HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-8, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -561.
PAR1VIE FUR BALE, lisborue Condi Henson on the ist.—Dog serapes are plentiful Donald Stuart', gravel, 49.84; J. Salter,
here at present.—Some pereon or per- $10 50; S. Stanlake and others for
The andersigoed lois a, few R004 ATMs for
sale cheap. Atoriey to loan on easy terms
Sarawell's Blook Exeter
To take charge of family on a farm.
Apply to Nretionas 13Eavan,Crediten.
There strayed auto the _premises of the ati-
`3c ilersigned. Lot 4, Concession 1, Biddulph.a
brown mare, 5 years old, ring,bono on nigh
hind foot, and tcar OM off front foot. Owner
can have same by easing charges.
W. Down, Centralia,
Valf.rADDE VILLAGE ritomexy FOR
Thoundersigned is offering for sale that
desirable and valuable property, situated CM
Huron Street, tieing part of Lot 11, contain -
lag over five acres- There is on the premises
g904 brick lionse. containing, seven rooms,
with stone cellar, imam kitchen and wood-
shed attached; a frame stable and other
necessary out -buildings? 4.chalet, fruit toes,
a good well of watt rand other con veniences,
Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to
1:41,4 FOR SALE,
4 -The ourlersigned is offering bis splended
farm, inthe township of rsbornc, hp.' sale.
being lot 0. concession 3, contaioing 111
acres. There IS on the premises two good
VAS (uno II.4U4 4:11 tr.ao.4 i,ait.I.iuI4.
iT)gi ;4 good frame 110116f. good wells and a
.mild orchard. Ibis one of tho best
farms in l'4,berne. and will tAi Kola reason-
able. Intending purchasers slionbl see this
pre perky before purcliasiog elsewhere.
Maw- KELtAtil)
Dovou11 O., Oat
Council met July 2nd, as per ade A very- happy event took place at the I $Ons have been in the bat of commit- bridge on N B., $14 60; C. Prouty,
journmeat. All present. Minutes of residence of Mr. Wra. Mitchell, on We de pets and if t$47.50; J. McLean, gradiug, $2.50; Brix
ting‘ cruel tricks ou tamed
June meeting wore read, approvedaud nesday evening. We refer to the mar- found ont will be under the strength I ter and other, 68 Lee; Cunningham,
signed by the Rees e. Keddy—Hunter, riage of his ecord daughter, Missof the laze—Mr. Ezra Timm) has per- $540 Wileon and others, grading,
that the Mitchell bridge and Iron ;Beatrice Annie, to Wm., eldest son of chased another butcher cart for the use i$ele W. Huston, gravel, $S1.12;
Works Co., to erect a steel bridge over Mr. Thos. PeartThe eeremony was of delivethsghls meat around town and Wing, wood, $12,35; some other small
.. t
th() Sauble River on Thames Road, be 'performed by the Bev. W. M. Remand is baring it painted—Levihe Conaccepted.—earried. Hunkin-Delbridge was witnessed by the relatives of the queror, has returned from Exeter not
Westem fair, Loligolt• •
orders were greeted. Council adjourn- This great Live Stock and Agricul-
ed to meet again first Monday after- tura l Show, is perbaps, the most suo-
that the certified accounts, asuouutingicontracting parties. After the happy having beeo successful in getting his noon in August. I require all school ceesful of any in Canada to day The
to $89, be paid and that the Reeve Sign !volute' couple had been warmly con- roilitars- suit or uniform, and he now requisitions in by said day of nteetiugincrease in the timelier of exhibits has
orders for same—Carried Council C'gratulated, all repaired to the dining , says he has his three years in and has
tended by A. Bunton, to wee Sept, in walaug, and after ample justice had busy cutting and hauling in their hay. Luau the buildings to accomodate the 044-
O. Peorre, Clerk, been simply marvelous. Eaela, year
, adjourned, ou ramie') of W. Keddy, ee- room, where a sumptuous suppe.r was graduated.—The fanners are now very
- • - . . . the directors are called upon to =mid
$.rd, (MO ct clock. been done lathe good things, the rest
Hay Soho! Report
The June monthly r evert of 5 5. No.
Is as leilOWS• Names are hi order
'of merit. V—J. W. Todd, M. M. Rue.
sell, Fiera Northcott; Sr. IV —Sera
—The read work is now finished and lonal demand for space.
of the eyeliner, was spent very pleas -1 the aKearaoce of the streets and side, , The citizees of this place and sur- There has been ia box stalls added
antly in a soeial manuer. The bride; walla; are Yery much iinproved. We: rounding country celebrated the First for the horses this year. The carriage
was very handsomely attired in brocad- ,O1101114 new have electric or gas lights of July bere. In the forenoon a base building- has been increased by over
ed burtrimmed with cream 60;4in the business places, streets, residenc- ball contest tool; piece on the commons WO square feet. The mein building
and wore a wreath of natural beavers ' es, ete„ and our blew wool be one of between the bash Nine and a picked baviug been too small for sews years
The brideeneele, Miss Mary Alin Peart, lite best busicess coritere in the comity. team from Wellborn. The sane blood past. Ili to have a muck needed team.
sister of the groom, was alis afticely at il Nellie who travel at eteht MUSE be , 36 -di In favor of the fortner. The crowd 'glen to the south, of Z0 x CO feet, which
tired in the same material 11,w gveoms -careful where they go aiel how thee go which was largo eousidering the bot will to used as an " art annex," being
egortheott, e ,, Ilunnails, 1,1, .1-11rtgell; Jr, man was Mr. Jatres Hozgartli. The Thom shooK hi, ssewthiPr. in the light day and the busy *Masan, repaired to' spectally prepared and erraeged tor
1V -1V, R. Dougall, IL F. Jebusteuti briti° was made the reeildent of a r: urn • , lime dime.— Mr. Geutirote manager of the race grounds at 2 p,tn. headed by i the display of oil paintings and decor.
Alice Deugelli 111--W. F. O'Brien, Lin bet of valuable presents. The yeeeg ' the Geadeon mauntetetu, nee co„ Toren. the Parkhill Brass Band, and witnessed ative art. This will enable the maw
elle Munn, Cora Menu; Sr. II—F. R. couple will take up their ree'clenee in to, passed through here ane daY 1 aet OW most successful trotting contests , agement to rearrange tite apace e in
Nortlicott, Maggie Sutherhy, J. R. Muun the village, an we unite with their week. Ile is now at St. Joseph uspec that have occurred here for years. The ' the main building proper, to aceomo.
le Mabel Dougall, A. W. Jobustou, many Mewls in wishing them a loeg dug the business of ele Contitie• outriee were large, some seventeen in , date the demand of the rnauufacturere
BertteNortheott; Part 11—Perey Clarke and bap p:re roeirried life. together, --gee- , all, and fair play was given to all par. /` and inventors. The original intention
Mary Joliustou, Earl Brickwood; Part 1 Dashwood. ties. The followlute were the wieners was to increase the machinery hall
—Wesley Oeleinan, Graele Andereou. (leatralla,
in each trot; also, but the directors fled it iinposeible
We regret to announce the death of Three-minute trot; to accomplish thie, and have laid it
duo monthly epelling matches were:
Willie Northcutt. The best spellers In
Mr. Frank leeks, neeompauted by Mr. LOUIS Hilliter, Sr , which east event Jennie Rooker, J. Brooks, London over Inc next year. They feel satis-
. - f il • N h
Deegan; 111-11 Brien; Sr. —M • • * • t wee . tc came htee from teermanry eeveral Irish Girl, O eft d S M •
. ar3S 3 Pair be, quilled equal te, if not
gen, ••••••••••••11
orw ch, isvisiting is occurred on Friday iaet Mr. Beater Delia Bele T. Rohlnsou, Ildertou fled that when thi is done the Western
—J. W. Todd; Sr. and Jr. IN —Alice a am
r 2 - •
'father 11 Wel s Miss s eft 10,11
voTE,Ri. tg-es -311IcIPALFLAY(IF
THE v114,AtIF, #,:xvrgit, popypy OF
1, N_- hereby given that I have
transmitted, or delivered ta tilt crsons
inentioned in the 2,rd and 4th sections of tbo
Voters' List Act. the cal lies repare.1 by said
section to le so traustaitteJ or delivered of
the lasts maie ursuant re sai I 40, of ail
versions apiciringll.v the hist revised assvei-
ment reE of the tiC3R4 t9 19 en-
titled to rote in the t.ahl Slunicituliiv at tee
fleet:one tor metal crs of the Legislative As.
sitablP. sktui the MI4140144 elivtions, and
that salci list was first postal at my office,
Town HAW Eveta r, €;. .e4; day ot duly, IN'S.
thero for insrection, Electors
PM calk • mon to examine the sai,l AtIt. and
it any ognissisin, *oilier errors are tamed
tiorrein to Mho ..,ate proceedings to
have the milli Crirora corrected according to
M Paeuctar„
vivre of tho Municipality.
Patel this 7th.lay
- • • arm and received a bad fracture above
the wrist. Another old man, Mr. J.
Hodgins, of Clandeboye, was entirely
overcome by the heat, and fell fainting
to the ground. Medical aid was sum
Sutiaerby; Jr. 11-...(1. j01105:014 Pl. 11.-4. A left Inc Kingeton on Fridey last, where years:ago, and. was always a good, i better than. any other ess9ciadion ou
M. Jahtlgett; Part 1 --W, Comm . she will speed ties soimilm--.A. ff.leiglid ! quiet viti4u. Ile leaves to mount his ..,„ 2.80 trot:. the mite:tent fOr exhibition purposes:
concert was given an the Town Hall. death a widow aid seeett children, i'a.). Frank, J. L. Doherty 1 The haltrtille speeding track is ae
Stephen (i'llool .Reports • Ftimily, which was non of the best of , eral on Smidav was largely ;menthe). „,„1/4,11lew,bel,1 ... ,, 2 eine now 1.1.74:ds the caenditzu record\
oa Weetiesday, JUlte 420-11, by the Was ' most of u horn are growl, up Tbeeele iTexue Minuie, .C. R. Polleskoweity know/edged to he the best le Canada
ee._..— re ,.. jits hind ever bold ie Ceetralia.—Farin- —Word reaelik here Saturday vf the i e'"',‘" rs % 4' •11' me'"r. Alin Craig 3 . awl tab seeeeserY eouveldeuees for ex.
The followiug is the revert of re ee ,! ere, aril busy' liti 41g, at preFent. They death of Mrs. Grill, who mitti last rt.p- • hibitors and (1 t. pubile steuerally can -
Free Incfer-alli
No.4, Inc June and the naineeare la or. import the crops to be govil.—Mr. A. i' rift lived here, AGO Which time she Mies 1 -Minaret', G. Go' bel Olitchell 1111°!; be surpassed-
der of merit2.—Jr. 11 —F• LUtere Clarke' Nevin bar -eseel, seven tens of hay off i lived with her sou, John, in Elitteti, Robert II., A- Scott. Loudon 2 rbe.rerel importaet additietts have
. Clara Marlene, Mary Roeszter; Jr. III1 two acres last Thureday. This le about I Michigan. Much. Msympathy le exprese- Tom Appleby, R. Pater, Stratford 0 . made in the live stock classes,
Russell Bastard; Jr. III— Pent Kestle, the beet we beree, heard of. -'-Mr. J. td for the wreared frit.i (1.4....,.The r. C. Stanley, of this pew, received and a number of handsente specials
Freeman Morleck, Mae Weed' Alheet Neil bee just eempleted a slew fruit& weather ler the past few days Ina het It paiutul accideut while walking close veered be liwetiere' Aeeeciations.
Wein, Arthur Awe', Chester Helve: Sr. stable for Mr. J P Illation. Our towu to one ef the trotting horses. Ile un•
II—Mabel Clark, Tommy Reenter, is growing faet.—Agaitt the cold hand fortunately walkell too close to the ant
mal, and as a result was kicked in the
been as het as some time ago.--- Mr.
Geo. Wiegand had a bare, raising
Oliva Hartman, Nora Uartranu, Levine of death has visited us and taken trent Mouday aftern0011,--Dominion Lety
Klumpp; jr. 11—Almlui Yaeger, Mar. our midst one who was known to most passed off quietly In the village, nearly
tha Oestreicher, Ezra Welt) Herbert of ua as a respectable neighbor, in the everyoue being at the fitted —Mr.
Morloelt. Martha Ne lud,Jacob Hartman, person of Mr. Wm Johns, of Ushorne, John Fried and wife, of Loudon, spent
Albert E. Whitaker; Part II—I.:Iglu residing on 1140 town line. He raffle Sunday wtth friends in the village.—
Amy, Willie Smith, Willie Roesalere with his wife and family about four Berry picking has commenced and
Wesley Wein, Annie Hartman, Samuel years ago to this part and Qum) then large embers can be seen daily wend.
Oestreicher, Cecil Rowe; Sr. Part I— has made many hinds. Go Saturday ing their way to the woode- —Fall
Della Kestle, Nora Brown, Cora Clark* ho took sink and the roller. lilg Monday, wheat and barley is turning rapidly
Della Smtth, John Oestreieher, Wilhoser at three (Mock, he had passed to his in tin:Ise:elan, and will soon he ready
Morloek, Aaron Wein, August Hite? reward. He leaves a wife and two to barvest.—Mrs. P. Beaver, who has
man; Part I—Olildred Either, Minnie mall children to mourn the loss of a been holidaying with friends in eltch.,
loving husband and father.- The fam• retnraed last week. -41r. 0. W. Snell
ily have the epinpatIty of all uho knoe spent bits era/ days with Metals down
them and trusts that He who cares Inc eiiSt.—Mr and Mrs John Murray, of
even the birds of the air, will also watch (halite; who are rusticating as Greed
over and care for them in their time of Bend, were the guests of E. M. Broken-
trouble.---Tbe strawberry festiyel held shire,
here ou July lst, was a great sue
cess. 4 large creed were present and
the eatables fully up to the standard of
former years. The sports were grand
and we are glad to say that the prizes
were well and. eagerly contested. In the
lady's races, Miss Jones took first prize
every time. The members of the eir-
cult deserve credit for the splendid and
thoughtful manner la which they ar-
ranged everything. The proceeds of
the festival were $1.06 and the concert
in the evening $25.
First -Class Farm For Sale.
Ta Ito mild boblie ausdion lic Mr, floors
Drown, auctioneer, on rho 111019tPk9Utietle
lam. AM reue,itiv. the eth day ot. August, .4.
It ,PegN. tit two o"clook p,to, foubpet to such
conditions as rdiall titan 10 produced.i All
that parcel or Ira.- it of land containing by
reimeasurement one hundred acres, bo the
same nioro or lus• being composed of Lot
(o. II, in 1140 1.1441 concession of the town-
ship of l'sborne, iu the County of Huron
now In the occupation, otThomini 44 t'hirlw.
This tarot is in priino condition, all under
cultivation, emtept lug teams ot good tousl,,
hes two orate:41s to Lull bearing. and two
never tailing wells. rhereare a Immo rtwel-
ok num a barn:44x5A.sliert *4N:A a stable 2"4". wit h fences all in a fair Stitt o ot rot air:about
acres nre fit for fall wheat Possession of
which will be given for cropping this fall.
The remaining land is all seeded down with
timothy AO clover. „For further particulars
apply to .Mr. Clarke on the prendses, to the
auctioneer, or
:Assns. ELLIOT Sz GA:AIWA:1i
Dated fIth *W. Solicitor,E,auter.
7,3 iliftli PEE
The undersigned has op-
pened up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
est of meats constantly on
John T. Manning.
$ 1 5. -owl--
is all that it will cost
School Teachers
and others for a course in eitber Depart-
ment during JTJLY and AUGUST,
$2.50 g rd. seenre goocl board
Write at once for particulars
Mr. James. Davis, of Blyth, who suf-
fered intense pain for ten days from
' appendicitis, passed away Sunday, at
the age of 58 years. He was- appoint-
ed chief constable of Blyth 15 years
ago and for several years he acted as
bailiff ou the 12th Division Court. He
leaves a widow, two daughters and two
A sad and sudden death took place
ti in Blyth on Monday, when Mrs. B. L.
-Tanner was called to her heavenly
borne without a moment's warning.
Deceased was conversing with a neigh-
bor and remarked that she had a terri
pain about her heart The words
wore no sooner uttered svhen she threw
up her hands and sank to the sidewalk
—dead. The doctors pronounced the
cause of death from heart failure She
wee. in the 68th year of her age and
fions and three daughters.
leaves three
Kestio; Jr. Part 1--Olerner Etlber, Ed-
win Wein, Ella Wein, Albert Hartmap,
Leo Hartman. No. on roll 48, average
attentiance 40.
J. II. HOLUES, Teacher.
Mr. J. C. Bell, who had bis hand
badly hurt some time ago, we are
pleased to state is much better and
able to be tiround again.— Mr. George
Heywood's team took a short run the
other day but no damage was done.
Hang ou Fartner.—Haying Is now the
order of the day.—The make of butter
at the creamery for the month of June
was $54d50.—Mr. J. G. Jones and
tamily intend camping at Grand Bend
for two weekes. We wish you well J.
G.—The storm on Sunday was pretty
severe, bus did, very little damage in
this section. It was more severe south.
—Mr. .L A. Gregory gave our little
burg a call the other day.—Some of
the boys took in Lucan Races on the
1st. Most of them were at Elimville.
Mrs. Thomas Slavin had the misfor-
tune to eut her foot by stepping on the
sharp blade of a hoe the other day.
The doctor says it will be some weeks
before she is able to have the use of it
again.—On Sabbath last, as Mr. T. Ell-
er in gton's family were ret urning from
churcb, the staple came out of the
neckyoke, causing the tongue of the
buggy to drop, which frighteued the
horse. They ran off the road through
a barbwire fence and into a field of
barley, leaving the buggy and occu-
pants there, they ran to the corner of
the field and were caught before any-
thing more serious happened than the
breaking of the tongue, whiffletrees
and some spokes of one wheel. Be-
yond a scare and shaking up the occu-
pants -were unhurt.
A horse driven by Mrs. McLeod and
another lady, the other day became
frightened and ran away. The occu-
pants escaped unhurt, while the buggy
was slightly broken.—Mr. Jonn Hod-
gins, of Clandeboye, while attending
the races at Lucan on July lst, fainted
away and for some time it was feared
his case would prove serious.—The
storm on Sunday was of short duration,
but destructive while it lasted. Robt.
Grundy had one of hitt colts struck by
lightning and killed; Mr. Pat Hagen,
south of Clandeboye, had a steer killed;
Mr. John Coursey, of Biddulph, lost a
valuable cow; Mr. Albert Smith, of
eon. 2, had the roof of hie barn blown
down and a huge windmill destroyed:
Mr. C. C. Hodgins had a number of
cattle Itilled, while barns were unroofed,
fences leveled to the ground and hund-
reds of trees upturned. The orchards
suffered severely, in some of them hard-
ly a tree remains Standing. The barley
and wheat was flattened down as
though rolled.
(Too late for last week.)
The Y. P. A. strawberry festival was
a sueoess. The musical part being our
local talent and the selections given
were very good. Tho Glass Family
were also in attendance. The weather
was very fine but rain was expected
during the day and the visitors from
our neighboring villages turned out far
better than was expected, The amount
collected was about $40.—The Glass
Family left Wednesday morning for
Exeter and from there they will go to
the Grand Bend for the 1st of July.
Before leaving here they gave an open
air concert which was highly appreci
ated by their hearers.—Jaeob H. Ehler,
a student of the North Western College,
is now under the parental roof and is
busy selling some books.—One night
this week about three or four o'clock a
young person entered Mr. Adam Birk's
house for shelter, by way of a window,
and then tried to secure a bed. Mr.
Birk was aroused by the noise, and soon
went to investigate the matter, but
with a great surprise be saw a boy sit-
ting in the rocking chair, feeling him-
self quite at home. After talking to
him a long time, saw that he was foolish
so he then sent for Constable Tieder-
man to take the boy to his home, Mr.
Rupp's Zurich.—Mr. MeIsaae, our liv- Stephen. Council.
eryman, has secured from Mr. Bissett,
of Exeter, one of the finest cabs to be Council met the Town Ball, Crediton,
seen in a livery stable —Messrs. 0. July 4th. All present. Minutes of last
Lindenfield, Mr. Brokenshire, and Dr. meeting read and Monad. Resolved
T. P. McLaughlin wheeled to London that the following orders be granted,
last week to hear Dan Godfrey's Band. viz:—J. McKeever, $16.16, gravel; A.
Messrs Edwin Eby and 0. W. Snell McCormick, $91.50, contracts; H. Wil -
have returned from a few days visit in Iert, lumber, $23 82; J. Dalzel, gravel,
and around Platteville.—Public school $93.20; H. Willert, grant for road, $15;
closed on Thursday and our teachers, J. Ford, $6.50; J. McKeever, $5.20; J.
Mr. Dennis Brintnell, Miss Hodgins and Finkbiner, corn., $4 50; IL Handford,
Miss Mills have returned to their re- $13.50; J. Hays, $3; H. Essery, S. B.,
speeds° homes in Hensel!, Clandeboye $16; S. Penick, $41.98; M. Ziler, $3.63;
and Stratford. The former has resign- G. Orange, grrel, $26.64; G. Essery,
ed his position as teacher.—Mr, Duncan $1.75; W. Holt, $5.25; J. Doyle, $6; W.
McDougall, who has been attending Sanders, $4.'75; S. Morrison, $17; P.
the Normal School at Ottawa, is visit-
ing in and around here.—Miss Willhelin
of Milverton, is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter MeIsatte.—Mr. Geo. Zimmer-
man, of Tavistock, is visiting at Mr.
John Voelker's.—Miss Mary Bender, of
the Belchamber Hotel, Sarnia, is visit-
ing under the parental roof.—Quite a
!Mintier went to Grand Bend on bikes $2 50; W. EL Seale, gravel con., $20.25;
Mr. aud Mrs. Hodgens, of Clandeboye,
wore the guests of Mr and Mrs. Thos.
Yeerly lass Wednesday. — Our v Wage
was very quiet Friday, our citizens
having gone to Centralia. and Grand
Bend.—Our public school stopped for
the holidays last Wednesday, and the
teachers have left for their respective
home. blies Ball, one of the lady
teachers, will teach in Exeter next
September. The ratepayers of this
section will be sorry to lose her as she
has done her work with the greatest
satisfaction. We wish her success in
her new undertaking. Miss Banes of
this village will be her successor—The
Misses Liebert, of Plattsvilie, are the
guests of their uncle, Mr. S. Brown.—
Miss Many Ann Beaver, of Berlin, is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. M.
Beaver.—Mrs Wm. Trevethiek, of Ex-
eter, has been the guest of Mrs. John
Trevethiek the last few days.—Mt C.
Fritz, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with
his brother, Will, here.—Mr. and Mrs.
L. Roedding, of Zurich, spent Sunday
with Mr. John Trevethiek here.—The
Rev. Mr. Litt preached a sermon to the
Knights of the MaccabeesSunday even-
ing. Before the church opened the
Order marched to the cemetery and de-
corated the grave of George Schnarren-
berger, who died some years ago.—Mr.
Simon Stahl, wheeled from Berlin Fri
day and spent a few days with friends
here,—Herb. Trevethick, of Exeter,
has been engaged by Silas Brokenshire
for the season.—Miss Mary Heist, of
London, is visiting her father, Olt John
Haist.—An umbrella mender was in
the village Monday and Tuesday re-
pairing umbrellas.—Mrs C. Eilber and
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lewis were in Ex-
eter Monday on busiuess.
London, the home of the ''Western
Fair," !Mug eituatee in the heart elan
agricultural and stock raising district,
has always been favored by a large
atter4dance of the e eomen of Outario,
as well as then' frieods from Inc and
near. This year, owing to the present
.agricultural prospeeta it 18 es pee intl. to
mooed. The old gentleman is for ad. be a record breaker and o. decided lin-
winced in years, closing :'
up fest upon a"'to smug.
The prize liet to hand proelaints this
80 years. It is to be hoped the weak
to he their Silver .1 'Alien. It is thirty
spell will loave no had affects.—A sue- years since the lizst Westeru Fair was
cessful fruit soeial was held ou the
chureh grounds, snider the auspices of held. but on five occasions the Provin-
cial Association detnauded the right to
the ladiee of the Methodlet church. on hold their show in Loudon, so this is
the eveioing of July 1. A large crowd
was in atteedance. The young people actually the twenty-fifth consecutive
exhthition of the Western Fair Associ-
of the church treated the) tiudience with
ation. The dates are September 8th to
a program, eonsistiug of music and re. 17th, and a general invitation is ex-
citations. The newly -appointed clergy- tended to all.
man, Rey. Mr. Rice, also tnado a pleas-
ing and practicmThe Secretary has been notified by
good impression. el address, ad made a the railway companies that exhibitors
must have a certificate from hen to
Rev. D. 0. McDowell, a Methodist 0 " It , % ., 1 t Lhe time
nee advantatees of tbo speelal return
Clinton: The other day while a yo uug of reshipping later euld not be of any
sou of George Trowhili was use. Exhibitors IS ;a therefore require
barefooted in some sand, he inflicted a
Pla-YIng to bear this in mind.
The special features will be adver.
severe out in his leg. with a piece
gliss —While Willie Cook, son of H.
of used in this paper later, but it goes
W. Cook, was playing in a hay mow without saying they will be good.
on Tuesday, he fell to the ground, and
striking the tines of a pitchfork, in- Harry Burt, aged eleven, was drown.
fileted a painful wound.
clergyman, died at Bowinanville. ed while bathing in. the Don Thursday
freight rates a out • out it
: .
Goderich: Capt. Thos. N. Dancey, GrantonThe barns of MrsNoah
one of the oldest residents of this town, Wass, near this place, were totally des-
troyed by fire supposedto be incendiary
died Friday from the effects of an acci- o
dent he met with over a year ago and 014 Tuesday night, as the people wore
which resulted in a stricture of the en gathering at MrShipley's lawn at thestrawberry festival. A hank barn,
trance of the stomach. He was well about 38-75, a smaller barn 80x40, with
known on the lakes from Chicago to hay, sow and ten pigs, implements, hens
Buffalo during the sixties, and had the etc., were destroyed.
reputation of being one of the most
fearless navigators of the great lakes. A St Marys correspondent writes
thus of the devastation by Sunday's
Mitchell: A deliberate attempt was storm in that neighborhood:—" Word
made to destroy the Watson block by has just arrived of the fearful destruc-
fire Tuesday night, The ground floor tion caused by Sunday afternoon's
was oceupied by a man named Parr, storm. The worst reports come from
who owns the building. Ile lived a
Biddulph township and Prospect Hill, in
recluse life and was never seen on the Blanchard and West Nissouri. John
streets. It is said that bis wife and Dunsmore formerly of Harmony, now
family liye at Granton, and that be on the Hutchins' farm, west of St. Marys
separated from them some years ago. had his barn unroofed, and the barns
Between six and seven o'clock he was of Geo. Bradley, 0. Weston, D. Lamond
noticed to leave the building, with a and Mr. Ready, of the same neighbor -
large valise in his hand, and to cross h3od, ivere also unroofed. R. Hunt,
the railway track south. About one town line, had a horse killed by light -
o'clock in the morning Mr. T. S. Ford ning, while Mr. Ingram suffered the
noticed a light on the fi3or which Parr loss of two cows from the same cause.
occupied. An alarm was as once made The bushes owned respectively by Wm.
and the door forced, The place was in Riordan and Arch McDonald, a couple
flames, but the flames were quickly ex- of miles from town suffered great vio-
tinguished. It was evident that a der- lence. and it is said the third line of
ing and deliberate attempt was made Nissouri is completely blocked with
to destroy the property. The floor was fallen timber. The storm centre took
covered with dry pine shavings, and a narrow path from west to east, and
everything wasliterally soaked with travelled in the direction of ..Wood -
coal oil. Even the walls were broken
into, by tearing off some of the plaster .
and laths and shavings, soaked with oil,
placed in the apertures. Then five wax
candles, placed in holes cut in as many
small pieces of inch board were scatter-
ed around the floor. When these burn-
ed to the bottom, the shavings ignited.
As Mr. Money and his family rooms
overhead, had the fire not been noticed
when it was, they might have been
burned in their beds The act was as
FERGUSON.—In Caledonia, Minn., on
June 241h, the wife of Dr. Ferguson
of a daughter.
Rown.—In Stephen, on June 80th, the
wife of Samuel Rowe of a daughter,
HUESTON, —In Stephen, on June 24th,
the wife of W. Idueston, of a son.
daring as it was malicious, and the RIEARttlit lir ES,
guilty party, if detected, should get the
severest punishment. The property, ,eo0
ver—ItIoetate—At the Methodist par -
we understand, is insured for s2,000 sonage, Lucan, on June 28, by Rev.
Baker, $24,50; I Rollins, $28; S. Brok- and had been offered for sale at $1,300. J. E. Ford, Mr. James Scott, to Miss.
enshire, $31; M. Curry, $2; A. Heist, Parr was arrested on a warrant issued.
Emily Morleyt,oanllw.rofni‘rsIeGibivray.
$6; F. Claambers, $5; J. Sutton, $33, attrhicr
t%!iefn himMr.AbloleryeN
, ainadal:
registering by -lay, $2;0. Walper, $8.75; hpa
T. Farrell, tte; J. Barry, gravel contract etrvaidteeik; el: g:11OsVsetdronle) gsd,algyaaifnesitrobototnn: the
8178.92; J. Taylor, $7,40; F. Eilber, $10; Cnews.—In Exeter North, June 290,.
Ring Bros$7.50; GFord Frances Louisa llobsoe, beloved wife
Ford, $44,77; J. Stanlake $2; J Hill,
, .
826.97 ; W . shteanitda shis °trail tatetdthe nextcourt°jai el jailto
of Thos. Crews, ageid 85 years and 1
petent jurisdiction.—Advocate. month.