HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-03-22, Page 15TKUUDAY, MARCH Mb. 19t3.
Take a Kodak with You
"Eveq day in every way, you will
derive move and more pleasure
from your Kodale"
Autographic Kodaks
$6.50 up
Brownies $2.00
14 UP
Our Store Is Just The Place To, Come F61,
"Try, Our brag Store First"
CAMPRrupq n0le'. qTn,pv
If life is hard for you, try,to make jt easier for somebody el I
TO briong*'you foot comfort...
it dipmonstrator ftom %-Aulcago
w#1 be in 'our stoee
THURSDAY, March 29
Every foot suftrer in t071.1'n should iMftt this Man
and learn how easy it is to be free'froul Idl, foot acheB
and pains. Hevill 43tplain the Aledtoofthd well-knOWn.
Dr. Scholl's Poot ComfortApplistices and Remedies,
which have brought foot comfort to thousands Of $Of-,
form of foot trouble. Tell the d0mon%trator ",U.r foot
troubles—and walk gut of our atom with feet like new.
ate, niark the end of
Jot do,wn the (14 .7 -it mos
foot trAsery.
Sq'qare W.: HERN.
North Siae. GODERICH
IM GQ0==1 nAR
00JU14*0,4 julj_',�r teato" , but ", SERVICF3 AT
U. C. G. WINS TOWN LEA fixece"To bartw hifft SiWAL, bc,
was *A * WWwod ployer- Argumelita �, b r.
Trim lwwra 40 FAday Night' XAWV w0tv $&Veit aw, takca UnA it"
%Ilty 4,*Iy NwA the kWis After a 00- W44 P"t aw half-hoor wark vhqn� GOOD FRIPil, DOn"UNION STORES, L'tpd
Maute, (It"lling lurvatle.. uvnwy wat lh� tvam C -ft theil, way� W.36g, ra"Imatin'l, L-*�ar��y aill:
,utk,s from the 61*11- AnNA'enimurapn- titiswat,. ot "Yfilvw
kWThttn for 1"t wecria issue). gong t1w, ?Aarinerspl&N�ed all over and c4nucles tho Uta"y Q1 00 -�-evca
When, with but a minute to to i�
vaux�isvx mild Wraurded RAK-t-t Mords from tho Vro*,i (hymn 7i%#�
third over-1110le 30vAiQ" `M 414 son from everv, conccivub1c, angle wilt be iwc.
Arthur raced do%% the riXkt vu- with every conc*lvable kind of a $hit Vol-antariess; QUALM ---- CLEANZINESS — SERVICE
oli�vn, be.ating Lougmire with an an- but it wits Do We- '1�11 I them W -He Was WE SEEL & ?V SA TISF r
kle-high shot, he virtually wdtt4 the all. Fleviiat, the .1ai;1%r3V1xaA9Y 1111ttlude No. .110 Opus 2S" V1100ni
Alver C from Snazel'it � window lort�wi or, had a bullet-lilw r-liot I ,Forward March!' t
'0 it in a new "0144 1 iaz�Choiee QUA*
and plantz cplace raining a the nct5 all the time SO 's fl� In'l 15t, 44corg@'# choir will a*i� I Swoot rrior No. 3 tin Cidifora
the MeneWilft 17,4110(o had Robvitsoll 4AS busy as Q Wot- dcrimall"er'S Ulw4d4ivn� 2 11C
Club roonis. His robot broke MADY legger. Processional HFuln II&
hearts and at the s4me time sont the PURE LARD SSC Afkol"%� RAISIN lh*qJJL
v, however, the VQrs
lowly and surel, I I
thrill or victory through the Neins Paddlers began to find their sttidd ri t re on
of ninny others, and yet every a and ift the dying Moments of the e �, d %ion Aqvit 4010" t
tutor felt sure that the vietory 19j, io 111lon. IW. For AM Fiwk L PLI
stanza fillehoWd themselves to play. ecess UM49c
becn wQll earned and that by 110 izq real hwkey and were rowaidal "Oluuta ex:
WeaM Wce CPO JuniOw 411 Outclus"ed i�r their effort W notching two n A I Lu P)- J r,.,E 2 0 C 4 lh� kin
a ill a Flat". J.PAub"t x c mow.
team. advailecd counters. The first tally capie from 'Adagi .11 Sonata In R mlaor.... I
But .6ur story is tw, far P61vells Shooting irou and' should Fumagatti ATO 41Mkil Z1C -Ck" California. 2 lbs
for comfort una to solve the mystery, hve, bc, , cii cg�qy for I;aee ler to Ilart. "Largo." .............. TOM
h Handel
04'� thc' 'ClOdcrich IfOckQy lk*9" we dle, but it slid VVrOss the- MOO line- RASTER DAY NIE'S 27c
11just rcturn to Friday. night (Blarch cioulater No, 2 was also arather sud. COM"tuhlou KETCHUP la!1 32c PRU
loth), when we find the Paddlers lin. den One, a shot from the Canoers:
61 up against the $sdlors in �grlljl dtfptse dritting throogh the sallor.3
struggle. The 1fdown bill"' munage.' Matim unit Hwy Communion RICOMELL0 SPECIAL THIS
x1cionse'and h4l)ing into the twille. It a. M. BREAKFAST
rgent introduced a now player, How. The sceond game began In the WEEK ONLY
den, who played with the fitst-travel- Banjo faghion that.the preceding por- Proecssion"I hymn, 171tune, Hermos
lod had ended, the Paddlers having Rcs"Inses, fest4l. TEA 10 lbs. BACON
Maur Anthem, Chant, "Hurtilipre s
it all their Own way, and they wer� pe
ilded in their task of piling aln, It ......... (31411t., VOW CEYLON and SUGAR mACHINE SLICED
11P 4 To Deum Laudamus.Atopidus In 0.1
$core , by Baechitirs upt-minding. Cyile nloilox ASSAM F
Model , ineatalp Gloria Full Choral Canian for
Twice during this stanza the M. 0 C TIM - I 35c lb.,
bulged the cord with nobody in tb J 10"... - X, Una; M.
WEEK of APRIL 2 to 7 net to Credo $1.05
s, Hughie having abandoned his Hymn, 160 ....... &.Tutle, 'Victory
charge in seareh, ..of tho rubber.
P tb%3 Rector. dot. Joe HorW100 or CloVerlellf I Aqd
Monday,gad Tuesd; Powell was the swaitij unow That My Itedeeme
g I; t Of this Atithern 41
riod, the three goals Mtsined all , Liveth" Clothes Pigs.
-T.TkIOMAS. MEIGHAN- Evo"mine from his-, work, --but his. part- (3640-W11sh Rooris $74 Salnto* So4qr J 370
pimsmkitnt �Sqccess ners ow the firing line, McArthur and Anitoosilt Powder. 3 pk9. 250 1& -
y,'had no small part in plac' v�oxikiies Herritog - � 22c
.yu Venit Mau
"If YOU BtfieVe Iti lt'840" in viiii in shooting position. Rob: 110n"'Otus qui Chloride of Mine, 170 'nor in Sauce
Agnus Doi Plai
exisqn�,. although not so busy, was A�e. Verum,
maid tomedy
Ur having'an Interesting time, Flom— Poter Noster ..... 3(k Chkkeii of Thistle Hiddie. 25c
44 i im I . .94)xnder Old Dotch . - 2 tins 25c
H 9h Power" ;'a long! shots being.trouble enough Gloria in E%celsw J"I"" .,
for any.one iiian to handle,,whilo fit Amen Maunder, Soilp Chip - - 2 N. 270
Weduosday and Thur*y froot
of him -Babb -and Buchanan
,he M
wor6 � h4�,Onk an busy-, time, t e Voluntaries: imkei.
WALLACE REID tormer rushing. bAlliantly on man— A
with a high'class casi in occasioYo, only to have Dame Forr "Chant SAns Pardeo" ...........
une desert him when be claslied wlUx ...... Grey 0" L", V r ^.r'g,
"'The Dictator tht opposing defense., "Hallelujah".,. "Messlah, Handel r sinEko GOD44AMI %091
LLOYD HAMILTON The lonely goal that appoar"j,,')t ChildroWs Rvensong
posite the Matthews crew came In.
misp ay on Wh A This tiervice will be held ih the =71 not Me*
"Tire Educatof Babb crossed his Own goal and lo!� church. The.. childreu �wfll present Serinoyi by ih'e Roetor. $ulxject� If there were no clouds. w
ssession of the rubber, which iii the, contents of their Unten julto
F.Aday and Saturday trbe ensuing melee, found Its way Into boxes. Adults are cordially invited. "Immortality," uot enjoy the nun,
the not. "Bunt" tried hard to even Atithem "They Have, Talton Away
Holy Haptisto My Lofd"._ .......... Stainer
WILLIAM,. RUSSELL u error. of commission but Vote P. 01. � I .: .
d otherv6se, the other goal, of i "Sevenfold' ..........
1n,a Fo* Entertainment deperthels Anjou, Rtalnov
Recessional Hymn, log Tune, St.xe. The Ne''W Styles in Ladite
the game' going to XcArthiw, who' Evensong
h I I I.. Hats ar too
Desert Blossomg". gave Bove ler no chance on a c can 7 P.'. M. Recessional. Hymn, 168 ......... . 0 iousl9, AWt
shot from the wing. I-Processio.nal Hymn, , 157._. -Tune,
Goldivytes,'racehppse story Time Easter Hymn Voluot640*;:* fully, utte'rry sweet, for any,
46 1 it " . was u� just as the Paddlers R. uses, Festhl.t.i .::fi Tallis Ari� 491donjenW�.'.
once more busted the net but the 000
Galos, : thin9k but.. they VWl"not lut,
Psalras to& 114, 1 attishill. (�hagt do Berger
FOX NEWS REEL counter was disallowed and so 'It.. inu Hallelujah, "Mount' 'of" Olivoilp so now
Rtands 6-1. On the. night's �lay the Tongs Peregri 9,,. Goodson and is the time to ho4e
Canoeists deaerv4d'� the, verdict by walmisley. - ... .... Beethoven
blatinoes—Monday, Wednesday unditlie,margin indicated, -by the scori, Magnificat I in -F ....... Toors 'Mr. jff;-�h'W: A�jerton,,Oirmhistj youe Picf.ure taken by
Saturday at 3.00. their players working sigoother in Nune Dimittis J and..Choirmaster. SALLOWS.
Coming soon -"The Old Home- Hymn, 17.3. ....Tune, St. Fulbert
stead.." (Continued on page 9), Hymn, - 167 ........ Tune, Lancashire Punl8hinent ahould fit the criminal,
NEW CORSETS, ..0. - Y-, 0 P. as
e ppar
Yotir -neu, gow",:, will Tliis group Of Sp*riUg I;Oatg represents ld� range of ;very smart g4ruients in fine VOours made in...tailored effectsi with sad,46.
tich better witli a new Cor- .,stitchiug, tiew sleeve.,effects, tucked collars that present a pli.ffy wrao around style, others tailored with.uotch enliars, pat�h pckets,
li*ii-dt'§,�tiii-�lieeVt-§.-,.-$'itd� f-till"libed fibctf 1indJi1"ijd--!Mk--1in d. Thei�7e-Are- extraurd-la,ary valuos Itir
a roun e s,; psea s. an, rag. 0
set. aw t ii, i�, i opportunity
to. C1100se truill three good Thursday and Saturday only, one price' $25.00..
models of Parisian'Cor"sets,'At..
Aflltlf- finf1wit.:. .Other Beautiful "MODEL COATS, CAPES aind WRAPS'in' Fine VELOURS Ready for Your Choosing
4& V y, '1�.
the best whitv. Conti], lighty
heavy a6d wediutli boning,
m:c ti? p q, all groi CA."
at onj� price for Thitr6dity and
�Ch -gose "HOLEPROOF",
MCKINGSJ'. Easter.We'ar..
SILK Sn"^ or
.-Holeproof Art
110leproof Fini Silk: 'Novelty, Silk Rib,
� I
%ckings; Sizes.
Holeproof Finest Silk
I f
nie Bertlia COW holds first place among neck -
The new Blouses play an iniportant wear lioveltles and -fasliion decrees it to tie worn for A
Silk Stotkings
Stockinp All
This is Ahe,' best
A feally litip
rhreftd Silk. Stock-
A beautiful qui o I o rs, 8 lack,
niis is One of tile
best qu-,ditles in'the
selling niedium'pilce*
ing. 11, . all sijes,
lity Pure.Silk Thre.ad White � afid Pongec
in a very heavy qua-
H 6 1, eproof r,
with finest hand -
changes. Moderately priced at $ models, Pricedat 75c wA up
line of Holt..
to "', In cot.
ors Mack, Brown,.
Stocking, with extra lity pure silk:Stock-
str6.tch top and fi
worked clocks. Cot-
$t c,kings. M . adi! in
White, S ... d and
� - ga�'.
ing with raised silk.
seaiji,- 11* fashioned rib,! ex
'These . ate
ors, black witli
'k -s
white, c oc od
Crepe de Chine is the outstand- Alltyfile Crepe. nis beautiful
full, fasfiioned si�;le.
so n e
0 Ghl
flill i6ned style,
:,leg., Prlu per pair tra value. Hice
white with black
III low hust,style, nutcle with elas-
Price �er p*'$L25
'Price per pair $1.75
$1.95, per 'pair $2.25.
docks. Price per
pair $2.95.
y, for every re- Btu Illis is a material f6r dres-
fast waslilng qualit e.
SALE. of...
-.0 ...........
Niagar.a*id Silk
XbOut.00 pairs (if these tille
SUL Oloves, 113.,single and double
silk, �olors black,and. White 601-Y.
TH , Is a rare bargaill, 11rie.e per
V me Cbamoistte,
ns e
Pcrrhis fine Frenelj Cliainoi-
!�atte (;loves, - the tinist. linea.
as -Allecolors ate
sbown tills so. sont
Mite, . Black; Mastic, NMural.
Price, per tiair 68i.
.Children's Chamoisette
SIZES 4,1, 6$ 7
I'licso ,w also Kayser Kiddks'
Otamoisette (Ilovc�, shown it)
fir6vvn, Grey and all White. N't
ilot all shades in all s4cs, Price
per pair 60o�
.Kayser Long 50k,
11*hcse ,Ire the regular Kayser
Black Silk Glom. Ne liavC
ime color only, but twarly all siz-
es in the assortment. 'boose
eitrl%. Price per pair 39c.
Partin.. s 6ng Kid
Glove*%;A6 Bdton
I 'I'liese art: regular Perrins' litte
Fromb Kid, long Oloves. 04 -
ors Black, 6rev,,raii. About Ni
pairs to clear at $1.19.
Niagara Maid Long
Silk Gloves", $1.95
Niagar'a Maid long Silk 61(weF,
*I'llese are from our regular
stock, full I 64,titton, k!olors
White. sand. mode and Ill"dill-
um. Per pair $1.95. ,
V_UU Ilere 4,111 IV I - �;
eltlea 41f. tile Prive�iat per yti. 18c, 22t* 2ii�. I per pair $1.95.
h More Wi, I hurs
N01Z W7* *11 B0 Open day Evening' -Closed Friday wand Ready for Busi All Day Saturda.y.
CAnrrWpjGljrr We4 Want You to Know This Is, ur, Store. Eveii If You o Not Want to Buy:We
ite lo' T AC' -in, ana, So the'..Display
ft AV' Invi e I ,s, Aod Uok, Around.
'Rir W A a and xv x TY U a 01TIO
nie Bertlia COW holds first place among neck -
The new Blouses play an iniportant wear lioveltles and -fasliion decrees it to tie worn for A
part iir Easter attire, All the beauties of occasions. These are shown'in line ple,.Ited tiet, in gold,
the ncw models are brought out in splen-. lace, Alver lace, in title silks -.111d many oth�t noveltio'.
did effect in our. showing of A contplete s1lowing for Easter 75c; $1.25, $11M.
Chine and, printed silk models, eac 1- Collar and Cuff Sets, Vestees, Pete" Pill stvies and
lowing closely the many charming s le inell alid -fancy
an extensive'showing in Flannel, Net,
changes. Moderately priced at $ models, Pricedat 75c wA up
$8.95 and $9,75.' to,$2.50.
Crepe de Chine is the outstand- Alltyfile Crepe. nis beautiful
misses! Uglit Weight Corseis
ing. A k for spring. Just now we Ak shown,in shades of Cocoa, Am
III low hust,style, nutcle with elas-
are showing a beautiful quality In 1.1 ber, Brown, Wallflower, Blacko
t tops; in lille white cotitil.
y, for every re- Btu Illis is a material f6r dres-
fast waslilng qualit e.
s pecially priced at 96c.
quirement, full 40 1 nches wide. All ses. fliat will give� wouderful satis-
Gifls� W aists - for. ages 12 to
sliades, Priced at $2.25 and $2.50, faction Priced at per vd. S3.751.
�. Made with very liglit bon-
Canton Crepes, in, a splendid Jap�
anese make, in fast colors, in all The netv silk—Tric-o-sitant—the
ing. In a firm all White coutil.
Specially priced at 96c.
White, Black, Brown. The values new knitted A lk fabric for dresses
are unusual. Shown in qualities in colors Blue, Black, Muflin, Navy.
priced at $3,75, $4..290 $4.50. Priced at per yd. $3,29.
New Paisley,Crqes, Voiles
Printed effects arefound in the, new Under-
CrepoS ".vid Wiles An tile Iltm
!n lovely qualities, with pleated flounce and'
The latest inodels in Kayser Silk Anotber Kayser Silk NoveTty
flaislay patlerns itt a beatitiful array
clastic waist batid. The Azes are 23 to 29 atid
Gloves shows models in ble 10119 Glove is shown in a two -toile effect
of c0iorings, showing 'notne of tile
Priced at $3.75.
�vrlst style. of special niention is with sWloped: wrist, the cuff bellig
latest style, touclics of tile Sast
The are.. exceptional an�
long wrist, strap nic del, in heavy lined with rose, or or gree",-
weiqht Ot k in shades of Mastic, avid the wrist seam piped in the Sallie
tile �rieei are very mo I derate. In
FaGhion ileclares Ilibbonq for Spi-ing and, Summer
# 1 fm -1 n �vng 9 file 141nar-t-est nov
Brown, Mode, Sand anti priced at Colors. Priced at �$2.95.
drep lengt1is and cut longthl, at per
.4 *11 '4r.
SALE. of...
-.0 ...........
Niagar.a*id Silk
XbOut.00 pairs (if these tille
SUL Oloves, 113.,single and double
silk, �olors black,and. White 601-Y.
TH , Is a rare bargaill, 11rie.e per
V me Cbamoistte,
ns e
Pcrrhis fine Frenelj Cliainoi-
!�atte (;loves, - the tinist. linea.
as -Allecolors ate
sbown tills so. sont
Mite, . Black; Mastic, NMural.
Price, per tiair 68i.
.Children's Chamoisette
SIZES 4,1, 6$ 7
I'licso ,w also Kayser Kiddks'
Otamoisette (Ilovc�, shown it)
fir6vvn, Grey and all White. N't
ilot all shades in all s4cs, Price
per pair 60o�
.Kayser Long 50k,
11*hcse ,Ire the regular Kayser
Black Silk Glom. Ne liavC
ime color only, but twarly all siz-
es in the assortment. 'boose
eitrl%. Price per pair 39c.
Partin.. s 6ng Kid
Glove*%;A6 Bdton
I 'I'liese art: regular Perrins' litte
Fromb Kid, long Oloves. 04 -
ors Black, 6rev,,raii. About Ni
pairs to clear at $1.19.
Niagara Maid Long
Silk Gloves", $1.95
Niagar'a Maid long Silk 61(weF,
*I'llese are from our regular
stock, full I 64,titton, k!olors
White. sand. mode and Ill"dill-
um. Per pair $1.95. ,
V_UU Ilere 4,111 IV I - �;
eltlea 41f. tile Prive�iat per yti. 18c, 22t* 2ii�. I per pair $1.95.
h More Wi, I hurs
N01Z W7* *11 B0 Open day Evening' -Closed Friday wand Ready for Busi All Day Saturda.y.
CAnrrWpjGljrr We4 Want You to Know This Is, ur, Store. Eveii If You o Not Want to Buy:We
ite lo' T AC' -in, ana, So the'..Display
ft AV' Invi e I ,s, Aod Uok, Around.
'Rir W A a and xv x TY U a 01TIO