HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-11-02, Page 11`;�,
- - 1.1-1 - - - I Am 00060M It, I Im . - , - I � 'I., . �. I -Z
I Inev. 24d, IV.)..," I -- � -1 I . I - ffn ! ii 11! �wqlz IIII!== f . I
.--- � I -1 - ---- - it, woovid## " .0gaic tr*w"a I � 1,�e
..... . I
� W, 00 "41 �. �
.1111111 I Jb# lop of his son Slwuldiir' 0 *
Ly I FIVE BY-ELECIfIONS,_ I N UNOR AUTO sIlbra"I"It 1004 Ali* tW It 119rd OU4 � - I ; I
. I fo kitig *bot. b#( %UQU 11k. 141W **!� ...
-- . ---- �'Alk"` I
I VEASS VWUX lit F0160"I Wawa* 40 T"s I)r. j. j. ii,tacquev, of Fitht"ift, .1 tritsor Ali* bit"Imer,011 on #I de"Iv�', \1 �
$WT 1ROVILE , PlAteLWtVJIIIWAU� Webster " idste, wilkil i�a%4-4 JIIt,J(IbU Atuart. I .. � ,5
. OrLkWA� Qcl� 30,--wfits Isivro tlAetlragic Nath. , " .
1s1V#b*wr oil th `� , , 4
— - I ' I, '*"it: -" tt"" .�* It# V"a"'I' 11 I I
l"Ued latod klulurda% aftw4wa for t � lr� lilaul*l # bullet. �" 1w"Vitw 10"II. *
1. ' '"ti
r, l,:J*, tov�,a`ke J,--,�.5 L1,-- -tleetioua iu ANO c4w InulkilIt-Al I br,ilv", � Hall 'it at INA 4 41,qu 0 with him. AV%t wxot� bi*w IOU -
the holdlug ot by f , ==Man 3 it -.6% hit *0064, i 11 .
. t,�-, * . C� r,47 �Ve i�'-'ew of r 3 vaq4ut cilligtituituctiM. Tbo#v atit LAD- "it plitced Vr;o.s GAP W14WO �; t1w duolist's brallus I
, lot I -
,'. f ,�� f,") ,Mu,.�rl " -Oaww ,
q ,,4- . � A# ark* out., vaeated by the deatu witige *)Ver cn*X N1 a* ItelUOV64 I Sit Nibirled to tileot Ill* k'h%II" lif t" . .
� little %wal fio*41 wIldsam wbow I
A� k13 E,C�11,,,Ib r-1 lkgor, the late Hou. J� A, SWWAtt, 20;rm*r olt Il;V** Helpi"s tit sowve His 3
.I i N'S IMI Ic -tore, i't t� a Ulubiter Ot ltailw4yv aud CAUSIS; .,-S i, witig lbOr h*llkv fallfql� had *10st. It .01 . I
rl;J r pl,�*tlwl t,- ..7.al , Jacques. Cartier and Idexantic. Quit-, Father, W110 WAS vleter4tili of Two . , 4 i � .If I . I .. . I
, I It out at, looltaTI0,4 b"Itsitlob *t%d,#%*%% . I
'0 zif='. , a r"Cr-.0 !�M�I. the toruter made vacant by the doatit W"ra. --- - luitl voltwut 4ft,14*1 to 0 1 *A *
, '
. . = of the late U A, 14fortulle, and the plIntly by 4111 0 1 k
. ORR '4, 0ntb�,,;,-t',Sd1Q', -� gycb,�,e Idlit 1,
D. PJAM.P. latter by tile a0zoluttuvat, Saturday SINCOF, 101111., Oct. 30--lPr. Jolla, 10:r PEM a. KYNZ I
, ritcall ,I Pr! hsr. arrvilW. was II i� NIV011ster, 1:194VId I y toward t1to I � I .
�iorcd 'PrriblF, for of Luclen, ji,acar,4, aittluir latm 44. Jucquicti, N �8,. Of Fi�i' I 1 id.%Xeill, - r.#4 , I �L,% I I .
, ` wall, firlat'ais be Wit 60, bu 111�1 I .. L
�Gwil, vith I�Qart tWuble. It I all scq.retary 'Of the calladlau Big)) I�Jticd lavtanl:IZ--��t thr"'Welecl�..15kin- t be was 11
'milcs cliket of t I . I
'a T%)A fa'A (.' R,Q U,� r�wlrs my Jive , too dtwsv to iihM* Offloe.tivel.y. itild the � 41 .
�-., To -y I irst, ana I vot'lld VoratuisstonerIg Ofte In. L0144104 -i I day � tuornin&* JLd colue to sinlizoe. A101404I Of � . . -
L v�oula bt, Halifax, which became Vacant VIM I 0*01tcIrcle ot bayoilets OkA(41 lu,qu hk
War,, I Jarvio. Deceased h 'r . �
tired ver.,, o,zz:t1l.y. I tvc!a aIfrQr. the 4eAth last weeit of Dr. to take his 10110 Carl, who Its (,Ill, "Woy J"Oe 64-rilis. V4W f frt)nt, 110 batt X%0111141(41 thriI# "" � I I
P.:-edlw, I tit coula )lot V;;a oity- BlAckgddev; tud oloucester. 4X.B,-i � lirsinetl Qf tile , . �
I 19103;ed in the loft, Of dw ciolloW` Of. tilent; a st-oftil . ;
OU14L for t, Without StOPPI09 . .
14 tl4t rzewcd to do, riw any ,"ad, vagaut through the opalutluent Of � Ilauk of 11411111110n, to, bis b , I �, ", &tilt their long, #-I9'htoA44(* � I I I.,
4 r,,.- reig!"'Ols advi�(d in(' to, on,�slphoro Turgeou, Sitting Allemberi, the week,eud- -,.--,--- "MOW-#------*-WA-"T1.1 mork". � I L .
. 1-w-*k*0- t *-11 %r) d bave bon 10 his � i. 11
*eart t -11s, to the Senate. � I Leaving Silueo -IA lix . tavollots WO nto thID IOWA Of Jbb . . I
millilir;1% 1, tri"I Xerve Pi e About W14111f, .. . . - ... - � ' ' I I
. �,ch Case to P1. were proeeled* Vitale., When I :
1; I 4;j, 3;4 I e0talubr'i-�,Peived NOW14.01OU dav -1U '" I a, Ford tunabout. till . .
vrovinOwl I Hioll- Ied froiD page 84 dashed DO . .
I � ,mber 0 and the*otiar, on De I in$ . Over the 114-V I .,�__ --, inellie, 4frovil the re3r. I , I � I
... ii4s. I tzl im"!Allv V�v 1 Novo . At the place at which 1:1110 Ja- -- - ��, . � �, � � 'Tuatt catetero. slifleldill; UU0 A Iftead I I . ��
,fi) to t! C'M -:;�', I ,'�-Q�J,l 1114h comber 4. III lie , - vayl I ;1
1. .. � - alp not 116,, sig hl,4 r1fle. WbJJ,b to UQ14 I
. I nead tl;,C:a to --�.,w!e NVIiii. I$ Tho announcement of t date$ t%lity ,oceuvred u� wooden bridge bad nut Pon Ju � cotforP W*8 gild KWI �� I ! I
.�;,, , for 96 1
� '� with ltealt.trouuq. was made by the Prime Milliliter I been removed to JMQUO wAy teuln; -. Ile was rounIng alt t0P lilk."l- - #rfl,Ved)fi1g the barrel, ..
. 'co 50o a box f,..' c.il 4(,ollers ,or Saturday ,evening. . ceiient atruetUxe. Itaile had -booU for the V1011th eat* of the *a" :W�i�;ter Saw a bavotiet lunging to. . . I I
I . .
onealphore Turgeon, appointed 0 placed on tiltiller %14001 the Oliftft- ..Quads,-vind AVeb*tikr followed. hivil., Ile lifted U14 let all I � 11
divert on rftqipt of liviee b,y the Senate v;scaney for New Brualt Mefl that there Were Ward, 1 :
-1 bli it is tial j.. -the stv"t V1100 , hit boot-beel WhIlo, I M�� A
W 1 burn Co., Lbiultoid, Toronto, t . ,4 tIb(,y 8%vung into esiliglit the ,joint oi 1. ", "I'll, "I'll, I . �
I i wicks, oucceeiltus the late Senator I no red. jj�jsi $outh ,ate Opelteill,'Webster vith III% Jagt cartridge 116 killed 06 � . I 1. i.
I . lights. Lt hot, was approaching Wbtvh Jule,tly in swit- . �
. 1, Thoullison., has been proMIA,eut' 14 uItawaire Xua R% .V;m p . I
bile traveling ;Wt a saw that it ,Was (leserted Of *11 Save an �1*' 'bayonet, Just %# this � 6114 borlt after the . ),
-- . ,1110il the _teas Zeta of Aust1`4 Alid hitt children. now UVIAN q
I :I '': I, 1. 1, 1 Callaillan politics tar OV0 twenty IL detour, and: w 'e bilk, � tot ImPlAna. In her 'ArVAS, she hQUIS her pilsthulwou% .
�eed,,, Dr. J0411UN crash- ill* (lead, for sarri* clever I,i*tW# uoxt�rxulc mau thrupitstmIght death of'tho father, the im-evillittrOT, ."... . . I 11 I'll � . .
A I O's, 4 4! p 0. a--. years. lit U96 Mr. Turgeou was -am fair,rate Ot or sit. Va, ad b46- bad t1le'Ofect of find tr�le in under the AOU'ricatt's left . �
I on$ de for eleOtli ed tbrougli tho we ,11 and Cat** worUod Well a � . �,
� _ uccessful citudida I t Wall, joidtr of bit tAM10 arm, Wbllc�vi third Inau Jabbed at hit , - no � t1p, tif. Illix Ilask. W011derins. I , ��'.,
'and -14, Isoo be Oat Came Into thfk pulteki over the stone *b#tmeu arousing the Cut . I; 0 11 I . i
House of, Civnitne A -UP0140 down and *0 10 III I at the stomach antligot tile b6i'volli"t -do in vi�r. from Mitch I oy bq .
, CLEW A , no ag, mem The ,car turn( I , `,d, till 'Molbor TeIll"N 11011drew ttl'�-111411, ilieti il . - � ,;
. Uer for k� halt feet of , 0 ,Call$ I 0 of the upXOlkr hot , 1 U116h. � � .
He W48 11c'elected In the AtightellAn, tW.0 and I I "Istoluence of W11101i his hill givereft ' � efish-strect " � . . . , i I
Glongester. north pie. 10 I . I =,ego tNvo thrusts, dt structed VIOW oiowu iho� Pon: mlttvt'�Jiolzo. , ., . 1 '�
I STOFFED-0,HEAD four ilucc"Oug Federal, icoutiista by water. Dr. J%,C4uQ" Was pinned uu- ltkooy UsL4 *11 Scurried *round the blook simotat slinnitaneoush" by. their tut. to its luterspetiolt three bluous dliltaft 4,11a�(% yo tilt,- 11,4w4theeril poirtuir"816% . . I I I . I . . . � . �:, .
� .. thrown f
. ., . . ... 11 aoclamgtlow and In thet l4st X01terld derneath, While 1114 .1104 *48 they could see, thus 0, �Pact carried their �letivvt tggi;ward. I eollse- . allanalO I 8i've blow till, " . � .� t ;
� .. � to see vbtkt I , . VINt tbe V41le, isall, ltgsftrbv� �� kvock4l viv u4n. , . I L
.. . *T,A� i .1 election U44 a .majority of 5,000." OtIai"Of the oar, ttscaplag Injury. tordtig ,�Krros the thillis he destreol, : against the %VWK *04111st Old% UK quently Mier saw'tb�, iliftell "orL'vocriI` . � .. I I
. i 11 L . :
TWO Of HOUI: Mr. Tutgeor.kts JIOAS !tile 1�-,vear-old 144 iraii unable to it Ift.flIted. olaSh fro,ifl 4r.-viot--to' dlirink�Attll—IW—itlVo'� I I . i ,
I %tantly Opens Every Air I iuoa,�It '11glitlag. ch%40, and 4 halt , 'head 001 Ided Niltb a 1,4111frt tiluil- Ile yorq. Of ill t '418 - . .
tuently In litt the auto and release .hilt father* efore ,its SIMI I porillin'.41(ill. .. Ite—U. gooll—tO 11101 , ,; r
a d very prom Intalite to. Set throilgh the $*te, and 1% palave thollk for� . . I . . � 1.
wxq*--40IeAr9 throst Too. I have, Acare L tell torward, on Ills face; It -tile nortlUgate- of 011 I -.10ve.-Alo --bom , . �
. % -Was djo*ued 'before U.SlAWC4 I Illeir L Ill e of. VISJOA. trolb. he 'Was -I-41104 . I I
. � . I -'- 4.1- - 0. "Iti * politics I , It Western Csilu&0- One Was wul . headed'Tor the st0ruslitV 11144109 VItIt" t� amothints Could draNt bael; for a Ilrk- 01 mecoutt aprWil; 11 11 1. . . . I .. I . I . . . J, , . I 1� 1.
.. . - . L Attorn eweral. Of $ask:.AtVh0w4U COUU he secured; Xet';.bborlug farm:' L L L L I . ",0 I . I 1 1 . r
I . . ey-0 L eed�, g1l,lill dlsvually,� Ilko . . % � . . I
I t1r4 d I � I I
' aga your for some yeolrs; another was. a Plem- ort responded quickly *UeA 11111AW04- oat I LL ace. Islilvir, thrust. III. COW 00 9009b 11 . Mothor TenUs jltll�kj tooispl,�T, bJR boad, ; I
� I - Wobs .44,1)Ou.1A#Aeame, abreast (1) . c was� trs- Ills Jaw . rl �
1. your nostclis are OogVed living the body � '04 it, WhIch-they doubto, 66ft-4114111 potable iild rav 1, 8b .
. - _ 1xitire. 4 ea V Wobs a oltsro L ,� �.,
. C,of iia4 Cat*rsh bo� of the Alberta, Leg* &U4 Aided ,A- rem I . . � roflool sidpiv-ayni., but 001bls V4111fit . .
I$ litoff L 040 1 � orjtlsp� d, state In, tbitblek, 410-� C - nined tlieln bOtb- - ' �' 1. . . I I I , . _ I � �
L � third ,son, Is. a pr - from beneath thovar. the high, bore . afetero had br. Ing Jo elivot. I . � tio.toro, bull Jostilled I r
. I
. .
. I I # A a little pure, antiseptic I '. *,Iproixer S. 11, Qu*uceA Of UR oraw -0Vy,W%IIA*- the bl=ler swung , tile 11 "Tilt, rats aro, 1041VID, Me sInUlle Ped, Von J14i". 0 ar v- Ile had iw0t. . . � .
U I I Stijl$. It penetrates . Columbia lawyer. ( 9 I toot mistv � L fitanding Ubove,. ,)Oil he lovild. tho. tilitil ot bl�a In. " .. -
. A Ono - . . . d orde�4!4 Me IVIIIXAL glotbe% - body betw 11"oule AW I halt . 1. I I - 11
"'Oe .11 . ;sjge, soothing and Hoo, *, Turgeoi Is eilitoe and ville, wits notified, an d a loan, �14 0 Avith tile IAttor*$ Vol) Ills 44111)" -he �ihroized. seti i1h; 1yord, tit bil"or. IIt , "lade . I .
. r past of � III newspaper In Vath- 'body left by t1to t, - ria-tybe tilt* 9 I I
� , - DAdSide, AlAtU I 30 bacV 40 it magnift4bf 1)(in Aulln varetero tile " 410VII --otq I�Illpd 'lily
I � I I inbruitit memlimos itw, a -,thaa4ered throuRb 00 ontsprelld, legq. I I allial ou Ills llrq to dst. tot .70110 Stu- - ., � 1
'' . i.vl. was conveyed I " I I *t� PogrOr I� , I !
4.10 wheu It . 2 . UIR hut- - -%volvoill" 010 013110� � I l
, 'r 0 "I" . oroughbred. 8011041 141el,t." Sho 1114VL . .
. relief. ; . nirst 3a".'. in - addition. to other In- nearby garKIKe. 'Thoo,it.'romwilatit Day tb . � , stoo(I for,tho Mull PePOWIttl1g, alit WOPItill, and, I ,
, tlirestw 4114 is a popular member with tho 4iVil-l" I . I front X)VIOI.lu I
. SM!# bottfa of EVS those attinIr een emptAolled In �4,"Xtla bita. 811top. ,k* Iletnining griv-p and. Mn f, .a. lmlo. � -, .. I . " I 1 � , * �
. � on both,,, side JpThe. . -1 . �, � % ,I, �
I ra of the until x 4ury hall 1) Vill do the I L . Mother Joulig beld.11IR hod�*, 1
L I e.. Your , Amaer- "A JUS0. L tio�wpl tile strevi, .1),ill,c),P(...�.lu!sltklt*�tl.tk- V-vifal , , f4co Ito iong(Ir . I I
your 11 , lie-. He Viksaborn at Levis, Que;� when & SiAltoel screamed Diu . L . L I � � . .4411.. '*,� I (,I gavlvi;; tilt() thtl� . .
. , on . .. the'atternoolls I ,� . . '0111ag, thal Iler dut� 1, . � f�
. jisr,cilen kight 'A .� �0 �I;uw .it.. X., IAVA- - 131M 1 � Jilollient., lbell. I " i rulllelllld.� %Ilv,ll gopilti,y Plip eased It tit , .. I . i
I I'll note bavUlng or .4 years ago. , , Am tookjh&Tgo, An JAQ04t decent thing. . I I
� I I . L .� Illy In pill, I , . . �
U, at* no g k- 1, -sollig Nothol lotilm anit W41'4 � . .11 I L" I I
. . , ourit fif . Ali the s . r 1, - � . ts"It!" TueA40.liltoracqu ilive., 400�00# I . sh ag howliting . al.o �Jlat IrolortIRL J'�Jlj%lt, lit 1110 illot - ' . . �L�
I wil he 0.9ned" oil � . tilt' ground (%till fini the ArA thil(I �11
I C at -two olelocklin Hagersville;' - .To Webster, who bad acquired tbo .- I provIkuting lipr*fPoin ro ,I I , � .. � 1.
I , 4 Co. Strug . �19`;, breath 4 .. L , . , .. XJIJ6(J,%J1Is;h r4lance. a of age, and ,. , 1, . tnto;_ fl%� Voutllo.t, mile fOlIONVOil, UNV Jo, .110Ir A - to � JIfj L tho I L I , . , .
L . ' ' � . � . . � � I . , . . . � ., .
!- . I, 'a L C' . Deceas�ll was so year %tt of anapshoothil; NVIIIIO killing 01110 , 1P � . , 1 livlllrlo� .. tritlaa , 10 � I . �
. � 14.1jew . - I OTTAIWA,' 04L: ao.-Harold D. ig'survived, by his WIXO And Ono $On- MY 4 10AeLv, VAMP. the bay C,41kry Jig gullrds, lind Jutin Itall betL . . I
. ." I'll 11 ". .0 0, , I X- - -- 11 I XvIdelitly 111tv flool holly j1poll whiell Don . . , �
� . . . : - It 'Utb - an eag.V 'k ' "ItAte 01 �,,�, 11� , . . I . � I : �.- . I
. . - -.U, ot Holstein, out., aged Uo wA4 Hia fatli,er and brot er realde bom tU W1 I \�, . i . ,
011ed thre� miles ote'ran of. the. L $0 .or O$jroof - , mar , I I . . , 1,,� 0 seurr',ed'arovilid 11 Lt'Ml�'er filto it 4;v`oR%. i I.Ving. , . . 1. . I . I
11 I ��most1ustaotly I He wait .1 V he ft. I tticlit, , lortl,t ftfirr PoloVos and �Afotb� it of liol-irel;i WA14 110- , . I �
!,, ' RL I I—: :-- froi:47 Malloltok at L30�. O'blook. Sun- Africim *nil World wars, having IONVU� that beautiful an0leal; .. . L � �. - �,- 61 8 's I . i The wrplw;�It . I L � �. .
. .. Outrkeii-and pulle ol UWAY. I . or Jvvll�% lUld "I"'11) -1110111 izallop pamt" L . I I" E
I � I %irved in the great, strU9916 As, Sr . 1- � ollult, 14) jilt, it ,;I,-, lio Motber �teutft . . I.. I . , 1, � �
, � � ' .1 L . 11 . �- day afternoon when the. automobile . I 1; � . tile 00lig 11AVU.11 tit# 011io ',Atli) Ito- ' -0 ,aR I -Pit � 11 �
L . NONA NEL 4, riding L � suddenly captain lia.Xtgopotilm.1% and France. The borso leaped into the alf find [ f0l. , , vall I
� in which hwwa ' . . -;71 A . , d. coarl,91101114- � : , ?
I � . ", � . . I d I I L . hild 118 the thlie I "Iled"'O', 11:14A,10119 flUlKh. . I , I
, 11 V11111 I
I Pompletoly over. . . I I I I 1. I M 1: �Iamp, down stiff -legged, SarrOt SPUTI't . It I ,,I - aarlo ,4oll enJtr4(IJ,V ,* I 11mery, lit Ills Ill . I % �,
�Gff .8RAJ Swerved and turned I . . ; �. , .40 oted I I I I � L.i � I I. I I
Mail, was, thr6wn. through the wlufl- ' and tile g4liant betist Strove . . I 11 . r4al (I to )ter 1410* ,
�� . I ./ � tlke,v rolit'lled 11114 steptiod a I . I
.A .1 . �04 M fftetUted JaW L', OUN Flfi I , , I . . . ,
, ,., , � HAIR � I tself, Into its Stride, sta$r- . I .... 'i It I , giz-Ing 111) tile Street lit I Me - -1
'a It. Tile$ sioad a 14161"Put ,
� V. Eft, sfilelol,,aud suffe to Sather I . �, i lit the coratir tild Moo thJ64 other I i
' Y'
- `t'�rtlell
I . , . , I I . . I . I . . I a-luctigash behind his ,ear. L "T, A'r I S"T10.N" . q, jig with 'a Iq I I . - �.,tho - to belp,livr. . Zkho- *,it ,, . . : I . . .
: , � . I d and a thTe4 . I I I L L � 1. tho dead--�tu;vV:-4liId bN114-With , - .411t* ' ' I L . � I
."', . . I , . .; I I gered suit sank io Ito knee, Is, �, 11WAS-11. XVJ)Jto� lit -11' Vol), coollyL � .
'. Miss Vt6let Swan, aged pissoeugert, $,rolvt. MoniWeIal With I I I I.
Atoollied and JV,Il,(,jJL Iliq
� His fiance, , . I I Don juan -0afete . � . � gftr,V filee, %VIth : . .
I I " !1VO . 11 I lulded eftwlh* out (it tile fillamblea i
... ., She ' t' 0617 LOCUS DOZU W - 2,�O, of 1?rescott, who. was driving Atr . . wild � Irish yel , . L Iro . I . I � " I
reathedV10,dj�totorio-Side " . . .
, . ,� 14quor powlsteil An,ftil. . ., � �. L . � Ah, to, tile Althilkoll., -, . . . I I . I I I' I.
; 11 � * ' witl .. .. . . I . . . 1. I 11 .� , . ollroft'. And ililm P 0 I I .r 11 L
1 010M, - 19agoTep,... tho,- time, was uninjured. O' it revoiver,, but I*Joro. L " . ) L i I tills imn ov lwr I 1. 11 I I . I ... L"
, - "I .Jji7.odL'JJlvvl" . i I �
l , - � &XVILIA *tit., Ct. soe-.7- Sarros orew , 421 Alottior lel*s 110diled Opprovingly'. atz I . ".
,� I Li � and Solph*. I I The,. ailtomobild W" Malting" 4 ' BOWMJ e took plate at the t 1jaii, uaa.ttipped him . I 11 !.. 11!1111111)1 JJIJtL glittutiz frow tit(* north 900 L I41.1ft bhu illi,., Olve. h1h), to In li lit . "I
� � - I - . . . 'L ' ', .,. . . .,-. � . turn, when, Main, thinking Ahat it A, Ngun battl, morn. tie -could use 1, ' . . #-* I . I . � L! '
, "L-'11-1 I . GIL T, It; station,, here Saturilay P . t I . I Ant % I I
% was too, clow, to''the side of -the road, �mstttly' over the head *1th AIS. rJAII . � � bell tile Ibley llifll� NvoVi"POU1,1114 1 Dolor0f; stivillvd. "OU. Oalipll. linyis . I .
% !�, I L ,.-- --! told p I
When you Jarken Srour Mir w4b, U after the - departure or the 440 13"Tot, and tbo milli topplooll In �.t*. �4 L '..� . - �-"�� � ftem, witil t1leir o1-11% alwilt I I 0 JtJ1AIkderJtJ$r JJo,VJ'*L ' I L . .. t'... , �L 'I, �
. - I !
! ,
! ,
L =td ovolp to .take the steering Ing I twoolk " Into 016 pill ,,I , ilesir. big-liourt d L . � - . . I. ::
. * 11" (..
I � -JAdL SUIpluir, ' C ), L rom Miss : Sw4u. , The :car a.m. tridn from 904tre4i, be 14# his dying 1101`110. , , . Ill other the two, Women Wilto f" she got llm'I lit -ill %willier Ills hold; . I I L�
, , : , 041 police two passengers who the, ground boa . , vat - ,. , . � L
L use lVo, done so naturally, $6 6 er lol . and 41114111 - v,nd Nx;llteil-ntltl.11r4k%,'Iklltl�. the, 1111tioll. I aided ber; lind. the ltwp . ' '
. gwer�yed to,the left gaid turned 9Y ta the.,trAin, , The Palo , *11if
Dr. Leaclu -of - L.,"More Power to YO 110ri!" Don it ll�llgve 4-cule Mother Lie" "4. - L � : '' ,-� ; , L
ep4rio; this mi*tufo, though, 'At �, Prelloott'L and� alighted fro "ceivo I'— I 1, %- - . ill ift oil th Ilattoring I , k,z Urtod'To it nittlog posltlon* - . .,
. plid, troakil 80010. X'Or PU twice. I att, OfLottaWa, Were Called'. seAgers were In the ,act Of leading Called ohaerllY and "V100d to I.. L I , I ItR �Iv, t. JJ1LJ.e rl$lt J)011y NVA . �� � I.' . *.
. autisy, ana.zroaql .1 I � I � .r '4ed ;1;!all , .
I t,' _Cao6o anfl. two club -bake Websteris OPPOVAI- . L down froill .000res, lalelt ou (tile IMPP, SUP., - �, I I
-an uV lit an store ilic r eight suit ed bi - , r I, . Tillor of rovolutiou nut : I the)) . . . . " -
ear. buy at any but Mas died before ,they repelleolL contaiging over 200 t bettlell Of Sc0tcU . What U641009 Vftmlyr, , to to 414 -I � : I I . ,
9-nool limparattopiL I b tile . L .L . . � , I 0 * L , I I , .
. tov i.� � L . L l Avltb file red bit kill Nvitil Me ithPtli and dtow, I .
. 1. . . . I . . . % t I - , , Wlttt I 4 I .
-hilt I I 1. . waiting ,guto, driv, intitsont. Webster was SftudIP9,bWd6 L lu�ljlllll j)f it up. I porting 11 btir m1houtder, � ,
jfft,ot Other Jugredlentat Ile I e I I I will - 1(,Ylllg Abo\e I, ille . , ,.,i,-,hls bemi ovpr . . . , .
, I nXey into an W on L 1119, , L
111 � 404-Bulplitir Co round." . L !� - - - - 7�--- :en by ,L. ig. ,Duquette, when Police . firing Into a, doliten "of IMMOV I tion �-reborlv. - . 1. I .11 . . .1 'J� i'll$1111011 ngilluSt .
I � , ,
� . ' . - I I ..
. '4011stable Jai , 61ANIN" 101111111"Moliller : - � ,
... 13 sh- L r �-yts and Night Constable , the Who* V�ere V*Urin$' out -ot L IS - I J4�111"P, F'-JJdLSJJfl' , ber \N hiti, ehoo)
� . , -
, in"n 0"spoitge or soft th it , solactre, Aw mllohi� 1 ito fil't (lent earg file Ift- . ,
. -,
� ugh,your air ., I ik I " it eared ,VA' the . tionte, Just across the otrbet� where 40i 4 I . Is ovel-I Wilt's. % , .L . . -. �� . . ", ,
k this tbro ll * . klar -all uIxexpectOdlY aDD , ly� tozi)olorrs, �*tbe will 6lrd4t.that moth- L
I . � I L Xkn ug- I", I L . I a Several -revolver shots . Were I wr L Jtb g(jin, Ill the �;olllli �. � tie. it$ roollAl I . .
r . c . . , w0r. r . . .11
.1 I . 6 sinall Strand at a time, J3 1 11 I NOW, , Seoul , an hour they bad, jrquche�t-uuseon ArA � . . tile mim XV I I p -, t4illdron, that W010- . ,- , , ..i" 1�1 11 -
I I , - , I ed �rp havp TOp liltil . , . I
. exell
. . I I and Leal
; , .: I goy�liajr ill J in re the police Captur lit We, gate. - . altwo . . 11
�%Pl 1. ged beto
r )eat$ and I i I , lot to To i unheard by the, Jlbaiy well, An, wytill, on the t4totw, tip'. 11w. " bJJV(* (Ol, tit(. mtJ'.JJ'U(�IJ'LJJIeU 0fJbLQJr '. I . . . "
L I Ltier appocAtioll, or'two- vo I E DuquiDtte 16 Reynolds, the . . , y "11-(. JI'A " P, , . . otion I I �
L ,
I � ,,� -eau *194 I , uttle � tn his They . are � .., I - L 11,1! 11ITSIM-111 to lit .;Ile Jkleilded 'With bbij. to
, t* I d irke
I es 1i 4 IV . -
. , . .. . n "biall' t"Opt Stitsisdia 7. ' latter With a COIVS: Alitat prActicillY '60t 61 AmPrat& - . - , � ,� 1114)V1,4t, If Ave I I I . � I , ni.
7 L ` '1�41t"IJJ J'L�*' -� IoVe. . ,
, w ,�,
. .... r1li . Ilt. ' I � L " L trely b"W,4waltlus IL I I it; fit hei. ltud tpll,bei " �
: , � . �;, - $" vu., L 2.20 ii.M. , boss000lpij, The other member oftuo tion, and had .0 � I . - L I grtmd ,1,11-10. -, guli.141 Ills e�vlvtjv -,pin .. . � . : ??
. . � , . . d at %I4 t1tut'll 111tve 4 . mil rit . . . � � ,
, . . my, siaea ��.�.� I � � , 1. Va. Goaerjob, L ,.6.00 Inaldo safe hior escape e0tw%r favorable oPpottluliti to eAcApe b0oro Webster Planied A Gultot Ift vlAvloics', willor . - I blooltills, , lie Pilil .1i'vell. o%;4W ii -I 41 11114. faeo- . I.
. . 'I% t, h I'$ , I , , " �1
- "'
.r .. .. . .. . .. . 4, tt.ju.. �,,52� P. -M. , party, . r' L' . the CJtT In - � '14I orsUtt, UR."o4w ., . I - 1.1 but- vorr I L . .
. a' 61,6 (I I tL L ,.' '4 r inton -'. 6 25 L J�s A 1� n 16
1 �IPVA,,�'.. 4- I a along the traelt .. I the rebel$ Should r entet bdomen. . oil holli -911" . .
I I W.A. .1 I � , I . , �� � L . r . . I twberq, Alat mile sal. . � � I
'r, r - ,61 I q ,,.�� , 6.41. 0;.M. 3.12 1 (Orce find - the L bo%tsll-to�h . ., . t, It, , L . ' ". JW
. I . I .11 *4,1,--�- , , I , I "' Seaforth . I P.m. Me Sages' were sent Outo by -the ouss sawh I I . L I . . . . � L Aln � L , . ! fililit A'Vlttt(% twor rit I . . I . I r,1,
L " - - .4% -4*014 begl% . V110 . , I I lo, Ill ,I "Well'oer N01, eftfivi , lyelz , 'find Ul"o I . '. L� i'� I
I , I -, , r 'le I L I r . . 'r IllagoUally r .
. L, . 1. , oi �.. � - ,a willog hottredand wa)- I t 611 pol?14 .
. I J"4 �'%. , tn. 3.42 -.P.M, police to. surrounding towns- and for snipor* .4 bA4 tormilk eves*gle .Zut it. 1 4
r ."P4. ,4, -t, L , "" I �, " L Mit,ehell & . . ,. I nPraQ'4jJf4'LIf'ft 6,V!Jjr('W'Z�� . .
�., L. 11 I LL I Ti; ZU 7 .,. . N 1�1 � lookout for IL tirawit Mick . front * U it looMfir": Nr 5114k - � I
. I -r '. I'�� .1 L .4.10 1).MI, villages.to.be on th, o and beat a ASA$ nlftoluesi;� 11114 0W . if) that, Niel, � 11,61 . - I '. L I , i I
, . I I I I K . I � L
I .
. , a . A0JVL'Jjj - Ing I In* r Bay _ C r. gii,aijoid 7.30 li.to. 'r - been about to trAtri ast r1ming 1. 'llu're M . . . . r. � I . L
L L '46 .,, , and shortly be bro, q Ivol Ivalt - for . - . �
. 0.20 p,o. suspiclous..character eat 'WbenL ft .eIbI Ills _ -4111"t'ritg buq16 a
I It - rL I "' Xitotiouer 8.20 a. - I retr , rush ., . I I . ok him
' in I rrof rode Ivat at the I big silaggle, to . . . 'J,JIe.qPtJIl,.yr gtrong, irtrion it)
. , * ilff tljo.
� I r . I $I _tboy, followed. I and faIIIII& V 010§0, jv�'Ari r L r, . _I
L, � 04 A I ,ill, oilind I. I
- tO, oonolflit .1 .(;.401ph 8.,14 & IA. 5.00 p�no - tore u.004 word wis. .reeoiYed trolu . 'r I frol, r
L jit"o r I . - . I '! . . . With I I I hkill. r Iler �Jlnolllg tOL -5ho L I .1 � r
;0% . - r " r Mother ITJ�llkll, �I. I Nontebotly I
.. , , Was Seen � gato, and por it fC .
166. of surgePy * - ,W . ritis v 8 - V6.1rit
. L . � / Newcastle that & strange) I . I . stolewilik to time to be wit- hill). rL qoeollds be , f1t., "OtTlInIc II .d. Wolin- k ,
. I .. I I ., 1, lor " ToroirW 10-10 R,Jm- � TAO P.m - loitering' about the Grand * Trunk pining the . 19 blio riflo 111,0 ft' 0110) ovorrulod tilt. ,gvlVl,A 111.41t(-st roughiv. 1kneiv vOt -01011141vp folloNvi: . ,�� �
I 4 I I A�— t6a,V6,k0_j6AtO,6.50 S.M., Station, Constablo . r Hall AASW ie olletotoes 40*W&11- I ble aiiIII911 . I Ing 11roliloill.111.0r, , It, 11
r k arell, 136sies. to th -11 I - _f, %V11111J. efght ui� . I �L
`00 R L I r ., I in, .11floid—flittl 111,011. a "%I., r lit, liallive/wItill r . .
� JJJ0' . , Bet f lhs-n� I . �54 �Iupod, bud- It. litael , live, golit. Into I . I
- 4. L, , . ' � U n 1. the call. and soon returned With the 'For 4: itnobatnt I toot. _ t(,�t1ning it iludeL IV wilb 1oUr tifics ,, L ;
. �. , . I r I . they Ir ard. . t ke Or . 0
. r
�Z" r' IF, I PAIL. To 1 12,55 P.M. iind,6-10 oz died OnLtbo'Sddewa*L behind their Ott- -�llyouo.tL�Sljpped in uni'ase'lils-gin ) erakvd, , _.�tie; %VJ 11 IJJQo,t 1164 r . k ",
.� I L stranger Irk the. person of J011011 I I ble 0,: pitlasel'i ujidt,r 111t; joul.v. ljoi4 %Vobstlil, - ' I � �
.. : " � Al � I I . I wich to Tor -r a,r Who, ,W,Jtb (lie. other$, Ap. c#r, , It witm.,Ahe Pild. - . . lini there Ale kzyv(v '101 the t1loll At r lu$lde I '
'I- 0 I t I P, N TA&I TL Porlor Cafe cat, GOdf . Burn who, turning to scout the street I . . I I je hillf to ill(, ,qlplo I)fr 11 flIfted pli 11 � 4 L
6 'I � le L , morning train, and Toron I . . tb� I Avid tit . I . I "', ,,-
. � ft.. � GR .. N 01UP .0 . . i, ptared in court .tn the, afternoon. UP and down, behold "Obn Stuart V 4, . Vitil -it 011811 grpolt etforf. 0&.0 u4011 luntio' .for uv. Co ue 1, . 6,111,41 tile tboi JJJ)Ja('Q gllti,. L. � I . . . I . .. . �, � .
. �., W t'o, egi�h 6.1 � , ,. I . aided till Satur- this gatf with ail a*. up tile, I,Af;t Atrength. In b$,; drink- dragged lbe, 0irbildOg 91VI t1W I .1 11� ,
. orld's Gri,a a' _ ... 1. Thethree, were remal Ater ststudins bY . t'� doNvu, for it .,.,. . ,
"J: I Otowt;r.tair On L I US HURT' Throo I CO ri, % , r 0, O day next without pleading, ball being tomatt� in big ba%4 At.0t Skuls'll" .corroded 111111,40leg Ill' 11010. 11113 I'llit. -glitLi, 'it 11160t - dl�tllnt. wbere onlY it ' ' Am thi.., - latti . Wobf4tor . , - ,.A.
�� -'�. no I ., I, 1�, ,. i .1 I . I 0 1 14 t � . car, I . - , r I . - I onvoyed - � Into the, nildmi; of IIIA f0lir rinutiltilog I fow, millows -boraeli NV10118ter and Pop toomevit t1kert- llololltW mw a tall. - I.-
, 1 tbo . ut wheve � I . � . --1 I - � I i . . I . refused, Thp prisoners weree . Webateex attention bad bOu !It . 'Ilitifiolffl, I fQaturct% L I I . � .�� .. .. ..
e ' � ---- I auto lit StItUt . had lusiole their 1110"' ;YouthAll tl'011� Of It- , . . t . , .
. ; '--. - . --- ' I � " . . " V, no .. .1 . . .. 'WL.'bO*0OUrX . (3ounty. Jall'by� - enentles. before lie swwSIed flilil tlip� I .11 1341 nolliti liplirilig. Jttyl.ji. ill andL 1100 F , , i � I L
. ,�, � I 0 ridruff ;a -7 � I . �� . , I . '" I V' . :": o . I . , I
. Cur" 4. . ,
,. 11 I" " r ' " I . . . 'L . I I trgCte44o,�ihsJtttI6 band'outho $140 .
,I" ... - -por Ar, . Lto 6A %wasom: '' . . the afternoon. . . walk; it the,,, leader he recogniZed, no. plpd tit,, I�tlgtb Or, top or lvotr,tor, . L .L . I " . .h .
I - - $1,,16�, t".1t,11lit; P't11'1'111'.'1'o) . ,
. � I J?L.F. LAWRENCI: 11 . 1 2. � . . L I I ''i � .
. .1 -1 'Ag -.4t;s- Wanted. :. . . ,& SONS , . , � 1. I . . I � hollpiv." � at 11111). Tullis ("Velt More vitro tears, . � .
I �L . I . .. . sge 1han blig Igto gs�jualnv shlolding *.Vlth Ills poor body, lhe Julth "IDOVet lOol. tit till* hilgliterm, . . . e ,w
I I., . ` JNft-W*1 L Town Pass sAgents. . liwj�. cro."011iishod. - - less R person ill(, dying 11olloir JeOcs wortied 1) -4 whien, n Fill, pmeillipil ,It fill 4ig NVIth a ltttle . 11
. . ,� J��; � tiook w I - 11 I ongtr slid Iflekets pGrad . I . , I I olon � . . � , � �. ,
1. . ' " .1'. . . . - IL . . I et. Sa.-Seyen men tonef" the CAVIL ,100 11004 .wbn 11.111 fallyled to 111111le t',41litt '111 It )1u,nili'lling tlti&. 'gille, �ille r elll,ii' 1100" .. � , .
�' I
I " I e., . r i VMW . I 11 "'Phone �8 � 00.UALT, O fte eating eria.tVid L . I . , . .11ornte I wilt he .
I 11 448 61 in' 11 � . I I . . 11 � --- (j�l entallT 3 .04 Me* entbor of manhood 1#1 111P WreOl ' lit Impulsive. atret L . �,
I L�. I L . I I
0 14A ... ".— '. - ' L 1 40, 1 I , 11 . I - r., ,.---. . rounded up In the 'r"eat raid 'on arldes, . acid 1. . 'Jitell .Tolln stilate Wehqteyos-elw�,tc. . ,,. , *-:a,
I � . J , � . -1 sight i0f tbo I . .
Il,�k :4rinic. and ill(% (Il -VII 11;4 �
.1 � I � I . I . .1 r "high-graderol, in J�Iorcupino oguilted Webster. . . . I . . ea�t lit), oil tile boillpq Atrewod In f.r4litt . P. tond!" the raltiting Dolores , � L . I �
- - alleged I . or it., nl.ty %v il -Liltilly llies5t. ONJ-, fr I .
- ' I I I '
, I 046111110111y Vim- 1 unday, throe '' It. L ,Or !. It"111111 ') L
.1 ;, .
I . I
, 1! ., "i IJ50$;*,JJ,* L . I Loom $Otft Or , .. . L I 'Posed thkough,here S I was ,tn awkward sit'01MOA; � W0111 Carlbbenn 00tIM. - I -ant.-fill "Piggotlest (Illwil't hu. MilAt beard him Invirmim' "My gr(%k-hpart- , . I . I I . .11 I .
"." , I . ' tile Issitie -was. Ablo'lit, T I .
. (M . . ftity, L blk. their way to the TOfOrm- ster , itiAlfted in (Infeteh) If had 11011 beell Alfila. wiliff. Inelt.t. till tldl'-� Pil"'NY-111tusleal, 101,111ile .70ho %vollp'ter. ; � ,
, I ., 11� � ... I &00 For ,,. . I of them on �ing termit and ' 'Onldl.. Vol' "On I "I I I �., I I
" ,, r� "' , , I nj�,P L decided, - that
: .. A* ` for I L In' L - awtWille I I . Latory to serve vary L it be . a long. .10311111s, llllrst,N� dily, but ,lit PavP .. ... wittle It 116",q1tile for II)p to m"t , .. :
..�, I .1 'L - .& I 4 . ia�gustody until- t"6 ' be 0- ,V111ol", 'titut'r,it"V. you I I I I .ki.. I
,. . . . t In ble fitivor, Atint"S'St'S I hist 11 e dit And lit order blrd,. ag lo,f ,41111001) 1
.; I I " - I , the.otherg joinanded, ,Ivilgo doup. I
1� Ji Is. -
�Oeo,& LL
4,7, -the'L next jury sitting at New 4 I . ,
11 '�-'S,410 ' t:7,� I 11 S Lis- have 1, 11 I Ilall, Tjoilligii, ,%It)! Tiierieq it ., vom 114're toillght-and I t.1118111 the Meet- . I I . I
, t ., semdL boore, kIIIIAN, the to nial;P ee�vrl rild, � . 1.
.., . tosm all ao , . I TIMO,&,r
I'll ,,,,,t- 110 -�'h I . not one Jillut-1 119, -4.401 1100 Jabliell hill 4 41 � lugjl , � 1. . . .
I ' � .
. . I �llgb t -!-- -0morcrtr- IT -rill! - -Alt" . . .1 . .1 I I. �:�",
1. keard. An eighth man, ua� eil, , U, latter 11�- -y-ftUI"ofA)r# -1 hoadod -Itui 111 . . . � . I ,�, I
, 0 �-A 2 1�� . , I a tot to. 1. .. ,r hi, -�,ipntintwvl� 1. ,
44 � ..,
; I 1&nit f A-1 I � . t , I I .
... rhelt'' ��`In I , . discharged by the In merourlat -1104a*lfts As -0& ollo?e more thr -L
. - twNwAtid � - .- . at him It WAS X* * lie tied with tile, other Aorvivors. * done, oll t1lJ1t.(;0r*, ,--trAI4. ow till III #I L
, , I. was . -'--�- - . " . L ".
I ., , ,
L' ,W% ,,Pea COLD IN . a .Hollinger em oye, Stood stating . . . I " I I -O� I I
., I � 40 AOMa*v* 1, I I L V. Malist; I ' t, ,---. wl'&'-�-�eelfiv for: '. I , . 1i I
o . an 'ift I. , questiont now, of who should beat the III io� -# 4 * #1 16 .11f,ii .111.111 0;10,wrti. 'r �m
1,11,41tap W. " ST . . , wilio. ilven six months for the thett , i - IV - �''T-.-W-"4"'Z"W'A'� - W4 if ., or I Nldther 11
. ?,� I .. aftph"%* � " cat � - - Va6 had 4- * ' * I 110111, .1401, ikv� I Q I,IV.J�W4 ;�*4e-44 V = �
. , . loqte�
11 � I - . LLL �� . � . -40., , of � the draw, for , $1104- , . . 'truetion, I -� .. . ��,,
": "I P .1 RYAN 'It gold coneentratig from undOr � other to tbe I , For half ith �J�Uo- - - . I', --Ti I u;I tile , lit" I �
I- � 'i - - - ,LU� , - -f, a ban& It Va -04=14"t -Ti RaRiZMother 1, vorlise4 1,14tuvil 11ruatift 0011 � I 11 I
I . � j , I .
I � , 'lilick, or lidd. aill on that propert.r. rildy filted his , ,A- 4WFiiW-XfVrSNM1.- ". I Graves, Worm Exterminator .bar 1,
. I 1111fill J)t f4fill., 111111, "I)111� ,11111tt. -, I'- L L , I I
stamps At ther I .
I .
, I
; I .. I I . F-itirville, N.B. I -lyrove here, It seld-m- .. 1 S. J . A ,
, Two other .AV-,* ,t%r,-%We-r;X,j ,,��--P,Wwriee= d a- boon by f,ulf0rin childrun
: *11111,Wl. , . I C.hli,� P. Tatalu I Atudw,"SkA&APA -% w 0 . " .Y41VA in �11,� �ougll vare of, tile' %volivid- 11
. . 1.
� I . , it . . 311% ,,14ff�'K%Ifln connection with .the , first from US sililton meat. it Be"- ed, Dolil.res, it ertvil. "You 41111y. 111tryfer;l" 10119104% oi v e ry, %Q
, I 1I . --,I-,.. -, lAb . bsorlpi;d It) bt�r %VOVh of . . .
. - . - -��*.A
� , I t . 1. I
. 1 .1. A - IPOLIUV.�ggz"� 11 -... 11 I � . *is Q ilipappegrauce Of.A gold' brick from, . vides decided .to let bygoeess be, by- I . , ra the most . I . . -.
i � , , PO4. 104""Wil Mercy, gave all,ot ber thought t6 tiltv I you've golle ale got It!" . . I
11 .
I 11,m�;:, ;.,;�11 11 . , . of *11AW N �htfotutyoathiitwd ' . a -year 490, t w1anout Ariiiig * . grim . - tast; Ile , I 1 1.4110 rilit 11pr Mrolig Old artliq under - Tbo, garment tilat cove coat I L 'A I .
f . A "I , 'consid-tr y the McIntyre refinery . etleg. fol� - I
I .,. 1� " 14r, *=, , rvar . . _-our ' W,ere gent to prison for. indet9XmIalk,te, goneo and -retrft . fpre herI: Tito 9 limly, 11fted''Ittin aiid laid territory on the. lake sbore Is . 1�
. �
)� .1 I WOO" . . ) I U I - MINARD'S LIN- shot then Webstkr W119 quits' Will"'*" lowed by tile 811dilent 141090 104111111"e" i'llo "I'"111 b lillfol. IiJ.'Jille SVIIII Of t3n. - � . 1, . I . .
. I 1� rk; A" Sild # ot exceeding two years. JKY6 , I -�l - I I ��
.11 .. A ,, f torias n ,to persult him to Pass L tinnioIested * tn. , 11wir III -1 red bell() 01) )ter * . .
.1 � I .b .. � � I --
. , . INgm A *Cry I ,of are, whe" tile gil0fdA, "lade ill ailq1t . ttt!!1=t�4!t!ts, -- T=� 1 �
. I . � tu add of Zap" I emoloyegv of Dome Mines, Includ- t W,�,), Ilpv free balt(l Ole drmv. it milli, L. � . .. . R L -,As, ' ,� , , I . _ "
I -;., 45 "Itoll , �, . vwc�aiiol doell,'lluch *0 blir aversion to �� da4h front tile pidaee,- brough froltl Llt(§I! lire 4 twelilet.
lKood bou , * I .k! Al !"
(. 4 otasibbsoa with Utwavi 11 B-erlanger. arrested Xt North, I , f
11 . I foe "WrOA000 to I . . I we use it as a ioure 30, Jo earnestly did he ho%*. L Alan to IIIIII(I Inst -11110r. or I'llitlit; 11'�,.. - - . I
, Y . I - I , "Arm, ,re In. a club bas Ing ally 21 I 'ter and Don J111111 opened hN illitterillillt I #I"% 4#11 ") t
. w - VAM: . �, Mleffoirweoirt*t Bay! vith gold o I iiorou�hae, the SoliftttftU . Would ConSlder tW I at'itpo of toproll nild 0111ire- Xy . On I
10,10 'Out - -in& i"W^te be withmil it if . were Charged at Soutl - I and gazed 1111s At fier AtIth 410%vo , .CASTO' . I 4.(
� 9tialty Of I thest,� `1 woulolvot, . I - tL I I
11 I . . . . I'- so fAsoutrallikoi4 .04 bottle.40 . Acdording to evidence, 13orlanger dlocrotloA Wale the better part; Of villor, I blun,1181101onl(I'lille 11ung, trellibil""", to stolid, I'Nil! illpil, eitiqed thein I - ' pot lldsAtsi vzt4 ChWtli , . ,
V. . I . . .
,- - - - . I , '04 I . I A, h" dawnhig wontler.. . I 1, . I .
I bave 040, . . - - had admitted re, I M. L : �
�. 4111111 it U& Jouget irri aetving ore known that he regolV to JAMA,wWthat 004 10 Ill
.ibe Pkilt W" 04� "Isr 0 X I old Mother: of cilly. Illm A ilred. ehild. .
� I. I
. I ".1111110 dor 4106rdall. n the mine, I I . I PbOdy'A Ilrealdn brealilte' ilglitll- 4lV1`%v1
. 110ows forf*e I th have been r. soml
1 . -,I& 1�1 "I stolen 'froi in the notspu . oc " In Or . t4 . I 1�
" I., "� see JAY IW.. Jura anyonst'; 4 0 0 he .stop'e. bosm, 11 be said "0& i 4%.(,titran deeldet) , valtilly. Atotilm. Jinitbq Proft,44,111 tit(. ill . 1; � t,i ,115t . IbUite For fter 30YO61%
. 11 'L "I tile M . -1 �
I . I . : and Lash, Koski, t] Ow.Worknten L 4sciptalla y3enavidest 0114" - . (011.110 Atways. beii. � . . I
. , I .. . I '�Aro to I olCotile to t to corner,ileurlo, Uni ,avo hille 1111s; 1w 4�� � � I
. I �, 4L -., Ind! poles, fell I � tilo, Iwallily 14t lliq . �� . �
� m
t ; - Ullior I 16 to lost U YOU I ail. in fl-l-bli. llri#:� � the.
. $. W, CrAd "V# *04 1. 4 -V offered ly, llyoatL CAUX, 10 I 'he rolled hig fiery lit, 1.
, - Of ,c �4� 4. Borlaugor ot, " . I I I 1
. I I . . , *or 00 . " wero implicate entente imposed on escape aboard the stealuer, I will 006 a " . I I , IN 0011 ,,.;lil�lst , 6,:gttatt -or . � . . "
. I t thug- . � . to serve tiny s Polorv.q to tile vor. ttimt ,%not welthly. vet I I I 1- . ,� ,_;��-� I . ,.4',� 4l'.1A
�, . I .- I Xoskl, but tile defendants, except to 'it that YOU tilt Uilt f0w0y0d ft"' . Sho half, drogtIvAld 1 -,,�-,-,,,---,—���-"�,,�".-,-�-,,��",-,."4�-1-0�4�w� I ,��-- . . .
I . 111 I Lash, 'Were committed for triaL ber befoit0i 15130 890s; if YOVL care to , .L . . I #r
.*fti tt!t . , 0 flow. I gIVO YOU My — (- �� . I .
. f - , 1-1 . -140�t -------- �
I I . L
, . . .1 .. L r . $Urrenoler to in ! 7i 4,11 ! 1 1 - --- -1 I �� I
�, I . . � be tx0- . 1, � � I 1� I .
. �
I � 11 . . Postal Conference. word of b000r yon VVIII not . .. .. * - . i .
� . . 3UR . I I . , I *I . ., ,'- I 1. .. .
I I to 1, , I . I I I— I I I I .
1*9 I I I I ysitmouth. N.S* 7 INGTON, 013t. SO. - Closer eated ", , I �w 7 ; , I 1; . " -
- . I I I . . I
,1 WASHE .4
R , "LL -- political and eommerelal relations Ile�ti;vldes might blivd bad, And . . I
. . . . . . . . - I . I I 1 -- is are envisaged In. M Poll,- do,alitIm did have, his, faults, but .. 1. . � �
. with 00310,11 - Andbe �� *! .1 L I z . I
. A**P,* Roo I ' ill Conference between 016 two 0011111- tolvlifplee was not one Of th". � I 140 . i 1.
L � .1 . I . rostwaster-Genoral. ! bu- , ..
1� I . '. . . " I tries, which did have tbo 9110st Of U 040 Of 11 .
I w . LL .1 . A for wIth P60- Wor. ..44 evil Milb filtteA over bill I ,,, I
I I I I . I
I I *;P -has arran"'
� , I � . I T. SWARTC21 Work -General Murphy, ot the Dora* I I I L I I I . I
I 1. . 1 OnAl . I master �vernmeat- 'This conferenc(i Olive featilrou. 11 I 11 . �, . ; . I
A - ,V, a I .1 LiVery alld Inion, Go rst week In Doo "Avithout takilig into consideration 1 4* 5i � L", "
11 . .1 . I will be held the 11 T . ,
". Bus, 0 — — is at my brieU." he r0lied, I 10, I I . . . I
It" � 1� �' I . . Postmastor-Gati-k the bayone jr . , I %. i
� I * � 1, eember at Ottawa !ticipato in peraott tilt strIktg mo tile odds are even I noW. . , "I � . . 'I � . . ,L f'
I P , " eS eral Work will Val I . L L I i
- loint things, And yet YOU patronize ule.,� "L I (,
;�:. 4A- - R -,t , " ' ' Hewk S Va b I , thia . N# 7 r , 1�*, I . I I
*; � I � in deliberations.. Amour ow re , .. I . . . .
. .11 L I I Inatillka 1; . !, , included in ,the, algenda, A ady Webster was bottled. "'Two, r4jb" I I I . . I e4i
, � ; Civet ItA X tow , * I " 1wont"Masto6ot will be reelproeal elChangO Of Postal do that than till $oU, "gonaVideS," he r '! 11 I 11 1 �1. , .
11 I 11 1"t . - , IL I ast, I I just Of! the Square 0 equipment, Jasurande of parcel Post yetorta 110oWt be a 1061. 0110 I , . � �6 . � ;I, 1, . %,
r , �, I ., .� . "Vir a I . li,otween the !United States and COM- .1 I . I I . . I
* � U I 'for I t 1#111; Aft -oft. ada, tratIolt of VUH04 States M 019 litolag and sell your papers, and-tak$ . -1 it, I - I L . )
. , 6 U04 1 ,asIAsits Meet skit Using itad lanada and Canadian 104115 your Ditiful little sandal-rooteil bri. . I " t I L I . I
I � ,Y"h Ume . - PA1116"gers"fa ", throUSh C g-atift with YOU. scatl" , 1 I �
I . � I 7, � thi,ough this country; uniform post holding his plitolo - , i �
4 i **or**y oarroft- I Passeators C01104 for In Say offlee money order for bOth 001111ttION, .*110101W 1110.1ad, his 9140, . I :� * C 11 11 . .
I I 4111f the town for all , ..�� h5ol J)Ka banging 100melY tit � , I
L , wt, W 4W o0stok Mft ; part of 14NADYS PRIDE Withi 1119 jbtlouS glagoe Meeting Web- "I 0 \�v
I � t Aild trAlas at G. To R4 or 1c, P. R. . -- ( -rftt 1� , , A 1 . , ..
. Ailka it ~s Awl � itt Depots. "L - , . (%via(ij%, lJoig Many iftrititUtlonf; 4if Stet'S usitalterlugly" 'With the tfte 11 . . I , - , � I .,
5 \ quit, � w;; L ,,% bl'.11 Allo Is Justly proud btib Morn 11 movelvicklit i)f his Wrist gild sefte,cely 1N I I . . . . I I I
1 $22I . prompt Serivia and one of ,whielt at 14%A1.46 a 101111011 Of Without MoVeniegt of Ill$ fOrMM. 116 . i I P f ( - I
1 to-*, 'Caratal Attond$1000- canadlassaro particularly fonfl, Iti'4 tluir;j,V -Up UIS r�capoti, and, fiftl& I' . .. , If, I .
I . � I andweek)y Stmro, Vk,arkely a, Afth be & &w�qvid bad . " I �, . .
"V 4"*Mwft* , I the, Vawfly4leral( - I I . N'�
. . . .. I OW1111*0 Houtmat ivilich baq tflpt canadg lcf the elav,c,a hc-tweers tbe, zoverac-nt of his I .1 I . I J � 4 JA , . -
� . . I - Daticr world. Th finger ' J01 7'.L* ' I * I � . . � ,. I
— I -- One Livery anill Hack se"I'Ce tore tn 'tile nP-W91 Gn V,tr-lst and the, Pre."Ure er his . 11 . I , I
I " 'Witho I will be foisoil up-tio-date 4rcat Javully =1 t:ww v3per r,U% I I , -, -� I
DOW ibev idit, oti. tit(, tfwger; WO)o,ter. gerl)w htr-ad- I :1 .
Uk eVtJ`V ftS0 -1-1- t�d: I I - -- Y L
I ,"t -S i VeNr 'Ifter year Imptol ina a e . . , . . I
I I -i I I
, I
I - I I I
, ,old 114) q I � . t Y. ,A ,;
�1' . I � i w4nlent liatil it Ila's reacholl 4 voint of Ilp Into the tomber #Ykmr, li 4 1 -, #I I P
, I�W#*A, I , vall. no Wilt of Mel Maws bttlitloo, Aga ; I., � � L,
I GWU" L' Droficit"Acy that plaeet;j it fir in VIC � I . ill
I., Visor Pati6tiate 1.t#lWt#4 V�n.q C-511,,?Ilt tt,C-Wa11Y '(4 blS 4tlfttd,I, i- 'I. �fl q
,the 'Publifilleca 0-mmlif) even tly(afev I . � , :t]�.= �. V,
" '13" an tilw Okintincnt 'and ri�;Tlatflo t '-6 1 at W - . , � � I
i, . I 11 fan *eli atiora taia, ultbout It# 'The litilict toro tllrmg ""% " " I � � Ni- � - I
l P w I - T, SWART$ --.--------4f-1-------�- I I inom,entaf2ly voralstilsw �hlr�ntfl�utl rjl�4 1"�- I .11 I 4, ,11 1 1!1 t: �*�v . I
I () I Ts"et rs � I arkish GeneraN, with fi�,5 00r, J ;
_ ,_____ ___ 4 'Phoot 10'*� ., Moilstr4eal Street Habiti ArA 9eKV#VCC1 8WOW 13T9C'V 51nt"'ltltle i1mrVed ristiftlat. , to tho , , , 0, ,on
N X � - lilcw 1%; III be, �,,10 W Sod fet"Olered "
* a . V , � - I .
Is, I - by nor$h1s. , - .,��A- - . . . . 11. I � I