4,o. resulting in. the absorption Ing a ji lit up son, but these only, further, weaken the � M�ajbrity of the very ple of t9le long -ago ages that savanta confronted wl h shmerit. The arst lodge -of, Pree and Ae gative Of, 14 an accompli wcept- themselves.. A pur morely Tj= number. of eople AbW Out of (if today had not dared to hope- for., y.the U'a ue of Nations or the Con- ad Masons In the history or the Mer- g4ops through the system, empty- ut �Cal studenti in. 1) .1rhero Is 4 fascination for most eo.' forenee of Ambasoadors. Decision c ha .1arlue lNorid, was recently Ing the bowels, but doe' not help the % -beliove-that sooner orlater the Lit- ple about these finds that 10'rbillagt. of the. Ambassadors as. to therlatao of organized oil the Canadian Pacific blo64. On the other � hand, Dr. Wil- tmv it'is.aiinounced, will lin liams' 'Pink Pills . enrich the �blood _"Built -in -Ca a4dip j par any er Eripress of,Frunce, when oruio . ty -will b and every e -called on to form- In #ays -in overY. walk' Ot Eastern Galicia, 'on life, L tile serious attomp .- This gives -rranean -Sea with which teaches every. nerve Q gov mne?ktw-th6Ugl1i Anot 110080r -i ted ana.' be adhered to. . I the ter Ing' the. Niedits 6 11 "00 strong in the I sis I ritory to Poland under certain cou- party ot'goo Canad teo' -organ in the body briiig new strength lV the PA nbw, their on and Meaning, to Ian and, UnI d S. of the Vaudeville -stage:wdd ditiofis. There bus been some 40b and vigor to weak, easily tiredL Ulan ate States tourists. Corattions, ut 1hoy'pojnt out that t io -women and children. Try, Pr. Wil - the liarty in bo"Wagir. confined W the a' c olum of the daily press.. ip to Whether -the int6i*W Of` t t , tades unloillsts, as was the ease In It I onceivable that, -treasures in thousands. of Rutllenitlnkt now�I;ettl I Four thousand save I n. hundred and liams", Pink Fills this sprinv�they old da a. It' atubtiaces all torto gold and silver ond the -dreams, of In Canada, -aTX4 who tome 'from -Ga- last s6 'son's fruft: will not disappoint you.� the ghty4otir cars of a ught to light ast liola, would be'injured in any way old itiidicihe dealers or sent crop Lve been -shipped out of the. by all And it ous'of,)uiv, ineludin avarice inily be tit could 114 learned prof sionsw- t me passes, At any rate we are ad Itla diffioult to,see h0w.3b Okanagda district or British Colum. by mail at 50 j�dnts a box by The Dr.� Ee r :e� ORTATIO e Win Ube in in f Out of un number' In the if knowledge of be the caso.' Their interests should Williams�,. Medicine Co., Brockville. Its vomposition thev thlux would ewo ding to our stoia c . bla up to February 14th, accordin.-to ti the. event munkln4 ewers ag�eed, a statement made to the Vancouver' Ont� sure Moro roodoxaftoft I and,pome ofxs tire begin surely be safe with the -called, to, govern, tban ning to think the erhaps the world"s 'aa.to, the'disposition of the, t6rr.ItOX1.( 130ird of Trade recent1j, by F, W. of its beinq ance he�, left, the re"lut!.011 it,bo4lbtroduood,tbls� ad�. In. the% lit few centuries ha!� t Petem, general s uperintendent,of the m Canadian Alan. CA -BAN F.. Pacifle gailway, B.C. d1vt problems in I,* WEVI M T RNIVAL tAT, Sault Ste. Alarle. Tb. me.w down-'. �18_r �s liartleg iirbetl3er or not coaditionq at �f , navigation to gad kom Hudson -A Bay Vill can lie.,' made a commotielul Autcess, '13OLUTi . O.V To PitonDia"i No Vitt. Botw!�ka tbreo and four hundred. paV peng�.rs from the west will make the AD wii1,1 ali'but Ono triLlio -R leads trip, out his two top,clubs followed,I)SY the 5 ot heacts. A discards -his two, spad�s Prown,presidontot theStlown on bjs* ojj�u&ls two.-tratfip loads'. y ronif Crinrhany ov-17dwoutor, Alta in (1010 lit to wig tbO Jirst heart trick town ticket and telegraph office lot tbe'Canadlan Pacific *Zallwxy and the fb licopyrighted' 8104sl= 1923. SM19S nVOiMAK4 -�Tgpzsm. TOU111NO CAR, $1375 . 14r*140 it 707. .0. lie oorner of Queen and .`,Nl9DougaIl fit bufldln�-` 0BF*XWW g 0-m-.98 XQ� Tausing ... ......... -$2425 ECO'Nomic str�eat, the . formerly occupied by, tbLt Public Vtfiffles Com - lulsslo", Is''011e of,the finest In The J'AOMPM V111. n 61-60eft" Cinhq t3-111-auq.. WS lowt. Tlo,�i many- tricks can All inalco? boApe (4-Fass.)_3250 e Co4pe($-P-c) 3475 .1 Tii.e. Studebaker Light -Six Touring Car is an province,. There ire somi' larger offices Ili the largor cales, but tone' investment inecoAornical tran�sporfdti(on- ftat art better equlpped.. 9- 3.� lisprite is I lepos- ow, because savings mac Herald Rin.dal, divisJonal engineer ror. P46VI6 Ralfway. J,9AS -sible,by quant ity production,andby the virtual the cartadimi ofits arepass elfi,�ini6on -of parts-makers� pr led who bus heft located'at Vancouver toi- the past tbirteen years, -and IF.': I.. 4f oniothe,buyer,. W, Alexander, divisional. engineertor Tile Light -Six Js: economical 'to drive,,�,­ 2 7 Alberta at Calgary,'h4vt,'exchanged �,.Dostg It bein�'the cohiDat&'a policy A9K. world�Wido tests' estabriq4ed.an avpr00 of �6.9 to develop Its cugi . nears by �glvldp b miles to the aallon'of gaso ine. them *,xporleuce with tha varyl2r conditions In different phrts of the Mai ntetiance cdstsare minimized-7� Doliiluloh. A.1-30. D. 4 .-Studebaker's sales of parts, e6veringacciderits 'westerai 040 as we I as - serv* e,'averaged in.,192% but $13 Ic A: nuinber of. Int reata 60 have combined and,,tbartered the P ei car in opqatim, canad-an Pacific st6niship Prate- The quality is high; the prii�e, low; and the rinn. 41n(i the vesseli -will sait from Montreal 011. August let for: Fort! name on the radisor ensures lasting satis- Churchill, for the purpose or proving faction to the satisfaetion Of the -InterestM liartleg iirbetl3er or not coaditionq at �f , navigation to gad kom Hudson -A Bay Vill can lie.,' made a commotielul Autcess, '13OLUTi . O.V To PitonDia"i No Vitt. Botw!�ka tbreo and four hundred. paV peng�.rs from the west will make the AD wii1,1 ali'but Ono triLlio -R leads trip, out his two top,clubs followed,I)SY the 5 ot heacts. A discards -his two, spad�s Prown,presidontot theStlown on bjs* ojj�u&ls two.-tratfip loads'. y ronif Crinrhany ov-17dwoutor, Alta in (1010 lit to wig tbO Jirst heart trick I 3t attl Loan Only return & , veturnod'-on the Metagama last weelt with hN 10 SP Terrvii to Afeef Your convotil'b'"Ce from athroo i4outhe visit to rhroro. dl4wood I�Fhldh n annexes awlth his Ile was present In Germany when the J40, ana. Outting his patt"or in 'With his Vrench Invaded tbeltuhr. "it liergild small likArt the rest of the tricks are T, HOLLAND Oat the feeling wns vqry bitter be- good In Al's balad. twCea the tW6 racea, on tht othor East Siteet Garage GODERICH - 'hand d Cutuadiall, AmOrlean or 19rit-: Rost: ,Or torgot to ask you wheth- dr#A T HJ IsbW was given 4 cordial W01COMO* Or YOU I S, A S T YJ D P. t A -It r-, R Y JP9, A R1 thi.,t bisinz largely dut to a speecli in quest.. !1W011, almost allythifig., which , Lloyd Oeorge advoeated comp.roullse. Travel In German,,,. bF, mid. vat Ealepri4intly cliVap. be bay - lar, tnadt Ono trio W nearlsi 19 M11V for the sum of fifh, ot,tko Gtow currency. 1wart spriows NOW. A.., pp%tt gintjIln town - Of elteritnt they provided com ens!Lted were satheved for the ruce, was Once A81jen the Vanudian Pacific *tetm- u �bft*tlf a) at up! journey hispatt a German olict dok and towaytill Of for tim!,y a 10 obfp-,Atet�,wkma. whiob Iott at. jahwel TH, 1wome the* hub sort b", ILW of thepro 111111aft was supportea by tle end of & b War lie saw tonsidet. on Uareb firit for Glas;,-Ow. voucbe.3 'Atior.00dt, "i tU tl*lm as Ot tile Tri mb e.11urfin Notion %. Three years bez G. U. rwitas'. Vi I Piet -are, Able Red Criss servkc O.D.R., bim commander. will have of -44njkjWs jiliftt playground% In production Compatiy, wbich is at Aga he was I)MI94t to this fO01ttvy winter #g amotr is admitted. The preseht tccateJ.' at Dauff for the ard was pure.hgoed by Jane murfin, eompletod big jaA vaynae In., cow - !i Ina t1wre ordin- fiWilt of Jack Londou's "'White -the . Plikywright who wvott . 'Vlae� matil 6t ttio vt8lol. Captain Evans. 1 �C&Xmvala *Inter "the wondor.Titue* IN With Jane Arlly *Wt the VaIM, of Novomber Fang " Miss Murfin and who Is tbo btdowot niiii ono of tht most *YA from tl"t tiule until - the iena &�g �f the azaviei:' *hleb b taking C6%4. tbo aetrewu of"the blubly eseempti voyinXindor( , In the of MAX44 turling, skitin tobo.�- the leaditlg Payt in 010 PiclavinlItION Mvl, T`OthblD Art the Predile-ers se"Iet tit the Niqadhin raelfle, awl"Wilos in dollitted illui, trophy in the Ovatil Prix *tc-tare Vtaya I'll whl�h Stronghealit Ateambtis. 1.1-allcil. ',;'rowltint after IV. Grant rs thf. �;tar. junt as a d3g lie 13 durlar, Worth (0oze to fifteen th3uland dol., WhIell thm, lip olmnoa 1 #6* And a host of other'sports ruce. and from the W. S, tareer at co'k or 4g vv�lrs.. lie Atlailth!j Ili 11 tke i4is and datilur, earilg XnJ fit CR193%, but ca lk (log aetov lie 14 nlnio%t agui,* JWV ;; pus tho evtoints. Ch$Xe"9041 Sol dagdam cud iu�ikml a I efomm;llnd GN and fonvf�vra t1le. r.n,,,tcj �,ktott, te, bm;oid priep. 116 1!3 nnt u tEpk dog. The Soiliff Winter C6011vid th!s %-"an*kda c' of wt,orn, 71.00 jeer wA4 tho bttt on totord. . It w0s Atter!d tbL� dog eTassie. a? all tjqte, 116 Ss iutst tan6r the absoluto can- were i�amdtan rml An, o�','oqn itt-oop", att6o" a ljkii*�k M*A than, ever at, Dartf. trol of bi,- twalner. Ito Waq ill Mo. %o_awk. sivtoaar*e Was MOU Sp"jal aTraj1$t1l`ftV%1t3 Wet%- W"'At" In tile IrAtaing of tie, charge Mr. 1,p* wbim tlhi.a �*hlp wal ?Antlt�� by the ndian rszift*(�, nal�way Tr5mbte applits to the Ot tile JoAlfled by tbt progumat itb thO CAW Omit w prV t;otuAwi 'n 1518. anif lit, vill b6 rt - of t1le human. ord 'lit I w'. t?jp at")n Of Stt-ong ou Fibruary 241th, Slid fOr thv trAnSPt', 1: jj�%%,vc-s in iirioating &t as sou lo StIL The ten CUys wore heart and 10 V%VW W114-'11 COVJO-teJ f,�Plnin v? fl3r, N-tian �dWl` Oip MOM- ompotiti0ii of Miss LIMan fit�h, 'MV& J. 1. %VC14d ftoat a wsin. Ile watcho_4 6-w '4*01tir 4 . k)r tbt� 1"Mpreii ot Smizan& . . . . . . . 8L ted to every *vwota. The lubm haim. Brewmer, Mr. J. 1. UnwGtor. prc� I ,Jl cig"Its and r.w4',�4. And A444 A%d tho '4401slifit eft- dent of tho P-Antl eavni i Lift:11-ady: "What part of thf tur. 01M. Mr. Y_3wwtzo�e TrivnI51t,. t1!o!, tvit% Lim IV .1, 1 4 fi,, . &nj , ;$a% Wee varlutpo ow "ost vormar xv %Al you have, Mr. aro"'! jour foomts Op" to all* dog'11 hatAl fOXWCill Mr. Brown. "Juitt momt of t'6 44" Eft th�,, -�3'�4efl arj 1..()l Cras-4 Wmk, but 10 1 lot wor very tow Visitors Car and V.AS V, I J, j..Aftt* it "u pl~, CV1 r w ore�more 61 at CIVIlaty by COloftE4 G, R, pi'aw1ka, Ni dal not f0ftempt ta 1hry al"I ChAnge wbo AM Set elate Tbei attbr dog',% V.C,. at W1030 SnVA1twiVfi6­b_Vt by 01tt lit *0 ~ lw", After h(K. fiiizi. iftn4tiftkon the seurnlw- lit, , -� ft'� the. saplet"t, authoritv In"t-i to a rsirgz5 tntlibAr of Vc,i�ppmie, C AM jp," w hold �rr intrm ASTORM Canadeg Best FJHH k04 At Plaldf. tbj� rrimt% lrathrtm to meet bW, sait tf, cnythier thit he fs told tM bwalil, .63 P.evft 14�- Wag djot*wO dot StirAlightlitt *&S two*'j. chod" 1, . .1 , �WKECONOMY­MtKAW AMA, Vw 11M ostavits t0tirii station whtre�, aftcr liwml- cnA fi,m pr- bt!rased his ttu,;t N lota I& vu* all tk#� font Ainfir, bt% h'-ff, No &K rature blot just bmn 1"U"Irwovw"Yeaws, Wwo Is 64 vlow st the woetators thIctiOn by h],q (r, -4. a.,1 trakt �a whv ke hA5 %%sk ihow Awxft 0* cOh- "'W'A'Se to) th�) noT.21 -i laovw slaw of ihe Always bt*ft -*W 804 (ALSO PWCUR"AU& &g, 4 igboavt, Me celteal V�gure In b tht lV21h A 1h PA00de splerdiA C011Kbon of desm that MAXPAUlle, ftomore cf Zw� bw . P 4' L,0HT-SlX ISPECIA"M 8104sl= S.P. I. I P71 40 '.Fam, Jig* W. a. , so H. P. 14r*140 it 707. .0. oun" %315 Tausing ... ......... -$2425 137S 775 C6Upe(4-P4m.)__975O boApe (4-Fass.)_3250 e Co4pe($-P-c) 3475 225 I 3t attl Loan Only return & , veturnod'-on the Metagama last weelt with hN 10 SP Terrvii to Afeef Your convotil'b'"Ce from athroo i4outhe visit to rhroro. dl4wood I�Fhldh n annexes awlth his Ile was present In Germany when the J40, ana. Outting his patt"or in 'With his Vrench Invaded tbeltuhr. "it liergild small likArt the rest of the tricks are T, HOLLAND Oat the feeling wns vqry bitter be- good In Al's balad. twCea the tW6 racea, on tht othor East Siteet Garage GODERICH - 'hand d Cutuadiall, AmOrlean or 19rit-: Rost: ,Or torgot to ask you wheth- dr#A T HJ IsbW was given 4 cordial W01COMO* Or YOU I S, A S T YJ D P. t A -It r-, R Y JP9, A R1 thi.,t bisinz largely dut to a speecli in quest.. !1W011, almost allythifig., which , Lloyd Oeorge advoeated comp.roullse. Travel In German,,,. bF, mid. vat Ealepri4intly cliVap. be bay - lar, tnadt Ono trio W nearlsi 19 M11V for the sum of fifh, ot,tko Gtow currency. 1wart spriows NOW. A.., pp%tt gintjIln town - Of elteritnt they provided com ens!Lted were satheved for the ruce, was Once A81jen the Vanudian Pacific *tetm- u �bft*tlf a) at up! journey hispatt a German olict dok and towaytill Of for tim!,y a 10 obfp-,Atet�,wkma. whiob Iott at. jahwel TH, 1wome the* hub sort b", ILW of thepro 111111aft was supportea by tle end of & b War lie saw tonsidet. on Uareb firit for Glas;,-Ow. voucbe.3 'Atior.00dt, "i tU tl*lm as Ot tile Tri mb e.11urfin Notion %. Three years bez G. U. rwitas'. Vi I Piet -are, Able Red Criss servkc O.D.R., bim commander. will have of -44njkjWs jiliftt playground% In production Compatiy, wbich is at Aga he was I)MI94t to this fO01ttvy winter #g amotr is admitted. The preseht tccateJ.' at Dauff for the ard was pure.hgoed by Jane murfin, eompletod big jaA vaynae In., cow - !i Ina t1wre ordin- fiWilt of Jack Londou's "'White -the . Plikywright who wvott . 'Vlae� matil 6t ttio vt8lol. Captain Evans. 1 �C&Xmvala *Inter "the wondor.Titue* IN With Jane Arlly *Wt the VaIM, of Novomber Fang " Miss Murfin and who Is tbo btdowot niiii ono of tht most *YA from tl"t tiule until - the iena &�g �f the azaviei:' *hleb b taking C6%4. tbo aetrewu of"the blubly eseempti voyinXindor( , In the of MAX44 turling, skitin tobo.�- the leaditlg Payt in 010 PiclavinlItION Mvl, T`OthblD Art the Predile-ers se"Iet tit the Niqadhin raelfle, awl"Wilos in dollitted illui, trophy in the Ovatil Prix *tc-tare Vtaya I'll whl�h Stronghealit Ateambtis. 1.1-allcil. ',;'rowltint after IV. Grant rs thf. �;tar. junt as a d3g lie 13 durlar, Worth (0oze to fifteen th3uland dol., WhIell thm, lip olmnoa 1 #6* And a host of other'sports ruce. and from the W. S, tareer at co'k or 4g vv�lrs.. lie Atlailth!j Ili 11 tke i4is and datilur, earilg XnJ fit CR193%, but ca lk (log aetov lie 14 nlnio%t agui,* JWV ;; pus tho evtoints. Ch$Xe"9041 Sol dagdam cud iu�ikml a I efomm;llnd GN and fonvf�vra t1le. r.n,,,tcj �,ktott, te, bm;oid priep. 116 1!3 nnt u tEpk dog. The Soiliff Winter C6011vid th!s %-"an*kda c' of wt,orn, 71.00 jeer wA4 tho bttt on totord. . It w0s Atter!d tbL� dog eTassie. a? all tjqte, 116 Ss iutst tan6r the absoluto can- were i�amdtan rml An, o�','oqn itt-oop", att6o" a ljkii*�k M*A than, ever at, Dartf. trol of bi,- twalner. Ito Waq ill Mo. %o_awk. sivtoaar*e Was MOU Sp"jal aTraj1$t1l`ftV%1t3 Wet%- W"'At" In tile IrAtaing of tie, charge Mr. 1,p* wbim tlhi.a �*hlp wal ?Antlt�� by the ndian rszift*(�, nal�way Tr5mbte applits to the Ot tile JoAlfled by tbt progumat itb thO CAW Omit w prV t;otuAwi 'n 1518. anif lit, vill b6 rt - of t1le human. ord 'lit I w'. t?jp at")n Of Stt-ong ou Fibruary 241th, Slid fOr thv trAnSPt', 1: jj�%%,vc-s in iirioating &t as sou lo StIL The ten CUys wore heart and 10 V%VW W114-'11 COVJO-teJ f,�Plnin v? fl3r, N-tian �dWl` Oip MOM- ompotiti0ii of Miss LIMan fit�h, 'MV& J. 1. %VC14d ftoat a wsin. Ile watcho_4 6-w '4*01tir 4 . k)r tbt� 1"Mpreii ot Smizan& . . . . . . . 8L ted to every *vwota. The lubm haim. Brewmer, Mr. J. 1. UnwGtor. prc� I ,Jl cig"Its and r.w4',�4. And A444 A%d tho '4401slifit eft- dent of tho P-Antl eavni i Lift:11-ady: "What part of thf tur. 01M. Mr. Y_3wwtzo�e TrivnI51t,. t1!o!, tvit% Lim IV .1, 1 4 fi,, . &nj , ;$a% Wee varlutpo ow "ost vormar xv %Al you have, Mr. aro"'! jour foomts Op" to all* dog'11 hatAl fOXWCill Mr. Brown. "Juitt momt of t'6 44" Eft th�,, -�3'�4efl arj 1..()l Cras-4 Wmk, but 10 1 lot wor very tow Visitors Car and V.AS V, I J, j..Aftt* it "u pl~, CV1 r w ore�more 61 at CIVIlaty by COloftE4 G, R, pi'aw1ka, Ni dal not f0ftempt ta 1hry al"I ChAnge wbo AM Set elate Tbei attbr dog',% V.C,. at W1030 SnVA1twiVfi6­b_Vt by 01tt lit *0 ~ lw", After h(K. fiiizi. iftn4tiftkon the seurnlw- lit, , -� ft'� the. saplet"t, authoritv In"t-i to a rsirgz5 tntlibAr of Vc,i�ppmie, C AM jp," w hold �rr intrm ASTORM Canadeg Best FJHH k04 At Plaldf. tbj� rrimt% lrathrtm to meet bW, sait tf, cnythier thit he fs told tM bwalil, .63 P.evft 14�- Wag djot*wO dot StirAlightlitt *&S two*'j. chod" 1, . .1 , �WKECONOMY­MtKAW AMA, Vw 11M ostavits t0tirii station whtre�, aftcr liwml- cnA fi,m pr- bt!rased his ttu,;t N lota I& vu* all tk#� font Ainfir, bt% h'-ff, No &K rature blot just bmn 1"U"Irwovw"Yeaws, Wwo Is 64 vlow st the woetators thIctiOn by h],q (r, -4. a.,1 trakt �a whv ke hA5 %%sk ihow Awxft 0* cOh- "'W'A'Se to) th�) noT.21 -i laovw slaw of ihe Always bt*ft -*W 804 (ALSO PWCUR"AU& &g, 4 igboavt, Me celteal V�gure In b tht lV21h A 1h PA00de splerdiA C011Kbon of desm that MAXPAUlle, ftomore cf Zw� bw . P 4'