The Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-1, Page 5THE Thursday Mor in i Thu a n ever g nbli heel Y , Ie p s at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, ,--Sy the -- ADVOCATE PUBL. SHiNG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar f oitaid in Advanced50 nt chute rorteentag Raton one aenee 1&oa. been. .� Nopaper disoonti uoduntil all ar sura es are paid. Advertisements without efcoifio directions will be published till forbid and • ehargeda000rditn,gly, Liberal discount im,ade for transoient advertisements inserter. for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out, in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,menoy ord. ens, So. for advertising,snbseriptions,oto.ta be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP fieN Professional Cards. H...KINSMAN, L.D.S. & D. A. R. eeeNe meat, L I). S., D. D, S., healer graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter, D1JB..D. AJ TON ANDERSON,CD,D.S,i;,D,S„) honorsUraduete of the Toronto Uui- rsity ane Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without path, A11mortes of iaeutistry up to date. OIliee oyes lUliot St Elliot a law ofece--eppaslte Central tel Exotor. Medical Drs. J' A, ROLLINS & T A. AIMS. 1iJ� ltesidoneos, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaekman,. building, Alain 8t. Dr, Rollins' oil'wee• Sarao as £artnerly--north door, Dr. Amos office, same building -south door, May 1st, 1895 J, A Rollins, M. A, 7'..A. Amos, Ai, D TILT, P..'1IcLATT(I'RLI1T, MEMBER J-4,the College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario. Physioian, Surgeon and &caouoh- enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. .Legal, RR. COLLINS, BARIiISTER,SOI,ICIT- Ole, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Dikes -•Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. !stoney to Loan. L ILDIO1LSON,i%ARRISTER,SOLICITOB, of Supreme Court, Notary Pubiio, Con- veyanoer, Comntisslouer, &c.lionoy to loaa Offtoo-Fanson's Blook, Exeter ELLIOT R (MADMAN. BARRISTERS, Eto., Couvevaecers. and Money to Loan at 5 and 51i per cont. B. V. ELL /0T. F. W. GIAIMAN. Auctioneers AABROWN, Winehcfeea. I.lcensetl Auot- . fonder for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne ameba,'e S lee arranged at toa o loo. Win- ohelsoa. insurance. EELLIOT, Insnranaa Agent. attire St. Exeter EXETER MARKETS.. SA\ (Changed every Wedi.esday) Wheat per bushel 90 to 91 Flour per owt 2.15 .Barley 40 40.41 Oats 29 to 30 Peas 52 to 53 Butter 12 to 13 Potatoes porbag 85 to 90 J1ey per ton ?,00 to 890 Dried Apples per ib 4 WANTED, 'TELL'. Reliable man in every locality,local or travelling, to introduce a now discovery and keep our show eardstaeked up ou trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, $G5 per month and expenses, and money do - posited in any bank when started, For par- ticsulare write "The World ltiedieal Eleetric Co..," London, Out , Canada, 2-2 98 T1D NXal.IXO 8t HARRISON Business and Shorthand College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an absolutely first-class business School Individual instruction by experienced teach- ers holding highest qualifications. Good re- sults, Prospectus mailed free. Eater now. it, D. ;Vulture F.31.r.S. Jas. Harrison X'rineipal,a7 'Undergraduate of Toronto Lrnivorsity and S. of P. S. Wore. Ail"' Wood's Fhosphodine, The Great Jingiisli Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. ,Yin, packager guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 51, six. 55. One wits please, sixwiir.cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ,ter Wood's Phospholine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Brewing, druggist. .. FARNESS! , 1 iga12'. •'nit?a ?. rF Healthy Baby When Born InThree Months Humor Spread Over His Forehead Into His Eyes and All Over His Hands Such Itching, Burning 'Torture- How Torture'How it Ended. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of eczema or salt rheum, it is no Wonder that Words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, and that they gladly tell in es strong terms as pos- sible the Main story of stiffening re- lieved jird health restored. Many testimonials relate the wonderful sue- cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other preseriptions and medicines fail. Here is one; "Q, I. Flood & Co., Lowell, Mass,; "Dear Slra -•-•Oar boy Harvey will re- member the good Hood's Sarsaparilla did tiro as long as he lives, Ile was a healthy baby when he was born, but before he was three months old a breaking out Ap- peared on both sides ot brie dace. Pbyai- oians did him little good and Bald but for his strong constitution lie could not Nati e lived through his dreadful suffering. The humor spread ever his forehead, into his eyes, and came oat en his hands. It was indeed pitiful to witness the poor child's. sufferings. It was very palatal for him to open or shut hie eyes, and we had to tie his little bands to prevent him from. scratching the itching, hurning akin, My mother urged us to try Hood's Sar- saparilla. We did so, anda short time atter he began to take this medicine we saw a change for the better. We con- tinued until we bad given him five bot- tles, and then the eczema load entirely disappeared, and be has ever since been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease. His sufferings extended over two and a half years. People for miles around knew his dreadful condition and know that Hood's Sarsaparilla eured him. He is now a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and has the finest akin of any of my five children." MRs. L.. 13 *ransazsrnnn, Collegeville,Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by an drug- gist'. $1;; six tar $5. Be sure to get Hood's. You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements. Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEINING IHNIIIIES ETR. The celebrated Raymond sewing machines. , Kuoil Washer and wringers. STOVES. _- _ _ Gurney stoves and furnaces A G 0 . S and U G 1 E s The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin bug ies ii �4i1�t1.,■f! ADE ME -i M '. N Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,o00Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Catton Root com- pound, Take nO other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt ot price and two 8 -cent stamps. The Cook Company.Windsor, Ont. responsible Druggists in Canadamendedby all No, 1 and No 2 soli in Exeter i.y J,W Browning, Druggist. TIkGOIYESTED.\ This troops, bound for the hingp more This would look like sovnething more than an attempt to appease the populace + Q rtpe' at Madrid. The fleet will have to coal at I least twice before reaching the Philip- When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old -rash. The oflr point estito Well -Fortified With Blockhouses .pin° ' stn _n supposed be pieces, are not in it with Hood' tear you all take Tort Said. pieces, are not in it with Hood's, ,waxy to tale. and Well -Made Trenches. The fleet presents avery forlorn appear- once. The ships have very foul bottoms, • and are 111 an extremely untidy condition.. U. S TO WAKE UP OLD SPAIN, The soldiers are miserably clad, evident- ly ill -fed, and discontented, and are con- Thos. Bell, a well kuown miner, lost his life by a fall at Mine Centre, Ont. Otto Winger, 21 years old, was found dead floating in a canal near Ottawa. Patrick Franey, of Hintonburg, was Milled by the mail ele(,tit c car an lh • Aylmer road. Robert Blyth, Reeve of Guelph Town- ship, who was gored by a bull on Sun day is dead. Mrs. J. K. Ful:er, an old resident of Colborne, fell down stairs and died from the shock. ^'. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE. daze; Nervous Dl,easos-Failing-Meixi ory,Impotency, Sleeplessness, etc. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- orations. 2^cev ,prtislayi and suretyrestore Lost Vitality inotcl or young; and lit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption fl 0 `i Their use shows immediate im ove- n mime. 'tt CURE where all other faill In- sistandeffects stet fipon having the genuine Ajax Tablets.' They. have cured thousands and will cure you. We rive a Pos- itive written guarantee to effect acure� WNPO in each oaseor,refttndthe money. Prime 1 .per package; or six pkges (full trestmentl for 52,50.: By mail, In plainwrapper. upon receipt ofprice. Circular 8ree. MAX REMEDY CO., 79(1114:11" t Sold in Exeter by, C. Lutz, Druggist uw A Fleet to Be Sent to Thu Spanish Coas -A Determination at Washington to Force tits Frielding- Every- where -Commodore Watson, and His. Eastern Squadron to Go at Once. Qn the Rio Guama, June 20, noon, via Singston, Jamaica. Monday, Juno 27, 9 a,in,-The advance force of the American army rests on this stream, with the city of Santiago do Cuba four and one.half miles westward, in plain sight. Last night the outposts, consisting of two companies of the 7th Regiment tinder Major Coolrldgo, oceipledpositi0A1 at right angles to the road, guarding the crossing a mile and a half beyond Saban- ilia, abanilia, where three regiments of Gen, LaW- ton's division aro encamped, the 1st, 4th, and 17th, The Sth, 22nd and 2nd Massa- chusetts, with the Rough Riders, 20th Cavalry and portions of several other regi. manta strung out behind them toward ,iuragea. About 500 Cubans Under Qel% Gonzalo were camped around Sion, TAW - ton's headquarters, but loss than 50 of them did scout duty last nights Gen. Wheeler, to day, with *helot, Sad and 10th Cavalry, and the Rough Riders, with dynamite guns, moved up to where Gep, Lawton's outposts Were lent nI hat and four batteries of the find Artillery and tour Catling guns, with a speoiai. detail under Lieut. Parker, were broesht up and planted on the brew of a hili overlooking the basin in which Santiago do c:uba lies, The top of every hill and mountain north and east of Santiago is oeoupled by blockhouses, from which the Spaniards can view the movements of the American army as it advances beyond Saba.nilla, while to tho eastward of the city, gushiug every knoll and bit of high grvnn(1 are Spanish entrenchments The correspondents of the Assser iatod Press, from an elevation to the right of the American line to -day, counted 34 of these entrenchments, completely fencing every approach to the city, The trenches have been dug as the ground admitted. The ends of trenches overlap whore breaks in the line occur, thus securing compara- tive safe retreat from rifle fire 111 arse part of the tranches aro captured, Upon ono of these works modern guns have been mounted. They can be plainly seen with the naked eye. Spies report that inside the entrench- ments aro four parallel lines of rillo pits, shoulder deep, and in front of them aro narked ranges and aovorel roads of barbed wire fence, .• ess r• d 3 RS.SI The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT, ]50,000 CORED. IfiE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the tires - once of these "nightly losses!' They produee'weakness nervousness, a feeling of. disgust end %whole train of symptoms. They unlit a roan for business married life ane somal happiness.E'o matter '.t axe r cnisetl by evil habits in youth, nature 1 weakness or sexual excesses, our Sew Method Treatment will positively ono you. z CUR fr.:,`6' NO PAT 'Reeder, ,ra:a need help. Early abuse or later excesses miry have weakened vote EmeeSure may have diseased yen. You aro n,,, Rafe till mired. •Our Now Method will e:ar, y cu. You run no risk. ., 0, 0 0 CUR roti a .t 7i ou are pale, feeble aucl l o sa:,,, eerrome i.rritablo and ex- o!tahte. Yon ;Let's me torgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples. sunken oyer, wrinkled face, stooping torn and downeett countenance reveal the r li,ht of yov. existence, L T, VIE. CURE. fir, .� No I:tatter bow serious your. ease may be, .rh wlo f you mayhave nail it, our NEW .11ET1101) 11p.0 71±Lh.TMENT will cure it. Tho weeny veins" return to A 1 :; their normal condition and hence the ecxt ei organs tocetve proper nou2isi,- meat. 'Jho organs per:eine vitalised, all unnatural chains or lbs=e'1 (nate and , a r0Ia2" 1 r ;yens return. No -caw 9 mall 1 0 yy r eine n Sttlt .tn(iIt 1t t z ornx..ueu ., x h , t � t. P �r , 1 1,A �+ NO C171t1„ ,U lA.,, NO OPERA.- Nem l .1 ,. T �r a <I TION Ni c u,�sAl?,:�. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. p� CURES U SG M A TEE) r�We treat and euro SYP `-' IL.lt>, \ l] GLEET, EMISSIONS,'In�lz>oJ.Llva'�, STIIIa2tll,x 'VAitl000F,I,P SEMI- NAL .LOSSES, ]3],ADDDIt AND KID- NEY diseases. 00laSULTATION FREE. BOOR'S FREE. C12AitGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for a QU J •STION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. KE, INE YA KER M 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, SAWN. WILL INVADE SPAIN, Tho Washington Aut1Rorltlee Have De- eidad Fully Coon This Move - Reception of the :NOWs. Washington, D.C., June 38. -The Ad- ministration yesterday finally came to a decision to send nn American squadron to the Spanish coast and into the Medi. torrenean. Several times since the war broke out rumors to this effect have cir- culated, but the project had not matured. It required the Spanish movement to the Philippines by Caviare's squadron to de- cide the Navy Department to adopt this bold stroke. Tho first announcement through a bul • lotin posted at the Navy Department of the Government's intention leas received with incredulity. 'T'here was a suspicion that the story was being floated to deceive the Spanish Government. However, when later in the day the detail of the vessels selected to constitute Commodore Wat- son's eastern squadron was announced and official orders wore given to provide rho fleet for four months, it became ap- parent to the last doubter that the Gov- ernment was in earnest in this purpose to despatch the fleet to Europe. Three vessels selected as colliers have started already on their way to Newport News to take on a large supply of coal. It will require about a week to get this down to Sampson's fleet, so if the start is to be Blade from that point, 1t will bo impossi- ble for Commodore Watson to get away before the fourth of July. This would seem to be an auspicious date for the beginning of an expedition that will, for the first rule in the world's history, start from the new world to at- tack Continental Europe. No attempt is made to deny that the Government is in- fluenced in ordering this movement by a desire to check The progress eastward of the Cadiz fleet. It was not believed that the Spanish admiral could be guilty of tho folly of uncovering his ]some ports in this fashion, but inasmuch as he seome determined to do so, the naval strategists could not do loss than take advantage of the opportunity offered to strike a crush- ing blowat Spain, and thereby save muoh loss of life and money in the con- duct of the tedious campaign in Cuba. Tho determination to send this squad• ron against Spain was the outcome of direct official advices reaching' the State and Navy Departments as to the progress of Admiral Camara's squadron. Tho sgmadeon is the most formidable Spain has afloat, in total tonnage, strength of individual ships, armor and guns. The eastern squadron, which the Uni- ted States will now send against Spain, far outranks the Spanish squadron. The Iowa and Oregon exceed. the Pelayo and Carlos V. at every point, while the other United 'States vessels aro far superior ship for ship to those,ot the Spanish squadron, With the single exception • of the two Spanish torpedo boat destroyers Gen. Miles for Cuba. Preparations for hurrying reinforce- ments to General Shatter and for the Porto Rican expedition ale progressing as fast as possible. General Shatter's orders are to send bank to Tampa as many of the transports with his expedition as he can spare. It was stated officially yester- day that Genoraal Miles, commanding the army, would command tido next expedi- tion which loaves the United States. Just what this is to,be, and. where it is to go comet not be ascertained. The number of reinforooiuents which aro to bo sent to Shatter will be an expedition nearly as formidable as that which left Tampa two weeks a yvo o. g camera's Fleet in the Canada New York, June 28. --With Camara's fleet at Port Said, Egypt, it is stated, aro THE PALACE C fined on shipboard,. . The fleet is new reported as passing through the Suez Canal. TO WArrF UX OL'O_ SP5 N5 Uncle Sam Is Sending a Fleet A.o resorb Atlantic Ocean, Washington, June 28 -The Navy De- partment has posted the following bulls• tin under date of yesterday: Commodore Watson sails to -.day in the Newark. to join Sampson, when ho will take under itis command an armored squadron, with cruisers. and proceed at ()nee og the Spanish coast. 'rho Eastern Squadron, The. Navy Department has posted the following bulletin, showing Commodore Watson's squadron. It is designated the Eastern squadron and is a8 follows: Flagship Newark, battleships Iowa and: Oregon, cruisers Yosemite, 'Yankee and Dixie, and the colliers Scindia, A.barenda and Alexander, The start will he made at once, from off Santiago, The builatin also showed the follewiag ohanaes in designation if the 4131510518 of 'United, States war Vessels; North ,Atlantis fleet, Reer-,Adnairal Sampson, eoinmending, First squadron, Commodore T, A, Howell, commending, Second squadron. CommadareW. S. Sobley, colnnlanding. Naval hese, ley West, Flee Comma done Homey, commanding, Hobson is Well Treated. New York, lune e.S.-In reply to a query' British Consul Hamden cables from Santiago de Cube: "Robson is in At spaoiaue front room on the ground floor of the barracks, in which is a large window looking an the road, The food supplied him is good and not limited to regulation rations. "Hobson is allowed wine, but acme thingo are wanting in consequeneo of the blockade, causing, a dearth of many artl- des. poison has relleetcdiy expressed to me his satisfaction at the treatment accorded to hint. Nobody hare prevents lits sending a: Ineeenge, but his rules 05 service forbid. His men are In a room an the sumo Aaar with a largo door. In the upper pare of which are iron bars, feeble the barrack yard. 'The food is bet- ter than that given to the Spanish sol- diers, but tile dearth of supplies eauses very limited choice. I visit them fro. quently." The Dying War Correspondent. Now York, June 28.-A Sibouoy des- patch via Port Antonio, says: "Edward Marshall, the New York Journal corres- pondent, who was shot twice, is making a plucky struggle for life. Ono ballot entered his abdomen and .another his spine. His lower limbs are paralyzed end ho is (lying. "Marshall while being rescued asked for a cigarette, and as lie lay on a stretcher smoking tho cigarette he calmly dictated the story of the battle as ho had seen its, his words being taken down on tho nay back to the American camp." and easy to operate, is trite of Hood's Ville. which are up to date In every respect. Sate a a sure.11 Safe, at1a ndA drdruggists,., ,5c, C. T. hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass., The only Pills to tale with ifood's Sarsaparilla.. bURAL CHEAP LO1 N hr Tames in Memory of an Only Son, This is in a fond remembrance. Of our friend that's Crossed the river. Whose name shall oe to memory dear Forever and forever, In memory ot the one we loved, As we could love no other, Who was a widow's only son, And was an tartly brother. The orphan's God shall be your stay, Who sends no needless sorrow, For He that did afflict today, Will comfort yeti to-rnorr'ow- Eelieving in a Saviour's love, And the promise to us given,. We hope to meet in the Home above, With those that rest in ileasele. And is it not a gierious hope. When time shall be no tenger. That we may spend eternity. Where love is all the strenr.er. And when we hear the Master's 'Wee, For us to crass the river, We hope to meet at the pearly gate, TO part no mere forever. ,Annetta. ;Vora Troops for Manila. San Francisco, Cal., June 23, -Another fleet ot transports has sailed out through the Golden Gate to the Pacific. Yesterday afternoon the third fleet of vessels, loaded with soldiers and supplies for the Philip- pines, hoisted anchor, and, amid the screeching of a hundred whistles and the booming of emanate proceeded down the bay toward the ocean, and are well on their way to the Philippines. The ships which left yesterday carried about 4,000 pion, under command of General McArthur, who has made the steamer Indiana his flagship. The City of Paris, the Ohio inti the Morgan City were the other vessel:; to sail with the Indiana. The steamer Valencia was not ready for sea, and probably will sail with tho steamer Newport on Wednesday. General Merritt and his staff will proceed to the Islands in the Newport, which has beau especially prepared for the service. U. S. Monitors Injured. Washington, June 28. -Tho Navy De- partment yesterday received two cipher messages from Key West, Their contents were carefully concealed. It has been learned that the despatches informed the department that two 'United States ves- sels have been damaged, but to what ex- tent could not be ascertained. The vessels injured wore the monitors illiantonomah and Purft.{an, A Gatlin; Battery liounted. -, Kingston. Ja., June ,.s. -Four batteries of American artillery and ai getting gun battery have been planted on a hill over- looking the basin in which Santiago de Cuba lies. The American troops Were within 2,800 yards of the Spanish en- trenchments last night. In day time , n.ie the pity of Santiago is in plain sight. IVBOSE BODY Is This? The Itemains 5)5 sa Tian mound at Point Pelee, Oil taxi o. Leamington, Ont., luno 28. -Yester- day about 2 o'clock the body of a man, which had come ashore west of Point Pelee, was discovered by - Charles Gard- iner. Coroner Chamberlain was at once notified anis, upon oxavnivation, did not consider it neoessary to held. an impost, for the body had evidently been a long time in the water and, although the flesh of the face and exposed parts had been Worn . away, it was in a good state of preservation. Upon the body were dart: clothes and a short dark overcoat, and in the pockets were found a gold watch, with chain; a gold padlock, a 51 gold silver; niece, a: 509, 10c and 6o piece In an aluminunI modal of the World's Fair and another about the size of a dollar piece, a silver izmsgo of the Virgin Mary and a trunk key, a jack knife and comb. It is supposed to be tho remains of Thomas J Fagan of Detroit, who Was drowned near Fighting Island, Nov. 80, 1897. Wm. Arley and wife, an aged couple, 'ere burned to death at Halifax° The four-year old daughter of John McCarthy, Windsor, broke her arm by falling off the stoop. Joseph Flaherty, a. well-to-do young farmer living near Guelph, was hilted at a barn -raising. The one legged tramp who killed P. G• Twohey of London is eupposed to be in hiding in West Middlesex. :hiss Millie Dawsou, daughter of Postmaster Dawsou,of Loudon,was very seriously injured by a trolley ear. Five young people were drowned by the capsizing of as email boat on the Flint River, near Flushing, 'Mich. The four year-old son of 4r. Wlden- dorshatt, Hamilton, was run over by a market wagon andserlousiy hurt. A. A. Jones, a deaf mute, aged eighteen, was killed near Montreal while wheeling over a railroad cross- ing. A five-year old daughter of Mrs. Skinner, of Kalamazoo, Mich, was drowned in a fountain at Clifton Sl:rings, A young son of Mr. Isaac Johnston of Biubraoko was run over by a loaded. wood wagon, one arm being badly torn and broken. Robert Wright, aged twenty, was struck while erossinti the G.T.R. track in a milk wagon at :Ilarriston and badly injured. The body of Miss Mary $astable, who disappeared from Lachine last Novem- ber, has been found in the St Law renee River at Quebec. Mr. John Junkin, an old resident of Arnprlor, was driving in the vicinity of Stewartville Friday evening, His horses ran away and he was thrown out, the wagon passing over him. He only lived about one hour after the ac- cident. Betrothed to an Actress. London, June 27. -Tho Evening News yesterday afternoon announces the be- trothal of Mr. Gerald Du Maurior, son of i " "Trilby, 13's `.l1 tib to'Miss s tato author of the Y, Ethel Barryrnoro, the .American actress. Miss Barrymore'is a neice of Mrs, John Drove and a daughter of Maurice Barry more, An ,Explanation. The reason for the great popularity of Bood'sarsaparii'a lies in the fact that this medicine positiveiy cures. It is America's Greatest Medicine, and the American people have an abiding confidence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as ser- ious ailments,confident that it will do them good. L 0 I N A marl must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where be can do the best. Look At sputa of these iiigurese Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mail ed for :The. C. I. Hood S: Co., Lowell, Las. did.....'o 3/?J,4y.A"<..fl.^..��• HONEST TREA c E � ca o NER.VOUS,W :AK. ei DESPONDENT anci Di vewD M N -7. �( l 1i sifts VonarPrr rn.anI 1'- 32 �a1 31i+oi'l spatdr,.t,wi..i;:,•,t 11. ,• eaten ie.1 "11:1411i1.;:4,. n- /❑ t1' 4.44 llr:r ,v (r' poor, 5.1,1•v i a! l t ,.011t.,1.:1+. ye. -h, :a• nod blurs 1 ,.i 1 t t;,,,,,,.. 1 night lo,,es, cir tit., t -t,.•!, .,, r.r :, mens, hig4ard131,01.1wxak, 11 k,„ t•I.;, or shrunk . i •r,:,' 1 v 1.o..t1W4::1: C.I. i4. 1- .1 fidence i.np a en y In •..'Vn,;,(`rn S ;Ion?. i i n energy and, strength MtR7i ,.. 1 . f:. DON'T LET YOUR LIFE BE DRAINED AWAY ,t, m1 epee ,1, a, , l + :earn ,t 1, t MIL1U� 'i1; -a l f' , flu run sw e : - wDeoryod-n fleienlinag12thti. -u.1Lyi,ct,wprk.nres:s,r t1a,ii.r1• ry: ent organs. It is not ,1'11 aL", ,t is pr•'in:nrlre decay and decline. 1 GAM CU RE YOU! C, rDR.lO1ERTZ' c,° t a�4 y C�ii�f1r6;�"Ea Home Treatment id Builds up and strengthens the nervoeosystem, 4, and - evel stent to Ow • restores lost vitality a d vp t generative organs., stops all drains and losses; (i invigorates and restores Iost manhood. ]t ` never 'fails in curing the results of SELF ABUSE, LATER EXCESSES, 01.001 • DISEASES, or the effects cf 1. MISSPENT LIFE. FOR CORES GUARANTEED D OR14 O PAY Pants sc ads to order, all wool Leavy tweeds $2.00 Suits Overcoats Black Worsted ~�li tai, - 12,00 Our $20 black beat all ptlters at $3. ("eine azld sax for yourself. 9,'.Sl 0 8,09 !TAMES B. GMEYE -WHAT T Orere t : TLE• SVPITIT,IS EMISSIONS, VAItICOC , NERVOUS DEBILITY, S+ItrCTUR8, GLEET, LMMPOTENCY, UNNA1"URAL I)ISCHA1IGES, LOST elANROOD, RIO- dii N.EY and RLA1)UER DISEASES. CON- a SULTATION FATE. DO NOT DELAY, write at once for free book, question blank and valuable information for home treatment. Highest references and absolute proof of cure. Charges always reasonnbie and all corres- pondence confidential. Plain envelopes used only. Me crines sent everywhere in plain package.e free of duty and secure from exposure. Cal i or address,naming this paper. DR. G. H. BOB'ERTZ, 252 Woodward Ave.,, DETROIT, MICH. Bicycles! Bicycles I i ioU 111 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Eke'elo pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We CPA furnish you any of thebest wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do i you want anything in the musical line, We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, tall .and itt• spect them before, buying elsewhere. A full stock (1f sewing machines, baby car ridges, etc. etc. Perkins & iartin THE CENTRAL Bfitic STORE. Try WIN AN'S C'Ot' GII BALSAtd for Coughs, Co'aca and L4c,aeiaiai trouble In old or young. We alnnnfaeture- , WINER'S i.1NAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramrs, Pains, Neuralgia. Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, 'Wi's,an's Con- dition J owders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powderfor same. SOLE AGENTS resit DIX LUNG SYRUP. C_ LUT DRUtWWST. 9 rrr~.rarr•-aravt i OVER Lt A ED. o freight Every incoming fv et„ht trate, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and ibe new things have crowded every foot of our large ftorr space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new Our s� assortments. ck of Fur- niture 1'r- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all thestudti of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command. S SON •GIDL�Y� Furniture Dealers & Undertakers