HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-03-22, Page 3� . - .__1_--_--___ 11 � � - I - -1 . I -1-1... . - __­__­__­­ —, == - - ==01M . ­­­_ I �wio-,Nl I I . - - � - � M . 0-041 0 IN' - —_ - . I I - I - - 11 ­­ ­ ... 11 - - --,.W— ­ "a 40catt" STAR I IPA" V111111111M -TwixwAy, MAUCH *"d. IWJ- � _ _. - - ___­ -1 I -------,. I I I - f 40 I. AVA "I Gift .1 � Led 1kr Anew me mmumas Neighborhood News Nugsluts � Confidence..1010W . .. - � UT DOWN AT, TABLE I---- tio-ow-ft4olow I 0 Giver of Goderich 0 :.. Mm COULD NOT Joao*" UJAWWWX� Vift q Tj'�o,c'1%41"�; PT wit, ill iti4e.lf� Tba Consumoes COA114tticc ift I E A"" ul p�ol �-,RL,o �,f k*i ii If "s %AV* a Vvi" appotko, a t_No� a northomt rcked From Our ,,,.,,.nges *I144%Va,!tf-. wbla,cya ports, tL,1t'Ah,.,rC-,'i t') tilcl #41J;i, 4 k f I . , __ 1. - � tetiit SOWINg fWi49 at tk* Pit Of th* ANIvOCIVA CJ4­.V*- 2 YINIOW. 0% I t4o 6C_'0w.1q, " 10vl, ZL��t�, -'ell1q. I #*WMIK, VWtiew )JUnw, a ).)&thing Nko� 3 3mlls.�w,, #11-V I I t)IR(Ork' �*tki ,�No. !.I Whitt � 4V Dalm—Former Isrus"Is Cog pnent 44 Nul r,wer, I f too, twat SAIL lourisc of f"ids Q14. accv1di"K to froght outoideo t* winghmn culus HOW Eviare 1944 , I 3rou ]Rust Uok to losr tontorio whtlat--Sro.­�, white. $1.14 to 001elwate Galata Wedding New Went Master for Seaforth. . A ro��,� 4113'A,"?o,V m L�i on- of . . 11 � �!11 � $114� NO. 9 410�. not qvotcd, COX.. ahip, . 4i'llaq i� N, oul, �'eer', �,!,�(� tho V, EE;�Exg tko calls* of r4r PIX VQI11tN, &CC001119 to fVCl9hM legiatc—Exeter Flax Rio ik"l Not ( rolli it , _h"r4t4—S0V1h He 844a - � ,U*WA*. as- �Xo. 2, $1,43 to 049. - ultural socivy Direct"$ H414 I copowr%;`tv kA �',Co �)avev tit -,,,!I the : I'$. . I;*tI*J—.V*ItioM lisp to 61e� accorill I Grewors QrSat*iu--TvraWry AArk k2',-,. 14,; intriols""'o TaItte I - I � . sultmMOLOODUITM5 14"t w I elghta Outside. � I � Vin rMplosto the stonAck AtIM41610, W WO.Wheat-'No. �I.Tau to 71.Q. accku,*- lathing F;�.J C, " DA Oyster SVP r,�-Neftlafiiias for Est&Misltmext of C q �,CAAI*�, lt�, cropt��'ito khavvo www . . ,i,o Ing to freights 181140 . . 11n1�1"q1'. � SALL "ift at tk* "live, 044 sastrie juke 19,11, to ,lio., accer4luji; " la. son I iWe-No. L1. 7 Ivry ilt Sea, 0,th Dropped. . I - 2,i ginolu , . * fROM640 $49*1011, "My* acidity, freii1its, outside . � i kw 4�iccl -1 46itn inl;n"6t�n on- *V = AL 4*4 tQ44 up tu katire $JAM, manitoll't sloui�-Ijt patent% irk Cat. . � ,4, 1 � bUIP I V . I 00-1 ,ton sacks. $7.19 per barrel; Uo4 941010, as �4 "�CI,0'4AUq %LOUO Ut 1114141- . Xm J. U. Barker, G%inforJ; AA%�, $4,60, Toronto. Scatorth ]spring Fair . former xNeter Man D. ia Londa. � I . , wxJto;--J4X was, troubled, with loft,of Ontario itour.-Nluety pce tent. ,Va. I . I . i * T, 'tl i'VAM �,,­A, Wo %�,.Fil w0v;�tn" �� I Our 3ucaws I ent, Itl Jute baws. moutitcal.-prQuivit 'a huo�a�.�Olr t ope qllwi twnitv til 110 N,0,11 in � --- I The Sk*forth isprin­ fair will bo 'Tq'l�:ath of 1".'el-o-, J '4-ei;.`,Q ,I to the Keynioto 0 I 0- � � � 2901- W1dt,ly-L1'0N7r% roti , 'atj O', . I 1110 .i. A- .- Up"Uto, AiA was It%* rundown., I 1hilinient. 5.10 to 44-0. Torontf4jiRslst hold on Thursday. M;Vel� Z , � 0 1 . I � !, . . I ,Q, ltx $10 to $113. butla seaboard, .06 tolwa 16 V.�6ra''n"Id $ocial, Event 1,01140a, occurmil at tho family TCA�l �0,tivtwg, a hitt. I Itf A.-, . w4wil sit 4own VW T040, hat 4M $ mot eat anytitiog, also I toald not to ear w9rk, I t444 Uur&* Blood: Bit- a too, and %fter taking Wt a 'battle I fe"4 I wAs qating better, awl aftw b*yiug tskm Jwo battles 3:1 eoftM hata- Ill get enough to eat. x,eertsbuilly W*M- . Praise B. B. B." 1. (let the ginuirke, put uponly by The W.'UilbaCi Co., LWted, � Toronto, 011t. - - . �__� .1 -W � . . fliffvoiA .-o.�_ "It. A. N, HEIST, 05teoliathlQ Physician. 'rad ate es inets I I I I 9t it) leentl t I ,a an it ran 3tf% I S. ee a e tio I e$ . It, e 11 e %. 11 I ec, c , all e, a *0 Pr Ae . n t.� Sts, � � lice r, lictle an � In DrUl es() ,4. 11 . . - . . =�__ �, - . -­_.'_­__._____ . . ;;­�r - I MIFICL%wr . I I . I . a ; . . r." 4 h.� rol�welk. � � I ­_­ ­ .. . - i I I VVE, &kit, 'qOSV, TITROAT. . I LgIc,_ ItauseSurg"A Now yorU,4Dj)bthaI- mic an4 Aural 110slittAt. 4451140"t Qt 100rfl- i 'field's RY6,11011mr,'nad- r1olden -5014re - Throat ItopOltal,' ,0110n, 9 R1. I � .43- kYaftrIoa St. .9,, Pistford Tole- vetiomvail. ' . .. At . B ad or jjo�el,� "erloh, from Vednevda ., ar.*.21st, at 8 p, in,, to- ", . AV, '99nd, at I Z in. . - . V.hUr.qd � , or., �� ____ i- I i ,� ,",CAL I � F _­_,__,_,-,.­04­_A,t�-� . I . 90. KEUVO �. .. , . .. . . . . I'Ll MUS. McGill 1101101111"Y" I Teocittirks 91ploine piano mad Theory . : I I TV8000:0100,140, 0109180 I P Ila .tiretarbtl 'for exatalballonS. 'FOT- te= 4mly,,stuillo, Montreal St., OPP081" Public I ry. . . � __ I 'j).'Jil, '%VC$J7ON, L. I., C. ,31. - ,Lteentinte Lordon CoI1090 at MUSIC. 13119-1, .1and., !r nl.ltl 101rector of, gn qrM h allia I 4111011, 041st 411111`911. 0 ' . I I � - . TFACTWIt OF UU$1C . , pupil,% propilred ror ftatumittions In ;ran- �nw"ojl with TOi,orito University Toronto CousexvatprYi- etc, P,vQry pupil entered . � . ter 11111sical 6XII1119 MI; p4asto. many Wish . ll000ro.. For' termA apply At t`0­511(teTlce, West St rat door vest, of *Oillnt 01110, Ii le I � floder 'I; 10 - � � f � s I - 'NOTICE OF MIM. TN.G 11� I I I 1. 0111MV nAT* Tl.'%, I- "10, InN, 1111(10t� I G fir -4 Th,05411AV Of each Onnth In For., lestal's, Hall. Imer U. 1.1visksur Ws rniphtq wcicotne� I I L 1, SICNEVIN, . . it it. MEW. A"JPw11r..,1 -, 1. - W_ P. . . . � LEG&L CARDS - 1____� 0II&S. SEA0ER :- . I .� I 1. . . . . � . -%�) . .I- � I . � 8.&r,rts.tar* Sollettor, NO-ta-0-Y � iublia � ana nveyaocer ieb,.. � ofrjt;b�, .fAurt Rou$tj OWer . . ," ­­ � 64A� 5�00. '. &-* Via Z " 'LEO nloxncr Atrav t I w6wo on sundaN vaorniix�. March tven U-,Agg, With he�, ep.-htert AIM.) 'ov, KarWiy. .. � 1. Vitable, j led this and told he �ourt that bor � 1`1 'Militeed-Montreal Xmights, deliver � k- -j; ;-�14'�-_� t a -�, - Witighato'curlQr3 h0A a sucees' u 21th followinf�wan tattack'of hpavt . I - Wright, in Levwv %Vinr-,1131) _ or ton, 124; e - - '41 n *11 S ;;i L7 rd, bay$ Juclu4ed, bran. ,UehVe gad dance In tbe Arirnotic,i on tallure of soj4c,. iponths' duration. Agt 4. V bm�h,�T,�. la us hortx. per ton, $0. mi441ROA V 39-61111, Frid*y evening, big I i _ ___;�� to V su,nde he 'Ait itildaughter boa alwaya �_l tier W at NW). � ,-,---. - - , _ ___ .--.----- ;�ood feed Hour. 44. - ;��.,:�,.-�;�=.���;i�­��, the auliptirt of lw� mozilt'r-11A I " rch Oth. Mr. Crocker was a former rebide _ .__ ,_ , Isay-1,14trg No. :: por toll. track, Te- Alleartird ?4*n GO" Into Siv.,IRP,13 in 14 F&tpr, being, a son of the late I . - ..� ronto. 414, Afixed. 411. cloytr, 48, I . . , jVy-Ight t,ioL. t1ju taitter -to rown 1411111 16 0 tw 11 OWAAW . clilston James Cr4tker, curpentcr. but lett I Attornoy Svarzor, who notilled tW I Untario corn�_N4iiulual. E. C. RODEMON rkcl � A . � . Mr. W. 9. Aitkens of Alklnftd. L%QbM f0l' 141140-" about .'5 ,.vears brotber3 that tbviv WOU13 have to as- 0 0 ii S U41 OW 4%L% 411t W1. - I has 1�)ugbt out the harnes.-mm a3ro. ­ I - - . ­­ , . � --_-1. - Jowellor Gimlo� a, Part tif the cost of the sup- - - ---. �Z:__ - - . __ ... ... . - - �da � - , (AIT" , 11 . . I L'xt� * r of j the mother. No attention I As I � . business of tho LAO Mr. A Irt'd Nv,gotiations for Factory MAO to East Slat $qrkr� 04aselth W-"� I Jc . ,_­­� .. Kown, Clinton. Segforth Dropped . . . � . WaS Pala to thI5 warnlikg, however. I co -- I t, TORO.Aa-0 16][VE 6TOCK. Has Purvitasc-4 Farm en r . I 1. _%otko and- the, court'� aetion followed� I , TORONTO. Marob 19.-RecelptV at .. . - - Gcorg iderable � .1 live stoeX at the Union Yards for to- - Mr. NVOL Hci,k�att, of East Wqwa� forth Board of Trade and Town ,t�M�­­ ­­­ ---—M _p Truen created cons _ I I � . inarUct were 167 Cattle. t Mr. Win. Mills' Council and 'Messrs. Alcock and At. home. lot 12. con. �, Grpy tp.;. and distuibance Ili court anti. finally was I . Car warned by the bench that he would . calvea, 23T. hogs. 1187tt* nosh, has purchased 'A � ""I" -fine 120�aere farm 0114411110 Hallett And hens. of Toronto, for the vit4blishing Robt. of Nelson, and a daughter, " . r . A be sent to jail for contempt of court, I lay a of a clothillp" factory in $0aforth Mi"qs blary. at home t a _- F. Morris boundary. The price Nya $7t- , 'survive, . 1%V,VVAL0 LIVa STOCK. � � Dr � It he did not sub;alde. The 4100adau JDUPPALO, mareh xv­-4-attlo to- 600- . I huye.been dropped although the viti- daughter, bliss Agnm and A $Out � failed in ,an attempt -to show that '. ased to see a suv- Joseph, are deceased. T1 I colpts, 10'. Steady. .1 Bratlivr of Exeter Lady Passes. zens would be pie, 4e subject of Airs, Wright bud not Used her,,nloth-1 11 I -Ilits, :!oo; Aw, lower . . . usful 'business established Jn the %his notice was bon in Montreal and , ­­ Valvem rect I , ' 4f to co � -."w , - 11 . I 1;_-1 . 4:ts.60. I . r Mrs. Peter Frayne, of Exeter, bas Vacant-SOctOrY whi& it WAS 00POscillwas married 08, Years 4901 t, -11-1-7_ � , . - I tj,�2�.Rr4C"#." I .. Rog receipts, 2,800; heays,t slow, Ifig4 a r, Mr. W. H. Johnston, 'to use I . coming westward they ' I 11 . � I., , 0 Viont Pain to Ease Wi .11, .. �� - 26c higher; others stead to 100 high- who passed away in Toronto, on Sat;, - * smillie. On . V.SANU; of caltallian, . . I ?; "r er, heavy. p to oas. mr.w and York- 'Citurch, 'Clivifort, Has Site. loeated on a fine farm, Ist lint, of . � . .0 0 . I I s. AUVO . . urday - morning, Marc'h lotb.,. at, the Wtsll'y I ... , �.. I I erf,49 to,$19.36; W s"49;-rouXhq�V..r20q _ ... , - ...--.1 - . job Is -8011 own- ow._ I . 1. � -i.---. TH() �l**&, ,Ind, cs.)Iipo thpy , ; , -?. A 1-41 .- - -Arkt.-T.Ill __1...__.. ___ -..-. � � , ----' _7 ___­ ' ,. , , " - . I ­ ,. , *orsary ,,, S t ?;,nab! - - wh-1 - - -- --1- - . - - . ", � ... . , .Yoaff'­�_ - I .. . I . i--tessfut-Anniv r I - I . .. 11 - 4iA I . � 1, .1 stagi. $440 to $ 5, Ao , � "', 4�07 ovda * * ,f!, �or the,past five . I � - - ­ - do -drI0, �Oat 4hvurnatig% -illf ' . . -Sheep and I -The annivewsary of Wesley Chore , e,d thelfami Y. � . .1 . on �r, arch ve r ti ­_ . 1. - . - ' Tolt., . �'�4 recailits' -q-'400; Death of Mr. Geo.."C04, Clint' Clinton, was held on Sunda ley. have llyg#- on lot 12, Vanf -- -- - I ­ ­ . -a - C.".t reach th* - I stea0y, Unchanged. Mr. Geo. Cook, 4f Clinton' died on I Ith., The pastor, Re .' .� . . . . . linihir painn.' - . , I . Ihip. r. , - - .. seat of Palo, fair %belt owdicinal vow . .. CiAICAGO J61VO STOCK., I , v ID, 110. ko toy town � I . � *i " - iler- -in cartled., , . . I CHICA410, MMI -ch 1W.­a:90g,r0peIpt$, reh Ath, In 11 �. ganize - - I ..- . - , . .. . - III (tit b1olod. $1. at, Thursdayi - I a i� - 83rd- Canius, .took L'the mqninjr, Ejer�jcg, ,and $qgtk Huron BeAR.-Growers-or I � . . " -14-1- I 7; is,000: slowivnevenly loc.to'.304 lower; , thY -iu­ , ... - . ... I - - .. � '.. I . ., your druggist'R. 14Ve8;k1UP1*,T0IWV:li- , , __ I year after a somewhat wig exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr.' leon gt6wers of - " 4S. 1 1 . close Ault; bulk 160 to -3,10 -lb. ayomges. nes1s. . A meeting of the . I 'a., Toronto. � . sil,40. to $8.66; bulk good and eholto, I He is survived by his brotheri Hggc,, of WIllis -church, at ilight., A ,,, * tqn. ( . , South Huron was 'hold in the town, - I 14 .240 to 326-lb� butcherati 4&16 vy sit�35; Mr. Jalao� Cook, with W110111 rt', re- free-will offering of $500 was asked hall, Zurich, on -Tuesday afternoon; , . . clinwo's slawalf ItWAY 1K M . �� I 1, . . I . . I I pigm, mostly VA., to 0t.,beav-V 40gst sided. . and the congregation. contrillut;N MA .. 94 1 . 4#40 to $8,36,, medium, -*F.25 to 28. 0; I I � ich l3th, and was attended by �, I After the way ,9old ll.� Dualovs Drug �Rore. . light,* $8,45. to $�Xu; light lighis, Vh to. i ked Up Screech Owl $1,112. * . armers of the vi- I � I - __ -.1 I . I Wt. . . Mr,, W. H Gurileyi of WinghAm, Garrittt-Shearer - plitity. .The meeting was called to 40)(14h1k -Aved Ia)! IC9, I cOnSi(It" �, ... -11 - - -18 01 I - - - --- -h t Feb I 214t -thti homa , duty to let othe I ,� � 11 luatt 0 4. 0 , gool to 0 0.00 yeor, While shovalilng *at snow off,'the "()h -W a-iie*, organize A branch for Huron County it tt, rs know of It,. �, links a;pd hari4ywolglith raduotlog ad- roof of his block on Monday morning of MI., M. �y of the Ontario Bean Growers"Co-op- won rites Mr. , �_ I vance'. extreme con yearli"Its, $10.2115; Holtzlia3*;. oi ihe Gravel dertill healing", Nk-1 � , I best. cow$. and telters, largely voc of last a fairly large Road, was the scene of a quiet,but er4tive OrganizatiOM The spedUors hdwaiklpirigliaui�. tit its. llrafitAtelltle. Nerftd,Cold. I ', spots up nv,re; cdoners tird screechweek p1hoked 'up its morning I. � I . .' . i * -ZM_1, higher 011VI pet_j ketty wedding, when his niece, XWs wore as follows.- 'Mr. V4. 11, i Stone- 11rantrord, ,qqv,ei�i broije tvLit on, uty I . � cutters, stockers, anil Xee,14rs. ,�oul ,sno6ze, I I n R.clgge- lildred-.Shearar, was united in msr-�, hbuse of the right aukle, afteit ityllbold. atid the firlil' Tu I ." 'k ' �1. � 1%TT - * and now has gis 9 Ontario Coi-ollierlktivO calves, 5Qe to 76e %;)); weel;la .but'.,,, e"fic I . riage to Mr. Alvaq oke on tho 0 ained nodAbe pains I . - - rned To I . 1. 0.401 higher; biilla, %1.5-� ,to 1�oa; poaf swors, - Veddeiil.at Slueyale .. ,ldy Garrett, ton Dairy Products, who .8% got t;o t &iblv Infl, I i , , 48.35 to $0.50; lit;aokera uYid, -reederob . f Mrs, Z. FArrett 40d, the late Mr. co.operative systems; r. W. : L -wem-eici intense'thm 10%aq Ion dimbled � 8 . , ka, it I * . � $6.50 to $8; ,)e-�f qo,vs 'zild heirolise.2111) 't A quiet, wedding w*ssolemnizetl at ' f . tb $$; beef A;ows, 4ud belfebsi, a to he gluevale mallse-0, by Rev, Cr4w- J, Garrett. The ceremony was Par- Reek, manager of the, experlinental 'tomovelnaovwas�. 4% [ter ositill lotions. i ronc i , JI.. 1 $7.50. calves, 49.�15 to $1046. ford Tate, on W nastlay, March formed by Rev. W. R. Osborn,%Pas, farm, Ridgetown, a pr000sed direct� aalve3 and j)jhtmeul�,, �,�itljeiut avwl.. I . � . - .Shoop, recellitO. 1-500; fad yQaTI114901 14th when Miski BiVel Jewitt, eldest ter of the �Londesboro, Me odist or of the Ontario Co -t Who spoke on decidetl to see what Vatu-Buk could do I . I . I . - I I I I I � I . .. ... ­ . I .. � . � I wethers, wtalt to ase lower, tat isnevit I a of the orgaql� . . . . . . . .. *41 " , , ; *eel;'s top tat limb$. dau;hier of Mr. and Mrs. David JeW4 church. - ,the bylaws and $Chem,, I 111rhe first application of thi% herlial . steady to sttong _ Alarried it% Wingham zhtion, and Mr. S. B. Stothers., dis-i . b,allu reli4.o�ed Swellilig and soretter.t.1 In X A.eohl, however slightJ, 311004 bover ; I .$I$. 6 to city bulcherp. .closin topc itt,. became the bride of Mr. Whitney r it it is ut treme(I In, , $14A to pAckera, built destrable'-fat Mr. R. Ir. Deacon, son of the late trict representative for Rural% Coun. surpriving way and'as I continued 1kith be N�gleeted, to , good kind. Stewao, sorl of Mr. anc) Xvs, Thos4 I ty. � Mr. j. Laporte 'Acted as chair- Zala4l3ul, dj$cll�rgr- ce.tstd, and the time it, will, without dtiubt, lead to . . woolled lazalbs, $14 to $14.60. Mr. and 31ra. Henry Deacon, East , . $11.26 to $12; fall.-3hotn up to $11,76; Stewalt. ( . . . . roan. , TwdntV!.t)tree '78hsr0hOld0V# -ulcero began. to W ti,,ealthier loohing' ' bronehiti - or soiska other'wriouA Itoo 1I. qholce 87 -lb. %eq yoArlinvok V13.10. Forme� Uulkt Uoy'Dies in MexicID Wilivanooh, And Miss Marietta Salt. were secured at the m0ting and the and far tewpainint .14 a wook or -two. troalilo. so. .. . I . 9 , . 11 . 1. 11 .. � , heavhir kini, $13.60. bulk lightweight Cit er, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. 0. :thanks to Zara-Uuk. � tbe lam of the . . m4d, $8,36 to *8.60, heavies, 47 to 'a Salter, East Wawanosh,- were mar. organization. is off to a good Start, # Dronev6s is not reall.r d3agevous, - . I Mostly: choice US -lb, aged wethers. -1, -�he eaL\tlhi occurrL in Mexico, -N. ried at the Methodist parsonago, and should receive the wh6le-hearW itittanimation kind gone and the ankle W43 but tilo, coulg4leationi which am ljob.10 �. .. I to ;9.60*.. bulki $8.60 to 0. � I . Y., on �iVkuaryl, 27tbt 1923, of a Well- W support of all interested in , -bean thomughly heated W'Ith firin new skim" to 44 VIA - , . I I .� . . . . known Hullett", boY, lit the person Of TZrigham, .on Tuesdry, March,11th. . -principal We t 0 th . . to follow luo e3 itucceo0ty j � 1, . I � a ceremony was performed by the xrowing. The I 0 f 0 I . . I . I I I I . Avoluall Who.juinlled Falls. Dr. Frank- Fowler, at, t Rev. C. E. Cragg... The hagpy'young organization jo. to* arrange for the . - 1. I 0 1, .1 of it on the foot Sign. I I . I � . ' . C . - P so tut wia . I I I Bronchitis darts With * IhOrti vola- -, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., xa�ch 19. years. The deceased was a well- couple will live in Brant oid, after marketing' of' the bean art) . . �. . � 7-11 � has, been established that,,'thia known veterinariat; In the town of 4 .short honeymoon - trip' to Guelph all shareholders will hae dul . ­ � 'ful, dry. cough, tiecoMP40104 mith r%Pitt - 1. . , .. . woman .who committed sulcide.* by Mexico, where he practised for the and Toronto. . I . . I I tunit)t of securing the highest maiket I I 4r _6".&W whoLv,111ir and a t1ghtutVA through ill$ , - . I � i � * . . A . I .1 � Ad . . ' I . Tar . goiclety ot ilrice for their troo., . I . . . . ' , gh"t. . - - first the expectoration is at' ,, . jumplag'oyer .the falls,on Thiiisday past thirti years. oborry Aricultural . I I . U L but us tho I . . . trojjAia. Pft� t " I I I 11 Former Brussela Couple Celebrated' 0 I . . , I n., light color, I , . .16 Minn, Helen Poland, 29 years ol� �. . Directors old Oyster Supper - Must Help Support Thiiir Mother . I "; . I � 'a , . : ,of Arli. owavenue, Brooklyix, X.Y. . .:_.._AK_1teu,.We44ing . I . . grown t.he liblegul, %which I& Tol"r. . �_ . I , , ug,t . The Turnborry ,Agricultural Socle, are � . I I I I . George Truigit, Toronto, a 4 ,Z,,.Z � I .3, betiou Ideatifireatlon of Ahe litiMUg left in Mr. and Mrs. Ti �L. Hingsioll, of t.,,; directors, And their wives held before Magistrate Reid, of *Gwerich, � I � 1. .,.— � from the brollehial'tulA k(4 of.* . . � ,the hack. was made by ye Langley, Wash., former reside,ri.ts oi . � . of, WiTigham, 1. . I .. � .. � - . yrilmvish or greonialt color, ,1* Of 0 '. :.' . I , %_ $6seph V.'Botand, . . . � I 1, Brussels, . cele))rq,ted their goidoi their anmial oyster supper on Wed- nd Mayor Elliott, I . I . , � -"now, . otriligish natury and 1001ollakes stroAtd, : , , , ��A,. , , .. iiesday $v6nlng. March 14th, At the aharged by his sist4jr. with faftg to . . . , . I . The ii�img, w6miail wits omploye& w6dain�, Feb. ME' Mr.'Ringston Ili home of the vice president-, A, 0. and c 'of their aged moth- ' I . - -1 �Z_._ I . witiL blood. . .- I . � . I . . 11W1%1 I I . . . . � lar 11 IT 4. Wsist in support. 1. � I I mnowowao*w 1, - . — . � . am a1lbrarian I& a New York public a son 91 Lne AaMoLV4 � . I-"$- on' Mrs. Sridtli,,,Wiagbam, .Interesting or, The defendant 4bsolutely relug. . �. Ili Dr. vtoo(VO .640rVV0lY 'rial! p7TOP . . I � � I � . . . . . ��� I . ' I r . � I . . — � I - , , I , I tina it filiaL . � . . ,�4 1 . ': , � . 11 .. I I I cylt ' � � I ' & I . � ; library, And had!receutly been In a one of the pioneers of Brussels* and accounts bf the meeting of the Fairk' ad to do anything for his mother and 1, I I . - . you wit . y that Will 16mil. - �., ! I . �'F n' �,_- _,.-__ � dff A- , .. 11 . 11 .. I . 2015. s. Ilirigst6n is a sister.6f. Mr. Jos. r $2 h � .. � � , I -1 I itilrerinc fronra, liermix Mr I 4LU 7 . sanatorium E , 1. . . $90 a in bron , were g van by the court ordered him, to pa) laid tit" weauftoa broachia ,otia"t, �� . FF ,W., I ' , !AK 11 � ... "I . - ... ...... ISTRits, *V're. � . . breakdoT�n. : White rivermen are Cardiff, of Brussels. , Mr. G. . Unde ood d : r. darn' week, toward llpf. sUPPOtt. A broth' . I - _. i ... , ! 7,,)�,itls� ! I . , �� 11 � uAgii . . , I - W1010 the IrAt6ted paro, Iowa the . � I : , I I . R,.CJXAV$.JX, - . a hope New P& for 4 a rtson The remainder of the 6r, Riohard Truant WAS' Also charged, eJusi, itad ilial goll , . �� I P..e,Ir,%VA JLA watching the lower.river, littl Science MaRter Engag � . Phlegm and 10 I 0406, I � 1. . I ., . .. - .nav7AItt)W � strhtt.Coderieh , � . is beld. that either h6r:boq.y or,that ' '. Vall, Term at Sestforth C.- -1, ! evening ;�as spent listening in ra- but was, unable to attend the court Mor*bld iteeulaulStion. . ' .L ",P- , . I - . � � - , " - , "" . . ., . . I the man, who. jumped over a few. ting as I d1oplio a c ee bill t erent and notified the.crown attorboy,pot - hil . . � . . � .� . ­ — . .. 71� - --- ci� reviously will , be recovered, Mr. Shibley who wa3 wt - . hare. of heir a. 6$Aew, FUN$%, CYT Vra� V, 11. fflat��, syllopyt - X 0 Ar I , I .. cities'as far as os ngeles, he -would a 2 4olhi sti, h0ur ILI b t-1, I . C06, -AND NOTARY L,�.., days p science musteri' at the Seaforth- Cot 1 meric L . ,. , nss e his a to at b ffiliesl­i`014st PAU I W"', trouba . . I ­ . . CONVZYAN . . . � ear- I .. I a I, alao p a, week' V - ' . . — . , . It Is believed thii bodlas will be ,a for a fortnight, ba- Cal . . - ny $2, � - . 140 . Ing at In.. ... hicli tUrnell 10 . . . I I . . I legiate bistitut I , , I with 0, vety.-1144 eold w � . :L� . . the fce.-�_ 7 ' ptie I W.)f widow . I . , . I I an wth show c4r4 I1m?1W;9 I I :J�NSLAD$.. pAyflelil, COW- ried out to the lakein. , , the OW 4 i , . (;90AzF E dAE I . returned to Toronto, and has been, � Not to Operate Exeter Flax Mill we d . " 8"Ur C old M 411 ir Wh etch trit-A svnevd , kinds of I � � I . - I . . yeviltictur and polarl Public Since; the . blethodist minister, has for 12 years . bralichitim. .1 . . ,. . pulcidq Chief of P Isupceaded by Mr, Pyle, another ,stu- ' wmk to?After Vh U : . .. . t altee , Mr. Jos','- Davis, maiiager of the _1-7--, ", ')QW';.vr.-- AM. ithoat tellet; A 140411. . I . I , . . " — I Curry .has received shoal%of letters, Bo; hl' . . . . ; Welk orlikitmki medicines but iv .. I .- The ar4 hai� succeeded I . . , I 1PROVDI-7OOT KILLORAN & "OJ,VV%- - , dent. I Exeter mill, -has Teceived instruct;ons - . . . � 111OW CAXD SC11001, r. Wood ,a XqVitsy Pine .. , . - ams and photograp ii, aski . , . I � DVITIKOIT A told 016 ;6ut 1) I : I I . oariisWR.'�`itcitors, ,Xazartes PUV- t(Aegr � 49 securing the servict-9 of 'Air.. 13,lsson.. from the Ontario Flax Co., the sharer . Ter"too 00-k . I '"I IsSL44A sdiirgir NOV . - . . . te. 1 , I , .� . for information regarding the, woman ette as science manter for after tk�"- holders of which are la ej resident '"I . I _ Syrup, I U. -ed two hottio. tula lay, cold, I .. . � � I __ __ . . � ! � �:_ � -Stluate" �ud, deal, ,from . -tly' t�iera- -haliday,., , -- �__ I - - , - - --' - . . jiul eough we?A eampleftily gone, &Ad IF . . wmnt oYer.- . I - Xr- -�hat t e,ftill will -,- � . . ... � I . � I I . V . �:� whb Apparm t . .. E! street, dr4orich. . � iii,the Itiah Islas, . ­­ ­____.. 4 . I-. 9 as. we At) 11'a Illver . . Vlovite fUndS to loan av lowest rates. are a great mahy missing women, 1w - . ' t -_ ny this �. I I . I I . , —_ - --- . ­­ -",--,, +.- Xo*-I-wn n -, _­ ­­ � . i I I . I - - Tucke*rsmith Lad Injured in Mncltlfte not be operated by the earn a I 11 I I - V AV '610 , � . . W,1Pn6UDr00T, K. Q. ... Canada and the Unit6d States. . . T I ' Vitti6tit I . , 00111,01 in the 110"im . . � . . . J. L. KIL1,911AX. DUI)* -Ey 11OLii&s. Sur. . � . I . I . The - little son of Mr. Roy Peppei, year. It means agolod dea to those I . I �_" . � � I , " 'Dr. I Ot OlDt, W00411*10 � 1. . . I ,. . . . I I I � I . -employed in connee. , . . . . 1. B6 sure a"I le . , ..- a ,, -. of Tuckersmith, while out in the barn who have been ; � . , I - Book (in, Delorme 1'"i . . he past . 11 . I I I . Priett 130*16nd 111003 11000; Put UP by I I . I U4DTIQNEERXNG ' I . , lion With the business in t . -_" I . � I I ; I I A I . . , where gis father and two older boN a few years. There 1s alway's, lIbAv- * ; . 11 . I � . '. I Tlio.TiMllburn (�o., Limited# Torookeo . 1, � I I — l§, - Detec- ' b bed' - 11 !W I �', " . . � I . I . � MOKTREAL, March were threshing grain# :e 101 I or .... I : � . I 11 !I __ �' , .. I , 0 ibility that A purchaser - - 11 :!�'11!16 . 00t. i - - ,�. - - � . I ­ , 0 - *11 _ssi . ­ I I .. � .'"Ilmiks 00,4DRT. � . ever, a po, a . . -_ . � . . I . I L .1 . Live George Lajote, the.officer who the machine an bi &oil . I I 11 -.1 — . ! � .. , . ' . may be found. The letter to. Mr. , _W1611111111;1 M.� I -_ __­­­­­­_,­M��_ . ,. , I LWA .41OCk and Geller&!. Auctioneer . a 14Ur- was turned and, ,getting 'his 100i � .1 I __ .- . I I � . .. " � conducted the enquiry into th I . I Vail . I I 1 I - I � . . I . . . .. Ifamstolt, wees, Goderlft der -bf Raoul I Delorme ou-Joinuary-9, caught in softie way was rather.badly Davis stated. that the company the I 11 . - �� . .1 . . 10 ' � �� I I . . . 1� -tit" maie,iftiterSwIteft 900-4111VO.Ifforls well satisfied with the, result of 1 . �. .11 ers-.10 d�jsl tratmost fred , . I ittlaractlan, 19.2.2, for which Rev. Abbe Delorhis injured. He was takin to.the Clin- I I I . � -A Sure Addle Wimen s Word � .. . . ' I . . . �. I 4, . Iniie to give you ted and afterwards com- ton, hospital. - . I operatiqns of thirpast year. � I . I I. I 7 . .. . . I I riarmere, at! I e notes discounted, _ I , ,was arreo I $Jster of Past xresident, of- Boyul .. I �. .. � I., I . . � 1. I � orange Lily is a eerhila Wlist forall disorders of N6$11011- It Is *PUtd' - I �fl' I . ' � .. � . .1 I � i mitted 'to all 'asylum, as a lunatic,', Fornier. 'Ashfield Man, Who Died in. I � -inn Academy, Dik . I . I . loeally gad Is illsortled 14to the isutr�ringr tISSUo' t1ilit. desd w0to aWtOt ' ' � I . 1. . I .� le I has � a. It 7 . . I , I I I & ., INWRANC 1­� I written, a book on.the eas Saskatchewan.- Brought to Luck- Canad I I . I . � . Iri.-Itta,copgosted osion Is eivelled. glviag.�.Immedlatb meot4l tud 0*01 .. . r ., . . I I . . . r 11 I . has been, published by a T.orynta I .' I , Mrs, George Robertson passed ,a. , . I 1, I I . . - I =' ,"..!I. ,'w - �- -� -h I !- . . - , ttl;At -F1 . . . now for Interment . � - - , � I retit . the b100d VeSSCIS bud . , I � I � � . .1 .., - . . . _ _ '. .31rKILLOP 31 I RE IN"ANCIE Arm. . � WAY t her home in Past, Wawanosb ' Adeil . s ' - i6r : _ I I � � nerves are toned kWl strea$th- � �. Go I — � . The remains of' the late Mr. Jais. - The. OAP .. 11 " I 1�. 1 -on Zdnosday morning, March* 7th, � . 11 . , . � .Vilres ,j�d L401sted Town properly Insured. The detective says -he decided to MacDonald, a former. Ashfield mail. , . . . cited,, and the circulation Is fift. . 4.'' - I I . . I Vamn of. or rty Insured up w JinuArYt. pu�lloh what he found oitt about '*he died at. Moose JAW, Sask'., on 1 after an Illne& of several *iiek,-.. toilet Atid bath. Sooth- , . . 1. ��'� I . &red to normal, As khh; tre4l . :, _01, I � . , � . . W5. . . . . . - , I � I *W 43 nix r570! resident, theJaurder. as'a viiatlkatioa. of his March 4th, .we ;She was bbrn ift East Waviiatiosh, if ' ing to even a� WOWS � . . I . -4arnes codolly� P . .. ... I . ,re brought to Lucknow . * . men4 is based on 601elly I" . . � .. I I .0PFI?%WS Pre8ld I I , � I Wed;- 'daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Adam Reid, -. skin. Tror' it to -clay. . 11� title principles, . and acts, olk Will . x;oderlilh ", - ;315�. Evans, Vlea- =2� hondr.. I I . fitir'interillient, the funeral:Qp � .:. . I - I 'Awnwodd; T. E. trays, Sec�-Treu., a o I It. became known nesday of last, week taking -and had 'wenty4ve'. yi ,�, " � - -11 , 11 . . . . . a6tual location ,� of ibe disease It. , . . . 11 , I sorth. . SestoM .. some members of the Exqcutive concession. T ars ago .. cantlOt help but do 944:fa at ,*�--i ".. . MJtEC,T0T(S---0. P. weare"r I fr-om the home of his brothe _�? . � I to -day; that .. � lived all her life, on',the 13th. . .. . . 1. 0. Grieve. Wltlulrov; Will. Wrin, Con- com,mittee of the city have pro- John MacDonald,. 12th conerws!'Eli-11 the war, married to Mr. Gciorgti Rob. Ir"TS.­ I . . forms. of feal3le, troubles, Itiolud- , I'll 11 teorts dlsapprov�al I -its - John I Halpenny of - I . I'll I aanee: r - mecarthel v nouneed, emphatic Of Ashfi d, to Kinloss cemetery. 1'( son. 111).q. .. fill wastru- . �� I (, TuckeranlIth 1 ei and Mr. Gfo. Ai . ig tiela�,ed 'and Plin lorris, set I I . * 74bn � onn SennawL - the publication of the story, of the 1. . Wingbarn, is a sister, . . I.. . . . . . ­ _a on . leveorhoea, 141111W of *0 , _. . . I . . :9roadhagwn.;14f= Gibson, Bruce Delorme murder :and made a de- Death of Mrs. D. Cunningham, W-inT.- P�e,ld,,,past president of the , Royal ,� I . . 19LUMT ­ it .- womb, ate'. J)iWe V-00 W bQ136 - . � I field. - . � I . . - . .. I . , . an. . I , 1. ., . Nalp . A n Academy, the Ontarlo,'§ _11,/ ­, "I'' ILI-` 'M411041 Iq Auffidlithit , for , (13110 ,� . .. - 11. � Safi,dv inand � - ,� i a. . 100 - I I -1 � , . , . " ­ e_'A..16 on. the author for a,dopy. . . I wfflum � I . � , I - - - - 0 . . 1,40ONT--a. V � o I - , . . I t.attri� (itaton , wm. pemov $WOM; � I , . ... . I . . � I 'the death of. Mrs. R. D.'Cuniting- harn took at the fAmil y resi- Artista, And principaVot the College of Art, Toronto, is , . .. 1 t , TOIL01,50" . -, searorill, � . a lunclift -Vt�lley Holders tan PaVtlietr a"& . I i 58mmu ., it R. it. Cutt's 15tore, GodWeb, A. J. 90r-� lim-Kitber Peddleis Dishes. , . . . DOORN, March l$ ---Having Itt-- place , dance, Wingham, on Wednesday af� . urnoon last week after an illness other.- , ' 'i�) - - .- � . br % , Mrs. Jos. 9WlUc*,iGray, Dies 1, . � . , , 41 . � 111*5 �i I I .1 � . I . . � I . . . � - , -pliarg Cilatifir Stare, Clinton, ,or ;. IL Rold'.111 1114"eld. . Lempted gardening and Vood-gawifir of .0fless than two. weeks. She,had not After being an invalid'for the �past . I . . � . I . . . � I . Irl- , I -1-1 __ ­­, �n, - -7 I I ,:!,� � � . I 1. *i0i INSVItANCE since exited the ei-Kaimer of Ger- I inauy is now trylng'his hand In the been In perfai6t health for some time A 1. .e 1,-A .ft"AM-an did act 2i_,year. _ q, a stroke from the result of . , ===== � .�,­­_­_­= V1119041 A Free Wrlaw"EMLIHIVAJ14 '41utleas t Free to anY sufleVION w0malt Who *111 Mud nic h 3 stamps and address. MRS., 1,YDIA. W.'LADDO M . SOLD tj . y 1,EADINO MOWS" . EVSKYWIMM . nw.w----.� - . __ _____ � r__*� I - . . . I .1 I all � � V.. of paralysis# Jane Cuirnsp WIGOV/ 01, I — ­ . .. � . . . _ - - . .- - - 110111111111111~ I Have it attended to. by, the : spher � . - - - - - --- .__ _ - __ - - --- 04 0 __ ., I . a. at Industry. At the Year)Y prove equal to an 'attack of pneu. the1ate Joseph Smillie, paid Nature's - __ - - - - - - 1W .. � Utreclit rair, just opened, - W1 - a . -- --I'— . --- . , o_ ­ 111AIA monia. She was in her 62nd Y av- debt Jast Saturday, March 10tho an. - I . . . . � . I ... . .. I . �i V98T W1,10MM NOTUAL FIRE INSURANO CO- 'He hits a booth devoted to . Stanley W-ed4i'19 I . I . r4woring the call -at the age of 94 . . ..� .� : .1 . 1. I . . . . 11 . . Establi$bed 2878 . I fa�tovk of ellina � . - I . . 1,AIrs, TWKWf � Q a . I V.V#j04*Aj,*M0*i*.j6L1L1jIIj Alie.'Rerlin adl at, . . ' . and I I hiLlolica, although4the booth Is At 4 o'clock, on. Wedneiday, Ma,ich years. and 10 months� The fulleral - . I I � Win. MoQuillint' Luckne, ,,, proS.; entered in the chtalogue under a Prl- Ithy at "Maple Terrace;1' the home of was hold Monday afternoon, n0tvice . � ' I I .1 � I Jna, A. MacKeutie, Kinea vicer . d *.Mrs, Latincelot Clarke, Var. being conducted by Rev, J.'P, Ate- ', . 1. . . .. . . . . .1 .. � Arq Afrin ,no, a qIfiet but pretty -wedding took Lead, BruqoeN aAd interment was ' " I � al-i"o - -Ti I . . re8,; offter Air tors -Ti aware that the exhibited plectis,daine 13lu6vale alongside of her -S -A . P. Re vatd name and none appeared to be Mr. an ,,Isie, their young. made in ; T . . . K It. No. 1, LueknoW; W. ftum the-Cadiner factory lit Horlin, place, when Mabel r f p ri I IF DN— C . . � -R, R. No. 2, Lucknow', ff. L. a , I _4rtnei, who d ad 81,4- years ago. . . I wbich is now aupposed to be ran b� eat daughtcr, became the bride (. I I . I R, R. No. 2, a i ; Alt ic . Mr. Ephraim A. Howou, of Arthur, Three .song (Stewart, of Nelson, B. J � . . � . ri, ther German state. . the ex. Ont., the Rev. J. L. Foqter of Vifrna C.�,­who was. here to visit his mother I r . ... - , I . .... zon, Luckno I a net I NO less a PerZonage than I . . at I r . ", 4D. 6111ciating. thin winter,- William ,and Walter . ..r. . I , o� , Sheppardton; as. I kaiser's Dutch secretary, PoerP D091al, ,. .1 . � . I . I r . . � 'ch; M. . 0 t. U. ..T..�,.;�—,-,.--�,�-�-�,..------�""—..�-.-,�, I' . . I .. .. ... -6, Goderl � Is'acting an. the salesman'. at t . .. I .. ,­_ - .1 . . BAD TAKE SALTS 1 � .---- � . burn.-, kalser's bo(,th., . ' I � L ___ � � . � __ -, __11 ­­ - .. . _� � ::_ ��= � ,. I I ., I . ­­�­ ­­-_ ..----- 1. �_ - - ­­�­-.­_,-,-­ � . 1) � . . __ _ . � _,_-1.1 - - � .1 . - __.. ­­. � ­: ­__;Jk�; 4 I � . 1. � I I I . ..­ , � ,.. _.. �. I . I I . I � ,%OTAVk'V tIMMIC. ETC . , , I ", _1 r 11 . � . . . � I . � . .. r _1� — ^,�� . . — I (Arand Itiver (leared. I , . 4 i - kW I % . . _ Kv, e,i:- �", .. ' .. SAILIZ, . I .1�1'. 11 � r .ri - W een. , i . �, — V,.� r , - xroa Backache Ofte . . . �TAIIV PUBLIC � ' BRANTFORD, bint., March 19. . .: � tr­ k- � I '. I , 4b- V . r ;"� � *,Z�.,i. . I conveyat ne, I *_1 I �, : , Say s n Mea's � You Have Ot B M . -up -of the Grand �.. ,,t'2'- 4 n I . . . .. , fleneral -wing do' The siring break � ... r I, .,...-, ". �11 � .1 . 1 . . . I . C�oqqd COmi" ft=61110d ... I ,_ �. . 4). 4 0111, river came without excitement or . I : . ­� r . I � . � 'W ,'. � � , Phone to, . erlell, - . , . 4 .. .. r .11 I - - r' ." '' II, - �­�­ , f% !*1 1%. We . I 1, . . . ng Enoug, .. I . . . ____.Z_�:� even a flurry on Saturday afternoo . -.'� I _ . '. Drivild' Lrh Water I..:_ . '1- rr- - — - . I -11 �, . . X ", .. rr , "I I ,A -MI.. I>* r I I . -_-1 - When the -waters' raised enough to i, 4 . , .11 * I - _ � .1, '73 4' . . __ '. - . . . I � . .. take out the vild-stream portion. The .4 4 s, I k, , I � * �.�, V .r.. 0 . pcf,q ; I . I I bau,)c lee has beea lett stranded, and � I . : ..r �, ', I . .11 11 1' ,ither consult a good, reliable, physi- , , . NNIidn' m Wake tip with bachaelle I will need a day's rain to carry out. �": I A r � .... L 1, �4 1 '� 'fr6in ,�our #�ha�-,-Iln. 11 , et Lt \ BF09080 BMW All day Sunday Lortle bridge was lift- � . I I . , 1. . , ; , J 'Prid aulr misory In the kidneY regioil it ciall. at once or g . A.+, I I � I 1� . , . . . . �4, I . 400 I , . , .",l)OUt, tot' .. .0* " . GOPERICH . ed with eltizOn'si watching the moving . . I . I � niay mean you have been Mina faodW . e ho t tr owi",eg of '.. . . lee takes on. their way to Lake grle � I .(. ... t,-tt31L-8pfjr);r.fnl,1n h glw,g of W�ter � resto, xw. nothing out of the r I i %vilic'K create -adds,, .uy.; a well.l.nowti tall %bair. . . Ivilt they 8� ....... 11 . t W6 . . the Leading � ordinary. 'Th(?re was iiii daug��r sit � - � authority. An ie.ncess . of � swull ac!41; before bipakfast rsir a f0mv thm") and . ...... -.116.11'.... I .. any time, and indications are that the I .... I_ _ pyprworks the Iddileys ill t1leir effoft td) your kldt;eys maly th0l !let fine. Tlli,; 11 I � streani Is clear as far north ds Galt. I . r all$ lq­made from the add O" . aW embalmers ­__ r � L Irk - fanlouz�l & 1, A . .� �� t filter It fro,ni Me b1I6dd'dM1'11i6Y, bivf 0, I . I . Qtwen's boxers beaten $it Yale-' � 1,,_ .­ When I I r Orders 0,0trefully ,zttended to . . gig ilsAorease lit V. S. bog. boldlago � s.ort of phralmd , and 11F r l,,r-.,.pt­ _,I�tl lenion0jui�e. CiUmbiftQd WWI . I 11t1liat. a,rg(l lja�; bt;,�Ij u',qe(l for yeara to � mit P-11 houm-aig,116 or day. b(I rottes, lower, "fler's. comla'. % I your Iddlicya 'get OtI951011 and C101T YOU I I .­ . . - _ ------- i and C'tinItIl'Ite �Iltlggiqh lii�l- r . I � ... - I I ­ . . r . - � . �­ � � I., P ]p ot, !, � . I I I . I � 11 . 1101" ultist rehove- them, 111te ywa rebev(,, .VOUr � 11A i ','It . - . I I r � aelds ill fll,! — . I I I A" - A I 0 1 � i howels re ewing all the b0dtl'.. tP.-inoti.,4 ixe�vl, ahiu 6) neutraligu . Us 1,; It. Nfteelar I I Fmioral Director and Embglmer I . Goderich, Oritwio I I I 11. All CIRS r-iowlifly aft entled ta . I I tl,;�� oz Malit. I I I'llontok �44DIFV,D3. ltn.T,�P. 3�)-'A� — . or-,- Z 1. , . Ri i4f 0681vos We etiumft. .tauw Alve 11111110". .tootis #*#MV U"Iran *JW VMA* W0q0G0*,oL1.V. *rrsrrlvw ttousitmotb ftmu" 0 a � i I � . �' q � I I I � 6 eo P, ,�. RaiRois tAking a fait k6li 00 604801ii�, fll'r� f"'4C*Uf'i ""il"bu- gewe deliverittgait address into a raditipbone. . . � 6 9 vaqte, eige you bave, kaellinehe. Ock systeni, �,4, oiit.�,- mi longer irritate. flitv � . I . . I headache, dizzY slielk.; your ,ittimaell I of tell velievill"', bladder weaLnells. ln� ...", � som, tdngue IG couted, and w1u.n. the � Jad ��alts, is illel,pfinisve. ednmt a I wpather jo bad yod have rhownatic jure wid niike,.,.a delii,ffitful effervos�cent . I . twinges. Tlie urino iq dot-viv. full Oi flthia-%vater drinli. Drink Iota of soft . - . a I eliment, ehallnell oftoll get.-,O)ro. V,ator lVater. Dy all nlea,mq have ,,�Oul. pltysi- " V,4 sea)(b and you are obliged to sceR relief dau e%andne you kldneyF3 at least twice 0 two or thrcc tiraeo-ldnrin-thf,, Mght- . a . year. I I � . % � . . . . I . I I . � I I � � . . . . I ., ­ . ­ , - – ­­ -, – ___ ..., - r J' 1:. - 1. - ' .,:.,.-.I- r" I ___ = � 1.1- .1 . I . 11- I . � . k-', . I %� I . I . , . � " �11 � I I _.i0 .. I = 0 4